Where am I?

Abandon Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

Let’s begin this with a quote from one of my favorite brothers of the pen, Søren Kierkegaard

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

…& continue with the video below, which I highly recommend you watch, before proceeding with the article…

Great video, & I appreciate the analogy between hell, & a midlife existential crisis, which yours truly seems to be living in real time, at the moment. Why are we here? Does it not already feel like “Hell?” A lifetime that begins with comedy, only to end in tragedy, losing everything you love, & everything you know, what could be more hellish? I suppose if you’re born into tragedy, live a tragic life, then die tragically, that would be much worse, but Hell, is subjective, & it applies differently to each human soul that’s trapped down here in this 3d Clownworld. Do we live different lives via different incarnations? Hard to say, since none of us remember where we were prior to our most recent birth here, but if we do, then there must be some kind of karmic application which determines the life you have next. It’s sad to see a homeless destitute drug addict, but maybe in the prior life, they were a drug kingpin. Is that the balance? Is that “God,” the ONE true God, at work? Why do the people in power positions around the world worship Satan, rather than God though? Do they not worry that maybe because of their malevolence, their next life will be purely absolute Hell for them? I don’t think they think as I do; I think they worship the power they think they have, all thanks to Lucifer, their “Angel of Light,” & I totally deny the existence, deny the darkness, deny the soullessness of the veneration of “Lucifer,” & thus, I don’t, nor will I ever, go to the proverbial “dark side,” so to speak. If that means I will exist here until my final breath as a financially poor man, with little ability to utilize my scant handful of options, then so be it, I suppose. What else can I do? Rob a bank? Your masters rob us every second of every minute of every day, so why can’t I?

It’s NOT benevolent, that’s why, & a small price to pay for selling your soul. How much is one’s soul worth? How can a price tag based on artificial currency be worth any value at all? Yet, we’re all slaves to it, enslaved on this Prison Planet, more or less. I hate money; I FUCKING HATE MONEY…for many reasons, but primarily because it’s an artificial construct. Oh, it used to have arguable value, when it was backed by precious metals, but now they just print it when THEY need it, not when YOU need it. The commit financial crimes with every fleeting moment, 24/7, those money printers printing away, but do you ever see any of it? Nope, & if you think your crappy TAXED bi-weekly paycheck means anything…NEWSFLASH…it doesn’t, unfortunately. The so-called “ruling elites,” never have to worry about paying bills, or getting food, or getting taxed to death, yet most of us do, & as I’ve mentioned in prior articles, it’s all part of the trap, a soul trap, The Great Mouse Trap. You run & run, run run run little mice, chasing those aforementioned table scraps, left, right, left, right, run run run, & all the while, those so-called “ruling elites,” live like royalty, laughing at us little mice in The Great Mouse Trap. Does that sound like “living?” No, no it most certainly doesn’t; your entire life is the life of a slave, which definitely isn’t living. No, it’s death, dying, your own slow suicide, & that notion that “it’s just the way it is,” is fucking ridiculous. I defy ridiculousness, as well as the slave life.

I ain’t dying; I’m trying to LIVE, live as a sovereign immortal being of benevolence. They’ve taken everything material from me, all the resources I worked so hard for, gone, & I have nothing left. All I have is my family, literally, & they’re all thousands of miles away in 3d Earth space, but a galaxy away from me, as I have been exiled to an island onto myself. I failed the Earth test, but I’m winning the test of self-enlightenment. I know, seems self-oriented, but I’m on a quest, a vision quest for TRUTH, so I can expose the evil, & inform as many people as I can of how this world really operates. Most people think I’m nucking futs, writing the way that I do, & some people love it, but it doesn’t matter because I’m incarcerated for life, imprisoned in a digital prison I can’t escape. The AI has me in its pocket, as in it knows my face, & who I am, thanks to the Internet. It actually has all of you, but for me, it’s an extra level up, as I’ve been permanently exiled to a solitary cell in the digital gulag. It sucks being exiled from the virtual town square, because I’m out, I’m cut off, & anything I do gets shadowbanned, so no one can see what I create. Apparently, such is the way of Clownworld, but Clownworld is as artificial as money, & I have gotten to the point where I don’t give a flying fart about my internet banishment, & Clownworld can honk honk honk its way off a cliff. I’m used to being alone, & like the great Zarathustra, I’ll stay in my cave of solitude, until it’s time again for the downgoing, if that time ever comes. The time now, however, has come to end this article. Until next time dear readers, don’t be hellish, be heavenly. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Don’t be hellish; be heavenly.” Fish F Fish🎣

The Fooze: E3 S16 3/16/2023 Trump Won the Video

I wish I could make this up, but this is not satire, & although I know Trump actually DID win, is this really necessary? Seriously, come on now, as if the idiocracy wasn’t bad enough from the other side, the side that’s supposed to be relatively sane does this, & everyone revels in it, as if it’s a new national anthem? It’s corny as fuck, & if she wasn’t a pretty country girl, would anyone take this seriously? Nope, but because she IS a hot country girl, she’s oh so stunning & brave, the MAGA army eats it up…nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom…honk honk honk. Are we gonna have to hear this song every day from now until 2024?…then beyond that too?

To the left here, if you’re in “full-site” mode, you can even read an article about this song, but if you want to read something better, go to the comment section in the video I linked above. Funny how the right calls the left a cult, & they certainly are, not arguing that fact, but then when you read those aforementioned comments under the video linked above, does it not reek of cult-like reactions? Donald Trump, the infamous #OrangeManBad, let them beat him; a guy that never loses, let openly corrupt politicians beat him. Why do you think that is?

Ever consider that maybe even Trump is in the Capstone Club? He certainly plays THEIR game, not ours, & their game is power, so why does everyone assume he’s going to charge in on a gilded chariot to save this country? At this rate, will we even make it to 2024? Getting worse by the day, one day closer to World War 3, one day closer to global bank runs, one day closer to not being able to pay your rent or mortgage, one more day of higher inflation with lower wages, one more day they print fiat money for themselves, & you think with all that on the table, oh I can’t forget, one more day with a braindead pseudo-president that has no idea where he is, can’t forget that one, & there’s NUMEROUS things I left out, now where was I? Regardless, with ALL of that going on, we’re also supposedly one day closer to Trump coming back, one day closer to him publicly “taking on the Deep State,” another day closer to turning this train-wreck economy around, oh one day closer to closing the border, almost let that one slip by, ONE DAY CLOSER TO ENDING A DECADES-LONG GLOBALIST AGENDA TO DESTROY THE UNITES STATES OF AMERICA, one day closer essentially to saving the entire world, ONE guy, is that the basket everyone’s breaking their respectively proverbial eggs into? Sounds like an astronomical longshot to me, a exceptionally risky gamble, based on what? Faith? Yikes, good luck with that if that’s what’s in your Easter egg basket. Mine has chocolates in it, but I digress.

