Dead Pigs at Dar-Pro

Raping the Pig

RIP PeeWee 🔥🙏🏻🔥

Click HERE or the image above to read more

Fast Times at Kroger High

Oh-dee-doh-dee-doh whatever shall I write about? I don’t get writer’s block, per se, because if I ever need something to write, I just start writing out my thought process, like I’m doing right now, & POOF, no writer’s blockage anymore. The landslide is cleared from the highway, & traffic can now move freely again. I was going to write about the art of stealing food from the grocery store when times are tough. It’s easier than most think, & since most groceries stores are monopolized by one corporation, Kroger, the hustle is the same, as well as the weak security measures, along with the store policy that no employee can stop you if they catch you. It’s a handy skill, when times are tough, as they are now for most people, & since Kroger is another soulless corporate entity, I think everyone should be liberating as much as the can get from their local Kroger grocery store. Do hast thou will tho, of course, & I’m not telling anyone to do this, but then again, I kind of am, so let’s not mince words like I’m not, because yours truly abides the truth, & always will.

I brought this unusual topic up for a few reasons, & the first reason is because this rogue regime pseudo-government is endlessly printing money, & giving it out to everyone who is NOT an American, leaving the general population of our once great country in a sordid state of ever-increasing destitution, floundering paycheck to paycheck, barely getting by on the sub-meager slave wages they get taxed on, on top of taxing us on every fucking thing we buy. Taxation is theft, period, & although it’s NOT supposed to be the way it is, it is, so if the tax collectors are thieves, doesn’t stealing from thieves become a double negative of sorts?…& thus, not theft. Am I wrong? The second reason is that I think everyone should get an EBT/SNAP card to buy food with. Do you all realize how much gets wasted at the end of the day at the grocery stores? A portion goes to food banks, so people can stand in long lines for expired edibles, like some 3rd-world communist toilet country. It’s not only degrading, it’s down right insulting for any American to be forced to do this to feed their family, so instead, why not give EVERY American a food card, so all of that food doesn’t get wasted? Also, some goes to animal farms to be fed to animals, that we the people, in turn, eat, like some kind of barbaric cannibalistic cycle of life. Ugh, makes the stomach turn a bit, doesn’t it? The last reason, which is a bit of a stretch to define as a legitimate “reason,” but nonetheless, it’s because, fuck ’em. If they’re going to abide fake shortages, higher prices, & the most recent scam, charging 10 cents a bag to “save the planet,” after raising all the food prices no less, I will take every God-damned thing I can get for free from a corporation successfully maintaining a real-time monopoly on national food distribution. Changing the storefront name to King Soopers, or Harris Teeter, or whatever deceptive name Kroger uses in your respective towns to provide cover for their monopoly on the grocery store game, is not only obvious, it’s another slap in the face because it implies that Americans are too dumb to notice, so to put it bluntly, they can eat a big bag of dicks.

Moral of the story, as I mentioned earlier, is that stealing from thieves negates the theft, so if you’re worried about your conscience, & the whole “thou shalt not steal” Biblical decree, you can rest easy because you’re not stealing, you’re “liberating.” I wish I could steal from the same corrupt politicians who steal from all of us, oh man do I wish I could. I’d take every fucking penny they have, & then anything else I could grab. They steal from Americans all day, ALL OF US, every day, nonstop & they print money as needed, for THEM, not for US, not for We The People, & yours truly, for one, is sick & God-damned tired of it, so given the chance, I most certainly would rob them blind, just as they’ve done, & continue to do, to all of us. Sure, life isn’t fair, we all know this, but the crimes these elitist “ruling class” psychopaths commit without consequences, have made “life,” hardly worth living, haven’t they? Working one’s self to death at a job, or two jobs, or even three jobs for some, is not “living,” it’s dying, & although we’re all existentially dying, “living” only to die as an indentured servant, as a debt slave, enslaved to something as ridiculously revolting as fake paper I-O-U money, isn’t living, it’s slow suicide, the proverbial walking dead. Just because the prison planet machine programs most of you to believe that said money has value, it doesn’t, because it is backed by literally nothing, so it’s true “value,” rests only in good faith, which in the case of currency, is analogous to an oxymoron. Money must be backed by precious metals in order to have any value, as in a supply of precious metals equivalent to the money in circulation. The US dollar hasn’t been backed by precious metals since 1971, over 50 years ago, & since then, as I well-illustrated earlier in this paragraph, it has been backed by nothing, nothing at all.

