Sweet Sleep

Heavy Wave is Coming…

Can you feel it? The rumble of an immense wave, coming closer, & closer, & closer, until one day, WHOOSH. What will you do dear readers, when the wave is crested above your heads, about to crash down on you, with all the force of an ultra-tsunami behind it, whatever will you do?…now check out the music video below, or don’t, it’s up to you, not me. Cheers, & enjoy if you watch. So sayeth Fish🎏

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

Goodbye past,
Here comes a vague taste,
Of bitter future, bitter future,
Very strange taste

Heavy wave is coming,
Heavy wave on the way.
Heavy wave from immense loss,
Heavy wave from a weird dream where I’m,
Forever alone, forever alone…

Goodbye future, 
I stayed in my memories, 
Goodbye future, 
I’m done with it.

Heavy wave is coming, 
Heavy wave on the way,

Heavy wave from immense loss, 
Heavy wave from a weird dream where I am, 
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone,
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone, 
Forever alone, forever alone…🎣

The Fooze: S6E8 6/8/2023 Updations

Sunrise, EaTaLLYouRFisH™, circa 2012, click HERE for more 🍥

This is just an update, a lil’ update, in regards to my daily Foozers. Of course, I will be continuing these on the day-to-day, no worries there, but I am ALSO going to be writing a new book. That’s the plan anyway, & luckily for me, almost none, NONE, of my plans ever reach fruition. Never fails, yet still I push that boulder back up the hill, only for it roll back down over me in true Sisyphusian fashion. I cannot reveal the title, or the contents, as I am saving all of that for the day it’s successfully published. I’ll offer one hint for you though dear readers, & that hint is this: All the fish you can eat shall be served.

No, don’t even try, because you’ll never guess what my book is going to be about, as it should be. Gotta hang on to the novelty, right? Also, what if the book is never written, but I offered a nebulous hint, as well as proclaiming, “I’m going to write a new book,” would that be kosher? No, it clearly wouldn’t, & thus, you’ll all just have to wait. I got the starting paragraph rolling, but there’s still a lonnnnnnng way to go. Ironically, it feels analogous to a cross-country drive. Once you get going, you’re going, & going, & going…go, go, GO, you’re trucking’ right along. Eventually, after some stops for gas, & beef jerky, & sleepy sleepies, you complete your journey. You’re home; your book is complete. Get that one? Got that one? Grrrrrrrrrreat Lumbergh.

Clever analogies are fun, yes? They are for me; it almost feels like finding a relic with a metal detector, when one of these literary devices discovers yours truly, as I discover it. It’s a mutual discovery, & then once you all read it, we’ve all discovered, isn’t that Wunderbar? I digress though, as always, even on a short little pop-tart article like this one. Not even an article, per se, it’s more like an announcement, like a graduation announcement, or perhaps a wedding announcement. Holy hell, analogies, similes, so much metaphorical literary language. Whatever will we do? I don’t know about you, dear readers, but I know what I am going to do, & that is to GET STARTED ON WRITING A BOOK. I capped that because it’s not just for me, it’s for you, for all of you, & for none of you at all. If you say you’re a writer, a REAL writer, a true warrior of the quill, then where’s your writing? If you can’t show it, your girlfriend can blow it. How bout them matzah balls? Until next time Fishheads, remember this: It all begins with a pen. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

“It all begins with a paintbrush & a pen.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4E24 4/24/2023 The Week Ahead

Call me Nostrafishus, but I have a feeling there’s an “event,” of some kind, imminently going down this week. I don’t know why, or when, or who, or how, but I have a feeling it has to do with this fake alien Chinese spy balloon scripted narrative bullshit they are pushing via the fake news mainstream media, albeit subtly, but nonetheless, they’re still pushing it. It’s called Project Blue Beam, & if you are not aware, click the link & read up, because if they do this, millions of dumbfucks will believe it, as quickly as they believed they needed a “vaccine” for a fake virus plandemic test run. Yep, the television said so, & so they went & rolled up their sleeves, lining up in rows for their jabs, just like the hapless sheep they are. It’s sad really, just utterly sad how fickle the masses are, & so easily led with total compliance. They deserve whatever happens to them now, with that DNA/RNA modifier poison in their bloodstreams…sorry not sorry, I told you all what they were doing, told you what would happen, & holy hell if I wasn’t 1000% right. I lost friends, even some family, over the Covaids bullshit, & if you think the mass psychosis scare tactics are over, think again poopsy, because we’ve yet to see the full extent of how far these idiots at the top will go to retain their stolen power.

Anyway, not saying there’s going to be a fake alien invasion this upcoming week, obviously, but I am aware of the narrative, & they tend to let everyone know before they actually commit the crime. That’s how they remove the blame from themselves, at least that’s what they believe. Yep, by letting you know first, that essentially puts the fault on YOU, according to them & the pseudo-god they venerate, for letting your free will misguide you into believing whatever they’re telling you. How do you solve this conundrum? Simple; you do NOT abide. Don’t believe a fucking thing these maniacs atop the power pyramid tell you. Got it? Believe NOTHING they tell you…& in fact, believe the opposite, if you’re going to believe anything at all. I do not believe, nor disbelieve in anything they puke out onto the zeitgeist. I stay out of the whole “belief’ game entirely. I just make myself aware of whatever they are pushing, then make my own conclusions accordingly, but I don’t offer belief and/or disbelief in anything. Why?…because I don’t know. Honestly, I have no clue, how can anyone believe anything really, considering all the lifetime of lies from the powers-that-be, & thus, everything I say is via my own speculations. For me, this is MY trip, so the reasonings I construct in my own head, are for me, & me alone. Sure, this IS for all of you, & for none of you at all, but like your so-called “leaders,” I just expose the truth, then YOU take whatever you want, or do not want, & then the personal responsibility is on YOU to play your hand, not me. The difference is that I offer TRUTH, not the scripted narrative artificial pseudo-reality they shove down your respective throats on a 24/7 basis. I’m just a truth dealer, so deal with it, or don’t, the choice is, & has always been, yours, & yours alone.

