The Fooze: S3 E17 3/17/2023 Drinking Day

What can I say, other than it’s St. Patty’s Day. What do people even celebrate on this day? Getting drunk? Seriously, it should be called “Drinking Day,” like a day to celebrate alcohol, like 4/20. Unfortunately, the only difference is that drunks suck much worse than stoners for one, & two, despite anomalies, smoking weed isn’t potentially lethal to yourself & others around you. Drunk driving, drunk fighting, drunk sex even, all destructively negative attributes of drinking booze. On the other hand, stoners don’t hurt anyone really, other than themselves. Of course, as I already mentioned, there are anomalies; I’m sure there’s been cases of “stoned driving” that led to unexpectedly negative consequences, but those cases are very few & far between. Point being, if “green” is the veneration of the celebration, I’ll take herbal relief every time over a shot of poisonous liquid courage.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fucking prude, I’m totally down with a drink or two at dinner or something like that. Reckless drinking in a bar though, meh…hasn’t been a thing for me since college. This floating fish put in his time & then some back in college. Holy shit it’s insane when I think back on how far I used to take it when I partied. Ask anyone who knows me. I was known to dry-gulch random dipshits for my own amusement. There was always one guy at a party, always one, creeping, saying weird shit, just being a wanker in general, so whenever I was present when “that guy” was in full-form…KAPOW, down & out, then drug out of the party while everyone kicked him, even a few girls. True story. Good times. This is the funniest part though; that only happened once, one time, right at the beginning of my 7-year college career.

There were a few other fights to be sure, & I am still undefeated, but like fight fights where I had to whip someones’s ass who came at me, but that one fight, ONE FIGHT, stayed with me for 7 years…as if I did it all the time…oy vey, people are so strange, aren’t they? The way they make somethings out of nothings. I feel bad too because I fucked that guy”s face up like a savage. The first punch caught him above his left eye, the sweet spot, splitting his eye open, & dropping him to the floor. I thought he was out, but then he tried to get up like a moron, & threw a ridiculous haymaker. Derp…wrong move. Sadly for him, the booze made him so slow that he telegraphed said haymaker, & I just ducked out of the way, then threw another straight right punch, right into the bridge of his nose, which kind if exploded with an audible splatter & he was done, out, on the floor crying I think. I don’t know, but it was like this moaning, wailing sort of sound. Anyway, a few buddies & myself grabbed his dumbass, & drug him to the front door, & the trip there was no fun for him, as random kicks from guys & gals landed all over his body. Everyone was laughing & yelling at him, poor guy.

What a dick I am, but I know that already, so fuck that guy. He was being uncouth, especially to the ladies, & I’m guessing he remembers that night to this day, especially when he looks in the mirror at the scar over his eye & the new nose he had to get fixed after I broke it. Regardless, all of that was totally unnecessary, & totally fueled by booze, like gas on a bonfire. I used to be a bartender, & spent a decade & change babysitting drunks, which is another reason why one, I don’t drink to get drunk, & two, I don’t celebrate this ridiculous holiday that transformed from its original meaning into essentially, “Drinking Day.” Yep, that’s what today is, & I bet 9 out of 10 random people on the street have no clue what the original meaning of St. Patrick’s Day is. For instance, ask the next person you run into, “Who is St. Patrick?,” & see what they barf out for a wrong answer, because odds are, they won’t have a clue. It’s analogous to when you ask random people these days, “What year was the USA founded?,” or “What are the Bill of Rights?” Don’t believe me? I linked some “Man on the Street” videos from the great Mark Dice below, a whole playlist, one video after another, illustrating exactly what I just told you. “Check it out,” as he says, & click below for some real-time Idiocracy.

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? Do you feel like you caught brain-AIDS? Yeah, I know, me too. It’s heartbreaking to see this staggering stupidity though, despite the obvious humor in it, it’s really just pathetically sad. Why? Why are Americans so God-damned dumb these days? Sheesh. Oh wait, this is the end result of public “education,” which doesn’t really educate you on anything, per se, other than how to be a good debt slave. Civics, finance, other languages, music theory, all of this is crucial in the proper education of young minds, but you only find it in the schools where the so-called elites send their kids. Oh yes, the game starts at birth, & if you’re born into the peasant class, as most of us are, you’re taught to be a slave in public school, rather than how to become your best individual self. Public education is for the hive minded; click that link & you can read more about it, because it’s time to wrap this up. Dang, I start with one thing, & finish with another, every time, never fails. I bet I go on & on, watch & see…

As I’ve said repeatedly, I just tune the dial to the best frequency, then let these fingers fly, & when it’s all done, I don’t really remember what I write, so I go back & read it when I proofread for my grammatical errors, & sometimes it’s astonishing what comes out. I can’t really explain it, it’s almost like an auto-pilot sort of feeling, surreal, but whatever this is, it’s my lone gift in this life, so I’m going to spend the rest of my days, writing every day, for an audience of ghosts, & digital readers with their little icon avatars, occasionally dropping a “like,” but for the most part, no one reads a word of this drivel I spew out. None of these writing jobs see any value in my uniquely authentic literary language, so either I suck as a writer, or they’re all scared to hire someone like me who writes about TRUTH, in a world of scripted narratives. Wait, there’s no one else like me, so I suppose I’m fucked, yes? Oh well, fuck em, not bending the knee to get a shitty paycheck for adding “wokeness” somewhere in my endless list of resumes. Nope, can’t do it, won’t do it, I guess I’ll just be a broke failure. The proverbial “starving artist,” or maybe “pseudo-artist,” because perhaps all these words I write don’t mean a fucking thing to anyone. Wunderbar…(fart noise)

Ugh, what a mood. Just an overall feeling of being COMPLETELY fed up with Clownworld life. Can one of you donate $10k so I can go to Costa Rica before I drive my beater of a Beamer right off the next cliff I come across? Gah, it’s so fucking frustrating, when you have the self-realization that you’re worth more, but humbly you simultaneously realize you’re a total dumbass. What do I know besides this? Oh wait, I know how to grow good weed, does that count for anything? Nope? Nope they say, it’s another relatively useless “skill” I can add to my post-it note of attributes. Oh no, I have the “drunken blues” it seems, even though I don’t drink, haven’t drank in forever, & certainly NOT drinking for this stupid “holiday,” if you wanna call it that. Just another excuse for Americans to burn more brain cells. Drink up though, ya plebs. “Bread & circuses,” been a great tactic for 2000 years, give or take a century, so why stop now?

