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Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea is FAKE NEWS

Someone wanna tell me how the heck this documentary, “Titanic Sub: Lost at Sea,” aired in the UK on June 22, THE SAME DAY that the sub that was allegedly descending down to the Titanic, supposedly imploded? I am a video producer, & there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary film could be produced that quickly. I knew there was something odd about this nonsense from the get-go, but this is some serious next-level programming, to keep people distracted form what’s really going on in the world. Personally, I am stunned, utterly STUNNED, that I woke up today & discovered this insanity. Would you like to see some proof? Of course you do, so I am going to provide numerous screenshots, as well as guide you how to see for yourselves, so that YOU, YOU can bear witness as to what these broadcasters really do to keep the populous distracted while the so-called “ruling elites,” orchestrate power moves behind the scenes. Here we go…

On Sunday, June 18th, the mission to reach the Titanic supposedly begins, right? Anyone can look this up on whatever respective search engine you might use. I left the CNN logo in the screenshots, so you can all see how complacent the number one fake news network is in this hoax. “Truly extraordinary” is right…holy hell, I knew the Operation Mockingbird CIA CNN mainstream fake news was bad, but this is on a whole other level. Okay, & I repeat, on day one, Sunday June 18th, according to CNN, the descent supposedly begins. All the mainstream media outlets start airing coverage. Almost all other news is put on the back burner, as they all shift their focus to this “historic mission” to reach the Titanic…

Day 2, reports that they’ve “lost contact” with the sub, & again, keep in mind, that THERE IS NO SUB & NONE OF THIS IS REAL. This ENTIRE story is a hoax, there was no sub, no one died, & this is all ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, but for the sake of discovery, we will play along. Let’s now go to day 3.

The fake news scripted narrative continues, with reports of “banging noises” being picked up on sonar. Can you see the scripting here? Building up tension, increasing the anxiety of the viewers/readers, just like a script from a movie or TV show, & oh no, they only have a few days left of oxygen, it’s all so dramatic. I have to keep repeating that THIS IS NOT A REAL STORY, just to emphasize how fake the news is that the CIA, along with other alphabet agencies in places like the UK & Canada, orchestrates, TO CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, TO CONTROL THE ZEITGEIST, TO CONTROL YOU, IT’S ALL JUST A SCRIPTED NARRATIVE, & they’ve been doing this for decades now, so it’s ULTRA-formulaic in its nature by now. Let’s move to Wednesday, June 20th. OH MY, THEY’RE ALMOST OUT OF OXYGEN, THE “RESCUERS” HAVE TO HURRY, THE SUSPENSE BUILDS. I hope those of you who read this are following this, & what I am exposing here, in real time. This is a BIG, a YUGE deal, because they’ve been caught, caught by citizen journalists, such as yours truly. Let’s continue…

Wednesday, June 21, they deploy search teams, except they actually didn’t, because again, THERE WAS NO SUB, NO ONE IS DEAD, & THIS IS A BULLSHIT STORY, but look at the cute little graphic they made, supposedly sourced by NOAA, The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, just to add some science to this made-up story, to make it more convincing. I wish I could explain in words how surreal this feels to find this as soon as I woke up this morning. If this goes viral, I expect yet ANOTHER made up event to get everyone looking the other way from the fact that we, WE THE CITIZEN JOURNALISTS, used our own research methods to not only debunk this nonsense entirely, but more importantly, WE are exposing the fake news for what they truly are, which is just that, FAKE NEWS. One after another after another, pumping out this crap, & if you do a search with a query like I used below, you can scroll down for yourself to see just how many fake news agencies are involved in this fiction. I simply typed in, “when did the titanic sub descend,” & look what pops up…

They have timelines, they PAID WRITERS TO WRITE THIS CRAP FOR THEM, & I knew this went deep(pun intended), but to go this deep, wow, even yours truly is a bit stunned. Unfortunately, I cannot post video on here unless I pay for an upgrade, which I refuse to do, but if you type in what I typed in the image above, & scroll down, you can see WITH YOUR OWN EYES, how countless mainstream media outlets are part of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird fake news apparatus. THIS IS NOT JUST NEWS FROM THE USA. The UK is involved, Canada is involved, the pinnacles of the Western World are ALL PART OF THIS. I’ve told you all, Jesus Christ I’ve told you all, for OVER A DECADE NOW about these things, & I have taken so much shit, been called a “conspiracy theorist” countless times, amongst other things, & yet again, my “theory,” has been vindicated, as it relates to this “tragic lost sub” fictional scripted-narrative BULLSHIT story. I don’t care about any “I told you so” garbage, I just want you people to WAKE UP ALREADY, wake up as to how much you all are continuously lied to, over & over & over & over again. They program all of you, brainwashing you with news that isn’t even real. That’s why it’s called “broadcast programming” for fuck’s sake. It’s right there in the words. Think about all those “around the water cooler” discussions about the daily news, & how much of it is probably all made up, yet it gets in your head, in everyone’s head, as a control mechanism, to ultimately keep you all distracted, as well as compliant to a globalist agenda, albeit unwillingly, but I cannot digress too much right now, as I usually do, because we are not done here. Now let’s go to the final day, June 22.

Uh oh, a “statement was issued,” stating that all 5 of the men on board, have perished. What a sad story, the sub allegedly “imploded,” no bodies can be recovered, & the U.S. Navy supposedly finds a “debris field.” Can you comprehend the depths of how sinister this fake news game is? Well, prepare to have your mind blown, because what’s this I found? I hinted at it at the beginning, but I saved the best part for the end. Notice the date that these men supposedly died, June 22, & keep that in mind as you read on…

Look at what premiered on what looks like Netflix in the UK on the SAME DAY they reported the sub was lost. A 75 minute documentary, PRODUCED, THEN AIRED ON THE SAME DAY THE “ADVENTURERS” ALLEGEDLY PERISHED, about the Titanic sub, being lost at sea. I make videos, & I can assure you, with every fiber of my video-producing being, that there is no way possible, NO WAY POSSIBLE, that a documentary could’ve been put together that quickly, then aired on THE SAME DAY THE SUB SUPPOSEDLY IMPLODED, on what looks like Netflix in the UK. The only way, is if if was pre-produced, before the entire event, even supposedly happened. PRE-PRODUCED, proving definitively, that this was all fake news, just like everything else the CIA Operation Mockingbird media broadcasts via their mainstream media “news” apparatus. There is no real news anymore, it’s all just scripts, narratives read from teleprompters by WELL-paid actors, used to steer the zeitgeist in whatever way they choose, TO CONTROL YOU, ALL OF YOU, now how does that make you feel? Angry? Frustrated? Both? It should, because it’s a big lie, & they’ve been lying to all of you for a long, long time. How much proof do you need? As you know, the FisH™ abides, so I’ll just drop a series of images here, so you can see for yourselves, or even better, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, so you can see on YOUR computer, or phone, or tablet, or whatever you use, WITH YOUR OWN EYES, this fake story EXPOSED.