No, what I do is nothing…I repeat, NOTHING, like what your overlords do to you. They do everything they do out of deception, & self-interest. I want nothing from you, & despite my occasional appearance of plausible narcissism, there’s no self-interest here, trust me, & I actually want YOU to help yourselves, to get free, free from The Great Mouse Trap, free from the boot on your neck, free from the programming you’ve been subject to since birth, & most importantly, free from YOUR own chains that bind you to your own proverbial Platonian prison. Unfortunately, my message doesn’t go very far, because the AI shoots my digital carrier pigeons out of the sky as soon as they fly, but nonetheless, I STILL make sure that there’s at least something new up daily, even if it’s only one article, I STILL make sure it’s up, for all of YOU, not for me. I get nothing out of this of material value, but what I do get, is a non-participation, actually-earned trophy, at the finish line of this game of life. Why do I get a trophy, you might be musing over?…because creators ALWAYS win in the end, & despite them taking everything from me, literally almost everything, I STILL create, rather than destroy. There can always be a light in the darkness, but never vice-versa. Quote that one. Your leaders, along with their AI mentor false idol un-god, can take whatever material crap they can from me, but they can never take my words, my creations, or my immortally-created soul, or my denial to bend the knee to these censoring biased big tech tyrant destroyers. Fuck them, fuck them all up their beta twerp nerd butt-plugged asses. They’re lucky they do this to me digitally, because if I could ever get my hands on one of their scrawny necks…but I digress, as always.

Yes, I know, I’ve done much longer daily Foozers, but I never plan these, & they kind of just write themselves. Hell, I don’t even really know what I’ve wrote, until it has been written. Regardless, I will reiterate my initial inclination at the introduction to this illustrious illustration, & that is, that there will be some kind of event that will have a dynamically consequential effect on the planet. Again, I do NOT know what said event will be; I can’t predict the future, obviously, or I certainly wouldn’t be doing THIS, now would I? I just have one of those gut feelings, that shenaniganery from the CIA, along with the industrial military complex, aided by their exponentially-advancing “sentient” AI mentor, is going to pull of something to drastically affect the snowballing zeitgeist later this week. I could be wrong, & most likely I am, but I am simply exposing the truth, & throwing it out there that they are up to more soullessly evil malevolence, in the shadows, as usual. While everyone is looking at trannies & Trump, these dastardly fuckers in the Capstone Club are fulfilling their one world, new world order agenda, right now, in real time. I know though, I know, I know, I fucking know, it doesn’t matter, along with anything else that might slip out of these fanciful fire-fingers while I write this in my present, & you read it in my past. None of this means anything, except to maybe one, one really special person, if only she’d open her fucking eyes already, but I’m not holding my breath waiting on a woman. that might be arguably the ultimate exercise in utter futility, but again, I digress.

That’s going to wrap up this Monday Foozer, which I’m actually writing Sunday night, to get ahead of the day, & the week for that matter, since the article is titled, “The Week Ahead,” ya know? Weeks, days, months, minutes, years, time is just relentlessly moving forward, faster & faster it seems, running out quickly…so very quickly, for all of us. Don’t waste anymore of this time we have left. Savor it, savor the flavor, & step it up to do what you want, to be what you want, to be with who you want, whomever you love. Love is real, despite all the shitty low-vibrating loveless scum in this world, love is real, & if you happen to find it, hang onto it, because one day, it could all be gone, just like that…POOF, over, done, game over, no respawning here in the real world. Until next tie dear readers, remember, dead is dead, the end, & so while you’re still alive, LIVE. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Dead is dead, so while you’re still alive, LIVE.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E5 3/5/2023 Them Apples

Uh oh, I’ve now moved the false-flag probability meter from 8 to 9, & the scale goes from one to ten, just to clarify. Yep, she went from a loose 8, to a solid 9, & I’m speculating that this upcoming week there might be some kind, yet ANOTHER kind, of orchestrated disastrous event designed to distract you and/or push one of their scripted narratives into the zeitgeist. We knew where Covaids came from, we knew it & we told you, & it sure as fuck was NOT bat soup. What did so many of you do? You called us “delusional conspiracy theorists,” & oh my were we publicly demonized for telling all of you THE TRUTH. I, for one, never backed down & now, the origins of Covaids are…guess what they are? NOW PUBLICLY REPORTED TO BE FROM A CHINESE LAB. How about them apples? The MSM fake news propaganda pushers are a joke, just rotten fruit, right? Filled with worms & slime, just low-hanging trashy bad apples. Even the bonkers-birds on the lunatic left won’t eat their bad apples anymore. The powers-that-be know this, because of course, with the help of AI, they analyze all the data in real-time, & use this knowledge to their advantage, but they’ve gone too far, so far gone in fact that they’re unprecedentedly desperate. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic things, very predictively unpredictable, which is why I’m SPECULATING, that with the advent of this Covaids information being released to the public, they are right now in real time masterminding some new narrative-driven disaster scenario that distracts us all from THE TRUTH.

Don’t blame me, this is THEM, not me, I’m just an animated illustrator with nothing left to lose. Each day I meticulously go through all the “breaking news” from Clownworld, then find the bits & bobs that actually ring TRUTH, rather than whatever narrative they happen to be barfing out for the day. Then, I sprinkle some of my FisH™ magic on said truth, referring to my own personalized homemade 2d/3d animation that I add to give my articles life, so to speak. Then, after proofreading & adding my tags, BOOM, I’m smacking that “PUBLISH” button like Will Smith, & now you’re reading in the past, what I wrote in my present. That’s it, that’s all I do, for now anyway, exposing TRUTH, for all of you, & for none of you at all, & if you don’t understand what that means, I suggest you read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by the great Friedrich Nietzsche. That book is arguably the best book ever written; I’ve read it several times, & each time I do, I find a new gem that I missed in prior reads. This book will change your life, especially for so many of you down on your luck in this upside-down senseless world, thus I HIGHLY recommend you find a hard copy to keep around for yourself in case the lights turn off. Or, in this modern age, perhaps you prefer to audiobook books, while the lights are still on? If so, no worries, as always, FisH™ has you covered. Scroll down…just below the lil’ white behbeh getting smacked off the mystery box…word up.

