The Fooze: S7E20 7/20/2023 Hotel Hell

Yours truly is undergoing a week-long stay in a shitty hotel in a ratchet part of North Denver, & oh my, has it been fun. First off, the room smells; it smells like overdoses, prostitution, moldy shower curtains, & an A/C unit that pumps out “fresh” air smells of must & ass. There’s no microwave, or mini-fridge, so I’ve been living on fresh fruits & donuts. I had to use some Macgyver tactics to keep the curtain closed, draped over a window that has no lock, so theoretically, a thief, or a serial killer, could easily just open the window & hop in. Fortunately, I am armed to the teeth, so if anyone comes in, it’ll be the last window they ever jump through, but I digress, now where was I? Oh yes, the bed is actually comfortable, surprisingly, but the A/C blows right onto it, so if I’m lucky enough to sleep for a few hours, I have to bundle up with the extra comforter I stole from the maid’s laundry area when the managers weren’t looking. The irony, I know, talking about thieves but I had to steal a comforter. It’s not actually theft, since I’m not keeping it, obviously, so I consider it as just borrowing. Speaking of thievery, the door has definitely been kicked in; the frame shows signs of breaking & entering, & even though the door locks, the lock was put on backwards. Let’s see…what else before I move on to the outside of the room…what else, what else? Oh, I am using the drawers as a makeshift table/place to write this on my computer, & as I look to my left, while I type this, I see that the left drawer is missing entirely, which leaves a nice little hidey-hole for my cat to play in. Poor little guy, but he’s been such a super-trooper over this last week we’ve gone through. Luckily, I think I’ve found a safe place for us to stay, but more on that later. Now, let’s talk about the outside of the room.

I’m right by a major 4-lane highway, & although the sound of the cars has become like white noise to me, the sirens from the emergency vehicles that speed by every 15-20 minutes or so is quite loud. Since I just mentioned “emergency vehicles,’ we will segue into the emergency vehicles that have been here EVERY SINGLE DAY that I’ve been here. Not exaggerating either…EVERY SINGLE DAY. The first day some guy overdosed by the dumpster, which was/still is, over-flowing with trash. Yep, overdosed right next to it, which resulted in 3 police cruisers, a firetruck, & an ambulance, in no particular order. Don’t know if he died, but the manger told me he overdosed. I didn’t see that incident until after he was in the ambulance & heading away. Next day though, I DID see an incident with my own eyes. Ready for this one? It’s a real doozy of a story.

Okay, so an Indian fellow, a tall Indian fellow with the stereotypical Indian guy perv-stache, was walking around completely naked. No shoes or socks even, as naked as it gets. This dude had a pubic bush that was so big, there might have been some baby birds nesting in there. Quite revolting, right? He was on the phone, just parading around in his skinsuit, his little mushroom tip just barely sticking out of the bush, talking to a party unknown on the phone. The manager called the cops, & I suppose the naked Indian noticed, so he ran back to his room, & put clothes on, some jeans & a pink button up shirt. Very classy. Then, after clothing himself, the moron came back outside, still talking on the phone, just as the cops arrive. The manager, a toothless former methhead named Christy, pointed to him & said, “That’s him, that’s the guy.” The officer told him to get off of his phone so he could ask him some questions, & what does Apu do? He pulls a knife on the police officer that told him to get off the phone, & so, the officer takes his baton, whacks the guy’s hand so he drops the knife, & charges him with a solid open-field front tackle. Very brave of the cop to do, but he did it, as the other cops immediately pulled out their guns. The tackling officer then gets up, backs up, & one of the other cops hit Apu with the taser gun. BZZZZZZZZZZZZ…followed by a scream from Apu, as he writhes around on the ground with 50,000 volts buzzing though his body. Then all of the cops dog pile him as they cuff him up. Apparently, in Colorado, if you get tazed, you go to a hospital, rather than jail, which is standard procedure in a liberal “blue-city” shithole. Nonetheless, that was day two, & you know there’s a hat trick coming next.

Today, I’m not sure what happened, but as I pulled up to Hotel Hell from my daily job hunting quest, there were several cop cars leaving, so maybe it was an unruly guest, as the other guests besides yours truly are the dregs of society, so perhaps yet another overdose. Maybe a streetwalker got herself all smacked up for coming home short. I’m pretty sure some of the guests are hookers & their pimps. There’s a shitload of Mexican construction workers, 5-6 piled high into one-bedroom rooms. There’s a few that clearly just got of jail recently. They have a certain kind of walk, a posture, if you will, from walking in lines in their respective prison garb. Maybe other people don’t notice said posture, but I do, & in conjunction with the jailhouse tattoos, to me it’s obvious that some of the guests here were locked up recently. One had a giant clown face tattooed on the back of his shaved head, so yeah, it’s obvious. Before I digress into some random tangent, I do have mention the parking lot. I already told you about the overflowing eyesore dumpster, which is at the back of the parking lot, & as for the parking lot itself, it has so many holes in it that it looks like a cluster-bomb war happened, similar to Dresden circa 1944. I walk out onto the balcony often to smoke a cig, because one, I don’t want to miss the next “incident,” that goes down, & two, to watch my car so no junkie breaks into it. I have my 12-gauge boomstick locked in the trunk, as well as my safe, which doesn’t have anything in it , even though it does, but that’s my secret. Regardless, I get up & walk outside every hour or so to do a perimeter watch, since I cannot sleep very well due to this elephant-on-my-back anxiety I have from being all on my own now in this life.

Yep, just Milo the cat & yours truly now. No more family, except a cousin, & a handful of friends that I can count on one hand with my thumb & pointer finger still outward facing. My life has done a complete 180 degree turn & then some since these corrupt democratic communists stole the election, then proceeded to destroy this once great country, now termed the USSA, the United Socialist States of America. Believe it or not, this country is now arguably a communist dictatorship, being systematically turned into smoldering rubble. Do you think Potato Joe Biden is the POTUS? I’ll clear that up right now if you do…& the answer is: NO, NO NO NO NO NO he isn’t anything, except a perverted puppet. The real POTUS, the one in the shadows giving the orders, is none other than former POTUS Barack Obama, a CIA plant, who was s-elected to do one thing, proverbially burn this country to the ground, which is happening, right on schedule. Us “regular folks,” can barely put food in the fridge, rents are outrageous, you need two jobs AT LEAST, just to get by. It’s fucking ridiculous. A friend of mine told me it’s because we are in the Kali Yuga, which is the 4th, & worst era for mankind that lasts about ohhhhh…450,000 years or so. It’s an era of destruction, which makes sense, because as I’ve written about ad nauseam, the end goal by 2030 is for 7 billion, BILLION, of us gone. Us “regular folks,” of course, because the so-called “ruling elites,” plan on rebuilding the planet after we are all wiped out, with a one world order agenda. AI is getting exponentially more advanced by the second now, I presume, so it’s just a matter of time before most of us are jobless since AI will be able the jobs that most of us do, even as far as performing life-saving surgeries. It’s going to be like some Mad Maxian dystopian surveillance state nightmare, & most people have no idea.

Fortunately, I do, but what can I do about it? Nothing, nothing at all, & as a writer, I’m fucked. There’s already a button on here that one can press to write whatever they want to write about with the AI assistant. Maybe I should try it out, since we’re on the subject, & see what happens. Ready? Okay, here we go, & be sire to keep in mind that whatever comes next in this article, is the AI, & NOT yours truly. I’ll be right back…enjoy the cock pic…

The Kali Yuga, also known as the Age of Kali, is a concept in Hindu cosmology that refers to the current age or era we are living in. According to Hindu scriptures, the Kali Yuga is the final of the four Yugas (ages) within a cyclic pattern that repeats endlessly.In the Hindu tradition, each Yuga is associated with a different set of qualities, societal norms, and spiritual conditions. The Kali Yuga is considered to be the darkest and most challenging of all the ages. It is characterized by a decline in morality, spiritual awareness, and a rise in materialism and ignorance.According to ancient scriptures such as the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana, the Kali Yuga is said to be a time of widespread corruption, conflicts, and moral decay. It is believed that human beings in this age are predominantly driven by selfishness, greed, and harmful desires. Virtues such as honesty, compassion, and integrity are believed to be rare during this era.However, despite these challenges, the concept of the Kali Yuga also offers a glimmer of hope. It is said that in this age, spiritual liberation can be achieved through simple acts of devotion and by surrendering to a higher power. It is believed that even a small amount of spiritual practice or righteous action can have a profound impact in this era of darkness.The concept of the Kali Yuga serves as a reminder to embrace spiritual values and strive for personal growth amidst the challenging circumstances of the current age. It encourages individuals to seek inner transformation and cultivate virtues that can uplift themselves and the world around them.Overall, the concept of the Kali Yuga provides a framework to understand and navigate the complexities of our existence, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of spiritual awakening and growth.

