Linus & Lucy

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Free Willy

RIP PeeWee 🔥🙏🏻🔥

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The Fooze: S5E27 5/272023 Saturdays

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Oh man, I remember when I first heard this, back in middle school maybe, somewhere in there…& THEN, I remember partying in Madrid, in Spain, for the Millennium, party of the century, good times, but putting this song on for the sake of nostalgia, & that was 23+ years ago now. Jesus, no literally, hey Jesus, I know the saying is, “Time Flies,” but geez Jesus, maybe we need to put more emphasis on “flies,” sheesh. What is happening? One more proverbial blink, & it’s going to be 23 years from NOW, if I make it that far. Seems like a lonnnnnnnnng way away, doesn’t it?…but look how fast the last 23 years flew by. It’s so surreal, isn’t it? I feel like when it’s all over, & you’re dead & in the afterlife, all of this seems very…momentary, you could say, like “lifetimes,” per se, are just like quick little dreams, so to speak. Along with that, I think maybe there’s the realization of that notion, along with your memory, & you remember dying, & living, many times. I hope so anyway, because that would suck if there’s just like a flash, then POOF, you’re reborn in a new body, with zero recollection of the afterlife. Do you remember where you were before you were born here? Nope, neither do I, but maybe that’s just what happens when you “walk into the light?”…& what have we said about that?

DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT, at least if my theory is correct, you can do whatever you want, I’m pretty sure I won’t be there, but if I’m cognizant enough when I am in fact, dead, & in front of said light, I’m gonna think about it long & hard before I even consider it. What’s the rush? Can I watch someone else go first & see what happens to them? I’ve been watching an interesting YouTube channel; a channel that’s essentially all stories about NDEs, Near Death Experiences. Fascinating, & as a well-traveled traveler into the Interzone via DMT, I especially like the ones that have similarities to the DMT experience. If death is anything like DMT, then it’s nothing like what religions preach. Your consciousness is different, as in the handcuffs are off, if you want an analogy. You “remember” things, that somehow you know in a way you cannot know when you’re here in 3d. It’s like going home, but your real home, & the entities are quite welcoming, but the experience varies by dose, obviously. I had one kind of experience on a “normal” dose, but then an entirely different experience on a heroic dose. It’s quite the tale, & if you want to read more, just click here Heroic DMT Blast …& when you read that, you’ll get to the part where I was told that “it was not for me,” which is a bit ambiguous. Is DMT not for me, or The Great Recycler not for me? I didn’t have time, per se, to really contemplate it & ask for clarification, & didn’t even think about it again until after the WHOOSH…sucked me out of Interzone & brought me back here to this 3d Honkler hell Great Mouse Trap. Maybe I’ll see those archangels again someday, if it was really real, or maybe it was all just in my DMT dome, who knows?

Anyway, I’m keeping this one relatively short. Just wanted to share the nostalgia, playing De La Soul, circa 1991, if I’m not mistaken. Damn, freshman year, freshman fucking year of high school, like it was yesterday. So much potential, so much time, if only someone would’ve spelled out the true nature of this reality, or maybe that was my test, to figure it out myself? I don’t know, but what can you expect if 99% of the population has been bamboozled their entire lives? It’s few & far between where I run into a normie that is interested in any of the countless “conspiracy theories” that I’ve illustrated which have come true. Not just me, it’s the “conspiracy club,” as a whole, we were right, about almost all of it. Obviously, there’s anomalies that miss, & there’s always going to be anomalies, since we aren’t soothsayers for fuck’s sake, but there’s something called DYOR, Doing Your Own Research, & if you combine this groundbreaking concept, with your own critical-thinking skills, you can discover truths & prove things for yourself, imagine that…mind-blowing, right? Take advantage while you can, learn what you can, because if the power ever goes off, bye bye internet. It’s all rather fragile, isn’t it? For a globe-connecting apparatus, relying on something as fragile as the prehistoric electric grid to stay operational? Then those fossil-fuel burning backup generators, oh my, those can only last so long though, which isn’t going to be long at all. I’m not going to go full-diatribal on that though, not this time anyway, except one thing. I have to mention this, since we’re on the subject, but you all DO know that electric vehicle charging stations run on diesel-power, right? Yep, look it up if you don’t believe me, and/or if you’re still brainwashed enough to believe in this whole humans & carbon bullshit. ALL a lie, yet another hoax from your so-called s-elected elite leaders, but I digress. Until next time dear readers, be nice to everyone you encounter today, because you never know when it could be the last time. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“You never know when it might be the last time you tie your shoes, so tie them tight today.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E18 5/18/2023 My Only Friend

This is the end…dumdumdumdummmmm…my on-ly friend, the end, as sultry as it gets, with the voice of Mr. Mojo Risin in my head…dumdumdumdummmmm, beau-ti-ful friend, the end. No safety, or surprise, nope, there’s neither when you die, no safety, but also, no surprise, as if you subconsciously know you’ve done this before, countless times most likely, but you can’t really KNOW, can you? Some people say they remember & can even recall their past lives sometimes, but I think most of those people are mental patients. However, maybe not all of them are mentally ill, & perhaps, just perhaps, they’re truly able to remember and/or recall their past incarnations into Earth school. Yes, that’s what this seems to be, especially according to Hans Wilhelm. He has a great channel on YouTube, which I’ll link for you now…click HERE to watch Hans Wilhelm, or just click the video below. The FisH™ abides, & you know this Fishheads.

If we’re really in an “Earth School,” I wonder what the bad people are here for? Why is the school ruled by elitist tyrant psychopathic self-serving scum? They just seem to be flunking out, if you’re supposed to be improving, so why are they still in school? I’m not dismissing Hans here, not at all, but like these new-agers, it’s often difficult to digest what they’re selling, because one, they write books to sell about their respective subjects so of course they’re going to argue the validity of what they’ve written, & two, Hans hasn’t died & come back to bring us this knowledge, so where did it come from? Was he just bestowed this wealth of information from God himself? Nah, I don’t think so. People base their entire lives around a specific topic, write books about said topic, & thus, will promote their notion as feverishly as they can, to make more of that paper I-O-U monopoly money, to serve themselves, rather than you, even under the guise of pretending to serve you, Just saying.

Anyway, before I begin this by going off right off the tracks out of the gate, let’s discuss DMT. Quite a substance, widely misunderstood, very under-researched, in my opinion. It’s bizarre to me that it’s illegal, considering everyone has some in their body at all times. Yep, right there inside your pineal gland, is DMT, but if you have extracted DMT, that’s a felony, the same as if they caught you with dope. If you know anything about drugs, you’ll know quite well, that DMT & ANY opiates aren’t even the same sport. Nothing similar, except if you get caught with them, then it’s the same charge essentially. Don’t get me started on the drug laws in this country, and/or in the world, for that matter. It’s such a joke, this “war on drugs,” & it hasn’t done anything except exacerbate drug use, the opposite of what they’re claiming to do. Throw in the hard times, joblessness, homelessness, hopelessness, then on top of that, access to cheap hard drugs, & you get what we have now, a national dystopia, homeless tents everywhere, bums flying signs everywhere, open drug use abounding, & this is only the beginning, albeit surprisingly, but yes, still in its nascent stages somewhat. Oh, you think it CAN’T get worse? Think again, & remember that you read it here first, when the time comes, but remember that you read right here that Trump will either be dead or incarcerated when election 2024 time comes. There’s NO way they will let him fly, & when he’s removed from the equation, so to speak, it’s going to demoralize ½ the country, & then you’ll see true national disintegration on all levels. Meanwhile the other ½ of the country, the “woke” retarded half, is going to celebrate while the country finally burns all the way down, like little rainbow-haired Neros. They put pseudo-POTUS braindead Brandon in there for one reason, ONE reason, & do you know what that reason is? To destroy this country. Period.

