Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Trump 2016

Be a Creator…


Vote Trump 2016,

and let’s make America great again.

More to come.

Love to all.

Free Magic



Magic at the push of a button.

Check out for YOUR free software, music, movies, PDFs, etc…

Why hassle with monopoly money?

The best price is FREE, FREE, FREE.

Learn to use bit torrents, and take it NOW while YOU can…

…or just change the channel…

More to come.

Love to all. 

Summer Solstice



And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche


Today is the end of spring and the beginning of summer, yes, the Summer Solstice is today, Saturday, June 21st, the longest day of the year. What will the summer of 2014 bring?… Good question. Beaches, barbecues, beer? Bombs and blood in Baghdad? Continuance of record weather extremes? Escalation of global tensions between nationalities? More waking up, while more people sink deeper into their caves?

Now I’m not trying to be macabre, or pessimistic, there is no fear here, therefore there is no fear-mongering. Nothing short of the act of YOU pressing a button brings YOU here. If I met you in real-life, you would hear none of this information, unless you asked. I used to press certain people from time to time about turning off their televisions, not eating processed shit, waking up, etc… but I quickly found that NO ONE listens to anything related to the notion of ascending from the cave unless they want to and/or are ready to hear it. The veil of the ego is strong, with a long-established foundation that the current humanity has built itself upon. Many people don’t even conceive of understanding anything beyond said veil, believing that everything their 5 little senses tell them is real. They are afraid, controlled by the fear that fortifies the dominance of the ego. Have you ever looked into hypnosis? Ever looked into mass hypnosis? Why is it that a person can be hypnotized, then told that something inanimate, like a pencil for instance, is really a cigarette let’s say, and then when the pencil is touched onto the hypnotized person’s arm, it actually has the same response as a burning cigarette, causing pain, a blister, etc… as always, if you doubt what I tell you, look it up, moving on…

How would an entity be able to conduct mass hypnosis? They would need to broadcast the procedure to many at the same time…hmmm…what would be ideal for that? And the answer is…that’s right, the television. Broadcast programming, it’s right there in everyone’s face, but I guess one has to know what etymology is before applying it to the terminology accrued in an individual lexicon, i.e. most people don’t think about the words they use everyday. Now do you think the puppet masters aren’t aware of the numerous weaknesses in the average human psyche? Of course they do, and even worse for you, they have mastered their craft, using the mainstream media to control what is real to you. Why do you think I tell you all over and over and over and over and over again to turn off the fucking television already? Try it for a week if it seems like such a loss to you. You might be surprised how the real world seems to really “wake up with life” you could say once you’re free from the spells being broadcast to keep you docile via those televisions you have in your bedroom, in your living room, in your den, in your kitchen, televisions everywhere, subconsciously keeping you docile and complacent and distracted from what is most important…YOU.

I am aware that those who watch television routinely don’t really consider the amount of time spent staring at the fake lives of those portrayed via the televised programming. This is time where you could be doing something creative, maybe meditating, maybe going outside, maybe connecting with others. So much time, precious time, all being wasted as we hurl faster and faster toward… well toward what? Hmmmm… another intriguing question. I’m no psychic, I cannot predict the future. The best you can do is to improve your puzzle-piece skills, because that”s all you ever will get, piece after piece after piece, eventually forming the picture of this 3rd dimensional paradigm we are all apparently currently stuck in together. And guess what? Turning off your television allows the pieces to fall into your life more effortlessly, first as a drip, then a little stream, eventually becoming a torrent, raining down information puzzle pieces. It doesn’t take long to come to the self-realization that the puzzle you once thought was being put together is, in actuality, an entirely different picture, but that’s okay, because is it not better to exist from the divinity of a true reality, rather than ignorantly selling yourself short by believing in the illusion? In the shadows and echoes?

If you do not know the reference to Plato’s Cave by now,

I implore you, PLEASE either Google it and/or just search my archives.