I don’t know, I don’t know anything anymore, but speaking of “stopping now,” that’s what I’m about to do, because this ouroborosian essay has found its own tail, & is eager to eat it so I can shut the fuck up already. Nonetheless, have a fun time getting drunk, puking on your drunk girlfriend, right before she pukes on you, then waking up tomorrow feeling like hell, with puke all over yourselves. Yay, fun fun fun. The difference in mentality between you’re 25 year-old self & your middle-aged self is night & day. I used to live to party, like literally, with ZERO inclinations toward a future for myself, a family maybe, a nest egg, but nope, it was ALL about the party, as if it would never end. Such a fucking delusional idiot I was, & still am, & I can’t change, because this is who I am apparently. Of course the party is done for me, & I’m well-aware, but everyone else who lived like me is dead. EVERYONE, & that’s not an exaggeration, they’re ALL dead, & it’s just me left. Like a battle, where all your friends died fighting, except they were only fighting themselves, & they lost. Meanwhile, me, myself, & I am the only soldier left standing, wondering why I’m still here, & where my old friends are now. Wow, such surreality, only me, only one left. Why?

Great question, thanks for playing. I wish I had an answer; selfishly I wish I had the answer for myself, not for anyone else. I’m fresh out of friends, haven’t seen my family in like 6 years, something like that, got massacred in the crypto crash which took everything I had, EVERYTHING, they took it all out of my diamond hands like they were made of rice paper. Stone sober the whole time; I spent years after getting clean building my stacks, then making amazing trades that got me well into 6-figures before POOF, a financial train wreck into a multi-car pileup, & I was smack in the middle, so I lost everything. EVERY FUCKING THING, gah. It’s been months & I can’t shake it. Maybe I need a drink, or a lobotomy, fuckin hell, I just wish I could shake it off already. Maybe I can’t, because this is not the first time I got hosed for all of my stacks. It’s happened like 4, maybe 5 times now, & I can’t understand why. WHY????? WHY YOU FUCKER IN THE SKY IF YOU’RE EVEN UP THERE, WHY??? Fuck, it’s like I’m cursed or something…maybe I am, who knows?

Hard to say what’s even real anymore here in this backwards-ass upside-down timeline. The Great Recycler, The Great Mouse Trap, The Capstone Club, just what the fuck is going on in this world? Is ANYTHING real? It sure doesn’t seem to be, & most of the population would rather get drunk on the poison their overlords offer them on street corners across this once great nation, now the USSA, The United Socialist States of America. I just coined that, don’t steal it. Actually, you can take it, I really don’t care, because it doesn’t matter, nor does anything else for those of us down here in these trenches. Nope, 99% of you, of us, are stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & all the booze in the world won’t get you through the exit door. Regardless, drink on up Americans, & eradicate those synapses in that wet noodle atop your neck. Obviously, as always, this applies to all of you, & none of you at all. Speaking of that Nietzschian paraphrase I use, “for all of you, & for none of you at all,” what do you think the late Friedrich would think of this maddening pseudo-reality they’ve manufactured for all of you?

He’d laugh, because he predicted this. It’s truly amazing, if you have ever read his work, how accurate he was about societal degeneration. I mean look around, Idiocracy has become reality, & that was not supposed to happen, but it did, & now, we’re all stuck in it. Too bad the overall global complacency is unprecedented in scale, as it’s equally amazing how utterly uninformed most people are. Doesn’t matter though, it’s party time, shots for everyone at the bar, on me. Try the 3-headed cow, it’s delightful. I created it for idiots who act like idiots when they try to order “the bartender’s favorite shot.” Oh my, bartenders just love when they hear, “Make me your favorite shot,” & when I would hear that, I had a special shot I’d whip up especially for the aforementioned idiots. Want to know the ingredients? Here we go; the infamous 3-Headed Cow: tequila, scotch, vodka, rum, lemon juice, milk, shake all the ingredients with ice, strain into a sugar-rimmed shot glass, then hail to the sacred cow. Down the hatch, & good luck if you ever drink more than one of these God-awful shots. Ugh, are you kidding me, who would drink that?

They did though, many times, many times saying they wanted another. That’s drunks for you, & the bartenders of America are balls-deep in the weeds right now, feeding you drunk fuckers into respective states of unpredictably dangerous intoxication. Isn’t it odd that during that time when we allegedly had no toilet paper, & a bunch of of other stuff was “temporally unavailable,” yet there was more than enough booze & cigs for everyone, isn’t that weird? Nope, nothing weird going on in America, nothing to see plebs, slam those beers & shots, because today is “Drinking Day, ” the one day of the year to celebrate all of the comedy & tragedy that alcohol has brought to the masses, arguably more of the latter, but who cares?…I’m done with the digressional tangent talk, & done with this article that maybe 10 people will actually read, if I’m lucky. Check out these stats…I’d be embarrassed, if I cared, but “caring” about anything anymore is no longer something I concern myself with. When you have nothing left to lose, literally NOTHING, then nothing matters anymore, right? So what’s left to “care” about?

