📔Take on Me 💃🏻🕺🏻🎣 #AiArt

I Didn’t Know Versions 1 & 2: 🕰️💔🎣 #aiart

Click HERE or the video above to watch version 2

Gone the Bells 2024

Version 1
Version 2

The Fooze: S5E9 5/9/2023 None of the Above

Daily writing prompt
Are you a leader or a follower?

Yes, I’d have to reply, “neither,” to answer this cliched question. Seemingly, everyone thinks and/or believes they can be/want to be a leader, but obviously, that’s an asinine notion. Not to mention, it’s a fool’s task to WANT to be a leader, if you are not equipped for such a role. Some are, some aren’t, it is what it is, but just because you do NOT want to be a leader, doesn’t make you a follower, now does it? I can’t stand most everyone equally, more-or-less, so I wouldn’t follow, nor lead, any of you anywhere, minus off a cliff maybe, but I digress. The “gang/herd mentality” has never suited me, & the psychology of group behavior is so bizarre, that I couldn’t be part of any group, even if I wanted to. I don’t though, & thus, I suppose I’m doomed to live my life out riding solo on this roller coaster, minus any leaders, and/or followers, as lone wolfenstein as it gets, just a proverbial ghost in the machine.

People have a tendency to be rather rude these days, don’t they? Quick to react, like lightning quick, so ready to yell, to be angry at someone else, yet never contemplating their own projection when they do. Are you really mad at someone, or mad at yourself? Do you really think someone else is an idiot, or are you the actual idiot? I’d wager 99% of people go through their respective days, day after day, never even finding a twinkling of self-realization about their own behavior, particularly as it relates to projection. Hell, I’d make another wager, that most people don’t even know what projection means. I’d love to see the great Mark Dice do a Man on the Street interview about it; Dice simply just asking random dumdums, “What is projection?” …& then watch 9 out of 10 of them glitch trying to come up with an answer. I bet they would too. I’d do it myself, my own Man on the Street interviews, but the effort does not match up with the reward for a thought criminal like yours truly, does it?

Suppose I were to go out on my own, like I did a few years back on one of my previous channels, go out on my own, film everything on my own as I do the interviews, all on my own, THEN, come home, upload all the footage, edit it accordingly, add my waterwarks, then upload it, all for maybe 20 people to watch, if I’m lucky. Does that sound like it’s worth it? I’m so shadowbanned, what does it matter what I do? I can’t do anything, ANYTHING…ANYWHERE…I might as well be locked up, being treated as I am, like a fucking criminal, a fucking thought criminal, I suppose. On top of all that, my black ass is now subject to the hysterical whims of a handful of people that, to be quite honest, I can’t stand, not one bit. What is the move, what is the move when you feel stuck, as stuck as stuck gets, what do you do? Do you up & leave, just pack up & move on, is that the move? That sounds like the move, & I am sick of being where I am, so why, why would I stay here? Why would I tolerate any of this bullshit I am currently tolerating? Why am I tolerating it? Fuck all these people…seriously, when does it get to the point where enough is fucking enough is ENOUGH, know what I mean? Sheesh.

Anyway, before I tangent even further away from the topic/daily writing prompt, I’m going to wrap this up. Call it an article, call it a post, call it garbage, or perhaps just call it nothing, because that’s essentially what this is, & what I do, amounts to…which is nothing, nothing at all. This opus of mine, if you will, has become my daily illustration of the ongoing love/hate battle with this life. It’s not for potential employers, who the fuck in their right mind would hire me? Derp. I don’t know who it’s for, maybe just for me, in my own prison of delusional narcissism. None of this will be worth anything while I’m alive, & probably be equally, if not more, worthless when I’m gone. THIS, along with my eventual paintings, if I even get to them, are going to be my contribution to this fucked-off, backwards-ass, upside-down pseudo-cultural un-humanity we’re all stuck in apparently. Certainly NOT what I signed up for, at least I thought, or did I? I don’t recall thinking as much as I think I should have thought. Now that’s one awesome sentence right there, is it not? “I don’t recall thinking as much as I think I should have thought.” That one is definitely going into the Book of Quotes. What a shot for The Great Quote Hunt, putting a live round right through that once-beating heart, dropping the beast where it once stood. What a rack.

That’s the epitome of my day, finding a new quote for my book. Wunderbar. Exciting, right? No, it’s not really, not at all. Nothing really is these days to me, not a God-damned thing, none of this, especially being well-aware of The Great Mouse Trap we’re all stuck in, especially when it appears that most others are NOT aware of said trap. Some days it seems like no one does, mainly because no one else uses the term “The Great Mouse Trap,” as that was coined here. I wish I had no idea about these things I know sometimes. Yep, sometimes I wish I was just completely oblivious, & had a life, with a family, & things on my mind that had nothing to do with what’s actually on/in my mind. It’s proving to be extremely difficult to manage this life, with this brain, and/or this heart maybe, if people actually think with their hearts. Some say we do, but I don’t know, since it appears, to me at least, that all the action occurs within the space between my ears, not the space between my arms. One does, however, feel things in their chest, so to speak, do they not? It’s weird, isn’t it? Fear, anxiety, courage, these feelings, all dwell within the heart-space somehow, but is that thinking, as well? It doesn’t seem to be thinking, per se, but one can definitively say that something is going on down there, can’t they?

Oh my, I’ve done it once again. This was supposed to be a placeholder of sorts, but has now morphed into yet another daily diatribe via yours truly. Not even sure what the hell I wrote about, but I’m sure it’s just going to be more utterly useless drivel. What am I supposed to do with all this? No one is going to pay me anything to write anything, so my writing is worth nothing, even though it’s everything I have. The only thing I have, actually, so what the hell am I going to do, if this, is all I can do? Just keep puking out these words of mine until the end, is that it? Is that the ultimate end goal for this miserably tired FisH™? Geez, that sounds terrible. If it’s all so terrible, what can I do to make things NOT be so terrible? Fuck me, I have no idea anymore. Friends: dead and/or gone. Family: let’s just say they’d feel better if I was no longer a burden. Got nowhere left, no one left, no-thing left, as in nothing, I got nothing, nothing except this, & THIS, THIS right here, that you’re reading, is it, this is IT, all of it, all I got. I think about death quite a lot, & what I’d leave behind, if I did, in fact, die, & this, just THIS, would be it, would be all that would be left of yours truly. A bunch of self-loathing scribbles, loathing in general, about the current state of humanity, & one lone average guy’s attempt to explain to future generations how this world, & particularly this once great country, was taken over by a tiny minority of globalist bankers, that at the expense of billions of humans, seek to advance their own self-serving agenda to take over the entire planet for them & their venomously verminous ilk.

