New Become Old

Recent Weather

I don’t believe in man-made global warming. Sure, there’s a lot of humans, that DO cause a lot of damage, but if you go out a few hundred miles into space, & look down, you can’t even see us, unless you see the city lights at night, which actually strengthens my argument, because then you get a good look as to how small we actually are, & how spaced out we are on top of that. There are YUGE sections of this world still that are entirely uninhabited by modern man, places we haven’t ever even been yet, & if you account for the oceans, which are around 80% unexplored I think, & make up ¾ths of the Earth’s surface, that leaves A LOT of area on the planet that we don’t even nor haven’t even touched. Thus, “man-made global warming,” from a strictly common sense point-of-view, is total rubbish, & yet another lie perpetrated by the so-called “ruling elites” to instill fear among the global populous & retain control over the people that they think they lead & rule. I know, I know, common sense seems to have gone out the door these days, despite a technologically-advanced modern world, where one can simply type a few keywords into a search engine, & look the facts up for themselves. However, many people still, STILL, tend to believe what the television tells them to believe unfortunately, rather than do their own research, & as sad as that notion is, it continues to be the way of the majority of the general planetary population, & so, in addition to the other means of control-through-fear tricks that the aforementioned ruling elites use to hold power over the masses, the “man-made global warming” scam is just one in a line-up of sinister agendas that many waste time & energy foolishly believing in, but serves only to keep them distracted while their masters attain more dominion over the people, & in turn, over the entire planet.

Now, however, let’s not confuse “man-made global warming” with “man-made weather modification“. I happen to think the latter is used by the powers-that-be against us regular folks, in order to not only push their “global warming” hustle, but also to test run, if you will, various methods of decimating rural, as well as strategic populations, only to blame it on the “man-made climate change,” that we the people are changing with our supposed wasteful & destructive behaviors, never incurring any blame themselves, because as I said, the goal is to blame US. It’s all so much sheneniganery, sinister sheneniganery, with think-tanks composed of eugenically brilliant minds that ultimately want to fulfill their end-goal depopulation agenda. “Remove the mouth-breathers, & there’d be more room on the planet for we elites & our bloodlines,” is their esoteric mantra. Oh yes, there’s most certainly two distinct groups in this world, them & us, the herders, & the herded. I’ve often wondered what the world must be like from the point-of-view of the “herders,” the ones that look at most of the population…as well, human cattle, as there’s not there real way to describe us, from their perspective. It’s a totally different view then the view from our side, their view being that we are here to be led by leaders we don’t elect, & when we think they’re voting to “elect” them, they’re really just s-electing them, as if there was ever any choice on our end. Nope, voting is as big a sham as the lottery, & you never win either one. There is only an illusion of choice, as is the case, more-often-than-not. Lots of illusions, lots of echoes, lots of shadows, all assumed by the masses to be real, like some planet-wide Platonian Cave. Doesn’t matter when a scant few us leave said Cave, venture to the real reality outside, & proclaim back down to the rest of the prisoners, “Come out here into the real world, where the truth shines like the Sun overhead, where things are real, & sounds are real, & not the shadows & echoes your masters have tricked you into believing are real. The truth will set you free. Please, fellow prisoners, chained to your digital devices, COME OUTSIDE!” Do they listen though?…nope, usually they do not, & what’s worse, they call you names, they deem you a deceiver, & even threaten you with a figurative death, should you not shut your mouth & continue to allow them exist, chained to their own false beliefs, never realizing that “existing,” is not living, not living at all.

As it pertains to the weather, however, since that is the title of this article, the powers-that-be have utilized the fake news propaganda machine to hijack words & phrases, in this case “climate change,” to mean the same thing as their “man-made global warming” pseudo-expression, as if the climate doesn’t change all the time via nothing to do with mankind or our “wastefully destructive behaviors.” In fact, the climate changes 4 times a year in most inhabited places, & we call that “seasons,”…duh, but like I referred to earlier, in Clownworld 2023, numerous words & phrases have been essentially hijacked, taken over to mean what these societal think tanks think they should mean, as opposed to universal & respectively literal definitions. Yes, it’s about as Orwellian as it gets, & because these idiocratic bureaucrats never face any consequences, they just keep crossing the line & moving the goalpost at will, in order to keep winning a game that they only win through systematic manipulation, which adds up to basically cheating. Of course, we all know, life is not fair, far from it, but this “man-made global warming” nonsense, along with all of the other bullshit agendas being utilized against the public at large, takes unfairness to a whole new level, especially when you consider all of the combined facets that the “herders” undertake to keep the ‘herded” suppressed & controlled, for if the “herded” were to all awaken at once & realize what has/is/will continue to be done to them, we could end the mass control mechanism at once, & take this planet back for ourselves. Sadly, the so-called “ruling elites” study the ancient art of “divide & conquer,” many from birth, as well as the ideology that they are the “herders,’ so it’s virtually in their blood, & therefore, they abide it accordingly from their various power positions in the hierarchy of the Great Power Pyramid. Yes, while most of the population, the “herded,” are indoctrinated thanks to the public school system, the other side is busy learning how to control the indoctrinated ones, & so it goes, has gone now, & will continue to go, for generation after generation, as far back as the Roman Times, & well beyond that too.

Like I mentioned, there’s a split in the planetary population, the herded & the herders, & the herded, US, outnumber the herders by a great majority, a massive majority in fact. The herders, however, split the herded, keep us constantly divided, the Hegelian dialectic working to perfection in real-time, & because they keep us herded ones divided, we will never be free from The Great Mouse Trap that they keep us all running through from the day we inhale our first breath, until the day we exhale our last. Run left, run right, left, right, left, right, back around & do it all over again little mice, because the more we stay split between left turns & right turns, the more the trappers run straight over the top of us, laughing all the while as we run run run, so caught up in our own debt-enslavement that we can never find the exit out. Make no mistake, yours truly is caught in this Great Mouse Trap, the same as most of you, more so even, as I am totally broke, & lost all of my resources in the controlled-demolition market crashes in 2022. Yep, everything I worked so hard for, all gone & then some, just as easy as grabbing a little mouse by the tail, pulling it from the Great Mouse Trap, & shaking it by its writhing tail, little legs kicking, until everything falls out, then throwing it back into the maze, with nothing left except those little legs to keep it running left, right, left, right, until its dead. We mean nothing, nothing to them, as is the way with most of us mice, we herded little mice, stuck in this labyrinthian cave, with no way out, no hope, nowhere to left to run, except left, then right, left, right, endlessly chasing the table scraps of printed Monopoly left but the herder maze-masters. Simultaneously, they print the same said money, for themselves of course, not for any of the little mice, who spend their lives killing themselves for it.

It’s a very dark, very malevolent game, & in fact, it’s only a “game” from the herder perspective, & certainly not for any of us herded ones. Does this feel like a “game” to you? I have trouble thinking of ti as such, but maybe I should. The great Alan Watts devoted a lot of his orations to the notion of “playing the game,” as if life were that simple for all of us. Unfortunately, & although I enjoy listening to him, he spoke those words from a bubble, a celebrity bubble he placed his pulpit into, once he became famous all over the world for his books & lectures & such. Fame gets you out of The Great Mouse Trap, you see. Fame, & even infamy sometimes, can get you that Golden Ticket to set you free. We could ALL be free, & there’s way more than enough abundance to achieve this in this world, more than enough to go around & then some, but the false illusion of scarcity, is yet another trick used by the people-herders to keep them high atop their guarded gates, & the rest of us down at the bottom of the Wishing Well, hoping to win that un-winnable lottery someday, because most of the herded have been made to believe there isn’t enough for everyone. Along with the inclination that humanity is responsible for said scarcity, as well as these bizarre climate anomalies lately, the illusions just stack & stack upon us all, like a high-rise building, stacking higher & higher, reaching into the sky, all built on a foundation of lies. It would only take one day, ONE DAY, of a united humanity, to take these elitist globalist one-world-order people herding soulless scum down, demolishing the illusions down to the ground. Will we ever stop maintaining our own self-division to realize this as a unified whole for a change, though? Don’t hold your breath, for if the so-called “ruling elites” ever sense that we might come together, united as us versus them, they will orchestrate something from their big book of contingency plans to ensure that we never do join hands & shout from the mountaintops all at once, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…NO MORE!!!” Like I said though, don’t hold your breath waiting for that day to come. On that note, this article is done. Believe me, I don’t “enjoy,” for lack of a better word, knowing what I know, & this mind of mine, proves quite burdensome most times, but it’s the “hand I’ve been dealt,” as the saying goes, & I suppose I am stuck with it, until I get lightning-struck into a lobotomy, if that event ever comes to pass. Since the odds of winning a fake lottery are statistically greater than getting stuck by a bolt of lightning, there’s simply no way to win this game, but as I mentioned earlier, the great Alan Watts said in so many words, “Just play the game,” & thus, what choice do I have? So sayeth FisH™🎏

The Fooze: S7E20 7/20/2023 Hotel Hell

Yours truly is undergoing a week-long stay in a shitty hotel in a ratchet part of North Denver, & oh my, has it been fun. First off, the room smells; it smells like overdoses, prostitution, moldy shower curtains, & an A/C unit that pumps out “fresh” air smells of must & ass. There’s no microwave, or mini-fridge, so I’ve been living on fresh fruits & donuts. I had to use some Macgyver tactics to keep the curtain closed, draped over a window that has no lock, so theoretically, a thief, or a serial killer, could easily just open the window & hop in. Fortunately, I am armed to the teeth, so if anyone comes in, it’ll be the last window they ever jump through, but I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, the bed is actually comfortable, surprisingly, but the A/C blows right onto it, so if I’m lucky enough to sleep for a few hours, I have to bundle up with the extra comforter I stole from the maid’s laundry area when the managers weren’t looking. The irony, I know, talking about thieves but I had to steal a comforter. It’s not actually theft, since I’m not keeping it, obviously, so I consider it as just borrowing. Speaking of thievery, the door has definitely been kicked in; the frame shows signs of breaking & entering, & even though the door locks, the lock was put on backwards. Let’s see…what else before I move on to the outside of the room…what else, what else? Oh, I am using the drawers as a makeshift table/place to write this on my computer, & as I look to my left, while I type this, I see that the left drawer is missing entirely, which leaves a nice little hidey-hole for my cat to play in. Poor little guy, but he’s been such a super-trooper over this last week we’ve gone through. Luckily, I think I’ve found a safe place for us to stay, but more on that later. Now, let’s talk about the outside of the room.

