Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


I Know Where the Damn Plane Is…



 That’s right dear readers/watchers/friends/brothers/sisters yours truly knows what happened to missing Malaysia Flight 370… do YOU want to know? If I were to tell you, you wouldn’t believe me, so I am not going into much detail, but rest assured, the plane and all of the passengers and crew are quite safe and warm, waiting until the time is right to let all of YOU know what happened to them. In the meantime…

What has this missing plane distracted and continues to distract you all from?… Well, all of the news on Ukraine has been conveniently backburnered, as well as the crisis in Venezuela, as well as the crisis in Thailand, as well as the crisis in Spain, as well as the crises in Africa, a recorded plot to commit a false flag act of war in Syria, bankers jumping to their deaths left and right, you see what I am getting at?…while the fake news MSM keeps distracting you all with this bullshit story about a “missing” plane, there are important events unfolding around the globe that YOU aren’t being told about. Why? Why would/do they do this?

Because as I have told you all many, many, many times before, the MSM is nothing but propagandistic controlled scripted crap perpetrated by the same globalist pig scum who run the whole show behind the scenes. They don’t want YOU to know what they know. Just keep eating bad food, drinking bad water, watching television, and doing everything you can to take any focus off of what should be number one….YOU. The only “madness” occurring this March is watching 85 to 90% of you continue grazing on the green grass of ignorance that they keep feeding you. Just eat it up, question nothing, and follow the orders of your masters, when all along, the choice rests within YOU whether or not you want to continue being part of the sheeple herd, or choose for yourselves to be a shepherd. Again, up to YOU, not me.

So as the days continue to tick off faster and faster and faster as we all exponentially encroach upon zero point, the crap they will keep broadcasting to you will further drive the herd into an oblivion of shadows and echoes. What will YOU do? Will you continue to eat shitty processed GMO food? Will you continue drinking the water without question? Will you finally turn off your fucking television and get back into Nature? Again I inquire, what will YOU do? What is coming that YOU need to be ready for? I wish I could tell you, but that would entail me telling all of you what REALLY happened to Malaysia Flight 370. Okay, okay… I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit to know what I know so if I tell you what happened to this plane, either take it for what it is, or don’t. As always, it’s up to YOU, not me, to walk outside of your cave into the reality of true world that surrounds you. 

What happened to Malaysia Flight 370?… it’s like this; you know about the reported mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, correct? You’ve all heard the stories…planes and ships disappearing with no trace. Reports of malfunctioning electronics and magnetic fluctuations, we all know the stories about the Bermuda Triangle. Now what happens in the Bermuda Triangle may or may not be related to a sprawling underwater complex that centers around technology we’ve yet to understand that happens to wreak havoc on passing ships and planes, causing them to “disappear.” These anomalies aren’t just privy to the Bermuda Triangle, they have happened all over the world. What happens when these instruments go berserk? Well, the electronic and magnetic disturbances are caused when dimensional “gateways” or “wormholes” are used by outerwordly/outerdimensionally adept beings that YOU aren’t quite aware of yet. Sometimes, our feeble technology intertwines with the temporary locale of one of the aforementioned “wormholes,” thus causing whatever ship or plane we are operating to get caught up between dimensions. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO MALAYSIA FLIGHT 370…. BUT …. do YOU really think they would tell the world about anything like that?…the answer: a resounding “FUCK NO.” You won’t hear about this on the MSM fake news, you won’t even get this info via the internet unless you know exactly where to look.

Now what is supposed to happen is that in some unspecified time in the not-so-distant future, the planes occupants will be returned, safe and healthy and happy and most importantly, filled with new knowledge to be shared with the world about the Earth’s place in the Galactic Federation. Oh wait, YOU didn’t know yet that we are and have been in contact with numerous alien species, did you? Of course YOU didn’t know, most people don’t, because those same globalist illuminati banker zionist pig scum that control the media surely DO NOT want any of YOU to know the truth. But their time is done, finished, it has ended they just haven’t been removed yet, but soon, very soon, there will be a global disclosure of our connection with our galactic family, revealing our true history, true origins, and true purpose. The evil cabal that still seemingly runs shit via their worldwide monetary system of debt slavery is dead. The juggernaut that is said system is now on flames, collapsing under the weight of it’s own greed and corruptive evil, it just hasn’t fallen completely yet because these globalist pigs will not let go. Just as YOU are learning to let go of ego and remember your soul self, these scum are learning that the MUST now let go of the power they once so mightily waged against us, the real human part of our collective humanity. That’s a lot of power, at least in their un-empathetic subhuman scum minds it is, and they aren’t so happy to be removed, but YOU can rat easier knowing that their time is almost done, dawning in a new age of renaissance and global prosperity for ALL, not just the less than 1% who currently still control the show…but that only continues because of the money. Once their precious monopoly money becomes worthless, so in turn, do they become worthless, and they’ll have an eternity to pay for the cancerous chaos they have unleashed upon our beloved planet. 