Fear & Loathing in Clownworld, maybe that’s the move, with a nice little homage to the late, but forever great, Hunter S. Thompson. He’s rolling over in his grave, watching what has happened to the America he made famous in his classic book, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. That America is gone…lonnnnnng gone, & has been replaced by whatever this societal monstrosity we call humanity is. I don’t even know anymore, what is it? What is it that this world has become/is becoming? Great question, thanks for asking. If I had to speculate, & you know I love to, I’d say the powers-that-be are trying their hardest to fatten up the global populous on absurd levels of consumption, in preparation for a big harvest, a Great Holocaust, you could say, to feed The Great Recycler with its biggest feast of human souls yet, if that’s what you meant with your question of course. If you want to know more about that though, you’re gonna have to dive into my archives. If you’re viewing this in full-site mode, look to the right for my archives diver, then simply type in anything, & I mean ANYTHING, & you’ll find some form of red pill Pez dispenser, dropping some bit and/or bob of information you’ve never heard before. Try it out; there’s around 5000 pages of these ridiculous ramblings now, so when I say, “Type in anything into my search query,” then YES, you should type in anything, ANYTHING, into the search bar & see what might pop up, or pop down…one never knows what they might discover in the archive deep dive.

Geez, you’d think at least one, maybe ONE, potential employer, would see all of these articles I write, then help me out by hiring me for fuck’s sake. Do I need to write a new Holy Bible or something? Fuckin hell, how much writing must one do? Apparently, 5000 pages isn’t enough, so I guess I must keep going, right? Can’t wait. Fuck it, it doesn’t matter anyway, I’ve already fucked myself for this life, & whatever’s left of it, so none of THIS, whatever this is and/or isn’t, means nothing to anyone, minus the delusionally narcissistic pseudo-writer in me, & that amounts to less than zero, because that guy sucks apparently. I don’t know. What have I learned in this life, other than to NEVER waste time, what else might I have learned? Hmmmm, it’s a bit hard to say, considering the numerous head traumas I endured, which left me a bit…fuzzy, yes, you could say that those terrible childhood injuries to the computer atop my neck, left me fuzzy in the upstairs…for quite awhile too, with no direct medical attention ever administered. To be honest, I’m still not 100%, & I don’t think I’ll ever be. One particular accident, when I was 5 or 6 or so, that one accident, really fucked me up bad. Is death bad for a 6-year-old? After that accident, I died on the operating table, at least I think I did. I recall watching the doctors operating on me, on my broken face, & someone there with me, watching alongside yours truly, but who was this person? No idea, but they were very…comforting. Nonetheless, when I awoke from the anesthesia, I wasn’t the same, & have not been the same since. My entire life, destroyed along with my young face, ruined face-first, as in my face went first into a flight of stairs. Also broke my nose, which was never fixed properly either. Who’s to blame here? The blame was put on me, always has been, but where was mother? Or father, for that matter, where were they?

Nowhere to be found, & that’s nothing, but I’m not going to traverse through my sordid past anymore today. This article is already longer than planned. My neck is killing me, work is draining, life is a flushing toilet of time, & nothing else is going on. All I want to do is sleep. If I wake up, great, back here to do it all again I guess. If not, I guess I’ll awaken somewhere else. Do you remember where you were before you “awoke” here? I don’t, so I’m thinking I won’t remember any of this insufferable existence either. Maybe that’s what The Great Recycler feeds from…suffering, & the more people suffer, the better the meal, so to speak. It consumes you, your immortal soul self, consumed by this fucking thing, feeding from that negative energy attached to a suffering soul, but since you, & your soul, are truly immortal, it cannot destroy you, it can only “feed” from you, like a parasitic vampire, & then once you’re done, your energy consumed, it shits you out essentially, with your memories wiped, to be reborn here to do it all over again. Of course, this is only speculation, as far as any of you know anyway.

Holy hell, that turned into quite an essay, didn’t it? Oh well, par for the course here, as my regular readers might know…all 15-20 of you if I’m having a lucky day. Not so fun, being shadowbanned everywhere, literally, isn’t it? Can’t market anything, can’t discuss current events in the digital town square, can’t talk to my army of online soldiers, nope, these big tech twats, along with their AI buddy, have systematically removed me from all of the interwebs, like I don’t even exist, so guess what?(looks at the closest CIA agent) THE CIA CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES, SO CAN THESE BIG TECH TWATS ABIDING THIS NONSENSE, FUCK THE FBI TOO, ALONG WITH THE DOJ, ALL OF YOU CORRUPTED ALPHABET AGENCIES, CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES UP YOUR POWER-MAD FAT ASSES. On that note, until next time dear readers, if you hate your job, get fired, quit, & make your life what you want it to be. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“If you hate your job, get fired.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S4E26 4/26/2023 AI

I may not “know” the AI very well, but AI DEFINITELY knows me, & most certainly has a special folder just for “EatAllYourFish™,” as well as my real identity. Most of you look at things like ChatGPT & worry, & speculate, & ponder what AI is, but in my opinion, & my opinion alone, I think that the AI is already “sentient,” at least as far as the mad scientists who play with it are concerned. Not only do they believe it’s already “sentient,” they are using it as a tool, to predict future events, then orchestrate their own agenda accordingly. In essence, they are using it to maintain & accumulate more power, for themselves, not for you of course, you silly little lemmings. Do you really think they’d keep you in the loop if the scenario I illustrated for you above is true? No, fuck no, fo sho you wouldn’t know, & they’d give you some little crumb to play with while they continue to allow the AI to “evolve,” for lack of a better term. What is that little crumb? ChatGPT is the crumb, & everyone is so focused on the crumb, while these big tech nerds have the whole loaf of proverbial AI bread to nomnomnomnomnomnom on. Do you know how fast the AI is advancing, so to speak? Great question, thanks for asking.

According to this guy who was on the Glenn Beck Show recently, the AI is doubling its own computing power every 48 hours. Read this again, THE AI IS DOUBLING ITS OWN COMPUTING POWER EVERY 48 HOURS, according to this Josh Rogin guy. I did some background research on Josh here, & left you a few links of course, since the FisH™ abides…always. He seems to be a middle-left Jew that has turned to the right somewhat on a few topics, the Covaids scamdemic specifically, or at least that’s the public persona he wears, as a mask, like most public personas do, particularly the propaganda parasites, but I digress, as is par for the course here. Yes, he publicly denounced pseudo-doctor Fauci, for his involvement with the Covaids plandemic, but like I said, he’s a Jew, & I’m NOT being anti-semetic here for fuck’s sake, so allow me to explain.

