
Recent Weather

I don’t believe in man-made global warming. Sure, there’s a lot of humans, that DO cause a lot of damage, but if you go out a few hundred miles into space, & look down, you can’t even see us, unless you see the city lights at night, which actually strengthens my argument, because then you get a good look as to how small we actually are, & how spaced out we are on top of that. There are YUGE sections of this world still that are entirely uninhabited by modern man, places we haven’t ever even been yet, & if you account for the oceans, which are around 80% unexplored I think, & make up ¾ths of the Earth’s surface, that leaves A LOT of area on the planet that we don’t even nor haven’t even touched. Thus, “man-made global warming,” from a strictly common sense point-of-view, is total rubbish, & yet another lie perpetrated by the so-called “ruling elites” to instill fear among the global populous & retain control over the people that they think they lead & rule. I know, I know, common sense seems to have gone out the door these days, despite a technologically-advanced modern world, where one can simply type a few keywords into a search engine, & look the facts up for themselves. However, many people still, STILL, tend to believe what the television tells them to believe unfortunately, rather than do their own research, & as sad as that notion is, it continues to be the way of the majority of the general planetary population, & so, in addition to the other means of control-through-fear tricks that the aforementioned ruling elites use to hold power over the masses, the “man-made global warming” scam is just one in a line-up of sinister agendas that many waste time & energy foolishly believing in, but serves only to keep them distracted while their masters attain more dominion over the people, & in turn, over the entire planet.

Now, however, let’s not confuse “man-made global warming” with “man-made weather modification“. I happen to think the latter is used by the powers-that-be against us regular folks, in order to not only push their “global warming” hustle, but also to test run, if you will, various methods of decimating rural, as well as strategic populations, only to blame it on the “man-made climate change,” that we the people are changing with our supposed wasteful & destructive behaviors, never incurring any blame themselves, because as I said, the goal is to blame US. It’s all so much sheneniganery, sinister sheneniganery, with think-tanks composed of eugenically brilliant minds that ultimately want to fulfill their end-goal depopulation agenda. “Remove the mouth-breathers, & there’d be more room on the planet for we elites & our bloodlines,” is their esoteric mantra. Oh yes, there’s most certainly two distinct groups in this world, them & us, the herders, & the herded. I’ve often wondered what the world must be like from the point-of-view of the “herders,” the ones that look at most of the population…as well, human cattle, as there’s not there real way to describe us, from their perspective. It’s a totally different view then the view from our side, their view being that we are here to be led by leaders we don’t elect, & when we think they’re voting to “elect” them, they’re really just s-electing them, as if there was ever any choice on our end. Nope, voting is as big a sham as the lottery, & you never win either one. There is only an illusion of choice, as is the case, more-often-than-not. Lots of illusions, lots of echoes, lots of shadows, all assumed by the masses to be real, like some planet-wide Platonian Cave. Doesn’t matter when a scant few us leave said Cave, venture to the real reality outside, & proclaim back down to the rest of the prisoners, “Come out here into the real world, where the truth shines like the Sun overhead, where things are real, & sounds are real, & not the shadows & echoes your masters have tricked you into believing are real. The truth will set you free. Please, fellow prisoners, chained to your digital devices, COME OUTSIDE!” Do they listen though?…nope, usually they do not, & what’s worse, they call you names, they deem you a deceiver, & even threaten you with a figurative death, should you not shut your mouth & continue to allow them exist, chained to their own false beliefs, never realizing that “existing,” is not living, not living at all.

As it pertains to the weather, however, since that is the title of this article, the powers-that-be have utilized the fake news propaganda machine to hijack words & phrases, in this case “climate change,” to mean the same thing as their “man-made global warming” pseudo-expression, as if the climate doesn’t change all the time via nothing to do with mankind or our “wastefully destructive behaviors.” In fact, the climate changes 4 times a year in most inhabited places, & we call that “seasons,”…duh, but like I referred to earlier, in Clownworld 2023, numerous words & phrases have been essentially hijacked, taken over to mean what these societal think tanks think they should mean, as opposed to universal & respectively literal definitions. Yes, it’s about as Orwellian as it gets, & because these idiocratic bureaucrats never face any consequences, they just keep crossing the line & moving the goalpost at will, in order to keep winning a game that they only win through systematic manipulation, which adds up to basically cheating. Of course, we all know, life is not fair, far from it, but this “man-made global warming” nonsense, along with all of the other bullshit agendas being utilized against the public at large, takes unfairness to a whole new level, especially when you consider all of the combined facets that the “herders” undertake to keep the ‘herded” suppressed & controlled, for if the “herded” were to all awaken at once & realize what has/is/will continue to be done to them, we could end the mass control mechanism at once, & take this planet back for ourselves. Sadly, the so-called “ruling elites” study the ancient art of “divide & conquer,” many from birth, as well as the ideology that they are the “herders,’ so it’s virtually in their blood, & therefore, they abide it accordingly from their various power positions in the hierarchy of the Great Power Pyramid. Yes, while most of the population, the “herded,” are indoctrinated thanks to the public school system, the other side is busy learning how to control the indoctrinated ones, & so it goes, has gone now, & will continue to go, for generation after generation, as far back as the Roman Times, & well beyond that too.

Like I mentioned, there’s a split in the planetary population, the herded & the herders, & the herded, US, outnumber the herders by a great majority, a massive majority in fact. The herders, however, split the herded, keep us constantly divided, the Hegelian dialectic working to perfection in real-time, & because they keep us herded ones divided, we will never be free from The Great Mouse Trap that they keep us all running through from the day we inhale our first breath, until the day we exhale our last. Run left, run right, left, right, left, right, back around & do it all over again little mice, because the more we stay split between left turns & right turns, the more the trappers run straight over the top of us, laughing all the while as we run run run, so caught up in our own debt-enslavement that we can never find the exit out. Make no mistake, yours truly is caught in this Great Mouse Trap, the same as most of you, more so even, as I am totally broke, & lost all of my resources in the controlled-demolition market crashes in 2022. Yep, everything I worked so hard for, all gone & then some, just as easy as grabbing a little mouse by the tail, pulling it from the Great Mouse Trap, & shaking it by its writhing tail, little legs kicking, until everything falls out, then throwing it back into the maze, with nothing left except those little legs to keep it running left, right, left, right, until its dead. We mean nothing, nothing to them, as is the way with most of us mice, we herded little mice, stuck in this labyrinthian cave, with no way out, no hope, nowhere to left to run, except left, then right, left, right, endlessly chasing the table scraps of printed Monopoly left but the herder maze-masters. Simultaneously, they print the same said money, for themselves of course, not for any of the little mice, who spend their lives killing themselves for it.

