NASA ENLIL Solar Wind Radar >>Watch Previous Post Video First<<

This is NASA’s ENLIL Spiral. Earth is the yellow dot to the right. You can clearly see the CME, and yes, it looks kinda ominous, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, NOT A DIRECT HIT, but there will be some great auroras. Just wanted to post this for your knowledge, here’s the link again…    This is updated regularly and is something interesting to look at from time to time, especially when there is an increase in solar flare activity.

This other ENLIL wind prediction radar shows relatively the same thing. If any of you watch SO, Suspicious Observer, you will see the he goes over these every time he does his daily report. Of course not all of you know that, which is why I am here helping you help yourselves. If you feel inclined, save these in your bookmarks or reading lists or whatever, or don’t. They are here for you to use as long as the power and/or the internet stays on. Wide eyes open. Love to all. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


UPDATE Massive Solar Eruption UPDATE


This is the most recent footage of that massive solar eruption that happened yesterday, well minus the upload time, making the vid, etc…   Regardless, I have put together a nice compilation for you of different views of this event. For those of you who think this eruption and its radiation are coming our way, I suggest you go here… CLICK HERE>>>    That link will take you directly to NASA’s ENLIL spiral which show where all CME’s will be directed. I had a few comments that tried to imply this was coming right at us. IT IS NOT. Go to the link, Earth is the little yellow dot to the right of the Sun. The eruption comes close, yes, but it is not a direct hit. Very close  but no…NO, No, No, relax. I know some of you troll-bots can’t wait for doomsday, but it won’t be today. And if the killshot comes, what are you really gonna have time to do? Enjoy the time now, these moments now. I do not make these to scare you, I make these because the Sun is beautiful and fascinating and ominous and central to life here on Earth. And now in this time, we can see more of it than we ever have before, so why not take advantage? Embrace its awe and beauty, but keep in mind that the sun is ginormous compared to Earth, and there are suns out there that are ginormous compared to our Sun. In the grand scheme, we are nothing, atoms on atoms, so just enjoy whatever this is while we are here and quit freaking out over war and evil governments and killshots and the overall majority of scum on this planet. There are still a few things left of unspeakable beauty. A flower in bloom so perfect but do not pick it or it dies, a sunny sky that can be covered with clouds, a girl that looks like an angel that you wish you could tell, and all the while, there is our Sun, glorious in its majesty, shining down life on us all, but able to rain global catastrophe in a moment. There is duality in all, and you must be able to see both sides to see the whole picture. As for our Sun,  you can see it now like you never have before, indulge and inform yourselves, while you have the freedom to. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Massive Halo Solar Eruption Live

Made by yours truly courtesy of once again. It’s late and I’m tired so I’m keeping this short. Basically, a massive filament erupted from the Sun not too long ago… footage is still coming in, but this is relatively close to the latest so far. I’m sure in a few hours there will be more, but for now, you can clearly see the power of this eruption from multiple outlets. Check it out, have a look for yourselves. Again, THERE IS NO DANGER. This is not coming at Earth, although it looks as though it will glance our planet, causing colorful auroras, possibly some satellite interference, but doubtful. Just more spectacular auroras from the Sun’s radiation reacting with our atmosphere. Enjoy the video, more to come. Wide eyes open, love to all.


Massive Solar Eruption


THIS IS NOT MY VIDEO. This is from our good friend, SuspiciousObserver, SO, and he makes daily updates on both Earth and Solar weather. This is footage of a massive CME, Coronal Mass Ejection, which happened today, September 29, 2013, but do not fear, it is not coming directly at us, only a glancing blow maybe. I am making my own video on this via  … you can also go there and see for yourself or make your own videos or whatever gets you off. This JUST happened, so I wanted to wait until helioviewer updated the Lasco c2 and c3 images for you all so you can see the halo eruption this event most likely caused. Again, nothing to worry about, this is just a beautiful display from our Sun that will cause some amazing auroras over the next few days for those of you who are lucky enough to live where you can see them. These things happen quite often, but this one is definitely above par, especially had it been Earth-facing. Lucky for all of you, it isn’t. So, give me a few hours for the most recent footage, and I’ll have my own video of this spectacular celestial event for all of you, my beloved readers and subscribers, to enjoy. Stay tuned, wide eyes open. Love to all.

North Sentinel Island

Do you see the “A” on this map? That location is an island called North Sentinel Island. Never heard of it? Most people haven’t. This is a very unique island, unique in several ways. First of which is the fact that no outsiders have ever encountered the island’s native inhabitants, and those who have were murdered. Secondly, no one knows how many of them there are exactly. Third, the language they speak is unknown and undecipherable, yes even in these modern times. There’s a 4th, and a 5th, and a 6th reason and so on, which you will find out if you read more into it. Let’s look at this close up of the island…

     Do you know what that is surrounding this island? It is a huge coral reef, protecting the island from ships coming in, while also keeping the natives confined. This island is around 30 square miles, and is covered with forest. The coral reefs provide ample seafood, so those natives have all they need to remain self-sufficient and isolated from the rest of the world, which is exactly what they want.

