15 Minutes ⚕️🕰️ 🎣

Self-Portrait #1

Picture on the Wall

Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Trump 2016

Be a Creator…


Vote Trump 2016,

and let’s make America great again.

More to come.

Love to all.

One More Time 11:11


11:11…what does it mean?

Does it mean anything at all? Does numerology mean anything at all? Do numbers themselves mean anything at all without our human definitions being applied to a construct of said numbers

Well would 1 + 1 still be 2, somewhere else in the Universe? Hmmmm….


Certainly one must admit that the numeric connections between this dimension are fascinating, and this matrix would seemingly be impossible to navigate without them. How would anything be built correctly? How would counting work? You have to count something everyday, not just money, what if you wanted to eat 3 hard-boiled eggs, and 4 slices of fresh feta cheese like I’m eating right now? It would not work without numbers. 


So back to the topic…


As for this 11:11…

…one can go on the Internet, as I’m sure any of you reading this living in civilization would know by now, and find countless links to all sorts of characters offering viewpoints on why this particular number combination is special. You’re going to find a lot of information relating to the connection of 11:11 to your own consciousness awakening from the matrices of the ego zombies. You’re going to find information about how 11:11 connects to your eternal bond with your soul mates and your twin flame. Now you can watch these things until you pass out on your couch, as I usually do, and suck up all that new knowledge, which of course I recommend, but I also implore any of you reading this to find your own answers wishing as to 11:11 has related specifically to YOU, in YOUR life. Fuck whatever you read and think about what happened and/or what is happening if you happen to be one of the many discovering these strange recurrences of 11:11 imagery popping up all around you. 


In my experience, in what has become almost cliche at this point, I started NOTICING it around me more when I snapped out of the slumber several years ago. I emphasized the word “noticing” because it was always there, but I am not sure if I began to “notice” it more once I had seen information about 11:11 or not. This was like 5 years ago when I really started rolling along with my own ascent from the proverbial Platonian cave, and I bombarded myself with so much information initially, I cannot recall if I was or was not aware of 11:11 before I started “noticing” it. Nonetheless, whether I knew or did not know already, I could never deny the fact, that I myself witnessed gratuitously by all of my 5 3rd dimensional senses this thing, and was seeing 11:11 everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Clocks of course, constantly, billboard signs I remember because i thought what are the odds of one highway billboard sign flashing an 11:11 byte, much less literally several, it was in utility bills, I mean it was like everything with a fucking number written on it was doing this to me, over and over and over again, which at that point, I am for sure prompted me to really look into this phenomenon, and that was initially when I can for sure say that I became very familiarized with these 11:11 sightings and what they may or may not mean. 


The occurrences did fade though, there was definitely like a big crest and then a decline into a slow but steady “noticing” that it still pops up from time to time. Now was my brain just responding to the fact that I had stumbled upon that new information, and then making me “notice” it more? This might explain why I saw it quite prevalently, then not so much anymore, kind of like a new novelty, like a new pop culture novelty, comes and goes. A meme that caught on right as the new agers began to take greater strides perhaps?




…or maybe I found the info, which triggered a conscious reassurance that the “awakening” I was experiencing was in fact real, and these were numerical representations of the new synchronicity being formed with the expanding world around me. This idea may at first seem more implausible, but this reassurance is/was necessary particularly in the beginning, as many of you who have awoken and are in the process of fully awakening know, because that is the time when the battle between your ego and your soul really gets heated, more than ever before, and the initial reaction to the new energy makes you question whether or not you might be going insane. So the reassurance from 11:11 coincides with countless other synchronous moments that seem to start happening all around you once your 3rd eye snaps back open. These are to help you get past the struggle between your ego holding on while your soul takes back over. Speaking of synchronous moments…


This is one thing that has not leveled off in any way, in fact, this other phenomenon has been happening and continues to happen to me literally e-x-p-o-n-e-n-t-i-a-l-l-y more. Said phenomenon is synchronicity…

What is synchronicity? (<<<CLICK HERE TO READ MORE<<<)

