The Fooze: S3 E29 3/29/2023 Tik-Tok Say What?

Oh man, if you are the kind of person that likes to stay on top of the zeitgeist, catching REAL breaking news before it breaks, YOU need to read the article linked above. Before you do though, be sure to subscribe to the Louder With Crowder channel on Rumble, because YouTube is almost as disturbingly gay as that chick, Audrey Hale, who shot up a school in Nashville, Tennessee, & now guess who’s getting the blame? The trans community? No. Psych meds? No. ONE person’s lone lunacy? NO. They’re blaming guns, & Christians, & the patriarchy, & homo-transphobes, & those crazy white supreme pizzas of course. Yep, as if on queue, blaming everything & everyone except the psychopathic bitch with a murderous intent. I mean seriously, IT IS ASTOUNDING seeing these liberal lunatics going berserker mode over this, arguably even blaming the dead children, & yikes have the social media posts from them been so utterly atrocious, it’s revolting. When will enough be enough be enough from these beta twerp buzzword-programmed freaks? Yes, FREAKS, the LGBTQ community, including their supporters, is riddled with degenerates, pedos, & mental patients, seemingly more-so, rather than less-so. I don’t see any of them denouncing what their comrades are doing, do you?

Anyway, not here to rant about the societal AIDS know as the LGBTQ community, I’m here to expose what these utterly-corrupted scumbag politicians are trying to sneak into the “Tik-Tok banning bill,” as it is allegedly ascribed to be. Oh wait, it seems it’s NOT really about banning Tik-Tok, it’s a bill that will basically be like the Patriot Act, except it’s for the Internet. Senate Bill 686, eerily close to 666, nothing weird there, but this bill has details in the proverbial fine print that give this rogue regime the power to come after ANYONE who posts content that THEY deem to be “inappropriate.” What might that entail? Great question, thanks for asking. That would mean yours truly, could be in that category. Why?…because I report the God-damned TRUTH, & in this increasingly tyrannical country, that’s soon to be verboten, apparently. Anyone else who writes about the truth, and/or makes memes that might hurt some pussy’s feelings, and/or makes videos that aren’t abiding the “community guidelines,” are going to be rounded up in the game category as myself. Sound familiar? Rounding up those who do not abide the will of the State? If not, try a history book instead of jerking off in your mom’s basement.

What do I, as a sovereign human being, say to these corrupt politicians pushing this insanely Orwellian bill? How about GO FUCK YOURSELVES? How about BRING IT BITCHES? How about I WILL NEVER BEND THE KNEE TO YOU PIG-FARM SWINE? Be sure to spell my name right on the warrants you pieces of shit. It’s B-L-O-W(space)M-E…got it? If only armed Americans could unify & simply remove this cancer that has infected our country so deeply, that by now, said cancer could be terminal. Not being hyperbolic either, because at this rate, there’s no way we’re going to make it to 2024. The true death of a nation, & even if we do, I personally believe it’s foolish for anyone to believe that ONE man, that dastardly hashtag #OrangeManBad man, the infamous Donald J. Trump, is going to somehow save not only the country, but the entire world from the agenda these shadowplayer Deep State globalists are unleashing on the world right now in real-time, at the behest of their minions. That’s a lot of eggs to put into one orange basket, just saying. Might wanna leggo your eggo, because the cult of Trump is still a cult, don’t forget that, particularly if you’re still in it 1000%. What would they do if something were to happen to him?

Nonetheless, I left several links in this article for all of you, & for none of you at all. Information is power, but so is an army, & unfortunately the same fuckwads pushing this malapropismic “bi-partisan” bill, are the ones with an actual military at their command. Would they use it on their own citizens? Of course they would, they WANT to, & these morons on the left are so far-gone, that they’ll be the first ones lined up, because that’s how it REALLY goes in Communist shithole countries. Again, read a history book. I know, I know…facts & history, like kryptonite to the legion of programmed NPC foot soldiers, who spend their days angry & rageful…grrrrrr…rage, rage, rage…the projection is staggering, & that’s why they’re all so fugly. Fugly people with fugly energy that act like fugly fuglies. It’s so gross…ugh, just rotten, nasty, disgusting people, & if any of their buzzwords get triggered…REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honking like a clown car off a cliff, but I digress, as usual. Until next time dear readers, don’t be fugly, just be free. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Information is power, but so is an army.” Fish F Fish

