Proverb from the Mind of an Ancient Magician

The poem at the end is something I wrote in 2014ish, but apparently, never published. No idea what I was doing when I wrote it, but I did write it, but I can’t remember if I made this up, or just wrote down a quote from Rumi or someone like that maybe? Maybe I was high…most likely if it’s 2014, I was high. Wunderbar; it looks like some of the stuff I used to hand-write, in my little journals, so maybe it was me? I don’t know. Regardless, it sounded good when I read it aloud to myself, after perusing my lost drafts from nearly a decade ago. I used to publish short stories for Nascent Digital Publishing, along with 4 self-help books I wrote. 2 of the books are still on Amazon, surprisingly. DO NOT BUY THEM. The publisher did us writers dirty & masterminded a hustle, sending all the royalties one way, his slimy way. I did another article about it; here’s a link if you would like a more in-depth explanation, as well as links to the books you should NOT buy. The links are there simply as reference for the article I wrote, click this link to read more👉🏻 The Extended Explanation …


Nonetheless, I lost all those stories that got published on the now non-existent Nascent Digital site. They’re not kidding when they say, “Back up your content,” even though you shouldn’t have to in the USA, in the land of the “free,” right? WRONG, wrong because if you don’t abide the rules of the big tech Ministry of Speech, they push a magic button that sends your content into digital oblivion, you’ll end up exiled from the virtual town square, & be stuck indefinitely in the digital gulag with my black ass, unless you bend the knee. There’s NOTHING that is free anymore, nothing. Hence, I must once again publicly proclaim, “I WILL NEVER BEND THE KNEE TO YOU CORRUPT & WEAPONIZED FUCKERS. YOU DO NOT SCARE ME. THIS IS THE UNITED FUCKING STATES OF AMERICA, & THE USA IS THE LAND OF FREEDOM, NOT THE NEO-COMMUNISTIC TYRANNICAL HELLSCAPE YOU ARE QUICKLY TURNING IT INTO. HOW ABOUT THEM APPLES YOU EVIL SCUMFUCKS? I WILL NOT ABIDE YOUR PSEUDO-REALITY…EVER. I DO NOT CARE IF 7 ½ BILLION OTHER HUMANS FALL IN LINE, BENDING THIER RESPECTIVE KNEES IN DISGRACEFUL COMPLIANCE AS YOU CUT THEIR FIGURATIVE BALLS OFF. NOPE, NOT GONNA GET ME. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SO SAYETH FISH™…🎣

Oh, by the way, the dickhead that robbed us is named Thom Byxbe, or at least that’s what he calls himself online. If you want to leave him a strongly-worded message, click his name for his social media links, or here’s his number:

Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 6.57.20 PMI could care less what you say to this fucking piece of shit. I wrote self-help books for this guy, SELF-HELP BOOKS, & he steals everyone’s royalties? The actual writers who did the work, nope, nothing for them, but this fucking drug-addict loser fraud takes it all for himself, okay then. Your karma, not mine fuckwad, not that he’ll ever read this, but by writing it down, then publishing these sentiments globally, I put the energy into the digital ether to proverbially kick this idiot down a flight of stairs. PROVERBIALLY, I said, but if he happened to fall down a flight of stairs, I wouldn’t be distressed over it. 


Not to mention, this post here is a solid demonstration of my SEO writing skills, so I’ll have to add it to the stack, which is closing in quickly on 5000 pages. Yep, dear readers, FIVE-THOUSAND pages of my drivelous drivel. My own version of “self-help,” if you will. Just a reminder, PUBLISH EVERYTHING YOURSELF. You don’t need a publisher, you just need a MacBook & of course, the ability to write a book. I have several things in the queue, too much actually, so much writing that I’ve overwhelmed myself, so I’m in the process of trying to organize all of this rambling that I do into a compendium of sorts. Maybe my daily Foozers, compiled as a journal of Clownworld sort of, since day after day I’ve been documenting 2023 as TRUTHFULLY as one can be, because someone has to, otherwise the world of the future might look back at this era estraña using re-written Orwellian 2+2=5 books composed by these globalist/communists in charge. They’re tearing down statues, so what makes you think they won’t rewrite history if they succeed with their planetary domination agenda. Agenda 2030, it’s very real, & it’s happening right now, in real time.