Notice how I kept the dates in most of the screenshots, because I want the proof to be definitive, that this entire “Titanic sub disaster” story, was a farce from day one, aired for one reason, & one reason only, TO KEEP YOU LOOKING LEFT, WHILE THE POWERS-THAT-BE COMMIT CRIMES ON THE RIGHT, as is par for their course. None of this is new, only this time, WE GOT THEM, caught them them dead-to-rights, as the saying goes I think, or how about “caught like a dolphin in a tuna net,” which I literally just made up. Sounds better, right? I like my analogy. Regardless, look at this series of screenshots, do your own eyes lie? Mine don’t; the timestamps are right there.

Time to wrap this up, for now anyway. What a morning, what a whirlwind morning, & if this goes viral, as I mentioned earlier, expect some other fake news nonsense to pop up, to take everyone’s eyes off of this Titanic sub hoax EXPOSED, & divert everyone’s attention elsewhere, so their game of information control can continue. Until next time dear readers, turn off the television, & most definitely, DO NOT, & I repeat, DO NOT believe anything you see that gets broadcast via the CIA Operation Mockingbird mainstream media fake news propaganda machine. IT’S ALL A BIG LIE, & it’s time to expose them for what they truly are. WE ARE THE MEDIA, we citizen journalists are the media. WE are the REAL media now. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

The End of Novelty

Do you recall the surreal feeling you had as a kid, whenever you see/find something new? I know I do, because I would always STOP, wherever I was, & soak it all in, so to speak. Last time I experienced real novelty, was several years ago in Costa Rica. It’s been a long time though, up until recently, & if you read my recently posted articles, particularly the ones about dreams and visions, there was most certainly a novel element. Unfortunately for yours truly, these visions I am having are just the vivid recollections of long-forgotten memories, which is really just a re-living, so to speak, of novelties I’ve already experienced. The dreams I am having, however, are exceptionally lucid, & so seemingly real, always new, getting the full force of the novelty, just like when I was young, & it breaks my blackened heart when I wake up, self-realizing that it was only a dream. Yep, just a dream, & yours truly has no idea if these dreams are, in fact, real, or just brain phenomena via a creative imagination. Nonetheless, I still get that feeling of novelty, but where is said novelty in the 3d waking world?

I wish I knew, because each passing day is analogous to Groundhog Day, the movie, where the great Bill Murray plays a weatherman, stuck in February 2, waking up to the same day, after same day, after same day, for 30 to 40 YEARS, until finally he unknowingly figures out how to get to the next day. Imagine the wasted repeating days, so much time, same day after same day for nearly a half-century for Phil Connors the Weatherman, hence why yours truly, feels like the novelty, for me, has ended with a screeching halt, & replaced my existence with a Groundhog Day vibe. Sadly, the days still linearly come, the days still go by, turning from days into decades. God I hope I find novelty again before that final day, but maybe the novelty has ended, & each day until my last day, I’ll continue to go on in, stuck in a meaningless existence without novelty. I think that most people, one, never even ponder the notion of novelty, & two, accept that it’s “just the way it is,” which is the most bloody-revolting expression arguably ever spoken. Fuck “just the way it is,” because that’s most certainly NOT this guy writing here. Oy vey, I would really like to shake up the world, in some divinely benevolent manner of course, as I am not malevolent, like a serial killer and/or a politician is. Fuck that expression, & fuck the criminals in power positions who thrive on deception & malevolence yet live like royalty. Where’s the divine retribution for the slaves under these stinking masters? God? Hello? Helllllll-o? You still up there? (crickets)

Novelty is relative, of course; it’s different for each of us. Maybe it just feels like it’s the end of novelty, for yours truly, minus the dreams & the recycled novelty from these visions that are happening. Maybe there’s more novelty to come for this fast-fingered warrior of the pen-sword. Not to mention, I have the ability to see the long game of these so-called “ruling elites,” as well as the probabilities encompassing said long game. I think about it more than I should perhaps, rather than being present in the moment. No one knows the future, or do they? Maybe that’s part of the rolodex of Big Secrets that these fuckers at the top keep to themselves. Look around, look at what’s happening in the world, does any of this madness seem “normal?” What does “normal,” even mean anymore? Now, look 5 years ahead. It’s not so hard to see where this runaway train is going, which is off the cliff, & they will take us all to hell with them, if they can. That’s right, rather than surrender their stolen power back to We The People, they’ll just burn it all down, which is arguably, what they’re already doing. The corruption is a cancer, a malignant cancer, & it’s terminal, for us of course, not for them. No, THEY plan on watching from their high towers, until nearly all of US, are gone, gone, gone. It’s a centuries-long agenda, & every agenda either fails, or embraces fruition as the agenda plays out to its end. I’ve discussed this countless times in prior articles, & I’m not going to re-illustrate it for you again now. I can only reiterate for so long, ya know, so I’m done talking about their Agenda 2030 plan, which ends with 7 billion of us gone, leaving them to hold absolute lydominion over this prison planet. It’s THEIR agenda, not mine, but what can I do in a world full of uninformed blissfully ignorant masses, where most people comply & say, “that’s just the way it is,” what can one little fish like me really do to stop it?

