The Big Con

The video below will probably get banned, so watch it quickly before it does…& since most likely it WILL get removed by the big twat tech powers-that-be, I suppose I’m going to have to illustrate the gist of it for you. I have already mentioned this countless times, there’s US, & then there’s THEM. They have their endless army of tentacles so deeply-wrapped into the molten core of the zeitgeist, that even those you might have wishfully assumed were on “your” side, are in fact, most definitely NOT on “your” side. None of them are on your side, they never have been, ever, & the ones you thought were actually on your side, are just controlled opposition. Exceptionally covert controlled opposition, but controlled opposition nonetheless. This is so deep, so sinister, that I can’t even say with a reassuring 100% confidence that Crowder here isn’t part of it as well, that’s how bad it is. Paranoia, must be mindful of being mindful, as opposed to be paranoid. I do not think Crowder is, but they’ve turned people you would never think would turn. I’m not going to mention any names, yet, but I have a list of suspects after this revelation below revealed itself earlier.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Watch the video below to catch up👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

…if that video still played, you might have noticed Steven mention a site you can go to & sign up for Mug Club. It’s a numbers thing, the more people who sign up, the more the snowball grows, allegedly. I gave it a go, for the sake of free speech, even though I know it’s naively optimistic of me to proclaim that “free speech,” true FREE SPEECH, will ever come back to this waning humanity or not. All you have to is drop your email. Super easy. They aren’t going to spam-bomb your inbox either, it’s not like your SpermScrew accounts you filthy degenerates…(Fart Noise)



I’m curious to see how far he can ram his mast up big tech’s ass before he opens the sails for the ensuing shit storm the will follow. I know, I have had to have the talk with myself about just how infected our society is with these actors, these pretenders, that seemingly feed from gaining power & control over the general public, often by identifying as a person of said general public, one of the commoners. STILL utilizing that ruse, & STILL it’s effective. “I’m one of you, so give me your voice & your power,” they decree. Never fails, so I’m watching you Steve, just saying, nothing personal.

The media is the information hub, & if you control the information, you have the power to control the masses. Especially nowadays, as the masses have become morally bankrupt & more destitute by the day as everything they’ve ever worked for gets eroded away. The gap between us & them grows, they go up, & we go down, down, downtown Julie Brown, down to the bottom, until critical mass is reached, & poof, smoke & mirrors, then a new surprise for the looky-lunatics to gawk at while they eat bugs & have nothing, yet somehow are…”happy?” Is that really what they say? Would your s-elected elite leaders really announce publicly that YOU would eat bugs & YOU would own nothing, but still YOU would be happy, happy as they define YOUR “happiness,” in real-time I’m assuming.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Oh wait, what’s this?👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Link to article:

That’s just one random article I linked, & there are many more, slowly adding another 1-lb weight at a time, gradually weighing everyone down with the idea that eating bugs is a good thing somehow. Note to my CIA handlers, I WILL NEVER EAT BUGS YOU PSYCHOPATHIC SCUMFUCKS. Nope, never, never going to do it. I’m sure whoever is left after the big upcoming Covaids jab-culling holocaustal event will be so spiritually dead inside when everything they’ve ever known is gone that any idea will be easily imposed upon them as they have no strength left to fight. So much to come, if these globalist scum get their end goal achieved. They have the media, the governments, the power positions, but we have the numbers & we have our chunk of the zeitgeist. No, they haven’t hijacked it completely, not yet anyway. Sadly, if you got to watch the video above until the end, you’ll note that your own critical-thinking skills should have deduced by now, that those who you might have thought were your friends in the aforementioned zeitgeist, are NOT your friends at all. They are globalist players, in the globalist game, which to the actual globalists, is a game with much greater stakes than those of us down here at the bottom can scarcely even conceive of. Our lives mean less than zero to them…literally, because we are calculated in statistically analyzed numerics, essentially counted like cattle. Yes, YOU, the herd, the sheep, the sheeple, the cattle, being herded by a tiny minority who hold almost all of the power. How bout that, ain’t that some seriously fucked up backwards-ass nonsense? Seriously?

