Full Buck Moon July 2023

How many of you have danced in the moonlight lately? Ye you humans, so caught up in the trap, you do not take time to walk out into the light of the full moon, & dance, as thine were intended. So much have you lost, for so much hath been taken. Take it back. The Full Buck Moon is the first of 4 Supermoons, & at its brightest, before it begins to wane, as the fleeting moments of time fleet away. Don’t waste life never dancing in the full moonlight. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

The Fooze: S6E7 6/7/2023 Historious Mysterious

Is it just me, yours truly, your neighborhood fish, or does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, ancient history, as it’s taught in places where you’re supposed to learn truth, is, in fact, not true at all? When you think of “ancient,” what sort of imagery pops up in your mind? Oh man, where does one begin amongst so many un-truths? This isn’t even an exclusively “ancient” thing either, & why do I say that? Great question, thanks for playing. I say that because as relatively recent as ohhhhhhh…200ish years ago, there might have been an event, an event of such dynamism, that said event, changed the entire world, along with the truth, as to where the true origins of mankind lie. Oh no no no, the true truth is not totally gone, per se; it’s buried, buried in the mud, like a hungry pig. If you dive into this, you might get pissed, because it sucks being lied to, doesn’t it?…especially if you’ve been lied to for your whole damn life. What can you do about it, other than speculate?

You have to think like a globalist in this situation; end of the old world, is the beginning of a new world, OUR new world. There was no internet back then, so information traveled by word of mouth and/or newspapers, & there wasn’t any insta-gratification, like we’re so used to today. It would have been very easy for those old school elites to write & rewrite the “news of the day,” & I can assure you all that by the 19th century, they did. Newspapers were common in the cities, which is also where they tended to write the “news,” because they already had an established system of printers & writers & such, & were more than well-aware of the power that rots within the concept of controlling the news via scripted narratives. Think of like…a pony express wag the dog. They could’ve wrote anything really; think about it, & if those old school illuminati guys were already plotting world domination, they were definitely already wagging that purebred Orwellian ruffruff.

Before we start, here’s a lineup of links to several videos, all of which relate to the central topic, but I have to keep this post somewhat nebulous, or I’ll end up with a 20-25 page research paper. Moving on, & in no particular order: The First Great Reset, The Great Mud Flood, Tartaria, Orphan Trains, The Carrington Event, & like I said, the order matters not, but knowing what each of these highlighted links refers to is crucial. The more ya know, ya know? Now, please continue with the real history lesson, with your favorite teacher, Mr. Fish~🐟

Oy vey, just imagine what you could do back then; you could write anything, anything that sells, & you’d get paid. Now, stretch that out 200 years later, & you have this broadcast scripted narrative Orwellian fake news apparatus programming the populous to think/do/believe whatever the black-squared screen tells them to believe/do/think, but before I tangent off the exit ramp into another topic, I am going to pull the plug right………………….now, & get back to the history lesson I spoke of in the premier paragraph. As I mentioned earlier, suppose there was an event, a worldwide event, a global cataclysm of some kind, something that everyone bears witness to, but unfortunately for most of them, it’s the last thing they saw. Click the links? It’s vital that you do, because the event I speak of, is a flood, but not just any flood, a mud flood, The Great Mud Flood, some call it. It’s a newer discovery for us deep divers in the grand picture, but a select few have certainly known about it since the day it happened, back in…1834, maybe, I think, as sometimes the dates vary, depending on what source you click.

Now if this is true, & you decide to Indiana Jones it down this rabbit hole, you’re going to find some exceptionally compelling evidence that it is, in fact, verifiable…i.e…true. That implies that everything prior to that time, could be all made up, at the very least partially made up, right? The 1834 Great Mud Flood is also referred to as The Great Reset…sound familiar? Wait what?…there was ALREADY a “Great Reset?” There sure was, according to this plausible possibility that there WAS a Great Mud Flood in 1834, that wiped out millions, basically “resetting” the world, leaving the survivors & the children under the dominion of the globalists, to rebuild a new world…their GLOBALIST new world, as in their globalist new world ORDER. Again, sound familiar? This is life-changing deep diving dear readers, if you find the mountains of evidence as convincing as I have. I first found this…I don’t know, maybe 5-6 years ago, when I came across a word that I had heard, & do you know what word that bird was singing that I heard? One word: Tartaria

I’m telling you…prepare to have your mind blown if this is all new to you. You think the so-called “elites” are sinister, yes? Evil soulless scum, yes? You’d be right of course, they surely are, no doubt, & in fact, they’re much, much, much worse. Like the sole of Satan’s sandal smothered in serpent-demon shit, yes, that’s how vile these devils truly are at their core. They have been well-aware of the truth for nearly 2 centuries now, & of course, they kept it all to themselves, up until the Internet opened it’s proverbial Pandora’s Box of information that most of us had zero access to prior. “UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!”…proclaimed as this long-locked floodgates broke, & the torrents of truth flooded the world, waking up many of us in its wake. Ha, it’s kind of ironic how a flood of info, clued people in on a real-life global flood, that has been unwritten from history books for some reason. Yep, those people-herding, city-building, soul-sucking master architects in their secret societies probably knew the Mud Flood was coming, & prepared accordingly to go full planetary with their human domination agenda in the aftermath.

