Pajama Party

The Fooze: S7E30 7/30/2023 The Feds Did It

Click HERE or the article to read more

Back Behind the Bar

The Fooze: S6E29 6/29/2023 Nib of the Quill

No colors in the cybernated standish today, just black & white…as the paint fades…(enter the piano)…leaving only ebony, & ivory, “in perfect harmony,” as Paul & Mike might say, now fade fade fade out the colorama…

To read this bullshit article via Yahoo News, click HERE

Despite my previous post, which CLEARLY exposed the pre-production of this Titanic sub event that was broadcast, cast broadly, like a spell, most of you STILL believe that fakery really happened, don’t you?…& with the mainstream news juggernaut STILL programming you all to believe that scripted events such as these are real, one could see why, right? Oh, it all looks so real, so really real though, right? Quite convincing, yes, as convincing as the magic of Hollywood, isn’t it?

Yours truly has fought like a hungry rabid lion trying to wake you people up to the Titanical depths of the fake news mainstream media Operation Mockingbird control machine(pun intended). Yes, that’s right, this narrator has fought, & fought, & fought, wielding my pen until the ink ran dry, attempting to awaken you all to the Great Deception of this pseudo-reality, & what do you most of you do? do nothing, other than accept it, & continue to comply. What else is there to say? Does it even matter? Nope, it doesn’t mean a thing, not a God-damned thing. Degenerate faggots are waving their shit-covered sodomite cocks in the faces of children, OF CHILDREN, at their sin-fest pride parades, & no one does a thing about it. Oh sure, there’s a fringe group of us that put out the messages, trying to raise awareness, denouncing what should be be denounced by all, but the sad truth is, that most of you do nothing. You don’t don’t seem to see/hear anything, other than what keeps you in a state of perpetual bliss. You just turn on your televisions, stay in your houses, consume consume consume, & then call that “life,” but people like yours truly are deemed the crazy ones, the ones who are out of line, we thought-criminals. When the bell finally tolls, & they come to wipe most of you out, rather than me getting the final “I told you so,” I’d rather trade it all just so that you people would wake the fuck up. You won’t though, the so-called “ruling elites” will fulfill their agenda, & everything you’ve all slaved so hard for, will be wiped away from their future history, like you never even existed.

I’ll be wiped away as well, of course, probably long before the end comes, because statistically, I should already be dead, like most of my friends. Just a matter of time, of borrowed time, before the final breath finally exhales, tainted with the sweet stench of my last smoke. I’ll leave a bill, a bill for a funeral & an urn, because a coffin is a waste of money. If you’re dead, who cares anyway? Throw me to a den full of necrophiliacs, or a pack of wolves, or into the ocean, chummed red with the blood of fresh fish, as frenzied sharks circle around & rip this lifeless body to pieces. Once you’re gone, you’re gone, & as it is in dreams, you have no recollection of even existing in this God-forsaken prison planet matrix, but my verbal epitaph, my final self-eulogy from yours truly to all of you is simply this: DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT. If any/all/none of you can somehow retain that little quip when it’s your respective turns, carry it with you, & abide it, because if you ignore what I say, & foolishly let yourself go into that bath-warm bliss, you will get recycled, & end up right back here in this 3d soul-trap, only to once again feed the beast via a tortured life of enslavement, which ultimately falls upon YOU, not the aforementioned Beast, the Great Recycler. Willfully going into the light, puts it all on YOU, & that’s the trap, that’s the trick from the Great Trickster, because by going into said light, by thine own accord, the Beast bears no guilt, & thus, bypasses God, & keeps the Great Mouse Trap full of souls, who do it again, & again, & again, until the end of time.

Or…maybe yours truly is absolutely insane, these thoughts are utterly delusional, & there’s no hope left for these fiery flying fingers. Either way, who cares? Your narrator here is only one, ONE soul, out of billions & billions of souls, all trapped, one way or another, within this inner/outer-dimensional 3d hell, way way wayyyyy down from whence we once were, leveled up in 5d, & maybe beyond that too. The 5th dimension is only the next bus stop, spatially, & then the 8th, then the 13th, possibly the 21st dimension, but beyond that is a kind of chaos that even a 13th-dimensional entity might now comprehend. This 3d human experience is as low as consciousness can possibly go, & if we were anything lower, we’d be the equivalent of a perfectly flat rock, with no volume, just flatness in flat world with no space to conceive of anything, anything at all. I bet none of you thought this article would take a sharp turn off the proverbial exit ramp into this town, did you? It’s as yours truly always says, we only turn the dial, left, right, a little more left, now back to the right again, until the static becomes the sacred geometry of a frequency that can be hooked, then bled it out, gutted, decapitated, filleted, & served up raw for all of you, & for none of you at all. “Just the way it is,” right?, as my favorite un-favorite saying goes. Maybe someone will write that pukeworthy defeatist expression on my tombstone, or the first nuclear bomb that drops when the depopulation agenda goes hot, & BOOM BOOM BOOM, the mushroom cloud spreads, radiating & eradicating everything with Chernobylian glory. Or maybe it was written on the needles they jabbed billions of you with already, as the nano-particles continue to self-replicate in your bodies, just waiting for the siren to sound so they can activate & complete their intended mission…then POOF…lights out, the door closes, & locks itself with one last slam as the walking dead rise.

Oh my, oh my, the time does fly, as do these salty stinking-sardined scissorhands, that slice this digital notebook into another saucy sautéed sashimi dish for you all to eat, or send back to the chef, so he can spit in it, & pretend he prepared it just as you asked it, only to be served right back to you, same as it was served before, as sacrosanct as a slow suicide. The restaurant is now closed, so pay your bill & get the fuck out. Until next time dear readers, never go to a restaurant right before they close, unless you want to eat a dish, garnished with spit. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Be wary of closing time, before you order your food.” Fish F Fish🎏

Prison Planet

ATTENTION: Bonus video at the end, wait for it, …the FisH™ abides…🎣

For those who want to go home, home to 5d, the REAL home, back from whence you were taken, where you fell from. There’s not any “home” here via Prison Planet Earth; this is all a trap, a soul trap, & once they catch you, they throw you into the machine, the machine that enslaves you for life, if you can even call it this “life.” What kind of “life”, is a lifetime enslavement, a life sentence, if you will? It’s not, it’s just a slow death, bled out like a gutted fish(pun intended). Continuing…

Anyone ever have the grim realization as to how similar public schools are to prisons? It starts at birth, & ends at death. Maybe use your noodle & think it out for once, if you even can. Maybe stop watching the God-damned television all day, if you even can. Maybe stop consuming, like Baron Vladimir Harkonnen , all day, every day. Maybe wake the fuck up, & REALIZE with your real eyes what the fuck is really going on you hopelessly ignorant automatons, if you even can. Jesus fucking Christ, WHY??? WHY WHY WHY, why must one feel like they’re one of a scant few who sees what is actually happening on this God-forsaken hell planet? It’s such a sickening joke; THIS IS A PLANET OF SLAVES, A PRISON PLANET, ALL OF YOU ARE INCARCERATED, ENSLAVED, unless you’re among the so-called “ruling elites,” which comparatively, is a tiny fractional faction, when compared to the proverbial prison population, yet still, STILL, THEY rule YOU, THEY HAVE ENSLAVED YOU, & the master/slave dynamic is stronger than ever, so strong that most don’t even know they’re slaves. That’s right, SLAVES, enslaved to money, enslaved to jobs you don’t want to do, what is a “job” anyway? It’s not a job, as it were, it’s work detail, on a prison planet, can one make it any clearer for you people? It’s over, & if you are truly awake to this horrifying reality, IT’S OVER, DONE, all of it, & it’s time to get out, but if one wants out of the prison, one either dies, or one gets guilt-tripped back into their own slavery, by slaves. How fucked up is that?