Okay then, so be it I guess. I just came across this, & let the hamster run on the wheel for a bit, & thought I’d share my morning jog with you. Queue my radio voice, which I’d record & play live here if I could, but WordPress makes you pay for that feature I think, so sorry not sorry on behalf of WordPress, for being greedy scum, especially to writers who have been here for over a decade for fuck’s sake. Anything WordPress? Anything? Nope? Nope it is, par for the course, nonetheless, still in radio voice mode, The song is “Trump Won,” by the sexiest country pop star since the last one they shit out of the clone machine, the carbon-copied Natasha Owens, who totally never uses auto-tune I’m sure…(fart noise). Still in radio voice mode, but with quotes to amplify the effect, “Until next time dear readers, remember this, cults do not become sides, sides become cults, & one dirty bird still has two wings.” So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Cults do not become sides, sides become cults.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“One dirty bird still has two wings.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Stoicism thrives in a natural world, too bad this world is UN-natural.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“”Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear.” ~Marcus Aurelius⚔️

The Fooze: S3 E8 3/8/2023 Seesaw the Light

BONUS VIDEO at the end, AFTER the article, so please don’t skip ahead ya scoundrels. Just kidding, skip wherever you want, skip some hopscotch if you’d like, I don’t care what you do; just letting you know, dear reader, that there’s a BONUS VIDEO at the end, created by yours truly. Enjoy Fishheads…🍥

I added a new term to this hoarder’s horse lexicon in my head last night; would you like to know what this new term is, dear reader? This new term is hypermarket. Beyond the supermarket, is the hypermarket, & if you want to know more, just click the word. Now that you’re familiar with this term, did you know that most of the grocery store chains in the USSA, I mean USA, are owned by one company?…that’s right, ONE company, & that company is Kroger. I’m going to be posting linkage & imagery below of course, as we wouldn’t want someone to think I’m making up propagandistic fake-news-narrative-driven bullshit, like the kind of bullshit I have to flush through when doing my research, & makes up 99% of CNN’s content, & all the other alphabet fake-news outlets, who are ALSO owned by a handful of companies. A literal handful incidentally, as in you can count all the mainstream media corporate owners on one hand. Imagine the power, the world’s information, all in one hand, a hand that can easily become a fist, the same fist they punch you all in the face with 24/7. The overt bias, so obvious, sheesh, it’s such overkill, & they don’t care, one subjective news article after another, keep punching, left hook, right cross, left cross, straight right, BOOM, hit ’em with the haymaker, & you’re down for the count, knocked out, & you’re counting those lights on the ceiling before you even know it, all of this figurative by the way. Also, I italicized the word “news” back there because it is, in fact, total bullshit, & NOT news, it’s fake news, & these mainstream media actors can suck off a salmon with these globally broadcast lies. SICK OF IT, & why do they get away with it?

Well, one answer is that they’ve essentially monopolized everything, & although I singled out a single industry in the first half of this article, I can’t stop there, because they’ve conquered all of them. The news, television as a whole really, education, sports, entertainment, supply industries for fuck’s sake, anything else you can contemplate just fill-in-the-blank, ALL of it, infected by this malignant plaguous cancer, & now who are they trying to drop their spores on? Children, yep, CHILDREN, YOUR KIDS, they’re going after your kids now, trying to infect the new generation with their delusionally psychopathic vision of some dystopian future disguised as a utopian paradise. It’s total insanity. I’ve told you ad nauseam, these so-called elites are pure evil, darkness incarnate, & their greatest trophy is getting your children to follow their Luciferian doctrine.


They are in the highest positions of power; this has been a decades-long agenda & at some point, they must fulfill said agenda, & I speculate that the time is imminent, & that tempest is on the Shakespearian horizon. Yes, the culmination point of their great plan for humanity, a societal critical mass, is imminent, right on queue, almost as if they’ve scripted it, isn’t it? Strange how this playbook keeps working…for nearly 2000 years now. Divide the population, on every issue, race, religion, education, entertainment, divide them all, with an end-goal of us killing each other, while they all sit back & watch, fiddling on their Neronian violins, while it all burns down. Once they’ve turned the world to ashes, they’re going to skip back out into the world, from their bunkers this time, & rebuild a new world for the ashes of nuclear fallout, THEIR new world, you’re welcome. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE; they definitely do NOT want me there either. I’m a thought-criminal, a digital dissident, NON-compliant in every way, most certainly NOT wanted in their shadow world, which is fine with me. To me, everything they’ve created for you to assimilate into is UN-naturally artificial, & just dark, so dark to me, pitch black, just shadows, shadows & echoes, a real-time Platonian Cave, & I’m as UN-interested as it gets. No thanks, I prefer the Sunshine from Source outside the Cave. Not buying it, never gonna buy it, & what I offer is FREE, the best price ever. All you have to do is get up, & walk out of the Cave. That’s it. THAT’S ALL. It’s so easy. They may have the power, sure, they print the money they need for themselves, so that’s never an issue for them, sure thing, but we have something they’ll never have. They know they can NEVER be a light in the darkness, or even have a light. Why?..because they sold their souls for the false light. Now they ARE darkness, & the illumination they offer is false, from a false “god” that they venerate for some reason. They want chaos, so they can manufacture order, their version of “order,” but order is Divine, order is Nature, & Nature doesn’t need their “order.” They are drunk, power-drunk on the notion of absolute power, & it’s corrupted them beyond belief. They are pissing on Divinity with these terribly evil things they do to everyone, they HATE the true light, they HATE us, they definitely hate my black ass, & so they want us all gone, hence their ultimate depopulation agenda. They want us all gone by 2030, & now all they need to complete their plan is 7 billion people gone. SEVEN BILLION OF US GONE. Quite enlightening, isn’t it?

Despite their ridiculously insane agenda, the red-pilled poppers & droppers like myself, & some of you, & some others all around the world, we are standing up to these pseudo-overlord pieces of shit. Sure, we’re still a relatively small bunch, albeit an exponentially growing entity, if you will, so maybe not as small as we seem. The elites are hijackers, & they’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, the macro-organism, but collectively we have evolved into our own micro-organism, & we’re growing so fast, micro becoming macro, so fast that we are imminently about to completely spilt off from the aforementioned macro-mass, the hijacked zeitgeist. WE have the power, WE took it back, WE D.B. Cooper-ed that plane, before their plane eventually crashes into the mountain; & it will, it WILL crash, I assure you. No matter how determined these evil fucks at the top of the proverbial pyramid in the Capstone Club are, THEY WILL NEVER EXTINGUISH THE LIGHT OF VIRTUE WITH THIER DARK INIQUITY. NEVER…NEVER EVER EVER. It’s quite simple really if one just steps back & looks at the entire portrait. What do you see when you look at the big picture, the WHOLE picture, what do you see? Want to know the answer?

Okay, here’s the answer, & this answer is in fact, a question. I’m answering the previous question with a question, & if the hamster is running on the wheel, this should make perfect sense to you, but if you don’t get it, just look at a light switch. Now here we go, here’s the answer…DUNDADADUNDUNDUNNNNNN…Regardless of everything, literally EVERYTHING, everything you see, forget about all of it, forget EVERYTHING, & think about this: If the lights were off, you wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing at all, would you?…but is the opposite plausible? Nope, one can’t see without a light, can they? There can always be a light in the darkness, ALWAYS, & there is no opposing equivalence…you can’t say there can always be a darkness when the lights are on, makes no sense, does it? Where’s the polarity, you might be thinking? Everything has a polarity in this world, right?…nope, wrong, not when it comes to the light, which although it seems paradoxically anomalous, it is not. It is a concept that does not originate in 3d. The true battle of light versus dark happens on 5d, & we only act it out down here, hence no polarity, but oh do I digress. I’ll get into the 5d battle of light & dark another time, because it’s another few thousand words at least, & it’s come to the time when I wrap up this Foozer, dear reader. Do hast thou will with this big bag of red pills, all of you are applicable, as individually respective as a fingerprint, but it’s up to YOU to Gom Jabbar what you find here when I turn on the lights.