You see that? THAT is what the AI can do now, in a matter of 3-4 seconds. Crazy, right? There’s no way a human can keep up, especially when the AI gets more advanced. Writers like yours truly, will become obsolete, & this is just as it relates to writers, now imagine all of the other things the AI can/will do. I don’t know about you, but to me, this is fucking insane, particularly when I know that those so-called “ruling elites,” have a sinister AI-based agenda, as they want to merge with the AI, to become like gods, living much longer than the average human life span, as we all get slaughtered because we will become “less-than,” so to speak, & only get in the way of their new world order plan. 7 BILLION, with a big B, gone, gone by 2030, hence why I always emphasize that if you think things are crazy now, just wait, because the figurative roller-coaster isn’t even at the top of the first drop. Hell, the damn thing hasn’t even started going up the track, compared to what’s coming. Everyone is feeling tremendous social anxiety analogous to getting on the roller coaster, anticipating the ride, but as I said, just sitting there waiting for the safety bar to drop, since the real ride hasn’t even begun yet. Stay seated, & keep your arms & legs inside the carriage dear readers.

When 2024 gets here, & all of these bureaucratic corrupted soulless power-drunk politicians atop the power pyramid wage war on one another to take the reigns, THAT is when the ride begins, & no matter how bad it seems now, it’s only going to get worse, MUCH MUCH MUCH worse. So buckle up dear readers, & until next time, prepare accordingly. So sayeth FisH™🎏

The Fooze: S3 E20 3/20/2023 Epiphany

Oh man, I just had either an epiphanous revelation, or a completely nonsensically delusion, I’ll let one of my 6 readers and/or my resumé-viewing future employers be the judge. This idea just kinda POOF, popped in there, as these things are said to reportedly do. I was having a cig on my porch, thinking about how much it sucks for me personally not to smoke for 24 hours. 24 God-damned hours, The days fly by like a fart, & for some reason, I cannot go an entire day without one of these cancer sticks. Ugh, I fucking hate them, & I’m addicted, been addicted, & it’s time for this shit to stop. Seriously, enough with these dirty little dicks. That’s how a friend of mine suggested I quit smoking cigs; pretend they’re globalist dicks, smelly little globalists dicks, & every time you light one, & suck on that toxic smoke, you’re just sucking globalist dick. They’re here because of said globalists, right?…so it makes sense, but I just don’t think about that horrifying imagery & keep lighting them up anyway, like a dope fiend. This is not my epiphany though, & I’ll probably get back to the actual above-titled Epiphany after I randomly ramble on in some sort of other rambling for a few rambles.

Anyway, tonight at midnight, it begins. 24 hours, no cigs, no weed, & I don’t really do anything else these days, which makes it even harder because I”m running out of my crutches. I don’t need crutches though, that’s the damn point. Ugh, I tell myself this shit, but it’s like I’m retarded & don’t follow through. IT’S ONLY 24 HOURS FOR FUCK’S SAKE, & I CAN SLEEP FOR PART OF IT, WHY YOU PUTZ IN THE MIRROR? Sheesh, it’s embarrassingly pathetic. One silly day of NO smoking, ONE day, ONE DAY, I have to go one day, that’s it. Enough excuses already. Can’t keep using the “life sucks” excuse, because it’s going to suck regardless, & cigs have no point to them until you’re addicted. Hence, my buddy’s dick-sucking analogy, because these evil motherfuckers at the top of the power pyramid are the ones responsible for creating this terrible industry. Funny, I don’t remember cigs running out anywhere during the staged supply shortages, did you? Nope, there were plenty of cigs, cigs & booze, & also weed in some states. Not a single place that I’m aware of ran out of those things, isn’t that odd? Nope, not weird as fuck at all ya looky-loo peasants, now face forward, eyes down, & keep walking.

Sound harsh? Par for the course in the dystopian world of post 2030, when 7 billion or so people are gone, & the remaining ½ billionish, are the ones who got their respective golden tickets, as well as the ones chosen to serve them. They need to keep a few of us plebs around after the next holocaust to serve them of course. AI will handle all of the manufacturing for the most part, medical procedures, legal procedures, driving, flying, banking, don’t forget, “you’ll own nothing & be happy,” in their words. They forgot to mention at the end of that commercial that the notion only applies to the leftover slave class survivors. How would that break down I wonder? If there’s 500 million people left, & there’s exists a distinct division between the elites & the non-elites, how would that get split up? Maybe 1 million hands-down elites, as well as their immediate families. This extends across the planet, which is all theirs now post 2030 ya know, to enjoy without us pee-ons stinking it up, so 1 million isn’t that many relatively, leaving essentially just under 500 million to split up. I’d say you’d have 100 million to 200 million that are elite-ish, but not top-level like the aforementioned 1 million. These would consist of power players who bought their way in more-or-less, as well as their immediate families too of course. That leaves 200 to 300 million of the neo-slave class, & they’re there strictly to serve their new overlords, & nothing else. I’d have to speculate that they’re all chipped, & every move tracked & monitored. They are forced to live in government-subsidized housing developments, all exactly alike as to not promote any individualism. Everything they do is controlled in one way or another, down to the food they are allowed. They should be thankful, since their overlords decided to spare them from the same fate as everyone else who foolishly resisted their new world order, at least that’s what they’ll tell them to think.

Of course, this is only a possible future, & it’s only possible if they “succeed with their agenda, & they will,” as George Bush Sr. said they would, verbatim. This is a DECADES-LONG PLAN, & now that they are so close to crossing the finish line, they’re doing everything they can to keep the masses distracted. Here’s where my real epiphany occurred. What’s the biggest distraction? Rather I should say, WHO is the biggest distraction? Who has been the biggest distraction since 2016? Who always blows up all over the mass media, being reported on by every news outlet all day, every day, 24/7, every chance they get, who is that guy? Who has decades of television appearances, & knows how to play the game that the scripted narrative-driven television broadcasters play very well? Who is this person, I just cannot think of it, who is the guy? It’s right on the tip of my tongue, something to do with an orange maybe…

That’s right, former President Donald J. Trump. When the media needs everyone to look to the left, they report on Trump on the left, & when the media needs everyone to look to the right, they report about Trump on the right. Left, right, left, right. Time after time after time after time again, & he loves being the absolute center of attention, everyone knows that, yet millions flock to his fat feet like he’s the Second Coming of Christ. What a great distraction he is though, & that is my epiphany, which connects directly to the dystopia future I illustrated for all of you a few scribbles back. This Trump thing is handy when they want to move behind the scenes, in the shadows, because one relatively dynamic story about Trump, & BOOM, everyone directs their attention, like this supposed upcoming “Trump arrest.” Now it might be bullshit they’re reporting, who knows, but EVERY mainstream outlet took the story & ran a marathon already with it. Protests & counter-protests being organized, mostly by Feds though so don’t be a dumbass & actually go to one. Just a trap if you do, but that’s on you. Regardless, would it be so difficult to speculate that Trump has been a high-level globalist asset all along? Not to mention, by doing so, his entire extended family would be guaranteed golden tickets for all in the new world order utopia they want to create. Imagine the choice, fight them & lose, or abide them & save your family? Either way, they’re going to kill 7 billion people regardless, because if you try to fight them, you’ll lose, & lose your family, along with everyone else, or, do what they say, accepting the inevitable, & saving your whole family in the process. Oh, & they all get golden tickets too, remember? Top-level elite class for Don & his entire family, think about it, what do you think he’d do?

Obviously, like I mentioned wayyyyyyy back a the start of this article, my “epiphany,” as it were, might just be delusionally fanciful, just wild speculation, a “vivid imagination,” you might say, but…what if I’m right? Wouldn’t be the first time, now would it? Go back through my 5000 pages of archives & you tell me, how often am I’m right on target when I call these things out? I watch the zeitgeist, day & night, this hijacked zeitgeist. It’s almost as if it’s “alive,” & maybe it is, who knows? Maybe that’s where my psychic self senses some immense sadness coming form somewhere in the Universe. Maybe that’s what is sad, the zeitgeist. Its energy is being stolen for nefariously selfish purposes, rather than to advance humanity as intended. I’d be a sad zeitgeist too if a handful of evil scumfucks were raping me daily for my power, wouldn’t you? Again, this is all just fiction I’m sure, these plausibilities I’m throwing out here, particularly my epiphany, fictional maybe..I can’t say for sure what ‘side” Trump is on, what his intentions are, whether or not he hangs out together with all the other Capstone Club guys in their communal hot tub, while little adolescent boys swim up to nibble their nuts under the water. Emperor Tiberius was known for that disgustingly perverse act. Ironic, since this whole game of elites versus the peasants began in Roman times, & still continues on, to this very moment, & & of course, the pedo stuff not only continues amongst these so-called elites, it has gotten worse, because it’s organized now, which makes me wanna puke(dry heave, gag, dry heave, yakkity-yak-yak, puking noise, puking noise, deep breath, puking noise, nose blowing, puke noise, dry heave, dry heave, a little more puke, spit, blow nose, hug porcelain throne, don’t come back).

