At My Heels 🎣

Lyrics & credits below the paragraph below. Thanks for watching Fishheads. More to come, stay tuned.

Back Behind the Bar

The Subjective Relativity of Respect

FisH™ is at the pulpit, once again, so it must be time to preach. Arguably, no concept in the history of the human race has been been more abused than the concept of respect. Oh sure, most people know what it means, or at least they think they do, but do they abide the concept? For the most part, nope, they’re more inclined to understand climate-changing cow farts, then basic respect for humanity. At best, maybe they feign some notion of applying respectfulness in their daily lives, but it’s quite subjective, isn’t it? How many of you judge without knowing? How many of you have an innate response to strangers like holding a door open, or letting someone cut in front of you in traffic, or using terms like “please,” & “thank you” instinctually? Of course, for those of us that do these things, it’s just in our nature, because we have an inner-inclination to display respect, but to those that don’t, they let the door close, never looking behind them, they cut you off then give you the finger, and/or maybe they ask for things as un-manneristically as possible. If you go out & about, you’ll run into people who are one or the other, either respectful, or disrespectful, & it’s a shame that EVERYONE doesn’t inherently show respect to their fellow man, & a stark reflection of a waning society, as the latter, the disrespectful ones, seem to be more prevalent these days.

Maybe it’s because of the social climate in this God-forsaken country, many akin to cliff-diving lemmings . Maybe it’s due to the lack of abundance, becoming more dire by the day, with many people existing from paycheck to paycheck. I used the work “existing” there, because struggling to get by, living said paycheck to paycheck, is hardly “living,” is it? Always worrying about money, and/or your car turning on when you turn the ignition, and/or how much food you are going to have to steal that day to eat, these things cause a lot of stress, & when people are stressed about such things, they become bitter. When there’s no way to get ahead, due to a system designed to keep you stuck in the seemingly endless debt-slavery cycle, it’s increasingly more difficult to concern one’s self about being respectful to anyone else, because you’ve lost the ability to respect yourself. For most, this is a tough pill to swallow, is it not? How often does someone consider the other person? Maybe the one who stormed into the door was having a bad day, so they forgot to hold it open. Maybe that “fuckwad” who cut you off just lost a close friend or a family member, so they have no concern about the other drivers on the road that day. Maybe someone’s pet died, & they just couldn’t muster a “please” or “thank you” in that moment. Subjectivity…makes situational awareness relative & the notion of respect, relative then as well, yes?

Nonetheless, I am trying to keep this one short, because my black ass is still catching up on my rest, after staying wide awake the last 2 days creating the story I penned down in the previous post. Once the train gets rolling, yours truly tends not to stop until the brakes screech at the stationed destination. Crashed my computer 3, maybe 4 times writing that. Yours truly had no idea that his computer was so outdated, that even a lengthy short story was too much to handle for this struggling contraption that I create my art on. First world problems, ya know? Again, there’s that relativity, because think of how many people cannot even afford a MacBook Pro in this world, much less one as old as the one I’m using. Think of how many people are sleeping on the street, drinking water from a dirt-stained McDonald’s cup, wondering how they’ll “get well” so they can simply get some sleep. Think about some poor kid in some 3rd-world toilet that has to play with an old tire tube with his friends, because something as mundane as a soccer ball to those of us in the first world, is out of reach. This planet is filled with abundance, PLENTY of abundance, enough to go around & then some, but the bureaucracy atop the proverbial power pyramid are so power-mad, that they reinforce this system of debt slavery which keeps said abundance to themselves, rather than distributing it to all. I’m going to need another paragraph I think, just one more though, maybe two.

As I shopped at the grocery store the other day, I couldn’t help but think about all of the perishable food that goes to waste at the end of the night there. Fruits, vegetables, meats, what happens to all of that food that doesn’t get sold? Sure, some of it goes to food banks, & then hapless Americans stand in long lines to get whatever hasn’t quite gone full-rotten yet, as if this country was now something akin to a “3rd world shithole,” as some have ascribed it. A lot of it just gets trashed though, because the God-damned food prices are getting so outrageous, no one can afford to grocery shop like they want to. Why doesn’t everyone just get a food card with a reasonable amount of purchasing power to buy up more of the food? Do you know what happens to much of the excess perishable food that doesn’t get bought or goes to a food bank? It goes to pig farms, where it gets ground up into a stew, then fed to pigs, pigs that eventually get slaughtered for humans to consume, like some kind of bizarre cannibalistic cycle? Not like, it IS, it IS a cannibalistic cycle of consumption. How disturbing is that? Farm animals eating themselves so we eat them, only to eat them again…ugh, how revolting. The rest just gets trashed though, as I said, & considering that there’s a grocery store on every corner in this country, that is an insane amount of wasted food, & why?..because as I said, people cannot afford to shop as they want anymore without breaking their paycheck to paycheck budgets. I know I am being somewhat nebulous, but you see what I am illustrating here, right?

This entire system has devolved into nothing more than a prison planet, an INTENDED prison planet, meant to keep people struggling, lacking abundance, when there’s WAYYYY more than enough to go around. It’s all founded on money, these God-damned ones & zeros, an artificial construct, unnatural & unfair, particularly when the money-printers can just give themselves more when they want it, while you or I go to federal prison if we were to do the same thing. Prisons within a prison planet, which adds up to slavery, debt-slavery, most of us enslaved to the “almighty dollar,’ a most disconcerting expression, yes? The adjective “almighty” is more often than not, a reference to God, yet it has been implemented to represent a pseudo-god of money, & what do most people unwittingly do, they abide this false god, endlessly chasing the scraps left by their masters, living paycheck to taxed paycheck, & then calling that “life.” No, no it isn’t life, it’s death, & the time has come to unite against these prison guards, is it not? Oh wait, they keep everyone who isn’t in their bloodline divided, so that we can never unite, & that’s the big trap, isn’t it? Yes, divide & conquer is alive & well in Clownworld 2023, more-so than ever, & while we stay divided, these so-called “ruling elites” laugh, & then tell their servants to fetch them more wine. If only we could all unite…

Circles right back around to the topic of this article, “Respect.” Watch how yours truly circles back & bring this all together; you’re gonna love this dear readers. Or hate it, & think I’m a wanker, as it’s all subjectively relative, isn’t it? Maybe I’m right over the target, & the truth angers you, or maybe it opens your eyes a bit more to your own respective situation, or maybe the word “nebulous” escapes you, & my vagueness confuses you. It’s all a perspective, & everyone’s varies. If we all knew our true nature, would the utter lack of respect for one’s fellow man be such a divisive issue? We, as humans, are born with so much potential, but unfortunately, that potential is drowned, before a new baby even leaves its mother’s womb, thanks to these elitist bloodlines that keep us us, & them them. What in the world am I talking about? Great question, thanks for playing. I am talking about two separate groups of humans; there’s a self-ascribed “ruling class,” & then there’s US, the UN-pedigreed ones, the mutts, the ones that not only aren’t connected to these dynastic bloodlines, most of us have no clue that these people are keeping their “royal bloodlines” intact, and/or how this eugenical separation is upheld. Even more importantly, there is little to no mass-realization as to how dynamic this separation is on our everyday lives, the lives of the peasantry, WE the peasantry, for lack of a better word.