I’m right by a major 4-lane highway, & although the sound of the cars has become like white noise to me, the sirens from the emergency vehicles that speed by every 15-20 minutes or so is quite loud. Since I just mentioned “emergency vehicles,’ we will segue into the emergency vehicles that have been here EVERY SINGLE DAY that I’ve been here. Not exaggerating either…EVERY SINGLE DAY. The first day some guy overdosed by the dumpster, which was/still is, over-flowing with trash. Yep, overdosed right next to it, which resulted in 3 police cruisers, a firetruck, & an ambulance, in no particular order. Don’t know if he died, but the manger told me he overdosed. I didn’t see that incident until after he was in the ambulance & heading away. Next day though, I DID see an incident with my own eyes. Ready for this one? It’s a real doozy of a story.

Okay, so an Indian fellow, a tall Indian fellow with the stereotypical Indian guy perv-stache, was walking around completely naked. No shoes or socks even, as naked as it gets. This dude had a pubic bush that was so big, there might have been some baby birds nesting in there. Quite revolting, right? He was on the phone, just parading around in his skinsuit, his little mushroom tip just barely sticking out of the bush, talking to a party unknown on the phone. The manager called the cops, & I suppose the naked Indian noticed, so he ran back to his room, & put clothes on, some jeans & a pink button up shirt. Very classy. Then, after clothing himself, the moron came back outside, still talking on the phone, just as the cops arrive. The manager, a toothless former methhead named Christy, pointed to him & said, “That’s him, that’s the guy.” The officer told him to get off of his phone so he could ask him some questions, & what does Apu do? He pulls a knife on the police officer that told him to get off the phone, & so, the officer takes his baton, whacks the guy’s hand so he drops the knife, & charges him with a solid open-field front tackle. Very brave of the cop to do, but he did it, as the other cops immediately pulled out their guns. The tackling officer then gets up, backs up, & one of the other cops hit Apu with the taser gun. BZZZZZZZZZZZZ…followed by a scream from Apu, as he writhes around on the ground with 50,000 volts buzzing though his body. Then all of the cops dog pile him as they cuff him up. Apparently, in Colorado, if you get tazed, you go to a hospital, rather than jail, which is standard procedure in a liberal “blue-city” shithole. Nonetheless, that was day two, & you know there’s a hat trick coming next.

Today, I’m not sure what happened, but as I pulled up to Hotel Hell from my daily job hunting quest, there were several cop cars leaving, so maybe it was an unruly guest, as the other guests besides yours truly are the dregs of society, so perhaps yet another overdose. Maybe a streetwalker got herself all smacked up for coming home short. I’m pretty sure some of the guests are hookers & their pimps. There’s a shitload of Mexican construction workers, 5-6 piled high into one-bedroom rooms. There’s a few that clearly just got of jail recently. They have a certain kind of walk, a posture, if you will, from walking in lines in their respective prison garb. Maybe other people don’t notice said posture, but I do, & in conjunction with the jailhouse tattoos, to me it’s obvious that some of the guests here were locked up recently. One had a giant clown face tattooed on the back of his shaved head, so yeah, it’s obvious. Before I digress into some random tangent, I do have mention the parking lot. I already told you about the overflowing eyesore dumpster, which is at the back of the parking lot, & as for the parking lot itself, it has so many holes in it that it looks like a cluster-bomb war happened, similar to Dresden circa 1944. I walk out onto the balcony often to smoke a cig, because one, I don’t want to miss the next “incident,” that goes down, & two, to watch my car so no junkie breaks into it. I have my 12-gauge boomstick locked in the trunk, as well as my safe, which doesn’t have anything in it , even though it does, but that’s my secret. Regardless, I get up & walk outside every hour or so to do a perimeter watch, since I cannot sleep very well due to this elephant-on-my-back anxiety I have from being all on my own now in this life.

Yep, just Milo the cat & yours truly now. No more family, except a cousin, & a handful of friends that I can count on one hand with my thumb & pointer finger still outward facing. My life has done a complete 180 degree turn & then some since these corrupt democratic communists stole the election, then proceeded to destroy this once great country, now termed the USSA, the United Socialist States of America. Believe it or not, this country is now arguably a communist dictatorship, being systematically turned into smoldering rubble. Do you think Potato Joe Biden is the POTUS? I’ll clear that up right now if you do…& the answer is: NO, NO NO NO NO NO he isn’t anything, except a perverted puppet. The real POTUS, the one in the shadows giving the orders, is none other than former POTUS Barack Obama, a CIA plant, who was s-elected to do one thing, proverbially burn this country to the ground, which is happening, right on schedule. Us “regular folks,” can barely put food in the fridge, rents are outrageous, you need two jobs AT LEAST, just to get by. It’s fucking ridiculous. A friend of mine told me it’s because we are in the Kali Yuga, which is the 4th, & worst era for mankind that lasts about ohhhhh…450,000 years or so. It’s an era of destruction, which makes sense, because as I’ve written about ad nauseam, the end goal by 2030 is for 7 billion, BILLION, of us gone. Us “regular folks,” of course, because the so-called “ruling elites,” plan on rebuilding the planet after we are all wiped out, with a one world order agenda. AI is getting exponentially more advanced by the second now, I presume, so it’s just a matter of time before most of us are jobless since AI will be able the jobs that most of us do, even as far as performing life-saving surgeries. It’s going to be like some Mad Maxian dystopian surveillance state nightmare, & most people have no idea.

Fortunately, I do, but what can I do about it? Nothing, nothing at all, & as a writer, I’m fucked. There’s already a button on here that one can press to write whatever they want to write about with the AI assistant. Maybe I should try it out, since we’re on the subject, & see what happens. Ready? Okay, here we go, & be sire to keep in mind that whatever comes next in this article, is the AI, & NOT yours truly. I’ll be right back…enjoy the cock pic…

The Kali Yuga, also known as the Age of Kali, is a concept in Hindu cosmology that refers to the current age or era we are living in. According to Hindu scriptures, the Kali Yuga is the final of the four Yugas (ages) within a cyclic pattern that repeats endlessly.In the Hindu tradition, each Yuga is associated with a different set of qualities, societal norms, and spiritual conditions. The Kali Yuga is considered to be the darkest and most challenging of all the ages. It is characterized by a decline in morality, spiritual awareness, and a rise in materialism and ignorance.According to ancient scriptures such as the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana, the Kali Yuga is said to be a time of widespread corruption, conflicts, and moral decay. It is believed that human beings in this age are predominantly driven by selfishness, greed, and harmful desires. Virtues such as honesty, compassion, and integrity are believed to be rare during this era.However, despite these challenges, the concept of the Kali Yuga also offers a glimmer of hope. It is said that in this age, spiritual liberation can be achieved through simple acts of devotion and by surrendering to a higher power. It is believed that even a small amount of spiritual practice or righteous action can have a profound impact in this era of darkness.The concept of the Kali Yuga serves as a reminder to embrace spiritual values and strive for personal growth amidst the challenging circumstances of the current age. It encourages individuals to seek inner transformation and cultivate virtues that can uplift themselves and the world around them.Overall, the concept of the Kali Yuga provides a framework to understand and navigate the complexities of our existence, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of spiritual awakening and growth.

You see that? THAT is what the AI can do now, in a matter of 3-4 seconds. Crazy, right? There’s no way a human can keep up, especially when the AI gets more advanced. Writers like yours truly, will become obsolete, & this is just as it relates to writers, now imagine all of the other things the AI can/will do. I don’t know about you, but to me, this is fucking insane, particularly when I know that those so-called “ruling elites,” have a sinister AI-based agenda, as they want to merge with the AI, to become like gods, living much longer than the average human life span, as we all get slaughtered because we will become “less-than,” so to speak, & only get in the way of their new world order plan. 7 BILLION, with a big B, gone, gone by 2030, hence why I always emphasize that if you think things are crazy now, just wait, because the figurative roller-coaster isn’t even at the top of the first drop. Hell, the damn thing hasn’t even started going up the track, compared to what’s coming. Everyone is feeling tremendous social anxiety analogous to getting on the roller coaster, anticipating the ride, but as I said, just sitting there waiting for the safety bar to drop, since the real ride hasn’t even begun yet. Stay seated, & keep your arms & legs inside the carriage dear readers.

When 2024 gets here, & all of these bureaucratic corrupted soulless power-drunk politicians atop the power pyramid wage war on one another to take the reigns, THAT is when the ride begins, & no matter how bad it seems now, it’s only going to get worse, MUCH MUCH MUCH worse. So buckle up dear readers, & until next time, prepare accordingly. So sayeth FisH™🎏


Serum-925 was created in a lab by a Chinese scientist named Dr. Shuyi. Dr. Shuyi had a long & accredited reputation for creating various viruses & bacteria, that he himself intended to be beneficial for the human race. His overlords, however, the CCP(Chinese Communist Party), had other intentions, intentions not so benevolent. The CCP had grown weary of United States global dominance, particularly the dominance of the United States dollar. The U.S. dollar had been the global currency for decades, even after the gold standard was removed in 1971, thus the value of the U.S. dollar was now-backed by literally nothing, & to the quickly-advancing Chinese economy, this was unacceptable. It was time, the time of the planetary financial reign of the USA to come to an end. The lone issue stopping the Chinese from taking total dominion over the world’s currency exchange for themselves, was one thing: armed Americans. Open hot nuclear war would be devastating, much too messy, for all involved, as well as for those not involved. They needed a solution, something that would non-violently wipe away their mortal enemy from the West, without affecting the Chinese, & the rest of the world, & so, they looked to Dr. Shuyi, for an answer he could not refuse to give . They took him aside one day, & by “took aside,” they stormed into his office, armed, & took him away from his morning paperwork to meet with a man known as Mr. Wang. “Wang,” in China, is the equivalent of “Smith,” in English, & most likely was not this man’s real name. Anonymity was important, as well as compartmentalization, because the USA had spies everywhere, even inside the CCP, & Mr. Wang needed Dr. Shuyi to do something, for the future of his country, that the Americans must never be made aware of.

Dr. Shuyi was blindfolded, & brought to a room, a room with no view, no windows, only a desk & 2 chairs, & a CCP flag in the corner. Mr. Wang was brief & to the point, & told Dr. Shuyi that he needed to make a new virus, one that would kill whoever it infected, but kill them slowly, however not too slowly. It must be RNA-activated, engineered to ONLY infect those who had taken the messenger-RNA Covid vaccines approved in the USA, which would be the Pfizer, Moderna, & Johnson & Johnson vaccines, in no particular order. Since those vaccines were used less in most places outside of the continental United States, there would be little risk of infecting anyone who resided beyond the boundaries of the borders of the USA. Clearly the plan had begun several years prior to what the CCP was orchestrating now. Additionally, the Big Pharma industry must have involvement, & although astounded by the awareness of other shadowy globalist actors, along with the secrecy kept due to impressive compartmentalization, who was Dr. Shuyi to ponder these notions, to ask questions, or think for himself? He was no one, certainly not an individual, but only a tool, & in China, you do what you’re told without question & think only of total obedience to the State, & so Dr. Shuyi embraced his task, & continued with his instructional orders.