Get it? Yes? Good. No? Well, maybe go read another post or three. The beauty & the horror of analogies is their ambiguity. Until next time, dear reader, I’ve given you a new light bulb, very “green new deal,” energy efficient & eco-friendly(honk honk honk), just kidding. No, this light bulb I offer to all of you, & to none of you, is more like a 1000 Watt LED. Full-spectrum artificial sunlight, a veg & a flower setting, to keep you growing strong, branching new branches to reach for more light as you grow, & then one day you’ll grow so full, you’ll bloom, budding your own flowers. “Great analogy, you should quote that”…thanks for the compliment, I will…cheers. Until next time, turn on your light, & up brighten the room. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Branch your branches, then bloom your flowers.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Turn on your light, enlighten your room.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Great Quote Hunt

Writing, the key to the door, as I mentioned in the previous article, & where is this key I speak of? Well, it’s around your neck of course, like a noose with the rope cut, & the only thinking choking you, is you. Or whoever you let pull your rope. Don’t let someone else pull your rope. That’s another keeper for my “Fishisms,” good stuff. If I add my own quotes to every article I write, I should have a thick book of quotes ready to go in a few months. The math is easy, I’m easily cranking out at the very least, one article a day. So in 3 months time, that’s around 100 quotes, just at the rate of ONE lone article a day, with an addendum quote and/or quotes added at the bottom. The point is, WRITE, every day one must write, if they’re to ever consider themselves a go-to in the bullpen when the batter steps up. Can’t throw like a twerp, you gotta get that ball across the plate EVERY time, strike, strike, strike strike, strike, no balls here, strike strike, strike, strike that hot iron, & maybe send that batter back to the dugout, or give them the homerun pitch, & send them to the moon. The reality is though, you’re lucky to get a base hit, as a writer, but you gotta keep pitching, every day, strike, strike, strike. Somehow the more one writes, at least in my case, the more I write, the more doors open with my own key. What’s in those doors? Quotes, of course, for I’m on a hunt, a hunt for clever quips I can quote, that I can put in parentheses, then stamp them with a big fish, like bags of dope. Oh yes, a key for those wooden pirate’s chests, these treasure chests that contain gem quotes, & I have a key around my neck for them alright, noosed around my neck on a cheap military chain, & my noose is tight, so tight, snug right up to my neck, by thine own hand for some reason, pulling hard on my neck, saying, “Write you fucking idiot, write, write, write, you have nothing else, nothing else left, this rope has stripped you of everything, & now you have nothing, except this, we’ll leave you with your words, & your words alone, now write you stupid fuck, for it’s all were going to give you this round, in this 3d hell-train ride.”

That’s the madness I go through daily, this hydra-headed conscience of mine, it’s quite direct, isn’t it? Certainly doesn’t mince words, but maybe my conscience is doing this, putting all this relentless pressure on me to “WRITE WRITE WRITE YOU FUCKING FOOL OF FOOLS,” as much as I can, while I can, because time is running out, running out the door like Forrest Gump. I know, but it is what it is. I don’t know when my end is, do you? Could be today, tomorrow, next week, 6 months from now, 6 years from now, 60 years from now if I make it to 105(Please God no, don’t keep me here that long), but regardless, the proverbial “end,” comes for us all, there’s no escaping the ride. We all get a ticket when we’re born, a ticket for a train maybe, a train for the recently deceased, or for some it’s a ferry ticket for the dead maybe, perhaps for some it’s a private jet to heaven, I’d wager most just get on city bus pass, across town, & my ticket, my ticket says it is for a private car, like a mini-limo, the budget limo, ready to pick me up at the time of expiration, but it really doesn’t matter how you go, does it? Those are all just silly analogies I just thought up on the fly in real-time, for when you die, you die, & that’s it. I’ve had several friends go already, particularly in the last year. Not only did I lose everything material I had, I lost several good friends, all in the course of a few months in 2022, that now-wretched, cursed year. Worst year of my life by far, & I’m a former decades-long addict, so I’ve had some rough years, & maybe that’s what 2022 was all about, getting railroaded again but while sober as fuck, just to really leave the branding iron for an extra few seconds, to make sure the mark would last, stinging me, burning itself into my microchip, damn that curse, & damn that year, that year I anticipated for so very long, only to end up on the polar opposite end of the place I was trying to go. Instead of the penthouse, I ended up in a roofless doghouse, with sub-zero Colorado snow blanketing what’s left of my war-weary shell. Completely broken, minus this, this writing that I’m writing in the present, only for you to be reading in the past.

Not a matter of self-pity here, & that notion alone annoys the fuck out of me. It’s the simple realization that whatever powers-that-be, just won’t let me be. Nope, they won’t let me go, no freedom for this bloated floating fish, gonna keep you as down as down gets, “Just stay in your corner of The Great Mouse Trap, & keep delusional believing you might be guiding the other mice to the exit doors, because you aren’t, you aren’t doing anything, doing nothing at all but digital words onto digital paper for yourself, & yourself alone, you disgustingly bland narcissist. What’s the word for a narcissist who thinks he’s useless, & serves no purpose. & has complete self-awareness? Is that on a spectrum somewhere? Who is illustrating these mental disorders? Everyone is a narcissist, everyone is a gaslighter, everyone is fucked in the head essentially, to some degree nowadays, right? I don’t know, I don’t really know anything about what’s going on anymore. I’m just writing to write. Like I mentioned in the beginning, just WRITE. Whatever might be in those respective receptors in that apple atop your neck, let it go as you let it flow onto a medium, whether it be with a digital pen or a real pen, WRITE, write you fucker, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. Jesus, like a drill instructor up there. A drill instructor bitch, that won’t shut the fuck up. Does your conscience torture you too? Geez, sorry I didn’t make it, not going anywhere, so why keep yelling at me? “WRIIIIIIIIITTTTEEEEEE, keep writing asshole,” & that’s how it is. Myself calls myself more names than have ever come out of my actual mouth, such a dick, & by myself, I’m referring to this conscience I’m stuck with of course. Is your conscience really you though? Your “Higher Self,” so to speak? Who is this fucking guy? I don’t recall meeting this person, do you? Did you ever officially meet your conscience?

