Rosemary Goes 🌿🎣

Trump 2016

Be a Creator…


Vote Trump 2016,

and let’s make America great again.

More to come.

Love to all.

2016 Begins…


Methinks 2016 is going to be a very exciting year. Lots going on around this insane asylum planet, lots of chaos and madness coming to a head. Crazytown everywhere…yikes. Political correctness is a fucking joke and I hope that pseudo novelty dies with deathly silence in 2016. Nazis came up with PC by the way, think about that next time you have a mind-quandry about if what you are saying or thinking is PC. Fuck PC, and fuck the far left liberal faggots that keep trying to make everyone “progressive” with this special interest PC agenda. YOU AREN’T PROGRESSIVE MORONS, get over yourselves….smh. And then there’s the new agers that think they can save the madhouse by loving everyone in some heavenly unconditional manner. Not gonna happen. Realize that the battle is futile, and move on. 85 to 90%, still clueless, the numbers aren’t really changing, because for every ONE person who snaps out of the fluoride coma, 1000 more drink the Kool-Aid. Like I said, a fucking madhouse, an asylum of ignorant stupidity at its finest. No negativity here, just raw pragmatism. It’s not that I’m not into the love, oh I love, and I love to love, but have YOU seen it out there? My God, there are bloody savage mutants everywhere, and they’re exponentially breeding more of themselves, just like Idiocracy. Yes, it is real, IDIOCRACY, even though it’s not recognized as a word on spellcheck apparently. So where will this dumbed-down hoard of mental morons pull this flailing humanity with the great weight off their mass retardation?  When will these masses of asses finally sink the boat? Maybe something is on the way to alter that course, to stop them from drowning themselves, and everyone else in the wake of their proverbial obesity…Black Swan Event perhaps…because if this boat keeps plowing on this way, there is only doom on the horizon. That’s truth, that is just a fact, probably mathematically and statistically very accurate even. Nope, NOT fear porn here, you know we don’t roll that way round here…and besides, it’s way beyond that. This is just a cold wake-up call, and by now you either get it, or you don’t…if you are still scared to get out of your Cave, stay there, and wait for your masters to come sort you out. However, if you have freed yourself, be ready, because I don’t think anyone really knows what one can expect is going to happen in the New Year, but tis looking like rough seas ahead…

Oy vey, what’s to come, what’s to come?

Whatever happens, just remember what I always say…

“Do NOT give in to fear.”

Learn to transform fear into power, then use that power to free yourself from the shackles of the Cave,

 or don’t…

up to you, not me.

And that’s where I stop for the year before I digress into a few 1000 words and blaze out of 2015 with a bing-banging wahoo…

…thus the rootin, tootin GIF above…

So be brave hermanos y hermanas,

and Happy New Year. 


Love to all.

The Story of the Hurricane


This is a GIF animation of the strongest hurricane ever recorded, Hurricane Patricia, churning up right at this very moment off of the Southwest Mexican coast. 

The weather gets crazier…cheers.

More to come. Love to all. 

September 7’s and the Shemitah


I know it has been quite a while since I have updated this site, but if you have a problem with that, it’s your problem. Not to be rude, but all of the constant daily bombardment of hidden information being revealed to me exponentially has led me down a road that I must sometimes walk alone. During said time, MUCH has come to the proverbial light, and for those of you who have been waking up with me or before me or after me during the last several years, where we are are at now , where we have made it to, right here right now, has been quite a journey, and it would seem it is about to speed up even more…


I have not stopped my work, only my recycling of the info to you through this medium over the last few months. At this point, you can feel like you’ve made a significant leap in informational progression one day, and then have your mind blown sideways about something else, sometimes as quick as the push of a button. When one stops for a moment and ponders just how abysmally lost almost all of us were before the information crack evolved from a small leak into this raging torrent of knowledge that luckily most of us still can access, at least in the US. This is a very precarious situation, because when I say ‘at least here in the US,’ I mean that many many millions of people around the world are still in that stage of unawakenedness. Now I am not saying one needs the Internet to become enlightened, definitely not, but that connectivity has brought about an unprecedented sharing of information that has evolved from the worm to the butterfly via the chrysalis of time. Like I mentioned earlier, that small leak became a flood, and that flood is still sweeping over the world, more and more, faster and faster, every day.