What is the picture being formed in the great puzzle? Going back to my emphasis that I am in NO way being macabre when I illustrate the current condition. Focusing only on what is wrong rather then accentuating what is right is NOT productive, but neither is ignoring the numerous elephants quickly filling up the dwindling space in the room. Is the difference between said wrongs and rights relative? An opening question for an intro philosophy class… the answer is yes and no. Yes, because it IS relative to YOU as the center of your universe, where YOU are seemingly in command of YOUR own free will, choosing to do what is right and wrong based upon said free will. And No because as a being of energy bounded by the universal bonds of unconditional love, there is no relativity between love and fear other than that they oppose one another. If you act from ego and fear, then that is the world you will create around yourself, and you will come back into this dimension over and over and over and over again until you remember the fact that you are a being of light and energy bounded by the aforementioned universal bonds of unconditional love. Oppositely, if you choose to become free of ego and fear, embracing your higher self, your soul consciousness, then you may ascend from the slow vibration of the 3rd dimension back up to the true bliss and timelessness of the 5th dimension from where we all fell eons ago. Again, if you have never read and/or are a bit lost right now, just Google anything yo see here or dive into the archives. This is here for YOU, not me. 


Now back to that grand picture being painted…uh oh, we’ve hit the 1000 word mark. No worries, I’ll keep going for a minute to finish the illustration. Sadly, this picture being painted isn’t pretty, at least not in the short-term. The dark cabal of globalist pig scum running shit from the shadows has never been so exposed, but these devils don’t seem to care, forwarding their evil agenda of global domination. They care not for you or me. To them, we are numbers, consumers who fatten their deep pockets, yet are deemed expendable when necessary. Well guess what?… FUCK THAT and FUCK THOSE owl-worshipping luciferian zionist banker parasites. I don’t rely on and/or offer belief in   isms, but your dark masters DO. Don’t blame me, I didn’t create this insane asylum, I’m a traveler, same as you, but when YOU follow their lead, and succumb to believing and giving part of your soul and your energy to their isms, they gain power from YOU, because they control the system YOU allow to control YOU. So I say to all of YOU, dear readers, watchers, brothers and sisters , I say rise. Turn away from their spells, their programming, their infomercial reality, have the courage to let that material shit go. It means nothing, absolutely nothing. You are here for a flash, and then you’re gone, and you take nothing with you, so what does money matter? What does material matter? IT MEANS NOTHING, they have only tricked YOU to think it does. Let go and rise up, turn off the tv, stop eating sugar, get back out into nature, for YOU, not for me. It’s YOUR soul on the line here, not mine. My consciousness is expanding exponentially, what about yours? This 3rd dimensional reality we are all in is coming to a head, where there will be a split. You can either allow your fear to seal your fate inside the cave of your ego, or you can let go of all you fear, including all you fear to lose, and ascend from your cave out into the enlightenment of a higher reality. We are here, we are guides, helping you help yourselves find the way back to your real home, but YOU have to want to find YOUR way for YOU. You have gotten here, if you are new, you are taking the initial steps that will take you back to YOU. If you are seasoned, well then you should already know this, and be playing whatever part it is you play to fulfill your soul’s purpose while still manifest in the density of this dimension. Despite the bleak picture being painted for the not-so-distant future of this current reality, do NOT let it affect YOU negatively. The dark cabal gains strength via the fear of their sheeple. Are you a sheep? One of the herd? No one is saying you are, but only YOU know the real answer. Whatever is coming, DO NOT BE AFRAID. Trust in yourself and the power inside YOU. There is nothing to fear, ever. Afraid of dying? Why? You’ve died and been reborn countless times, you have only forgotten. Death is only a transition, either the transition back here to the 3rd dimension, or it can be your soul’s ascension, ascending back to the 5th dimension. Think of the 5th dimension as the best dream you could ever have, where one’s thought becomes manifest, free of the bondage of time. An endless perfect dream, but it is up to YOU whether or not you can resonate with the truth of multi-dimensional consciousness. I am only the architect of the information, YOU choose whether or not to open the door to come in and see the paintings on the wall. On that note, I’m wrapping this post up. I hope it offers some of you a direction, or something positive you can take away.

Summer is here, be brave in the days ahead.

Wide eyes open. Love to all.


Book Intro




For None and All.