Now that YOU know what I know, what are YOU going to do? Call me crazy and change the channel? It’s okay, I know that most of you, 85 to 90% will, but fuck all of you, you 85 to 90% can follow right behind your masters off the proverbial cliff. If their time is done, guess what slaves?…SO IS YOURS. All this crap you think you need to be happy, all the superficiality, the materialism, the celebrity obsession, sports and television fanaticism, ALL GONE, right along with the elitist pig scum you have allowed to ensnare and enslave YOU, YES YOU. The 10 to 15% of us however who do get it, well what happens to us is our concern. We are and have tried and tried and tried and tried to wake all of you up. Not one of you, ALL of YOU, but as YOU know by now, 85 to 90% just don’t listen. They think they know what is what, they’ve got it all figured out, career, mortgage, bills, kids, slavery, slavery, slavery. There is no American Dream and any of you who believe that are as dumb as the cattle you are so analogous with. Did I cause this separation? No. Did I create a rift between the enlightened and the unenlightened? No. Is it my fault most of YOU are still asleep and brainwashed and programmed? No. Everything YOU have done is because of YOU, not me. There is no one YOU can blame accept yourself. Instead of stewing about it and being mad, make today the first day of the rest of your incarnation here this time in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. It’s never too late. It’s never too late to wake up and snap out of it and turn off your God damned television and START BECOMING AWARE. There s no magic to it, nothing as far as a revelation, YOU simply choose to no longer be a slave. YOU choose to embrace the real living truth and real knowledge. If YOU have not watched this yet, please, please, please take 8 minutes and change out of your busy day to watch…8 minutes and change that could change your life. CLICK HERE>>>  This is the Allegory of the Cave, by Plato from one his great works The Republic. I have referenced it countless times, therefore most of YOU should know this by now. Theoretically, this short animation should be shown to EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD by the age of 5 or 6, giving them an empowering foundation to construct their new lives around, but sadly in this reality, that is NOT the case. If YOU are familiar, GREAT, now what are YOU doing to familiarize others? Just because we know, and we know that we are in the 10 to 15% minority, DOES NOT make us better or special or superior to the rest of you in any way. WE ARE HERE TO HELP, but a teacher cannot instruct those who do not wish to be students. However, as YOU will see in the video, “it is the task of the enlightened to help their sleeping brothers and sisters AT ALL COSTS, including DEATH. That is the gravity of the roles we have accepted as those of us who are awakened outside of the caves try to free all of YOU still trapped inside your own prison, consumed by the shadows and echoes within that prison that YOU have deemed to be “reality,” when in fact they are only illusions created by your masters to keep you all suppressed and docile and complacent. Do NOT get angry if YOU are still trapped, FREE YOURSELVES. It is only YOU who keeps themselves bound to the illusions of YOUR cave. YOU can choose to ascend to the enlightenment of the Sun which awaits YOU upon exit of your cave. You can choose, YOU can be free, whenever YOU want. We are already free, we are simply trying to show YOU all the way. We are all in this together, we are all One, from One Source. The separation does not come from us, it comes from YOU, and the choice YOU make not to wake up and use your real eyes to realize the real lies YOU have been told your whole lives. I can go on and on and on, citing example after example, but YOU can all do that yourselves, for YOU, not for me. Whoa…I see that I have nearly doubled my 1000 word attention span cut-off marker. No worries, today YOU get the double dose…whatever it takes, if I die waking up one of you at a time, so be it. If we all work together, we all win together, and ultimately, if YOU can all learn to let go of fear and learn to love again, we will be successful at down-falling these evil globalist illuminati demon scum pig bastards. WE WILL WIN. WE WILL BE FREE. THEY ARE NOT YOUR MASTERS. YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE, SUBJECT TO A LIFE OF SERVITUDE INDEBTED TO THOSE BANKER PIECES OF SHIT. FUCK THEM AND THEIR GLOBALIST TAKEOVER AGENDA. They are subhuman scum, subhuman as in NOT human, less than human. In fact, they envy humans and our humanity which is why they have infected said humanity like a fucking ravaging cancer. What is the objective of a cancer?…to kill what is healthy and good. So one more time, I pose this question upon all of YOU…WHAT WILL YOU DO? The time is now, the future is here, will it be their end, or yours? Up to YOU, not me.

By the way, 4 more days until the Obamacare registration deadline. FUCK OBAMACARE AND FUCK YOU OBAMA YOU FACIST NAZI SCUMFUCK TERRORIST PIECE OF SHIT. DO NOT REGISTER, I REPEAT, DO NOT REGISTER. On that note,  more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


Do YOU Still Not Know?…

9 11 (2) Animated Gif on Giphy

Apparently, YES, there are sheeple out there who still do not know that 9/11 was an inside job meant to ignite a war on terrorism. Do you not know who the real terrorists are by now? What country do you think has been involved in the most wars over the last 200 years? Who is the real joke on?… YOU, yes.. YOU. YOU if you are fool enough to not investigate the 9/11 staged event, because if you do, you can see over and over and over and over again the fallacies revealed in the aftermath of this attack against YOU. For starters, just look at that gif animation above…how is it that the part that was damaged, which equals about ohhh…15ish% of the buliding’s mass, somehow able to bypass the laws of physics and destroy the remaining 85 or so % beneath that was supposedly undamaged. That is just the very tip of the iceberg though my friends and dear readers. 

Where would one begin if they were to show examples?…DOCUMENTED examples, PROVABLE examples?… where does one begin? Some say jet fuel cannot burn hot enough to melt steel…fair enough…let’s check it out. We look it up ourselves and we find… from a rough average of several sources, it looks like the maximum temperature jet fuel can burn at is around 1500-1700 degrees F. And note that it burns relatively quickly. I will not site on specific source, because like I said I averaged from the articles I found, which you are also fully capable of doing for yourself so you can see with your eyes. Moving on… steel however, it looks like melts around 2500-2700 degrees F. Again, an average from multiple internet sources including scientific links. Look for yourselves. So, based on that quick point we made together,… Would YOU say that jet fuel, which burns almost 1000 degrees cooler than steel melts, and burns quickly, would be able to bring not one, but two large steel framed structures, which were only reportedly damaged by the planes which hit the towers in the upper 15-20% of the buildings, leaving a supposedly undamaged 80-85% of reinforced steel and concrete foundation, which somehow, as I said above, defies physics as said 80-85% foundation is destroyed by the supposedly melting weakened steel reinforced 15-20% of the upper floors of the Twin Towers? And that is just a start….

