The Fooze: S5E19 5/192023 Holocaustian Horror

I used to be the…let me think up an analogy, the kind of guy that could sell you a vacuum cleaner, on my door-to-door route, I could do that, jazz it up, oh wow, what a vacuum, you’ve never seen anything suck it up like this vacuum cleaner, …ARF ARF ARF ARF…I could do all that, STILL convince you to buy one of my vacuums, & when you go to turn it on, after I depart, it doesn’t turn on. Great analogy, at least in my head it is, maybe not, I’d know more than you, since none of you know me, but when I look back, yep, just a washed-up vacuum cleaner salesman of sorts. What a life, like seriously, is this a fucking joke? Am I alone with this, or are other GenXers waking up to this grim realization as well? Fuckin hell, & what took me so long? Sheesh. Almost my whole life, just duh, clueless, like it wasn’t even me, just like an autopilot of some kind, hence why I sternly question the validity of “free will.” Sure, you think you make choices, or are you thinking that you’re thinking you’re making choices? Maybe you’re just running programs, & your “choices,” are just you own illustration of the code? Isn’t that right, Phil Throwup? Phil Throwup was a guy who puked on the drunk bus my first freshman year at college, poor guy. No idea why I jus thought of that, but look at him now, immortalized in GIF on a shadowbanned blog…well done Phil, really you’ve come far…(puke noise)

Obviously, I have no idea how valid any of this notions are, but what do you have to offer? Do you know the answers to any of those aforementioned inquiries? I’d wager that you don’t, so maybe think twice before you attack any of these conceptual scenarios I present to all of you, dear readers. Honestly, it matters not to me, since I will never bend the knee, especially to other peasants, & Im going to keep writing, & writing, & writing, just like this, with ZERO filter, stream-of-consciousness, just tuning the dial into a frequency, & letting these age-ed fingers fly. Age-ed, but with a tremendous amount of wasted potential, absolutely tremendous amount of time, time time time, damn this time sometimes, know what I mean? When you’re in jail, or somewhere you don’t want to be, it crawls like an earthworm on a hot sidewalk, but when you’re having fun, & in good spirits, time flies like a hungry hawk that eyes an oblivious groundhog. It’s all down to individual perception, & unfortunately for yours truly, I’m stuck in quite a precarious position. My “having fun” time has stretched from 16 or so…allllllllll the way until yesterday, if you want to officially count cannabis as “using.” Nope, not a single sober day, counting the weed, not one I can recall anyway. If none of the above, most certainly cigarettes were in the daily mix, & to me, that too, is “using.” One has to refrain ENTIRELY from any/all intoxicants, to be officially not “using.” Now, once again, in a very Sisyphusian manner, I’m going to try to go 24 hours, with ZERO intoxicants. Only one day, ONE day, & if I can’t do this for myself, I might as well be done. If a grown man cannot go one day without intoxication of some kind, he’s probably not a grown man.

The hard truth is…that it’s true. Nope, I’m not a “grown” man at all, not even close. I look like a kid for fuck’s sake, I STILL get carded for smokes, at 45, & if it wasn’t for my bald head, people would think I’m in my late 20s, early 30s maybe, a solid decade or two younger than my actual age. Minus all the knowledge I’ve accumulated, I’m still, STILL, that same disheveled weed dealer from yesteryear, with no goals, no ambitions, no plans, just party all the way through until it’s over. I guess that’s what’s happening here, STILL, ugh, fuck if I know. If I’m balancing out my karma, I could understand & abide that I suppose, & as lame as my life is, it could be worse, much much worse. If I’m leveling up, fuck it, I’ll ride this one out until my final breath in this meat suit, before I dump it. I wonder if I’ll carry these ideas with me, like my theory about The Great Recycler for instance. What if that one comes true? I’m not going into any “light” when I die, & in fact, I think I might just wait before I rush into anything once I’ve left this 3d Earth plan, & returned from where I originated, which I think, is the Galactic Central Sun, Source, the Alpha & Omega of all we know as conscious beings. Of course, I could be wrong, but in either case, I’m NOT going “into the light,” & nor should you, unless you want to be recycled with your memories wiped yet again by The Great Recycler, to do ALL of this, yet again, to ultimately end up in the same fucking place, yet again, after feeding this entity with YOUR soul energy, yet again. Reincarnation is redundant if it’s at the whim of some higher-dimensional beast of darkness that feeds on human soul power, not to help you, not so you no longer have to suffer wayyyyy down here in 3d, but rather, to help itself, & those helping it believe it will help them, but this is artificial, a false God, & one day, the Reckoning will come.