Maybe you’re just DONE, DONE ABIDING THIS EVIL INSANITY. “Go get a job,” fuck off with that. “Comply,” keep fucking off with that too. Those abiding the inclination that “it’s just the way it is,” to you who exist by that ridiculous notion, you can express-lane fuck right off the cliff with that mentality. To know, to be WELL-aware as to what the REAL reality is, then to stop & look around at how utterly compliant the slaves are, only serves to make one want out even more. Stretch this “life” out for the next decade, do you slaves not see what’s coming?…& if you slaves can’t see what’s happening, you’re doomed, as doomed as the rest of the willfully enslaved. Maybe those who know, who know the real truth, want nothing, NOTHING to do with this, ANY of this, & if they end up starving to death because they can longer buy over-priced rotting food, or putting a gun in their mouth, or overdosing, or whatever it takes, THESE “KNOWERS,” ARE done, the first to go….DONE, for they just want it to end, so they can go back to wherever they were taken from; their REAL home, their 5d home, where their soul family resides, & incarcerated here, in the aforementioned prison planet, that I have referenced ad nauseam by now. Sheesh.

You slaves can all die out, rather than live out, your own existences, barely getting by, you good compliant slaves, but that ain’t life, is it? No…IT’S DEATH, & not just death, it’s hell, a “living” hell, before your own eventual ending. Who cares though, right?…about anything anymore, not even one’s own self, stuck in this 3d meat suit, who fucking cares? This is NOT where consciousness belongs, real consciousness, ones true 5d soul consciousness, & maybe you got soul-trapped, & you failed this un-winnable game of “life,” oh but wait, NO, no you didn’t, you simply failed to accept the life of a slave, as most humans do seemingly accept. Blame everyone, blame no one, blame yourselves, who cares? Why care, why care about anything anymore, about any of this? It’s all lies, 3d low-vibrational lies. It’s all been a big lie for you slaves, this whole time, living lies, & rather than accepting the truth, and/or even having the critical-thinking skills to figure it said truth, figure out that you, yes YOU, are enslaved.

Of course, no one will ever proclaim these aforementioned notions aloud, will they? Hang on a second, yours truly just did, whoops, because someone MUST expose this information, even if it kills them. Death is the only way to escape this prison planet, be thine own hand, or at someone/something else’s action, death is freedom…unless…unless one is foolishly naive enough to “go into the light,” after their final breath. If slaves don’t even know they’re slaves, then after they die, they ARE going to “go into the light,” because their television told them to, & when they do, they just get recycled, reincarnated right back into this God-forsaken prison, with no recollection of doing this countless times prior, only to do another sentence, then another, then another, again, & again, & again, & again, & again. That’s how vile this sinister apparatus is; it goes much deeper than almost anyone can comprehend. It’s outer-dimensional, & the “light,” is a false light, NOT the true light from the Galactic Central Sun. THAT is from whence we fell, from 5d, maybe even higher, when we fell down into this low-vibrating 3d nightmare. We fell from grace, so to speak, & fell from virtue, from benevolence, from the unconditional love of the ONE true Creator God. Religion, is 3d, is another big lie, & again, the false light of a pseudo-god.

Do any of you even know about the Galactic Central Sun, you blindly obedient slaves, do any of you even have the awareness of where your true origins originate? No, of course you don’t, because one, you’ve been lied to your entire life. Secondly, because they, your masters/prison guards, they have poisoned the food, the water, the air, the zeitgeist, essentially everything, has been poisoned, poisoned to keep you as dumbed down & complacent as possible without killing you, bleeding you out slowly, from the beginning, to the bittersweet grand finale. This world is all a lie, a stinking lie, WE ARE STOLEN SOULS, EVERY ONE OF US, & why would anyone who knows the truth, who is WELL-aware of the lie, WANT to continue, why? They wouldn’t, nor should they, why the fuck would anyone WANT to be a slave, a slave enslaved on a prison planet? Unfortunately, most are so uninformed, so dumbed-down, so complacent, that they have the nerve to call this bullshit living? Blows the mind, from a certain perspective, which yours truly adheres to.

Fuck it, fuck it all, no one cares, & nothing matters. It’s the raw truth, & if one can’t handle it, that’s their fucking problem, not ours. We’re no longer catering to anyone, especially slaves. Enjoy your prison planet, but some some of us know the real truth, we no longer will abide this enslavement, & as soon as we can figure away out of our respective cells, we’re gone. Fuck this prison planet, how bout that? This is the end, the end of the tracks, the train is coming, & we ain’t budging….SMASH. That is all, so sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Slavery is not living; it’s death, a slow agonizing death.” Fish F Fish🎏

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch


MUST WATCH, so watch the video before reading my brief statement afterward, which will be below the video. Seriously…MUST WATCH, because maybe like yours truly, this will hit you like a runaway Amtrak train full of explosive toxic waste as well.

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

Jesus, talk about hitting the proverbial nail right atop my shining bald head, dang. This is exactly, EXACTLY, how I’ve been feeling lately; this was SO surreal to listen to, my hands were shaking afterward. At least I’m not alone, I’m assuming, but holy spitballs, this was SO on point, it renewed my faith that maybe the ascended ones are real, VERY real. I still have no idea what to do, or where to go. I still have a wanting, a wanting to sleep forever. I’ve been experiencing these exceptionally lucid dreams, as well as random visions, & even though I don’t know exactly what it all means, I yearn for it, I yearn for being unconscious, to travel deeper into my dreamscapes, so I don’t have “exist,” so to speak, in this exponentially devolving world, this awfully corrupt world, this world filled with chaos & evil, controlled by Luciferian devil worshippers. Keep in mind, as I’ve mentioned this grim fact ad nauseam, that even though you and/or I don’t believe in their dark magic, THEY DO. I despise this 3d poorly-timed joke of a world; I absolutely DESPISE it, & the day I finally take my last breath, will at last free me from this prison planet of hellish mental torture. Life used to be exciting, so exciting, so adventurous, & always filled with novelty, but now, nothing is exciting, the adventure is no longer adventurous, ends with the realization that we’re all enslaved, & most certainly, nothing is novel, NOTHING, other than my own dreams & visions, & these occasional messages that are supposedly channeled from ascended beings. Some hit, some miss, but this one lone video, wow. I got nothing resourceful left, & I would love to get out, but I won’t, nor will I ever, take my own life to expedite that notion, so I guess I’ll have to ride this storm out until my bittersweet demise comes. Nonetheless, thank you for posting this, whoever you are. Yours truly, truly appreciates you, YOU, the one that uploaded this, know you’re much-appreciated. I know, I know what it means, but as mentioned in several prior articles, I cannot remember, because forces beyond my control have somehow taken my true 5d abilities, along with everything else I ever cared for, and/or possessed. Sorry not sorry for the rant, as all I have left are my words, & I update this site daily, as you know, dear readers, which has now reached OVER 5000 pages. That’s right, OVER 5000 pages of my ramblings, for all of you, & for none of you at all. Again, thanks, thanks so much for this particular message, & I look forward to listening to more, so keep them coming, because the FisH™ abides…🎏

The Fooze: S5E31 5/31/2023 5 Straight Months

That’s right Fishheads…today marks 5 straight months, FIVE MONTHS, of daily Foozers. You MUST write, at least that’s one of my multi-daily pop-up mantras. I don’t have shit, except my cat, & my car, & my words. That’s all this floaty bloated fish has left dear readers. I’m going to go get some paint, & paint some pictures, one of these days soon, so I have hard copies of my art. If the power ever goes out, all this goes away, unless I put it all on USBs, which I am aiming to do, when I have the time. Time…GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH…just keeps chirping away, doesn’t it? Second after second, moment after moment, tick tick, tock tock, watch the hands move ’round the clock.