Jumping Jesus, is this ANOTHER essay for the day? Is that THREE? Dang, the literary hat trick, three on the tree in a row for the day for my Fishheads. The unofficially official rules state that three, 1000+ word articles in one day, calls for a hat trick celebration, like an un-birthday party kind of. Except all I’m doing to celebrate is smoking a few dabs before I pass out for the night. Just gotta add my tags, add my categories, add my backgrounds, add my animations, gotta proofread this beyotch too, of course, because you never publish without proofreading, for all you rookie rookster-roos out there, as if I’m talking to an actual audience, rather than 4 to 6 random people who accidentally click on this link only to realize they aren’t interested and/or clicked the wrong link. Can’t lie to myself, if I get more than 25 views a day, that’s a good day for me these days, & I guess that grim fact calls for that so-very-common quip that makes my fucking skin crawl with rage, the proverbial “that’s just the way it is” euphemism, gah, it’s so cringe, I can’t stand that dumbass phrase. Go fuck yourself if you not only say it, but you believe it, you feckless fucking fuck you.

It’s crazy how I keep doing this, referring to my writing, but of course, I’m going to keep doing it. I start with an idea of throwing out an interesting paragraph or two, then a few thousand words later, hip-hop hooray it’s another essay I’ve written. Is there a standard paragraph length for articles such as these? What kind articles are these considered? There’s a bit of SEO writing here, mixed in with creative content writing, but all written in my own uniquely authentic literary language, & I’m just going to say who cares what kind of articles they are and/or their respective lengths, because it’s my CONTENT that is important. If my content interests you with a paragraph, or 10 paragraphs, it’s not the length, it’s my content, it’s my language you understand & resonate with, so for all 5 of my regular readers, I keep cranking out content, & am always happy when a 6th shows up to my daily pool party. Anyway, time to wrap up this Monday Foozer, as this anticipated week of fresh chaos now dawns. Until next time dear readers, if anyone ever offers you a cigarette, just say “no,” unless you’re a smoker & you’re out of cigs. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you’re ever offered a smoke, say “no,” unless you’re a smoker, & you need a smoke.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E19 3/19/2023 Incoming

I’m gonna try my best to keep this Foozer short, but as always, I’ll probably ramble on into another Tangentville essay of sorts. What can I say about the week upcoming…other than that it could potentially be an exceptionally dynamic week for the world. I use double-adverbs like a boss incidentally, but I digress. Anyway, apparently this week is going to be all about the supposed “Trump arrest,” coming on Tuesday…again, SUPPOSEDLY. I’ll believe it when I see it. Honestly, at this point, I don’t know what Trump’s deal really is? I think he’s on the other side though, & has always been unfortunately. I know, I know, no one wants to hear that, & the MAGA crowd are putting all of their faith in this one man, ONE MAN, to take on the powers-that-be to save the world. Kind of sounds like a cult, doesn’t it? Geez, what a “divide” your so-called leaders have successfully accomplished, left & right, hard left, hard right, not much in between. Of course, they are NOT the same. The left is totally gone, GONE, none of these rainbow-haired leftists are coming back, & no one on the right is going to turn to the left, do you see what’s happening here? Left, right, left, right, like you’re running through a maze, isn’t it? Well, that’s because YOU ARE; you are trapped in The Great Mouse Trap, & 99.99% of you don’t even know it. In fact, if I wasn’t here reinforcing my own analogy of said Great Mouse Trap, no one would even be making this connection in their own respective minds. Not to mention, since I only get a handful of views a day, essentially NO ONE integrates The Great Mouse Trap and/or the power game the elites play amongst themselves, while they keep all of you running through the maze, left, right, left, right…oh, speaking of my views, check this out:

These are my yearly stats. Notice how much traffic I had before these big tech censorship squads starting squashing everyone who wasn’t bending the knee to their tyranny. Oh yes, they got me here too, & clearly I’m STILL being shadowbanned. THE PURGE IS VERY REAL. It’s fucking ridiculous, but they will never break me. I’m not changing the words I use and/or the way I utilize my own unique literary language to appease these clowns. Is it actual people doing the shadowbanning, or is it the AI? I think it started as actual people, but over the last few years, they’ve integrated the AI into their algorithms to such an extent, that I’d wager there’s no actual people doing the censoring any longer. Nope, it’s all AI now, & with the advent of AI software like ChatGPT, guess what? My black ass is about to be out of a job, even though this isn’t a job per se, I just do it to do it, & I have never made a single penny form the thousands of pages of drivel I’ve spewed out. Nonetheless, if a potential employer is using AI to bang out articles in mere moments, what the fuck would they need actual writers like me for?

Not just writers either; video producers, meme makers, news reporters, service jobs, assembly jobs, even doctors & lawyers, all replaced by AI. The AI is advancing so fast, arguably exponentially, so it’s only a matter of time before I get replaced, you get replaced, we ALL get replaced, which is all part of their Agenda 2030 plan. Once they are confident that most jobs can be taken care of by the AI apparatus they are building as we speak, humans will no longer serve a purpose for them, so they’re just going to eliminate most of us. Could be a pandemic, a REAL one, where people actually drop dead upon or shortly after infection. Could be war, a global nuclear war, which would effectively kill many people, as well as vaporize most of them to avoid the cleanup process. Hard to clean up 7 billion bodies, so best to just vaporize them with nukes and/or energy weapons. Hard to speculate into a future where the end goal of your so-called leaders is to eliminate all of us, know what I mean? Remember though, as I’ve said countless times, this is THEIR plan, not mine. THEIR agenda, not mine. I’m simply trying to expose it, expose the TRUTH, so people can prepare as best they can for the day when it all goes sideways. Obviously, I do not want this future, but like I said, this is THEIR plan, & it’s very REAL, & they’re doing these things right now, in real-time. Their game is NOT our game, & their game is much more sinister than even I am illustrating. This evil goes DEEP, so deep, & like a cancer, it has plagued most if not all of these elitist globalists, as well as trickled down through the descending levels of power positions. The “fish rotting from the head down,” that classic quip. Check out the video below, while it’s still up, unless it has already been hosed by Youtube. Grace is a gem, very thorough, & after you watch this, if you still doubt me or what I am exposing for all of you, maybe go to Starbucks, get yourself a grande soy latte, & honk your ignorant ass off of a cliff. This game of theirs is dead serious, pun intended, & the road to 2030 is going to be like a road to hell, particularly for those who are utterly ignorant of this snowballing hijacked zeitgeist.

Damnit, I have not only gone much longer than planned, I went off-topic again, but only a bit off-topic, because this all connects. The crap they broadcast via the fake news mainstream media is theatre. Just a show, & sadly, after years of naively assuming Trump was on our side, I have come to the conclusion that he in the same club the rest of them are, the Capstone Club atop the pyramid. It’s unavoidable I think, when you reach a certain level of wealth & power, apparently they all turn, because they have some awareness of something 99.99% of us do not. I wish I knew their secret, it actually angers me that I do not know. I HATE being played, & we’re ALL being played, because to them, we are just sheep, a herd to be herded. There’s us, then there’s them, the people-herders, the social engineers, & when the cameras turn off, I wonder if they all party together, laughing until they piss themselves about the things they do to us. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, & I most definitely do NOT want it to be, but at this stage of the game, it appears to me that there is NO ONE who definitively wants to help us peasants. Help us all to the proverbial slaughterhouse maybe, but other than that, nope, just deliver energized speeches that mean nothing, promises that mean nothing, just a car salesman trying to sell everyone a lemon.

The problem here is that ½ the country are holding up their auction fingers to buy that lemon. After all of the chaos these corrupt politicians have created in 2+ years, essentially destroying the country, outrageous inflation along with unprecedented money-printing, supply chain breakdowns, “random” train derailments, flash mobs, no jobs, wages down even though inflation up, on & on & on, I mean use your fucking eyes, they have almost COMPLETELY destroyed what Trump allegedly created, but perhaps that was the plan all along? People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine for Covaids pushed through to distribute out to the public, which amounts to a mass-poisoning, as the jab has proved useless and actually now is killing people. TRUMP did that, not these idiot democrats who were taking credit for it before these “side effects’ started occurring en masse. Yes, I was doing great under Trump, only to lose everything I had a year after the Biden regime stole the election & crashed the economy, costing investor BILLIONS of dollars. We get hosed, while they keep printing money to give to themselves, see how that works? Works for THEM, but not for us of course. They do not care, because like I said earlier, to them we are just cattle. What good is a rich cow to them? Same difference as every other dozy cow. No to mention, these people-herders are centuries deep with their game…it goes back to the Roman times in fact, 2000 years of elitism via population control, always a them & us. The herders & the herded. People say, “that’s just how it is,” but I say, “Why? Why does it have to be? Fuck them. Why the fuck do I need a “leader? Why do we need these “leaders?”

