The Fooze: S1 E31 1/31/2023 The First Circle

MOTHERFUCKER…GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…damnit…I had an ENTIRE article ready, & then had some random internet issue, & this silly site did NOT save my draft. Fucking fuck motherfucker, it was a good 3 pages long too, fuck, sorry dear readers, it is what it is. My last Fooze of the month too, there were red pills & such too, fuck you WordPress. I manually save, AND auto-save, yet it saves NONE of it? Come on now, internet or not, it should have saved my draft. Now I’m writing a totally different Fooze for the day, minus all my well-worded wordery from the previous draft, thanks a lot you fucking fucks. Ok, I’m done with the fuckaboutness, so let’s knock this out & complete our premier monthly circle, now eerily resembling a monthly period, with all my bitching about the lost draft. Cycles, circles, these circularities, these infinite loops, if you will, you know how we roll here by now, if you’re a regular reader of my ranting ramblings, of course. If not, welcome, welcome to my fishbowl.

Where is my serpent, here to eat its own tail for the last time in January, 2023, as this month ends forever, & we begin again with February tomorrow, where is she? Oh, right there she is…duh. She’s here to eat, eat her own tail, so she can began again, whether it be my next article, or tomorrow’s article, the circularity always completes herself. I need to make a GIF with an ouroborian theme, like some kind of serpent, eating itself, forever & ever, via the infinite loop, the nature of a GIF, BUT…with no skip. “No skips in your GIFs,” I think maybe Confucius said that, or Jesus mentioned it while he was up on that Roman cross, I can’t recall. I abide that notion though, to the fullest, & make sure my GIFs don’t skip. It’s very fast, only a few frames, but as a master GIF-maker, I can see it if it’s there, & will NOT abide a skippy GIF. When you create out of passion, TRULY create your art from passion, you are no longer an artist, you’re a magician. If a magician doesn’t perfect his magic, his magic tricks won’t work, thus, said “magician” is merely a fraud, & the TRUE passion was never there. One MUST be a perfectionist with their passion, one MUST be a magician, or the trickery is lost, along with the novelty, & you might wanna go apply at Starbucks, because you are no artist, & certainly NOT a magician. Deal with it, not my fault, I have nothing to do with YOU, or YOUR life, I am just an illustrator of this clown culture. Unfortunately however, any sort of culture, here in the once great USSA, has gone the way of the passenger pigeon. How the fuck did “passenger pigeons” go extinct, incidentally? They used to use them all the time to send letters to other people, hence the name, “passenger pigeon,” but somehow, they ALL died off? Entirely? What the heck? That’s kind of weird, right? I don’t know, check it for yourselves. I’ll link an article below about it, for your own reading pleasure.

☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK TO READ MORE ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Ok, since this is the SECOND time I wrote a Fooze today, but WordPress fucked up saving the original draft, I’m gonna wrap this little gem up. On the bright side, we all learned why passenger pigeons are no longer amongst the living. An entire species, wiped out, relatively quickly too. Life can change so fast sometimes, as things come, & things go, beginnings become endings, then endings turn back into beginnings, & on & on it goes, the infinite loop, & there she is, as if on cue, my sweet circularity. My serpent has found its own tail once again, in this final Fooze for January 2023. Round & round, as a new circle begins tomorrow, the February circle, denoted as “S2,” which you can see at the top of the post up there. I use the “S” for the month, & an “E” for the day, just to keep everything tidy & regimented, so to speak. Structure is good, but not over-structuring, this ain’t the fucking Marines for fuck’s sake, but I have to keep a strong self-discipline maintained, so as to make sure I write something, every day, every single day. The loop doesn’t stop, so why should I? …& time is spiraling fast into the future, like a flushing toilet, the flushing toilet of time, that I’ve mentioned ad nauseam here. Yes, time, 4d time, the temporal dimension that pulls us all “forward,” forward into an unprecedented & uncharted future.

As said “time,” marches on, what will come, what will the future reveal, as she slowly hikes up her skirt, what will we experience? Impossible to speculate, we just gotta ride out the storm, & try not to sink our own respective ships, at least that’s how my journey is going, how about yours? Billions of ships, billions of sailors on those ships, sailing toward the sun I suppose, I don’t know. I don’t know anything, I’m just an illustrator, illustrating this Clownworld we’re all apparently stuck in, one honk-honk day at a time. What else can one do when there’s no future for you? Until next time dear readers, until tomorrow, when the new circle begins.

Thanks for reading/watching the articles I post, here in my opus of sorts, these 4000ish pages of this, whatever this is. I am just going to keep doing this, every day, until the Great Circle is complete, for all of you & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S1 E30 1/30/2023 Video Shenaniganery

That’s right, today we are going to discuss video shenanigans, particularly focusing on two viral vids, two that are VERY active in the current news cycle at this ever-so precarious moment in the zeitgeist. So much going on, right? Sheesh, but continuing on, which videos am I talking about? Oh wait, dang, there’s actually THREE of these video magic shows, going viral as I write this & you read it, if you’re reading this today of course, this ultra-frigid, next-to-last day of January, 2023. Fuckin’ frigid is fuckin’ right, good God it’s cold outside, like a literal freezer, except colder, as it’s going to dip down to oh………….negative 8ish or so tonight. Yay global warming…fucking idiots. So OVER the Clownworld nonsense, at every level, & I wish I could just wake up one day back in the natural timeline, the timeline that you, & me, were sucked out of, the night Trump WON the election. Don was clearly going to win, there were no doubts, but then when we all woke up the next morning, everything had changed. Don was losing, & the world felt…different, at least to me it did. Perhaps I sensed the timeline shift in my sleep, but could do nothing. Maybe that’s when you timeline-jump, during sleepy-snoozing time, I don’t know, I have no idea, & probably never will, unfortunately.

Let’s get to it, first video, & I’ll go from worst to best, or best to worst, however you wanna look at it. First up, the Paul Pelosi “hammer attack” video, taken straight from the ALLEGED body cam footage via the officers on scene. To start, wasn’t it reported that this all happened at around 2/230 AM?…yet the time on the body cam clearly reads “9:31,” which is also displayed in “standard time,” not in military time, like EVERY OTHER POLICE BODYCAM. It should display “21:31,” not “9:31,” but since this isn’t even the time they reported this event occurred, when I noticed, my spider senses went on high alert. Check it out below…

…this is just a still image above, but here’s the whole video, if you haven’t seen it yet…

They’ve had weeks & weeks to sort out this video, & by “sort out,” I mean “fake it,” as in a production, as in it’s NOT real police bodycam footage from that night. Why is that so hard to fathom for many of you? California is the land of productions, the land of scripts, & actors, & this took place in San Franshitsco at the Pelosi home, yes? Therefore why? Why would that not be a reasonable conclusion, based on the evidence here, why? Need more evidence? What about the cameras at the house? What about the security? Nancy “PissPants” Pelosi, at the time, was arguably the 3rd most powerful person in the country, since she was 3rd in line for the Presidency as Speaker of the House, so where were the secret service agents? Sure, she supposedly wasn’t home during this bizarre event, but her gay alcoholic husband was. Does he NOT get the same kind of secret service security that his faux-wife does? No? Yes? No? Who knows, but that sure seems odd, right? Listen to the poorly scripted dialogue as the cops initially walk up to the door…”I sure hope Paul isn’t home,” …derp, are they seriously going to assume people are SO dumb, that they’d buy this manufactured crapola? Oh wait, most are that dumb, & most do buy the lemon on the lot, unfortunately. You never see the hammer actually hit Paul, where’s the blood, & doesn’t that house seem a bit…basic, for lack of a better word. The Pelosi’s are multi-millionaires, & this is how the inside of their house looks? None of this adds up, it stinks of deception, & I for one, am SICK & TIRED of being lied to every fucking day by the fake news fakestream propaganda-peddling pseudo-media. This is one main reason why I do, what I do, so I guess I do-do, do-do tell the truth. I do-do my verbal juju, do this for all for you-you, that’s what I do, do-do for you-you. No lies & no poo-poo, everything I write is true-true, or maybe I’m a just cuckoo, but regardless, that’s what I do-do. Now let’s go to video number two-two.

The next one isn’t exactly a video, but rather, a series of clips. about Damar Hamlin, but this one literally just got squashed maybe. He’s the NFL player that collapsed from “cardiac arrest” allegedly about a month ago. There were…curious events, you could say, since then, as in some speculated that he actually died, & the person saying they were Damar, was actually NOT Damar, but a lookalike. However, in the last hour, he just released a video finally, where you can clearly see his face, & he’s thanking his fans & God for their support. Chalk this one up to debunked live in real-time I suppose…or is it? Note that his upload was ready to roll on all the major Fake News MSM networks, all within an hour. Hmmm, in HD too, clearly scripted, like he’s in a studio, he supposedly uploaded this video below…I don’t know, seems like a lot of over-production for a video he put up on social media. Make what you will of this one, it’s all a stage.

Finally, video 3, & this one might piss some people off, at my accord, for some reason…oh wait, it’s because I’m white, got it. Moving on, this is about the Tyre Nichols body cam footage they released the other day. Of course, liberal lunatics are blaming white people, again, even though it was FIVE, FIVE, count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BLACK police officers that beat Tyre to death. They’re crying, “SYSTEMATIC RACISM, SYSTEMATIC RACISM!!” …right on cue, their communist college professors chiming through their programmed little foot soldiers, it’s all so mental. I would argue that it’s “systematically racist,” to ALWAYS blame white people, is it not? I’m not dumb enough and/or brainwashed enough to dive head-first into the shallow end of the pool of Foucaultian master/slave power dynamics. I don’t take cues from degenerate pedophilic homosexuals with severe narcissism issues who push nonsense like “queer theory” into identity politics on the back of the civil rights movement. I see right through those Jedi mind tricks, although sadly most don’t, I haven’t a clue as to what I just referenced, but I digress. The point of this Fooze is video shenanigans, & there were some in these body cams I want to mention.