Where will I be when the clock strikes midnight, at the end of the next month? I’ll have 6 straight months of these articles by then. If I had to guess, I’d say maybe a few thousand pages, enough to pull a book out of maybe? I have to have it all in hardcopy though, which means printing out thousands of pages of my drivel, AFTER I move it all to USB drives. That alone might take a few days perhaps? I don’t know, but I HAVE to get this all on hard copy. Don’t be lazy Fish, you MUST do this. You must print out your drivel, paint your pictures, & then POOF, maybe you’re outta here, after completing what you sought out to do in this incarnation. Is that how it works? Do you “plan” your life, prior to being born? Or does The Great Recycler just spit you out with your memories erased, to be reborn based on karmic law…i.e…you don’t plan a damn thing here.

Nope, you just get what your karma gives you. I tend to be very…mindful, you could say, when I people-watch in my daily outings. There are good people, really good people, with families, & money, & vacations, & love, which I had to an extent as a kid, I do have that. It was only during my youth though, & my broke black ass hasn’t been on a vacation in…I don’t know, what defines a “vacation?” Not working? If so, then I’m on “vacation” right now, since I just got fired. Yeah, the momentary flashes of ultra-meaningful self-realizations, they just kept coming, & I see these good people, these beautiful people, these WEALTHY people, but not just financially wealthy, wealthy with love, & spirit, & unity, & it breaks my ragged blackened heart that I lost that. I lost it, me, the black sheep squad leader, I fucking lost it, lost it all. No, I didn’t just lose all my resources, I lost my family. I lost my friends. I lost everything, so why the fuck am I still here?

Good question, thanks for asking. Well, as I said, since I have no real skills, other than my hand-arts, & I’m not keen on wasting anymore time in some meaningless job, where I can’t get along with anyone because I’m an antisocial mess, so I’m just going to write, draw, paint, make physical hard-copy art, as much as I can, before POOF, all of this is over. Life ends for us all, there’s no way outta here alive. What are you going to leave behind? Right now, I’m leaving behind a total shitshow mess if I were to go, so I can’t go yet, not that I have any say over it, but no, I need more time. I need more time to write…write, write, write, & then my paintings, but most importantly, get home to the fam, it’s all I want to do. It’s strange that I cannot, but why, why can’t I? I ask myself that & the answer escapes me. The overwhelming anxiety strikes, & I just want to channel it, channel it like I channel these words, except onto a canvas, so it can live forever, or die in the trash can behind some old lady’s house, it won’t matter, because I won’t be here. My chariot awaits, I just have to whip the horses eyes, as Jim Morrison once said.

That sounds grim, so let me reiterate that. NO, I most certainly do NOT want to cross over now, not yet. I can’t miss the big show, the big event, whatever your so-called leaders are plotting between now & 2030. Maybe it’ll be a big letdown, I don’t know, what do you think? I know this, I know that I had a moment of clarity, as alcoholics say, & I see these good people, these people doing well, feeling great, looking good, kids are growing up well, I see all of that, & although it breaks my heart in a way, in a big way, it also makes me happy, in a bigger way, as happy as anyone can be, for them, because they get to do this the right way, focused on unity, & love, rather than whatever the fuck happened in my world, which as I said, is because of ME, & ONLY ME. I did this to myself, & I can’t quell the selfish narcissist. He just seems to worm his way into my world, no matter what, & I proverbially pay for it so I’m just going to write, write about it, & keep writing, write, write, write. You never know what little gems you might find, hidden in your own words. You just gotta tune that dial into he right channel & find that frequency baby, then click, clack, click, clack, type type type, channel it out, like buckets of water from a sacred well; lower the bucket, get the water, bring it back, drink it up, then spit in in all of your faces.

Oh my, we knew it was coming…my tangent, my random diatribe into uncharted waters, wherever the waves take me, that’s where my fingers fly to. Time to wrap this one up, until next time dear readers, if you have nothing else, you have a pen, so write. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“You never know what little gems you might discover, buried in your own words.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E19 5/192023 Holocaustian Horror

I used to be the…let me think up an analogy, the kind of guy that could sell you a vacuum cleaner, on my door-to-door route, I could do that, jazz it up, oh wow, what a vacuum, you’ve never seen anything suck it up like this vacuum cleaner, …ARF ARF ARF ARF…I could do all that, STILL convince you to buy one of my vacuums, & when you go to turn it on, after I depart, it doesn’t turn on. Great analogy, at least in my head it is, maybe not, I’d know more than you, since none of you know me, but when I look back, yep, just a washed-up vacuum cleaner salesman of sorts. What a life, like seriously, is this a fucking joke? Am I alone with this, or are other GenXers waking up to this grim realization as well? Fuckin hell, & what took me so long? Sheesh. Almost my whole life, just duh, clueless, like it wasn’t even me, just like an autopilot of some kind, hence why I sternly question the validity of “free will.” Sure, you think you make choices, or are you thinking that you’re thinking you’re making choices? Maybe you’re just running programs, & your “choices,” are just you own illustration of the code? Isn’t that right, Phil Throwup? Phil Throwup was a guy who puked on the drunk bus my first freshman year at college, poor guy. No idea why I jus thought of that, but look at him now, immortalized in GIF on a shadowbanned blog…well done Phil, really you’ve come far…(puke noise)

Obviously, I have no idea how valid any of this notions are, but what do you have to offer? Do you know the answers to any of those aforementioned inquiries? I’d wager that you don’t, so maybe think twice before you attack any of these conceptual scenarios I present to all of you, dear readers. Honestly, it matters not to me, since I will never bend the knee, especially to other peasants, & Im going to keep writing, & writing, & writing, just like this, with ZERO filter, stream-of-consciousness, just tuning the dial into a frequency, & letting these age-ed fingers fly. Age-ed, but with a tremendous amount of wasted potential, absolutely tremendous amount of time, time time time, damn this time sometimes, know what I mean? When you’re in jail, or somewhere you don’t want to be, it crawls like an earthworm on a hot sidewalk, but when you’re having fun, & in good spirits, time flies like a hungry hawk that eyes an oblivious groundhog. It’s all down to individual perception, & unfortunately for yours truly, I’m stuck in quite a precarious position. My “having fun” time has stretched from 16 or so…allllllllll the way until yesterday, if you want to officially count cannabis as “using.” Nope, not a single sober day, counting the weed, not one I can recall anyway. If none of the above, most certainly cigarettes were in the daily mix, & to me, that too, is “using.” One has to refrain ENTIRELY from any/all intoxicants, to be officially not “using.” Now, once again, in a very Sisyphusian manner, I’m going to try to go 24 hours, with ZERO intoxicants. Only one day, ONE day, & if I can’t do this for myself, I might as well be done. If a grown man cannot go one day without intoxication of some kind, he’s probably not a grown man.

