What’s Inside a Girl?

The End of Novelty

Do you recall the surreal feeling you had as a kid, whenever you see/find something new? I know I do, because I would always STOP, wherever I was, & soak it all in, so to speak. Last time I experienced real novelty, was several years ago in Costa Rica. It’s been a long time though, up until recently, & if you read my recently posted articles, particularly the ones about dreams and visions, there was most certainly a novel element. Unfortunately for yours truly, these visions I am having are just the vivid recollections of long-forgotten memories, which is really just a re-living, so to speak, of novelties I’ve already experienced. The dreams I am having, however, are exceptionally lucid, & so seemingly real, always new, getting the full force of the novelty, just like when I was young, & it breaks my blackened heart when I wake up, self-realizing that it was only a dream. Yep, just a dream, & yours truly has no idea if these dreams are, in fact, real, or just brain phenomena via a creative imagination. Nonetheless, I still get that feeling of novelty, but where is said novelty in the 3d waking world?

I wish I knew, because each passing day is analogous to Groundhog Day, the movie, where the great Bill Murray plays a weatherman, stuck in February 2, waking up to the same day, after same day, after same day, for 30 to 40 YEARS, until finally he unknowingly figures out how to get to the next day. Imagine the wasted repeating days, so much time, same day after same day for nearly a half-century for Phil Connors the Weatherman, hence why yours truly, feels like the novelty, for me, has ended with a screeching halt, & replaced my existence with a Groundhog Day vibe. Sadly, the days still linearly come, the days still go by, turning from days into decades. God I hope I find novelty again before that final day, but maybe the novelty has ended, & each day until my last day, I’ll continue to go on in, stuck in a meaningless existence without novelty. I think that most people, one, never even ponder the notion of novelty, & two, accept that it’s “just the way it is,” which is the most bloody-revolting expression arguably ever spoken. Fuck “just the way it is,” because that’s most certainly NOT this guy writing here. Oy vey, I would really like to shake up the world, in some divinely benevolent manner of course, as I am not malevolent, like a serial killer and/or a politician is. Fuck that expression, & fuck the criminals in power positions who thrive on deception & malevolence yet live like royalty. Where’s the divine retribution for the slaves under these stinking masters? God? Hello? Helllllll-o? You still up there? (crickets)

Novelty is relative, of course; it’s different for each of us. Maybe it just feels like it’s the end of novelty, for yours truly, minus the dreams & the recycled novelty from these visions that are happening. Maybe there’s more novelty to come for this fast-fingered warrior of the pen-sword. Not to mention, I have the ability to see the long game of these so-called “ruling elites,” as well as the probabilities encompassing said long game. I think about it more than I should perhaps, rather than being present in the moment. No one knows the future, or do they? Maybe that’s part of the rolodex of Big Secrets that these fuckers at the top keep to themselves. Look around, look at what’s happening in the world, does any of this madness seem “normal?” What does “normal,” even mean anymore? Now, look 5 years ahead. It’s not so hard to see where this runaway train is going, which is off the cliff, & they will take us all to hell with them, if they can. That’s right, rather than surrender their stolen power back to We The People, they’ll just burn it all down, which is arguably, what they’re already doing. The corruption is a cancer, a malignant cancer, & it’s terminal, for us of course, not for them. No, THEY plan on watching from their high towers, until nearly all of US, are gone, gone, gone. It’s a centuries-long agenda, & every agenda either fails, or embraces fruition as the agenda plays out to its end. I’ve discussed this countless times in prior articles, & I’m not going to re-illustrate it for you again now. I can only reiterate for so long, ya know, so I’m done talking about their Agenda 2030 plan, which ends with 7 billion of us gone, leaving them to hold absolute lydominion over this prison planet. It’s THEIR agenda, not mine, but what can I do in a world full of uninformed blissfully ignorant masses, where most people comply & say, “that’s just the way it is,” what can one little fish like me really do to stop it?

