National Alert

The Subjective Relativity of Respect

FisH™ is at the pulpit, once again, so it must be time to preach. Arguably, no concept in the history of the human race has been been more abused than the concept of respect. Oh sure, most people know what it means, or at least they think they do, but do they abide the concept? For the most part, nope, they’re more inclined to understand climate-changing cow farts, then basic respect for humanity. At best, maybe they feign some notion of applying respectfulness in their daily lives, but it’s quite subjective, isn’t it? How many of you judge without knowing? How many of you have an innate response to strangers like holding a door open, or letting someone cut in front of you in traffic, or using terms like “please,” & “thank you” instinctually? Of course, for those of us that do these things, it’s just in our nature, because we have an inner-inclination to display respect, but to those that don’t, they let the door close, never looking behind them, they cut you off then give you the finger, and/or maybe they ask for things as un-manneristically as possible. If you go out & about, you’ll run into people who are one or the other, either respectful, or disrespectful, & it’s a shame that EVERYONE doesn’t inherently show respect to their fellow man, & a stark reflection of a waning society, as the latter, the disrespectful ones, seem to be more prevalent these days.

Maybe it’s because of the social climate in this God-forsaken country, many akin to cliff-diving lemmings . Maybe it’s due to the lack of abundance, becoming more dire by the day, with many people existing from paycheck to paycheck. I used the work “existing” there, because struggling to get by, living said paycheck to paycheck, is hardly “living,” is it? Always worrying about money, and/or your car turning on when you turn the ignition, and/or how much food you are going to have to steal that day to eat, these things cause a lot of stress, & when people are stressed about such things, they become bitter. When there’s no way to get ahead, due to a system designed to keep you stuck in the seemingly endless debt-slavery cycle, it’s increasingly more difficult to concern one’s self about being respectful to anyone else, because you’ve lost the ability to respect yourself. For most, this is a tough pill to swallow, is it not? How often does someone consider the other person? Maybe the one who stormed into the door was having a bad day, so they forgot to hold it open. Maybe that “fuckwad” who cut you off just lost a close friend or a family member, so they have no concern about the other drivers on the road that day. Maybe someone’s pet died, & they just couldn’t muster a “please” or “thank you” in that moment. Subjectivity…makes situational awareness relative & the notion of respect, relative then as well, yes?

Nonetheless, I am trying to keep this one short, because my black ass is still catching up on my rest, after staying wide awake the last 2 days creating the story I penned down in the previous post. Once the train gets rolling, yours truly tends not to stop until the brakes screech at the stationed destination. Crashed my computer 3, maybe 4 times writing that. Yours truly had no idea that his computer was so outdated, that even a lengthy short story was too much to handle for this struggling contraption that I create my art on. First world problems, ya know? Again, there’s that relativity, because think of how many people cannot even afford a MacBook Pro in this world, much less one as old as the one I’m using. Think of how many people are sleeping on the street, drinking water from a dirt-stained McDonald’s cup, wondering how they’ll “get well” so they can simply get some sleep. Think about some poor kid in some 3rd-world toilet that has to play with an old tire tube with his friends, because something as mundane as a soccer ball to those of us in the first world, is out of reach. This planet is filled with abundance, PLENTY of abundance, enough to go around & then some, but the bureaucracy atop the proverbial power pyramid are so power-mad, that they reinforce this system of debt slavery which keeps said abundance to themselves, rather than distributing it to all. I’m going to need another paragraph I think, just one more though, maybe two.

As I shopped at the grocery store the other day, I couldn’t help but think about all of the perishable food that goes to waste at the end of the night there. Fruits, vegetables, meats, what happens to all of that food that doesn’t get sold? Sure, some of it goes to food banks, & then hapless Americans stand in long lines to get whatever hasn’t quite gone full-rotten yet, as if this country was now something akin to a “3rd world shithole,” as some have ascribed it. A lot of it just gets trashed though, because the God-damned food prices are getting so outrageous, no one can afford to grocery shop like they want to. Why doesn’t everyone just get a food card with a reasonable amount of purchasing power to buy up more of the food? Do you know what happens to much of the excess perishable food that doesn’t get bought or goes to a food bank? It goes to pig farms, where it gets ground up into a stew, then fed to pigs, pigs that eventually get slaughtered for humans to consume, like some kind of bizarre cannibalistic cycle? Not like, it IS, it IS a cannibalistic cycle of consumption. How disturbing is that? Farm animals eating themselves so we eat them, only to eat them again…ugh, how revolting. The rest just gets trashed though, as I said, & considering that there’s a grocery store on every corner in this country, that is an insane amount of wasted food, & why?..because as I said, people cannot afford to shop as they want anymore without breaking their paycheck to paycheck budgets. I know I am being somewhat nebulous, but you see what I am illustrating here, right?