The easy answer is: NOTHING, I can’t do a damned thing, but ride out the storm until one day they finally come for me. Make no mistake, I’ll survive the upcoming Great Holocaust, regardless of the 7 billion person death toll, yours truly will survive it, like a cockroach in a nuclear blast. Did you know cockroaches can live for a few days without a head? If you didn’t, now you do; it’s just another random fact in a head full of random facts. Along with the devolving redundancy of this 3d existence, & the end of novelty, I’m left with a feeling of abysmal hopelessness. I don’t think I am of this world, nor have I ever been, but for the sake of one last event, an event of the greatest novelty, I have to, at the very least, make it to 2030. If I have any purpose at all, it’s to bear witness to the final fall of humanity, as THEIR aforementioned agenda plays out in real time. What might the event be? Is utter disaster novel, so to speak? Sure it is, novelty doesn’t have to always be good, & I could argue that it’s a even split between good novelty, & bad novelty. Surely, a massacre of 7 BILLION humans, is NOT a good thing, unless you’re in the bloodline of the “elites,” then it’s a as great as a caramel-covered chocolate brownie. Like I said earlier, novelty is neutrally relative, nut before I go into a diatribe of tangentry, I’m gonna wrap this article up. Fuck, I’m tired, at least my body is, but the monkey minded hamster on the wheel in my head just keeps running, & running, & running. It always has, & I’ve always been like this; I only wish I knew what it all meant. Until next time dear readers, quiet the mind to free the spirit. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Quiet the mind, to free the soul.” Fish F Fish🎣


REMINDER: The DONATE button is to the right if you open my site up into full-site mode…just scan that QR code to donate to my PayPal. The FisH™ abides, & is without a job for now, so anything/everything helps. Thanks dear readers…FisH™ loves you. Cheers. 🎏

Job-less…as in if you have a job, I have less than you, I suppose. Man, I am in quite a pickle, but, you know what mantra yours truly adopted lonnnnnng ago, & needs to resurrect, desperately, & what mantra might that be? Great question, thanks for playing. That mantra, of course, is quite simple…”fuck it.” Can’t take anything with you, can you?…sooooooo fuck it…FUCK IT. None of this, THIS, & with an italicized & respectively capitalized THIS, I mean this…life, existence, gathering resources, you can’t take anything with you when you go. The people who excel at such notions, have kids, & their kids before them had kids, & so, the dynasties grow, except in my world. The bloodline stops with me, being childless by choice, although now I realize that was a selfish choice, or was it? Do I contribute to the consumerism, or do I end it with me, & thus, this gene pool dries up & simply removes itself from the equation, is that still the move?

Sure seems like it…yep, middle-aged, no kids, no real skills, Jesus Christ, I really fucked up on this whole “life” thing, didn’t I? It’s a bit difficult when there’s zero encouragement around to help you excel at your own divinely-given natural talents. I blame myself, of course, but how can I blame ONLY myself? I can’t, YOU can’t. When people say, “You have no one to blame but yourself,” I cringe. Sure, yes, I get it, my choices, my faults, my responsibilities, it’s all on me, I GET IT for fuck’s sake, but, a big BUT, why can’t you blame other people too? I know there’s a new quote in there somewhere…I can smell it. I can’t let this quote become a literary leper, now can I? I have something, but I don’t know…let’s see here(ponders for a moment staring at the ceiling while backing away from the computer). How about this? “Blame yourself first, then blame everyone else,” something like that, how does that sound? Sit on it, so to speak, like I am, & we’ll return to it at the end. Get it? Got it? Wunderbar.

Okay, now where were we? Oh yes, jobless & soon to be homeless, “here’s the deal, not a joke. Don’t jump”(Potato Brandon voice). It’s really mind-blowing, isn’t it? Yes, quite mind-blowing, one could say, that a corrupt used-car salesman failed politician piece of shit like Joe Biden, is arguably the most powerful man in the world now. While most of us wake up wishing it was nighttime so we could go back to sleep, or maybe it’s just me, but nonetheless, while we all suffer down here, these nepotistic dynasties gain more & more & more power. Money is irrelevant to them, just ones & zeros, but power, power is something you cannot put a price tag on. Power makes the price tags, power makes the stores where various items are all tagged & sold, power makes the roads you drive on to get to the store. You can’t buy power, you have to take it, & it’s a game most of us will never play, minus the pseudo-power games we play down here in The Great Mouse Trap. Power makes the world go around, & your tiny little fractions of power, just feed into a bigger machine that combines all your little powers into a bigger power, for THEM though, not for you, of course.

Nope, this whole life game is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is. Jobs…oy vey, “You have to get a job,”…but I hear, “You have to do something you don’t like doing, something that ruins a significant portion of your creativity time, all for little pieces of paper that will be totally worthless someday, maybe someday soon. Regardless, does that sound like “life” to you? Does that sound like “living,” to you? All I want to do is write, & paint, & make music, but you can’t just do those things because you need a job, a stupid fucking job, & for what? To get paid every 2 weeks with some table scraps from King Longshanks. Dang, I just read up on the old late Longshanks. Guy has been dead for 700ish years & STILL is worth more than you and/or I? Do you have a wiki page? Do you have historical records dating back centuries, well beyond the “23 & me” data mining scheme? Do you have your papers, your pedigree papers, do you have them? No, not a birth certificate, those are strictly for the peasantry. The elites have a pedigree, that goes wayyyyyyyyy back, to Roman times & beyond for some, but for us plebs down here, nope. Just a shitty birth certificate, that certifies that YOU, & yours truly as well, are owned, are property, owned by the aforementioned elites, owned from birth, just like cattle & sheep are.

Don’t believe me, then maybe DYOR, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, & when you discover that everything I’m writing bait is the TRUTH, come on back so I can digitally cock-slap you again. Edward 1, King Longshanks, is STILL more powerful than you, & he’s been dead for 700 years…let that sink in, & thats’ just Eng;and. Think of these shadow dynasties, all over the world. While the plebs gradually lose more & more, the elites, & their ilk, gain more & more power. Yes, they grow, while you die, & ultimately, that’s what they want, all of us, all of YOU, myself included, they want us dead, dead & gone. Once they’re in the big club, & given the secret, & that secret just illustrates their Great Reset plan. No, it isn’t just Agenda 2030, it’s a culmination of various agendas with an end goal of a drastic depopulation event. A new Holocaust, if you will, or a Sho ‘ah maybe? Uh oh, did yours truly look up the meaning of a Jewish word & discover something? Hmmmm, turns out that the origins of the word Holocaust, are Greek, & the word wasn’t even used until the late 70s, so what’s the deal here? Something smells fishy, pun intended. What about the infamously famous “6 million Jews” who were allegedly murderered? No, I’m not saying it dan’t happen, I’m just saying something smells fishy, & I know fish, trust me on this. The word Holocaust, essentially means “burnt offering to the Gods,” so, now stick with me here, what if the Jewish Holocaust was actually a sacrifice, orchestrated by themselves somehow, to gain the power they now hold today. No one can argue that the Jews, collectively, as well as individually, excel in celebrity, in finance, in media, in power positions, more-or-less, & their building a dynastic race of sorts, the ones that will really rule the world. I don’t know.