No, this wonky world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & now that the deep-fake meme has been birthed, just wait & see what happens when the meme evolves into its own macro-organism. Not familiar with the reference? That’s a concept from The Lucifer Principle, also a must read for all deep divers, & also a mind-blower. There’s SO many of you still chained to yourselves inside the proverbial Cave, watching the fiery illusions dance on the cave wall, listening to the echoes in the shadows only to debate their pseudo-merit as if you were scholars, but this is all make-believe, not the real reality. The REAL nature of this world is found OUTSIDE the Cave, not inside of it, not down deep into the darkness. Oh wait, not getting this reference either? That’s okay, people only know what they know, that’s why I’m here. I’m outside the Cave, BEEN outside the Cave for seemingly forever now, waving my arms, shouting down to all of you to “Come on up, the sunshine is Divine!”…but most of you shun me, even hate me, as it were. “The world is down here, in the dark!” you exclaim with your pale faces & your beady eyes. I’m going to stop right there, because those of us who swim in the deep end of the pool know the Cave dwellers, as well as the Sun, but the shallow swimmers might still be going out just far enough where they can barely touch, then going back to the shallows, so let’s give them some more reference, shall we?

Above, you can click to listen to The Lucifer Principle, & it’s a long one so only parts 1 through 6, then it’s up to you to go deeper, & of course, I’ll link below The Allegory of the Cave, from Plato’s Republic. FisH™ has delivered a hat trick of must-read literature, that will resonate respectively as it applies to each of you individually. Some of you are deep divers, maybe even deeper than yours truly, & some of you are shallow swimmers still, which is fine, as long as everyone realizes it’s all one big oceanic-sized pool. There’s a deep end with no bottom, where the abyss really does stare back at you, which is where I like to dive, as deep as I can go, & then there’s a kiddie pool. All one has to do is be brave enough to go deeper, but that relies on your own relationship with your own free will, something only YOU can do. I’m like. lifeguard, that points a lot, blows the whistle, occasionally throws out a life vest or two, but the rest is up to you, & you alone. This fish here though, I only ride the biggest waves, the swollen monsters that take me to the abyss, where few ever dare to go, but how could they if they aren’t big-wave riders? I’ll get into “wave-riding” another time, but nonetheless, that’s how I get to the deepest of the deep, & then I dive, down down wayyyyyyy down, & do you know how I do that? I let go, & just keep diving down, because I have the self-realization that I am immortal, we all are, & regardless of these meat suits we are all currently stuck in, NOTHING can truly “kill” you. In your mind, there are no boundaries, other than the walls you’ve built for yourself. Based on that notion alone, what is there ever to really be afraid of? Until next time, dear readers, remember this: YOU are immortal, & NOTHING can destroy you, except you. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“You are immortal, & nothing can destroy you, except you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“In your mind there are no boundaries, other than the walls you alone have built.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E25 2/25/2023 Dafuq is Goin On ‘Round Here?

There sure are A LOT of “random” explosions going on at various factories in, & now near the USA apparently lately, aren’t there? Sheesh. Not one, not two, but three, THREE “random” fires break out in oil facilities in ONE day, oh & they’re all owned by the same company, but nothing weird about that, right? Derp. Come on people, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. These desperate democrat scumfucks must’ve given the “go-code” to start the attack on America, because NONE of this bullshit is random. I for one, want some investigations, & some fucking answers, instead of the usual, “pay attention over here, not here” play from that crusty old playbook they use. They aren’t even really trying to be that covert about it either, & do you want to know why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY DON’T HAVE TO BE. Seemingly, there isn’t a single soul on the good side with enough oomp-pa-pa to do anything about it. Oh yes, I can bluntly proclaim the truth from my little pulpit here, but what does that do? It’s just another tiny part of a bigger tiny part that can do nothing, NOTHING, to stop these vile villains from fulfilling their end goal, which is, as I mentioned earlier, the total collapse of this country.

Did I not tell you these fuckers would burn it all down before they’d ever relinquish any of this glorious power they now wield? Now, they’re LITERALLY burning it down, burning it down in OVER 100 food-processing facilities, burning it down in chemical spills via orchestrated train derailments, now it looks like burning up our fuel supply. Oh, not to mention, burning up the citizens by Biblically-flooding fentanyl in from Mexico & China, & I quit counting dead friends from that shit, as they’re LITERALLY burning US down as well. So, again, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, & I call on EVERY armed American, to march to the Capitol, PEACEFULLY, armed only to defend ourselves, & arrest EVERY one of these corrupt politicians, including President Braindead himself, now who’s with me? (crickets)…& that’s the real problem isn’t it? Not enough people have the will, the virtue, the organizational skills, or frankly the inclination to do what I just illustrated. I admit, myself included, but only because I already know how forgone the general population is here. Most of them don’t have a clue, they’re so caught up in The Great Mouse Trap, chasing cheese-bait fiat money, left turn, right turn, left, left, get the cheese, right, left, right, right turn again, more cheese, round & round & round The Great Mouse Trap, & you call that “life.” FUCK OFF ALREADY. I don’t care if I die on this hill as alone as Helen Keller in a dark forest, fuck this ridiculous Great Mouse Trap, & fuck any of you for saying, “that’s just how it is,” if you’re one of those poo people, ya fucking slaves you.

