Time Stands Still 💃🏻🕰️🕺🏼🎏

Party Talk: Alpha Version 👄🎣

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Transmission 🗼🎣 #AiArt

Before the Bridge 🌉 🎣 #aiart

Gone the Bells 2024

Version 1
Version 2

🎣Digital Schizophrenia

Golden Age

The Times to Come

Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea is FAKE NEWS

Someone wanna tell me how the heck this documentary, “Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea,” aired in the UK on June 22, THE SAME DAY that the sub that was allegedly descending down to the Titanic, supposedly imploded? I am a video producer, & there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary film could be produced that quickly. I knew there was something odd about this nonsense from the get-go, but this is some serious next-level programming, to keep people distracted form what’s really going on in the world. Personally, I am stunned, utterly STUNNED, that I woke up today & discovered this insanity. Would you like to see some proof? Of course you do, so I am going to provide numerous screenshots, as well as guide you how to see for yourselves, so that YOU, YOU can bear witness as to what these broadcasters really do to keep the populous distracted while the so-called “ruling elites,” orchestrate power moves behind the scenes. Here we go…

On Sunday, June 18th, the mission to reach the Titanic supposedly begins, right? Anyone can look this up on whatever respective search engine you might use. I left the CNN logo in the screenshots, so you can all see how complacent the number one fake news network is in this hoax. “Truly extraordinary” is right…holy hell, I knew the Operation Mockingbird CIA CNN mainstream fake news was bad, but this is on a whole other level. Okay, & I repeat, on day one, Sunday June 18th, according to CNN, the descent supposedly begins. All the mainstream media outlets start airing coverage. Almost all other news is put on the back burner, as they all shift their focus to this “historic mission” to reach the Titanic…

Day 2, reports that they’ve “lost contact” with the sub, & again, keep in mind, that THERE IS NO SUB & NONE OF THIS IS REAL. This ENTIRE story is a hoax, there was no sub, no one died, & this is all ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, but for the sake of discovery, we will play along. Let’s now go to day 3.

The fake news scripted narrative continues, with reports of “banging noises” being picked up on sonar. Can you see the scripting here? Building up tension, increasing the anxiety of the viewers/readers, just like a script from a movie or TV show, & oh no, they only have a few days left of oxygen, it’s all so dramatic. I have to keep repeating that THIS IS NOT A REAL STORY, just to emphasize how fake the news is that the CIA, along with other alphabet agencies in places like the UK & Canada, orchestrates, TO CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, TO CONTROL THE ZEITGEIST, TO CONTROL YOU, IT’S ALL JUST A SCRIPTED NARRATIVE, & they’ve been doing this for decades now, so it’s ULTRA-formulaic in its nature by now. Let’s move to Wednesday, June 20th. OH MY, THEY’RE ALMOST OUT OF OXYGEN, THE “RESCUERS” HAVE TO HURRY, THE SUSPENSE BUILDS. I hope those of you who read this are following this, & what I am exposing here, in real time. This is a BIG, a YUGE deal, because they’ve been caught, caught by citizen journalists, such as yours truly. Let’s continue…

Wednesday, June 21, they deploy search teams, except they actually didn’t, because again, THERE WAS NO SUB, NO ONE IS DEAD, & THIS IS A BULLSHIT STORY, but look at the cute little graphic they made, supposedly sourced by NOAA, The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, just to add some science to this made-up story, to make it more convincing. I wish I could explain in words how surreal this feels to find this as soon as I woke up this morning. If this goes viral, I expect yet ANOTHER made up event to get everyone looking the other way from the fact that we, WE THE CITIZEN JOURNALISTS, used our own research methods to not only debunk this nonsense entirely, but more importantly, WE are exposing the fake news for what they truly are, which is just that, FAKE NEWS. One after another after another, pumping out this crap, & if you do a search with a query like I used below, you can scroll down for yourself to see just how many fake news agencies are involved in this fiction. I simply typed in, “when did the titanic sub descend,” & look what pops up…