We don’t, but since they’ve cleverly convinced the masses that we do, for hundreds of years now, then sure, it does appear like that IS “just the way it is.” Nope, not for me anyway, & I could care less if I’m utterly alone with my own sense of sovereign personal freedom. Fuck them & fuck you if you comply with this crap. It’s NOT right, & it does NOT have to be “just the way it is.” If only we could all unite somehow, unite as ONE, ONE 7-billion person macro-organism to break away from their Katamarian societal bowling ball, evolving into something new, standing strong together against this tiny minority of globalist scum that have hijacked the zeitgeist to control the world. I cannot emphasize how abysmally sinister their game is either. Fuckin hell, it’s as if there’s no escape, no way out of The Great Mouse Trap. Perhaps some “event” will come, some kind of truly Divine black swan event, maybe call it a white swan event, where something random comes that has positive results for the people, rather than another malevolently random event that shoves all of our faces deeper into their stinking shit-pit, destroying any/all will that We The People have left to fight them. Long game, that’s THEIR game, while everyone stays focused on this illusory short game, chasing that cheese-bait fiat money left, right, left, right, endlessly through the labyrinthian Great Mouse Trap, paycheck to paycheck. See how that works?

Okay, the time has come once again to wrap this Sunday Foozer up. Until next time, dear readers, stay EXCEPTIONALLY mindful of the week ahead. The time will come when things change fast, & if you are not mindful, you won’t make it. “Just the way it is,” right? Only if YOU allow it to be. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you lack mindfulness, you won’t make it out alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E17 3/17/2023 Drinking Day

What can I say, other than it’s St. Patty’s Day. What do people even celebrate on this day? Getting drunk? Seriously, it should be called “Drinking Day,” like a day to celebrate alcohol, like 4/20. Unfortunately, the only difference is that drunks suck much worse than stoners for one, & two, despite anomalies, smoking weed isn’t potentially lethal to yourself & others around you. Drunk driving, drunk fighting, drunk sex even, all destructively negative attributes of drinking booze. On the other hand, stoners don’t hurt anyone really, other than themselves. Of course, as I already mentioned, there are anomalies; I’m sure there’s been cases of “stoned driving” that led to unexpectedly negative consequences, but those cases are very few & far between. Point being, if “green” is the veneration of the celebration, I’ll take herbal relief every time over a shot of poisonous liquid courage.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fucking prude, I’m totally down with a drink or two at dinner or something like that. Reckless drinking in a bar though, meh…hasn’t been a thing for me since college. This floating fish put in his time & then some back in college. Holy shit it’s insane when I think back on how far I used to take it when I partied. Ask anyone who knows me. I was known to dry-gulch random dipshits for my own amusement. There was always one guy at a party, always one, creeping, saying weird shit, just being a wanker in general, so whenever I was present when “that guy” was in full-form…KAPOW, down & out, then drug out of the party while everyone kicked him, even a few girls. True story. Good times. This is the funniest part though; that only happened once, one time, right at the beginning of my 7-year college career.

There were a few other fights to be sure, & I am still undefeated, but like fight fights where I had to whip someones’s ass who came at me, but that one fight, ONE FIGHT, stayed with me for 7 years…as if I did it all the time…oy vey, people are so strange, aren’t they? The way they make somethings out of nothings. I feel bad too because I fucked that guy”s face up like a savage. The first punch caught him above his left eye, the sweet spot, splitting his eye open, & dropping him to the floor. I thought he was out, but then he tried to get up like a moron, & threw a ridiculous haymaker. Derp…wrong move. Sadly for him, the booze made him so slow that he telegraphed said haymaker, & I just ducked out of the way, then threw another straight right punch, right into the bridge of his nose, which kind if exploded with an audible splatter & he was done, out, on the floor crying I think. I don’t know, but it was like this moaning, wailing sort of sound. Anyway, a few buddies & myself grabbed his dumbass, & drug him to the front door, & the trip there was no fun for him, as random kicks from guys & gals landed all over his body. Everyone was laughing & yelling at him, poor guy.

What a dick I am, but I know that already, so fuck that guy. He was being uncouth, especially to the ladies, & I’m guessing he remembers that night to this day, especially when he looks in the mirror at the scar over his eye & the new nose he had to get fixed after I broke it. Regardless, all of that was totally unnecessary, & totally fueled by booze, like gas on a bonfire. I used to be a bartender, & spent a decade & change babysitting drunks, which is another reason why one, I don’t drink to get drunk, & two, I don’t celebrate this ridiculous holiday that transformed from its original meaning into essentially, “Drinking Day.” Yep, that’s what today is, & I bet 9 out of 10 random people on the street have no clue what the original meaning of St. Patrick’s Day is. For instance, ask the next person you run into, “Who is St. Patrick?,” & see what they barf out for a wrong answer, because odds are, they won’t have a clue. It’s analogous to when you ask random people these days, “What year was the USA founded?,” or “What are the Bill of Rights?” Don’t believe me? I linked some “Man on the Street” videos from the great Mark Dice below, a whole playlist, one video after another, illustrating exactly what I just told you. “Check it out,” as he says, & click below for some real-time Idiocracy.

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? Do you feel like you caught brain-AIDS? Yeah, I know, me too. It’s heartbreaking to see this staggering stupidity though, despite the obvious humor in it, it’s really just pathetically sad. Why? Why are Americans so God-damned dumb these days? Sheesh. Oh wait, this is the end result of public “education,” which doesn’t really educate you on anything, per se, other than how to be a good debt slave. Civics, finance, other languages, music theory, all of this is crucial in the proper education of young minds, but you only find it in the schools where the so-called elites send their kids. Oh yes, the game starts at birth, & if you’re born into the peasant class, as most of us are, you’re taught to be a slave in public school, rather than how to become your best individual self. Public education is for the hive minded; click that link & you can read more about it, because it’s time to wrap this up. Dang, I start with one thing, & finish with another, every time, never fails. I bet I go on & on, watch & see…

As I’ve said repeatedly, I just tune the dial to the best frequency, then let these fingers fly, & when it’s all done, I don’t really remember what I write, so I go back & read it when I proofread for my grammatical errors, & sometimes it’s astonishing what comes out. I can’t really explain it, it’s almost like an auto-pilot sort of feeling, surreal, but whatever this is, it’s my lone gift in this life, so I’m going to spend the rest of my days, writing every day, for an audience of ghosts, & digital readers with their little icon avatars, occasionally dropping a “like,” but for the most part, no one reads a word of this drivel I spew out. None of these writing jobs see any value in my uniquely authentic literary language, so either I suck as a writer, or they’re all scared to hire someone like me who writes about TRUTH, in a world of scripted narratives. Wait, there’s no one else like me, so I suppose I’m fucked, yes? Oh well, fuck em, not bending the knee to get a shitty paycheck for adding “wokeness” somewhere in my endless list of resumes. Nope, can’t do it, won’t do it, I guess I’ll just be a broke failure. The proverbial “starving artist,” or maybe “pseudo-artist,” because perhaps all these words I write don’t mean a fucking thing to anyone. Wunderbar…(fart noise)

Ugh, what a mood. Just an overall feeling of being COMPLETELY fed up with Clownworld life. Can one of you donate $10k so I can go to Costa Rica before I drive my beater of a Beamer right off the next cliff I come across? Gah, it’s so fucking frustrating, when you have the self-realization that you’re worth more, but humbly you simultaneously realize you’re a total dumbass. What do I know besides this? Oh wait, I know how to grow good weed, does that count for anything? Nope? Nope they say, it’s another relatively useless “skill” I can add to my post-it note of attributes. Oh no, I have the “drunken blues” it seems, even though I don’t drink, haven’t drank in forever, & certainly NOT drinking for this stupid “holiday,” if you wanna call it that. Just another excuse for Americans to burn more brain cells. Drink up though, ya plebs. “Bread & circuses,” been a great tactic for 2000 years, give or take a century, so why stop now?

I don’t know, I don’t know anything anymore, but speaking of “stopping now,” that’s what I’m about to do, because this ouroborosian essay has found its own tail, & is eager to eat it so I can shut the fuck up already. Nonetheless, have a fun time getting drunk, puking on your drunk girlfriend, right before she pukes on you, then waking up tomorrow feeling like hell, with puke all over yourselves. Yay, fun fun fun. The difference in mentality between you’re 25 year-old self & your middle-aged self is night & day. I used to live to party, like literally, with ZERO inclinations toward a future for myself, a family maybe, a nest egg, but nope, it was ALL about the party, as if it would never end. Such a fucking delusional idiot I was, & still am, & I can’t change, because this is who I am apparently. Of course the party is done for me, & I’m well-aware, but everyone else who lived like me is dead. EVERYONE, & that’s not an exaggeration, they’re ALL dead, & it’s just me left. Like a battle, where all your friends died fighting, except they were only fighting themselves, & they lost. Meanwhile, me, myself, & I am the only soldier left standing, wondering why I’m still here, & where my old friends are now. Wow, such surreality, only me, only one left. Why?