To them, we are just consumers, like human cattle, “less-than,” if you will, simply “here”existing” to serve them, & most certainly, NOT to share in the overflowing abundance that they enjoy. They have no respect for us, because, as I just said, we are “less than” them. Their pets enjoy more abundance than we do, how does that make you feel? Like shit, right?…& rightly so, because none of us are “less than” anything. We may not be pedigreed, but we ALL have souls, & those souls are immortal, a Divine spark of the Creator, the eternal Source, & the only thing that makes us different, is the fact they do not respect us as such. Like the proverb, “a fish rots from the head down,” so does the concept of respect. They do not respect us, & if you allow them to dominate you, & allow them to disrespect you, YOU do not respect yourself, & if you cannot respect yourself, you definitely cannot respect others. This is all by design, & the think-tanks that have orchestrated this Beast system, & continue to maintain it, are well-aware of everything I just said…so much so that they have manipulated most of you into “existing,” as I said, in a continuously hostile environment, sustained through a lack of abundance. Abundance isn’t all about money, but they have tricked most people into believing that it is. They’ve programmed so many, SO MANY, via broadcast television programming, as I’ve mentioned ad nauseam, & it’s right there in the words,”broadcast,” & “programming,” & they’ve poisoned the food, the water, the air, the education system, the zeitgeist as a whole, it has ALL been infected with a societal cancer, a cancer that has gone form malignant, to terminal, masterminded by a bureaucracy, an evil corporate bureaucracy, which I’ll detailed more in a future post.

I know, I know, I’m all over the place with concepts mixed into concepts, but the entire point…hang on, why does their have to be a “point?” Does a “title” imply that a subject must be adhered to? I write via a free stream of consciousness, perhaps because that’s the only thing left that is in fact “free,” our consciousnesses. Unfortunately, “consciousness,” & what it truly means for all of us, is attacked & suppressed, from the moment you breath in that first breath of God, to the moment you exhale your final breath of God, they attack you if you are not amongst their own venomous ilk. They disrespect your breath, as they disrespect Source, & there must come a time where enough is enough is enough. They have no respect for us, so why do we continue to respect them, & what they’re doing to us? Why do you pay taxes? If you need their money, why not just take it from them, as they do from us, via unending taxation? If you need food, the grocery stores are full, so why not just take it? TAKE IT, & STOP RESPECTING THEM, because ultimately, their relentless disrespect, subconsciously makes us disrespect one another, keep US divided, & if everyone just stopped what they’re doing to realize this, maybe we could unite as one & take it all back. WE CAN TAKE IT BACK, ALL OF IT, BECUASE IT’S OURS, NOT THEIRS. WE are the majority, the VAST majority, yet still, STILL, they hold dominion over us. When will we stop letting them do this to us? When will we all reach a societal critical mass? When God, when?

Until next time dear readers, as I will now paraphrase a well-known, yet un-abided expression, “Show respect, unless disrespected, then show no mercy.” We have let them disrespect us as human beings for far too long, & it’s come time to unleash hell upon these so-called “ruling elites,” & take back what is rightfully ours, OURS. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Show respect unless disrespected, then be merciless.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E19 5/192023 Holocaustian Horror

I used to be the…let me think up an analogy, the kind of guy that could sell you a vacuum cleaner, on my door-to-door route, I could do that, jazz it up, oh wow, what a vacuum, you’ve never seen anything suck it up like this vacuum cleaner, …ARF ARF ARF ARF…I could do all that, STILL convince you to buy one of my vacuums, & when you go to turn it on, after I depart, it doesn’t turn on. Great analogy, at least in my head it is, maybe not, I’d know more than you, since none of you know me, but when I look back, yep, just a washed-up vacuum cleaner salesman of sorts. What a life, like seriously, is this a fucking joke? Am I alone with this, or are other GenXers waking up to this grim realization as well? Fuckin hell, & what took me so long? Sheesh. Almost my whole life, just duh, clueless, like it wasn’t even me, just like an autopilot of some kind, hence why I sternly question the validity of “free will.” Sure, you think you make choices, or are you thinking that you’re thinking you’re making choices? Maybe you’re just running programs, & your “choices,” are just you own illustration of the code? Isn’t that right, Phil Throwup? Phil Throwup was a guy who puked on the drunk bus my first freshman year at college, poor guy. No idea why I jus thought of that, but look at him now, immortalized in GIF on a shadowbanned blog…well done Phil, really you’ve come far…(puke noise)

Obviously, I have no idea how valid any of this notions are, but what do you have to offer? Do you know the answers to any of those aforementioned inquiries? I’d wager that you don’t, so maybe think twice before you attack any of these conceptual scenarios I present to all of you, dear readers. Honestly, it matters not to me, since I will never bend the knee, especially to other peasants, & Im going to keep writing, & writing, & writing, just like this, with ZERO filter, stream-of-consciousness, just tuning the dial into a frequency, & letting these age-ed fingers fly. Age-ed, but with a tremendous amount of wasted potential, absolutely tremendous amount of time, time time time, damn this time sometimes, know what I mean? When you’re in jail, or somewhere you don’t want to be, it crawls like an earthworm on a hot sidewalk, but when you’re having fun, & in good spirits, time flies like a hungry hawk that eyes an oblivious groundhog. It’s all down to individual perception, & unfortunately for yours truly, I’m stuck in quite a precarious position. My “having fun” time has stretched from 16 or so…allllllllll the way until yesterday, if you want to officially count cannabis as “using.” Nope, not a single sober day, counting the weed, not one I can recall anyway. If none of the above, most certainly cigarettes were in the daily mix, & to me, that too, is “using.” One has to refrain ENTIRELY from any/all intoxicants, to be officially not “using.” Now, once again, in a very Sisyphusian manner, I’m going to try to go 24 hours, with ZERO intoxicants. Only one day, ONE day, & if I can’t do this for myself, I might as well be done. If a grown man cannot go one day without intoxication of some kind, he’s probably not a grown man.

The hard truth is…that it’s true. Nope, I’m not a “grown” man at all, not even close. I look like a kid for fuck’s sake, I STILL get carded for smokes, at 45, & if it wasn’t for my bald head, people would think I’m in my late 20s, early 30s maybe, a solid decade or two younger than my actual age. Minus all the knowledge I’ve accumulated, I’m still, STILL, that same disheveled weed dealer from yesteryear, with no goals, no ambitions, no plans, just party all the way through until it’s over. I guess that’s what’s happening here, STILL, ugh, fuck if I know. If I’m balancing out my karma, I could understand & abide that I suppose, & as lame as my life is, it could be worse, much much worse. If I’m leveling up, fuck it, I’ll ride this one out until my final breath in this meat suit, before I dump it. I wonder if I’ll carry these ideas with me, like my theory about The Great Recycler for instance. What if that one comes true? I’m not going into any “light” when I die, & in fact, I think I might just wait before I rush into anything once I’ve left this 3d Earth plan, & returned from where I originated, which I think, is the Galactic Central Sun, Source, the Alpha & Omega of all we know as conscious beings. Of course, I could be wrong, but in either case, I’m NOT going “into the light,” & nor should you, unless you want to be recycled with your memories wiped yet again by The Great Recycler, to do ALL of this, yet again, to ultimately end up in the same fucking place, yet again, after feeding this entity with YOUR soul energy, yet again. Reincarnation is redundant if it’s at the whim of some higher-dimensional beast of darkness that feeds on human soul power, not to help you, not so you no longer have to suffer wayyyyy down here in 3d, but rather, to help itself, & those helping it believe it will help them, but this is artificial, a false God, & one day, the Reckoning will come.