“Don’t be a fuggo, be a freeto.” Fish F Fish

Trains & Complaints

Jesus Christ, what is up with all the incessant whining lately? Sheesh. Everyone blaming everyone for everything. ZERO regard for their own actions, just bitch, bitch, bitch. Now my black ass is complaining about the complaining, but in a justifiable way. One can only sit back & listen to it for so long before GAHHHHHHHHHHH…how about you whiny fuckers SHUT THE FUCK UP? Look inward. What is it YOU do? I’ve never seen such mass self-centeredness in my 40-plus years on this rock that’s flying through space. It’s NEVER your fault, is it? It’s as if projection is a second language these days, isn’t it? The mass mental illness has so many facets, & blaming people for your own actions is a primary feature of this global psychosis. Never YOUR fault, is it?

No, apparently it isn’t, but it’s so far-gone that I don’t know that there’s any coming back. When you let people whine & whine & bitch & moan & blame everyone but their own narcissistic selves without any rebuttal and/or consequences, they just go further & further of the deep end of the pool. Well, as a society, we’ve allowed that, & now look where we are…stuck in Clownworld. Honk honk honk. Who else is OVER the honk honk honking? I know I am, & from this point on, when someone bitches to me about something, they’re going to get the treatment they deserve, which entails me telling them to SHUT THE FUCK UP & TAKE SOME GOD-DAMNED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS. Yes, YOUR shit stinks too, so maybe wipe YOUR own ass for fuck’s sake.

Anyway, let’s see what’s happening in the news. Geez Louise, I just had to get that out in the previous paragraphs. Sick of it. So moving on, we have these trains derailing apparently, STILL, one big one today in North Dakota & one smaller one in the Mojave Desert now I see. TWO in one day, & if any of you believe the fake news that these are “random,” & not deliberate, you probably wear a mask when you’re alone in your own car. No, these “random” events are not random, they’re attacks, DELIBERATE attacks, by parties unknown. I’d wager some little gang was organized by deep state operatives to commit these crimes. I’m sure they’re getting paid well too, because it seems like every day there’s another train derailing, & today there was TWO, two in one day. Yes, we are being attacked, but will anything be done about it? Nope, & I can assure you this will continue, along with all the other shadowplay going on in the darkness, because no one ever does a fucking thing about it. Just another news article, nothing to see here, now get back to work you filthy peasants.

I’m just gonna leave this article where it is. The whining & complaining & trains derailing is hardly entertaining, it’s just draining. Clownworld drains & sucks the zeitgeist, the zeitgeist that they have hijacked, & the Katamarian snowball is so full of proverbial garbage now. LARPers larping in real-life, crying about every fucking thing they can, as if they seek out things to bitch about. Scripted fake news narratives being broadcast via televised programmed echo chambers that people assume are true & thus, act accordingly. Identity politics, catering to fringe minorities, pushing socialist agendas, just STOP you fuckers. Maybe knock it off already with the fiction becoming non-fiction. It just keeps growing though, getting exponentially worse, & that’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact. When do we hit critical mass? How many of you even know what sociodynamics are? I’d wager maybe 1 out of 100…maybe. The FisH™ abides though, & provided YOU links so YOU can help yourself by learning something new. That’s a perfect real-time example of positive complaining. I complain about YOU not knowing things, but instead of whining about it & blaming you, I offer links, I HELP YOU, I take responsibility, & try to correct YOUR incorrectness, rather than projecting my own rage at your ignorance outward toward you.

It’s as if I’m speaking Mandarin Chinese apparently, because my inclinations fall on wax-filled deafened ears. Anyway, these “random accidents,” these train derailments, these food processing plant fires, expect them to continue & get more prevalent. I bet anyone $100 that one of those two events will be reported in tomorrow’s news. Any takers? Let me know in the comments & when I win the bet, you can just stick that Hundo into my PayPal account link over there on the right side of the page if you’re viewing this in full-site mode, or just click the link I provided above. My site is MUCH more dynamic in full-site mode, & if you’re only reading this on the phone view, you’re missing out on all the widgets that I meticulously added onto this opus of mine. Closing in on 5000 pages; 5000 pages full of information for all of you, & for none of you at all. It’s what I do, for free, because writing is my passion, & if you have a passion that you passionately pursue, despite a taxed paycheck, you understand why I do what I do. There’s so much more to this life than bullshit paper fiat I-O-U money. It’s artificial, a pseudo-currency, & the real currency is what YOU create out of love, not what you get paid to do. Okay, I’m done with this one. Until next time dear readers, look inward before you project outward. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Look inward, before you project outward.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E26 2/26/2023 🐟The Khazarian Mafia 🐟