Not how it is for everyone, & certainly not how it is for me. Go ahead & shoot me in my lilly white ass with the biggest, most powerful elephant gun tranquilizer you can find, then lock me up in a nuthouse for the rest of my life if I’m deemed “insane,” because I know I’m not. YOU are, if you abide this joke of an existence as “life.” I’m not you, & you aren’t a fish like me, who can see with my fish-eyed real eyes, the real lies that aren’t realized by most of you. I see it as clearly as backing up & looking at the whole painting on the wall, it’s just that easy for me. Then I look at all of you, gawking at a corner of the painting & arguing the merit of it, as Platonian Cave-like as it gets, stuck on shadows & echoes, rather than just walking out of the cave, & seeing the real world for the first time with your real eyes. Blame me, if these notions bother you, blame only me. Don’t blame you, blame me, I’ll take all that fiery blame you got, then light it on fire like a fart. I’m as stuck in this God-damned Great Mouse Trap like the rest of you, don’t assume I am not. Stuck like the guy who points you to the exits after movie night out with your favorite dandy. With old popcorn bits stuck to his shoes, & a uniform with cat hair on it, yet still, always saying, “This way to the exits. Make your way to the exit in an orderly fashion please,” but what does everyone do? They sit back down in their seats like retards staring at a blank screen in hopes that a new movie starts soon.

News flash: IT’S NOT, there is no new movie you dopey dopes, this theatre just plays the same movie, over & over & over, & that movie is called, “Chasing Cheese-bait Money.” Quite the film, got a 4-star review from your friends at the Magical Movie Review Place. Doesn’t matter what I say though, no one cares, as is par for my little mini-golf course facility I run here, where all the employees get stoned behind hole 13 & the caddies will most-likely hustle you for pocket money. Gotta keep writing though, filling this Fooze bucket with balls of truth, know what I mean? Such is my tee-time, what is yours? Until next time, dear reader, keep in mind…what else would I do though, if not for this? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“What else would I do though, if not for this?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E9 2/9/2023 Earthquakes

Oh my, looks like there was rumble in the Turkish jungle, a big one too, yikes. Can you imagine if an event like this happened here in the USA? Oh wait, with this pseudo-government in charge, the response would probably be as worse as the disaster itself. It would be one disaster cleaning up another, & unfortunately in this case, 2 negatives do NOT equal a positive. I’ve seen some videos of buildings toppling down in the aftermath, & it looks like the aftermath of a demolition. I mean, their construction standards aren’t quite up to par there as those in the western world methinks, but it was nothing but rubble left in some of the footage. Spooky, dang, that had to have been scary, especially if you were in one of those sub-standardly constructed buildings. I do not have the magic WordPress upgrade to directly link videos of my own to autoplay, only my no-skip GIFs, but I CAN link YouTube videos for you, if you want to watch some of the carnage.



Damn, looks no bueno over there, sheesh. I have some questions though, yeah, I have a few questions fo sho. Since when are are earthquakes localized? Particularly, in the 2nd video up there, in the drone footage. There’s a building that’s practically dust, then ALL the other ones look fine. Where’s the steel frames too?…this eerily reminds me of the same sort of destruction that happened on 9/11, how about you? No, no tin-foil hats here for fuck’s sake. The novelty of that meme died back in 2018-2019, catch up ya played-out tomato. Not to mention, too many “theories” have proven true, as in almost ALL OF THEM, so put on them critical-thinking skills caps, & use your EYES, not your feewings, then explain to me how a massive earthquake only does localized damage? Look at these images:👇🏻

Look at the still-standing buildings around the piles of rubble that used to be buildings. Glass intact, no much visible outer damage, but the one building by the cranes, to the ground in a big mound of something doesn’t add up, as usual. Nature is weird, I get it, but look how far the undamaged buildings go, yet the corner building there got so rocked that it looks pulverized. That must be some strong glass in ALL of those other buildings, wow, is it made of diamonds maybe? Derp. I’m NOT saying a fucking earthquake didn’t happen, I already looked on the USGS for conformation, so unless that’s been altered, so to speak, the data shows a series of earthquakes & several aftershocks in Turkey. Still happening too, according to the USGS website. Here’s the link if you wanna look for yourselves:👇🏻

USGS Latest Earthquakes Worldwide

Unfortunately, the fake news narrative-driven scripted mass media agenda has soured the taste in my muted mouth, so I have to DMOR to verify EVERYTHING it seems, no matter what. So much theatre, who knows what is really what, know what I mean? Maybe you don’t know what I mean, as not everyone is a deep diver, are they? Many people think they have a clue, but don’t DTOR, they just regurgitate things they hear vicariously from others. Like these infernal buzzwords, one person hears it, then 12 people say it, it’s a bizarre phenomenon, isn’t it? I wonder if there’s a name for that, buzzwords that go socially viral via the zeitgeist, there must be some psychological term for that, right? Speaking of “terms,” you all know what those acronyms mean, don’t you? No? Yes? Maybe? The fundamental acronym is DYOR, Do Your Own Research, but the tweaks are DMOR, Do MY Own Research, & DTOR, Do THEIR Own Research, respectively. Now you know, & knowing is half the battle, right GI Joke?

Anyway, keeping this one relatively short, short for me anyway, a measly 4 or 5 paragraphs, more to come later in the day though, I must sleep sometimes, such is the way of the 3rd dimension. Until next time, when the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Who Cares?

Isn’t my silly little Oompa Loompa GIF fun? I made this like 7 or 8 years ago maybe. No skip in the GIF either, as even back then, I was well-aware of the infamous “skip in the GIF,” & was quite meticulous to make sure the “skip” ain’t in the GIF. Anyway, who cares? Easy answer: NOBODY, no one gives a flying fart about a “skip in a GIF.” Derp. I care, but no one else does. Does anything even matter then really? These little blips of an existence here we all experience before POOF, you’re just gone, gone like a dried-up dandelion, as you blow it into the wind. The only thing I’ve ever watched actually die, was my cat Fritz. He was there, they gave him the drugs, then 10 seconds of an eternity later, he was gone, just gone. So…final, yes that’s the word, & it really sucks for everyone left behind, in that case, me. The quiet of all of his things when I got home was so surreal. He was just not here anymore, but where did he go?