Okay, this has turned into a 5-page essay for fuck’s sake, yikes. You’d think one of these companies I apply to would appreciate what I do exclusively for this unwavering daily discipline I possess, but apparently they don’t, for reasons unknown. Most likely, it’s my content, & they’re scared to hire a wide-open thought criminal dissident. Also, I’m an un-jabbed straight white male, so right out of the gate, I’m 3-strikes out. Drats. Fuck it. Until next time, dear readers, write until you reach the end of the marathon, no matter how far you have to run. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

“Write until the race has been won, no matter how far you have to run.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E5 3/5/2023 Them Apples

Uh oh, I’ve now moved the false-flag probability meter from 8 to 9, & the scale goes from one to ten, just to clarify. Yep, she went from a loose 8, to a solid 9, & I’m speculating that this upcoming week there might be some kind, yet ANOTHER kind, of orchestrated disastrous event designed to distract you and/or push one of their scripted narratives into the zeitgeist. We knew where Covaids came from, we knew it & we told you, & it sure as fuck was NOT bat soup. What did so many of you do? You called us “delusional conspiracy theorists,” & oh my were we publicly demonized for telling all of you THE TRUTH. I, for one, never backed down & now, the origins of Covaids are…guess what they are? NOW PUBLICLY REPORTED TO BE FROM A CHINESE LAB. How about them apples? The MSM fake news propaganda pushers are a joke, just rotten fruit, right? Filled with worms & slime, just low-hanging trashy bad apples. Even the bonkers-birds on the lunatic left won’t eat their bad apples anymore. The powers-that-be know this, because of course, with the help of AI, they analyze all the data in real-time, & use this knowledge to their advantage, but they’ve gone too far, so far gone in fact that they’re unprecedentedly desperate. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic things, very predictively unpredictable, which is why I’m SPECULATING, that with the advent of this Covaids information being released to the public, they are right now in real time masterminding some new narrative-driven disaster scenario that distracts us all from THE TRUTH.

Don’t blame me, this is THEM, not me, I’m just an animated illustrator with nothing left to lose. Each day I meticulously go through all the “breaking news” from Clownworld, then find the bits & bobs that actually ring TRUTH, rather than whatever narrative they happen to be barfing out for the day. Then, I sprinkle some of my FisH™ magic on said truth, referring to my own personalized homemade 2d/3d animation that I add to give my articles life, so to speak. Then, after proofreading & adding my tags, BOOM, I’m smacking that “PUBLISH” button like Will Smith, & now you’re reading in the past, what I wrote in my present. That’s it, that’s all I do, for now anyway, exposing TRUTH, for all of you, & for none of you at all, & if you don’t understand what that means, I suggest you read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by the great Friedrich Nietzsche. That book is arguably the best book ever written; I’ve read it several times, & each time I do, I find a new gem that I missed in prior reads. This book will change your life, especially for so many of you down on your luck in this upside-down senseless world, thus I HIGHLY recommend you find a hard copy to keep around for yourself in case the lights turn off. Or, in this modern age, perhaps you prefer to audiobook books, while the lights are still on? If so, no worries, as always, FisH™ has you covered. Scroll down…just below the lil’ white behbeh getting smacked off the mystery box…word up.

No, this wonky world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & now that the deep-fake meme has been birthed, just wait & see what happens when the meme evolves into its own macro-organism. Not familiar with the reference? That’s a concept from The Lucifer Principle, also a must read for all deep divers, & also a mind-blower. There’s SO many of you still chained to yourselves inside the proverbial Cave, watching the fiery illusions dance on the cave wall, listening to the echoes in the shadows only to debate their pseudo-merit as if you were scholars, but this is all make-believe, not the real reality. The REAL nature of this world is found OUTSIDE the Cave, not inside of it, not down deep into the darkness. Oh wait, not getting this reference either? That’s okay, people only know what they know, that’s why I’m here. I’m outside the Cave, BEEN outside the Cave for seemingly forever now, waving my arms, shouting down to all of you to “Come on up, the sunshine is Divine!”…but most of you shun me, even hate me, as it were. “The world is down here, in the dark!” you exclaim with your pale faces & your beady eyes. I’m going to stop right there, because those of us who swim in the deep end of the pool know the Cave dwellers, as well as the Sun, but the shallow swimmers might still be going out just far enough where they can barely touch, then going back to the shallows, so let’s give them some more reference, shall we?

Above, you can click to listen to The Lucifer Principle, & it’s a long one so only parts 1 through 6, then it’s up to you to go deeper, & of course, I’ll link below The Allegory of the Cave, from Plato’s Republic. FisH™ has delivered a hat trick of must-read literature, that will resonate respectively as it applies to each of you individually. Some of you are deep divers, maybe even deeper than yours truly, & some of you are shallow swimmers still, which is fine, as long as everyone realizes it’s all one big oceanic-sized pool. There’s a deep end with no bottom, where the abyss really does stare back at you, which is where I like to dive, as deep as I can go, & then there’s a kiddie pool. All one has to do is be brave enough to go deeper, but that relies on your own relationship with your own free will, something only YOU can do. I’m like. lifeguard, that points a lot, blows the whistle, occasionally throws out a life vest or two, but the rest is up to you, & you alone. This fish here though, I only ride the biggest waves, the swollen monsters that take me to the abyss, where few ever dare to go, but how could they if they aren’t big-wave riders? I’ll get into “wave-riding” another time, but nonetheless, that’s how I get to the deepest of the deep, & then I dive, down down wayyyyyyy down, & do you know how I do that? I let go, & just keep diving down, because I have the self-realization that I am immortal, we all are, & regardless of these meat suits we are all currently stuck in, NOTHING can truly “kill” you. In your mind, there are no boundaries, other than the walls you’ve built for yourself. Based on that notion alone, what is there ever to really be afraid of? Until next time, dear readers, remember this: YOU are immortal, & NOTHING can destroy you, except you. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“You are immortal, & nothing can destroy you, except you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“In your mind there are no boundaries, other than the walls you alone have built.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E5 February 5, 2023 The Balloon Part Deux

