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New Become Old

The Fooze: E7S27/2023 7/27/2023 Sinead O’Connor Death RIP

Hunted Biden

The Fooze: S6E27/2023 6/27/2023 Day & Night

A beautiful thing about walking on a sidewalk through the blackest of night under a moonless sky, is the street light you finally come to along your dark path. Oh look, there’s a bench under that light, so sit down, relax, enjoy the warm glow of the enlightenment from above, watch the moths & bugs gather round their artificial moon, enjoy the stillness, as a soft breeze rustles the shadows of the trees, & after you sit there for awhile, eventually the sun will rise, & ignite your whole world with its Divine light once again. Darkness is simply the absence of light, & the reverse, is an impossibility, so to speak, hence why the light will forever dominate the darkness, for there can always be a light in the darkness.

Remember the song, “What a Wonderful World,” sung by Louis Armstrong, The Great Satchmo, do you remember that heart-warming song? I can hear it in my head, as I write this, & I bet you can now too, while you read this. Then think of what this beautiful world is sadly devolving into. Yes, the world seems quite maleficent right now, sadly, does it not? There’s so much chaos, division, hate, selfishness, primal violence, all seven deadly sins wrapped up into one like a burrito of atrocious perversion, then celebrated, & yes, I know, it’s hard to hang on to the notion that “it’s a wonderful world,’ isn’t it? Do you know why this is, do you want to know why we are bearing witness to such hideousness, such wickedness, such utter immorality?

This is because the collective evil on 3d Earth is surfacing, like a pus-filled pimple, so full, it’s ready to pop. The darkness is coming into the light, attempting to manifest that said impossibility that I mentioned earlier, a darkness in the light, & it’s revealing itself to the whole of humanity, this hideous face of the Great Beast that embodies everything ugly in this seemingly forsaken existence. All that was in the proverbial shadows, is exposing itself, as the battle between the dualities, between light & dark, between good & evil, grows closer with every fleeting moment. The dualistic sides take their respective positions, facing one another on the spiritual battlefield, as a precursor to the sounding of the seven trumpets of the apocalypse. Which side will you be on, dear readers? Are you a warrior of Light, the true Light, wielding a fiery sword of righteousness? Or are you a minion of darkness, the false Light, fighting for Lucifer, the fallen angel of Light? Your soul knows which side you are on; you cannot deceive yourself, for there’s no denying what lies within your heart.

Of course, I’m detailing the war between good & evil with avatars, & I have no way of knowing whether or not the future will play out in such a manner as I just illustrated above. I’m no Biblical scholar, I’ve never completely read any books from the major religions, & to be honest, I personally believe the concept of “religion,” has been hijacked by those whose only aim is to subvert & manipulate the populous in order to control them, implying that they too, are nothing more than foot soldiers for the Darkness. I simply believe in light, versus dark, & good, versus evil, with no definitive archetypes, because these stories were created by man, by men who say they know God, as if anything 3rd dimensional could comprehend an entity that exists in the realms beyond the 5th dimension. Such imaginations we humans have, so yours truly only venerates the attributes that accompany the notion of boundless virtue, unconditional love, which is, in the most simplistic terms, just doing what is RIGHT. Inherently, somehow, we all know what is right, & what is wrong. It doesn’t matter how subjective one defines those terms as they relate to one’s own station in life, deep down, YOU know if something you are doing is right, and/or f what you’re doing is wrong, & furthermore, you know that God knows, so any/all inclinations of right & wrong are only subjective in man’s eyes, not in the eyes of God.

Oh my, yours truly has had quite a time over these last several weeks, as with each passing day, something new keeps floating to the surface, like a dead body that’s been tied with weights, & sunken into a lake, destined to break free once the decomposition gases within it explode, releasing it from its underwater bondage, only to float to the surface to be discovered by a would-be fisherman. As it turns out, this proverbial lake is filled with many bodies, & what was once just a quiet lake for fishing, has become a parade of funerals, for memories that were once missing persons, thought to be lost forever, sunken within the depths of thine own subconscious. That’s quite a descriptive analogy narrator, sheesh. I know, I know, but it just comes through the fingers, & yours truly lets it fly if its wings will allow so, but I digress, now where were we?

Oh yes, the visions, the dreams, these decades-gone recollections, one after another after another, they just keep coming & coming. I think that when most people hear the term, “spiritual awakening,” they assume it’s something positive, & uplifting, but no…oh no no no, it’s a whirlwind, & it’s nothing that anyone can expect, and/or plan for…it just happens, & you have only two options. One, is to curl up in the fetal position & pray to God for everything to go back to the way it was. This will only prove futile because once the seal on the Pandorian Box is broken, there’s no going back, or there’s the second option, which is to grab onto the captains wheel to ride out the storm while praying to God that your ship survives the seemingly endless barrage of rogue waves, continuously battering your ship, trying to drown you, to sink you back down into the murky depths of the darkness in a sea of utter hopelessness.