It’s a very dark, very malevolent game, & in fact, it’s only a “game” from the herder perspective, & certainly not for any of us herded ones. Does this feel like a “game” to you? I have trouble thinking of ti as such, but maybe I should. The great Alan Watts devoted a lot of his orations to the notion of “playing the game,” as if life were that simple for all of us. Unfortunately, & although I enjoy listening to him, he spoke those words from a bubble, a celebrity bubble he placed his pulpit into, once he became famous all over the world for his books & lectures & such. Fame gets you out of The Great Mouse Trap, you see. Fame, & even infamy sometimes, can get you that Golden Ticket to set you free. We could ALL be free, & there’s way more than enough abundance to achieve this in this world, more than enough to go around & then some, but the false illusion of scarcity, is yet another trick used by the people-herders to keep them high atop their guarded gates, & the rest of us down at the bottom of the Wishing Well, hoping to win that un-winnable lottery someday, because most of the herded have been made to believe there isn’t enough for everyone. Along with the inclination that humanity is responsible for said scarcity, as well as these bizarre climate anomalies lately, the illusions just stack & stack upon us all, like a high-rise building, stacking higher & higher, reaching into the sky, all built on a foundation of lies. It would only take one day, ONE DAY, of a united humanity, to take these elitist globalist one-world-order people herding soulless scum down, demolishing the illusions down to the ground. Will we ever stop maintaining our own self-division to realize this as a unified whole for a change, though? Don’t hold your breath, for if the so-called “ruling elites” ever sense that we might come together, united as us versus them, they will orchestrate something from their big book of contingency plans to ensure that we never do join hands & shout from the mountaintops all at once, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…NO MORE!!!” Like I said though, don’t hold your breath waiting for that day to come. On that note, this article is done. Believe me, I don’t “enjoy,” for lack of a better word, knowing what I know, & this mind of mine, proves quite burdensome most times, but it’s the “hand I’ve been dealt,” as the saying goes, & I suppose I am stuck with it, until I get lightning-struck into a lobotomy, if that event ever comes to pass. Since the odds of winning a fake lottery are statistically greater than getting stuck by a bolt of lightning, there’s simply no way to win this game, but as I mentioned earlier, the great Alan Watts said in so many words, “Just play the game,” & thus, what choice do I have? So sayeth FisH™🎏

The Fooze: S3 E19 3/19/2023 Incoming

I’m gonna try my best to keep this Foozer short, but as always, I’ll probably ramble on into another Tangentville essay of sorts. What can I say about the week upcoming…other than that it could potentially be an exceptionally dynamic week for the world. I use double-adverbs like a boss incidentally, but I digress. Anyway, apparently this week is going to be all about the supposed “Trump arrest,” coming on Tuesday…again, SUPPOSEDLY. I’ll believe it when I see it. Honestly, at this point, I don’t know what Trump’s deal really is? I think he’s on the other side though, & has always been unfortunately. I know, I know, no one wants to hear that, & the MAGA crowd are putting all of their faith in this one man, ONE MAN, to take on the powers-that-be to save the world. Kind of sounds like a cult, doesn’t it? Geez, what a “divide” your so-called leaders have successfully accomplished, left & right, hard left, hard right, not much in between. Of course, they are NOT the same. The left is totally gone, GONE, none of these rainbow-haired leftists are coming back, & no one on the right is going to turn to the left, do you see what’s happening here? Left, right, left, right, like you’re running through a maze, isn’t it? Well, that’s because YOU ARE; you are trapped in The Great Mouse Trap, & 99.99% of you don’t even know it. In fact, if I wasn’t here reinforcing my own analogy of said Great Mouse Trap, no one would even be making this connection in their own respective minds. Not to mention, since I only get a handful of views a day, essentially NO ONE integrates The Great Mouse Trap and/or the power game the elites play amongst themselves, while they keep all of you running through the maze, left, right, left, right…oh, speaking of my views, check this out:

These are my yearly stats. Notice how much traffic I had before these big tech censorship squads starting squashing everyone who wasn’t bending the knee to their tyranny. Oh yes, they got me here too, & clearly I’m STILL being shadowbanned. THE PURGE IS VERY REAL. It’s fucking ridiculous, but they will never break me. I’m not changing the words I use and/or the way I utilize my own unique literary language to appease these clowns. Is it actual people doing the shadowbanning, or is it the AI? I think it started as actual people, but over the last few years, they’ve integrated the AI into their algorithms to such an extent, that I’d wager there’s no actual people doing the censoring any longer. Nope, it’s all AI now, & with the advent of AI software like ChatGPT, guess what? My black ass is about to be out of a job, even though this isn’t a job per se, I just do it to do it, & I have never made a single penny form the thousands of pages of drivel I’ve spewed out. Nonetheless, if a potential employer is using AI to bang out articles in mere moments, what the fuck would they need actual writers like me for?

Not just writers either; video producers, meme makers, news reporters, service jobs, assembly jobs, even doctors & lawyers, all replaced by AI. The AI is advancing so fast, arguably exponentially, so it’s only a matter of time before I get replaced, you get replaced, we ALL get replaced, which is all part of their Agenda 2030 plan. Once they are confident that most jobs can be taken care of by the AI apparatus they are building as we speak, humans will no longer serve a purpose for them, so they’re just going to eliminate most of us. Could be a pandemic, a REAL one, where people actually drop dead upon or shortly after infection. Could be war, a global nuclear war, which would effectively kill many people, as well as vaporize most of them to avoid the cleanup process. Hard to clean up 7 billion bodies, so best to just vaporize them with nukes and/or energy weapons. Hard to speculate into a future where the end goal of your so-called leaders is to eliminate all of us, know what I mean? Remember though, as I’ve said countless times, this is THEIR plan, not mine. THEIR agenda, not mine. I’m simply trying to expose it, expose the TRUTH, so people can prepare as best they can for the day when it all goes sideways. Obviously, I do not want this future, but like I said, this is THEIR plan, & it’s very REAL, & they’re doing these things right now, in real-time. Their game is NOT our game, & their game is much more sinister than even I am illustrating. This evil goes DEEP, so deep, & like a cancer, it has plagued most if not all of these elitist globalists, as well as trickled down through the descending levels of power positions. The “fish rotting from the head down,” that classic quip. Check out the video below, while it’s still up, unless it has already been hosed by Youtube. Grace is a gem, very thorough, & after you watch this, if you still doubt me or what I am exposing for all of you, maybe go to Starbucks, get yourself a grande soy latte, & honk your ignorant ass off of a cliff. This game of theirs is dead serious, pun intended, & the road to 2030 is going to be like a road to hell, particularly for those who are utterly ignorant of this snowballing hijacked zeitgeist.

Damnit, I have not only gone much longer than planned, I went off-topic again, but only a bit off-topic, because this all connects. The crap they broadcast via the fake news mainstream media is theatre. Just a show, & sadly, after years of naively assuming Trump was on our side, I have come to the conclusion that he in the same club the rest of them are, the Capstone Club atop the pyramid. It’s unavoidable I think, when you reach a certain level of wealth & power, apparently they all turn, because they have some awareness of something 99.99% of us do not. I wish I knew their secret, it actually angers me that I do not know. I HATE being played, & we’re ALL being played, because to them, we are just sheep, a herd to be herded. There’s us, then there’s them, the people-herders, the social engineers, & when the cameras turn off, I wonder if they all party together, laughing until they piss themselves about the things they do to us. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, & I most definitely do NOT want it to be, but at this stage of the game, it appears to me that there is NO ONE who definitively wants to help us peasants. Help us all to the proverbial slaughterhouse maybe, but other than that, nope, just deliver energized speeches that mean nothing, promises that mean nothing, just a car salesman trying to sell everyone a lemon.

The problem here is that ½ the country are holding up their auction fingers to buy that lemon. After all of the chaos these corrupt politicians have created in 2+ years, essentially destroying the country, outrageous inflation along with unprecedented money-printing, supply chain breakdowns, “random” train derailments, flash mobs, no jobs, wages down even though inflation up, on & on & on, I mean use your fucking eyes, they have almost COMPLETELY destroyed what Trump allegedly created, but perhaps that was the plan all along? People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine for Covaids pushed through to distribute out to the public, which amounts to a mass-poisoning, as the jab has proved useless and actually now is killing people. TRUMP did that, not these idiot democrats who were taking credit for it before these “side effects’ started occurring en masse. Yes, I was doing great under Trump, only to lose everything I had a year after the Biden regime stole the election & crashed the economy, costing investor BILLIONS of dollars. We get hosed, while they keep printing money to give to themselves, see how that works? Works for THEM, but not for us of course. They do not care, because like I said earlier, to them we are just cattle. What good is a rich cow to them? Same difference as every other dozy cow. No to mention, these people-herders are centuries deep with their game…it goes back to the Roman times in fact, 2000 years of elitism via population control, always a them & us. The herders & the herded. People say, “that’s just how it is,” but I say, “Why? Why does it have to be? Fuck them. Why the fuck do I need a “leader? Why do we need these “leaders?”

