YES they are REAL, and YES they control YOU

Some info I just found is a little disturbing, especially for those of you that still question your monetary enslavement to an elite ruling class. It will take you less than 10 enlightening seconds. Just type “illuminati” backwards and add .com at the end and see where it takes you. Then ask yourself what is real and what is not. The evidence is right there in front of your face. I’ll make it even easier for you: Just copy and paste and watch where it takes you and ask yourself why. You have opened your eyes, now awaken to the real reality. Love to all.

Our Own Shift

Where does the time go? Just whizzing by, faster and faster, isn’t it, closing in on that all important date. I left a little gap between posts, not because I’ve been lazy, but because I am giving you time to go find some things out for yourself. You should all know about these things I write about already, but apparently many of you still somehow don’t. Many of you still living from your ego, some worse now than they were before. Hard to deal with the rise in vibration for some, it is making many of you want to regress back to the comfort zone you had before your awakening, draped in the illusion of ignorantly blissful happiness. If that is what you choose, then that is what you choose. 

I am done trying to wake you all up. There isn’t enough time left for me to still try to just get you started. Take responsibility for yourself. Learn for yourself. Enlighten yourself. You have heard me say over and over, “I am here to help you help yourself.” If you do not get that by now, if you still live from the fear and anger inside you, there is nothing I can do for you. You all know you need to wake up and/or be awakened already, what more can i say to encourage that? 81 days to go, what more can I really say to get you walking on a better path? You should already be aware, be conscious, so if you still are lost, for the last time I am telling you to re-awaken back to your Divine Self, your Higher Self. Just wake up and let’s go already. Stop wasting your time.

What I am going to do is post directly to those who are attuning well to their higher vibration. There is a lot of information you must all be privy to in order to make your own decisions regarding what is or is not going to happen December 21st. I am sure you are noticing the changes everywhere, right? Look around, pay attention. 2 major earthquakes today alone, increasing escalation of tension being reported from the middle east, the weather. Check out the current footage from Space Cams everywhere. Numerous unexplainable objects that yes, you can actually see for yourself. those are just tip-of-the-iceberg events. The leak is getting huge now, so much information, more and more, every day. Get out there and read for yourself. 

Your leaders are trying to manipulate you into siding off in this brewing global conflict. Do not let them, that is their agenda, their conflict. They have their own plan, do you want to be part of it, a slave to their cause? Fuck no you don’t, but you do not have to worry about those things. Detach from that reality, separate yourself from the duality of existing in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. Become One again with your soul consciousness. Don’t get caught up in their war, their is something else coming for them. Those who are returning to the Infinite and Divine Love of Source are going to experience something that is undefinable in this moment. There is no need to fear. Trust in the Unconditional Love of God.

“What about the spiritual war?” you may be thinking. Yes there is that too. The seemingly never-ending battle between good and evil. The problem with that is that conflict is dualistic in nature, so to accept that there is a spiritual war going on and to accept that you are a part, or a soldier in this conflict, then you still exist from duality. Duality only becomes manifest at this slow vibration, or does it? Good question which I do not have an answer to. What I like to think of is the analogy I heard some time ago which states, ” There can always be a light in the darkness, but never a darkness in the light.” This implies that Divine Love conquers all ultimately so there seems no need to get caught up in the melodrama of representing good or evil, right?

Just be Divine Love, be the inbreath and outbreath of the Infinite Love of Source. You must become aware of the fact that your true being is beyond all of this. Your true nature is Divine and One with God. These material desires, possessions, wealth, all meaningless, all just matter that has become condensed at this slow vibration. All of those unnecessary negative emotions, your fear, your hatred, your contempt, products of your ego. You ego is just the split of your soul that makes questions of things you already know deep down inside. It is part of a Great Experiment, a Divine Plan to experience being conscious at the slowest vibration of consciousness. You can choose when that experiment ends, and for those of you waking up, you are making the choice to ascend back a higher vibration, to return to existing solely from the Divine Love inside you. That is what is happening to all of you now.