Oh my, it looks like the Pentaqueef, sorry I meant the Pentagon, has FINALLY shot down the now-infamous, “Chinese spy balloon,” over the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Did I just say “queef?” Sheesh, what a potty mouth…to the corner fishy dunce, but I digress. Yes, they’ve shot down the “balloon,” at last, at least, that’s the narrative being fed to the masses via the usually-faked news. Incredibly, EVERY SINGLE ONE of these MSM outlets are reporting the EXACT SAME THING, & NO, not just repeating, they’re all REPEATING repeating each other, nearly verbatim, like they’re all reading a script, the SAME EXACT SCRIPT, it’s so bizarre. Not to mention, they had it all ready ready already to go, with footage of the downing, & the “balloon’s” subsequent descent to the ocean below. We’re going to get to that in a minute, so hang tight, as I have a lot to say about this whole production unfolding right now in real-time. Incidentally, do you know why I threw some quotes abound the word “balloon” back there? It’s simple; it’s NOT a balloon, it’s a blimp, a dirigible, an airship, but NOT a “balloon,” as the narrative continues to imply. This “balloon,” is as big as 3 school buses, THREE SCHOOL BUSES, you know, those big yellow school buses the VP Kamala Harris loved to ride as a kid, except her bus was the shorter one maybe methinks…with that dumbass cringy voice of hers…ugh, she’s revolting, so try not to puke if you watch the video below…you can skip past this cackling snapperhead to continue with “Balloon Part 2” of course. I wouldn’t want to hear her outrageously childish condescendations either, I get it, trust me, & it’s just for reference & lulz, so again, feel free to skip ahead to the actual article…


The Kamala Harris Yellow School Bus Speech…Grab a Barf Bag

Yikes…my poor ears. Anyway, it’s a good reflection of what we’re working with, as far as “leadership” in this forsaken country. It’s a real shame, a sadly embarrassing daily shame. Moving back to the balloon, & Potato Braindead’s, Im sorry, I meant President Braindead, whoops, I meant Potato Brandon, gah, so Joe Brandon, oy vey, JOE BIDEN, yes, there it is, this dementia-ridden old pervert allegedly FINALLY “ordered” the notorious “balloon” shot down. I say “ordered” in quotes because he didn’t “order” anything, much less a military strike, as he’s barely able to “order” anything at all, even his beloved ice cream that the fake news media gravitates toward like a dying sun. The dude can barely speak, can barely complete a sentence, goes off the rails constantly into Alzheimerville, & people believe he “ordered” a military attack? Derp, come on now, Old Joe pooped his pants in front of The Pope for fuck’s sake, COME ON ALREADY. How much more can I shake my fucking head at this clown? I wouldn’t trust him to call out BINGO numbers at a hospice, much less run a country, yet here he is still, & that’s the narrative, that he “ordered” this “spy balloon” to be shot down, which it apparently finally was earlier, as being reported via the MSM. Hard to believe anything is real anymore, especially anything that the MSM poops out(pun intended), but since this is now dominating the headlines, distracting all of you from anything else, I felt I needed a followup. I named it “Part Deux,” as a loose reference to the sequel to the movie Hot Shots Part Deux, which was almost a bad as this political theatre we’re all watching…almost.

Of course, the suspected “spy balloon” already completed its cross-country mission by the time they shot it down earlier. From Montana, to somewhere in the central United States, to the Atlantic Ocean, what a journey, I bet they got some GREAT pics on their little flyover trip, yes? Oh yes, I imagine the Chinese are collectively laughing their balls off at our utterly continuing incompetence. Not to mention, all the data they’re collecting. Between corrupt politicians in China’s pockets, to Chinese use of AI via social media apps like Tik-Tok to data mine Americans, to their YUGE military getting stronger by the day, & along with their pioneering & highly advanced surveillance grid, it’s a total shock to me that Chinese troops haven’t Red Dawned into the continental United States yet. They’r playing the long game though, & their discipline to maintain the course, although admirable, is nothing but nefarious, & is going to end in the total downfall of the West if this isn’t stopped. Don’t hold your breath waiting on the aforementioned “leadership” here to do anything. Don’t hold your breath about ANYONE doing anything to stop those communist cunts. Make no mistake, it’s on the way, at least SOMETHING is on the way, something big, something evolutionary maybe, devolutionary perhaps, I don’t know, but could it all begin with this now headline-dominating “Chinese spy balloon?”

What might these alleged “spy balloons” be used for? I looked into it, & I found a few things. First, they could be used to release some kind of bioweapon, like a new virus, one that actually kills you on site. The worst part of that is that if you pop these “balloons,”…i.e. shoot them down, it releases the virus onto the hapless masses below. The Japanese already did this, 80 years ago in World War 2, & they tried it out on the Chinese, which is rather ironically ironic, isn’t it? Quite a turnaround China, if that IS in fact what you plan on using these balloons for. Who knows? Certainly not me, no idea what these “balloons” are for, as these are just rough speculations on my end. Gah, Ione thing though, I’m DONE calling them “balloons,” they’re BLIMPS, BLIMPS, unless I’m misunderstanding the defintionary difference between a “balloon, ” & a “blimp?” Let’s look it up, shall we? We’ll look up all the possible words to illustrate this mysterious craft, starting with “balloon,” of course.

