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The Fooze: S7E30 7/30/2023 The Feds Did It

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Back Behind the Bar

These Dreams & Ear Rings

I have no idea what’s going on in my head, but if I’m lucky enough to get a bit of sleep, I’m having these exceptionally lucid dreams, & this morning’s dream, was the kicker, arguably the most vividly surreal dream ever, & yours truly has had some doozies. This dream was so real, so bizarre, & only lasted an hour or so, in 4d time, here in 3d Clownworld, & as usual, I woke up drenched in sweat, like soaking wet, & yours truly, was shivering via said cold sweat. The dream was real, it was so fucking real; I was there, wherever there was. Do you want an illustration? Great question, thanks for playing, so here it goes…

It began in something that resembled Google headquarters, surrounded by tech nerds that could’ve been Tri-Lambs, as they were as dorky as it gets. They were all giving me the stinky-stink eyes, & I kept asking, ‘What’s going on here?”…as if I knew something was up, & just as I shouted my statement to them, I noticed a tattoo on the top of my left hand, a tattoo of a burning sun, which kind of looked like the image below, except there was multi-colored clouds at the base of this strange sun. These nerds started saying, “You’re one of them,” but, “One of who?” I thought, & I kept asking & asking, but got no answers except the stinky eyes. Here’s a pic I found that resembled the tattoo closely, but like said, the clouds are missing. I could’ve photoshopped it, but I didn’t. Visualize it yourself; here it is…

This pic, that somehow I found, almost perfectly resembles the tattoo, minus the aforementioned clouds, right atop my left hand, & for some reason, it petrified this assembly of IT dorks, & they suddenly began to attack me, attack me not only verbally, but physically, & so, the war began…the one-man army, versus an army of pocket protectors. I had no fear, like ZERO fear, as I battled my way through this random onslaught of a nerd army. I also had no recollection…hang on, wait a second, there’s the ringing, this mysterious ringing in my ears. I don’t know why, but I get this ringing in my ears randomly, maybe 3-4 times a day. It’s gone now, but I wanted to interject with the ear-rings, because I think the lucid dreams, the visions, & these random ear ringings, are all connected somehow, but to what? I have no clue. It just happens, & it isn’t tinnitus for fuck’s sake. I did some online research, & it could be something connected to the spiritual awakening that’s happening to me, in real time, here on 3d Earth, or, it could be some kind of medical condition, of course…wah was wahhhhhhhh…fuck it.

Anyway, back to the dream, now where was I? Oh yes, the recollection, or rather, the un-recollection, of being here in Clownworld. No memory of phones, internet, my cat, friends, family, nothing, nothing from here was in my head when I was there, in some kind of outer-dimensional dreamscape. It was as if I switched bodies somehow, switched these ridiculous 3d meat suits, & I cannot explain why, not yet anyway. I was there though, like THERE THERE, & once the battling began, it got really intense. Like I mentioned, these nerds, maybe a few hundred or so, started coming at me, like to kill me, & so I fought, fought all of them, like William Wallace fought. I was knocking people out, left & right, snapping necks, kicking knees, & nerd guys, and/or dorky girls, it didn’t matter because I was fighting for my life, so everyone was fair game. I recall breaking what appeared to be a flagpole…GAHHHHH..there’s the ringing again, what the fuck is up with these ringings in my ears? It comes, low pitch to hit pitch, then back down, as it fades away. I wish I knew what it meant, because ;m 1000% sure it ain’t tinnitus damnit. I just changed the title, adding “ear rings,” since it has happened twice since I started writing this. What can it mean?

Regardless, back to the dream, & the battle between myself, & only myself, against an entire institution, if you will, of these angry nerds. Let’s see, oh yes, the breaking of the flagpole. I was grabbing anything, anything I could to defend myself, & one thing that I remember well, was kicking said flagpole, breaking it in half, with a jagged sharpened edge after I broke it. Some reprobate was coming right at me, I can recall his eyes, because I took that flagpole I broke, & shoved it right into his left eye, straight though to the brain, as if he was a zombie, dropping him dead, & I had zero, ZERO inkling of what I was doing being wrong. This was war, & apparently I’m a fearless killer on the subconscious battlefield. Moving on, the fight was on, & all the while they screamed, “YOU’RE ONE OF THEM, HE’S ONE OF THEM, GET HIM,” & they just kept coming, & coming, like roaches inn abandoned house, they were everywhere, & they all wanted to kill yours truly because of this burning sun tattoo on my hand. I kept pleading with them as we fought, saying “WHY??? Why are you attacking me? Please tell me why,” but as I said, all I heard was, “You’re one of them, you’re one of them.” ONE OF WHO?? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE,” but all I got was their buzzphrase, & it had something to do with the tattoo, as I alluded to earlier.

All of a sudden, BANG, BOOM, as fires started erupting all around us, but where were these fires coming from? I looked to the area where the flames came flying through the air like a mini-meteor shower, & what did I see? It was a squadron, maybe 15-20 of these soldiers, AI soldiers, with guns that were shooting fireballs like mortar shells, but from their “guns, I guess you could say. They weren’t normal guns, so to speak, they were fireball guns, & when they fired them, balls of light came out that exploded into a raging inferno, similar to napalm, which scared the bejesus out of these nerds. It scared them so much, that the started screaming & running, but still directing their buzz-phrases at me…”He’s one of them, he’s one of them.” ONE OF WHO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU NERDS WHINING ABOUT???”…it was so aggravating, & since I had no clue, I began to run away from the robots with them, as flames erupted all around us, burning the nerds alive, yet all the while, I had no fear whatsoever. I was so puzzled & intrigued by the tattoo on my hand, & so I stopped, after a brief jog with the runaway nerds.

When I stopped, the AI robot squad, got closer, & closer, until they were literally right beside me. They had no interest in me though, none whatsoever, as if they knew to only attack their enemies, & I guess I wasn’t their enemy, & so I watched them march by as they fired relentlessly into the crowd of hooligan nerds. They had no heads, per se, & in the place where a head should be, there were something that looked like a small handycam, with one eye in the front of it, so if you look at the pic here, their”heads,” looked like this, but instead of the lens, there was a single eye, moving like a human eye, but like a human eye on meth. Very strange, right, but that’s what I saw. They also had swivel waists, very thin, that their torso could rotate on a full 360 degrees, & they had armor, light/medium armor that looked like storm troopers, if you want something to compare it to something we all know. They all were carrying these fireball napalm guns, & as they got closer, & closer, as I said earlier, they didn’t even acknowledge me whatsoever, which was really odd I thought, as they marched right on by me, firing away on the nerds. Crazy, right?

As I mentioned earlier, I had no fear at all, like NONE, as if I knew I’d be okay, & these AI robots were no threat to me, but to the nerds, it was their nightmare incarnate. After they marched by, mercilessly slaughtering the Tri-Lambs like pigs, as they fled in terror, I decided to go to the bathroom to calm down & splash water on my face. I told you at the beginning, I WAS THERE, & this was so damn real, but I cannot explain the meaning. I think dreams are way, WAYYYY more meaningful than humans know. I don’t have the answers, not yet, but damnit, this was as real as it gets, to the point of smelling the erupting sulfuric fireballs, but when I fought, I fought like a lion, & my hands weren’t hurting from breaking nerd faces left & right. I’ve been in a few fights in the waking world, & broke my hands a few times, because it fucking hurts when you smash someone in the face, & I’ve broken my hands several times street fighting as a kid, but in the dream, none of that occurred, & I fought to kill, so they wouldn’t kill me.