Just worry about you, get yourself back in sync with your Higher Self. Yes there are things coming that are going to test everything you thought you knew. Yes there are going to be things occurring that you never could imagine you would be witness to. There is no need to panic, no need to freak out, definitely no need to be afraid, just be conscious. Be present in the moment as your True Self, your Divine Self. Let go of the confines of this reality. Let go of what they have told you is this or that, just let it go. Believe in yourself, believe in the presence of the Unconditional Love of Source inside you. Detach from your ego consciousness, yes you can do it, do not let your ego convince you otherwise. Return to your soul consciousness.

You were born in your soul consciousness, do you not remember? Sure it is different for everyone, but early on if you really think and try to remember, there you all were, existing from the innocence of the Divine Love inside you. Then something happens as you get older and you are bombarded by people and circumstances that seek to take that innocence. You learn to live from ego. You unwillingly learn as they knowingly program you to live more and more from your ego. They have forgotten their soul consciousness, so how would they be able to teach you all to live from Divine Love? Not totally their fault or totally your fault, just the way of this existence. Now that you are aware of that though, what is stopping you from reawakening to your Higher Self, your soul consciousness?

Yes it can be very difficult to separate from your ego. The ego is tricky and now especially will try to manipulate these intense emotions you are all experiencing. The ego thrives on controlling you, thrives from your fear of taking responsibility for your situation. Your soul is so much greater though, so much more powerful. It is your own weakness that allows you to let your ego guide you rather than your heart. Learn to let go of ego, you cannot go forward, you cannot level up if you still are enslaved to your fears. What is there to ever really be afraid of, ever? Think about it. All of this will be at some point of change at some future date regardless if anything happens on the Winter Solstice or not. When you look back on it all, were the fears ever worth it? Were the negativities ever worth it? You must let go of ego before you can move on. The choice is within all of you.

There is no way to truly know how or what to prepare for. Again, just be aware. Stay up-to-date on what is happening in the world around you. Realize that you can only help those who want to be helped. There is no more time to waste on those that do not get it. The responsibility is on them, not on you. Just get yourself right, get your heart right, embrace that Divine Love in your soul and just be yourself. Do not worry about them, let everyone else do their own thing. They are either waking up or they aren’t. You are no prophet, I am no prophet, just messengers to ourselves who are on the same path. Believe what you want, I prefer to stay on the fence. Who ever said you had to be on a side? I just am, as are you. I love all of you no matter what you think of me. Focus on you, focus on being a better you. Time ticks off, quicker and quicker, day by day. What is there really to get concerned over any more? Love to all.


This Video Answers Questions ~ CLICK HERE

A repost of an earlier video. I am emphasizing that everyone give this video a look. Take an hour of your time, I know you do not have much, but take an hour and help you help yourself. Change is coming. Many of your questions might be answered here. Instant gratification around the 30 minute mark for those of you who may be anxious to get to the point. A listing of facts, one after another, with evidence. Believe, do not believe, but be aware. Love to all.


Still Skeptical??~ CLICK HERE

Go here,to that link above where it says, “click here.” Inform yourself and quit wasting your time. You need to be ready, all of you. How serious must the proof be before you take it seriously? All of this information, more and more everyday, is spreading. This is true information that you aren’t supposed to know, but it is being leaked through the social media. That leak has grown and will continue to grow until and raging flood of truth blankets you all.

Walk outside and just quiet your mind. Do you feel that? You can feel the energy, you can feel the change. No you aren’t crazy, this is very real. Yes, reassure yourself that this is very real. There is no need to panic, no need to fear, just be aware. Be conscious. Focus on that Divine Love inside you, that Infinite Love for yourself, everyone, Source. There is nothing to be afraid of. Your vibration is rising, embrace it.

