Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea is FAKE NEWS

Someone wanna tell me how the heck this documentary, “Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea,” aired in the UK on June 22, THE SAME DAY that the sub that was allegedly descending down to the Titanic, supposedly imploded? I am a video producer, & there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary film could be produced that quickly. I knew there was something odd about this nonsense from the get-go, but this is some serious next-level programming, to keep people distracted form what’s really going on in the world. Personally, I am stunned, utterly STUNNED, that I woke up today & discovered this insanity. Would you like to see some proof? Of course you do, so I am going to provide numerous screenshots, as well as guide you how to see for yourselves, so that YOU, YOU can bear witness as to what these broadcasters really do to keep the populous distracted while the so-called “ruling elites,” orchestrate power moves behind the scenes. Here we go…

On Sunday, June 18th, the mission to reach the Titanic supposedly begins, right? Anyone can look this up on whatever respective search engine you might use. I left the CNN logo in the screenshots, so you can all see how complacent the number one fake news network is in this hoax. “Truly extraordinary” is right…holy hell, I knew the Operation Mockingbird CIA CNN mainstream fake news was bad, but this is on a whole other level. Okay, & I repeat, on day one, Sunday June 18th, according to CNN, the descent supposedly begins. All the mainstream media outlets start airing coverage. Almost all other news is put on the back burner, as they all shift their focus to this “historic mission” to reach the Titanic…

Day 2, reports that they’ve “lost contact” with the sub, & again, keep in mind, that THERE IS NO SUB & NONE OF THIS IS REAL. This ENTIRE story is a hoax, there was no sub, no one died, & this is all ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, but for the sake of discovery, we will play along. Let’s now go to day 3.

The fake news scripted narrative continues, with reports of “banging noises” being picked up on sonar. Can you see the scripting here? Building up tension, increasing the anxiety of the viewers/readers, just like a script from a movie or TV show, & oh no, they only have a few days left of oxygen, it’s all so dramatic. I have to keep repeating that THIS IS NOT A REAL STORY, just to emphasize how fake the news is that the CIA, along with other alphabet agencies in places like the UK & Canada, orchestrates, TO CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, TO CONTROL THE ZEITGEIST, TO CONTROL YOU, IT’S ALL JUST A SCRIPTED NARRATIVE, & they’ve been doing this for decades now, so it’s ULTRA-formulaic in its nature by now. Let’s move to Wednesday, June 20th. OH MY, THEY’RE ALMOST OUT OF OXYGEN, THE “RESCUERS” HAVE TO HURRY, THE SUSPENSE BUILDS. I hope those of you who read this are following this, & what I am exposing here, in real time. This is a BIG, a YUGE deal, because they’ve been caught, caught by citizen journalists, such as yours truly. Let’s continue…

Wednesday, June 21, they deploy search teams, except they actually didn’t, because again, THERE WAS NO SUB, NO ONE IS DEAD, & THIS IS A BULLSHIT STORY, but look at the cute little graphic they made, supposedly sourced by NOAA, The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, just to add some science to this made-up story, to make it more convincing. I wish I could explain in words how surreal this feels to find this as soon as I woke up this morning. If this goes viral, I expect yet ANOTHER made up event to get everyone looking the other way from the fact that we, WE THE CITIZEN JOURNALISTS, used our own research methods to not only debunk this nonsense entirely, but more importantly, WE are exposing the fake news for what they truly are, which is just that, FAKE NEWS. One after another after another, pumping out this crap, & if you do a search with a query like I used below, you can scroll down for yourself to see just how many fake news agencies are involved in this fiction. I simply typed in, “when did the titanic sub descend,” & look what pops up…

They have timelines, they PAID WRITERS TO WRITE THIS CRAP FOR THEM, & I knew this went deep(pun intended), but to go this deep, wow, even yours truly is a bit stunned. Unfortunately, I cannot post video on here unless I pay for an upgrade, which I refuse to do, but if you type in what I typed in the image above, & scroll down, you can see WITH YOUR OWN EYES, how countless mainstream media outlets are part of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird fake news apparatus. THIS IS NOT JUST NEWS FROM THE USA. The UK is involved, Canada is involved, the pinnacles of the Western World are ALL PART OF THIS. I’ve told you all, Jesus Christ I’ve told you all, for OVER A DECADE NOW about these things, & I have taken so much shit, been called a “conspiracy theorist” countless times, amongst other things, & yet again, my “theory,” has been vindicated, as it relates to this “tragic lost sub” fictional scripted-narrative BULLSHIT story. I don’t care about any “I told you so” garbage, I just want you people to WAKE UP ALREADY, wake up as to how much you all are continuously lied to, over & over & over & over again. They program all of you, brainwashing you with news that isn’t even real. That’s why it’s called “broadcast programming” for fuck’s sake. It’s right there in the words. Think about all those “around the water cooler” discussions about the daily news, & how much of it is probably all made up, yet it gets in your head, in everyone’s head, as a control mechanism, to ultimately keep you all distracted, as well as compliant to a globalist agenda, albeit unwillingly, but I cannot digress too much right now, as I usually do, because we are not done here. Now let’s go to the final day, June 22.

Uh oh, a “statement was issued,” stating that all 5 of the men on board, have perished. What a sad story, the sub allegedly “imploded,” no bodies can be recovered, & the U.S. Navy supposedly finds a “debris field.” Can you comprehend the depths of how sinister this fake news game is? Well, prepare to have your mind blown, because what’s this I found? I hinted at it at the beginning, but I saved the best part for the end. Notice the date that these men supposedly died, June 22, & keep that in mind as you read on…

Look at what premiered on what looks like Netflix in the UK on the SAME DAY they reported the sub was lost. A 75 minute documentary, PRODUCED, THEN AIRED ON THE SAME DAY THE “ADVENTURERS” ALLEGEDLY PERISHED, about the Titanic sub, being lost at sea. I make videos, & I can assure you, with every fiber of my video-producing being, that there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary could’ve been put together that quickly, then aired on THE SAME DAY THE SUB SUPPOSEDLY IMPLODED, on what looks like Netflix in the UK. The only way, is if if was pre-produced, before the entire event, even supposedly happened. PRE-PRODUCED, proving definitively, that this was all fake news, just like everything else the CIA Operation Mockingbird media broadcasts via their mainstream media “news” apparatus. There is no real news anymore, it’s all just scripts, narratives read from teleprompters by WELL-paid actors, used to steer the zeitgeist in whatever way they choose, TO CONTROL YOU, ALL OF YOU, now how does that make you feel? Angry? Frustrated? Both? It should, because it’s a big lie, & they’ve been lying to all of you for a long, long time. How much proof do you need? As you know, the FisH™ abides, so I’ll just drop a series of images here, so you can see for yourselves, or even better, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, so you can see on YOUR computer, or phone, or tablet, or whatever you use, WITH YOUR OWN EYES, this fake story EXPOSED.

Notice how I kept the dates in most of the screenshots, because I want the proof to be definitive, that this entire “Titanic sub disaster” story, was a farce from day one, aired for one reason, & one reason only, TO KEEP YOU LOOKING LEFT, WHILE THE POWERS-THAT-BE COMMIT CRIMES ON THE RIGHT, as is par for their course. None of this is new, only this time, WE GOT THEM, caught them them dead-to-rights, as the saying goes I think, or how about “caught like a dolphin in a tuna net,” which I literally just made up. Sounds better, right? I like my analogy. Regardless, look at this series of screenshots, do your own eyes lie? Mine don’t; the timestamps are right there.