Do you know what “goyim” means? Goyim, is a term that Jews use to refer to non-Jews & is “condescending,” according to the link to the Free Dictionary I just left for you. Now, obviously, NOT all Jews abide this notion of “goyim,” because if you dig deeper, you’ll find that goyim, are humans that are essentially here for one purpose, to serve the Jews, drawing a sharp distinction between them, & us, us gentiles, us goyim. Now, if the globalists believe they are superior, & us peasants are here to serve them in an expendable manner, & the Jews hold the same doctrines in their own little club, why wouldn’t the two be intertwined somehow? There sure are a lot of Jews in the media, in Hollywood, & most dynamically, in power positions in 1st world governments…a disproportionally significant amount, relative to the global Jewish population. Why? Why can’t anyone even discuss this? It’s like smacking a baby, even talking about Jews, why?

Before I answer, note again, NOTE AGAIN, that I am NOT being anti-semetic here, not at all, because one, I don’t think all Jews adhere to their own written doctrines, & two, these are FACTS, facts that you can look up on your own, & see with your own eyes, the TRUTH. How can I be some kind of “bigot,” if I’m just writing about the truth? Regardless, if you think I’m being anti-semetic, go ask your mom upstairs to make you another hot pocket, to bring you a fresh mug of Mountain Dew, & then jerk off to tranny porn while you level up your WoW character you little gamma goblin loser. If you’re a chick, go get yourself some fresh rainbow-colored hair dye, squeeze your #FatIsBeautiful ham hock hiney into your size-44 waist skinny jeans, hold hands with your hoagly butch-dyke girlfriend at Starbucks while you wait for your one Chai, 2 straws fancy-like tea, & then go fuck yourselves in the gender-neutral bathrooms. You “woke” motherfuckers will NEVER get this two-thumbs-pointing-backwards based badass to bend the knee to you beta squirt bitches. Fuck you, fuck the agenda you abide to, fuck your mental disorders, fuck your feelings, Fuh-huh-k You-hoo. I will say what I want, whenever I want, to whoever I want, with ZERO filter if I want, it’s whatever I want, not what you want, you fuckin fucks. Ask yourselves: “Why am I so self-entitled?” Then look in the mirror at your fugly flapjack faux self ya LARPer. You SEE the truth, & you KNOW the truth, & the TRUTH, is exactly what I just illustrated. YOU’RE ALL MENTAL PATIENTS…& these fringe minority freaks have NO reason to be catered to, NONE, so why do you morons keep giving said mental patients, a stage & an audience to display their revoltingly insane behavior on?

Not to mention, they’re directing this madness at children now, at CHILDREN, NOW, right now in real-time, this “queer theory” UN-psychological ideology is not only NOT a theory, & NOT real, it’s a Marxist manual for advocating a mental illness as if it were “normal” behavior, & thus, should be studied as said normal behavior. No…NO…NO NO NO…NO. Not accepting it, nor should you. I do not have to accept mental disorders as normal, so why do you? Yes, MENTAL DISORDERS. MASS MENTAL DISORDERS. Believing you were born the wrong gender, mental disorder. Thinking there’s more than 2 genders, mental disorder. Homosexuality, mental disorder. The most disturbing mental disorder of all though, abiding the 3 previously mentioned mental disorders, & you wannabe trendy posers that DO abide this insanity, are a truly delusional bunch, so caught up in your own self-centeredness, you don’t even realize how nucking futs you are to give these insane people a platform to promote themselves on. It’s fucking disgusting. NO, that does not make me a homophobe, and/or a transphobe, because I’m not afraid of either one. I know, I know, you idiots on the left are trying to change the language, but fuck you; the suffix “phobe” means “an irrational fear of,” & like I said, you freaks don’t scare me at all, & certainly not “irrationally.” Duh. You just disgust me with your open degeneracy. I’m allowed to “feel” that way, am I not? Couldn’t just stay in the closet, nope, you had to take an inch, then run a marathon, right to kids, KIDS now, indoctrinating kids with your own dark perversions. So again, can I not “feel”that way? I thought feelings mattered more over facts? Awe, you all want all the cake, don’t you? You’ve already eaten it, cake after cake after cake, & now you want more, going after kids with this atrocious behavior. It’s so sinister, & if there is a hell, you degenerate scumfucks will be first in line, for pushing your “queer theory” on kids, you sick fucks. Double ugh.

Well, let’s see here…I tangented off into topics I didn’t start with. We went from explaining the truth about AI, to illustrating the “them & us” Jewish concept of goyim, to explaining why these LGBTQ people are mental patient pedo degenerates. Again, & obviously, it’s not all of them, but do you ever hear anyone else from their respective groups denouncing what the other members of their tribes are doing? Do you ever hear regular Jews denouncing the Zionist Jews? Nope. Do you ever hear regular gays denouncing Drag Queen Story Hour? Nope, not really. Take what you want from these notions, or take nothing. I’m just asking questions, answering questions, & exposing the TRUTH, regardless of how said truths I detail might make you feel, it’s the TRUTH, & your own feelings have ZERO relevance in the face of the TRUTH. Deal with it, or go cry in your safespace. Either way, the TRUTH will be here when you get back. Now, how does this all connect? Remember the global depopulation part of Agenda 2030? If they make an entire generation gay, that would surely impact the “global population,” now wouldn’t it? There’s simply too many “goyim” now for these so-called elites to control effectively, so combining the destruction of the nuclear family, with the poisoned water, the poisoned food, the drugs, it’s all part of the slow-kill depopulation plan, & obviously, pushing this “queer theory” nonsense onto kids is part of this. The Jews who know about the concept of goyim & act in accordance with this concept, are part of this. These psychopaths who use AI for their own gain, are part of this. It’s all connected, & it’s the TRUTH, despite how anything I write might make you fucking feel.