Oh yeah, what about building 7?…. ^^^shown above^^^

Building 7, the building this insidious regime of a government wishes we would all forget about. Not only to we have the mysteries of the Twin Towers, which I just barely scratched the proverbial surface on above, we have this little gem. Somehow, this steel-melting, building destroying jet fuel REPORTEDLY got into this building, igniting it on fire, and causing it to collapse. This is the bullshit story the MSM and the scum who really committed this atrocity told all of you, but let’s just use common sense. Ever seen a building demolished?

10 Mesmerizing GIFs of Giant Buildings Being Demolished

Hmmmm…. looks pretty fucking similar doesn’t it? I swear to emphasize the blatant, in-your-face evidence that seemingly many people just overlook, as if it means nothing. Do you think this is the only time they have deceived you? Do you think this is the only time they WILL deceive you? Who’s deceiving who if you believe that you can trust what these globalist pig scum tell you via the MSM? Now building 7, according to some, was actually the area where they conducted this operation, at least in part, and how do you get rid of evidence?….DESTROY IT.

Speaking of destroying evidence…how coincidental is it that only part of the Pentagon supposedly destroyed by another hijacked plane was the part that contained any and all data that related to a missing few billion dollars that covert entities inside our government had used for secretive purposes? Don’t believe me, look it up. This post is going to be a little different, usually I link links for you all, but since the evidence I have is a culmination from numerous sources, I trust that you will have the capacity to look all of this up for YOU, for yourselves, not for me. Everything I tell you is verifiable via the internet and/or other media outlets. Here’s something else, the guy who owned the Twin Towers, who happens to Zionist illuminati scum, Larry Silverstein, coincidentally took out huge insurance policies just prior to the attacks happening. Notice I have said the word “coincidence” several times? How much “coincidence” must there be before it becomes an obvious conspiracy? Here’s footage from the supposed “plane” hitting the Pentagon…

 photo pentanimxox1_zpsa3b5f317.gif

Hmmmm…. what’s missing? Oh…. THE FUCKING PLANE. WHERE IS THE FUCKING PLANE? Speaking of planes, where is any plane wreckage at all at ANY of the supposed crash sites? None found at the World Trade Center, although they reportedly somehow found the supposed lead hijackers passport, unburnt and in great condition among the fiery aftermath of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Look it up, look it up, look it up, as I’ve told you many times, this information is out here for all of you. Take it while you can. So, back to the wreckage, none at the World Trade Center, none at the Pentagon, and especially NONE where it supposedly hit straight into the damn ground.

Once again, WHERE IS THE FUCKING PLANE? Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR different reported plane crashes and NO plane wreckage. God damnit, what does it take to get the masses awake enough to open their eyes and see the truth and the true evil of these global elitist pig scum illuminati devils that are running the world by controlling you all with money and media?? Control, control, control, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, war, war, war, conflict, conflict, conflict, anger, anger, anger, fear, fear, fear, did you get the last part/….FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. All designed to keep all of you afraid and distracted from what should be number one in your lives….YOU. How many times have you ever seen a plane crash where there is no wreckage, omitting planes that are lost at sea, how many times?  How many?…. I’ll tell you… animated number zero     ZERO TIMES. Look up ANY plane crash and what do you see, parts of the seats, engines, the body of the plane, wings, cockpit, PEOPLE, but where is all that in the FOUR crash sites from 9/11?  WHY WAS THIS ALL NOT INVESTIGATED? ….because the ones who did it control the media, controlling the information, therefore controlling YOU. Had it not been for the alternative media and the internet, most of you would still think it was box-cutter wielding terrorists on a mission from Allah. Even though many of you for some reason still actually DO believe that, the numbers of awakened individuals who question the reported “truth” have become much greater due to the outlets I mentioned above, the alternative media and the internet. The criminals who are really responsible for 9/11 are still at large and can still be brought down. Mass awakening, and our side taking the advantage in the information war is what it will take to get to the real living truth. After the Stupor Bowl, a guy named Matthew Mills interrupted the MVP press conference with this….

If you still think this guy and myself and those like me who know that 9/11 was one the biggest, if not THE biggest, ruses played not only against the American people, but against the entire world, then who is the real ruse on? A ruse used by the globalist illuminati elite zionist banker corporate pig scum lucifer worshipping devils that are still controlling everything through this flaming monetary juggernaut that burns to keep everyone controlled and complacent, like cattle, like human cattle. Are you cattle, are you part of a herd? Do you do what you do, or what someone else does, just a little different? Who are YOU really? I do not have that answer, but if you still think that 9/11 went down the way they told you via the MSM, you need to snap out of the hypnosis and learn to open your real eyes so you can see what is true and what is not. Sure, it’s easy to pretend it doesn’t involve you, it’s easy to stay ignorant, keep watching television, keep consuming, remain oblivious to the world around you. I can assure you your lack of will to inform yourself will catch up with you until one day it finally clicks and you realize it when it’s far too late. Now is the time to wake up, not tomorrow, now. Go into my archives, use it as a stepping stone. Over 500 posts, all linking you to a world much greater than the one you currently are conscious in. Take all you want, or take none at all, it for all of you and for none of you. I am only here to help. Well as you can see we have gone way over the 1000 word attention span mark once again. Until next time, wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Before the Bridge

Just the latest in my music video collection. As I said before, these will only be songs that I personally like, and this one is unique in that I am friends with this band…. Future Islands   We all went to college at the same time, parties where they played in the corners of houses. There was a place called Peasant’s. Those were good times. 

 James Dean  happens to be a great actor, one of personal favorites other than Jack Nicholson. Too bad he died way too young, in such a horrible manner too… ouch. As did Natalie Wood , and you can click on everything in blue to read more. Rebel Without a Cause  is/was/ and always will be a great movie. If you haven’t seen it before, WATCH IT. Everyone should see it at least once. 