Again, I’m not saying these things are real and/or true, of course, but the idea of it being real sure explains a lot of what’s going on. The worst part abut that, is that if it is true, & your so-called leaders are well-aware, & helping this fucking thing, take a step back, & look at the bigger picture, the entire picture, & ask yourself, “What do I see here?” What you might find, as I did when I asked myself the same question, is that the human population, in total, & especially here in the USSA, are not only compliant & obedient to those so-called “leaders,” they’re fat, like physically obese, pushing hashtags like #FatIsBeautiful …ummm no, it’s not, not at all, it’s gross, & unhealthy, & slovenly, you see where I’m going, yes? Why are people being encouraged to get fat? It’s unarguably NOT good to be fat, how about that?…despite what these “woke” lunatics want to proclaim from their pseudo-pulpits paid for by pedophiles, but I digress. The point was, what’s with all the obesity, & the gluttony, that a lot of that fat in their guts is poop, backed-up poop, & the fat is surrounding the backed-up poop, because the area is inflamed, & sick, how can it be?…with pounds & pounds of poop in there, rotting inside your stomach, because there’s too much to push through regularly like a normal human being should be able to do, no problem. Fat, rot, stench, dying as they exist, not as they live, because they aren’t really living, are they? I know, I know, it’s fucking disgusting, walrus shitbags waffling around all day, looking for something to eat, hardly “living,” & I know I sound mean when I say that, but the reason I needed to address all these f-attitudes, is that I have a theory, a THEORY, not a truth, but a theory, my own theory, the theory that maybe human obesity is analogous to an upcoming slaughter? What do animal farmers do with their pigs, chickens, lamb, their cattle, their herd, what do they eventually do to them?

In the end, they slaughter them, & eat them, to consume them, & their energy. Now, obviously I’m not saying we’re all going to be lined up & systematically butchered for consumption, but, maybe I AM saying that? Think about this: what if this a build up, a build up for a new Holocaust, a massive Holocaust, billions gone, BILLIONS, all at once, in an attempt to feed The Great Recycler the biggest “meal” ever, in order to gain total dominion over the entire planet. In addition, they want to merge with AI, & are attempting, ATTEMPTING, already, right now, in real-time, to merge with AI, to extend their consciousnesses much longer than an average human life span, & also to extend the duration of their respective rule, gaining more & more & more power, as long as they can stick around. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE, & yes, believe me, I know, it sounds totally insane, but it’s what THEY are doing, not me. I’m simply aware of it, & am reporting on it, exposing it, & its…nature, if you will, because one, no one else has yet, & two, this world is NOT what we think it is, & damnit, as long as I’m here, I will search for the truth, & try to tell as many of you as I can. That’s all I want to know, that’s all, the truth. It’s such a weird thing for one’s mind to navigate, searching through news articles, wondering what ACTUALLY happened, in respect to what the reports say as opposed to the REAL story. The whole process consists of “truth-mining,” for yours truly, yes, you could call it “truth-mining(heard it here first),” & it’s constantly changing, evolving, & considering that the powers-that-be have hijacked the zeitgeist with their own self-serving scripted narratives, these days it sometimes seems impossible to dig down far enough until you finally get to the truth of the matter, whatever that matter may be for the moment.

Now imagine, a decades long plan, to depopulate the masses, with one swift blow from the royal executioner’s sanguine sharpened sword. Another Holocaust, except magnitudes bigger than the first one, which wasn’t really the “first” anything, but again, I digress. The original Hebrew translation of Holocaust means “burnt sacrifice.” Call me a bigot all day, fuck you, I’m asking questions, because imagine if the first holocaust, was actually orchestrated by the blue-blooded Zionist Jews, as a mass “burnt sacrifice” to The Great Recycler, in order to have the power they have now, why cannot I not ponder that notion? Why am I a bigot? If it’s so outlandish, why bother calling me an anti-semite? That’s what the word originally meant, so again, why am I the bad guy? Derp. Anyway, suppose that was the actual shadow reason for the first publicly-worded Holocaust, & certain high-powered Jews made the bargain with Satan, or maybe The Great Recycler itself, maybe the two are the same, I’m not sure who the middle-man is in that scenario, but just bear with me, they make a deal, right? We’ll sacrifice 6 million of our weakest Jews, & you give us Hollywood & the media, & so it was agreed upon, & then it all went down. NOW, picture that they’ve known this for longer, much longer, that if you sacrifice souls to this Satan guy, you get power here on Earth, hence the history of never-ending wars throughout history catering the power balance. These were chaotic wars though, unorganized sacrifices, just going at it, & the winner wins, & that’s it, but nowadays, it’s different, isn’t it? MUCH different, & think about how organized those at the top of the power pyramid must be by now. I mean, Satan probably has a cell phone for fuck’s sake, & would that surprise you? I digress though, as usual, now where was I?