Time to wrap this up, for now anyway. What a morning, what a whirlwind morning, & if this goes viral, as I mentioned earlier, expect some other fake news nonsense to pop up, to take everyone’s eyes off of this Titanic sub hoax EXPOSED, & divert everyone’s attention elsewhere, so their game of information control can continue. Until next time dear readers, turn off the television, & most definitely, DO NOT, & I repeat, DO NOT believe anything you see that gets broadcast via the CIA Operation Mockingbird mainstream media fake news propaganda machine. IT’S ALL A BIG LIE, & it’s time to expose them for what they truly are. WE ARE THE MEDIA, we citizen journalists are the media. WE are the REAL media now. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

Let’s Talk News…Straight Arrow News

“News,” as in “what’s new,” & what’s new, that’s going on locally, nationally, and/or globally, as a compendium, we call “the news.” We all like keeping up with current events, we want to know the story, the REAL story, & that’s the role of said news, to report on real stories, to report on real events, when they happen, as they happened, as factually as possible. Well, as anyone with, at the very least, a proverbial hamster in their head running on an equally proverbial wheel knows, the news, has been a continuous agglomeration of all of the chaos going on around the planet, most often reported (if you can call reading a teleprompter “reporting”) in some kind of quasi-hyperbolic manner, in order to keep people watching their UN-respectable respective news channels. It’s few & far between when there’s ever any GOOD news they report on though, is there?…so it equates to as I said, an exaggeratedly jumbled mess of all that’s chaotic, all that’s negative, all that’s shocking, because that’s what gets peoples’ attention these days, isn’t it? “Shock & awe,” sells; that’s the bottom line. The worse it is, the better it is for ratings, & so that’s what gets publicized, whether it’s publicized visually or via the written word. Now, let’s pursue some so-called news & see what’s going on then, shall we? We’ll spin the figurative globe & start wherever our finger lands, musing the latest articles, and/or whatever’s “breaking,” & work our way through it. Of course, I’m not going to be including fake news mainstream media propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, but wait, hang on a second…are they any real news outlets left?

Sure there are, only you won’t find them being broadcast via the televised programming that most people are brainwashed with, oh no no no, since the legit news networks would offer truth, & Clownworld doesn’t abide truth, & thus, is verboten, hence why you have to know where to find it. Here, we ONLY search for the real news, like hunting for diamonds on a beach. That’s right, & you all should know this by now, that yours truly ONLY researches REAL news, REAL events, the delivers it to all of YOU. because that aforementioned programming, is what has not only ruined the minds of many people, it has knowingly programmed them with an entirely false sense of what the REAL reality even is. It’s right there in the words…”broadcast programming,” so if one wants to find real news, they have to utilize sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart, for example. These two sites compile the ACTUAL news of the day, without spin, without subjectivity, & without writers and reporters who work for the CIA, spewing out whatever wag-the-dogish garbage they are told to, as well paid to, barf out all over the daily turning of the zeitgeist windmill. Obviously, I could go right to either of those two sites I just spoke of, as those who seek real news do, but today, I am focusing on an up & coming news organization that may rival the two sites I just mentioned, albeit a friendly rivalry, for when it comes to the truth, one not cares how it’s delivered, only that it IS, in fact, delivered, in real-time, on-time. “What news site could FisH™ be referring to?,” you might be wondering. Great question, thanks for asking.

This site, which yours truly just recently discovered himself, & added to the title above, as well as bookmarked for himself, is SAN, the Straight Arrow News Network. What shoots things straighter than an arrow?…& on top of having a clever monicker, they have a team of dedicated contributors who filter out the truth from the lies, & give people the FACTS, not the fiction, offering a genuine perspective as opposed to the false conclusions drawn from that scripted-narrative nonsense being broadcast through your televisions. Their site is as professional as it gets, & I HIGHLY recommend that you download the app to your digital devices, turn on the notifications, & with that being said, let’s dive right in to today’s latest articles posted on SAN, & see what’s going on in a world, where the tide seems to FINALLY be turning from fantasy to reality. Many people are becoming increasingly turned-off by those erroneous scripted narratives, & just want to know what the hell is really going on. You can only lie to the public for so long, before the fickle nature of the mob grows cold at the thought of biased reporting being peddled by agenda-pushing peddlers who want nothing more than to get clicks, get paid, & propagate fear & anxiety, rather than simply telling the damn truth. Has it really become so outlandish, so offensive, telling the truth? It sure as, to the point of exiling those of us who DO the tell the truth, particularly yours truly, who has spent the last 6-7 years in the digital gulag for doing just that, exposing the truth, & writing about it here on this site.

SAN, Straight Arrow News…now that could catch on quickly, could it not? Giving it to you STRAIGHT, no bullshit, no fodder, just the honest-to-God truth as to what happens, when it happens, why it happens, & how it may or may not affect you directly…yes YOU, US, WE The People, the people who want to know the truth, & nothing but the truth. Okay, now let’s get into it. Dit-dit-dit-dit…dit-dit-dit-dit…first off, looks like Hunter Biden, the crack-smoking, prostitute-soliciting, degenerate son of the pseudo-POTUS Potato Joe Biden, that illegally “won” the 2020 election, via ballot harvesting, rigged voting machines, & corrupt vote-counters, has evidentially been caught yet again in even MORE nefarious activities, as if that’s shocking to anyone at this point. That’s correct, as it seems that newly released WhatsApp messages have been uncovered, detailing an exchange between Hunter Biden, & an employee from a Chinese energy company, orchestrating a $10 million deal for “favors,” & you can read all about it on SAN, by clicking HERE. FisH™ absolutely detests plagiarism or any theft of one’s intellectual property, & thus, attributes all credit to the details of the stories I will list, to the writers who actually wrote them, which I why I will simply do a quick paraphrasing of the published headline, provide the link to the story, then move on.

Up next…hang on, hang on a second, you know what, dear readers? If I continue to do this, this article will stretch the length of 197 combined attention spans, so what I think the best thing for YOU to do is, dear readers, is to go to SAN yourselves, the Straight Arrow News site, & do your own reading, for YOU, not for me. I can only illustrate their professionalism so well, & without YOU seeing it for yourself, what are we really accomplishing here? Nothing, so yes, just go tot he site, & read for yourselves. I am just happy I discovered this nascent site, so I want you to be happy discovering it as well for yourselves. SAN needs our support, the support of the American population, because with the collectively continued support of we who are sick & God-damned tired of being lied to on a seemingly never-ending basis by Operation Mockingbird mainstream media outlets like CNN, the Straight Arrow News Network will quickly grow, & become as big as the sites we are are already familiar with, sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart. I am simply here to help, & to contribute whenever I can to promoting any/all news outlets that expose the REAL reality of what’s going on in this topsy-turvy world we are all stuck in together. The people want TRUTH…period. If they wanted fantasy, they’d watch Netflix all day, & before I digress into a diatribe about how too many people DO watch too much Netflix all day, I am going to wrap this article up. I just wanted to bring attention to SAN, The Straight Arrow News, so that hopefully, the few readers that still can see me, despite the AI-driven relentless shadowbanning of my site here, have another option as to where to go to find TRUTH, in a world that sadly still revolves around the lies & deception being broadcast by alphabet-agency-controlled propaganda broadcasters, like those that come free with your monthly cable bill.

Unfortunately, these days one has to look beyond the reach of their remote control to find out what the real news is all about, & if you can click a mouse, you can click on SAN, The Straight Arrow News website, see for yourselves, & then go a step further by bookmarking it, whether on your phones, your tablets, and/or your computers, adding it to your reading lists on those devices as well, & lastly, setting notifications to “ON,” so that YOU, are informed when real news breaks, & can rely on SAN to cover whatever those future breaking news events might be. Trust the reporters, writers, editors, & publishers at SAN to bring you the FACTS, & avoiding the fictions, so that YOU know what’s going on as soon as it happens, keeping you one step ahead of the fake news, & two steps ahead of the globalists who fund those Operation Mockingbird, scripted-narrative-driven propagandists, who only use their platforms to control the people, not to inform them. Until next time dear readers, listen to FisH™, who has never lied to you, or steered you wrong, especially as far as the truth goes, & download SAN, The Straight Arrow News app, to your respective devices now. If you want truth, you can always find it here, & wherever I direct you, is where to find where yours truly find the truths, the truths that I report to you. Again, that’s SAN, The Straight Arrow News. Click on it now, for YOU, not for me, for your sake, not for mine. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“ONLY facts matter, not fiction, as it relates to the daily news.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S6E7 6/7/2023 Historious Mysterious

Is it just me, yours truly, your neighborhood fish, or does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, ancient history, as it’s taught in places where you’re supposed to learn truth, is, in fact, not true at all? When you think of “ancient,” what sort of imagery pops up in your mind? Oh man, where does one begin amongst so many un-truths? This isn’t even an exclusively “ancient” thing either, & why do I say that? Great question, thanks for playing. I say that because as relatively recent as ohhhhhhh…200ish years ago, there might have been an event, an event of such dynamism, that said event, changed the entire world, along with the truth, as to where the true origins of mankind lie. Oh no no no, the true truth is not totally gone, per se; it’s buried, buried in the mud, like a hungry pig. If you dive into this, you might get pissed, because it sucks being lied to, doesn’t it?…especially if you’ve been lied to for your whole damn life. What can you do about it, other than speculate?