Now I could really get into some revelations that have come to the surface for me in the last few months, page after page I could go, and by ‘revelations’ I most certainly am NOT referring to anything biblical, as I am no christian nor literal believer of a book that has been edited more times than any other book ever. Just because there is a section in said book on ‘end times,’ doesn’t mean it was foretold in some way as the book was written and rewritten over and over and over again over the last 2000 years. The bible is a collection of parables, that’s it, yet it has been transformed into this tool of control by pseudo religions that are just recreations of ancient Saturn-worshipping astrotheology. I could take you on that journey some day, into the Saturn matrix, now that’s some interesting knowledge to have. And remember, nothing is believed NOR disbelieved here, I adhere to a principle that we aren’t fully capable in this consciousness of knowing all we can know with any sort of inclination toward certainty. You discover little truths as you go as they apply to your consciousness, but to grasp all as it really is is not possible from this dimension. Like the analogy of the flat-landers, explaining to 2 dimensional playing cards what a 3rd dimensional knight on a horse is. Moving on…


So as you can see I titled this post ‘September 7’s.’ The reason I did this is because I had some great insight into a part of the puzzle earlier, just minutes ago in fact. I have been looking into the Jubilee and the Shemitah for months now. I have been somewhat learning numerology consistencies, in a sense that I notice trends. Well you should look into the Shemitah further for yourself, but to sum up, Shemitah represents the end of a 7 year cycle on the Jewish calendar, every 7 years, but on the 7th 7 year cycle, year 50, this is known as Jubilee. Both of these dates are occurring this September, yes in a little over a month, and I’ll give you some dates I came up with after I got the information. Let me tell you how I got to where I got to… I normally wake up, oil pull with coconut oil for 20ish minutes, and either see what’s new in the real news, or exercise then see what’s going on, either way, I check my info sources at some point. It is like mining, info mining, just kind of bang around to various sites until you get something that makes a good connection, then you dig around there a bit deeper to improve said connection, until you have a new little gem of knowledge you have discovered for yourself. Today’s ming revealed a name, that name is Jeff Berwick. Some of you may know who this person is, most probably do not, but change that fact if you’re in the ‘not’ group, just look it up. He’s a true worldly individual, super successful investor, one of those guys that’s seemingly a natural genius at navigated through the game at a very high level as far as an overall manipulation of the system as a whole. What is important is his track record of being accurate, which from all I have been gathering over the last few hours, appears to be flawless. He made a fortune investing in the Internet before the Internet is what it is, he knew before that it would be the connector of all, at least in the digital sense. He is/was spot on about the volatility of Bitcoin, and I can go on and on, or you can click here for yourselves to get more…


This video led me to look into this guy, what his history is, etc… and I found out, and he will explain, that numbers, and the number 7 are important in these cycles of financial and global economic and social change. Now in that link above, they feature a clip from a speech which I actually had seen from several months back, a very odd speech, presented by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, and when I first saw it, I thought, “wow these people really believe in the power of their rituals,” and then today, they show the clip from that speech, which you can watch here…   …and as continues to happen to me so very often now at this time, puzzle pieces serendipitously come together and form bigger truths, revealing the true picture. So here is what happened, I watch/read about Jeff Berwick, TheDollarVigilante, and then I thought about the speech that I was being shown again, and I grabbed a pen and paper and did some simple math. Nothing special or fancy, and I am certainly not claiming that these dates mean anything, but I thought I’d throw it out there, just as something interesting for YOU to ponder as you continue on YOUR own quest for knowledge and truth.