Oh but we little mice chase it, don’t we? Gotta gets dat money…shoooooo, & so mice run through the proverbial mouse trap day after day after, chasing scraps left over by those so-called “ruling elites,” running left, right, left, right, doing whatever it takes to get paid, endlessly abiding the trap, The Great Mouse Trap, which they, your masters, have created for you for one thing: CONTROL. Keeping the figurative herd of us “regular folks” impoverished & destitute, keeps them living like royalty, but keeps YOU, & yours truly, controlled, like human cattle. Only give them enough to barely eat, & to pay the bills we levy upon them, so they cannot save up to buy their way into true financial freedom, ever, & they remain in charge, stealing power, stealing OUR power, so we can never unite to fight back & take what’s ours from them. Oh my though, here I go again with my diatribing, as is par for my little course here, so you know what time it is, if you are one of the handful of daily dosers who come to this site for your red-pills. Yes, it’s time to go, but only until the next article, which will be coming along shortly, on time, on my own deadline. Until next time dear readers, don’t let the monopoly deter you from taking back what they take from you. To steal from thieves, especially corporate thieves, is an act of merit in itself, just don’t get caught. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Stealing from thieves is analogous to a double negative.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E28 3/28/2023 Wunderbar

Deception is in the air, my oh my, & I’m expecting an eventful week ahead, since Monday came out of the gate hot. Lies abound here in Clownworld, as well as countless distractions, to keep YOU from knowing the truth. Anyway, I banged out 3 articles earlier, & my black ass has to start a new job tomorrow. So, this is mostly going to be a placeholder Foozer. I know, I always say that, & then I rant until I have an essay, but not this time. Nope, but I’m sure I’ll have something juicy for you on the next round when tomorrow reveals its narrative for the day, as well as for the week ahead. Stay mindful Fishheads, because like I said at the start, deception is in the air, along with the stench of malevolence.

One cannot underestimate how far your so-called “leaders” will go to fulfill whatever agenda is on the table. There’s never any consequences, so therefore, there’s no longer any boundaries. Open insider trading, open money laundering via Ukraine, rampant money printing but you don’t see a penny of it, are you getting the picture yet? There’s 2 very different worlds diverging into one another. There’s their world that they’re stacking up power in, & then there’s our world, chasing that cheesebait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap. That’s right, YOU are a mouse, running left, right, left, right, round & round in the labyrinth, while the aforementioned so-called “leaders” laugh at about the little mice in the trap. Yep, they laugh at you, laugh at us; don’t think I’m excluded, because I’m right here in the trap with you, soon to be running left, right, left, right, chasing my own cheesebait so I can pay these ridiculous bills stacking up. I was out, but then they threw me right back in. That’s what happens when us random mice get out of the trap, they pick you up by your tail, take everything you have, then throw you right back into the trap. Wunderbar.

Nonetheless, before I keep going until this becomes an essay, which it already kind of is, I’m going to wrap this little ramblious diatribe up. Technically, this is the 4th article in 24 hours, but where are the employers that I’ve submitted literally hundreds of resumés to? Anyone? Someone? (crickets chirping)…apparently, I stink as a writer and/or employers are petrified to hire someone like me, despite my immaculately unique literary language, my exemplary use of literary devices, my diligent work ethic, & my passion for writing, the only gift I really have. maybe it’s not a gift though; perhaps it’s just a curse. I don’t know. Until next time dear readers, follow your passion, even if you end up in a dumpster with the rest of the trash. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Follow your passion, even if you end up in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.” Fish F Fish🎏

In Springtime…

🍥Click HERE or the image above to read more🍥

Okay…this is getting fucking ridiculous. Seriously, how many is this now? I looked into it, & man oh man, there are NUMEROUS articles flying around the interwebs “debunking” this obviously suspect string of fires & explosions & even planes crashing into food-processing plants. NO, this is NOT normal for fuck’s sake, & the fact that there’s paid shills trying to debunk the suspiciousness of these “random” accidents, only confirms to me that there’s something nefarious going on here. Trains derailing all of a sudden, food processing plants being destroyed, what the hell is happening? Do you want to know what’s really going on here?

WE ARE UNDER ATTACK; that is what’s really going on. None of this shenaniganery is “random,” NONE of it. Sure, I’m aware there’s a few anomalies, because fires & accidents DO happen, but NOT at this rate. I’m seeing articles almost daily, so much so in fact, that I’m now totally desensitized to it, same as the SADS reports. Coincidentally, when you look up “Covaids jabs causing SADS,” there’s COUNTLESS articles attempting to debunk it, again confirming to me that the Coviads jabs ARE the real reason for these “unexplained” deaths from heart attacks. EVERY DAY there’s a new article about some healthy young person dying suddenly from SADS. I’ll link today’s daily SADS article below, & I can assure you there will be another one tomorrow. Yep, at this time tomorrow, another person will be dead from SADS, & another article will be written, & again, paid shills will flood the interwebs with fake news articles trying to debunk the obvious connection between the Covaids jabs & the blood clots they cause that kill people via cardiac arrest. It’s NOT a God-damned conspiracy…fuckin hell, if the jab is NOT the cause, why not publish autopsy reports proving otherwise? Why won’t these fake news hacks report whether or not these unfortunate corpses had received the jab or not?