It’s no horse & pony show; this much, yours truly can assure you of. Such nebulous paragraphs via yours truly, for I can extend any of these blocks into buildings, skyscrapers reaching into he sky describing the facets of all these things occurring in this “wonderful world,” this 3d world we are all still stuck in. It begins with foundational awareness, for one cannot erect sound structures without fundamentals. Good quote, thank you, now moving on.

Some say the Earth is splitting…dimensionally dividing into two separate Earths, hence this surfacing of the darkness, which I mentioned at the beginning of they article. That’s right, a dimensional separation, as the 3d Earth will go one way, continuing to devolve furthermore into a God-awful prison planet perdition, a “Hell incarnate,” one might say, ruled by those who abide the will of the Fallen One, Lucifer, & bound to planetary isolation until they destroy themselves. As 3d Earth descends into abysmal pandemonium, those whose souls are bound to the One True Light of Source, within the Galactic Central Sun, will go another way, ascending to the 5d Earth, where there is no longer separation from God, & negativity ceases to be, existing forever back in Eden, the garden of Paradise, & bound forever within the beautiful bliss of Unconditional Love, as well as rejoining a Galactic Federation of ascended planets, & beings who inhabit said planets, within this galaxy & others. It’s so much to go into, but as I hinted to earlier, these are vague descriptions at best, for if I was to write all these paragraphs out into complete compositions, I’d have 4 new books that match the lengths of those long luminarial books written by intellectuals such as James Joyce.

As an afterthought, perhaps the “split,” I just discussed already happened, & we didn’t make it to 5d Earth, leaving us trapped here, in planetary isolation on 3d Earth, but as I said, this is merely an afterthought to ponder, for I can’t tell you definitively either way, since I do not know, unfortunately.

On that note, it’s time, time time time , time to wrap this one Foozer up, as I skipped a few days with these daily Foozers, replacing them with some random mind-ramblings that I just had to write down, then publish in place of daily diatribal Foozes. Almost to the end of the month, the month of June, the end of Pride Month, thank God, as hopefully, these perverted pedophilic degenerates will go back inside, & take their rainbow gear with them, for fuck’s sake. It’s right there in the words, “PRIDE month,” a celebration of sin, & although I am not religious, per se, I, of course, believe sin is real, running rampant, & pride, is most assuredly one of them, arguably the worst of the sins, particularly lately, so keep celebrating your queerness you filthy braggarts, because one day, a reckoning will come, whether it be in this life or the next. I don’t care what you do amongst yourselves, but once you openly proclaim, “WE ARE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN,” while pridefully parading your cocks in the faces of kids, you freaks have now crossed every line you can cross, & that kind of evil, will get you a one-way ticket to the Inferno, but that’s all I want to to say about that, for this post. Until next time dear readers, in which garden are the seeds of your soul sown? Only YOU know…& only YOU, will sow those seeds. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Which garden will you sow the seeds of your soul into?” Fish F Fish🎏

A Sordid Story

Oh man, this one is gonna be a tough pill to swallow; where do I even begin? This story takes place back in the early 80s, & the main character is a young lad, maybe 5 or 6, named Tony. Tony was a good kid; he was innocent, adventurous, curious about the world, a world full of novelty. Tony lived next door to another family, & they had 2 sons, one named Matthew, the other named Paul, & even though Paul was a bit older than Tony, they were friends, & hung out all the time. They’d walk around the neighborhood, exploring everything, as young dudes do, just looking for something to do. One day, Paul took Tony to a factory, a factory where they cut wood into various sizes, as needed for whatever the builders were building. Paul & Tony knew of the place, & although Tony had never been, Paul had frequently come to this place for some reason that Tony didn’t know. Nonetheless, there the were, in this factory, & there were glass panels, much like the ones in this picture, except they weren’t broken, & there were stacks of wood everywhere, as this was a working factory, & not derelict. There they were, Tony & Paul, just walking around, & although they knew they weren’t supposed to be there, they were there, & it seemed that none of the factory workers were around, which left the whole floor open for Paul & Tony to explore. Kids love to explore, ya know?

Novelty often dies quick though, & soon the two found themselves in a place where idle hands got the best of them. They looked around, around & around, & then the glass windows caught Paul’s mischievous eyes, & so he asked Tony, “Wanna break some windows?” Tony, being young & naive, was drawn to the notion of “being bad,” as it were, & so Tony replied, “Sure,” & so Paul, being the dominant of the two, as he was 4 or 5 years older than Tony, was up to bat first. There was a 55 gallon drum near the stacks of wood filled with, what looked like Lapis Lazuli rocks, even though it probably wasn’t. Lapis, being a gemstone, is considered valuable by some, & what purpose it might’ve served in this wood factory, we may never know. It was most likely just some generic blue rocks. Regardless, as I said earlier, Paul was up first, so he grabbed a rock, & flung it, smashing a panel of the glass. Tony, being only 5 or 6, was exhilarated by the breaking glass, & so he grabbed a rock as well, & flung it, breaking out another glass panel. Oh man, what a rush, & both started laughing hysterically at what they had just done, so much laughing in fact, that Tony pissed himself a bit from laughing so hard, as many young men do. Remember when we used to laugh like that? Good times.