The main thing is this, the OUTRAGEOUS behavior of these FIVE BLACK COPS, who literally went straight-hood on this poor guy, to the point of getting Tyre’s head in place, like a football on a tee, then kicking him in the face, again, like a football being punted for the extra point, it was so brutal. Numerous sucker punches, it was tough to watch. If it hasn’t been for the camera on a civilian’s house, we might’ve never known the truth. Why? These cops were well-aware of who had the body cam on, when it was on or off, & acted accordingly, totally ignorant of the fact that the whole incident was captured on a civilian’s home camera. Whoops. Why whoops? As soon as they finished beating the bear-shit out of Tyre, they put on quite a show for the cop with the body cam. “He tried to take my gun,” was the worst of it, as they pseudo-cleverly repeated it, along with other phrases like, “he was driving crazy, into oncoming traffic,” which he wasn’t, but that would imply Tyre was very dangerous, & had tried to attack these FIVE CORRUPT BLACK POLICE OFFICERS, when he was not. It looked to me in fact, like he was scared for his own life, as it turned out he should have been, almost as if he knew these cops maybe?…I don’t know about that, just loosely speculating on the fly in real time, but the utter UN-professionalism from these FIVE BLACK COPS, was really disgusting. As ratchet as it gets, seriously, I couldn’t even understand some of what they were saying, they went so hood. I’ll link Part 1 of the body cams below, as this was the most detailed, but sadly, the most graphic of the footage I saw. Watch at your own peril, it’s on you from here to click below…

The fake news media has been producing narratives for decades now, so it’s certainly NOT just speculation to assume that relatively EVERYTHING broadcast out by them is NOT authentic. None of it. That’s my own notion, based on the Rocky Mountain range of evidence I have amassed over my decades-long search for truth. The great quest for truth, the ultimate truth, that is literally all I want in this surreal life, to find the God-damned truth, is that so hard? Why did God damn the truth in the first place, so we’d all spend our entire lives trying to find it again? So certain people in the most powerful of power positions could possess the real truth, while shitting out bread crumbs of truth to the masses, like jigsaw puzzle pieces, is that why you “damn” the truth God? Why though, why would YOU, damn the truth? I suppose you didn’t actually “say” that, did you God? I said it, man said it, speaking for YOU, so I guess YOU haven’t damned anything, because WE have, we’ve all damned ourselves. We just can’t admit it, so we blame YOU, “God did it…it’s HIS will,” but how the fuck do humans know anything about what a God wants? We think SO highly of ourselves, it’s atrocious, even me, look at me, damning truth in God’s name, although completely unintentionally, just came out as I wrote. Hopefully he knows I’m just an idiot human, & meant nothing by it(looks at the sky for lightning)…good old B-list comedy, surely God enjoys a cheap laugh at my own folly, I don’t know, I’m just wrapping this up babbling, & I forgot to shoutout the circularity for this Fooze…which is a bit vague this time, & twisted into this paragraph somehow…let’s see, fake videos in the beginning, fake videos at the end, the loop of broadcast narratives, scripts, productions, all acting, yes, oh TIMELINES…duh. Gotta just mention those timelines, jumping timelines, in our sleep maybe, when they turn on CERN maybe, totally not real at all maybe, I don’t know, but the circularity is complete. We’ve tiptoe-tapdanced around & around the bowl, circling down the flushing toilet of time, in THIS timeline, where the clowns cruise speed-limit free on rainbow highways, fake narratives are broadcast from Hollywood hellspawn. The serpent has found her own tail once again, & she eats it.

Until next time, remember that television is broadcast, broadcast programming, it’s right there in the words. Do hast clowns will.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S1 E29 1/29/2023 Stunning & Brave

Before we begin: Apologies for the quality of the GIFs below. I had a frame rate issue that I didn’t catch until I had already chopped them out of the initial video, & because of the incessant redundancy of the topic, & also because I simply didn’t feel like it, I’m letting them ride. They aren’t “bad” quality, per se, just not perfectly HD as usual, but you will get the gist, so no worries. Moving on…

If you click the article above, you’ll get to see just how “stunning & brave” one of these trans-testicles is. So brave, so stunning…if by “brave,” you mean “moronic,” & by “stunning,” you mean “what the fuck did I just watch?” I am SO sick of hearing about trannies & gays & LGBTQ-blahblababablah, seriously, just over it, as are MANY others. I’m not a homophobe and/or transphobic; they don’t “scare” me at all. If you use those buzzwords in their proper context. the suffix “phobe” implies a “dreaded fear” of something. No, they don’t scare me in the slightest, not afraid of them one bit, they just make me sick with their nonsensical & unnatural agenda that they shove down everyone’s proverbial throats. WE DO NOT CARE, but I cannot speak for anyone else, because I don’t know your language most of the time. These degenerate Marxist freaks are going full-1984 with this crap, changing the language, the culture, all to accommodate an insanely fractional portion of the population. Why, why the fuck do people keep playing along with this insanity? Literally, playing right along with said insanity, why?…because all I see is a seemingly insignificant minority of certain people with severe mental disorders getting unprecedented attention & even “support,” from the rest of the lunatics on the left. It’s total madness, & it gets worse by the day. So over it…sheesh, aren’t you by now?

Anyway, I’m gonna keep this Fooze relatively short, & let this ridiculous story speak for its own clowny self. (Honk Noise) I broke the video up into a series of GIF animations. If you want, you can watch the video in its sordidly sad entirety by clicking the link above, which will take you directly to the story via The Gateway Pundit. Make sure to grab your barf bag. The only things “stunning” about the video is the fact that it even exists & that people support this stupid shit. Oh, & HIS performance, was certainly NOT “brave,” but definitely quite “stunning.” Let’s roll the first GIF…

This MAN, this 59-year-old MAN, who allegedly “came out as late in life, as a female,” was invited to perform this bizarre little performance for a roaringly supportive crowd, oh so brave, oh so stunning. Everything looks great, yes? Look at HIM go, look at the that shaved leg, wow, what an amazing show, so very talented HE is…(Fart Noise). HE’S got HIS flags, being held by actual WOMEN, but let’s not get caught up in details. Details don’t matter in Clownworld right? Right along with facts & sanity, nope, none of that matters, only feelings, all that matters is how you feel, correct? Well, I feel like puking, watching a grown man in a girl’s skating attire scoot around at the behest of a bunch of “woke” idiots, so is that okay? Nope? Oh, I’m a straight white male, so my “feelings” don’t mean shit, got it, now carry on skater boy, & let’s see how this plays out, assuming you didn’t watch the video in the article linked above. No worries, I chopped the whole video up into GIF animations, all for you dear reader, so you can watch as you read. Wasn’t that thoughtful of your pseudo-humble narrator? I had to watch this ridiculousness several times, over & over, to chop out some GIFs for you, so you all don’t have to, what a nice guy. The Fish™abides…now onto the next GIF…

Go, go, go “Markku,” oh wait I meant “Minna,” since this DUDE changed HIS name from Markku, let’s just call HIM “Mark,” not “Minna.” Mark to Minna, Minna to Mark, STILL a MAN, changing your name changes nada ya weirdos, sue me if it bothers you, because I am NOT, nor will I EVER, abide these mental patients with their changed names, and/or their “preferred pronouns,” EVER, nope, NEVER going to abide you degenerate beta freaks. Again, if it bothers you, sue me and/or report me, then go fuck yourself. How bout them apples? Done quasi-accepting these LARPing homosexuals…if you wanna be gay, or dress like the opposite sex, whatever, I don’t care, but the fact that this UN-ideology is being force-fed injected into the pop culture like Covaids jabs, has run its course, yet keeps running, like Forrest Gump, & just keeps going, & going, & running further & further, to where we are now, this wonky backwards upside-down mental asylum Clownworld. Where else would you find videos like the one linked above?…in the REAL world, nope, but in Clownworld, it’s EVERY FUCKING DAY with this madness. Ok, let’s keep going, & watch this GUY skate around, so brave, so stunning…here HE goes, watch HIM go, go DUDE, GO, GO, GO…

Oof, uh oh, you okay there BRO? Did you take a little spill on the ice MAN? Maybe your little skirt & panties made you unbalanced? Or perhaps it was your tucked-back balls, you know, BECAUSE YOU’RE A MAN, a 59-year-old MAN, with severe mental issues & the skater’s grace of someone with rickets. Are you kidding me right now with this? I’ve ice-skated maybe twice in my entire life, & I could do better than this. Oh but look, everyone’s cheering, the flags all waving, because HE’S so “stunning & brave.” GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE already…Jesus Christ, use your fucking real eyes for a change, & realize what this really is, a parade of social dysfunctionality, which again, I will NEVER abide. If someone who wore a clown costume every day, as if it were normal, decided to run for President of the United States, in their clown suit, would you abide that too? Oh wait, ½ of you kind of already did, so maybe that analogy is lost. Never mind then, let’s move on to the final GIF, where HIS “stunning bravery” really shines, doesn’t it? Yes, it shines like a fresh turd in a flushing toilet, but I’m just a transphobic homophobe, just another bigoted straight white male, so what do I know, right? Honk honk honk……………………….honk honk………….honk.