My oh my oh my, it just gets crazier by the week, doesn’t it? Lots of pressure mounting on the criminal Biden regime, so what might they be thinking up to distract from the attention being thrust onto their nefarious activities? Oh, I don’t know, maybe a world war, maybe staged alien invasion, maybe something new, complete with all the shock & awe you want, all serving to further distract you from the global takeover. Who is this mysterious cabal secretly taking over the world though? Ever heard of the Khazarian Mafia? Oh wait, whats’ this? Why the red line under the word “Khazarian” WordPress? Are we going to pretend it’s a made-up word? Want to read more about this VERY REAL, & quite dastardly bunch that’s been bringing you chaos for centuries now? Yes, CENTURIES, almost 20, that’s 2000 years of mindfuckery thanks to this evil organization. Good thing FisH™is here to help, to abide, by providing YOU with links to the real TRUTH of the matter, whatever the matter might be, & in this case, is the OPENLY intentional planetary exposure of the secretive Khazarian Mafia.

What do these Crazy Khazarians think they are for fuck’s sake? Sheesh. Maybe let’s start with what they worship, yes? What creature? What sort of animal would a group like this venerate? Can you guess? Well, well, well, if it isn’t our old friend the owl, of course, & boy o’ boy, you sure do seem to pop up a lot amongst these groups, don’t you? The ever-wise owl, wisest in the Black Forest, rotating its head 180 degrees, always at least one eye on something, they can even see in the darkness, they can cut right through it, this fearsome nighttime predator, hunting in the blackest of night for its prey. These globalists just love the owl, so much so in fact, that they even snuck one onto the dollar bill, in case you weren’t aware. Not aware? No worries, again, the FisH™ abides. Check out the pic below. Or pull a one dollar bill from your own wallet, grab a magnifying glass if you don’t have 20/20 vision, & look for yourself, with your own eyes, in real-time, here with me. Isn’t it adorable, on its own little perch there, always watching, watching YOU, on every single one dollar bill, isn’t that just dandy? Not to mention all the other things going on in the details of fiat currency paper money garbage. It has to do with the magic spells they use, that they cast upon ALL the currency, not just the one dollar bill. Didn’t know they were into using black magick either? Of course, & particularly on the currency, because currency, is the energy flow they’ve hijacked that keeps the zeitgeistian snowball rolling like a giant Katamari. Oh yes, they’re quite knowledgable in said magick in fact, as one could imagine with 2000 years of practice, & they use their time-worn pseudo-sorcery all the time. THEY believe in it, & as I always tell you, I myself, DO NOT, I don’t believe in any dark arts voodoo nonsense, but again, THEY DO, & thus, they use it, utilizing this dark magic accordingly, for their own nefariousity.

Well, dear reader, with the link I provided above up there, & the one below, & the video at the end, you should have more than enough gear to jump down into this sewer of a rabbit hole. This gear will be needed, as should you choose to lift this sewer lid, then dive down into the pink slime of truth, like in Ghostbusters 2, & get yourself learn-ed on the Khazarian Mafia, you might be down there awhile. There’s an INCREDIBLE amount of disinformation & misinformation on these shadowy scum, not to mention an army of agents helping to confuse the public as to what’s truth & what is UN-truth about these Capstone Club globalists. Benjamin Fulford…BOOM…been trying to remember that fuckwad’s name & I just did. Watch out for him. HE IS AN AGENT OF THE MOB. One of the most prominent ones, if not THE most, so avoid that idiot’s drivel, unless you just want to read with a specific intent to see how bad the disinformation is. He is just bloody revolting with it too, but he’s clever, & sounds like he knows what he’s doing, so again, steer clear of that beady-eyed badger. Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention this too, the Capstone Club, the club that makes up the proverbial “capstone” atop the social hierarchy pyramid, whom I have mentioned ad nauseam in prior posts, & the Khazarian Mafia are more-or-less, one in the same. Maybe take a few members out, throw a few members in, but regardless, the Capstone Club & the Khazarian Mob are analogous. Who are some of the members? 🚨ALERT ALERT, CODE RED, RED ALERT🚨 …no, no, no…this is the part where YOU DYOR, Do Your Own Research, for if I just rewrite all the answers here, what good will that do you? YOU must have the fortitude to want to know for YOU, not for me, & therefore, YOU must jump into that aforementioned manhole with your boots laced tight.

Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia

☝🏻Click HERE to read even more☝🏻…I told you, this is a liminal sewer, beyond the rabbit holes…

Don’t be scared, they’ll come get me before they ever come get any of you. I’m a direct exposer, a dissident thought-criminal, that fearless mouthpiece in the forlorn faces of fraudsters, the kind that they uniquely despise for their defiantly arrogant boldness in the face of tyrannical tyrant technocratic twats. I’ll be the one, the lone one, ready to die on my own hill, the one that tells them openly & publicly, via my own global forum, that THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA IS EXPOSED, & WILL CONTINUOUSLY BE EXPOSED UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED AND/OR DEAD, along with some strongly-worded verbal stabs at them personally, coming from my own hatred of this malevolent mob for their 20 centuries of societal disruption. Surely, that anger is well-warranted, yes?…& should be shared amongst the general population, yes?…but I digress, so let’s get to this emancipation proclamation aimed directly at The Khazarian Mafia for their monetary ensalvement of humanity, should they happen to see this. Everyone ready? Once again, the FisH ™ abides. I will never help these elitist fucks, I am certainly NOT amongst their horde of foot soldier disinfo agents, nope, I am hear to be as offensively resistant to them as I can be with my own s-words for now, until violence becomes the necessity to survive, should they come attack me in real-time with vapidly vile voracious violence. So, to these Khazarian Mafioso I publicly proclaim…

“Go fuck yourselves you globalist cunts. Fuck you, fuck your mafia, fuck your hijacking of the currency, of the world, I will NOT abide this nonsense any longer. I will NEVER bend the knee to you, you psychopathic social-engineering degenerative deceptionist filth, & when the day of divine reckoning comes, I can only hope I’m there to pull one of the handles that drops the trap-door that drops ALL of YOU, you parasites, you corrupt & vile enemies of humanity, dropped to your own respective deaths, as you hang by your rancid reptilian necks until you’re all DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.”

Do you have the balls to publicly say such a thing? If so, why not do it? Maybe we should ALL do it? They can’t kill us all, but if they’re going to try anyway, why not fight back? THEY’RE ALREADY ATTACKING YOU, ATTACKING US, WE THE PEOPLE ARE UNDER DIRECT ATTACK FROM THESE MINIONS OF MALFEASANCE RIGHT NOW, IN REAL TIME. Does that NOT piss you off? Am I alone in my own delusionally unjustifiable anger towards a quiet cabal of mega-wealthy-uber-powerful globalist overlords that want to murder 90% of the global population in order to rule the entire planet & whoever is left from a singular new world order? I sure don’t want to believe that, because when that hammer drops, & the day comes, & it WILL come, when their depopulation agenda becomes very apparent to everyone, not just me, one can only hope its’s not too late by then. Okay, it’s time to wrap this Foozer up. Until next time dear reader, watch out for the mob, because they’ve always been watching you. So sayeth FisH™ …oh did you think it was over? No, no, no this isn’t the end of the movie like in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, when he tells you it’s over, oh no, I have one more link for you. Check out the video below, because it’s good to not only read research, but to SEE/HEAR research as well. The FisH™ abides.🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Watch out for the mob, because they’ve always been watching you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E25 2/25/2023 Dafuq is Goin On ‘Round Here?