Many would die, obviously the ones without a clue, & so the globalists created Orphan Trains, in order to repopulate wherever was deemed necessary. How convenient for setting up your new world order, rebuilding with children, like Willy Wonka’s final speech in the ORIGINAL Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, not the Tim Burton remake. The remake is terrible, TERRIBLE, a total insult to Roald Dahl, the guy that wrote the book. In fact, I’ll link that original ending scene for you below, just to wash the taste of Johnny Depp’s worst role ever out of your head. I remember watching the original for the first time when I was…ohhhhh…maybe 5-6ish, I don’t really know, but I definitely recall the novelty, the sweetest novelty, one of those supersweet ones from your early youth, if you can remember. I do, as far as this movie goes, & it was so novel in fact, that I still, STILL, get tingly just writing about it right now. Oh man, good times…good times, & of course, I have digressed yet again. Where was I?…

Ah yes, the Great Mud Flood, I was talking about the Great Mud Flood, & Tartaria, & The First Great Reset, & OH…oh oh oh…the “Orphan Trains,” that’s why I mentioned the Willy Wonka thing. Adults would want to build a new world THEIR way, but not children, children will become what the adults in the room want them to become, said adults being the globalists, & said children, would be composed of these organized “Orphan Trains,” organized to repopulate strategic geographical areas in a manner that would ultimately benefit the same globalists who sent them there. You’re going to have click the links provided if you really wanna dive deep, because as I said at the start, I could literally write a book, probably a hungry handful of books, detailing these events, via the information I’ve gathered my self DYOR.

Ya know, “DYOR,” is likely the most important idiom one can add to their personal stash of idioms. Not to mention, there already ARE books about it. There’s actually information available all over the place these days, but imagine, imagine if there was no internet. Who would know? From the big perspective, suppose there was no internet, how COULD one know, not to mention how would one even search? You couldn’t, & their dark & dirty little secret would still be theirs, & other than those secret societies that pass on the REAL knowledge pertaining to the REAL history of the REAL Earth amongst their own respective brotherhoods, none of us would know shit, would we? If you’re not in the club, you’d just be waiting for the newspaper to tell you what’s what. Think about that, think about the time, think about how those who control the media, DO, in fact, control the world, because in their beady pit-viper eyes, it’s THEIR story, THEIR his-story, thus it’s THEIR world, & the day will come when they want it all for themselves. As the world population quickly advances to 8 billion people, the stakes have never, NEVER, been higher, as far as we know. Never so much power, never so much media, & one could almost argue that we’re living novelty in real-time right now, as we sail into these dark uncharted seas. Isn’t the future ALWAYS novel, in some way or another?

Again, I spent a lot of time being somewhat vague about these topic. One, because I want YOU to click the links I provide so that YOU, can read & watch & learn for YOUR-selves. Two, because as I mentioned, I can could go on & on & on & on illustrating all the facets of The Great Mud Flood & Tartaria, & attention span lives matter. Three, you’re free to swim in any part of the pool, as it’s YOUR choice, not mine. The fact is, however, that YOU should already be informed about this chapter in the big book of esoterica, but who can blame you if you don’t know? It’s not like this is ever talked about openly, other than in online forums, more-or-less. It’s a fringe group that is aware, or so I’d guess, if I had to speculate. If I did a Man on the Street kind of interview, maybe…ohhhhhhh…1 out of 250 would know, maybe. That’s being a bit generous too, & it would depend on where/who you ask, but if you did a poll, could somehow make sure that no one uses a search engine to cheat, & the one question on that poll was: What country now stands where Tartaria once stood? Like I said, 1 out of 250 maybe, & that would be the one that luckily guesses “Russia.”

Oh dang, oh dang dang diggity dang, Fish just had a tasty thought; is the USA fighting a proxy war with Russia to get the artifacts that were left there by the original inhabitants, the Tartarianos? Perhaps there is/was some ancient tech that they have reverse-engineered, or maybe some kind of relic that wields some kind of force power, or maybe there’s a complete history documented there, particularly about the real origins of us humans that have inhabited this planet, who knows? Hmmmm, I’m going to have to look more into this, have a long think on it, dig for truth treasure. It’s kind of surreal & a bit ironic that I just put these possibilities together actually, because earlier today, I was reading/watching things about the real reason we invaded Iraq, & it surely wasn’t for WMDs. Nope, it was because he had direct access to ancient relics & supposed “alien” tech, that has since allegedly been reverse-engineered, & is now in the hands of the CIA. I told you earlier, it’s an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole, & if you eat all these fish, you’ll grow big, as big as a conspiracy theorist that’s always proven right. Not the best simile of my writing career, but not the worst…derp…moving on…

…on to the end, as your attention span wanes, right in the nick-nick of time. Yes, as I said, use the links I provided. All you have to do is click it, then go from there. Or don’t click, don’t go, & make yourself a hot pocket for your favorite Netflix show, as I am only the scribbling scribe. Yes, I’m just the dial-turner, the frequency finder, the one who walks to the well each day to bring fresh water to the town. If the power ever went out, & all this was gone, you’d be a bit glum that you couldn’t just look things up with the heated touch of a button anymore, yes? This notion implies that maybe we should all, ALL OF US, yours truly as well, we should all STOP taking time for granted, & make the most of the time we have NOW, at this moment, before the time runs out & you eat your last fish. Think about it. Until next time dear readers, keep in mind, you’re making history with every second that passes, literally & figuratively. I wonder what future history books will say about us, & this Clownworld upside-down era estraña we’re all stuck in at the moment, for another moment, & another moment, what will they say? Incidentally, Future History is a good title, & I’ll be adding it to the draft queue, because that is how we Fish do…shoooooooooooo. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“We are future history.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Isn’t the future ALWAYS novel, in one way or another?” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E17 5/17/2023 Interzone Part Deux