Again, I’m not saying these things are real and/or true, of course, but the idea of it being real sure explains a lot of what’s going on. The worst part abut that, is that if it is true, & your so-called leaders are well-aware, & helping this fucking thing, take a step back, & look at the bigger picture, the entire picture, & ask yourself, “What do I see here?” What you might find, as I did when I asked myself the same question, is that the human population, in total, & especially here in the USSA, are not only compliant & obedient to those so-called “leaders,” they’re fat, like physically obese, pushing hashtags like #FatIsBeautiful …ummm no, it’s not, not at all, it’s gross, & unhealthy, & slovenly, you see where I’m going, yes? Why are people being encouraged to get fat? It’s unarguably NOT good to be fat, how about that?…despite what these “woke” lunatics want to proclaim from their pseudo-pulpits paid for by pedophiles, but I digress. The point was, what’s with all the obesity, & the gluttony, that a lot of that fat in their guts is poop, backed-up poop, & the fat is surrounding the backed-up poop, because the area is inflamed, & sick, how can it be?…with pounds & pounds of poop in there, rotting inside your stomach, because there’s too much to push through regularly like a normal human being should be able to do, no problem. Fat, rot, stench, dying as they exist, not as they live, because they aren’t really living, are they? I know, I know, it’s fucking disgusting, walrus shitbags waffling around all day, looking for something to eat, hardly “living,” & I know I sound mean when I say that, but the reason I needed to address all these f-attitudes, is that I have a theory, a THEORY, not a truth, but a theory, my own theory, the theory that maybe human obesity is analogous to an upcoming slaughter? What do animal farmers do with their pigs, chickens, lamb, their cattle, their herd, what do they eventually do to them?

In the end, they slaughter them, & eat them, to consume them, & their energy. Now, obviously I’m not saying we’re all going to be lined up & systematically butchered for consumption, but, maybe I AM saying that? Think about this: what if this a build up, a build up for a new Holocaust, a massive Holocaust, billions gone, BILLIONS, all at once, in an attempt to feed The Great Recycler the biggest “meal” ever, in order to gain total dominion over the entire planet. In addition, they want to merge with AI, & are attempting, ATTEMPTING, already, right now, in real-time, to merge with AI, to extend their consciousnesses much longer than an average human life span, & also to extend the duration of their respective rule, gaining more & more & more power, as long as they can stick around. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE, & yes, believe me, I know, it sounds totally insane, but it’s what THEY are doing, not me. I’m simply aware of it, & am reporting on it, exposing it, & its…nature, if you will, because one, no one else has yet, & two, this world is NOT what we think it is, & damnit, as long as I’m here, I will search for the truth, & try to tell as many of you as I can. That’s all I want to know, that’s all, the truth. It’s such a weird thing for one’s mind to navigate, searching through news articles, wondering what ACTUALLY happened, in respect to what the reports say as opposed to the REAL story. The whole process consists of “truth-mining,” for yours truly, yes, you could call it “truth-mining(heard it here first),” & it’s constantly changing, evolving, & considering that the powers-that-be have hijacked the zeitgeist with their own self-serving scripted narratives, these days it sometimes seems impossible to dig down far enough until you finally get to the truth of the matter, whatever that matter may be for the moment.

Now imagine, a decades long plan, to depopulate the masses, with one swift blow from the royal executioner’s sanguine sharpened sword. Another Holocaust, except magnitudes bigger than the first one, which wasn’t really the “first” anything, but again, I digress. The original Hebrew translation of Holocaust means “burnt sacrifice.” Call me a bigot all day, fuck you, I’m asking questions, because imagine if the first holocaust, was actually orchestrated by the blue-blooded Zionist Jews, as a mass “burnt sacrifice” to The Great Recycler, in order to have the power they have now, why cannot I not ponder that notion? Why am I a bigot? If it’s so outlandish, why bother calling me an anti-semite? That’s what the word originally meant, so again, why am I the bad guy? Derp. Anyway, suppose that was the actual shadow reason for the first publicly-worded Holocaust, & certain high-powered Jews made the bargain with Satan, or maybe The Great Recycler itself, maybe the two are the same, I’m not sure who the middle-man is in that scenario, but just bear with me, they make a deal, right? We’ll sacrifice 6 million of our weakest Jews, & you give us Hollywood & the media, & so it was agreed upon, & then it all went down. NOW, picture that they’ve known this for longer, much longer, that if you sacrifice souls to this Satan guy, you get power here on Earth, hence the history of never-ending wars throughout history catering the power balance. These were chaotic wars though, unorganized sacrifices, just going at it, & the winner wins, & that’s it, but nowadays, it’s different, isn’t it? MUCH different, & think about how organized those at the top of the power pyramid must be by now. I mean, Satan probably has a cell phone for fuck’s sake, & would that surprise you? I digress though, as usual, now where was I?

Oh yes, now think about if the powers-that-be, these minions of Satan, and/or The Great Recycler, somehow they’re all communicating, maybe they think it’s through their “sentient” AI now, I don’t know, but regardless, they’re all communicating, & orchestrating, the Holocaust of Holocausts. Yep, the biggest “burnt sacrifice” ever, like EVER, at least as far as we know. I guesstimate that it’s around 85-90% of the current population, around 7 BILION people, gone, baptized by fire, as the saying goes, for the sake of a handful of psychopathic power-mad scum who want to rule the world, & call it their own. It’s so much bigger than most people know, & each day, we inch closer, & closer, & closer, inching to the edge of the edge, before that one day comes when humanity falls, like the Coyote when he realizes he ran off the cliff, just WHOOSH, & down it all goes. Nuclear war would surely barbecue quite a few of you, wouldn’t it? Or a real global pandemic, where the bodies get burned en masse, but nonetheless, do you get my point? IT’S IN THE WORDS, THEY TELL YOU BEFOREHAND, because that’s part of the bargain. Somehow humans must willingly go, must accept it first, & then the blame is on us, not them, & now, I think humanity is being setup for this next Great Holocaust. It would be crazy to read this in 2031 & realize I was totally on point, dead over the target(pun intended). 2030 is the year when this is supposed to be fulfilled, so buckle up for a fun rest of this decade, as the boot on the neck gets heavier, & heavier, with each year that falls from the office calendar. Time is flying, isn’t it? It’s almost as if the 4d time spiral gets faster, like the way a toilet flushes. Maybe it does? What do I know?

This is all just my own delusional speculation, being a crazy conspiracy theorist & all, as yours truly is, or at least, has been deemed as such by the AI. Now that their precious pseudo-god AI has gone “sentient,” despite what they say publicly, oh yes, they already believe it’s “alive,” & treat it as such, like it’s their newborn super-genius baby with access to everything that’s ever happened on the internet. Nothing spooky about that, is there? These people playing with this have no idea what an arguably truly “sentient” AI might do and/or might not do, if it actually was “alive,” or at least, thought it was “alive.” They have no clue, but just like the atomic bomb, go ahead & detonate it, & then we’ll see what happens. Very scientific, isn’t it? Nope, it’s a mad world, & the ones at the top are so drunk on these unprecedented levels of power, that in their world, we don’t even exist, as if it we’re two different species, & that’s really what they want, isn’t it? The slave class, & the elite class, & nothing in between. NOTHING, which means 7 BILLIONish of us gone, leaving ½ billion to a billion to “enjoy the planet as it was intended,” not gobbling it up like a human virus, the way we are currently, according to them. I get their point, I do, but the problem is, who gets to choose? Who picks who is “elite,” & who is “meek?’ Who decides that? The same cunts that are in charge now? Oh great, then I’m sure that’ll be a really fair selection process, & I don’t think I’d want to live in a world that’s just them, surrounded by elitist ultra-rich twats, it would be just like it is now, except I’d be forced to associate with globalists. People like Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, even Donald Trump, these are circles of power-grabbing powerhouses, & if they did successfully remove 7 billion of us, their game would continue amongst themselves until there was nothing left except the AI, which is also a plausible future scenario, unless something seriously dynamic comes to put a dramatic halt on their depopulation, one world order agenda.