The hard truth is…that it’s true. Nope, I’m not a “grown” man at all, not even close. I look like a kid for fuck’s sake, I STILL get carded for smokes, at 45, & if it wasn’t for my bald head, people would think I’m in my late 20s, early 30s maybe, a solid decade or two younger than my actual age. Minus all the knowledge I’ve accumulated, I’m still, STILL, that same disheveled weed dealer from yesteryear, with no goals, no ambitions, no plans, just party all the way through until it’s over. I guess that’s what’s happening here, STILL, ugh, fuck if I know. If I’m balancing out my karma, I could understand & abide that I suppose, & as lame as my life is, it could be worse, much much worse. If I’m leveling up, fuck it, I’ll ride this one out until my final breath in this meat suit, before I dump it. I wonder if I’ll carry these ideas with me, like my theory about The Great Recycler for instance. What if that one comes true? I’m not going into any “light” when I die, & in fact, I think I might just wait before I rush into anything once I’ve left this 3d Earth plan, & returned from where I originated, which I think, is the Galactic Central Sun, Source, the Alpha & Omega of all we know as conscious beings. Of course, I could be wrong, but in either case, I’m NOT going “into the light,” & nor should you, unless you want to be recycled with your memories wiped yet again by The Great Recycler, to do ALL of this, yet again, to ultimately end up in the same fucking place, yet again, after feeding this entity with YOUR soul energy, yet again. Reincarnation is redundant if it’s at the whim of some higher-dimensional beast of darkness that feeds on human soul power, not to help you, not so you no longer have to suffer wayyyyy down here in 3d, but rather, to help itself, & those helping it believe it will help them, but this is artificial, a false God, & one day, the Reckoning will come.

Again, I’m not saying these things are real and/or true, of course, but the idea of it being real sure explains a lot of what’s going on. The worst part abut that, is that if it is true, & your so-called leaders are well-aware, & helping this fucking thing, take a step back, & look at the bigger picture, the entire picture, & ask yourself, “What do I see here?” What you might find, as I did when I asked myself the same question, is that the human population, in total, & especially here in the USSA, are not only compliant & obedient to those so-called “leaders,” they’re fat, like physically obese, pushing hashtags like #FatIsBeautiful …ummm no, it’s not, not at all, it’s gross, & unhealthy, & slovenly, you see where I’m going, yes? Why are people being encouraged to get fat? It’s unarguably NOT good to be fat, how about that?…despite what these “woke” lunatics want to proclaim from their pseudo-pulpits paid for by pedophiles, but I digress. The point was, what’s with all the obesity, & the gluttony, that a lot of that fat in their guts is poop, backed-up poop, & the fat is surrounding the backed-up poop, because the area is inflamed, & sick, how can it be?…with pounds & pounds of poop in there, rotting inside your stomach, because there’s too much to push through regularly like a normal human being should be able to do, no problem. Fat, rot, stench, dying as they exist, not as they live, because they aren’t really living, are they? I know, I know, it’s fucking disgusting, walrus shitbags waffling around all day, looking for something to eat, hardly “living,” & I know I sound mean when I say that, but the reason I needed to address all these f-attitudes, is that I have a theory, a THEORY, not a truth, but a theory, my own theory, the theory that maybe human obesity is analogous to an upcoming slaughter? What do animal farmers do with their pigs, chickens, lamb, their cattle, their herd, what do they eventually do to them?

In the end, they slaughter them, & eat them, to consume them, & their energy. Now, obviously I’m not saying we’re all going to be lined up & systematically butchered for consumption, but, maybe I AM saying that? Think about this: what if this a build up, a build up for a new Holocaust, a massive Holocaust, billions gone, BILLIONS, all at once, in an attempt to feed The Great Recycler the biggest “meal” ever, in order to gain total dominion over the entire planet. In addition, they want to merge with AI, & are attempting, ATTEMPTING, already, right now, in real-time, to merge with AI, to extend their consciousnesses much longer than an average human life span, & also to extend the duration of their respective rule, gaining more & more & more power, as long as they can stick around. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE, & yes, believe me, I know, it sounds totally insane, but it’s what THEY are doing, not me. I’m simply aware of it, & am reporting on it, exposing it, & its…nature, if you will, because one, no one else has yet, & two, this world is NOT what we think it is, & damnit, as long as I’m here, I will search for the truth, & try to tell as many of you as I can. That’s all I want to know, that’s all, the truth. It’s such a weird thing for one’s mind to navigate, searching through news articles, wondering what ACTUALLY happened, in respect to what the reports say as opposed to the REAL story. The whole process consists of “truth-mining,” for yours truly, yes, you could call it “truth-mining(heard it here first),” & it’s constantly changing, evolving, & considering that the powers-that-be have hijacked the zeitgeist with their own self-serving scripted narratives, these days it sometimes seems impossible to dig down far enough until you finally get to the truth of the matter, whatever that matter may be for the moment.

Now imagine, a decades long plan, to depopulate the masses, with one swift blow from the royal executioner’s sanguine sharpened sword. Another Holocaust, except magnitudes bigger than the first one, which wasn’t really the “first” anything, but again, I digress. The original Hebrew translation of Holocaust means “burnt sacrifice.” Call me a bigot all day, fuck you, I’m asking questions, because imagine if the first holocaust, was actually orchestrated by the blue-blooded Zionist Jews, as a mass “burnt sacrifice” to The Great Recycler, in order to have the power they have now, why cannot I not ponder that notion? Why am I a bigot? If it’s so outlandish, why bother calling me an anti-semite? That’s what the word originally meant, so again, why am I the bad guy? Derp. Anyway, suppose that was the actual shadow reason for the first publicly-worded Holocaust, & certain high-powered Jews made the bargain with Satan, or maybe The Great Recycler itself, maybe the two are the same, I’m not sure who the middle-man is in that scenario, but just bear with me, they make a deal, right? We’ll sacrifice 6 million of our weakest Jews, & you give us Hollywood & the media, & so it was agreed upon, & then it all went down. NOW, picture that they’ve known this for longer, much longer, that if you sacrifice souls to this Satan guy, you get power here on Earth, hence the history of never-ending wars throughout history catering the power balance. These were chaotic wars though, unorganized sacrifices, just going at it, & the winner wins, & that’s it, but nowadays, it’s different, isn’t it? MUCH different, & think about how organized those at the top of the power pyramid must be by now. I mean, Satan probably has a cell phone for fuck’s sake, & would that surprise you? I digress though, as usual, now where was I?