The time of change grows closer. Faster and faster. Acquire the real information. Do not live in the illusion of blissful ignorance. Whatever you feel, whatever you believe in, is not going to stop what is coming. All you can do is prepare as best you can. No, you do not need a fucking bunker, an arsenal of weaponry, a stash of food. Stop thinking that way. Detach from this 3rd dimensional duality consciousness. Let your ego consciousness go. The power the reconnect and return to the Oneness of your soul consciousness is inside all of you. Why do you not use it? That is the only real way to prepare for what is coming.

First, you simply must just become conscious, like flicking the switch that was switched to the off position sometime shortly after your birth. Once it is on, you will know, you will feel it inside you and all around you. Then you must relearn to live from soul consciousness. There is no single way to this, no guidebook. You are given the Divine Responsibility of learning all of that for yourself. That is why you are here reading this. This is such a unique time to be alive, so many awakening, so much Unconditional Love. I want to say that that Divine Love will be your savior, but it is not saving you exactly, it is liberating you, freeing you from your enslavement to your fear and your ego and this dense reality.

You still hang on to your dreams, your goals, your hopes of what you wanted to make in this life. Yes, it sounds so beautiful doesn’t it to manifest your dreams here, but there is so much more to all of it. 5th dimensional existence, there is no more time. Time stays behind, in the 4th dimension and lower. In the 5th, you can create your own reality with thought. Think of those possibilities, think of the unlimitedness of your imagination. Now think on those dreams, those life ambitions of yours in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. Which would you rather have? Better yet, which choice feels closer to what you truly are inside, a Light Being, which one?

Think of the 5th dimension as dreaming, except you are in full control of all aspects and are fully conscious, more conscious in fact that you can imagine, and that dream stretches on through unlimited time and space. Everything moves so slow at this vibration, everything is so dense. So slow that everything appears to be condensed into matter. But any physicist will tell you that you, me, everything, is all composed mostly of empty space. Yes, inside of you there is enough space for a universe or two, it is a fact. So what is this all around you?

It is an illusion, and those that rule you are profiteers from this illusion. It has been going on for a long time and that time is now ending. You are all waking up to truth and love and light and are realizing that this existence in ego consciousness is no longer resonating with you and your vibration. Believe in your Higher Self, your Divine Self, the power of your soul consciousness. Let go of all fears, no longer exist from the duality between ego and soul. The Infinite and Divine Love in your soul grows stronger every moment. You are strong, you have great power inside you.

Welcome this shift, do not be be afraid. There is no longer anything to fear if you have returned to the Love of Source. Use the information, the videos, the links, what I write about, use it as a springboard to find information for yourself. Your leaders still try to keep things from you. They still keep their agendas secretive, but there is a great difference between secretive and secret. Like I said, what was a leak is becoming a stream which will become a river then become a flood. We have that hidden information, we get more and more each day, then we give it to you because you deserve to know what is really happening in the world around you and what is not. We want you to know, we want you to help you help yourself.

Detach from the illusion, detach from your television, pay attention to what you eat and drink, appreciate nature, love everything and everyone. Remember that you have been incarnated before. Several times you have been incarnated in fact, lifetime after lifetime, gathering information from the experience of living at this slow vibration, this reality of 3rd dimensional ego consciousness. Now that time can be over for you. Now you have the chance to ascend, to return to your higher vibrational state in the 5th dimension, maybe higher.

All of the information you need is out here for you, but all the answers you seek are inside yourself, you have just forgotten. Yes, you have existed here before, those memories as well, lost inside you. There is a spiritual amnesia you experience in each incarnation. Yes, you can recall these past lives supposedly. When I accomplish that I will let you know. Just because I find this information for you and relay it to you for your benefit doesn’t make me anything special. I am no psychic, nor have I ever claimed to be. I do believe in those abilities though and I believe that when people claim they have accessed their Akashic records or some other aspect of a former existence, they believe that their experience is real, for the most part. 

Go from here, keep digging in, deeper and deeper into the information. We find out more and more every day. The more I discover, the more I relay to you, and the stream widens. The ones that control you encountered a death blow to their Great Plan. The advent of the social media is out connective web. We are all together. We wanted it to be One, but those profiteers, your leaders, are the ones who decided to separate and declare themselves above you and furthermore, are entitled to more than you. Fuck them. Fuck their Great Plan. Fuck their lies, deceptions, greed, corruption. You like being controlled, being a slave? Fuck no. Then stop allowing it.