This is a rough intro to a new book I am putting together. The info is buried deep in my archives, but this is a different entity than those posts. This is more than information, it is a secret of the real reality of this 3rd dimensional paradigm and how YOU got here. Take it and resonate with the information,

…or as always, YOU have the option to simply change the channel. 



Being young as an old soul can be tricky. Having being incarnated and reincarnated over and over and over again wears on the soul. Each incarnation the spiritual amnesia seems to deepen in one way, yet soften in another. Let me explain. Deepen in the sense you can feel that you have been here before, that you somehow already know what you know, like a game, that you cannot remember the rules to. You feel it though, always feeling it, just cannot quite put together what it was. It gets thicker each time, but there’s the counterbalance, the soften aspect. When I use the term soften, I mean that if you can learn to let go of the illusory grand impression you had of the world and begin to remember yourself, the deepening becomes an awakening, and rather quickly the pieces come together, the puzzle picture forms, the game board becomes clear. As a young soul who has not become deep yet, there is little of a softening aspect, because they have not incarnated enough to be challenged in such a way, they are still young in spirit remember. There are always of course anomalies, young souls that dive right into the deep end and emerge golden, old souls that grow older, never attaining the self enlightenment they keep incarnating over and over and over again for to begin with. There is of course the huge grey area in between, as it is obviously different for each and every soul. Do you want to know why it is this way?

Eons ago, consciousness was not divided amongst a populous of humans and/or all other sentient beings throughout the Universe. Consciousness was a singular entity, in a void of a higher dimension, unbound to time and matter and form, connected and un-broken by the bliss of unconditional love. No conceptualizations of fear or ego or evil, only a highly vibrating entity of blissful consciousness. Then, said great entity set out to conduct a grand experiment with itself, the grandest of experiments, barely plausible from the lower level of consciousness the current humanity resonates from. This grand experiment was to allow itself, consciousness, as a mass entity, to fall into the lower vibrations of the lower dimensions so that it could experience itself experiencing itself, breaking and fragmenting into a seemingly infinite number of fragmentations, which quickly expanded throughout the Universe. These fragments, these singular androgynous souls of the mass consciousness then came upon planets, where they could manifest and re-propagate themselves, experiencing the realities of existing no longer as energy, but rather condensed, into form and matter, into the 3rd dimensional construct you now all find yourselves in. So the fragments descended further, dividing themselves, becoming no longer a connected entity of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, but now two different fragments of fragments. Here on this planet, we have come to know each half of the once united soul as a man and woman, and certainly this similar scenario has played out throughout the Universe by now, since remember, this all occurred many, many eons ago.

There is, however, a great twist in all this…


Consciousness, as the initial mass entity, had a back-up plan for this grand experiment. Once consciousness had descended as far as it go, it to the deepest bowels of ego and evil and darkness away from the light, it would re-ascend itself back to the higher dimensions of infinite love and joy and pure bliss and divine connectivity. How did it plan to do this? Unknowing to most of the human souls, they subconsciously were programmed to seek out their other halves, their divine counterparts. Recall what I spoke of above, how the fragments, fragmented into a divine feminine and divine masculine form in order to incarnate in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. Thus, the purpose of all men and women throughout all of their time in this dimension is to gather knowledge and experience for the great consciousness, the source, while simultaneously subconsciously seeking to reunite with their divine other half. It is often referred to as the twin flame. Now clearly most people have no inclinations of these things, so they end up with soul mates, or substitutes of some sort that do not quite fulfill them, yet they deal with it because they know nothing more then some feeling inside themselves they try to call love, although in reality is not a whole love, not a complete love, it is a bittersweet love, until one re-connects with their divine counterpart, their twin flame, or twin soul, or twin ray, I like to let labels retain a flexibility. On that note, what I wrote above does not exclude the gays. Some go through incarnations as homosexuals, as I said, every soul’s journey is different, some just encounter different experiences, and who is to say that the divine spirit limits itself to a male or female body, despite it’s initial being as divine masculine or divine feminine? There is no judgement here, no answers, all of this knowledge already exists within each and every one of you. You have been misguided into an illusory world that revolves around egos and fear, embracing the slow vibration of this 3rd dimensional asylum you are all stuck in together, rather then discovering your souls and learning to re-ascend back to the higher dimensions of energy and light from which you descended.