Yes there is absolutely no refuting that this is happening to me on a moment to moment basis at this point. I’m like 5 years deep into the heavy curve upward, and that curve has become a rocketship accelerating faster and faster straight up and out of the matrix. Connections with people, events, things you perceive on a daily basis with the 5 3d senses, it all begins to connect and flow together more and more and more and more. Picture if your awakening started as one little star. Then your star became 2 stars, then 4 stars, then 8, exponential, like I mentioned earlier, so imagine how many stars are lighting up the sky in my mind by now, and in YOUR mind too, especially if you are well into your journey out, and that’s the best part. Everyone is making these connections, but those waking up are making them faster, and you begin to feel this not only the connectivity between yourself and your world around you, you begin to connect with others who making accelerated connections, which only makes more connections. It’s a state of continuous fascination. There is a very viral aspect to it, but maybe that’s all we are, a virus…


And on that note, I just passed 1000 words so I am outta here until next time. 

More to come. Be good.

Love to all. 

MUST WATCH to ALL “Lightworkers,”….


As it says above, this is a MUST WATCH for so many of you who have falsely donated your hearts to this “new age” movement. A few posts back, I mentioned the fact that isn’t it odd that the puppet masters worship Lucifer, the angel of light, and so many have chosen to devote themselves to love and “the Light.” I have been meaning to really dive into this, and now is the time. Now I am no hypocrite. Anyone can go into my earlier archives and see that I clearly have promoted said “Light.” When you are in this game this deep, you have to have the balls when you discover you are wrong or have been misled, to simply back up, make adjustments, and move forward. How is it better to continue to believe a falsity once you’ve discovered that it is in fact incorrect? Just suck it up, integrate what has been revealed as truth, and keep moving forward.


I have mentioned the channeled messages several times in past posts. Convincing many of them are, for sure. Inspirational, makes you feel like your “good” work has a meaning outside of our dimension that resonates into higher frequencies. Now although said “good” work does resonate positively, that positive energy is in fact being consumed by those that many light workers have deemed as ascended masters. That’s why every time I have mentioned it, I told all of you that I do not believe nor disbelieve in said things, offering ZERO of my own energy into a belief, and I have repeatedly assured all of you to do the same. And as you can see, yet another great deception has been exposed. There is no such thing as light workers, they are being fooled into believing their “goodness” is giving them soul points, when in fact, just like the rest of the humans, they are being harvested for energy, albeit differing mediums. 

Fist of all, these channeled messages have been being broadcast for years, constantly saying that soon greater forces will intervene to save this dwindling humanity. And has any entity intervened at all yet? NO. Just feeding false hopes to those who truly believe in love and goodness. Second, constant inferences to large ships commencing on Earth for disclosure, again a statement that has been repeated for years, but still, where’s said disclosure? Lastly, I personally have noticed several quick references to things that make no sense. For example, the other day a message I listened to stated that der fuhrer Obama was actually an agent of light and goodness, here to aid the acceleration of humanity’s betterment. WHAT THE FUCK??WHAT?? Okay, as you can see, that right there is a HUGE red flag, and there are several others. They release these channeled messages daily, proclaiming benevolence and love and light as the time comes when higher beings will reveal themselves and destroy the dark cabal that currently rules the mighty Earth, but as you will hear/see in the above video, they are ALL agents of the same dark cabal. Now it is a little more interesting for those of us caught up in this holographic disillusionment of a dualistic, good vs. evil, dark vs. light, 3rd dimensional paradigm, right?…


Now don’t beat yourselves up over your misconceptions. You still are good, you still live life via love and soul, rather than fear and ego. You still have ascended from the cave you once dwelled in. Now is where you learn to let go of all you offer belief to. This instance is exactly why I have gone out of way, begging and pleading via my words, that you all rise above isms, and movements, and dogmas. You can only believe what you see in front of you, what YOU have experienced on your journey. The past is gone, there is no reason to allow the circumstances of yesterday to get inside you and eat away at the NOW. The future is yet to come, no need to fear or fuel anxiety about what is to come, for YOU are in the NOW. My obvious point, NOW is all that matters, right now, not yesterday, not tomorrow, NOW. There is so much going on that 85 to 90% of the masses have no clue about, but they are going to see one way or another. The reign of the dark cabal, the infectionious plague that has infiltrated the foundations of love and compassion which initially formed the “new age” movement, global warfare on the horizon, increasing violence, anger, aggression, so much fear, if any of you cannot see what is coming, then all I have done, as it applies to you, has been in vain. 