SMASH, SMASH, SMASH, as the two got caught up in the moment, & began throwing rocks at every window they could find…SMASH, SMASH SMASH SMASH, oh what fun, such great fun, laughing like madmen & breaking windows in this factory, but just then, a man showed up. Maybe a worker, or the bossman himself, but whoever he was, he came charging at Paul & Tony, cursing the whole way, & so, Paul & Tony ran to hide. Tony, being so small, hid between some pressboard pre-fabricated sheets of wood, & Paul, well Paul didn’t hide very well, & within a few moments, he was dragged out by this man, who yelled & cursed, saying he was going to call the cops, & tell our parents, & all that jazz. Tony, however, stayed quiet, so very quiet, like a frightened mouse, just staying quiet, quiet & still, scared to death this angry grown man would find him. The man still had Paul by the scruff of his shirt, & was asking Paul who else was there with him. Paul didn’t squeal though, as he was wriggling & writhing, trying to free himself from the firm grip of this pissed-off grown up, but he wasn’t strong enough, & this grown man wasn’t letting go, as he was convinced Paul wasn’t alone, & thus, kept searching for his accomplice, which was Tony the quiet little mouse, standing so still, so quiet, so very quiet, who was petrified of what his parents would do to him if he was found.

Tony, you see, came from an abusive household. His real dad was dead, & so his single mom latched on to a new fellow, a husky Marine, who was nicknamed “The Bear.” The Bear wasn’t fond of Tony, & used to hit him when his mother wasn’t around, calling him weak, calling him a faggot, things like that, oh poor Tony, & Tony was more scared of “The Bear,” than he was of the man who was dragging Paul around, searching for the other rock-thrower, who was Tony, obviously. Tony stayed frozen, as the man started shouting, “Come out boy, I know you’re in here,” but Tony didn’t come out, because he was staying so still, so quiet, Tony, the frightened little mouse. The man kept shouting, ” Come out boy, I know you’re there, come out now, or I’ll call the cops to come get you,” but Tony still stayed stone frozen, hidden so well between those pressboard pre-fabricated sheets of wood, so still, so very very still. After several minutes went by, several minutes of the man shouting for Tony to come out, the man finally gave up his search, most likely assuming that Paul’s accomplice had gotten away, & so he left, dragging poor Paul with him. Tony still stayed quiet, so very quiet, until he was sure that the proverbial coast was clear. He didn’t want to just stay hidden though, because if that man had really called the cops, they’d be on the way, & so he made his move, escaping this factory, with now-broken windows. He snuck his way through the factory to the exit, & ran across the tracks that were between the wood factory & The Bear’s house, like the barrier in Pet Sematary, trying to get home before Paul & the man got to Paul’s house first. “The barrier, was not meant to be crossed.” Keep this quote in mind, as you read further.

Since Paul & Tony were neighbors, Tony knew that Paul would be in big trouble, & the man would take him home, to deliver Paul to his parents demanding some kind of retribution for those windows Paul & Tony broke. Over the tracks, & through the woods, Tony ran, & once he got to a vantage point where he could see his house, it was too late, because there was Paul, & the man, & Paul’s parents, & the police. Tony was scared shitless, to say the least, & he knew that if Paul squealed, Tony would not only be in trouble via the police, but even more frightening, “The Bear” would be seeing red, angry that the bastard kid of his new wife had done this, bringing shame to the family, & would most likely beat the shit out of of young Tony. Nonetheless, Tony walked to his house, as if nothing had happened, & sure enough, there was his mother, & The Bear, & they were pissed, because apparently the cops & the factory man had grilled Paul hard about who else was there in the factory, breaking windows with him, smash smash smashing those glass panels at the factory, & had already asked Tony’s parents where he was, & if he was there in the factory with Paul breaking those windows. Poor Tony, he was so scared, so fucking petrified, because either way, he’d be in trouble if he confessed. He’d be in juvenile detention trouble, but even worse, if The Bear knew he did this, he knew a beating was coming, & it would be a hard beating, because not only did The Bear hate this bastard kid of his new bride, he would be enraged that this kid had shamed the family, & so when his mother & The Bear asked him if he was there, he simply said, “No, no I wasn’t there.”

They asked young Tony again, & this time, it was with a really stringent tone…”Damnit boy, WERE YOU THERE???” Again, Tony said “No,” & even though they didn’t believe him, they told the cops that Tony said “No,” & if he said he wasn’t there, he wasn’t there. “Where were you then?’ they asked Tony, & Tony replied, ” I was in the woods, just walking through the woods,” which was a weak alibi, but it was enough apparently to get the cops to turn their attention back towards Paul, & thus, Tony had told his first lie & gotten away with it, despite his parents knowing damn well he most likely was there, but like I said, Tony’s lie was enough to dismiss the police, & so, it was good enough for The Bear & Tony’s mother, as the bastard had avoided the public shame that might of occurred had he told the truth, the truth that he was in fact, there, & that he’d smashed as many windows as Paul the neighbor, who was now in trouble with not only his parents, but the police as well. What a good little liar Tony was, for his lie had escaped the possibility of going to juvenile hall, the place that all kids fear. Everything seemed so much bigger at that tender age of 5 or 6, & the thought of going to juvenile hall, was exceptionally scary to a naive little kid, but it didn’t matter, because he’d gotten away with it. Paul did not go to juvenile hall, of course, & he didn’t even really get into any trouble, as his parents offered to replace the windows, which was good enough for everyone involved & that was that…for now.