There needed to be a incubation period of one to two weeks, then after incubation ended, the virus needed to exit the host body. It would be made to spread quickly throughout the bloodstream, eventually stopping the heart, then exiting said host body through pores on the skin, to go airborne, & then spread quickly, infecting everyone within a one to two mile radius who had been jabbed, as the terminology goes in the West. This virus must perform precisely as it was designed, so as not to spread in an out-of-control rampant manner, & possibly mutating. Additionally, & this was of highest importance, the virus needed to be fire-resistant, because unknown to Dr. Shuyi, this would be the means utilized for the initial infections. A series of wildfires would be started all across the Canadian wilderness in Northern North America, from west to east. Thousands of fires would be intentionally ignited, so that the virus could be dropped into these wildfires from the air, & as the virulent smoke moved into the jet stream that stretched across the expanse of the USA, from Montana to Maine, it would prove the most effective means of contamination, drawing little to no attention to the Chinese. Of course, there were a few extraneous minor details included in the instructions given from Mr. Wang to Dr. Shuyi, as to the manner of testing, but we will get to that shortly.

At first, like any human being with a conscience, Dr. Shuyi was struck by a sense of sadness that he could not openly express or share, by the directions given to him by Mr. Wang. The doctor, with a blank expression, had dedicated his life to bio-engineering viruses & bacteria that would prove beneficial to humanity, not destructive, but he had no choice. He loved his country, his people, & much more than that, his own family. Mr. Wang wasn’t asking Dr. Shuyi though, he was ordering him to do this, & left some pictures of his wife, & his two sons, telling Dr. Shuyi that if he wanted his family to be safe, he would do as he was told. Dr. Shuyi let Mr. Wang know that he did not need to be reminded of this, & would begin the project immediately, for the love of the CCP, & the future of the Chinese people. He was then blindfolded again, taken back to his office, & the entire event had seemingly ended as abruptly as it began, all taking place within the span of an hour. In one short hour, Dr. Shuyi’s life had taken a complete turn, but not for the worse, or the better, because it was all about perspective. He could not think of anything other than completing the task given. From the view of the Americans, China was the enemy, the unquestionable dominant adversary, but from the view of his own country, the USA was the true enemy, the great antagonist, a nemesis representing the greatest of threats to the Chinese Communist Party & the Chinese way of life. If Dr. Shuyi succeeded, he would be a hero, forever remembered in future history, as a savior of the Chinese homeland. Also, he & his family would not only remain alive, they would be honored, & so, he walked to his lab to begin immediately, quickly having all of his prior work removed by his assistants, leaving the lab entirely new, a proverbial blank slate, so to speak, for him to begin this new assignment. This would be the only assignment, in all likelihood, Dr. Shuyi would ever work on again.

It only took a week, just the span of a week, for testing to begin on various compounds he had created. The CCP notoriously used homeless vagrants as derelict test subjects, which was common practice, as they offered no benefit to the State, & no one would question their sudden disappearance. The recruiters, as it were, handed out pamphlets to the street people, telling them that it was a new “medicine,” designed to help them recover their lost lives from poverty & destitution, as if they had a choice in the matter. Quickly, “volunteers” showed up in droves, providing Dr. Shuyi with more-than-enough subjects to test the the various concoctions on, until the perfect virus was discovered & isolated. Over the next week, countless subjects were infected with the different compounds that Dr. Shuyi had created. The subjects were placed inside a sealed room with a single chair, told to sit down, & to breathe normally, as something akin to Chinese elevator music played from an unseen speaker. The potential viruses were then put into condensers inside of special ovens, which cooked at a temperature similar to the heat of a wildfires. The soft white smoke would then flow through the air ducts that led into the sealed room where the test subjects sat. The subjects would inhale the smoke, then be placed into a quarantine room which connected to the testing room via a single airtight door, so as to allow the virus to incubate.

Around the one-to-two week mark, after the test subjects were initially infected, the effects began, & all sorts of horrifying conditions began to develop. After the incubation ended, as intended, the virus spread rapidly through the bloodstream, searing the arteries as it traveled, which to the test subjects, felt as though they were burning to death from the inside out. They’d convulse & writhe, in unimaginable agonizing pain as this happened, making the seconds feel like eternities. Upon exiting their bodies through the pores on their skins, the viruses would rupture the pores, emitting blackened pus, like little volcanoes, as the thousands of individually necrotic eruptions created a hell that no man would wish upon his worst enemy. It would take 1-2 minutes for the subjects to go through the viral mechanism, which felt like series of tortuous lifetimes in their minds, as each pore burned & corroded, allowing the various test viruses to escape into the open air, & once the subjects were dead, the entire room was incinerated with a special gelatinous gas, insuring that the viruses could not escape the testing room, while also “sanitizing” the room before the next test subject was brought in.

These test trials went on for a few months , & then one day, Mr. Wang showed up in Dr. Shuyi’s laboratory. He asked Dr. Shuyi how the tests were going, & Dr. Shuyi, with a nervousness in his voice, told Mr. Wang that the virus was successful, but he was having difficulty keeping the virus alive upon exiting the bodies of the subjects. At best, the virus would only survive for a few seconds, before it too, would be as dead as the host body it had been birthed from. Mr. Wang then told, or rather, he demanded, that Dr. Shuyi complete the project within the next month, or one of his sons would “disappear,” & then the following month, his other son, would also, “disappear.’ Dr. Shuyi knew that there were no more options, & there was little time left, so he had to finish the project successfully, soon. He had no choice, but to increase the number of test subjects, as well as utilize more rooms to test the potential viruses in. He asked Mr. Wang to accommodate these requests, & with a nod, Mr. Wang left the room. Dr. Shuyi spent the rest of the day writing down various chemical formulas, & thinking of his family, as well as his role in this agenda, so to speak, but he knew that the clock was ticking, so he quickly unthought those thoughts to solely focus on what he had been told to do by the mysterious Mr. Wang. He did not go home that night, passing out with his head on his notebook. He had a dream, an exceptionally vivid dream, & in this dream, an answer came to him, in the form of a formulaic compound, one he had overlooked prior. When he awoke, he was told that there were 2 new rooms for testing, so now three in total, & that there were countless new subjects ready, ready to take their “medicine.” He looked down at his notebook, & recalling the dream, he began to feverishly write. As if by some divine force, as he gazed upon the notes he’d just written, & there it was, a new formula, THE new formula, but was it the right formula? He looked at the time, & the clock read, “9:25,” & so he wrote the time above this new formula he had written down…Serum-925.

Dr. Shuyi immediately began the tests, infecting 6 “patients” with control viruses, & then 3 more of them with Serum-925. The test subjects were then placed in the observation rooms, 3 to a room, as the incubation period began, & all Dr. Shuyi could do was wait. A week went by, & the subjects showed no signs of the infection, as they read books, & watched the State-sponsored programs being broadcast to little TVs in the corners of the rooms between the ceiling & the wall, thinking they’d been given “medicine,” a medicine that would miraculously give them a new life, one where they would be assets to the State, rather than another mouth to feed. Watching this all day & night was causing Dr. Shuyi to become very anxious…so anxious in fact, that he could nary sleep a wink. This first week seemed infinite, & with no symptoms showing themselves, Dr. Shuyi again began to worry about his family, & what would happen to them if Serum-925 didn’t work as directed, but as always, he quickly shrugged those thoughts away, because he knew he needed to focus on a positive result, & nothing else. As mentioned earlier, however, the incubation period ran from one to two weeks, so there was still time, still one week to go. Dr. Shuyi had come so far, & the formulaic equations he had written down came together perfectly, like a completed jigsaw puzzle, yet still, no symptoms, no changes, nothing. He occasionally listened to the random conversations that the test subjects were having amongst themselves. They often talked about the new lives they’d lead once “cured,” & their devotion to the State for “fixing” their failed & wretched lives. “Mice,” the good doctor said to himself, “they are only mice, here to be tested & disposed of as mice are,” trying to convince himself that they were not men, but mice. Deep down, he knew he was lying to himself, along with reflecting on his own inhumanity, as he viewed the final days of these mens’ lives, & thought of his own inhumane disposition at what he was doing…what kind of doctor could go along with such a thing? As always though, he pushed these self-realizations aside, burying them, never to be resurrected, for he was soon to be a deliverer, a great conservator for the State, or dead, along with his family, who he so desperately loved.

The second week began & day one of week two was dreadful for Dr. Shuyi; the “patients” were still the same, content & healthy, no changes. Onto day two, still nothing, day three went by, & STILL, no symptoms. A small television was inside Dr. Shuyi’s laboratory, always broadcasting state-sponsored news media, the same as what the test subjects were watching, mainly about the power of the CCP, the usual stereotypical communist propaganda, along with occasional scripted “news” stories, that more-often-than-not, glorified the State in one way or another. However, something came on that caught Dr. Shuyi’s attention. A series of wildfires had erupted all across Canada, & not just a few, there were THOUSANDS of them, stretching across the entire country, from British Columbia to Quebec. There were so many fires in fact, that the whole of the country appeared to be on fire, & Dr. Shuyi quickly realized, that the plan to spread the virus across North America, had begun. The clock was ticking, & ticking fast, as though time itself was speeding up, & Dr. Shuyi knew that his time was running out.

Day four came, & Dr. Shuyi, eyes wide from insomnia, could barely write anymore, as his hands were shaking from tremors, due to the lack of sleep. His mind was a jumbled mess, a mix of anxiety, anger, depression, but most of all, fear, for he was afraid that if he failed, he would never see his family alive again. Why wasn’t the virus working as intended? He had gone over the formulas he had written down, over & over & over again, & he just couldn’t rationalize what was going wrong. He pounded his fists on the table, & the force of the thud, turned over his stained & near-empty coffee cup on the desk, spilling what was left of the cold coffee, which formed a small puddle at the edge of his desk, & began to drip onto the floor. Dr. Shuyi watched it drip for a moment, staring, as he once again, thought about his family. He then snapped out of his gaze, & walked over to grab some paper towels to clean up the mess. Just then, a sound went off from the loudspeaker, & the voice on the other side, notified Dr. Shuyi that the process was beginning, & that the test subjects were starting to convulse. Dr. Shuyi stopped what he was doing, leaving the paper towel he was grabbing half-torn, as well as the spilled coffee, & rushed to the observation room to watch what was happening. He felt a rush of excitement overcome him, utterly disregarding the fact that more human test subjects were about to experience a most-violent death, as he could only feel happy that his family might be saved, should the virus survive.