Oh my, what a terrible tumble HE took, awe, poor GUY. That must’ve hurt HIS knees, but HIS ego, oh no, HE’S loving it, all this pseudo-attention, given to HIM by programmed morons, who assume that THIS, this dive into the dark depths of disordered degeneracy, is not only acceptable, it should be encouraged & promoted, as if it IS, in fact, acceptable. Acceptable to who, though? I never “accepted” this, I never even cared, until EVERY GOD DAMN DAY I had to hear about it. It’s unescapable, unless you’re lucky enough to be able to afford to live off-grid, far away from the never-ending honk-honk from Clownworld. Even then, the clowns can find you, & empty their clown car in your driveway, honk-honk-honking the whole time until you have no choice but to go see what all the damn noise is about. It’s getting worse too, by the day, but none of this is going to matter soon. Why would THIS, this relentless shoving-into-the-shitstorm of special interest groups, why would this NOT matter anymore, after so much effort has been undertaken by your big tech overlords to push this queer-theory-agenda into everyone’s interpretation of the current zeitgeist, why would this no longer matter?

Unfortunately, & obviously I could be totally wrong as this is ONLY my own mere speculation, but sadly I think there’s another Black Swan Event on the horizon, a big one too. Here’s some plausibly possible scenarios for the not-so-distant future: First, Covaids, yes Covaids, particularly as it relates to those who got jabbed, as I have GRAVE concerns that millions of you are going to drop dead from whatever they injected into you. Pun NOT intended there, “grave,” but it IS a well-timed pun, so it gets to fly here. We don’t suppress clever wordery on my site, but I digress, as if on cue. Anyway, back to the Covaids holocaust. Do you even know what holocaust actually means? Sure, they’ve altered the definition recently, as they’ve altered many other definitions, in order to fulfill their own agenda. Change the language, change the history, quite Orwellian, is it not? They are though, ACTIVELY, like right now, changing the culture to complete their delusional visions of a dystopian future, where “YOU will eat bugs, own nothing, but be “happier” than you’ve ever been.” Their words, not mine, & the fulfillment of their aforementioned agenda will be much easier if 85-90% of you were dead & gone. I must emphasize that I DO NOT WANT MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TO DIE FROM A SHOT THEY WILLINGLY TOOK, despite being misled, & in some cases, FORCED to take that jab. They didn’t know, they didn’t know one of the side effects would be SADS, this “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” which seems to be getting more prevalent by the day, literally. I read the news every day, fake news and/or otherwise, just to get the full perspective so I can use my own critical-thinking skills to understand this 3d reality, & SADS is spreading, even though they STILL aren’t publicly connecting it to the jab. Use your common sense, does it seem normal for healthy athletes who’ve been jabbed to be dropping dead left & right? Young healthy people, just collapsing from heart attacks & dying. They then find blood clots, blood clots in the dead, which caused the cardiac arrests, but why? What is causing the blood clots?

DUH…double-duh by now, sheesh. IT’S THE COVAIDS JAB CAUSING THIS. Come on people, ugh, it’s so frustrating, & I suppose it’s going to take millions of deaths before they DO finally acknowledge what is really going on, when it’s much too late, & the damage is done, but that was only one possible future. I am no doctor, not a scientist, so I have no clue about the next phase of the Covaids scamdemic. I am only speculating based on the evidence I have seen thus far, so take all I say with a grain if salt, as they say. Wait, why do the proverbial they say that? What does that expression even mean? “Take it with a grain of salt,” what does that mean? Hmmm, how about let’s look it up & discover together, shall we?

Ok, apparently no one knows for sure where that expression definitively came from, and/or what it really means, & now that we’ve solved that puzzle, somewhat, let’s go to the next possible scenario…World War 3. The USA just sent tanks to Ukraine, essentially proving that we are already in a proxy war with Russia. We keep poking that bear, & that Russian bear is gonna wake up, & he isn’t going to be happy. It’s impossible to know what’s really going on with that though since the fake news keeps pushing propaganda as usual. They’re pushing a narrative, not the truth, & we will probably never know the real story unfortunately. That’s the name of the game here in Clownworld, no reality, only narratives, & people LARP in this pseudo-reality in accordance with said narratives, & thus, it’s all become a global case of unprecedented planetary psychosis. I’ll throw “hypnosis” in there too, in the sense that so many of you are are programmed to exist in accordance with this UN-reality, you don;t even realize what you’re doing and/or saying most of the time. Don’t blame me, I had nothing to do with it, I’m just here illustrating the most truth I can squeeze out this agenda-driven turnip. Am I not “stunning & brave?” Is telling the truth, in a world of deception, deemed “stunning & brave?” Nope? Bummer, because it should be, but such is the way of Clownworld. Well, would you look at that? I completed the circularity for this Fooze, so “stunning & brave,” the way my serpent eats its own tail, only to start again at the beginning from the end on the infinite loop of time. Speaking of time…until next time dear reader, be “stunning & brave,”…honk honk honk. At least we all got to learn where, “take it with a grain of salt” might have come from. We love to learn here, don’t we?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🎏

The Fooze: S1 E28 1/28/2023 Momentary Moments

I had a moment the other day; I have my “moments” at random, it can hit me anytime, just poof, & I stare off into space for a moment, to have my moment, my momentary moment, if you will, subconsciously gazing into the void, not even using my eyes, even though they’re wide open. My vision is in my head though, when my moments come, & what do I see?…well, that can be almost anything, I just go wherever the moment takes me, just aimlessly following the initial thought that led me to my moment. The other day, as I mentioned at the start, I had this interesting moment, & so I thought, why not write about it? If it’s “interesting” to yours truly dear reader, I must write about it, for that is the way, the way of things now. The Fooze will guide me, now let the Fooze guide you, or maybe go Fooze yourself & Fooze you. What is my Fooze, is now your Fooze, therefore, do hast thou will.

This moment I”m going to illustrate for you all dear readers, happened just the other day, at my local dispo, during my semi-daily trip to pick up some fresh wax. I don’t do the flower much anymore, but I love my concentrates. Anyway, that’s not the point of this article, just detailing where I was. As I said, I was at my dispo, & while I’m waiting on my budtender to apply my loyalty points to the the total on my tab, I looked to my right & noticed a portly fellow with a red beard in some casual, leisure-wear type apparel, so leisurely in fact, that he was rockin’ sandals with socks with his trackies. He had a little blue duffle bag on his arm, with white straps, & the side of the bag had a little lion logo on it, as well as a few little dirt and/or grease stains here & there. Why did I notice so many details? I’ll get to that momentarily…after I fill you in on what he was doing there, with his little blue duffle bag that had white straps, a lion logo, & some dirtiness.

He was by the ATM, with his little blue duffle bag, next to the one inside the dispo, but this particular dispo has their ATM machine in the same part of the dispo where you buy your medicine. Most of them put their respective ATM machines out in the lobby, where you wait before you get buzzed in through a locked door to come to the shopping section. It’s always divided, lobby area & shopping area, but like I said, the ATM is out in the lobby almost every time. In THIS dispo however, it’s in the shopping section, particularly behind me & to the right, & the guy with the little blue duffle bag was unlocking the ATM machine when I first noticed him as I was waiting on my budtender. I’m watching him, watching that bag, what could be in that bag? Only one thing, right? Maybe he’s just grabbing receipt slips, or changing the receipt paper, & it’s just rolls of receipt paper…yeah, that must be it, no way he’d be using that little bag to take money, would he? WOULD he?

Apparently, yes, yes that’s precisely what he was doing, he was getting all the ATM money out of the ATM in the dispo there, & putting it into that little blue duffle bag, but not only their ATM, he’d been to a few others already, & how did I know this? Probably because my mindful self was watching him the whole time, critical thoughts on overdrive, & that little blue bag, when I finally saw what was in there when he opened it, what did I see? CASH, lots of cash, money money money, stinking cold hard stacks of loot. This guy was kind of goofy, weak, & I immediately had dark thought, dark thoughts like, “How could I get that bag from this chump?” Obviously, I would never actually take it, I’M NOT A CRIMINAL for fuck’s sake, so I would never rob someone like that, but I do have a very active imagination, so I let the thoughts come, just to see how this moment would play out. I watched him, watched exactly what he was doing, where the money came from once the ATM machine was open, I stood there & watched. My budtender seemed to be taking an exceptionally long time to sort out my loyalty points, so I was stuck, stuck in this moment, this moment that culminates in me getting that little blue duffle bag from this quasi-effeminate guy, who was UN-armed by the way. Yep, no gun, no taser, I don’t even think he had pepper spray, he had nothing, no way to defend himself, minus his own hands. Maybe he was trained in martial arts?…I don’t know, but he didn’t possess any sort of threatening demeanor whatsoever and/or a weapon, so I kept watching, thinking, plotting, scheming, how the fuck am I gonna get that bag?