It was this tiny fringe minority of Zionist Jews who wanted to take over the world before AI, but now, it appears that it’s a contingent of ultra-rich people, using AI, using it to help them to gain even more power, & thus, the power game these elites play has not only changed fields, the entire sport is different. Make no mistake, those fringe Zionists are still there, lurking in the shadows like parasitic cockroaches, but it’s not only them anymore. While they play their power games, these relatively tiny few, the rest of us have to do what we can do to get by. There’s plenty for everyone, there’s abundance galore. Think about how much food gets wasted & thrown away at the grocery store every night. If everyone got a food card, a bunch of that food would get consumed, but nope, then they wouldn’t get paid to send it to a food bank so the peasants can pick through the rotting food for something plausibly palatable. Always about money…money money money…this artificially propped up joke of a currency. Where’s the true currency? Where’s the real energy flow keeping the zeitgeist rolling naturally, where is it? Why was it hijacked, & who did it? How did they do it? Doesn’t matter, does it? Is any of this drivel going to change what they’ve done, and are still doing, to the global populous?

Nope, nothing I say will make a difference, & my only hope is that maybe, with the seemingly random grace of The Universe, perhaps someone will find this one day & read it, & know what was really going on in the present moment, rather than these scripted narratives via the BROADCAST “news” PROGRAMS that so many people still believe, & abide by. Abiding lies, particularly these blatant lies spewed out by the Fake News Mainstream Media, is a slow death to me. You live lies, you believe things that a aren’t real and/or true, & live accordingly, & therefore, you life is a lie. This is the proverbial YOU I’m addressing this to incidentally, not YOU you, you know what I mean? Who else do you know that can pull off the wondrous triple YOU in ONE sentence? No one, because I just made it up, but I’m sure someone else has done it, somewhere else, but I digress, now here was I? Oh yes, I was wrapping this one up before my black ass falls asleep, holy hell, how do I do this? I just start typing & then these words manifest, & you read them in my past, as I write them in my present. It’s all a bit surreal, is it not? Push the little buttons monkey, then hit this button & your little monkey drivel is published, so that other little monkeys can throw their own poop at this, but since you’re shadowbanned, no one will see this little monkey, not even the poopoo-throwers. Too bad, very sad, sad for you, little monkeys. Inside all of us, perhaps there’s a sad little monkey, but I can only speak for myself, & my own sad little monkey on my back.

On that note, you fishy little monkeys, my dear readers, the time has come once again to wrap up this article. Until next time, if you’re not pedigreed, you aren’t one of them. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

If you’re not pedigreed, you’re a mutt, just like most everyone else.” Fish F Fish

“Blame yourself first, then blame everyone else.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S5E13 5/13/2023 Why Not?

I got nothing else to do, & I can’t sleep my life away, so I decided to write, blah blah blah blahbaba. What to write about, what to write about? My upcoming cross-country trip maybe, that’s exciting, right? Unfortunately, I feel like it’s the last time though. Numero quatro, that’s right, my FOURTH trip across the country. Dang, what a ride, pun intended. There’s nothing like driving across this once great country, & since it’s been ohhhhh…7ish years or so, since I did it the last time, it should prove interestingly nostalgic to see how the country has changed, & how it hasn’t changed at all. I already can picture the feeling of seeing the bridge, & then a little city, then the crab trap place, then the old hometown, now with a bypass around it I hear. I don’t know, since I haven’t been that way in quite awhile, but nonetheless, as I said, going home is going to be very nostalgic, nostalgically surreal, to be perfectly specific.

I have no idea what to expect; but I am deftly excited to see the beach. Fuckin hell, I’ve been by the beach my ENTIRE life, minus these last long seven years. What have I been doing for fuck’s sake way out here? Sheesh. Nothing accomplished really, except the ins & outs of the cannabis industry. It’s bizarrely overrated, & over-populated with millennial twerps. This entire state is so gay, it’s ridiculous. Can’t have the weed without the nonsense I guess, I don’t know, but the industry is analogous to the bar scene. Older guys like me are pushed out, as if we’re boomers or something, as the millennial generation delusional assumes that they have taken the reigns, so to speak, & are now in charge. How about go fuck yourselves you little punks? None of you would even be here if not for us, & as if on queue, this is the UN-thanks we get. What more can one expect from a bunch of self-entitled “woke” little posers? God forbid you let them know that too, because then you just get fired, & replaced like you were nothing, trust me on this one.

Regardless, departure time is approaching, & then 28ish hours later, I’ll be home. Please God or Buddha or Sweet Baby Jesus, whoever is up there, PLEASE let my car, & myself obviously, make it home safely. I try not to ask much, & I know I’m a self-centered narcissistic prick, but I’d prefer to die later in life, not on the road home, know what I mean big guy? So whoever is up there, watching over me, please watch over me on this ride. Amen. Thanks. Much appreciated. I don’t know why I’m so anxious…sheesh. Relax…relax…relax…shhhhhh…find the stairs, the stairs that lead to the happy place, then simply walk up them, & let all the anxiety go. You’re almost free, what’s there to worry about? Road trips are fun, especially cross-country. Most people might do it once in their life maybe, mainly because most people don’t leave their respective hometowns, unless they’re flying somewhere. Flying across the country, versus driving across the country, is night & day. Yes, flying is much more convenient, & it’s certainly much faster, but driving gives you so much more satisfaction, once the journey has been completed. You get another notch on the belt, as they say, & for me, like I mentioned earlier, this will be my 4th notch.