I’m not going into that again in this post though; there’s plenty to dive into in my archives if you want to read more about the depopulation agenda. Make sure you’re viewing this on “full-site” mode, or you won’t see any of the fun stuff. Find the archive search widget, to the right & down a bit, then type “depopulation” into the search queue, & see what comes up. Type anything you want actually, any word you can think of, & SOMETHING will pop up. Like I said, I have nearly 5000 pages of articles, which ironically, is NOT backed-up, so one of my upcoming self-organizational tasks, is to put all of this, ALL OF THIS, all of this nearly-5000 pages of my work onto a USB drive, then find a printer that has unlimited ink & paper, & print this entire opus out into a hard copy. They could ban me from WordPress, or the power could go out, & although the probability of one of those happening is hopefully low, I want this all on physical paper, just in case. The printed word is not dead, at least not for me, but oh geez…I have digressed into Tangentville once again, haven’t I? I suppose it’s come time to wrap this one up, so until the next round, dear readers, write for you, not for anyone else, unless they pay you. So sayeth FisH™…again…🎏

Enjoy this old poem below; it’s for all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡


I saw it all, all I saw,

I fell right through, way down.

And it holds me down,

My hands, not in chains.

Bound as the clown.

I’ll keep it hidden,

right in front of you.

When you open that box,

inside the ellipses.

On the outside of truth.

Corners of eyes,

shadows in my shadow,

Only the act, they say,

can’t really be real.

An ocean shallow.


“Write for you, not for anyone else, unless they pay you.” ~Fish F Fish🍥

The Fooze: S2 E2 February 2, 2023 Broad Castnets

What’s with all the projection these days? It’s become like a 2nd language, sheesh, & not only do people project towards individuals, they’ll complain about others doing something, but then they’ll display the same exact behavior. All the while, they have no clue they’re doing it. I had yet another troll, in a long line of “another trolls,” that was just…ugh…it’s staggering, just absurd projection-trolling, is that a term, “projection-trolling?” It should be, maybe I just coined it, like an NFT, I minted it, & you heard it here first. Start the trend, don’t follow it, but what do I know, what do I reeeeeeeal-ly know?

TO FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS: This phenomenon of “projection-trolling” is widespread, totally mental, & no one can explain why they do it. My personal theory is that it’s part of the overall mass psychosis, mainly afflicting those who identify as “liberal,”& ironically getting “progressively” worse. Yes, it’s only a faction, if you will, a battalion of rainbow UN-warriors-marching in mis-step, massacring the metronome, this army of LARPers, & they use projection as a 2nd language, yet without being conscious of their bizarre behavior. It’s quite stunning, yes, how far they’ve gone, is there any way back? It’s a reflection of the dead fish(no pun intended), rotting from the head down, & the rot spreads in proverbial Planck lengths, d-evolving into these outrageous behaviors. It’s as if the Lucifer Principle is going in reverse kind of, the macroorganism branching into distorted & deformed micros.

Nope, no way back, not for them unfortunately, which leaves society in a bit if a pickle, doesn’t it? No one has an answer, except me, & the answer is this: 85-90% of the world population, conservatively, is in some unprecedented state of mass psychosis/hypnosis, I don’t know a word yet to fit the bill because it’s such a nascent phenomenon, still d-evolving. I say “d-evolving” with intent, because I don’t know if this part of the zeitgeist is evolving or devolving, so I say d-evolving with the hyphen, got it? Anyway, nope, they’re gone, so many of you, just gone. Black, soulless eyes, overflowing with programmed tears of un-informity, because most of you have no clue about any of this. I am pioneering this theory that somehow, via the television, radio, broadcasting, they are hypnotizing most of you into a state of controllable monitored psychosis. What are they broadcasting really? Spells are “cast,” & when they’re cast on billions of people at once, they’re broadcast. Broadcasting, right there in front of all of you, yet somehow, whoosh, right over your be-bopper bubblegum heads. Come on now people, does any of this, this Clownworld madness, does any of this seem normal to you? I don’t know, maybe it does, & I’m totally alone with this notion that most of you have been programmed by forces much more powerful than most of you know. Sinister yes, but extremely powerful, so powerful in fact, they’ve gotten nearly 7 BILLION of YOU to fall in line, one way or another, even me to an extent, before I freed myself from their program. Don’t agree? Maybe you’re glitching? Am I under your skin?