We don’t, but since they’ve cleverly convinced the masses that we do, for hundreds of years now, then sure, it does appear like that IS “just the way it is.” Nope, not for me anyway, & I could care less if I’m utterly alone with my own sense of sovereign personal freedom. Fuck them & fuck you if you comply with this crap. It’s NOT right, & it does NOT have to be “just the way it is.” If only we could all unite somehow, unite as ONE, ONE 7-billion person macro-organism to break away from their Katamarian societal bowling ball, evolving into something new, standing strong together against this tiny minority of globalist scum that have hijacked the zeitgeist to control the world. I cannot emphasize how abysmally sinister their game is either. Fuckin hell, it’s as if there’s no escape, no way out of The Great Mouse Trap. Perhaps some “event” will come, some kind of truly Divine black swan event, maybe call it a white swan event, where something random comes that has positive results for the people, rather than another malevolently random event that shoves all of our faces deeper into their stinking shit-pit, destroying any/all will that We The People have left to fight them. Long game, that’s THEIR game, while everyone stays focused on this illusory short game, chasing that cheese-bait fiat money left, right, left, right, endlessly through the labyrinthian Great Mouse Trap, paycheck to paycheck. See how that works?

Okay, the time has come once again to wrap this Sunday Foozer up. Until next time, dear readers, stay EXCEPTIONALLY mindful of the week ahead. The time will come when things change fast, & if you are not mindful, you won’t make it. “Just the way it is,” right? Only if YOU allow it to be. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you lack mindfulness, you won’t make it out alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

Proverb from the Mind of an Ancient Magician

The poem at the end is something I wrote in 2014ish, but apparently, never published. No idea what I was doing when I wrote it, but I did write it, but I can’t remember if I made this up, or just wrote down a quote from Rumi or someone like that maybe? Maybe I was high…most likely if it’s 2014, I was high. Wunderbar; it looks like some of the stuff I used to hand-write, in my little journals, so maybe it was me? I don’t know. Regardless, it sounded good when I read it aloud to myself, after perusing my lost drafts from nearly a decade ago. I used to publish short stories for Nascent Digital Publishing, along with 4 self-help books I wrote. 2 of the books are still on Amazon, surprisingly. DO NOT BUY THEM. The publisher did us writers dirty & masterminded a hustle, sending all the royalties one way, his slimy way. I did another article about it; here’s a link if you would like a more in-depth explanation, as well as links to the books you should NOT buy. The links are there simply as reference for the article I wrote, click this link to read more👉🏻 The Extended Explanation …


Nonetheless, I lost all those stories that got published on the now non-existent Nascent Digital site. They’re not kidding when they say, “Back up your content,” even though you shouldn’t have to in the USA, in the land of the “free,” right? WRONG, wrong because if you don’t abide the rules of the big tech Ministry of Speech, they push a magic button that sends your content into digital oblivion, you’ll end up exiled from the virtual town square, & be stuck indefinitely in the digital gulag with my black ass, unless you bend the knee. There’s NOTHING that is free anymore, nothing. Hence, I must once again publicly proclaim, “I WILL NEVER BEND THE KNEE TO YOU CORRUPT & WEAPONIZED FUCKERS. YOU DO NOT SCARE ME. THIS IS THE UNITED FUCKING STATES OF AMERICA, & THE USA IS THE LAND OF FREEDOM, NOT THE NEO-COMMUNISTIC TYRANNICAL HELLSCAPE YOU ARE QUICKLY TURNING IT INTO. HOW ABOUT THEM APPLES YOU EVIL SCUMFUCKS? I WILL NOT ABIDE YOUR PSEUDO-REALITY…EVER. I DO NOT CARE IF 7 ½ BILLION OTHER HUMANS FALL IN LINE, BENDING THIER RESPECTIVE KNEES IN DISGRACEFUL COMPLIANCE AS YOU CUT THEIR FIGURATIVE BALLS OFF. NOPE, NOT GONNA GET ME. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SO SAYETH FISH™…🎣

Oh, by the way, the dickhead that robbed us is named Thom Byxbe, or at least that’s what he calls himself online. If you want to leave him a strongly-worded message, click his name for his social media links, or here’s his number:

Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 6.57.20 PMI could care less what you say to this fucking piece of shit. I wrote self-help books for this guy, SELF-HELP BOOKS, & he steals everyone’s royalties? The actual writers who did the work, nope, nothing for them, but this fucking drug-addict loser fraud takes it all for himself, okay then. Your karma, not mine fuckwad, not that he’ll ever read this, but by writing it down, then publishing these sentiments globally, I put the energy into the digital ether to proverbially kick this idiot down a flight of stairs. PROVERBIALLY, I said, but if he happened to fall down a flight of stairs, I wouldn’t be distressed over it. 


Not to mention, this post here is a solid demonstration of my SEO writing skills, so I’ll have to add it to the stack, which is closing in quickly on 5000 pages. Yep, dear readers, FIVE-THOUSAND pages of my drivelous drivel. My own version of “self-help,” if you will. Just a reminder, PUBLISH EVERYTHING YOURSELF. You don’t need a publisher, you just need a MacBook & of course, the ability to write a book. I have several things in the queue, too much actually, so much writing that I’ve overwhelmed myself, so I’m in the process of trying to organize all of this rambling that I do into a compendium of sorts. Maybe my daily Foozers, compiled as a journal of Clownworld sort of, since day after day I’ve been documenting 2023 as TRUTHFULLY as one can be, because someone has to, otherwise the world of the future might look back at this era estraña using re-written Orwellian 2+2=5 books composed by these globalist/communists in charge. They’re tearing down statues, so what makes you think they won’t rewrite history if they succeed with their planetary domination agenda. Agenda 2030, it’s very real, & it’s happening right now, in real time.


I’m not going into that again in this post though; there’s plenty to dive into in my archives if you want to read more about the depopulation agenda. Make sure you’re viewing this on “full-site” mode, or you won’t see any of the fun stuff. Find the archive search widget, to the right & down a bit, then type “depopulation” into the search queue, & see what comes up. Type anything you want actually, any word you can think of, & SOMETHING will pop up. Like I said, I have nearly 5000 pages of articles, which ironically, is NOT backed-up, so one of my upcoming self-organizational tasks, is to put all of this, ALL OF THIS, all of this nearly-5000 pages of my work onto a USB drive, then find a printer that has unlimited ink & paper, & print this entire opus out into a hard copy. They could ban me from WordPress, or the power could go out, & although the probability of one of those happening is hopefully low, I want this all on physical paper, just in case. The printed word is not dead, at least not for me, but oh geez…I have digressed into Tangentville once again, haven’t I? I suppose it’s come time to wrap this one up, so until the next round, dear readers, write for you, not for anyone else, unless they pay you. So sayeth FisH™…again…🎏

Enjoy this old poem below; it’s for all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡


I saw it all, all I saw,

I fell right through, way down.

And it holds me down,

My hands, not in chains.

Bound as the clown.

I’ll keep it hidden,

right in front of you.

When you open that box,

inside the ellipses.

On the outside of truth.

Corners of eyes,

shadows in my shadow,

Only the act, they say,

can’t really be real.

An ocean shallow.