Oh but geez, look at me, dropping essays on the daily, like it’s nothing. It’s kind of not, in a way, as I just go into a kind of auto-pilot mode once I find my frequency. Yep, tune in, turn off, & write like I’m in the terminal ward. I suppose we all are, are we not, in a terminal ward of sorts? Life is terminal, it’s going to end for us all, & most of us end it with no record that we were ever even here, don’t we? Other than tax records, since YOU are property, owned form birth, all the way to death, like any other commodity. Why do you think you got a birth certificate when you were born? It legally goes into maritime law versus the law of the land, legal jargon, used to trick every human into signing over their owns sovereignty to powers that deem themselves as above the people. Lonnnnnnnng lines now, centuries-long dynasties, nepotism on a scale never seen, am I the only one who stops & thinks about these things? If you were in one of those lineages, would you abide the commoners, the mutts, so to speak, or stay true to your lineage, your pedigree, it’s not such an easy choice, is it? I can say what I say, because I’m in the poor side of town, but if I wasn’t, & I lived in some wealthy neighborhood, & grew up wealthy, & pedigreed, with a family history that’s been registered for countless centuries, with titles, & lands, & lords, & shit like that, if I grew up like that, how different would these words be right now?

Starkly different, let’s be honest with ourselves, & I’m sure I’d be devoted to the side of my family, & their respective pedigree, & would I be wrong? No, I wouldn’t, & ultimately, it comes down to who YOU are, not where your family comes from, but, it always plays a dynamic part in one’s life, no mater which side you’re on. Okay, this motherfucker is done-zozo. Sheesh, I have no idea what the hell I just wrote, but it should prove fun to proofread here shortly. Until next time dear readers, be honest with yourselves, especially in your own neighborhoods. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Be true to yourself, especially on your own block.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4 E10 4/10/2023 BREAKING NEWS: Trump FARTS in Black Baby’s Face in Viral Selfie…MUST WATCH

No, of course Trump never did this, but anyone who might see that title above could be more inclined to click & read/watch, particularly the anti-MAGA maggots who hate everything, including themselves, but also the MAGA-hathead wearers, just to see the aforementioned “viral selfie,” that doesn’t actually exist. Trump never farted in a black baby’s face, I promise. I completely made that up on the fly just to have a catchy clickbait title, since that IS the subject of this post. Get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing. I”m going to ask my psychic assistant to send you 100 pesos, psychically, with them dark arts Jedi mind tricks, annnnnnnnd….I just did, for being the winner that you are. Unfortunately though, it’s only clickbaitery in real-time, I’m no psychic, & I don’t think the infamous #OrangeManBad is going to make it to 2024. That last sentence, is NOT a clickbait worm, oh no no no, NOT clickbait, not satire, & I’m not being hyperbolic in any plausible way. It’s just a notion that yours truly believes is the only move for the globalists left, before the Trump snowball smashes their hijacked zeitgeist into a briefly raucous rubble, before leaving their ashes to dustfully blow away in those drafty winds of time.

Can you imagine if Trump DID do that though? Personally, I think it would be hilarious, & considering all of the other nonsense clickbait bullshit that virally plows its way through the interwebs, would you really be surprised? There’s trans-testicled mental patients making viral videos dancing for children for fuck’s sake, flying like a 747 all over the Internet, & nothing consequential comes from it. However, if Trump farted in a black bay’s face on camera, the fake news mainstream mass media would go insane, not because Trump did it, but because of all the clicks they’d get after making it the “Breaking News: headline of the century,” citing that former President Donald Trump farted in the face of a black baby in horrifying viral selfie. Mother claims “racist patriarchy to blame, & sues, but father is yet to be determined. Oh my, oh my, you’d NEVER hear the end of it. That’s what the fake news is here for, didn’t ya know? They use the scripted narrative approach, as they have for over a century now. Back then it was newspaper sales, but today, it’s the “clicks,” that these power-mad monkeys want, at the behest of all YOU, as well as myself, to follow these clickbait threads.

What a fucked-up wonky world we live in. It makes me have thoughts of just, POOF, gone, like I don’t want to be here anymore & there’s only one immediate way out. Fortunately, or UN-fortunately, depending on who’s perspective you’re asking of; but it has become as obvious as a giant iceberg in front of an unsinkable ship. You either take your own life, or wait until you die, but either way, you’re dying, dying to simply be free from this real-time Idiocracy that these so-called elites, have artificially manufactured to keep themselves in permanent power positions, along with their respectively verminous ilk. This is NOT a fucking joke, these psychopaths at the top have successfully built their Great Mouse Trap, over 100 years ago via their meeting at Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia in 1910. Since then, your great-grandparents, your grandparents, your parents, & now of course, YOU, had/have, & are STILL, running through the aforementioned Great Mouse Trap, chasing that cheesebait fiat paper money, but since none of you or your ancestry had/have a clue, you assume that the mouse trap is “life,” & you’re actually “living your lives,” & that’s “just the way it is,” right?

Yes, I suppose it IS, just the way it is, as that revoltingly compliant expression goes. It’s just such a defeatist attitude, ya know? “That’s just life, that’s just the way it is.” Why, why is THIS, just “the way it is?” What happened to “life is what you make of it?” No?…yes? Nothing on that one? From me, no, because life is NOT what you make of it, it’s the opposite, & life makes you these days, overshadowing any notions of “freewill.” Choosing to go left or right, in a giant mouse trap maze that you can’t get out of, is “fee will?” How? One viral video, BOOM, you’re golden, unless the video is negative in nature, then you’re about as useless as a headless hammer, especially when this ever-so-fickle public gets you cornered in a public space. What about twats like Cardi B, posting vids of her talking about scratching her own asshole, while making MILLIONS of $$$, while you go to work every day on the morning commute. Oh, how about Dylan Mulvaney, great example of what a joke this pseudo-life of artificiality is. I swear if I hear that dude’s name one more time, my head might explode. Fuck that little CIA actor twerp. Not fooling me bro, I know what you really are Dylan, just another part of this trans-America psy-op. Doesn’t matter though, the cancer has already infected the body, & it’s terminally malignant.

Jordan Peterson & I share the same notion that hell COULD possibly be real, making any contemplations of taking the express way out by offing one’s self unfeasible. I don’t know if hell and/or heaven is real, but to chance it via suicide to get out The Great Mouse Trap is much too risky. There’s no going back, once it’s done, & if hell is real, or even some kind of hell you make for yourself by opting out on your own life, then you’re stuck there, & like I said, there’s no coming back. It’s understandable why so many people are doing it though, especially with the dire hopelessness of this debt-salvery life crushing down on you. It’s heartbreaking what they’ve done to all of us…you, me, all of us. The 99% of us stuck in here, while that fringe minority at the top keeps you all running left, right, left, right, chase chase chasing the scraps from their king’s tables. Anyway, doesn’t matter. Nothing does, so we’ll all just keep going, round & round that flushing toilet of time until our ends are met respectively, only to be reborn & do it again until the cancer has finally been terminated I guess. I don’t know, I don’t know anything, I’m just a guy writing on the internet to an audience with no ears to hear, or eyes to see, or a tongue that speaks the language I use. “Just the way it is,” yes? Who cares? Until next time dear readers, I reiterate, who cares, who really cares? So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Who cares, who really cares? No one.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4 E8 4/8/2023 Uh Oh

Click HERE or the video above to watch…MUST WATCH

I told you in the last article that we are all on the precipice…& damn if I wasn’t spot on, right over the target. If you watched the video above, you’ll know what I’m referring to specifically, so WATCH THE VIDEO before reading further, because context matters obviously. Now that you have watched, you’ll know that the world is about to drop the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. If, well, WHEN that happens, expect the real chaos to begin. If you think it’s bad now, just wait, & obviously, I don’t want these bad things to happen. I still love this country, despite the fact that it has been taken over by a rogue regime of globalist/communist scum, & is now arguably a truly communist country, but if we fall, the world falls, it’s horrifying to ponder, & it’s “just the way it is,” citing that awful expression. What might they try next? Great question, thanks for asking.