One word: COVAIDS, yep COVAIDS, my creatively publicized term for the Covid-19 plandemic, scamdemic, hoax, whatever you want to call it, but I call it BULLSHIT. I called BULLSHIT 3 God damn years ago, & people said I was nuckin futs. Lost friends, long-time friends over this crap, on top of the indoctrination programming, which I’ve been well-aware of for decades, but then along comes Coviads, detrimental for the naysayers, but a YUGE, “I TOLD YOU SO,” for those of us who were at least smart enough to NOT take that infernal jab. “The jab, the jab, get the jab, ” you people are so fucking ridiculous. Obviously, NOT all of you, but you know what I mean, if you’ve been a longtime reader, & if not, either take the red pills I offer, or kick rocks. I don’t care either way, I know what I know, & share what I know, in line with my little ending down there, paraphrased from Nietzsche, “For all of you, & for none of you at all.” Not just a clever quip from a syphilitic genius, & I use it for a reason, because it IS, in fact, for all of you, & for none of you at all. If you don’t get it, then maybe you don’t “get it,” do you?

Sadly, no, so many of you do NOT “get it,” & the ones of you who got “jabbed,” it sucks that they tricked you. It really does. Some of you “had no choice,” maybe for your job or something, I can kind of understand. Personally, I would have quit had they “mandated” me to get that poison injected into my body via mad scientists, but that’s me. It’s a really fucked-up situation all around. Many people were EXCITED to get jabbed, then boosted, oh so excited, their kids too, everyone take the poison, willingly, then smile about it because you’ve deluded yourself into believing you’re such a good citizen, right? It was so trendy, just like letting your snot-nosed kid pick “its” gender…derp. Wow, & I’m the crazy one for the last 3 years? Sure thing, got it, coming from woefully compliant automatons too, makes prefect sense here in Clownworld, where up is down apparently. I’m still shaking my fucking head, & I’m going to really be shaking my head if, & I say IF, those of you who took the jab & just ticking-time bombs essentially with this SADS thing. I have a theory that heat, activates the incubating jab, causing it to crystalize & form blood clots, which lead to cardiac arrest. We’re in the doldrums of winter now, a particularly frosty one too, but what happens when spring gets here, then summer? The temperatures all warming up all around, what will happen?

Probably nothing, but that’s a theory I have, which is why we keep seeing these jabbed athletes dropping dead every day. I’ve seen so many now, but unfortunately, it’s desensitizing, & it’s already become another blip on the daily headline news banner, for now anyway. Think about it though, BILLIONS of jabs, in BILLIONS of people, just nesting inside your bodies, in its incubation state, waiting for the Sun, so it can do as it was intended to do, kill all of you, en masse, in a relatively short amount of time, once incubation time is over. Again, I am NOT saying that will happen, & it most likely won’t, because I’m just a crazy conspiracy theorist, but if it does…yikes. A year from now, this 2nd day of February, 2023, one year from now, we will revisit this same exact topic, on this same exact day, & maybe I’ll set a reminder in the calendar to the right over there, if you’re reading this via desktop/laptop. The topic will be: Was Fish right about the Covaids jab being a bioweapon? If I am, many of you won’t even be here to read it, so it won’t matter, & if I’m wrong, none of you care what I write anyway, so again, it won’t matter. Nothing matters to me, as I have no control over anything, so I just put it on paper, for all of you, & for none of you at all.

No idea where this started, & where I stopped, because I don’t know until I’m done, then read whatever raucous ramblements I have rendered. No idea, as the title states, I don’t know, & I have no idea about anything. I DO about something though, I know beauty. Beauty in art, in life, even in death, & there’s literary beauty, the beauty I specialize in crafting. Isn’t it beautiful? As if on queue, isn’t a beautiful thing, when my circularity pops its serpentine head back up, mouth wide open, eating its own tail, yet again, the beginning become the end, yet again, only to become a beginning once again next time, dear reader, isn’t it beautiful? It is to me, & on that note, after taking this Fooze on the scenic route to find its beautiful self, I am going to farewell-to-thee with my signature shlep, “Until next time, ” blah blababa blahbaba.

“Until next time, don’t be the projector of projections, be an erector of erections,” so sayeth FisH™, THIS fish, isn’t that right, Hecklefish? (shoutout to Hecklefish of the WHY Files…LINK BELOW)

For all of you, & for none of you at all.


Or click this video below to get’s starts with YOU, just as it ends. So sayeth FisH™🎏