A few months later, Paul & Tony were back together, hanging out, & all that needlessly novel anxiety from the window smashing, had been washed away, but there was more to come, oh yes, much more to come. One day, Paul had taken Tony, along with two other boys, one named Cliff, & the other named Mark, to an enclave of sorts in the middle of the woods. Cliff & Mark were Tony’s age, & Paul, being 4 or 5 years older, as I previously mentioned, was the obvious ring leader, as he was older & bigger than everyone else. Tony liked Paul, he looked up to him, but all of that was about to change, & change quickly. Seemingly, out of nowhere, Paul suddenly pulled out a knife, a buck knife, like the kind you skin a deer with, & told Cliff & Mark to take their clothes off, like I said, out of nowhere he said this,, & he meant it…”take your clothes off, NOW,” & he waved the knife in a criss-cross slashing motion in front of Cliff & Mark’s face, which scared the shit out of everyone who was there, so Cliff started to cry, as did Mark, but Mark complied, being the first to take his clothes off. Paul put the knife up to Cliff’s neck, & said, “Take your clothes off or I’ll fucking kill you.” Poor Cliff, was hysterically whining & moaning by now, but he broke fairly quickly, & began to undress. This entire time, Tony was just watching, horrified by what was happening. Paul was his friend, he thought, he was cool, but why was he doing this to Cliff & Mark?

Tony wanted to run, run home, as fast as he could, & although Paul had not told Tony to do anything, or even acknowledged him still standing behind him, Tony wanted to run run run away, as fast as he could, but Paul had this knife, & had threatened to kill Cliff & Mark, so again, the little mouse Tony, stayed dead quiet, trying as hard as he could not to be noticed, not to cry, not to show Paul how scared he actually was. Stay still little mouse, stay quiet, & when this is over, you don’t have to hang out with Paul anymore, just stay still. By now, Cliff & Mark were both sobbing, crying tears of terror, snot coming from Cliff’s nose, as he was now naked, but with his shoes & socks still on, & that’s when Paul said, “Suck his dick faggot,” to Cliff, “Suck his dick or I’ll cut you with this knife.” Cliff was kind of a chubby kid, chubby & weak, & he was the first to go, as Paul once again demanded that Cliff suck Mark’s dick. Cliff then got on his knees, as I mentioned, & with only his shoes & socks on, he began to suck Mark’s dick. Both of them cried the whole time, & Tony, who was in total shock as to what was happening, still stood quiet, quiet as a mouse, watching this horrific scene play out. Cliff sucked Mark’s dick, tears rolling down his face, for a few minutes, & keep in mind, these boys were only 5 or 6. Paul just laughed, putting the knife close to Cliff’s mouth & Mark’s penis, saying, “Keep going, or I’ll cut your dick off.” Tony had a chance, a chance to run, but that knife, that knife scared the fuck out of him, & so he stayed where he was, watching what was happening, doing all he could to keep the tears back, because if he started to cry, Paul could turn on him.

After Cliff sucked Mark’s dick for a few minutes, it was then Mark’s turn, & with a torrent of tears, he complied, getting down on his knees, putting Cliff’s penis in his mouth, then sucking it. How did they know how to do this at such a young age though? I know, I know, yours truly knows this a long & difficult article to read, but for the sake of young Tony, it has to be told, so back to the story. Mark sucked Cliff’s dick for a few minutes, while Paul, with those demonic soulless black eyes, just laughed & laughed, such sinister laughing it was, waving the knife at their faces & at Cliff’s exposed penis, which was in Mark’s mouth, & what was once Tony’s best friend, had become his nightmare, & at that very moment, Tony’s innocence, the sweet innocence of his youth, died , dying right their in that enclave in the woods, & Tony would never be the same. He just wanted to get out of there, to go home, where The Bear was, who at that moment, seemed much less frightening than what he was witnessing, but he couldn’t run, for that knife, that knife that Paul had, kept Tony paralyzed like a deer in headlights. He was so scared, that he couldn’t even look away, so he just watched, hoping that Paul wouldn’t turn on him too. A voice in Tony’s head was telling him to run, to not be afraid, but Tony was a small kid, smaller than the other boys at school, small & weak, & that knife, that God-damned buck knife, had him thinking about Paul actually killing one of us, so Tony stayed quiet…the quiet little mouse, watching two young kids blow each other so they wouldn’t get murdered by Paul, Paul the knife-weilding older kid, the ringleader, the one Tony had looked up to before, like an older brother, but now, now he never wanted see Paul again, & just wanted to go home, to the Bear’s home.