Unless that whole thing about “threes” is correct, like when people say things happen in “threes,” so maybe I’m just starting my second round of cost-country trips. Not sure why I’d want to come back, but maybe I will. Who knows? If I could predict the future, I’d be light years away from where I am now. Sadly though, I cannot, & the future, to me, is as speculative as it is to you. More so, in fact, considering I spend a lot of time pondering the future, which needs to change. Seriously, fuck the future. I can’t know what’s coming, so why keep stressing it? Just live in the present, in the moment, & so, in this moment right now, I’m going to wrap up this post. Threw you a bit of a curveball at the end, I know, but no worries. I know time is short, short for everyone, relatively speaking, & I’m done wasting it. Time to get up, man up, & move on, onward, onward & upward we hope, but we shall see soon enough, one way or another. Until next time dear readers, when the proverbial shit hits the fan, get out of the room, before the shit fan flings poopoo on you. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the shit hits the fan, leave the room.” Fish F Fish🎏

“When all else fails, hit the road.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E11 5/11/2023 On the Road Again

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

Most of you are familiar with this song, & although I’m musically retarded, you get the point. I’ll be taking a different route than before, so technically the entire song is applicable, minus the making music with my friends part, unless you look at it proverbially. Oh wait, all my friends are dead, so the entire segment doesn’t work, does it? Oh well, the song is a classic of classics, & I’ll be thinking about it in my head soon enough. 4th time across the country, man I can’t wait to see those mountains, & eventually, the beach, & feel that Southern sunshine on my face. Ever read the book? On the Road, have you ever read it? I’ll link the audiobook below for you, even though, as all other books, it’s always much better to physically read a hard copy. However, since we live in the Clwnworld future of 2023, here’s the link, linked to a wools now long gone,ubtuNnrwk


I’m actually audio-booking it as I write this, even though I’ve read it 3-4 times now, but regardless, I like the way Jack speaks in his writing. He has a language that I have clearly taken inspiration from, & thus, I feel like I’m listening to a friend, rather than some random poser pseudo-writer. He has a way of describing people to their core, but illustrating them in a colorful way, showing all the life that surrounds whatever person and/or object he might be directing his attention. It’s amazing how all these years later, his main character, Dean Moriarty, based on the late, yet forever great, Neal Cassidy, still captivates the world, simply with his description. A whirlwind wizard warrior in a world that would prove white-hot for himself, like a million blazing suns, who happened to find Jack, who was serendipitously there to illustrate not only this most unique character Dean, but to describe his best friend, Neal, as well. Imagine the odds, of those 2 gigantic literary gas giants colliding, but sure enough, they did, & if you still think there are coincidences in the Universe, think again.

Wow, it’s been maybe 2 decades, 2 DECADES or so, since I’ve read this book. Man, what it must have been like to drive across the country back in the day like that. If you’ve read the book, & know what they had to do to keep the car going sometimes, yet they pulled it off nonetheless, it’s just brilliant, & a brilliantly wordsmithed work of literature, He speaks very “everyman,” & he got his immortally-famous masterpiece out, published in real time, then unfortunately died a degenerate drunk. Nonetheless, he just happened to be in the exact right place, at the exact right time, historically, who sacrificed more life for his own immortality. What could be more glorious? Dying in literary battle, like a warrior, it’s a s glorious as it gets, short of actually dying in battle. I’m not taking anything away from Kerouac, he’s one of my favorite wielders of the pen, but I’m just pointing out that in this life, where you’re birthing, & the circumstances around your birth, can propagate everything in later life. Suppose he hadn’t went to Columbia University, & never met Burroughs and Ginberg, then we might never know who Jack Kerouac was, now would we? It all boils down to circumstance, circumstance which appears coincidental, & most of us, just get another losing scratch-off lotto ticket, while we aimlessly hope our miserable lives will improve somehow. The lottery is a rigged hustle by the way, but I digress….just letting you know. Anyway, we can’t have winners, without losers, I suppose though, right? Sounds like another addition to The Great Quote Hunt. “Can’t have winners, without losers.” Surely, I’m not the first person to say that; it’s just too easy, but maybe I am, I don’t now, & don’t call me Shirley, you ass-kissing looper larpers.

There was such a distinction between “intellectuals” back then, & those who were deemed otherwise. Less people, more opportunity, maybe you could chalk that up to, I don’t know, the world is so insanely different now, who knows? Drawing any analogies between now-times & past-times, more-often-than-not, proves to be a exercise of futility, as we’ve never had nearly 8 BILLION humans abounding, thus, these times are quite unprecedented, aren’t they? Yep, we are in uncharted waters for sure, & as meticulous of a job as one might do to make comparisons to the Fall of the Roman Empire perhaps, it’s simply not possible to be accurately speculative in any reasonable manner, considering the sheer magnitude of what is happening right now, in the real-time. As tiny as we all are, not even visible from space, minus the lights being on. We’re 8 BILLION consumers, always consuming, as in constantly eating, then shitting, & pissing, then repeating, that’s a lot of processing throughout the course of a day, processing that waste from that aforementioned consumption, from each individual person, then throwing it in your face the next day, on top of a fresh new Aunt Jemima-covered breakfast. No, no real syrup here of course, not in the USSA, we only use high fructose corn syrup here, don’t ya know? Sugar crack, I call it, & look at all these fatties like addicts, the addicts they are. Not like their ever going to be admonished for this gross behavior any time soon. #FatIsBeatiful still trends, remember?

Anyway, before I turn this into yet-another meaningless diatribal essay, I’m go to wrap this one up. Also, I forgot that this book was written at a time, before certain cites we’re systematically ruined by failed pseudo-democratic policies. Jack wasn’t joking when he said, ” I can’t imagine the future,” because I assure you, he’s rolling in his grave, as they say, at the Clowowlrd USSA that the once great USA has become. Can you imagine these great sages of the past existing in this wonky world of today? All of the “wokeness,” the open bias and censorship, the scripted narratives pumped out via the fake news, can you imagine what these great figures from the past would say and/or do if they were alive right now, in these cancel culture times, where the name of the game is to silence those who who say/write what your don’t like, can you imagine?

Anyway, I’m done with this one. Yep, it’s time wrap this up, for real tis time, before I start going off on something else in my head. I wonder if I should talk-text document my upcoming journey? Hmmmm, one way or another, I’ll be sure to illustrate my travels; a real life On the Road, in real-time. I’m not planning on doing it again, but one never knows, do they?…so yes, my plan is that this will be my 4th & last time driving across this crumbling country of ours. That is the pan, regardless, unless something changes. I’m just hoping my Beamsy has enough to make it a few thousands miles. Until next time dear readers, happiness is only a few thousand miles away, & well worth the journey. So sayeth FisH™…

Oh btw, Title 42 ends today, paving the way for ohhhhhh…something like a MILLION human beings to rush the border, which obviously, doesn’t sound like it will end well. I’m telling you, all of you MAGA-hat wearers who believe Trump will come in & save the day in 2024 & stop all of this orchestrated chaos, are fools. I know, I know, I believed in him too, but I was wrong, so wrong. He’s in their club, as much as any of the other Capstone Clubbers, because if he wasn’t, how would he have let them beat him in an obviously stolen election. He did, however, & let’s not forget, who was the one who unleashed BILLIONS of these improperly-tested un-vaccines, that were mass-produced, distributed, & administered, all under #OrangeManBad. Don’t blame me; I’m just pointing out what should be obvious to most of you. Apparently it isn’t, but what do I know, ya know? Until next time dear readers, be mindful of where you are, because if you aren’t where you’re supposed to be, simply leave, or get fired. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you’re standing in the wrong place, swim somewhere else.” Fish Fish🎏