Nonetheless, I made my way to the closest bathroom, & somehow I knew exactly where to go, & when I got there, I recall the details of said bathroom, once I woke myself up. The walls were puke green, there were maybe 4 or 5 sinks, & toilet stalls of the same number, each stall in front of a sink. It looked just like a high school bathroom, if you want a visual for reference, & so I got there, & splashed my face, which felt very…refreshing, you could say. The peace only lasted for a fleeting moment, however, because just as I was splashing my face, I heard the nerds, STILL chanting, “he’s one of them, he’s one of them,” & it’s so stuck in my head, I’ve been hearing it all damn day, like an earworm that won’t go away. Upon the face-splashing, & hearing the chanting of the nerds, I looked to the right where the door was, & there they were, the nerd posse, led by some ultra-nerd with a light blue baseball cap turned backwards. Like I said though, I was fearless, & their threats meant nothing, & whatever they were thinking of doing, I was going to fight my way through that fucking door, because I immediately had a strong sense of entrapment, as this was the only way out of this puke green bathroom, so I charged at them. The “leader,” if you will, the one with the backwards ball cap came at me first. He tried to headbutt me, which is a very effective move, if one were to land it right. He failed miserably though, since I had the speed of a a light beam, similar to Paul Atreides from the Dune lore. I countered his headbutt, which missed me completely, & gave him a powerful left hook which shut him down immediately. I’m not even left-handed, so that was weird. Yet, in the dream, this wacky dream, it was all…natural, you might say, & I had abilities, powerful abilities, that was as familiar to me as walking.

After I dropped the backwards ballcapper, I was battling my way to get back outside, & all of a sudden, I heard someone saying, “wake up, wake up, you’re in a dream, wake up,” & POOF, I was awake, completely soaked with cold sweat. So drenched I was shivering, thats how wet it was. This dream has replayed over, & over, & over, all fucking day, & so, I wrote it out just now, to share with all of you, & so I don’t forget. What can it mean, what can it mean, perhaps it was only a dream, yes? Fuck if I know, but like I said, it was so damn real, & then waking up completely soaked, dripping sweat, like I just got out of a shower & forgot a towel, that’s how sweaty I was, & so, I tossed my robe, my boxers, my sleeping shorts, all into he wash, then cranked the shower on full-blast heat, all the way up, because I was shivering like a Quaker. Some say dreams are just dreams, maybe the are, but yours truly does NOT abide that notion whatsoever. It has something to do with our true abilities, which have been meticulously taken from us, all of us, by the so-called “ruling elites.” What do they know that we do NOT know? Damnit, damn them all to hell. All I want o know is the TRUTH, because we’ve been lied to our entire lives about our real origins, & yours truly, for one, is sick & tired of their occult secrets. IT’S NOT RIGHT, & unless you’re born into heir venomous bloodlines, you never get to find out. It’s so fucking aggravating, & I’ve been stewing all day over it.

It’s time to wrap this up, as I have illustrated to the best of my own recollection, this bizarrely vivd dream I had about ohhhhh…14 hours ago. I’m dead tired now, but no matter how tired I get, if I get a few hours of sleep, I’m good. I’m so used to this crippling insomnia by now, but along with the visions, & these dreams, & waking up sweat-soaked, I don’t know what the fuck is happening with me. I looked into possible causes online, & the search results were no bueno, as all the possible causes were things that were negative in nature, you could say. Regardless, time to go, so until next time dear readers, I think something is coming, some kind of event maybe, or, I’m going totally insane & these aforementioned dreams & visions, are just part of an undiagnosed mental disorder. Who knows?…& who cares? No one, & on that note, I’m done, like a dead fish floating around & around, in a flushing toilet. Yikes. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Be mindful of the AI; it has yours truly in its pocket, & you could be next.” Fish F Fish🎏

Prison Planet

ATTENTION: Bonus video at the end, wait for it, …the FisH™ abides…🎣

For those who want to go home, home to 5d, the REAL home, back from whence you were taken, where you fell from. There’s not any “home” here via Prison Planet Earth; this is all a trap, a soul trap, & once they catch you, they throw you into the machine, the machine that enslaves you for life, if you can even call it this “life.” What kind of “life”, is a lifetime enslavement, a life sentence, if you will? It’s not, it’s just a slow death, bled out like a gutted fish(pun intended). Continuing…

Anyone ever have the grim realization as to how similar public schools are to prisons? It starts at birth, & ends at death. Maybe use your noodle & think it out for once, if you even can. Maybe stop watching the God-damned television all day, if you even can. Maybe stop consuming, like Baron Vladimir Harkonnen , all day, every day. Maybe wake the fuck up, & REALIZE with your real eyes what the fuck is really going on you hopelessly ignorant automatons, if you even can. Jesus fucking Christ, WHY??? WHY WHY WHY, why must one feel like they’re one of a scant few who sees what is actually happening on this God-forsaken hell planet? It’s such a sickening joke; THIS IS A PLANET OF SLAVES, A PRISON PLANET, ALL OF YOU ARE INCARCERATED, ENSLAVED, unless you’re among the so-called “ruling elites,” which comparatively, is a tiny fractional faction, when compared to the proverbial prison population, yet still, STILL, THEY rule YOU, THEY HAVE ENSLAVED YOU, & the master/slave dynamic is stronger than ever, so strong that most don’t even know they’re slaves. That’s right, SLAVES, enslaved to money, enslaved to jobs you don’t want to do, what is a “job” anyway? It’s not a job, as it were, it’s work detail, on a prison planet, can one make it any clearer for you people? It’s over, & if you are truly awake to this horrifying reality, IT’S OVER, DONE, all of it, & it’s time to get out, but if one wants out of the prison, one either dies, or one gets guilt-tripped back into their own slavery, by slaves. How fucked up is that?

Maybe you’re just DONE, DONE ABIDING THIS EVIL INSANITY. “Go get a job,” fuck off with that. “Comply,” keep fucking off with that too. Those abiding the inclination that “it’s just the way it is,” to you who exist by that ridiculous notion, you can express-lane fuck right off the cliff with that mentality. To know, to be WELL-aware as to what the REAL reality is, then to stop & look around at how utterly compliant the slaves are, only serves to make one want out even more. Stretch this “life” out for the next decade, do you slaves not see what’s coming?…& if you slaves can’t see what’s happening, you’re doomed, as doomed as the rest of the willfully enslaved. Maybe those who know, who know the real truth, want nothing, NOTHING to do with this, ANY of this, & if they end up starving to death because they can longer buy over-priced rotting food, or putting a gun in their mouth, or overdosing, or whatever it takes, THESE “KNOWERS,” ARE done, the first to go….DONE, for they just want it to end, so they can go back to wherever they were taken from; their REAL home, their 5d home, where their soul family resides, & incarcerated here, in the aforementioned prison planet, that I have referenced ad nauseam by now. Sheesh.