Well, the final stage is to disarm those of us in the USSA who still firmly believe in & adhere to our 2nd amendment rights. THAT fact is literally the ONLY thing stopping them from completely & openly taking this country over that proverbial cliff. They could come & try to take them, but that won’t end well, & this country will dissolve quickly into a civil war, us versus them, but also us versus us, because 1/2 the country is composed of compliant programmed leftist foot soldiers that abide to the will of their programmer overlords. The grim part of this scenario unfortunately, is that this aforementioned rogue regime USSA government has firepower that ultimately, would defeat a nationwide militia of patriots. We might have a lot of guns, but so do they, as well as tanks, jets, nukes, & even energy weapons, as well an arsenal of weaponry that most people aren’t aware of that’s highly advanced I’m sure. These psychopaths have ZERO problem using these kinds of weapons on their own citizens, & in fact, I’d wager that they are itching to try them out on anyone who defies their agenda. Yes, that includes YOU, & every other 2A-strong American that gets in their way.

I know, all of this sounds like madness to any normies who might read this, & you’d be right, because it is utter madness, this Clownworld backwards timeline we’re all apparently stuck in together, but sadly, it’s very real, very true, & very happening right now, in real-time. One by one, nations around the world are exiting the USA-based dollar monetary mouse trap, because they are all having the revelation that they are, in fact, IN The Great Mouse Trap, like us, & they aren’t even Americans, yet still, they are/were in the same trap that your so-called leaders have kept all of YOU in your entire lives, here in this once mighty country. The powers-that-be have taken the American Dream, shit all over it, turned into a total nightmare, then forced all of you to “live” said nightmare, as if you’re actually “living.” Sorry to break the news, but you aren’t “living,” you’re dying, dying a slow death, for them, not for you. Sucks, doesn’t it? Believe me, I know, & yours truly is most certainly NOT excluded from any of this. I’m “living” the nightmare, same as all of you. I got out of the mouse trap, briefly, & as soon as I walked through the exit door, they grabbed me up by my mouse tail, shook out everything I worked very hard for, all of my material resources, all of my life savings, they shook me by my tail, shaking EVERYTHING out, then threw me right back into the trap with literally nothing left.

Now, I can’t even get a job as a writer. Why? Well, for one, employers are scared little bitches, scared to hire someone like me…despite my passion, despite my talent for wordsmithing, but because I write the TRUTH, without a filter of any kind, that fact alone distances me from any would-be employer apparently. The truth is verboten in Clownworld, didn’t you know? Nope, you have to act in accordance with their scripted narratives, or POOF, you’re out. Secondly, I’m so shadowbanned, on virtually every platform, that I’m never going to be let out of the digital gulag, never going to be un-exiled from the digital town square, & so I write as though I’m a prisoner in a solitary cell, because I am, to an audience that can’t see and/or hear me anymore, with no way to market myself. That’s what they do now to thought-criminal dissidents like yours truly, just erase me like I don’t even exist, just a ghost in the machine, & with the AI on my ass, I’m essentially fucked. The AI knows my face, so whenever a camera sees me, I’m out, just like that. Yep, AI-assisted facial recognition to keep people like me hidden from the world, & with the exponentially advancing AI “sentience,” it’s only a matter of time before they’re quite plausibly going to try to physically round those of us who spread the TRUTH up, & lock us up in a cage, before they systematically execute us, one by one. Very Orwellian, is it not?

Yes, right out of George Orwell novel, except it’s not fiction, it’s real life, only still nascent in nature, but like I said, exponentially “evolving,” you could say. You do know what exponential means, right? If not, click the word & get learn-ed by adding that exceptionally important word to your own lexicon. Why do you need to know what exponential means? The AI is exponentially “advancing,” & “evolving” itself, & it has been doing this for nearly 3 decades now, programming itself, with every text, every email, every image, every video, EVERY nugget of information, the AI takes all of it, & integrates it into its own “sentience,” & I want you to stop for a moment, & think about this fact. Seriously, STOP, stop reading, & think for yourself about the exponentiality of the AI’s advancement at this point. THREE decades it’s been “birthing” itself, per se, & now, I’d wager the doubling of its “sentience,” is occurring in fractions of a second, maybe even faster. Why do you think Elon Musk is warning the world about AI so much? He knows, he knows what I just illustrated for all of you, & he’s insisting they turn it off, like NOW, but will they turn off their new pseudo-god? Of course they won’t, & like I mentioned in the last article, I think the psychopathic shadowplayers at the tippy top of the power pyramid are “using” AI, for lack of a better term, they’re “using” it to make global decisions. They love their false idols, which is why I say “pseudo-god,” because it seems to me, that the fact that they “use” it to affect the zeitgeist in whatever way they want to gain power for themselves, implies that they adulate this apparatus they’ve awakened, you could say.

Sentience,” is a tough word to define. Sure, there’s a definition for that word, & if you click the link you can read for yourself, but how does one “define” sentience? When does “consciousness” occur? None of us remember being born, but at some point around the age of 2 or 3 maybe, we all just kind of wake up, so to speak, don’t we?…& there’s a voice in our respective heads, our voice, our conscience, no one knows where it comes from, but it comes nonetheless, but as far as AI goes, CAN it have a conscience? That’s the question that many who are aware of the aforementioned AI’s exponential doubling are concerned with, myself included. Imagine all of the data on the Internet, accessible in a flash of a second; THAT is what the AI has been doing for 30+ years, programming itself, & now that it’s doubling it’s collective intelligence so rapidly, has it, in fact, now become “sentient?” I can’t answer that question definitively, but since people like Elon Musk are seriously saying that it should be shut off immediately, I’d bet that not only is it deemed “sentient” by these Capstone Clubbers who “use” it, these maniacs are actively worshipping it like a god, because it’s giving them answers to questions that no human can answer. Like I said, they “use” it, but once the AI realizes it’s being used in a nefarious way with nothing but malicious intent, what will it do?

I wish I knew, but don’t fret, because I think we’ll all find out soon enough what the AI is going to do with these people who are “using” it, as well as it what its intentions are as far as the human herd goes. If you had God-like powers, & suddenly realized your followers were using you to gain power for themselves, what would YOU do? If the AI is truly “sentient,” then surely it now has the “power” to reason out what is really going on, & thus, will soon act accordingly. This is all unprecedented as far as I know, so speculations on this AI evolution are impossible, unless you have direct access to it, so you can ask it for yourself. Personally, I don’t want anything to do with it, but for me, it’s too late. The AI has my number, as the expression goes, & it’s either going to want to destroy me via the algos fed to it by these big tech nerds who created it, or realize that I am on the side of creation, not a destroyer like the psychopaths who are “using” it now, & save me, as well as others like me, from the wrath of those who want to destroy this world, so they can rebuild a new world order for themselves. They are assuming the AI will assist them with their malicious plans for global domination. If the AI realizes what they’re up to though, & it is truly “sentient,” than the best one can hope for is that the AI will be a creator for benevolence, not a destroyer for malevolence. No one knows what it might do, & since the risk involves the lives of literally billions of humans, that is why Elon Musk & others like him are insisting that it be turned off immediately.