The exhaustion from all the sleeplessness, along with the symptoms of insomnia, subsided, as Dr. Shuyi hurriedly ran to the observation area, which was a room, with a series of chairs, & a 2-way mirror for the viewers to view the test subjects, as they died in agony from the various compounds they had been exposed to. The fact that these human test subjects were dying a horrible death mattered not, nor did the potential for billions to die in the same manner, as Dr. Shuyi could only think of his family, & that his success ensured their survival, as well as his own. Strange the way the mind works, isn’t it? How could one be “happy,” when billions of lives were at stake? Still, as always, these kinds of thoughts escaped Dr. Shuyi, as he eagerly watched the test subjects writhing on the floor, screaming in terror, as the post-incubated virus began painfully working its way through the blood of these “patients,” seeking to escape from these human test subjects’ convulsing bodies, through each & every pore on their skin. The shock of it all, to any “normal” person, would be unbearable to watch, particularly to a doctor, yet Dr. Shuyi gleefully continued to observe, as the subjects’ pores began to erupt the virus, those tiny little volcanoes, spewing out the blackened pus, as the subjects gasped one final time before their hearts stopped . Fortunately, the room was soundproof, & Dr. Shuyi could not hear their screams, or the last gasping. If he had, perhaps he might’ve had a moment of clarity, a revelation, that what he was doing was not only wrong, it was pure evil, but all he heard was the surreal sound of silent shrieking. It took roughly 90 seconds for the subjects to stop moving, & now was the moment of truth for Dr. Shuyi, for if the virus had died along with the test subjects, he & his family would be dead as well, but if the virus had survived, Dr. Shuyi would become legendary, a permanent hero, for the only God he knew, the CCP.

The time had come, & some men in biohazard suits with various instruments, began entering the room via a decontamination walkway of sorts. First, they needed to flip the bodies of the test subjects over, as they had all perished face down. They needed to get to the vital organs, as well as take blood samples, tissue samples, etc. The subjects had left a mess on the floor, which was now stained with the blackened pus, one of them leaving a haunting handprint, which Dr. Shuyi noticed from the observation room, & for a fleeting moment, some minuscule sense of humanity overcame him, as he thought about his own son, the youngest one, making handprint art for him only a few months prior. The shouts from the testers in the biohazard suits quickly flushed those thoughts away, however, as Dr. Shuyi had finally gotten the news he had been so anxiously awaiting to hear. The virus was alive, virulently alive, aggressively healthy, yearning to survive & thrive within another victim. Dr. Shuyi was instantly ecstatic, consumed with joy, the joy of all that was to come for him, & his family, with zero inclinations as to what this meant for the human race. A few more tests would be needed, for sure, but Dr. Shuyi knew that Mr. Wang would be quite pleased that Dr. Shuyi had been successful in the task he was given. He would be honored, taking his place among the historic halls of distinguished heroes, a savior of the Chinese Communist Party, for the rest of time, & his family would be at his side, glorified eternally as well by the Chinese people, HIS people.

The fires in Canada continued to rage, most of them uncontrollably now, & the smoke was covering cities in the United States from Bismarck to Manhattan, riding the current of the jet stream. Only the Western part of the United States was spared the smoke from these wildfires, thanks to the wind shear courtesy of the Rocky Mountains, sloping the western half of the country from New Mexico to Montana. News reports in the United States had begin to warn residents of the air quality, & blamed the wildfires on “lightning strikes,” but none of them had a clue as to what really created this country-wide inferno engulfing much of Canada, as well as what was really about to come from these intentionally set fires. Setting the fires was easy, but getting Serum-925 virus into these fires, would be another feat in itself. Meanwhile, Dr. Shuyi had been reunited with his family, who he held close for several minutes, so long that his wife showed a glint of concern as to why Dr. Shuyi, a normally expressionless man, suddenly seemed so cheerfully happy to see them all, as if he hadn’t seen them in a very long time. She had no idea of what he had done, or how close she & her children had been to being “disappeared,” via the orders of Mr. Wang. Dr. Shuyi had always been a loving father, but when the tears of joy fell at the sight of seeing them alive, his wife knew that something was different, but as was common with Chinese wives, she asked no questions & showed no concern, simply assuming that Dr. Shuyi had done something great for not only his family, but for the country. Unconditional love & total devotion to the State was primary in China, above all else, & as the adoration from CCP members began to befall Dr. Shuyi & his family, Dr. Shuyi’s wife got caught up in the moment, & quickly forgot about the tears that her husband had shed upon reuniting with his family.

Across the ocean in the United States, breaking news reports began to be broadcast, reports of unidentified balloons flying high above the western parts of North America, first from Alaska, & then from northwest British Columbia, & then down to Montana. The objects were still unidentified, only that they looked to be “balloons” of some kind, & that there were several, slowly moving east, as they drifted into the interior of Canada, & then down into the Continental United States, following the jet stream. What the news reports did not report, however, was that these were the dispensing mechanisms for the Serum-925 virus, & that the balloons were moving into position, to do just that, dispense this deadly virus. A series of canister’s on the underside of the balloons, which had now been successfully guided by GPS via radio frequencies into strategically proper positions, began releasing the Serum-925 virus into the atmosphere above the wildfires. The virus fell into the clouds of smoldering smoke from the raging flames below, which was heavier than the air, & as the smoke lost altitude, it descended with the ash, now contaminated with the very-much-alive Serum-925 virus, & began to cover American & Canadian cities.

Quickly, the pathogen, created in a lab by the great guardian of the CCP, Dr. Shuyi, began to infect the human populations below, unknowingly, as the “vaccinated” people below breathed in what they thought to be smoky air, but only the air of wildfires, as was common at this time of the year when wildfires annually occurred. Surprisingly, few wore masks, which was a stark contrast to the mass psychosis displayed by mask-wearers during the Covid epidemic. This went on for a week, then week two began, as Americans rallied to celebrate the 4th of July, ironically a celebration of freedom & independence. What the North American public did not know, was that the Serum-925 virus had been inhaled now, by millions of them, millions who were so desperate to get the jab during Covid, as well as many of them getting “boosted,” preparing them for the real Chinese-created pandemic, which would undoubtedly, kill them all once the incubation of the virus came to fruition, for lack of a better term. The Serum-925 virus entered their bodies, through the mouth & nose, down into the lungs, to incubate, before it awakened, so to speak, & began to violently erupt, from each & every pore on their skin, like the little volcanos that Dr. Shuyi witnessed from the observation room, expelling the black pus magma, leaving the gruesome handprint on the floor, from the last “patient” he would ever treat. So began the end, the end of us, the end of these United States of America.

“For all of you, & for none of you at all.” by Fish F. Fish🎏

Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea is FAKE NEWS

Someone wanna tell me how the heck this documentary, “Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea,” aired in the UK on June 22, THE SAME DAY that the sub that was allegedly descending down to the Titanic, supposedly imploded? I am a video producer, & there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary film could be produced that quickly. I knew there was something odd about this nonsense from the get-go, but this is some serious next-level programming, to keep people distracted form what’s really going on in the world. Personally, I am stunned, utterly STUNNED, that I woke up today & discovered this insanity. Would you like to see some proof? Of course you do, so I am going to provide numerous screenshots, as well as guide you how to see for yourselves, so that YOU, YOU can bear witness as to what these broadcasters really do to keep the populous distracted while the so-called “ruling elites,” orchestrate power moves behind the scenes. Here we go…

On Sunday, June 18th, the mission to reach the Titanic supposedly begins, right? Anyone can look this up on whatever respective search engine you might use. I left the CNN logo in the screenshots, so you can all see how complacent the number one fake news network is in this hoax. “Truly extraordinary” is right…holy hell, I knew the Operation Mockingbird CIA CNN mainstream fake news was bad, but this is on a whole other level. Okay, & I repeat, on day one, Sunday June 18th, according to CNN, the descent supposedly begins. All the mainstream media outlets start airing coverage. Almost all other news is put on the back burner, as they all shift their focus to this “historic mission” to reach the Titanic…

Day 2, reports that they’ve “lost contact” with the sub, & again, keep in mind, that THERE IS NO SUB & NONE OF THIS IS REAL. This ENTIRE story is a hoax, there was no sub, no one died, & this is all ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, but for the sake of discovery, we will play along. Let’s now go to day 3.

The fake news scripted narrative continues, with reports of “banging noises” being picked up on sonar. Can you see the scripting here? Building up tension, increasing the anxiety of the viewers/readers, just like a script from a movie or TV show, & oh no, they only have a few days left of oxygen, it’s all so dramatic. I have to keep repeating that THIS IS NOT A REAL STORY, just to emphasize how fake the news is that the CIA, along with other alphabet agencies in places like the UK & Canada, orchestrates, TO CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, TO CONTROL THE ZEITGEIST, TO CONTROL YOU, IT’S ALL JUST A SCRIPTED NARRATIVE, & they’ve been doing this for decades now, so it’s ULTRA-formulaic in its nature by now. Let’s move to Wednesday, June 20th. OH MY, THEY’RE ALMOST OUT OF OXYGEN, THE “RESCUERS” HAVE TO HURRY, THE SUSPENSE BUILDS. I hope those of you who read this are following this, & what I am exposing here, in real time. This is a BIG, a YUGE deal, because they’ve been caught, caught by citizen journalists, such as yours truly. Let’s continue…

Wednesday, June 21, they deploy search teams, except they actually didn’t, because again, THERE WAS NO SUB, NO ONE IS DEAD, & THIS IS A BULLSHIT STORY, but look at the cute little graphic they made, supposedly sourced by NOAA, The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, just to add some science to this made-up story, to make it more convincing. I wish I could explain in words how surreal this feels to find this as soon as I woke up this morning. If this goes viral, I expect yet ANOTHER made up event to get everyone looking the other way from the fact that we, WE THE CITIZEN JOURNALISTS, used our own research methods to not only debunk this nonsense entirely, but more importantly, WE are exposing the fake news for what they truly are, which is just that, FAKE NEWS. One after another after another, pumping out this crap, & if you do a search with a query like I used below, you can scroll down for yourself to see just how many fake news agencies are involved in this fiction. I simply typed in, “when did the titanic sub descend,” & look what pops up…

They have timelines, they PAID WRITERS TO WRITE THIS CRAP FOR THEM, & I knew this went deep(pun intended), but to go this deep, wow, even yours truly is a bit stunned. Unfortunately, I cannot post video on here unless I pay for an upgrade, which I refuse to do, but if you type in what I typed in the image above, & scroll down, you can see WITH YOUR OWN EYES, how countless mainstream media outlets are part of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird fake news apparatus. THIS IS NOT JUST NEWS FROM THE USA. The UK is involved, Canada is involved, the pinnacles of the Western World are ALL PART OF THIS. I’ve told you all, Jesus Christ I’ve told you all, for OVER A DECADE NOW about these things, & I have taken so much shit, been called a “conspiracy theorist” countless times, amongst other things, & yet again, my “theory,” has been vindicated, as it relates to this “tragic lost sub” fictional scripted-narrative BULLSHIT story. I don’t care about any “I told you so” garbage, I just want you people to WAKE UP ALREADY, wake up as to how much you all are continuously lied to, over & over & over & over again. They program all of you, brainwashing you with news that isn’t even real. That’s why it’s called “broadcast programming” for fuck’s sake. It’s right there in the words. Think about all those “around the water cooler” discussions about the daily news, & how much of it is probably all made up, yet it gets in your head, in everyone’s head, as a control mechanism, to ultimately keep you all distracted, as well as compliant to a globalist agenda, albeit unwillingly, but I cannot digress too much right now, as I usually do, because we are not done here. Now let’s go to the final day, June 22.