You have to think like a globalist in this situation; end of the old world, is the beginning of a new world, OUR new world. There was no internet back then, so information traveled by word of mouth and/or newspapers, & there wasn’t any insta-gratification, like we’re so used to today. It would have been very easy for those old school elites to write & rewrite the “news of the day,” & I can assure you all that by the 19th century, they did. Newspapers were common in the cities, which is also where they tended to write the “news,” because they already had an established system of printers & writers & such, & were more than well-aware of the power that rots within the concept of controlling the news via scripted narratives. Think of like…a pony express wag the dog. They could’ve wrote anything really; think about it, & if those old school illuminati guys were already plotting world domination, they were definitely already wagging that purebred Orwellian ruffruff.

Before we start, here’s a lineup of links to several videos, all of which relate to the central topic, but I have to keep this post somewhat nebulous, or I’ll end up with a 20-25 page research paper. Moving on, & in no particular order: The First Great Reset, The Great Mud Flood, Tartaria, Orphan Trains, The Carrington Event, & like I said, the order matters not, but knowing what each of these highlighted links refers to is crucial. The more ya know, ya know? Now, please continue with the real history lesson, with your favorite teacher, Mr. Fish~🐟

Oy vey, just imagine what you could do back then; you could write anything, anything that sells, & you’d get paid. Now, stretch that out 200 years later, & you have this broadcast scripted narrative Orwellian fake news apparatus programming the populous to think/do/believe whatever the black-squared screen tells them to believe/do/think, but before I tangent off the exit ramp into another topic, I am going to pull the plug right………………….now, & get back to the history lesson I spoke of in the premier paragraph. As I mentioned earlier, suppose there was an event, a worldwide event, a global cataclysm of some kind, something that everyone bears witness to, but unfortunately for most of them, it’s the last thing they saw. Click the links? It’s vital that you do, because the event I speak of, is a flood, but not just any flood, a mud flood, The Great Mud Flood, some call it. It’s a newer discovery for us deep divers in the grand picture, but a select few have certainly known about it since the day it happened, back in…1834, maybe, I think, as sometimes the dates vary, depending on what source you click.

Now if this is true, & you decide to Indiana Jones it down this rabbit hole, you’re going to find some exceptionally compelling evidence that it is, in fact, verifiable…i.e…true. That implies that everything prior to that time, could be all made up, at the very least partially made up, right? The 1834 Great Mud Flood is also referred to as The Great Reset…sound familiar? Wait what?…there was ALREADY a “Great Reset?” There sure was, according to this plausible possibility that there WAS a Great Mud Flood in 1834, that wiped out millions, basically “resetting” the world, leaving the survivors & the children under the dominion of the globalists, to rebuild a new world…their GLOBALIST new world, as in their globalist new world ORDER. Again, sound familiar? This is life-changing deep diving dear readers, if you find the mountains of evidence as convincing as I have. I first found this…I don’t know, maybe 5-6 years ago, when I came across a word that I had heard, & do you know what word that bird was singing that I heard? One word: Tartaria

I’m telling you…prepare to have your mind blown if this is all new to you. You think the so-called “elites” are sinister, yes? Evil soulless scum, yes? You’d be right of course, they surely are, no doubt, & in fact, they’re much, much, much worse. Like the sole of Satan’s sandal smothered in serpent-demon shit, yes, that’s how vile these devils truly are at their core. They have been well-aware of the truth for nearly 2 centuries now, & of course, they kept it all to themselves, up until the Internet opened it’s proverbial Pandora’s Box of information that most of us had zero access to prior. “UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!”…proclaimed as this long-locked floodgates broke, & the torrents of truth flooded the world, waking up many of us in its wake. Ha, it’s kind of ironic how a flood of info, clued people in on a real-life global flood, that has been unwritten from history books for some reason. Yep, those people-herding, city-building, soul-sucking master architects in their secret societies probably knew the Mud Flood was coming, & prepared accordingly to go full planetary with their human domination agenda in the aftermath.

Many would die, obviously the ones without a clue, & so the globalists created Orphan Trains, in order to repopulate wherever was deemed necessary. How convenient for setting up your new world order, rebuilding with children, like Willy Wonka’s final speech in the ORIGINAL Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, not the Tim Burton remake. The remake is terrible, TERRIBLE, a total insult to Roald Dahl, the guy that wrote the book. In fact, I’ll link that original ending scene for you below, just to wash the taste of Johnny Depp’s worst role ever out of your head. I remember watching the original for the first time when I was…ohhhhh…maybe 5-6ish, I don’t really know, but I definitely recall the novelty, the sweetest novelty, one of those supersweet ones from your early youth, if you can remember. I do, as far as this movie goes, & it was so novel in fact, that I still, STILL, get tingly just writing about it right now. Oh man, good times…good times, & of course, I have digressed yet again. Where was I?…

Ah yes, the Great Mud Flood, I was talking about the Great Mud Flood, & Tartaria, & The First Great Reset, & OH…oh oh oh…the “Orphan Trains,” that’s why I mentioned the Willy Wonka thing. Adults would want to build a new world THEIR way, but not children, children will become what the adults in the room want them to become, said adults being the globalists, & said children, would be composed of these organized “Orphan Trains,” organized to repopulate strategic geographical areas in a manner that would ultimately benefit the same globalists who sent them there. You’re going to have click the links provided if you really wanna dive deep, because as I said at the start, I could literally write a book, probably a hungry handful of books, detailing these events, via the information I’ve gathered my self DYOR.

Ya know, “DYOR,” is likely the most important idiom one can add to their personal stash of idioms. Not to mention, there already ARE books about it. There’s actually information available all over the place these days, but imagine, imagine if there was no internet. Who would know? From the big perspective, suppose there was no internet, how COULD one know, not to mention how would one even search? You couldn’t, & their dark & dirty little secret would still be theirs, & other than those secret societies that pass on the REAL knowledge pertaining to the REAL history of the REAL Earth amongst their own respective brotherhoods, none of us would know shit, would we? If you’re not in the club, you’d just be waiting for the newspaper to tell you what’s what. Think about that, think about the time, think about how those who control the media, DO, in fact, control the world, because in their beady pit-viper eyes, it’s THEIR story, THEIR his-story, thus it’s THEIR world, & the day will come when they want it all for themselves. As the world population quickly advances to 8 billion people, the stakes have never, NEVER, been higher, as far as we know. Never so much power, never so much media, & one could almost argue that we’re living novelty in real-time right now, as we sail into these dark uncharted seas. Isn’t the future ALWAYS novel, in some way or another?

Again, I spent a lot of time being somewhat vague about these topic. One, because I want YOU to click the links I provide so that YOU, can read & watch & learn for YOUR-selves. Two, because as I mentioned, I can could go on & on & on & on illustrating all the facets of The Great Mud Flood & Tartaria, & attention span lives matter. Three, you’re free to swim in any part of the pool, as it’s YOUR choice, not mine. The fact is, however, that YOU should already be informed about this chapter in the big book of esoterica, but who can blame you if you don’t know? It’s not like this is ever talked about openly, other than in online forums, more-or-less. It’s a fringe group that is aware, or so I’d guess, if I had to speculate. If I did a Man on the Street kind of interview, maybe…ohhhhhhh…1 out of 250 would know, maybe. That’s being a bit generous too, & it would depend on where/who you ask, but if you did a poll, could somehow make sure that no one uses a search engine to cheat, & the one question on that poll was: What country now stands where Tartaria once stood? Like I said, 1 out of 250 maybe, & that would be the one that luckily guesses “Russia.”