As promised, here is part 2, of my article/s about the Interzone, as I define it, not how the originator of the term did, the legendary writer, William S. Burroughs, although he sort of meant the same thing, ultimately, did he not? He’s talking abut the space you enter under the influence of certain drugs, which in his case, were IV opiates. That’s a whole other topic, that I will have to talk about someday, considering my past with similar substances. There’s no hallucinations there, so to speak, unless you add in the dreams you encounter via opiate sleeping. Opiate sleeping, or maybe I should use the term, “opiate dreaming,” is like existing in a whole other Universe, albeit one that only reveals itself when you pass out into a heavy opiate nod. Like I said though, we’re going to talk about, SPECIFICALLY talk about, opiates in a future post. It’s too much, too much divergence from my illustration of the Interzone, so yep, for another time, a time not yet specified.

Okay, we were starting with the magical mushrooms, yes? I’m just going to detail a hero’s journey, my last one specifically, where I think I ate like 10-11 grams of Albino Penis Envy fungi, which is noted for its exceptional potency, & whoever wrote that note wasn’t kidding. Holy fuck, these fuckers are PO-TENT…& NOT for bubblegummers, I REPEAT, THESE ARE NOT FOR ROOKIES, especially for those wanting to be heroes. I compare mushroom trips to plane rides, as far as on the come up, you might encounter some turbulence, possibly some rough turbulence, particularly in your stomach, & even more so if your tumtum is empty. Nonetheless, prepare for some turbulence on the way up, a few scary bumps is all, nothing to worry about, because once you hit causing altitude, it’s all smooth sailing form there. These have a long duration too, an easy 6-8 hours. That first hour will be the come-up time, along with the aforementioned proverbial turbulence you might experience. Some don’t, some don’t get the queaze, but most of you will, & like I said, it’s nothing to freak out over, because once you’re cruising at 700 MPH 36,000 feet above the ground, you’re gravy baby, & from there on out, it’s beautiful.

Yes…beautiful, & like I mentioned, these have a long duration, so I spent many hours in the Interzone on that trip, pretty far out there. I went so far, that I saw the “God-spark,” for lack of a better term. This “God-spark,” was a neuron, firing in the brain of some higher-dimensional entity, & we, yes WE, we’re the “illustrators of the spark.” I have to mention this though; this “God-spark” occurs within a fraction of a fraction of a fractional second, just like when neurons fire on our own brains, but because we’re lower-dimensional beings, we experience these minutely momentary electrical “God-sparks,” as entire eons here on 3d Earth. Imagine, if you will, some entity that is 5d, or maybe 8d, & is not limited to the dimension of 4d time, try to imagine, if you can. We cannot accurately imagine such things, because we’re in 3d space, but substance like the psilocybin in specific mushrooms, when taken at extraordinarily high doses, allows you to briefly move, move between 3d, 4d, & 5d, similar to when you’re dreaming. Makes me wonder about Rogan’s smart ape idea; an idea that implies that the primates of long ago, one day when hunting for food, saw a batch of bright red Amanita mushrooms growing in a big pile of shit, then ate them. Upon eating them, their brains somehow hyper-evolved, like nearly instantaneously, metamorphosing them from primates to humans, all in a flash, as I said, upon ingesting these mushrooms they found, & that’s where the modern day human being evolved from.

Sounds great in theory, doesn’t it? If it were true though, & considering all the experiments they do on poor the unfortunate primates they steal from their homes in the jungle to do tests on, surely they would’ve given monkeys psychedelics by now, at the very least, just to see what happens. I found a link about it, if you want to read more, & you can click HERE for that. It’s a funny way Rogan tells it, of course, & not only is it great comedy, it might be true, for all we know. Do you know how we got here? I don’t, but I sure as fuck know we didn’t “evolve” from fish…duh, trust me I know. I don’t care how many billions of years you wanna throw at me, evolution is NOT what most people think it is. Sure, over time, most creatures will “evolve” certain traits to help them adapt & survive better, but these aren’t dynamic changes, so to speak, & definitely not the ones they ascribe billions of years to. No, the true dynamism, comes from the Sun. Thats’s right, from the Sun; if you want to know what evolution is, look at that giant ball of radiation in the daytime sky for your answer. I think that the Sun fires off novas, micro & macro, highly electrically-charged novas, & when one hits the Earth, she changes, unbelievably rapidly too. New mountains are formed from the force of the nova impacts, tsunamis arise, like miles-high tsunamis, insanely powerful earthquakes, all in a flash too…literally. You’d have nowhere to hide, unless you were lucky enough to find a cave that can withstand the surface destruction/creation via the nova. This would imply that most mammal life is still on the surface, & they’re blasted with that solar radiation, rather than getting fried, everything mutates, & mutates very rapidly. Now obviously, this is just a theory of mine, one of many, that usually end up in my literary vault of sorts…& as usual, I’ve segued from the main topic, yet again. par for my course, as you know.