See what I mean? Just WRITE. This was all off the cuff, just tune in the dial, that’s it. For me anyway, it’s almost like auto-pilot, for I don’t recall what I write, until I write it. There’s a place you go when you…go to mine words, you might say, from the Great Word Mines. You travel there I your head, & you harvest the words, the words that fit into the sentences, building & building, the word architect, albeit all this happens in some kind of accelerated space-time that seems relatively instantaneous. It’s not though, it’s a seems time bends, & there’s countless mini-thoughts between the words as to how to connect them, one by one, like dancers, they fall in line, until they bee-bop in an order that someone else who speaks this language can read. Just tune that knob, static, static, oh, what’s that? Is that a signal? Let’s let it play & see what she sounds like, all of this happening so fast, the brain is quite the super computer, yes?…but I digress. Once you have a frequency, the words will just run, like a river, sometimes a raging river, sometimes just a slow-flowing creek, but if one is to be a writer, one must write, one must ride the river, it’s not complicated. It’s like any other discipline, & only with practice, do you open the doors, with that salty swinging key around your neck, on the broken-rope noose, getting tighter & tighter, as the sand in the weird-looking glass falls & falls. Don’t dwell on the morbidity though, & smack that hourglass off the loose-legged nightstand, just do what you can, while you can. What else is there? Until next time dear reader, I repeat, what else is there? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“What else is there?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t let someone else pull the rope around your own neck.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“It’s easy, just write.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


The Fooze: S2 E15 2/15/2023 Pyramid of Power

I know, I know…been meaning to write about the greatest hustle arguably of all time, the ruse that robbed me of everything I’ve ever worked for. Yep, all gone, thanks a lot Sam Bankman-Fried you chubby little elitist fuck. If we ever cross paths, run, run as fast as your fat ass can shuffle in the other direction. I want you to run, so I can open-field tackle your blobulous body, then wail on you like the kid in A Christmas Story. Not to hurt you physically of course, no no I’d never actually hurt you, just slap the shit out of you, over & over again for robbing so many would-be investors. BILLIONS stolen, BILLIONS of dollars, with a YUGE “B,” & this guy is STILL living it up like a rock star, relative to the plebs he robbed, this scandalous punk. His goofy girlfriend too, & their nerdy little friends at the poser bong-party with the Omega-Mus at Tri-Lambda house & an AI maid robot named Reggie. Look at this screenshot I took from an article just published.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👉🏻Click HERE to read this article☝🏻

“House arrest,” I bet that’s really rough in his parents mansion, derp. If it were you or I, do you think we would get such luxuries? Oh wait, we’d never be able to swing that $250 million dollar bond, so who cares? No, we’d be in the stank, the deep stank, with the rest of the felonious convicts. Unfortunately, we live in a 2-tiered system, 2-tiered in every way imaginable, 2 totally different worlds, literally. In this case, obviously, it’s the “justice” system…(Fart Noise). That’s what I think of their idea of “justice” these days. Liberal judges cleverly installed all over the country to enforce the separation too. Not just judges, prosecutors, attorneys, & oh yeah, EVERY ALPHABET AGENCY THERE IS. All the way up to the Presidency, if you wanna split some hog hairs about how deeply this cancerous corruption has infected the body of humanity. Yeah, perfectly analogous to cancer, & we’re at stage-4 methinks with this nonsense. How do you fuckers get up every day, knowing you’re going to be evil, then just make a coffee & off to your “intelligence” jobs. Oh sorry, I meant “weaponized” intelligence jobs, my mistake.

Yep, got the keys to the culture-castle, the backdoor to the backrooms of the zeitgeist, total access to all the data you want, on anyone & everyone & everything, all at the touch of a button, & now with the help of AI, I can see how they would take that kind of power & run with it. If you know things that 99.99% of the population does NOT know, you can make moves that are the equivalent of playing chess at a 10 to 1 move rate. As in, one player makes 10 straight moves, then the opponent gets one, then player one gets another 10 moves, see what I mean? It’s a RIGGED GAME, THEIR game, but they use all of you as the pawns. TWO-tiers, I told you, all around, they’ve split the zeitgeist essentially, well, that’s impossible, but they ACT as though it’s split, feeding all of you the illusion of “freedom,” pfttt, via long-game programming, & most of you get programmed, it’s that simple. This elitist cancer has infected mass media the most, as that is where the real power exists, controlling the information, CREATING NARRATIVES, as I’ve said countless times, so imagine this; imagine having access to ALL of the data on the Internet, as well as control of the mass media, along with badges & guns of course, hence the weaponization, imagine ALL of that combined into the pernicious palms of a small few. That’s an INCREDIBLE amount of power to wield, is it not?

God damn right it is, it’s downright terrifying, because how can one proclaim their own Divine sovereignty with that kind of shadow always lurking overhead? This is a tiny few, mind you, relatively speaking anyway, but they compartmentalize downward, like a layered pyramid; however, no one ever mentions the tippy-TIPPY top of the pyramid, the “capstone,” & I think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt as an analogy, if the alleged speculation about them is true of course. What speculation? Great question, thanks for playing. Said “speculation,” is that the Pyramids of Giza had said capstone, made of gold. Have you ever been to the Giza Pyramids? I don’t know how the hell they would a capstone made of solid gold on top of those, seriously, it’s a sight to behold in person, the sheer size, then to think of a golden capstone on the top, wow. I think they used sound frequencies to build them, with “technology” we have no real clue about yet, not publicly anyway, but I digress. Do you see the analogy, though? The power-pyramid among the elites has a “capstone” too, if you will, & it’s these people at the top who have access to all three Zeldian power segments to complete their triangle of power. Control the mass media, in all aspects, check; have access to ALL data on the interwebs, with AI assistance, check; use “legal authority” to arm themselves with badges & guns, now weaponized, to enforce their agenda & remove anyone who doesn’t comply, check. Check, check, check, & if you have all 3 checks, you’re in, you’re in the capstone, the capstone at the top of the top of the proverbial Great Pyramid of Power. Again, it’s quite disconcerting to know that I’m not writing fucking fiction here, is it not?

Yep, & like I said, THEIR game is a game we plebs will never play, so they keep everyone else in The Great Mouse Trap, while they make their capstone glow brighter & brighter, maybe something to do with Lucifer’s light, I don’t know. Like I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT WEIRD SHIT, but apparently, THEY DO. I don’t know, I don’t get it, it’s bizarre dark arts insanity to me. Again though, THEY DO, yes it’s fucking bizarre as fuck, but it’s real to them. Moving on…

This is all stretchy speculation, keep in mind, because I do not have access to any of the esoteric knowledge within that capstone-club atop the pyramid. I wish I did, I hate not knowing things, it gives me a shitty anxiety to know that their game even exists. Maybe I’m just pissed that I’ll never be able to play, & I can’t admit it to myself? Nah, that’s ridiculous, because one, I’m not a soulless vampire that gets off on proverbially feeding from human energy, & two, I’m not into the satanic shit, not at all. The dark arts are revolting to me, & although I’m not religious at all, I think that these fools who “worship” an avatar like “satan,” or “Lucifer,” either/or, they also venerate what those entities represent, which is ultimately destruction. Hate, wrath, rage, darkness, the shadow, THAT is what these people apply their individual energies to. It’s super-bizarre, but to them, very real. Weird, right?

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? When I started this article, today’s Foozer, I had no idea what would come out. Just turned on the receiver, turned the dial to the right, then back to the left a bit, then slightly right again, & ditdit-ditdit-dit-dit-dit, the fingers fly, & creation happens. It’s SO important to be a creator. Every thing you create, is another light on the Great Tree. While these Luciferian satan-worshipping foot soldiers from the hell of Hades embark on a life-quest fueled by endless destruction, we creators must keep creating, creating creative creations, making lights, more lights, MORE LIGHTS, to light up the darkness. The way to be free is to create, the way to enslave yourself, is to be a destroyer, a killer, the antithesis of the magic makers. Don’t be a broken light bulb murderer, be a moonlight marquee, lighting up the street. Until next time, dear readers, create light in darkness, for there can be no darkness in your neon light. So sayeth FisH ™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Create a neon light, not a shadow in the night.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Be the moonlight marquee, lighting up the street.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E13 2/13/2023 Behold the Cyber Jester

When people hear the word, “fool,” it is often thought of in negative connotations, yes? These are the dictionary definitions below, & as you can see, yikes, the poor “fool” is made to seem like such a loser, right? I’ve always thought of the fool, as being synonymous with the jester in a king’s court. The jester is the ONLY person who can speak with absolute freedom to the king, about anything & everything, which to me, sounds like a great gig. Unfortunately, no one is hiring at jesters.com because it doesn’t exist, nor does the would-be jester, as a position of employment, any longer. However, maybe there’s a NEW kind of jester, albeit the king would surely kill us if he could. Still, & although the name sounds like a handle for a CoD player, let’s coin it anyway…right here, right now. Behold the “cyber jester.”