Many will not wake up. Many will stay in their bubbles, until their bubble bursts, and they become fully consumed in a personal hell of their own fear, lost inside the illusory selves serving their egos. They have their own paths, their own roads to follow that eventually will get their souls back home. For the rest of us, particularly those who have been swayed by the positive attributes of the “new age” movement, admit it and suck it up, they tricked you, they tricked us, they tricked me. So what? Fuck them for doing that, especially under the guise of unconditional love and compassion for humanity, but that’s their hassle. It’s only yours if you continue to offer them your energy. Deception is everywhere these days, and deception is a sneaky ninja, often coming under the ruse of good intention. Now that you know what you know, where will you go? Nothing should change, other than the fact that you now know the truth of what the “new age” movement has become. Another tool of mass control. Nothing controls YOU except YOU. YOU know this, I have told YOU this over and over and over and over again. YOU have all YOU need inside YOU. YOU are the only temple YOU need. Stay pure, stay good, remain on your trip down the path of enlightenment, compassion, joy, and unconditional love. Be above the whole game, and the players have no power to affect you. The more you know, the higher you rise. These are revelations that will come more and more as we ascend and expand our consciousness’ back to a higher frequency, going upward back home toward Source.


There is only your connection with Source, anything in between is irrelevant, other than the love you give and receive with other beings on your journey. 

Well we have passed the 1000 work mark, so you all know what that means. Before I close, and I implore all of you, especially you “light workers,” to not only watch, but SHARE the above video. Too much deception for too long, and it’s time the real living truth got back on top. Enough of the bullshit, we are powerful beings, re-tapping in to long forgotten power, and we are sick of fucking around with lies. It is time to not only realize your inner power, but to become your inner power. The changes coming soon will test the true will of all, and most will crumble beneath the weight of their own fear and ignorance. Will you crumble, or will you rise even higher? The choice, as always, is yours and yours alone.


We are only here to help. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Summer Solstice



And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche


Today is the end of spring and the beginning of summer, yes, the Summer Solstice is today, Saturday, June 21st, the longest day of the year. What will the summer of 2014 bring?… Good question. Beaches, barbecues, beer? Bombs and blood in Baghdad? Continuance of record weather extremes? Escalation of global tensions between nationalities? More waking up, while more people sink deeper into their caves?

Now I’m not trying to be macabre, or pessimistic, there is no fear here, therefore there is no fear-mongering. Nothing short of the act of YOU pressing a button brings YOU here. If I met you in real-life, you would hear none of this information, unless you asked. I used to press certain people from time to time about turning off their televisions, not eating processed shit, waking up, etc… but I quickly found that NO ONE listens to anything related to the notion of ascending from the cave unless they want to and/or are ready to hear it. The veil of the ego is strong, with a long-established foundation that the current humanity has built itself upon. Many people don’t even conceive of understanding anything beyond said veil, believing that everything their 5 little senses tell them is real. They are afraid, controlled by the fear that fortifies the dominance of the ego. Have you ever looked into hypnosis? Ever looked into mass hypnosis? Why is it that a person can be hypnotized, then told that something inanimate, like a pencil for instance, is really a cigarette let’s say, and then when the pencil is touched onto the hypnotized person’s arm, it actually has the same response as a burning cigarette, causing pain, a blister, etc… as always, if you doubt what I tell you, look it up, moving on…

How would an entity be able to conduct mass hypnosis? They would need to broadcast the procedure to many at the same time…hmmm…what would be ideal for that? And the answer is…that’s right, the television. Broadcast programming, it’s right there in everyone’s face, but I guess one has to know what etymology is before applying it to the terminology accrued in an individual lexicon, i.e. most people don’t think about the words they use everyday. Now do you think the puppet masters aren’t aware of the numerous weaknesses in the average human psyche? Of course they do, and even worse for you, they have mastered their craft, using the mainstream media to control what is real to you. Why do you think I tell you all over and over and over and over and over again to turn off the fucking television already? Try it for a week if it seems like such a loss to you. You might be surprised how the real world seems to really “wake up with life” you could say once you’re free from the spells being broadcast to keep you docile via those televisions you have in your bedroom, in your living room, in your den, in your kitchen, televisions everywhere, subconsciously keeping you docile and complacent and distracted from what is most important…YOU.