“Write for you, not for anyone else, unless they pay you.” ~Fish F Fish🍥

The Fooze: S2 E5 February 5, 2023 The Balloon Part Deux

Oh my, it looks like the Pentaqueef, sorry I meant the Pentagon, has FINALLY shot down the now-infamous, “Chinese spy balloon,” over the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Did I just say “queef?” Sheesh, what a potty mouth…to the corner fishy dunce, but I digress. Yes, they’ve shot down the “balloon,” at last, at least, that’s the narrative being fed to the masses via the usually-faked news. Incredibly, EVERY SINGLE ONE of these MSM outlets are reporting the EXACT SAME THING, & NO, not just repeating, they’re all REPEATING repeating each other, nearly verbatim, like they’re all reading a script, the SAME EXACT SCRIPT, it’s so bizarre. Not to mention, they had it all ready ready already to go, with footage of the downing, & the “balloon’s” subsequent descent to the ocean below. We’re going to get to that in a minute, so hang tight, as I have a lot to say about this whole production unfolding right now in real-time. Incidentally, do you know why I threw some quotes abound the word “balloon” back there? It’s simple; it’s NOT a balloon, it’s a blimp, a dirigible, an airship, but NOT a “balloon,” as the narrative continues to imply. This “balloon,” is as big as 3 school buses, THREE SCHOOL BUSES, you know, those big yellow school buses the VP Kamala Harris loved to ride as a kid, except her bus was the shorter one maybe methinks…with that dumbass cringy voice of hers…ugh, she’s revolting, so try not to puke if you watch the video below…you can skip past this cackling snapperhead to continue with “Balloon Part 2” of course. I wouldn’t want to hear her outrageously childish condescendations either, I get it, trust me, & it’s just for reference & lulz, so again, feel free to skip ahead to the actual article…


The Kamala Harris Yellow School Bus Speech…Grab a Barf Bag

Yikes…my poor ears. Anyway, it’s a good reflection of what we’re working with, as far as “leadership” in this forsaken country. It’s a real shame, a sadly embarrassing daily shame. Moving back to the balloon, & Potato Braindead’s, Im sorry, I meant President Braindead, whoops, I meant Potato Brandon, gah, so Joe Brandon, oy vey, JOE BIDEN, yes, there it is, this dementia-ridden old pervert allegedly FINALLY “ordered” the notorious “balloon” shot down. I say “ordered” in quotes because he didn’t “order” anything, much less a military strike, as he’s barely able to “order” anything at all, even his beloved ice cream that the fake news media gravitates toward like a dying sun. The dude can barely speak, can barely complete a sentence, goes off the rails constantly into Alzheimerville, & people believe he “ordered” a military attack? Derp, come on now, Old Joe pooped his pants in front of The Pope for fuck’s sake, COME ON ALREADY. How much more can I shake my fucking head at this clown? I wouldn’t trust him to call out BINGO numbers at a hospice, much less run a country, yet here he is still, & that’s the narrative, that he “ordered” this “spy balloon” to be shot down, which it apparently finally was earlier, as being reported via the MSM. Hard to believe anything is real anymore, especially anything that the MSM poops out(pun intended), but since this is now dominating the headlines, distracting all of you from anything else, I felt I needed a followup. I named it “Part Deux,” as a loose reference to the sequel to the movie Hot Shots Part Deux, which was almost a bad as this political theatre we’re all watching…almost.

Of course, the suspected “spy balloon” already completed its cross-country mission by the time they shot it down earlier. From Montana, to somewhere in the central United States, to the Atlantic Ocean, what a journey, I bet they got some GREAT pics on their little flyover trip, yes? Oh yes, I imagine the Chinese are collectively laughing their balls off at our utterly continuing incompetence. Not to mention, all the data they’re collecting. Between corrupt politicians in China’s pockets, to Chinese use of AI via social media apps like Tik-Tok to data mine Americans, to their YUGE military getting stronger by the day, & along with their pioneering & highly advanced surveillance grid, it’s a total shock to me that Chinese troops haven’t Red Dawned into the continental United States yet. They’r playing the long game though, & their discipline to maintain the course, although admirable, is nothing but nefarious, & is going to end in the total downfall of the West if this isn’t stopped. Don’t hold your breath waiting on the aforementioned “leadership” here to do anything. Don’t hold your breath about ANYONE doing anything to stop those communist cunts. Make no mistake, it’s on the way, at least SOMETHING is on the way, something big, something evolutionary maybe, devolutionary perhaps, I don’t know, but could it all begin with this now headline-dominating “Chinese spy balloon?”

What might these alleged “spy balloons” be used for? I looked into it, & I found a few things. First, they could be used to release some kind of bioweapon, like a new virus, one that actually kills you on site. The worst part of that is that if you pop these “balloons,”…i.e. shoot them down, it releases the virus onto the hapless masses below. The Japanese already did this, 80 years ago in World War 2, & they tried it out on the Chinese, which is rather ironically ironic, isn’t it? Quite a turnaround China, if that IS in fact what you plan on using these balloons for. Who knows? Certainly not me, no idea what these “balloons” are for, as these are just rough speculations on my end. Gah, Ione thing though, I’m DONE calling them “balloons,” they’re BLIMPS, BLIMPS, unless I’m misunderstanding the defintionary difference between a “balloon, ” & a “blimp?” Let’s look it up, shall we? We’ll look up all the possible words to illustrate this mysterious craft, starting with “balloon,” of course.

Hmmm, I’m leaning towards the “airship,” & certainly “balloon” is last on the list. This “spy balloon” maneuvers, like an airship, NOT like a hot air balloon might, for instance. NOT TO MENTION IT’S THE SIZE OF THREE YELLOW SCHOOL BUSES, REMEMBER? Not a God damn “balloon,” & I’m sticking to it, so from now on, I’m going to call it one of the last 3 options above, but no longer a “balloon.” You can call it a “balloon.” Your fake news overlords will keep using the term, “balloon,” so don’t fret, but as for me, I’m calling it what it IS. Like when I see a male and/or a female, I’m calling it like it IS, not how someone “feels” it should be termed. You got TWO options, you pick One of ONLY two, TWO, genders. There’s ONLY TWO, no more, no less. It’s a binary world, naturally masculine or feminine, deal with it. Hot/cold, up/down, left/right, a BINARY world you bloody mental patients, but I digress yet again, as is par for my all-par-5 golf course. “Eagle chance every hole, because that’s how I roll.”~Fish F Fish. Back to the topic, yes, everyone will still have their proverbial “balloons” to look at, while something else you are NOT supposed to see, happens going the other way. Geez, I’m all over the place, we need to get this car back on the freeway. Where were we? Oh yes, bioweapon bioattack from the bio-blimpy dirigible airship from China. That’s plausibility numero uno. Kind of looked like something gassy came out when they shot it down, didn’t it? I’m sure it’s just from the missile, and/or the resulting explosion, but let’s look again, since I made the GIF, why not watch it again?


See that? Maybe just the gas, like the gas that kept it aloft, maybe helium, but not bio-gas. I don’t know, kinda spooky to watch though regardless, isn’t it? Now, what else might they use these airships for? Well, & this might prove to be the theory that comes true, but the next possibility is their utilization as EMP devices. That’s right, if one of these is rigged to let loose an EMP over a major city, and/or SEVERAL major cities, maybe all at once, POOF, ZimZaps, & the power goes out indefinitely, which I estimate would cause almost an immediate state of total pandemonium. No power means no internet, no gas, no ATMs, even no cars if the EMP detonation fries the electronics. Yep, nearly anything/everything that you can think of that uses electricity is no longer operational, in a literal flash. It would be absolute chaos. Not to mention, the power grid is exceptionally fragile & equally exceptionally vulnerable. I think the entire country relies on ONLY 9 power stations. Yes, I said 9, ONLY NINE, how sad is that? Is that really the best we can do in 100-plus years of using power lines to transport electricity? One could almost argue that this severe fragility was done intentionally? & where’s Tesla’s “free energy?” WHY ARE THERE STILL THESE GOD-AWFULLY PRIMITIVE POWER LINES EVERYWHERE? Seriously, stop & look at them sometime, & notice how they look just like they did back in 1923, more-or-less. Doesn’t it strike you as odd, that despite all of our other amazingly amazing technological advances in the last 100 years, we still use these past-their-prime power lines? I don’t get it, but what do I know, ya know? I’m just a teenage lobotomy grown up, still doing the cretin hop, gonna bop’ til I drop.