“You cannot have winners, without losers.” Fish Fish🎏

“If you hate your job, get fired.” Fish Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E5 5/5/2030 Cinco de Mayo

Before we start, how many of you dumbasses even know what the holiday Cinco de Mayo celebrates? I’d wager maybe…ohhhhh…1 to 4 out of 100 of you, closer to the former rather than the latter, might actually have a clue. It celebrates the Mexican victory over France around the American Civil War times. Yes, our history is filled with lots of war, constant wars, in fact, & while the peasants war, the ones who instigated the historically respective wars, lived like Game of Thrones. Power power power, while the peasants fight for scraps, your so-called s-elected leaders gain more & more power. At this point, we’re talking long-documented dynasties too, nepotistic dynasties representing multi-centuries worth of seemingly boundless power accumulation. CENTURIES, enough to add up to a millennium, & change, THOUSANDS of years, them, & us, divide & conquer, them, dividing & conquering us…STILL. Sadly, I was born with a proverbial portrait of a crusty silver spoon on the wall, not an actual one in my mouth. I doubt anyone in my family even knows what nepotism is, not that it matters, because even if they did, they wouldn’t act accordingly, & eventually they’d waste themselves quickly being a selfish reclusive hoarder, with zero inclinations toward building dynasties or anything of the like.

How COULD regular peasants, plebs like you and/or yours truly, be expected to get thrown to the wolves, with zero cognizance of what’s really going on in the world, & thrive without excessively unnecessary strife? They don’t, hence The Great Mouse Trap. Feel free to dive into my archives for more on that. Just wanted to link Cinco de Mayo up there, so you all can inform yourselves, or not, whatever you want to do. Until next time dear readers, Know what you’re celebrating, before you celebrate. So sayeth FisH™…

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Know what you’re celebrating, before you celebrate.” Fish F Fish

ATTENTION: There’s a Full Moon tonight, the Full Flower Moon, following a lunar eclipse. Maybe Armageddon will begin, if we’re lucky, but most likely not. Regardless, good luck humans. Cheers…

The Fooze: S3 E28 3/28/2023 Wunderbar

Deception is in the air, my oh my, & I’m expecting an eventful week ahead, since Monday came out of the gate hot. Lies abound here in Clownworld, as well as countless distractions, to keep YOU from knowing the truth. Anyway, I banged out 3 articles earlier, & my black ass has to start a new job tomorrow. So, this is mostly going to be a placeholder Foozer. I know, I always say that, & then I rant until I have an essay, but not this time. Nope, but I’m sure I’ll have something juicy for you on the next round when tomorrow reveals its narrative for the day, as well as for the week ahead. Stay mindful Fishheads, because like I said at the start, deception is in the air, along with the stench of malevolence.

One cannot underestimate how far your so-called “leaders” will go to fulfill whatever agenda is on the table. There’s never any consequences, so therefore, there’s no longer any boundaries. Open insider trading, open money laundering via Ukraine, rampant money printing but you don’t see a penny of it, are you getting the picture yet? There’s 2 very different worlds diverging into one another. There’s their world that they’re stacking up power in, & then there’s our world, chasing that cheesebait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap. That’s right, YOU are a mouse, running left, right, left, right, round & round in the labyrinth, while the aforementioned so-called “leaders” laugh at about the little mice in the trap. Yep, they laugh at you, laugh at us; don’t think I’m excluded, because I’m right here in the trap with you, soon to be running left, right, left, right, chasing my own cheesebait so I can pay these ridiculous bills stacking up. I was out, but then they threw me right back in. That’s what happens when us random mice get out of the trap, they pick you up by your tail, take everything you have, then throw you right back into the trap. Wunderbar.

Nonetheless, before I keep going until this becomes an essay, which it already kind of is, I’m going to wrap this little ramblious diatribe up. Technically, this is the 4th article in 24 hours, but where are the employers that I’ve submitted literally hundreds of resumés to? Anyone? Someone? (crickets chirping)…apparently, I stink as a writer and/or employers are petrified to hire someone like me, despite my immaculately unique literary language, my exemplary use of literary devices, my diligent work ethic, & my passion for writing, the only gift I really have. maybe it’s not a gift though; perhaps it’s just a curse. I don’t know. Until next time dear readers, follow your passion, even if you end up in a dumpster with the rest of the trash. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Follow your passion, even if you end up in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E8 3/8/2023 Seesaw the Light

BONUS VIDEO at the end, AFTER the article, so please don’t skip ahead ya scoundrels. Just kidding, skip wherever you want, skip some hopscotch if you’d like, I don’t care what you do; just letting you know, dear reader, that there’s a BONUS VIDEO at the end, created by yours truly. Enjoy Fishheads…🍥

I added a new term to this hoarder’s horse lexicon in my head last night; would you like to know what this new term is, dear reader? This new term is hypermarket. Beyond the supermarket, is the hypermarket, & if you want to know more, just click the word. Now that you’re familiar with this term, did you know that most of the grocery store chains in the USSA, I mean USA, are owned by one company?…that’s right, ONE company, & that company is Kroger. I’m going to be posting linkage & imagery below of course, as we wouldn’t want someone to think I’m making up propagandistic fake-news-narrative-driven bullshit, like the kind of bullshit I have to flush through when doing my research, & makes up 99% of CNN’s content, & all the other alphabet fake-news outlets, who are ALSO owned by a handful of companies. A literal handful incidentally, as in you can count all the mainstream media corporate owners on one hand. Imagine the power, the world’s information, all in one hand, a hand that can easily become a fist, the same fist they punch you all in the face with 24/7. The overt bias, so obvious, sheesh, it’s such overkill, & they don’t care, one subjective news article after another, keep punching, left hook, right cross, left cross, straight right, BOOM, hit ’em with the haymaker, & you’re down for the count, knocked out, & you’re counting those lights on the ceiling before you even know it, all of this figurative by the way. Also, I italicized the word “news” back there because it is, in fact, total bullshit, & NOT news, it’s fake news, & these mainstream media actors can suck off a salmon with these globally broadcast lies. SICK OF IT, & why do they get away with it?