So, in the spirit of creativity, I combined the song with clips from the movie. It’s a song we can all relate to, and a movie we can all relate to, so let’s relate together. Thx for watching/reading. Share if you like. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Free Music Connection

Music is a connection to the soul. For those of you who question whether or not existence resonates on a vibration, ask yourself why it is really that you think you like music? Think about it… certain rhythms and harmonies and melodies, all vibrations, and when they resonate with you in a way that makes you feel drawn to those vibrations. Can’t exactly explain why you like what you like, but it is obvious that it has to do with resonance and vibration and the synchronicity between the two as it applies to what YOU resonate and vibrate with. Many people find the mainstream ample enough for their tastes, with little to no inkling of going deeper. With so much music out there, how can one realistically say that the DO and/or DON’T like certain genres? There is good in every form of music. Trust me, ….

I have not bought a CD in ohhh…. about 13/14 years maybe. Why? Because all the music I need and want is here on the internet, at a push of a button for free. It used to be via sites like Napster and Limewire, then we all got into the wonderful world of bit torrents. And still to this day, there are numerous ways to get a song and/or songs you like for nothing in seconds. The easiest way, although you have to go song by song, is this: Make sure you have iTunes. If you do not, download it, it’s free. Then think of a song you like. Go to Youtube and find said song. Underneath the video, there is an option to share. Copy the URL in the share link…yes, the one that starts with http. Now go here..YouTube to mp3 Converter   ….there are several you can use, but I find this one easiest. Now paste the URL from Youtube that you copied hopefully into the box on the converter page. You see underneath where you pasted, in big GREY letters it says CONVERT….click that. Once converted, which takes only a second. Then you will see that you have an option to click a “download” tab….CLICK THAT. Now if you have your iTunes open, it will go straight to iTunes. If not, it will open iTunes automatically, as it would with any other similar music download, and start auto-playing your newly downloaded song. Then all you have to do is click on the song an change the info according to how you organize your iTunes library. Or not, it’s up to you, I personally keep everything I have well-organized. Down to about 7000 songs, from over 20,000. May not be a lot to some, but to others, it’s quite a bit of tuneage.

I’m autistic in the way that I knw SO many song lyrics to my songs in my collection…it’s crazy. That’s the kind of affinity I have for music and it’s always good to think that no matter what, one can always turn on a song and smile, even if only on the inside. Like you all know, I DO NOT watch television. I have music going all day, all the time. I have no skills with any instruments, other than my badassness on Rock Band, but I have always pictured myself in that life. Maybe with my words and some serious voice lessons I can sing for you all one day. We should all be musicians and singers and players of instruments and artists and poets, all communing through the boundless energy of unconditional love. I know some musicians who tell me about how they go into a zone where they don’t think, it is ALL feeling, pure, riding a wave on the back of an electric current. Sounds like the greatest feeling ever, to me anyway. Ever wonder why your body gets tingly when certain music is played, why you get a rush of energy and emotion?… not everyone understands this, but I know many do. To some, music is just music, but those are the mumpsimuses, the bowels of the herd, content to be as ignorant as they possibly can. It is so much more, it is mathematical, it connects to everything, much the same as pi or phi or a Fibonacci sequence. Yes, look into all of these things if you have questions. The info is all out here, just come get it. If you don’t know, don’t ask, look it up for YOU, not for anyone else. If you hear a song you like, look and see who it is, get it for free the way I described above, and before you know it, the collection grows into an opus of your own music library. As with everything else out here available now at the touch of a keyboard key, take it all, whatever you can, while you can. It’s here, it has never been before, but here it is NOW. Take it, I beseech you my friends and readers and brothers and sisters….

So I gave, or should I say re-gave you the trick for getting free music via Youtube. I had posted this trick some months ago, but I thought since I am going to go on a rant of music-video making in the upcoming future with all songs I personally give 5 stars to, that you may need to be refreshed as to how to acquire said music for FREE. The 2 posts before are my latest 2 videos, please take a look, view on here, or via Youtube where you can rate. If you like, share please. If not, fuck off. I do what I do for ME, not for YOU, I just enjoy sharing, hoping to inspire all of YOU to find the artist within and explore your more creative side through outlets available to you all now. Make your own vids if you want, give some personality, some life, to a song you’ve always loved. Especially those of you with Macs. It’s so easy to learn and play and create. New Mac users I know, it seems like calculus at first, but have no fear, just dive in and learn, because once you do, you will see why Mac is so much better than the whacky world of PCs. 

Back to the music. I have been up and down and down and out, and despite those roller coaster times, music is always there. It is a therapy for me, it soothes my soul, it says things I think and feel but can’t express in the way they do. I have such admiration for all poets and lyricists and song-writers, people don’t understand how difficult it is. Anyone can write shit, but to be able to put your soul and your body into your words and then give it to others with all the sincerity inside you, it’s no joke, nothing to be taken lightly. It is all love, it is true, it is pure, or it isn’t music and it isn’t real. As I go on with the vids, I’ll mix up a lot of my favorite bands. There is no specific, I like certain bands best for certain reasons, it’s complicated. I have quite a collection, but it can grow, and always does. I music-mine when I run Pandora in the background and/or sometimes just go on Youtube searches. I find what i like, and I take it, happier even if by but a bit. Take what you want from this post, or don’t take anything. That’s YOUR choice as always. I’m here for YOU, but YOU must be here for yourselves. More coming…. wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Joe Jackson… Steppin Out


Another installment of my music video collection. This was created using short clips from Nikos Deja Vu – Father and Daughter   <<<CLICK HERE to watch the actual short animation. I enjoy this song from the early 1980’s by Joe Jackson. I’m sure many of you know it, but weren’t sure who sang it…. well now you do. Enjoy. Share. Rate on Youtube please. Thanks for watching/reading…more to come. 