Well, they say your pets go to the Rainbow Bridge (👈🏻click link to read more), & of course, I’d like to believe that. I’d like to believe SOMETHING happens when sentient life is extinguished from its 3d meat suit. Dogs & cats dream too, & I think that anything that can dream, has a conscious immortal soul that has always been here, & will always be here. If that’s the case, you never actually lose your pets when they die, as they are your eternal soul companions, & you always find each other throughout your countless reincarnations. When they die, they just aren’t here, but they’re there, wherever there is, maybe the aforementioned “Rainbow Bridge,” I don’t know. I’d like to believe it’s real though, & I kind of have proof that it is, although I’m sure I’m stretching my “proof” a bit, because I’m obviously going to be bias. The pragmatist in me has a different view, but the mindfully hopeful me, has nearly convinced me via said “proof,” that the Rainbow Bridge and/or a “pet afterlife,” DOES, in fact, exist. Want the “proof?”

My new cat, Milo, is quite possibly Fritz, reincarnated in a new cat, & why might I think this? Well, Fritz & I had a uniquely close bond. That little dude & me went through some seriously dark times, as dark as it gets, but he was with me all the way through it. Unfortunately, & I will never not feel at least partially responsible for this, he had kidney failure at the young age of 11, & died slowly over the course of a year or so. Maybe it was what I fed him, maybe it was something at some point in the bad environments I was in, I don’t know, but 11 is too young for kidney failure, too young to die for a cat. Anyway(tear falls), it was the worst time ever, & things got dark for awhile for yours truly, as dark as the edge of the perimeter of life, right on the edge, so close, & somehow I came all the way back. Until last year, when the crypto crash wiped me out like a surfer riding giant waves, just wiped the fuck out. Everything I fought so hard to get back, gone, but I’ve ranted about that before, so excuse the digression. I’m still dealing with it in real-time, so it just comes out. Anyway, back to the darkness of death…

Then one day, 4 years ago, a curious little kitten just kind of came from nowhere, like literally, it’s very odd, almost spooky how we found each other, so I named this little curiosity Milo, & there he was. Didn’t take long for me to notice that he stuck to me like glue, like a glued-on shadow, same as Fritz, & you know what else didn’t take long to notice? The bond, it was the same unexplainable soul bond I had with Fritz, but now it was Milo. Is Milo possibly my sweet Fritz reincarnated? Milo is Fritz, Fritz is Milo, Finkel is Einhorn.

I don’t know…like I said earlier, the pragmatist in me says, “Nah, that’s just how cats are. You’re a good cat dad & he knows it, so it seems like Fritz, but it’s a totally different entity altogether. Now get your head out of the clouds & go make us some croissants, 2 regular, one chocolate, don’t forget the syrup & butter.”

However, the wishful existentialist in me counters by proclaiming, “Stop listening to the pragmatist, he’s always bluntly honest, which is good, but he’s an asshole about it. He doesn’t know for sure either. Does he remember being born? No. No one knows the true answer. It’s good to believe in “life” continuing after we die, & that it’s NOT just this, then it’s over forever. If there’s also a Rainbow Bridge in the afterlife, where you reunite with your forever-pets, that’s great. You’ve dreamt of such things, so why can it NOT be real, at least as real as real is once you cross over after death? Have some faith in something. will ya?”

Hmmm, I’d say the existentialist won that one. Valid points, & you cannot deny the pragmatist and/or dismiss him completely, but considering my own personal experiences, the daily synchronous “reminders” reminding me that this trip here on 3d Earth is insanely temporary, yet has a divine purpose. It only seems like a long time sometimes when you’re here, but I don’t think the concept of time, as we know it here in 3d, exists in the place where you go when you die. If it is truly the 5th dimension that you return to, it would be like a dream. Does time seem “relevant” when you’re dreaming? No, it doesn’t, & hours can fly by like seconds, although in the dream space it could seem like days. See what I mean, see how time gets overtly distorted when you sleep, is that because you’re caught between 3d space, 4d time, & 5d where your soul is free?…& since 5d does not follow the laws of 4d time, it causes a “distortion” in your own perception of said time perhaps? Of course, I have no way of definitively proving this, & it’s just something I’ve hung onto for a long time for some reason. I would certainly like that to be the case though, & what a sense of refreshment that must be, the return to 5d, the FULL return, not this halfway-there thing that happens when you sleep & dream.

Unfortunately, I’ve never really gotten to mention this to anyone in person. Why? Good question, & I don’t know why. Communication breakdown maybe? I come from a family unit of 1980s programmed television zombies. Watch tv, consume, obey, work, sleep, eat, shit, piss, repeat, repeat, repeat…yikes. What a fucking mess these baby boomers created, my entire generation, the Gen-X tv babies, such programming, which sadly, extended to the next generation, squared, & then the next generation, squared again, all into this societal conundrum that the American public has become. Just look at that insane State of the Union speech last night, what a disaster, & completely reflective of these baby boomer dinosaurs still fucking it up for everyone else. Mark Dice, one of the few journalists left that I trust, just posted a great video detailing last night’s atrocious debacle. There’s a bonus from Chris Rock in the video too, bringing in some comedy from when he was still funny, to this ever-growing tragedy unfolding in real-time as this country sinks lower & lower into 3rd world communism. Oh I almost forgot…THEN, after Chris Rock, Dice posts a video from the infamous “Orange Man,” announcing his 2024 Presidential run, which I’m sure will create even more chaos. Wunderbar. Buckle up. Honk honk honk…