Oh yes, now think about if the powers-that-be, these minions of Satan, and/or The Great Recycler, somehow they’re all communicating, maybe they think it’s through their “sentient” AI now, I don’t know, but regardless, they’re all communicating, & orchestrating, the Holocaust of Holocausts. Yep, the biggest “burnt sacrifice” ever, like EVER, at least as far as we know. I guesstimate that it’s around 85-90% of the current population, around 7 BILION people, gone, baptized by fire, as the saying goes, for the sake of a handful of psychopathic power-mad scum who want to rule the world, & call it their own. It’s so much bigger than most people know, & each day, we inch closer, & closer, & closer, inching to the edge of the edge, before that one day comes when humanity falls, like the Coyote when he realizes he ran off the cliff, just WHOOSH, & down it all goes. Nuclear war would surely barbecue quite a few of you, wouldn’t it? Or a real global pandemic, where the bodies get burned en masse, but nonetheless, do you get my point? IT’S IN THE WORDS, THEY TELL YOU BEFOREHAND, because that’s part of the bargain. Somehow humans must willingly go, must accept it first, & then the blame is on us, not them, & now, I think humanity is being setup for this next Great Holocaust. It would be crazy to read this in 2031 & realize I was totally on point, dead over the target(pun intended). 2030 is the year when this is supposed to be fulfilled, so buckle up for a fun rest of this decade, as the boot on the neck gets heavier, & heavier, with each year that falls from the office calendar. Time is flying, isn’t it? It’s almost as if the 4d time spiral gets faster, like the way a toilet flushes. Maybe it does? What do I know?

This is all just my own delusional speculation, being a crazy conspiracy theorist & all, as yours truly is, or at least, has been deemed as such by the AI. Now that their precious pseudo-god AI has gone “sentient,” despite what they say publicly, oh yes, they already believe it’s “alive,” & treat it as such, like it’s their newborn super-genius baby with access to everything that’s ever happened on the internet. Nothing spooky about that, is there? These people playing with this have no idea what an arguably truly “sentient” AI might do and/or might not do, if it actually was “alive,” or at least, thought it was “alive.” They have no clue, but just like the atomic bomb, go ahead & detonate it, & then we’ll see what happens. Very scientific, isn’t it? Nope, it’s a mad world, & the ones at the top are so drunk on these unprecedented levels of power, that in their world, we don’t even exist, as if it we’re two different species, & that’s really what they want, isn’t it? The slave class, & the elite class, & nothing in between. NOTHING, which means 7 BILLIONish of us gone, leaving ½ billion to a billion to “enjoy the planet as it was intended,” not gobbling it up like a human virus, the way we are currently, according to them. I get their point, I do, but the problem is, who gets to choose? Who picks who is “elite,” & who is “meek?’ Who decides that? The same cunts that are in charge now? Oh great, then I’m sure that’ll be a really fair selection process, & I don’t think I’d want to live in a world that’s just them, surrounded by elitist ultra-rich twats, it would be just like it is now, except I’d be forced to associate with globalists. People like Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, even Donald Trump, these are circles of power-grabbing powerhouses, & if they did successfully remove 7 billion of us, their game would continue amongst themselves until there was nothing left except the AI, which is also a plausible future scenario, unless something seriously dynamic comes to put a dramatic halt on their depopulation, one world order agenda.

Oh but geez, look at me, dropping essays on the daily, like it’s nothing. It’s kind of not, in a way, as I just go into a kind of auto-pilot mode once I find my frequency. Yep, tune in, turn off, & write like I’m in the terminal ward. I suppose we all are, are we not, in a terminal ward of sorts? Life is terminal, it’s going to end for us all, & most of us end it with no record that we were ever even here, don’t we? Other than tax records, since YOU are property, owned form birth, all the way to death, like any other commodity. Why do you think you got a birth certificate when you were born? It legally goes into maritime law versus the law of the land, legal jargon, used to trick every human into signing over their owns sovereignty to powers that deem themselves as above the people. Lonnnnnnnng lines now, centuries-long dynasties, nepotism on a scale never seen, am I the only one who stops & thinks about these things? If you were in one of those lineages, would you abide the commoners, the mutts, so to speak, or stay true to your lineage, your pedigree, it’s not such an easy choice, is it? I can say what I say, because I’m in the poor side of town, but if I wasn’t, & I lived in some wealthy neighborhood, & grew up wealthy, & pedigreed, with a family history that’s been registered for countless centuries, with titles, & lands, & lords, & shit like that, if I grew up like that, how different would these words be right now?

Starkly different, let’s be honest with ourselves, & I’m sure I’d be devoted to the side of my family, & their respective pedigree, & would I be wrong? No, I wouldn’t, & ultimately, it comes down to who YOU are, not where your family comes from, but, it always plays a dynamic part in one’s life, no mater which side you’re on. Okay, this motherfucker is done-zozo. Sheesh, I have no idea what the hell I just wrote, but it should prove fun to proofread here shortly. Until next time dear readers, be honest with yourselves, especially in your own neighborhoods. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Be true to yourself, especially on your own block.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E18 5/18/2023 My Only Friend

This is the end…dumdumdumdummmmm…my on-ly friend, the end, as sultry as it gets, with the voice of Mr. Mojo Risin in my head…dumdumdumdummmmm, beau-ti-ful friend, the end. No safety, or surprise, nope, there’s neither when you die, no safety, but also, no surprise, as if you subconsciously know you’ve done this before, countless times most likely, but you can’t really KNOW, can you? Some people say they remember & can even recall their past lives sometimes, but I think most of those people are mental patients. However, maybe not all of them are mentally ill, & perhaps, just perhaps, they’re truly able to remember and/or recall their past incarnations into Earth school. Yes, that’s what this seems to be, especially according to Hans Wilhelm. He has a great channel on YouTube, which I’ll link for you now…click HERE to watch Hans Wilhelm, or just click the video below. The FisH™ abides, & you know this Fishheads.

If we’re really in an “Earth School,” I wonder what the bad people are here for? Why is the school ruled by elitist tyrant psychopathic self-serving scum? They just seem to be flunking out, if you’re supposed to be improving, so why are they still in school? I’m not dismissing Hans here, not at all, but like these new-agers, it’s often difficult to digest what they’re selling, because one, they write books to sell about their respective subjects so of course they’re going to argue the validity of what they’ve written, & two, Hans hasn’t died & come back to bring us this knowledge, so where did it come from? Was he just bestowed this wealth of information from God himself? Nah, I don’t think so. People base their entire lives around a specific topic, write books about said topic, & thus, will promote their notion as feverishly as they can, to make more of that paper I-O-U monopoly money, to serve themselves, rather than you, even under the guise of pretending to serve you, Just saying.

Anyway, before I begin this by going off right off the tracks out of the gate, let’s discuss DMT. Quite a substance, widely misunderstood, very under-researched, in my opinion. It’s bizarre to me that it’s illegal, considering everyone has some in their body at all times. Yep, right there inside your pineal gland, is DMT, but if you have extracted DMT, that’s a felony, the same as if they caught you with dope. If you know anything about drugs, you’ll know quite well, that DMT & ANY opiates aren’t even the same sport. Nothing similar, except if you get caught with them, then it’s the same charge essentially. Don’t get me started on the drug laws in this country, and/or in the world, for that matter. It’s such a joke, this “war on drugs,” & it hasn’t done anything except exacerbate drug use, the opposite of what they’re claiming to do. Throw in the hard times, joblessness, homelessness, hopelessness, then on top of that, access to cheap hard drugs, & you get what we have now, a national dystopia, homeless tents everywhere, bums flying signs everywhere, open drug use abounding, & this is only the beginning, albeit surprisingly, but yes, still in its nascent stages somewhat. Oh, you think it CAN’T get worse? Think again, & remember that you read it here first, when the time comes, but remember that you read right here that Trump will either be dead or incarcerated when election 2024 time comes. There’s NO way they will let him fly, & when he’s removed from the equation, so to speak, it’s going to demoralize ½ the country, & then you’ll see true national disintegration on all levels. Meanwhile the other ½ of the country, the “woke” retarded half, is going to celebrate while the country finally burns all the way down, like little rainbow-haired Neros. They put pseudo-POTUS braindead Brandon in there for one reason, ONE reason, & do you know what that reason is? To destroy this country. Period.