  • Spread The Words…Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Now, the mist across the window hides the lines
But nothing hides the color of the lights that shine
Electricity so fine
Look and dry your eyes

We, so tired of all the darkness in our lives
With no more angry words to say can come alive
Get into a car and drive to the other side
(Me babe, steppin’ out)
Into the night, into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light

We are young but getting old before our time
We’ll leave the TV and the radio behind
Don’t you wonder what we’ll find
Steppin’ out tonight

You can dress in pink and blue just like a child
And in a yellow taxi turn to me and smile
We’ll be there in just a while, if you follow me
(Me babe, steppin’ out)
Into the night, into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light

Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light
You babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light

Me babe, steppin’ out
Into the night, into the light


Neon Indian…Halogen

psychedelic neon indian gif

Just a little something creative I put together for all of you. This song is great, the lyricist and lead singer, Alan Palomo, is a brilliant wordsmith. Look into their music, I don’t post it unless it’s well worth it. The vid is just a creative compilation of old Captain Bleep cartoons. Just a play on a battle between dark and light, with the two leaders of said dark and light having a personal ongoing battle that extends beyond the boundaries of the war everyone else fights. Anyone can do this if you have a Mac. The only limits are your imagination and the ability or inability to take the creative capacity of your computer to the edge. Don’t be afraid, have fun with the programs. That’s why they are there, for you to explore your own artistic size as it relates to digital media. Take an idea, and create. Don’t do it for anyone else, who cares what they think, do it for YOU. Enjoy the vid, share, rate, helps get it around the internet. More songs to come. I just updated all my Mac software, so I have some ideas for some fun projects I’d like to put together and share. What a great time we are in right NOW, take it all in while you can. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


 I could be a shadow
In the light I’ll be behind you

When the glow is shallow
There’s a halogen inside you
It eclipses through me
When it’s you I see, you I see
The ellipsis stills me

And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows
And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows

Red sky narrow
Muted night and nothing comes through
Yeah I know I don’t know
Couldn’t care enough to try to
But you speak with lips sealed
It’s just how I feel, how I feel
And the absence is too real

And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows
And every turn I follow
We’re dancing with our shadows

neon indian psychedelic gif

Happy New Year To All

With a gentle twist and squeeze of the cork, it works up the neck of the bottle till the bottle can no longer hold it back then POP, the cork gone in a flash as an uncontrolled projectile bouncing and ricocheting about the room capable of putting an eye out followed by the steamy fizz and spurting bubbly all over the new carpet.


That’s right, it’s the last day of the year, according to the Gregorian calendar anyway. Whoa… what a year. Once again, ALL doomsday-type predictions have faltered, no World War 3, no armageddon, apocalypse postponed…again. Not that I am advocating any of those scenarios, but every year they say this and they say that and as of yet, they still haven’t even gotten a man on first base with their hype. And now here we all are, on the precipice of the year of 2014…

What will this new year bring? I wish I could tell you. At this point in my research, anything and everything is possible, therefore narrowing down the future to a plausible sequence of events is quite impossible, for me at least. Lots of people make plans, resolutions, ultimatums when the year changes. Why should it take e new year for anyone to decide to improve themselves? Strange…. but I suppose at least there is some effort there, although you and I both know that most people break New Year’s promises, often rather quickly too from my experience. What are your goals for this New Year? What are YOU going to do to better YOU in 2014?

Those messages I have told you about before in previous posts, CLICK HERE>>>   …these messages that are reportedly received via Channeling  from the The Ascended Masters   (click on either of those words for more info)  …these messages speak of an upcoming great change across the entire planet. I myself have been telling you all about something big coming for a while, but I don’t know what that entails exactly. However, these channeled messages claim that this great change will involve worldwide disclosure of our true identity as it is among a supposed galactic federation of planets. Yes, a full disclosure from world governments to the masses about our connection with entities from outside the planet we all currently reside on. Also, that there will be a planetary reformation of government that will insure EVERYONE has not only what they need to live, but also has access to the tools necessary to further develop one’s self, in turn bettering society as a whole. Now as always… I DO NOT CLAIM TO BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE ANY OF THIS. It is only information. If you click the link above and watch/listen to a few of these short vid/messages, you can look below the vid and see that there aren’t too many people who know or are even aware of these messages and/or who the ascended masters are…. and I’d be willing to bet that most people don’t even know what channeling is. But this is for those of you that do, those who are awake, those who seek to expand their consciousness, and/or those of you who seek to find answers for themselves. 

Like I said above, I give no credit nor dis-credit toward those messages, but I do think that 2014 will be a year of greater awakening, more people becoming aware of what is really happening to and around them. At the same time, these globalist pig scum illuminati devils are going to do what they can to keep this whacked out machine running…although at this point, how much more can it keep pressing on?…especially with more and more sheeple becoming people again every day, letting go of their fear and ignorance, embracing love and compassion. But will it be enough? The herd is still massive. Remember when I kept telling all of you NOT to sign up for Obamacare. No one signs up, it fails. When I made that post, only about 40,000 out of 300+ million Americans signed up. Earlier today, I saw that after a big push in December, now over 2 million have signed up. What the fuck are you idiots doing? DO NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR. But those people will never read this nor do they have the capacity to do anything other than eat, shit, breed, sleep, and work as slaves for their masters, so I am well aware that what I say, should they ever hear it, would fall on deaf ears because they aren’t able to LISTEN and/or comprehend because they are relatively brain-dead. Is that a mean thing to say? NO. Why? Is it my fault that so many are clueless automaton mumpsimuses? NO. That’s THEIR fault, or maybe YOUR fault if it applies to you, but certainly not MY fault for pointing out the problem. How can you solve said problem unless you know what the problem is? There are some very extreme sensitivities in this country, the once mighty USA, now become the USSA after being overrun by globalist pirates. STOP SIGNING UP. Tell your friends DO NOT SIGN UP. God damn, are you fucking people that afraid?…apparently 2 million are, couldn’t wait to turn over for their puppet masters. Slaves.