I am aware that those who watch television routinely don’t really consider the amount of time spent staring at the fake lives of those portrayed via the televised programming. This is time where you could be doing something creative, maybe meditating, maybe going outside, maybe connecting with others. So much time, precious time, all being wasted as we hurl faster and faster toward… well toward what? Hmmmm… another intriguing question. I’m no psychic, I cannot predict the future. The best you can do is to improve your puzzle-piece skills, because that”s all you ever will get, piece after piece after piece, eventually forming the picture of this 3rd dimensional paradigm we are all apparently currently stuck in together. And guess what? Turning off your television allows the pieces to fall into your life more effortlessly, first as a drip, then a little stream, eventually becoming a torrent, raining down information puzzle pieces. It doesn’t take long to come to the self-realization that the puzzle you once thought was being put together is, in actuality, an entirely different picture, but that’s okay, because is it not better to exist from the divinity of a true reality, rather than ignorantly selling yourself short by believing in the illusion? In the shadows and echoes?

If you do not know the reference to Plato’s Cave by now,

I implore you, PLEASE either Google it and/or just search my archives.

What is the picture being formed in the great puzzle? Going back to my emphasis that I am in NO way being macabre when I illustrate the current condition. Focusing only on what is wrong rather then accentuating what is right is NOT productive, but neither is ignoring the numerous elephants quickly filling up the dwindling space in the room. Is the difference between said wrongs and rights relative? An opening question for an intro philosophy class… the answer is yes and no. Yes, because it IS relative to YOU as the center of your universe, where YOU are seemingly in command of YOUR own free will, choosing to do what is right and wrong based upon said free will. And No because as a being of energy bounded by the universal bonds of unconditional love, there is no relativity between love and fear other than that they oppose one another. If you act from ego and fear, then that is the world you will create around yourself, and you will come back into this dimension over and over and over and over again until you remember the fact that you are a being of light and energy bounded by the aforementioned universal bonds of unconditional love. Oppositely, if you choose to become free of ego and fear, embracing your higher self, your soul consciousness, then you may ascend from the slow vibration of the 3rd dimension back up to the true bliss and timelessness of the 5th dimension from where we all fell eons ago. Again, if you have never read and/or are a bit lost right now, just Google anything yo see here or dive into the archives. This is here for YOU, not me. 


Now back to that grand picture being painted…uh oh, we’ve hit the 1000 word mark. No worries, I’ll keep going for a minute to finish the illustration. Sadly, this picture being painted isn’t pretty, at least not in the short-term. The dark cabal of globalist pig scum running shit from the shadows has never been so exposed, but these devils don’t seem to care, forwarding their evil agenda of global domination. They care not for you or me. To them, we are numbers, consumers who fatten their deep pockets, yet are deemed expendable when necessary. Well guess what?… FUCK THAT and FUCK THOSE owl-worshipping luciferian zionist banker parasites. I don’t rely on and/or offer belief in   isms, but your dark masters DO. Don’t blame me, I didn’t create this insane asylum, I’m a traveler, same as you, but when YOU follow their lead, and succumb to believing and giving part of your soul and your energy to their isms, they gain power from YOU, because they control the system YOU allow to control YOU. So I say to all of YOU, dear readers, watchers, brothers and sisters , I say rise. Turn away from their spells, their programming, their infomercial reality, have the courage to let that material shit go. It means nothing, absolutely nothing. You are here for a flash, and then you’re gone, and you take nothing with you, so what does money matter? What does material matter? IT MEANS NOTHING, they have only tricked YOU to think it does. Let go and rise up, turn off the tv, stop eating sugar, get back out into nature, for YOU, not for me. It’s YOUR soul on the line here, not mine. My consciousness is expanding exponentially, what about yours? This 3rd dimensional reality we are all in is coming to a head, where there will be a split. You can either allow your fear to seal your fate inside the cave of your ego, or you can let go of all you fear, including all you fear to lose, and ascend from your cave out into the enlightenment of a higher reality. We are here, we are guides, helping you help yourselves find the way back to your real home, but YOU have to want to find YOUR way for YOU. You have gotten here, if you are new, you are taking the initial steps that will take you back to YOU. If you are seasoned, well then you should already know this, and be playing whatever part it is you play to fulfill your soul’s purpose while still manifest in the density of this dimension. Despite the bleak picture being painted for the not-so-distant future of this current reality, do NOT let it affect YOU negatively. The dark cabal gains strength via the fear of their sheeple. Are you a sheep? One of the herd? No one is saying you are, but only YOU know the real answer. Whatever is coming, DO NOT BE AFRAID. Trust in yourself and the power inside YOU. There is nothing to fear, ever. Afraid of dying? Why? You’ve died and been reborn countless times, you have only forgotten. Death is only a transition, either the transition back here to the 3rd dimension, or it can be your soul’s ascension, ascending back to the 5th dimension. Think of the 5th dimension as the best dream you could ever have, where one’s thought becomes manifest, free of the bondage of time. An endless perfect dream, but it is up to YOU whether or not you can resonate with the truth of multi-dimensional consciousness. I am only the architect of the information, YOU choose whether or not to open the door to come in and see the paintings on the wall. On that note, I’m wrapping this post up. I hope it offers some of you a direction, or something positive you can take away.