Oh dang, oh dang dang diggity dang, Fish just had a tasty thought; is the USA fighting a proxy war with Russia to get the artifacts that were left there by the original inhabitants, the Tartarianos? Perhaps there is/was some ancient tech that they have reverse-engineered, or maybe some kind of relic that wields some kind of force power, or maybe there’s a complete history documented there, particularly about the real origins of us humans that have inhabited this planet, who knows? Hmmmm, I’m going to have to look more into this, have a long think on it, dig for truth treasure. It’s kind of surreal & a bit ironic that I just put these possibilities together actually, because earlier today, I was reading/watching things about the real reason we invaded Iraq, & it surely wasn’t for WMDs. Nope, it was because he had direct access to ancient relics & supposed “alien” tech, that has since allegedly been reverse-engineered, & is now in the hands of the CIA. I told you earlier, it’s an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole, & if you eat all these fish, you’ll grow big, as big as a conspiracy theorist that’s always proven right. Not the best simile of my writing career, but not the worst…derp…moving on…

…on to the end, as your attention span wanes, right in the nick-nick of time. Yes, as I said, use the links I provided. All you have to do is click it, then go from there. Or don’t click, don’t go, & make yourself a hot pocket for your favorite Netflix show, as I am only the scribbling scribe. Yes, I’m just the dial-turner, the frequency finder, the one who walks to the well each day to bring fresh water to the town. If the power ever went out, & all this was gone, you’d be a bit glum that you couldn’t just look things up with the heated touch of a button anymore, yes? This notion implies that maybe we should all, ALL OF US, yours truly as well, we should all STOP taking time for granted, & make the most of the time we have NOW, at this moment, before the time runs out & you eat your last fish. Think about it. Until next time dear readers, keep in mind, you’re making history with every second that passes, literally & figuratively. I wonder what future history books will say about us, & this Clownworld upside-down era estraña we’re all stuck in at the moment, for another moment, & another moment, what will they say? Incidentally, Future History is a good title, & I’ll be adding it to the draft queue, because that is how we Fish do…shoooooooooooo. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“We are future history.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Isn’t the future ALWAYS novel, in one way or another?” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E13 5/13/2023 Why Not?

I got nothing else to do, & I can’t sleep my life away, so I decided to write, blah blah blah blahbaba. What to write about, what to write about? My upcoming cross-country trip maybe, that’s exciting, right? Unfortunately, I feel like it’s the last time though. Numero quatro, that’s right, my FOURTH trip across the country. Dang, what a ride, pun intended. There’s nothing like driving across this once great country, & since it’s been ohhhhh…7ish years or so, since I did it the last time, it should prove interestingly nostalgic to see how the country has changed, & how it hasn’t changed at all. I already can picture the feeling of seeing the bridge, & then a little city, then the crab trap place, then the old hometown, now with a bypass around it I hear. I don’t know, since I haven’t been that way in quite awhile, but nonetheless, as I said, going home is going to be very nostalgic, nostalgically surreal, to be perfectly specific.

I have no idea what to expect; but I am deftly excited to see the beach. Fuckin hell, I’ve been by the beach my ENTIRE life, minus these last long seven years. What have I been doing for fuck’s sake way out here? Sheesh. Nothing accomplished really, except the ins & outs of the cannabis industry. It’s bizarrely overrated, & over-populated with millennial twerps. This entire state is so gay, it’s ridiculous. Can’t have the weed without the nonsense I guess, I don’t know, but the industry is analogous to the bar scene. Older guys like me are pushed out, as if we’re boomers or something, as the millennial generation delusional assumes that they have taken the reigns, so to speak, & are now in charge. How about go fuck yourselves you little punks? None of you would even be here if not for us, & as if on queue, this is the UN-thanks we get. What more can one expect from a bunch of self-entitled “woke” little posers? God forbid you let them know that too, because then you just get fired, & replaced like you were nothing, trust me on this one.

Regardless, departure time is approaching, & then 28ish hours later, I’ll be home. Please God or Buddha or Sweet Baby Jesus, whoever is up there, PLEASE let my car, & myself obviously, make it home safely. I try not to ask much, & I know I’m a self-centered narcissistic prick, but I’d prefer to die later in life, not on the road home, know what I mean big guy? So whoever is up there, watching over me, please watch over me on this ride. Amen. Thanks. Much appreciated. I don’t know why I’m so anxious…sheesh. Relax…relax…relax…shhhhhh…find the stairs, the stairs that lead to the happy place, then simply walk up them, & let all the anxiety go. You’re almost free, what’s there to worry about? Road trips are fun, especially cross-country. Most people might do it once in their life maybe, mainly because most people don’t leave their respective hometowns, unless they’re flying somewhere. Flying across the country, versus driving across the country, is night & day. Yes, flying is much more convenient, & it’s certainly much faster, but driving gives you so much more satisfaction, once the journey has been completed. You get another notch on the belt, as they say, & for me, like I mentioned earlier, this will be my 4th notch.

Unless that whole thing about “threes” is correct, like when people say things happen in “threes,” so maybe I’m just starting my second round of cost-country trips. Not sure why I’d want to come back, but maybe I will. Who knows? If I could predict the future, I’d be light years away from where I am now. Sadly though, I cannot, & the future, to me, is as speculative as it is to you. More so, in fact, considering I spend a lot of time pondering the future, which needs to change. Seriously, fuck the future. I can’t know what’s coming, so why keep stressing it? Just live in the present, in the moment, & so, in this moment right now, I’m going to wrap up this post. Threw you a bit of a curveball at the end, I know, but no worries. I know time is short, short for everyone, relatively speaking, & I’m done wasting it. Time to get up, man up, & move on, onward, onward & upward we hope, but we shall see soon enough, one way or another. Until next time dear readers, when the proverbial shit hits the fan, get out of the room, before the shit fan flings poopoo on you. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the shit hits the fan, leave the room.” Fish F Fish🎏

“When all else fails, hit the road.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E10 5/10/2023 Get Fired

There’s a special kind of liberation when one gets fired, isn’t there? Even if it’s only a brief moment, there’s something about that whole “fuck it” vibe that’s just…priceless, you could say. I’m living that moment right now. Yup, yours truly got fired…wahwahwahhhhhhhhh, & I’m actually happy about it. The beach, the pool, freedom from the abusers; I just have to make it back across the country. Oh yes, I have a big road trip ahead. I’m just up & moving, & that’s the main point I want to emphasize here. If you’re stuck in a place where you hate your job, hate the people around you, or maybe they all hate you, either way, if you wake up one day with that self-realization, and/or a similar one, then it’s time to go. Just go, fuck it, why stay where you aren’t wanted, know what I mean?

Not to mention, this city sucks. Traffic is terrible, homeless sign-flyers on every corner, Mexicans abounding, like the 3rd city behind San Franshitsco & Lost Angeles, so yeah, fuck this place, fuck that job, fuck where I’m residing currently, fuck all these people, yeah, fuck it, fuck it all. Back to the old mantra it seems, ironically the one I just spoke of a few posts ago…said mantra being “fuck it.” Like everything else up to this point, fuck it. Fah-ha-kah it-tah. When it gets too heavy, fuck it, move, move on, onward & hopefully upward. Time moves to fast, & wasting it being in a place that you hate and/or hates you back, means it’s time to depart. Period. The only obstacle is a few thousand miles, which sounds like a lot, especially when driving, but at this time of the year, fuck it. The middle-end of spring, pushing a new summer of love, 2023, as Title 42 expires, releasing countless illegals into the country…yeah, this is going to be a fun drive.

It’s strange, the way the Universe manifest things; it’s quite surreal, isn’t it? Doesn’t matter, I just want to be home. The beach calls, along with all that fresh seafood, & the nostalgia, of course, particularly after being gone 7 years. Yeah man, 7 years, SEVEN long fucking years, full of chaos & mayhem in my sordid life, like it’s never going to end. It’s not, it doesn’t end, for any one of us, anyone of us stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, which is essentially, all of us. Sure, the levels of the aforementioned chaos & mayhem vary amongst individuals, respectively, but nonetheless, from birth to death, the roller coaster ride begins. For some, it’s a chill roller coaster, like the kiddie coaster, except it’s made of gold & you get free champagne along with a hot towel, like riding first class on a plane. Few people get that lucky, but obviously, some do. Most get the Red Dragon coaster, which starts with a slow climb, crank, crank, cranking noise tick, tick, ticking, as it approaches the precipice, & then WHOOSH, you’re coming out of the proverbial gate, coming out hot. It could be a big loop, some kind of big turn, maybe a big dip then back up, maybe some kind of weird corkscrew loop, regardless, that’s the roller coaster ride most of us get. My ride, however, is the next coaster over from the infamous Red Dragon.