Uh oh, a “statement was issued,” stating that all 5 of the men on board, have perished. What a sad story, the sub allegedly “imploded,” no bodies can be recovered, & the U.S. Navy supposedly finds a “debris field.” Can you comprehend the depths of how sinister this fake news game is? Well, prepare to have your mind blown, because what’s this I found? I hinted at it at the beginning, but I saved the best part for the end. Notice the date that these men supposedly died, June 22, & keep that in mind as you read on…

Look at what premiered on what looks like Netflix in the UK on the SAME DAY they reported the sub was lost. A 75 minute documentary, PRODUCED, THEN AIRED ON THE SAME DAY THE “ADVENTURERS” ALLEGEDLY PERISHED, about the Titanic sub, being lost at sea. I make videos, & I can assure you, with every fiber of my video-producing being, that there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary could’ve been put together that quickly, then aired on THE SAME DAY THE SUB SUPPOSEDLY IMPLODED, on what looks like Netflix in the UK. The only way, is if if was pre-produced, before the entire event, even supposedly happened. PRE-PRODUCED, proving definitively, that this was all fake news, just like everything else the CIA Operation Mockingbird media broadcasts via their mainstream media “news” apparatus. There is no real news anymore, it’s all just scripts, narratives read from teleprompters by WELL-paid actors, used to steer the zeitgeist in whatever way they choose, TO CONTROL YOU, ALL OF YOU, now how does that make you feel? Angry? Frustrated? Both? It should, because it’s a big lie, & they’ve been lying to all of you for a long, long time. How much proof do you need? As you know, the FisH™ abides, so I’ll just drop a series of images here, so you can see for yourselves, or even better, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, so you can see on YOUR computer, or phone, or tablet, or whatever you use, WITH YOUR OWN EYES, this fake story EXPOSED.

Notice how I kept the dates in most of the screenshots, because I want the proof to be definitive, that this entire “Titanic sub disaster” story, was a farce from day one, aired for one reason, & one reason only, TO KEEP YOU LOOKING LEFT, WHILE THE POWERS-THAT-BE COMMIT CRIMES ON THE RIGHT, as is par for their course. None of this is new, only this time, WE GOT THEM, caught them them dead-to-rights, as the saying goes I think, or how about “caught like a dolphin in a tuna net,” which I literally just made up. Sounds better, right? I like my analogy. Regardless, look at this series of screenshots, do your own eyes lie? Mine don’t; the timestamps are right there.

Time to wrap this up, for now anyway. What a morning, what a whirlwind morning, & if this goes viral, as I mentioned earlier, expect some other fake news nonsense to pop up, to take everyone’s eyes off of this Titanic sub hoax EXPOSED, & divert everyone’s attention elsewhere, so their game of information control can continue. Until next time dear readers, turn off the television, & most definitely, DO NOT, & I repeat, DO NOT believe anything you see that gets broadcast via the CIA Operation Mockingbird mainstream media fake news propaganda machine. IT’S ALL A BIG LIE, & it’s time to expose them for what they truly are. WE ARE THE MEDIA, we citizen journalists are the media. WE are the REAL media now. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

Let’s Talk News…Straight Arrow News

“News,” as in “what’s new,” & what’s new, that’s going on locally, nationally, and/or globally, as a compendium, we call “the news.” We all like keeping up with current events, we want to know the story, the REAL story, & that’s the role of said news, to report on real stories, to report on real events, when they happen, as they happened, as factually as possible. Well, as anyone with, at the very least, a proverbial hamster in their head running on an equally proverbial wheel knows, the news, has been a continuous agglomeration of all of the chaos going on around the planet, most often reported (if you can call reading a teleprompter “reporting”) in some kind of quasi-hyperbolic manner, in order to keep people watching their UN-respectable respective news channels. It’s few & far between when there’s ever any GOOD news they report on though, is there?…so it equates to as I said, an exaggeratedly jumbled mess of all that’s chaotic, all that’s negative, all that’s shocking, because that’s what gets peoples’ attention these days, isn’t it? “Shock & awe,” sells; that’s the bottom line. The worse it is, the better it is for ratings, & so that’s what gets publicized, whether it’s publicized visually or via the written word. Now, let’s pursue some so-called news & see what’s going on then, shall we? We’ll spin the figurative globe & start wherever our finger lands, musing the latest articles, and/or whatever’s “breaking,” & work our way through it. Of course, I’m not going to be including fake news mainstream media propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, but wait, hang on a second…are they any real news outlets left?

Sure there are, only you won’t find them being broadcast via the televised programming that most people are brainwashed with, oh no no no, since the legit news networks would offer truth, & Clownworld doesn’t abide truth, & thus, is verboten, hence why you have to know where to find it. Here, we ONLY search for the real news, like hunting for diamonds on a beach. That’s right, & you all should know this by now, that yours truly ONLY researches REAL news, REAL events, the delivers it to all of YOU. because that aforementioned programming, is what has not only ruined the minds of many people, it has knowingly programmed them with an entirely false sense of what the REAL reality even is. It’s right there in the words…”broadcast programming,” so if one wants to find real news, they have to utilize sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart, for example. These two sites compile the ACTUAL news of the day, without spin, without subjectivity, & without writers and reporters who work for the CIA, spewing out whatever wag-the-dogish garbage they are told to, as well paid to, barf out all over the daily turning of the zeitgeist windmill. Obviously, I could go right to either of those two sites I just spoke of, as those who seek real news do, but today, I am focusing on an up & coming news organization that may rival the two sites I just mentioned, albeit a friendly rivalry, for when it comes to the truth, one not cares how it’s delivered, only that it IS, in fact, delivered, in real-time, on-time. “What news site could FisH™ be referring to?,” you might be wondering. Great question, thanks for asking.

This site, which yours truly just recently discovered himself, & added to the title above, as well as bookmarked for himself, is SAN, the Straight Arrow News Network. What shoots things straighter than an arrow?…& on top of having a clever monicker, they have a team of dedicated contributors who filter out the truth from the lies, & give people the FACTS, not the fiction, offering a genuine perspective as opposed to the false conclusions drawn from that scripted-narrative nonsense being broadcast through your televisions. Their site is as professional as it gets, & I HIGHLY recommend that you download the app to your digital devices, turn on the notifications, & with that being said, let’s dive right in to today’s latest articles posted on SAN, & see what’s going on in a world, where the tide seems to FINALLY be turning from fantasy to reality. Many people are becoming increasingly turned-off by those erroneous scripted narratives, & just want to know what the hell is really going on. You can only lie to the public for so long, before the fickle nature of the mob grows cold at the thought of biased reporting being peddled by agenda-pushing peddlers who want nothing more than to get clicks, get paid, & propagate fear & anxiety, rather than simply telling the damn truth. Has it really become so outlandish, so offensive, telling the truth? It sure as, to the point of exiling those of us who DO the tell the truth, particularly yours truly, who has spent the last 6-7 years in the digital gulag for doing just that, exposing the truth, & writing about it here on this site.

SAN, Straight Arrow News…now that could catch on quickly, could it not? Giving it to you STRAIGHT, no bullshit, no fodder, just the honest-to-God truth as to what happens, when it happens, why it happens, & how it may or may not affect you directly…yes YOU, US, WE The People, the people who want to know the truth, & nothing but the truth. Okay, now let’s get into it. Dit-dit-dit-dit…dit-dit-dit-dit…first off, looks like Hunter Biden, the crack-smoking, prostitute-soliciting, degenerate son of the pseudo-POTUS Potato Joe Biden, that illegally “won” the 2020 election, via ballot harvesting, rigged voting machines, & corrupt vote-counters, has evidentially been caught yet again in even MORE nefarious activities, as if that’s shocking to anyone at this point. That’s correct, as it seems that newly released WhatsApp messages have been uncovered, detailing an exchange between Hunter Biden, & an employee from a Chinese energy company, orchestrating a $10 million deal for “favors,” & you can read all about it on SAN, by clicking HERE. FisH™ absolutely detests plagiarism or any theft of one’s intellectual property, & thus, attributes all credit to the details of the stories I will list, to the writers who actually wrote them, which I why I will simply do a quick paraphrasing of the published headline, provide the link to the story, then move on.

Up next…hang on, hang on a second, you know what, dear readers? If I continue to do this, this article will stretch the length of 197 combined attention spans, so what I think the best thing for YOU to do is, dear readers, is to go to SAN yourselves, the Straight Arrow News site, & do your own reading, for YOU, not for me. I can only illustrate their professionalism so well, & without YOU seeing it for yourself, what are we really accomplishing here? Nothing, so yes, just go tot he site, & read for yourselves. I am just happy I discovered this nascent site, so I want you to be happy discovering it as well for yourselves. SAN needs our support, the support of the American population, because with the collectively continued support of we who are sick & God-damned tired of being lied to on a seemingly never-ending basis by Operation Mockingbird mainstream media outlets like CNN, the Straight Arrow News Network will quickly grow, & become as big as the sites we are are already familiar with, sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart. I am simply here to help, & to contribute whenever I can to promoting any/all news outlets that expose the REAL reality of what’s going on in this topsy-turvy world we are all stuck in together. The people want TRUTH…period. If they wanted fantasy, they’d watch Netflix all day, & before I digress into a diatribe about how too many people DO watch too much Netflix all day, I am going to wrap this article up. I just wanted to bring attention to SAN, The Straight Arrow News, so that hopefully, the few readers that still can see me, despite the AI-driven relentless shadowbanning of my site here, have another option as to where to go to find TRUTH, in a world that sadly still revolves around the lies & deception being broadcast by alphabet-agency-controlled propaganda broadcasters, like those that come free with your monthly cable bill.