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻ROLL THE CLIP👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Unfortunately, no one cares. No one cares what I think, or what I write about, or how I try to spread TRUTH, God forbid. I keep writing though, it’s all I got, my writing & my animations, on an endless loop, & there it is, always as if on queue, my circularity, the beginning birthing the end, then dying into a new beginning. My literary ouroboros, as if with a mind of its own, never fails to find me when I write these. No one cares about my circularity, I know, but I do. Maybe I’m the only one, the Lone Ranger who truly appreciates the circularity of a well-written article. I mean, IT finds me, not the other way around, & to me, that’s a fascinating phenomenon. I don’t know, I’m weird, but that’s how this weird fish rolls I suppose. Until next time, meh doesn’t matter, no one cares, right? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Doesn’t matter, no one cares.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Dumpster Phenomenon

If any of you live in an apartment or a condo complex, you’re probably well-aware of the scenario I’m about to discuss momentarily. Since most Americans are spoiled beyond repair, they often have little clue about just how good they have it here. All the incessant whining about everything in the USA being “systematically racist,” or anything involving the word “patriarchy,” or “misogyny,” & even the made-up nonsense like “white woman syndrome,” how about you liberal lunatics try this pseudo-revolution in another country & see how it goes? Even in the Westernized socialist “woke” countries, like in Western Europe, you CANNOT just walk into said countries all willynilly, with NO documentation, with free resources waiting for you, & bring your bullshit with you, NOPE, we only do that here in the once great USSA, & STILL the redundant buzzword-laden complaining continues. & STILL, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head at Clownworld…(honk noise)

All day, all night, 24/7, 365, the clowns beep their horns…honk honk honk honk honk. America has become so fat & lazy, analogous to the actual morbidly obese American citizens in this faltering country, growing by the day(pun intended). The average weight of an American adult female is 171 pounds. See below. Does that seem reasonable? NO, fat is not “beautiful,” it’s disgusting, & even worse, it’s UNHEALTHY. It’s an obvious sign of utterly poor eating habits, don’t give me the genetic argument. Poor parenting, teaching poor diet & exercise habits, how about blaming the real culprits for a change? Nope, doesn’t work that way here in Bozoville. It’s EVERYONE ELSE’S FAULT, never the self-proclaimed, “VICTIM.” No, personal responsibility, along with individual critical-thinking skills, & just plain common sense, have all flown the way of the dodo. I’m thinking these are all just the results of the slow-kill, the slow-kill of most of YOU, via your globalist overlords. Not aware?

High fructose corn syrup is the crack of raw sugar, it’s POISON, you’re POISONING yourselves, yet not entirely at by your own chubby hands. They tricked you, your people-herding masters, they’ve deceived you dozy walruses, for decades now, getting you addicted to high fructose corn syrup & similar poisons. Essentially, it’s all sugar crack, & millions of people are unknowingly, or maybe unwillingly, refusing to admit to themselves that something ain’t right? Does it feel “okay” to be obese? No, & I’m feel bad for some fo you, despite my blunt language, it’s fucked up, it’s a terribly sinister part of the overall social engineering agenda. Unfortunately, the globalist orchestrators of these social engineering plans being carried out in real-time, could care less about your feelings. You’re just another number in a data-collection set, an expendable number at that. We ALL are, me included, & although I’m not obese at all, I mean a much t them as as of you, less even probably, because I’m a publicly self-avowed dissident. Tyrannical communists tend to shoot people like me in the back of the head, then leave my lifeless corpse in an unmarked mass-gravened shit-filled ditch. Historically, that’s how it ends for people like me, so don’t misconstrue any of what I write as some kind of elitist gibberish. I’m fucked if the globalists take over, one of the first to go. Can’t have the free-speakers, especially the ones who can write, nope. Line them all up, & all their friends, & family members, then execute them all, as a warning to anyone else who dares challenge “The State,” and their respectively corrupt & weaponized alphabet agency armies. Come & get me when it all goes down, I’ll be here, but as always, I have digressed into another snarky attack on the real elitists in the room.

Where was I? Oh yes, real crack doesn’t make you morbidly obese, just saying. This is all part of the slow-kill depopulation agenda. Originally Agenda 2030, but now I think it has morphed into something more disorganized, but accelerated, as their plans have been openly exposed, not that that’s ever mattered. Nonetheless, the agenda now has an end goal much sooner than 2030. The original agenda is a decades-long operation. Hence, why I say “slow-kill.” They’ve added fluoride to the water, for decades now, to make you docile, as the data reports from the tests the Nazis did on the Jews with fluoride. Didn’t you know that’s where the fluoride idea in the water, in your toothpaste, & even in the mouthwash came from? Oh yes, thoroughly tested on the Jews, to keep them complacent while they worked themselves to death. After the war, it was put into public drinking water in many “developed” nations, & for the most part, is still there, under the guise that it helps your teeth. Not really, just making you slow, so you eat more sugar, & you get fatter, & slower, & more complacent, easy to control/program. Agenda-driven, but still just poison, it’s all poisonous, the poison in the food, the poison in the water, & then add this. Add this totally mental, self-entitled, all-consuming, all-addictive instant gratification “mine, mine, mine” ideology into them, all via television broadcasting & social media, & now you’ve poisoned their minds, as well as their bodies. Critical mass imminent, pun intended, & what does said “critical mass” entail? The Lucifer Principle metamorphosis, in real time. The macro-organism is going to split itself, into maybe 2 new macro-organisms? Or perhaps the big macro-organism remains, but a new micro-organism divides itself from the macro? Or it’s possible the micro that splits from the macro, then splits itself again, leaving 2 new micros & a grand macro remaining? I have no idea, but my imagination allows me to visualize the possibilities, albeit from a distant persepctive, from way out on the perimeter, just watching, studying the habits of this zeitgeist entity. All that said, the end game is ending before 2030 methinks, but what do I know? I’m just a fish, looking back into the fishbowl. Take what I say out with the trash, but light a cig first.