If I had to guess, I’d say there was…ohhhhhhh…maybe $20k, $30k, there were quite a few hundreds, stacks of $100 bills, & I was counting it, believe me, well as best I could anyway from my vantage point, so it was a rough count, but still. Point is, there was a solid load of cash in there, enough to partially replenish what the so-called “elites,” took from me, & so many others. Little notes, little pieces of paper, but this “paper” is the currency, the energy, it makes things move, here in Clownworld it does anyway, at the detriment of billions of debt slaves, ruled by such a tiny few. They print these little notes, take what they want, for their own “energy needs,” so to speak, then everyone else manages the leftovers to keep their Big Machine moving. You need energy to give a machine power, the power to operate, to move, & we are all stuck in this Big Machine that they have created to empower themselves, not you. You are just a gear, a cog, an almost-insignificant wheel in that machine, & they “allow” you just enough money, barely enough currency, to get yourself from birth to death, & that’s your “life,” as it were, unfortunately for you. Bummer, isn’t it?…especially when you ponder all of the chaos in this world that is created by this money, these silly little “I-O-U” glue-free post-it notes, that people kill each other for, just to get more of these said “little notes.” It’s all just so ridiculous when you stop & think about it, but there I was, in my moment, contemplating physically assaulting a guy to get some of those all-too-sacred notes.

Again, & I emphasize, I am NOT a felonious criminal, & would NEVER rob another person. Like I said earlier, my imagination has a mind of its own, so I let it wander wherever it wants to go for the most part, because it’s ONLY IN MY HEAD, & I would never act on it. Also, I don’t think I would’ve gotten away with it, but I’ll tell you how I would’ve robbed this unarmed dope if I had had a criminal’s moxy to go through with it. Let’s back up a few minutes…so before I came into the dispensary, out in the parking lot, just as I parked my Beamsy, I noticed the ATM guy, parked directly next to me to the left, & he was driving a mini-van. At this point however, keep in mind that I did NOT know yet that he was in fact the ATM guy, I just assumed he was another customer, so I noticed him as far as a casual noticing, & thought nothing more of it, until I was inside, & I saw the little blue duffle bag, & what he was doing, & realized he was the ATM money-collector guy. Then I saw the money, which began my momentary moment, visualizing robbing this doofus & taking that bag full of money for myself. How though? How would I do it & get away with it?

Here’s the plan: I would follow him…I would leave right when he left, him back to his soccer-mom mini van, me back to my Beamsy, & I’d follow him in my car, not too close, not too far, don’t want him to see me following him obviously, but yes, I’d follow him. Patience…patience…just keep following this ATM money collector guy, this UN-armed clown, it’s almost going to be too easy, but right now…patience, just be patient & follow this guy, taking in all you can about his route. Not going to hit him on the next stop, nope, just going to watch from afar, parked just out of his view, but close enough for me, so I can watch, & wait, patiently wait for the moment to come. See what I did there? Momentary moments, our collective moments in time, moments dying into the past, then being reborn in the now as more line up to wait for their turn like children taking school portraits. Circular, circularity, the Great Circle, always circulating, round & round & round again, in the never-ending immortal loop, the eternal GIF animation, if you like. How’s that for an exceptionally clever analogy, dear reader?


Back to the plan…where were we? Oh yes, patiently being patient, still following, we’ve watched him make his next stop. He gets out of the van, but where is the little blue duffle bag? Does he keep it on the seat next to him, or somewhere in the back of the van? Details details details…they matter in such affairs, for if you miss one, just ONE, important detail, you’re locked up before you even committed your crime. You must pay attention, be mindful, this is a serious crime, like prison serious, & more importantly then getting the little blue duffle bag successfully, MUCH more important…DO NOT GET CAUGHT. Duh, you’d think, but many criminals get caught, since levels of priority tend to vary amongst felons, & most of them don’t give a fuck about going to prison. I like my virgin asshole thanks, & absolutely HATE…HATE, HATE, HATE being in cage. Ugh, it’s just the worst place to be, & fortunately I’ve only been to jail a few times for brief stays several years ago, facing bullshit weed charges before they finally wised up on the countrywide cannabis craze & stopped prosecuting marijuana arrests so harshly. Sadly, for me, my card got punched before they wised up, & I had some legal nonsense to sort out. This was years ago, as I mentioned, & I never got any felonies, & why? BECAUSE I’M NOT A CRIMINAL…but I digress, as usual. Continuing…

Ok, ATM guy has made his first stop after I started following him. I’m thinking he’d keep the bag on the passenger seat of the mini-van, up front, next to him, where he always had eyes on it, so that’s where my IMAGINATION led me. I’m still parked where he can’t see me, as he gets in his van, & I assume goes to his next stop, with even more riches in that little blue duffle bag. I start to follow him again, ready to make my move at the next stop maybe, if I see the opportunity of course. I follow, I follow, & then he stops. Ok, here’s where my IMAGINATION took two different paths.

Path One: He stops, maybe at a Starbucks we’ll pretend, & gets out of the mini-van, leaving the unassuming little blue duffle bag behind, in the van. With the ease of a bag of peas, I simply walk up, pull the door handle & realize it’s unlocked, lucky me. Without hesitation, I grab the little blue duffle bag, then take off, all within 10 seconds, gone, SCORE, & mission accomplished. That’s the easy path, the path with sunshiny trees, slightly blowing in the warm summer breeze. This path is laden with candy-colorful wildflowers & fluffy bunnies, & an easy $50k. Wouldn’t that path be so very nice, nice & lucrative?…


Path Two: He does NOT stop for Starbucks, he stops at his next ATM location, which is a relatively empty parking lot. Where are the cameras though? Looking, looking, don’t see any cameras covering the parking lot. Looking for people, anyone around? Nope, no one around. I’m parked where he cannot see again, watching, patiently being patient still, just waiting for my moment. Ok, time to move, as I get out of my car, & get close to his mini-van, ducking down somewhere where he can’t see me. He comes out, with the little blue duffle bag, there it is, the soon-to-be-mine little blue duffle bag, filled with even MORE money now. He walks to his driver’s side door, & pulls out his keys, & I make my move. I swiftly sneak up behind him, put a gun to his head, then blow his brains through the driver’s side window of his soccer mom mini van, like the Son of Sam. I’M JOKING, I’M JOKING…I hope none of you read this & take this silly story seriously. Oy vey. No, no guns, what I’d do is just sneak up behind him, & unleash my devastating rear-naked choke on this scrawny & UN-armed ATM money-collector guy. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, goodnight, he’s out, but only to sleep, he’ll wake up in a minute, but by the time he does, I’m gone, with the little blue duffle bag, which is now MINE, mine all mine, but only in my imagination unfortunately, only in my moment, my momentary moment.

This whole felonious envisionment just popped into my head, while I was buying some wax at my local dispo, & the ATM money-collector guy came in to do his job. Just my imagination, running in Gumpian fashion. I think all sorts of things, & it’s randomly random, when I have my moments, these moments of my momentary time, stretched out into a story, my story, albeit made up, that I just shared with all of you, dear reader. Sometimes, I stare off into the void of eyes-opened space when I have these moments, & I don’t even know it, until I catch myself doing it. Living a whole life, doing other things, in another time, on another timeline maybe, but all in my head, while I gaze into that proverbial abyss, only to turn my head at the final moment before the abyss gazes back at me. “It’s only a moment,” I proclaim to the abyss, “no need to look back at me, I’m only here to piss, & I’d hate to piss on your face, so you might wanna stay down there & not look up. Only a moment, one of many, the circularity circles back, eating its own tail, thus the nature of the literary ouroboros…entails. Clever clever, humble narrator, un-humbled only in this moment, because that last sentence was a gem. Let’s stick that in post-signatured quotes & see how it reads…

“Only a moment, one of many, the circularity circles back, eating its own tail, thus the nature of the literary ouroboros…entails.” ~Fish🎏

Until next time, moment to momentary moment. For all of you, & for none of you at all.

4 More Days…

That’s right, dear readers, only 4 more days until we hit EVERY day in January, thus completing the first monthly circularity. 11 MORE months however, to complete the Great Circle, that’s right, 365 straight days of writing & creating new animations, hopefully adding up to a few thousand more pages in my opus of drivel here, here for all of you, & for none of you.

Thanks for all the views & such…more to come, MUCH more. Be sure to FOLLOW ME, & get notified when I post fresh fish.🎏

The Fooze: S1 E27 1/27/2023 The Embarrassment

NOTE: This article is a 1st-person, AND 3rd person perspective, maybe fictional, maybe not. This could be all made up, or entirely true, for I am the Creator here, but only creating what I am channeling, as it were. I just plug the antenna in, & the connection is made, then my fancy fingers fly. Take what you want, or take nothing at all. It matters not to me, dear readers, I’m just following the flow of the Universe, in MY Universe. You have your own Universe, but this one is mine. Do hast thou will, & take this ramblous raving rant for what it is, whatever this is.

What is embarrassment? I think of it as a pseudo-emotion, as in it’s not organic, & purely driven by ego. Yes, embarrassment is a slowly-vibrating-low-level false emotion that your ego creates for some reason to “trick” you into comparing yourself to others & then measuring your own value against said others, in a way that makes you look foolish & naive. You’re “embarrassed,” but why, why do people do this? It’s so bizarre, & the notion of “embarrassment” applies to one group in particular that I’m going to reference for today’s daily Foozer…but who is this “particular group” I speak of? Let the slaughtering commence…

PARENTS, parents with unusual kids, unusual kids that “embarrass” their respective parent/s. These parents take it so far too, to such extremes, as the whole concept of “parenting,” in itself, has become an exhaustive exercise in futility trying to understand what the fuck these “birthing persons” are thinking. Do they even think, do they even think at all before they pop out another behbeh into this wonky Clownworld? For the most part, nope, no they don’t think at all, & these pregnancies “just happen,” as if people don’t understand how babies are made. Every kid, on paper, is a $250,000 investment, at least, now would you randomly buy a ¼ million dollar boat? Nope, but you pop out a kid like it’s nothing, right? No planning, nothing, just whoops, “we are preggo, it just happened,” as if that proverbial stork just sent them an email with the news or something, it’s difficult for me to understand. I don’t have any kids, intentionally, because I’m ending this trip back to Earth School with me, as far as my own bloodline goes. It stops here, for me anyway, as I just mentioned, so I’m just a speculative observer in all of this, with only my own individual experience for a reference point. What experience am I talking about? Well, as you can see in the title up there, “The Embarrassment,” so who do you think the embarrassment was? This guy, this guy right here(looks in mirror with thumbs pointed at myself), this sorry sap writing this gibberish that you’re reading, ME, your ever-more-humble narrator, the big embarrassment.