I’ll tell you why…BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT’S THE CAUSE OF SADS. Doctors know it, Big Pharma knows it, your so-called “leaders” know it, & believe it or not, yours truly knows it. How do I know? What makes me such an expert? First off, I’m not an “expert” by any means, but, I have common fucking sense. I have critical-thinking skills; I can research on my own, deduce conclusions from proven facts, & make my own determinations about what is what in this crazy Clownworld. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these pseudo-vaccines are exceptionally dangerous, nor does it take rockets and/or the “science” behind these poisons being injected into BILLIONS of humans. If the jab starts dropping people dead en masse, rather than these daily reports of people passing away from SADS, it will arguably be the greatest mass murder in human history. It will make the holocaust look like a Sunday barbecue party in the hood. Please believe, I am NOT making light of this probability. I will lose friends & family who foolishly got jabbed should the jab prove to start killing people like the Black Plague. Did YOU take the jab? What was the outcome? Did the jab do anything positive? All I’ve seen are the jabbed getting re-infected, terrible side effects, & of sadly of course, SADS. hardly a “vaccine,” now is it? You cannot argue against facts, no matter how many buzzwords you barf out.

As usual I have taken the exit ramp to Tangytown, segueing off-topic, which is par for my miniature golf course here. We began by talking about the “random” fires & explosions occurring with greater frequency by the day it seems, so let’s go back to that, because this is NOT random. I don’t know the logistics obviously, but how the fuck does a chocolate factory explode? Isn’t there chocolate everywhere? Is chocolate flammable? What about the Oompa-Loompas? Fun fact: race-hustling identity pseudo-politicians cancelled Willy Wonka. Why would they do that? Apparently, they are equating Oompa-Loompas to African slaves. No, I’m not joking, these people are insane, & Roald Dahl would NEVER do such a ridiculous thing. He was an ardent Christian, hardly an advocate for slavery, & this is yet another example of the abysmal madness of liberalism. They’re mental patients, & we cater to them for some fucking reason. I, for one, will NEVER abide their bullshit. Me bend the knee? Nope…how about YOU bend the knee? Bend the knee to the TRUTH you beta loser leftist twerps. They never will though, because they’re programmed, like real-life NPCs, & to bring them back to reality is a grueling exercise in utter futility. Essentially, don’t bother. You cannot change people who are so far-gone with the programming, that they glitch when you hit them with factual information. Despite the echo chambers that paid shills pay Google to pop up at the top of the search, REAL reality is real, & mis/dis-information cannot change the TRUTH of the REAL reality we are all stuck in. Period.

Gah, I do this every time. Like I’ve told you all ad nauseam, I just tune into the best frequency, then let the fingers fly, & by the time I’m done, I have no idea what I wrote until I proofread. Obviously, I know the topic, but as far as the content, my own content, it’s always a mystery until proofreading time comes. Now, let’s get back to the chocolate factory explosion…where people died this time. Yep, as you can see in the article at the top, people died in this fiery explosion. Over hundred mysterious food-processing plant fires in a year, but not one death, until now. These saboteurs are killing people, which opened the door for these shadowplayers to burn down and/or blow up more food processing plants without concern for the “collateral damage,”…which in this case, as of right now, is 5 dead, & 6 still missing. Expect more of this, with the human death toll growing, but why would this continue? The answer is simple: THERE’S NEVER ANY CONSEQUENCES…ever. Never any real investigations, they bury these stories in the respective daily news feeds, & nothing ever happens so like I said, expect this to continue, on a greater scale as the days flush by like a toilet full of wormwood turds.

I’m in the middle of a wormwood cleanse right now. My thoughts: IT WORKS, & be prepared to plug your nose & turn on a second fan when you drop your morning logs if you take this stuff. Holy hell, I don’t think I have any worms or anything like that, but whatever the wormwood did, flushed out some serious stank. Oy vey, but I digress, as always. Well, you all know the drill by now, yours truly has composed yet another multi-page diatribal essay. That’s just how I roll…the FisH™ abides. Until next time dear readers, the snowball grows, as its Katamarian nature rolls, growing greater given the garbage it grabs. Notice the obvious literary device? It’s called alliteration, in case you were unaware, & now you know. The more ya know, ya know? So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“The more you know, ya know?” Fish F Fish🎏

“The Katamari grows, as the snowball rolls.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E2 3/2/2023 Blood Eagle