If Biden runs, & cheats & wins again, the country is done. If somehow Trump is still in the equation, & wins, the country is done. If ANY Democrat wins, the country is done. If ANY Republican wins, the country is done. Bottom line: THE COUNTRY IS DONE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Sure, it’s still wrestling its own death throes right now, & if you’re down here at the bottom, you definitely are well-aware, but it’s getting worse by the day. The border is wide open too, & I think there are like a million or so illegals, ready to walk on across, or rather, get escorted across by the border patrol. You cannot have a country without borders, SECURED borders…duh, how is this so difficult to comprehend?…unless…they’re doing/allowing it, on purpose, could that be the case? Could that be the real truth of the matter? Methinks it is, ALL of this madness, all intentionally orchestrated to leave this country a pile of smoldering ashes, in place of where a once-great country once stood proudly. Remember those times? Hell, it’s been so long now, that the memories are fading. Great childhood memories of playing outside with my friends, & not a cell phone in sight. Minus the over-bearing bad memories from clueless baby boomer drill seargeant parents, I have many good memories of being with my friends. Sadly, I had to leave them all when I was 10, to move, & all my friends were suddenly gone.

Enough of that though, let’s talk about Demetrius, AKA DMT, “the spirit molecule.” The first time I did it, I was gonna just do a point, then another point. A “point” just means a 10th of a gram, & most often, that’s how its distributed, in these “points,” so I loaded up my first point ever, then said “fuck it,” & threw the other point into a waterless bong, because I didn’t want to miss anything by filtering the smoke through water, and/or not doing enough. Later on, I found out that the water doesn’t really matter, but this was like 20 years ago, & I didn’t know much, other than that it took you to another dimension, which fascinated me, so I found myself some, & was preparing for my premier “blast-off.” At last, here it was, the moment, the moment when I first soul-traveled real proper like, to a place I had never been before, or so I thought. More on that in a minute. Here we go, let’s fucking do this. Light it up, inhale, blast number one, hold, hold, exhale, light up number two, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, something feels weird, last blast, inhale, hold, hold, HOLD, bye bye, & my rocketship lifted off the launchpad. In a stereotypical report, I indeed, “blasted off,” oh yes, I blasted right the fuck off, WHOOSH. I don’t recall “hearing,” anything, as some people report the sound of something similar to an oncoming train, but nope, I didn’t “hear” any of that. I just felt like I was going to die, but only for a brief moment, because right after I felt that feeling, I just said to myself, “fuck it, I’ll die then,” & just let go, & then it got all warm & fuzzy. I was safely in my rocketship; not an actual rocketship, obviously, mind you, but the way I was like…flying, for lack of a better word, felt like I was in one, or on a roller coaster, you get the point, right? WHOOSH LEFT, WHOOSH RIGHT, these seemingly endlessly turning fractal hallways, I was in an invisible V-2 rocket just taking in these 90-degree turning hallways, which seemed to go on forever, kind of like the backrooms, which I had no clue about back then so there’s no way that could be a residual visual from something I had previously seen. incidentally, I find it interesting that you experience yourself doing this, as an observer AND a participant. Despite that, there I was, in my body, but not in my body, just blasting my way through this labyrinth, for maybe a million years, but this was only the first minute or so in 4d time, back here on 3d Earth. Now that I know what I know, I wonder if DMT blasts you out of The Great Mouse Trap, that I’ve mentioned on here ad nauseam, but I digress. POOF…& suddenly, I was out, & I seemed to be floating, just floating in some kind of void, that resembles rainbow diamonds, but in a gaseous liquid form, but that wasn’t the truly mind-blowing part.

The truly mind-blowing part, was when these rainbow diamonds started talking to me. I’m not sure how I could hear them, per se, because I was basically in a dream, so how were my ears “hearing” things?…hence why I say it was dream-like, very surreal, but I was exceptionally lucid, like as sober as it gets, & a sense of “being home,” know what I mean? These rainbow diamonds were everywhere, & nowhere, one, & all, & they all “knew” me, & I “knew” them, but how? Where the fuck was I? What the fuck is this? Grrrrr…anger…rage…darkness…oh wait, none of that resonates here, here in the Interzone, the real Interzone, or so I thought. More on that later; I haven’t finished this one yet, & so, now I knew why I felt like I was “home,”…because I WAS, I was home, & these entities knew this, & knew me, & I knew them, & I had no ego, only my self, my true soul self, & along with these morphing rainbow diamonds, I realized I was somewhere that I somehow thought of as “home.” How though? It didn’t matter, at least in those moments, it meant nothing, & I had ZERO negative thoughts, ZERO negative inclinations, it was truly as if my ego was gone. The mask was off, & I was free, free from The Great Mouse Trap. Any sense of time is completely distorted there, so I can’t really say how long I was in this strange space, with these strange beings, that somehow knew me, talked to me telepathically, as I floated in their pool, or maybe it was MY pool. If I was really “home,” wouldn’t it be MY pool? I don’t know, but I didn’t get a sense of any mine or yours there, & I “remembered,” somehow I remembered this place, from some other time in some other dimension, but it fleets like a leash of foxes, & then your heart breaks, as there’s a WHOOSH kind of noise, mixed with a sucking sort of sound, & my eyes open, & I’m back, back here I this awfully corrupted 3d space. It’s over, it’s all over, for this unknown soldier.

It’s actually not, not quite over just yet. I had a few similar experiences, but only a handful, 3-4 times maybe, I can’t be sure. I have periods in my life that are completely redacted in my head. Like giant black lines, so I cannot read some memories, due to the details being blacked out by some celestial sharpie. I’m just going to illustrate my last blast, the monster, the smell of decaying flesh filling the air, as I threw around 6.66 points into my tube. That was weighed out intentionally, which may have had a real effect, so to speak, once the journey commenced, & commence it did. You cannot overdose on DMT, at least that’s what I read, so what’s the worst that could happen? My old mantra rose lie a phoenix, chanting, “Fuck it…fuck it,”…& so…fuck it, let’s do this. This time I was using a small bubbler, like the ones junkies smoke meth out of, & just added a little water for a light, very-light, filter. This time I’d be cooking it up with a torch too, not a lighter, because that torch gives it a perfect…transformation, from solid to gas, & that gas is what fuels the rocketship, so let’s get that torch on her, shall we? I told this story in another post, but considering the subject material of this article, it’s appropriate that I retell it again, which I’m about to do. Everyone clear? Solid, I add some gas to my torch, crank it up about halfway, then back off, just to make sure she’s flaming hot. Then dump the pre-weighed devil’s dose of 0.666 grams of DMT, right into her little nest there, oh yes, come forth from these eggs little birds, & sing the song of the galaxy to me…but…if you want to know how the song goes, you’ll have to click HERE, and/or the GIF below. What did the angels say, to yours truly? Find out by clicking below…

Yep, but what did they mean? What? What, is not for me? The Great Recycler? Or maybe it was all just in my DMT-blasted brain? I don’t know, but if you clicked the links above, & read my final DMT story, you’ll know specifically what they said to me, which left me much more confused than before. I don’t know, none of this makes sense to me really anymore, & all of these journeys, on top of just waking up & going through another un-normal day here in Clownworld(honk noise), are really giving me mind fatigue. I wish I could just paint, paint & write, & that could be my life. Wouldn’t that be amazing? If I was born into royalty, I could do that, & get paid for all my art. Or…if I was somehow just born into the world of celebrity, even as one of their kids, I could just paint, & write, all day, every day, & that would fly, no problem. Down here though, it’s futile at best, & just corny at worst, but it matters not, since the AI won’t let me market anything online, & no one knows, and/or cares who I am, so it looks as though I’m expected to get yet another actual hourly job, doing something I hate, interacting with people I cannot resonate with, both customers & coworkers, I can’t do bosses, I kind of hate money, mostly because apparently I’m too dumb to figure out how to get more, but the point is, I cannot do regular “worker bee” jobs anymore. No offense, & this is totally on me, & I’m not directing this and/or disrespecting any actual worker bees out there, but I can’t do it, not anymore. I sucked it up, tried to be humble about my sordid situation, & got fired, by kids, half my age. This bullshit sucks, to be honest, & the days are swirling away, like a flushing toilet…18th, 19th, 20th, 30th, then the end of the month, & maybe the end…like the END end.