So here it is, this is what I put together: That lady mentions the 7’s, they all seem to know something about 7’s. By they I mean the elite. Berwick mentions the cycles, that he has studied for a long time to make his living. And if YOU want to get into it on your time, there are literally countless ‘predictions’ about something coming mid-September. So I thought of the 7’s. Basic numerology, add all the numbers. There are no combinations if you add the month, year, and the full date including the 20 in 2015, that add up to 7, also there are none that add up to 14. So the next 7 number would be 21, and there are 3 dates that equal the number 21, or 3 7’s. 9/4/2015 is the first, 9/13/2015 is the second, and 9/22/2015 is the third date. Now I am NOT saying anything will OR will not happen on those days, but that is something I put together, mostly just to amuse my brain, because these dates are rarely ever accurate about anything, but there is a lot of ‘predictive’ information floating around about this upcoming September, so I guess we will see. So there are some dates for those who like to note them, September 4, 13, 22, the Shemitah, and Jubilee all relatively coinciding with those dates. 


I have gone well over 1000 words, and that means time to go, but look into these things, or do not, up to you as always. What YOU do on YOUR journey is for YOU, not for me. Be good and be brave regardless, the only thing that will take you is fear, so do not be afraid dear friends and readers. 

More to come…

…love to all…

Magic Tricks

Is magic real?

I did not create this GIF below, but it seems magical, yes?…


So magic real or unreal or surreal

…maybe yes, maybe no, maybe both, but it CAN always be created to appear real,

…an art form the MSM fake news,

(of which so many sheeple believe in unfortunately relatively faithfully)

have mastered quite well.

This AirAsia incident is yet another, YES YET ANOTHER, scripted and concocted story where the real agenda will never be known to YOU.

~Shout out to Dahboo… check out his channel on Youtube… he’s found out some interesting info on this supposed crashed airliner…

More coinciding coincidental coincidences…as usual…

…and all they let YOU know is that yet another plane crash has occurred, a tragedy, oh the humanity, here are some blurred out images of “bodies” floating in the sea, and a few parts of what might be wreckage. Such horror and terror. Not that I’m some doomist and expecting more carnage or even saying a plane didn’t crash, but these things are so damn easy to manipulate and/or exaggerate via the medium of film that one would be an absolute fool to take what they are thinking they see at face value right away, particularly when the source(the MSM) is NOW KNOWN to fake countless dramatized scripted events…i.e. Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Aurora, 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, Lusitania, I can go on and on and on and on…

…so how talented do YOU think these master manipulators of this pseudo reality and re-re-re-written history are at what they do?…

They’ve been at it for hundreds of years,




What did YOU, what did I, what 99% of anyone KNOW before we have come to learn/unlearn what we have come to know in this lifetime at best?

What if there were no internet, no instant access to information and knowledge and questions answered? Can YOU remember how uninformed YOU were before the advent of cell phones and social media and global connectivity?

We/YOU were clueless, yet many still are… why, why, why, WHY?…

So many WHYS…

This place confuses, this strange dimension, people who do not understand,

themselves or each other,

because they have grown to accept the illusion as their reality.


It is a prison for most of YOU, YOUR own prison, the key in YOUR own pocket all along…

When did it come to the point that the shadows and the echoes and the confines of the Cave took precedence over the enlightenment of the infinitely expanding and enlightening REAL world outside for so many of YOU?…

…why do so many choose to shackle themselves?…

…and then convince themselves it makes them happy?”…

“These things make me happy, this stuff makes me happy, this money makes me happy,”…


and all over in a blip…

And it’s YOUR life…


When YOU look back on YOUR life, YOU can sum it up in a flash, can YOU not?…

Then what?

What’s next?

When YOU get to that point when YOU look back, 

will YOU see yourself as a slave,

or the master?

YOU make the choice, 

and if the choice has been made for YOU, 

then YOU are already the slave. 

But remember, it’s never too late…


Free yourselves,

for YOU,

not for anyone else.


Will YOU die free, or die a slave?

Have some proverbial balls like William Wallace…

“For Christ’s sakes, help yourselves!”

What is there to ever really fear?

Death? Pain? Loss?

Separation is the illusion.

Don’t be afraid of magic tricks.

There is nothing to be afraid of…


and.. Braveheart rocks.


More to come.

Love to all. 

Catching Up


It’s been a while since my last 1000+worder, so let’s catch up…

However, first please take note of the two previous short posts that offer links to FREE music, movies, programs, all via bit torrents.