☝🏻Click HERE to Read More☝🏻

I wish I was making this horrible story up, but unfortunately it’s not fiction, it’s a true story. Ready? Here we go, ugh, I’m still sickened, but let’s do this, let’s just rip off the proverbial band-aid & say it: Two ILLEGAL Honduran border-crossers shot & killed an American bald eagle, with the intention of eating it. If that’s not an analogy to the current state of this forsaken country, especially as it relates to the wide-open border to the south, I don’t know what is. Sheesh. First of all, WHY? I’m sure there’s plenty of other things to shoot & kill & eat in Nebraska of all places, yes? Nope, apparently not, not for these two idiots anyway, who it seems had done this before, & YES, I’m STILL sickeningly shaking my fucking head after coming across this sordid story. I mean, COME ON, seriously with this? Am I hallucinating? I just don’t get it. I’ve seen bald eagles up close, & they’re large birds, BIRDS OF PREY, & albeit they’re big birds with meat on them, they’re NOT, NOT NOT NOT birds that you eat for fuck’s sake, what the hell is this world coming to? Oh, not to mention it’s our national bird, highly-endangered, & supposedly stringently protected by law, particularly from being MURDERED, especially murdered by illegal border-crossers one would assume, right? Good thing the cops showed up to serve them up some American justice, along with their eagle wings, right?

Wrong, because these “authorities,” according to their badges & guns, didn’t really do much. They took the dead bird, the gun, & one of them got cited for not having a driver’s license. No driver’s license?…for an ILLEGAL border-crosser?…shocker, & how about those UN-charges they both got for the unlawful slaughter of this highly-endangered national bird? Oh, still awaiting “possible” future charges for their crime it says in the article, sure thing, which probably will never come. Going to give them a court date? I’m sure they’ll be sure to appear promptly on time, most likely when they’re back in Honduras you stupid stupid morons. Derp, what a pathetic joke of a “justice” system. They should be found guilty, then given the maximum penalty possible for this crap, maybe even cut off their hands, as an example to the millions of other illegals casually walking across the southern border, like they’re walking into Disneyworld. Will these eagle-killers be given said maximum penalty though? Most likely, nope, & beyond me backseat-driver reporting on this story, it’ll be gone by this time tomorrow. Doesn’t fit any narrative being barfed out by the fake news at the moment, so yep, down the chute to the trash compacter with this sadly sordid story after I’m done with it. I had to look WAYYYYYYYYYYYY down on The Gateway Pundit to even see this article, & other than Cassandra MacDonald & myself, not a single other writer wrote about this. Quite reflective of the narrative-driven fake news mainstream media, is it not?

Let’s be sure to mention this, the utterly accurate analogy underlying this story; two ILLEGALS killing & eating the national bird of the country they just illegally entered. I mean WOW, just WOW, almost as if it was scripted somehow. Incredibly disrespectful to say the least, but also the horror of it. Yes, the horror, because it’s truly horrifying when our majestic national bird, highly endangered, probably had baby eagles in a nest somewhere, is murdered by these 3rd world shithole animals who sneak into our country with zero regard for the life we create, preserve, & protect here. They’re sneaking in here to kill, kill our bird, our national bird, a bird revered by all Americans who live here LEGALLY. Our national bird was established by The Founders, our Great American Bald Eagle, & they sneak in here to kill our bird. Is the analogy clear enough for you yet? I’m not sure how much more eloquently I can spell out it out for you, so if you aren’t getting it, maybe you’re retarded. I don’t know, but what I DO know, is that I am sick & tired of illegal border-crossers disrespecting our country, our flag, our laws, & now our national bird apparently, in the worst way possible too, by killing & eating one. Gah, it’s so infuriating. The national bird of Honduras is the Scarlet Macaw, pictured below. If I went to Honduras, found one of these rainbow-feathered flappers, shot one & killed it, then ate it, how would that go down with the Honduran authorities? Or what about the Honduran people, how would they feel about an American gringo, a foreigner, coming to their country & doing that? Oh wait, AND I’m White, so wouldn’t that piss them off even more? Can’t win if you’re White, can you? It’s certainly OKAY to be White, but we get blamed for everything, thus, we can’t win, not in Clownworld…(honk noise)