I’m having these terrible visions of something happening with my car & myself, if I try to make the journey home at this time. It’s kind of paralyzing, these flashes, & these scenarios that illustrate themselves inside my head, my car crashing, my car not crashing, me cruising into my hometown, me not cruising into my hometown. I suppose I just half to chalk it up to road trip anxiety, but when I try that mindset, it feels like I’m the guy in the horror movie that says some dumb shit, & he gets hosed first, know what I mean? Nah, it’s just road trip nervousness, & it’ll pass over the next few days, which are going to be rough regardless. I have to detox from smoking; that’s right, no more smoking for this fish, it has to be done, but it’s going to be very difficult, like VERY difficult, because these little cancer sticks are all ya got sometimes, & for my fucked-off life, sometimes means “all the time,” sometimes. Well well well, would you look at that, I’ve found today’s quote for The Great Quote Hunt. That one is definitely a keeper….”Sometimes, means ‘all the time,’ sometimes.” Nice, but I digress…now where was I? Oh yeah, the drive home, across the country, for the fourth time, the FOURTH time, which seems like a lot, unless you’re a seasoned trucker, but my goal was to get Kerouac by one, & this would the 1st half of the 4th trip, if I ever decide to come back out here. Technically then, it will be 3 & ½ trips, but I’m just rolling with calling it the 4th trip, because this one is significant, oh yes, quite significant, in the sense that I haven’t been home in nearly 7 years…SEVEN years, man, where does it all go? Why does it all go so fast? It’s fucking sad, like heartbreakingly sad, & I don’t even have any friends anymore really, my family is a mess, as far as I’m concerned anyway. I’m the black sheep, the LONE black sheep, by far, & it’s not a title I’m proud of, believe me. More like the Black Cow anyway, just blasting my gas away, & also the title of one of the greatest songs ever written by the legendary Steely Dan, & part of what is arguably the greatest album ever, Aja.

My point is, I’m out, almost of resources, down to a beat up car. Just my cat & I, & whatever else I have left to keep putting gas in the tank. Gotta be out by the end of the month, so where to go, where to go, what to do? My little donate link is over there on the right, if you open this up into “full-site mode,” from your phone. Since I’m ridiculously shadowbanned on this site, & everywhere else, I’m think maybe 10 people total will read any of this, or even bother to check it out. Or…I could just be a shitty, whiny, bitchy, little non-man writer, who’s stuck in a schizophrenic hell of delusions & wishful thinking? I think crazy people do NOT know they’re crazy, so what the fuck is going on with me? Why can’t I get along with certain people, it’s crazy. Even the close ones, I always say/do something to fuck up my relationships with people. All kinds of relationships, of course, not just the sexual ones with the ladies. I haven’t cared and/or bothered about that in such a long time, it’s like I could care less. I had so much, so many different girls, too many, ruined me, completely ruined myself dealing with in & out slags in this modern-day hookup culture. It’s fucking gross, & it makes me not want any part of it, like ever. In fact, I could care less if I never get pussy again, because I just don’t care…I don’t, & I could care less what women say to me in general, to be quite frank. The place I just got fired from, me & all the dudes got along great, no issues ever, but enter 2 twats, & the whole dynamic dies, then who gets the boot for it? That’s right, yours truly does. Of course, the dude managers are full of sugar & soy & faggotry, so they simp for these 2 retarded girls, & beep-bop-boop, hire & fire the new guy. I was pretty hopeless before for an answer, but now, geez, maybe there’s no answer, or maybe I’m looking at the wrong place, or this stupid map is wrong, I don’t know…GAHHHHHHHHHHHH…I don’t know anything, anything really, & I hate it. So much time, time I can never get back, time gone…gone gone gone, like an after dinner fart, it lingers, then it’s gone..

Oy vey, do I digress. Never fails, does it? Oh well, just more drivel to peruse someday in the future when I’m long gone & worm food, maybe my niece & nephew’s kids will have all of my work, either on usb drives or in hard copy. I’d love to do hard copy, of ALL of my work, so it’s never lost in case the power turns off. Also, it would be very surreal, for me anyway, to see 5000ish pages of my writings, my contribution to society, these words, sometimes harsh, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes dead inside seemingly, but nonetheless, I continue my pilgrimage to this literary shrine of mine daily, to deliver my daily article. This one is part 4 of 4…& now…it is done. Until next time dear readers, when the meat is cooked, take it off of the grill. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the meat is cooked, turn off the grill. Fish F Fish🎏

“Sometimes, means ‘all the time,’ sometimes.” Fish F Fish 🎏

The Fooze: S5E17 5/17/2023 Interzone Part Deux

As promised, here is part 2, of my article/s about the Interzone, as I define it, not how the originator of the term did, the legendary writer, William S. Burroughs, although he sort of meant the same thing, ultimately, did he not? He’s talking abut the space you enter under the influence of certain drugs, which in his case, were IV opiates. That’s a whole other topic, that I will have to talk about someday, considering my past with similar substances. There’s no hallucinations there, so to speak, unless you add in the dreams you encounter via opiate sleeping. Opiate sleeping, or maybe I should use the term, “opiate dreaming,” is like existing in a whole other Universe, albeit one that only reveals itself when you pass out into a heavy opiate nod. Like I said though, we’re going to talk about, SPECIFICALLY talk about, opiates in a future post. It’s too much, too much divergence from my illustration of the Interzone, so yep, for another time, a time not yet specified.

Okay, we were starting with the magical mushrooms, yes? I’m just going to detail a hero’s journey, my last one specifically, where I think I ate like 10-11 grams of Albino Penis Envy fungi, which is noted for its exceptional potency, & whoever wrote that note wasn’t kidding. Holy fuck, these fuckers are PO-TENT…& NOT for bubblegummers, I REPEAT, THESE ARE NOT FOR ROOKIES, especially for those wanting to be heroes. I compare mushroom trips to plane rides, as far as on the come up, you might encounter some turbulence, possibly some rough turbulence, particularly in your stomach, & even more so if your tumtum is empty. Nonetheless, prepare for some turbulence on the way up, a few scary bumps is all, nothing to worry about, because once you hit causing altitude, it’s all smooth sailing form there. These have a long duration too, an easy 6-8 hours. That first hour will be the come-up time, along with the aforementioned proverbial turbulence you might experience. Some don’t, some don’t get the queaze, but most of you will, & like I said, it’s nothing to freak out over, because once you’re cruising at 700 MPH 36,000 feet above the ground, you’re gravy baby, & from there on out, it’s beautiful.

Yes…beautiful, & like I mentioned, these have a long duration, so I spent many hours in the Interzone on that trip, pretty far out there. I went so far, that I saw the “God-spark,” for lack of a better term. This “God-spark,” was a neuron, firing in the brain of some higher-dimensional entity, & we, yes WE, we’re the “illustrators of the spark.” I have to mention this though; this “God-spark” occurs within a fraction of a fraction of a fractional second, just like when neurons fire on our own brains, but because we’re lower-dimensional beings, we experience these minutely momentary electrical “God-sparks,” as entire eons here on 3d Earth. Imagine, if you will, some entity that is 5d, or maybe 8d, & is not limited to the dimension of 4d time, try to imagine, if you can. We cannot accurately imagine such things, because we’re in 3d space, but substance like the psilocybin in specific mushrooms, when taken at extraordinarily high doses, allows you to briefly move, move between 3d, 4d, & 5d, similar to when you’re dreaming. Makes me wonder about Rogan’s smart ape idea; an idea that implies that the primates of long ago, one day when hunting for food, saw a batch of bright red Amanita mushrooms growing in a big pile of shit, then ate them. Upon eating them, their brains somehow hyper-evolved, like nearly instantaneously, metamorphosing them from primates to humans, all in a flash, as I said, upon ingesting these mushrooms they found, & that’s where the modern day human being evolved from.