Yes, unfortunately for me, my parents were in a constant state of embarrassment. Wanna read some fucked-up dialogue? As I recall a chain of traumatizing events in my mind, I think of my own thoughts while this was all happening to me. It’s kind of weird, & yes, certainly dark & cloudy as far as the nature of the content, but it is what it is, it happened, & I want to illustrate what happened, because it was really fucked up, what they did to me, really no bueno. It was MY life, & they reduced me to an ugly & deformed little freak with his freak head in the God damn freaky white clouds all the time, plagued by a child’s innocent fear, I was so scared, I didn’t know what was happening, how could I? I was just a kid, not a fucking embarrassment, but maybe it was their generation, these aging baby boomers, on the way out, after socially massacring the following generation, MY generation, Generation X, the last generation before the digitals arose. We were the TV babies, as I’ve mentioned ad nauseam here, just stick them in front of the TV until they shut up, can’t have these kids “embarrassing” us, now can we? Of course, that ideal was never pronounced out loud, oh no, but they all thought it, “please don’t embarrass us,” but never mind the kids, these GenX kids, never mind their own future arrested developmentally challenged mental issues, that would be “embarrassing,” wouldn’t it? Thanks a lot parents, to all GenX parents, you baby boomers really fucked us all good, didn’t you? Can’t swallow that pill, can you, you old crows? Well swallow this one then, & YES, I AM BITTER, in fact, it’s quite enraging when I think about how we were treated, particularly myself as it relates to the next paragraph, just a little freak weirdo that no one wanted around. Great childhood, & no, it ain’t that bullshit family picture of functionality you put up on the wall of your nice house in the suburbs, far fucking from it, so enough of the pretend-time, ENOUGH. Stop the fucking LARPing already, the clock is ticking..ticking away. Now, I’ll share some inner monologue from a sordid youth. It gets dark, fair warning, proceed at your own accord…

~Hey you, yeah YOU, that short & skinny “weird kid,” the weak & effeminate one, with the fucked-up face, how old are you now, 7? 8? What’s wrong with you boy? Yeah, that kid, something wrong with him, that kid who doesn’t act like other kids, he’s a bit aloof, is he not? Ever since he hurt himself, which of course, was entirely his own fault, stupid little kid, he doesn’t act right, does he? All those books, & the strange drawings, what’s with all the art & writing? That’s faggot stuff, are you a faggot? Be a man, why don’t you play sports, you little weirdo? What are you, a faggot or something? Yes, that’s it, you’re a little homo, aren’t you? Don’t do that, stop being a pussy, stop doing that, that’s weird, you’re a weird little faggot, you know that?(smacks me in the face, a little blood comes from my already broken & deformed nose), now stop, STOP CRYING, that didn’t hurt, suck it up you little faggot, stop doing that & go to your room, go watch tv, just stay away from us, our new family with our new newborn you little faggot bastard., your real dad hates you, & so do I. Ok, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for embarrassing all of you, I don’t know what to do, I’m only a kid, I DON’T KNOW what to do….maybe I’ll try football, or any sport, so I’m not an embarrassment, I’m sorry, I don’t want to be embarrassing anymore. I’m not a “faggot,” I don’t even understand what that means, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I hurt myself awhile back, I had a really bad head injury, I fell face first into a flight of stairs, I ruined my face, & something in my head is different after the surgery, you know, the surgery where I died, I died & saw the doctors trying to fix my broken face, I remember it all, watched the whole operation, I look terrible, look at me, look at my face, I ruined my face, where was my mother? My face hurts so much, everything is foggy, I can’t see straight, something isn’t right? Please mother, please, I know stepdad & father hate me, but not you too? Please mother, help me, maybe you should take me to see someone? Maybe a specialist? No? That would be “embarrassing?” You as well, you hate me too? Ok then, I’m sorry, I don’t want to disappoint you, so I’ll try the sports thing. Oh look, stepdad is a coach too, so this should be fun. Wait, no, not going to be fun? Why? I’m trying my best, but everyone is bigger than me, ahead of me, I don’t know why, why am I smaller than everyone else? Maybe the head injuries? I’m sorry, I’m trying. SHUT UP YOU LITTLE FAGGOT. Why don’t you listen? DO WHAT I SAY GOD DAMNIT. Can’t you remember the God damn play you little girl? Everyone is watching me, the disappointment, so embarrassing right?…& stepdad is embarrassed again & angry with me, again. See? I’m in the 3-point stance(swiftly kicks me from behind, so his foot catches me perfectly in the taint, dropping me to the ground in agonizing pain & torrents of tears) …OUCH, OUCH, I can’t move it hurts too much, please stop stepfather, please stop, ouch, it hurts so bad, my legs won’t work. SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP, & STOP crying you little faggot, get up, I SAID GET UP, GET THE FUCK UP, & STOP CRYING…NOW. I can’t though, that kick to the back of my balls was paralyzing, ouch it hurts, am I bleeding down there? Why is everyone looking at me? Everyone, they’re all looking at me, even the other coaches, like maybe they feel sorry for me? I’m sorry, I’m the “sorry” one, I’ve embarrassed myself I guess, I don’t understand, I don’t understand any of this, I’m only 8, I don’t know what’s happening, I’m trying, please please don’t kick me anymore, please don’t hurt me anymore, I’m already down…”dad,” please, I’ll try & stop crying, but the pain, ouch. SHUT UP. I said, GET UP YOU LITTLE FAGGOT! Do you wanna grow up to be a faggot? Stop crying, I don’t care if it hurts, GET UP…GET THE FUCK UP…NOW. Ok, I’ll get up…(walks off the field, then walks home alone, & never goes back to finish the season)~

That’s all I’m going to do with that preceding paragraph. Dark, isn’t it? That’s not even that bad, & I could go on & on…perhaps, but I won’t, I’m just going to stop for now before I take you all on a horrifying hike through the Black Forest. Wouldn’t want to “embarrass” myself, now would I? (Fart Noise) …yeah, I don’t get embarrassed, not an attribute I possess, because I’m not stuck in my own ego like most, especially you baby boomers. “Don’t embarrass us, don’t embarrass us,” how about fuck you all, how about that? You ruin an ENTIRE generation with your own whacked-out sense of morality, & you want US to not embarrass YOU? Wow, maybe get the fuck outta the house with that bullshit already? Just stop, stop the LARPing as if it were all ponies & posies, because it’s not, not even close. Now who’s the REAL embarrassment, if you wanna take it down to that pseudo-emotional level? Oh, but as if on cue, there she is, my sweet circularity, round & round my serpent goes, eating itself, then shitting itself out, only to be eaten again. She always comes through for us, doesn’t she? One could speculate I am meant to write all of this, as it just comes through on the frequency I dial into, & completes itself via my hands. That is all, that is all this is, whatever this might be. Until next time, ponder the notion of embarrassment, or don’t, do whatever YOU want, for YOU, not for me.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S1 E26 1/26/2023 So SADS


Just a quick update for today’s Fabulous Foozer…well, not so fab unforcheez. In case you haven’t noticed, more & more people are dropping dead everyday from the SADS, this alleged “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” yet STILL the fake news mainstream media will NOT connect these unfortunate deaths to the Covaids jab. Instead, they’re literally blaming everything OTHER than the Covaids jab, blaming everything else, & of course, you got articles like the bullshit in the article above this paragraph. This essentially confirms it for me, because the fact that your so-called “leaders,” & big Pharma, & their fake news media comrades, say it is NOT from the jab, bet in all on black that it IS, it surely IS the jab causing this. Need more evidence of the pharmaceutical industry committing deadly crimes-against-humanity shenanigans? Have you seen the newest Project Veritas uploads? YIKES….YIKES again. Have you not been privy to the latest revelation about the TRUE nature of this plandemic?

Click BELOW to watch Part 1…you MUST watch Part 1 first to have context…i.e…to know what the fuck is going on. You don’t want to miss this EPIC sting operation by Project Veritas. Nice job James, keep up the great work. Incidentally, do you all know how he gets these dumbasses to sing like cracked-out canaries? He gets them all via online dating. It’s quite clever; he finds a single employee who is dating online, obvious square one. Then he gets one of his PV operatives that matches up to what the target is looking for online, as far as a partner. Could be straight, could be gay, the gays seem to be the biggest squealers(pun intended, but he gets the straights too. They patiently bait the target via the online dating site, chatting them up, as if it were a “normal” online dating experience, as if anything in that digitally degenerate virtual meat market is “normal,” but I digress.