Yes, if an army of these weaponized airships, NOT “spy balloons,” but if a squadron of these unmanned dirigible airships comes across the Pacific, I’d say that it would be safe to presume that a hot World War 3 has begun. Why all of a sudden, why now? I don’t know. It’s THEIR game, not mine. You certainly can’t believe any of this narrative-driven scripted fake news anymore, at least I don’t, & whatever the Pentaqueef, sorry the Pentagon, says happened, has historically always been proven as misinformation and/or deceptively untruthful. Yep, all these scripted wag-the-dog narratives, ugh, makes it so tricky to speculate on what’s actual truth, & what is only pseudo-truth, doesn’t it? It’s so frustrating sometimes, to say the least. Well, they’ve shot the fucking thing down, so does the story end with all the debris scattering across the Atlantic Ocean, then sinking out of recovery range? Way to go, by the way, to you insanely incompetent morons at the Pentaqueef. If this “balloon” story is even real at all, GREAT job shooting it down, OVER THE FUCKING OCEAN, duh, now how are you gonna get the evidence? Don’t you want to examine the “balloon’s” payload for data-collection purposes? Yes? No? Oh wait, you can’t now, BECAUSE YOU SHOT IT DOWN OVER THE OCEAN YOU MANICALLY STUPID CLOWNS. Double duh, it’s just staggering, seeing these narratives…because either they’re really poor narratives, or these people really make these redundantly asinine decisions, over & over & over again, under the guise that people are so dumb, they’ll believe anything. It has to be scripted, right? Or maybe the general population really is this abysmally gullible? As long as it’s on television, it must be true, right?

Oh my, it looks like MY own script has written itself, once again, how synchronistically splendid. My circularity, from a script I cannot see, only hear, with ears that aren’t on my head, as I channel these words down in this digital diatribe, has come back around, looping herself once more for the daily Foozer. Sweet ouroboros, the beginning becoming the end, to become the beginning once again, birth to death, then born again. Circles, loops, the 3-6-9 of unlimited energy, just the 3d spatial spiral, spiraling into an unprecedented future though on the loops of 4d time, at least from OUR point-of-view. We’re much too small, stuck down here on too low of a dimension, the LOWEST spatial dimension in fact. We’re not vibrating fast enough to see the Great Loop, for it’s far too slow down here. We’re BARELY vibrating fast enough to stay conscious, & some are hardly maintaining the barely, as to their own respective consciousnesses. I’m amazed some people can wipe their own ass, is what I’m over-wordingly trying to barf out. It’ll be a wonderment if any of us make it back to 5d at this low-rate cab fare, back to the Great Loop, for it is there, there back in 5d. You remember once you’re back, as if you’d never fallen from 5d to 3d, & this 3d hell-ride is just a flash of a dream. There is another concept of 6d & 7d time there, there is so much more, so much we’ve lost by falling down, so much more THERE, but down here, nope, nothing even remotely close, other than this insane person typing this delusional drivel you’re reading. THIS is as close as you get to 5d here, through ideas, via channelings channeled from destinations unknown. Oh, but it’s time to go. That was a fun wrap-up, yes? Until next time, I leave you with what I just illustrated in this final paragraph to ponder. Eat all my fish. Eat as much as you like, take home a doggie bag, send it back to the chef half-eaten, or take a bite, spit it at the waiter, flip over the table, & dash on the bill. We, who are here, abide nonetheless. So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Balloon

Well well well, what do we have here? Yet another distraction from the Biden family crime syndicate? Apparently there’s a “balloon” flying over the USA right now, & the Pentagon is reporting it’s a “Chinese spy ballon.” Also being reported, this alleged “Chinese spy balloon” can maneuver on its own, so it’s not really a balloon then, is it? More like a blimp, spying on the country, right now as I type this. The Pentagon, THE PENTAGON, just held a press conference stating they will NOT shoot it down because of the potential “debris field that could harm civilians.” WHAT A FUCKING JOKE? Are these idiots being serious with this right now? Derp, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head so much, the fake news mainstream media with their narratives, it’s all just so ridiculous. Look this way, while we do commit more nefariousness over here. One distraction after another. On & on & on, repeat. THEIR circularity, running circles around all of YOU.

Click to read more☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Here’s an idea you fucking pussies at the Pentaquiff: SHOOT IT DOWN, if it’s really a “Chinese spy balloon,” shoot that fucking thing down. They LITERALLY just admitted it’s an active spying apparatus, yet they let it fly, & then give that lame excuse about an imminently dangerous debris field? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE with this crap already. God damn, what the hell has happened to this country? I NEVER thought as a kid that I would be living in a communist country, but fuck me, that’s EXACTLY what this country is becoming, FAST too. Controlled state-run lying fake news media, tyrannical socialists in power positions everywhere, fucking food banks for fuck’s sake, out-of-control inflation, are we there yet? Seriously, what the fuck is going on, & why aren’t any “good” people in power positions doing anything to stop this? WHY?

Maybe because they’re ALL in the same club…left wing, right wing, one dirty bird, & they’re playing some kind of real-life, real-time Risk™in their quest for global domination. It’s almost as if, emphasis on “if,” but it’s almost as if behind the scenes, your masters are taking individual power for themselves & their respective dynasties. Maybe they know something none of you know? I don’t know, in case you foolishly assumed I’m an elitist shill of some sort, duh, nope, I wouldn’t be here doing this if I was. The CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, all these secretive alphabet agencies around the world, all weaponized foot soldiers for their new world order, & they can suck my giant fish balls, but I digress. FLASH..That’s IT maybe, maybe that’s the answer, I just had a thought; ALL of them know it’s coming, ALL of them know 85-90% of the global population is fucked, so they’re simply jockeying for their positions in the “next phase of human evolution,” via their “directed evolution,” THEIR words, not mine. It’s no wonder why they like kids so much, is it? Ugh, that’s a whole other article, titled, “Disgusting Pedo-Elites,” soon to come…

If you were in their “club,” & you had knowledge of some impending holocaust, where billions of people are eradicated so they can rule the planet with 500 million to a billion people left, what would be your move? All hand-selected mind you, & if you got a pass, so to speak, what would YOU do? Would you share that knowledge with the plebs, or would you be more focused on your upcoming new role in their new world? Kind of tough to speculate on from way down here. Nope, no pass for me, I checked my mailbox, just bills & debt collection notices, the usual. No golden ticket for this fish, but if any of you got one, let me know in the comments. I’d like to see a pic of one, if one actually exists. Wouldn’t that be hilarious, if they all got actual golden tickets, golden tickets for the new world order, wouldn’t that be the most bittersweetly hilarious thing to find out was true? Maybe even hidden in chocolate bars, oh my. Nah, but it’s funny to picture. They keep their secret close, as I think most of YOU would do as well, if you were in the club, would you not?