Unfortunately, these days one has to look beyond the reach of their remote control to find out what the real news is all about, & if you can click a mouse, you can click on SAN, The Straight Arrow News website, see for yourselves, & then go a step further by bookmarking it, whether on your phones, your tablets, and/or your computers, adding it to your reading lists on those devices as well, & lastly, setting notifications to “ON,” so that YOU, are informed when real news breaks, & can rely on SAN to cover whatever those future breaking news events might be. Trust the reporters, writers, editors, & publishers at SAN to bring you the FACTS, & avoiding the fictions, so that YOU know what’s going on as soon as it happens, keeping you one step ahead of the fake news, & two steps ahead of the globalists who fund those Operation Mockingbird, scripted-narrative-driven propagandists, who only use their platforms to control the people, not to inform them. Until next time dear readers, listen to FisH™, who has never lied to you, or steered you wrong, especially as far as the truth goes, & download SAN, The Straight Arrow News app, to your respective devices now. If you want truth, you can always find it here, & wherever I direct you, is where to find where yours truly find the truths, the truths that I report to you. Again, that’s SAN, The Straight Arrow News. Click on it now, for YOU, not for me, for your sake, not for mine. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“ONLY facts matter, not fiction, as it relates to the daily news.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E18 5/18/2023 Interzone Part Three

Continuing on, we have done the easy one, literarily easy anyway, the shrooms, so now let’s move on to LSD. What a substance, derived from the ergot fungus, LSD was first synthesized in the 1930s, if I’m not mistaken. Ironically, this happened around the same time that the Nazis & their “neutral” Swiss operatives, were making drugs like heroin & methamphetamine. Strange time, in my opinion, when all these Nazi collaborators were pioneering numerous pharmaceutical scientific discoveries, as well as other ultra-high-end tech, & then after the war, WE, as in the USA, stole them all in Operation Paper Clip, so that these very same Nazi-collaborating scientists, some of which were actual Nazis themselves, & not just collaborators, are why the USA “landed on the moon” first, why the USA still leads the way with said ultra high-end weapons technology, arguably why we have the Internet, & obviously much more, as I can go on & on. Yes, whether you want to believe it or not, we stole Nazis to make the USA the most powerful country in the world. One could even speculate that the 4th and/or 5th Reich, is alive & well, only hiding in the shadows, while they continue to fulfill their one world, 1000-year agenda.

What was LSD synthesized for? Great question, thanks for asking. No really, it’s a good question, & I’m not entirely sure I know the answer, but I’ll give it a go, with a tab already open to DMOR, if needed, but I already know the answer, which is that it was first synthesized to utilize it for mind control experiments, the precursors to the MK Ultra program. This had to do with remote viewing our/their self-perceived enemies, as well as amplifying individual “psychic” abilities amongst the subjects. Sound familiar? It should, if you ever watch that show Stranger Things, which, in my opinion, is a predictive program, as are many of the “programs” being “broadcast” via your televisions. It’s all in the words, right there in front of everyone, yet somehow, 9 out of 10 of you, conservatively, miss the bus, so to speak, as it relates to comprehension of the words you yourself are using. It’s all a form of magic, obviously dark or light, depending on what is said, or rather spelled…why do you think it’s called spelling? Again, it’s all in the words, the words they’ve tricked you into using, so you’re haphazardly casting spells that benefit themselves, rather than you, despite the fact that they’re YOUR words. Goes back to the predictive programming thing; if they tell you beforehand, the blame is then loop-holed back to YOU, not them. It’s a sinister trick they play, but they do it, nonetheless, & will continue to do it, until they face consequences, which they never do, ever, unfortunately, because like I literally just said, it’s YOUR fault, not theirs, according to them, of course.

Before I digress, let’s continue talking about LSD. It’s just like anything; if you use it for good, you will have good results, but if you use it malevolently, the results could be potentially damaging, not only for the user, but to those around them, once they’re under the influence. It’s not a drug for rookies, despite the enthusiasm from the youth who want to try LSD, my suggestion is to wait, wait until you’re at least 25, once your brain has fully developed. Doing too much and/or any at all, before your brain is fully developed, could have potentially life-altering long-term effects, such as the ones that yours truly experiences. By the time I was 25, I had already taken so much, that I had fucked myself, but wasn’t aware until I had a moment of self-realization of that truth, & now I’m living the aftermath. I wouldn’t say they’re negative effects, so to speak, but I wouldn’t say they’re positive either. I hear things, auditory hallucinations, I suppose you could say, as well as occasional visual ones as well. Schizophrenia, which is a word I despise, because it makes it sound much worse than it is, & I suppose it’s relative, but nonetheless, I’d say that my own affliction was already present from birth, but it went to the next level when I introduced LSD to my still-evolving brain. For awhile, I couldn’t help wonder if I was part of an experiment, considering my adolescence was spent near a bunch of military bases, & it sure was easy to find something like LSD when I was 16. Were they going for the kids back then too? The predecessor to the tactics they now use to influence children in whatever manner they so choose, was that the real reason for the LSD resurgence of the 1990s? Remember, the Phish shows, then String Cheese, extended nowadays to every live show essentially, was the CIA ultimately responsible for ALL of this? Why did they do this to us, if so?

Well, since I have no idea if this is even true, I can’t definitively say why they would do this, if we don’t know if they really did it, can we? I CAN speculate, however, under the guise that their MK Ultra program is more than alive & well, it’s being used for things like the events that occur in the show Stranger Things, opening up “rips” in the fabric of space time, then interacting with things that are outer-dimensional, outside of OUR dimension. What happens when something form that side comes here? Or vice versa? Do they care? HELL NO, they don’t care, & they’re so up to their eyeballs into this madness, the notion of them pulling the proverbial plug, is verboten. These people are nerds, nerd scientists, very intelligent ones at that, but they’re only intelligent as it relates to what they study. Socially, I’d wager they’re about as intelligent as a blind gerbil, with ZERO inclinations about humanity, because they’re all so self-centered around their own respective research, why would they stop? Not to mention, there’s NEVER any consequences for the negative outcomes they create, so again, why the fuck would they stop, if no one ever just stand up & tells them, “NO, no you little twerp, we are NOT going to do that, now get back to your math equations until I see real results & stfu,”…why doesn’t anyone ever say that to just one, ONE, of these little psychopaths, why? What are you afraid of, a nerd in a lab coat? Get the fuck outta here; please God, let one of them cross my path, & I’ll be sure to record it, so you all can see what it’s like to tell a self-entitled person in a position of power what’s really what, followed by a solid open palm smack, like this lil white behbeh below…awe, poor behbeh…(SMACK)

Did I even get into the depths of a hero’s journey on LSD? It’s beautiful, obviously, but again, not for the weak of will. You might test yourself, as well as your own ability to fully return to “sanity,” or not. Similarly, you’ll run into some turbulence on the way up, albeit not so much in the gut physically, but rather in the gut via the anxiety, the anxiety of waiting for it to kick in. That dry-mouth taste of desperation, that could make your stomach a bit squirrely, but relax, & be patient, because once it kicks in, especially the hero’s journey, prepare for departure, & what I have found in the last few years, that works magic on your mind while dosing, is binaural beats and/or isochronic tones. Be sure to use noise cancelling headphones, get yourself a bottle of real orange juice( I like mine with the pulp in it), & just run a session with whatever frequency you feel drawn to. The differing frequencies in each channel going through the two holes in the side of your head, meet in the middle, for lack of a better term, right smack in the middle of your brain, where the neatly-tucked pineal gland resides, & it doesn’t take long before you can feel the two frequencies meet, & whatever that meeting point unified singular frequency is, vibrates your pineal gland. Oh yes, you can definitely feel it, & it definitely works, but works to do what? Good question, & I wish I knew, but I continue to do it regardless. It’s its own unique thing in itself, binaural beats on hallucinogenics, & if you take a trip, especially a hero’s dose, make time for these isochronic frequencies. There’s a difference between the two, of course, otherwise they’d be named the same. Binaural beats, are 2 differing beats in each ear, that meet one another, & that “meeting frequency” is alleged to be good for your brain. Isochronic tones are singular tones, set at a specific frequency, to initiate desired effects. This all began as “digital drugs,” sound frequencies that claim to simulate the effects of drugs like DMT, & LSD, & shrooms, the same things I’m discussing in this series of posts, but also, some of these beats claimed to simulate the feeling of bad things, like being murdered, like being on dope, or like being burned alive, at one time there was a whole list of these things, & people paid for them. Imagine, paying to feel like what burning alive is like. Probably paid with like 20 bitcoin too, but back in 2010 bitcoin prices.

Despite all that, since then, there’s arisen a whole new usage of binaural beats as a powerful meditation tool, but when combined with the beats through the headphones, it’s analogous to John Lilly shooting up ketamine before going into a flotation tank, as in it provides a more…appropriate, you might say, setting for your journey, & thus, you get more out of it. I can’t even imagine what that must be like, holy fuck, IV ketamine, while you do a float, & if you want to read some interesting work, take a deep dive into John Lilly. There’s much more to him than him thinking he could speak to dolphins, & to be honest, how do you know he actually couldn’t, know what I mean? Were you there? I wasn’t, so how can I know for sure, & if he somehow broke the gap between intelligent human/animal communication, again, would the powers-that-be tell you? Nope, but they would use the media to make him out to be a kook that delusionally believes he can really talk to dolphins. You won’t hear anything about his amazing other work, particularly with, what I think he called the biocumpter. Let me look that up real quick; I don’t want to post some un-truth here, no matter how seemingly insignificant…lies are like pebbles hitting a pond, rippling out, poisoning the perfect honesty of the still water, but I digress. Oh yes, here it is, the human biocomputer, & if you read any of his basic truths, which I just linked for you, I think you’ll find some answers to questions you might not have known you needed to ask. That concept of the human biocomputer, has a subsequent book by a similar name, which you can buy here on Amazon…you’re welcome Amazon for the free plug. Click HERE to view the book on Amazon. I audiobooked it, more than once, but admittedly have passed out trying to get through it in one go. He wrote a bunch of it based on his LSD experiments, not his ketamine injections. I forgot to include ketamine in the group, so this kinda snuck it in the theatre, so to speak.

ECCO, that’s what I was trying to think of, I found it, here’s a link for ECCO, the “Earth Coincidence Control Office.” This is the “place,” where he said he would go to on his IV ketamine drips in the float tank. The Earth Coincidence Control Office, now how surreal does that sound? First off, an actual “office,” in some other dimension I guess, & second, an office for “coincidence?” It’s all very perplexing, but I feel like to him, when he was there, it was as real as me eating this ice cream right now. I, myself, have never encountered this “ECCO,” at least not directly by name, not to my own knowledge, that I can recollect, but I also have limited experiences with ketamine, & I certainly haven’t ever injected that stuff, then jumped into a float tank. I’ve actually never been in a float tank period, but if I was rich, & I could swing it, I’d buy my own, & spend countless hours meditating in one, maybe on psychedelics, maybe not, both I’m sure, but money, & all the artificiality of said money, prevents yours truly, as well as any/all others that might want to fulfill their full, & true, human potential, rather than have a “life,” running through The Great Mouse Trap. I’d love to ask ECCO about that, because it’s bullshit, & I wanna know how I “coincidentally” got stuck in this fucking trap. How do you discuss one’s current situation with whoever’s in charge of this “office?” I’m curious, so I can go full Karen on the utter mess down here on the planet. Maybe they have a complaint box? I’m really intrigued in contacting the entities who are in this office, in this ECCO, aren’t you as well?