Taking out the trash, the literary ouroboros leading me back to the title of this article, “Dumpster Fire.” Americans have become so lazy, they can’t even get their garbage into the dumpster. Any of you who live in an apartment complex, or a condo complex, or even in a high-rise-like dwelling, anywhere where the trash is commonly disposed of in the same area, you know what I’m talking about. Doesn’t matter if the dumpster is COMPLETELY empty either. For instance, if the garbageman literally just hopped on the back of the truck for the next stop after emptying the dumpster, YOUR dumpster, count on some lazy dickhead walking their own bag of garbage out to that freshly-emptied dumpster, & then proceeding to just leave it next to the dumpster, never actually putting it IN the dumpster, because that would be too hard. This phenomenon was once relatively limited to low-income areas, with greater populations of progressively more-degenerate poor people, but as the cancerous degeneracy has increased tenfold, & is seeming to be exponentially growing by the day, more & more people are adopting this incredibly mundane lifestyle of complete laziness. Does the dumpster phenomenon happen where you dwell?

Maybe it has something to with depression? “Self-care” is a big factor of severe depression, as in a literally noticeable general observation of a increased LACK, of said “self-care” these days. You don’t go to the grocery store in pajamas. Sorry, not sorry, you don’t, but many do, more each day. All backwards here in Clownworld, remember? Perhaps these people who do this, are just really depressed, & if you can’t get out of your nightly PJs to go to a public supermarket, I suppose getting your trash into the actual dumpster when you take out your trash is asking a lot. I totally understand…NOT. NO…NO NO NO, NOPE, not buying that nonsensically poor excuse. If you can get the trash from your respective dwellings, TO the dumpster, you can surely then put your own disgusting garbage INTO the dumpster, for fuck’s sake. Come on now people, most of the work is done by the time you get to the dumpster. In fact, like 99% of the work is already done if you made it tot he dumpster. You made the trash, you filled your own trashcan with your own garbage, & when it was full, you made a conscious decision to take out your own bag of waste before it gets nastier as the contents began to decompose. That would be gross if you didn’t, right? Wouldn’t want to just leave your own bag of rotting trash in your own dwelling, stinking up the place, right? You then take your own bag of trash, out to the public dumpster, where decomposing rotting filthy individual bags of trash are collectively collected to be disposed of properly, so as not to be a nuisance. All YOU have to do, is throw YOUR OWN bag of trash into said public dumpster, that’s it. You made the trash, now someone is going to take it away FOR YOU before it becomes a problem, & FOR EVERYONE ELSE. It’s a public service, that YOU pay for, collectively, & is agreeably very convenient for everyone, is it not? However, instead of even fathoming a single word of what I just illustrated, random lazy fucks just leave their trash on the ground, by the dumpster. Not IN the dumpster, BY the dumpster, leaning against the outside of the dumpster, slowly oozing its mysteriously gross contents onto the ground. Yep, that last little singular second of physical effort, to toss YOUR own trash into a stationary container that is then picked up, & taken away for YOUR convenience, & the convenience of your neighborhood, that last thing YOU had to do, YOU fail to do, you lazy fuckers.

Obviously, this is ONLY being directed at those clowns who actually do this. I am noticing it becoming more prevalent though, because it used to happen all the time at an apartment complex I used to live in that was “across the tracks,” as they say, on the rougher side of town. Very diverse community, very progressive, as they “progressed” to NOT get their trash into the dumpster. It got so bad, ugh, I was really happy to get outta there, & back to much more civilized surroundings, at least you’d think so, right? In a nicer side of town, wouldn’t the people be more responsible? Nope, false logic, unfortunately, because low & behold, what happens the other day? HERE, in the “nicer part of town,” with actual big trashcans for the community garbage, nice big clean trashcans, what happens? These big trashcans are in a gated space even, keeping the unpleasant view of the trash from the view of the residents. Did that stop some lazy loser though? Nope, & sure enough, what was out there yesterday morning? A fresh bag of trash, inside the gated trash area, leaning against the big trashcan. ON it, not IN it. These big trashcans were far from full, there was plenty of room, more than enough for this lone bag of trash, dumped lazily in its place by an unknown dweller in this community. I have a good idea who it is, but no proof, yet. Doesn’t matter, until it matters, know what I mean? There it was though, as if telling me to “go fuck myself,” someone’s disgusting trash, ON the trashcan, instead of IN the trashcan. I know there’s an analogy in there somewhere, & I’m gonna find it.

It begins with one bag, then becomes many bags, & I know because I watched this phenomenon evolve over time at the aforementioned apartment in the ghetto I once resided in. Point of all this is, it’s yet another reflection, a sad reminder, that our once great American society is quickly devolving into some 3rd world litter-box country. Where’s the class, the sophistication, the critical-thinking, the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, the COMMON FUCKING SENSE, where did all that go? How can you get your trash all the way from your house, to the dumpster, then NOT put it in there? Is nothing going on upstairs with you people who do this? Maybe just a fat hamster running on a wheel that takes you nowhere except round & round, is that what goes on in your mushy minds? It’s just so incredibly lazy, & ignorant, but so is this country, the proverbial rotten fish, degenerating from the head down, rapidly, & we’re still trying to cut it up & serve it as sushi to the rest of the world.