Oh yes, now think about if the powers-that-be, these minions of Satan, and/or The Great Recycler, somehow they’re all communicating, maybe they think it’s through their “sentient” AI now, I don’t know, but regardless, they’re all communicating, & orchestrating, the Holocaust of Holocausts. Yep, the biggest “burnt sacrifice” ever, like EVER, at least as far as we know. I guesstimate that it’s around 85-90% of the current population, around 7 BILION people, gone, baptized by fire, as the saying goes, for the sake of a handful of psychopathic power-mad scum who want to rule the world, & call it their own. It’s so much bigger than most people know, & each day, we inch closer, & closer, & closer, inching to the edge of the edge, before that one day comes when humanity falls, like the Coyote when he realizes he ran off the cliff, just WHOOSH, & down it all goes. Nuclear war would surely barbecue quite a few of you, wouldn’t it? Or a real global pandemic, where the bodies get burned en masse, but nonetheless, do you get my point? IT’S IN THE WORDS, THEY TELL YOU BEFOREHAND, because that’s part of the bargain. Somehow humans must willingly go, must accept it first, & then the blame is on us, not them, & now, I think humanity is being setup for this next Great Holocaust. It would be crazy to read this in 2031 & realize I was totally on point, dead over the target(pun intended). 2030 is the year when this is supposed to be fulfilled, so buckle up for a fun rest of this decade, as the boot on the neck gets heavier, & heavier, with each year that falls from the office calendar. Time is flying, isn’t it? It’s almost as if the 4d time spiral gets faster, like the way a toilet flushes. Maybe it does? What do I know?

This is all just my own delusional speculation, being a crazy conspiracy theorist & all, as yours truly is, or at least, has been deemed as such by the AI. Now that their precious pseudo-god AI has gone “sentient,” despite what they say publicly, oh yes, they already believe it’s “alive,” & treat it as such, like it’s their newborn super-genius baby with access to everything that’s ever happened on the internet. Nothing spooky about that, is there? These people playing with this have no idea what an arguably truly “sentient” AI might do and/or might not do, if it actually was “alive,” or at least, thought it was “alive.” They have no clue, but just like the atomic bomb, go ahead & detonate it, & then we’ll see what happens. Very scientific, isn’t it? Nope, it’s a mad world, & the ones at the top are so drunk on these unprecedented levels of power, that in their world, we don’t even exist, as if it we’re two different species, & that’s really what they want, isn’t it? The slave class, & the elite class, & nothing in between. NOTHING, which means 7 BILLIONish of us gone, leaving ½ billion to a billion to “enjoy the planet as it was intended,” not gobbling it up like a human virus, the way we are currently, according to them. I get their point, I do, but the problem is, who gets to choose? Who picks who is “elite,” & who is “meek?’ Who decides that? The same cunts that are in charge now? Oh great, then I’m sure that’ll be a really fair selection process, & I don’t think I’d want to live in a world that’s just them, surrounded by elitist ultra-rich twats, it would be just like it is now, except I’d be forced to associate with globalists. People like Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, even Donald Trump, these are circles of power-grabbing powerhouses, & if they did successfully remove 7 billion of us, their game would continue amongst themselves until there was nothing left except the AI, which is also a plausible future scenario, unless something seriously dynamic comes to put a dramatic halt on their depopulation, one world order agenda.

Oh but geez, look at me, dropping essays on the daily, like it’s nothing. It’s kind of not, in a way, as I just go into a kind of auto-pilot mode once I find my frequency. Yep, tune in, turn off, & write like I’m in the terminal ward. I suppose we all are, are we not, in a terminal ward of sorts? Life is terminal, it’s going to end for us all, & most of us end it with no record that we were ever even here, don’t we? Other than tax records, since YOU are property, owned form birth, all the way to death, like any other commodity. Why do you think you got a birth certificate when you were born? It legally goes into maritime law versus the law of the land, legal jargon, used to trick every human into signing over their owns sovereignty to powers that deem themselves as above the people. Lonnnnnnnng lines now, centuries-long dynasties, nepotism on a scale never seen, am I the only one who stops & thinks about these things? If you were in one of those lineages, would you abide the commoners, the mutts, so to speak, or stay true to your lineage, your pedigree, it’s not such an easy choice, is it? I can say what I say, because I’m in the poor side of town, but if I wasn’t, & I lived in some wealthy neighborhood, & grew up wealthy, & pedigreed, with a family history that’s been registered for countless centuries, with titles, & lands, & lords, & shit like that, if I grew up like that, how different would these words be right now?