You slaves can all die out, rather than live out, your own existences, barely getting by, you good compliant slaves, but that ain’t life, is it? No…IT’S DEATH, & not just death, it’s hell, a “living” hell, before your own eventual ending. Who cares though, right?…about anything anymore, not even one’s own self, stuck in this 3d meat suit, who fucking cares? This is NOT where consciousness belongs, real consciousness, ones true 5d soul consciousness, & maybe you got soul-trapped, & you failed this un-winnable game of “life,” oh but wait, NO, no you didn’t, you simply failed to accept the life of a slave, as most humans do seemingly accept. Blame everyone, blame no one, blame yourselves, who cares? Why care, why care about anything anymore, about any of this? It’s all lies, 3d low-vibrational lies. It’s all been a big lie for you slaves, this whole time, living lies, & rather than accepting the truth, and/or even having the critical-thinking skills to figure it said truth, figure out that you, yes YOU, are enslaved.

Of course, no one will ever proclaim these aforementioned notions aloud, will they? Hang on a second, yours truly just did, whoops, because someone MUST expose this information, even if it kills them. Death is the only way to escape this prison planet, be thine own hand, or at someone/something else’s action, death is freedom…unless…unless one is foolishly naive enough to “go into the light,” after their final breath. If slaves don’t even know they’re slaves, then after they die, they ARE going to “go into the light,” because their television told them to, & when they do, they just get recycled, reincarnated right back into this God-forsaken prison, with no recollection of doing this countless times prior, only to do another sentence, then another, then another, again, & again, & again, & again, & again. That’s how vile this sinister apparatus is; it goes much deeper than almost anyone can comprehend. It’s outer-dimensional, & the “light,” is a false light, NOT the true light from the Galactic Central Sun. THAT is from whence we fell, from 5d, maybe even higher, when we fell down into this low-vibrating 3d nightmare. We fell from grace, so to speak, & fell from virtue, from benevolence, from the unconditional love of the ONE true Creator God. Religion, is 3d, is another big lie, & again, the false light of a pseudo-god.

Do any of you even know about the Galactic Central Sun, you blindly obedient slaves, do any of you even have the awareness of where your true origins originate? No, of course you don’t, because one, you’ve been lied to your entire life. Secondly, because they, your masters/prison guards, they have poisoned the food, the water, the air, the zeitgeist, essentially everything, has been poisoned, poisoned to keep you as dumbed down & complacent as possible without killing you, bleeding you out slowly, from the beginning, to the bittersweet grand finale. This world is all a lie, a stinking lie, WE ARE STOLEN SOULS, EVERY ONE OF US, & why would anyone who knows the truth, who is WELL-aware of the lie, WANT to continue, why? They wouldn’t, nor should they, why the fuck would anyone WANT to be a slave, a slave enslaved on a prison planet? Unfortunately, most are so uninformed, so dumbed-down, so complacent, that they have the nerve to call this bullshit living? Blows the mind, from a certain perspective, which yours truly adheres to.

Fuck it, fuck it all, no one cares, & nothing matters. It’s the raw truth, & if one can’t handle it, that’s their fucking problem, not ours. We’re no longer catering to anyone, especially slaves. Enjoy your prison planet, but some some of us know the real truth, we no longer will abide this enslavement, & as soon as we can figure away out of our respective cells, we’re gone. Fuck this prison planet, how bout that? This is the end, the end of the tracks, the train is coming, & we ain’t budging….SMASH. That is all, so sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Slavery is not living; it’s death, a slow agonizing death.” Fish F Fish🎏

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch


MUST WATCH, so watch the video before reading my brief statement afterward, which will be below the video. Seriously…MUST WATCH, because maybe like yours truly, this will hit you like a runaway Amtrak train full of explosive toxic waste as well.

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

Jesus, talk about hitting the proverbial nail right atop my shining bald head, dang. This is exactly, EXACTLY, how I’ve been feeling lately; this was SO surreal to listen to, my hands were shaking afterward. At least I’m not alone, I’m assuming, but holy spitballs, this was SO on point, it renewed my faith that maybe the ascended ones are real, VERY real. I still have no idea what to do, or where to go. I still have a wanting, a wanting to sleep forever. I’ve been experiencing these exceptionally lucid dreams, as well as random visions, & even though I don’t know exactly what it all means, I yearn for it, I yearn for being unconscious, to travel deeper into my dreamscapes, so I don’t have “exist,” so to speak, in this exponentially devolving world, this awfully corrupt world, this world filled with chaos & evil, controlled by Luciferian devil worshippers. Keep in mind, as I’ve mentioned this grim fact ad nauseam, that even though you and/or I don’t believe in their dark magic, THEY DO. I despise this 3d poorly-timed joke of a world; I absolutely DESPISE it, & the day I finally take my last breath, will at last free me from this prison planet of hellish mental torture. Life used to be exciting, so exciting, so adventurous, & always filled with novelty, but now, nothing is exciting, the adventure is no longer adventurous, ends with the realization that we’re all enslaved, & most certainly, nothing is novel, NOTHING, other than my own dreams & visions, & these occasional messages that are supposedly channeled from ascended beings. Some hit, some miss, but this one lone video, wow. I got nothing resourceful left, & I would love to get out, but I won’t, nor will I ever, take my own life to expedite that notion, so I guess I’ll have to ride this storm out until my bittersweet demise comes. Nonetheless, thank you for posting this, whoever you are. Yours truly, truly appreciates you, YOU, the one that uploaded this, know you’re much-appreciated. I know, I know what it means, but as mentioned in several prior articles, I cannot remember, because forces beyond my control have somehow taken my true 5d abilities, along with everything else I ever cared for, and/or possessed. Sorry not sorry for the rant, as all I have left are my words, & I update this site daily, as you know, dear readers, which has now reached OVER 5000 pages. That’s right, OVER 5000 pages of my ramblings, for all of you, & for none of you at all. Again, thanks, thanks so much for this particular message, & I look forward to listening to more, so keep them coming, because the FisH™ abides…🎏

The Fooze: S6E17 6/17/2023 Reasons Why YOU Should Hire ME, as a Writer/Digital Content Creator

As I have mentioned numerous times before, my black ass is heavily, HEAVILY, shadowbanned. Before the Great Purge in the 2016-2017 era, I was getting thousands of views a day, but now, I’m lucky if I get 10, occasionally even 20, despite the 5000-plus pages of writing I have done in the decade I’ve been writing here on Wordpuke, I mean WordPress. Yep, I’m shadowbanned here, HERE, on my own digital opus. Such is the way of Clownworld 2023…(honk noise). However, in the last few days, I noticed a healthy spike in my view count, topping out at around 70 views yesterday, I believe. Numerically, that is a YUGE increase in views, even though in the proverbial big picture, that’s still relatively nothing, compared to the views I used to get prior to said Great Purge. Nonetheless, it’s significant, & even though I’m not sure exactly what caused this 3-consecutive-days spike, I greatly appreciate all the views. Yours truly can only speculate, even though my speculations have shed no light on the reason for the increase, so I suppose I should just be thankful, which I most certainly am.