Hmmm, I’m leaning towards the “airship,” & certainly “balloon” is last on the list. This “spy balloon” maneuvers, like an airship, NOT like a hot air balloon might, for instance. NOT TO MENTION IT’S THE SIZE OF THREE YELLOW SCHOOL BUSES, REMEMBER? Not a God damn “balloon,” & I’m sticking to it, so from now on, I’m going to call it one of the last 3 options above, but no longer a “balloon.” You can call it a “balloon.” Your fake news overlords will keep using the term, “balloon,” so don’t fret, but as for me, I’m calling it what it IS. Like when I see a male and/or a female, I’m calling it like it IS, not how someone “feels” it should be termed. You got TWO options, you pick One of ONLY two, TWO, genders. There’s ONLY TWO, no more, no less. It’s a binary world, naturally masculine or feminine, deal with it. Hot/cold, up/down, left/right, a BINARY world you bloody mental patients, but I digress yet again, as is par for my all-par-5 golf course. “Eagle chance every hole, because that’s how I roll.”~Fish F Fish. Back to the topic, yes, everyone will still have their proverbial “balloons” to look at, while something else you are NOT supposed to see, happens going the other way. Geez, I’m all over the place, we need to get this car back on the freeway. Where were we? Oh yes, bioweapon bioattack from the bio-blimpy dirigible airship from China. That’s plausibility numero uno. Kind of looked like something gassy came out when they shot it down, didn’t it? I’m sure it’s just from the missile, and/or the resulting explosion, but let’s look again, since I made the GIF, why not watch it again?


See that? Maybe just the gas, like the gas that kept it aloft, maybe helium, but not bio-gas. I don’t know, kinda spooky to watch though regardless, isn’t it? Now, what else might they use these airships for? Well, & this might prove to be the theory that comes true, but the next possibility is their utilization as EMP devices. That’s right, if one of these is rigged to let loose an EMP over a major city, and/or SEVERAL major cities, maybe all at once, POOF, ZimZaps, & the power goes out indefinitely, which I estimate would cause almost an immediate state of total pandemonium. No power means no internet, no gas, no ATMs, even no cars if the EMP detonation fries the electronics. Yep, nearly anything/everything that you can think of that uses electricity is no longer operational, in a literal flash. It would be absolute chaos. Not to mention, the power grid is exceptionally fragile & equally exceptionally vulnerable. I think the entire country relies on ONLY 9 power stations. Yes, I said 9, ONLY NINE, how sad is that? Is that really the best we can do in 100-plus years of using power lines to transport electricity? One could almost argue that this severe fragility was done intentionally? & where’s Tesla’s “free energy?” WHY ARE THERE STILL THESE GOD-AWFULLY PRIMITIVE POWER LINES EVERYWHERE? Seriously, stop & look at them sometime, & notice how they look just like they did back in 1923, more-or-less. Doesn’t it strike you as odd, that despite all of our other amazingly amazing technological advances in the last 100 years, we still use these past-their-prime power lines? I don’t get it, but what do I know, ya know? I’m just a teenage lobotomy grown up, still doing the cretin hop, gonna bop’ til I drop.

Yes, if an army of these weaponized airships, NOT “spy balloons,” but if a squadron of these unmanned dirigible airships comes across the Pacific, I’d say that it would be safe to presume that a hot World War 3 has begun. Why all of a sudden, why now? I don’t know. It’s THEIR game, not mine. You certainly can’t believe any of this narrative-driven scripted fake news anymore, at least I don’t, & whatever the Pentaqueef, sorry the Pentagon, says happened, has historically always been proven as misinformation and/or deceptively untruthful. Yep, all these scripted wag-the-dog narratives, ugh, makes it so tricky to speculate on what’s actual truth, & what is only pseudo-truth, doesn’t it? It’s so frustrating sometimes, to say the least. Well, they’ve shot the fucking thing down, so does the story end with all the debris scattering across the Atlantic Ocean, then sinking out of recovery range? Way to go, by the way, to you insanely incompetent morons at the Pentaqueef. If this “balloon” story is even real at all, GREAT job shooting it down, OVER THE FUCKING OCEAN, duh, now how are you gonna get the evidence? Don’t you want to examine the “balloon’s” payload for data-collection purposes? Yes? No? Oh wait, you can’t now, BECAUSE YOU SHOT IT DOWN OVER THE OCEAN YOU MANICALLY STUPID CLOWNS. Double duh, it’s just staggering, seeing these narratives…because either they’re really poor narratives, or these people really make these redundantly asinine decisions, over & over & over again, under the guise that people are so dumb, they’ll believe anything. It has to be scripted, right? Or maybe the general population really is this abysmally gullible? As long as it’s on television, it must be true, right?