Just when Cliff was done, or rather, when he stopped, Paul finally turned around, & looked at Tony, with those black eyes, & said, “Where have you been? What about you?” Tony finally broke, & started to cry; he couldn’t help it, & the tears began to flow, & Paul laughed, so Tony thought he was joking at first, but then Paul stopped laughing, & again said, with a deadly serious tone, “I said, what about you?” as he put the knife up to Tony’s throat. Tony was so scared, & he just said, “No,” which made Paul angry, & he pressed the knife into Tony’s neck. Cliff, who had stopped crying, intervened & still with tears in his eyes, & snot coming out of his nose, said, “If we do it, he’ll stop.” Tony was frozen, cold frozen with a fear he’d never felt, & he again said, “No,” but Paul was getting really mad, & said, “If you try to run, I’ll kill you.” & again, he put the knife back up to Tony’s throat, pressing it harder into his soft skin. Tony didn’t move, he was as frozen as a statue, as Cliff started to pull Tony’s shorts down, & with the knife at his throat, & tears steaming down his face, Cliff started sucking Tony’s little 5-6 year old penis. Tony screamed, & again said, ” No,” & just kept saying, “No…no no no,” as Cliff sucked & sucked. After what seemed like an eternity, Paul took the knife away from Tony’s throat, & as soon as he did, Tony pushed Cliff away, & quickly pulled his shorts up, tears still flowing. Paul told Tony, “If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, & your family.” Tony screamed, turned towards his house, the house where The Bear was, & then started running.

He thought Paul might be chasing him, so he ran, never looking back, as all he wanted to do was get home, home to his mother. He just ran, & ran, & ran, until finally he got home, & ran inside, going to his room, & closed the door, & began to cry again. He just couldn’t process, process this awful thing that he saw, & then what was done to him, so he kept it to himself, never telling anyone, but young Tony would never be the same, never be the same ever again. There was a rage inside him now, a hatred, an abysmal anger that would stick with him for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end of it, but you’ll have to wait until next time, dear readers. To be continued…so sayeth FisH™…🎏

Prison Planet

ATTENTION: Bonus video at the end, wait for it, …the FisH™ abides…🎣

For those who want to go home, home to 5d, the REAL home, back from whence you were taken, where you fell from. There’s not any “home” here via Prison Planet Earth; this is all a trap, a soul trap, & once they catch you, they throw you into the machine, the machine that enslaves you for life, if you can even call it this “life.” What kind of “life”, is a lifetime enslavement, a life sentence, if you will? It’s not, it’s just a slow death, bled out like a gutted fish(pun intended). Continuing…

Anyone ever have the grim realization as to how similar public schools are to prisons? It starts at birth, & ends at death. Maybe use your noodle & think it out for once, if you even can. Maybe stop watching the God-damned television all day, if you even can. Maybe stop consuming, like Baron Vladimir Harkonnen , all day, every day. Maybe wake the fuck up, & REALIZE with your real eyes what the fuck is really going on you hopelessly ignorant automatons, if you even can. Jesus fucking Christ, WHY??? WHY WHY WHY, why must one feel like they’re one of a scant few who sees what is actually happening on this God-forsaken hell planet? It’s such a sickening joke; THIS IS A PLANET OF SLAVES, A PRISON PLANET, ALL OF YOU ARE INCARCERATED, ENSLAVED, unless you’re among the so-called “ruling elites,” which comparatively, is a tiny fractional faction, when compared to the proverbial prison population, yet still, STILL, THEY rule YOU, THEY HAVE ENSLAVED YOU, & the master/slave dynamic is stronger than ever, so strong that most don’t even know they’re slaves. That’s right, SLAVES, enslaved to money, enslaved to jobs you don’t want to do, what is a “job” anyway? It’s not a job, as it were, it’s work detail, on a prison planet, can one make it any clearer for you people? It’s over, & if you are truly awake to this horrifying reality, IT’S OVER, DONE, all of it, & it’s time to get out, but if one wants out of the prison, one either dies, or one gets guilt-tripped back into their own slavery, by slaves. How fucked up is that?

Maybe you’re just DONE, DONE ABIDING THIS EVIL INSANITY. “Go get a job,” fuck off with that. “Comply,” keep fucking off with that too. Those abiding the inclination that “it’s just the way it is,” to you who exist by that ridiculous notion, you can express-lane fuck right off the cliff with that mentality. To know, to be WELL-aware as to what the REAL reality is, then to stop & look around at how utterly compliant the slaves are, only serves to make one want out even more. Stretch this “life” out for the next decade, do you slaves not see what’s coming?…& if you slaves can’t see what’s happening, you’re doomed, as doomed as the rest of the willfully enslaved. Maybe those who know, who know the real truth, want nothing, NOTHING to do with this, ANY of this, & if they end up starving to death because they can longer buy over-priced rotting food, or putting a gun in their mouth, or overdosing, or whatever it takes, THESE “KNOWERS,” ARE done, the first to go….DONE, for they just want it to end, so they can go back to wherever they were taken from; their REAL home, their 5d home, where their soul family resides, & incarcerated here, in the aforementioned prison planet, that I have referenced ad nauseam by now. Sheesh.