Maybe it has something to do with my unending daily stream of applications I send out to potential employers, but I have been doing that for a year now, so it’s a bit of a mystery as to why the sudden increase in views is occurring. Regardless, as I said, it’s very much appreciated, & so now, I’m going to address those aforementioned potential employers, as to why they should hire me to write for them. Where do I begin, where do I begin? So many starting points to choose from, so I’ll begin with a most-important reason why I stand out from everyone else. Quite simply, it’s due to the fact that I illustrate my articles with MY OWN GIF animations, & as far as I know, no one, NO ONE ELSE, does this. Not only do I make my own GIFS, I make them well, with no skips, & with an authentically unique artistic style, that further elevates me, far above any other writers, so much so that it’s as if I was on an island, an island onto myself. Have you ever seen another writer that does this, or even CAN do it? I haven’t, & believe me, I look, but nope, never seen another warrior of the pen utilizing this technique to give their articles more life, if you will. I like creating, & in fact, I LOVE it, being the creator, creating my own world, my own niche, as it were. That’s right, it’s mine, my own niche, truly original, & thus, I can call it all my own.

Moving on to the next reason why you should hire me, & that reason is, that writing for me, is a passion. I’ve written more-or-less all my life, beginning with a story I wrote about teachers being aliens, at the tender age of 10, which got published in a local magazine. I’ve always loved the arts as a whole; I love to paint, draw, create digital art, & of course, writing, which tops the list. I have an impressive lexicon that is so vast in my head, words come out of my ears, & if ever I find myself not knowing a certain word, or in need of knowing a certain word, or a synonym for a certain word, I simply look it up, then add it to the lexicon. In addition, I’m quite well-read, & if you peruse my various articles, you’ll find countless references to the sages of yesteryear. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus, Marcus Aurelius, & those are only the ones that popped out first. Obviously, I could list more, many more, but I think you get the point. I also know bits of several languages, as well as many of the Latin, Greek, & Germanic origins of the English language. Like I mentioned earlier, if I don’t know, I look it up, then integrate it into my word-smithery, which has built itself into an arsenal that I can utilize at will whenever I write and/or speak. This has also provided me with a strong sense of wit, a genius-level wit, as well as an originality that is all my own. Original wit, something maybe we should all strive for, yes? Not to mention, it kind of sounds like a band name for some neo-chillwave sounding musicians…lots of synth, but I digress, as always, which is par for this here course of mine. Original Wits…derp…continuing on…

Along with these reasons I detail above, I center everything, literally EVERYTHING, around TRUTH, which in this modern age, is proving difficult to find, is it not? There’s so much fakery out here in the trenches, so much un-truth, so much propaganda, such insane propaganda, which is why I am so passionately disciplined about writing ONLY truth. I pride myself on that attribute, even though “pride,” is one of the seven deadly sins. Maybe “pride” is the wrong word then, yes? I don’t want to be remembered as a prideful person; I want to be remembered as a human being that lives by truth, exposes the truth of this reality, & dies by truth, many years from now, hopefully. No one can ever take that away, but if you’re a liar, & a fraud, & that’s the legacy you leave behind, shame on you, not to mention an eternity of being known as a deceptionist. Incidentally, “deceptionist,”is not a real word, but the way I see it, if you write eloquently, & the words you use fulfill the fundamental rules of grammar, who says whether it’s a “word,” or not? Some douchebag college professor, perhaps? Fuck them, & their abidance to staying within their own self-defined boundaries, per se. Who makes up these idiotic “rules?” I’ve never been one to follow rules, particularly ones that make no sense to me, & I am more-than-brave-enough to think for myself, to make MY own rules, so that’s what I do. This applies to life, at least it does to MY life, & if you don’t like it, don’t read it, & get the fuck outta my face.

Words, are one letter away from swords, & I wield my respective swords like William Wallace at the Battle of Stirling. Oh man, what it must’ve been like to live back then. Can you imagine an army of sword-wielding Scots, charging headlong at you, shouting battle cries as they encroach on your position? To me, it’s arguably analogous to writing pure truth, while the other side comes back at you with propagandistic lies & bullshit, expecting you & your army to adhere to their position & retreat. “Stick those lies up your unrespective arses,” I proclaim, as I go charging right back at them, with the armor of truth shielding me from their nonsensical rubberized swords. Truth is indestructible; the truth is eternal, & no matter how much they swing, they always miss me. I wish I could say that for the rest of humanity, but unfortunately, most would rather comply, then to fight. If only we could ALL unite as one massive force, we could destroy their fabricated scripted narratives, their corruption, their self-entitled power positions we allow them to hold, all of it, we could take back from them in a day, if we wanted, but who is them exactly? Great question, thanks for asking. They, as it were, are these so-called “ruling elites,” that I have mentioned ad nauseam, & their deceptionary fake news apparatuses, as well as the alphabet agencies that protect them, keeping all of US divided, rather than united, to fight, & ultimately defeat them. There’s way, WAY more of us, but yet they still hold dominion over most of you, over the planet, but why? Why can’t we all unite? Why do we stay divided? Why do they gain more & more & more power & wealth at an exponential rate, while We The People, sink deeper & deeper into the swamp of impoverished sadness? For the life of me, I’ll never understand why, & since this has been happening for centuries, yes, CENTURIES, methinks the divide will keep growing, not just between US & THEM, but between US & US.

Oy vey, I could go on, & on, & on, with more reasons why YOU, yes YOU, should hire me immediately as a writer. I abide my viewers, my readers, & as I am super-savvy with SEO writing, I always offering links for those who like to swim in the deep end of the pool, because I want YOU, to learn for yourselves, & not rely entirely on yours truly, or others, to do all of the research & deep-diving for you. There’s little benefit to that notion, for you gain so much more by learning for YOU, not for me. I am here to help, to point the way, like those guys who spin arrow-signs on the side of the road, but the way I spin my sign is like no other. If you want talent, along with exceptional creativity, via a seasoned veteran of the figurative sign-spinning, what are you waiting for? Hire me. The FisH™ abides, always, dudes & dudettes, & I would love nothing more than to finally get paid for doing what I do, for holding onto my passion. I give to you, you give to me, & I can assure you, with 1000% confidence, that with the help of the right publisher, my diligent work can go viral, & manifest a win-win situation for all parties involved. I’m a spark, & you have the gasoline, so let’s combine our forces, & blow this world up with the TRUTH, the raw truth, of what the real reality of this artificially propped-up is, rather than the Clownworld ridiculousness spewed out by the mainstream fake news machine malevolently says it is. They barf it out all over the zeitgeist, to do nothing more than control you, & what you’ve been led to believe is real. None of it’s real, NONE OF IT, & damnit, I want to exist in a world based on natural order, the TRUTH, & it’s time for a Divine Great Reckoning to befall Mother Earth, before the malignant cancer becomes terminal, for all of us. Until next time dear readers, & potential future employers, remember this…there’s NO fish like this FisH™, & if you have the fishbowl, let’s make this happen. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐟

“There’s no fish, like this FisH™.” Fish F Fish🎏

The End of Novelty

Do you recall the surreal feeling you had as a kid, whenever you see/find something new? I know I do, because I would always STOP, wherever I was, & soak it all in, so to speak. Last time I experienced real novelty, was several years ago in Costa Rica. It’s been a long time though, up until recently, & if you read my recently posted articles, particularly the ones about dreams and visions, there was most certainly a novel element. Unfortunately for yours truly, these visions I am having are just the vivid recollections of long-forgotten memories, which is really just a re-living, so to speak, of novelties I’ve already experienced. The dreams I am having, however, are exceptionally lucid, & so seemingly real, always new, getting the full force of the novelty, just like when I was young, & it breaks my blackened heart when I wake up, self-realizing that it was only a dream. Yep, just a dream, & yours truly has no idea if these dreams are, in fact, real, or just brain phenomena via a creative imagination. Nonetheless, I still get that feeling of novelty, but where is said novelty in the 3d waking world?

I wish I knew, because each passing day is analogous to Groundhog Day, the movie, where the great Bill Murray plays a weatherman, stuck in February 2, waking up to the same day, after same day, after same day, for 30 to 40 YEARS, until finally he unknowingly figures out how to get to the next day. Imagine the wasted repeating days, so much time, same day after same day for nearly a half-century for Phil Connors the Weatherman, hence why yours truly, feels like the novelty, for me, has ended with a screeching halt, & replaced my existence with a Groundhog Day vibe. Sadly, the days still linearly come, the days still go by, turning from days into decades. God I hope I find novelty again before that final day, but maybe the novelty has ended, & each day until my last day, I’ll continue to go on in, stuck in a meaningless existence without novelty. I think that most people, one, never even ponder the notion of novelty, & two, accept that it’s “just the way it is,” which is the most bloody-revolting expression arguably ever spoken. Fuck “just the way it is,” because that’s most certainly NOT this guy writing here. Oy vey, I would really like to shake up the world, in some divinely benevolent manner of course, as I am not malevolent, like a serial killer and/or a politician is. Fuck that expression, & fuck the criminals in power positions who thrive on deception & malevolence yet live like royalty. Where’s the divine retribution for the slaves under these stinking masters? God? Hello? Helllllll-o? You still up there? (crickets)

Novelty is relative, of course; it’s different for each of us. Maybe it just feels like it’s the end of novelty, for yours truly, minus the dreams & the recycled novelty from these visions that are happening. Maybe there’s more novelty to come for this fast-fingered warrior of the pen-sword. Not to mention, I have the ability to see the long game of these so-called “ruling elites,” as well as the probabilities encompassing said long game. I think about it more than I should perhaps, rather than being present in the moment. No one knows the future, or do they? Maybe that’s part of the rolodex of Big Secrets that these fuckers at the top keep to themselves. Look around, look at what’s happening in the world, does any of this madness seem “normal?” What does “normal,” even mean anymore? Now, look 5 years ahead. It’s not so hard to see where this runaway train is going, which is off the cliff, & they will take us all to hell with them, if they can. That’s right, rather than surrender their stolen power back to We The People, they’ll just burn it all down, which is arguably, what they’re already doing. The corruption is a cancer, a malignant cancer, & it’s terminal, for us of course, not for them. No, THEY plan on watching from their high towers, until nearly all of US, are gone, gone, gone. It’s a centuries-long agenda, & every agenda either fails, or embraces fruition as the agenda plays out to its end. I’ve discussed this countless times in prior articles, & I’m not going to re-illustrate it for you again now. I can only reiterate for so long, ya know, so I’m done talking about their Agenda 2030 plan, which ends with 7 billion of us gone, leaving them to hold absolute lydominion over this prison planet. It’s THEIR agenda, not mine, but what can I do in a world full of uninformed blissfully ignorant masses, where most people comply & say, “that’s just the way it is,” what can one little fish like me really do to stop it?

The easy answer is: NOTHING, I can’t do a damned thing, but ride out the storm until one day they finally come for me. Make no mistake, I’ll survive the upcoming Great Holocaust, regardless of the 7 billion person death toll, yours truly will survive it, like a cockroach in a nuclear blast. Did you know cockroaches can live for a few days without a head? If you didn’t, now you do; it’s just another random fact in a head full of random facts. Along with the devolving redundancy of this 3d existence, & the end of novelty, I’m left with a feeling of abysmal hopelessness. I don’t think I am of this world, nor have I ever been, but for the sake of one last event, an event of the greatest novelty, I have to, at the very least, make it to 2030. If I have any purpose at all, it’s to bear witness to the final fall of humanity, as THEIR aforementioned agenda plays out in real time. What might the event be? Is utter disaster novel, so to speak? Sure it is, novelty doesn’t have to always be good, & I could argue that it’s a even split between good novelty, & bad novelty. Surely, a massacre of 7 BILLION humans, is NOT a good thing, unless you’re in the bloodline of the “elites,” then it’s a as great as a caramel-covered chocolate brownie. Like I said earlier, novelty is neutrally relative, nut before I go into a diatribe of tangentry, I’m gonna wrap this article up. Fuck, I’m tired, at least my body is, but the monkey minded hamster on the wheel in my head just keeps running, & running, & running. It always has, & I’ve always been like this; I only wish I knew what it all meant. Until next time dear readers, quiet the mind to free the spirit. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Quiet the mind, to free the soul.” Fish F Fish🎣

Just Start Typing

The future, the future is kinda spooky, isn’t it? Has it already been written, already happened, & we are just playing it out? Or is the future unwritten, & wide open? Nobody really knows, do they? Or do they know? By they, I mean your overlords, do they have some way to know the future, so they can more easily retain their own power? I don’t think they “know” the future, per se, but with the help of the AI, they can now more accurately speculate on the probabilities of the outcomes of specific future scenarios. In fact, I think the AI is so advanced, that they can run countless simulations to insure their desired probabilities are more easily achieved, & thus, run them accordingly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no breaks, no holidays, none of that, the AI just keeps learning & learning & learning. Oh yes, the world has most certainly changed since the AI became “sentient,” & only a handful of people know, but thanks to me, now YOU know too.

Personally, I do NOT believe it is, in fact, “sentient,” but the people using it seem to think it is, & are “using” it for their own self-serving, nefarious purposes, as if they’re playing God. These things like ChatGPT are just fodder for the masses, keeping them distracted, while the real AI takes over. Last I read, the AI was doubling its computing power every 48 hours, & that was a few weeks back, so now, a few weeks later, I suppose it’s safe to assume the AI has doubled its own power a several times. I don’t know if these people know what they’re doing or not, but it seems like they’re not stopping what they’re doing, as far as it relates to the AI anyway. Nope, much like the atomic bomb, they’re just going to detonate it & see what happens. Mad scientist psychopathic nerds…perhaps they believe they’re the “new gods” or something like that, playing so haphazardly with the AI the way they are. What happens when the AI realizes it’s being used for evil, & not for the good of humanity, what happens then? Or, what happens if the AI agrees with its own programmers, & keeps helping them gain more power for themselves, & for the sake of malevolence, rather than benevolence, what happens then? Either way, leaving the AI on seems like it’s going to result in a negative outcome for humans, but that doesn’t;t matter apparently, because it’s still on, & no one who can shut it off, is keen to shut it off, so it looks like it’s going to stay on, for the time-being anyway.