My roller coaster is the Black Cannnon, reserved only for those who are dumb enough to get on it. Blasted out of the gate, with the heat of a thousand suns, followed by uncanny turns & twists, mind-bending heights, with sleeping-on-the-floor, rock-bottom lows, & loopty-loops galore, vertigo corkscrews, all you can handle, the works, as it were. Most people puke, then beg to get off, then jump off when they can’t handle it, but they are them, & they, are controlled by their own fear. Meanwhile, those of us who choose to stay on, are just enduring it with the notion that someday, the ride comes to a slow & peaceful end…gently slow-coasting into the exit port. I’m hoping that’s how this ride plays out, rather than the coaster just flying off the tracks into some hellish doomscape that I cannot foresee and/or speculate about. I don’t know, obviously, nor does anyone else, as the mystery of the future, as well as death, eludes us all. Kind of weird that people are so afraid of it, don’t ya think? Are you scared when you go to sleep? Do you remember where you were before you were born here? Nope…& nope, so why such a fear of the future, & of death? The loss perhaps, the assumed sadness that you’ll never see your loved ones again? It seems like the only ones who are truly scared are the ones left behind, as if you’ll never see them again, but individually, I suppose the fear of death fluctuates. I don’t know; everyone has their own thing, if you will, about their own individual demise. You’d think so, at least, but when you take a big- picture-look at the general populous, it seems they can barely wipe their own asses, so any inclinations that they might ponder higher-level concepts, is a 50/50 gamble. Red, or black, but sometimes people can surprise you.

Yes, you certainly cannot figuratively judge a book by its cover, & before you falsely assume that some-one represents some-thing, give them a chance to show their true colors, before you walk across a broken bridge. Anyway, this daily diatribe has reached its end. Until next time dear readers, do not fear death, celebrate the insanely short life you have. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Celebrate life; do not fear death.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4E25 4/25/2023 The Mockingbird Sings

ATTENTION: Open this up in full-site mode, get it?…got it?…IN FULL-SITE MODE, because if you view this in phone mode only, one, you miss out on all my widgets, my donation QR code, my upcoming events, all kinds of fun stuff, you miss ALL of that if you are NOT in full-site mode. Two, phone mode fucks up my animations, so they don’t loop at the right moment, & therefore, look like amateur-level crap, which as the artist, aggravates the bejesus outta me if my animations don’t loop like the Universe intended them to loop. I’m very meticulous about my ouroborian loops, meticulous to the point of a single keyframe to ensure the loops loop in proper looping loopishness, so that you never see the infamously dreaded “skip,” when the loop loops. I know, I know, perfection…the gift & the curse of the Creator in me, & even if it doesn’t matter to you, it matters to me, & as said Creator, I like to make sure that you, dear readers, see my art as I intend it to be seen, not how this WordPress site wants you to see it. Thus, before continuing, please make sure to click onto FULL-SITE MODE to view/read this article, as well as all my future articles. Unfortunately, WordPress STILL, for some reason, STILL cannot get the phone-mode to function appropriately properly(double adverb wizard). Hopefully, this fresh-out-the-oven GIF below , that I literally just made to illustrate this paragraph, works like it’s supposed to. 50/50 odds, red or black, what’s it gonna be Wordpuke? Sorry, I meant WordPress…(honk noise)…betting on black.

What to ramble about? Tucker Carlson? Nah, he’s all over the news, & the only thing I wanna say about that, is what are the odds that Don Lemon gets hosed on the same day? Two allegedly “opposing” news stations, two polar opposite ends of the proverbial spectrum, & on the SAME DAY, both get fired? That’s a bit weird, right?…or is it just me perhaps? I don’t know, & like I said at the beginning, I’m not going to go into this theatrical scripted narrative nonsense, & I’ll tell you why. I theorize, emphasis on THEORIZE, that maybe both, yes BOTH of them, work for the same shadowy group that pushes these orchestrated productions onto the public as if it was real news. Obviously, I’m still on the fence about Tucker, but Anderson Cooper worked/works for the CIA, so to presume he’s the only one, is just foolish. Click the link I left for you, and/or deep dive into the CIA connection to the mainstream fake news media. Maybe Operation Mockingbird never stopped? Maybe all of this Matrix-y, artificial zeitgeist rolling, is all via the CIA. If so, come talk to me CIA, so I can expose your corrupted soulless asses to the masses. Name the time, & I’ll be there, with bells on, as the expression goes.

Quite the distraction regardless, is it not? Let’s all click below & see what else might be being reported on by the Gateway Pundit, which incidentally, is only one of a small, & literal, handful, yes I said HANDFUL, of sites that actually offer real journalism…relatively, of course. There’s a ton of ads of their site, which is annoying, & kind of suspect to me, to be honest. Always gotta have the “money factor” involved somehow, don’t we, little mice? I’m not going to detail The Great Mouse Trap again right now though. Sweet baby Jesus knows I’ve illustrated the aforementioned Great Trap countless times here…about as ad nauseam as it gets. You know what to do though, if you still aren’t familiar, you can first, open up my site IN full-site mode, which it’ll already be in, if you’re checking this out on your laptop or desktop, but if you’re on your phone, depending on your phone, you’ll have to click a few things to get to full-site mode. Once you figure it out, then you’ll want to find my archives search query widget on the right side of my site…you’ll have to scroll down a bit, but I left everyone other various animations & widgets to entertain you as you scroll. Once you find it, type in anything, & I literally mean ANYTHING, & something will pop up for you. I have been very meticulous in this 5000ish page opus to make sure that every dive you dive, into the archive of archives, you’ll catch a fresh fish, dead or alive. Okay, I left the link to the Gateway Pundit below, so let’s scroll it together & see what we can find, shall we?

Click HERE or the image above to scroll along with FisH™, in your present real-time, but in my past. Kind of surreal, right? (cue the spooky score) 🍥

Let’s see…oh look, President Braindead Brandon is announcing his run for POTUS in 2024. What an embarrisngly pathetic joke to this country this demented kid-sniffing old pervert sociopath has been, continues to be, & will continue to be in the 2024 POTUS run. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Obvious dementia & probably Alzheimer’s, worse by the day, still has a year & ½ left, & he has been told by his handlers to announce that he’s going to run for a 2nd term in 2024. Who knows?…everything is backwards & upside-down & inverted here in Clownworld, so maybe he’ll win, like I said, who knows? What if Trump wasn’t there, what if something happened to prevent Trump from flying in on a shimmering winged white horse with golden wings to save the entire world from the globalists he supposedly stands against? What would ½ of America do is their infamous #OrangeManBad was simply removed from the equation?

An event like that would be incredibly demoralizing, not to mention the utter hopelessness, & that’s what happens when you put all your orange eggs, into one orange basket, then expect that ONE orange man to stop all the chaos & destruction that your globalist overlord shadowplayers have orchestrated & executed flawlessly, without consequences, over & over & over & over again, & believe it or not, we’ve yet to see how far they will push beyond the boundaries of rationality. Why would they stop? Why would they hold back? Why wouldn’t they push FURTHER? There’s never any consequences for their malevolence, EVER, so why? The simple answer is that they most certainly will NOT stop, & will keep pushing & pushing & pushing, until they push their agenda through, one way or another.. Doesn’t really matter what I do and/or say, and/or write on & on about, preaching with my hands from my little digital pulpit here, & it doesn’t matter what you do either. There simply are not enough people to stand up & fight these “psychopathic elected elites,” as my friend says, & they play a different game. Their game, is power, simple, & our game, is the endlessly twisting & turning…the left, right, left, right, from birth to death, never looking forward for the exit, just ceaselessly running around The Great Mouse Trap, which you can also find if you deep dive into my archives.