Summer is here, be brave in the days ahead.

Wide eyes open. Love to all.


Friday the 13th Full Moon




That’s right readers and watchers and brothers and sisters, today is Friday the 13th AND… there is going to be a full moon tonight, which if I’m not mistaken, will not happen again until 2049. Makes it kind of a notable day, doesn’t it? Does it mean anything? Probably not. We have seen these “dates” come and go and ebb and flow with nothing coming out of it other than usually a nice and normal day, as far as normal can be defined in this dimension anyway. However, let’s not forget that your masters seem to associate lunar and celestial events with their secretive ritualistic behind-the-scenes antics. Just because YOU don’t worship Lucifer and a giant owl, doesn’t mean that they do not. And I’ve gone over all that before, if you still don’t know, just search my archives. Or if you have a dollar bill on you and a smartphone, just google “owl on dollar bill,” to see where to look.

Or just look here:




Yes, their sacred owl is on the most transacted form of paper currency in the world. And as far as the entire bill, and the other USSA bills, are in actuality an ant farm of magic spells in themselves, but again, you have to go into my archives and do some of your own work to discover the real truth for YOU. I’ve gone over this numerous times before. And if you don’t know about the owl, google  “Bohemia Grove.” These are actually things that many of us have known for a while, so if you don’t know, maybe you should catch yourselves up,

or change the channel…

Moving on, so we have this full moon tonight, on the ever-superstitious Friday the 13th. Do any of you know why this day is considered a dark day? Well, the movies obviously didn’t help, especially to generations of TV babies. Let’s start at the beginning, well there is really no beginning, because if you know how to push a button, you will find that the origins of Friday, the number 13, and anything unlucky stem from centuries back Christian folklore. In fact, the number 13 is often considered the most sacred of numbers, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, yet in this backwash post-modern society semi-founded on Christian ideals, it has been systematically demonized. Buildings without a 13th floor….really? Why? Because those who control you don’t want you to know the real you. They have so many of you focused on a trip that isn’t even real, based on the wrong number, as simple as that. Why do you think they instigate the “unlucky” attributes of the number 13 to you, while they use it all over that dollar bill I mentioned above? 13 founding colonies, but let’s leave out the 13th floor because something bad might happen, and the masses consume it up, amassing greater amounts of fear for the puppet masters to feed on. 

Now, as always, I do not claim to offer any of my energy at all toward the validity, or the un-validity, of any of this information. However, it appears that many others do. First, there’s the sheeple, feeding into the fear frenzy, putting that kind of energy out into the world, and then there are the Luciferian owl worshipping globalist pig scum who use that fear energy as a power boost for whatever rituals they have going on at the time. They always have the money ritual, every time anyone transacts one of their spell-enhanced dollar bills, they get energy. Always feeding, right in front of everyone, even putting the evidence in plain view ON THE BILLS, but they’ve made it appear as though you need that money, that magic monopoly money where one number means this and one number means that, all distracting you front he fact that it is really just helping to drain more of your energy. It’s an illusion, a spell, and it’s always working all the time all around you and right through you if you let it. Speaking of which, before I completely tangent off, was anyone wondering how “Friday” got wrapped up into this fake 13 superstition nonsense?