Well, one answer is that they’ve essentially monopolized everything, & although I singled out a single industry in the first half of this article, I can’t stop there, because they’ve conquered all of them. The news, television as a whole really, education, sports, entertainment, supply industries for fuck’s sake, anything else you can contemplate just fill-in-the-blank, ALL of it, infected by this malignant plaguous cancer, & now who are they trying to drop their spores on? Children, yep, CHILDREN, YOUR KIDS, they’re going after your kids now, trying to infect the new generation with their delusionally psychopathic vision of some dystopian future disguised as a utopian paradise. It’s total insanity. I’ve told you ad nauseam, these so-called elites are pure evil, darkness incarnate, & their greatest trophy is getting your children to follow their Luciferian doctrine.


They are in the highest positions of power; this has been a decades-long agenda & at some point, they must fulfill said agenda, & I speculate that the time is imminent, & that tempest is on the Shakespearian horizon. Yes, the culmination point of their great plan for humanity, a societal critical mass, is imminent, right on queue, almost as if they’ve scripted it, isn’t it? Strange how this playbook keeps working…for nearly 2000 years now. Divide the population, on every issue, race, religion, education, entertainment, divide them all, with an end-goal of us killing each other, while they all sit back & watch, fiddling on their Neronian violins, while it all burns down. Once they’ve turned the world to ashes, they’re going to skip back out into the world, from their bunkers this time, & rebuild a new world for the ashes of nuclear fallout, THEIR new world, you’re welcome. THIS IS THEIR PLAN, NOT MINE; they definitely do NOT want me there either. I’m a thought-criminal, a digital dissident, NON-compliant in every way, most certainly NOT wanted in their shadow world, which is fine with me. To me, everything they’ve created for you to assimilate into is UN-naturally artificial, & just dark, so dark to me, pitch black, just shadows, shadows & echoes, a real-time Platonian Cave, & I’m as UN-interested as it gets. No thanks, I prefer the Sunshine from Source outside the Cave. Not buying it, never gonna buy it, & what I offer is FREE, the best price ever. All you have to do is get up, & walk out of the Cave. That’s it. THAT’S ALL. It’s so easy. They may have the power, sure, they print the money they need for themselves, so that’s never an issue for them, sure thing, but we have something they’ll never have. They know they can NEVER be a light in the darkness, or even have a light. Why?..because they sold their souls for the false light. Now they ARE darkness, & the illumination they offer is false, from a false “god” that they venerate for some reason. They want chaos, so they can manufacture order, their version of “order,” but order is Divine, order is Nature, & Nature doesn’t need their “order.” They are drunk, power-drunk on the notion of absolute power, & it’s corrupted them beyond belief. They are pissing on Divinity with these terribly evil things they do to everyone, they HATE the true light, they HATE us, they definitely hate my black ass, & so they want us all gone, hence their ultimate depopulation agenda. They want us all gone by 2030, & now all they need to complete their plan is 7 billion people gone. SEVEN BILLION OF US GONE. Quite enlightening, isn’t it?

Despite their ridiculously insane agenda, the red-pilled poppers & droppers like myself, & some of you, & some others all around the world, we are standing up to these pseudo-overlord pieces of shit. Sure, we’re still a relatively small bunch, albeit an exponentially growing entity, if you will, so maybe not as small as we seem. The elites are hijackers, & they’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, the macro-organism, but collectively we have evolved into our own micro-organism, & we’re growing so fast, micro becoming macro, so fast that we are imminently about to completely spilt off from the aforementioned macro-mass, the hijacked zeitgeist. WE have the power, WE took it back, WE D.B. Cooper-ed that plane, before their plane eventually crashes into the mountain; & it will, it WILL crash, I assure you. No matter how determined these evil fucks at the top of the proverbial pyramid in the Capstone Club are, THEY WILL NEVER EXTINGUISH THE LIGHT OF VIRTUE WITH THIER DARK INIQUITY. NEVER…NEVER EVER EVER. It’s quite simple really if one just steps back & looks at the entire portrait. What do you see when you look at the big picture, the WHOLE picture, what do you see? Want to know the answer?

Okay, here’s the answer, & this answer is in fact, a question. I’m answering the previous question with a question, & if the hamster is running on the wheel, this should make perfect sense to you, but if you don’t get it, just look at a light switch. Now here we go, here’s the answer…DUNDADADUNDUNDUNNNNNN…Regardless of everything, literally EVERYTHING, everything you see, forget about all of it, forget EVERYTHING, & think about this: If the lights were off, you wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing at all, would you?…but is the opposite plausible? Nope, one can’t see without a light, can they? There can always be a light in the darkness, ALWAYS, & there is no opposing equivalence…you can’t say there can always be a darkness when the lights are on, makes no sense, does it? Where’s the polarity, you might be thinking? Everything has a polarity in this world, right?…nope, wrong, not when it comes to the light, which although it seems paradoxically anomalous, it is not. It is a concept that does not originate in 3d. The true battle of light versus dark happens on 5d, & we only act it out down here, hence no polarity, but oh do I digress. I’ll get into the 5d battle of light & dark another time, because it’s another few thousand words at least, & it’s come to the time when I wrap up this Foozer, dear reader. Do hast thou will with this big bag of red pills, all of you are applicable, as individually respective as a fingerprint, but it’s up to YOU to Gom Jabbar what you find here when I turn on the lights.

Get it? Yes? Good. No? Well, maybe go read another post or three. The beauty & the horror of analogies is their ambiguity. Until next time, dear reader, I’ve given you a new light bulb, very “green new deal,” energy efficient & eco-friendly(honk honk honk), just kidding. No, this light bulb I offer to all of you, & to none of you, is more like a 1000 Watt LED. Full-spectrum artificial sunlight, a veg & a flower setting, to keep you growing strong, branching new branches to reach for more light as you grow, & then one day you’ll grow so full, you’ll bloom, budding your own flowers. “Great analogy, you should quote that”…thanks for the compliment, I will…cheers. Until next time, turn on your light, & up brighten the room. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Branch your branches, then bloom your flowers.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Turn on your light, enlighten your room.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E4 3/4/2023 Virgin Moon Worms

To start, no the title isn’t a band name, but should you choose this name for your band, Virgin Moon Worms, I’ll take 33% of all royalties, thank you very much. Moving on, I had a quote pop into my head, & before I forgot it, as I often do, I texted it to myself so I would NOT forget it, because in case you haven’t noticed, I drop quotes at the endings of many of these posts, EVERY post lately to be honest. Normally, I just pull them from whatever I happen to be writing about in the respective article. This time however, I am redirecting a quote I thought of elsewhere, to here, to now share with all of you, dear readers, in my real-time, now my past-time as you’re reading this after I’ve written it. Also, I might drop a separate fresh quote at the end, so be sure to go the distance & not be a half-crook reader. What is this awe-inspiring quote? Good question, thanks for asking.