I bring up the Obamacare issue because that is something that apparently will be affecting many of us in 2014. FUCK YOU OBAMA and FUCK YOU GLOBALIST SCUM and FUCK YOUR AGENDAS. Guess I’ll be getting penalized, possibly thrown into debtor’s prison, at least these are the threats should you refuse to sign up to this bullshit program. But I won’t be alone, oh no, so does that mean that the MILLIONS of us who refuse this nonsense are going to be deemed as criminals in some way? Hmmm… sounds like the makings of a revolution. Let’s look at the past, how long does it take for a tyranny to suppress and harass the people before they say “FUCK YOU” together and stand up to said tyranny? History is a seemingly un-ending theater of war, war for oppression, war against oppression, back and forth, over and over, but it’s been a while since something happened that re-defined reality. I am NOT promoting war, nor am I some revolutionary, nor am I a Communist, nor am I anything that YOU might think to put a label on, I am simply an entity here to translate knowledge from one place to another. I didn’t create any of this, nor can I alone fix it. All one can really do is empower themselves with knowledge. Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, but the sad part is that there is a tremendous LACK of said knowledge, particularly in the new USSA. Between the fluoridation, the processed GMO food, the drugs, the television, the apathy, the fat, the hypnosis, the programming, people en masse in this country have become exceptionally ignorant and lazy. Again, only pointing out the obvious, and if you cannot see it, maybe you should stop and think about YOU for a second.

Every new day can be a first day though. Instead of getting mad at me, or mad at them, or mad at or about anything in this current reality that bothers you, learn to let go. Anger and madness comes from fear, fear of loss, fear of losing what you think you have. No one really has anything though, other than knowledge. What is in YOUR head can never be taken from YOU. When you die, is your car, or your house, or your wife, or your kids coming with you? No, the only thing you take with you is what’s in your head and in your heart. Maybe you have been striving towards the wrong things in life. Maybe you are finding that you are very alone. Maybe you’re strung out on drugs. Maybe you’re pregnant, and dad is no where around. Maybe you just lost someone. Maybe you’re locked up. BUT… ON THE OTHER HAND… Maybe you just met someone. Maybe you just opened the business you’ve always dreamed of. Maybe you just had a baby with the girl/guy you love. Maybe you just got out of rehab. Maybe you just woke up. Let’s look at that last one…”maybe YOU just woke up”… what does that mean exactly, this “waking up” going on? “Waking up?”…to what? The term “waking up,” and/or “awakening,” is just the easiest way in the English language to, in one word, illustrate the process of becoming aware of the Oneness that YOU possess with YOUR higher self. You realize the distinction between your ego, your fear, your higher self, your love, and the connections amongst all of that. You realize your connection with everything, but it’s as if you knew all along, only could not remember. Then it turns on, like a light switch, illuminating the darkness. Once that light is on, you begin to see clearly, not at first, but more and more and more every day, your real eyes open. Like waking up, hence the term “awakening.” Got it? I know, I know, many of you don’t need to hear that, but more DO need to hear it. And if YOU are awake, what are YOU doing to awaken others? This isn’t some kind of movement, or a religion, it is a phenomenon, happening to millions all over the Earth. Why this awakening? Why this surge of enlightenment? Why now? Perhaps this year of 2014, we will finally see. Or maybe at this time next year we will be rolling into 2015, another year gone, another relatively “usual” year gone. Maybe there will be no 2015. Maybes and speculations and plausibilities, blah blah blah, let go. The time is NOW, the moment is NOW, not yesterday, not tomorrow, NOW. Whatever is coming is coming, or whatever is not coming, will not come. Let it go. What happened in the past is past, it’s gone. Let it go. Take a deep breath. Feel the energy inside you. Tomorrow is the first day of a new year and the rest of your lives. Thanks to all my readers/watchers. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Lapse in Update…Binaural Beats


I know, I know, I have been slack on any updates this month, since I hit 500, and since the Mayan calendar has proven to be an ultimate letdown, as was Comet ISON, as are all these “predictions” everyone keeps claiming are coming. FAIL,FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL. But those are all just distractions anyway, hell they’ve distracted me to some extent. I can admit that, but who cares? As long as you can recover to the greater picture… 

So while I have been on hiatus from this opus of knowledge that my mass legion of all 100 or so followers, I have been focusing on meditation, going deeper down, way below, or maybe way above the surface, expanding regardless of direction. If you know how to meditate, try experimenting with binaural beats and digital drugs. I found that to be an interesting little tangent to dive into. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO>>> Binaural Beats « Get High Now (without drugs)   …and/or just do a Youtube search on various binaural beats. If it doesn’t work for you, it is because you don’t know how to meditate, you haven’t learned to quiet your mind to one singular pulse yet. If it does work, then you know exactly what I meant in that last sentence. I know that binaural beats aren’t new, but what should that matter? Most people still don’t have a clue. Try it out, then share, or don’t, that’s up to YOU.