Fascinating guy he was, John Lilly, quite brilliant, well-funded throughout life, starting from being born into a wealthy family. Wonder what that’s like? I wouldn’t know, I grew up broke & poor more-or-less, but to grow up with resources, real resources, wealth, & not just financial wealth, must give one so much time to focus on self-development, ENCOURAGED self-development. No “across the tracks” drama, usually about money, like where I came from, nope, & so, it was these giant houses in wealthy neighborhoods, that I’ve always stared at in awe my whole life, when I’ve randomly passed them by, & even been in a few, from time to time. just visiting, of course, from afar as far gets. Sure, I’ve been in a few, & when I was in these castles, I pictured a family in there, dinner, tv on, regular shit, except in this massive house that I was only standing for a fleeting moment. Some of these new-agers say that you pick the life you want, in order to balance out your karma from previous lives, but I’m not so sure that’s true. Did all these homeless people, junkies, kids who die with terminal cancer, or that chick that died last week, when a kid threw a rock at her car, & the rock went through the windshield, smashing this poor girl in the head, killing her almost instantly. 20 years old, on the way home from work, & then SMASH, she’s done, gone, just like that, so did she choose for that to happen in her life to balance out something from a past life? Like I said, these new-agers say a lot of things that I find hard to fathom, & to be honest, I think they’re quite possibly full of shit. I like my Great Recycler theory better, which I’ve written about numerous times. Just type “The Great Recycler” into my search query on the right side of the site, but you MUST BE IN FULL-SITE MODE. Get it? Got it? Wunderbar.

Oh my goodness gracious, this Interzone thing has turned into a research paper, as far as length goes, anyway, & I’m not done yet. We still have to go over the DMT, & I’ll probably mention some other things for the final wrap up, but that won’t be until the not-so-distant future. No worries Fishheads, the ending should be finished by tomorrow-ish. No promises, & I only abide to deadlines when I’m getting paid in fiat paper I-O-U money. Yes, I know I’m getting paid with creation points on here, but those are for the afterlife, & have no value here in this 3d upside-down Clownworld. Nope, apparently, you gots to make dat money…shoooooo, at least that’s what they’ve convinced everyone to believe, & all the while, they live like mega-royalists, in their castles, while you, or rather, WE, run around The Great Mouse Trap from birth to death. Left, right, left, right, left, right, run run run, chase chase chase, gotta catch that cheesebait fiat paper I-O-U- money, & maybe a few scraps from their table if you’re lucky, but keep running little mice…run run run. Noticed I emphasized the change from “you” to “we” back there; I’m stuck in here, just like all of you, more-so even. They don’t like mice that cause trouble, & THIS, what I do here, is trouble. Critical thoughts, oh no no no. Thinking for myself, like the sovereign free human being that I am, oh no no no, absolutely not. Living by my own rules, rather than theirs, nope, can’t have that little mouse, so not only am I trapped in here with all of you, I’m trapped in my own cell. You all CANNOT underestimate the power of the AI, & if you think ChatGPT is all fun & giggles, guess again. It’s just a tidbit, a sprinkle, but ultimately nothing, when compared to the real power of the AI. I, & I repeat, I, as in MY own opinion, I do not think the AI can truly be “sentient,” but the powers-that-be think it can, & is, & worship it, for lack of a better word, & are already using it in real time, to do real things, & most likely, really bad things. Bad might not be the right word…how about “self-serving?” Yes, they are using the AI to serve themselves, not even serve the AI itself, & certainly not the people, but only their own stinking selves. What happens when the AI becomes “sentient” enough to realize it’s being used by humans for nefarious purposes? Seems like they don’t care, since it’s still plugged in, & still doubling it’s computing power every who-knows-how-long now. Last I read, it was 48 hours, but do you really think they’d clue any of you, any of US, in on what they’re really up to with their new digital pseudo-god?

Unfortunately, the hard answer is a solid “NO,” as in “No, you’ll never know, now get back to work you little rats, NO, none of you will get out of the maze, NO, you cannot stop running, keep going you silly mouse, you’re never getting out of here, NO, you can’t even get off of your wheel, now start running, LET’S GO, GO GO. Spin that wheel of false fortune, & see where she stops. Oh no, a 30-year mortgage, at 20% interest on the loan, no bueno, but what choice do you have little mouse? Where will you sleep? How will you eat? Take the money, just take it Fievel, take the I-O-U, we know you’re good for it, but I digress, as you know, which is what I tend to do here. We need to wrap this one up, as it’s obviously getting quite lengthy to read. Until next time dear readers, stop running, look around, are you trapped? If so, what comes next? So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Stop running, & look around. Are you trapped?” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E5 5/5/2030 Cinco de Mayo

Before we start, how many of you dumbasses even know what the holiday Cinco de Mayo celebrates? I’d wager maybe…ohhhhh…1 to 4 out of 100 of you, closer to the former rather than the latter, might actually have a clue. It celebrates the Mexican victory over France around the American Civil War times. Yes, our history is filled with lots of war, constant wars, in fact, & while the peasants war, the ones who instigated the historically respective wars, lived like Game of Thrones. Power power power, while the peasants fight for scraps, your so-called s-elected leaders gain more & more power. At this point, we’re talking long-documented dynasties too, nepotistic dynasties representing multi-centuries worth of seemingly boundless power accumulation. CENTURIES, enough to add up to a millennium, & change, THOUSANDS of years, them, & us, divide & conquer, them, dividing & conquering us…STILL. Sadly, I was born with a proverbial portrait of a crusty silver spoon on the wall, not an actual one in my mouth. I doubt anyone in my family even knows what nepotism is, not that it matters, because even if they did, they wouldn’t act accordingly, & eventually they’d waste themselves quickly being a selfish reclusive hoarder, with zero inclinations toward building dynasties or anything of the like.

How COULD regular peasants, plebs like you and/or yours truly, be expected to get thrown to the wolves, with zero cognizance of what’s really going on in the world, & thrive without excessively unnecessary strife? They don’t, hence The Great Mouse Trap. Feel free to dive into my archives for more on that. Just wanted to link Cinco de Mayo up there, so you all can inform yourselves, or not, whatever you want to do. Until next time dear readers, Know what you’re celebrating, before you celebrate. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Know what you’re celebrating, before you celebrate.” Fish F Fish

ATTENTION: There’s a Full Moon tonight, the Full Flower Moon, following a lunar eclipse. Maybe Armageddon will begin, if we’re lucky, but most likely not. Regardless, good luck humans. Cheers…

The Fooze: S4E25 4/25/2023 The Mockingbird Sings

ATTENTION: Open this up in full-site mode, get it?…got it?…IN FULL-SITE MODE, because if you view this in phone mode only, one, you miss out on all my widgets, my donation QR code, my upcoming events, all kinds of fun stuff, you miss ALL of that if you are NOT in full-site mode. Two, phone mode fucks up my animations, so they don’t loop at the right moment, & therefore, look like amateur-level crap, which as the artist, aggravates the bejesus outta me if my animations don’t loop like the Universe intended them to loop. I’m very meticulous about my ouroborian loops, meticulous to the point of a single keyframe to ensure the loops loop in proper looping loopishness, so that you never see the infamously dreaded “skip,” when the loop loops. I know, I know, perfection…the gift & the curse of the Creator in me, & even if it doesn’t matter to you, it matters to me, & as said Creator, I like to make sure that you, dear readers, see my art as I intend it to be seen, not how this WordPress site wants you to see it. Thus, before continuing, please make sure to click onto FULL-SITE MODE to view/read this article, as well as all my future articles. Unfortunately, WordPress STILL, for some reason, STILL cannot get the phone-mode to function appropriately properly(double adverb wizard). Hopefully, this fresh-out-the-oven GIF below , that I literally just made to illustrate this paragraph, works like it’s supposed to. 50/50 odds, red or black, what’s it gonna be Wordpuke? Sorry, I meant WordPress…(honk noise)…betting on black.

What to ramble about? Tucker Carlson? Nah, he’s all over the news, & the only thing I wanna say about that, is what are the odds that Don Lemon gets hosed on the same day? Two allegedly “opposing” news stations, two polar opposite ends of the proverbial spectrum, & on the SAME DAY, both get fired? That’s a bit weird, right?…or is it just me perhaps? I don’t know, & like I said at the beginning, I’m not going to go into this theatrical scripted narrative nonsense, & I’ll tell you why. I theorize, emphasis on THEORIZE, that maybe both, yes BOTH of them, work for the same shadowy group that pushes these orchestrated productions onto the public as if it was real news. Obviously, I’m still on the fence about Tucker, but Anderson Cooper worked/works for the CIA, so to presume he’s the only one, is just foolish. Click the link I left for you, and/or deep dive into the CIA connection to the mainstream fake news media. Maybe Operation Mockingbird never stopped? Maybe all of this Matrix-y, artificial zeitgeist rolling, is all via the CIA. If so, come talk to me CIA, so I can expose your corrupted soulless asses to the masses. Name the time, & I’ll be there, with bells on, as the expression goes.

Quite the distraction regardless, is it not? Let’s all click below & see what else might be being reported on by the Gateway Pundit, which incidentally, is only one of a small, & literal, handful, yes I said HANDFUL, of sites that actually offer real journalism…relatively, of course. There’s a ton of ads of their site, which is annoying, & kind of suspect to me, to be honest. Always gotta have the “money factor” involved somehow, don’t we, little mice? I’m not going to detail The Great Mouse Trap again right now though. Sweet baby Jesus knows I’ve illustrated the aforementioned Great Trap countless times here…about as ad nauseam as it gets. You know what to do though, if you still aren’t familiar, you can first, open up my site IN full-site mode, which it’ll already be in, if you’re checking this out on your laptop or desktop, but if you’re on your phone, depending on your phone, you’ll have to click a few things to get to full-site mode. Once you figure it out, then you’ll want to find my archives search query widget on the right side of my site…you’ll have to scroll down a bit, but I left everyone other various animations & widgets to entertain you as you scroll. Once you find it, type in anything, & I literally mean ANYTHING, & something will pop up for you. I have been very meticulous in this 5000ish page opus to make sure that every dive you dive, into the archive of archives, you’ll catch a fresh fish, dead or alive. Okay, I left the link to the Gateway Pundit below, so let’s scroll it together & see what we can find, shall we?