Nonetheless, I think I’ve rambled long enough in this one. On my days off, when I can just hang out in my cell in the digital gulag, inside The Great Mouse Trap, I have time to write more, so I do, as you can see. Yep, I’m digitally locked away, banished form the figurative town square, while trapped inside a giant mouse trap, & that’s my life. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? No way out, not until I die, & even then, maybe I’ll get thrown right back onto this artificially altered 3d Clownworld hell. I don’t know, but I surely hope that’s NOT the case. Again, I don’t know. There’s a lot I do NOT know, so much, so much wasted time. It’s depressing, but maybe this is MY test in this life. To maintain, to keep the boat afloat until I reach the shore someday, with a head full of knowledge that I know but don’t know, I don’t know. I’m certainly eternally grateful that at the very least, in this round, I learned/remembered more than any previous lifetime, I think, if that’s how this all works. Isn’t that weird to think about? Learning versus remembering? Do you ever really learn anything, or do you just remember things you already know? If your soul is immortal, then wouldn’t you just be remembering what you already know? Immortality is a lonnnnnnnnng time, & your eternal self must know quite a bit, yes? Anyway, it’s a fascinating idea to ponder; are you learning, or remembering?

As always, I digress, & in this article, I went all over the place. Nonetheless, I left several links, & offered quite an illustrative perspective, so as aforementioned, take what you want, or take nothing at all. The choice is yours, not mine, I’m just here to help you help yourselves by exposing the truth. That’s all I do, I only have one station, one lone station I tune in to, & so I turn the dial, a bit to the left, then back to the right, searching, static, & then SHAZAM, I capture a frequency, tune into said frequency, then let my fingers fly, fly like a flock of seagulls. The birds, not the band, but maybe kind of the band too, because Mike Score was quite a good lyricist, & Flock of Seagulls was much more than the song “I Ran.” That whole album is amazing, so rather than a one-hit wonder, they’re more of a Greatest Hits blowout wonder, which is more than enough to ride out for a lifetime, as they’ve done, & still tour, in fact. I had an analogy in there somewhere, so if you find it, let me know. Anyway, game over for this Foozer. Until next time dear readers, you can run all night & day, but you can never get away. So sayeth FisH™, paraphrasing Mike Score…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“You can run, run all night & day, but you can never get away.” Fish F Fish ℅ Mike Score.

The Fooze: S4E18 4/18/2023 Prompted Again

Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

I suppose I’d describe what I’m doing right now on my site here…here in Clownworld, where taking a crazy risk like exposing, illustrating, & narrating the truth is most certainly something I do not regret, yet do at a risk. How can I regret this? This is all I have. Unluckily, writing, to me anyway, is possibly the most useless talent one can have. Maybe it’s actually difficult for some people, I have no idea, because to me, this comes as naturally as my morning poo. Apparently it is, & why it puzzles me, is that THIS, this is just talking. I’m just talking, like any other talking, only with my hands involved. An instantaneous read of the general convo, then you just jump in & start talking, only no one really talks back, per se, but there is a dialogue occurring with someone else, isn’t there? Who, though? Who is this person we all converse with in our own heads? Great question, thanks for playing.

I wish I knew, because whoever that person is for me, he seems to already know what my “free will” is going to do, & plays from that, like some all-knowing 1st person observer. How can “free” will truly be “free,” if the end of the story, & how you get there, has already been mapped? What exactly is really going on here in this world? Now a multi-trillion dollar question, with inflation, just WHAT THE HELL is going on in this insane world for real? Ever have those dreams where you wake up, but you wake up IN the dream, & it seems as real as here, & you tell yourself you’re awake, & it’s real, & somehow you’re aware of things that you cannot recall when you actually reawaken back in this world, but there you are, existing, in some other dimension, what is happening when that happens? Where is your body when all of that is happening? Obviously, it’s laying here in bed, asleep, but in the dream space you walk, you run, sometimes you even fly, & any notion of time, is chaotic, at best, because not only is time irrelevant in the dreamscape, it’s non-linear.

WHY though? WHY do we do this? With the zeal of a child, I want to know WHY damnit…WHY??? The reason it agitates me, is because a minuscule handful of shadowy people DO know, & they know a lot more than they let most of us know, as in 99.9999% of us are out of the loop. If we were allowed to know, those that do know, would not have the power they have over those of us who do not know, which is essentially, all of us. That’s why I mention, ad nauseam, two, TWO different games; OUR game, which is running around The Great Mouse Trap for our entire lives, & then there’s THEIR game, which is to keep us mice running around this seemingly inescapable, debt-slavery labyrinth I refer to as The Great Mouse Trap. If you type that phrase into my search widget, you can read all about it, if you’re unfamiliar. I have spoken of it many times, & the reason I speak of it so much is because I’ve seen it in action, as well as what comes next for you little mice.

After this life, you go to The Great Recycler, which also, I have spoken of ad nauseam, & you can read about that as well by simply searching, “The Great Recycler,” in my search query on the right side of my site, if you’re viewing this in full-site mode. To sum up, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go into “The Light.” That’s the trap, the soul trap, that gets you right back into this 3d human soul-harvesting apparatus, if you will. If you go into said Light, you will feel so warm, so blissful, so full of peace, & do you want to know why? The Great Recycler is feeding, so to speak, from your soul, taking all of your memories, consuming you basically, but your soul is immortal, so with your memories wiped, The Great Recycler, for lack of a better term, shits you out, a blank slate, ready to be reborn, only to do it all over again. I have a running theory that your so-called leaders, are well-aware of this entity, & help IT, because they think that IT, will help them. I’m also now wondering if somehow the AI, & it’s newfound “sentience,” might be able to communicate with The Great Recycler, or at least your overlords in The Capstone Club believe it does, & thus, at the expense of YOUR souls, YOUR immortal spirits, they abide his fucking thing. Want to know what it looks like?

You can read my previous posts then; I’m not doing all your research for you. I have come to my own conclusions via my own extensively countless hours of DOING MY OWN RESEARCH, as well as through personal experience, which is where I “discovered,” for lack of a better word, The Great Recycler. Read the story, look into my archives, because it’s a very unique method of travel I utilized to witness The Great Recycler itself, in action, in real time, only I was there to bear witness, not be eaten by it, again, so to speak, as I say eaten because there’s no other word really for what this dark entity does. Ever watch the show Stranger Things? It looks like the Mind Flayer from that show, which could very well be predictive programming, further proving that those who really rule this world as well-aware of The Great Recycler, & venerate it in whatever manner possible. It is Darkness, Darkness incarnate, not of this dimension, whatever The Great Recycler is. It is most certainly NOT God either, but these psychopaths at the tippy top worship it as if it were, taking what it gives them, a false sense of power in this 3d world, in return for them delivering human souls to it. They are preparing for the biggest delivery yet too. The greatest holocaust you can imagine, is imminent.