Maybe up above, that’s just how it is defined now, the unfortunate fool, with little reverence toward its original origins. The word “fool,” is from the Latin follis, which means “bag of wind,” so the fool, has always been a windbag? Bummer, but I’m personally partial to Latin origins of words, as the words just have a more illustrative depth to them, you could say. The meanings are more interpretive, not so direct & technical. The language itself is fascinating, & although it’s considered somewhat of a “dead” language, it’s too bad I’m a dumbass product of the American public school system, & thus, don’t know really know anything more that the respective definitions I’ve come across in my lifetime that I’ve looked up on my own. Can’t even claim I remember most of them, but regardless, I look up word origins quite often, for my own merit, like I looked up “fool,” before I wrote this random little article after a train of thoughts ran through my radio receiver about jesters & fools & kings & such. Anyway, back to the program.

What does a cyber jester do though? Well, they jest, in cyber space, duh. Isn’t it funny when people define things with the words of the words they are defining? & by funny, I mean retarded. Moving on, this concept of “cyberjesting” is being defined right now in real-time mind you, & I’m just winging it, just so you know, & we’re all on the same page of the same book, dear reader, right? Got it? Good. No, I’d pseudo-humbly have to say that the newborn art of the cyberjest, it’s kind of like what I do here. Not this article per se(ironically), but my language is inherently always in a state of seemingly hyperbolic, yet right-over-the-target jest, angry yet covertly comedically scorning jest, at these psychopathic globalist overlord masters most of you are endebtslaved to. They can all go suck some scorpion sacks, & I would tapdance on the moon if I found out any of them read this, or the genius placement of that double-adverb back there. Such a humble narcissist yours truly is…honk honk honk…is this not the nature of the jester though?

I do not censor myself in any way, I address current issues with blunt pragmatism, yet sprinkled with my magic fish glitter, & it doesn’t matter to me what any kind of modern-day proverbial “king” has to say about any of it. I have no ‘kings,” no “leaders,” & certainly no stinking “masters” that I am enslaved to. However, big tech thinks they are in fact “kings,” kings of the meta castle, ruling the lands of the interwebs. They systematically exiled me from the virtual town square. The “Big 4” must not like seafood, because they threw my fishy ass into the digital gulag, in solitary, my own cell, with a little fish carved into the wall, & I’ve been there since, more-or-less. So long in fact, I’ve grown to like it, like they say happens in a real prison. Spooky, right? I’d rather be a digital dissident than ever cave to those censoring biased clowns though. Nope, never gonna catch this fish, you might think ya can, but ya can’t, & you may rule billions of others, but there’s plenty of fish in the sea, just like me, that will never bend the knee to you so-called elites. In the meantime though as your dystopia fails, I will continue to jest & meticulously illustrate just how insanely foolish YOU psychopaths that claim pseudo-dominion over humanity are. Not that hard, you douchebags get worse by the day, sloppier, plenty of fodder. Must be the dinosaur in you, you remaining globalist baby boomers & your new-age spawn intent on counting on the chaos YOU created. Your dynasties are rotten fruit, on a dying tree, & the cold ground waits.

Incidentally, the role of the jester used to be a safe haven of sorts, for the one guy that was clever enough with his own individual wordsmithery, to humble a King. Then, said jester was blessed by Divinity to fill his role, day after day, proclaiming the comedy, while detailing the tragedy, of those who poop in the castle pool, for there are many fakers among the melody makers. The jester must jest all, see all, be the absolute tip of the spear of the zeitgeist, whatever era, whatever present moment that zeitgeist might be snowball-rolling along into, the jester will be there, riding the zeitgeist on a silver surfboard, silver MacBook in hand.

Could you say the jester & the comedian are the same? Great question, thanks for asking. Could be, not always, but sometimes yes, & I think a true comic SHOULD be a jester, but the two aren’t always of the same ilk, you might say. Some comics just tell jokes, could be jokes about anything, usually the funniest jokes are plays on everyday things we all experience at some point in our lives. Gaffigan, Seinfeld, that sort of thing, & people say they kill, sure, in their own way, yes. The jester is the real killer though, the ice-breaker, the one that talks for only a minute maybe, & the crowd goes berserk with anticipation as to what this jester might barrel roll into next. He sees the flow, & becomes it, then sends it out to the crowd who sends it right back in sweet circularity.

ATTENTION: The term “kill,” in the comedy world, means to have the best show you can, the crowd pissing their pants with laughs & tears of joviality. Not to actually KILL kill, like kill someone. Just in case some of you aren’t savvy on stand-up comic lingo. That you for your cooperation, now back to the show.

Perfect example, live from Austin, Texas, every Monday night, the most unique comedy show ever created, Kill Tony(👈🏻Click to Subscribe to @KillTony on YouTube)

If you don’t know, watch below. The basic set-up is you “randomly” get picked from a bucket. I quoted “randomly,” because I’m not convinced it’s completely “random,” but I digress. Regardless, your name gets pulled from the bucket, & if your name is called, you get one minute, ONE solid minute to sink or swim as a comedian, or a jester. Most of them are comedians, often bad ones, who are brave to try, but just don’t have the magic in them. It’s a sharp sword to swallow, but it is what it is. However, the small few that kill, the jesters, & an occasional good comedian, go on to bigger & bolder arenas for them to perform more jest. I had a dream, a great dream to go there, but that’s just another thing, something amongst everything, that they took away from me. They didn’t just take all of my life savings, everything I worked for, they took my saved life as well.

I’m not going to go into that again though, you can go back through my archives if you want to know more about what happened, & what they did to me, these psychopathic elites. Instead of my jest, I was just a fool, a foolish fool, so foolish that I let them beat me. Now all I can do is pseudo-jest from here, as this is the only stage I can afford to perform from anymore. No more jokes for fuck’s sake, no time for jokes, it’s all jest from here, behind the concrete wall of a jail-cell computer screen. Despite them taking everything material from me, they can never take my zest for the jest. as it’s all I have left. I suppose I’ll spend my remaining days jesting those scoundrels from my cyber mouth. Thus, behold the cyber jester. Nascent in name, but foundational for the rise of the plebs, to take back what they took from us, all of us. Or it all goes down like an “unsinkable ship,” circa 1912.