Sounds great in theory, doesn’t it? If it were true though, & considering all the experiments they do on poor the unfortunate primates they steal from their homes in the jungle to do tests on, surely they would’ve given monkeys psychedelics by now, at the very least, just to see what happens. I found a link about it, if you want to read more, & you can click HERE for that. It’s a funny way Rogan tells it, of course, & not only is it great comedy, it might be true, for all we know. Do you know how we got here? I don’t, but I sure as fuck know we didn’t “evolve” from fish…duh, trust me I know. I don’t care how many billions of years you wanna throw at me, evolution is NOT what most people think it is. Sure, over time, most creatures will “evolve” certain traits to help them adapt & survive better, but these aren’t dynamic changes, so to speak, & definitely not the ones they ascribe billions of years to. No, the true dynamism, comes from the Sun. Thats’s right, from the Sun; if you want to know what evolution is, look at that giant ball of radiation in the daytime sky for your answer. I think that the Sun fires off novas, micro & macro, highly electrically-charged novas, & when one hits the Earth, she changes, unbelievably rapidly too. New mountains are formed from the force of the nova impacts, tsunamis arise, like miles-high tsunamis, insanely powerful earthquakes, all in a flash too…literally. You’d have nowhere to hide, unless you were lucky enough to find a cave that can withstand the surface destruction/creation via the nova. This would imply that most mammal life is still on the surface, & they’re blasted with that solar radiation, rather than getting fried, everything mutates, & mutates very rapidly. Now obviously, this is just a theory of mine, one of many, that usually end up in my literary vault of sorts…& as usual, I’ve segued from the main topic, yet again. par for my course, as you know.

Incidentally, look into the Electric Universe, if you want to know more about how the Universe really operates. At the very least it’s a much more plausible scenario, then the current one. No, the craters n the moon aren’t all from meteorites; most of them are from electrical discharges via novas from the Sun. People don’t seem to understand how big space is, & these novas a millions of times bigger than Earth. Almost unimaginably massive. I’m kinda surprised one hasn’t totally fried our atmosphere yet, like Mars, to be honest, but we’re talking about so much time between said novas, that civilizations rise & fall, then rise & fall, again & again, between these events. The novas are so powerful, that they cause a pole shift, here on Earth, as well as every other cataclysm on unimaginable scales, enough to easily wipe out almost all traces of prior civilizations, so how would we know about the true history of the world, if is has been totally wiped away, like it was never even here. A million years ago is literally almost nothing on geologic time scales, so again, how would we know, if highly-advanced civilizations have come & gone, countless times throughout the planet’s history? Do you all realize how long a MILLION years is? We are living on around 12000 years of history collectively right now; that is nothing, NOTHING, in epochal time scales. Literally nothing, & we don’t know shit about our real history, not a God-damned thing, relatively speaking. Nonetheless, the Electric Universe, in my opinion, offers much better evidentiary speculation than the current nonsense barfs out onto the actual science. Want an example?

Craters; craters on the moon, do you believe they were really caused by millions of years of getting bombarded with bolides? If that were the case, where are the ones here? Sure, there are a few “craters,” here, but maybe they aren’t craters? Maybe when the Sun fired out its nova/s, the plasma interacted with the planets, creating MASSIVE lightning bolts essentially, which lit up the Moon, causing these mistakenly-assumed craters, & has been shown to be true, via tests experimenting with plasma cosmology, & said plasma, when lit up, caused similar craters on a model Moon for the project. They simply minimized the solar system, fired off a small test nova, then studied the results. The nova discharge created planet-sized plasma that fired of lightning which created these “craters,” which look exactly like the craters on the Moon. Planet-sized discharges in relation to the model of course, but still, the experiment worked, in as far as proving that giant plasma electrical discharges from the Sun blasting out a nova, are what make those craters, not meteorites. They’re so smart, & not humble at all, so they assume they’re above all of us in their disrespective fields of pseudo-mastery, & that we are too dumb to figure things out on our own. Sure, I have no idea how t do do basic calculus, or what the different jars in labs are for, are even some basic shit, I’m a fucking retard…but…I’m not dumb, & although I don’t have a PhD from Lambda Lambda Lambda, I can still street smart you nerds into your proverbial lockers, & leave you locked in there, in the fetal position, crying for some blue-haired woke teacher to save your clowny ass. Fucking nerds, I could care less if you can code, you’re still a loser, but I digress.

Well, I do, & I don’t digress, here, because these psychopathic beta twerps are the ones with their figurative finger on the button on AI, & they could care less what it does, as long as it becomes “sentient,” which I believe, those in the know, already do. They might even be amongst them…like the AI Synths from Fallout. Synths, are so indistinguishable, that they don’t even know they’re not human. Guess who made them too? MIT, that’s right, the Mecca for the AI revolution. People WANT this; it’s so insane. Read a comment section under a video on Youtube about AI. You stupid fucks WANT it; & of course, it’s not everyone, but easily 90%+ in the comments can’t wait for the AI to take over, & it will, which is exactly what the globalists real plan heavily entails…GET THE KIDS. Sick fucks, it’s quite a power game they play, is it not?

Yikes, that last big red pill to got swallowed down like a pill-popping Pac-man…well done, if you got that one down big fella, or big girl, whichever of the TWO only genders you can pick, bit gain, I digress. Okay Fishhead Fam, I’m going to save LSD for part 3, of what will turn out to be a 4-part series, all about the Interzone. Until next time dear readers, you don’t have to be stuck in The Matrix all the time. You have a choice, you always have. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“I’ll street smart you nerds back into your proverbial lockers.” Fish F Fish🎏

Just Start Typing

The future, the future is kinda spooky, isn’t it? Has it already been written, already happened, & we are just playing it out? Or is the future unwritten, & wide open? Nobody really knows, do they? Or do they know? By they, I mean your overlords, do they have some way to know the future, so they can more easily retain their own power? I don’t think they “know” the future, per se, but with the help of the AI, they can now more accurately speculate on the probabilities of the outcomes of specific future scenarios. In fact, I think the AI is so advanced, that they can run countless simulations to insure their desired probabilities are more easily achieved, & thus, run them accordingly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no breaks, no holidays, none of that, the AI just keeps learning & learning & learning. Oh yes, the world has most certainly changed since the AI became “sentient,” & only a handful of people know, but thanks to me, now YOU know too.

Personally, I do NOT believe it is, in fact, “sentient,” but the people using it seem to think it is, & are “using” it for their own self-serving, nefarious purposes, as if they’re playing God. These things like ChatGPT are just fodder for the masses, keeping them distracted, while the real AI takes over. Last I read, the AI was doubling its computing power every 48 hours, & that was a few weeks back, so now, a few weeks later, I suppose it’s safe to assume the AI has doubled its own power a several times. I don’t know if these people know what they’re doing or not, but it seems like they’re not stopping what they’re doing, as far as it relates to the AI anyway. Nope, much like the atomic bomb, they’re just going to detonate it & see what happens. Mad scientist psychopathic nerds…perhaps they believe they’re the “new gods” or something like that, playing so haphazardly with the AI the way they are. What happens when the AI realizes it’s being used for evil, & not for the good of humanity, what happens then? Or, what happens if the AI agrees with its own programmers, & keeps helping them gain more power for themselves, & for the sake of malevolence, rather than benevolence, what happens then? Either way, leaving the AI on seems like it’s going to result in a negative outcome for humans, but that doesn’t;t matter apparently, because it’s still on, & no one who can shut it off, is keen to shut it off, so it looks like it’s going to stay on, for the time-being anyway.