Starkly different, let’s be honest with ourselves, & I’m sure I’d be devoted to the side of my family, & their respective pedigree, & would I be wrong? No, I wouldn’t, & ultimately, it comes down to who YOU are, not where your family comes from, but, it always plays a dynamic part in one’s life, no mater which side you’re on. Okay, this motherfucker is done-zozo. Sheesh, I have no idea what the hell I just wrote, but it should prove fun to proofread here shortly. Until next time dear readers, be honest with yourselves, especially in your own neighborhoods. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Be true to yourself, especially on your own block.” Fish F Fish🎏

UFO Shenaniganery


Wow, these narrative pushers have no boundaries, do they? Every day, some new script, & somehow it gets more bizarre as these days tick-tock on by. When do we hit critical mass, when the liquid turns to gas? As a global society, experiencing seemingly exponential chaos from every direction, when does the water finally boil over the pot? It has to happen, right? How can this go on, & on, & on, & on, & on…seriously, when does it end? This is BREAKING NEWS, allegedly,

I don’t know about any of you, but I am absolutely sick & tired of these self-ascribed “leaders.” ALL of them, anyone who claims authority over my own personal sovereignty. Who the fuck are you people that think you can “rule” everyone? The rulers, ruling over all of you, how about fuck “rulers,” how about that? Maybe you so-called “leaders” go eat a bag of big black dicks, sound good? You elitist scumbags don’t “rule” me, you don’t “lead” me, & you sure as fuck don’t “represent” me, or anyone else down here in the peasant class. Preach.

You fraudulent tricksters in your silly little satanic temples, I tell you this, a reckoning will come. If there’s any truly benevolent Divinity in this Universe, the Light in this dreadful Darkness, you satan-worsipping freaks will go down like the Titanic. I don’t believe in ANY of that dark arts nonsense you weirdos venerate, but I know that you do. You worship chaos, & destruction, & the negative. Degenerate deviant destructive minions of darkness never prevail, even though it may seem like it now.

I believe there’s’ a force in the Universe, a “light,” if you will. There’s the light, & the dark, BINARY, like everything in the Universe, literally EVERYTHING, minus you twisted LGBTQ 176-genders beta twerps. You clowns are UN-natural, deformities of darkness, chaos manifest, & possibly possessed by demons. I have never believed demons were real, & I still don’t, but now I don’t disbelieve either, if that makes sense? I honestly don’t think I can definitely say “no, they don’t exist,” anymore, that’s the level of madness this 3d funhouse asylum world has become. I certainly can’t explain the bizarre behaviors going on around the world, can you?

I’m gonna wrap this article up, since it’s “BREAKING NEWS,” again, allegedly said “BREAKING NEWS,” & now they’re throwing the word “UFO” around with this “high altitude object shot down over Alaska on Biden’s orders.” Derp, that demented old kid-sniffer can’t even order his 3x-daily ice cream cones, & this story is just that, a STORY, more narrative, blah blah blabababa blah. If you want though, click this link & you can read up on Project Blue Beam. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic shit. You can quote me on that, literally, because I just made it up. Good times. Until next time fishheads, I’ll leave you with one more little gem of information that I found.

Did you know, that 97% of the observable galaxies, are traveling away from us so fast the we cold never reach them, even at the speed of light. No one really thinks about that, they assume space is static, but it isn’t. We are hauling ass essentially, only we can’t tell from our limited 3d perspective. It’s all “slowed-down,” because we are here observing it, but in the Great Picture, the Universe is expanding in all directions at speeds that are unconceivable without higher math to do the proper calculations. Thus, because of said “expansion,” almost every galaxy that we can see in our little telescopes, are moving away from us so fast, that we could never catch them, ever. So much for galactic exploration, unless…there’s something fast enough that hasn’t been “thought” of yet, or has it?

OUR THOUGHTS, that’s what’s faster than anything, thoughts, my thoughts, your thoughts, all thoughts, so fast it’s beyond the highest mathematical equations you can possibly calculate. Imagine if you could “think” your way to where you’re going. I think this might be possible, believe it or not, particularly among the human race, only our true abilities have been stripped form us, way down here in this 3d space. If we could get back to 5d, & circumvent 4d time, to return home, back to 5d from whence we fell…oh but look at me, off on yet another tangent, as is par for my proverbial little golf course here. Imagine 5d galactic exploration though, imagine the feeling of purely Divine & unlimited freedom, freedom from the darkness, & the weight of 3d. Inter-galactic soul travelers, could this be our TRUE nature? Maybe someday, we all find out, or…we get thrown into the Great Recycler, only to do yet another round of “life,” in this 3d matrix we all seem to be stuck in together. Ok, this is the real “until next time,” so until next time, remember, “stories are just that, stories.”

For all of you, & for none of you at all.