Why PAY for anything? Money shouldn’t conflict with anything, especially art.

Get learned if you don’t know and if you do know, share and inform. Moving on…


Clearly this whole Ebola mess is to incite fear amongst the populous, let’s just get that right out there. Here’s the math…like 4000ish dead, I think I saw 9000ish infected, now there are 7 and ½ billion people on the planet, more-or-less. For those who are mathematically deficient, to get the percentage of the total infected, we would divide 7.5 billion into 9000, which is .0000012%, hardly any real epidemic, pandemic, whatever the fear mongers are trying to convey to the masses. More people are going to contract and die from the flu. Of course the MSM is eating it up and do you know why? More fear gives more power to those you still let control you, and said controllers use the MSM to incite that fear, at least in a large proportion. Here’s something many of you may not know…the CDC has patents for Ebola, and patents are granted to inventions, so wouldn’t this be a CDC/CIA/Globalist engineered bioweapon, since it’s being released upon the public, just like the HIV virus?  …which did not work fast enough for the eugenist scum who mastermind such things. Oh yes, the whole HIV/AIDS thing was somewhat of a test run for population control, i.e., depopulation of those deemed unfit to exist. Don’t believe me, look it up. For those who might be new, try “Agenda 21” as a search query start. That’s all on the Ebola from me, except for this… when the “Ebola vaccines” start rolling out, please for the sake of your own humanity, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE, or any vaccines for that matter. Continuing…


Well I was going to write a post about how disappointing Comet Siding Spring would be before it actually disappointed everyone, but I waited to see it play out, and here we are, Comet ISON Part 2, the Siding Spring Sequel. Maybe it was a spectacular event, but no one knows because NASA and/or whoever controls the monitoring satellites, cut the live feed for one, then provided ass-crappy images that are unimpressive to say the least. Ground-based amateur astronomers have better images, many of which actually ARE impressive, but the footage is still very lacking. Another space event bust. So many “events,” so many “record” and “once-in-a-lifetime” occurrences all ending in blah. Maybe space novelty has hit a critical mass, at least for some. I suppose though it would only take one major event to alter the course of things in a dramatic fashion, but these blood moons, eclipses, ehhh… makes one wonder how significant these celestial events are even to the ones who supposedly adhere their Luciferian dogma to it, and yes I am referring to the globalist banker elitist scum that I have detailed elaborately for all of you so many times before….


I will use the “event” topic to segue onto a potentially “eventful” upcoming date, which I have milestoned onto the right of the page over there, said date being this Friday, October 24, 2014. Now I have seen some speculative reports that this will be the date of the next market crash, hence the name Black Friday, as it refers to this date in the past, which you can look up on your own. Nonetheless, for those who still do not know, the market WILL crash at some point… it’s inevitable. I’m not going to take the time to get into the details, but the system is set up TO crash, which doesn’t affect those at the top of the pyramid, but for the 99% below, surely it will, and that’s exactly what the swine in charge want. We have covered this before, create chaos, bring in order, problem-reaction-solution. IT’S ON THE DOLLAR BILL, that’s one thing that blows my mind is that these psychopaths broadcast their plans and intentions everywhere, because they know that most of the people are sheeple and are too fluoridated and programmed and braindead to put it together. It’s amusing to them, amusing the way a dog or cat is to it’s owner. Do you like being perceived as pets, cattle, sheep, a herd? Who ultimately makes that decision? You? Or them? Back to the market, I am not saying it will, or it will not crash this Friday, but it WILL crash and how that affects you is up to YOU. Do not let your fate be woven in the hands of masters. 