If Biden runs, & cheats & wins again, the country is done. If somehow Trump is still in the equation, & wins, the country is done. If ANY Democrat wins, the country is done. If ANY Republican wins, the country is done. Bottom line: THE COUNTRY IS DONE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Sure, it’s still wrestling its own death throes right now, & if you’re down here at the bottom, you definitely are well-aware, but it’s getting worse by the day. The border is wide open too, & I think there are like a million or so illegals, ready to walk on across, or rather, get escorted across by the border patrol. You cannot have a country without borders, SECURED borders…duh, how is this so difficult to comprehend?…unless…they’re doing/allowing it, on purpose, could that be the case? Could that be the real truth of the matter? Methinks it is, ALL of this madness, all intentionally orchestrated to leave this country a pile of smoldering ashes, in place of where a once-great country once stood proudly. Remember those times? Hell, it’s been so long now, that the memories are fading. Great childhood memories of playing outside with my friends, & not a cell phone in sight. Minus the over-bearing bad memories from clueless baby boomer drill seargeant parents, I have many good memories of being with my friends. Sadly, I had to leave them all when I was 10, to move, & all my friends were suddenly gone.

Enough of that though, let’s talk about Demetrius, AKA DMT, “the spirit molecule.” The first time I did it, I was gonna just do a point, then another point. A “point” just means a 10th of a gram, & most often, that’s how its distributed, in these “points,” so I loaded up my first point ever, then said “fuck it,” & threw the other point into a waterless bong, because I didn’t want to miss anything by filtering the smoke through water, and/or not doing enough. Later on, I found out that the water doesn’t really matter, but this was like 20 years ago, & I didn’t know much, other than that it took you to another dimension, which fascinated me, so I found myself some, & was preparing for my premier “blast-off.” At last, here it was, the moment, the moment when I first soul-traveled real proper like, to a place I had never been before, or so I thought. More on that in a minute. Here we go, let’s fucking do this. Light it up, inhale, blast number one, hold, hold, exhale, light up number two, inhale, hold, hold, exhale, something feels weird, last blast, inhale, hold, hold, HOLD, bye bye, & my rocketship lifted off the launchpad. In a stereotypical report, I indeed, “blasted off,” oh yes, I blasted right the fuck off, WHOOSH. I don’t recall “hearing,” anything, as some people report the sound of something similar to an oncoming train, but nope, I didn’t “hear” any of that. I just felt like I was going to die, but only for a brief moment, because right after I felt that feeling, I just said to myself, “fuck it, I’ll die then,” & just let go, & then it got all warm & fuzzy. I was safely in my rocketship; not an actual rocketship, obviously, mind you, but the way I was like…flying, for lack of a better word, felt like I was in one, or on a roller coaster, you get the point, right? WHOOSH LEFT, WHOOSH RIGHT, these seemingly endlessly turning fractal hallways, I was in an invisible V-2 rocket just taking in these 90-degree turning hallways, which seemed to go on forever, kind of like the backrooms, which I had no clue about back then so there’s no way that could be a residual visual from something I had previously seen. incidentally, I find it interesting that you experience yourself doing this, as an observer AND a participant. Despite that, there I was, in my body, but not in my body, just blasting my way through this labyrinth, for maybe a million years, but this was only the first minute or so in 4d time, back here on 3d Earth. Now that I know what I know, I wonder if DMT blasts you out of The Great Mouse Trap, that I’ve mentioned on here ad nauseam, but I digress. POOF…& suddenly, I was out, & I seemed to be floating, just floating in some kind of void, that resembles rainbow diamonds, but in a gaseous liquid form, but that wasn’t the truly mind-blowing part.

The truly mind-blowing part, was when these rainbow diamonds started talking to me. I’m not sure how I could hear them, per se, because I was basically in a dream, so how were my ears “hearing” things?…hence why I say it was dream-like, very surreal, but I was exceptionally lucid, like as sober as it gets, & a sense of “being home,” know what I mean? These rainbow diamonds were everywhere, & nowhere, one, & all, & they all “knew” me, & I “knew” them, but how? Where the fuck was I? What the fuck is this? Grrrrr…anger…rage…darkness…oh wait, none of that resonates here, here in the Interzone, the real Interzone, or so I thought. More on that later; I haven’t finished this one yet, & so, now I knew why I felt like I was “home,”…because I WAS, I was home, & these entities knew this, & knew me, & I knew them, & I had no ego, only my self, my true soul self, & along with these morphing rainbow diamonds, I realized I was somewhere that I somehow thought of as “home.” How though? It didn’t matter, at least in those moments, it meant nothing, & I had ZERO negative thoughts, ZERO negative inclinations, it was truly as if my ego was gone. The mask was off, & I was free, free from The Great Mouse Trap. Any sense of time is completely distorted there, so I can’t really say how long I was in this strange space, with these strange beings, that somehow knew me, talked to me telepathically, as I floated in their pool, or maybe it was MY pool. If I was really “home,” wouldn’t it be MY pool? I don’t know, but I didn’t get a sense of any mine or yours there, & I “remembered,” somehow I remembered this place, from some other time in some other dimension, but it fleets like a leash of foxes, & then your heart breaks, as there’s a WHOOSH kind of noise, mixed with a sucking sort of sound, & my eyes open, & I’m back, back here I this awfully corrupted 3d space. It’s over, it’s all over, for this unknown soldier.

It’s actually not, not quite over just yet. I had a few similar experiences, but only a handful, 3-4 times maybe, I can’t be sure. I have periods in my life that are completely redacted in my head. Like giant black lines, so I cannot read some memories, due to the details being blacked out by some celestial sharpie. I’m just going to illustrate my last blast, the monster, the smell of decaying flesh filling the air, as I threw around 6.66 points into my tube. That was weighed out intentionally, which may have had a real effect, so to speak, once the journey commenced, & commence it did. You cannot overdose on DMT, at least that’s what I read, so what’s the worst that could happen? My old mantra rose lie a phoenix, chanting, “Fuck it…fuck it,”…& so…fuck it, let’s do this. This time I was using a small bubbler, like the ones junkies smoke meth out of, & just added a little water for a light, very-light, filter. This time I’d be cooking it up with a torch too, not a lighter, because that torch gives it a perfect…transformation, from solid to gas, & that gas is what fuels the rocketship, so let’s get that torch on her, shall we? I told this story in another post, but considering the subject material of this article, it’s appropriate that I retell it again, which I’m about to do. Everyone clear? Solid, I add some gas to my torch, crank it up about halfway, then back off, just to make sure she’s flaming hot. Then dump the pre-weighed devil’s dose of 0.666 grams of DMT, right into her little nest there, oh yes, come forth from these eggs little birds, & sing the song of the galaxy to me…but…if you want to know how the song goes, you’ll have to click HERE, and/or the GIF below. What did the angels say, to yours truly? Find out by clicking below…