Free your mind, free your soul. The only person you ever have to answer to is yourself. Stop being a puppet. Stop being influenced by what others think and feel. Who are they? Be yourself, worry about being yourself. it is hard enough just doing that apparently for most of you. So many trying to be this or trying to be that, doing this or doing that, going this way or going that way, just stop for a minute. Look around. Look outside and inside. Realize the reality of the world around you and you perception of that reality. What is really really going on? When the fat elephant in the room gets so fat that the room is too small for it, what happens then?

Wake up. Their deception is so obvious, do you still want to ignore it, pretend it isn’t real? Do you still want to try to make the best of it all, make as much money as you can, go for that extended corrupt education so you think you are bettering yourself, move up the corporate ladder, whatever it is you have convinced yourself is the key to your happiness, still want to feed into their Great Plan? Most of you do and will because you do not know any better. Most of you are clueless about the changes coming. Most of you have no idea about what I write about. Not every spark starts a fire, but as long as I keep raining down sparks, more and more of you will ignite. That is all I am here for, to help you. I have recognized my purpose, have you?

What are you here for? Maybe you are here to help others as well. Now you have the information I gave you, what will you do with it? Will you laugh it off, conclude that I am an idiot, crazy, a conspiracy theorist, some wannabe New Age loser? Or will you listen to your heart? Can you listen to the Love inside yourself and trust it to guide you? Yes I tell you things that are challenging to conceive of, but underneath all that I just want you all to Unconditionally Love each other. Whether or not something happens December 21st or not, return to Love. All of the chaos and hate and conflict in the world has to end, where will you go if it continues?  Return to the Infinite Love of Source, be your Divine Self. Today is a great day. Help someone help themselves today. Seeds become trees, then trees give seeds, so that more trees grow. Are you still a seed waiting to germinate, or are you growing into a tree? The answer is inside yourself. Love to all. 


Start Finding Out For Yourself

Pay attention to this information and yes, there is so much more is out there for you to find. All of you that still latch on to a bible or some form of religion, Christian, Jew, Muslim, whatever watch the first 10 minutes, just the first 10 minutes. Enlighten yourself. This info is not publicized through the mass media. The mass media is used to control you with fear and misinformation. Stop watching what they program for you. Believe in us, believe in the social media. At least believe in the dynamic of being fully aware of what is really going on around you. We are here to help you, not scare you or control you. We are here to help you detach from your enslavement, to awaken to your Divine Self. Believe what you want, watch what you want, accept what you want, but at least afford yourself the chance to gain insight through greater wisdom. The responsibility of choice is on you. Time is running out. Love to all.


Be Aware- It is Beginning

Blood Rain in India, is it? An alien unknown organism? What is happening everywhere? Did I not tell you, did I not alert you that the changes are coming faster? Yes, things are starting. Look around. Notice it. It has begun and you are in the final season. No, do not be afraid. Trust in yourself and your connection to Source. The Infinite Love inside you will be your guide. Do not succumb to fear. Focus on your Higher Self, you should be there by now. You need to be reading about these things, these events, on your own. All of this info is out there, you just have to look. We are here to give you guidance, to help you help yourself, but I have said that enough already. You are either conscious or not by now, walking the path of light or stumbling still through the darkness. Accept responsibility for yourself and what is really happening to everyone. Who cares if anyone else agrees or not, just embrace Unconditional Love and your Divine Purpose. Is that not more important than anything else? Or you can stay critical, call me crazy, continue being what you think is you, laugh all of this away like it is some delusional joke, that’s your issue. You will see where your heart is in 88 days and 10 and 1/2 hours, December 21st, 11:11 Universal time, 2012 Winter Solstice. Seek this information for you, for your benefit. There is a Great Change coming. Yes, it is real. Get yourself ready already. Love to all.