These trash-trailers though, hey that’s not bad, instead of “trailer trash,” you got the infamous “trash-trailer,” people who leave a trail of trash behind them, because they’re too lethargic to dispose of their own waste properly. They sure have time to blame everyone else though, with a new pseudo-lexicon of buzzwords from the age of “wokeness,” as the indoctrination manifests its Frankensteinian social experiment in real-time, like animated pieces of dead corpses, stinking & rotting up the zeitgeist. How bout we throw that in the dumpster already? What a fun article to write though I must admit with a forlorn sense of self-satisfaction. Not being sarcastic either, lots of quips came through on this frequency. Good channeling, good times, gotta program this station in for another time. Time, time, time(echoing out)… Until next time dear readers, put your fucking trash in the God-damned dumpster, & no, that phrase has nothing to do with dumpsters. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Always put your trash into the dumpster, not beside it.” ~Fish F Fish🎣

The Fooze: S2 E4 February 4, 2023 Goats

“I am the GOAT, there are no other goats before me,” says Fish (audience applauds). In case you didn’t know, “GOAT” is an acronym for “Greatest of All Time,” & I’m just joking, as I am no GOAT, & am but a meager fish, an acronym-less fish, in fact. What could “fish” stand for? Maybe…”Fallen into Satan’s Hell,” would that work? Or perhaps, “Flo isn’t Saying Hello?” No? How about, “Fucking Insane, Seek Help?” I don’t know, those all just don’t work like the grand GOAT, the Great One, the Great-EST One to be exact, & how does One, become a Great One, the Greatest One of All Time? Beats me, I’m proverbial pond scum, the only thing I’m the greatest at is nothing, & you don’t even get a participation trophy for that oh-so-high pseudo-achievement I’ve successfully accomplished. See what I did there? “SUCCESS” -fully, as in NOT a success at all. Ah, personal deprecation, my only actual success. There’s most certainly nothing great about a life of self-disappointment. (Fart Noise) …moving on…

It must be a surreal feeling, at least in my imagination it is, but those who don that exceptionally rare moniker of “The GOAT,” already live a life of surreality, so to them, it’s just another day of feeling great, being great, because you’re so great, look at you, what a great guy, greatest of all time. Of “all time,” you say? Yep, ALL time, YOU, are the GREATEST, of ALL time. Well dang, ok then, thanks for the compliment, & all that comes along with my greatnesses. Everyone is going to give me everything from now on, too? That’s so GREAT. Are you eating here tonight sir, oh great one, will you be dining with us? Of course, the bill is on us, we’re simply honored you’d bestow your unending greatness upon our humble eatery, so do not concern yourself with the check. Really? Ok then, I’ll give the server a life-changing tip, how about that? Sound good? Wow, YOU sir, YOU are just great, what a great guy, greatest of all time. Oh drats, I spilled some of my $10000 free bottle of wine on one of my favorite shirts, this shirt woven with real gold in the collar, so my neck glows. This shirt was given to me by God himself, whatever will I do?

Oh look, there’s an unbelievably exaggerated store across the street, with a great big name on the sign, same great name platinum-stitched on the clothes available there, a name that makes them 10000x their actual value, the price on the price tag, but that doesn’t matter Great One. Let’s GO GO GO…beepity-bopity-beepity-bopbop, I bee-bop to the store, & proclaim, “I’ve ruined my shirt, can someone help me please?” (sounds of people scurrying about like rats to help) …oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we can fix this your greatness, oh Great One, no worries, how about this shirt? Or this one? Need new pants too? Let’s get you some fresh pants(more scurrying about)…there you go oh Great One, all spiffy & new, fresh clothes for you. Oh look, your helicopter has arrived to pick you up oh Great One, the Greatest of All Time, you Great GOAT(sound of helicopter landing)…& WOW, what a chopper she is, is that, could that be, a GOLDEN HELICOPTER?? Sure is, only the best for the GOAT, time to take off, let’s GO GO GO(people scurry their peasant asses out of your way)…& off you go, oh Great One.

Okay okay, I know, I know, I knnnnnnnnnowwwwwwwwww, that was rude, & crude, & I shouldn’t poke jealous fun at GOATs. It’s great to be great, did I just quote that? Surely, SOMEONE has thought that little quip up before, yes? “It’s great to be great,” hmmm, yeah I don’t know, & out of my own ignorance, I am going to enact my own utterly delusional self-sense of “greatness,” & pronounce myself the creator of that quote, how bout them apples? Who’s gonna stop me, the word police? I’m already wayyyyyyyy down at the end of D-wing in the digital gulag supermax, where all other thought criminals go, in my own solitary cell, with a little fish carved into a virtual wall. This is where those who are the “great” in their own right go, & of course in this case, I mean “great” as in “greatly” censored, “greatly” suppressed, “greatly” robbed of my created content, “greatly” exiled from the virtual town square, & I could go on & on, shedding my own skin, greatly, but fuck it, who cares? Who cares that our free speech has been systematically eroded to almost being null & void? Oh no, someone’s feewings got hurt due to “hate speech?” NOOOOOOOO…REEEEEEEEE…HONK HONK HONK…can’t have that, can we? B-O-O-H-O-O

Where are the real GOATs, the keepers of freedom, & truth, & the freedom to speak the truth, where are those GOATs? I’m yet to see anyone from this era estraña that could be considered a true GOAT, not even close really. Think about it…ALL TIME. Sure, there might be some people who have greatness, & they exude that greatness, but the “Greatest of All Time?”….meh, no, not in Clownworld, sorry not sorry, don’t blame me, blame the clowns, & their respective clown cars. They crashed the party, I wasn’t there, nope, & hell, I wasn’t even invited to the party, & surely have nothing to do with clowns, parties, GOATs, none of it. Just a wayward soul traveler that stumbled into this 3d clown town like a Twilight Zone episode, stopping at a one-waitered cafe I can never leave. Coffee, toast, a pen, some scraps of paper, & I’m stuck here until I write my way out, write my way right out of town. I don’t know, I don’t know if anyone was in this booth, at this cafe, in this town, before me, beef whore me, what has come before me? Could it be my circularity? Coming back around again to find me?

Look at that, right on time(class bell rings). Time to GO GO GO, now that the circle has come back around once again, round & round, looping loops, the GIF animation of days flying by, the circularity. Until next time, dear readers, remember this, “goats will eat anything, anything & everything.” Oh, & of course, coined right here in this article, “It’s great, to be great.” So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“It’s great, to be great.” ~Fish F Fish🎏 “

“Goats will eat anything, anything & everything.” ~Fish F Fish🎏