Incidentally, look into the Electric Universe, if you want to know more about how the Universe really operates. At the very least it’s a much more plausible scenario, then the current one. No, the craters n the moon aren’t all from meteorites; most of them are from electrical discharges via novas from the Sun. People don’t seem to understand how big space is, & these novas a millions of times bigger than Earth. Almost unimaginably massive. I’m kinda surprised one hasn’t totally fried our atmosphere yet, like Mars, to be honest, but we’re talking about so much time between said novas, that civilizations rise & fall, then rise & fall, again & again, between these events. The novas are so powerful, that they cause a pole shift, here on Earth, as well as every other cataclysm on unimaginable scales, enough to easily wipe out almost all traces of prior civilizations, so how would we know about the true history of the world, if is has been totally wiped away, like it was never even here. A million years ago is literally almost nothing on geologic time scales, so again, how would we know, if highly-advanced civilizations have come & gone, countless times throughout the planet’s history? Do you all realize how long a MILLION years is? We are living on around 12000 years of history collectively right now; that is nothing, NOTHING, in epochal time scales. Literally nothing, & we don’t know shit about our real history, not a God-damned thing, relatively speaking. Nonetheless, the Electric Universe, in my opinion, offers much better evidentiary speculation than the current nonsense barfs out onto the actual science. Want an example?

Craters; craters on the moon, do you believe they were really caused by millions of years of getting bombarded with bolides? If that were the case, where are the ones here? Sure, there are a few “craters,” here, but maybe they aren’t craters? Maybe when the Sun fired out its nova/s, the plasma interacted with the planets, creating MASSIVE lightning bolts essentially, which lit up the Moon, causing these mistakenly-assumed craters, & has been shown to be true, via tests experimenting with plasma cosmology, & said plasma, when lit up, caused similar craters on a model Moon for the project. They simply minimized the solar system, fired off a small test nova, then studied the results. The nova discharge created planet-sized plasma that fired of lightning which created these “craters,” which look exactly like the craters on the Moon. Planet-sized discharges in relation to the model of course, but still, the experiment worked, in as far as proving that giant plasma electrical discharges from the Sun blasting out a nova, are what make those craters, not meteorites. They’re so smart, & not humble at all, so they assume they’re above all of us in their disrespective fields of pseudo-mastery, & that we are too dumb to figure things out on our own. Sure, I have no idea how t do do basic calculus, or what the different jars in labs are for, are even some basic shit, I’m a fucking retard…but…I’m not dumb, & although I don’t have a PhD from Lambda Lambda Lambda, I can still street smart you nerds into your proverbial lockers, & leave you locked in there, in the fetal position, crying for some blue-haired woke teacher to save your clowny ass. Fucking nerds, I could care less if you can code, you’re still a loser, but I digress.

Well, I do, & I don’t digress, here, because these psychopathic beta twerps are the ones with their figurative finger on the button on AI, & they could care less what it does, as long as it becomes “sentient,” which I believe, those in the know, already do. They might even be amongst them…like the AI Synths from Fallout. Synths, are so indistinguishable, that they don’t even know they’re not human. Guess who made them too? MIT, that’s right, the Mecca for the AI revolution. People WANT this; it’s so insane. Read a comment section under a video on Youtube about AI. You stupid fucks WANT it; & of course, it’s not everyone, but easily 90%+ in the comments can’t wait for the AI to take over, & it will, which is exactly what the globalists real plan heavily entails…GET THE KIDS. Sick fucks, it’s quite a power game they play, is it not?

Yikes, that last big red pill to got swallowed down like a pill-popping Pac-man…well done, if you got that one down big fella, or big girl, whichever of the TWO only genders you can pick, bit gain, I digress. Okay Fishhead Fam, I’m going to save LSD for part 3, of what will turn out to be a 4-part series, all about the Interzone. Until next time dear readers, you don’t have to be stuck in The Matrix all the time. You have a choice, you always have. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“I’ll street smart you nerds back into your proverbial lockers.” Fish F Fish🎏

Lunar Wave

ATTENTION: …if you’ve never seen the infamous Lunar Wave, take a look at the video below. I have no idea what causes this, and/or, if it’s even real or not, but apparently it lends creedence to the “moon is a hologram” theory. Like I said, I don’t believe, nor disbelieve this is real, I’m just aware of it, find it fascinating, so I thought I’d share a video of this unusual phenomenon for you, dear readers, considering it’s the Full Flower Moon tonight. Big Moon, isn’t it? Is it me, or does the Moon seem to be getting bigger? Probably just me, but if it was getting bigger, which would imply that it’s getting closer, would the powers-that-be tell us? If we were in imminent danger from the Moon getting closer to the Earth, do you honestly believe that your masters would inform you of such a precarious scenario? Or would they save their own asses & let us peasants who have no clue fend for ourselves? Food for thought, or food for the garbage, I could care less, as I’m just a messenger I guess, & if you don’t know the answer to my somewhat-facetious question, kick rocks & go read the Berenstain Bears or something similarly juvenile. Fuckin hell, it’s so frustrating to have the knowledge that 100% of you should have, but 99.99% of you don’t. Not like I even have to dive that deep, but since most of you are still flopping around in water-wings in this figurative pool I’m attempting to illustrate, I gotta play in the shallow end, or not play at all. Should I even keep playing? I don’t know, doesn’t matter, & I have no idea why I’m even swimming, do you? Is it for this, THIS? Wunderbar. If so, let me know, but know your opinion will mean nothing other than pander to my own self-amusement at the jackass in the mirror. Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, watch the video below, & always keep one eye wide open, watching out for the incoming waves. So sayeth FisH™…

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Always keep one open, watching out for incoming rogue waves.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S3 E4 3/4/2023 Virgin Moon Worms

To start, no the title isn’t a band name, but should you choose this name for your band, Virgin Moon Worms, I’ll take 33% of all royalties, thank you very much. Moving on, I had a quote pop into my head, & before I forgot it, as I often do, I texted it to myself so I would NOT forget it, because in case you haven’t noticed, I drop quotes at the endings of many of these posts, EVERY post lately to be honest. Normally, I just pull them from whatever I happen to be writing about in the respective article. This time however, I am redirecting a quote I thought of elsewhere, to here, to now share with all of you, dear readers, in my real-time, now my past-time as you’re reading this after I’ve written it. Also, I might drop a separate fresh quote at the end, so be sure to go the distance & not be a half-crook reader. What is this awe-inspiring quote? Good question, thanks for asking.