First Day of the Final Season

Yes, today begins the autumn equinox and maybe, yes, the last season in this dimension. Less than 3 months. Can you feel the energy, can you feel the vibration? It is so loud now, yet so many are still deaf. So many completely unaware of events soon to unfold. What events, what could this be all about? Has everyone gone mad or is it just the author? Look around you and figure out for yourself what you think is real now and what isn’t. How fat must the elephant in the room get before you want to notice it?

There is information out there, available to everyone, all of you. You all have access to so much information, the Internet, books, read something, stop watching that hypnotic black box that controls you. Watch things that provide information, that teach, that give you knowledge that is beneficial. Who cares about fucking football, who gives a shit who can sing better than someone, who really fucking cares, what does it really matter to you? You love it though, you succumb to the distraction. You love existing in the bliss of your own ignorance. 

You love to make judgements, you love to be critical of others, do you still believe what someone else tells you? Are you really your own leader? Still worrying about everyone else? Let that go already. You have to awaken, you need to snap back to your Divine Self, your Higher Self. Just be conscious, it’s so simple. yes, you have existed many incarnations before this, yes you are clearing karmic baggage, yes you can increase your vibration and ascend back to a higher dimension. These things are all real, where does your disbelief come from, where does that awful skepticism arise from?

Hard to let go of your ego, isn’t it? Your ego wants to convince you that what I write and what i am telling you is total bullshit, that I am a fucking lunatic, maybe an idiot. Believe your ego, believe what you want, I don;t care what you believe, why worry about what I think? Remember again, and again and again, I just am here to help you help yourself. I am just a messenger, an illustrator of observance, recorder and reporter of information. Those who control you do not want you to be privy to this knowledge but fuck them. They are manipulative, self-serving, slave-driving scum and their time is at hand. I don’t worry about them either, nor should you. Worry about nothing. Fear nothing. Think about everything you despise right now. Now love those things you think you hate. Find the love in all of it. 

Your time is going so fast, look how fast summer went by. Now you are all here, in this final time, this final season. Yes, now, last season, let it soak in, yes you only have less than 3 months to go. Everything will change, everything you thought you knew. Embrace your Unconditional Love for yourself, and everyone, and Source. Become that Divine Love. There is no more time to waste, no more time to take for granted. Detach from what your ego has convinced you of as reality. The answers have always been here, always been inside you, they have just kept you slowed down, kept you complacent. Focus on you, re-awaken to the real you, believe in yourself to be your Higher Self. Just let that other stuff go, let all that worry go, let all the conflict and negativity go, all of it, gone. 

Pay attention to the changes going on everywhere. There are signs, obvious signs, if you know what to look at. Let go of the illusion, it is all just illusion. All that matters is the Infinite Love inside you. If you are awakened, help others awaken. Think of your true purpose, your Divine purpose. Why are you really here? What is the reason for your incarnation, possibly your final incarnation in this dimension? Return to yourself, whatever works for you, whatever gets you re-attuned, whatever resonates the Unconditional Love you feel inside, you must wake up. Meditate, enjoy nature, enjoy being around those you care for. Everyone’s vibration is rising, everyone is part of this, but not everyone will ascend. Do you wish to remain in this reality of density and matter and low vibration duality consciousness? Or do wish for greater possibilities and the options that await you in a higher state of consciousness, the 5th dimension of being? 

Thoughts become manifest in the 5th dimension, time is no more. What you can conceive of, you can create. Think of the possibilities, think of living out eternities in your most imaginative dreams. But you cannot exist on this plane, you cannot be on this higher frequency of vibration if you live from your ego, from your fear. Your existence would be the hell of being consumed in a nightmare of negativity. Your fears would become manifest and this cannot happen in the 5th dimension. I once read that you cannot have darkness in a lit room, but you can always have a light in a darkened room. Think about that, think about your life. What do you really need to do here, what is the true nature of your happiness? Time to wake up. The choice and the responsibility have always been yours. Don’t be afraid to accept it. Love to all.