Derp, yeah right. Enter the pragmatist. Motivating a significant number of “us plebs,” to do anything about this exponentially expanding oppression from the master class, is seemingly more like an exercise in utterly disappointing futility. Too much programming, too much tv, led to too much fear maybe? Groos laziness via over-consumption. I don’t know, maybe we can organize a revolt, a revolution against these weaponized governments who are actively making their moves in real time for global dominance. It’s a sinister game, not our game either, it’s THEIR game, hence THEIR advantage. They just throw us into the Great mouse Trap while they play their game amongst themselves. Good thing I’m here to tell you all about it, right? Otherwise, would you have a clue, a real clue, about what is really going on? Or would you remain clue-LESS, like most others? Up to you, not me. Until next time, be the jester, or play the fool, either way, don’t be a tool. Cyber jesters unite. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“There are many fakers, among the melody makers.” ~Fish F Fish🎏


(high-pitched singing voice) “Fame, I wanna live forever, I wanna learn how to fly…fame.” Except fish don’t fly, unless they’re flying fish, so where does that leave this FisH™? In quite a conundrum I suppose, derp. Let’s drop a GIF below before we move on…hey here’s a flying fish…

…& another perhaps…

….well, THESE fish appear to be flying, or falling, flying & falling, sort of the same, but not at all. What the hell am I rambling about? Oy vey, Fish might need some rest, as I have been writing ALL NIGHT LONG…I might have a book I’m working on ’til the wee hours, til the witching hours, & beyond that too. I find that between the hours of 2am & 4am, my writing really shines, in a very Nicholsonian way, minus the ax & the murder & such. Just channeling my thoughts, “…all work & no play makes Fish a dull boy.” Ever hear of the “Wendy theory?” This is a fun rabbit hole, you’ll love this…

In the movie, The Shining, nearly everyone takes it from the point-of-view of Jack, or “Mr. Torrance,” as he’s often referred to in the film, particularly from Grady, or rather Grady’s ghost. Indeed, the film is quite chilling, yes? Now, imagine this…imagine the film from Wendy’s perspective, but as if she was insane, a paranoid schizophrenic, totally delusional, & hallucinating ALL of the events that take place in the movie. All of Jack’s “insanity,” just a projection form Wendy. Her son, & her son’s imaginary friend Tony, who he talks to via his finger, all in Wendy’s head. A totally hallucinated nightmare scenario, but only for Wendy, as the others try to manage, despite her outrageously severe mental disorder. I’m going to link a video below this paragraph, from the great Anthony Cumia, via his show at Compound Media, cleverly titled, “The Anthony Cumia Show.” Chrissie Mayr kind of sucks in my opinion, which I am entitled to. Ever seen her drunk? Ugh, what a lush, it’s so obnoxious & unattractive, just saying, & her stand-up…meh, not really my cup of earl gray, but to each their own, & I’ll stop with the digression now.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻ROLL THE CLIP 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Fortunately, Ant is there to keep the comedy furiously flowing, but also a solid 10-minute breakdown of “The Wendy Theory,” which I personally find fascinating. I can’t say whether or not it’s true, because Stanley Kubrick, besides being amongst the so-called “elites,” was very esoteric with his films. Great example is 2001: A Space Odyssey, which ironically connects directly to The Shining. His kid in the film, Danny, has an Apollo rocket shirt on. I’m sure some of you are aware, but some of you may not be, that there’s a “conspiracy theory” out there that suggests Kubrick helped fake the moon landing with his cinematography skills, & let his audience know, via Danny’s aforementioned Apollo rocket shirt. It’s a stretch yes, but he was exceptionally meticulous in his films. Ask any of the people who helped him make them, he was very neurotic about having things exactly perfect, perfect as he saw it anyway. Every little detail, EVERY detail, has meaning, so why would he pick that shirt for Danny?

☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 Random cock pic…filthy perverts…Click HERE for My Fishimations or HERE for MORE of My Fishimations …the FisH™abides🎣 ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

By the way, the Moon landing WAS faked, & I believe Kubrick helped, but that’s my own personal opinion. NO, I do NOT think the Earth is flat too. Why do people always assume one connects to the other? I don’t get that, but regardless, the Earth is very round, & always has been, but…we never landed on the Moon. Do you realize how BIG Space is, & how TINY you are? Seriously, it’s fucking huge, Space is YUGE, so insanely YUGE, & there’s NO way that shitty little hunk o’ junk they supposedly went there in had the capacity to go the Moon & back. Your cell phone, the one you’re probably reading this on, is over 1 MILLION times the computing power that they had back in the 1960s. Not to mention technology all around…why is it that as everything else advanced, but the space program went backwards? It makes no sense, we should have drones & little bases & constant flights to & from the Moon by now, nearly 60 years later, SIXTY YEARS, but we don’t…why? It’s the only technology to go backwards, but when you ask that dreaded question, “Why haven’t we been back to the Moon since the 1970s?”…the mob cries, “CONSPIRACY THEORIST,” then shuns you accordingly.” Can’t ask questions in Clownworld, particularly ones you can provide evidence for to the contrary of the broadcast narrative, nope, no facts here…honk honk honk…

This faked moon landing was all orchestrated to publicly, “BEAT THE RUSSIANS,” & nearly everyone bought it, buys it, & is gonna purchase it in the future unless the real truth is revealed. No one cares what I say, & no one listens, like I’m a ghost, the ghost of a can of “fish soup”👈🏻(type this into my search query on the right there if you’re on desktop/laptop). I will STILL say it though, & I’m in the process of moving this ENTIRE 4000-page Fopus Opus, Opus Fopus, to a usb drive…THEN I’m going to print it all out somehow…yep, ALL 4000+ pages on hard copy, so no matter what, they, your big tech overlords, can NEVER take my words away from me again. It’s a process sure, but a true labor of love, so to speak, & if the power ever goes out, like goes out out, all of this, is gone, gone into digital oblivion. Not if I have it all on hard copy paper though, a giant stack, I can’t even think of a 4000 page book off the top of my head. It must be done though, so Fish lives on, in infamy, & as if on cue, look who circled back around the wagon. Is that my infamous ouroboros, my beginning coming to an end?

Ever-so-famously, there it is, my circularity, my circling serpent, here to munch munch munch its own tail again, before starting all over in the next article. As par for this funhouse-themed mini-golf course, I was all over the place with this one, just letting it flow. I’ve mentioned this before, nearly ad nauseam by now, but I do not plan ANY of this beyond what equates to hearing a song on a distant radio station. I tune my dial, left to right, right to left, round & round, circling, until I capture the frequency. Then I crank that radio up, volume on full-blast, & my hands type type type, until this comes out, whatever this might be, as it’s subjective to you, dear reader. I don’t even know what I write, until it’s done, isn’t that weird? I don’t know, I guess I’m weird, one weird fish. Want to know something else? I never took a typing class, so I have to look at the keyboard the whole time I type. It’s very inconvenient, but I don’t know, maybe that’s just how it’s supposed to be, maybe that’s how I channel the channel. Nah, I just need to take a typing class, & maybe I will, someday, when I’m famous, or famously infamous, or none of the above. Actually, now that I sit here & ponder it, it would be really advantageous for me to NOT have to look at my hands to fix these grammar errors, but I digress, & the circle has looped, so it’s bye-bye from this pseudo-famous guy, for now…

Until next time, maybe we find our fame, or maybe we discover our infamy, but probably we’ll do neither, & it will just be another Friday to Friday, the famously infamous circle of a life mundane of fame. Thanks again for the shoutout to the man on the mic. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S1 E21 1/21/2023 Showtime

I am going to a comedy show tonight to see one of my favorite comics. Hard to pick a favorite favorite, every comic has their own thing that makes them unique, every GOOD comic of course. Unfortunately, there’s lots of stand-down comics out there, particularly the “woke” comics, which is some kind of oxymoron I’m sure. Yes, stand up comedy is VERY difficult, emphasis on “very,” because when you hit that stage & the clock goes tick-tock, it’s almost like the world stops, time itself slows down to a crawl, fractions of seconds like eternities, until you speak. Kind of God-like in a way, there was nothing, then God spoke, & the Universe began. I’ve done 3 open mics, about 6 years ago, at Goodnights in Raleigh. North Cakalak. So many good comics have performed on that same exact stage. Such surreality. In fact, I saw the one of the biggest comics ever, even though he’s one of the smallest, physically, maybe we refer to short people as “vertically-challenged” nowadays here in Clownworld. I don’t know, but I digress. It was the always-hilarious Dave Attell. Ironically, I’m going to see Dave tonight, but a different Dave.