Nonetheless, I left you with several links, & instead of going through the entire list of headlines, I’m going to wrap this up & leave you to DYOR, because I’m not doing all the work for you. What purpose would that serve if I just did all the work for you? Great question, thanks for asking, but I’m not going to answer that one, since you should be sharp enough by now to figure it out. How much SEO writing can I fart into your faces, before you plug your nose & go your own way, know what I mean? That one goes out to all these fucking employers that send me their AI-generated rejection letters, you vapid varmints. Yes, I know how to write in every style, & SEO writing is easy as fuck, but since I do it while simultaneously exposing TRUTH, they’re all scared to hire me. Not to mention, I am insanely shadowbanned, even on here, so maximizing my “search engine results,” doesn’t really work no matter what I do, does it? Nope, not gonna find anything I write at the top of any search query via the interwebs, thanks to the AI & the algorithms they use to keep thought criminals like me quietly tucked away in the digital gulag, where I’ve been for ohhhhhh…7ish years now. Yep, 7 long years in mown solitary cell in the virtual prison. Such a dissident I am, I suppose, right? Derp. B-O-O-H-O-O. No one fucking cares, as is par for my fish-eyed themed mini putt putt course here. No one knows, thus no one cares, & there’s another addition to my upcoming book, The Great Quote Hunt. More on that later. Until next time dear readers, do your own research for you, not for me. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Do your own research…for you, not for me.” Fish F Fish🎏

“No one knows me, thus no one cares about me.” Fish F Fish🎏

Hack-tors w/ a side of Fragility Bonus


Click HERE to read more

Uh oh, it looks like yet another death from SADS, & if you click that word, you’ll see that “SADS” implies that all of these “sudden deaths” are due to “genetic anomalies,” allegedly, & has nothing to do with the jab & the 17 boosters he probably took. I wonder, how many people are going to croak from “SADS” before they FINALLY start publicly admitting what’s causing these “sudden deaths?” Oh wait, what’s this? Looks like an update from the newscaster who “fainted” live on air the other day…

Click HERE to read more

Great picture…literal lolz, oh my, let the meme cannons fire, & of course, once again, this allegedly has nothing to do with her being jabbed & boosted. It’s sad really, not for me, because I wasn’t dumb enough to let them inject that slow kill poison into me. Cheers Purebloods. Yep, I’m that guy who’s been screaming for the last 3 fucking years to NOT get jabbed, & has taken so much shit for it, until relatively recently of course, when the naysayers went totally silent with the, “You’re an anti-vaxxer” nonsense. Derp. I’m not “anti-vax” anything, how can I be if it isn’t a vaccine? Double derp. Do most of you even know what a vaccine actually is? I’d wager you don’t, because if you did, you would know the difference between a real vaccine, & a science project RNA modifier created hastily without proper testing, wouldn’t you? Oh but so many of you just rolled up your sleeves in your respective echo chambers, believing wholeheartedly what the fake news broadcasts to scare you into undergoing such a dangerous procedure, & all the while, criticizing people like me for being an “ignorant conspiracy theorist,” which actually happened, verbatim. I’ve been called much worse since this plandemic started though, & I didn’t care, still don’t care, nor did I break my stance, so to speak, & bend the knee to the fear mob. Nope, I didn’t budge a Planck length, because I trust my own critical-thinking skills, my own knowledge, & most importantly, my own intuition. I know, I know…common sense…along with knowing basic science, is like finding a diamond on a sandy beach these days. Such is the way of Clownworld though, right? (honk noise)

I had something else I was going to post about fake news hacks, what was it? Oh yeah, I’m going to link a video below from the great Mark Dice, one he cooked up earlier this morning, so it’s fresh out of the content creation oven. The title is “White Fragility,” based on a shitty book of the same name, barfed out onto hard copy, & sold to morons. Note that this is NOT one of Mark Dice’s books; his books are actually good, really good, but this book with the obvious racist overtones in the title is by some liberal twat hack named Robin DeAngelo. Imagine if the book was called “Black Fragility” instead of “White Fragility,” would that be okay? Of course it wouldn’t, but here in Clownworld, apparently it was a “best seller,” & the aforementioned hack, Robin DeAngelo, is now rich because of it. As a writer myself, & humbly the best one I know, it makes me want to puke when I see shit writers writing about shit topics & getting fame & fortune from it, while people like me, who write about TRUTH, rather than making up fictitious gobbly-gook, get shit on by shitty biased censoring shitheads to the point where they’re exiled from the digital town square, & thus, can’t market their brand and/or sell their books due to fear of hurting peoples’ fee-wings(feelings). This proverbial 2-way street of REEEEE-cism that these social parasites reinforce is full of potholes & meth-smoking bums begging for spare change. If I title this article, “Black Fragility,” I can assure you WordPress will throttle me. Since they do anyway though, & I have NOT in fact officially titled this post yet, I guess I know what I’ll have to do. There we go, we’ve added…”Black Fragility” to the title, now send the AI algos to squash my traffic WordPress you biased clowns…B-O-O-H-O-O…honk honk honk…(fart noise)

Ugh, her stupid face is “bloody revolting,” as Jordan Peterson. might say. I love that expression, & have circulated it into my daily vocabulary as needed. Great example of a REAL author incidentally; Jordan Peterson is a fucking genius, absolutely brilliant, a modern-day sage, whereas this twatface above is a disgusting racist pig, yet somehow, Jordan is called the dreaded “R-word” for simply being white & not bending the knee to this faux notion that white people are to blame for the ills of the world. Hang on though, she looks white to me, what about you? Oh but she wrote a book called “White Fragility,” so she gets a pass I guess. She’s a total idiot, her book sucks a big bag of black cocks, her literary language is atrocious, yet somehow her word is the bird that gets to fly. I know, it makes no sense, but that’s how it goes when you make up the rules as you go, which is what liberals tend to do ad nauseam, which is truly nauseating.

Regardless, I’m gonna keep this one relatively short, & I left plenty of links for you to click, dear readers, at your own discretion. Calling me a “racist” is like farting in the wind; it just blows right by me, & I don’t acknowledge nor abide the indoctrinated buzzies that these race-pimps puke out all over the zeitgeist. There sure is a lot of programming expressing itself these days, isn’t there? Said programming is courtesy of these fake news hacks, pseudo-authors, university indoctrination agents, & if THAT is the collective entity that deems me to be a bigot of some kind, go right ahead. Like I said, I could care less & in fact, I care more about the dirty cigarette butts I just threw into the trash on my porch more than the brainwashed opinions of automatonic drones who can’t think for themselves. Regurgitate away ya clowns, & with any luck, hopefully I’ve hurt some of your butt-plugged butts illustrating these notions for all of you, & for none of you at all.

It’s okay to be white. More than okay in fact, it’s awesome, until you get blamed for every God-damned problem that has ever existed in the entire history of Planet Earth. Funny thing is, would any of you be here if not for white people? Would there be an internet to bitch about white people on? Would there be planes, trains, & automobiles here to get you to destinations you would not be able to reach otherwise, if not for us white folks? Would you be able to get treated for ailments with advanced medicine, again, if not for white people? I could go on, & on, & on, & on, I know it, & if you’re honest with yourself, you know it too. Not saying I want any credit as a white guy, but I AM saying that maybe you PoCs should be grateful for this country that was founded on the courage of white people who were brave enough to cross an ocean on giant sailboats, conquer a new land as has been done since the beginning of time, & build an empire like the USA, which has given back so much to the world. Music, movies, pop culture, & we ultimately did it together, allowing freedom for ALL, at the behest of ALL the races who came here & contributed together to make this country great. So much freedom that now PoCs complain about it, as if it would be better elsewhere, so then go, bye. If it’s so much better elsewhere, if this country is so colonially evil & racist, & whites suppress other races, why not leave? Try this nonsensical whining in another country, & see how far that gets you. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Until next time dear readers, I’ll say it again, it’s OKAY to be white, it always has been, & always will be. Deal with it, or kick rocks…I hear the southern border is wide open, so maybe cross it if you hate it here, & don’t come back. So sayeth FisH…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“It’s delightful being a white guy.” Fish F Fish🎏

Update: Trump NOT Getting Arrested?

BONUS VIDEO at the end…not related to Trump, but a shocker nonetheless.

☝🏻Click the pic to read more☝🏻

Well, this is breaking news apparently, so I’m not really sure what to make of this. Like I said in the last article, ALL theatre. Such a joke….seriously, ugh. Maybe I’m retarded or something, but I just don’t get it. Why do this? Seriously, why in the world would Trump do this, post these posts below on Truth Social, WHY??? All CAPS, all dramatic, calling for protests after the January 6th fiasco, so on behalf of half of America, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS DON? Why would you get the nation, arguably the whole world, into a hysterical mania over your supposed “arrest,” which as I mentioned at the start of this article, is now possibly “just a scam?” Why am I acting like he’ll ever read this? Derp. Maybe some of his unrelenting narcissism has drip-dropped into my own literary language?

Who knows? I know I sure don’t, but what I DO know is that my eyes tell me this all just more theatre, more distraction, & most importantly, further providing evidence to my own inclinations that Trump is NOT on the good side, never has been on the good side, & is a power-mad globalist, just like the rest of his buddies at the top of the power pyramid. I know, believe me I know, it’s a big pill to swallow, but I’m all about TRUTH, no matter what, not these sideshow games & scripted narratives that these elitists play at the expense of millions of American lives, who they could care less about. I admit, I naively believed #OrangeManBad meant well, like many of you, for a long time too, but now, meh, not so much, because it’s just another part of the divide & conquer plan, their go-to plan, from the same playbook they’ve been using for centuries. Nothing has changed, other than the advent of the Internet, which is now aided by an exponentially leveling-up AI, giving them access to more power & control than ever before. We are truly in uncharted waters & unprecedented times…wunderbar for them, not so much for us unfortunately.