Oh my, it looks like MY own script has written itself, once again, how synchronistically splendid. My circularity, from a script I cannot see, only hear, with ears that aren’t on my head, as I channel these words down in this digital diatribe, has come back around, looping herself once more for the daily Foozer. Sweet ouroboros, the beginning becoming the end, to become the beginning once again, birth to death, then born again. Circles, loops, the 3-6-9 of unlimited energy, just the 3d spatial spiral, spiraling into an unprecedented future though on the loops of 4d time, at least from OUR point-of-view. We’re much too small, stuck down here on too low of a dimension, the LOWEST spatial dimension in fact. We’re not vibrating fast enough to see the Great Loop, for it’s far too slow down here. We’re BARELY vibrating fast enough to stay conscious, & some are hardly maintaining the barely, as to their own respective consciousnesses. I’m amazed some people can wipe their own ass, is what I’m over-wordingly trying to barf out. It’ll be a wonderment if any of us make it back to 5d at this low-rate cab fare, back to the Great Loop, for it is there, there back in 5d. You remember once you’re back, as if you’d never fallen from 5d to 3d, & this 3d hell-ride is just a flash of a dream. There is another concept of 6d & 7d time there, there is so much more, so much we’ve lost by falling down, so much more THERE, but down here, nope, nothing even remotely close, other than this insane person typing this delusional drivel you’re reading. THIS is as close as you get to 5d here, through ideas, via channelings channeled from destinations unknown. Oh, but it’s time to go. That was a fun wrap-up, yes? Until next time, I leave you with what I just illustrated in this final paragraph to ponder. Eat all my fish. Eat as much as you like, take home a doggie bag, send it back to the chef half-eaten, or take a bite, spit it at the waiter, flip over the table, & dash on the bill. We, who are here, abide nonetheless. So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Trump 2016

Be a Creator…


Vote Trump 2016,

and let’s make America great again.

More to come.

Love to all.




Just something I created for a cool band from the 90’s called Pulp. Check out the vid for their song “Babies” below….

The GIF is a 2 second GIF so it should match the 4 count metronome of the actual song and if you play the vid, the GIF should follow the rhythm…

…art is fun…

Be a Creator.

…great song…cheers…enjoy…

More to come.

Love to all.

One More Time 11:11


11:11…what does it mean?

Does it mean anything at all? Does numerology mean anything at all? Do numbers themselves mean anything at all without our human definitions being applied to a construct of said numbers

Well would 1 + 1 still be 2, somewhere else in the Universe? Hmmmm….


Certainly one must admit that the numeric connections between this dimension are fascinating, and this matrix would seemingly be impossible to navigate without them. How would anything be built correctly? How would counting work? You have to count something everyday, not just money, what if you wanted to eat 3 hard-boiled eggs, and 4 slices of fresh feta cheese like I’m eating right now? It would not work without numbers. 


So back to the topic…


As for this 11:11…

…one can go on the Internet, as I’m sure any of you reading this living in civilization would know by now, and find countless links to all sorts of characters offering viewpoints on why this particular number combination is special. You’re going to find a lot of information relating to the connection of 11:11 to your own consciousness awakening from the matrices of the ego zombies. You’re going to find information about how 11:11 connects to your eternal bond with your soul mates and your twin flame. Now you can watch these things until you pass out on your couch, as I usually do, and suck up all that new knowledge, which of course I recommend, but I also implore any of you reading this to find your own answers wishing as to 11:11 has related specifically to YOU, in YOUR life. Fuck whatever you read and think about what happened and/or what is happening if you happen to be one of the many discovering these strange recurrences of 11:11 imagery popping up all around you. 


In my experience, in what has become almost cliche at this point, I started NOTICING it around me more when I snapped out of the slumber several years ago. I emphasized the word “noticing” because it was always there, but I am not sure if I began to “notice” it more once I had seen information about 11:11 or not. This was like 5 years ago when I really started rolling along with my own ascent from the proverbial Platonian cave, and I bombarded myself with so much information initially, I cannot recall if I was or was not aware of 11:11 before I started “noticing” it. Nonetheless, whether I knew or did not know already, I could never deny the fact, that I myself witnessed gratuitously by all of my 5 3rd dimensional senses this thing, and was seeing 11:11 everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Clocks of course, constantly, billboard signs I remember because i thought what are the odds of one highway billboard sign flashing an 11:11 byte, much less literally several, it was in utility bills, I mean it was like everything with a fucking number written on it was doing this to me, over and over and over again, which at that point, I am for sure prompted me to really look into this phenomenon, and that was initially when I can for sure say that I became very familiarized with these 11:11 sightings and what they may or may not mean. 


The occurrences did fade though, there was definitely like a big crest and then a decline into a slow but steady “noticing” that it still pops up from time to time. Now was my brain just responding to the fact that I had stumbled upon that new information, and then making me “notice” it more? This might explain why I saw it quite prevalently, then not so much anymore, kind of like a new novelty, like a new pop culture novelty, comes and goes. A meme that caught on right as the new agers began to take greater strides perhaps?




…or maybe I found the info, which triggered a conscious reassurance that the “awakening” I was experiencing was in fact real, and these were numerical representations of the new synchronicity being formed with the expanding world around me. This idea may at first seem more implausible, but this reassurance is/was necessary particularly in the beginning, as many of you who have awoken and are in the process of fully awakening know, because that is the time when the battle between your ego and your soul really gets heated, more than ever before, and the initial reaction to the new energy makes you question whether or not you might be going insane. So the reassurance from 11:11 coincides with countless other synchronous moments that seem to start happening all around you once your 3rd eye snaps back open. These are to help you get past the struggle between your ego holding on while your soul takes back over. Speaking of synchronous moments…


This is one thing that has not leveled off in any way, in fact, this other phenomenon has been happening and continues to happen to me literally e-x-p-o-n-e-n-t-i-a-l-l-y more. Said phenomenon is synchronicity…

What is synchronicity? (<<<CLICK HERE TO READ MORE<<<)

Yes there is absolutely no refuting that this is happening to me on a moment to moment basis at this point. I’m like 5 years deep into the heavy curve upward, and that curve has become a rocketship accelerating faster and faster straight up and out of the matrix. Connections with people, events, things you perceive on a daily basis with the 5 3d senses, it all begins to connect and flow together more and more and more and more. Picture if your awakening started as one little star. Then your star became 2 stars, then 4 stars, then 8, exponential, like I mentioned earlier, so imagine how many stars are lighting up the sky in my mind by now, and in YOUR mind too, especially if you are well into your journey out, and that’s the best part. Everyone is making these connections, but those waking up are making them faster, and you begin to feel this not only the connectivity between yourself and your world around you, you begin to connect with others who making accelerated connections, which only makes more connections. It’s a state of continuous fascination. There is a very viral aspect to it, but maybe that’s all we are, a virus…


And on that note, I just passed 1000 words so I am outta here until next time. 