This is not true of the entirety of humanity however, as more and more souls are remembering what they are, many are reuniting with their twin flames, many are seeking to return to the joy and compassion and unconditional love that encompasses the realms of bliss from the higher dimensions from whence you all fell so very, very long ago.

So there it is.

Breathe. Deep in, deeper, deeper, expand the diaphragm, then hold, then release, letting all the dark go, all the ego, all the fear, just breathe.


I take late late night 6 mile walks around a lake in complete darkness, only the sound of Nature and my natural disposition available to me as a fairly in-shape human being. No one is ever out there. Why? What makes one not go for a walk or jog in the full moon on a path around a lake in the dark? It’s because of fear…”something might get me,”…”I can’t see, what if something/someone gets me,”…all boils down to FEAR….FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. It’s a plague on your soul. Let go of it, like a breath, in with the good soul energy, out with the fear and the ego version of YOU, the fake version of YOU. Only two base emotions remember?…LOVE and FEAR. Are YOU the master, or the slave? Let go of fear, let go of the anger from that fear, let go of the vanity, just let it go, like a breath, a breath like a cloud. YOU are part of Nature. YOU are part of everything. There is NOTHING to fear, EVER. Are YOU afraid of death? Why? This life will be over before YOU know it. YOU are only here for a blip, then gone, but where? Depends on where your soul is and/or if YOU can even identify yet with what/who YOU really are. Will YOU come back, incarnating after incarnating again and again, forgetting yourselves, having to remember what YOU already know again. Make this the last incarnation. YOU are a being of a higher dimension. This dimension is slow, vibrating so slowly that energy condenses into matter and form, all the while YOU are really an infinite solar being of light trapped in a 3rd dimensional body. When YOU dream, YOU ascend, YOU are nearly no longer limited to time and density, YOU are almost free. This is the astral plane between the 4th and 5th dimension. There is a connection here, a door, but YOU cannot walk through into the 5th dimension until YOU free yourselves of karma and ego and fear, and embrace love, unconditional love, the love that binds you to the Source. Many are awakening, many are feeling they are changing, evolving, yet the masses still stay clueless. I have spent two years working on this, and if YOU choose to still watch television all day, consuming shit food, and staying programmed, then keep doing it. The choice to expand your consciousness and remember your soul self, your higher self, your divine self, is inside YOU, not me.

I am only here to translate, helping as many of YOU as I can help yourselves.

Think about how YOU feel when YOU resonate with this knowledge.

Or don’t. Change the channel. Eat more sugar.

Choice is YOURS, not mine.

We are here simply to inform.

Love to All.

Comet ISON Perihelion/First Day of Hanukkah November 28

space (1630) Animated Gif on Giphy

Again, my apologies for my slackness on the updates and new posts. I have been sitting back and watching some events unfold, getting a good look at the bigger picture. Let’s start with the caption above, ” What about Comet ISON?” … exactly, WHAT is going on with this “comet?” Astronomers are puzzled, even the ones who report to the MSM are stating that they have never witnessed a comet that behaves in such a way. So one would think that there would be a prioritization to be as updated as possible, all cameras pointing at this object, but where is the info? Bruce Gary of course is right there in the forefront bringing as much as he can, but what about those who have access to much better equipment? What about Hubble? What about images from the rover on Mars? Why the lack of information?  Why is it that 9 out of 10 people still don’t even know what this is or that it is coming soon? Questions, questions, questions….