There sure are A LOT of “random” explosions going on at various factories in, & now near the USA apparently lately, aren’t there? Sheesh. Not one, not two, but three, THREE “random” fires break out in oil facilities in ONE day, oh & they’re all owned by the same company, but nothing weird about that, right? Derp. Come on people, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. These desperate democrat scumfucks must’ve given the “go-code” to start the attack on America, because NONE of this bullshit is random. I for one, want some investigations, & some fucking answers, instead of the usual, “pay attention over here, not here” play from that crusty old playbook they use. They aren’t even really trying to be that covert about it either, & do you want to know why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY DON’T HAVE TO BE. Seemingly, there isn’t a single soul on the good side with enough oomp-pa-pa to do anything about it. Oh yes, I can bluntly proclaim the truth from my little pulpit here, but what does that do? It’s just another tiny part of a bigger tiny part that can do nothing, NOTHING, to stop these vile villains from fulfilling their end goal, which is, as I mentioned earlier, the total collapse of this country.

Did I not tell you these fuckers would burn it all down before they’d ever relinquish any of this glorious power they now wield? Now, they’re LITERALLY burning it down, burning it down in OVER 100 food-processing facilities, burning it down in chemical spills via orchestrated train derailments, now it looks like burning up our fuel supply. Oh, not to mention, burning up the citizens by Biblically-flooding fentanyl in from Mexico & China, & I quit counting dead friends from that shit, as they’re LITERALLY burning US down as well. So, again, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, & I call on EVERY armed American, to march to the Capitol, PEACEFULLY, armed only to defend ourselves, & arrest EVERY one of these corrupt politicians, including President Braindead himself, now who’s with me? (crickets)…& that’s the real problem isn’t it? Not enough people have the will, the virtue, the organizational skills, or frankly the inclination to do what I just illustrated. I admit, myself included, but only because I already know how forgone the general population is here. Most of them don’t have a clue, they’re so caught up in The Great Mouse Trap, chasing cheese-bait fiat money, left turn, right turn, left, left, get the cheese, right, left, right, right turn again, more cheese, round & round & round The Great Mouse Trap, & you call that “life.” FUCK OFF ALREADY. I don’t care if I die on this hill as alone as Helen Keller in a dark forest, fuck this ridiculous Great Mouse Trap, & fuck any of you for saying, “that’s just how it is,” if you’re one of those poo people, ya fucking slaves you.

Not how it is for everyone, & certainly not how it is for me. Go ahead & shoot me in my lilly white ass with the biggest, most powerful elephant gun tranquilizer you can find, then lock me up in a nuthouse for the rest of my life if I’m deemed “insane,” because I know I’m not. YOU are, if you abide this joke of an existence as “life.” I’m not you, & you aren’t a fish like me, who can see with my fish-eyed real eyes, the real lies that aren’t realized by most of you. I see it as clearly as backing up & looking at the whole painting on the wall, it’s just that easy for me. Then I look at all of you, gawking at a corner of the painting & arguing the merit of it, as Platonian Cave-like as it gets, stuck on shadows & echoes, rather than just walking out of the cave, & seeing the real world for the first time with your real eyes. Blame me, if these notions bother you, blame only me. Don’t blame you, blame me, I’ll take all that fiery blame you got, then light it on fire like a fart. I’m as stuck in this God-damned Great Mouse Trap like the rest of you, don’t assume I am not. Stuck like the guy who points you to the exits after movie night out with your favorite dandy. With old popcorn bits stuck to his shoes, & a uniform with cat hair on it, yet still, always saying, “This way to the exits. Make your way to the exit in an orderly fashion please,” but what does everyone do? They sit back down in their seats like retards staring at a blank screen in hopes that a new movie starts soon.

News flash: IT’S NOT, there is no new movie you dopey dopes, this theatre just plays the same movie, over & over & over, & that movie is called, “Chasing Cheese-bait Money.” Quite the film, got a 4-star review from your friends at the Magical Movie Review Place. Doesn’t matter what I say though, no one cares, as is par for my little mini-golf course facility I run here, where all the employees get stoned behind hole 13 & the caddies will most-likely hustle you for pocket money. Gotta keep writing though, filling this Fooze bucket with balls of truth, know what I mean? Such is my tee-time, what is yours? Until next time, dear reader, keep in mind…what else would I do though, if not for this? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“What else would I do though, if not for this?” ~Fish F Fish🎏


Single Line Genius


As the title suggests…

…this is some single-line animation, some BRILLIANT work, and you should take a few minutes to see the creativity in simplistic genius, not only here, but in general. This guy takes a single line (think of writing with a pen but never leaving the paper) and creates animations that are exceptionally detailed. This is a good vid to enjoy and share, so please be a connector on the bridge.