The quote is this: “We are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” I must admit, I heard someone saying something similar earlier, albeit NOT verbatim, so I rearranged the words like little soldiers in a row until the quote revealed itself to me, like chiseling away at a rock until the sculpture manifests into a naked Romanesque figure of some sort. I just thought, chiseled, thought, chiseled, as I listened to the video I was watching on the subject, thought, chiseled, until POOF, there it was, this quote. Think about it, as it relates to you, & I’ll come back to this quote at the end. I’m accumulating all of my quotes into quite a collection, possibly a little coffeebook or two of my fishy-faced quotes. Yes, considering I’m up to a few hundred or so by now, maybe I might manifest them all into some books of quotes, for all of you, & for none of you at all, how about them apples, dear readers?

Anyway, let’s move on to this upcoming Full Worm Moon, officially happening on March 7th, at 5:42 AM MST, so to me, I’ll have to see it its glorious glory either prior to that actual time, or on the night off the 7th, technically after the official time of the FULL full moon, but it’ll be “full,” one way or the other.. It’s the FINAL full moon of this darkest of dark winters too, which is good news, unless you live in Colorado, like me, or maybe in Canada like a few of my friends, where the winter doesn’t end until sometime in May, so it’s hardly the “last” full moon of winter for us, except on paper. Why do they call it the “worm” moon? Is it because the worms start coming out of the ground due to the winter thaw, providing food for the hungry springtime birds? That’s my guess, so let’s find together in real-time, shall we?

Well, well, well, would you look at that, lucky guess on my part I suppose, or menial critical-thinking skills utilized successfully, I’ll let you decide. This is according to The Farmer’s Almanac, & there’s a few other interesting facts about this particular full moon listed there as well, which happens to be appearing in Virgo, my own constellation, yep I own it, but I digress, & as I was saying, it’s appearing in the Great Constellar Virgin, marking the end of a 6-month cycle. What a period, 6-months long, & just a reminder: You know how we love completing our cycles here, circling the circles, fulfilling the circularity, our beloved literary Ouroboros, on the endless Ouroborian loop, end becoming the beginning to become the end again, only to be reborn, over & over, again, & again, & again, for it’s all just part of The Great Loopty-Loop, birth to death, around & around the merry-go-round. Anyway, for the sake of synchronicity, as the circularities always seem to find us in the articles I post, I thought I’d mention this culminationous lunar event as it relates to this roller-coaster of wordsmithery I share here with all of you, dear readers. Check it out below…

Interesting, I like the idea of the “sap moon,” getting that yumyum new sap from the sugar maples to make me some fresh organic maple syrup in some factory in Vermont. REAL syrup, not faux-rip, not the poison, not the high fructose corn syrup Aunt Jemima pseudo-syrup, oh no no no. Geez, not only did they find Aunt Jemima to be REEEEEEEEE-cist with the labeling, it’s not even real syrup. Arguing about racist sugar-crack poison; par for the course here in Clownworld…(honk noise). It’s as UN-syrup as it gets, because it’s LITERALLY just flavored high fructose corn syrup mixed with chemical additives, chemical crack sugar, & moms across America cover their fat kids’ breakfast pancakes with it every morning in this morbidly obese once-great country of ours, but I digress as always. Let’s not focus on the negative, ya gotta ak-sen-chew-ate the positive, dadahdadahdada…let’s see here, what are some other positive attributes to this upcoming full worm moon?

Interesting, analogous to blooming flowers, I dig the springtime. Although, I’ve never claimed to be one of those people who believes in anything astrology. Yes, I find it intruiging, but if you think you’re going to convince me that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was born on the same day, same time, & the same year as myself, will have a life analogous to my own, as well as the notion that we will ALL share similar personality traits, think again hot sauce. The average number of behbehs born, around the time I was born, was about 325,000 babies delivered alive per day. Based on that statistic, ALL 325,000 or so of us, have the same personality, spiritually of course if you believe in star charts, zodiac signs, and/or astrology in general. I suppose it could have merit. 325,000 out of 7 ½ billion people is a baby fraction(clever pun, strike one). I wouldn’t say I disbelieve, nor would I claim I do in fact, believe in these aforementioned concepts, I simply find it fascinating. I don’t take it lightly, per se, yet it surely has no deterministically valid merit as something definitively factual, for me to reference upon any self-evaluations of my own personality, but yes, it’s interesting.