Who gives them their power? YOU do, & usually you do it willingly & compliantly. It makes no sense to me, none of this really makes sense to me, if I am to be totally honest with myself, as well as you, dear readers. No no, no the more down I go, the more up in the endless void of probability I end up. I don’t know, I don’t know why, why is it that they took all I have almost, took what was mine, yet they give me this vision so that I see what others cannot see, see what I’m sayin? Why do that to me? WHO did that to me and/or WHO is STILL monitoring me or whatever you are doing, you mysterious you, you. YOU are a true nuisance, but maybe YOU is actually ME. Me, as in myself, I, my own enemy within, my Jungian shadow, if you will. I don’t know, I am really enjoying reminding myself & all of you that I DO NOT KNOW. I have NO clue what the fuck is going on in this reality. NOTHING seems real to me, down to the grains of dust on the beach sand. How can it be if I can just exercise my body to a point of physical 3d fatigue, close my eyes, then awaken in a place where apparently 3d space & 4d time no longer hold dominion, & I can travel between 3d, 4d, AND 5d space via dream traveling, albeit only briefly, at least it seems “brief” when I awaken back here, how can I do that? Time, as it affects one here in 3d space, is distorted in multi-dimensional dream space, because 3d, 4d, & 5d are intertwined in such a way that the rules of each respective dimension are askew. It’s almost as if your own consciousness reminds you every night that YOU are truly of 5d origin, truly immortal, truly NOT bound to 4d time, & the truest truly of all the trulies…they truly have taken your true power while simultaneously truly wiping your mind so that they can continue to truly use you as a battery of sorts so that they can truly exist in the only true form they truly know, as human parasites.

That was truly a lot of soda suds to suck down, wasn’t it? Yikes, I hope you are still here…truly. Truly, I hope I am still here too. Not sure where I am really. I think over this next year of 2023, we will see some kind of massive shift in one specific direction. What direction that is, I have no idea. Current trajectory indicates to me that by the time summer comes, could be like that show Black Summer, quite literally. If people start dropping dead en masse, all receivers of the infamous Covaids jab, I speculate it could all turn completely sideways within 24 hours. Yes, that fast, if, & I emphasize IF, that turns out to be the end result of those who were foolish enough to get jabbed & boosted. Obviously, I don’t know. I know I did NOT get jabbed, but if they have already put the jab ingredients into the livestock supply of the country, we might all be “infected” by now. Oh, you didn’t hear yet? Yes, there’s ramblings of the “vaccine” being used in the food supply to make sure everyone receives their proper dosage of the human-killshot. Don’t blame me, I’ll be as distraught as anyone if that turns out to be true. Don’t take my word for it though, do your own research. YOUR own eyes don’t lie to you, do they? I think maybe mine do sometimes, but that’s because I am afflicted with the schizz maybe, I don’t know. Try saying it for yourself, “I don’t know,” because YOU don’t know, do you? What do YOU really know, fanny Flo? Those who YOU may have thought could never be on the other side, turned out to have been on the other side, all along, as I have said many times before, so what do YOU know now?

You don’t know I just completed my circularity, until right now, now you know, because I just told you. The article is titled, “The Big Con,” & said “Big Con” is short for “Big Conservative,” with a double meaning implying that YOU were conned by the Big CONservative movement. How may times have I said, “2 wings, on one stinking bird?” …the same stinking bird of pray that prays on YOU, 2 wings, same bird. When the cameras are off & the proverbial lights are out, they all hang out together in ONE BIG CLUB, & YOU ain’t it, in true Carlinian memorium. YOU never were, YOU never will be, few ever truly are, but the ones who are at the top of the pyramid all work together for ONE goal: to control YOU, all of YOU. Whether it be via open antagonist combative barbarous attacks of all measure, or much worse, coming at you via the warm hand of friendship, & benevolence, good against evil, the darkest of darknesses, pretending to be a light in the dark. In this next year, one by one, you will see these pillars of “power to the people” being pooped out as they expose themselves via their own arrogance. The absolute power has to corrupt absolutely at some point, yes?…& those who aren’t in the power game, those like the proverbial YOU, seem doomed to watch from the sidelines as their fates get tossed around like shotgun passes with pigskinny ball-balls.

Did you catch the circularity? Maybe you will next time, it’s not that complicated. Simply look for where I end the article with the beginning of the article, my snake eating its own head, while eating tis own tail, in the ultimate GIF loop of life, life & death, one always munching on the other, is it not? Until next time, go find your tail, then eat it.

For none of you, & for all of you.