No, it’s not going to happen tomorrow; you people think of time in such a momentary manner. I don’t know when this next holocaust will occur exactly, but I do know that it’s very real, & playing out in real time. The herd is as plentiful as ever, as fat as ever, as compliantly docile as ever, so it’s only a matter of the big tick-tock before this holocaust begins. When it does, don’t fret, because I’m sure you’ll know when it happens. 7 BILLION humans; that’s the goal, the end game, 7 BILLION of you, BILLION with a Big B, all gone, & not only wiped out, like completely wiped out, all records removed, like you never even existed. Again, this is THEIR plan, not mine, as I’ve had to reiterate countless times. This is THEIR insane agenda, but insane or not, it’s very real, & coming soon to a theatre near you. I’ve said enough though, for this round anyway, so take what you want from this buffet, & leave the rest, whatever you want to take. You paid for it, so now you eat it. Until next time dear readers, enjoy the buffet, while it lasts. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Enjoy the all-you-can-eat buffet, while it lasts.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E29 3/29/2023 Tik-Tok Say What?

Oh man, if you are the kind of person that likes to stay on top of the zeitgeist, catching REAL breaking news before it breaks, YOU need to read the article linked above. Before you do though, be sure to subscribe to the Louder With Crowder channel on Rumble, because YouTube is almost as disturbingly gay as that chick, Audrey Hale, who shot up a school in Nashville, Tennessee, & now guess who’s getting the blame? The trans community? No. Psych meds? No. ONE person’s lone lunacy? NO. They’re blaming guns, & Christians, & the patriarchy, & homo-transphobes, & those crazy white supreme pizzas of course. Yep, as if on queue, blaming everything & everyone except the psychopathic bitch with a murderous intent. I mean seriously, IT IS ASTOUNDING seeing these liberal lunatics going berserker mode over this, arguably even blaming the dead children, & yikes have the social media posts from them been so utterly atrocious, it’s revolting. When will enough be enough be enough from these beta twerp buzzword-programmed freaks? Yes, FREAKS, the LGBTQ community, including their supporters, is riddled with degenerates, pedos, & mental patients, seemingly more-so, rather than less-so. I don’t see any of them denouncing what their comrades are doing, do you?

Anyway, not here to rant about the societal AIDS know as the LGBTQ community, I’m here to expose what these utterly-corrupted scumbag politicians are trying to sneak into the “Tik-Tok banning bill,” as it is allegedly ascribed to be. Oh wait, it seems it’s NOT really about banning Tik-Tok, it’s a bill that will basically be like the Patriot Act, except it’s for the Internet. Senate Bill 686, eerily close to 666, nothing weird there, but this bill has details in the proverbial fine print that give this rogue regime the power to come after ANYONE who posts content that THEY deem to be “inappropriate.” What might that entail? Great question, thanks for asking. That would mean yours truly, could be in that category. Why?…because I report the God-damned TRUTH, & in this increasingly tyrannical country, that’s soon to be verboten, apparently. Anyone else who writes about the truth, and/or makes memes that might hurt some pussy’s feelings, and/or makes videos that aren’t abiding the “community guidelines,” are going to be rounded up in the game category as myself. Sound familiar? Rounding up those who do not abide the will of the State? If not, try a history book instead of jerking off in your mom’s basement.

What do I, as a sovereign human being, say to these corrupt politicians pushing this insanely Orwellian bill? How about GO FUCK YOURSELVES? How about BRING IT BITCHES? How about I WILL NEVER BEND THE KNEE TO YOU PIG-FARM SWINE? Be sure to spell my name right on the warrants you pieces of shit. It’s B-L-O-W(space)M-E…got it? If only armed Americans could unify & simply remove this cancer that has infected our country so deeply, that by now, said cancer could be terminal. Not being hyperbolic either, because at this rate, there’s no way we’re going to make it to 2024. The true death of a nation, & even if we do, I personally believe it’s foolish for anyone to believe that ONE man, that dastardly hashtag #OrangeManBad man, the infamous Donald J. Trump, is going to somehow save not only the country, but the entire world from the agenda these shadowplayer Deep State globalists are unleashing on the world right now in real-time, at the behest of their minions. That’s a lot of eggs to put into one orange basket, just saying. Might wanna leggo your eggo, because the cult of Trump is still a cult, don’t forget that, particularly if you’re still in it 1000%. What would they do if something were to happen to him?

Nonetheless, I left several links in this article for all of you, & for none of you at all. Information is power, but so is an army, & unfortunately the same fuckwads pushing this malapropismic “bi-partisan” bill, are the ones with an actual military at their command. Would they use it on their own citizens? Of course they would, they WANT to, & these morons on the left are so far-gone, that they’ll be the first ones lined up, because that’s how it REALLY goes in Communist shithole countries. Again, read a history book. I know, I know…facts & history, like kryptonite to the legion of programmed NPC foot soldiers, who spend their days angry & rageful…grrrrrr…rage, rage, rage…the projection is staggering, & that’s why they’re all so fugly. Fugly people with fugly energy that act like fugly fuglies. It’s so gross…ugh, just rotten, nasty, disgusting people, & if any of their buzzwords get triggered…REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honking like a clown car off a cliff, but I digress, as usual. Until next time dear readers, don’t be fugly, just be free. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Information is power, but so is an army.” Fish F Fish

“Don’t be a fuggo, be a freeto.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S3 E26 3/26/2023 Flushing

Sunday again…man these weeks fly by, it’s so insane, isn’t it? Certainly, I am NOT alone noticing this, am I? I don’t think I am, because I have a fancy-fingered friend that agrees with me. “Friday to Friday,” he says, & damn if he isn’t right over the target. He doesn’t seem to miss much these days; I drop red pills his way like Pez, & he returns the favor with his own 3-headed cow shots, so I’ll give him real proper credit for the agreement that the 4th temporal dimension of time is NOT just seeming to go faster as we age, it actually IS going faster. I’ve mentioned the analogy of the flushing toilet several times in prior posts, but it’s not just for imagery’s sake, since the 4d time spiral operates, for lack of a better word, like a flushing toilet. Faster & faster, as the spiral tightens, faster & faster, until the logs you dropped off at the porcelain pool SWOOSH away, into the hole at the end of the spiraling. What if it’s a black hole, causing the time spiral to speed up until IT flushes itself too? Wouldn’t that be crazy? Time moves faster & faster until all of us, the planet, the Sun, the entire solar system, until we get SWOOSHED too, as the black hole gobbles us all up. “Where would we go?” I say to myself. Where do YOU think we go? What could be on the other side?