I came across this discovery randomly earlier, and as I’ve said before, every day you learn something new. There are actually several links to more info on this island and its strange inhabitants…


Not many up-close pics are available, because these people will literally kill anyone who imposes on their island. As you can see, they have an African-esque look to them. Kind of odd, considering how far they actually are away from Africa. The Indian Navy has agreed to protect the island and these inhabitants from any outside influence, and make regular patrols around the island. Heavy fines and imprisonment are also enforced on those who try to get in, so it’s no joke, STAY OFF OF THEIR ISLAND. There is a report of 2 fisherman who got caught in the reefs, beyond the boundaries. They were drunk, fishing, and passed out, at which time the natives quickly came out to their boat and killed them. See what I mean?

Oh, here is a link for you… CLICK HERE>>> The Forbidden Island    … and as I informed you of above, there are numerous other links that you can find if you Google “north sentinel island.” Look into it, it’s quite interesting. I just came across it randomly, which is common when you dive into researching knowledge. That is why I always encourage all of you to go out and find this info for yourselves. There are countless other little factoids like this out there. Knowledge is strength, get stronger. If there were no Internet, how would you ever know or be able to know about North Sentinel Island? The Internet runs on the flick of a switch. Think about it. Now get out there and discover. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Colony Collapse Disorder… Where are the Bees?

Bees graphics


Are you aware that the bee population is disappearing? Apparently, it isn’t new news, but it also isn’t talked about very much. I came across this earlier, particularly the term Colony Collapse Disorder   Yes, you can click on the term and read more about it as it relates to bees, and if you want to apply the concept in some other light, go for it. What happens is that the worker bees literally disappear, like DISAPPEAR, no bodies, gone, leaving the queen bee to starve and die. Last winter, 1/3, yes ONE THIRD of the entire US bee population disappeared, and scientists do not know why. Sure, there are a few articles that claim to have evidence that it was certain fungicides and pesticides, but to this day, nothing has been proven. Do you realize how crucial bees are for the life cycle of the environment?

Bees move pollen, so it’s simple, no bees, no flowers, no flowers, no bees,  the flowers aren’t there to fill their role in nature’s cycle, and it extends out from there.  Bees are also indicators of environmental health, so if the bees disappear and keep disappearing, what is that saying about the overall health of the environment? Now I have seen several articles that point to Monsanto. Do you know what Monsanto is? Not everyone does yet, so if you do, don’t hate, inform. Anyway, here is a link for you… CLICK HERE>>> Occupy Monsanto  … kind of a biased article, but if its truth…

A quick sum-up, Monsanto is a corporation that is seeking to monopolize the world’s food supply by genetically altering and patenting their seeds as the sole source for the world’s crops. When you hear the term “GMO food,” that is Monsanto. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism, and what most of you don’t know is that this companies long evil arms already clutch most of what you consume as food. Crops have been and are being being modified in ways that are unprecedented and guess who the test subjects are?… YOU. How are these crops modified?.. Some have fungicides and pesticides genetically embedded in their DNA. Some are modified to be disease resistant for them, but how does that affect those who eat it? Again, YOU are the guinea pigs. Monsanto also is a major chemical researcher. Chemicals plus GMO food plus consuming population equals… And what about the bees? Is there a connection to Monsanto’s takeover of the farmer’s farm?   …CLICK HERE>>> What Is Monsanto Doing To Our Bees?

There are numerous, numerous articles on this subject and it makes one wonder, if one-third of the entire bee population disappeared last winter, and it’s a year later and nothing has changed, what will happen to this winter’s bees? Monsanto’s hold extends so deeply into the US food market that they surely haven’t let up. In fact, they are sure to have more GMO this year than last. The nature of a corporation is profit, and how do you profit?… by making more for the consumer to consume AND… by making your product the only thing the consumer has to chose from. They are trying to monopolize the entire world market, and if you haven’t put it together by now, they are clearly part of the globalist agenda. One world government, one world laws, one world language, one world religion, ONE WORLD FOOD SUPPLY. As I mentioned earlier, there are many links online for you to read more on these subjects.  Just wanted to inform you all on the term “colony collapse disorder,” as well as the disappearing bees. Most of you have heard about Monsanto by now, but I guarantee that if you asked a random 100 people on the street, you would find that sadly, a large number of them would NOT have a clue what you were talking about. If you asked someone, “What does GMO stand for?”…how many do you think would know, just from a random survey of those 100 people on the street? Nonetheless, after reading this, YOU know, and if you KNOW, then share, inform, help others help themselves, that is why we are here isn’t it? Well that’s why I am here, and I can tell you, right now it’s all about elevating yourselves by growing through knowledge and enlightenment. Access to this wisdom relies on the flick of a switch though, so take what you can while you can. Wide eyes open, love to all. 


Deep Impact Lost in Space

NASA announced today that the Deep Impact mission has ended. Launched in 2005, this spacecraft’s mission was to explore Comet Tempel 1, which it did successfully, here is a pic…    … and there are numerous other images you can look up for yourselves. After the Tempel 1 project, the mission was extended and the space probe was programmed to go further, studying exoplanets and comets, sending back over a half million images to Earth.