Friday was the day Jesus was supposedly crucified. It would appear that many people have, had, and still do, underestimate the blatantly fraudulent misuse of historical knowledge by the Church to instill fear through superstitions. Easter bunnies, fish head hats, friday the 13ths, it goes on and on and on and on, and people take it at face value when they quote from their bibles. It’s absolutely astonishing. Are you putting together how this fairy tale came together yet? You know, in a true calendar, there would be 13 months, but they changed that. So yes, that means there are actually 13 full moons every year. 13/12, 13/12, 13/12, you can look into this all day and find so many bizarre circumstances where 12 has been used instead of 13, while simultaneously inferring that the number 13 is “bad” in some way. Oh, and for the Christians, if Jesus had 12 disciples, followers, whatever you want to call them, wouldn’t that make him number 13? The beginning and the end, the death and rebirth? Have you ever actually looked into 13, or Friday, or Friday the 13th?

All the answers at a button’s push, yet so many still sleep….

Despite all that you just got informed of, today is notable, yes, in the sense that apparently another full moon on Friday the 13th doesn’t occur until Friday, August 13th, 2049. This 3rd dimensional paradigm, if you are still here, will look nothing then like it does right now. Look outside, you see the sun shining, the grass, the colors, the life, I cannot tell you all what will be there in it’s place in 2049 but let’s just say there are going to be some big changes on this planet over the next 35 years. The plausible singularity, man/woman merged and fully integrated into computerized machinery will have come and gone, a next plausible nuclear 3rd world war will have come and gone, something we weren’t even expecting will have come and gone, and for those of us left, what will there be? Uh oh, I have passed the 1000 word mark once again. Do not offer any of your energy into any fear-mongering around this date. Do the opposite, because those globalist owl-worshippers I mentioned earlier are going to be particularly hungry today. Give them nothing to eat. They are the parasites, starve them until they die. So many of you are thinking backwards, still stuck on the wrong number. YOU are the ones with the real power, harness it on this uniquely lunar day. Turn off the fucking television, get up, go outside and take your power back.

Make it a powerful day for YOU, not for them.

Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Roller Coaster World




Sometimes I come across information that is… there really isn’t a word, because the word disturbing isn’t strong enough, information that is so beyond disturbing, it just confuses one to see how low humanity has sunk and continues to sink. While many here in America will be celebrating Memorial Day tomorrow, where will Der Fuhrer Obama be? He apparently just surprised some soldiers with a visit in Afghanistan this morning, so can Air Force One really get back here and have him ready to go by tomorrow? Or will he be conveniently out of the country, should something occur. Now before you read further, make a mental note that I am in NO WAY advocating any sort of false flag and/or globalist staged event tomorrow.

IN NO WAY…continuing…

Back to the disturbing stuff, because I know you are itching to know what that might be. Let’s start with disturbingness number one: Ever heard of ISIS? Not mentioned very much via the MSM. until earlier tonight. They aired a report via 60 minutes about a group called ISIS, the letters break down into something like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and apparently they are, and I quote, “ultra-extremists.” So extreme in fact that Al Qeada, or Al Qiada, (seems like they change the spelling at random)… anyway, the group known as Al Qeada, who is really run by the CIA, have denounced the atrocious violence this group unleashes. I’ll leave it up to YOU to run the term “ISIS terrorist” through a search engine. What you find will be shocking, VERY shocking, so YOU have been warned….

I have sadly bore witness to numerous video clips of graphic footage throughout out my time on the Internet, as I’m sure many of you have. Some I wished I never watched, yet to just ignore the depravity of humanity play out via the high technology of current modern media just isn’t how I roll. As a soul traveler, gathering as much experience and knowledge is part of the big game, remember? Now with that being said, what I watched these ISIS guys do earlier was in two big words… FUCKED UP. I couldn’t tell who was who, everyone was yelling Allah al Akbar, “glory to Allah”(Muslim God?)…after watching this I’m pretty sure these guys are all absolutely out of their fucking minds. Forcing people to dig their own graves, then executed, BLAM, right in the back of the head. I watched a gun battle where apparently these ISIS guys OVERWHELMINGLY slaughtered the other guys. Tremendous overkill, riddling dead bodies with hundreds of bullets. Absolute savages, assuming the footage is real of course. Again, they all looked alike to me, like seriously, how the fuck do they tell each other part? Guys getting shot of their mopeds as they sped down the street, moving car drive-bys, all wearing the same shit, speaking the same language, so surreal. Basically I ended up seeing about ohhhh…. 50 to 60 live murders as I looked into this, so again…