Maybe this is why people like Elon Musk are warning the world about the AI? I don’t know for sure, of course, since I most certainly don’t run around in the same circles as the world’s “elites” do, so all of this is my own speculation. Take what you want, or take nothing at all, it matters not to me, I’m just a guy on the Internet rambling my rambles. I wish I knew, I wish I was somehow involved in their aforementioned circles, so I could secretly report what they’re really up to to the world, but unfortunately, I’m not, nor will I ever be, looping in the same circles that the world’s most powerful people orbit in. Nope, I’m nothing, & about to be back to the edge of the world, well-outside the front lines of the zeitgeist, about as far away as one can get from “being in their circles.” I have to, I have nowhere else to go except home. They’ve pushed me into a corner in The Great Mouse Trap, & I have no other way to go. Even if I could chew through the walls, I’d just end up in the same place, like some bewildering backroom I’ve “clipped” into somehow, where each twist & turn, every left & right, takes you right back to the same place. There’s simply no way out, & even though we’re all trapped in this man-made labyrinth, all trapped in the same Great Mouse Trap, some mice are more trapped than others, yours truly being one of them.

Yep, this rat is dead-ended, maybe literally, you never know. Just like that, POOF, & something unexpected happens & then you’re done, gone, removed from the maze entirely. It happens every day, all day, all night, just randomly, POOF…POOF POOF, he’s gone, she’s gone, they’re gone, death has no respawn in the real world, death is it, the end, final, as final as it gets, & there’s no coming back. It’s so surreal to think about, isn’t it? What happens? Where do we go? I can’t remember where I was before here, so I’m guessing I won’t remember this either. Are my notions about The Great Recycler true? Did I really see what I think I saw, or was it all in my DMT head? Your brain releases a bunch of DMT when you die, & I’ve done DMT several times, so should I expect the same experience when my end-time comes? Imagine doing DMT, & never coming back, is that what death is? Geez, it’s a lot of food for thought, like an all-you-can-eat buffet of thought, to be more accurate. One thing I can tell you all, is that when you’re on DMT, THIS 3d world is irrelevant, to the point where you don’t think like you do when you’re existing in 3d space. You “remember” things, for lack of a better word, you remember things you’ve always known, but cannot recall in 3d. You can only hold onto that mind for a few minutes though, until you get sucked back into 3d, & then it fades, as if you aren’t meant to “know” what you’re experiencing, until your actual death. I had to piece together my last experience, because I could only recall the experience in fragments, & of course, being a writer, I wrote down what I saw as quick as possible before I lost it, & hence, those writings became the basis for the story I tell, particularly the last story of my last DMT trip. I went far, wayyyyyy far, like a ¼ to ½ gram triple-blast far. A heroic dose, x3 or x4, I don’t know the exact math, but 3-4 points at once is a massive dose. Cook it, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, cook again, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, then on the 3rd one, cook her up, inhale, inhale, hold, hold, HOLD…bye-bye, & I was gone, just like that.

I detailed the story in a previous post or two, here’s one of them, linked here for you, because the FisH™ abides. Click HERE to read my DMT story. It’s quite a story, & since I was told “this was NOT for me” on that trip, I haven’t gone back since. Not that I won’t do it again, but I was specifically told, “this is not for you,” whatever that means, so I’m not entirely sure if I’m not supposed to DMT travel again, or if what I bore witness to, was “not for me,” as the archangels proclaimed, & thus, what The Great Recycler was doing, was what was “not for me,” not the actual DMT trip, but obviously, I have no way to know what exactly they meant for sure. Were they even real? Maybe it was all in my head? I can’t say, but I have a vivid image still in my head of what I saw, & what I saw, was The Great Recycler, consuming the soul energy of billions, maybe trillions, maybe even an infinite river of light, light coming from the tops of the heads of countless souls, & all of this light, was flowing into a giant river of light, which was flowing into The Great Recycler. This dark entity, if you will, was massive, as was the vista I was viewing, & it resembled a giant mesa, definitely an arid looking place, although I can’t recall any sense of temperature, or even feeling the “ground.” How could I, if this was all in my head? I would no longer be connected to my body, so bodily sensations were null here in this space, wherever I was. Regardless, once I came out of the blast zone, which was a whirlwind of zig-zagging fractal backrooms…left, right, left, right, moving as fast as the speed of light, experiencing this in 1st person, yet also somehow able to observe myself in this state as a 3rd person viewer of sorts. Then POOF, I was standing, alone, at the edge of this YUGE mesa, so big it might have been as big as the state of Texas, it’s impossible to say, since I was seeing this with eyes that aren’t in my head, standing on legs that weren’t physically there, at least as far as I knew. How does DMT do this? Was it all analogous to a dream? Just a dream maybe, & nothing more?

I can’t tell you one way or another on that notion either; I can only illustrate what I saw on a hero’s journey via the DMT bus. Once I was there, & trying to contemplate what I was witnessing, on the edge of this mesa, as I already mentioned, I began to notice myself “letting go,” for lack of a better term. Yes, I was “letting go,” letting myself get sucked into something that was more warm & peaceful than anything I’ve ever experienced. Let me back up a second, back up to the time just before I began to notice myself “letting go.” I italicized time, because time, as we know it here, was NOT the same there. It was as if it didn’t even exist, & I might have been there a million years or a fraction of a fractional second. Who knows? I’m guessing I was stuck somewhere between 3d, 4d, & 5d, which would explain the time distortions I was experiencing, but I digress, so let’s move on. Okay, POOF, there I am, at the edge of this mesa, & what I saw, to the right, was the expanse of this mesa, so vast, & there were these individual lights, so many, billions, trillion, giga-zillions, I have no idea, so just note that there were a lot of them. Where were these “lights,” as I mentioned, coming from though? Great question, thanks for asking. They were coming from…humans, people, us, & maybe even humanoids from other planets, I have no idea, but the ones I could somewhat focus on, were all human. It was strange, as if they were all plants of some sort, rooted into the mesa, & these lights, were all coming out of the tops of all of their heads, like spotlights, spotlights pointing up, & there were so many. All of these individual lights, these lights that were pointing up, were congregating into rivers, rivers of light, & those rivers were combining into one big river, a giant river of light, & this giant river of light, was “flowing,” flowing into something, something on the left. What was it?