Nope, you can’t win here if you’re white, & if you aren’t white, you get treated with the kid gloves by law enforcement unless you do something really bad, & even then, it’s a different dynamic based on your race. Apparently, crossing the border illegally, then killing our national bird before eating it, is somehow NOT considered exceptionally warranted to be punished by the most severe of plausible consequences for such an offensive action, if you’re a foreign person-of-color.. Did they even go to jail? Doesn’t say, but I don’t think so, just “cited,” & it’s yet another example of illegal border-crossing vermin getting away with crimes that everyday Americans would get severely punished for. The “justice” system sure is fickle for being “blind,” isn’t it? Intentionally implanted progressively regressive liberal clown judges are to blame, along with their parallel-planted prosecutorial counterparts. All a rigged political game, THEIR game, not yours. You are only forced into it when you refuse to comply with their bullshit laws & regulations. How about FUCK THEM, how about that? Fuck all you corrupted scumfucks, ALL OF YOU, including the alphabet agencies like the CIA, FBI, DOJ, you are ALL corrupt foot soldiers for an illegal rogue regime that bends the knee to the globalists in The Capstone Club. If you all weren’t weaponized, you’d be nothing, but FUCK YOU ALL anyways, because I will expose you with my words, you & all your dastardly deeds you do. You are ENEMIES, enemies of the American people & I’d wager you fucks are the ones causing all these “random” train derailments & “random” food-processing plant fires. Oh yes, you are NOT fooling everyone, & there are more & more people like me everyday who are sick & tired of your sinister shenaniganery & are stepping up & doing something about it. All I can do is fight you all with these words, MY words, & my words alone, but if you want a fight, you got it you fuckwads. EXPOSURE, & every single day I will globally post something in this public sphere to shine light on your crimes until you are stopped, then hopefully prosecuted, found guilty, then hung by your serpentine necks until you’re all DEAD, DEAD, DEAD for crimes against humanity, treason, sedition, & for just being generally evil scum.

Of course, there’s the pragmatist on my other shoulder, reminding me that most likely, nothing will change other than everything getting worse, & more corrupted. Sadly, these evil elitist overlords & their minion foot soldiers are a malignant cancer, & that cancer is terminal methinks, especially after spreading so far, sinking so deep into this hodgepodge American pseudo-culture, that there’s no way back I fear. This is only my opinion, mine alone, & believe me, I wish there was a feasible way to turn this out-of-control train around, or at the very least, stop it in its tracks before it goes completely off the rails. I just don’t see how though, as anyone/everyone who identifies as a leftist/liberal/loser is certainly far-gone/programmed/brainwashed/in a state of hypnoses-psychosis & never coming back. The conservatives will never regress into libtardian clowns, so how does it play out when there’s no where for either side to go? That “national divorce” is sounding better by the day, & like every other divorce, it will be messy when the actual split comes, very messy, as in who gets what & where & how & such…but the split must come regardless I think. I don’t know though, I really don’t. I have no idea how this all sorts itself out. Things all tend to sort themselves out at some point, one way or another, but this, this abysmally defunct mess of a country, I just don’t see how. I have no real power to change it but nonetheless, I will keep writing daily, occasionally multi-daily, exposing your so-called “leaders,” in all of their flounderous folly as their sinking ship capsizes under the weight of their own disgusting quest for power. Again, it’s THEIR game, not mine, I’m merely here to expose it, hopefully before they take us all down in the same flames they consume themselves with.

Anyway, that’s going to do it for this depressing Foozer. Unfortunately, I can’t apologize on behalf of these two ILLEGAL border-crossers that committed this most-heinous act not only against our country, but against the animal kingdom itself. They did it, not me, & it’s foolish to be sorry for someone else’s evil ridiculousness. Who kills & eats a bald eagle? Seriously, despite everything else, come on, who the fuck does that? It’s not only stupidly unnecessary, it’s an analogy, grimly analogous to what’s going on at the southern border, or rather, what is NOT going on as far as enforcing the security of said border. Just going to keep letting them walk right on through, are we? Looking right at you President Braindead, & that cackling moron Vice President “border czar” of yours, who’s yet to even visit the border as far as I know. Stolen election, stolen government, stolen country, & if you believe in thieves, you’re as dumb as you look. Until next time, dear readers, look in the mirror & ask yourself, “Who do you really trust?” So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you believe in thieves, you’re as dumb as you look.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E25 2/25/2023 Dafuq is Goin On ‘Round Here?

There sure are A LOT of “random” explosions going on at various factories in, & now near the USA apparently lately, aren’t there? Sheesh. Not one, not two, but three, THREE “random” fires break out in oil facilities in ONE day, oh & they’re all owned by the same company, but nothing weird about that, right? Derp. Come on people, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. These desperate democrat scumfucks must’ve given the “go-code” to start the attack on America, because NONE of this bullshit is random. I for one, want some investigations, & some fucking answers, instead of the usual, “pay attention over here, not here” play from that crusty old playbook they use. They aren’t even really trying to be that covert about it either, & do you want to know why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY DON’T HAVE TO BE. Seemingly, there isn’t a single soul on the good side with enough oomp-pa-pa to do anything about it. Oh yes, I can bluntly proclaim the truth from my little pulpit here, but what does that do? It’s just another tiny part of a bigger tiny part that can do nothing, NOTHING, to stop these vile villains from fulfilling their end goal, which is, as I mentioned earlier, the total collapse of this country.