Before we wrap this up, let’s not dismiss the quote I quoted at the beginning of this article, said quote reading, “we are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” Well, ARE we, or are we NOT? Is it relative? Are some of us equipped, so to speak, & some not? Tough to speculate on how much or how little we are, as we are all experiencing these unprecedented times right now in real-time, & the flux is constantly fluxing, like some 1984 time machine built out of a Delorean. I DO however believe the quote, for the most part, despite how relative it is individually, & overall the answer would be a solid “NO,” as in NO, most of us are NOT equipped, & as much as one might believe that they are, they aren’t. How can you be, especially if you re-equip on the daily, just to make it to the end of the day, before waking up to another day stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, how can one truly be “equipped” to do anything, if it’s all just another left turn-right turn, chasing cheese bait fiat money in this labyrinthian game we all unwittingly play when you cut off the fat. Check out my previous posts for more on The Great Mouse Trap, if you aren’t familiar. I’ve illustrated it countless times, so I’m not going to re-illustrate it here again, & we have reached the end here regardless, so until next time dear readers, note that this upcoming Full Worm Moon is supposedly a time of emotions, particularly as they relate to relationships, new beginnings “springing” up as the cold winter ends, also unleashing some obvious puns, like the one that just “sprung” up above, & this one too of course. Puns galore, quotes & puns, funs funs funs, but now we’re dones dones dones. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the cold winter ends, new beginnings begin yet again, springing up, as spring begins .” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E6 2/6/2023 Electric Full Snow Moon

It’s that time again, dear reader. That’s right, the full moon happened last night, the full snow moon. Technically I was writing this last night, even though I didn’t finish until after midnight, thus making this article today’s Monday moon madness Fooze. Is it me, or does the Moon look bigger than it used to? I’ve been looking up at the Moon every night for the last 25ish years or so, weather permitting. I go out of my way to always notice the Moon if I can for just that reason, it seems to be getting bigger, or maybe just closer? I don’t know. Could the Moon really be moving closer? Would your globalist leaders tell you if it was?

Nope, probably not, not until it was so close it was obvious, & nothing could be done to hide the truth. There’s plenty of other “truths” about the Moon that could be being kept from all of you. There’s all kinds of theories, & if you’re a deep diver, you already know this. There’s the FACT that we never landed on the Moon. Not a theory, FACT. This one I believe 1000%, & why? There’s more evidence in my opinion that we did NOT land there, than anything proving that we did. I detailed this all in another post though, so if you want, type “moon” into my archive dive tab over there on the right to read an article, & probably several others, as I’ve written about the Moon on several occasions. I have another one though…would you like to know why the Moon is luminescent? No, it’s not from the Sun’s reflection, but it IS related to our Great Burning Ball of Light & Life.

Ever heard of The Electric Universe? Fascinating rabbit hole to jump into, & another “theory” that I happen to believe is totally accurate. I’m going to have to link a video for you, because it would take me 10 pages to explain it all, so I’m going to limit my own ramblings to the reason the Moon glows, & whatever else I digress into. Also, when I explain the “glowing Moon,” I’ll tell you how craters formed on the Moon as well. Hint: it’s NOT from millions of years of random bolide strikes. It’s much more interesting than that boring blahblah, & provably more feasible of an explanation as well. As I said earlier, it has to do with the Sun, yes, but NOT via its reflection, not directly at least, as many people assume to be true. The “reflection” from the Sun simply reinforces an event that happened long ago for us, but not so long ago for Father Time. Around 13000ish years ago, the last one of these “events” occurred, & I emphasize “last one,” because this event happens geologically frequently, in repeating cycles. It WILL happen again, it’s only a matter of when. What is this “event” I speak of, is the suspense growing?

Relax, there’s nothing fanciful about this “event,” well not in an exaggerated perspective at least, as there is plenty of evidence to prove said event occurs in a predictable NATURAL order, like everything else in the Universe. It’s part of a cycle, but a cycle much greater than our own individual lifespans, which makes it difficult to record this repeating “event” for future generations to be aware of. Unfortunately, when this “event” occurs, most life on the planet is eradicated, only to begin again from the few survivors. There could have been, & I think there definitely was, COUNTLESS advanced human civilizations here before us. Millions & millions of years of varying developed human populations, that go from the caves, to the stars, then back to the caves again, over & over, in this Great Cycle. Those few survivors from these previous civilizations pick up the pieces, after this grand “event” takes place, exiting the caves that protected them yet again, but grimly to begin once again from that proverbial square one, with sticks & rocks. Like I said, not much survives this “event,” biologically speaking anyway, but life always finds a way to continue on, as it always has. What is this “event” I keep referring to though? Sheesh, enough with the suspense already, WHAT IS THIS ELUSIVE “EVENT?”

Okay, here we go…this “event” last occurred around 13000 years ago, & what happened was this: The Sun, our Great Hot Ball of Gas, giver of Life & Light, is also a bringer of chaos & destruction from time to time. The “event,” is a nova, but not a supernova, a mini-nova, a flash of gas & debris, blasted 360 degrees form the Sun outward in all directions. When this mini-nova hits Earth, it creates a polar shift, a very rapid one, causing the planet to turn on its axis over a week long period. Tsunamis miles high, earthquakes that are too powerful to ever record, fiery debris raining down from the sky, & every other kind of natural disaster you can imagine occurring at the same time, all during this week-long event. The entire planet is essentially flipped on its side. The only life on the surface that survives are the creatures that dwell in caves, and/or get lucky enough to be in those fewest of places that survive the global cataclysm. It’s so destructive, that any trace of prior civilization gets obliterated, but not all of it. Places like Gobleki Tepe, arguably the Pyramids of Egypt, & several other relatively recently discoed sites, proving that there IS evidence, there ARE structures that allegedly survived this cyclic event, albeit not many. Wait though, what about the Moon? What does the “event” have to do with the Moon, or the Electric Universe?