Everyone give a healthy round of applause to “the fastest man on his feet,” & one of the biggest comics to come up, albeit also “vertically challenged,” same as Attell, same as Stanhope, same as me actually, how bout them apples? Yes, your humble narrator is also 5′ 7, what’s with that 5’6ish to 5 ‘8ish range? Does 5’ 7 equal a certain flavor of funny funfun laughy laugh? Why do people think we”re so funny? Sometimes without even saying a word, people laugh, it’s so bizarre. Not all of us of course, but the ones of us that know how to smack you in the face with our funny-bone boners, is there a unique commonality? Is there some instinctive predisposition to notice the quirks in the daily zeitgeist that trigger the “funny” in others, then discuss?

Maybe it’s because we aren’t tall, but we aren’t exactly short either? Short enough to riff on roasting taller people, because 5’7 is considered “short” in tall-people world, but tall enough to humbly self-roast myself over those aforementioned “vertical challenges,” & all other short people in general. Short people who are shorter than me, oh my, analogous to that book The Most Dangerous Game, except the hunt is from a stage, the jungle is the audience, the “assault weapon” is that hot microphone, & short people are the prey, in a jester-like comedic way naturally. Nothing literal here, no one is actually “killing” anyone. However, it’s the same dynamic as that book, but everything is polar opposite. Instead of physically “killing” the prey, you “kill” them with humor, hence the expression, “you killed on stage tonight.” That glorious statement is the trophy, what all stand-up comedy killers hunt for, kind of like if the hunters in that book took a picture of themselves holding the head of the man they just hunted for sport. Same thing, only opposite, get it?

What an interestingly random analogy that turned into, I just turn the dial until I get the signal. Continuing, us 5’7ish guys are maybe the comedy desperados. Yes, we savantly savage joke pistoleros of short stature, we double-fun funny-guns at the hip gunfighters, we our-stage/on-stage outlaws, making our own rules up as we go. Most of the time, for me anyway, I get laughs for just vocalizing what I observe around me, mindfulness is key. Me noticing these seemingly everyday nuances that everyone else notices, but they don’t vocalize about it, at least not in a way that hits the switch, so to speak. What about my observation vocalization makes them laugh? Simply the fact the nuance I noticed was orally spoken out into the Universe? The God thing, the speaking, the creating the vibration from the nothing so it becomes a something, & as if on cue, there’s my circularity. Beginning is the ending & it begins again. When the serpent finds its tail again, it’s dinner time, & time to end this Foozer, until next time, because tomorrow when the sun shines, I’ll be right back here in the grapevines, momentarily sublime.

Holy spitballs, I didn’t even reveal who the comic is at the show I’m going to tonight. Duh on me, sheesh. Okay, okay…ladies & gentlemen, the people who identify as one or the other based on common fucking sense because there’s only 2 God damn genders ya freaky little gamma goblin LARPers on the left, but I digress. Let’s all give an enthusiastically delicious round of audible applause, for the proverbial one & only, Dave Landau. Yes dear readers, I get to escape Clownworld for a few hours & be (self-arguably), in my favorite place to be in general, at a comedy club. I love the vibe, the energy, & let it be known, those 3 times I did open mic at Goodnights were such a feeling, it was AMAZING, higher than any drug ever got me. Being on stage is like a dream, to me anyway, & I’ve been wanting to go back ever since, despite the lost years gone by. I love/loved the stage, just me up there, the microphone of my inner pseudo God in hand, lighting up the darkness in the crowd with lightning bolt laughter. Yes, you could certainly say I was instantly hooked, but as usual, life threw me a curveball that beaned me in the face & detoured my roller-coaster life into the loops of karmic chaos once again.

I had a great plan, a plan to go to Austin, Texas, then from there to the stage at the Kill Tony comedy show. One minute open mic, fly or die, no in between, all or nunca. One minute, ONE gloriously epic minute, 3-4 jokes that ring the bells in the King’s court as the listeners piss themselves with joyous LMAOs, just my one minute of stand-up to open that door, man oh man I had a plan. Like I said, & as if in some un-Divine timing, my plan was foiled by the crypto thieves who took all I had. Wasn’t just the money, oh no no no, it was the plans that they took from me. I had such amazing plans, so amazing, so amazingly amazing, everything different, better, maybe it would’ve turned out worse if they had let me keep it, I don’t know. Perhaps this, this school portrait photographer existence, is somehow better than the possible possibilities that the crypto road advertised on the passing billboards. I had it, held it ever so briefly, then poof, they took it. Not only did they close the road, they destroyed it, & destroyed all the evidence that they themselves destroyed it intentionally, just to take it all back, from all of us.

Them, & us, & we plebs don’t really have a sporting chance, do we? Is what it is, that whole bit, I don’t know. I DO know that we hit the circularity aways back, but then instead of the big stop, we just let the words flow like hot lava onto these paragraph islands, as the serpent ate its tail on the next loop. Hencehitherforthwitheth, it’s time to go, gotta catch a siesta nap before the big show, then the real go, let’s go go go go go(Joey Ramone voice). The brief relief, the oasis from the heat, the escape if you will, from the Clownworld queef. (Honk Noise) Looking forward to the show…ahoy.

Until next time, be, for you, for all of you, & for none of you.

The Big Con

The video below will probably get banned, so watch it quickly before it does…& since most likely it WILL get removed by the big twat tech powers-that-be, I suppose I’m going to have to illustrate the gist of it for you. I have already mentioned this countless times, there’s US, & then there’s THEM. They have their endless army of tentacles so deeply-wrapped into the molten core of the zeitgeist, that even those you might have wishfully assumed were on “your” side, are in fact, most definitely NOT on “your” side. None of them are on your side, they never have been, ever, & the ones you thought were actually on your side, are just controlled opposition. Exceptionally covert controlled opposition, but controlled opposition nonetheless. This is so deep, so sinister, that I can’t even say with a reassuring 100% confidence that Crowder here isn’t part of it as well, that’s how bad it is. Paranoia, must be mindful of being mindful, as opposed to be paranoid. I do not think Crowder is, but they’ve turned people you would never think would turn. I’m not going to mention any names, yet, but I have a list of suspects after this revelation below revealed itself earlier.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Watch the video below to catch up👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

…if that video still played, you might have noticed Steven mention a site you can go to & sign up for Mug Club. It’s a numbers thing, the more people who sign up, the more the snowball grows, allegedly. I gave it a go, for the sake of free speech, even though I know it’s naively optimistic of me to proclaim that “free speech,” true FREE SPEECH, will ever come back to this waning humanity or not. All you have to is drop your email. Super easy. They aren’t going to spam-bomb your inbox either, it’s not like your SpermScrew accounts you filthy degenerates…(Fart Noise)



I’m curious to see how far he can ram his mast up big tech’s ass before he opens the sails for the ensuing shit storm the will follow. I know, I have had to have the talk with myself about just how infected our society is with these actors, these pretenders, that seemingly feed from gaining power & control over the general public, often by identifying as a person of said general public, one of the commoners. STILL utilizing that ruse, & STILL it’s effective. “I’m one of you, so give me your voice & your power,” they decree. Never fails, so I’m watching you Steve, just saying, nothing personal.