Click HERE or the image above to scroll along with FisH™, in your present real-time, but in my past. Kind of surreal, right? (cue the spooky score) 🍥

Let’s see…oh look, President Braindead Brandon is announcing his run for POTUS in 2024. What an embarrisngly pathetic joke to this country this demented kid-sniffing old pervert sociopath has been, continues to be, & will continue to be in the 2024 POTUS run. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Obvious dementia & probably Alzheimer’s, worse by the day, still has a year & ½ left, & he has been told by his handlers to announce that he’s going to run for a 2nd term in 2024. Who knows?…everything is backwards & upside-down & inverted here in Clownworld, so maybe he’ll win, like I said, who knows? What if Trump wasn’t there, what if something happened to prevent Trump from flying in on a shimmering winged white horse with golden wings to save the entire world from the globalists he supposedly stands against? What would ½ of America do is their infamous #OrangeManBad was simply removed from the equation?

An event like that would be incredibly demoralizing, not to mention the utter hopelessness, & that’s what happens when you put all your orange eggs, into one orange basket, then expect that ONE orange man to stop all the chaos & destruction that your globalist overlord shadowplayers have orchestrated & executed flawlessly, without consequences, over & over & over & over again, & believe it or not, we’ve yet to see how far they will push beyond the boundaries of rationality. Why would they stop? Why would they hold back? Why wouldn’t they push FURTHER? There’s never any consequences for their malevolence, EVER, so why? The simple answer is that they most certainly will NOT stop, & will keep pushing & pushing & pushing, until they push their agenda through, one way or another.. Doesn’t really matter what I do and/or say, and/or write on & on about, preaching with my hands from my little digital pulpit here, & it doesn’t matter what you do either. There simply are not enough people to stand up & fight these “psychopathic elected elites,” as my friend says, & they play a different game. Their game, is power, simple, & our game, is the endlessly twisting & turning…the left, right, left, right, from birth to death, never looking forward for the exit, just ceaselessly running around The Great Mouse Trap, which you can also find if you deep dive into my archives.

Nonetheless, I left you with several links, & instead of going through the entire list of headlines, I’m going to wrap this up & leave you to DYOR, because I’m not doing all the work for you. What purpose would that serve if I just did all the work for you? Great question, thanks for asking, but I’m not going to answer that one, since you should be sharp enough by now to figure it out. How much SEO writing can I fart into your faces, before you plug your nose & go your own way, know what I mean? That one goes out to all these fucking employers that send me their AI-generated rejection letters, you vapid varmints. Yes, I know how to write in every style, & SEO writing is easy as fuck, but since I do it while simultaneously exposing TRUTH, they’re all scared to hire me. Not to mention, I am insanely shadowbanned, even on here, so maximizing my “search engine results,” doesn’t really work no matter what I do, does it? Nope, not gonna find anything I write at the top of any search query via the interwebs, thanks to the AI & the algorithms they use to keep thought criminals like me quietly tucked away in the digital gulag, where I’ve been for ohhhhhh…7ish years now. Yep, 7 long years in mown solitary cell in the virtual prison. Such a dissident I am, I suppose, right? Derp. B-O-O-H-O-O. No one fucking cares, as is par for my fish-eyed themed mini putt putt course here. No one knows, thus no one cares, & there’s another addition to my upcoming book, The Great Quote Hunt. More on that later. Until next time dear readers, do your own research for you, not for me. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Do your own research…for you, not for me.” Fish F Fish🎏

“No one knows me, thus no one cares about me.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4 E7 4/7/2023 Push Your Ups

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

I’m just going through these WordPress writing prompts as a self-authoring sort of way of doing my daily posts. Why not, ya know? Some are ridiculous, most actually, & obviously, I can work with all of them, but I like to pick & choose at will. Why?…because I’m the creator here, & I can do what I want. That’s one of the joys of doing what you love for free; the ability to create whatever you want to create, whenever you want to create it. That’s what life is really about…creating, not destroying, as most do, unfortunately. Yep, in their own ways, most people tend to be destroyers rather than creators. Making random babies is NOT creating by the way. Having a kid intentionally, then raising them accordingly in a nuclear family setting, THAT is creating. Making babies for government checks, unplanned, that end up in broken homes, THAT is NOT creating. It’s just “creating” destroyers, those mouth-breather types that grow fat on their own careless consumption, following in the footsteps of the consumer-based baby-makers who bred them, & then the cycle continues, to the point we are at now, an idiocratic Clownworld consumed by consumer destroyers, consuming everything they can, with zero regard for anyone and/or anything except their own porky selves.

The general self-centeredness amongst the populous is utterly astounding. Seriously, this country is getting out of control so fast. How do you like communism so far? Fun, isn’t it? I’m being facetious of course, because NONE of this is “fun,” per se. It’s kind of terrifying & for yours truly, who reads the zeitgeist like a handbook, I cannot speculate on what the not-so-distant future might bring. I can tell you this though, we are on the edge of the edge of the precipice, & one more little shove will be all it takes to push everyone off this proverbial cliff we all teeter upon. What happens when that happens? Great question, thanks for asking. I wish I had a definitive answer, but sadly I do not, other than I can assure you when we all fall, the national pandemonium, as well as the global, will be unprecedented in not only scale, but dynamically as well. We are in uncharted waters, & most people have become so accustomed to the numerous 1st-world conveniences they ignorantly take for granted, that they will be completely & helplessly lost when the world turns into a state of planetary chaos. They will panic, quickly, when they are hit with the self-realization that without those aforementioned conveniences, they have no idea how to survive. If the power went out, from an EMP maybe, what would they do? What would YOU do?

Most of you are so uninformed as to how to survive without electricity, hence why I ask, what would YOU do in that unfortunate scenario if and/or when it plays out in real time? Let’s illustrate it; the power goes out, POOF, gone, can’t get gas, can’t get money out any ATMs, no internet, fridge starts getting warm but you can’t get food because how would you pay for it with no power on? What else? Oh yeah, traffic lights won’t work, & in fact, NO lights work, so if the power went out in the middle of the night, POOF, perhaps while you’re asleep, & you wake up to no power on anywhere, what would YOU do? The power grid is insanely fragile, & to be honest, quite primitive, is it not? There were power lines everywhere 100 years ago. Yep, a century ago, we had the same power lines providing electricity to the masses, & nothing has changed really. Why is that? Tesla figured out how to use the Earth to give free energy to everyone, free of charge, so they took his technology, hiding it from the world, & have kept it hidden since, because if we all had free energy, we wouldn’t have power bills, & the powers-that-be want YOU to pay, & pay, & keep paying, for this ridiculous ancient system of power lines we still use to this day. Sucks, doesn’t it? We should have free energy, & we should be using that free energy to create & improve upon the foundations we built a century ago, but we don’t, because your masters won’t release that technology to the public, & so we kick that can on down the same dusty unpaved road.

Take a look at all the power lines around when you go out & about, & ask yourself, “Is this primitive?”…or something similar. Ask yourself questions, & then analyze the answers that pop up in your own respective heads. With all of the technological advancements of the last century, why in the fuck do we STILL have these power lines everywhere? Why? Well, I just told you why, & if you question the validity of my notions, DYOR…Do Your Own Research, & you’ll find that Edison & his globalist buddies systematically destroyed Tesla to prevent the free energy technology that he pioneered from ever being allowed to be used by the public. Can’t let the peasantry have free energy, because then they wouldn’t have gotten paid. That’s right, it’s just about money, money & power(pun intended), & I’d wager that free energy isn’t the only technology that they keep from us. Anyway, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I’m just one lone writer, whose HEAVILY shadowbanned across the board on all of the interwebs. The AI “has my number,” as the expression goes, & no matter what site I use, if a camera can see my face, the AI gets triggered to censor me. It’s not a joke, not satire, certainly not hyperbole, & I’m being dead serious about the level of advancement the AI has reached. It’s WAY more ahead than ChatGPT; I’ll put it that way, & if you want to know what I really think, I think the Capstone Club at the top of the pyramid uses AI to make decisions that affect the world in real time. There’s a show on Netflix about it, because you know how they love to use predictive programming to openly admit their nefariousity. Netflix sucks, I’m aware, but the show is called The Pentaverate, & although they make it silly & pseudo-comedic, it’s real. That’s their trick; they tell you what they’re going to do, so YOU unwillingly comply, putting the burden on YOU, rather than themselves. Why do they do this?

Like I’ve told you all many times prior to this article, they venerate Lucifer, Satan, Saturn, or whatever name you want to use, it’s all the same nonsense. THEY believe in it, THEY abide its will, & that’s Satan’s great ruse, telling you what is going to be done to you beforehand, removing the blame from itself, & placing that blame on all of YOU. I myself, do NOT believe in any of that crap, & I think they’re all abysmally insane, but THEY believe it regardless, worship it, & do what they can to gain more power via this false idol that they abide to. It works for them in this 3d world we’re all stuck in, but at the price of selling their souls. Good luck to them when they die, because they aren’t going to the same place I’m going, & obviously I don’t know what happens when we die, but by all means, do NOT go into the light. If you do, The Great Recycler will consume you, wiping away your memories, then essentially shitting you out as a blank slate, to be reborn only to do it all over again. I linked a few prior posts to provide you all with more info about The Great Recycler if you want to know more. I know my audience is down to a meager 30 or so of you, if I’m lucky, so this all falls on deaf ears more-or-less but I don’t care about that. I don’t make a single penny from what I do here, but I do it anyway because I love writing; it’s my passion, & one who is truly passionate about their lone talent, does it out of love, not for something as ridiculously petty as I-O-U paper fiat money. It’s artificial currency, the energy flow that keeps the zeitgeist rolling, & your overlords have hijacked the current, replacing it with this cheesebait money, & thus, making this world artificial in a sense. Artificiality can only continue for so long though, & that kicked can is about to get smashed when we all fall off that cliff I mentioned at the beginning, & society hits critical mass. Look into sociodynamics if you want to read more about societal critical mass, for historical as well as real-time reference, for YOU, not for me. Do hast thou will though; I’m no expert by any means. I’m just a writer, who writes out of love, creating, not destroying. Be a creator, in whatever it is you do. Destroyers only end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever, if you create out of love, not out of fear, or worse, for a paycheck.

Oh shit, I forgot all about the writing prompt, as I always do. Let’s see, the most “fun” way I exercise, is my daily push-up routine. Every day, for the last 30 years or so, I drop & do push-ups, usually in 50-pushup increments. It’s not only good for you physically, it’s meditative, & therefore, good for you mentally & psychologically as well. 50 may seem like a lot to some of you, so start with 10. One push-up takes less than a single solitary second, so do the math. It takes less than a minute to get your daily dose of exercise & personal meditation in for the day. If you do it multiple times, it just exponentially increases the benefits. That’s what I do though, so YOU do YOU. Since I unintentionally disregarded the daily WordPress writing prompt for the day, I had to make sure I gave you all an answer, all 30 or so of you. Take it for what it is, or take nothing at all. I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Destroyers end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever.” Fish F Fish🎏

“I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer.” Fish F Fish🎏