Sadly, today the space probe is “dead” as NASA is reporting that the craft’s computers are in a state of permanent reboot, and they are no longer able to communicate. Now this probe’s latest mission was to be sending back updated images of the incoming Comet ISON, which I have talked about so much. So it just happens to “die” and lose communication just as this Comet is getting significantly close to the inner planets. Coincidence? Well, we can only speculate. The craft did continue on 8 years after its initial mission, and supposedly sent back a plethora of useful data. Yet, as what is being hailed as the “comet of the century” C/2012 S1 ISON approaches, we have lost that valuable tool for catching up-to-date images. There is no disputing that fact, whether they are hiding something or not. So we will all just have to wait a little longer apparently for more decent images of said “comet” to be released. In 11 days, ISON will be making it’s first close approach to Mars. Yes, of course there is already hype about this, but let’s all try to be patient. Trust me, you will know when this “comet” gets close, despite the extreme lack of coverage via the fake news MSM. They are busy distracting all of you with war-mongering and false-flag shooting events, when all the while, the biggest, most eventful story of all is hurling toward our Sun at 2 million miles a day. As long as I am here, you will get the info that I get, but you cannot rely on me and/or others for all your info, you must rely on yourselves. That info is here, for now anyway. Just because 85 to 90% of the population is dumbed-downed, hypnotized, brainwashed, and fluoridated, doesn’t mean YOU have to be. They are the herd, the sheeple, why would anyone want to follow the herd?… but they do. Work, eat, shit, program, sleep, repeat, day after day after day after day. Is that really living?… or is that just what you do until you die? Only YOU can answer that question for YOU. If you’d like to know more about Deep Impact, CLICK HERE>>> Deep Impact    … and for a link to the current story as it relates to the “death” of this space probe and it’s mission, CLICK HERE>>> NASA’s Comet-Hunting Deep Impact Probe Is Dead In Space   More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all.


Signs of Change 1st Half of September

This is the latest in the series from a guy on Youtube that goes by HawkeyeDavis. Here’s the link to his channel… CLICK HERE>>>  He makes these every few weeks or so, offering updated footage of extreme climate events going on around the world. As the title suggests, these videos hint at signs of a global change, as far as unprecedented and disastrous natural catastrophes go. Once again, I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE, I am simply offering you a link to this footage. Some say that these events are how it always is, only it is able to be reported more thoroughly at this time. From what we have seen though, words like “unprecedented” and “epic” and “record” and “first” have become more and more common have they not? So has all this “better” reporting lead to all these “records” being broken? Hmmmm….

Anyway, I’m gonna keep this one short. Have a go at the vid above, it’s only 15 minutes long, and be sure to check out the channel linked above, he has several of these going back many months. Not that those past months really matter, but the footage is impressive.  No matter what you believe or don’t believe, this guy gets great footage, and the footage is usually pretty intense and/or significantly rare. Take it for what it is. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

BREAKING Shooting at Navy Yard


As many of you are now seeing, there has been a mass shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. Reports are still coming in, and they are saying there is more than one shooter and there are multiple victims. We cannot speculate yet, it is still too early, but already people are claiming “false flag” event, so stay wary of what you see and hear because if it is in fact another “staged” event, they will be trying to mislead and confuse all of you with misinformation and disinformation. I will provide updates as I deem them needed. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

NEW Comet ISON Link

Do you know who this is? This is a guy named Bruce Gary. He is an astronomer from Michigan with numerous years of experience in astronomical research. Here is his link… CLICK HERE>>>  You can click the link to read more about his qualifications. Why am I telling you this? Because this is who Suspicious Observer uses for his Comet ISON info. If you don’t know who SO is, look him up on Youtube. He gives daily weather updates on his channel, weather from space and on Earth. HE IS EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE AND RELIABLE. All of his work is documentable and verifiable. On today’s post, he added the link to Bruce Gary’s Comet ISON update page, which I am now going to link for you… CLICK HERE>>>  You won’t find any images on his page of what appears to be a spaceship, you won’t find images that are of something else, THESE ARE REAL, UP-TO-DATE COMET ISON IMAGES. I do not want to mislead anyone and/or offer any speculative information. This event is going to be significant and it is important that you all know what is real and what is not. This is a GIF animation of Comet ISON, from Bruce Gary’s page….

This was put together using several still images. There are numerous charts and graphs showing the projected orbit, perihelion dates, etc… Just go to the site and have a look, I know many of you are excited to see as much of this comet as you can. In just a few weeks, it will be making it’s close pass to Mars as it gets closer and closer to the Sun, about 2 million miles closer a day. Check out the orbital paths and you will see that after it goes around the Sun, should it survive, it will cross directly in front of Earth’s orbit, possibly bringing Earth through it’s tail and subsequently, it’s debris field. Whatever happens, it looks to be a spectacular show upcoming for all of you to see. Now we have a new link to stay updated with, and as I discover more, I will gladly being sharing that info with all of you. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.