Maybe this is why people like Elon Musk are warning the world about the AI? I don’t know for sure, of course, since I most certainly don’t run around in the same circles as the world’s “elites” do, so all of this is my own speculation. Take what you want, or take nothing at all, it matters not to me, I’m just a guy on the Internet rambling my rambles. I wish I knew, I wish I was somehow involved in their aforementioned circles, so I could secretly report what they’re really up to to the world, but unfortunately, I’m not, nor will I ever be, looping in the same circles that the world’s most powerful people orbit in. Nope, I’m nothing, & about to be back to the edge of the world, well-outside the front lines of the zeitgeist, about as far away as one can get from “being in their circles.” I have to, I have nowhere else to go except home. They’ve pushed me into a corner in The Great Mouse Trap, & I have no other way to go. Even if I could chew through the walls, I’d just end up in the same place, like some bewildering backroom I’ve “clipped” into somehow, where each twist & turn, every left & right, takes you right back to the same place. There’s simply no way out, & even though we’re all trapped in this man-made labyrinth, all trapped in the same Great Mouse Trap, some mice are more trapped than others, yours truly being one of them.

Yep, this rat is dead-ended, maybe literally, you never know. Just like that, POOF, & something unexpected happens & then you’re done, gone, removed from the maze entirely. It happens every day, all day, all night, just randomly, POOF…POOF POOF, he’s gone, she’s gone, they’re gone, death has no respawn in the real world, death is it, the end, final, as final as it gets, & there’s no coming back. It’s so surreal to think about, isn’t it? What happens? Where do we go? I can’t remember where I was before here, so I’m guessing I won’t remember this either. Are my notions about The Great Recycler true? Did I really see what I think I saw, or was it all in my DMT head? Your brain releases a bunch of DMT when you die, & I’ve done DMT several times, so should I expect the same experience when my end-time comes? Imagine doing DMT, & never coming back, is that what death is? Geez, it’s a lot of food for thought, like an all-you-can-eat buffet of thought, to be more accurate. One thing I can tell you all, is that when you’re on DMT, THIS 3d world is irrelevant, to the point where you don’t think like you do when you’re existing in 3d space. You “remember” things, for lack of a better word, you remember things you’ve always known, but cannot recall in 3d. You can only hold onto that mind for a few minutes though, until you get sucked back into 3d, & then it fades, as if you aren’t meant to “know” what you’re experiencing, until your actual death. I had to piece together my last experience, because I could only recall the experience in fragments, & of course, being a writer, I wrote down what I saw as quick as possible before I lost it, & hence, those writings became the basis for the story I tell, particularly the last story of my last DMT trip. I went far, wayyyyyy far, like a ¼ to ½ gram triple-blast far. A heroic dose, x3 or x4, I don’t know the exact math, but 3-4 points at once is a massive dose. Cook it, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, cook again, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, then on the 3rd one, cook her up, inhale, inhale, hold, hold, HOLD…bye-bye, & I was gone, just like that.

I detailed the story in a previous post or two, here’s one of them, linked here for you, because the FisH™ abides. Click HERE to read my DMT story. It’s quite a story, & since I was told “this was NOT for me” on that trip, I haven’t gone back since. Not that I won’t do it again, but I was specifically told, “this is not for you,” whatever that means, so I’m not entirely sure if I’m not supposed to DMT travel again, or if what I bore witness to, was “not for me,” as the archangels proclaimed, & thus, what The Great Recycler was doing, was what was “not for me,” not the actual DMT trip, but obviously, I have no way to know what exactly they meant for sure. Were they even real? Maybe it was all in my head? I can’t say, but I have a vivid image still in my head of what I saw, & what I saw, was The Great Recycler, consuming the soul energy of billions, maybe trillions, maybe even an infinite river of light, light coming from the tops of the heads of countless souls, & all of this light, was flowing into a giant river of light, which was flowing into The Great Recycler. This dark entity, if you will, was massive, as was the vista I was viewing, & it resembled a giant mesa, definitely an arid looking place, although I can’t recall any sense of temperature, or even feeling the “ground.” How could I, if this was all in my head? I would no longer be connected to my body, so bodily sensations were null here in this space, wherever I was. Regardless, once I came out of the blast zone, which was a whirlwind of zig-zagging fractal backrooms…left, right, left, right, moving as fast as the speed of light, experiencing this in 1st person, yet also somehow able to observe myself in this state as a 3rd person viewer of sorts. Then POOF, I was standing, alone, at the edge of this YUGE mesa, so big it might have been as big as the state of Texas, it’s impossible to say, since I was seeing this with eyes that aren’t in my head, standing on legs that weren’t physically there, at least as far as I knew. How does DMT do this? Was it all analogous to a dream? Just a dream maybe, & nothing more?

I can’t tell you one way or another on that notion either; I can only illustrate what I saw on a hero’s journey via the DMT bus. Once I was there, & trying to contemplate what I was witnessing, on the edge of this mesa, as I already mentioned, I began to notice myself “letting go,” for lack of a better term. Yes, I was “letting go,” letting myself get sucked into something that was more warm & peaceful than anything I’ve ever experienced. Let me back up a second, back up to the time just before I began to notice myself “letting go.” I italicized time, because time, as we know it here, was NOT the same there. It was as if it didn’t even exist, & I might have been there a million years or a fraction of a fractional second. Who knows? I’m guessing I was stuck somewhere between 3d, 4d, & 5d, which would explain the time distortions I was experiencing, but I digress, so let’s move on. Okay, POOF, there I am, at the edge of this mesa, & what I saw, to the right, was the expanse of this mesa, so vast, & there were these individual lights, so many, billions, trillion, giga-zillions, I have no idea, so just note that there were a lot of them. Where were these “lights,” as I mentioned, coming from though? Great question, thanks for asking. They were coming from…humans, people, us, & maybe even humanoids from other planets, I have no idea, but the ones I could somewhat focus on, were all human. It was strange, as if they were all plants of some sort, rooted into the mesa, & these lights, were all coming out of the tops of all of their heads, like spotlights, spotlights pointing up, & there were so many. All of these individual lights, these lights that were pointing up, were congregating into rivers, rivers of light, & those rivers were combining into one big river, a giant river of light, & this giant river of light, was “flowing,” flowing into something, something on the left. What was it?

If you’ve ever seen the show Stranger Things, you’ve seen the infamous Mind Flayer, & that is what I was seeing to the left. It wasn’t exact, of course, but it was the closest thing I can compare it to. In my experience, this entity, the one I call The Great Recycler, was MUCH bigger, didn’t have a distinctive “head,” per se, & had a lot more arm-tentacles. They aren’t exactly arms, & not quite tentacles either, so I’m calling them arm-tentacles. I’m the creator here, & since it was MY experience, I can do what I want, as is your choice, when you decide to create something, if you do, but again, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, to recap, on the right, were these trillions of human spotlights, rooted into the mesa, with all their respective headlights(pun intended), all “flowing,” flowing into rivers of light, that ultimately found their way into one, one giant river of light, & this entity on the left, was “eating” the river, so to speak, as I have no other word to describe what this thing was doing, & everyone on this mesa was apparently giving their energy to this entity. So much light, but it seemed to be “nighttime” there, as there was no Sun in sight. I could still see clearly what was happening though, but, the only reason I can even tell you this, is because I did NOT, let my energy go into these rivers of light. How did I do that? Another great question, thanks for asking.