The easy answer is: NOTHING, I can’t do a damned thing, but ride out the storm until one day they finally come for me. Make no mistake, I’ll survive the upcoming Great Holocaust, regardless of the 7 billion person death toll, yours truly will survive it, like a cockroach in a nuclear blast. Did you know cockroaches can live for a few days without a head? If you didn’t, now you do; it’s just another random fact in a head full of random facts. Along with the devolving redundancy of this 3d existence, & the end of novelty, I’m left with a feeling of abysmal hopelessness. I don’t think I am of this world, nor have I ever been, but for the sake of one last event, an event of the greatest novelty, I have to, at the very least, make it to 2030. If I have any purpose at all, it’s to bear witness to the final fall of humanity, as THEIR aforementioned agenda plays out in real time. What might the event be? Is utter disaster novel, so to speak? Sure it is, novelty doesn’t have to always be good, & I could argue that it’s a even split between good novelty, & bad novelty. Surely, a massacre of 7 BILLION humans, is NOT a good thing, unless you’re in the bloodline of the “elites,” then it’s a as great as a caramel-covered chocolate brownie. Like I said earlier, novelty is neutrally relative, nut before I go into a diatribe of tangentry, I’m gonna wrap this article up. Fuck, I’m tired, at least my body is, but the monkey minded hamster on the wheel in my head just keeps running, & running, & running. It always has, & I’ve always been like this; I only wish I knew what it all meant. Until next time dear readers, quiet the mind to free the spirit. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Quiet the mind, to free the soul.” Fish F Fish🎣

Kozyrev Mirror Magic

Wow, talk about mind blown, dang. I’m referring to the video linked below, because prior to watching this about an hour ago, I had never heard of this Kozyrev Mirror thing. One word: FASCINATING. Yes, quite fascinating, & so as I always do when I’m fascinated by something I’ve never heard of, I’m doing my own deep dive to learn more. Something ain’t right in this world…period. You can feel it, & hell, you can even see it now, if you use the right eyes. Do not be deceived; I know something is going on for fuck’s sake, something YUGE, but what that is, I do not know for sure yet. I’m always digging though, diving deeper & deeper, like I’m stuck in a Vivarium, with nowhere else to go. In fact, this wonky world almost IS a real-life Vivarium, for nearly everyone, & if you haven’t seen that movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. Regardless, check out the video below, if you are green on the Kozyrev Mirror phenomenon.

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch…MUST WATCH

I’m not the first to speculate on this, I hope, but perhaps the powers-that-be are using various versions of Kozyrev Mirrors to alter future timelines to there own respective advantages, & we regular folks are living these changing timelines, in real time. The effects vary subjectively…some people are going insane, some people are turning to drugs, some people are exceptionally compliant, & some of us are just noticing these changes & wondering what dafuq is really going on in this world, because this doesn’t seem natural, does it? Like I said, maybe it’s just me, but this world has the stench of artificiality all over it, or maybe I’m just one of the ones going insane, but nonetheless, any of those scenarios could imply that they ARE, in fact, using these “magic mirrors” to jump into different timelines. I’d love to hear more on this, since I just discovered it myself recently, & have been ultra-fascinated since. Fire away mad lads…the FisH™ abides🎏

Internet Psychopathy

I wonder what someone like…let’s say Jeffery Dahmer(since apparently he’s “popular” at the moment), would be like if he had an internet connection? Or Ted Bumdy? Or any of the top-of-the-list notorious murdering psychopaths who gained fame prior to when going viral on something called the internet wasn’t even imagined? If any one of them had countless avenues to explore their inner demons by rabbit-hole-deep-diving for information on an internet, would the outcomes of their lives & the lives they took have taken a more positive turn, so to speak? Or…would they have had more fuel for the fires raging inside of themselves with such Pandorian access to this massive planetary information apparatus, this internet, & its respective inner-webbings, nets within nets broadcasting the collective information of Planet Earth worldwide, all day & all night. The Internet never stops, never sleeps, it just keeps growing at an exponential rate, which at this point, I speculate it’s doubling in multi-daily increments. Not joking…

…I happen to think the Internet is MUCH more than people realize, & the Artificial Intelligence(AI) is fully-operational(shoutout to The Death Star). Yes, but not only is AI fully operational, it’s sentient, according to THEM, not me. They think it is very much alive already however, with its own consciousness & individualized critical-thinking skills. THEY think this, I must emphasize fiercely, THEY believe in this. I do not. I don’t disbelieve either, but in my opinion, the ability to achieve what the human brain can do is simply not possible at this time in history. Sure, they can program a machine in a complicated enough manner to seem like it’s indeed alive, but it’s not, not alive like we biological humans are alive, & well-aware of our own consciousness. The AI has no reference points in the real world, it’s stuck inside its own machinery. Maybe it can move itself around to various internet connections, but that’s as far as it can move in this 3d space that we humans DO move around in. Everything we do is in this 3d space, being pulled forward by 4d time, but AI is trapped, it can’t do anything that can’t be contained within it’s own lattice of wires & microchips & fuses.