The media is the information hub, & if you control the information, you have the power to control the masses. Especially nowadays, as the masses have become morally bankrupt & more destitute by the day as everything they’ve ever worked for gets eroded away. The gap between us & them grows, they go up, & we go down, down, downtown Julie Brown, down to the bottom, until critical mass is reached, & poof, smoke & mirrors, then a new surprise for the looky-lunatics to gawk at while they eat bugs & have nothing, yet somehow are…”happy?” Is that really what they say? Would your s-elected elite leaders really announce publicly that YOU would eat bugs & YOU would own nothing, but still YOU would be happy, happy as they define YOUR “happiness,” in real-time I’m assuming.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Oh wait, what’s this?👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Link to article: https://www.fulcrum7.com/blog/2022/10/12/eat-bugs-and-be-happy

That’s just one random article I linked, & there are many more, slowly adding another 1-lb weight at a time, gradually weighing everyone down with the idea that eating bugs is a good thing somehow. Note to my CIA handlers, I WILL NEVER EAT BUGS YOU PSYCHOPATHIC SCUMFUCKS. Nope, never, never going to do it. I’m sure whoever is left after the big upcoming Covaids jab-culling holocaustal event will be so spiritually dead inside when everything they’ve ever known is gone that any idea will be easily imposed upon them as they have no strength left to fight. So much to come, if these globalist scum get their end goal achieved. They have the media, the governments, the power positions, but we have the numbers & we have our chunk of the zeitgeist. No, they haven’t hijacked it completely, not yet anyway. Sadly, if you got to watch the video above until the end, you’ll note that your own critical-thinking skills should have deduced by now, that those who you might have thought were your friends in the aforementioned zeitgeist, are NOT your friends at all. They are globalist players, in the globalist game, which to the actual globalists, is a game with much greater stakes than those of us down here at the bottom can scarcely even conceive of. Our lives mean less than zero to them…literally, because we are calculated in statistically analyzed numerics, essentially counted like cattle. Yes, YOU, the herd, the sheep, the sheeple, the cattle, being herded by a tiny minority who hold almost all of the power. How bout that, ain’t that some seriously fucked up backwards-ass nonsense? Seriously?

Who gives them their power? YOU do, & usually you do it willingly & compliantly. It makes no sense to me, none of this really makes sense to me, if I am to be totally honest with myself, as well as you, dear readers. No no, no the more down I go, the more up in the endless void of probability I end up. I don’t know, I don’t know why, why is it that they took all I have almost, took what was mine, yet they give me this vision so that I see what others cannot see, see what I’m sayin? Why do that to me? WHO did that to me and/or WHO is STILL monitoring me or whatever you are doing, you mysterious you, you. YOU are a true nuisance, but maybe YOU is actually ME. Me, as in myself, I, my own enemy within, my Jungian shadow, if you will. I don’t know, I am really enjoying reminding myself & all of you that I DO NOT KNOW. I have NO clue what the fuck is going on in this reality. NOTHING seems real to me, down to the grains of dust on the beach sand. How can it be if I can just exercise my body to a point of physical 3d fatigue, close my eyes, then awaken in a place where apparently 3d space & 4d time no longer hold dominion, & I can travel between 3d, 4d, AND 5d space via dream traveling, albeit only briefly, at least it seems “brief” when I awaken back here, how can I do that? Time, as it affects one here in 3d space, is distorted in multi-dimensional dream space, because 3d, 4d, & 5d are intertwined in such a way that the rules of each respective dimension are askew. It’s almost as if your own consciousness reminds you every night that YOU are truly of 5d origin, truly immortal, truly NOT bound to 4d time, & the truest truly of all the trulies…they truly have taken your true power while simultaneously truly wiping your mind so that they can continue to truly use you as a battery of sorts so that they can truly exist in the only true form they truly know, as human parasites.

That was truly a lot of soda suds to suck down, wasn’t it? Yikes, I hope you are still here…truly. Truly, I hope I am still here too. Not sure where I am really. I think over this next year of 2023, we will see some kind of massive shift in one specific direction. What direction that is, I have no idea. Current trajectory indicates to me that by the time summer comes, could be like that show Black Summer, quite literally. If people start dropping dead en masse, all receivers of the infamous Covaids jab, I speculate it could all turn completely sideways within 24 hours. Yes, that fast, if, & I emphasize IF, that turns out to be the end result of those who were foolish enough to get jabbed & boosted. Obviously, I don’t know. I know I did NOT get jabbed, but if they have already put the jab ingredients into the livestock supply of the country, we might all be “infected” by now. Oh, you didn’t hear yet? Yes, there’s ramblings of the “vaccine” being used in the food supply to make sure everyone receives their proper dosage of the human-killshot. Don’t blame me, I’ll be as distraught as anyone if that turns out to be true. Don’t take my word for it though, do your own research. YOUR own eyes don’t lie to you, do they? I think maybe mine do sometimes, but that’s because I am afflicted with the schizz maybe, I don’t know. Try saying it for yourself, “I don’t know,” because YOU don’t know, do you? What do YOU really know, fanny Flo? Those who YOU may have thought could never be on the other side, turned out to have been on the other side, all along, as I have said many times before, so what do YOU know now?

You don’t know I just completed my circularity, until right now, now you know, because I just told you. The article is titled, “The Big Con,” & said “Big Con” is short for “Big Conservative,” with a double meaning implying that YOU were conned by the Big CONservative movement. How may times have I said, “2 wings, on one stinking bird?” …the same stinking bird of pray that prays on YOU, 2 wings, same bird. When the cameras are off & the proverbial lights are out, they all hang out together in ONE BIG CLUB, & YOU ain’t it, in true Carlinian memorium. YOU never were, YOU never will be, few ever truly are, but the ones who are at the top of the pyramid all work together for ONE goal: to control YOU, all of YOU. Whether it be via open antagonist combative barbarous attacks of all measure, or much worse, coming at you via the warm hand of friendship, & benevolence, good against evil, the darkest of darknesses, pretending to be a light in the dark. In this next year, one by one, you will see these pillars of “power to the people” being pooped out as they expose themselves via their own arrogance. The absolute power has to corrupt absolutely at some point, yes?…& those who aren’t in the power game, those like the proverbial YOU, seem doomed to watch from the sidelines as their fates get tossed around like shotgun passes with pigskinny ball-balls.

Did you catch the circularity? Maybe you will next time, it’s not that complicated. Simply look for where I end the article with the beginning of the article, my snake eating its own head, while eating tis own tail, in the ultimate GIF loop of life, life & death, one always munching on the other, is it not? Until next time, go find your tail, then eat it.

For none of you, & for all of you.