It’s a fickle predicament for some of them I’m sure, the anomalies, always anomalies, but for most of them, they take their secret to their last breath, because as far as I know, no one has ever come forward with strongly-evident proof that any of what I just wrote about is true. I don’t know, I just have a vivid imagination. If I ever DO get a golden ticket though, you all will be the first to know, with pics & a series of well-documented videos, & a strongly-worded illustration of how I got my ticket of course, & what having said ticket entails. All I care about is the damn TRUTH, is that so hard to find?…sheesh. I guess so, thanks to your globalist overlords. How about fuck them, & fuck their alphabet agencies, & fuck their new world order, FUCK YOU you sick fucks. Who are they to decide? Playing God isn’t a smart idea methinks, but again, what do I know? I’m looking up at the sky for balloons, they got me too…nooooooooo…(Fart Noise)…I don’t know, & I don’t care about the stupid balloon distraction. “Smile & look at the balloon,”…literally, & the people are looking. The real-time analogy is priceless, wow, what a world. Until next time, shhhhhhh…smile & look at the ballon they say, what about you?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

The Fooze: S2 E1 February 1, 2023 Complete the Circle


There she is, look at her, my completed circle for the now-gone-forever month of January, year 2023. Gone forever, FOREVER, isn’t that surreal? January began, new year, new month, & now it’s gone, gone forever, so surreal, isn’t it, the way days come, then they’re just gone? Today is February 1st, 2023, & it’ll feel like tomorrow when THIS month is gone, then March, then it’s summer again, then winter again, then 2023 will be over. Not before we see what we are going to see this year, whatever that is, but it’s coming, the future is always coming, a future to become a past one day, the never-ending loop, the ouroboros of existence here in the 3rd dimension. If you want to use the image above for reference, when each white day turns blue, another day has come & gone, going from future to present to past, days flying by.

How do you complete YOUR circle? Do you even have a circle, YOUR own circularity? Maybe it’s just something weird I do, because that’s how I roll, I don’t know. I see the sacred ouroboros in everything, all loops, just one big GIF animation, going round & round, the end becoming the beginning becoming the end, only to start over from the beginning, & on & on it goes. Had your psychopathic overlords not hijacked the zeitgeist, what kind of world would this be? Would there be any concept of “money” anymore? Or would humanity work together, as a whole, to better the species, again, AS A WHOLE. Not a communist “whole,” but rather a system where people are encouraged to pursue their passions to contribute to the big snowball, rather than keeping that snowball running by forcing humanity to “work” in unsatisfying menial jobs for shitty bi-weekly over-taxed paychecks. Just worker bees, drones, working from birth to death, just to keep that proverbial “Queen” alive.

Not me, I hope the Queen gets savagely torn apart by a bunch of hornets. Unfortunately, the hornets are all non-binary beta twerps on hormone blockers, so their stingers are useless, & the Queen lives on, in dominion over Clownworld. You worker bees keep working, complying, back & forth every day, in some sadly surreal Metropolitan waking nightmare. Back & forth, back & forth, the daily commute, worker bees tending a multi-trillion dollar hive, but not even getting a drop of honey out of it. Meanwhile, the Queen & her minions have so much honey for themselves, they swim in it. In a big pool of honey, where ALL of YOU worker bees can see, you watch them swim in their honey, you hope maybe they’ll throw some honey at you, so you can buy some eggs, but they don’t. Nope, they keep all the honey for themselves, & they always will, so no matter what “game” you play to get more honey for yourself, you won’t. The game is rigged, & it’s certainly NOT the same game your masters play. The game THEY play doesn’t involve you, for YOU, are just a worker bee, killing yourself for that teaspoon of honey. Meanwhile, they have so much honey for themselves, that their game is to take the whole hive. They could care less about the little drops they give to you, but they tax it anyway, just to keep you down little worker bee. All the while, they play THEIR game, the game of hijacking hives, hive-jacking, if you will.

Well well well, where did that clever analogy come from? Out of nowhere, seemingly, because as you know dear reader, if you’ve read my previous posts, I just channel all of this, so to speak. I have no idea what I’ve written once I’ve finished until I read it myself, & I can’t definitively tell you where any of this, whatever this is, comes from. I just start writing, & these flourished fingers make magic happen. Maybe card trick magic, maybe Houdini magic, black magic, white magic, bronie magic, maybe no magic at all, just a delusional idiot that thinks he has some kind of talent for the art of the scribe, & calls it “magic” to maintain his own LARPing as if he were a real writer, could that be it? I don’t know, but what I do know, is that when I do this, I feel completely free. Time stops for me when I write, & once my antenna picks up a static-free frequency, I simply let go, & then channel, I channel all of this, for all of YOU, dear readers. Like I said earlier, I have no idea what I’ve written until I’ve actually read it once I’m done. I cannot explain it, even though I know I have the answer buried somewhere deep in the vault. Sadly, I cannot get to it, as many of my abilities have been suppressed, same as you. No, I didn’t escape the great dumbing-down of the culture. I’m a Gen-X TV baby, programmed from birth, poisoned by the food & water, again from birth. It wasn’t until my 20s, before the switch flicked from “off” back to “on,” & I systematically freed myself from this Matrix we’re all stuck in.

The overlords broke my circle, as soon as my mother’s water broke, my circle was broken, as were many of YOUR circles. Yep, they broke us, & thus, we grew up broken, broken in ways we cannot fix, we can only patch, until some kind of Divine intervention comes maybe, but I ain’t holding my breath for that. If you were God, would you help this sordid humanity? How would you help humanity, with another Great Flood, another Great Reset? A real one of course, & the few survivors would start again, hopefully to do better next time, much better than Clownworld(Honk Noise), would YOU do that if you were God? That’s God’s Great Reset, & it’s happened before & will happen again, not this bullshit “Great Reset” you hear via the fake news. That’s the globalists hijacking the zeitgeist, “playing God,” as I already mentioned. Incidentally, the CIA is WELL-AWARE of the previous global cataclysm, & so are your s-elected “leaders,”…wanna read about it? Click the link below, it’s a fascinating read, & astonishingly horrifying to visualize, check it out…

CLICK HERE to Read Adam & Eve

Yes there’s a fake “reset” being implemented by your masters as we speak. They want to play God, & they are trying, for now, but eventually that’s one game they will NOT win, & I don’t want any part of their “new world.” Their “new world,” is 85-90% of YOU gone, just gone, out of the way, there’s too many cattle on the ranch, so we need a Great Slaughter, hence Covaids, these pseudo-vaccines that are now killing people, upcoming World War 3, supply chain breakdown, out-of-control inflation, unprecedented levels of absolute corruption, all of it culminating to a societal critical mass, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, & probably never will again. Their dark circle completes in 2030, so we’ve got 7 years left, only 7 years, & that’s an exceptionally optimistic speculation. The overlords have an overlord, the Queen Bee, & who/what is this Queen Bee? The AI, that’s right, did you think I wasn’t going to go any further with my legendary & totally random analogy I came up with up there? Did you think I wouldn’t compete the circle? Oh ye of little faith in Fish, oh yes, there most certainly IS a Queen, & it’s the AI. They think it’s “sentient,” so much so that they follow its “commands,” & they worship the AI, like a God, a GOD. If you think this is totally mental, & I’m delusional paranoid with a hyper-active imagination, then good for you. Maybe I am, I probably am, & all of this is just fanciful folly from a fool’s foolishness, yes? What if I’m right though? This schizo-ed narrator has been right about everything else I’ve mentioned…maybe like a 94-96% accuracy rate, something like that. Look in my archives, I don’t miss much, like relatively ever, but sure, you’re “right,” to disbelieve me, this is all just silly sci-fi & I’m just a nutty nutter in a mad hat.