Great question, thanks for playing. I wish I had an answer; selfishly I wish I had the answer for myself, not for anyone else. I’m fresh out of friends, haven’t seen my family in like 6 years, something like that, got massacred in the crypto crash which took everything I had, EVERYTHING, they took it all out of my diamond hands like they were made of rice paper. Stone sober the whole time; I spent years after getting clean building my stacks, then making amazing trades that got me well into 6-figures before POOF, a financial train wreck into a multi-car pileup, & I was smack in the middle, so I lost everything. EVERY FUCKING THING, gah. It’s been months & I can’t shake it. Maybe I need a drink, or a lobotomy, fuckin hell, I just wish I could shake it off already. Maybe I can’t, because this is not the first time I got hosed for all of my stacks. It’s happened like 4, maybe 5 times now, & I can’t understand why. WHY????? WHY YOU FUCKER IN THE SKY IF YOU’RE EVEN UP THERE, WHY??? Fuck, it’s like I’m cursed or something…maybe I am, who knows?

Hard to say what’s even real anymore here in this backwards-ass upside-down timeline. The Great Recycler, The Great Mouse Trap, The Capstone Club, just what the fuck is going on in this world? Is ANYTHING real? It sure doesn’t seem to be, & most of the population would rather get drunk on the poison their overlords offer them on street corners across this once great nation, now the USSA, The United Socialist States of America. I just coined that, don’t steal it. Actually, you can take it, I really don’t care, because it doesn’t matter, nor does anything else for those of us down here in these trenches. Nope, 99% of you, of us, are stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, & all the booze in the world won’t get you through the exit door. Regardless, drink on up Americans, & eradicate those synapses in that wet noodle atop your neck. Obviously, as always, this applies to all of you, & none of you at all. Speaking of that Nietzschian paraphrase I use, “for all of you, & for none of you at all,” what do you think the late Friedrich would think of this maddening pseudo-reality they’ve manufactured for all of you?

He’d laugh, because he predicted this. It’s truly amazing, if you have ever read his work, how accurate he was about societal degeneration. I mean look around, Idiocracy has become reality, & that was not supposed to happen, but it did, & now, we’re all stuck in it. Too bad the overall global complacency is unprecedented in scale, as it’s equally amazing how utterly uninformed most people are. Doesn’t matter though, it’s party time, shots for everyone at the bar, on me. Try the 3-headed cow, it’s delightful. I created it for idiots who act like idiots when they try to order “the bartender’s favorite shot.” Oh my, bartenders just love when they hear, “Make me your favorite shot,” & when I would hear that, I had a special shot I’d whip up especially for the aforementioned idiots. Want to know the ingredients? Here we go; the infamous 3-Headed Cow: tequila, scotch, vodka, rum, lemon juice, milk, shake all the ingredients with ice, strain into a sugar-rimmed shot glass, then hail to the sacred cow. Down the hatch, & good luck if you ever drink more than one of these God-awful shots. Ugh, are you kidding me, who would drink that?

They did though, many times, many times saying they wanted another. That’s drunks for you, & the bartenders of America are balls-deep in the weeds right now, feeding you drunk fuckers into respective states of unpredictably dangerous intoxication. Isn’t it odd that during that time when we allegedly had no toilet paper, & a bunch of of other stuff was “temporally unavailable,” yet there was more than enough booze & cigs for everyone, isn’t that weird? Nope, nothing weird going on in America, nothing to see plebs, slam those beers & shots, because today is “Drinking Day, ” the one day of the year to celebrate all of the comedy & tragedy that alcohol has brought to the masses, arguably more of the latter, but who cares?…I’m done with the digressional tangent talk, & done with this article that maybe 10 people will actually read, if I’m lucky. Check out these stats…I’d be embarrassed, if I cared, but “caring” about anything anymore is no longer something I concern myself with. When you have nothing left to lose, literally NOTHING, then nothing matters anymore, right? So what’s left to “care” about?

Okay, this has turned into a 5-page essay for fuck’s sake, yikes. You’d think one of these companies I apply to would appreciate what I do exclusively for this unwavering daily discipline I possess, but apparently they don’t, for reasons unknown. Most likely, it’s my content, & they’re scared to hire a wide-open thought criminal dissident. Also, I’m an un-jabbed straight white male, so right out of the gate, I’m 3-strikes out. Drats. Fuck it. Until next time, dear readers, write until you reach the end of the marathon, no matter how far you have to run. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

Click HERE to donate & help feed the fish. My black ass is broke, almost dead, bloated, & floating in this wastewater world. Thanks, even though I’m confident I won’t even get a penny from my digital begging for shekels. Fuck it. Cheers…🎣

“Write until the race has been won, no matter how far you have to run.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E13 3/13/2023 Really Graceful

This Fooze is going to be about a girl I like to watch. No, not like that ya filthy fucking animals; she’s on YouTube, she has a YouTube channel, & her name is Grace, or so I assume, since her channel dons the moniker, “Really Graceful.” I posted the link to her new book, “The Deep State Encyclopedia; Exposing the Cabal Playbook.” Obviously, the book is about exactly what the title implies, & is essentially a compendium of all of the “chosen” families who rule the world from the shadows. Of course, they chose themselves, & this nefariousness goes back centuries now, yes, a centuries old long-game. This game, THEIR game, ends with them taking total control over the entire planet & ruling from a centralized location with a one world government, & a one world order. Grace does a very thorough job of illustrating the respective histories of these so-called “elite” families, who have maintained their power via arranged marriages & inbreeding, in order to make sure their hereditary links are what binds them. “Your family is your family, & what else is there but family?” …you know that old quip, except these ruling-class dynasties take it to an enirely different level than we peasants do. They can’t have just anyone in the family, now can they? Nope, in their psychopathically heartless world, it’s not about love, it’s all about retaining status through marriage, which also implies a eugenical aspect to this bizarre dynamic, doesn’t it? It’s not like the eugenics programs they unleash upon us Plebian masses though, oh no no no. Their version is more of controlled breeding via strategically organized marriages, while ours is controlled by abortions, poisoning the food & water, programming children with television to be gay, etc…so as you can see, it’s most certainly two different approaches to the notion of “guided reproduction,” now isn’t it? Regardless, I’m keeping this Foozer short today; it’s more of a Monday placeholder, & I’m pretty confident that the big tech overlords are going to try & squash the videos that Grace uploaded about her book. She actually reads some chapters from her book, & illustrates the narration with some solid evidential video work to accompany the read-along. I’ll go ahead & link one of the accompanying videos below, before she gets censored. Keep in mind, I cannot guarantee this video will be here forever unfortunately. Roll the clip.

There you go, you now have a link at the top to get yourself and/or your friend a copy of the book; I believe it’s only $19.99 on Amazon(my copy is en route), & you also have her video about the Bloodlines of the Capstone Clubbers above, which is about an hour long & a MUST WATCH. You will not believe how sinister their game really is, because it goes DEEP, & these evil scumbags have been the center of all of the chaos that the world keeps getting thrust into. Orchestrated chaos, via soulless psychopaths. Maybe that’s why the do what they do, perhaps they have no souls, what do you think? Nonetheless, check out all the links above, & be sure to subscribe to Grace’s YouTube channel. She is amazingly meticulous with her research, & I have recommended her for years now, so I’m really happy for her to have a published book she wrote go to number one on Amazon’s best-seller list. That’s amazing. Great job Grace, if you happen to come across my drivel. Until next time, dear reader, discover the truth for you, or be consumed by lies for them. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Discover your own truth, or be consumed in their lies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E9 3/9/2023 Three’s Company

Oh my goodness, did Satan himself unleash this Pandora’s box of insanity upon the world? I’m only being ½ facetious too, because we already exist in some bizarrely upside-down Clownworld timeline, & it’s seriously mental. I have no idea how we got here, but we did…WE did. Well, now we’re here, we’re ALL here, stuck HERE together, so maybe WE should all STOP for a moment, & realize what here is, don’t ya think? What exactly IS going on in this world? I mean seriously, 25ish years ago in the college days when I first started adding some Divine literary works of art to my mental bookshelf. The Orwell, Huxley, Bradbury, triple-scoop, it was all realistic, & possible, but FICTIONAL. No one thought it was going to become reality. When I watched the movie Idiocracy like 20 years ago, it was NOT supposed to become reality, yet it did, & here WE are, all of us.