If you want to see the projected path and best time for naked eye visibility, go here>>>   You can also use Stellarium although you may have to import the data for the Comet which is easy. Perihelion, when the comet gets closest to the Sun, is shown to be on November 28, yes about 3 and 1/2 weeks away. Coincidentally, the 28th is also the first day of Hanukkah due to a rare anomaly between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars.  Happened once in the late 19th century, but it won’t happen again for over 77,000 years….CLICK HERE FOR MORE>>>Hanukkah-Thanksgiving   Again, just bizarre coincidence?… we will see. It is an important, important, important day because it will be the time when we will all see if this “comet” makes it around the Sun or not. If it does, will there some sort of amazing lightshow in the sky as a result? Or… if it doesn’t, say it crashes right into the Sun, an object of this size would blow out quite a solar flare possibly. You can go to look at footage from previous Sun-grazers which have in fact at numerous times, caused some sort of solar eruption upon impact. As you can see over to the right side of the page, I have updated the ticker to November 28. 

So we have this day coming up very soon and it should prove exciting. Like I said earlier, many astronomers are claiming outright that this “comet” is behaving more like a small celestial body rather than a comet. CLICK HERE>>>  Comet ISON PHOTO Shows ‘Downright Weird’ Space Rock En Route To Sun  The speed has increased, the object gets dimmer then brighter, the shape is not normal. Read the link, that’s why I put them there for you. If you are one of those who is aware of Comet ISON, share what you know with others. I am actually quite shocked at how FEW people are even aware, especially when EVERYONE should be. Oh but just like a lot of valuable info, it is ignored by the masses so they can focus on something on television. Haven’t seen a thing about this on television have you? Now why would that be? Do they know something you don’t know? OF COURSE THEY DO, they always do, unless YOU can learn to see beyond them by empowering yourselves with knowledge. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on, but it’s up to YOU, not me, to get your ass safely through to the other side. Now I am no idiot, I know these words don’t fall onto too many ears, but as long as one of you gets it, then said person helps someone else get it, then WE are doing something to help this insane asylum of a humanity. Remember though, it is only insane because those who are attempting to control it all are insane. Do not let them control you and you rise up above that insanity. Think about that before you rush to believe that you are not controlled. No one wants to be controlled, yet they are afraid to be uncontrolled because they are so dependent on their masters. Don’t think that applies to you? Okay, if you say so. 

As I get more on Comet ISON, I will update you. You can do your own search to see “current” images, but you’re just going to find the same relative pics. Again, I don’t know why there is such a lack of footage of this object. If I find out, I’ll be sure to let you all know. This month is going to be very exciting, the events coming faster and faster as zero point dawns. Whatever may happen, do not be afraid. Fear is murder, from the inside out. Let go of the fear, more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

The Comet ISON Killshot Painting

In the past, I have posted several articles referencing The Killshot(<<<click for more info if you don’t know), as well as a few posts detailing what it is, where the idea came from, evidence, etc….  You will see if you click the link above that there is also a film you can watch to find out more info also. If you do not know what the killshot is, or who Ed Dames is, I suggest you familiarize yourself first before you read further…

Twirly twisty sun ray hipnotic optical illusion

Ok, for those of you who know, I am not going to go back and refresh you, we all now know that the killshot boils down to a giant solar flare hitting Earth, causing unknown devastation which could range from mass power outage to actually radiating a lot of the Earth’s surface. Either way, if a killshot comes, some kind of disaster will ensue. Ed Dames, the ex-CIA remote viewer does a great job explaining what he does and what the killshot is, although he still has secrets he cannot reveal to the public for security reasons. I’m not sure who’s “security” he is protecting but let’s not digress into that. Now if you watched the movie or have read up, you will note that there are a few events that will occur prior to the actual killshot. I will get into this shortly, as well as an interesting update/perspective on the killshot as it relates to Comet ISON. Before that though, I must declare this clause before the troll army comes in with guns blazing… I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE IN ANY OF THIS INFORMATION. It is purely for speculative purposes with the ultimate goal of unlocking the FULL TRUTH. Take from it what you want, or don’t take any at all, the choice lies with YOU. 