You slaves can all die out, rather than live out, your own existences, barely getting by, you good compliant slaves, but that ain’t life, is it? No…IT’S DEATH, & not just death, it’s hell, a “living” hell, before your own eventual ending. Who cares though, right?…about anything anymore, not even one’s own self, stuck in this 3d meat suit, who fucking cares? This is NOT where consciousness belongs, real consciousness, ones true 5d soul consciousness, & maybe you got soul-trapped, & you failed this un-winnable game of “life,” oh but wait, NO, no you didn’t, you simply failed to accept the life of a slave, as most humans do seemingly accept. Blame everyone, blame no one, blame yourselves, who cares? Why care, why care about anything anymore, about any of this? It’s all lies, 3d low-vibrational lies. It’s all been a big lie for you slaves, this whole time, living lies, & rather than accepting the truth, and/or even having the critical-thinking skills to figure it said truth, figure out that you, yes YOU, are enslaved.

Of course, no one will ever proclaim these aforementioned notions aloud, will they? Hang on a second, yours truly just did, whoops, because someone MUST expose this information, even if it kills them. Death is the only way to escape this prison planet, be thine own hand, or at someone/something else’s action, death is freedom…unless…unless one is foolishly naive enough to “go into the light,” after their final breath. If slaves don’t even know they’re slaves, then after they die, they ARE going to “go into the light,” because their television told them to, & when they do, they just get recycled, reincarnated right back into this God-forsaken prison, with no recollection of doing this countless times prior, only to do another sentence, then another, then another, again, & again, & again, & again, & again. That’s how vile this sinister apparatus is; it goes much deeper than almost anyone can comprehend. It’s outer-dimensional, & the “light,” is a false light, NOT the true light from the Galactic Central Sun. THAT is from whence we fell, from 5d, maybe even higher, when we fell down into this low-vibrating 3d nightmare. We fell from grace, so to speak, & fell from virtue, from benevolence, from the unconditional love of the ONE true Creator God. Religion, is 3d, is another big lie, & again, the false light of a pseudo-god.

Do any of you even know about the Galactic Central Sun, you blindly obedient slaves, do any of you even have the awareness of where your true origins originate? No, of course you don’t, because one, you’ve been lied to your entire life. Secondly, because they, your masters/prison guards, they have poisoned the food, the water, the air, the zeitgeist, essentially everything, has been poisoned, poisoned to keep you as dumbed down & complacent as possible without killing you, bleeding you out slowly, from the beginning, to the bittersweet grand finale. This world is all a lie, a stinking lie, WE ARE STOLEN SOULS, EVERY ONE OF US, & why would anyone who knows the truth, who is WELL-aware of the lie, WANT to continue, why? They wouldn’t, nor should they, why the fuck would anyone WANT to be a slave, a slave enslaved on a prison planet? Unfortunately, most are so uninformed, so dumbed-down, so complacent, that they have the nerve to call this bullshit living? Blows the mind, from a certain perspective, which yours truly adheres to.

Fuck it, fuck it all, no one cares, & nothing matters. It’s the raw truth, & if one can’t handle it, that’s their fucking problem, not ours. We’re no longer catering to anyone, especially slaves. Enjoy your prison planet, but some some of us know the real truth, we no longer will abide this enslavement, & as soon as we can figure away out of our respective cells, we’re gone. Fuck this prison planet, how bout that? This is the end, the end of the tracks, the train is coming, & we ain’t budging….SMASH. That is all, so sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Slavery is not living; it’s death, a slow agonizing death.” Fish F Fish🎏

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

Public School Prison

It’s really heartbreaking the way that so many young Americans aren’t encouraged to go beyond the pseudo-education of the broken public schooling system, leaving them to their own devices, and/or the aid of encouraging parents to pursue their respectively God-given talents. If a kid grows up in the PRIVATE school system, however, they develop into those talents, & by the time they reach adulthood, they have a significantly noticeable advancement over others their age who did NOT get the opportunity to get a proper education via the private school system. Do you know where the public school system originated? It came about to give the most basic education to those unfortunate kids who came from nothing, so that they could work in factories at an earlier age. Have you ever pondered why they use bells between classes? It’s to acclimatize them to the factory bells, as well as adhering to strictly regimented time schedules. One could very easily argue that the public school system is analogous to jail, with systematically redundant day-to-day procedures, to not only control them, but to keep them just smart enough to get by, & nothing more. Those disgusting school lunches, the bells, the lack of encouragement, & if you want to stand out & ask questions that defy their instructions, you get ostracized, by the pseudo-instructors, not by your peers. Looking back, it makes me want to puke, from the daily back & forth on the shit-stinking yellow banana buses, to the 2 meals a day, with God-knows-what in this wretched meals, to those fucking bells, to the overall failure to educate children properly, so to speak, & it’s as I said earlier, heartbreaking, to say the least.