More to come. Be good.

Love to all. 

A Metaphor

Ever feel like you are stuck?


Like in a glass box with a few sticks and leaves and rocks, a little food dish, and a water bowl… 

I have been looking into some information lately about how we are are really stars, and that we have been captured here in these dense ‘bodies,’ continuously being tricked into tricking courselves into reincarnating over and over and over and over and over again to serve the will of something greater than ourselves. It’s very interesting information, has to do with Saturn and the Moon. Now you know I don’t believe or disbelieve in anything until I experience it for myself, and even then I question it…

…but I do find this fascinating.


Can you imagine if that were true though? And the strange thing to me its that it makes a lot of sense. Look at most of the population, I’m amazed they can wipe their own asses, easily deceivable, tricked from birth, and birthed by the tricked, in a bizarre seemingly unending loop. However, now there are those of us who are waking up and recalling our real selves, so what happens to us, this fringe group that has become of aware of the possibility and plausibility of the trickery and the trap? Again, not saying this is real, but what is for sure real is that the bullshit story they sell everyone from the get-go is total crap, a complete and continuous deception. And if everything they have told us is/was a lie, who knows what is really real and what is really not? So it seems to be of utmost importance that all of us who are “awakened” understand that we are still very much students of the Universe and still naive to the true nature of who and what we are, yet somehow in this life we are advancing inward at a much higher level than any lives we experienced before, at least here on this Earth plane. But here we are, still stuck in whatever this madhouse is, among a vast majority of people who are all so asleep, I just don’t get it.


Feels very limiting, like when a baby figures out that there is huge room to play in outside of the crib, although the ones in charge keep the baby stuck in the crib by repeating over and over to the baby that there is only the crib, using fear to keep the baby in behind the bars of the crib. But the baby can clearly SEE that there is something more, so the baby finally lets go of that fear and now the baby must crawl out of the crib himself and jump, falling to the floor below. Of course the baby will catch a few bruises and cry, but when he sees he isn’t really hurt and that no one is coming nor does he need anyone to come help him because he can now see what is really happening and that he is okay, he will stop crying, then realize for himself to get up and stand alone, and WALK around to SEE what is in the room outside of the crib, which is of course new at first, BUT…once you’ve walked around the room, it comes together and makes sense. You figure out that you are in a house, and there are other rooms in that house. Furthermore you come to the understanding that you’ve been trapped in this house, and that is NOT your house.


How long do YOU like to stay at someone else’s house, trapped in a crib in a room in their house? Is it not time to leave already? Do you like being a baby confined to a crib? FUCK NO. You want to boldly walk out the front door to see what is outside of this strange house you and everyone else are seemingly imprisoned in. Here’s the rub about that though… you’ve only been tricked to keep imprisoning yourself, tricked through fear. No one was ever in charge over you, they only convinced you otherwise in the crib. Who owns this madhouse? Who was there when you finally jumped let go of your fear and freed from your own confinement? YOU. No one else, no one but you. You didn’t realize you were you though until you hit the floor and you woke up, and now that you remembering who you are, you want to remember everything and anything about what you really are. Is anyone ever really “learning,” or are they simply “remembering?”


Back to the metaphor…

…so obviously you will be brave and walk out that damned front door, that wasn’t even locked, and what do you see next, probably more houses, maybe part of a little cul-de-sac of similar houses, and it hits you like a screaming freight train that you were just trapped in one crib, in one house, in one neighborhood, but by who and for what reason?…so then what’s next obviously?… you get back on the super-highway, you take the road out of the neighborhood and keep going, and then who know’s what’s next? Vast open frontier, other neighborhoods, differing geographies of sorts, point is that we are travelers, soul travelers made of stars, that have somehow been deceived into this dimension of matter and density, limited to only what is possible via these bodily vehicles, while someone somewhere for some reason initiated this deception and keeps it recycling into a never-ending circle of life, death, and reincarnation… but for what purposes I do not know, one can only speculate…


You following this metaphor?…I’m totally just ad-libbed all of that straight off of the top of my head, which is good because I wanted to express that outwardly somehow.


Just a quick sum-up:

Are we really explorers of the Infinite, anything possible, yet somehow some entity or entities have “trapped” us in these bodies by convincing everyone the “real” world is the crib, and there is nothing outside of that crib? And now some of us, our souls are remembering themselves, and are remembering what they truly are, want to get back to being soul/star travelers, so how do we escape the trap? Again, please understand I do not know if this is any way true or untrue, just one of many many many may many “ideas” that seem to keep bombarding me from I-don’t-know-where. But I have never felt anymore alive than in this moment now, know what I mean? The journey accelerates along with the time, moving faster and faster toward….

…maybe next time, we are over 1000 words…

Be good dear friends and readers.

Love to all.

Supermoon CERN Energy


As most of my readers know,

we do our best,

NOT to fear monger here.

There is however,

the obvious fact,

that this world is really getting somewhat turbulent,

as we approach zero point,

or the singularity,

black swan event,

or whatever YOU want to call it,

but there IS something brewing.


And for those of YOU who say things like,

“Every year they say that,”

I say to you:

If only one of us is right once,

what will YOU do then?

It’s good that people keep mis-guessing the aforementioned event.