They have timelines, they PAID WRITERS TO WRITE THIS CRAP FOR THEM, & I knew this went deep(pun intended), but to go this deep, wow, even yours truly is a bit stunned. Unfortunately, I cannot post video on here unless I pay for an upgrade, which I refuse to do, but if you type in what I typed in the image above, & scroll down, you can see WITH YOUR OWN EYES, how countless mainstream media outlets are part of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird fake news apparatus. THIS IS NOT JUST NEWS FROM THE USA. The UK is involved, Canada is involved, the pinnacles of the Western World are ALL PART OF THIS. I’ve told you all, Jesus Christ I’ve told you all, for OVER A DECADE NOW about these things, & I have taken so much shit, been called a “conspiracy theorist” countless times, amongst other things, & yet again, my “theory,” has been vindicated, as it relates to this “tragic lost sub” fictional scripted-narrative BULLSHIT story. I don’t care about any “I told you so” garbage, I just want you people to WAKE UP ALREADY, wake up as to how much you all are continuously lied to, over & over & over & over again. They program all of you, brainwashing you with news that isn’t even real. That’s why it’s called “broadcast programming” for fuck’s sake. It’s right there in the words. Think about all those “around the water cooler” discussions about the daily news, & how much of it is probably all made up, yet it gets in your head, in everyone’s head, as a control mechanism, to ultimately keep you all distracted, as well as compliant to a globalist agenda, albeit unwillingly, but I cannot digress too much right now, as I usually do, because we are not done here. Now let’s go to the final day, June 22.

Uh oh, a “statement was issued,” stating that all 5 of the men on board, have perished. What a sad story, the sub allegedly “imploded,” no bodies can be recovered, & the U.S. Navy supposedly finds a “debris field.” Can you comprehend the depths of how sinister this fake news game is? Well, prepare to have your mind blown, because what’s this I found? I hinted at it at the beginning, but I saved the best part for the end. Notice the date that these men supposedly died, June 22, & keep that in mind as you read on…

Look at what premiered on what looks like Netflix in the UK on the SAME DAY they reported the sub was lost. A 75 minute documentary, PRODUCED, THEN AIRED ON THE SAME DAY THE “ADVENTURERS” ALLEGEDLY PERISHED, about the Titanic sub, being lost at sea. I make videos, & I can assure you, with every fiber of my video-producing being, that there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary could’ve been put together that quickly, then aired on THE SAME DAY THE SUB SUPPOSEDLY IMPLODED, on what looks like Netflix in the UK. The only way, is if if was pre-produced, before the entire event, even supposedly happened. PRE-PRODUCED, proving definitively, that this was all fake news, just like everything else the CIA Operation Mockingbird media broadcasts via their mainstream media “news” apparatus. There is no real news anymore, it’s all just scripts, narratives read from teleprompters by WELL-paid actors, used to steer the zeitgeist in whatever way they choose, TO CONTROL YOU, ALL OF YOU, now how does that make you feel? Angry? Frustrated? Both? It should, because it’s a big lie, & they’ve been lying to all of you for a long, long time. How much proof do you need? As you know, the FisH™ abides, so I’ll just drop a series of images here, so you can see for yourselves, or even better, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, so you can see on YOUR computer, or phone, or tablet, or whatever you use, WITH YOUR OWN EYES, this fake story EXPOSED.

Notice how I kept the dates in most of the screenshots, because I want the proof to be definitive, that this entire “Titanic sub disaster” story, was a farce from day one, aired for one reason, & one reason only, TO KEEP YOU LOOKING LEFT, WHILE THE POWERS-THAT-BE COMMIT CRIMES ON THE RIGHT, as is par for their course. None of this is new, only this time, WE GOT THEM, caught them them dead-to-rights, as the saying goes I think, or how about “caught like a dolphin in a tuna net,” which I literally just made up. Sounds better, right? I like my analogy. Regardless, look at this series of screenshots, do your own eyes lie? Mine don’t; the timestamps are right there.

Time to wrap this up, for now anyway. What a morning, what a whirlwind morning, & if this goes viral, as I mentioned earlier, expect some other fake news nonsense to pop up, to take everyone’s eyes off of this Titanic sub hoax EXPOSED, & divert everyone’s attention elsewhere, so their game of information control can continue. Until next time dear readers, turn off the television, & most definitely, DO NOT, & I repeat, DO NOT believe anything you see that gets broadcast via the CIA Operation Mockingbird mainstream media fake news propaganda machine. IT’S ALL A BIG LIE, & it’s time to expose them for what they truly are. WE ARE THE MEDIA, we citizen journalists are the media. WE are the REAL media now. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

The Fooze: S4E13 4/13/2023 Bosses

This is a bit of a daily placeholder, of sorts, just to turn my daily date from white to blue. Gotta stay disciplined, which ironically, is something most bosses do not value and/or appreciate. Nope, most let that pseudo-power they snatched fill their head full of authoritative notions that not only are unwarranted, they’re ultimately unproductive. Shitty bosses cause higher turnover rates, which cost the company money, which is the goal of having a company to begin with, to make money. Most bad bosses are women, & by most, I mean 99% of bad bosses are women, because that is not their place, to be in charge of anything other than raising kids & cleaning the house. Hunters are men, leaders are men, BOSSES are MEN, & what are women? Obviously, in the context of this well-known phrase, they’re gatherers, they’re followers unless amongst themselves, & even then, they can’t manage a female hierarchy on their own, so eventually men come in there & straighten things out as well.