Eventually, they agree to meet, & the PV operative goes on the “date,” armed with a hidden camera & mic. I don’t know if it takes multiple dates, usually these seem like 1st dates, but I really don’t know & it doesn’t really matter, as it apparently does NOT take much for these low-life worms to start bragging & trying to talk themselves up by revealing information that the PV operatives ingeniously extract from the target. It’s always seemingly easy, super-easy, like no flirting needed, none of that sort of thing that you might catch on a 1st date, especially if each person is into it. but nope, never really seen flirtings, just talkings. Talking for a bit, patience, patience, then whoops, there it is, the story PV was seeking starts telling itself, quite literally. I enjoy it, as it’s good to see scum get justice served in real-time, & it’s great justice, unique in its own right, because destroying someone’s reputation via social media these days, it’s like a societal death sentence for these corrupt pukes in high-power positions. The looks on their respectively shit-eating faces, when they get exposed, to millions & millions of people, all at once, instantly viral, that look of no return on those now-so-distraught mugs, it’s just delicious to be a spectator. This muppet in the video below just got handed the serving of servings, the smackdown of smackdowns, a truly ultimate instance of relatively instant karma. Remember, this one below is part ONE, & you must watch this one first, before Part 2, which I will link below the one below. Part 2 is just glorious, pure glory for those of us who are not psychopathic little gwarps. A gwarp is a gay twerp, see this whiny runt below. This first video is shocking, with what he reveals, but the real shock comes in Part 2, so be sure to watch both. Now, grab the popcorn, & commence…

This queer little demon’s psychopathy levels are astronomical, seriously, it’s rather disturbing, is it not. He laughs, while talking about millions of sick/dead people, the sick little fuck. Ugh, what a reflection of the true nature of these big Pharma operatives, right? I’ve been telling you for years how truly sinister these mad hatters are, & when I say they think of you as cattle, then you watch a disturbingly revealing video like this, THEN you see the ensuing aftermath when this little weasel gets publicly exposed, how over the target am I? THEY ARE CREATING VIRUSES SO THEY CAN CREATE VACCINES SO YOU CAN BE GUINEA PIGS WHILE THEY GET ULTRA-RICH…GOT IT YET FOR FUCK’S SAKE? Nothing to do with keeping any of you “safe,” oh no no no, they want you all dead…yes, YOU. How did it feel watching that first video? Not so fabulous, was it?

Certainly NOT fabulous, unlike my circularity, which is always fab fresh, & fabulously right on time, like right now. Told you this would be a relatively shorter one. Just though these 2 videos needed desperately to be shared, especially since the big Pharma elites do NOT want this information out there. Oof, too late, oh drats, how bout that? It would be a real shame if everyone mirrored these videos & they went absolutely wunder-viral. Shame for the future mass-murderers at big Pharma, not so much for the people, who just want the damn truth for a change, is that so hard to get? No need to answer because I already know the answer, as I, I AM the answer, as a scribbler of the driveler, for true truth, as it should be. Until next time, don’t be sad about SADS, for it is too late anyway for the jabbed, so what does it matter to point out their forlorn folly?

It matters not, for none of you, & for all of you.

Deep Impact

This is gonna be an exceptionally short one, but apparently there’s going to be a close fly-by of an asteroid tomorrow. Will anything happen? NO, nothing at all, they just do this to build the collective fear of the herd…ie. all of YOU. Tiny fractions of fear porn, but delivered all day, every day, via every outlet, & it all adds up. Just another little red pill from my fish-head Pez dispenser, so don’t be scared, unless you look up tomorrow & see a giant asteroid coming your way. Until next time, beware the bloody bolides. 🎏

For all of you, & none of you.

Click HERE to read more

The Fooze: S1 E25 1/25/2023 Has the Time Come?

Note: Science fiction is fun, as fiction itself is fun, & as such, do NOT believe nor disbelieve anything I am writing here that you might read as you peruse this and/or any of my other articles. I just write, that’s it, I do not plan any of my topics, I do not pre-think any of this out, it’s as uneventful as me opening up my site, then starting to write, & whatever comes out, comes out. I cannot explain the origins of my thoughts, I cannot explain thoughts in general, for I have no idea what “thoughts” actually are and/or where they come from. Point being, this could just be the random rantings of a dude who just enjoys writing, for myself selfishly, not for any of you. Do NOT take anything from this, or take whatever you want, or just read it with zero inclinations of getting anything out of it. Every time I write, it’s a personal journey of self-discovery for me, you’re simply the reader of this dicey drolling drivel. Got it? Good, now let’s smack the behbeh from the mystery block, & get going.

It’s spooky to think about the end, your ultimate end, the grimly disappointing end of this ride here on Earth. When will it come? Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe not for a long time to come, know one ever truly knows, do they? One day, you wake up, for the last time, brush your teeth, for the last time, pet your pet, for unknowingly one final time, & then something happens during your last day, something dreadful & unexpected…i.e. you die, & you simply stop, & never come home. Everything is still here, just as you left it, but you’ll never know, because you are gone, how surreal is that? Yep, you’re just…gone, no longer here, no longer playing in this sordid game of life on 3d Earth. Yesterday, you were, but today, you are no longer. Here, then gone. No more friends, no more family, no more trips to the grocery store, done ordering from Amazon, no longer checking your smartphone, get to stop paying bills, get to stop slaving for money, never going to go to another show, & you can’t give some idiot the finger in shitty traffic anymore, yes, I could go on & on & on about the things you’ll never do again once you exhale that finish-line breath. Doesn’t matter really though, does it? Certainly, it won’t to you, or me, or whoever is no longer here. It’s all so deterministically final, just WHOOSH, & all of this life is done, just another dream within a dream, & none of this meant anything.

All those lost hopes & dreams, all the anxiety, the utter disappointment, the failure, that overwhelming sense of absolute failure, gone. You can’t come back, not to this life, so what can you do about it? Nothing. Nothing matters then, yes? Such nihilism, surely THIS must mean something, right? Why? Why does it have to mean anything at all, this life? We are so insanely tiny, so unbelievably small in this unfathomably YUGE Universe. Humans are smaller than quarks in the Big Picture, literally, we are so small…but…can the “soul” truly be physically measured, particularly if it’s immortal? I don’t think so, I think human souls are as vast as the Universe itself, as we are infinite, like said Universe itself is infinite. There’s no end, no beginning, there just is. There is what is, & this is what is, apparently, but what is this? What is really going on here in this 3d Clownworld circus?

Collectively, we were all 5d soul energy once, all together in The Great Light River, all One consciousness, One with Source, the True Light of Being. I’m wagering Source is an 8d entity, or maybe 13d, one or the other, maybe even both, the 8d Source subject to the will of the 13d Source, I’m much too small in every conceivable way to even fathom it though. Impossible it is to understand from way down here in 3d space. We were all once 5d, as I just mentioned, until we “fell,” fell down, down from 5d, great 5d where we recall our true soul selves effortlessly, where we have all of our abilities back to use as we so will it, where we all exist in the purely warm & cozy bliss of unconditional Love, we were all there once, but then we all fell. Maybe we fell along with the rebellion of the angels, if that really happened, or maybe we were “tricked” into falling from 5d down here to 3d. Why would we be “tricked” though, & who is the trickster that tricked us?

Obviously, I’m much too 3d human to have the answers to these out-on-the-perimeter questions about higher dimensions. I can only speculate form down here where we all vibrate just enough to stay conscious, & many people are barely maintaining this low level, that’s how far we’ve fallen. How did we get down here though? No way it was intentional, was it? Did we fall on purpose, did we fall to experience 3d consciousness? How would we even know? I think we were tricked, & we’re still being tricked. Why do I keep using the word, “trick?” Well, it’s almost like we’re all whores, that’s why. Not conscious whores, not willful whores, but we are all being used for our bodies, are we not? Thus, we are all being tricked, “tricked out,” our bodies used until they no longer are useful, then we are recycled via the Great Recycler, only to do it all over again, & again, & again. Who is using us, using us like whores? I don’t know, I don’t know exactly who and/or what it is, but if you recall my previous post, all signs are pointing to the Great Recycler being the culprit, the great octopussy-spider headless soul-sucker, sucking up all YOUR energy, feeding from YOU, all of YOU, but it cannot be the Great Recycler alone, can it?

No, IT is NOT alone, for it has minions & foot soldiers, warriors for the Black Mass, & they incarnate along with us humans, but underneath the meat suits, they are NOT human at all. They are akin to the alien creatures in that movie They Live, only they really do live, live right here amongst us all. They look like us, bleed like us, speak like humans speak, but it’s all a sinister ruse, a ruse against the real humanity. Maybe they want to take over, replace us, wipe us out entirely, or maybe they need us, need us to survive, because without human soul energy, they will die. Therefore, they have been systematically employed under the wings of the Great Recycler, to assemble as many actual humans as they can for an upcoming Great Harvest, a worldwide slaughter, a new holocaust, of millions, maybe billions of humans, all to feed the Great Recycler. Why would they do this? Simple: the Great Recycler is their “God,” they worship it, & I can go even further…stay mindful, this is a big stretch here, but I think they might even be able to communicate with the Great Recycler now, but how? If the Great recycler is a 5d entity or higher, how? How can/do they “talk” to it? Maybe there’s some kind of intermediary…an ambassador, if you will…

AI, perhaps it’s the AI is the ambassador, the AI they now are broadcasting as being “sentient,” maybe that’s how they are talking to their God. Keep in mind, I think that they, the minions of the Great Recycler, are all totally insane, delusional in fact, but they believe in their pseudo-god, at the expense of all of humanity, they help feed this God damned monstrosity. What are they feeding it? YOU, they’re feeding YOU to the Great Recycler. The Great Recycler has given them a false sense of dominion here on Earth, giving them power & riches, & in return, they’re helping to fatten up humanity before the Great Harvest. What will this Great Harvest entail? Billions of souls, BILLIONS, all delivered at once, like a box of meat from Butcher’s Box, only the biggest box EVER, as far as we know anyway, in recorded history. When will the harvest-tees be harvest-ted? Good question. I have no idea, nor should you take any of this seriously, because I’m just a writer, writing written writings that you are reading now. This is all just my fanciful imagination being fancy for fun, for the purposes of plausibly entertaining to you, dear reader. Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained by this fictionally fictitious fiction?