Notice the price of oil dropping, at least here in the mighty USSA? That’s because our shady government cut deals with the Saudis in relation to this ISIS propaganda campaign. We have seen numerous videos posted by ISIS, or ISIL, or IS, or whatever they are called this week but I digress…anyway, these videos show convoys of trucks and tanks and anti-aircraft guns and missiles, yet why are all the targets being blown up NOT these convoys but rather what appears to be randomly isolated and vacated buildings? Hmmmm… maybe that’s because the CIA and other shadow agencies fund these supposed terrorists groups, so who are the real terrorists? That’s right, they work in the shadows, which worked well for them before the advent of the internet and in turn, the alternative media. Now we tangent… Sharing information allowed for the potential for billions to awaken to the real reality of the world around them, and we are all in that process now, although the degree of ascension into this process is relative on an individual basis. Never-the-less, the potential is still here. All part of the global mass awakening, which exponentiates more each day. We must remember that there is still in place a preceding generation which is used to playing by the rules of those aforementioned shadowy conspirators, and it is not until that generation is gone or defeated or gets over themselves that humanity can truly have a chance to be free. The question is how much influence that old generation has on the upcoming generations… do we follow the path of the uninformed, the unenlightened, the unwillfully ignorant who thought they had it right? Or do we blaze our own path/s, with our own knowledge, and our own perceptions of what this 3rd dimensional existence means?


The answer lies with you, and you alone. Be brave, and let go of all you fear.

The time is coming. Our fraction of an instance is up.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

Free Magic



Magic at the push of a button.

Check out for YOUR free software, music, movies, PDFs, etc…

Why hassle with monopoly money?

The best price is FREE, FREE, FREE.

Learn to use bit torrents, and take it NOW while YOU can…

…or just change the channel…

More to come.

Love to all. 

Ebola Fear Porn Machine



A plague amongst a plague is apparently raging now across the planet. As if there wasn’t enough out there to incite  most of you to be afraid of something or another, now there is this report of a possible erupting global pandemic of the ebola virus. Is it airborne? Is it really dangerous? Why the secrecy from the CDC? Is it part of an agenda, Rex 84, Agenda 21? So many questions to exaggerate the anxiety of the drama of it all. The list of fucked up events occurring NOW around the world could certainly be deemed “alarming,” could it not?

As always, I had to look for myself to find out what ebola actually is and what it does, how it is transmitted, etc…  sounds like a really unpleasant experience. Nausea, severe diarrhea, bleeding, a relatively slow death, probably spent alone since no one would really want to be near you from fear they might contract the virus. There are always going to be things you read that will differ from what others have said. For instance, there are many articles that say it is spread via blood and bodily fluids from infected animals and/or people, and that it is NOT airborne. However, there are other reports that detail viral mutations and/or weaponized versions of ebola that ARE airborne and thus, highly contagious. Can you picture yet why I titled this post “Ebola Fear Machine?”

What do these globalist scum who sit at the top of the pyramid feed from?… the answer is: YOUR FEAR. The more fear you succumb to, the stronger they become. With the advent of social media, alternative information sources, the “free” internet, there agendas have been exposed, along with their existence, which few actually knew of prior to the creation of the world wide web. So what are these puppet masters doing now that they are exposed? They are trying to incite as much fear and anxiety and chaos as possible, mainly via the MSM propaganda juggernaut. YOU have to be able to see through that bullshit. Everyday, it’s one fear mongering episode of one show to another. ISIS is crucifying people across the Middle East, North Korea shoots missiles randomly into the ocean toward it’s neighbors, innocent girls are gang raped in Pakistan and India, whales are hunted by insane Japanese fisherman, entire Boeing 777’s go missing, like I said, one episode after another, story to story, script to script, and NOW we have this… Ebola virus might become worldwide pandemic. Do not go outside, do not leave your house, do not come into contact with other possibly infected people and/or animals, it’s called FEAR PORN, and they broadcast their fear porn all day long, and they shove it down everyone’s throat’s who still glorify their little black boxes in their houses that control everything they think they know…illusions and magic tricks, the real plague is inside your television perhaps?…