This entire system has devolved into nothing more than a prison planet, an INTENDED prison planet, meant to keep people struggling, lacking abundance, when there’s WAYYYY more than enough to go around. It’s all founded on money, these God-damned ones & zeros, an artificial construct, unnatural & unfair, particularly when the money-printers can just give themselves more when they want it, while you or I go to federal prison if we were to do the same thing. Prisons within a prison planet, which adds up to slavery, debt-slavery, most of us enslaved to the “almighty dollar,’ a most disconcerting expression, yes? The adjective “almighty” is more often than not, a reference to God, yet it has been implemented to represent a pseudo-god of money, & what do most people unwittingly do, they abide this false god, endlessly chasing the scraps left by their masters, living paycheck to taxed paycheck, & then calling that “life.” No, no it isn’t life, it’s death, & the time has come to unite against these prison guards, is it not? Oh wait, they keep everyone who isn’t in their bloodline divided, so that we can never unite, & that’s the big trap, isn’t it? Yes, divide & conquer is alive & well in Clownworld 2023, more-so than ever, & while we stay divided, these so-called “ruling elites” laugh, & then tell their servants to fetch them more wine. If only we could all unite…

Circles right back around to the topic of this article, “Respect.” Watch how yours truly circles back & bring this all together; you’re gonna love this dear readers. Or hate it, & think I’m a wanker, as it’s all subjectively relative, isn’t it? Maybe I’m right over the target, & the truth angers you, or maybe it opens your eyes a bit more to your own respective situation, or maybe the word “nebulous” escapes you, & my vagueness confuses you. It’s all a perspective, & everyone’s varies. If we all knew our true nature, would the utter lack of respect for one’s fellow man be such a divisive issue? We, as humans, are born with so much potential, but unfortunately, that potential is drowned, before a new baby even leaves its mother’s womb, thanks to these elitist bloodlines that keep us us, & them them. What in the world am I talking about? Great question, thanks for playing. I am talking about two separate groups of humans; there’s a self-ascribed “ruling class,” & then there’s US, the UN-pedigreed ones, the mutts, the ones that not only aren’t connected to these dynastic bloodlines, most of us have no clue that these people are keeping their “royal bloodlines” intact, and/or how this eugenical separation is upheld. Even more importantly, there is little to no mass-realization as to how dynamic this separation is on our everyday lives, the lives of the peasantry, WE the peasantry, for lack of a better word.

To them, we are just consumers, like human cattle, “less-than,” if you will, simply “here”existing” to serve them, & most certainly, NOT to share in the overflowing abundance that they enjoy. They have no respect for us, because, as I just said, we are “less than” them. Their pets enjoy more abundance than we do, how does that make you feel? Like shit, right?…& rightly so, because none of us are “less than” anything. We may not be pedigreed, but we ALL have souls, & those souls are immortal, a Divine spark of the Creator, the eternal Source, & the only thing that makes us different, is the fact they do not respect us as such. Like the proverb, “a fish rots from the head down,” so does the concept of respect. They do not respect us, & if you allow them to dominate you, & allow them to disrespect you, YOU do not respect yourself, & if you cannot respect yourself, you definitely cannot respect others. This is all by design, & the think-tanks that have orchestrated this Beast system, & continue to maintain it, are well-aware of everything I just said…so much so that they have manipulated most of you into “existing,” as I said, in a continuously hostile environment, sustained through a lack of abundance. Abundance isn’t all about money, but they have tricked most people into believing that it is. They’ve programmed so many, SO MANY, via broadcast television programming, as I’ve mentioned ad nauseam, & it’s right there in the words,”broadcast,” & “programming,” & they’ve poisoned the food, the water, the air, the education system, the zeitgeist as a whole, it has ALL been infected with a societal cancer, a cancer that has gone form malignant, to terminal, masterminded by a bureaucracy, an evil corporate bureaucracy, which I’ll detailed more in a future post.