There it is, as if on cue, my circularity, coming to say hello & goodbye at the same time, as always, the serpent eating its own tail. For whatever reason, people tend to believe what they see written down, as if writing it down somehow equals manifestation. That is simply false logic, for nothing I write, or anyone else writes, has no preconception of being truth, as it is written, for it is the reader that conceives of such notions. I am merely a scribe, because I have no idea where this comes from, since I just start writing, then this appears, whatever this is. The ravings of a paranoid schizo maybe? Amidst a daily recurring writing psychosis, just illustrating my severe mental disorder for a global audience with total disregard perhaps? Could be the head injuries, those were quite traumatic, & I could have knocked a screw or two or three loose, I don’t know. I don’t know nuffin, remember muffin?…so please, treat this site like a salad bar, take what you want, leave the rest, take nothing, take it all, complain about the food & ask the manager for a refund, doesn’t matter to me, just don’t forget your barf bag after eating from this disgusting buffet, if that should be the case, it’s your world from your end, not mine. THIS, this is my world here you are in, but I have no rules here, no restrictions, this site operates via the purity I boost from the stream, the great stream of consciousness, & there are no constraints in my own interzone, so do hast thou wilt, in true Crowlerian fashion, so to speak.

Until next time, dear reader, for all of you as one, & for none of you for none.

The Fooze: S1 E24 1/24/2023 Whirling Dervish

Today, Tuesday, Taco Tuesday, graciously appropriated from Mexicans, yet no one seems to mind. Personally,, I love themed food days, as I am a skilled chef, so it gives me ideas for my daily eats. I don’t eat shit food…i.e. nothing processed and/or anything with high fructose corn syrup in it. That crap is poison, literally, like the crack of sugar. Raw natural sugar, like the kind you might find in organic honey, that’s ok. Sugars in fresh fruits, no problem, but this intake of the high fructose corn syrup has to stop. Have you seen all the fat people lately, especially here in the land of the morbidly obese, the once great US of A? They’re EVERYWHERE, so many fatties, all inflamed & gross, & why? It’s from all that high fructose corn syrup. It’s actually illegal in many countries, but here, nope, it’s celebrated, as the nation collectively gets fatter & slower & dumber by the day. This 6th-year senior country went from captain of the football team to Treasurer of the Student Council, out to steal all the money & power, keeping everyone in an arrested developmental high-school mentality, no longer here to win the game for the home team, to graduate on time to move onward & upward, nope. They’re failures, & parasites, trying to pull you all down with them, & for the most part, they are successful at keeping you all down, in this rigged game. Incidentally, do you know what a “whirling dervish” is?

This is a whirling dervish☝🏻, & I chose this title for this daily Foozer for absolutely no pre-thought notion, other than that for some reason, that term jumped in my head this morning out of nowhere, the whirling dervish. No idea where I heard it, but like an earworm, it’s in my head, so I thought I’d use it as a random title for today’s article. Hmmmm…they are spinning, whirling, as the title implies, so maybe something to do with loops, circularities, I don’t know, just randomly came in on the frequency I dialed into this morning. I wasn’t even 100% sure what a whirling dervish was; I had the thought of this GIF in my head, Muslims spinning, but I had misremembered the part where they wear this unusual attire, these dress-like clothes that make a spinning pyramid of sorts when the dancers “whirl.” It’s captivating to watch for some reason, to me anyway, maybe now to you as well. At the very least, I’m going to confidently assume that you had no idea what a whirling dervish was before you read this, but now you do. Just another little something to add to your own lexicon, for the sake of the saver of s-words, weaponized words in your own armed armory, & your collective wisdom of course, for the sake possessing true knowledge. It’ll be important to hold onto someday, & I’ll tell you why below, so keep reading. Only actual power YOU have is via knowledge, TRUE knowledge of what is TRUE truth, & what is really real in this wonky Clownworld we’re all apparently stuck in together. There’s many illusions, shadows & echoes, tricks of the Great Trickster, a galaxy of pills to pop. If you don’t know the ways, the ways of the game, this rigged game, you’ve already lost, before you’ve even truly begun, how disappointing. The more you know, ya know? The more you know, the better your odds of making it to the end of the board. All you can really do is try your best to get to the end, there’s no getting out of The Matrix, not until you’re hanged by the proverbial neck until pronounced dead…dead dead dead.

Then, if you aren’t mindful, immediately upon your death, you’ll get recycled, right back into the game, via a universal reincarnation machine. DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT, that’s the trap, the soul trap, where your memories are erased, & you’re “reborn,” into a new behbeh’s body, only to be used as a pawn again in the aforementioned rigged game. This “life,” is NOT what most of you think it is. Oh no no no, it’s not what most of you perceive it to be at all. This is the big secret, that occult knowledge, shared amongst only those at the very top of the pyramid, the knowledge that this is planet is for soul harvesting, for something that is most certainly NOT human, at least not like you or I. Maybe they’re humanoid, maybe they can appear to be humans, like us, but they aren’t. They’re the minions of the Great Recycler, like the orcs for Sauron, helping the evil eye feed on human soul energy, via the spirit-recycling apparatus, the Great Recycler. It’s “The Light,” you know when people blindly say, “Go into The Light when you die,” they’re ignorant fools, for that Great Light just resets you, wipes your memories, then starts you over, like a battery getting recharged, except the battery is YOU, the true YOU, the soul YOU, is being harvested for whatever these non-human feeders are. I don’t know exactly what they are, who they are, why they’re here, or where they came from, & obviously I don’t know if any of this is true or not, just another one of my wild theories. Do you wanna know something though? My bizarre “theories,” many I have learned of & studied via my own DYOR time, but I’d say around 83-85% have come to pass as truth, NOT theory, NOT conspiracy, but TRUTH, real TRUTH, & with an average 84% accuracy rating, I think I’m doing quite well with my exposure of these hidden truths about what is really going on here, as opposed to the reality they want you to believe, the one they make up as they go, then puke all over all of you, then leave you to clean up their mess, while they go make another messy mess somewhere elsey else. Why? To keep you occupied, to keep you confused, to keep you controlled, to own you? You, yes YOU, that is why they have sold their own souls to the Great Recycler, to have power over YOU.

Why did they, the so-called elites I mention ad nauseam, why did they take everything from me, from you, from all of us really? For me, all my MATERIAL possessions, nearly all gone, but why, why was it all taken from me? Maybe because I know, I know their little secret, I know what is really going on here, like winning the lottery in reverse, I won the answer to a very big question: “What is the true nature of existence on Planet Earth? That’s right, I won, & participation trophies are fish food here, only one winner, me, myself, & what I won, is something much more valuable than something as malignantly ludicrous as money. Therefore, they, the they who feed the machine, they’re trying to break my will, just like they’ve broken the wills of most of you. Can’t have an non-complacent herd, & your “leaders” are your herders, herding you to the big house, where you go & don’t come back. That is where “The Light” is, it is warm & cozy in there, & so they lead you all there, with clever programming, & magic tricks, via all potential mediums, yes they’ve infected them ALL, it’s all connected, with the end goal to get YOU, to embrace “The Light,” so you forget yourselves, as most of you have, which won’t matter in the end, as you’ll soon discover with me.

What I have uncovered this round, this round where I finally remember the truth, the true truth, the truth I found which gave me the knowledge, a great secret, now known, now knowledge. Here you go, shared with everyone & no one, this real-time round of another time, in The Great Recycling, is now mine, & is now yours too, this secret exposed to anyone who happens to be right here with you, & with me, right now, right here. Do they know I will NOT forget this time? Maybe I’ll tell them right now, if they are monitoring me, & this, with AI assistance. AI, CIA, globalist filth, if you’re reading this, when you’re reading this, know that I know, & now WE know, so take your dark arts voodoo & go cliff diving at the Grand Canyon. Truth is knowledge is power, & exposure takes the power back that you stole from all of us, all of humanity, for a seat at the scrapyard under the old oaken table, in the shadow, at the feet of the Great Feeder. Nope, not going to steal my memories again, along with my soul energy, along with all my true gifts, given to me by Source, NOT via the Great Recycler. THIS, this knack for illustrating with words that I seem to have, is only a mere fraction of my true abilities, & yours too. Ever had dreams where you can fly? I have, & it’s effortless, as if somehow I instinctively know how to fly, like the angels in heaven, yes I can fly, & so can you. That’s just one example, one example of one of the seemingly amazing abilities humans are capable of, only it has been taken, all of our wings, clipped, the scars removed, then we “no-clip,” back into this backroom, back here to this soul-harvesting apparatus, over & over & over again, feeding the beast, feeding The Great Recycler. I have actually seen this entire process in action, with my own eyes, even though it wasn’t these eyes, not these 3d eyes, but my 5d eyes, in my super-conscious, yes, I have seen the Great Recycler, recycling souls, billions maybe, so many, feeding this God damn thing. Want to know when/where I saw it?