Where has your creativity taken you? Have you lost your sense of creativity, perhaps never found it? How colorful is your mind’s eye? Can you translate that image via a tangible medium?

I wonder if creativity dies with the loss of the pineal gland…. YES, I said loss, for it appears evident that the fluoride and numerous other toxins they use to suppress your pineal glands WILL in fact render said glands useless and relatively dead, with no hope of recovery. Look around, think about it, if you know anything at all about the seed of the soul, i.e. the pineal gland, then how can YOU not put it together?

The pineal gland needs to be used, exercised, nourished, just like any other body part one needs to keep healthy, but as I mentioned earlier, THEY do not want YOU to think beyond working, eating, sleeping, shitting, repeating. THEY want you docile, like a herd of sheep, hence the term sheeple. I know many of YOU know this, but YOU might be surprised how many of YOU do NOT.

It’s getting to the point where this mass of unawakened humanity really needs to ignite a spark within itself before the aforementioned THEY really start raining fire down on the masses, metaphorically, physically, socially… YES these psychopathic madmen and women in charge are out of their fucking minds, they have no souls, they have no empathy, no compassion, certainly no love for anything but their own agenda, and are in fact pig scum. I refer to them often with that term as I feel it appropriately illustrates their uselessness and disgusting subhuman existences.

One might say the word illuminati, but that is now understood as a broad term, vaguely covering the whole web of secret societies that stay one step ahead of the populous, often more steps than one to be clear. They control the world monetary system, which has been engineered for centuries to be just what it is today, a machine for making the top of the pyramid über rich, followed by a descending caste system of debt slavery represented with monopoly money, material wealth, celebrity obsession, pseudo novelty, consumption, consumption, consumption.


Things are moving faster and faster if you haven’t noticed, and if you haven’t, it’s probably because your busy watching reality television, sports, celebrities, checking Facebook, snap chatting, etc… one distraction after another and what are YOU being distracted from?…

The answer is YOU, all part of the same agenda I mentioned at the start;

Distract them, feed them so they don’t learn to feed themselves, then put chemicals in the food to make them dumber, and the water too, give them booze and drugs of all kinds to amplify the distraction and dumbing-down, give them a common core shit education that teaches nothing, program them from birth, do not promote their accelerated learning, push them down, further and further, trick them into a lifetime of debt for crap they don’t really need, use marketing and advertising to dupe the less-informed to believe that they DO need that crap they are in debt to, suppress sex and accentuate violence, whatever needs to be done to confuse them so much that they have no choice but to completely submit in the end to their masters.

This isn’t just some notion, some conspiracy theory, some wonky paranoia, this is the REALITY of the reality. If it bothers you, if you cannot stomach truth, if you can’t get over your fear and accept what IS and deal with it, then maybe NOW is the moment where YOU need to change. The only thing that keeps YOU shackled inside the cave is YOU. So much fear out there, how do you think we’ve gotten to where we are now?…

Let’s detail some of the current insanity:

On the brink of nuclear world war, fake shadow government funded terrorists crucifying people and cutting off their heads while they get bombed by unmanned remote controlled airplanes, fear porn Ebola epidemic this and that every other week, divide and conquer black vs. white propaganda being broadcast via the MSM, that’s just the tip of the tip of the proverbial iceberg and I can go on and on and on but that’s all it boils down to, fear porn and propaganda, and that’s why I have told you all for literally years now to turn off your fucking televisions.


Want an example of how bad a television is?…

If you have a child then you know this, but if you don’t, watch what a young toddlerish/infant child does when the television gets turned on. What do they do?… They immediately are sucked into it, staring, oblivious to the world around them, because the alpha waves are very reactionary to the brain of a relatively new human. Look into alpha waves and televisions… or you can go even further and look into why televisions were created in the first place. I won’t spoil the surprise for you, but I can assure you that you will be awed by what you discover. I tell, and I have told you for hundreds of posts, that the pig scum globalist banker elitist pieces of shit who currently think they have dominion over most of you because you allow them to are absolutely evil. Nothing to do with religion, I don’t care if they worship Lucifer, or a giant owl in Bohemian Grove, or that they are/were in Skull & Bones, or that they are 33rd degree Freemasons, none of that means shit to me because I don’t believe in any of that. I DO however believe that they DO believe in those things, which empowers them to be soulless enough to play their part in keeping society in monetary bondage, to invoke laws they themselves don’t adhere to, to incite wars, to carry out their dark and shadowy eugenicistic agendas, to be evil, instead of using their resources for the betterment of the human race.