Damnit if all four of these FICTIONAL authors didn’t combine like Voltron into Clownworld 2023, which we’re all living in now. Didn’t see that coming. Oh shit, I forgot to mention the most important one, the one who called this WAYYYYYY before these guys were even pooping in diapers. My favorite of my favorites, the one & only…dundadadundundundunnnnn…of course I’m talking about Friedrich Nietzsche. Yes sir, he was so ahead of his time, it’s mind-blowing. Unfortunately, I don’t think he would believe his own eyes if he saw what this world has become. Can you imagine, can you imagine ANY of the great sages of history, bearing witness to this mess we’ve made, can you imagine what they’d say? They’d probably puke first, then get cancelled by rainbow-haired social justice warriors.Thank God for people like Jordan Peterson, & Matt Walsh, because fuck if I don’t feel like people who can actively use their critical-thinking skills in real-time, are few & far between. I know they’re there, I’ve met a few, I know a few, but in the bigger picture, there’s a YUGE majority of programmed automatons, who will do whatever they’re told to do.

How many BILLIONS of people took the jab? Do I need more proof than that? Oh, I can go on & on & on. How many people think January 6th was an actual “insurrection?” How many people even know about January 6th? Have you ever seen Mark Dice do his “Man on the Street” videos? He asks the general public unbelievably easy questions, questions that every 8-year old American should know, but most of them don’t. I know I know…one, it’s sad, just plain sad, & two, if you’re reading this, you most likely resonate with other red-pilled people, so it’s not so easy to fathom how far-gone the masses truly are. It’s not entirely their fault either, it’s the result of decades-long conditioning. Through the schools, & the media, to drugs & porn & video games, & most of all, via programmed parents, we’ve created these Frankensteinian younger generations that think they know everything, thanks to that smartphone they grew up with. Always watching a screen they are, brain frying like eggs after months on end in an alpha state. PROGRAMMING like never before, & the generations after my generation, Generation X, know nothing else but the Internet. LARPing has become a norm, as if alternate realities were actually REAL, occurring in real time. Where will this lead to in 10 years? 20 years? 100 years? Who knows?

Oh my, I took the exit ramp to Tangentville, as if on queue, par for this mini-golf course. Yep, yours truly is writing stream-of-consciousness on this one, & just letting it flow, with no direction as to where I’ll go. Just gotta turn the dial sometimes…left, right, left, right, until you find the frequency. Then once you tune in, you’re free…well, as free as a creator can be here in this 3d space we all share. I’m the Creator here, in my space, & I can do whatever I want in my world here. Are you missing your freedom? I have the solution…WRITE, or do whatever you do when you create something. Maybe you’re a painter, or a sculptor, or you make sacred geometry with your music, whatever creates, that is the discipline for those who despise the destroyers in the darkness, we must CREATE. Do NOT stop creating, because these psychopaths on the other side, are hell-bent on destruction. Literally HELL-bent, so pun intended. One can only be a creator or destroyer, because no matter what you do, you’re creating something, or you’re destroying it. One minute you’re creating a delicious salad, the next minute you’re covering it with ranch dressing & destroying it. The ouroboros is everywhere, in everything, creating, then destroying, a beginning becoming an end, everything looping back around in on itself. Until next time, dear readers, where is your beginning? For without a ending, there can be no beginning. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Without an ending, there can be no beginning.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E4 3/4/2023 Virgin Moon Worms

To start, no the title isn’t a band name, but should you choose this name for your band, Virgin Moon Worms, I’ll take 33% of all royalties, thank you very much. Moving on, I had a quote pop into my head, & before I forgot it, as I often do, I texted it to myself so I would NOT forget it, because in case you haven’t noticed, I drop quotes at the endings of many of these posts, EVERY post lately to be honest. Normally, I just pull them from whatever I happen to be writing about in the respective article. This time however, I am redirecting a quote I thought of elsewhere, to here, to now share with all of you, dear readers, in my real-time, now my past-time as you’re reading this after I’ve written it. Also, I might drop a separate fresh quote at the end, so be sure to go the distance & not be a half-crook reader. What is this awe-inspiring quote? Good question, thanks for asking.

The quote is this: “We are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” I must admit, I heard someone saying something similar earlier, albeit NOT verbatim, so I rearranged the words like little soldiers in a row until the quote revealed itself to me, like chiseling away at a rock until the sculpture manifests into a naked Romanesque figure of some sort. I just thought, chiseled, thought, chiseled, as I listened to the video I was watching on the subject, thought, chiseled, until POOF, there it was, this quote. Think about it, as it relates to you, & I’ll come back to this quote at the end. I’m accumulating all of my quotes into quite a collection, possibly a little coffeebook or two of my fishy-faced quotes. Yes, considering I’m up to a few hundred or so by now, maybe I might manifest them all into some books of quotes, for all of you, & for none of you at all, how about them apples, dear readers?

Anyway, let’s move on to this upcoming Full Worm Moon, officially happening on March 7th, at 5:42 AM MST, so to me, I’ll have to see it its glorious glory either prior to that actual time, or on the night off the 7th, technically after the official time of the FULL full moon, but it’ll be “full,” one way or the other.. It’s the FINAL full moon of this darkest of dark winters too, which is good news, unless you live in Colorado, like me, or maybe in Canada like a few of my friends, where the winter doesn’t end until sometime in May, so it’s hardly the “last” full moon of winter for us, except on paper. Why do they call it the “worm” moon? Is it because the worms start coming out of the ground due to the winter thaw, providing food for the hungry springtime birds? That’s my guess, so let’s find together in real-time, shall we?

Well, well, well, would you look at that, lucky guess on my part I suppose, or menial critical-thinking skills utilized successfully, I’ll let you decide. This is according to The Farmer’s Almanac, & there’s a few other interesting facts about this particular full moon listed there as well, which happens to be appearing in Virgo, my own constellation, yep I own it, but I digress, & as I was saying, it’s appearing in the Great Constellar Virgin, marking the end of a 6-month cycle. What a period, 6-months long, & just a reminder: You know how we love completing our cycles here, circling the circles, fulfilling the circularity, our beloved literary Ouroboros, on the endless Ouroborian loop, end becoming the beginning to become the end again, only to be reborn, over & over, again, & again, & again, for it’s all just part of The Great Loopty-Loop, birth to death, around & around the merry-go-round. Anyway, for the sake of synchronicity, as the circularities always seem to find us in the articles I post, I thought I’d mention this culminationous lunar event as it relates to this roller-coaster of wordsmithery I share here with all of you, dear readers. Check it out below…

Interesting, I like the idea of the “sap moon,” getting that yumyum new sap from the sugar maples to make me some fresh organic maple syrup in some factory in Vermont. REAL syrup, not faux-rip, not the poison, not the high fructose corn syrup Aunt Jemima pseudo-syrup, oh no no no. Geez, not only did they find Aunt Jemima to be REEEEEEEEE-cist with the labeling, it’s not even real syrup. Arguing about racist sugar-crack poison; par for the course here in Clownworld…(honk noise). It’s as UN-syrup as it gets, because it’s LITERALLY just flavored high fructose corn syrup mixed with chemical additives, chemical crack sugar, & moms across America cover their fat kids’ breakfast pancakes with it every morning in this morbidly obese once-great country of ours, but I digress as always. Let’s not focus on the negative, ya gotta ak-sen-chew-ate the positive, dadahdadahdada…let’s see here, what are some other positive attributes to this upcoming full worm moon?

Interesting, analogous to blooming flowers, I dig the springtime. Although, I’ve never claimed to be one of those people who believes in anything astrology. Yes, I find it intruiging, but if you think you’re going to convince me that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was born on the same day, same time, & the same year as myself, will have a life analogous to my own, as well as the notion that we will ALL share similar personality traits, think again hot sauce. The average number of behbehs born, around the time I was born, was about 325,000 babies delivered alive per day. Based on that statistic, ALL 325,000 or so of us, have the same personality, spiritually of course if you believe in star charts, zodiac signs, and/or astrology in general. I suppose it could have merit. 325,000 out of 7 ½ billion people is a baby fraction(clever pun, strike one). I wouldn’t say I disbelieve, nor would I claim I do in fact, believe in these aforementioned concepts, I simply find it fascinating. I don’t take it lightly, per se, yet it surely has no deterministically valid merit as something definitively factual, for me to reference upon any self-evaluations of my own personality, but yes, it’s interesting.