The quote is this: “We are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” I must admit, I heard someone saying something similar earlier, albeit NOT verbatim, so I rearranged the words like little soldiers in a row until the quote revealed itself to me, like chiseling away at a rock until the sculpture manifests into a naked Romanesque figure of some sort. I just thought, chiseled, thought, chiseled, as I listened to the video I was watching on the subject, thought, chiseled, until POOF, there it was, this quote. Think about it, as it relates to you, & I’ll come back to this quote at the end. I’m accumulating all of my quotes into quite a collection, possibly a little coffeebook or two of my fishy-faced quotes. Yes, considering I’m up to a few hundred or so by now, maybe I might manifest them all into some books of quotes, for all of you, & for none of you at all, how about them apples, dear readers?

Anyway, let’s move on to this upcoming Full Worm Moon, officially happening on March 7th, at 5:42 AM MST, so to me, I’ll have to see it its glorious glory either prior to that actual time, or on the night off the 7th, technically after the official time of the FULL full moon, but it’ll be “full,” one way or the other.. It’s the FINAL full moon of this darkest of dark winters too, which is good news, unless you live in Colorado, like me, or maybe in Canada like a few of my friends, where the winter doesn’t end until sometime in May, so it’s hardly the “last” full moon of winter for us, except on paper. Why do they call it the “worm” moon? Is it because the worms start coming out of the ground due to the winter thaw, providing food for the hungry springtime birds? That’s my guess, so let’s find together in real-time, shall we?

Well, well, well, would you look at that, lucky guess on my part I suppose, or menial critical-thinking skills utilized successfully, I’ll let you decide. This is according to The Farmer’s Almanac, & there’s a few other interesting facts about this particular full moon listed there as well, which happens to be appearing in Virgo, my own constellation, yep I own it, but I digress, & as I was saying, it’s appearing in the Great Constellar Virgin, marking the end of a 6-month cycle. What a period, 6-months long, & just a reminder: You know how we love completing our cycles here, circling the circles, fulfilling the circularity, our beloved literary Ouroboros, on the endless Ouroborian loop, end becoming the beginning to become the end again, only to be reborn, over & over, again, & again, & again, for it’s all just part of The Great Loopty-Loop, birth to death, around & around the merry-go-round. Anyway, for the sake of synchronicity, as the circularities always seem to find us in the articles I post, I thought I’d mention this culminationous lunar event as it relates to this roller-coaster of wordsmithery I share here with all of you, dear readers. Check it out below…

Interesting, I like the idea of the “sap moon,” getting that yumyum new sap from the sugar maples to make me some fresh organic maple syrup in some factory in Vermont. REAL syrup, not faux-rip, not the poison, not the high fructose corn syrup Aunt Jemima pseudo-syrup, oh no no no. Geez, not only did they find Aunt Jemima to be REEEEEEEEE-cist with the labeling, it’s not even real syrup. Arguing about racist sugar-crack poison; par for the course here in Clownworld…(honk noise). It’s as UN-syrup as it gets, because it’s LITERALLY just flavored high fructose corn syrup mixed with chemical additives, chemical crack sugar, & moms across America cover their fat kids’ breakfast pancakes with it every morning in this morbidly obese once-great country of ours, but I digress as always. Let’s not focus on the negative, ya gotta ak-sen-chew-ate the positive, dadahdadahdada…let’s see here, what are some other positive attributes to this upcoming full worm moon?

Interesting, analogous to blooming flowers, I dig the springtime. Although, I’ve never claimed to be one of those people who believes in anything astrology. Yes, I find it intruiging, but if you think you’re going to convince me that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was born on the same day, same time, & the same year as myself, will have a life analogous to my own, as well as the notion that we will ALL share similar personality traits, think again hot sauce. The average number of behbehs born, around the time I was born, was about 325,000 babies delivered alive per day. Based on that statistic, ALL 325,000 or so of us, have the same personality, spiritually of course if you believe in star charts, zodiac signs, and/or astrology in general. I suppose it could have merit. 325,000 out of 7 ½ billion people is a baby fraction(clever pun, strike one). I wouldn’t say I disbelieve, nor would I claim I do in fact, believe in these aforementioned concepts, I simply find it fascinating. I don’t take it lightly, per se, yet it surely has no deterministically valid merit as something definitively factual, for me to reference upon any self-evaluations of my own personality, but yes, it’s interesting.

Before we wrap this up, let’s not dismiss the quote I quoted at the beginning of this article, said quote reading, “we are not equipped to live in the world we have created.” Well, ARE we, or are we NOT? Is it relative? Are some of us equipped, so to speak, & some not? Tough to speculate on how much or how little we are, as we are all experiencing these unprecedented times right now in real-time, & the flux is constantly fluxing, like some 1984 time machine built out of a Delorean. I DO however believe the quote, for the most part, despite how relative it is individually, & overall the answer would be a solid “NO,” as in NO, most of us are NOT equipped, & as much as one might believe that they are, they aren’t. How can you be, especially if you re-equip on the daily, just to make it to the end of the day, before waking up to another day stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, how can one truly be “equipped” to do anything, if it’s all just another left turn-right turn, chasing cheese bait fiat money in this labyrinthian game we all unwittingly play when you cut off the fat. Check out my previous posts for more on The Great Mouse Trap, if you aren’t familiar. I’ve illustrated it countless times, so I’m not going to re-illustrate it here again, & we have reached the end here regardless, so until next time dear readers, note that this upcoming Full Worm Moon is supposedly a time of emotions, particularly as they relate to relationships, new beginnings “springing” up as the cold winter ends, also unleashing some obvious puns, like the one that just “sprung” up above, & this one too of course. Puns galore, quotes & puns, funs funs funs, but now we’re dones dones dones. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the cold winter ends, new beginnings begin yet again, springing up, as spring begins .” Fish F Fish🎏