Flowing with a roller coaster theme, let’s shift real quick to some other reported extreme violence, right here in America. You should have heard by now, Elliot Rodger, rich kid son of Hollywood director, prescription drugs, Asperger’s Syndrome, video games, manifesto, crazy fucking Youtube videos, guns, knives, blah blah blah blah blah. ALWAYS pouting a finger at anything other then the mind that plotted to commit the act. Now of course, right after this reported event, a supposed victim’s father openly blames the NRA and guns themselves, at least this is what the MSM is spinning. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE. Were YOU there? Now I’m not saying this is or is not legit, but it STINKS of yet another staged scripted bullshit story to promote an agenda. Numerous fallacies, this kid reported kills ALL THREE of his male roommates with a knife. His Youtube channel is still up, take a look at this insanity. How could a little scrawny guy like that successfully murder THREE male roommates with a knife? Notice this rampage didn’t begin with a gun, but with knives, yet the MSM shows a “victim’s father” blaming guns, blaming the NRA. See where I am going here? His father, a successful Hollywood director, part of the Hunger Games franchise, not too hard to create some scenes, create a story, and in particular, offer his own son as a sacrifice for globalist illuminati devil worshipping Luciferian scum to gain more power for himself, spinning it all out via the MSM, who just follow the script they are given. Would it really be so hard? I can tell any and/or all of you, as an amateur film-maker, it would not be hard to put this all together.

Check out the Youtube channel… see what you think. Put Elliot Rodger in the search query. Yes, they left his channel up, at least it was up earlier, while I have COUNTLESS friends who have had videos removed for content, yet this supposed psycho killer’s channel just stays up, no problem?…hmmmm….

And the roller coaster turns again, so what about tomorrow, Memorial Day here in America, big day for patriots and veterans and soldiers, yet where is the President going to be? As I mentioned in the beginning…he was in Afghanistan this morning, will he be back in DC tomorrow, or conveniently out of the country? Again, NOT SAYING ANYTHING WILL OR WILL NOT HAPPEN. However, say this were a game of Risk, and I had my territories in Russia and China and Iran and India and Africa and Southeast Asia, I’d be taking Australia real quick, fortifying my troops along the border with Europe, preparing to invade North and South America, posing myself for total global domination, just as the New World Order globalist scum are doing. The US launched a “secret”(LOL) rocket into space earlier. What was on this rocket? Something that could be detonated on an important holiday in America? A nuke? An EMP? Something they can blame on someone else as an excuse for war? Or will it just be another Memorial Day as always in the good old USA? Beer, cook-outs, fireworks, fun at the beach? The game of Risk doesn’t get quite so involved, but the concept is the same, total global domination. I have played this game a lot, and one thing I can assure you of is that in order to win, you must be able to think as your enemies. Your enemies weakness is your advantage. Sun Tzu probably has something similar, but that’s not important. What IS important is that if YOU were in control, if YOU were Putin, and YOU had to deal with a pathetically weak President, who holds valuable territory and wealth and resources, what would YOU be contemplating? Better yet, what are the globalist scum who are playing this game for real thinking? 

And here comes the big loop, take your hands off the rail, don’t be scared to THINK… roller coasters are fun, aren’t they? Before I leave you all, since we’ve crossed the 1000 word mark, you all get a bonus on this ride. Here comes the biggest story I came across today, announced TODAY, YES TODAY, just before Memorial Day in America, and that story is this:


Not making this up. Look it up. Now how ironic is it that the President is out of country, secret rocket launch, reports of  potential World War 3 being insinuated on a global scale, crazy fucking terrorists, all while Americans are being distracted by numerous special interest agendas or are too programmed and brain-dead to turn off their televisions, but even more distracted particularly tomorrow, because so many will be grilling out, drinking, off work, whatever tomorrow, it’s a national holiday, and a relatively patriotic one. Seems like an ideal time to strike if you are an enemy, does it not? Even better, to MAKE IT SEEM LIKE AN ENEMY STRIKES, in order to further the ultimate agenda of total global domination. Do you think all this information that numerous other sources besides myself have cited and documented is not real. These globalist pigs REALLY WORSHIP LUCIFER. THEY REALLY WANT A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, YES A NEW WORLD ORDER. NOT FAKE, VERY REAL. They are into all sorts of secret shit that YOU would be clueless about had the Internet not been released from military control. Perhaps that was part of their plan however. Control the information, control what the society thinks it believes, right? It just spins and spins and turns and loops and gets crazier and crazier. One of these days, the roller coaster is going to derail and fling humanity out into the void in the process, at least that is one plausibility, maybe humanity can still save itself. Good luck with that, to the 85 to 90% still asleep. Keep eating crap, getting fat, polluting your bodies, remaining docile and complacent, good obedient humans, good slaves, shhhh… just keep watching the television and NOT thinking, that’s exactly what they want. Or will YOU finally have the courage to take YOUR hands off the handrail and really ride the roller coaster? When the changes come, they will come fast, and doing something I’ve never done before, I will steal a quote from a movie here… “My soul is prepared. How’s yours?” (From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)… irony everywhere. Life is irony, comedy blended with tragedy, at least the life in this lower dimension of duality, but I am not going to re-re-re-digress into all that now. If YOU don’t know, maybe it’s too late for YOU. This blog is filled with bridges and walkways, but it is YOU who decides to make those steps happen, not me. All the answers for YOU lie within YOU, I am just here translating, remember.

Enjoy the day off tomorrow. Cheers. Love to all.  

Obamacare Slaves…SMH…




All of you who have chosen to roll over and sign up for Obamacare are SLAVES…useless, no courage, braindead, hypnotized, programmed zombie slaves. When your Nazi leader finally goes over the cliff, I hope each and everyone of you who support him go right over with him. All the info we have given you, all the corruption, lies, and deception we have exposed, and STILL a large percentage of you are so weak and clueless that you will do whatever your masters say without question. Why? Because you slaves are so calcified, you have no clue who and what you really are, and you are just as much a part of the cancer as the globalist pig scum who you allow to rule you. Fucking pathetic. Keep eating the processed food and drinking fluoridated water and watching your fucking televisions. That’s all your meaningless lives amount to. Such a sad and tragic waste of the true potential of our decaying humanity.” When will you robots wake up and free yourself from the chains that bind you to the shadows and echoes of your cave? YOU ARE NOT HERE TO BE SLAVES. How fucking hard is that to comprehend? Scrapping and slaving for your shitty little paychecks…do you think your masters worry about paying bills? Do you think they eat the same crap they offer you to eat? Do you think they drink the fluoridated water? Do you think they sit on their asses and watch television and not communicate with one another? That is why they continue to dominate you, because YOU keep feeding into their agenda. But I’m no idiot, I’m well, well, well aware that this falls on mostly deaf ears, but as long as one of you gets it and discovers how to self-empower yourselves, a difference is made. All anyone can really do is play their part to make a difference toward the good as opposed to not doing anything while your masters continue to feed from your energy like parasites. YES, they are the parasites, but they have you all thinking backwards. Such a mess, such a tragedy, and you can hate me all you want for telling you this…that’s YOUR problem, not mine. I would rather be dead then to ever be a slave like so many of you are. Keep them ignorant, keep them docile, keep them complacent, keep them consuming, whatever it takes to distract YOU from YOU. At least I am trying to help, what are YOU doing about anything? Now obviously this post doesn’t apply to those of us/you in the know. “It is the task of the enlightened to help free the unenlightened, even under a prospect of death”…Plato. But if most of you are simply just incapable of waking up because your so consumed into your egos, there is nothing I/we can do to help you. If you can’t help yourself, how are we supposed to help you? It’s impossible, not because of us, because of YOU. The separation lies within the ignorance of the masses, not with those trying to help all of you. But again, I know it all falls mostly on deaf ears. The time when the great change comes grows closer and closer and closer. When it all goes down, what will YOU do? Is your soul prepared?…because relying on your ego means you are already dead. Living as a slave, means you’re already dead. If you aren’t living free, then you’re just dying as a slave. YOU make that choice, not me, not this Nazi idiot fascist puppet terrorist president and his regime, not the globalist banker scum giving you scraps from their table, it’s YOU. YOU have the power to rise up, but what do most of you do?…change the channel. Like I said, it’s YOUR issue, not anyone else’s. Wake up before it’s too late and YOU no longer have the choice. Heed what I say or don’t, up to YOU. Wide eyes open. Love to all.