They will fail and they will lose because they have already lost.

And on that note, we will wrap it up after just passing the 1000 word mark.

More to come. Enjoy the vid above.

Love to all. 

Roller Coaster World




Sometimes I come across information that is… there really isn’t a word, because the word disturbing isn’t strong enough, information that is so beyond disturbing, it just confuses one to see how low humanity has sunk and continues to sink. While many here in America will be celebrating Memorial Day tomorrow, where will Der Fuhrer Obama be? He apparently just surprised some soldiers with a visit in Afghanistan this morning, so can Air Force One really get back here and have him ready to go by tomorrow? Or will he be conveniently out of the country, should something occur. Now before you read further, make a mental note that I am in NO WAY advocating any sort of false flag and/or globalist staged event tomorrow.

IN NO WAY…continuing…

Back to the disturbing stuff, because I know you are itching to know what that might be. Let’s start with disturbingness number one: Ever heard of ISIS? Not mentioned very much via the MSM. until earlier tonight. They aired a report via 60 minutes about a group called ISIS, the letters break down into something like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and apparently they are, and I quote, “ultra-extremists.” So extreme in fact that Al Qeada, or Al Qiada, (seems like they change the spelling at random)… anyway, the group known as Al Qeada, who is really run by the CIA, have denounced the atrocious violence this group unleashes. I’ll leave it up to YOU to run the term “ISIS terrorist” through a search engine. What you find will be shocking, VERY shocking, so YOU have been warned….

I have sadly bore witness to numerous video clips of graphic footage throughout out my time on the Internet, as I’m sure many of you have. Some I wished I never watched, yet to just ignore the depravity of humanity play out via the high technology of current modern media just isn’t how I roll. As a soul traveler, gathering as much experience and knowledge is part of the big game, remember? Now with that being said, what I watched these ISIS guys do earlier was in two big words… FUCKED UP. I couldn’t tell who was who, everyone was yelling Allah al Akbar, “glory to Allah”(Muslim God?)…after watching this I’m pretty sure these guys are all absolutely out of their fucking minds. Forcing people to dig their own graves, then executed, BLAM, right in the back of the head. I watched a gun battle where apparently these ISIS guys OVERWHELMINGLY slaughtered the other guys. Tremendous overkill, riddling dead bodies with hundreds of bullets. Absolute savages, assuming the footage is real of course. Again, they all looked alike to me, like seriously, how the fuck do they tell each other part? Guys getting shot of their mopeds as they sped down the street, moving car drive-bys, all wearing the same shit, speaking the same language, so surreal. Basically I ended up seeing about ohhhh…. 50 to 60 live murders as I looked into this, so again…


Flowing with a roller coaster theme, let’s shift real quick to some other reported extreme violence, right here in America. You should have heard by now, Elliot Rodger, rich kid son of Hollywood director, prescription drugs, Asperger’s Syndrome, video games, manifesto, crazy fucking Youtube videos, guns, knives, blah blah blah blah blah. ALWAYS pouting a finger at anything other then the mind that plotted to commit the act. Now of course, right after this reported event, a supposed victim’s father openly blames the NRA and guns themselves, at least this is what the MSM is spinning. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE. Were YOU there? Now I’m not saying this is or is not legit, but it STINKS of yet another staged scripted bullshit story to promote an agenda. Numerous fallacies, this kid reported kills ALL THREE of his male roommates with a knife. His Youtube channel is still up, take a look at this insanity. How could a little scrawny guy like that successfully murder THREE male roommates with a knife? Notice this rampage didn’t begin with a gun, but with knives, yet the MSM shows a “victim’s father” blaming guns, blaming the NRA. See where I am going here? His father, a successful Hollywood director, part of the Hunger Games franchise, not too hard to create some scenes, create a story, and in particular, offer his own son as a sacrifice for globalist illuminati devil worshipping Luciferian scum to gain more power for himself, spinning it all out via the MSM, who just follow the script they are given. Would it really be so hard? I can tell any and/or all of you, as an amateur film-maker, it would not be hard to put this all together.