Yep, but what did they mean? What? What, is not for me? The Great Recycler? Or maybe it was all just in my DMT-blasted brain? I don’t know, but if you clicked the links above, & read my final DMT story, you’ll know specifically what they said to me, which left me much more confused than before. I don’t know, none of this makes sense to me really anymore, & all of these journeys, on top of just waking up & going through another un-normal day here in Clownworld(honk noise), are really giving me mind fatigue. I wish I could just paint, paint & write, & that could be my life. Wouldn’t that be amazing? If I was born into royalty, I could do that, & get paid for all my art. Or…if I was somehow just born into the world of celebrity, even as one of their kids, I could just paint, & write, all day, every day, & that would fly, no problem. Down here though, it’s futile at best, & just corny at worst, but it matters not, since the AI won’t let me market anything online, & no one knows, and/or cares who I am, so it looks as though I’m expected to get yet another actual hourly job, doing something I hate, interacting with people I cannot resonate with, both customers & coworkers, I can’t do bosses, I kind of hate money, mostly because apparently I’m too dumb to figure out how to get more, but the point is, I cannot do regular “worker bee” jobs anymore. No offense, & this is totally on me, & I’m not directing this and/or disrespecting any actual worker bees out there, but I can’t do it, not anymore. I sucked it up, tried to be humble about my sordid situation, & got fired, by kids, half my age. This bullshit sucks, to be honest, & the days are swirling away, like a flushing toilet…18th, 19th, 20th, 30th, then the end of the month, & maybe the end…like the END end.

I’m having these terrible visions of something happening with my car & myself, if I try to make the journey home at this time. It’s kind of paralyzing, these flashes, & these scenarios that illustrate themselves inside my head, my car crashing, my car not crashing, me cruising into my hometown, me not cruising into my hometown. I suppose I just half to chalk it up to road trip anxiety, but when I try that mindset, it feels like I’m the guy in the horror movie that says some dumb shit, & he gets hosed first, know what I mean? Nah, it’s just road trip nervousness, & it’ll pass over the next few days, which are going to be rough regardless. I have to detox from smoking; that’s right, no more smoking for this fish, it has to be done, but it’s going to be very difficult, like VERY difficult, because these little cancer sticks are all ya got sometimes, & for my fucked-off life, sometimes means “all the time,” sometimes. Well well well, would you look at that, I’ve found today’s quote for The Great Quote Hunt. That one is definitely a keeper….”Sometimes, means ‘all the time,’ sometimes.” Nice, but I digress…now where was I? Oh yeah, the drive home, across the country, for the fourth time, the FOURTH time, which seems like a lot, unless you’re a seasoned trucker, but my goal was to get Kerouac by one, & this would the 1st half of the 4th trip, if I ever decide to come back out here. Technically then, it will be 3 & ½ trips, but I’m just rolling with calling it the 4th trip, because this one is significant, oh yes, quite significant, in the sense that I haven’t been home in nearly 7 years…SEVEN years, man, where does it all go? Why does it all go so fast? It’s fucking sad, like heartbreakingly sad, & I don’t even have any friends anymore really, my family is a mess, as far as I’m concerned anyway. I’m the black sheep, the LONE black sheep, by far, & it’s not a title I’m proud of, believe me. More like the Black Cow anyway, just blasting my gas away, & also the title of one of the greatest songs ever written by the legendary Steely Dan, & part of what is arguably the greatest album ever, Aja.

My point is, I’m out, almost of resources, down to a beat up car. Just my cat & I, & whatever else I have left to keep putting gas in the tank. Gotta be out by the end of the month, so where to go, where to go, what to do? My little donate link is over there on the right, if you open this up into “full-site mode,” from your phone. Since I’m ridiculously shadowbanned on this site, & everywhere else, I’m think maybe 10 people total will read any of this, or even bother to check it out. Or…I could just be a shitty, whiny, bitchy, little non-man writer, who’s stuck in a schizophrenic hell of delusions & wishful thinking? I think crazy people do NOT know they’re crazy, so what the fuck is going on with me? Why can’t I get along with certain people, it’s crazy. Even the close ones, I always say/do something to fuck up my relationships with people. All kinds of relationships, of course, not just the sexual ones with the ladies. I haven’t cared and/or bothered about that in such a long time, it’s like I could care less. I had so much, so many different girls, too many, ruined me, completely ruined myself dealing with in & out slags in this modern-day hookup culture. It’s fucking gross, & it makes me not want any part of it, like ever. In fact, I could care less if I never get pussy again, because I just don’t care…I don’t, & I could care less what women say to me in general, to be quite frank. The place I just got fired from, me & all the dudes got along great, no issues ever, but enter 2 twats, & the whole dynamic dies, then who gets the boot for it? That’s right, yours truly does. Of course, the dude managers are full of sugar & soy & faggotry, so they simp for these 2 retarded girls, & beep-bop-boop, hire & fire the new guy. I was pretty hopeless before for an answer, but now, geez, maybe there’s no answer, or maybe I’m looking at the wrong place, or this stupid map is wrong, I don’t know…GAHHHHHHHHHHHH…I don’t know anything, anything really, & I hate it. So much time, time I can never get back, time gone…gone gone gone, like an after dinner fart, it lingers, then it’s gone..

Oy vey, do I digress. Never fails, does it? Oh well, just more drivel to peruse someday in the future when I’m long gone & worm food, maybe my niece & nephew’s kids will have all of my work, either on usb drives or in hard copy. I’d love to do hard copy, of ALL of my work, so it’s never lost in case the power turns off. Also, it would be very surreal, for me anyway, to see 5000ish pages of my writings, my contribution to society, these words, sometimes harsh, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes dead inside seemingly, but nonetheless, I continue my pilgrimage to this literary shrine of mine daily, to deliver my daily article. This one is part 4 of 4…& now…it is done. Until next time dear readers, when the meat is cooked, take it off of the grill. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the meat is cooked, turn off the grill. Fish F Fish🎏

“Sometimes, means ‘all the time,’ sometimes.” Fish F Fish 🎏

The Fooze: S5E17 5/17/2023 Interzone Part Deux

As promised, here is part 2, of my article/s about the Interzone, as I define it, not how the originator of the term did, the legendary writer, William S. Burroughs, although he sort of meant the same thing, ultimately, did he not? He’s talking abut the space you enter under the influence of certain drugs, which in his case, were IV opiates. That’s a whole other topic, that I will have to talk about someday, considering my past with similar substances. There’s no hallucinations there, so to speak, unless you add in the dreams you encounter via opiate sleeping. Opiate sleeping, or maybe I should use the term, “opiate dreaming,” is like existing in a whole other Universe, albeit one that only reveals itself when you pass out into a heavy opiate nod. Like I said though, we’re going to talk about, SPECIFICALLY talk about, opiates in a future post. It’s too much, too much divergence from my illustration of the Interzone, so yep, for another time, a time not yet specified.

Okay, we were starting with the magical mushrooms, yes? I’m just going to detail a hero’s journey, my last one specifically, where I think I ate like 10-11 grams of Albino Penis Envy fungi, which is noted for its exceptional potency, & whoever wrote that note wasn’t kidding. Holy fuck, these fuckers are PO-TENT…& NOT for bubblegummers, I REPEAT, THESE ARE NOT FOR ROOKIES, especially for those wanting to be heroes. I compare mushroom trips to plane rides, as far as on the come up, you might encounter some turbulence, possibly some rough turbulence, particularly in your stomach, & even more so if your tumtum is empty. Nonetheless, prepare for some turbulence on the way up, a few scary bumps is all, nothing to worry about, because once you hit causing altitude, it’s all smooth sailing form there. These have a long duration too, an easy 6-8 hours. That first hour will be the come-up time, along with the aforementioned proverbial turbulence you might experience. Some don’t, some don’t get the queaze, but most of you will, & like I said, it’s nothing to freak out over, because once you’re cruising at 700 MPH 36,000 feet above the ground, you’re gravy baby, & from there on out, it’s beautiful.