I know, I know, I’m all over the place with concepts mixed into concepts, but the entire point…hang on, why does their have to be a “point?” Does a “title” imply that a subject must be adhered to? I write via a free stream of consciousness, perhaps because that’s the only thing left that is in fact “free,” our consciousnesses. Unfortunately, “consciousness,” & what it truly means for all of us, is attacked & suppressed, from the moment you breath in that first breath of God, to the moment you exhale your final breath of God, they attack you if you are not amongst their own venomous ilk. They disrespect your breath, as they disrespect Source, & there must come a time where enough is enough is enough. They have no respect for us, so why do we continue to respect them, & what they’re doing to us? Why do you pay taxes? If you need their money, why not just take it from them, as they do from us, via unending taxation? If you need food, the grocery stores are full, so why not just take it? TAKE IT, & STOP RESPECTING THEM, because ultimately, their relentless disrespect, subconsciously makes us disrespect one another, keep US divided, & if everyone just stopped what they’re doing to realize this, maybe we could unite as one & take it all back. WE CAN TAKE IT BACK, ALL OF IT, BECUASE IT’S OURS, NOT THEIRS. WE are the majority, the VAST majority, yet still, STILL, they hold dominion over us. When will we stop letting them do this to us? When will we all reach a societal critical mass? When God, when?

Until next time dear readers, as I will now paraphrase a well-known, yet un-abided expression, “Show respect, unless disrespected, then show no mercy.” We have let them disrespect us as human beings for far too long, & it’s come time to unleash hell upon these so-called “ruling elites,” & take back what is rightfully ours, OURS. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Show respect unless disrespected, then be merciless.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S6E13 6/13/2023 Search for Self

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

I’ve been watching/listening to these supposed “channeled messages,” for over a decade, & they all claim that divine retribution is coming for those of us in the trenches, which is most of us, like 99%. Yep, 99% versus a >1%, whole have deemed themselves the “ruling elites.” They get their power, because they trick everyone into giving them said power. It’s a centuries-long game, taught to kings & queens & those who are within the dominion of their bloodlines. Again, this is less than 1%, but somehow, somehow they rule most of you via the master/slave dynamic. Two totally different worlds, between the 99%, & the >1%.

I’m keeping this one short, as it’s my 6th article written within 12 hours or so. It’s all I have left, my words, these words I type in real-time, that a scant handful of you read in my past. Like I’ve told you all, ad nauseam, I’m shadowbanned, shadowbanned everywhere, even here, on my site. This site has over 5000 pages of my ramblous rants, 5000 pages, all for you, not for me. I don’t know why I am here, but the best I can reckon, is that I’m here to expose the real reality of this 3d world, as opposed to the scripted narratives they broadcast via televised programming. It’s as if most of you are stuck in an alpha state, the state where you are most susceptible to the aforementioned programming. It’s right there in the words for fuck’s sake, yet most of you aren’t even aware. That black screen, like a doorway into darkness, keeping you all docile & compliant, ready to consume consume consume.

I see all these things, then I listen to these “channeled messages,” & can’t help but wonder if said messages, are just another part of the Great Lie, being broadcast, the same as a basketball and/or football game. No one is coming to save us, & we’re all too ignorant to save ourselves. The ones of us who are awakened to the real truth, are a fringe minority, & have no ability numbers-wise to do a God-damned thing. No, I don’t think there are “ascended beings” in space, sitting in their respective spaceships, on the precipice of coming to save the day, to save us from these so-called “ruling elites,” & their verminous ilk. I know, it sounds crazy, & I want to believe it’s true. I want to believe there are ascended warriors of light, coming to save humanity from the prison planet we’re enslaved in. I want to believe, but how can I? How can I when my eyes tell me different? The world is getting exponentially worse, worse by each fleeting moment. Poverty, addiction, despair, it’s everywhere, & spreading fast, like a malignant cancer. Not to mention, this cancer, is being fed by those same “ruling elites” that pretend to care about humanity. NEWSFLASH: they don’t, they don’t give a flying fart about anyone who isn’t in their bloodline, but they pretend otherwise. Soulless demonic scum, hell bent on destroying humanity, so they can rebuild a new world under their new world order.