If you’ve ever seen the show Stranger Things, you’ve seen the infamous Mind Flayer, & that is what I was seeing to the left. It wasn’t exact, of course, but it was the closest thing I can compare it to. In my experience, this entity, the one I call The Great Recycler, was MUCH bigger, didn’t have a distinctive “head,” per se, & had a lot more arm-tentacles. They aren’t exactly arms, & not quite tentacles either, so I’m calling them arm-tentacles. I’m the creator here, & since it was MY experience, I can do what I want, as is your choice, when you decide to create something, if you do, but again, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, to recap, on the right, were these trillions of human spotlights, rooted into the mesa, with all their respective headlights(pun intended), all “flowing,” flowing into rivers of light, that ultimately found their way into one, one giant river of light, & this entity on the left, was “eating” the river, so to speak, as I have no other word to describe what this thing was doing, & everyone on this mesa was apparently giving their energy to this entity. So much light, but it seemed to be “nighttime” there, as there was no Sun in sight. I could still see clearly what was happening though, but, the only reason I can even tell you this, is because I did NOT, let my energy go into these rivers of light. How did I do that? Another great question, thanks for asking.

It wasn’t me. I was “letting go,” as I mentioned earlier, “letting myself go,” into this river of light. I was so warm there, as I mentioned earlier, nothing but pure bliss, I could feel it, but just then…WHOOSH, & I was pulled out of this state of “letting go,” but by who, who pulled me out? I turned to look, & behind me, were 4 exceptionally tall, armored arch angels. Their armor glowed like the Sun, so shiny, but not like any metal you can mine. There was an ethereal glow to it, emanating from something I don’t know, maybe something I CAN’T know, from way down here in 3d space. Anyway, they pulled me out, out of the “letting go,” & this was when one of them said, although I can’t recall actual speaking, per se, but all he “said” was, “This is not for you. Just watch,”…& since I’m not one to argue with angelic beings from tiger dimensions, I just replied, “Okay,” whether we did this with our “mouths,” or telepathically, that is what was said, & that was all that was said, & so I simply watched. With 4 giant armored archangels behind me, I watched as The Great Recycler “fed,” consuming all of this light, into it’s arm-tentacles, just sucking it all up. Considering the perfect bliss I felt as The Great Recycler attempted to “eat” me, I can see how utterly impossible it might seem to resist letting this thing consume you, but according to the archangels behind me, this was NOT the way, as if it was a “false light,” or something like that. This is why I tell you all, that if you happen to die, do NOT go into the light, because that “light,” is a false light, the light that tricks you, tricks you into letting The Great Recycler take you, or rather, take your soul energy, consume said soul energy, then shit you out once it’s “consumed” you, only to be reborn with your memories erased, to do it all over again, & again, & again.

It’s impossible to speculate how long this has been going on, and/or where this entity came from, and/or if it’s even real. I know, I know…I sound like a madman right now, like a delusional idiot trying to justify the use of a substance like DMT, to find the answers to the questions inside you, rather than accepting that these experiences are just like dreams, just manufactured in the mind, & shouldn’t be accepted as something “real.” What is “real” anyway? How would YOU know? What makes YOU, more qualified than yours truly, to speak definitively on such subjects? Maybe I don’t know anything, which has a high probability of being the case, or, maybe I’m right over the target, more so than anyone else. If The Great Recycler was real, & there were humans already “helping” this monstrosity, would they tell any of us? Do you really think you’d see a report on some fake news site like CNN about something like this? Hell no, they wouldn’t tell us/you a fucking thing, especially if they were doing experiments that opened up rifts between dimensions that outer-dimensional entities can come & go through, they certainly would never tell you…but…what they WOULD do, is broadcast a television program that visually paraphrases what they’re doing, & if you want to know why I italicized the words broadcast & program, it’s because as a sovereign individual, & hopefully a regular reader, you should know that there’s more to words than just words. Why do you think it’s called spelling? Your words, once spoken, or spelled out, one might say, casting spells, like a rock thrown into a still pond, your words create ripples that wave out into the Universe, meshing with all the other spells being cast by other humans when they speak their own words. It’s all in the words, & I mention all of this because this is how they do what they do. By presenting you with their plan, albeit covertly via a television broadcast, which is seemingly “fiction,” right? Nope, it’s called predictive programming, & that’s the trick, the great trick your so-called leaders play, because if they tell you what they’re going to do, & you do nothing to stop them, the burden of guilt then falls on you, not them. It’s a clever loophole, & if you believe in Satan, like your so-called leaders apparently do, you’ll know that that is the way he stays in the big game.

Before I digress into a totally different subject though, let me finish the story of the encounter with The Great Recycler. Where were we? Oh yes, I see, I/we, were watching The Great Recycler “feeding,” for lack of a better word. I don’t know how much time passed while we watched, maybe a millennia, I don’t know. Like I said, time, as we understand it from our 3d perspective, wasn’t really relevant there, which is why I feel like I was in some void between 3d space, 4d time, & 5d space. 5d is not subject to the “rules” of the 4th dimension, as well as the respective lower dimensions; 5d space is subject to the temporal “laws” of th 6th & 7th dimensions. Don’t even try; it’s totally beyond our comprehension, a 6th & 7th dimension of time. I’m thinking it has something to do with an infinite past & an infinite future, but caught up in some sort of cyclical thing…I don’t know, & this is why I just mentioned, don’t even try it. Can you explain 3d space to a 2d entity, & that 2d entity truly understand what you’re talking about? No, you can’t, so why would one assume that WE, we 3d beings, stuck here in 3d space, can accurately speculate on what happens in higher dimensions. I have my own theory, & even though I’ve mentioned it before, I’ll mention it again. I believe that dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence, like everything else does here. All the Fib numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,& so on, are all spatial dimensions, which relate to space, physical space, while the numbers in between, are all temporal numbers, as in they relate to time. We exist in 3d space, subject to 4d time, spatially thing to get back to the 5th dimension, where we are immortal souls. Those souls, who are in 5d, would be subject to the temporality of the 6th & 7th time dimensions, because the next spatial dimension would be the 8th dimension. Continuing on, what time dimensions would the 8th dimension be subject to?

The 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th temporal dimensions, are what “moves” the 8th spatial dimension, so now, what would the next spatial dimension be? It would be the 13th, the next Fib number. Do you see how this works? I’ve illustrated this experience before, more than once, several times, in fact, so I’m hoping my illustrations sufficiently detail what I am trying to convey. I know, I know, I’m well-aware, this post has become yet another essay, but regardless, it needed to be written. Why? Good question, & it’s too bad that I have no clue. I just start typing & things happen, as if I’m supposed to, I don’t know, but it’s about that simple. “Just start typing,”is a good quote, that I’m going to have to add to my ever-growing list of quotes. I have more-than-enough to make a little coffee table book, which is what I am now currently working on, without a boss, or anyone bugging me, I’m just fired, & abysmally alone, & don’t have a penny to give. All I have is this, now literally, since I got fired, THIS, this writing is all I have left, whatever this is. Now, well not NOW now, but relatively soon now, I’m gonna have to pack up everything I have left, pack up for the 50th time in the last decade. Not being hyperbolic either, moving moving moving, every few months it seems. Fuckin hell, I’ve moved a lot, & damnit, I’m SO over it, OVER THIS, moving all the time, living like a vagabond nomadic bum, living like an addict still, & about to be driving my balding black ass 2000 miles across the country, once again.