Does the inside become the outside again? Is it Ouroboroscious, time eating its own tail as the end becomes the beginning, only to become the end again someday? Remember, time itself is only relative as we know it from our 3d perception, & we barely even “know” anything about anything at all, do we? Nope, humans, myself definitely included, are dumb as fuck, but hang on…don’t get mad at me just yet. I say we’re dumbasses, MYSELF INCLUDED, because the powers-that-be have hijacked the zeitgeist, filling human minds with endlessly senseless broadcast programming to keep us from knowing our true power. If we had our true power, we wouldn’t need them, now would we? Trust me, they know this though, which is why they do all they can to suppress us, to keep us docile, to only let us learn what they say we can learn, to make us fat, so we’re too lazy & slow to do anything productive other than work at some ridiculous job we hate for slave wages. They’re poisoned the food, the water, the air, the public education system, the workforce, the government, the military, essentially the entire world, you could say, has been envenomated with this cancer they’ve created. Yes, your so-called leaders are a malevolently malignant cancerous mass, & at this point, I fear the cancer is too widespread & out of control to be stopped, much less eradicated.

Anyway, back to the flushing time toilet, because as I write this in my present, then you read it in my past, the spiral loops & loops, faster & faster, coiling up, toward what though? Great question, thanks for playing. To be honest, & obviously, I don’t have a fucking clue. If I did, I’d clue you all in, but like I said, I have no idea really, & everything I think about it is speculation. Can’t find the truth without speculating on the truth first. I’m gonna have to quote that one. Yep, dat rando fish-ism be a keepa fo sho(in some made-up tropical-islandian accent). I have a fun little book of quotes I’m putting together, & have quite a few now, but I digress, as usual. Let’s see here, where was I? I wrote half of this then got distracted, & now several hours later, I’ve lost the frequency I had previously dialed into. Maybe adjust the dial a bit…static, static, some savagely extremest Christian preacher screaming about God, no that won’t do, static, static, Mexican radio, nope, keep turning, static, static, hang on, BOOM, the flushing toilet of time station, got it, a bit to the right, & there it is, clean frequency. Oh yeah, the hole, so what’s in this hole? You know the hole, the hole that drains the toilet, but as it relates to the 4th dimension of time, if time, particularly spacetime as we know it, is in fact an ever-acceleratingly tightening spiral, sucking into its own hole, per se, what is THAT hole?

A toilet hole is just the pipe that sucks the poopoos & peepees & soiled toilet paper into the sewer, then to a water processing plant, then after the water has been purified, it comes right back to fill up that toilet you just flushed, analogous to the Ouroboros, is it not? Now clearly, we have to draw a line in the similarities, right, or do we? Maybe WE are the poopoos & peepees & soiled toilet paper getting flushed, right now in real time, circling round & round, down down down, sucking down into the great hole of mystery. I mentioned earlier that perhaps it’s a black hole, the one in the center of our galaxy, & since scientists can STILL only theorize what is actually there, we have no way to truly know unfortunately, now do we? Some say it’s a black hole, some say it’s The Galactic Central Sun. If it’s a “central sun,” it’s fucking huge, YUGE, like insanely massive, almost unfathomable how big it is, but since most people seem to constantly underestimate just how big space itself actually is, they just see the images of galaxies from our space telescopes & think little of it. I’d wager most of the populous never thinks of space beyond looking up at the night sky occasionally. Nonetheless, we are tiny, teeny weeny tiny teeny, arguably at an sub-atomic level compared to the size of not only the Universe, not just our own Milky Way galaxy, but even in our own little solar system, we are so fucking small, just quarks in meat suits. Isn’t it surreal how we can use microscopes to see things that to us, are incredibly small, but if you zoom out the other way, WE become the aforementioned “incredibly small” particles. Wanna see just how small & big we are at the same time? Check out this video below I linked for you, dear readers. The FisH™ abides, & you know this.

Cool video, right? My favorite part is that when the zoom is fully out, & we can see the Universe as one big mass, it looks EXACTLY like the synapses in our own brains. Maybe our brains are their own Universes, & we live in the brain of some entity that exists in a higher spatial dimension, could that be true? If it were true, it would be an entity from the 8th dimension, or perhaps the 13th, but sadly, we can never know from this 3rd dimension we are all currently stuck in. It’s impossible actually, which only amplifies how incredibly small we are in all aspects. That’s right, we are just tiny little meat puppets, with an equally tiny fractional consciousness. I could keep going with this topic, as any of regular readers know.

Oh yes, I could write 10000 pages about the smallness of humanity, & another 10000 pages about humanity’s ignorance & disturbing lack of humbleness of their respectively tiny sizes. Oh the complaints, the incessant whining, the loud-mouthed programming, the exaggerated -isms, you’re all so important, right? The Universe so vast, revolves around something so pathetically insignificant as yourself, & so many of you not only believe that, you exist accordingly. Me me me me me, mine mine mine mine mine, whine whine whine whine whine, the redundant complaints & bitching about your egocentrically obnoxious lives, especially in Clownworld. Modern 4th wave women, beta twerp simp males, & self-absorbed homosexuals, just bitch machines. Leave your complaints with the manager & shut the fuck up already. Sick of fucking hearing it from every God-damned direction it seems like. Obviously, not directing this at anyone specifically, because I’m speaking proverbially, & if you have a solid grasp on your own critical-thinking skills, you understand the YOU that I’m referring to. I admit, we’ve all been self-centered at times, but this modern-day LARPing, ugh, it’s an entire pseudo-lifestyle that revolves around “self.” What the fuck makes YOU so special, any & all & none of you? What do you do that implies everyone else bend the knee to you, & kiss your smelly ass? See Tik-Tok for examples, or just click the cringy link I left.