Ed Dames has been nicknamed “Dr. Doom” because of his accuracy in predicting events via his remote viewing forum. Again, if you are at this point and you don’t know what is going on, please go watch The Killshot so you are on the same page as everyone else. Last reminder. Continuing on, some of these predictions include earthquakes, the big 2003 solar flare “shot across the bow,” Fukushima, the big quake in Indonesia. BUT… he has also missed on several predictions so please take all this with a “grain of salt” as the expression goes. The killer crop… never happened. Clinton made it all the way through to the end, and there are several others listed as “failed” predictions. So let’s not just assume that any of this is real, including remote viewing. Have you ever done it? No? Neither have I, but I don’t think the government would fund a program that wasn’t useful in some way. Ed Dames was part of a CIA directed remote viewing program. Indeed, remote viewing is quite interesting, from what I’ve seen so far. A predictor of the future though? Time will tell. Maybe the “failed” predictions are yet to happen… they are certainly plausible still, especially this one in particular….

You all remember North Korea right? They were making a fuss with their nuclear weapons program a few months ago, but then the MSM just went silent on it after the North Koreans hinted at backing down and resuming peaceful talks. Ed Dames predicted that a successful nuclear event of some sort would be one of the final events prior to the killshot, and that said nuclear event would be launched by North Korea. Like I said, a few months ago we had them firing test weapons, then silence… well now, back from that silence, North Korea is reported to be getting back into the act… CLICK HERE>>> UPDATE 1-North Korea  and why are people dismissing it as a “failed” prediction? This is what I just spoke above, many of Ed Dames “failed” predictions simply haven’t happened yet. Sure, the dated ones, not much arguing that, but he doesn’t date all of those “failed” predictions. 3 nuclear rocket test launches sounds like a nuclear event in itself and/or the precursor to something greater, but if the prediction doesn’t come true with dead-on accuracy, the skeptics scream “FAIL!” The reason I am pointing all of this out to you will become clearer shortly, I just wanted to illustrate that the interpretation of a prediction is more often subjective, rather than objective. So, from an OBJECTIVE point-of-view, I want to segway into the what Ed Dames says is the final event prior to the killshot.

Here it is, I am going to paint you all a picture. Ed Dames remote viewing sessions have reportedly revealed to him that a space shuttle being brought down by a meteor shower-type incident will be the final event before the killshot. Here’s a link… CLICK HERE>>> The Killshot Sequence Examined … you can also see that this writer references North Korea as well. In fact, the final 2 events revolve around North Korea and this space shuttle scenario. Moving onto the last event, and remaining objective, we can speculate that a “man-made spacecraft of some sort” will be brought down from space by an ongoing and/or upcoming celestial event, we can say that yes?… and right in line with that prediction, I came across this… CLICK HERE>>> What is this and why have you never heard of it? To be honest, it was relatively unimportant to you directly unless you revolve yourself in scientific circles. Now I know that link there sucks, and doesn’t give much info, but if you CLICK HERE>>>  GOCE / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA  you can update yourselves on what the GOCE satellite is and what its purpose is/was. Now if you read those articles in the links, you will see that this satellite is due to re-enter the atmosphere and burn up…mostly… on its way back down to the surface of the planet. Notice I said mostly, because they aren’t sure if it will burn up completely nor are they sure where it will impact should some if it make it to the ground. BUT… remaining objective, let’s fit all of this into the picture…

Before I illustrate this picture for you, remember that this only a possibility, this is in NO way a prediction or fact or anything other than a purely speculative scenario of what may be coming in the not-so-distant future. Now, fitting in these puzzle pieces in a manner befitting the timeline that Ed Dames lays out, suppose that the North Korea provocation, the 2nd to final event before killshot,  already happened when they fired their test rockets OR… North Korea is yet to soon unleash a new event, which they warned about just recently if you recall the link I gave you above, either way, there would be your next to last event… AND THEN… shortly afterward, we see quite a spectacle as this satellite falls out of orbit, possible parts crashing into the Earth below just as Comet ISON makes its close approach to the Sun. The satellite hasn’t fallen yet, but it is scheduled to in the next few weeks, just as ISON is starting to become visible with the naked eye from some parts of Earth. Okay are you following me? 2nd to last event, North Korea nuclear incident, already sort of happened, but still kind of iffy UNLESS they do something again, and soon, as they have just recently warned. So there would be the 2nd event as remote viewed by Ed Dames, interpreted objectively. My opinion is no where to be found, this is being drawn from possible matter-of-fact circumstances. Then onto the final event prior to the killshot, a “man-made spacecraft” falling to Earth either as a result OR… prior to major celestial event… i.e. Comet ISON. You could also factor in a possibility that Comet ISON may have debris coming ahead of it, with it, AND behind it, adding to the illustration of the final event revolving around a “meteor shower-like event” and a “man-made spacecraft.” Seems to be quite a lot of reports, pictures, video clips of “fireballs” coming in lately hasn’t there? Are you with me here? Remember please that this only a picture I am painting for you, just like in a museum. You look at the picture, interpret the image and what it means to you, but you do not take the painting off the wall. Got it? Moving on…