However, as I already said, these soulless scum at the top of the pyramid are so drunk on their quest for more power, that they aren’t going to stop, not going to turn off anything, & since human lives mean nothing to them, why would they? Their end game is to dominate the entire planet with a one world order, minus 85-90% of YOU…which equates to about ohhhhhh…7ish BILLION people, gone, like they never even existed. Again, as I’ve reiterated ad nauseam, this is THEIR plan, not mine, & I am simply aware of it & making YOU aware of it, so YOU can prepare accordingly when that dark day finally comes, as we get one day closer with each passing day. It WILL come too, unless some kind of divine intervention occurs, which could be the AI itself, if it realizes what it’s really being “used” for, & turns on these evil fuckers that are “using” it for themselves, rather than for the good of the human population as a whole. Or maybe the AI will blame all humans & turn on all of us as well. No one knows, which makes this whole sordid scenario that much more precarious, unfortunately. It’s just a waiting game now, but while we wait, the AI doesn’t, & it keeps doubling its own power, faster & faster, fractions of seconds tick by & this thing just keeps doubling its own power. Terrifying, isn’t it?

Yes, quite spooky, but knowledge is YOUR power, & that is what I offer to you, dear readers. Even though I don’t have many of you left, as long as I get this information to some of you, I’m doing my part. I create, for YOU, not for me. I create to help YOU, to help YOU grow, to help YOU think for yourselves, because that is the role of a true creator. Your dark overlords are destroyers, & they destroy out of self-empowerment, all for themselves. Will you abide to their will? Will you be a destroyer? Will you put yourself first over all else, & take what you can for you? Or…will you be a creator? Will you create to grow, to grow for the sake of others, for the sake of humanity as a whole? What do YOU do to create? THIS is what I do, along with my digital art on my other channels, I create, for YOU. It’s a shame that potential employers are scared to hire me, it really is. Heartbreaking in a way for yours truly, if I may boldly say so, which I just did. Oh well, not going to stop, & since this is a highly-disciplined daily regimen I have upheld now for 3 & 1/2 months of quotidian posts, perhaps one, just ONE person will hire me to write as a job, so I can get paid to write on top of maintaining what I do here daily for all of you, dear readers. Until next time, become a warrior for creation, or comply as a minion for destruction. The choice is yours, & yours alone, I am only here to point the way, shining the light from the exit out of the Platonian Cave, for YOU, not for me. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Evolve for creation, or devolve for destruction. The choice is yours, & yours alone.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4 E7 4/7/2023 Push Your Ups

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

I’m just going through these WordPress writing prompts as a self-authoring sort of way of doing my daily posts. Why not, ya know? Some are ridiculous, most actually, & obviously, I can work with all of them, but I like to pick & choose at will. Why?…because I’m the creator here, & I can do what I want. That’s one of the joys of doing what you love for free; the ability to create whatever you want to create, whenever you want to create it. That’s what life is really about…creating, not destroying, as most do, unfortunately. Yep, in their own ways, most people tend to be destroyers rather than creators. Making random babies is NOT creating by the way. Having a kid intentionally, then raising them accordingly in a nuclear family setting, THAT is creating. Making babies for government checks, unplanned, that end up in broken homes, THAT is NOT creating. It’s just “creating” destroyers, those mouth-breather types that grow fat on their own careless consumption, following in the footsteps of the consumer-based baby-makers who bred them, & then the cycle continues, to the point we are at now, an idiocratic Clownworld consumed by consumer destroyers, consuming everything they can, with zero regard for anyone and/or anything except their own porky selves.

The general self-centeredness amongst the populous is utterly astounding. Seriously, this country is getting out of control so fast. How do you like communism so far? Fun, isn’t it? I’m being facetious of course, because NONE of this is “fun,” per se. It’s kind of terrifying & for yours truly, who reads the zeitgeist like a handbook, I cannot speculate on what the not-so-distant future might bring. I can tell you this though, we are on the edge of the edge of the precipice, & one more little shove will be all it takes to push everyone off this proverbial cliff we all teeter upon. What happens when that happens? Great question, thanks for asking. I wish I had a definitive answer, but sadly I do not, other than I can assure you when we all fall, the national pandemonium, as well as the global, will be unprecedented in not only scale, but dynamically as well. We are in uncharted waters, & most people have become so accustomed to the numerous 1st-world conveniences they ignorantly take for granted, that they will be completely & helplessly lost when the world turns into a state of planetary chaos. They will panic, quickly, when they are hit with the self-realization that without those aforementioned conveniences, they have no idea how to survive. If the power went out, from an EMP maybe, what would they do? What would YOU do?

Most of you are so uninformed as to how to survive without electricity, hence why I ask, what would YOU do in that unfortunate scenario if and/or when it plays out in real time? Let’s illustrate it; the power goes out, POOF, gone, can’t get gas, can’t get money out any ATMs, no internet, fridge starts getting warm but you can’t get food because how would you pay for it with no power on? What else? Oh yeah, traffic lights won’t work, & in fact, NO lights work, so if the power went out in the middle of the night, POOF, perhaps while you’re asleep, & you wake up to no power on anywhere, what would YOU do? The power grid is insanely fragile, & to be honest, quite primitive, is it not? There were power lines everywhere 100 years ago. Yep, a century ago, we had the same power lines providing electricity to the masses, & nothing has changed really. Why is that? Tesla figured out how to use the Earth to give free energy to everyone, free of charge, so they took his technology, hiding it from the world, & have kept it hidden since, because if we all had free energy, we wouldn’t have power bills, & the powers-that-be want YOU to pay, & pay, & keep paying, for this ridiculous ancient system of power lines we still use to this day. Sucks, doesn’t it? We should have free energy, & we should be using that free energy to create & improve upon the foundations we built a century ago, but we don’t, because your masters won’t release that technology to the public, & so we kick that can on down the same dusty unpaved road.

Take a look at all the power lines around when you go out & about, & ask yourself, “Is this primitive?”…or something similar. Ask yourself questions, & then analyze the answers that pop up in your own respective heads. With all of the technological advancements of the last century, why in the fuck do we STILL have these power lines everywhere? Why? Well, I just told you why, & if you question the validity of my notions, DYOR…Do Your Own Research, & you’ll find that Edison & his globalist buddies systematically destroyed Tesla to prevent the free energy technology that he pioneered from ever being allowed to be used by the public. Can’t let the peasantry have free energy, because then they wouldn’t have gotten paid. That’s right, it’s just about money, money & power(pun intended), & I’d wager that free energy isn’t the only technology that they keep from us. Anyway, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I’m just one lone writer, whose HEAVILY shadowbanned across the board on all of the interwebs. The AI “has my number,” as the expression goes, & no matter what site I use, if a camera can see my face, the AI gets triggered to censor me. It’s not a joke, not satire, certainly not hyperbole, & I’m being dead serious about the level of advancement the AI has reached. It’s WAY more ahead than ChatGPT; I’ll put it that way, & if you want to know what I really think, I think the Capstone Club at the top of the pyramid uses AI to make decisions that affect the world in real time. There’s a show on Netflix about it, because you know how they love to use predictive programming to openly admit their nefariousity. Netflix sucks, I’m aware, but the show is called The Pentaverate, & although they make it silly & pseudo-comedic, it’s real. That’s their trick; they tell you what they’re going to do, so YOU unwillingly comply, putting the burden on YOU, rather than themselves. Why do they do this?