The circle has completed itself, once again, my serpent feasting on its own tail…nomnomnomnomnom. We also got that synchronously random analogy out of it too, how about that? Every time I write, I discover, just like listening to a story on the radio, except I AM the radio…I’m the antenna, the receiver, the capacitor, the powerhouse, the dials, the CB ham hock, all of it, all in one, all in my head. I don’t know what it all means, but when I do this, I am free, as free as one can be, in this idiocracy. Are you “free,” free to complete your own circle, to roller-coaster ride your own loops, are you truly free? Only YOU can answer that dear reader. Until next time, complete the circle, or keep cornering in your own square, it is all on you, do hast thou will.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

BONUS: ENJOY THE VIDEO DEAR READERS, produced by yours truly…the FisH™abides…👇🏻🎏👇🏻

The Fooze S1E3 1/3/2023 SADS Part 2

Clearly I am going to have mention the SADS again…which stands for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, in case you aren’t familiar yet. Clever anagram, instills a subconscious sense of sadness, pun intended there, SADS, sadness, get it? May not seem that significant at first, but I’d wager it was 110% intentional. The game of these so-called elites involves these small details, small parts combining to form a whole and such like Voltron. Add Shawshankian time & pressure, repeat, until eventually before anyone realizes, it’s become part of the zeitgeist, & everyone is just accepting this SADS, regardless of the fact that common sense implies the notion that Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is just word salad. We know what’s causing these deaths, at least I’m confident that I know, again using simple common sense…& what’s causing this SADS? Say it with me now…THE COVAIDS JAB. THE COVAIDS JAB. YES, THE EXPERIMENTAL PSEUDO-VACCINE YOU ALL LINED UP FOR LIKE SHEEP TO HAVE INJECTED INTO YOUR BODY IS CAUSING SADS. Period.

Don’t blame me, I didn’t make you get it. In fact, what I did, couldn’t be more polar opposite. For the last 3 years or so, I have taken so much shit from so many people for trying to tell you all that the jab was poison. I even went so far as to say it was a slow kill poison, because I know these elites are playing a long game, & sure enough, what are we seeing right now in real time? EVERY SINGLE DAY there’s some “celebrity” type dropping dead from “heart complications,” from “SADS,” when they know damn well it’s from the blood clots forming in people’s bodies who have taken the jab. God help you if you got boosted too, because you’re essentially fucked right about now, just a matter of time. I am not trying to sound cold and/or harsh and/or unforgiving. I DO NOT WANT REDEMPTION. I don’t care about ” I told you so.” All I ever wanted was for you people to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH & make an self-informed decision before you allow them to inject you with an mRNA-modifying science project. Had any of you actually done that, you might’ve thought twice before getting that shot. Maybe not, I don’t know, but I do know that it’s just utterly sad how compliant most of you people are. What else can they scare you into doing? Do you even know what your mRNA does? Nope. Then why would you let them inject you with a shot that modifies said mRNA? Clearly NOT a vaccine, not even close, so why? Do any of you even know what the definition of vaccine even is?

Rather than drop the textbook definitions here, YOU can right click on the words “vaccine” & “mRNA,” & read for yourself, help yourself help yourself. Looking those up on your own improves YOUR lexicon, not mine, I already know, I do MY own research, I don’t accept what’s just told me by the media as fact, now do YOUR own research. for YOU, not for me. Now moving on, the top story/stories all over the news today are about Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills football player who collapsed during a game last night. Here’s the footage if you haven’t seen it yet:

ALL OVER THE NEWS…as if nothing else is going on. To be fair, the media writers are FINALLY putting up other news, but earlier, this was all the top story rage for today. What about us regular folks? If this many “celebrity” types are allegedly dropping from heart complications due to SADS, & their numbers are much fewer compared to us aforementioned regular folks, wouldn’t that imply that there should be NUMEROUS cases of SADS amongst the general populous? Perhaps the fake news mainstream media just isn’t reporting about it? Takes an extra dollop of “extreme” for us regular folks to make it into the news, but damn if there sure aren’t a lot of these random celebrities being reported on succumbing to SADS. Once the numbers become to great to ignore, I’m speculating that this SADS thing will become the top story, the only story, day after day, as it’s a great distraction from the shadow agendas these elites are perpetrating behind the scenes. While everyone is busy worrying about the SADS, scared to death from the fear porn spewed out by the media, they will keep stealing from us everyday Americans while simultaneously selling our once great country out to a greater, one world globalist agenda. Their plan, not mine remember? I’m just the messenger.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Wow…& as if on cue, BREAKING NEWS…CLICK THE LINK BELOW👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


…apparently & FINALLY we have some news about the connection between Covaids jabs & SADS…FINALLY. Sheesh. I suppose this is “good” news, assuming that it’s true. Ironic, since the Japanese are one of the most stringent countries about wearing masks, masks that don’t do anything…duh…if you haven’t figured that out by now, there’s probably no hope for you, since you’re most likely already infected with the jab poison, boosted with more jab poison, & infested with SADS potentiality by now. You all DO realize that there are BILLIONS who took the jab…BILLIONS…with that proverbially giant B…BILLIONS. I hope we don’t go the route of massive SADS deaths, I honestly do not & would never want such a terrible thing to happen. Everyone I know almost will be gone…so obviously, I don’t want millions of you to die from SADS, none of us commoners do, but the elites DO want us gone. Again, THEIR plan, THEIR agenda, nothing to do with me, I’m just illustrating the reality that I am well-aware of as to what’s coming possibly in the not-so-distant future.

That tempest is on the horizon, as Shakespeare might have said, & we just have to keep going I guess. We Morrisonesquian Riders on the Storm, as it were. What else are we gonna do? Can’t just stop, gotta keep going, keep moving, as 4th dimensional time pulls us toward an unknown future, we just gotta proceed forward riding the wave with as much mindfulness as one can muster in this Digital Information Age, so to speak. Until next time, that’s The Fooze for today. Be good. For all of you, & none of you.

One More Time 11:11


11:11…what does it mean?

Does it mean anything at all? Does numerology mean anything at all? Do numbers themselves mean anything at all without our human definitions being applied to a construct of said numbers

Well would 1 + 1 still be 2, somewhere else in the Universe? Hmmmm….


Certainly one must admit that the numeric connections between this dimension are fascinating, and this matrix would seemingly be impossible to navigate without them. How would anything be built correctly? How would counting work? You have to count something everyday, not just money, what if you wanted to eat 3 hard-boiled eggs, and 4 slices of fresh feta cheese like I’m eating right now? It would not work without numbers. 


So back to the topic…


As for this 11:11…

…one can go on the Internet, as I’m sure any of you reading this living in civilization would know by now, and find countless links to all sorts of characters offering viewpoints on why this particular number combination is special. You’re going to find a lot of information relating to the connection of 11:11 to your own consciousness awakening from the matrices of the ego zombies. You’re going to find information about how 11:11 connects to your eternal bond with your soul mates and your twin flame. Now you can watch these things until you pass out on your couch, as I usually do, and suck up all that new knowledge, which of course I recommend, but I also implore any of you reading this to find your own answers wishing as to 11:11 has related specifically to YOU, in YOUR life. Fuck whatever you read and think about what happened and/or what is happening if you happen to be one of the many discovering these strange recurrences of 11:11 imagery popping up all around you. 


In my experience, in what has become almost cliche at this point, I started NOTICING it around me more when I snapped out of the slumber several years ago. I emphasized the word “noticing” because it was always there, but I am not sure if I began to “notice” it more once I had seen information about 11:11 or not. This was like 5 years ago when I really started rolling along with my own ascent from the proverbial Platonian cave, and I bombarded myself with so much information initially, I cannot recall if I was or was not aware of 11:11 before I started “noticing” it. Nonetheless, whether I knew or did not know already, I could never deny the fact, that I myself witnessed gratuitously by all of my 5 3rd dimensional senses this thing, and was seeing 11:11 everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Clocks of course, constantly, billboard signs I remember because i thought what are the odds of one highway billboard sign flashing an 11:11 byte, much less literally several, it was in utility bills, I mean it was like everything with a fucking number written on it was doing this to me, over and over and over again, which at that point, I am for sure prompted me to really look into this phenomenon, and that was initially when I can for sure say that I became very familiarized with these 11:11 sightings and what they may or may not mean. 