Are these binaural beats/digital drugs also just a distraction? The answer is YES and NO. Some binaural beats are designed specifically to enhance what I call the “higher” brain waves…delta waves and theta waves. These waveforms are where your expanded consciousness originates, thus by stimulating said waves, you stimulate greater consciousness, that’s the theory anyway. The beats that are designed to mimic drugs though, sure it’s arguable that listening only to get high is a distraction, but it’s way better then sticking a needle in your arm or snorting powder up your nose or whatever else you may think of that drug drug users use to get off. And what’s wrong with relaxing your mind and body for a personally decidable period of time? It’s YOUR body and YOUR mind, why should it matter what YOU choose to do for YOU? Such a strange world we live in with these bizarre laws and “moral” standards that allow the 85 to 90% sheeple to judge one another and idolize the materiality that they think they love so much…so bizarre. 

Remember a few posts back where I gave you the link to those “messages” supposedly channeled via The Ascended Masters ? I clearly explained and claused and clarified that I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE in these messages, only that I find them interesting. Interesting because lately they keep talking about something coming, something coming, great change, something coming, kind of along the lines of what I have told you for the last year and a half that YES, something is coming. However, what that something entails, I do not know. I don’t know when, I don’t know what, and I am now about 99.7 percent sure that no one else does either. Maybe we are all just fooling ourselves. Maybe there is nothing out there, and this is all just the product of semi-primal, paranoid, uninformed little human brains. Maybe you are just born, do whatever you do, karma is a figment of the imagination, whatever you do and whoever you are ultimately means nothing because once you die, that’s it. You just are born, do this, and die, done. No God, no ascended masters, no higher consciousness, no higher dimensions, no psychic ability, no ghosts, no UFOs, no illuminati, no angels, no demons, no hell, no eternal paradise, nothing controlling it all, it is just a long drawn out process of some mass explosion of energy that over a long period of time formed mass as said energy cooled and slowed. Then over more and more time, what is called “life” appeared, but “life” is nothing more than a fragment of solar energy trapped in biological shell. “Thinking” is the result of being confronted with “nothingness” as a form of energy. The potential in that energy opposes itself, causing duality, yes and no, right and left, and those initial dualistic thoughts vibrate out into what becomes your life and your mind and your “reality.” Then you just end up where you end up by your own accords, only to ultimately die and be gone forever, never knowing or remembering anything about anything. That would mean anyone who is a non-murderer is the same a murderer, an honest person the same as a dirty liar, because in the end, you’re just done and it all means nothing… THIS all means nothing, maybe that is what is the real truth, and it just gets disguised with these hopes and beliefs because it’s too difficult for anyone to handle that their existence is essentially worth the same as a grain of sand. In the grand scale of this Universe, are we all not the equivalent of much less than a grain of sand? Humanity is infinitely tiny, but only pays attention to the “infinite” part, praying and believing their is something more than this, while discarding the fact that we are so small compared to the size of planet, much less the galaxy, or the Universe. So why should one go so far as to think they are important enough to do anything more than eat, sleep, shit, work, breed, live, then die? 

This is just something to think about, as always, don’t get offended or angry. If reading any of this bothers you, click off of my page and don’t ever come back. Only information, and this time, if I say so myself, quality info to ponder, or don’t ponder, again that’s on YOU, not me. I cannot force any of you to read or grasp or understand or care about anything I offer you. Only here to help, if you don’t see it that way, good for you, but what are any of you doing about anything? Of course that is not directly intended at anyone. Anyone who creates or informs or offers compassion in some way to others, that is good, that is the direction humanity should be going. If you are in it for money and power and some sort of status, you are only fooling yourselves fools. I see them all, all sides of the dice. There are some in between, still fighting between the ego and higher self. Most however, even though more and more are smartening up every day, are just clueless. Holy shit, they are so fucking clueless. Mumpsimus Nation, addicted to consumption, so sad… But I’ve passed the 1000 word mark and I’ll save that for another time, or feel free to rummage through my archives…500 POSTS…for all and for none, just like this great book    >>>Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None by Friedrich …   This is one of the greatest books you may ever read, or you just don’t get it. It’s that simple, but do what you do for YOU, not for me. More to come, or maybe not, I haven’t decided what exactly I am going to keep doing with this, whatever this is. What more can I say? How much more can I offer? Can I teach those who cannot be taught? Or is it because they don’t want to learn from a fool, a least in their eyes?…always keeping an open mind toward all perspectives. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

13/13/13 Tomorrow…

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That’s right, apparently on some other calendar, tomorrow is actually 13/13/13 AND… it is also the correct date of “change” according to the Mayan calendar. Now we all know how this works, you get a little anxiety, you wonder if maybe, just maybe, something actually might happen…and then nothing, nothing happens at all. In fact, I have noticed that it actually turns out to be a nice day, at least where I am. Now if you click on this link HERE>>>  …you can read up on the research I personally did into this alleged “date of change.” NOT DESTRUCTION, NOT THE END OF THE WORLD…. Only a change, a change of the age, whatever that means. 

If you clicked on that link above, you will see how I thoroughly went through each symbol of the Mayan calendar, corresponding tomorrow, December 16, 2013, with previous dates as well as interpreting each symbol as it applies to said date. Like I hinted at above though, don’t hold your breath. Every one of these predictions has yet to come true, 0 out of …how many different times has some new “date” proven to be nothing but another day?… I suppose at some point something has to happen, humanity is in dire need of something, but when it will actually happen, if it can be pinpointed to a specific date before any sort of event occurs,  I cannot say. Suppose I say to all of you…”I have been listening to a few different Youtube channels that are supposedly messages channeled via ascended masters from higher dimensions and/or outer-worldly entities”… I know, I know, sounds totally crazy right? Remember what I have always told all of you though, OPEN MINDEDNESS IS CRUCIAL. I’ll get back to this ascended masters thing in a minute… but note, you don’t have to believe or disbelieve anything, but if you find something interesting and it builds upon your overall being, get into it, learn more, all you have to do is push buttons and read the screen and/or listen to/watch the videos. It has never ever been so easy to get exponentially smarter, at least as far as any history might tell you. Take advantage while you can, improve yourself by improving your mind. Your only real power comes from what you know. What do YOU know, or what do YOU think YOU know?