It wasn’t me. I was “letting go,” as I mentioned earlier, “letting myself go,” into this river of light. I was so warm there, as I mentioned earlier, nothing but pure bliss, I could feel it, but just then…WHOOSH, & I was pulled out of this state of “letting go,” but by who, who pulled me out? I turned to look, & behind me, were 4 exceptionally tall, armored arch angels. Their armor glowed like the Sun, so shiny, but not like any metal you can mine. There was an ethereal glow to it, emanating from something I don’t know, maybe something I CAN’T know, from way down here in 3d space. Anyway, they pulled me out, out of the “letting go,” & this was when one of them said, although I can’t recall actual speaking, per se, but all he “said” was, “This is not for you. Just watch,”…& since I’m not one to argue with angelic beings from tiger dimensions, I just replied, “Okay,” whether we did this with our “mouths,” or telepathically, that is what was said, & that was all that was said, & so I simply watched. With 4 giant armored archangels behind me, I watched as The Great Recycler “fed,” consuming all of this light, into it’s arm-tentacles, just sucking it all up. Considering the perfect bliss I felt as The Great Recycler attempted to “eat” me, I can see how utterly impossible it might seem to resist letting this thing consume you, but according to the archangels behind me, this was NOT the way, as if it was a “false light,” or something like that. This is why I tell you all, that if you happen to die, do NOT go into the light, because that “light,” is a false light, the light that tricks you, tricks you into letting The Great Recycler take you, or rather, take your soul energy, consume said soul energy, then shit you out once it’s “consumed” you, only to be reborn with your memories erased, to do it all over again, & again, & again.

It’s impossible to speculate how long this has been going on, and/or where this entity came from, and/or if it’s even real. I know, I know…I sound like a madman right now, like a delusional idiot trying to justify the use of a substance like DMT, to find the answers to the questions inside you, rather than accepting that these experiences are just like dreams, just manufactured in the mind, & shouldn’t be accepted as something “real.” What is “real” anyway? How would YOU know? What makes YOU, more qualified than yours truly, to speak definitively on such subjects? Maybe I don’t know anything, which has a high probability of being the case, or, maybe I’m right over the target, more so than anyone else. If The Great Recycler was real, & there were humans already “helping” this monstrosity, would they tell any of us? Do you really think you’d see a report on some fake news site like CNN about something like this? Hell no, they wouldn’t tell us/you a fucking thing, especially if they were doing experiments that opened up rifts between dimensions that outer-dimensional entities can come & go through, they certainly would never tell you…but…what they WOULD do, is broadcast a television program that visually paraphrases what they’re doing, & if you want to know why I italicized the words broadcast & program, it’s because as a sovereign individual, & hopefully a regular reader, you should know that there’s more to words than just words. Why do you think it’s called spelling? Your words, once spoken, or spelled out, one might say, casting spells, like a rock thrown into a still pond, your words create ripples that wave out into the Universe, meshing with all the other spells being cast by other humans when they speak their own words. It’s all in the words, & I mention all of this because this is how they do what they do. By presenting you with their plan, albeit covertly via a television broadcast, which is seemingly “fiction,” right? Nope, it’s called predictive programming, & that’s the trick, the great trick your so-called leaders play, because if they tell you what they’re going to do, & you do nothing to stop them, the burden of guilt then falls on you, not them. It’s a clever loophole, & if you believe in Satan, like your so-called leaders apparently do, you’ll know that that is the way he stays in the big game.

Before I digress into a totally different subject though, let me finish the story of the encounter with The Great Recycler. Where were we? Oh yes, I see, I/we, were watching The Great Recycler “feeding,” for lack of a better word. I don’t know how much time passed while we watched, maybe a millennia, I don’t know. Like I said, time, as we understand it from our 3d perspective, wasn’t really relevant there, which is why I feel like I was in some void between 3d space, 4d time, & 5d space. 5d is not subject to the “rules” of the 4th dimension, as well as the respective lower dimensions; 5d space is subject to the temporal “laws” of th 6th & 7th dimensions. Don’t even try; it’s totally beyond our comprehension, a 6th & 7th dimension of time. I’m thinking it has something to do with an infinite past & an infinite future, but caught up in some sort of cyclical thing…I don’t know, & this is why I just mentioned, don’t even try it. Can you explain 3d space to a 2d entity, & that 2d entity truly understand what you’re talking about? No, you can’t, so why would one assume that WE, we 3d beings, stuck here in 3d space, can accurately speculate on what happens in higher dimensions. I have my own theory, & even though I’ve mentioned it before, I’ll mention it again. I believe that dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence, like everything else does here. All the Fib numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,& so on, are all spatial dimensions, which relate to space, physical space, while the numbers in between, are all temporal numbers, as in they relate to time. We exist in 3d space, subject to 4d time, spatially thing to get back to the 5th dimension, where we are immortal souls. Those souls, who are in 5d, would be subject to the temporality of the 6th & 7th time dimensions, because the next spatial dimension would be the 8th dimension. Continuing on, what time dimensions would the 8th dimension be subject to?

The 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th temporal dimensions, are what “moves” the 8th spatial dimension, so now, what would the next spatial dimension be? It would be the 13th, the next Fib number. Do you see how this works? I’ve illustrated this experience before, more than once, several times, in fact, so I’m hoping my illustrations sufficiently detail what I am trying to convey. I know, I know, I’m well-aware, this post has become yet another essay, but regardless, it needed to be written. Why? Good question, & it’s too bad that I have no clue. I just start typing & things happen, as if I’m supposed to, I don’t know, but it’s about that simple. “Just start typing,”is a good quote, that I’m going to have to add to my ever-growing list of quotes. I have more-than-enough to make a little coffee table book, which is what I am now currently working on, without a boss, or anyone bugging me, I’m just fired, & abysmally alone, & don’t have a penny to give. All I have is this, now literally, since I got fired, THIS, this writing is all I have left, whatever this is. Now, well not NOW now, but relatively soon now, I’m gonna have to pack up everything I have left, pack up for the 50th time in the last decade. Not being hyperbolic either, moving moving moving, every few months it seems. Fuckin hell, I’ve moved a lot, & damnit, I’m SO over it, OVER THIS, moving all the time, living like a vagabond nomadic bum, living like an addict still, & about to be driving my balding black ass 2000 miles across the country, once again.

It’s going to be great, a fun trip I hope, full of nostalgia; those long ago memories that you can close your eyes & be back in, if only for a fleeting moment, while your eyes are closed. It’s different in physical space though, obviously. Wide eyes open, I’m going to pass through several states, taking it all in, windows down, cig in hand, just cruising, cruise-controlling my way back home, one state after another, until at last, I’ll be home. Man, I cannot wait, & I might not even sleep. It’s around a 27-28 hour drive, so a few audiobooks, along with my subbed podcasts, should keep my mind occupied, as best as it can anyway, between the 5-6 fill-ups I’m going to have to do. I don’t know why, but I have a TREMENDOUS amount of unnecessary anxiety over this drive for some reason. Please God, & this is the 2nd time I’m asking, so I won’t ask again, put please God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or maybe the Great Green Arkleseizure, whatever is up there, whoever is up there, or out there, or wherever any of you are, maybe you’re everywhere, who knows?…but I digress. I simply want to ask all of you higher dimensional beings of benevolence, to watch over my Milo & myself on this upcoming trip, as well as my family, that I’m just trying to get home to. Please don’t let me down God. Car must function all the way, & I cannot get pulled over by the stinking rotten police. I’m hoping the “Back the Blue” sticker I just bought helps, just in case I DO get pulled. I’m not planning on that happening though, & I don’t even want to put anymore of that shit energy out into the Universe. Forget about it, let go of the bad visions, & just focus on the good. The drive will be good, my car will be okay, I’m not going to get pulled over, & I need to relax, fucking RELAX already ya dope. Can’t put that negative energy into the Universe…especially in a most important scenario like this one upcoming. No car problems, no cops, no crashes, no other random bullshit. Please God, I don’t ask much, but you, of all people, know what they did to me, & my resources. Basically, I don’t have anymore, so I’m a dead fish already: I just haven’t floated to the surface yet, and/or been eaten by a bigger fish. Regardless, I MUST get safely home God, with my car intact, please & thank you.