Like I’ve told you all many times prior to this article, they venerate Lucifer, Satan, Saturn, or whatever name you want to use, it’s all the same nonsense. THEY believe in it, THEY abide its will, & that’s Satan’s great ruse, telling you what is going to be done to you beforehand, removing the blame from itself, & placing that blame on all of YOU. I myself, do NOT believe in any of that crap, & I think they’re all abysmally insane, but THEY believe it regardless, worship it, & do what they can to gain more power via this false idol that they abide to. It works for them in this 3d world we’re all stuck in, but at the price of selling their souls. Good luck to them when they die, because they aren’t going to the same place I’m going, & obviously I don’t know what happens when we die, but by all means, do NOT go into the light. If you do, The Great Recycler will consume you, wiping away your memories, then essentially shitting you out as a blank slate, to be reborn only to do it all over again. I linked a few prior posts to provide you all with more info about The Great Recycler if you want to know more. I know my audience is down to a meager 30 or so of you, if I’m lucky, so this all falls on deaf ears more-or-less but I don’t care about that. I don’t make a single penny from what I do here, but I do it anyway because I love writing; it’s my passion, & one who is truly passionate about their lone talent, does it out of love, not for something as ridiculously petty as I-O-U paper fiat money. It’s artificial currency, the energy flow that keeps the zeitgeist rolling, & your overlords have hijacked the current, replacing it with this cheesebait money, & thus, making this world artificial in a sense. Artificiality can only continue for so long though, & that kicked can is about to get smashed when we all fall off that cliff I mentioned at the beginning, & society hits critical mass. Look into sociodynamics if you want to read more about societal critical mass, for historical as well as real-time reference, for YOU, not for me. Do hast thou will though; I’m no expert by any means. I’m just a writer, who writes out of love, creating, not destroying. Be a creator, in whatever it is you do. Destroyers only end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever, if you create out of love, not out of fear, or worse, for a paycheck.

Oh shit, I forgot all about the writing prompt, as I always do. Let’s see, the most “fun” way I exercise, is my daily push-up routine. Every day, for the last 30 years or so, I drop & do push-ups, usually in 50-pushup increments. It’s not only good for you physically, it’s meditative, & therefore, good for you mentally & psychologically as well. 50 may seem like a lot to some of you, so start with 10. One push-up takes less than a single solitary second, so do the math. It takes less than a minute to get your daily dose of exercise & personal meditation in for the day. If you do it multiple times, it just exponentially increases the benefits. That’s what I do though, so YOU do YOU. Since I unintentionally disregarded the daily WordPress writing prompt for the day, I had to make sure I gave you all an answer, all 30 or so of you. Take it for what it is, or take nothing at all. I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Destroyers end up destroying themselves & their own ilk, but creators live forever.” Fish F Fish🎏

“I’m just a creator, & if that’s all I’ll ever be, it’s better than being a destroyer.” Fish F Fish🎏

Trains & Complaints

Jesus Christ, what is up with all the incessant whining lately? Sheesh. Everyone blaming everyone for everything. ZERO regard for their own actions, just bitch, bitch, bitch. Now my black ass is complaining about the complaining, but in a justifiable way. One can only sit back & listen to it for so long before GAHHHHHHHHHHH…how about you whiny fuckers SHUT THE FUCK UP? Look inward. What is it YOU do? I’ve never seen such mass self-centeredness in my 40-plus years on this rock that’s flying through space. It’s NEVER your fault, is it? It’s as if projection is a second language these days, isn’t it? The mass mental illness has so many facets, & blaming people for your own actions is a primary feature of this global psychosis. Never YOUR fault, is it?

No, apparently it isn’t, but it’s so far-gone that I don’t know that there’s any coming back. When you let people whine & whine & bitch & moan & blame everyone but their own narcissistic selves without any rebuttal and/or consequences, they just go further & further of the deep end of the pool. Well, as a society, we’ve allowed that, & now look where we are…stuck in Clownworld. Honk honk honk. Who else is OVER the honk honk honking? I know I am, & from this point on, when someone bitches to me about something, they’re going to get the treatment they deserve, which entails me telling them to SHUT THE FUCK UP & TAKE SOME GOD-DAMNED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS. Yes, YOUR shit stinks too, so maybe wipe YOUR own ass for fuck’s sake.

Anyway, let’s see what’s happening in the news. Geez Louise, I just had to get that out in the previous paragraphs. Sick of it. So moving on, we have these trains derailing apparently, STILL, one big one today in North Dakota & one smaller one in the Mojave Desert now I see. TWO in one day, & if any of you believe the fake news that these are “random,” & not deliberate, you probably wear a mask when you’re alone in your own car. No, these “random” events are not random, they’re attacks, DELIBERATE attacks, by parties unknown. I’d wager some little gang was organized by deep state operatives to commit these crimes. I’m sure they’re getting paid well too, because it seems like every day there’s another train derailing, & today there was TWO, two in one day. Yes, we are being attacked, but will anything be done about it? Nope, & I can assure you this will continue, along with all the other shadowplay going on in the darkness, because no one ever does a fucking thing about it. Just another news article, nothing to see here, now get back to work you filthy peasants.

I’m just gonna leave this article where it is. The whining & complaining & trains derailing is hardly entertaining, it’s just draining. Clownworld drains & sucks the zeitgeist, the zeitgeist that they have hijacked, & the Katamarian snowball is so full of proverbial garbage now. LARPers larping in real-life, crying about every fucking thing they can, as if they seek out things to bitch about. Scripted fake news narratives being broadcast via televised programmed echo chambers that people assume are true & thus, act accordingly. Identity politics, catering to fringe minorities, pushing socialist agendas, just STOP you fuckers. Maybe knock it off already with the fiction becoming non-fiction. It just keeps growing though, getting exponentially worse, & that’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact. When do we hit critical mass? How many of you even know what sociodynamics are? I’d wager maybe 1 out of 100…maybe. The FisH™ abides though, & provided YOU links so YOU can help yourself by learning something new. That’s a perfect real-time example of positive complaining. I complain about YOU not knowing things, but instead of whining about it & blaming you, I offer links, I HELP YOU, I take responsibility, & try to correct YOUR incorrectness, rather than projecting my own rage at your ignorance outward toward you.

It’s as if I’m speaking Mandarin Chinese apparently, because my inclinations fall on wax-filled deafened ears. Anyway, these “random accidents,” these train derailments, these food processing plant fires, expect them to continue & get more prevalent. I bet anyone $100 that one of those two events will be reported in tomorrow’s news. Any takers? Let me know in the comments & when I win the bet, you can just stick that Hundo into my PayPal account link over there on the right side of the page if you’re viewing this in full-site mode, or just click the link I provided above. My site is MUCH more dynamic in full-site mode, & if you’re only reading this on the phone view, you’re missing out on all the widgets that I meticulously added onto this opus of mine. Closing in on 5000 pages; 5000 pages full of information for all of you, & for none of you at all. It’s what I do, for free, because writing is my passion, & if you have a passion that you passionately pursue, despite a taxed paycheck, you understand why I do what I do. There’s so much more to this life than bullshit paper fiat I-O-U money. It’s artificial, a pseudo-currency, & the real currency is what YOU create out of love, not what you get paid to do. Okay, I’m done with this one. Until next time dear readers, look inward before you project outward. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Look inward, before you project outward.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E21 3/21/2023 3-2-1 Contact