Before we wrap this up, let’s not dismiss the quote I quoted at the beginning of this article, said quote reading, “we are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” Well, ARE we, or are we NOT? Is it relative? Are some of us equipped, so to speak, & some not? Tough to speculate on how much or how little we are, as we are all experiencing these unprecedented times right now in real-time, & the flux is constantly fluxing, like some 1984 time machine built out of a Delorean. I DO however believe the quote, for the most part, despite how relative it is individually, & overall the answer would be a solid “NO,” as in NO, most of us are NOT equipped, & as much as one might believe that they are, they aren’t. How can you be, especially if you re-equip on the daily, just to make it to the end of the day, before waking up to another day stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, how can one truly be “equipped” to do anything, if it’s all just another left turn-right turn, chasing cheese bait fiat money in this labyrinthian game we all unwittingly play when you cut off the fat. Check out my previous posts for more on The Great Mouse Trap, if you aren’t familiar. I’ve illustrated it countless times, so I’m not going to re-illustrate it here again, & we have reached the end here regardless, so until next time dear readers, note that this upcoming Full Worm Moon is supposedly a time of emotions, particularly as they relate to relationships, new beginnings “springing” up as the cold winter ends, also unleashing some obvious puns, like the one that just “sprung” up above, & this one too of course. Puns galore, quotes & puns, funs funs funs, but now we’re dones dones dones. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the cold winter ends, new beginnings begin yet again, springing up, as spring begins .” Fish F Fish🎏


Like the new GIFs? There’s a channel on YouTube called Pics&Portraits that does these retro-vintage television montage compilation things. It’s great for Gen-Xers that just can’t let go of the nostalgia of those glorious salad days, long gone now in the lost time before the Internet. Anyway, this channel is a diamond mine for a GIF-maker that appreciates that era with the same wonderment I had living it, & so I chop these clips up into GIFs, using bits & bobs from the different clips I’m finding, then combining them into a loop-friendly manner. One must be the Creator, for that is the way of things; not the only way of course, as many choose the self-consumerist path of destruction, albeit most unwillingly. Simple ignorance, as they are told to consume, consume, consume, nomnomnomnomnom…chase that cheese-bait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap. Not going to get into the Great Mouse Trap too much in this one though, just here to display my new Retro GIFs, in light of the imminent World War 3 scenario that is now mist likely to play out, to some extent at least. Are you ready for a war?

Obviously, the answer is NO, & also obviously no one wants a global nuclear war. Wow, think about this, think about how long ago the last nuclear bombs were used in a war. Almost 80 years ago, EIGHTY YEARS AGO, so if you use the hamster-wheel on top of your neck, one might reckon that the technology to slaughter humans en masse has increased significantly, QUITE significantly in fact, yes? I’m thinking exceptionally lethal energy weapons are the new “nukes,” & that dreaded “N-word,” seems to strike fear in the bumblebee beating hearts of billions of worker bees, so the narrative-driven fear-porn mainstream pseudo-news apparatus pukes it out via daily broadcasts. “Nuclear, nukes, they’ll attack us with the nukes,” they’ve proclaimed, & so the worker bees fear said nukes, when should a real-time hot global “nuclear” war come, the bees with see things that are unimaginably more lethal when unleashed. I think they used direct energy weapons to take down the Twin Towers on 9/11, but I digress. Another rabbit hole, for another time perhaps. Oh wait, hang on…if you type in “energy weapons, ” with/and/or “9/11,” in my search bar over on the right there if you’re viewing this in “full-site” mode, I’m pretty sure I’ve written about that topic before, but I can’t remember. Regardless, dive into the archive vault if you’d like, it’s quickly closing in on 5000 pages now, full of gold, for all of you & for none of you at all…so sayeth FisH™🎏

“Deepest of a divers dives, behold my archives…with that order, would you like some fries?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E26 2/26/2023 🐟The Khazarian Mafia 🐟

My oh my oh my, it just gets crazier by the week, doesn’t it? Lots of pressure mounting on the criminal Biden regime, so what might they be thinking up to distract from the attention being thrust onto their nefarious activities? Oh, I don’t know, maybe a world war, maybe staged alien invasion, maybe something new, complete with all the shock & awe you want, all serving to further distract you from the global takeover. Who is this mysterious cabal secretly taking over the world though? Ever heard of the Khazarian Mafia? Oh wait, whats’ this? Why the red line under the word “Khazarian” WordPress? Are we going to pretend it’s a made-up word? Want to read more about this VERY REAL, & quite dastardly bunch that’s been bringing you chaos for centuries now? Yes, CENTURIES, almost 20, that’s 2000 years of mindfuckery thanks to this evil organization. Good thing FisH™is here to help, to abide, by providing YOU with links to the real TRUTH of the matter, whatever the matter might be, & in this case, is the OPENLY intentional planetary exposure of the secretive Khazarian Mafia.

What do these Crazy Khazarians think they are for fuck’s sake? Sheesh. Maybe let’s start with what they worship, yes? What creature? What sort of animal would a group like this venerate? Can you guess? Well, well, well, if it isn’t our old friend the owl, of course, & boy o’ boy, you sure do seem to pop up a lot amongst these groups, don’t you? The ever-wise owl, wisest in the Black Forest, rotating its head 180 degrees, always at least one eye on something, they can even see in the darkness, they can cut right through it, this fearsome nighttime predator, hunting in the blackest of night for its prey. These globalists just love the owl, so much so in fact, that they even snuck one onto the dollar bill, in case you weren’t aware. Not aware? No worries, again, the FisH™ abides. Check out the pic below. Or pull a one dollar bill from your own wallet, grab a magnifying glass if you don’t have 20/20 vision, & look for yourself, with your own eyes, in real-time, here with me. Isn’t it adorable, on its own little perch there, always watching, watching YOU, on every single one dollar bill, isn’t that just dandy? Not to mention all the other things going on in the details of fiat currency paper money garbage. It has to do with the magic spells they use, that they cast upon ALL the currency, not just the one dollar bill. Didn’t know they were into using black magick either? Of course, & particularly on the currency, because currency, is the energy flow they’ve hijacked that keeps the zeitgeistian snowball rolling like a giant Katamari. Oh yes, they’re quite knowledgable in said magick in fact, as one could imagine with 2000 years of practice, & they use their time-worn pseudo-sorcery all the time. THEY believe in it, & as I always tell you, I myself, DO NOT, I don’t believe in any dark arts voodoo nonsense, but again, THEY DO, & thus, they use it, utilizing this dark magic accordingly, for their own nefariousity.

Well, dear reader, with the link I provided above up there, & the one below, & the video at the end, you should have more than enough gear to jump down into this sewer of a rabbit hole. This gear will be needed, as should you choose to lift this sewer lid, then dive down into the pink slime of truth, like in Ghostbusters 2, & get yourself learn-ed on the Khazarian Mafia, you might be down there awhile. There’s an INCREDIBLE amount of disinformation & misinformation on these shadowy scum, not to mention an army of agents helping to confuse the public as to what’s truth & what is UN-truth about these Capstone Club globalists. Benjamin Fulford…BOOM…been trying to remember that fuckwad’s name & I just did. Watch out for him. HE IS AN AGENT OF THE MOB. One of the most prominent ones, if not THE most, so avoid that idiot’s drivel, unless you just want to read with a specific intent to see how bad the disinformation is. He is just bloody revolting with it too, but he’s clever, & sounds like he knows what he’s doing, so again, steer clear of that beady-eyed badger. Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention this too, the Capstone Club, the club that makes up the proverbial “capstone” atop the social hierarchy pyramid, whom I have mentioned ad nauseam in prior posts, & the Khazarian Mafia are more-or-less, one in the same. Maybe take a few members out, throw a few members in, but regardless, the Capstone Club & the Khazarian Mob are analogous. Who are some of the members? 🚨ALERT ALERT, CODE RED, RED ALERT🚨 …no, no, no…this is the part where YOU DYOR, Do Your Own Research, for if I just rewrite all the answers here, what good will that do you? YOU must have the fortitude to want to know for YOU, not for me, & therefore, YOU must jump into that aforementioned manhole with your boots laced tight.

Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia

☝🏻Click HERE to read even more☝🏻…I told you, this is a liminal sewer, beyond the rabbit holes…

Don’t be scared, they’ll come get me before they ever come get any of you. I’m a direct exposer, a dissident thought-criminal, that fearless mouthpiece in the forlorn faces of fraudsters, the kind that they uniquely despise for their defiantly arrogant boldness in the face of tyrannical tyrant technocratic twats. I’ll be the one, the lone one, ready to die on my own hill, the one that tells them openly & publicly, via my own global forum, that THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA IS EXPOSED, & WILL CONTINUOUSLY BE EXPOSED UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED AND/OR DEAD, along with some strongly-worded verbal stabs at them personally, coming from my own hatred of this malevolent mob for their 20 centuries of societal disruption. Surely, that anger is well-warranted, yes?…& should be shared amongst the general population, yes?…but I digress, so let’s get to this emancipation proclamation aimed directly at The Khazarian Mafia for their monetary ensalvement of humanity, should they happen to see this. Everyone ready? Once again, the FisH ™ abides. I will never help these elitist fucks, I am certainly NOT amongst their horde of foot soldier disinfo agents, nope, I am hear to be as offensively resistant to them as I can be with my own s-words for now, until violence becomes the necessity to survive, should they come attack me in real-time with vapidly vile voracious violence. So, to these Khazarian Mafioso I publicly proclaim…

“Go fuck yourselves you globalist cunts. Fuck you, fuck your mafia, fuck your hijacking of the currency, of the world, I will NOT abide this nonsense any longer. I will NEVER bend the knee to you, you psychopathic social-engineering degenerative deceptionist filth, & when the day of divine reckoning comes, I can only hope I’m there to pull one of the handles that drops the trap-door that drops ALL of YOU, you parasites, you corrupt & vile enemies of humanity, dropped to your own respective deaths, as you hang by your rancid reptilian necks until you’re all DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.”