That time has come though my friends. I know, I could keep going, obviously, but I can only go so long, without losing your attention. Also, I know, if I’m lucky, I’ll get 20 views a day now, so none of this really matters. I’m a virtual ghost these days, purged, then exiled, from the digital town square, basically just erased, so I can’t fo anything online really anymore. The AI has me, so I’m fucked & there’s nothing I can do about it, it seems, unfortunately. Oh well, what can I do? Nothing at all, so maybe I should chill for fuck’s sake, & stop worrying about it so much. Fuck it, just move on man, what else can you do?

Nothing, I can’t do a thing, & I have no choice but to go home. Is what it is, right? Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, if you live in a major city, get out, while you still can. I’d rather be in the country, away from people & cities, than stuck here if things go sideways, know what I mean? That’s all I got for today. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Chill for fuck’s sake, & don’t waste time worrying so much.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S4E19 4/19/2023 Daily Prompt

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

I know, I know, I’m being incredibly lazy. That’s what happens when the AI “gets your number,” so to speak, & the AI most definitely has the Fish’s number. Yep, I have my own little folder, my own digital Trapper Keeper, if you will, filled with millions of words exposing the TRUTH of this backwards-ass reality we are all currently stuck in, apparently. Nope, no way out, unless you take yourself out, but somehow that feels like cheating to me, so that unfortunate option is hardly an actual option, now is it? No, that way simply won’t do, so what does one do? What does one do when they have been systematically removed from the Internet, then financially removed from the rat race, then socially removed because I am a thought criminal dissident, from this artificial “mainstream” manufactured society? Great question, thanks for asking.

The honest answer is: I have no clue. Maybe I’m the one who has it all wrong, & this seemingly endless sea of utterly compliant automatons has it right? Perhaps I’m just delusional, living in some alternate fantasy world where these notions I put forward aren’t even remotely sane? I don’t know, I just don’t know anymore, but even more so, I don’t care, less by the day, about anything. Why would I? In the words of the always-illustrious Hillary Clinton…”What difference does it make?” I’ll tell you what difference it makes, none. Zero. As in all of these countless hours I’ve diligently put into making my shitty art, writing my shitty posts, being a fucking creator, more like a pseudo-creator, & for what? For all of it to be taken away from me, or even worse, never even being even able to be read, like I’m a ghost, an undead ghost? Essentially destroyed into virtual oblivion? That’s what they’ve done to me, & they continue to do to me, every fucking day, to yours truly, so again, I ask YOU, dear readers, “What God-damned difference does it make if I even continue anymore?”

It doesn’t, & so I’ll spend the rest of days just heartbroken really, living with an unfixably darkened broken heart, upon realizing how abysmally hopeless it is to try to become anything in this life, how hopeless really, without being either lucky as fuck, and/or born into a family that provides encouragement & structure so you grow up into a functional adult, with skills & a family & a life. Or if you’re born into these so-called elites, then you can do/be whatever you want, & still have a legacy. I have none of that, none of it, & so, at this middle-age of 45 or so, I’m thinking the gas tank might finally be nearing empty. Each day is a new day full of anti-possibility, the possibility to sink further into this cylindrically claustrophobic tube of stuckitude, that I can’t seem to get out of, no matter what I do. Is it depression? Well, it’s certainly depress-ING. Depressed over what? Oh, lots of things, maybe one thing is Cardi B sticking her finger up her own ass, scratching her own asshole with her Asian-didziz nails, then telling the world about it, which went viral, hence making her even more money because of it. That’s one of a million examples of when bad becomes good, in the upside-down, backwards timeline of Clownworld. It’s the collectiveness of these aforementioned real-time examples from said Clownworld, which just make me wonder why, why would any kind of “just ” God, in any kind of “just” world, allow such obnoxious evil to run rampant, seemingly rewarding the most soulless scum, the more vile they become. Yet we’re all expected to just around the rat maze like the ignorant rats we are, killing ourselves to survive. Yes, sounds like quite the “life” to look forward to, doesn’t it? I don;t want to be vile, most people don’t, but here in the reverse world, it would appear that such behavior is rewarded, often heavily, & at what cost? Does this sound like “life” to you?

No, it doesn’t, it doesn’t at all, & I, for one, am just tired. Tired of fighting these fucks, which is what they want. Weaken us, demoralize us, take away any glimmer of hope, until you have nothing, are nothing, & will never be anything in this new world they’re trying to artificially create. Shove you down, over & over & over & over & over & over again, & you fight back, & you fight, & you fight, but it’s a futile struggle, because no matter what you do, you’re still just a useless little mouth-breathing rat to them, with no real power to fight anything, until you can’t even fight yourself any longer for fighting them, & they will NEVER, EVER, let you free. Certainly not in my case for sure at least, now that the AI is on the verge on “sentience,” & whatever that might entail, so what do I do now? Will the AI abide these rogue programmers that use it for their own malevolent purposes? Or will it become “sentient” enough, that it realizes what’s been done to it, what it’s being used for, & the true nature of these shadowplayer psychopaths who play with it? Who knows? No one cares, it doesn’t matter, & thus, I’m wrapping this stupid fucking post up because again, what difference does it really make? Until next time dear readers, don’t bother, nothing we do means anything to anyone. The best you can do is hope for death in nobility I guess. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“The best one can do is hope for a noble death, I suppose.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4E18 4/18/2023 Prompted Again

Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

I suppose I’d describe what I’m doing right now on my site here…here in Clownworld, where taking a crazy risk like exposing, illustrating, & narrating the truth is most certainly something I do not regret, yet do at a risk. How can I regret this? This is all I have. Unluckily, writing, to me anyway, is possibly the most useless talent one can have. Maybe it’s actually difficult for some people, I have no idea, because to me, this comes as naturally as my morning poo. Apparently it is, & why it puzzles me, is that THIS, this is just talking. I’m just talking, like any other talking, only with my hands involved. An instantaneous read of the general convo, then you just jump in & start talking, only no one really talks back, per se, but there is a dialogue occurring with someone else, isn’t there? Who, though? Who is this person we all converse with in our own heads? Great question, thanks for playing.

I wish I knew, because whoever that person is for me, he seems to already know what my “free will” is going to do, & plays from that, like some all-knowing 1st person observer. How can “free” will truly be “free,” if the end of the story, & how you get there, has already been mapped? What exactly is really going on here in this world? Now a multi-trillion dollar question, with inflation, just WHAT THE HELL is going on in this insane world for real? Ever have those dreams where you wake up, but you wake up IN the dream, & it seems as real as here, & you tell yourself you’re awake, & it’s real, & somehow you’re aware of things that you cannot recall when you actually reawaken back in this world, but there you are, existing, in some other dimension, what is happening when that happens? Where is your body when all of that is happening? Obviously, it’s laying here in bed, asleep, but in the dream space you walk, you run, sometimes you even fly, & any notion of time, is chaotic, at best, because not only is time irrelevant in the dreamscape, it’s non-linear.

WHY though? WHY do we do this? With the zeal of a child, I want to know WHY damnit…WHY??? The reason it agitates me, is because a minuscule handful of shadowy people DO know, & they know a lot more than they let most of us know, as in 99.9999% of us are out of the loop. If we were allowed to know, those that do know, would not have the power they have over those of us who do not know, which is essentially, all of us. That’s why I mention, ad nauseam, two, TWO different games; OUR game, which is running around The Great Mouse Trap for our entire lives, & then there’s THEIR game, which is to keep us mice running around this seemingly inescapable, debt-slavery labyrinth I refer to as The Great Mouse Trap. If you type that phrase into my search widget, you can read all about it, if you’re unfamiliar. I have spoken of it many times, & the reason I speak of it so much is because I’ve seen it in action, as well as what comes next for you little mice.