If you look into something like Agenda 21, you will find that these “procedures” have already been thought out. By “procedures,” I mean the now-being-implemented methods of depopulation they are beginning to unleash upon the populous. Bioweaponry is how it starts. Hmmmm…. and isn’t the southern border wide open?….allowing all sorts of diseased and plagued subhuman parasites to enter the once mighty USSA. Oh yeah, they like to keep that information controlled, but it’s absolute chaos down there. Thousands crossing daily, no border patrol enforcement, unless you happen to be an American citizen, then they can harass you, but not if you’re illegal. Come on in, just walk right on in with your disease, and your un-education, and don’t forget your kids who are crawling with lice and scabies, just come on into the country… I have to ask this as a general question, “Do YOU know of any other country in the WORLD that would not only allow citizens of other countries to just walk in, but would ALSO help them when they got in?” Yeah, the answer is a loudly resounding “FUCK NO,” but the USA has become the USSA as pirates have quite clearly and obviously infiltrated the government and are intent on sinking this country, raping and pillaging as much as they can while they sink her. Remember, it’s a GLOBALIST plan, not an American plan, or a European plan, or an Asian plan, they want to control it ALL. One world government, one world bank, one world laws, one world thought, one world order. It’s not a fucking joke, these motherfuckers worship Lucifer, venerate the owl, practice dark magic, offer sacrifices, kill, destroy, corrupt, and they are the ones YOU let control YOU.


And if YOU know these things, why do they still control YOU?

In the end, YOU are nothing more than human cattle to these elitist psychopaths, and YOU will be herded as such is YOU continue to let them drive YOU right along with themselves over the upcoming proverbial cliff. Oh the cliff is coming, use your real eyes and YOU can see it. Call it a cliff, call it a bubble, call it a rocketship, whatever you want to label it as, IT is about to drop, burst, and/or blast off. How can YOU prepare for what is coming soon? There is much YOU need to do for YOU, not for anyone else, but for YOU, because the only thing that makes YOU stronger than them is to let go of your fear and your ego, embracing love and your higher self, your soul self, your solar energy light body self. How many decisions do you make every day based on fear rather than love? Do you judge others? Do you lie to yourselves when you try to convince yourselves that you do NOT judge? YOU are human, and YOU are not perfect. YOU must be honest with yourselves in order to be honest with others, just as YOU must learn to forgive yourselves before you can truly forgive others, finally leading to discovering how to truly love one’s self in order to unconditionally love all others. Do not give in to anything, who ever said one had to believe in anything? That is not nihilistic, it is just an expansion of a tangent of what is going to be the final thought for this post, as we have reached the 1000 word mark again. This post is bouncy, and leaves some stairways open ended, but that is serendipitously intentional, so YOU can walk on your own, on your own path, discovering for YOU, certainly not for me, or for anyone else. YOU are what must be number one before YOU can help others help themselves see that they are number one as well. Be wary of the fear that still hides in your egos, even those of you who are well awake.

Fear is the ultimate wizard trickster, always waiting in the shadows for an opportunity to slip back in.

Stay brave, there is nothing to be afraid of. Ever.

Wide eyes open my dear friends.

Love to all. 

MUST WATCH to ALL “Lightworkers,”….


As it says above, this is a MUST WATCH for so many of you who have falsely donated your hearts to this “new age” movement. A few posts back, I mentioned the fact that isn’t it odd that the puppet masters worship Lucifer, the angel of light, and so many have chosen to devote themselves to love and “the Light.” I have been meaning to really dive into this, and now is the time. Now I am no hypocrite. Anyone can go into my earlier archives and see that I clearly have promoted said “Light.” When you are in this game this deep, you have to have the balls when you discover you are wrong or have been misled, to simply back up, make adjustments, and move forward. How is it better to continue to believe a falsity once you’ve discovered that it is in fact incorrect? Just suck it up, integrate what has been revealed as truth, and keep moving forward.


I have mentioned the channeled messages several times in past posts. Convincing many of them are, for sure. Inspirational, makes you feel like your “good” work has a meaning outside of our dimension that resonates into higher frequencies. Now although said “good” work does resonate positively, that positive energy is in fact being consumed by those that many light workers have deemed as ascended masters. That’s why every time I have mentioned it, I told all of you that I do not believe nor disbelieve in said things, offering ZERO of my own energy into a belief, and I have repeatedly assured all of you to do the same. And as you can see, yet another great deception has been exposed. There is no such thing as light workers, they are being fooled into believing their “goodness” is giving them soul points, when in fact, just like the rest of the humans, they are being harvested for energy, albeit differing mediums. 