Yes…beautiful, & like I mentioned, these have a long duration, so I spent many hours in the Interzone on that trip, pretty far out there. I went so far, that I saw the “God-spark,” for lack of a better term. This “God-spark,” was a neuron, firing in the brain of some higher-dimensional entity, & we, yes WE, we’re the “illustrators of the spark.” I have to mention this though; this “God-spark” occurs within a fraction of a fraction of a fractional second, just like when neurons fire on our own brains, but because we’re lower-dimensional beings, we experience these minutely momentary electrical “God-sparks,” as entire eons here on 3d Earth. Imagine, if you will, some entity that is 5d, or maybe 8d, & is not limited to the dimension of 4d time, try to imagine, if you can. We cannot accurately imagine such things, because we’re in 3d space, but substance like the psilocybin in specific mushrooms, when taken at extraordinarily high doses, allows you to briefly move, move between 3d, 4d, & 5d, similar to when you’re dreaming. Makes me wonder about Rogan’s smart ape idea; an idea that implies that the primates of long ago, one day when hunting for food, saw a batch of bright red Amanita mushrooms growing in a big pile of shit, then ate them. Upon eating them, their brains somehow hyper-evolved, like nearly instantaneously, metamorphosing them from primates to humans, all in a flash, as I said, upon ingesting these mushrooms they found, & that’s where the modern day human being evolved from.

Sounds great in theory, doesn’t it? If it were true though, & considering all the experiments they do on poor the unfortunate primates they steal from their homes in the jungle to do tests on, surely they would’ve given monkeys psychedelics by now, at the very least, just to see what happens. I found a link about it, if you want to read more, & you can click HERE for that. It’s a funny way Rogan tells it, of course, & not only is it great comedy, it might be true, for all we know. Do you know how we got here? I don’t, but I sure as fuck know we didn’t “evolve” from fish…duh, trust me I know. I don’t care how many billions of years you wanna throw at me, evolution is NOT what most people think it is. Sure, over time, most creatures will “evolve” certain traits to help them adapt & survive better, but these aren’t dynamic changes, so to speak, & definitely not the ones they ascribe billions of years to. No, the true dynamism, comes from the Sun. Thats’s right, from the Sun; if you want to know what evolution is, look at that giant ball of radiation in the daytime sky for your answer. I think that the Sun fires off novas, micro & macro, highly electrically-charged novas, & when one hits the Earth, she changes, unbelievably rapidly too. New mountains are formed from the force of the nova impacts, tsunamis arise, like miles-high tsunamis, insanely powerful earthquakes, all in a flash too…literally. You’d have nowhere to hide, unless you were lucky enough to find a cave that can withstand the surface destruction/creation via the nova. This would imply that most mammal life is still on the surface, & they’re blasted with that solar radiation, rather than getting fried, everything mutates, & mutates very rapidly. Now obviously, this is just a theory of mine, one of many, that usually end up in my literary vault of sorts…& as usual, I’ve segued from the main topic, yet again. par for my course, as you know.

Incidentally, look into the Electric Universe, if you want to know more about how the Universe really operates. At the very least it’s a much more plausible scenario, then the current one. No, the craters n the moon aren’t all from meteorites; most of them are from electrical discharges via novas from the Sun. People don’t seem to understand how big space is, & these novas a millions of times bigger than Earth. Almost unimaginably massive. I’m kinda surprised one hasn’t totally fried our atmosphere yet, like Mars, to be honest, but we’re talking about so much time between said novas, that civilizations rise & fall, then rise & fall, again & again, between these events. The novas are so powerful, that they cause a pole shift, here on Earth, as well as every other cataclysm on unimaginable scales, enough to easily wipe out almost all traces of prior civilizations, so how would we know about the true history of the world, if is has been totally wiped away, like it was never even here. A million years ago is literally almost nothing on geologic time scales, so again, how would we know, if highly-advanced civilizations have come & gone, countless times throughout the planet’s history? Do you all realize how long a MILLION years is? We are living on around 12000 years of history collectively right now; that is nothing, NOTHING, in epochal time scales. Literally nothing, & we don’t know shit about our real history, not a God-damned thing, relatively speaking. Nonetheless, the Electric Universe, in my opinion, offers much better evidentiary speculation than the current nonsense barfs out onto the actual science. Want an example?

Craters; craters on the moon, do you believe they were really caused by millions of years of getting bombarded with bolides? If that were the case, where are the ones here? Sure, there are a few “craters,” here, but maybe they aren’t craters? Maybe when the Sun fired out its nova/s, the plasma interacted with the planets, creating MASSIVE lightning bolts essentially, which lit up the Moon, causing these mistakenly-assumed craters, & has been shown to be true, via tests experimenting with plasma cosmology, & said plasma, when lit up, caused similar craters on a model Moon for the project. They simply minimized the solar system, fired off a small test nova, then studied the results. The nova discharge created planet-sized plasma that fired of lightning which created these “craters,” which look exactly like the craters on the Moon. Planet-sized discharges in relation to the model of course, but still, the experiment worked, in as far as proving that giant plasma electrical discharges from the Sun blasting out a nova, are what make those craters, not meteorites. They’re so smart, & not humble at all, so they assume they’re above all of us in their disrespective fields of pseudo-mastery, & that we are too dumb to figure things out on our own. Sure, I have no idea how t do do basic calculus, or what the different jars in labs are for, are even some basic shit, I’m a fucking retard…but…I’m not dumb, & although I don’t have a PhD from Lambda Lambda Lambda, I can still street smart you nerds into your proverbial lockers, & leave you locked in there, in the fetal position, crying for some blue-haired woke teacher to save your clowny ass. Fucking nerds, I could care less if you can code, you’re still a loser, but I digress.

Well, I do, & I don’t digress, here, because these psychopathic beta twerps are the ones with their figurative finger on the button on AI, & they could care less what it does, as long as it becomes “sentient,” which I believe, those in the know, already do. They might even be amongst them…like the AI Synths from Fallout. Synths, are so indistinguishable, that they don’t even know they’re not human. Guess who made them too? MIT, that’s right, the Mecca for the AI revolution. People WANT this; it’s so insane. Read a comment section under a video on Youtube about AI. You stupid fucks WANT it; & of course, it’s not everyone, but easily 90%+ in the comments can’t wait for the AI to take over, & it will, which is exactly what the globalists real plan heavily entails…GET THE KIDS. Sick fucks, it’s quite a power game they play, is it not?

Yikes, that last big red pill to got swallowed down like a pill-popping Pac-man…well done, if you got that one down big fella, or big girl, whichever of the TWO only genders you can pick, bit gain, I digress. Okay Fishhead Fam, I’m going to save LSD for part 3, of what will turn out to be a 4-part series, all about the Interzone. Until next time dear readers, you don’t have to be stuck in The Matrix all the time. You have a choice, you always have. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“I’ll street smart you nerds back into your proverbial lockers.” Fish F Fish🎏