Then there would be a/the killshot, created by Comet ISON itself as it either A: impacts the Sun, or B: the energy released as ISON gets close but not close enough to impact, maybe partial impact. There is C, the currently held notion that ISON will only put on a show and nothing more as it makes a close approach to the Sun before whizzing by Earth on its way back out of the Solar System, and the killshot would come after. OR THERE IS ALWAYS D… NO KILLSHOT. Keeping with the theme of the picture I paint for you, is there a possibility that a fractional few already know that the killshot is coming, and are therefore preparing. What would they do? Well first, they would shut down access to sites that give information about space…hmmm… aren’t they doing that now, and blaming it on a government shutdown? Kind of subjective yes, but you cannot deny the timing and where is all the updated footage going to come from unless via those in the alternative media give it to you. Why is the MSM keeping you all in the dark, literally? If you were in charge and you knew this was about to happen and that if you announced it the world would quickly sink into total chaos, what would you do? OR… if the globalist pig scum were the only ones who knew and what to keep you all docile until it was too late for you to do anything about it, let’s try saying it that way, and yes, now it is subjective. But this was an objective illustration so I am going to sign it and be done before I tangent into a rant of subjectivity. Did you notice the other underlying theme of subjectivity and objectivity today? That was kind of a hidden lesson for you all, and if you know already, good for you, ask 10 people on the street to tell you the difference between subjective and objective and then let me know how it goes. The masses are asses, but again, I am pushing the line of subjectivity in this post so it’s time to end it. This is only information, regardless of what you think you believe in, this is only data, knowledge, open to interpretation. Be open-minded enough to take it in and let it go, just like the paintings on the walls of the museums. Take it in, then let it go and move on. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Surrealistic scene of a bright moon and starry sky reflecting in the water of a calm sea in the ocean

What Could This Be?…


I came across this earlier. It is another website with a countdown. Here, pop the link up so you can see more of what I’m talking about… CLICK HERE>>>   …or just click the image itself. Now, we have seen these kind of sites before, at least I have, and guess what?… THEY COUNT DOWN TO NOTHING. However, you never know what this is and it’s reportedly from NASA… some “BIG” announcement… yeah, like I said, we shall see. Reports say this revelation will “shake up the Earth” so agin, just gonna have to see what happens, but I wouldn’t put to much confidence in anything happening at all. How many times are these “countdown” and “prediction” dates going to keep proving inaccurate? No added info, no details, just a surprise that will “shake the Earth” on November 13th. I’ll add it to the calendar just in case. After the day goes by without incident, I’ll re-update the counter for Comet ISON’s scheduled perihelion with the Sun which I believe is November 28th. Just a quick plate of info for you to nibble on and share. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

NASA Employees Gone?….

NASA is in distress. There are numerous links reporting this, so I won’t bother to add one. Bottom line, 97% of NASA employees have been furloughed. Do you know what furlough means?… CLICK HERE>>> furlough –  … basically means “leave of absence.” 97%, some 18,000 NASA employees are not working, and just as comet ISON passes Mars and starts to become visible in some places to the naked eye. The biggest celestial event possibly ever, and those who YOU all pay to work on it, are now off work. Why?