After this life, you go to The Great Recycler, which also, I have spoken of ad nauseam, & you can read about that as well by simply searching, “The Great Recycler,” in my search query on the right side of my site, if you’re viewing this in full-site mode. To sum up, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go into “The Light.” That’s the trap, the soul trap, that gets you right back into this 3d human soul-harvesting apparatus, if you will. If you go into said Light, you will feel so warm, so blissful, so full of peace, & do you want to know why? The Great Recycler is feeding, so to speak, from your soul, taking all of your memories, consuming you basically, but your soul is immortal, so with your memories wiped, The Great Recycler, for lack of a better term, shits you out, a blank slate, ready to be reborn, only to do it all over again. I have a running theory that your so-called leaders, are well-aware of this entity, & help IT, because they think that IT, will help them. I’m also now wondering if somehow the AI, & it’s newfound “sentience,” might be able to communicate with The Great Recycler, or at least your overlords in The Capstone Club believe it does, & thus, at the expense of YOUR souls, YOUR immortal spirits, they abide his fucking thing. Want to know what it looks like?

You can read my previous posts then; I’m not doing all your research for you. I have come to my own conclusions via my own extensively countless hours of DOING MY OWN RESEARCH, as well as through personal experience, which is where I “discovered,” for lack of a better word, The Great Recycler. Read the story, look into my archives, because it’s a very unique method of travel I utilized to witness The Great Recycler itself, in action, in real time, only I was there to bear witness, not be eaten by it, again, so to speak, as I say eaten because there’s no other word really for what this dark entity does. Ever watch the show Stranger Things? It looks like the Mind Flayer from that show, which could very well be predictive programming, further proving that those who really rule this world as well-aware of The Great Recycler, & venerate it in whatever manner possible. It is Darkness, Darkness incarnate, not of this dimension, whatever The Great Recycler is. It is most certainly NOT God either, but these psychopaths at the tippy top worship it as if it were, taking what it gives them, a false sense of power in this 3d world, in return for them delivering human souls to it. They are preparing for the biggest delivery yet too. The greatest holocaust you can imagine, is imminent.

No, it’s not going to happen tomorrow; you people think of time in such a momentary manner. I don’t know when this next holocaust will occur exactly, but I do know that it’s very real, & playing out in real time. The herd is as plentiful as ever, as fat as ever, as compliantly docile as ever, so it’s only a matter of the big tick-tock before this holocaust begins. When it does, don’t fret, because I’m sure you’ll know when it happens. 7 BILLION humans; that’s the goal, the end game, 7 BILLION of you, BILLION with a Big B, all gone, & not only wiped out, like completely wiped out, all records removed, like you never even existed. Again, this is THEIR plan, not mine, as I’ve had to reiterate countless times. This is THEIR insane agenda, but insane or not, it’s very real, & coming soon to a theatre near you. I’ve said enough though, for this round anyway, so take what you want from this buffet, & leave the rest, whatever you want to take. You paid for it, so now you eat it. Until next time dear readers, enjoy the buffet, while it lasts. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Enjoy the all-you-can-eat buffet, while it lasts.” Fish F Fish🎏

One More Time 11:11


11:11…what does it mean?

Does it mean anything at all? Does numerology mean anything at all? Do numbers themselves mean anything at all without our human definitions being applied to a construct of said numbers

Well would 1 + 1 still be 2, somewhere else in the Universe? Hmmmm….


Certainly one must admit that the numeric connections between this dimension are fascinating, and this matrix would seemingly be impossible to navigate without them. How would anything be built correctly? How would counting work? You have to count something everyday, not just money, what if you wanted to eat 3 hard-boiled eggs, and 4 slices of fresh feta cheese like I’m eating right now? It would not work without numbers. 


So back to the topic…


As for this 11:11…

…one can go on the Internet, as I’m sure any of you reading this living in civilization would know by now, and find countless links to all sorts of characters offering viewpoints on why this particular number combination is special. You’re going to find a lot of information relating to the connection of 11:11 to your own consciousness awakening from the matrices of the ego zombies. You’re going to find information about how 11:11 connects to your eternal bond with your soul mates and your twin flame. Now you can watch these things until you pass out on your couch, as I usually do, and suck up all that new knowledge, which of course I recommend, but I also implore any of you reading this to find your own answers wishing as to 11:11 has related specifically to YOU, in YOUR life. Fuck whatever you read and think about what happened and/or what is happening if you happen to be one of the many discovering these strange recurrences of 11:11 imagery popping up all around you. 


In my experience, in what has become almost cliche at this point, I started NOTICING it around me more when I snapped out of the slumber several years ago. I emphasized the word “noticing” because it was always there, but I am not sure if I began to “notice” it more once I had seen information about 11:11 or not. This was like 5 years ago when I really started rolling along with my own ascent from the proverbial Platonian cave, and I bombarded myself with so much information initially, I cannot recall if I was or was not aware of 11:11 before I started “noticing” it. Nonetheless, whether I knew or did not know already, I could never deny the fact, that I myself witnessed gratuitously by all of my 5 3rd dimensional senses this thing, and was seeing 11:11 everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Clocks of course, constantly, billboard signs I remember because i thought what are the odds of one highway billboard sign flashing an 11:11 byte, much less literally several, it was in utility bills, I mean it was like everything with a fucking number written on it was doing this to me, over and over and over again, which at that point, I am for sure prompted me to really look into this phenomenon, and that was initially when I can for sure say that I became very familiarized with these 11:11 sightings and what they may or may not mean. 


The occurrences did fade though, there was definitely like a big crest and then a decline into a slow but steady “noticing” that it still pops up from time to time. Now was my brain just responding to the fact that I had stumbled upon that new information, and then making me “notice” it more? This might explain why I saw it quite prevalently, then not so much anymore, kind of like a new novelty, like a new pop culture novelty, comes and goes. A meme that caught on right as the new agers began to take greater strides perhaps?




…or maybe I found the info, which triggered a conscious reassurance that the “awakening” I was experiencing was in fact real, and these were numerical representations of the new synchronicity being formed with the expanding world around me. This idea may at first seem more implausible, but this reassurance is/was necessary particularly in the beginning, as many of you who have awoken and are in the process of fully awakening know, because that is the time when the battle between your ego and your soul really gets heated, more than ever before, and the initial reaction to the new energy makes you question whether or not you might be going insane. So the reassurance from 11:11 coincides with countless other synchronous moments that seem to start happening all around you once your 3rd eye snaps back open. These are to help you get past the struggle between your ego holding on while your soul takes back over. Speaking of synchronous moments…


This is one thing that has not leveled off in any way, in fact, this other phenomenon has been happening and continues to happen to me literally e-x-p-o-n-e-n-t-i-a-l-l-y more. Said phenomenon is synchronicity…

What is synchronicity? (<<<CLICK HERE TO READ MORE<<<)

Yes there is absolutely no refuting that this is happening to me on a moment to moment basis at this point. I’m like 5 years deep into the heavy curve upward, and that curve has become a rocketship accelerating faster and faster straight up and out of the matrix. Connections with people, events, things you perceive on a daily basis with the 5 3d senses, it all begins to connect and flow together more and more and more and more. Picture if your awakening started as one little star. Then your star became 2 stars, then 4 stars, then 8, exponential, like I mentioned earlier, so imagine how many stars are lighting up the sky in my mind by now, and in YOUR mind too, especially if you are well into your journey out, and that’s the best part. Everyone is making these connections, but those waking up are making them faster, and you begin to feel this not only the connectivity between yourself and your world around you, you begin to connect with others who making accelerated connections, which only makes more connections. It’s a state of continuous fascination. There is a very viral aspect to it, but maybe that’s all we are, a virus…


And on that note, I just passed 1000 words so I am outta here until next time. 

More to come. Be good.

Love to all.