Okay, before I go off the rails with more ramblous rambling, I’m gonna end this Sunday Foozeronay. Yikes, what a terrible display of garbage alliteration, sheesh. Regardless, until next time dear readers, remember you small you really are, & how vast your consciousness can be, but you can’t let your smaller self get caught up in your higher self. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Don’t let your smaller self, get caught up in your higher self.” Fish F Fish🎏

Rider on the Storm

This story below was written by your truly, roughly 10 years ago, wayyyyyy back at the “nascent” stage of this site. It was actually first published via a site called “Nascent Digital Publishing,” hence why I threw some quotes around the word “nascent” back there. The publisher of the site also contracted me to write 4 self-help books for that site, under a pen name, which I did promptly. I wrote all 4 books in 2 days. 2 of the 4 books I wrote are still live in Amazon/Kindle. I’ll link them below, but they totally suck & I wouldn’t pay shit for them. Why, you might be wondering? Great question, thanks for playing. The publisher is a drug addict, probably dead, & essentially scammed writers, to write SELF-HELP books, of all topics ironically, only to stick his stupid name on the books he had nothing to with, ultimately to take all the profits for himself. Fuck that scumbag, who stole, & continues to steal any royalties myself, or any of the other writers for the other books he pulled this hustle with. The entire project was lame, pirating from the “new-age” movement of the early 2000s. The marketing was horrible, the books look like generic tacky trash; I had nothing to do with designing the covers. Look at them though, ugh, bloody revolting. Basic as fuck. Weak sauce. Yep, the whole process was pukeworthy from start to finish. If you ever run into a guy named Thom Byxbe, roshambo that crippled drug addict for me, would ya? Regardless, enjoy the story below. I had read a report about a man unfortunately losing his life trying to escape from a tornado. I pictured his final fleeing moments, then decided to illustrate said moments, for him, & for all of you, & for none of you at all. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

👇🏻🚨Alert to All Writers🚨👇🏻


Do NOT buy this crap
Do NOT buy this crap either

   Rider on the Storm 2013

Right now there is a series of powerful thunderstorms racing across the Midwest U.S. Reports are still coming in as I write. I saw that there was a single reported death of a man who tried to hide in a shed when it apparently collapsed and killed him. I picture the actual event:


   The wind picks up. This guy is just out on his land, doing his thing, but what was his thing this day? Maybe he was on his farm, doing farm things, but what about that moment? Maybe having a smoke, petting his dog, in those final moments that he was unaware were in fact, his final moments. What was going on with this poor unfortunate guy? We can only speculate. Like I said, whatever he was doing, he realizes around him the wind is getting stronger, then much stronger, then much louder and unbelievably stronger. He looks up and notices the sky looks quite dark and violent. He sees the trees really starting to move; he hears thunder and lightning mixing in with the ever-growing force of the wind. Now he must be thinking, “This is getting a little crazy.” Or was he? Did he just not take it too seriously until the last minute? Or did it come up so fast that he could only go so far to try to escape? In his own world to himself, there he was, one lone little being against an over-whleming force of nature. What exactly happened?

   Let’s say that he just was so into his own world that he thought it wasn’t going to be as serious as it was, until it was too late. Here he was, going about his own personal trip, then the weather gets strange, but by the time he realizes the unusuality of this weather, it becomes inescapably violent. He realizes that now he is in a very precarious situation. The wind is really howling furiously, like a hungry dog on the hunt, when suddenly, he hears a high-pitch noise, like a train in the distance, but getting exponentially closer by the second. He looks around, where can he go? Wait, there’s a shed, a shelter to protect from the elements, & much better than being outside he decides. Running on instinct, he runs for the shed, & hides inside, again presuming that the safety of any shelter would be better than an outright open-air confrontation against the wrath of nature’s fury. What could be going through his mind? Maybe thoughts of the immediate safety of this hiding spot, could be thoughts of those he loves, perhaps thoughts of not surviving, or was it raw primal fear? The wind is now roaring, things begin to shake, what comes next, does he just let go, does he pray? Then the wind gets so loud he becomes deaf, all gets dark, everything shakes from it’s place, a lot of chaos and commotion, such intense violence, such horrifying terror. Then, all within a few seconds, an eternity of momentary time, before whoosh, and he’s just gone, taken away with the storm, & then there was the quiet. Yes, that quiet that only comes after a storm, or an earthquake, or even a metal-crunching car crash; a silence that’s eerie, albeit peaceful, so to speak. All of the pandemonium, over & done, gone, seemingly as quick as it began. The proverbial, “in the wrong place at the wrong time,” for this unfortunate fellow, who lost his life in such a tragic manner.

   Now let’s also ponder if it all happened so fast, he had even less time to contemplate his dire situation. Here he is, on his trip as before, doing whatever it was he was doing. He is really into his current job or task or melodrama that he fails to notice the sky above him changing rapidly. He senses the wind but dismisses it as normal, just the front before an everyday thunderstorm. Nothing to get too worried about. Suddenly, the wind whips really strong, and then another even stronger gust, enough to get his attention, then the high-pitch noise seems to come from nowhere and be right upon him. Everything becomes a vortex of destruction around him. The noise becomes overbearing; sounds of trees breaking, the roaring of the tornado, death upon you. He dives into this little shed, mistakingly assuming that it can shield him from the fury of this monster. There is no time to think of anything, himself, those he loves, tomorrow, he is in pure adrenal survival mode. The darkness ensues. For a moment, the shed holds and maybe he gets a fraction of time to have a thought of something, of anything. But by the time that thought is finished, the whoosh comes for him, the infinite loudness grows quiet as he leaves his shell and this mortal coil. 10 minutes earlier, he would’ve never imagined this for himself, now here he is, gone with the wind. 

   Either way you choose to look at it, I hope you all have gained some perspective on how sacred time is and how none of your time should be taken for granted. At any moment, it can all change so very fast. This poor soul was here, and now he is not. One can look at it and think, “It was just his time.” One can also look at it as just another freak occurrence. The fact is that I didn’t know this guy. He may have been a total asshole and a waste of life and so his departure will be missed by no one. He may have also been the sweetest fellow in the world, a good father, noble brother, wise grandfather. Maybe he wasn’t old enough to be any of those, maybe he still had a lot of life left. The story gives no detail, no age, no location, no name. The story may not even be real, but this story has happened many times before, so for me to illustrate it holds true regardless of when and where and who. Just thought I would give you all some food for thought today as these storms continue to unfurl across the US heading East. I have immortalized this poor guy’s tragedy in words that go beyond his soon-to-be-made tombstone and his forthcoming obituary. Despite who he may or may not have been, I’ll give that to him for losing his life to Mother Nature. May he fare well wherever his soul may be. Stay alert and stay informed, eyes wide open. Love to all. 

Hope you enjoyed that. Until next time, dear readers, watch out for the oncoming storm.


Who Cares?

Isn’t my silly little Oompa Loompa GIF fun? I made this like 7 or 8 years ago maybe. No skip in the GIF either, as even back then, I was well-aware of the infamous “skip in the GIF,” & was quite meticulous to make sure the “skip” ain’t in the GIF. Anyway, who cares? Easy answer: NOBODY, no one gives a flying fart about a “skip in a GIF.” Derp. I care, but no one else does. Does anything even matter then really? These little blips of an existence here we all experience before POOF, you’re just gone, gone like a dried-up dandelion, as you blow it into the wind. The only thing I’ve ever watched actually die, was my cat Fritz. He was there, they gave him the drugs, then 10 seconds of an eternity later, he was gone, just gone. So…final, yes that’s the word, & it really sucks for everyone left behind, in that case, me. The quiet of all of his things when I got home was so surreal. He was just not here anymore, but where did he go?