Did I not tell you these fuckers would burn it all down before they’d ever relinquish any of this glorious power they now wield? Now, they’re LITERALLY burning it down, burning it down in OVER 100 food-processing facilities, burning it down in chemical spills via orchestrated train derailments, now it looks like burning up our fuel supply. Oh, not to mention, burning up the citizens by Biblically-flooding fentanyl in from Mexico & China, & I quit counting dead friends from that shit, as they’re LITERALLY burning US down as well. So, again, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, & I call on EVERY armed American, to march to the Capitol, PEACEFULLY, armed only to defend ourselves, & arrest EVERY one of these corrupt politicians, including President Braindead himself, now who’s with me? (crickets)…& that’s the real problem isn’t it? Not enough people have the will, the virtue, the organizational skills, or frankly the inclination to do what I just illustrated. I admit, myself included, but only because I already know how forgone the general population is here. Most of them don’t have a clue, they’re so caught up in The Great Mouse Trap, chasing cheese-bait fiat money, left turn, right turn, left, left, get the cheese, right, left, right, right turn again, more cheese, round & round & round The Great Mouse Trap, & you call that “life.” FUCK OFF ALREADY. I don’t care if I die on this hill as alone as Helen Keller in a dark forest, fuck this ridiculous Great Mouse Trap, & fuck any of you for saying, “that’s just how it is,” if you’re one of those poo people, ya fucking slaves you.

Not how it is for everyone, & certainly not how it is for me. Go ahead & shoot me in my lilly white ass with the biggest, most powerful elephant gun tranquilizer you can find, then lock me up in a nuthouse for the rest of my life if I’m deemed “insane,” because I know I’m not. YOU are, if you abide this joke of an existence as “life.” I’m not you, & you aren’t a fish like me, who can see with my fish-eyed real eyes, the real lies that aren’t realized by most of you. I see it as clearly as backing up & looking at the whole painting on the wall, it’s just that easy for me. Then I look at all of you, gawking at a corner of the painting & arguing the merit of it, as Platonian Cave-like as it gets, stuck on shadows & echoes, rather than just walking out of the cave, & seeing the real world for the first time with your real eyes. Blame me, if these notions bother you, blame only me. Don’t blame you, blame me, I’ll take all that fiery blame you got, then light it on fire like a fart. I’m as stuck in this God-damned Great Mouse Trap like the rest of you, don’t assume I am not. Stuck like the guy who points you to the exits after movie night out with your favorite dandy. With old popcorn bits stuck to his shoes, & a uniform with cat hair on it, yet still, always saying, “This way to the exits. Make your way to the exit in an orderly fashion please,” but what does everyone do? They sit back down in their seats like retards staring at a blank screen in hopes that a new movie starts soon.

News flash: IT’S NOT, there is no new movie you dopey dopes, this theatre just plays the same movie, over & over & over, & that movie is called, “Chasing Cheese-bait Money.” Quite the film, got a 4-star review from your friends at the Magical Movie Review Place. Doesn’t matter what I say though, no one cares, as is par for my little mini-golf course facility I run here, where all the employees get stoned behind hole 13 & the caddies will most-likely hustle you for pocket money. Gotta keep writing though, filling this Fooze bucket with balls of truth, know what I mean? Such is my tee-time, what is yours? Until next time, dear reader, keep in mind…what else would I do though, if not for this? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“What else would I do though, if not for this?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Chicken Holocaust

What in the world is going on with the chicken factory fires? Sheesh, it’s a real-time chicken holocaust. Not just chickens either, OVER 100 food processing plants over the last year or so, up in flames, yet no one seems to be investigating these mysteriously random fires, at least not publicly, why? What is the reason for all these “random” fires? Egg prices are though the roof, in case you hadn’t noticed and/or aren’t an egg eater. Could it be the vegan horde doing this? No, no I don’t think so, I think it’s a bigger, more sinister agenda behind this. What could that agenda be? No idea, maybe chicken eggs prevent the Covaids jab from causing blood clots? Not saying they do, just openly speculating as I type & you read. If that were the case, it would be limited to just egg-laying chickens, right? It can’t be though, there’s all types of food processing plants burning down, so what else could it be? Hmmm, this is a tough egg to crack, isn’t it? (lame pun intended)