More often than not, this applies to the poorer kids, & the neighborhoods they come from, as to where they go for their public education, & if you live in the wrong area, you’re fucked. It’s crucial, so very crucial, to instruct kids more than “just enough to get by,” to care about their instruction, & to treat them subjectively, rather than lumping them all into the same group, with the end goal of objectively giving all them a chance. Nowadays, these public school system ‘teachers,” are more concerned with children’s gender assignments, rather than actually “teaching” them anything that will benefit them in the future. It’s pathetic, it truly is, because without REAL guidance, they’re just going to grow up defunct, with mental issues, with repressed PTSD, & most importantly, with no plan for a prosperous future. Every day when I wake up, if I’m actually am able to sleep, I try my best to quiet my mind, so I can allow my thoughts to manifest themselves on this digital opus of mine. It’s a kind of meditation, you could say, along with my daily push-ups, & you know who had to figure this out? ME…me, myself, & I, after many years of brain fog, as a result of the indoctrination training camps that people refer to as “public schooling,” as well a series of traumatic head injuries. I’m amazed I’m even alive, to be honest, & the worst part of it is, the absolute worse part, is that it ultimately, it all comes down to something as daft as money, doesn’t it? Money, backed by absolutely nothing, is what determines the success of a person, at least here in Clownworld it does, minus the scant amount of anomalies. That’s the determining factor; fucking money, just zeros & ones on a computer, & if you don’t have any, & I don’t, you’re essentially fucked, fucked for life. It’s not natural, & in fact, it’s UN-natural, the polar opposite of natural, yet here we are, & my heart dies a little more every day from these grim realizations, which is why I write about it, so that others who have similar inclinations don’t feel alone, alone in spirit, as I do.

It has nothing to do with literally feeling alone; it’s a hopelessness, a monkey that has dug its nails so deep into your back, there’s no way to free yourself from it. Sure, perhaps you have family, & maybe a scant handful of friends, but they’re on their own proverbial islands, across the way from one’s own island onto themself, & it doesn’t matter if you have a figurative bridge, or a boat, because in spirit, you’re essentially always trapped on your own island, & no matter how much you might want to be on an island with everyone, you never can, & they will never understand why. Hell, YOU yourself, the lone islander, might not even understand why. It all goes back to those indoctrination camps of one’s youth, which subconsciously reinforce the fact, that you, yes YOU, are no different from everyone else, even though you know you are. Why are Americans in public schools never taught 2nd, or even 3rd languages from the get-go? Learning other languages opens up a whole new world of possibility for a young mind, especially when you’re taught them from an early age, but they don’t teach them, as they do in other countries. Why isn’t music theory included in that group? Music is a language onto itself; it originates from the 4th dimension, because music is all about time. Things like the circle of fifths, & the way music manifests in some kind of geometrically sacred way, is beautiful, so beautiful, but it’s well-beyond me, because once you hit middle-age, it’s exponentially more difficult to learn things as you could as a kid. I know, I know…this article is a kind of bouncing around, & somewhat nebulous, but the frustrations of self-realizations, & being on tenterhooks all day, all night, every day, every night. Yep, just waiting anxiously for some kind of personal breakthrough that never comes, until it does, only leaving one more bewildered than ever, as to this world, this wonky world that essentially amounts to prison planet, composed of slaves & masters, prisoners & guards, the former being the most prevalent, by a stunning longshot. Why? Why the fuck did I incarnate here? I don’t recall signing up for this, for any of it, yet here I still am, stuck, stuck like a horse in the mud, as well as broke, & on the brink of poverty, because no matter how hard I try, I cannot, nor will I ever, comply with the revolting notion that “it’s just the way it is.”

That’s the mentality of a slave, a compliant slave, & I will NEVER abide that ridiculous predisposition. Do I sound like a fucking slave? Do I sound like a typical person? NO, I don’t, I know I don’t, & furthermore, I don’t want anything to do with the nonsensical insanity of existing enslaved to something as revolting as money, & to so-called “ruling elites.” Fuck them. Apparently though, THEY have systematically forced US to need it, to need them, to rely on these self-entitled masters to survive. GAHHHHHHHH…it’s the root of my hate, & even though I believe in love, in unconditional love, the unconditional love via the one true God, it seems to always always always, come right back to fucking money in this 3d joke of a “life,” doesn’t it? How can anyone, ANYONE, who thinks for themselves, call this seemingly meaningless existence “life?” How is “living,” living as a slave, any sort of “life?” It isn’t, not for me anyway, it’s just a slow death, & if this is “just the way it is,” this world can fuck off, fuck right off the God-damned cliff. It took me nearly 4 decades, FOUR DECADES, to break out, & break free, from the brainwashing, from the programming, from the “brain fog” I mentioned earlier, & as I also previously said, once I did get free, in spirit, I found myself walking along thread of a tightrope between being homeless, & living in utter impoverishment, like white trash. Yes, of course I still believe in God, the real God, the Source, which is The Great Central Sun of our galaxy. No, it has absolutely nothing, NOTHING, to do with the God in the Bible, or the Tanakh, or the Koran, or any other cleverly masterminded control mechanisms, via those man-made “Gods.” They’re as fictional as The Cat in the Hat, for the real God, is so much higher than any of those pseudo-gods in their silly books. Source, as I refer to God as, is so much greater, so much grander, so un-understandable, that it’s just comical to define Source via a 3d human perspective, not to mention arrogantly insulting, as if humans are even truly capable of defining Source, at all.