The occurrences did fade though, there was definitely like a big crest and then a decline into a slow but steady “noticing” that it still pops up from time to time. Now was my brain just responding to the fact that I had stumbled upon that new information, and then making me “notice” it more? This might explain why I saw it quite prevalently, then not so much anymore, kind of like a new novelty, like a new pop culture novelty, comes and goes. A meme that caught on right as the new agers began to take greater strides perhaps?




…or maybe I found the info, which triggered a conscious reassurance that the “awakening” I was experiencing was in fact real, and these were numerical representations of the new synchronicity being formed with the expanding world around me. This idea may at first seem more implausible, but this reassurance is/was necessary particularly in the beginning, as many of you who have awoken and are in the process of fully awakening know, because that is the time when the battle between your ego and your soul really gets heated, more than ever before, and the initial reaction to the new energy makes you question whether or not you might be going insane. So the reassurance from 11:11 coincides with countless other synchronous moments that seem to start happening all around you once your 3rd eye snaps back open. These are to help you get past the struggle between your ego holding on while your soul takes back over. Speaking of synchronous moments…


This is one thing that has not leveled off in any way, in fact, this other phenomenon has been happening and continues to happen to me literally e-x-p-o-n-e-n-t-i-a-l-l-y more. Said phenomenon is synchronicity…

What is synchronicity? (<<<CLICK HERE TO READ MORE<<<)

Yes there is absolutely no refuting that this is happening to me on a moment to moment basis at this point. I’m like 5 years deep into the heavy curve upward, and that curve has become a rocketship accelerating faster and faster straight up and out of the matrix. Connections with people, events, things you perceive on a daily basis with the 5 3d senses, it all begins to connect and flow together more and more and more and more. Picture if your awakening started as one little star. Then your star became 2 stars, then 4 stars, then 8, exponential, like I mentioned earlier, so imagine how many stars are lighting up the sky in my mind by now, and in YOUR mind too, especially if you are well into your journey out, and that’s the best part. Everyone is making these connections, but those waking up are making them faster, and you begin to feel this not only the connectivity between yourself and your world around you, you begin to connect with others who making accelerated connections, which only makes more connections. It’s a state of continuous fascination. There is a very viral aspect to it, but maybe that’s all we are, a virus…


And on that note, I just passed 1000 words so I am outta here until next time. 

More to come. Be good.

Love to all. 

Catching Up


It’s been a while since my last 1000+worder, so let’s catch up…

However, first please take note of the two previous short posts that offer links to FREE music, movies, programs, all via bit torrents.

Why PAY for anything? Money shouldn’t conflict with anything, especially art.

Get learned if you don’t know and if you do know, share and inform. Moving on…


Clearly this whole Ebola mess is to incite fear amongst the populous, let’s just get that right out there. Here’s the math…like 4000ish dead, I think I saw 9000ish infected, now there are 7 and ½ billion people on the planet, more-or-less. For those who are mathematically deficient, to get the percentage of the total infected, we would divide 7.5 billion into 9000, which is .0000012%, hardly any real epidemic, pandemic, whatever the fear mongers are trying to convey to the masses. More people are going to contract and die from the flu. Of course the MSM is eating it up and do you know why? More fear gives more power to those you still let control you, and said controllers use the MSM to incite that fear, at least in a large proportion. Here’s something many of you may not know…the CDC has patents for Ebola, and patents are granted to inventions, so wouldn’t this be a CDC/CIA/Globalist engineered bioweapon, since it’s being released upon the public, just like the HIV virus?  …which did not work fast enough for the eugenist scum who mastermind such things. Oh yes, the whole HIV/AIDS thing was somewhat of a test run for population control, i.e., depopulation of those deemed unfit to exist. Don’t believe me, look it up. For those who might be new, try “Agenda 21” as a search query start. That’s all on the Ebola from me, except for this… when the “Ebola vaccines” start rolling out, please for the sake of your own humanity, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE, or any vaccines for that matter. Continuing…


Well I was going to write a post about how disappointing Comet Siding Spring would be before it actually disappointed everyone, but I waited to see it play out, and here we are, Comet ISON Part 2, the Siding Spring Sequel. Maybe it was a spectacular event, but no one knows because NASA and/or whoever controls the monitoring satellites, cut the live feed for one, then provided ass-crappy images that are unimpressive to say the least. Ground-based amateur astronomers have better images, many of which actually ARE impressive, but the footage is still very lacking. Another space event bust. So many “events,” so many “record” and “once-in-a-lifetime” occurrences all ending in blah. Maybe space novelty has hit a critical mass, at least for some. I suppose though it would only take one major event to alter the course of things in a dramatic fashion, but these blood moons, eclipses, ehhh… makes one wonder how significant these celestial events are even to the ones who supposedly adhere their Luciferian dogma to it, and yes I am referring to the globalist banker elitist scum that I have detailed elaborately for all of you so many times before….


I will use the “event” topic to segue onto a potentially “eventful” upcoming date, which I have milestoned onto the right of the page over there, said date being this Friday, October 24, 2014. Now I have seen some speculative reports that this will be the date of the next market crash, hence the name Black Friday, as it refers to this date in the past, which you can look up on your own. Nonetheless, for those who still do not know, the market WILL crash at some point… it’s inevitable. I’m not going to take the time to get into the details, but the system is set up TO crash, which doesn’t affect those at the top of the pyramid, but for the 99% below, surely it will, and that’s exactly what the swine in charge want. We have covered this before, create chaos, bring in order, problem-reaction-solution. IT’S ON THE DOLLAR BILL, that’s one thing that blows my mind is that these psychopaths broadcast their plans and intentions everywhere, because they know that most of the people are sheeple and are too fluoridated and programmed and braindead to put it together. It’s amusing to them, amusing the way a dog or cat is to it’s owner. Do you like being perceived as pets, cattle, sheep, a herd? Who ultimately makes that decision? You? Or them? Back to the market, I am not saying it will, or it will not crash this Friday, but it WILL crash and how that affects you is up to YOU. Do not let your fate be woven in the hands of masters. 


Notice the price of oil dropping, at least here in the mighty USSA? That’s because our shady government cut deals with the Saudis in relation to this ISIS propaganda campaign. We have seen numerous videos posted by ISIS, or ISIL, or IS, or whatever they are called this week but I digress…anyway, these videos show convoys of trucks and tanks and anti-aircraft guns and missiles, yet why are all the targets being blown up NOT these convoys but rather what appears to be randomly isolated and vacated buildings? Hmmmm… maybe that’s because the CIA and other shadow agencies fund these supposed terrorists groups, so who are the real terrorists? That’s right, they work in the shadows, which worked well for them before the advent of the internet and in turn, the alternative media. Now we tangent… Sharing information allowed for the potential for billions to awaken to the real reality of the world around them, and we are all in that process now, although the degree of ascension into this process is relative on an individual basis. Never-the-less, the potential is still here. All part of the global mass awakening, which exponentiates more each day. We must remember that there is still in place a preceding generation which is used to playing by the rules of those aforementioned shadowy conspirators, and it is not until that generation is gone or defeated or gets over themselves that humanity can truly have a chance to be free. The question is how much influence that old generation has on the upcoming generations… do we follow the path of the uninformed, the unenlightened, the unwillfully ignorant who thought they had it right? Or do we blaze our own path/s, with our own knowledge, and our own perceptions of what this 3rd dimensional existence means?


The answer lies with you, and you alone. Be brave, and let go of all you fear.

The time is coming. Our fraction of an instance is up.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all.