Well, they say your pets go to the Rainbow Bridge (👈🏻click link to read more), & of course, I’d like to believe that. I’d like to believe SOMETHING happens when sentient life is extinguished from its 3d meat suit. Dogs & cats dream too, & I think that anything that can dream, has a conscious immortal soul that has always been here, & will always be here. If that’s the case, you never actually lose your pets when they die, as they are your eternal soul companions, & you always find each other throughout your countless reincarnations. When they die, they just aren’t here, but they’re there, wherever there is, maybe the aforementioned “Rainbow Bridge,” I don’t know. I’d like to believe it’s real though, & I kind of have proof that it is, although I’m sure I’m stretching my “proof” a bit, because I’m obviously going to be bias. The pragmatist in me has a different view, but the mindfully hopeful me, has nearly convinced me via said “proof,” that the Rainbow Bridge and/or a “pet afterlife,” DOES, in fact, exist. Want the “proof?”

My new cat, Milo, is quite possibly Fritz, reincarnated in a new cat, & why might I think this? Well, Fritz & I had a uniquely close bond. That little dude & me went through some seriously dark times, as dark as it gets, but he was with me all the way through it. Unfortunately, & I will never not feel at least partially responsible for this, he had kidney failure at the young age of 11, & died slowly over the course of a year or so. Maybe it was what I fed him, maybe it was something at some point in the bad environments I was in, I don’t know, but 11 is too young for kidney failure, too young to die for a cat. Anyway(tear falls), it was the worst time ever, & things got dark for awhile for yours truly, as dark as the edge of the perimeter of life, right on the edge, so close, & somehow I came all the way back. Until last year, when the crypto crash wiped me out like a surfer riding giant waves, just wiped the fuck out. Everything I fought so hard to get back, gone, but I’ve ranted about that before, so excuse the digression. I’m still dealing with it in real-time, so it just comes out. Anyway, back to the darkness of death…

Then one day, 4 years ago, a curious little kitten just kind of came from nowhere, like literally, it’s very odd, almost spooky how we found each other, so I named this little curiosity Milo, & there he was. Didn’t take long for me to notice that he stuck to me like glue, like a glued-on shadow, same as Fritz, & you know what else didn’t take long to notice? The bond, it was the same unexplainable soul bond I had with Fritz, but now it was Milo. Is Milo possibly my sweet Fritz reincarnated? Milo is Fritz, Fritz is Milo, Finkel is Einhorn.

I don’t know…like I said earlier, the pragmatist in me says, “Nah, that’s just how cats are. You’re a good cat dad & he knows it, so it seems like Fritz, but it’s a totally different entity altogether. Now get your head out of the clouds & go make us some croissants, 2 regular, one chocolate, don’t forget the syrup & butter.”

However, the wishful existentialist in me counters by proclaiming, “Stop listening to the pragmatist, he’s always bluntly honest, which is good, but he’s an asshole about it. He doesn’t know for sure either. Does he remember being born? No. No one knows the true answer. It’s good to believe in “life” continuing after we die, & that it’s NOT just this, then it’s over forever. If there’s also a Rainbow Bridge in the afterlife, where you reunite with your forever-pets, that’s great. You’ve dreamt of such things, so why can it NOT be real, at least as real as real is once you cross over after death? Have some faith in something. will ya?”

Hmmm, I’d say the existentialist won that one. Valid points, & you cannot deny the pragmatist and/or dismiss him completely, but considering my own personal experiences, the daily synchronous “reminders” reminding me that this trip here on 3d Earth is insanely temporary, yet has a divine purpose. It only seems like a long time sometimes when you’re here, but I don’t think the concept of time, as we know it here in 3d, exists in the place where you go when you die. If it is truly the 5th dimension that you return to, it would be like a dream. Does time seem “relevant” when you’re dreaming? No, it doesn’t, & hours can fly by like seconds, although in the dream space it could seem like days. See what I mean, see how time gets overtly distorted when you sleep, is that because you’re caught between 3d space, 4d time, & 5d where your soul is free?…& since 5d does not follow the laws of 4d time, it causes a “distortion” in your own perception of said time perhaps? Of course, I have no way of definitively proving this, & it’s just something I’ve hung onto for a long time for some reason. I would certainly like that to be the case though, & what a sense of refreshment that must be, the return to 5d, the FULL return, not this halfway-there thing that happens when you sleep & dream.

Unfortunately, I’ve never really gotten to mention this to anyone in person. Why? Good question, & I don’t know why. Communication breakdown maybe? I come from a family unit of 1980s programmed television zombies. Watch tv, consume, obey, work, sleep, eat, shit, piss, repeat, repeat, repeat…yikes. What a fucking mess these baby boomers created, my entire generation, the Gen-X tv babies, such programming, which sadly, extended to the next generation, squared, & then the next generation, squared again, all into this societal conundrum that the American public has become. Just look at that insane State of the Union speech last night, what a disaster, & completely reflective of these baby boomer dinosaurs still fucking it up for everyone else. Mark Dice, one of the few journalists left that I trust, just posted a great video detailing last night’s atrocious debacle. There’s a bonus from Chris Rock in the video too, bringing in some comedy from when he was still funny, to this ever-growing tragedy unfolding in real-time as this country sinks lower & lower into 3rd world communism. Oh I almost forgot…THEN, after Chris Rock, Dice posts a video from the infamous “Orange Man,” announcing his 2024 Presidential run, which I’m sure will create even more chaos. Wunderbar. Buckle up. Honk honk honk…

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻ROLL THE CLIP👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Unfortunately, no one cares. No one cares what I think, or what I write about, or how I try to spread TRUTH, God forbid. I keep writing though, it’s all I got, my writing & my animations, on an endless loop, & there it is, always as if on queue, my circularity, the beginning birthing the end, then dying into a new beginning. My literary ouroboros, as if with a mind of its own, never fails to find me when I write these. No one cares about my circularity, I know, but I do. Maybe I’m the only one, the Lone Ranger who truly appreciates the circularity of a well-written article. I mean, IT finds me, not the other way around, & to me, that’s a fascinating phenomenon. I don’t know, I’m weird, but that’s how this weird fish rolls I suppose. Until next time, meh doesn’t matter, no one cares, right? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Doesn’t matter, no one cares.” ~Fish F Fish🎏