DMT, the key that opens the door, revealing the room where you can actually watch The Great Recycler feed, like watching a wild zoo animal at feeding time from behind safety glass. This is how I saw what I saw anyway, you can take your own route, good luck with your travels, but this was MY way to get deep into the Interzone. Very deep, you have to dive deeper than you’ve ever gone, with zero fear, just balls up & go. This is ONLY for exceptionally well-experienced soul travelers though. If you have a weak mind, & you do this, you might jump off the cliff & never come back. Fair warning, for all of you, as this was MY experience, & I am only illustrating MY trip, from my experience, for your perspective, & ONLY your own perspective. Do your own thing, don’t do mine. Now, with that little clause out of the way, I’ll tell you what I did to get to where I got. You have to do AT LEAST ¼ gram, in one go, yes I know that’s a lot of DMT, particularly if it’s legit 100% pure DMT, ¼ gram, divided into 3 consecutive blasts. First blast, hold, hold, hold, exhale…second blast, hold, hold, hold, exhale…third blast, just hold, hold until you leave this 3d space, & you will. Doing that much at once, you go well-beyond the “blast-off” that people talk about. In fact, there is no blast off, it’s straight into inner space. There was no high-pitched whistling, none of that, just an immediate WHOOSH, then I was ludicrous-speed traveling through a twisting series of backrooms, left turn, right turn, right turn, left turn, no direction, no ability to change my direction, like a moving walkway, I went through this series of turning rooms, until another WHOOSH, & I was out of those fractal backroom hallways, & there it was, in all of it’s Uber-ominously overwhelming pseudo-glory, right there in front of me, feeding, which I didn’t know yet, but would soon come to understand this monstrosity, The Great Recycler.

Yes, I saw it, watched it, like I’m watching this screen right now as I type, I saw it, with my own 5d eyes. Look at the GIFs above, & below this paragraph, for your own visual reference. It was MASSIVE, impossible to speculate how massive it actually was from my vantage point. It could’ve been as big as a planet, & maybe it had to be, for what it was doing, but I’ll get to that momentarily after I finish describing this shadowy juggernaut for you. It was almost identical to the giant octopussy spider creature from that show Stranger Things, except it had more “arms,” which actually resembled tentacles more than arms, & there were quite a few of them. I had just WHOOSHED, & then found myself standing at the edge of a giant prehistoric scene, like if you’ve ever driven through Utah, that rocky barren expanse of unusually shaped rock formations & stony ground, which seems to go on forever, not a creature in sight, not a tree, not a bush, no water anywhere, no life, just like a desolate Martian mesa, & The Great Recycler was there, to my left, taking up the entire left side of my view in fact as it was so huge, but what was it doing? I mentioned feeding, so was it, in fact, really feeding? What was it feeding on? Before I could speculate any answers to these questions, these questions I found myself immediately confronted with upon seeing this thing, I began to notice something. I began to notice, that I was suddenly warm, very warm & cozy, blissfully warm & sublimely cozy, & the more I watched this thing do whatever it was doing, the less I kept thinking, like literally no more thoughts, & as my thoughts stopped, I was felt myself being pulled toward the Great Recycler. I somehow wanted it though, at least part of me did, it felt so warm, so cozy, I wanted to let it take me, & all my thoughts, & I had no more concerns and/or questions, just let go, let it take you into itself, where it’s always warm, always so cozy, just let go, & I did, I began to let go, & let this thing take me, take my energy, take anything to keep the warm & cozy going, but then, it stopped…another WHOOSH, & I was back, back at the edge of this giant plain, watching the Great Recycler, & able to think once again, & I was no longer alone…

Before I tell you about my new friends, let me describe, in detail, this sordid scene I was now seeing clearly as my wits had returned to me. As I said, encompassing the entire left side of my view, was this giant creature, completely black, couldn’t see a face anywhere, just a massive black mass, with many of these tentacle-arm things, too many to count. All of these appendages were the receivers, receiving what looked like pure light to me, yes, they were all sucking up this light, but where was this light coming from? It was coming from a glowing river, like liquid lightning, pure white, the whitest brightest white you can imagine, & this Mind Flaying giganticus creature was feeding from it, but what was the source of this intriguing energy stream I was witnessing? PEOPLE, yes humans, people like YOU, billions of them, all stretched out on this giant plain, underneath the Great Light River, but all stuck, halfway in the ground, buried up to their waists, & at the tops of all those billions of blank-eyed heads, were their individually respective lights, like spot lights, right from the tops of the heads, & those lights were feeding, feeding into the Great Light River. All those little lights, combining into a massive liquid lightning energy river, & the giant spider-octopus creature was consuming all the light from the Great Light River, this river that all of YOU, were collectively feeding into, as this inter-dimensional great black entity fed on YOU. When you die, your brain naturally releases a massive dose of DMT. Is this where you go when you die then maybe? Is this what happens? You die, arrive at this same place, this place I am describing, you see the light, the light of the Great Light River. It is warm, so warm & so cozy to gaze into. No thoughts, just let yourself go, let go into this bliss, & then you let go, & your soul, your immortal light being spirit of divinity from Source, flows into this collective river of souls, all warm & cozy, no thoughts. You all flow together, flow to the Great Recycler, until eventually one of its tentacles sucks up your soul, feeding on you, yes YOU. However, since your soul is truly immortal, & can therefore never be destroyed, the Great Recycler feeds on your light energy, erasing all of your memories, then essentially shits you out, into a newborn baby, all just do it again, & again, & again. You have to start all over, with instinctive inclinations toward your true Source-given gifts, but you have no memory, nor your true abilities as an immortal light being. You’re just a human again, a meat puppet for a new soul to be ultimately harvested by the Great Recycler, could it be as simple as that? How did I escape this monster?

My new friends helped me escape. Since I was still technically alive, & just floating by with a DMT parachute when I happened to land here after going heroic with the dosage I inhaled to get to this place, my friends came to the rescue. Who were these new friends? There were four, four of them altogether, so distinct I could smell them. They smelled…celestial…only way I can come close to describing that smell, but I’ll never forget it. Once I had come to my senses, & put together what I just illustrated for you in the preceding paragraph, I looked behind me, & what did I see? Four of them, four angels, four armored archangels, around 7 feet tall, there they were, glowing where they stood, with some kind of ethereal aura around them. Oh, & the wings, oh yes, beautiful white wings, shimmering though like Labradorite, with colors unable to be understood, even in 8k. They all wore armor, this radiant armor, the armor of God I suppose, true light warriors, soldiers for Source, battling for light, for the true light, not this Great Recycler thing, & all of its malevolent darkness. Upon me seeing them, & them looking down at me, the closest one said to me, “Watch, but this is NOT for you.” That’s the only thing any of them spoketh unto me, & it was just the one. I don’t know which one was which, Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, no idea who was who, or if that’s even who they were, but they were there, there with me, watching out for me, & apparently they pulled me back, before I got sucked up into the Great Light River, saving my life I reckon, because that was a MASSIVE DMT blast to take all at once. Any experienced psychonaut would agree 10000% that that is WAY too much for a novice, & as I am not a rookie by any means, I can handle it, aided by archangels, then come back to tell you the tale I just told you. Heroic doses are for all of you, & for none of you, just like this website, got it? YOU do YOU at your own accord, at your own peril, I am just here to speak through the songs in my sentences. And so we all silently watched, the archangels & me, my new friends, watching the Beast feed, feed on YOU, all of you, all of your souls, your light, your spirit, your divine energy gifted via Source, the One true light, all being stolen, & consumed, & shat out into the toilet of time, all to get flushed, then re-consumed, forever, forever & ever. All the while, you have no clue, & just keep coming back, only to eventually be harvested again, only now exceptionally fattened first, just like cattle. Is it so hard to conceive of?

Notice all the fat people lately? I asked you this in the beginning of this article, thus completing my circularity, in Divine time, as always, so randomly perfect. What do we do with cattle? We breed them, grow them, give them the illusion of happiness, then line them up to slaughter & eat them. WE do that, so what would stop some kind of higher-dimensional entity from feeding on US, on YOU, on your souls? Fattening up the herd, so the harvest is more plentiful, do we not do that? At this time, right now in this present moment, there are more people than ever in recorded history, pushing 8 BILLION, 8 billion lost souls, more souls incarnated in bodies then ever before, as far as we know. Maybe you are all being fattened up for the biggest harvest ever, & these so-called elites, who herd you like cattle, are just the foot soldiers for the Great Recycler, taking what it gives to them, taking power, power over YOU, in exchange for their souls, & yours, completely under the spell of the Mind Flayer. They have tricked you, all of you, into allowing yourselves to feed this fucking thing, not really living, just consuming, fattening your souls with folly, & in the end, after you take your last breath, you go to the Greta Recycler, you go, or rather you let go, into the Great Light River, so warm & cozy, only to be fed upon, your memories erased, then pooped back out into a new body, only to do it all, all over again. Is that the truth? Is this really what is happening here? Is this the nascent stage of The Great Harvest?

Fuck if I know, I am just a writer, writing to complete my own circularity, which I have done, as the beginning has now become the end, only to begin again, the serpent has found its own tail yet again, & must feed, always feeding, round & round, like the whirling dervish do. This daily Foozer is spinning, spun, spun out for now, down the flushing toilet of time. Bloody genius, such a lovely loop. Speaking of time, until next time, be the light in the darkness, but know the darkness, as we only have little time, such little time, to find the Divine. Don’t get recycled, don’t let them unwind you, keep this in mind, for YOUR soul, not mine,

For all of you, & for none of you at all.