Check out the Youtube channel… see what you think. Put Elliot Rodger in the search query. Yes, they left his channel up, at least it was up earlier, while I have COUNTLESS friends who have had videos removed for content, yet this supposed psycho killer’s channel just stays up, no problem?…hmmmm….

And the roller coaster turns again, so what about tomorrow, Memorial Day here in America, big day for patriots and veterans and soldiers, yet where is the President going to be? As I mentioned in the beginning…he was in Afghanistan this morning, will he be back in DC tomorrow, or conveniently out of the country? Again, NOT SAYING ANYTHING WILL OR WILL NOT HAPPEN. However, say this were a game of Risk, and I had my territories in Russia and China and Iran and India and Africa and Southeast Asia, I’d be taking Australia real quick, fortifying my troops along the border with Europe, preparing to invade North and South America, posing myself for total global domination, just as the New World Order globalist scum are doing. The US launched a “secret”(LOL) rocket into space earlier. What was on this rocket? Something that could be detonated on an important holiday in America? A nuke? An EMP? Something they can blame on someone else as an excuse for war? Or will it just be another Memorial Day as always in the good old USA? Beer, cook-outs, fireworks, fun at the beach? The game of Risk doesn’t get quite so involved, but the concept is the same, total global domination. I have played this game a lot, and one thing I can assure you of is that in order to win, you must be able to think as your enemies. Your enemies weakness is your advantage. Sun Tzu probably has something similar, but that’s not important. What IS important is that if YOU were in control, if YOU were Putin, and YOU had to deal with a pathetically weak President, who holds valuable territory and wealth and resources, what would YOU be contemplating? Better yet, what are the globalist scum who are playing this game for real thinking? 

And here comes the big loop, take your hands off the rail, don’t be scared to THINK… roller coasters are fun, aren’t they? Before I leave you all, since we’ve crossed the 1000 word mark, you all get a bonus on this ride. Here comes the biggest story I came across today, announced TODAY, YES TODAY, just before Memorial Day in America, and that story is this:


Not making this up. Look it up. Now how ironic is it that the President is out of country, secret rocket launch, reports of  potential World War 3 being insinuated on a global scale, crazy fucking terrorists, all while Americans are being distracted by numerous special interest agendas or are too programmed and brain-dead to turn off their televisions, but even more distracted particularly tomorrow, because so many will be grilling out, drinking, off work, whatever tomorrow, it’s a national holiday, and a relatively patriotic one. Seems like an ideal time to strike if you are an enemy, does it not? Even better, to MAKE IT SEEM LIKE AN ENEMY STRIKES, in order to further the ultimate agenda of total global domination. Do you think all this information that numerous other sources besides myself have cited and documented is not real. These globalist pigs REALLY WORSHIP LUCIFER. THEY REALLY WANT A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, YES A NEW WORLD ORDER. NOT FAKE, VERY REAL. They are into all sorts of secret shit that YOU would be clueless about had the Internet not been released from military control. Perhaps that was part of their plan however. Control the information, control what the society thinks it believes, right? It just spins and spins and turns and loops and gets crazier and crazier. One of these days, the roller coaster is going to derail and fling humanity out into the void in the process, at least that is one plausibility, maybe humanity can still save itself. Good luck with that, to the 85 to 90% still asleep. Keep eating crap, getting fat, polluting your bodies, remaining docile and complacent, good obedient humans, good slaves, shhhh… just keep watching the television and NOT thinking, that’s exactly what they want. Or will YOU finally have the courage to take YOUR hands off the handrail and really ride the roller coaster? When the changes come, they will come fast, and doing something I’ve never done before, I will steal a quote from a movie here… “My soul is prepared. How’s yours?” (From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)… irony everywhere. Life is irony, comedy blended with tragedy, at least the life in this lower dimension of duality, but I am not going to re-re-re-digress into all that now. If YOU don’t know, maybe it’s too late for YOU. This blog is filled with bridges and walkways, but it is YOU who decides to make those steps happen, not me. All the answers for YOU lie within YOU, I am just here translating, remember.

Enjoy the day off tomorrow. Cheers. Love to all.