Do you have the balls to publicly say such a thing? If so, why not do it? Maybe we should ALL do it? They can’t kill us all, but if they’re going to try anyway, why not fight back? THEY’RE ALREADY ATTACKING YOU, ATTACKING US, WE THE PEOPLE ARE UNDER DIRECT ATTACK FROM THESE MINIONS OF MALFEASANCE RIGHT NOW, IN REAL TIME. Does that NOT piss you off? Am I alone in my own delusionally unjustifiable anger towards a quiet cabal of mega-wealthy-uber-powerful globalist overlords that want to murder 90% of the global population in order to rule the entire planet & whoever is left from a singular new world order? I sure don’t want to believe that, because when that hammer drops, & the day comes, & it WILL come, when their depopulation agenda becomes very apparent to everyone, not just me, one can only hope its’s not too late by then. Okay, it’s time to wrap this Foozer up. Until next time dear reader, watch out for the mob, because they’ve always been watching you. So sayeth FisH™ …oh did you think it was over? No, no, no this isn’t the end of the movie like in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, when he tells you it’s over, oh no, I have one more link for you. Check out the video below, because it’s good to not only read research, but to SEE/HEAR research as well. The FisH™ abides.🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Watch out for the mob, because they’ve always been watching you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Great Quote Hunt

Writing, the key to the door, as I mentioned in the previous article, & where is this key I speak of? Well, it’s around your neck of course, like a noose with the rope cut, & the only thinking choking you, is you. Or whoever you let pull your rope. Don’t let someone else pull your rope. That’s another keeper for my “Fishisms,” good stuff. If I add my own quotes to every article I write, I should have a thick book of quotes ready to go in a few months. The math is easy, I’m easily cranking out at the very least, one article a day. So in 3 months time, that’s around 100 quotes, just at the rate of ONE lone article a day, with an addendum quote and/or quotes added at the bottom. The point is, WRITE, every day one must write, if they’re to ever consider themselves a go-to in the bullpen when the batter steps up. Can’t throw like a twerp, you gotta get that ball across the plate EVERY time, strike, strike, strike strike, strike, no balls here, strike strike, strike, strike that hot iron, & maybe send that batter back to the dugout, or give them the homerun pitch, & send them to the moon. The reality is though, you’re lucky to get a base hit, as a writer, but you gotta keep pitching, every day, strike, strike, strike. Somehow the more one writes, at least in my case, the more I write, the more doors open with my own key. What’s in those doors? Quotes, of course, for I’m on a hunt, a hunt for clever quips I can quote, that I can put in parentheses, then stamp them with a big fish, like bags of dope. Oh yes, a key for those wooden pirate’s chests, these treasure chests that contain gem quotes, & I have a key around my neck for them alright, noosed around my neck on a cheap military chain, & my noose is tight, so tight, snug right up to my neck, by thine own hand for some reason, pulling hard on my neck, saying, “Write you fucking idiot, write, write, write, you have nothing else, nothing else left, this rope has stripped you of everything, & now you have nothing, except this, we’ll leave you with your words, & your words alone, now write you stupid fuck, for it’s all were going to give you this round, in this 3d hell-train ride.”

That’s the madness I go through daily, this hydra-headed conscience of mine, it’s quite direct, isn’t it? Certainly doesn’t mince words, but maybe my conscience is doing this, putting all this relentless pressure on me to “WRITE WRITE WRITE YOU FUCKING FOOL OF FOOLS,” as much as I can, while I can, because time is running out, running out the door like Forrest Gump. I know, but it is what it is. I don’t know when my end is, do you? Could be today, tomorrow, next week, 6 months from now, 6 years from now, 60 years from now if I make it to 105(Please God no, don’t keep me here that long), but regardless, the proverbial “end,” comes for us all, there’s no escaping the ride. We all get a ticket when we’re born, a ticket for a train maybe, a train for the recently deceased, or for some it’s a ferry ticket for the dead maybe, perhaps for some it’s a private jet to heaven, I’d wager most just get on city bus pass, across town, & my ticket, my ticket says it is for a private car, like a mini-limo, the budget limo, ready to pick me up at the time of expiration, but it really doesn’t matter how you go, does it? Those are all just silly analogies I just thought up on the fly in real-time, for when you die, you die, & that’s it. I’ve had several friends go already, particularly in the last year. Not only did I lose everything material I had, I lost several good friends, all in the course of a few months in 2022, that now-wretched, cursed year. Worst year of my life by far, & I’m a former decades-long addict, so I’ve had some rough years, & maybe that’s what 2022 was all about, getting railroaded again but while sober as fuck, just to really leave the branding iron for an extra few seconds, to make sure the mark would last, stinging me, burning itself into my microchip, damn that curse, & damn that year, that year I anticipated for so very long, only to end up on the polar opposite end of the place I was trying to go. Instead of the penthouse, I ended up in a roofless doghouse, with sub-zero Colorado snow blanketing what’s left of my war-weary shell. Completely broken, minus this, this writing that I’m writing in the present, only for you to be reading in the past.

Not a matter of self-pity here, & that notion alone annoys the fuck out of me. It’s the simple realization that whatever powers-that-be, just won’t let me be. Nope, they won’t let me go, no freedom for this bloated floating fish, gonna keep you as down as down gets, “Just stay in your corner of The Great Mouse Trap, & keep delusional believing you might be guiding the other mice to the exit doors, because you aren’t, you aren’t doing anything, doing nothing at all but digital words onto digital paper for yourself, & yourself alone, you disgustingly bland narcissist. What’s the word for a narcissist who thinks he’s useless, & serves no purpose. & has complete self-awareness? Is that on a spectrum somewhere? Who is illustrating these mental disorders? Everyone is a narcissist, everyone is a gaslighter, everyone is fucked in the head essentially, to some degree nowadays, right? I don’t know, I don’t really know anything about what’s going on anymore. I’m just writing to write. Like I mentioned in the beginning, just WRITE. Whatever might be in those respective receptors in that apple atop your neck, let it go as you let it flow onto a medium, whether it be with a digital pen or a real pen, WRITE, write you fucker, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. Jesus, like a drill instructor up there. A drill instructor bitch, that won’t shut the fuck up. Does your conscience torture you too? Geez, sorry I didn’t make it, not going anywhere, so why keep yelling at me? “WRIIIIIIIIITTTTEEEEEE, keep writing asshole,” & that’s how it is. Myself calls myself more names than have ever come out of my actual mouth, such a dick, & by myself, I’m referring to this conscience I’m stuck with of course. Is your conscience really you though? Your “Higher Self,” so to speak? Who is this fucking guy? I don’t recall meeting this person, do you? Did you ever officially meet your conscience?

See what I mean? Just WRITE. This was all off the cuff, just tune in the dial, that’s it. For me anyway, it’s almost like auto-pilot, for I don’t recall what I write, until I write it. There’s a place you go when you…go to mine words, you might say, from the Great Word Mines. You travel there I your head, & you harvest the words, the words that fit into the sentences, building & building, the word architect, albeit all this happens in some kind of accelerated space-time that seems relatively instantaneous. It’s not though, it’s a seems time bends, & there’s countless mini-thoughts between the words as to how to connect them, one by one, like dancers, they fall in line, until they bee-bop in an order that someone else who speaks this language can read. Just tune that knob, static, static, oh, what’s that? Is that a signal? Let’s let it play & see what she sounds like, all of this happening so fast, the brain is quite the super computer, yes?…but I digress. Once you have a frequency, the words will just run, like a river, sometimes a raging river, sometimes just a slow-flowing creek, but if one is to be a writer, one must write, one must ride the river, it’s not complicated. It’s like any other discipline, & only with practice, do you open the doors, with that salty swinging key around your neck, on the broken-rope noose, getting tighter & tighter, as the sand in the weird-looking glass falls & falls. Don’t dwell on the morbidity though, & smack that hourglass off the loose-legged nightstand, just do what you can, while you can. What else is there? Until next time dear reader, I repeat, what else is there? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“What else is there?” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t let someone else pull the rope around your own neck.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“It’s easy, just write.” ~Fish F Fish🎏