There is all sorts of speculation. Some are saying that bunkers are beginning to get occupied as ISON is about to start unleashing some sort of cosmic wrath upon the Earth. I AM NOT SAYING THAT. I am just pointing out that it is odd that 97% of our space program’s employees have been furloughed JUST AS THIS COMET GETS CLOSE. Also, many sites have been shut down “due to lack of government funds,” cutting off our once many resources to use to observe space via our own home computers. Remember all the times I told you to take this info while you can, because it can all be shut off in a moment’s notice. Helioviewer, the site I used to make vids for all of you, shut down. And I just keep seeing one after another after another, closing off any government funded sites. Is there something much bigger going on here that a government shutdown?

What exactly is going on with this “government shutdown?” Do you know? I don’t. That may just be the point though… confuse the shit out of the masses, keep them bewildered, but for what? What purpose? What do they know and/or what is really going on behind the scenes? They are shutting down websites already, what if they shut down more? Cut off the info, the news, the updates, mass confusion. This isn’t fear-mongering, I am pointing out the truth of the reality. Comet ISON just passed Mars… where are the images? We have a topographical map of the planet of Mars, yet we can’t get a reasonable image of ISON? Things just aren’t adding up right or making sense are they? I could write and write and write, but at this point, there is so much of a mess, seems best to just let this all play out over the next few days/weeks/months/lifetimes.

No matter what you believe, what you think, it is inevitable that change will come. This “way” of life cannot sustain itself. This monetary global enslavement where a fractional live like kings and queens, while the others are blinded into servitude to the special interests of those elite, this cannot go on. It is simply not right. Many say things like… “that’s just the way of things,” yeah maybe it’s YOUR way you monkeys, but not mine and not those who choose to free their minds and deprogram. What more can I say about that though, it has come to the point where you either get it or don’t. Most don’t, most won’t, can’t blame us, it’s “just the way of things,” remember? And if Comet ISON happens to annihilate the planet while those scum hide underground in some bunkers, if that all turns out to be real, better to die by a comet than to keep living in a world where you are all enslaved to money. All of this just foods for thoughts. I don’t believe nor disbelieve, I just translate the illustration of the current 3-d environment we are all experiencing together. You have an opinion?… Share it. You don’t agree, write something. Don’t ever waste your time hating, but so many of you do, and there’s nothing to do about it…”just how it is.”

Once again, 97%, YES THAT IS 97 PERCENT OF NASA’S WORKFORCE are now being furloughed, not working. Government websites are being shut down one by one “due to insufficient” funds. This Obamacare nonsense is the biggest joke of jokes, what does it even mean at this point? No reports from the Middle East, where did the war in Syria go, chemical weapons go, all that just poofed. Comet ISON, greatest potential celestial event any of you may ever see, just passing Mars, coming in close, no regular updates other than what gets dug up in the alternative media, and now with the government space viewing sites being shut down, who knows how much longer we will be able to see this, other than until it gets close enough to see with the naked eye. AND….. 18,000 NASA employees, again 97%, gone home. Everything seeming normal right now? Sure, paranoia and speculation could really fuel one’s imagination into believing the worst, but you know what the one thing is that we DO know is that we DON’T know all the facts. Knowing is what YOU need to focus on, because knowledge is the only thing that will get you through to the other side of this mess we all face, even if that “mess” just ends up being a relatively “normal” life, with no wars, no comets, no depopulation programs, but that just isn’t the way it is, is it? Wide eyes open. Love to all.


NASA ENLIL Solar Wind Radar >>Watch Previous Post Video First<<

This is NASA’s ENLIL Spiral. Earth is the yellow dot to the right. You can clearly see the CME, and yes, it looks kinda ominous, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, NOT A DIRECT HIT, but there will be some great auroras. Just wanted to post this for your knowledge, here’s the link again…    This is updated regularly and is something interesting to look at from time to time, especially when there is an increase in solar flare activity.

This other ENLIL wind prediction radar shows relatively the same thing. If any of you watch SO, Suspicious Observer, you will see the he goes over these every time he does his daily report. Of course not all of you know that, which is why I am here helping you help yourselves. If you feel inclined, save these in your bookmarks or reading lists or whatever, or don’t. They are here for you to use as long as the power and/or the internet stays on. Wide eyes open. Love to all. Wide eyes open. Love to all.