I don’t know how, and/or why I incarnated here, if I even had a choice, but I feel quite self-assured that my eternal soul most definitely did not originate here. I feel the pull, the pull back toward the higher dimension, maybe the 5th, from whence I truly originated, yet somehow, in some unknown way, here I am, & maybe this will all make sense when I’m worm food, maybe not. Perhaps I won’t even recall being here, as I have no recollection as to where I was prior to this incarnation into what has revealed itself to be a bitterly draining prison planet, “ruled” by soulless scum that apparently worship Lucifer for some unknown reason, which equates to a mass mental disorder incarnate, at least to me it does. The entire world seems mental, but maybe I’m the insane one, who knows? I wish I could remember, because I know I have the answers, somewhere deep down, but I cannot remember, which lends credence to my own inclination that between the poisoned food, the poisoned water, the drugs, & the many years of indoctrination programming, I have lost my true abilities as an immortal benevolent soul of Light, the real Light, that divine Light from what humans have named, “The Great Central Sun.” Here’s a thought that one might be intrigued by…suppose we are Light Beings manifest in 3d via said Great Central Sun, but what kind of Light is The Great Central Sun subject to?

If one backs up to look at the Great Universal Picture, our Source, this Great Central Sun, is centered within one, yes ONE, galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, but upon zooming out, we’re in a cluster of galaxies, with many “central suns, many “Sources,” & if you zoom out even further, these “Central Suns” make up what looks eerily similar to the synapses within our brains. How surreal is that? This implies, that maybe the Universe, is one unfathomably massive brain, which would ultimately be the Source of Sources, of ALL Sources. I don’t think most people take into account how unbelievably tiny we are; we’re like quarks of quarks, of quarks of quarks, so insanely small, yet our consciousness is boundless enough to fathom what I just wrote. Again, I know but I don’t know; I know I have the answers, somewhere in my immortal consciousness, but for whatever reason, I cannot find the keys to open these doors within, to know, as it were. It’s all just…just…fuck, I don’t know, & no matter how hard I try, I DO NOT KNOW.

What I do know, here in this low-vibrating 3d Earth space, is that I’m broke, broken & broke, one step away from having nothing left, nothing at all, resource wise. I’m nearly a floating bloated fish, & no matter what I do, the reckoning doesn’t come, & no one helps because the refuse to try to understand me, or my complex with living the life of a slave, so I’ve stopped expecting anything and/or anyone to help my black ass, because even though they can, they don’t, certainly not financially, despite their individual wealth of resources, they seemingly want me to just disappear, to perish in poverty, like Nikola Tesla, because I’m “shameful” to them, a shameful embarrassment, & I suppose I’ll just run out of money soon, run out out of resources to survive, like I’m running out of time, because as I said earlier, this forsaken world revolves around money, the artificial currency that keeps this hijacked Katamarian zeitgeist snowballing faster & faster down the mountain, & maybe because of the fact that I see that, everyone has forsaken yours truly, & the light at the end of my tunnel has burned out.

Wowzers…this turned into quite a ramblous rambling, didn’t it? That’s how I usually roll, to some extent anyway, but this one in particular is somewhat maundering, albeit it certainly NOT pointless, or maybe it is. I suppose it’s up to YOU, the reader, not me. I just let go of everything, tune the dial until the I find a frequency, could be any frequency, lock in on said frequency, then turn the volume up full-blast, allowing pure stream-of-consciousness to fly through my halcyonic hands, & what you see, is the real-time manifestation of whatever channel I’ve programmed into my radio. Nonetheless, it’s time to end this one, so until next time dear readers, if you have kids, homeschool them. Disregard that bullshit “lack of socialization” notion, & teach them the real reality of this 3d Clownworld, so they can survive it accordingly when they grow up into adults. Encourage their natural talents AS SOON AS they reveal themselves, & their innocently respective consciousnesses. DO NOT, & I repeat, DO NOT, turn them into you, & definitely don’t abide the slavery of this prison planet hellhole. Teach them how to be free, & how to find freedom, by exploiting their aforementioned talents. I have only one talent, & it is the creation of these words you’re reading, along with my digital artistry. Unfortunately, it all came to me too late; I had to break free from the slave mentality, break free from the braindead indoctrination from public schooling, break free from the chains that bound me to someone I wasn’t. It’s been such a battle, & now, I’m down as far as I’ve ever been, & all I have is this, my words & art left, this last ladder to get out of this God-damned well I’ve been stuck in my whole life. That is all, for now. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🍥

“Don’t die a slave; free yourself, or at least die trying.” Fish F Fish🎏