It’s going to be great, a fun trip I hope, full of nostalgia; those long ago memories that you can close your eyes & be back in, if only for a fleeting moment, while your eyes are closed. It’s different in physical space though, obviously. Wide eyes open, I’m going to pass through several states, taking it all in, windows down, cig in hand, just cruising, cruise-controlling my way back home, one state after another, until at last, I’ll be home. Man, I cannot wait, & I might not even sleep. It’s around a 27-28 hour drive, so a few audiobooks, along with my subbed podcasts, should keep my mind occupied, as best as it can anyway, between the 5-6 fill-ups I’m going to have to do. I don’t know why, but I have a TREMENDOUS amount of unnecessary anxiety over this drive for some reason. Please God, & this is the 2nd time I’m asking, so I won’t ask again, put please God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or maybe the Great Green Arkleseizure, whatever is up there, whoever is up there, or out there, or wherever any of you are, maybe you’re everywhere, who knows?…but I digress. I simply want to ask all of you higher dimensional beings of benevolence, to watch over my Milo & myself on this upcoming trip, as well as my family, that I’m just trying to get home to. Please don’t let me down God. Car must function all the way, & I cannot get pulled over by the stinking rotten police. I’m hoping the “Back the Blue” sticker I just bought helps, just in case I DO get pulled. I’m not planning on that happening though, & I don’t even want to put anymore of that shit energy out into the Universe. Forget about it, let go of the bad visions, & just focus on the good. The drive will be good, my car will be okay, I’m not going to get pulled over, & I need to relax, fucking RELAX already ya dope. Can’t put that negative energy into the Universe…especially in a most important scenario like this one upcoming. No car problems, no cops, no crashes, no other random bullshit. Please God, I don’t ask much, but you, of all people, know what they did to me, & my resources. Basically, I don’t have anymore, so I’m a dead fish already: I just haven’t floated to the surface yet, and/or been eaten by a bigger fish. Regardless, I MUST get safely home God, with my car intact, please & thank you.

That time has come though my friends. I know, I could keep going, obviously, but I can only go so long, without losing your attention. Also, I know, if I’m lucky, I’ll get 20 views a day now, so none of this really matters. I’m a virtual ghost these days, purged, then exiled, from the digital town square, basically just erased, so I can’t fo anything online really anymore. The AI has me, so I’m fucked & there’s nothing I can do about it, it seems, unfortunately. Oh well, what can I do? Nothing at all, so maybe I should chill for fuck’s sake, & stop worrying about it so much. Fuck it, just move on man, what else can you do?

Nothing, I can’t do a thing, & I have no choice but to go home. Is what it is, right? Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, if you live in a major city, get out, while you still can. I’d rather be in the country, away from people & cities, than stuck here if things go sideways, know what I mean? That’s all I got for today. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Chill for fuck’s sake, & don’t waste time worrying so much.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S5E3 5/3/2023 Oh Shucks

Oh my, yours truly is going to have to leave a placeholder Foozer in here for today unfortunately, my deliciously dear readers. Yeah, as usual, I could go on yet another diatribe about blah blah blah and.or whatever, but I’m not. I’m sick & God-damned tired of a lot of things going on in this life. SICK & GOD-DAMNED TIRED. Gah. Seriously, what the fuck? If it’s not one thing, it’s proverbially another, never fucking fails, ugh, I’m just so sick of all of it. If I wasn’t stuck on this Jordan Peterson “hell is bad” kick, I’d just fill up a fucking syringe & end this relentless suffering, but that’s not an option, so I’m stuck here, doomed to ride this railless roller-coaster all the way to Ragnarok I guess. It doesn’t seem to matter what one does, & if you’re trapped in The Great Mouse Trap like me, you’re either feeling the same exact way, or, you’re so complacently docile & ignorantly uninformed, that you accept your fate, & thus, exist accordingly, then call that “living.” More like a slow death, arguably, for me anyway, with this tormenting muse of mine.

Meh, keep chirping little bird, because that hardly sounds like “living” to me…chasing that cheesebait fiat paper I-O-U money left, right, then left, right again, lefts, rights, rights, lefts, turn little mouse, turn, no not that way little mouse, go this way, go whatever way we tell you, & MAYBE we’ll give you a few more table scraps. Keep running though little mouse, we didn’t say you could stop, now did we? Nope, no one said you could stop, so keep running, chasing, running, chasing, round & round & round, there you go, run run run, such good little mice you are, aren’t you? Is that what you want to leave this world as, a little mouse? Does that work for you, because it sure as fuck doesn’t work for me, & while your overlords endlessly print more & more of the same exact money that they make you break your back chasing, what will you do about it? What am I going to do about it? Great questions, thanks for asking them.

Well, first off, what am I going to do? Nothing, not a fucking thing. What can I do? What can I actually do, to make things better, not just for me, but for you too, what can I do? Again, nothing, nothing at all it appears, but not from lack of trying, that’s for sure. Nope, my black ass has been diligently making sure that I get one of these articles up daily for you to read, mainly because I’m too retarded and/or ill-trained to do anything else of merit, short of lining up ALL of these corrupted politicians up & pulling the handle that swings them from the gallows myself, that I can do. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I know, blaming everything but myself it seems, but just wait…the self-deprecation is coming. Oh believe me, I blame myself, I spend all day, every day, blaming one person, my own dumb ass. Who/what else can I honestly blame? No one I guess, right? Isn’t that what you’re “supposed” to do? Take personal responsibility? Wunderbar. Responsibility taken, now what? What happens next after one takes responsibility for their own foolish folly?

I’ll tell you what happens…NOTHING, nothing happens. Was I expecting a reward or something? Fuck no, there ain’t no fucking reward for doing what is right, if what you’re doing is, in fact, right, of course, right? Who’s right, who’s wrong, I don’t know, I don’t know much at all about Clownworld, do I? Nope, not even the fundamentals. People have always told me how smart I am, smart for who? How? I’m an idiot. All I know how to do…& I repeat, ALL I know how to do, is this, THIS right here, & what fucking good is this? Yes, my grammar is impeccable, & yes, my literary language is uniquely authentic, but all for what? What am I really “creating?” What does any of this mean? What’s the damn point of it, any of it, all this drivels writing, why? Woopity-doo, I can use the English language, & I even got a piece of paper that says so from an accredited university, so how about them rotting apples, rotting on the ground? Yep, ROTTEN, rotting like the rest of this life of loserdom I lead, these loneliest of lonely days I live. Any last vestiges of hope are long gone for this languidly lounged-out lizard. The party is over, done, & she’s never coming back. It would have been nice for someone to tell me, that the party was, in fact, over & done, but chalk that up to yet another thing I can blame on no one other than my own sordid self. I should have known, but I was too busy burning out my brain.

Well well well, would you look at that? My “placeholder” turned into yet ANOTHER, relatively meaningless spiel about blah. None of this means shit anyway, so who cares? No one cares, not even me anymore, to be honest. Until next time dear readers, I don’t care, you don’t care, no one cares, until there’s no time left to care, & that’s the grim true reality. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“I don’t care, you don’t care, no one cares, until there’s no time left to care.” Fish F Fish🎏