Before I ramble this into an essay, as is par for my mini-golf course here, I’m going to wrap it up. I just…just…I don’t even know anymore. The self-realizations about the truth of this upside-down reality give me a dreadful feeling of utter hopelessness. These elitist douchebags won’t stop, & why would they? There’s never any consequences for them, ever. If you or I committed the crimes they commit on the daily, we’d be in a federal prison for life, but for them, nothing, & so they continue, continue destroying. I am a creator, not a destroyer, the literal polar opposite of these degenerate scumfucks, & I’m not alone, but in the Great Picture, we awakened ones ARE alone. So alone, on our own little islands, & one day they will send the total wave to wash us all away, because they don’t want us in their Great Picture. They’ll wash us all away, then go eat crumpets & drink expensive teas & laugh about washing us away. These people are pure hell, & maybe this is hell. I don’t know, but it sure is starting to feel like hell, an eternal punishment for prior incarnations that we have zero recollection of. No, it doesn’t seem to matter that we’ve awakened to the real truth in this life, & as a whole, WE don’t seem to matter, other than the inclination that they want us gone. Breaks the heart; it truly breaks my heart. Until next time dear readers, search for your self, your higher self, before you’re washed away like the proverbial outgoing tide. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Search for your self, your higher self, before the tidal wave comes to wash you away.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E13 3/13/2023 Really Graceful

This Fooze is going to be about a girl I like to watch. No, not like that ya filthy fucking animals; she’s on YouTube, she has a YouTube channel, & her name is Grace, or so I assume, since her channel dons the moniker, “Really Graceful.” I posted the link to her new book, “The Deep State Encyclopedia; Exposing the Cabal Playbook.” Obviously, the book is about exactly what the title implies, & is essentially a compendium of all of the “chosen” families who rule the world from the shadows. Of course, they chose themselves, & this nefariousness goes back centuries now, yes, a centuries old long-game. This game, THEIR game, ends with them taking total control over the entire planet & ruling from a centralized location with a one world government, & a one world order. Grace does a very thorough job of illustrating the respective histories of these so-called “elite” families, who have maintained their power via arranged marriages & inbreeding, in order to make sure their hereditary links are what binds them. “Your family is your family, & what else is there but family?” …you know that old quip, except these ruling-class dynasties take it to an enirely different level than we peasants do. They can’t have just anyone in the family, now can they? Nope, in their psychopathically heartless world, it’s not about love, it’s all about retaining status through marriage, which also implies a eugenical aspect to this bizarre dynamic, doesn’t it? It’s not like the eugenics programs they unleash upon us Plebian masses though, oh no no no. Their version is more of controlled breeding via strategically organized marriages, while ours is controlled by abortions, poisoning the food & water, programming children with television to be gay, etc…so as you can see, it’s most certainly two different approaches to the notion of “guided reproduction,” now isn’t it? Regardless, I’m keeping this Foozer short today; it’s more of a Monday placeholder, & I’m pretty confident that the big tech overlords are going to try & squash the videos that Grace uploaded about her book. She actually reads some chapters from her book, & illustrates the narration with some solid evidential video work to accompany the read-along. I’ll go ahead & link one of the accompanying videos below, before she gets censored. Keep in mind, I cannot guarantee this video will be here forever unfortunately. Roll the clip.

There you go, you now have a link at the top to get yourself and/or your friend a copy of the book; I believe it’s only $19.99 on Amazon(my copy is en route), & you also have her video about the Bloodlines of the Capstone Clubbers above, which is about an hour long & a MUST WATCH. You will not believe how sinister their game really is, because it goes DEEP, & these evil scumbags have been the center of all of the chaos that the world keeps getting thrust into. Orchestrated chaos, via soulless psychopaths. Maybe that’s why the do what they do, perhaps they have no souls, what do you think? Nonetheless, check out all the links above, & be sure to subscribe to Grace’s YouTube channel. She is amazingly meticulous with her research, & I have recommended her for years now, so I’m really happy for her to have a published book she wrote go to number one on Amazon’s best-seller list. That’s amazing. Great job Grace, if you happen to come across my drivel. Until next time, dear reader, discover the truth for you, or be consumed by lies for them. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Discover your own truth, or be consumed in their lies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