You…yes, YOU #Creator

YOU are the CreatoR…

…more to come…

…love to all.





Sunset Sky


Be the Creator. 

Love to all. 

Legerdemain… Word of the Day plus mini ISON Update

As we all virtually sit by this fake gif animation campfire, let’s revive an old tradition of the occasional word of the day post. Today’s word is Legerdemain …you can click on the word there for the textbook definition. Basically, it’s a magician with talent for hand skills. However, it can also mean skilled at deception. So you could theoretically use it with various adjectives like mental, cognitive, emotional, political, just add legerdemain to the end and you have a whole new concept. In case you haven’t put it together, all these “words of the day” that I post for you are all applicable to the globalist cabal that controls the 85 to 90% of the populous, the herd, the sheeple, you all should know by now. I could go into an abysmal amount of referencing as it relates to this New Nazi regime that currently runs this country, and the globalist pig scum who run them. Do you know why the keep deceiving you? Because the more they deceive, the more they confuse and further distort reality into something it is not. They want you all so dumb-downed, so bewildered, that by the time they come in to take total world control, everyone will be so out of sorts with “reality” that it will be easier for the elite to reign them in like zombie robots to be minions under their new world order agenda. Distraction…i.e television, sports events … TRICKERY…TELEVISED LEGERDEMAIN… PLUS mass confusion equals=…ensuring  you are all as docile and complacent as they need you to be when they take the current enslavement to a whole new level. Unless you take the time to empower yourselves with the knowledge you will need to possess to not succumb to their agenda.

Things are about to get a lot more interesting over the next few weeks. Comet ISON has been reported to now be visible with the naked eye. Depending on where you live will improve or lessen your chances of getting a good view. I hail from the Southeast US, so my view, and I assume this holds true for the East Coast US as well, occurs just before sunrise to the southwest from Mars. It just became visible to the naked eye within or close to the last 24 hours. It has brightened 16x in the last 72 hours, confirmed by numerous astronomers, and hence, as mentioned above, is now visible with the naked eye. But this is only the beginning. It’s only going to get brighter, much brighter, then of course there will be the big day of perihelion. Will it survive it’s trip around the Sun, will it fragment and pose a threat to this planet, will it crash into the Sun and blow out a huge solar flare. This is no small comet, there is a lot of power connected with this “comet,” in numerous lights, no pun intended. So we will see soon, and again i must say this, besides those of us in the alternative media watching this supposed “comet,” where is the coverage and/or reporting via the MSM? Why is this not a significant upcoming event receiving daily coverage? Just doesn’t make sense, but maybe it will after this event unfolds. Now I have a special treat for you… the image above IS ISON, but that is old footage. I have a current live animation from…. the Bruce Gary’s own website. He is the foremost frontman at the pinnacle of the most current Comet ISON data and footage. I actually just found this earlier. You can go to his site via>>> Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary  …and if you click that link, you will see the current image, and here is the animation from right now, just after midnight EST…

Looks amazing doesn’t it, beauty and destruction swirled together in some still mysterious cosmic dance. Amazes me how many people still DO NOT even know what this is, and/or that it will be here very, very soon. Now that it has become visible to the naked eye, I think we can all agree the show has begun, and it’s only going to escalate to a level unknown. Yes, the show has begun, and coincidentally, said “show” will be continuing for weeks, coinciding with a the newly discovered, and more plausible, TRUE Mayan calendar DATE OF CHANGE, NOT THE END. That occurs on December 16, 2013, a month from today. Look into my archives for my own research and deciphering of the actual Mayan symbols, all very detailed and easy to understand and follow. Again, NOT AN END. The date only points to a “significant change of era, or age.” Don’t be a fool and through all of your eggs into that basket though. You all surely recall December 21, 2012, and that it was actually a sunny, nice day where I was, as chill as it gets, so until this calendar actual proves something, don’t give any credit to it, it is only info, interesting info for sure, but just info, and all based on interpretation and speculation.

Day by day, the ISON event is going to get exponentially more exciting. as the data comes, I’ll do my best to keep you all informed. Bookmark Bruce Gary’s site, he is the numero uno source for the most accurate and reliable data as it relates to Comet ISON. Much, much more coming, I can assure you of that. Zero point is a rare time to be existing in a 3rd dimensional paradigm. All of us here, most of us will experience these “events” I speak of to come. I implore you all, empower yourselves as much as you can with knowledge, become reconnected with nature and the planet, stop eating processed GMO poison foods, stop drinking water that is fluoridated, and for the umpteenth time, TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING TELEVISIONS.

These upcoming changes will test all realms of your embodiment in this 3rd dimensional consciousness…that includes mentally, physically, emotionally, as most importantly, spirituality. If you are not attuned or becoming re-attuned with your higher self at a higher frequency, you are wasting time. You are not a zombie, I know the globalists have used incalculable methodologies to suppress and dumb you all down, but now that YOU are aware, YOU have the choice to not comply with their agenda and their programming. Break free, have some courage, what is there to fear? Fear is murder from the inside, and if you choose to exist from fear and the negativity that stems from that fear, you are wasting your life and giving in to the will of your masters. Love is all you need, let go of fear, just let it go. You are not trapped in this shell of a body for very long. You are all solar beings of infinite energy. Be brave and make your world what YOU truly want it to be. I know it’s difficult in this technocratic nightmare these illuminati devils have infected this humanity with. And I also know it is difficult to escape from the herd. Yes, it may seem easier to all just stay oblivious, grazing on that aforementioned green grass of ignorance. To not pay attention, to pretend it isn’t there so it doesn’t affect you, pretend the world is a sunshiney dream of happiness. And that would be so nice, wouldn’t it?…but ask yourself, “Would I rather be a sheep, or a shepherd?” you would think the obvious answer would be “shepherd,” so why do so many pick “sheep?”

Elitist pirates have taken full control of the machine that keeps this world turning in the direction they choose. It’s absolutely ridiculous. They need to go, they need to disappear, this needs to go another way or be forced to end by influences outside this planet and/or dimension. Imagine some un-thought-of outside force doing something no one could comprehend that turned it all upside down and sideways, but only to remove them and raise human consciousness, empowering the people back to their higher selves. I like to throw out the canvas, and let you paint your version of the image onto it. Again, I just am aware of the many plausablities, as should you be, to add detail to the overall bigger picture. Does that relate to the actual act of ascension?…of course. Ascending back to an upper dimension, to return to pure energy and light, very real.. But yes, let’s stay here for NOW by focusing this moment NOW, we ARE all stuck here still NOW, for now, but who knows how much longer? It cannot continue like it is, but is the machine repairable anymore?…OR does the machine need to die, and be replaced by something greater? Some live for the future, some live stuck in the past, some live for NOW. What do YOU live from? Think about it.

Let’s see what happens over the next several weeks, should be quite the show, perhaps the show of the century. Be back with some new info soon, wide eyes open. Love to all.


Sounds…Fatalistic but Perfect.

Take 10 minutes to let go into this short trip. Just relax and let go. Do not think, feel. Shhh. Breathe. Relax. Only 10 minutes from your schedule. Or before you go to sleep perhaps. Wherever you can allow yourself 10 minutes to let go of your mind and be totally free inside the infinite space inside yourselves. Relax. Love to all.