Fist of all, these channeled messages have been being broadcast for years, constantly saying that soon greater forces will intervene to save this dwindling humanity. And has any entity intervened at all yet? NO. Just feeding false hopes to those who truly believe in love and goodness. Second, constant inferences to large ships commencing on Earth for disclosure, again a statement that has been repeated for years, but still, where’s said disclosure? Lastly, I personally have noticed several quick references to things that make no sense. For example, the other day a message I listened to stated that der fuhrer Obama was actually an agent of light and goodness, here to aid the acceleration of humanity’s betterment. WHAT THE FUCK??WHAT?? Okay, as you can see, that right there is a HUGE red flag, and there are several others. They release these channeled messages daily, proclaiming benevolence and love and light as the time comes when higher beings will reveal themselves and destroy the dark cabal that currently rules the mighty Earth, but as you will hear/see in the above video, they are ALL agents of the same dark cabal. Now it is a little more interesting for those of us caught up in this holographic disillusionment of a dualistic, good vs. evil, dark vs. light, 3rd dimensional paradigm, right?…


Now don’t beat yourselves up over your misconceptions. You still are good, you still live life via love and soul, rather than fear and ego. You still have ascended from the cave you once dwelled in. Now is where you learn to let go of all you offer belief to. This instance is exactly why I have gone out of way, begging and pleading via my words, that you all rise above isms, and movements, and dogmas. You can only believe what you see in front of you, what YOU have experienced on your journey. The past is gone, there is no reason to allow the circumstances of yesterday to get inside you and eat away at the NOW. The future is yet to come, no need to fear or fuel anxiety about what is to come, for YOU are in the NOW. My obvious point, NOW is all that matters, right now, not yesterday, not tomorrow, NOW. There is so much going on that 85 to 90% of the masses have no clue about, but they are going to see one way or another. The reign of the dark cabal, the infectionious plague that has infiltrated the foundations of love and compassion which initially formed the “new age” movement, global warfare on the horizon, increasing violence, anger, aggression, so much fear, if any of you cannot see what is coming, then all I have done, as it applies to you, has been in vain. 


Many will not wake up. Many will stay in their bubbles, until their bubble bursts, and they become fully consumed in a personal hell of their own fear, lost inside the illusory selves serving their egos. They have their own paths, their own roads to follow that eventually will get their souls back home. For the rest of us, particularly those who have been swayed by the positive attributes of the “new age” movement, admit it and suck it up, they tricked you, they tricked us, they tricked me. So what? Fuck them for doing that, especially under the guise of unconditional love and compassion for humanity, but that’s their hassle. It’s only yours if you continue to offer them your energy. Deception is everywhere these days, and deception is a sneaky ninja, often coming under the ruse of good intention. Now that you know what you know, where will you go? Nothing should change, other than the fact that you now know the truth of what the “new age” movement has become. Another tool of mass control. Nothing controls YOU except YOU. YOU know this, I have told YOU this over and over and over and over again. YOU have all YOU need inside YOU. YOU are the only temple YOU need. Stay pure, stay good, remain on your trip down the path of enlightenment, compassion, joy, and unconditional love. Be above the whole game, and the players have no power to affect you. The more you know, the higher you rise. These are revelations that will come more and more as we ascend and expand our consciousness’ back to a higher frequency, going upward back home toward Source.


There is only your connection with Source, anything in between is irrelevant, other than the love you give and receive with other beings on your journey. 

Well we have passed the 1000 work mark, so you all know what that means. Before I close, and I implore all of you, especially you “light workers,” to not only watch, but SHARE the above video. Too much deception for too long, and it’s time the real living truth got back on top. Enough of the bullshit, we are powerful beings, re-tapping in to long forgotten power, and we are sick of fucking around with lies. It is time to not only realize your inner power, but to become your inner power. The changes coming soon will test the true will of all, and most will crumble beneath the weight of their own fear and ignorance. Will you crumble, or will you rise even higher? The choice, as always, is yours and yours alone.


We are only here to help. Wide eyes open. Love to all.