Sunset Sky


Be the Creator. 

Love to all. 

September 7’s and the Shemitah


I know it has been quite a while since I have updated this site, but if you have a problem with that, it’s your problem. Not to be rude, but all of the constant daily bombardment of hidden information being revealed to me exponentially has led me down a road that I must sometimes walk alone. During said time, MUCH has come to the proverbial light, and for those of you who have been waking up with me or before me or after me during the last several years, where we are are at now , where we have made it to, right here right now, has been quite a journey, and it would seem it is about to speed up even more…


I have not stopped my work, only my recycling of the info to you through this medium over the last few months. At this point, you can feel like you’ve made a significant leap in informational progression one day, and then have your mind blown sideways about something else, sometimes as quick as the push of a button. When one stops for a moment and ponders just how abysmally lost almost all of us were before the information crack evolved from a small leak into this raging torrent of knowledge that luckily most of us still can access, at least in the US. This is a very precarious situation, because when I say ‘at least here in the US,’ I mean that many many millions of people around the world are still in that stage of unawakenedness. Now I am not saying one needs the Internet to become enlightened, definitely not, but that connectivity has brought about an unprecedented sharing of information that has evolved from the worm to the butterfly via the chrysalis of time. Like I mentioned earlier, that small leak became a flood, and that flood is still sweeping over the world, more and more, faster and faster, every day.


Now I could really get into some revelations that have come to the surface for me in the last few months, page after page I could go, and by ‘revelations’ I most certainly am NOT referring to anything biblical, as I am no christian nor literal believer of a book that has been edited more times than any other book ever. Just because there is a section in said book on ‘end times,’ doesn’t mean it was foretold in some way as the book was written and rewritten over and over and over again over the last 2000 years. The bible is a collection of parables, that’s it, yet it has been transformed into this tool of control by pseudo religions that are just recreations of ancient Saturn-worshipping astrotheology. I could take you on that journey some day, into the Saturn matrix, now that’s some interesting knowledge to have. And remember, nothing is believed NOR disbelieved here, I adhere to a principle that we aren’t fully capable in this consciousness of knowing all we can know with any sort of inclination toward certainty. You discover little truths as you go as they apply to your consciousness, but to grasp all as it really is is not possible from this dimension. Like the analogy of the flat-landers, explaining to 2 dimensional playing cards what a 3rd dimensional knight on a horse is. Moving on…


So as you can see I titled this post ‘September 7’s.’ The reason I did this is because I had some great insight into a part of the puzzle earlier, just minutes ago in fact. I have been looking into the Jubilee and the Shemitah for months now. I have been somewhat learning numerology consistencies, in a sense that I notice trends. Well you should look into the Shemitah further for yourself, but to sum up, Shemitah represents the end of a 7 year cycle on the Jewish calendar, every 7 years, but on the 7th 7 year cycle, year 50, this is known as Jubilee. Both of these dates are occurring this September, yes in a little over a month, and I’ll give you some dates I came up with after I got the information. Let me tell you how I got to where I got to… I normally wake up, oil pull with coconut oil for 20ish minutes, and either see what’s new in the real news, or exercise then see what’s going on, either way, I check my info sources at some point. It is like mining, info mining, just kind of bang around to various sites until you get something that makes a good connection, then you dig around there a bit deeper to improve said connection, until you have a new little gem of knowledge you have discovered for yourself. Today’s ming revealed a name, that name is Jeff Berwick. Some of you may know who this person is, most probably do not, but change that fact if you’re in the ‘not’ group, just look it up. He’s a true worldly individual, super successful investor, one of those guys that’s seemingly a natural genius at navigated through the game at a very high level as far as an overall manipulation of the system as a whole. What is important is his track record of being accurate, which from all I have been gathering over the last few hours, appears to be flawless. He made a fortune investing in the Internet before the Internet is what it is, he knew before that it would be the connector of all, at least in the digital sense. He is/was spot on about the volatility of Bitcoin, and I can go on and on, or you can click here for yourselves to get more…


This video led me to look into this guy, what his history is, etc… and I found out, and he will explain, that numbers, and the number 7 are important in these cycles of financial and global economic and social change. Now in that link above, they feature a clip from a speech which I actually had seen from several months back, a very odd speech, presented by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, and when I first saw it, I thought, “wow these people really believe in the power of their rituals,” and then today, they show the clip from that speech, which you can watch here…   …and as continues to happen to me so very often now at this time, puzzle pieces serendipitously come together and form bigger truths, revealing the true picture. So here is what happened, I watch/read about Jeff Berwick, TheDollarVigilante, and then I thought about the speech that I was being shown again, and I grabbed a pen and paper and did some simple math. Nothing special or fancy, and I am certainly not claiming that these dates mean anything, but I thought I’d throw it out there, just as something interesting for YOU to ponder as you continue on YOUR own quest for knowledge and truth.


So here it is, this is what I put together: That lady mentions the 7’s, they all seem to know something about 7’s. By they I mean the elite. Berwick mentions the cycles, that he has studied for a long time to make his living. And if YOU want to get into it on your time, there are literally countless ‘predictions’ about something coming mid-September. So I thought of the 7’s. Basic numerology, add all the numbers. There are no combinations if you add the month, year, and the full date including the 20 in 2015, that add up to 7, also there are none that add up to 14. So the next 7 number would be 21, and there are 3 dates that equal the number 21, or 3 7’s. 9/4/2015 is the first, 9/13/2015 is the second, and 9/22/2015 is the third date. Now I am NOT saying anything will OR will not happen on those days, but that is something I put together, mostly just to amuse my brain, because these dates are rarely ever accurate about anything, but there is a lot of ‘predictive’ information floating around about this upcoming September, so I guess we will see. So there are some dates for those who like to note them, September 4, 13, 22, the Shemitah, and Jubilee all relatively coinciding with those dates. 


I have gone well over 1000 words, and that means time to go, but look into these things, or do not, up to you as always. What YOU do on YOUR journey is for YOU, not for me. Be good and be brave regardless, the only thing that will take you is fear, so do not be afraid dear friends and readers. 

More to come…

…love to all…