It’s good that those who “predict” are wrong,

because this event only needs to happen one time,

just once,

and I don’t know what the event is and/or might be,

never have claimed to,

but it could/would/will/has change/d everything.

Dates are just the result of humans attaching numbers to astronomical cycles,

they are irrelevant.

As I said above,

who’s to say a mass event has already occurred,

and/or IS occurring right NOW?

All of these people ascending in various ways,

twin flame reunions,

recalling your Higher selves,

mass consciousness expansion at an exponential rate,

on and on,

and when did all this start?


Well if you look to the right of my page,

you’ll see that CERN is firing their particle accelerator,

this Friday, March 20, 2015,

coinciding, coincidentally of course,

with a Supermoon eclipse.

They haven’t fired this since just after that infamous date,

of December 12, 2012,

specifically in February 2013.

Before that,

they had been playing with their toy,

since around 2008. 

But before that, 

what sort of particle accelerators had they been testing,

with leftover technology that the Nazis pioneered?


Now stick with me here…

…if you go back throughout the history,

of this current mass awakening many are experiencing,

it began on a relative mass scale in the late 1950’s,

into the 1960’s, and into the 1970’s,

obviously just after World War 2 ended.

Operation Paper Clip,

look into it,

numerous HIGH-level Nazi scientists and engineers,

relocated safely from the Third Reich,

into the hands of the psychopaths,

who run the CIA,

that work in shadows,

and YOU have no idea where they have gone at this point,

with the previously mentioned technology.

Now I know CERN is not based in Amerika,

but those who control Amerika,

are the banker scum who control the money, 

and where are they based?

2 + 2 is NOT 5,

but I won’t digress into that now…


So let’s pseudo-speculate just a bit,

Nazis taken to Amerika after WW2 ends,

pioneering technology YOU have never heard of,

and as the Fed and the Globalist bankers pirated,

and continue to pirate Amerika,

these technologies have fallen into the hands,

of the scum atop their proverbial pyramid,

those who have total control over most of YOU already.

…but hang in there…this gets better…moving on…

 These elitists are in it for full-scale domination,

and they have rationalized that they need the biggest weapons,

in order to successfully do so.

The proton particle accelerator they play with at CERN,

generates energy levels UNPRECEDENTED,

even at an atomic level.

Going back,

just after the first atomic bombs were tested and used,

the first mass waves of “awakened ones,”

were born…

…i.e. the first star children, indigos, crystals, etc…

…look into it for YOU if YOU don’t know…



It’s as if there is some counter-reaction of energy,

filtered back to the populous,

as the potential level of destruction and energy released from WMD grows.

So there were the first waves,

following those first atomic tests,

then more waves as they continued to test nuclear weapons,

all over the world,

leading from the 1950’s,

as mentioned earlier,

all up through the decades…


…the research shifted from atomic weaponry,

to more advanced molecular particle weaponry,

and the advent of what is now known as CERN.

What is CERN?…

Look into it, no links this time, YOU can do it for YOU,

but I can sum up:

Around 20 miles long,

they just blast protons in opposing directions,

at near light speed,

to see what happens basically. 


Now I don’t know the science,

I just try to put together puzzle pieces,

like YOU,

so when I look at the historic timelines,

of when these progressively leveling-up weapons are tested and used,

in relation to evolutionary bounces that advance consciousness,

back toward it’s higher self/5th dimensional self,

those “bounces” line up in accord with those weapons being used.

So CERN comes along and fires it’s first test in 2008ish…

…and what has become of those first star children from the 1950’s?


Those originals are old now, many dead, some still very much alive.

We have the children of the first star children now grown,

many with their own children,

that have various terms associated with them,

such as rainbow children, again, look into it for YOU.

So as you can see, since the 1950’s first wave,

a few generations have now been incarnated,

many of which are more in tune with the increasing energies,

but not quite awake yet,

but more and more and more and more waking up every moment…

…and when CERN fired off in 2008,

 a HUGE energy wave swept the planet,

and we began to get noticeably more information about New Age type things,

although I don’t really like using that term,

but it works here,

in order to illustrate people somewhat beginning to share and talk about,

subjects like dimensions, vibrations, ascension, etc…

…all around mid 2000’s to late 2000’s,

and I know it has been discussed extensively before that time,

but I’m talking about it becoming so widespread,

and with the help of the energy super-highway we call the Internet,

more people than ever before in known history,

were remembering and awakening,

to their soul consciousness,

allowing ego to die,

freeing themselves from their own chains.


Then there is the 2012 time period.

People thinking the world would end,

apocalypse, blah, blah, blah,

but what if something DID happen on a global scale,

just not in the way most people think,

and it was a gross misinterpretation, of what the Mayans were really trying to convey?

There were so many people who woke up in 2012,

you could feel the energy of something equatable to a mass birthing,

(thanks to Cyriak for the visuals above and below)


and it was everywhere,

and it’s still everywhere,

only now it’s grown,

and it grows exponentially,

all in time with this upcoming next firing of CERN,

which hasn’t fired since the beginning of 2013.


they basically double the power every time they play with this thing,

so when they do it again this Friday, 

for the first time in over 2 years,

it will be a stronger blast of energy than EVER before…

…and what will happen?

I wish I knew, I wish i knew,

but again,


Like I explained in this post,

something happens when they try to handle this level of energy,

that reciprocates with the energy giving life to this humanity,

as if their negativity,

is polarized as positivity and filtered back through the connected consciousness of all. 


and with that,

 I’ve just passed 1000 words,

so time to go.


More to come. 

Love to all. 

Black Swan Event


If you aren’t familiar with what the title means,

maybe YOU should CLICK HERE>>>

Wary YOU may want to be,

the Ides of March and the following week…


More to come.

Love to all.