The overall masses know nothing, but YOU don’t have to be a part of that, YOU do not have to a part of the herd. 85 to 90%, I have said it from the beginning, 85 to 90% are still clueless, still asleep, even though more and more and more are waking up…I suppose the numbers are improving of those who are truly opening their eyes, but still, the masses, the masses of asses, oh it’s so sad to see. Any of you ever go on those trips where you just check out random Youtube vids? Well I do, and I read the commentary below those vids as I go, and man o’ man, these people out there… in the vids, in the comment sections, absolutely astounds me. So fucking many of them out there… sheeple, yes the sheeple…

Sheep cyclone     ….surrounding those of us in the car trying to get to the fucking road home…it’s ridiculous. I wish they would all just snap out of it, but it’s like they can’t. I find it disturbing that so many of them are comfortable being so dumb and ignorant, but that is why they are sheep, a herd to be herded by the masters who have enslaved them, when all along, they have really just enslaved themselves. Anyone can be free, anyone can stand up and walk out of the cave into the enlightenment of the Sun, but it is up to YOU to figure that out, up to YOU to choose. Do you still watch television? What are you eating these days? Been outside in nature? Meditating? Have you been solely focused on raising your vibration, diving deeper inside to become One with your Higher Self? How are your friends and family reacting to you? Where are you at on your path? These are all questions for YOU to ask yourselves. Remember, you are not alone and you are not perfect…no one is. You cannot be perfect, but you must try your best to do your best. I don’t follow all those things 100%. I’m careful about what I eat, but I still eat a little meat from time to time. I still meditate, but not every day. I go outside as much as I can, but sometimes I like staying in. You understand the point I’m getting across here? No matter what, even if you feel that you are isolated and alone and trust me, I know how that feels, but no matter what, stay focused on YOU, improving YOU, bettering YOU, YOU are the center of YOUR universe. That is not ego… your ego is what YOU have created to deal with YOUR perception of this reality before YOU knew what this reality was. YOU must figure out how to free yourself from your ego, and return to the Oneness of your higher consciousness. It is up to YOU, I am only here to help, to help YOU help yourselves. 

As usual I have tangented off from the topic suggested in the title of the post… 13/13/13. Odds are that it will just be another day, and I will be back here on Tuesday, telling you all about something else. Oh, earlier, I mentioned ascended masters…thought I forgot, didn’t you?… No worries. Here is a link...CLICK HERE>>>   The name attached to the channel is Gary Lite. There are various sources for the messages “channeled” and recited in the vids. Those sources are usually The Ascended Masters … as you can see, you can click on there to read more. If you click, the first image you will see is Jesus, but don’t be discouraged, it has NOTHING to do with Christianity. You know I don’t do religion here. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t think Jesus was/is real, and for him to be an “ascended master” makes a lot more sense then what he has been portrayed as via organized religion. Do you really think Jesus would want everyone wearing crosses?…WTF? Anyway, there are several others in the ascended master group, just click that link above and start reading. Now these messages they broadcast speak of a great change coming apparently any time now, all being somewhat orchestrated by beings greater than most of you as well as world leaders, who also apparently, know more about these ascended masters then you think. Sounded a little out there when I first mentioned it, didn’t it? Now after you read a little bit and inform yourselves about who and what the ascended masters are, it actually makes good sense…but again… I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE, this is only information. Check it out if you want, or don’t that’s up to YOU. I find these “ascended masters” and these “messages” interesting, but like I stated earlier, NONE of these predictions, or whatever you choose to call them, NONE, not a single one, has come true. Yes, some say that people like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus were right about a lot of things, but that is all based on interpretation and speculation. There is always someone to debunk whatever someone else has “proven.” Eventually I hope you and I will all be graced with a vision that is purely true and purely real, because no one really knows what is or isn’t the truth do they? It’s all a point of view based on YOUR personal perspective, remember I said you ARE the center of YOUR universe. It would just be nice to know what is really happening, what is really going on, why you are really here, what you are really meant to do, what is coming next. The answers to all those questions are already inside you, the key is finding out how to unlock those doors that were sealed shut so long ago when aliens altered your DNA… WHAT?? What did this crazy guy just say?… Yes, DNA modification via an  advanced alien race. How could they be called alien if THEY created YOU? Think about it. I won’t go into all that in this post, but I will come back to that topic at some point in the future. Or maybe I won’t, that’s MY choice. You see?…it’s about YOU. Before YOU can help others, YOU must first help yourselves. Okay, I’m keen to get my soapbox and start ranting, but I won’t because I know I’ve reached the end of your attention span. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Gonna be a nice day, another Monday, first day of another week in the last month of another year, all ticking away faster and faster. Ticking away toward what, our eventual ends, and nothing more? 

colors (418) Animated Gif on Giphy      All seemingly beginning and ending in a never-ending Fibonacci time spiral, back and forth descending and ascending from zero point. If any of these topics are confusing you, just go into my archives and inform yourselves. These concepts aren’t difficult to interpret and understand, it just seems that way with new information. That’s why i have created this, so that anyone can just click on anything and learn something. Helping you help yourselves. Then you help yourselves helping others…get it?…and so on and so on until we get to whatever is coming next. There is nothing to fear, nothing at all, ever. Can you let go, can you truly be free from your fear? Easy to say, but what if the sky began to fall tomorrow? What would you do? 13/13/13 tomorrow, cheers. More to come, unless… I’m joking, stop worrying, relax, breathe, smile because YOU are YOU. Wide eyes open. Love to all.