The mini-nova that the Sun fires off is full of electric charge, an insanely great amount of electric charge. Imagine lightning bolts that stretch from here to the Moon, that’s the kind of electrical power we’re talking about…enough to power all the cities on Earth for the next million years or so. It’s a lot to fathom, but as I’ve said many times before, space is YUGE, & we are so tiny, so incredibly tiny, it really is difficult to wrap one’s head around, I’ll admit. Nonetheless, the Electric Universe theory holds more water than any other explanations I’ve read about as to the true history of Mother Gaia. Before I link a video about The Electric Universe though, let’s quickly mention why the Moon glows. That insane amount of electrical energy I mentioned, the gigantic planet-sized lightning, so much energetic charge, you can barely fathom its sheer volume, this nova energy wave, blasted from the surface of the Sun. That’s the reason, that is what creates the “glow,” THAT is what lights up the Moon. It’s so powerful, the Moon STILL glows, getting its multi-thousand year recharge every time the Sun fires off another mini-nova. Oh, & those giant lightning bolts, they strike the Moon during these mini-nova events, causing craters that basically “melt” holes into the Moon, causing said craters. Again, these craters are NOT from bolide impacts, but from these giant electrical discharges that occur during these nova events. The “glow” from the Moon is the residual radiation, as the Moon has no atmosphere to protect it as well as we are from the Sun’s coronal ejections. Fascinating, isn’t it? Of course, this is a very brief summary, & the actual explanation is much more detailed. Here’s that link I promised, explaining the Electric Universe in greater depth for those who are interested in learning more about this intriguing topic…only 20 minutes long, don’t be a lazy Susan. Learn something.

There’s something else that occurs during these mini-nova events though, something NOT mentioned in the video above, or by anyone else I’m aware of. Keep that in mind, that this is MY theory, & mine alone, what I’m about to illustrate. My theory is this: I think that when these mini-nova events occur, the atmospherically-filtered radiation “speed-evolves” biological entities on the surface of the planet, mutating them in a matter of insta-seconds, into some kind of new species. This occurs more-so in the oceans in my opinion. Now I know that the ocean isn’t exactly the “surface” of the planet, but the reason I mention the oceans being particularly vulnerable to this theory, is that most life on earth gets annihilated when these novas happen, so the survival rate, even for those creatures that survive & experience these “speed-evolution mutations,” is relatively low. In the oceans however, between the atmospheric filtration AND the water filtration, these “speed-evolution” mutation should occur more frequently, & with a much higher success rate, as opposed to the land dwellers. The part of my theory that I really enjoy pondering, is that maybe this “speed-evolution-mutation” theory of mine, explains how creatures went from sea to land. Rather than the “it took millions of years” for them to eventually crawl out slow-evolution theory, I’m thinking evolution occurs exponentially more rapidly, during these nova events, & what is believed by evolutionary scientists to have taken eons, only actually takes a few minutes, maybe even just a few seconds. Why can’t both be right though? Maybe there’s a super-slow evolutionary process always going on, AND these nova events, which cause my theoretical idea of “speed-evolution mutations.” These mini-novas happen on cycles that span thousands of years, but when they happen, they make up for millions of years of evolution in mere moments. Obviously, I have no way to explain how the solar radiation could cause rapid mutations “safely,” without killing whatever it’s “mutating,” but again, this is only MY theory. This is simply my own speculative inclination as to the true history of our planet. Obviously, as with everything else, I don’t know. I just turn the dial until I find the channel, then share what the DJ plays with all of you.

After reading this, will you look at the Moon the same as before? Maybe you will, maybe you won’t, but regardless, the electricity was in the air tonight, as the Moon was big & full, the beautiful February Snow Moon on display, now forever in the past. Incidentally, my circularity just knocked at the door, in case you missed it. The circle of the full moon has circled back around this article, my literary ouroboros finding its own end once again, only to eat itself & begin all over. The beginning, become the end, become the beginning once again. The Great Cycle, the Grand Loop, on scales our fractional existence can barely fathom. It is only through recorded history that we know what we think we know, & history is “always written by the victors of war,” isn’t that the quip? Who knows? If your masters knew the real history of the great planetary cycles, & could use that knowledge to their advantage, to maintain power & control over you, do you think they’d ever clue any of you in? Nope, so just watch tv, obey, consume, & don’t ask questions, that’s all you get, so again I ask, WOULD THEY EVER CLUE YOU IN TO THE TRUTH?

No, they won’t, but I always will. I am just a soul traveler, simply seeking the truth. That’s all I am , & ever will be, which is okay with me, as long as I find that truth someday. If this is all in vain, well dang, fuck me I guess, but I think the day will come when I finally get that “A-Ha” moment, about everything. It might not be while I’m here though, stuck in 3d Clownworld, but someday, somewhere, some divinity of sorts will find me & remind me of things I cannot remember. Or maybe they won’t, I don’t know.Maybe I’ll remind myself somehow. I do know this; I know that the Moon lights bright, glowing like a firefly’s ass, from the Sun’s epochian solar smooch. Until next time, be electric, for the Universe is electricity, & you are just riding the lightning.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Be electric, for the Universe is electricity, & you are just riding the lightning.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S1 E18 1/18/2023 Projection

How many of you know what projection is? It’s become like a 2nd language among the populous, particularly for those who identify as liberals or leftists or whatever moniker those types “feel” that they individually occupy for any given day. It’s also a manipulation tactic from The Communist Handbook. “Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of,” or something like that, as I am paraphrasing from memory. Some knowingly, & willingly, use it for their own gain, but most of the foot soldiers for that team use it subconsciously, like a 2nd language, as I mentioned earlier, but a 2nd language they do not recall learning. Maybe it was “programmed” into them, like most everything else they operate on. Their programming does run deep, right to their soft Twinkie core, & no, I suppose it wouldn’t surprise me to discover that week minds could be programmed to speak the language encoded to them by their big tech overlord programmers. Most likely, it’s easier than I know, & would certainly explain a lot of the NPC-like behavior those weak-minded fools exhibit.