Oof, here’s a headline from YESTERDAY, & it looks like it’s a “total loss” at this seafood processing plant. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?? This is ridiculous, are the globalist overlords paying their foot soldiers to commit arson, burning down all these food-processing plants, is that what’s going on? Gah, I don’t know, but I wish I did, so I could tell all of you deterministically why this is happening. Other than a new headline every other day though, NO ONE seems to be investigating and/or doing any serious reporting about this. Why? It’s not like people would NOT want to know why these fires keep occurring , so why is this not being nationally reported with more fervor? So many questions, with answers buried in haystacks. The Gateway Pundit (click link to view), is the ONLY source of daily news I go to before I stepping-stone it from there to other random sites, & I only give them around 80% credit for “real news.” Sometimes a story sneaks its way in there that has questionable merit, but for the most part, it’s reliable for your daily dose of the news that the fake news MSM won’t report. I haven’t heard a peep from those narrative-pushing puppet actors at the MSM about these fires, which only fuels the flames of doubt, as to these fires being “random accidents.” No, no no no no no, these fires are NOT random, there’s been OVER 100 of these fires since President Braindead took office. No, NOT a conspiracy theory, it’s a FACT, with all kinds of factual evidence & data to back up my pronouncement that these fires were all intentionally started. Here’s an article for you below, for YOUR eyes to see for yourself, rather than just listening to me…

Is this just part of the long game maybe? Eventually, they want us to run out of food, so we have to rely on food banks to eat, food banks that THEY provide. Awe, isn’t that nice of your tyrannical communist scumfuck overlords, providing food banks for people to stand in lines in, just to get a bag of food, isn’t that generous of them? FUCK NO…& FUCK YOU with the food bank crap. That’s some 3rd world communist crap, that is NOT supposed to happen here in the USA, but it is. Did you know about this? Oh yes, not only are food-processing plants burning down left-&-right, not only are food prices skyrocketing, but the demand for food has become so great, that food banks are being overwhelmed. Yep, people waiting in lines for HOURS, just to get food, happening right here, right now, in the once great USA, now arguably the USSA, the United States of Socialist America. This is fucking ridiculous, & it looks like the snowball is growing as it plows down the mountain, from number one to number none. Oh, hang on, gotta link an article for you. In case you hadn’t noticed, this write-up has several linked articles. Instead of just reading my rants, I felt like providing the articles that vilify what I’m rambling about, so YOU know that these events are very real, & very happening, like happening right NOW, in real time, in real life. Where will this all lead to?

Destroying the food, destroying the supply chain, destroying the workforce, all culminates in the destruction of this country. What the fuck do you think the globalists are doing? Look around, the decline is accelerating. This is like when the front of the Titanic went under water. Took almost 2 hours for the front of the ship to submerge as it sank, then only a few minutes for the rest of the “ship that God himself couldn’t sink” to go down down down, to the frigid dark bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. It sank so far down in fact, that it took OVER 70 years to find it again. Is the USA like the analogous Titanic? Maybe yes, maybe no, but that was a great analogy regardless, just saying. I hope we all aren’t on the proverbial Titanic. I don’t want this country to sink, but the little pragmatist on my shoulder is telling me otherwise unfortunately.

They’re actively destroying the food supply, & it’s obvious that these are deliberate arsons, way too many to just be for insurance claims, & what about the animals? Damnit, they’re killing the animals, horribly, in these fires, all these poor animals, burning to death, it’s sickening. “Holocaust,” historically means “burnt sacrifice,” but who are these arsonists “sacrificing” these animals to? Incidentally, no one is calling these events a “Holocaust,” no one except me anyway, as far as I know. I think it IS a holocaust of sorts tho, because they keep burning these innocent animals alive, & if it’s for a specific reason, then how is it NOT a holocaust? It’s a “sacrificial burning,” which implies there’s something these poor creatures are being sacrificed to, correct? Well, with all these openly publicized “satanic ritual performances,” as was witnessed via The Grammys a few days ago, could Satan himself be the culprit here? Or rather, the idiots who believe in & worship Satan, are they the arsonists, getting the double-whammy through animal sacrifice AND the destruction of the food supply for the masses, is THAT what’s going on here?

Again, as I mentioned in the previous article, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY OF THIS BIZARRELY MENTAL SATAN-WORSHIPPING MADNESS, just as I don’t really give any credence to the notion of religion at all. I believe in being a good person, that’s about it, but these people, including your globalist overlords, DO BELIEVE in Lucifer, or Satan, or maybe it’s just a metaphor for their own selves, I don’t know, but they use “Satan” as their avatar, & venerate said “Satan,” accordingly. It’s so fucking weird to me, worshipping darkness & destruction, & now including widespread arson & a chicken holocaust into their whackadoo agenda. Chickens are the most common animal used in animal sacrifices to entities of darkness, right? Maybe it’s just a massive Satanic ritual, TO THEM MIND YOU, NOT TO ME. To me, it’s just a bunch of idiots needlessly murdering animals because they’re all delusional mental patients. There’s something fueling them to commit these atrocities though, a higher power, something in the political class, something in the shadows. No, not their “Satan,” something and/or someone real, some entity and/or organization that is most certainly Earth-bound is encouraging these arsonists to keep doing this. Maybe they’re being paid to start these fires, maybe they’re promised something more when the job is done, I don’t know.