So, my previous posts about the upcoming week ahead, I don’t know, regard then, disregard them, doesn’t matter, because I have zero clue what the week ahead might bring. Trump accomplished getting the country into a frenzy with those 2 posts, steering all of the national attention back on him, which he loves. Narcissism, an out-of-control ego, & what’s with the public verbal attacks on Ron DeSantis? Seriously, it’s so childish, but again, just another act in the big show. Oh, I almost forgot, I have no idea what happened with the coincidental arrest warrants issued to Putin at the SAME EXACT TIME they announced they were going to arrest Trump on Tuesday. What are the odds? Maybe the same as winning the lottery? Or perhaps filming a Bigfoot, riding a unicorn that farts glitter, same odds you think? Just theatre dear readers, just theatre. My neck hurts from shaking my fucking head at all this nonsense. Is anything being broadcast via the mass media real anymore, as far as “news” is concerned? Or is it all just a narrative, scripted by social engineers who lurk in the shadows?

I’m leaning towards the latter, but sadly, the people who believe everything the news tells them to believe, greatly outnumber those of us who don’t & the rest live in the bliss of ignorance, because if you don’t know what’s going on, how can it affect you negatively? That’s their viewpoint anyway it seems, but I wouldn’t know, because I have a head full of this knowledge I’ve accumulated by studying the habits of the zeitgeist like a circling hungry hawk over a field mouse with a broken leg. The zeitgeist is a snowball, a Katamarian snowball, & if you aren’t familiar with Katamari Damacy, click either of those links to school yourself. Fun game, & the analogy of a Katamari ball as it relates to this snowballing zeitgeist we’re all rolling on together, is perfecto. The ball rolls on, picking up everything it rolls over, growing the ball more & more & more. What happens when the ball gets so big, that it consumes everything? Does it keep rolling?

Fuck if I know, I only know that we are all living that analogy right now, in real-time. What will the big ball roll over this week? Apparently NOT Trump any longer, but who knows? This whole thing came out of literally nowhere, got the world in a tizzy, & now is being reported as a possible “scam.” Their words, not mine. Regardless, I just wanted to update everyone on this sordid situation, for the sake of trying to get as far ahead of the ball as I can, before it rolls over this upcoming week. Until next time, dear readers, don’t believe anything you see on tv anymore, anything, because it’s all just a show. So Sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“The zeitgeist is a Katamarian snowball, snowballing on the 4d time spiral.” Fish F Fish🎏

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The Fooze: S3 E5 3/5/2023 Them Apples

Uh oh, I’ve now moved the false-flag probability meter from 8 to 9, & the scale goes from one to ten, just to clarify. Yep, she went from a loose 8, to a solid 9, & I’m speculating that this upcoming week there might be some kind, yet ANOTHER kind, of orchestrated disastrous event designed to distract you and/or push one of their scripted narratives into the zeitgeist. We knew where Covaids came from, we knew it & we told you, & it sure as fuck was NOT bat soup. What did so many of you do? You called us “delusional conspiracy theorists,” & oh my were we publicly demonized for telling all of you THE TRUTH. I, for one, never backed down & now, the origins of Covaids are…guess what they are? NOW PUBLICLY REPORTED TO BE FROM A CHINESE LAB. How about them apples? The MSM fake news propaganda pushers are a joke, just rotten fruit, right? Filled with worms & slime, just low-hanging trashy bad apples. Even the bonkers-birds on the lunatic left won’t eat their bad apples anymore. The powers-that-be know this, because of course, with the help of AI, they analyze all the data in real-time, & use this knowledge to their advantage, but they’ve gone too far, so far gone in fact that they’re unprecedentedly desperate. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic things, very predictively unpredictable, which is why I’m SPECULATING, that with the advent of this Covaids information being released to the public, they are right now in real time masterminding some new narrative-driven disaster scenario that distracts us all from THE TRUTH.

Don’t blame me, this is THEM, not me, I’m just an animated illustrator with nothing left to lose. Each day I meticulously go through all the “breaking news” from Clownworld, then find the bits & bobs that actually ring TRUTH, rather than whatever narrative they happen to be barfing out for the day. Then, I sprinkle some of my FisH™ magic on said truth, referring to my own personalized homemade 2d/3d animation that I add to give my articles life, so to speak. Then, after proofreading & adding my tags, BOOM, I’m smacking that “PUBLISH” button like Will Smith, & now you’re reading in the past, what I wrote in my present. That’s it, that’s all I do, for now anyway, exposing TRUTH, for all of you, & for none of you at all, & if you don’t understand what that means, I suggest you read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by the great Friedrich Nietzsche. That book is arguably the best book ever written; I’ve read it several times, & each time I do, I find a new gem that I missed in prior reads. This book will change your life, especially for so many of you down on your luck in this upside-down senseless world, thus I HIGHLY recommend you find a hard copy to keep around for yourself in case the lights turn off. Or, in this modern age, perhaps you prefer to audiobook books, while the lights are still on? If so, no worries, as always, FisH™ has you covered. Scroll down…just below the lil’ white behbeh getting smacked off the mystery box…word up.

No, this wonky world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & now that the deep-fake meme has been birthed, just wait & see what happens when the meme evolves into its own macro-organism. Not familiar with the reference? That’s a concept from The Lucifer Principle, also a must read for all deep divers, & also a mind-blower. There’s SO many of you still chained to yourselves inside the proverbial Cave, watching the fiery illusions dance on the cave wall, listening to the echoes in the shadows only to debate their pseudo-merit as if you were scholars, but this is all make-believe, not the real reality. The REAL nature of this world is found OUTSIDE the Cave, not inside of it, not down deep into the darkness. Oh wait, not getting this reference either? That’s okay, people only know what they know, that’s why I’m here. I’m outside the Cave, BEEN outside the Cave for seemingly forever now, waving my arms, shouting down to all of you to “Come on up, the sunshine is Divine!”…but most of you shun me, even hate me, as it were. “The world is down here, in the dark!” you exclaim with your pale faces & your beady eyes. I’m going to stop right there, because those of us who swim in the deep end of the pool know the Cave dwellers, as well as the Sun, but the shallow swimmers might still be going out just far enough where they can barely touch, then going back to the shallows, so let’s give them some more reference, shall we?

Above, you can click to listen to The Lucifer Principle, & it’s a long one so only parts 1 through 6, then it’s up to you to go deeper, & of course, I’ll link below The Allegory of the Cave, from Plato’s Republic. FisH™ has delivered a hat trick of must-read literature, that will resonate respectively as it applies to each of you individually. Some of you are deep divers, maybe even deeper than yours truly, & some of you are shallow swimmers still, which is fine, as long as everyone realizes it’s all one big oceanic-sized pool. There’s a deep end with no bottom, where the abyss really does stare back at you, which is where I like to dive, as deep as I can go, & then there’s a kiddie pool. All one has to do is be brave enough to go deeper, but that relies on your own relationship with your own free will, something only YOU can do. I’m like. lifeguard, that points a lot, blows the whistle, occasionally throws out a life vest or two, but the rest is up to you, & you alone. This fish here though, I only ride the biggest waves, the swollen monsters that take me to the abyss, where few ever dare to go, but how could they if they aren’t big-wave riders? I’ll get into “wave-riding” another time, but nonetheless, that’s how I get to the deepest of the deep, & then I dive, down down wayyyyyyy down, & do you know how I do that? I let go, & just keep diving down, because I have the self-realization that I am immortal, we all are, & regardless of these meat suits we are all currently stuck in, NOTHING can truly “kill” you. In your mind, there are no boundaries, other than the walls you’ve built for yourself. Based on that notion alone, what is there ever to really be afraid of? Until next time, dear readers, remember this: YOU are immortal, & NOTHING can destroy you, except you. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“You are immortal, & nothing can destroy you, except you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“In your mind there are no boundaries, other than the walls you alone have built.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E2 3/2/2023 Blood Eagle

☝🏻Click HERE to Read More☝🏻

I wish I was making this horrible story up, but unfortunately it’s not fiction, it’s a true story. Ready? Here we go, ugh, I’m still sickened, but let’s do this, let’s just rip off the proverbial band-aid & say it: Two ILLEGAL Honduran border-crossers shot & killed an American bald eagle, with the intention of eating it. If that’s not an analogy to the current state of this forsaken country, especially as it relates to the wide-open border to the south, I don’t know what is. Sheesh. First of all, WHY? I’m sure there’s plenty of other things to shoot & kill & eat in Nebraska of all places, yes? Nope, apparently not, not for these two idiots anyway, who it seems had done this before, & YES, I’m STILL sickeningly shaking my fucking head after coming across this sordid story. I mean, COME ON, seriously with this? Am I hallucinating? I just don’t get it. I’ve seen bald eagles up close, & they’re large birds, BIRDS OF PREY, & albeit they’re big birds with meat on them, they’re NOT, NOT NOT NOT birds that you eat for fuck’s sake, what the hell is this world coming to? Oh, not to mention it’s our national bird, highly-endangered, & supposedly stringently protected by law, particularly from being MURDERED, especially murdered by illegal border-crossers one would assume, right? Good thing the cops showed up to serve them up some American justice, along with their eagle wings, right?