These real-life NPCs, they operate robotically, quite predictable in nature as it relates to general social setting fundamentals. They glitch, they’re prone to anger as a go-to reaction if anything from the other side conflicts with their personal comfort zone, they cannot effectively argue and/or debate because they cannot think for themselves, & when they direct that misplaced rage, more-often-than-not it’s their own self-hatred, being projected out toward those others that they perceive as their opposition. It’s so bizarre to watch so many grown adults, whether in public and/or on some broadcast public discourse like a podcast, acting in such a manner, particularly in a debate setting. Politicians might be the worst displayers of this behavior, but their projection is calculated, used strategically to gain another beneficial move for themselves on their daily chessboard of power-hustling. Their minions, on the other hand, are too caught up in their own psychosis to calculate anything in their heads critically. Most of them can barely calculate sales tax, so let’s not naively assume these people are intelligent enough to be worthy adversaries in that manner. Mentally, they’re slugs. What makes them dangerous though IS that mindless nature, that instinctive reaction to act primally rather than with reason & rationality. THAT is what makes them unpredictable, & thus an arguably detrimental threat to a humanity that seems distinctively split between the us & the us, as opposed to the them & the us.

Ugh…it’s so frustrating, dealing with unreasonable behavior in general, especially since there’s SO much of it these days. What is going on with the general population? The level of programming, truly astounding, on so many levels. Go ahead & take roughly ½ of the American population, legal or otherwise, & toss them out. Irredeemable that motley crew of degenerates is, there’s no 2 ways around it. Either completely programmed, or they have the hamster-wheel brain, occasionally a few sad souls possess BOTH of those anti-attributes. They serve nothing, not even themselves, minus their masters of course, who feed from their mental un-cognition. Pure fodder for the globalists, the doziest cows in the people pasture, the most reliable numbers. Methinks if the globalists had their way, anyone who was NOT in their club would be in this crowd, purely to comply & serve with complete obedience.

That leaves the other ½ of the country, but notice I already mention the split, the great divide, 2 halves, 2 wings, one stinking bird of a country, barely even flapping its fat flapper in the smog as it exhausts its remaining fumes before the death rattle is heard around the world. Make no mistake, if the USA falls, the world falls, at least for awhile anyway until some kind of stability is found maybe. Not guaranteed. It could all fall, & not ever come back, just like the countless advanced civilizations that were here before, then either destroyed themselves or were destroyed by the planet, in some great cycle that few know about. Oh yes, a tiny few are privy to having any awareness of the cataclysm cycles of Earth. Personally, I lean toward the mini-nova theory. Whatever happened last time, happened within a day, according to those people who know about these cycles. Did I not mention them? Or the Adam & Eve story? No, not the Biblical one, there’s another story with a similar title.

CLICK LINK FOR UNCENSORED VERSION: https://www.rawveganpsychic.com/the-adam-and-eve-story-uncensored

There you go…I left a link, so all you have to do is exercise your finger dear reader. It’s quite a story, quite a devastating story. The entire world reset in a week, but the brunt of that happening all within the first few hours of DAY ONE. Yeah, that quick, & POOF…it’s all gone. Washed away for thousands of years, maybe millions of years, before we crawl out of the mud just to rapidly advance toward our own self-destruction yet again. If “man” was truly created in God’s image, what is going on with you God? I know, I’m a quark compared to your omnipotent Greatness, so far be it from me to understand anything, but if humanity reflects your own nature, I think there might need to be some questions asked. THIS, what this is, just seems off, in the most grossly understated way I can use “off” as an adjective, because to be honest, it’s getting crazier by the day, more bizarre, more extreme, more degenerate, but where is that celestially benevolent aspect? Where’s the divinity? Is God maybe not the cool kid in class? Not anymore maybe, maybe he’s like the 5-year senior these days. I don’t know, I’m just proposing the question, “If man was created in the image of God, why has that image gone so askew?”

Not holding my breath waiting for an answer, God has never spoken to me. Not once, ever. Why would he? I speculate “God” exists in 8d spatial dimensionality, so as far as God goes, that whole 8d perspective is something we cannot even conceive of from way down here in our 3d playpen. However, if it is proclaimed as it is written that “man was created in the likeness of God,” maybe the one who’s claiming to be “God,” is actually a sub-8d trickster, possibly from the 5th dimension, only acting, pretending to be God, in spite of the real God, for his own amusement. Maybe he’s just a fool, like the court jester, & all this clown-like behavior IS “man acting in the nature of the God who created him in his own image.” Don’t take it personally God, I’m just thinking out loud. Would I not also be in your likeness? Therefore, blaming me for questioning your true identity would be just YOU questioning yourself? This is all so confusing.

Or, maybe God is the ultimate projector, projecting his own indiscretions via humans, who then project their own projections, cycles, loops, & as if on cue, there is my circularity for this Foozer, right on time. It’s a great satisfaction to see the serpent find its own tail, then consume it, consume itself within itself, like gods within gods with gods. All just endless loops, vibrating out into the Universe, singing their respective songs. Maybe that’s it, the simplest of simple answers. All of this, is just a vibrating loop, infinitely small & infinitely great, all at once, everything projecting at the same time, & consciousness is just your eyes bearing witness to those vibration culminations while the electricity tries to understand itself. I don’t know, don’t know anything. I’m just a projector too perhaps. Until next time.

For nothing of you all, & for all of you nothing.