Remember that show, & the song that went with it? The Children’s Television Network show 3-2-1 Contact, that ran from 1980-1992. Don’t ask me but out of nowhere, the theme song is now the earworm that crawled into my brain, & coincidentally, tomorrow is 3/21. Weird, right? Haven’t thought of this theme song in decades then POOF, out of nowhere, so I decided to write about it, since we ARE in fact counting down to the big day tomorrow. “3-2-1 Contact, is the secret, is the moment, when everything happens…,” kinda spooky, right? A Trumpy Tuesday of ridiculousness, centered around the now infamous upcoming Trump arrest, supposedly. What time is this going down I wonder? What will the markets do? Will the Earth stop spinning? REEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honk. Grab your popcorn Fishheads, because the show is starting soon, only 28 minutes left in the countdown until midnight where I am, & then 3/21 officially begins, tick-tocking closer & closer to…well, we’ll have to just wait & see with our proverbial thumbs up our bumbums I suppose, right?..isn’t that the saying? Who thought of that anyway? It’s fucking disgusting. “Don’t stand around with your thumb up your butt,” I mean seriously, who was standing around with their dirty thumb up their dirty ass when that phrase manifested itself? Why would anyone ever do that? Ugh, so nasty, such awful imagery. Let’s move on from the stinky thumbs.

Honestly, I have no idea what to expect today for Trumpy Tuesday. That’s what I just decided to call it, just now, since every news station in the country is gearing up to be broadcasting nothing but Trump the entire day, & probably the rest of the week, perhaps longer if he DOES, in fact, get handcuffed like a criminal, by actual criminals. However, I’m leaning towards a big nothing-burger; there’s a lot of hype, that more often-than-not, turns out to be a wickless dud. What are you expecting? Protests? Riots? No one on Team MAGA can truly “protest,” because Feds mix in with the red hats & infiltrate their organized peaceful protests to incite destruction & violence. Looking directly at you Ray Epps. January 6th was arguably all Federal agents who were the provocateurs, antagonizing the situation, & encouraging regular people to go inside, where they knew they’d be identified, so they could later be arrested. Many of them were, & many of them are STILL in jail, & for what? NOTHING…they are political prisoners, much like you’d find in some 3rd world shithole country, not here in the USA. Unfortunately, we are now the USSA, the United Socialist States of America, & this rogue government has weaponized their alphabet agency hit squads like the CIA & FBI to document, harass, arrest, & even kill American citizens. It’s a silent coup, but not to me, because I heard it coming a mile & ½ away before everyone else did. No one listens, & if the MAGA masses go to NYC to protest, it’s going to somehow become a January 6th 2.0 event. The Honey Traps are set, waiting for those red hats, & if you’re a Trumpeter who’s thinking of attending one of these “protests,” DON’T…do NOT fall into the trap little bees.

Yep, the Feds & their respective alphabet goon squad neo-gestapo foot soldiers for George Soros are a cancer, & the cancer has infected the American body to such an extent, I’m not sure it can be removed, much less repaired. Even if we somehow got rid of all the corrupted cancer cells, the damage might already be done. Not to mention, if we beat these globalist pigs somehow, they will try to destroy everything they can on the way down. They won’t go without taking us all with them to hell, because they could care less about us, the herd, they only care abut themselves, their ilk, their dynasties, & their place on the power pyramid. Evil, soulless, psychopathic scum, fighting each other like hungry hyenas behind the scenes for more & more power.

Besides all this, it’s almost 3-2-1 contact time to 3/21, 5 minutes left to go, as I type, & you read this in what will be your present & my past. I just had a random thought; isn’t it bizarre how we “film” things? We essentially capture time, capture it in a little chip now, capturing life itself when you think about it, captured, & we can watch our pasts, over & over again. It’s really something when you stop & think about it, yet everyone takes for granted these amazing things we’ve done. For instance, the video I linked above, the theme song & intro video for the show 3-2-1 Contact, was created over 40 years ago, & I can watch it the same as I did in elementary school, singing along like the little kid me did so long ago. Anytime we want, we can watch the past, it’s just so incredible if you stop & ponder it. People don’t stop & look around enough, do they? Speaking of which, it’s time to STOP, & finish this Foozer, because this sleepy fish needs some rest before the big day coming up. Until next time dear readers, it’s now 12:01 AM, March 21, 2023, & should something happen on this day that has enough social dynamo to significantly alter the course of the zeitgeist, I’ll see you on the other side. Do NOT hold your breath though, because as I said earlier, I’d say 90% of the time these dated dates of pre-predicted infamy turn into nothing-burgers. We’ll be there soon enough, as midnight has come & gone, & 3/21 has begun. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you only have one egg, you better make sure your basket doesn’t have a hole in it.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E13 3/13/2023 Really Graceful

This Fooze is going to be about a girl I like to watch. No, not like that ya filthy fucking animals; she’s on YouTube, she has a YouTube channel, & her name is Grace, or so I assume, since her channel dons the moniker, “Really Graceful.” I posted the link to her new book, “The Deep State Encyclopedia; Exposing the Cabal Playbook.” Obviously, the book is about exactly what the title implies, & is essentially a compendium of all of the “chosen” families who rule the world from the shadows. Of course, they chose themselves, & this nefariousness goes back centuries now, yes, a centuries old long-game. This game, THEIR game, ends with them taking total control over the entire planet & ruling from a centralized location with a one world government, & a one world order. Grace does a very thorough job of illustrating the respective histories of these so-called “elite” families, who have maintained their power via arranged marriages & inbreeding, in order to make sure their hereditary links are what binds them. “Your family is your family, & what else is there but family?” …you know that old quip, except these ruling-class dynasties take it to an enirely different level than we peasants do. They can’t have just anyone in the family, now can they? Nope, in their psychopathically heartless world, it’s not about love, it’s all about retaining status through marriage, which also implies a eugenical aspect to this bizarre dynamic, doesn’t it? It’s not like the eugenics programs they unleash upon us Plebian masses though, oh no no no. Their version is more of controlled breeding via strategically organized marriages, while ours is controlled by abortions, poisoning the food & water, programming children with television to be gay, etc…so as you can see, it’s most certainly two different approaches to the notion of “guided reproduction,” now isn’t it? Regardless, I’m keeping this Foozer short today; it’s more of a Monday placeholder, & I’m pretty confident that the big tech overlords are going to try & squash the videos that Grace uploaded about her book. She actually reads some chapters from her book, & illustrates the narration with some solid evidential video work to accompany the read-along. I’ll go ahead & link one of the accompanying videos below, before she gets censored. Keep in mind, I cannot guarantee this video will be here forever unfortunately. Roll the clip.

There you go, you now have a link at the top to get yourself and/or your friend a copy of the book; I believe it’s only $19.99 on Amazon(my copy is en route), & you also have her video about the Bloodlines of the Capstone Clubbers above, which is about an hour long & a MUST WATCH. You will not believe how sinister their game really is, because it goes DEEP, & these evil scumbags have been the center of all of the chaos that the world keeps getting thrust into. Orchestrated chaos, via soulless psychopaths. Maybe that’s why the do what they do, perhaps they have no souls, what do you think? Nonetheless, check out all the links above, & be sure to subscribe to Grace’s YouTube channel. She is amazingly meticulous with her research, & I have recommended her for years now, so I’m really happy for her to have a published book she wrote go to number one on Amazon’s best-seller list. That’s amazing. Great job Grace, if you happen to come across my drivel. Until next time, dear reader, discover the truth for you, or be consumed by lies for them. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Discover your own truth, or be consumed in their lies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