What I DO know, is that I’m sick & tired of seeing these animals being murdered like this, it’s so sinister. STOP, STOP BURNING THE ANIMALS ALIVE YOU SICK FUCKS, whoever you are. Yes, I know eventually many of these animals are eaten, by us, so they’re born to die in their prime only for us to consume them as food, yes I get that. When slaughtering time comes though, they are killed quickly, & humanely, before processing them as food for us to eat. MUCH MUCH MUCH different then burning them alive, come on now, that’s not even a fucking argument. I love animals, but I also love to eat them, under the assumption they are killed humanely. There’s NOTHING even remotely humane about any of this. These fires are pure darkness, total evil, & I wish these minions of “Satan” would knock this crap off already. I’m tired of seeing articles about “50,000 egg-laying hens going up in flames.” For fuck’s sake, we don’t even eat those kinds of chickens, they just lay eggs, eggs for us to eat, it’s a great trade-off. They give us eggs, we give them a place to stay where they can eat, shit, & lay eggs all day, every day. So WHY, WHY THE FUCK would someone burn them alive?

I wish I had a definitive answer for you, rather than the speculative explanations I illustrated above. Maybe this is to destroy the food supply, yes? Maybe this is really some kind of religiously holocaustic event, yes? Or…maybe it’s all of the above? Like I said, I wish I could tell you, but what I CAN tell you is that this bullshit is most certainly NOT random. There’s been way too many of these burnings to assume this is “random.” That’s just what the fake news MSM wants you to believe because they have a narrative, a scripted narrative, & if there’s any deviation from said “narrative,” it simply won’t get reported & you won’t know anything about it other than what they want you to know. Most people abide this behavior from their elitist masters too, I just don’t get it, I don’t get any of this, & I don’t know why they’re committing a chicken holocaust, a chickenocaust, if you will. I know, I know, it’s not ALL chickens, but it’s mostly chickens, chickens that lay eggs, not chickens we eat, so once more I ask, “Why the fuck are they doing this?”

Sadly, I cannot say for sure, but what I CAN say, is the beginning of this article has found the end once again, only to begin again on the next article. My literary ouroboros never fails, always hungry to eat her own tail as she makes her way to the head of the next article I write. I love this circularity thing I found in my writing, & I wonder, does every writer abide their own ouroboros? Life is an ouroboros in nature, you’re born, you live, you die, then you’re born again, somewhere new, all to do it all over again, & again, & again, & again & again. Does the ouroboros of life ever end? Or do we eat our own tails forever? Forever is a really long time, is it not? Imagine this, imagine life, your life, on an endless loop, the neverending GIF animation of you, of birth to death to birth again, only switching karmic meat suits, but always ultimately YOU. Is THAT, the way of things? I don’t know, but maybe so. Until next time dear reader, count your chickens, for their eggs may never hatch. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Count your chickens, for their eggs may never hatch.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


Changes, changes come, changes change, changes go,” which is just a fanciful way to let all of my dear readers know, that I updated a few things on my site. Look around, explore, check out the archives, type in a random search query. BE SURE TO FOLLOW ME and/or drop your email to get notified every time I post new articles, which is daily, often more than once a day. I don’t stop creating, so stay tuned, much more to come. There’s around 4000 pages of content on this here site. Yes it’s a lot, it accumulates over time, & I’ve been creating on this site for over a decade now. Dang, almost 11 years, like it was yesterday…no cliché intended. “Spooky this whole time acceleration thing is,” in my best Yodarian accent, “a toilet flushing, this life is.”

I don’t know what this is, whatever this Clownworld nonsense is, but whatever this is, is moving faster towards something, but what, & how? The 4d time spiral coils & unfurls, infinitely shrinking & expanding, & it happens to be shrinking at this time within a greater time, which causes acceleration, like a toilet flushing, & from our monkey-brain 3d perspective, it is seemingly moving faster. In 5d, 4d “time” is irrelevant, but here in 3d, we are all subject to the will of the higher dimensions, unless we are dreaming. The dreamscape is a mix, a mixture of 3d, 4d, AND 5d elements, in such a way that you aren’t 100% bound to one specific dimension, only riding the waves in between, albeit only briefly, before you wake up back here in 3d space.

Not going into all that tho, this is a short one, as my last one ended up being a small novel, but very fun to read. I suggest you check out the previous post, Fooze 22, my lucky number too, 22, ain’t that right boo?…true. Just look to the right there if you’re on laptop to see all my latest posts. I made it nice & easy for anyone who comes across this opus of mine, easy to be the navigator, at your own behest. It’s all on the right side of the page, or just keep scrolling down. Find the way, captain obvious.

Until next time fishheads. For none of you, & for all of you.