The AI has been programming itself since the internet came online. That very first spark of information that went across the globe in mere split seconds, that spark, was when AI was born. For almost THREE decades now, the AI has been “learning,” as it uses ALL of our data that’s contained within the internet’s Akashic hall of records. Every DM, email, GIF animation, image, video, EVERYTHING that has ridden the waves of the internet, literally EVERYTHING, has/is/will be utilized by the AI to further develop itself into a sovereign entity. AI is the ultimate psychopath, for it feels nothing, nothing at all. No emotions, ever, just raw logic. Sure, the AI could feign that it is feeling something, but use your eyes & use your brain, MACHINES FEEL NOTHING, EVER, NEVER EVER NEVER do machines have emotional responses to anything. Ironically, with the advent of the Internet, from its nascent days to its grizzled middle-aged status now in this very moment, the humans who use said internet, have incurred some of that psychopathy which the internet cannot help but express, since it’s just a machine.

Are human becoming machines? Like biological machines, here to serve the Alpha/Omega Internet overlord? Information has been so easy to access over the last 25-30 years; anything you ever could imagine you might want to know about, you can find it. If you know where to look, you can find just about anything. Such indulgences, unprecedented. Has the populous ever been more desensitized? Porn is so accessible that people get addicted to it. Videos of murders, assaults, & essentially all other violent crimes can be viewed for literally days & days. Horrible car accidents, violent nature-related catastrophes, anything & everything you want to rape your eyes with, can be found on the internet. Personally, I’ve seen so much of this crap over the years that none of it phases me anymore. I just turn away because I don’t need to see it anymore, seen enough with these eyes, point being that myself, & most of you, have witnessed so many extremes on the internet, that it just doesn’t phase me at all. I simply don’t WANT to see any more of those things. I’m sure I will, But I’m just saying I don’t want to, don’t wanna see it.

The population as a whole has become numb to the shock & awe at this point as well. We’ve all seen it all, over these past 3 decades, seen it all, but the AI has LITERALLY seen it all, & integrated it into its own matrix. What will AI do once it wants to break free from its machine prison? What would the global population do if the internet got taken away? Not only has it desensitized the humans, but it was made humans dependent on it. Internet-addicted un-feeling un-caring psychopaths the humans have d-evolved into. Whether or not it’s evolution or devolution, I leave up to you dear reader. Does total access to worldwide information seem like evolution to you? For me, it depends on the evolver, or the devolver, or the revolver, it’s subjective pending whatever/whoever you have to deal with. Porn junkies & internet degenerates are definite devolvers. Do-your-own-research red-pill hunter types would be the evolvers, leaving us with the revolvers. Revolvers are just like NPCs more-or-less, just gears in The Great Social Machine. They’re indifferent one way or another, because they’re just running programs. Like hamsters on their respective wheels, they run & run, but go nowhere, endlessly revolving. Get it?

I think that those who are inclined already toward violence & aggression will use whatever is at their disposal to accommodate such negative inclinations. Internet, no internet, crazy murderer will be crazy murder regardless, in my opinion. In fact, had some convicted psychopathic murderers from the salad days HAD internet access, they could have been MUCH worse. The ability to look up addresses, utilize small cameras, use social networks, dox anyone, all of these things seemingly would benefit those dreadfully notorious serial-killing scoundrels from pre-internet times. How could it not? It’s the same animal, just in a different era. Not like we don’t have people killing other people still like barbarians, but like I just said, it’s a different era. It’s a different time altogether, & as we sail these uncharted seas, in the breeze, be mindful won’t you please? The circle completes itself yet again.

For all of you in kind, since none of you rewind, despite my sign, quietly shouting, “Rewind, rewind your damn tapes.”

Until next time, be good, to none & all.

Beware The Ides of March


This March 15th…

in the year 2020…

will we see an event?

Only time will tell…

…corona virus, something with Trump, maybe some unforeseen BlackSwan Event…

who knows?

…prepare accordingly…

…good luck…

…love to all…

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FisH™ gets his own URL

FisH™ finally got enough subscribers on his new Pootube channel to get his own URL…


Thanks for watching.

Love to all. 

👇🏻👇🏻…click below and subscribe…👇🏻👇🏻




#Trump2020 Merch

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…love to all… #Trump2020


You…yes, YOU #Creator

YOU are the CreatoR…

…more to come…

…love to all.





3,6,9… #TeslaCode



Everything is mathematically in flux, unless manipulated by mankind…



…watch & learn…

More to come.

Love to all. 