It’s a man’s world, because MEN built it. Duh. You like all the conveniences of the modern age? Thank MEN, straight men, who build, & engineer, & create, & erect(pun intended obviously). WE built all of this, & if we hadn’t, women would still be sold as slaves, with ZERO inclinations as to all the freedoms they take for granted. It’s such a fucking joke, but it’s not funny at all, especially nowadays, with this trans movement nonsense…more like a bowel movement, but nonetheless, women are so bad at even being women, that men have come in to do it for them, that’s how bad it is. Sadly, most of them are clueless, especially these white trash hillbilly West Virginia inbred cunts that move to the big city, then assume they can take on a man’s role, oh such a go-getter…(fart noise). How many drugs does it take to get through your day big girl? Anti-depressants? Most of them are aderall junkies, just gotta keep moving before the looks, if they have any, fade away, & then they become physically unattractive on top of the mental unattractiveness they’ve had their whole delusional lives. Can’t be ugly on the inside if you’re ugly on the outside too, or men will shun you totally. Doubt me? Watch & see ladies, we men don’t usually have that problem.

Ugh, the way they fake it from the moment they wake to it. Make-up, 1000 different outfits, 100 pairs of shoes, fake eyelashes, fake hair, fake tits, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE…& you actually want men to EVER take you seriously? Get the fuck outta here already with that madness; you soulless harpies are as mental as these trannies teaching queer theory to children. MENTAL PATIENTS, ON MEDS, WITH PAINTED FACES & RAINBOW-DYED HAIR…& you honestly believe that men are gonna keep buying the used cars you’re selling? Not to mention, online dating has massacred the sanctity of being virtuous. YES, body count means something you revoltingly filthy slags. Ugh, makes me cringe with pukeworthy cringitude. So disgusting, & if pussy was a stock, it would be so underwater, you’d see the Titanic.

At this point, I wouldn’t touch any of you with a homeless guy’s dick, but fret not, because there’s still a nation of simps at the ready to abide your utterly self-centered cluelessness. Fat is GROSS, it is most definitely NOT beautiful, & you fat girls have been so simped out, that you actually now believe you’re hot, so let me clue you in, you’re NOT, you’re most certainly not. Fat girls in leggings…it’s vomitous, so please just stop.

Here’s a great example: Earlier today, I saw a porker, around maybe 260ish, tree trunk legs, the leggings were screaming in agony like they were burning in hell. Picture this: Early 30’s, 260-pound porker, spray painted-on makeup, pasty & amateur-looking, a tie-dyed Grateful Dead shirt, the screaming black leggings, tie-dyed socks with the leggings that match the tie-dyed Grateful Dead shirt, & those new school/old school Reeboks, that fat black girls commonly wore in circa 1984…ironic year, right? Anyway, oh wait, I forgot to mention the lanyard with rainbow woke button pin things all over it, trying oh so hard to STILL be cool, gotta be trendy, such delusions, a fucking poser munter gamma goblin basement-bottom beta kiss-ass woketard liberal fat girl. The embodiment of ugh. To top it all off though, she was babbling about her fiancé, a male, allegedly, & all I could think is, “What fucking simpy simp simparoo “loves” this pig enough to marry her?” Like why?

Call me mean, & go fuck yourself large Marges. Do I sound like I care? Like your opinion means anything at all? Awe, it doesn’t poopsy. B-O-O-H-O-O. Just blows the mind, & I say what people really think, what critical thinkers think, yet don’t have the courage to simply speak the TRUTH.

Oh man did I digress, & bang out yet ANOTHER essay, in only a half-hour too, not too shabby, as they say, whoever “they” is? Who the fuck is “they,” as the word they, is used in that context, as a common expression amongst the pop culture? Great question, thanks for asking. I have no idea, but it would seem that “they,” refers to those who created the language, & speaking of which, how the fuck did that happen too? Did this “they,” that I keep referring to, make it up in a day or two? Did it develop over days, weeks, years? Great topic for another time, I’ll look into it. Anyway, this is the end. Until next time dear readers, bosses suck, & if that boss is a woman, she can suck a scrowty sack. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Bosses suck, & if that boss is a woman, she can suck a scrowty sack.” Fish F Fish🎏

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