Wrong, because these “authorities,” according to their badges & guns, didn’t really do much. They took the dead bird, the gun, & one of them got cited for not having a driver’s license. No driver’s license?…for an ILLEGAL border-crosser?…shocker, & how about those UN-charges they both got for the unlawful slaughter of this highly-endangered national bird? Oh, still awaiting “possible” future charges for their crime it says in the article, sure thing, which probably will never come. Going to give them a court date? I’m sure they’ll be sure to appear promptly on time, most likely when they’re back in Honduras you stupid stupid morons. Derp, what a pathetic joke of a “justice” system. They should be found guilty, then given the maximum penalty possible for this crap, maybe even cut off their hands, as an example to the millions of other illegals casually walking across the southern border, like they’re walking into Disneyworld. Will these eagle-killers be given said maximum penalty though? Most likely, nope, & beyond me backseat-driver reporting on this story, it’ll be gone by this time tomorrow. Doesn’t fit any narrative being barfed out by the fake news at the moment, so yep, down the chute to the trash compacter with this sadly sordid story after I’m done with it. I had to look WAYYYYYYYYYYYY down on The Gateway Pundit to even see this article, & other than Cassandra MacDonald & myself, not a single other writer wrote about this. Quite reflective of the narrative-driven fake news mainstream media, is it not?

Let’s be sure to mention this, the utterly accurate analogy underlying this story; two ILLEGALS killing & eating the national bird of the country they just illegally entered. I mean WOW, just WOW, almost as if it was scripted somehow. Incredibly disrespectful to say the least, but also the horror of it. Yes, the horror, because it’s truly horrifying when our majestic national bird, highly endangered, probably had baby eagles in a nest somewhere, is murdered by these 3rd world shithole animals who sneak into our country with zero regard for the life we create, preserve, & protect here. They’re sneaking in here to kill, kill our bird, our national bird, a bird revered by all Americans who live here LEGALLY. Our national bird was established by The Founders, our Great American Bald Eagle, & they sneak in here to kill our bird. Is the analogy clear enough for you yet? I’m not sure how much more eloquently I can spell out it out for you, so if you aren’t getting it, maybe you’re retarded. I don’t know, but what I DO know, is that I am sick & tired of illegal border-crossers disrespecting our country, our flag, our laws, & now our national bird apparently, in the worst way possible too, by killing & eating one. Gah, it’s so infuriating. The national bird of Honduras is the Scarlet Macaw, pictured below. If I went to Honduras, found one of these rainbow-feathered flappers, shot one & killed it, then ate it, how would that go down with the Honduran authorities? Or what about the Honduran people, how would they feel about an American gringo, a foreigner, coming to their country & doing that? Oh wait, AND I’m White, so wouldn’t that piss them off even more? Can’t win if you’re White, can you? It’s certainly OKAY to be White, but we get blamed for everything, thus, we can’t win, not in Clownworld…(honk noise)

Nope, you can’t win here if you’re white, & if you aren’t white, you get treated with the kid gloves by law enforcement unless you do something really bad, & even then, it’s a different dynamic based on your race. Apparently, crossing the border illegally, then killing our national bird before eating it, is somehow NOT considered exceptionally warranted to be punished by the most severe of plausible consequences for such an offensive action, if you’re a foreign person-of-color.. Did they even go to jail? Doesn’t say, but I don’t think so, just “cited,” & it’s yet another example of illegal border-crossing vermin getting away with crimes that everyday Americans would get severely punished for. The “justice” system sure is fickle for being “blind,” isn’t it? Intentionally implanted progressively regressive liberal clown judges are to blame, along with their parallel-planted prosecutorial counterparts. All a rigged political game, THEIR game, not yours. You are only forced into it when you refuse to comply with their bullshit laws & regulations. How about FUCK THEM, how about that? Fuck all you corrupted scumfucks, ALL OF YOU, including the alphabet agencies like the CIA, FBI, DOJ, you are ALL corrupt foot soldiers for an illegal rogue regime that bends the knee to the globalists in The Capstone Club. If you all weren’t weaponized, you’d be nothing, but FUCK YOU ALL anyways, because I will expose you with my words, you & all your dastardly deeds you do. You are ENEMIES, enemies of the American people & I’d wager you fucks are the ones causing all these “random” train derailments & “random” food-processing plant fires. Oh yes, you are NOT fooling everyone, & there are more & more people like me everyday who are sick & tired of your sinister shenaniganery & are stepping up & doing something about it. All I can do is fight you all with these words, MY words, & my words alone, but if you want a fight, you got it you fuckwads. EXPOSURE, & every single day I will globally post something in this public sphere to shine light on your crimes until you are stopped, then hopefully prosecuted, found guilty, then hung by your serpentine necks until you’re all DEAD, DEAD, DEAD for crimes against humanity, treason, sedition, & for just being generally evil scum.

Of course, there’s the pragmatist on my other shoulder, reminding me that most likely, nothing will change other than everything getting worse, & more corrupted. Sadly, these evil elitist overlords & their minion foot soldiers are a malignant cancer, & that cancer is terminal methinks, especially after spreading so far, sinking so deep into this hodgepodge American pseudo-culture, that there’s no way back I fear. This is only my opinion, mine alone, & believe me, I wish there was a feasible way to turn this out-of-control train around, or at the very least, stop it in its tracks before it goes completely off the rails. I just don’t see how though, as anyone/everyone who identifies as a leftist/liberal/loser is certainly far-gone/programmed/brainwashed/in a state of hypnoses-psychosis & never coming back. The conservatives will never regress into libtardian clowns, so how does it play out when there’s no where for either side to go? That “national divorce” is sounding better by the day, & like every other divorce, it will be messy when the actual split comes, very messy, as in who gets what & where & how & such…but the split must come regardless I think. I don’t know though, I really don’t. I have no idea how this all sorts itself out. Things all tend to sort themselves out at some point, one way or another, but this, this abysmally defunct mess of a country, I just don’t see how. I have no real power to change it but nonetheless, I will keep writing daily, occasionally multi-daily, exposing your so-called “leaders,” in all of their flounderous folly as their sinking ship capsizes under the weight of their own disgusting quest for power. Again, it’s THEIR game, not mine, I’m merely here to expose it, hopefully before they take us all down in the same flames they consume themselves with.

Anyway, that’s going to do it for this depressing Foozer. Unfortunately, I can’t apologize on behalf of these two ILLEGAL border-crossers that committed this most-heinous act not only against our country, but against the animal kingdom itself. They did it, not me, & it’s foolish to be sorry for someone else’s evil ridiculousness. Who kills & eats a bald eagle? Seriously, despite everything else, come on, who the fuck does that? It’s not only stupidly unnecessary, it’s an analogy, grimly analogous to what’s going on at the southern border, or rather, what is NOT going on as far as enforcing the security of said border. Just going to keep letting them walk right on through, are we? Looking right at you President Braindead, & that cackling moron Vice President “border czar” of yours, who’s yet to even visit the border as far as I know. Stolen election, stolen government, stolen country, & if you believe in thieves, you’re as dumb as you look. Until next time, dear readers, look in the mirror & ask yourself, “Who do you really trust?” So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you believe in thieves, you’re as dumb as you look.” ~Fish F Fish🎏