Super Ball Sunday


The fascination the masses have over obsessing about the way men,

and sometimes women,

play with their proverbial balls,


culminates tomorrow for that classic America pastime,

dubbed “Super Bowl Sunday.”


as the title suggests,

perhaps since it IS in fact,

the aforementioned culmination of ball-playing,

why not just call it…

… the SUPER BALL?…

Yes, Super Ball Sunday…

…a day of celebration for celebrating balls…

…yes, your very own festive holiday of balls,

the best balls day of all,

Super Ball day,


on Super Ball Sunday.


Being broad-cast,

via televised programming,

straight into the brains of millions,

and millions,

of automatonic sheeple,


who will be drooling over said balls,

and how those balls get played with,

highlighted by some bizarrely symbolic half-time ritual show,

while they drink their beer,

and get fatter on hot wings,

screaming and yelling and feeding into a drama,

cast all in the name of balls.


Quite the accomplishment humanity…

…Super Ball Sunday…



…love to all…


Lonesome Tonight

I walk along the street
I look into your eyes
I’m pleasant when we meet
I’m there when you go home
How many times before
Could you tell I didn’t care?
When you turned your back on me
I knew we’d get nowhere
Do you believe in youth?
The history of all truth
A heart that’s left at home
Becomes a heart of stone
Do you believe in truth?
The lies we told of youth
A cause we call our own
Beside an empty throne
How many times before
Could you tell I didn’t care?
When you reached out in your sleep
And you knew I wasn’t there
My eyes are made of stone
Just like your sordid home
How many times before
Did you leave my soul alone?


…from the ashes of Ian Curtis and Joy Division,
New Order formed…
…love to all.

Monday Madness


Numerous events are unfolding,

as these moments pass,

faster and faster,

and tomorrow,

January 26, 2015,

is looking to be an eventful day.

Before you read further,

note that I am no doomist,

I just see what I see,

like YOU see what YOU see.

Like critiquing a painting or something,

which isn’t plausible,


Which is semi-ironic,

because I am using no new GIFS and/or pics this post…



..hard to pick a place to begin…

…it’s like watching the board,

between moves when playing Risk.

…looking at the climate for the game…

How about the weather?…

First off,

a huge asteroid is flying by,

fairly close in space terms tomorrow,

but these things always disappoint,

yet one never knows.

Something has to happen at some point, right?

Maybe a chunk will fly off,

and make some pretty fireworks.


a reportedly “historic” blizzard,

is about to hit the Northeast US tomorrow afternoon.

Those are just some weather things happening,

of course there’s a lot more,

just really summing up the potential future here…

…look into it more on your time,

especially world weather extremes…

…you’d be surprised by what’s going on around the world that one doesn’t see…

…via the MSM fake news.

We have cyber-threat fear porn being hyped by said MSM,

that’s going to get more attention,

thus more attempts at free internet crackdown.

Fake beheadings, fake cyber attacks, fake terrorism,

all driving their ever-exposing-itself agenda,

so what do YOU think they might do about this?

They aren’t dumb, 

they may be soulless scum,

but they’ve had this power for a long time,

and they will not let it go lightly.

So while they keep orchestrating this global conflict,

to cull the herd,


while they hide safely underground,

might want to integrate this becoming-clearly-obvious fact

into your not-so-distant future life plan.

Is it so difficult to see this all on the horizon?

Instigating Russia in the Ukraine,

because Putin won’t comply,

but it’s a game to them,

like the aforementioned Risk

…but to YOU…

“War on terror, War on terror,”

with many players…

…all making simultaneous moves…

…they PLAY, and you PRAY, get it?…

…US, Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Greece, Yemen,

on and on and on,

left, right, black, white, christian, jew, islam, 


in your face,

all day,

program after program after program after program…

…when does it end?…

2 PLUS 2 is NOT 5…

…yet this propaganda machine, goes back and forth and around again,

fake scripted conflicting dualistic versions of reality,

trying to keep everyone spinning,

while they go through with their global agenda…



one comes to a point,

when they have read enough,

researched enough,

remembered enough,

and know well-enough that they have been deceived their whole lives,

one just wants to rise above it…

…over the mass delusion,

because their version of Risk sucks, 

so why would YOU play their game?

The unfolding drama here in this dimension,

is like a game of shadows and echoes,

for prisoners in the Cave.

They love it,

and it’s fake.

They play with their balls and their toys,

again, FAKE,



Not interesting,

in fact,

it’s boring,

and illusory,

like I said, not real,

worse then a pointless children’s game,

so why give your energy to that?…

…rather then…

see what lies OUTSIDE the Cave,

to see what the real world is…

…but how does one get there and stay there above?

So many choose to stay below,

so stay below,

Enjoy YOUR trip,

but for some…

…once they’ve grown tired of descending and ascending and descending and ascending,

at it becomes clear that no matter what one does,

the damned prisoners can only free themselves,

and what one does to help is relatively irrelevant,

then where does one go?

So this week is going to be something,

but what?

What indeed dear readers,

we shall see…

Don’t be afraid,

have courage.

The future is now…

…more to come…

…love to all…

Bomb Threats in Atlanta… Cyber False Flag?…



supposedly, reportedly,

some asshole used their Twitter account,

to post bomb threats causing all kinds of flight delays,

in and around Atlanta,

which is a major flight hub here in the US.

That’s the story being reported at this moment anyway…


…yet one can only wonder if this is….


…orchestrated attempt to crack down on the Internet. 

As this story develops,

we will see.

More to come. 

Love to all. 


Wrong Year

Some love from the Decemberists, and Colin Meloy…

Gray Jane was a riverchild
Born down by the river wild
Said, hey, what I wanna be
Nobody’s gonna intervene
And she wants you but you won’t do
And it won’t leave you alone
And the rain falls on the wrong year
And it won’t leave you alone
It won’t leave you alone
Could be that he’s into you
Could be that the obverse is true
Struck down as a summerchild
Ten steps just to run a mile
And he wants you but you won’t do
And it won’t leave you alone
And the rain falls on the wrong year
And it won’t leave you alone
It won’t leave you alone
It won’t leave you alone
The spirit’s willin’
Flesh is getting bored
Speakers blaring out some long forgotten chord
Some misbegotten,
long forgotten chord
Sing me some eidolon
And I’ll sleep all the winter long
Till then I can only be
Nobody’s gonna intervene
And she wants you but you won’t do
And it won’t leave you alone
And the rain falls on the wrong year
And it won’t leave you alone
It won’t leave you alone
It won’t leave you alone
It won’t leave you alone
More to come.
Specifically, more of MY stuff on the way very soon. 
Love to all.


Just something I found that I thought I would share.

Not my work, I just find it very interesting.

Too bad they didn’t render it in higher resolution…


…watch, enjoy, share.

More to come.

Love to all.

Astrotheology …Word of the Day

DruidGIF-2 copy


…to begin…

…when I typed the title above,


auto-spell says it’s a misspell,

and should be spelled like this,


So naturally I looked into this, 

and found absolutely nothing,

nor any reason why this auto-spell error occurs…




…that’s your word of the day,

and here’s your link:

CLICK HERE>>> Jordan Maxwell Astro-Theology

You will find that it all goes back to Saturn,


all of it,

the Planet Saturn,

and it’s rings…

Why do you think there are ear-rings?

From ancient times,

so women and/or men could hear their God Saturn better…

…look into it…

….and that’s nothing…

Do You know what Saturn was referred to in ancient days?


So when your masters get el-ected, in el-ections,

they are el-evated above YOU.

YOU are el-ecting officials,

via an el-ectoral college,

into an el-ite status,

and YOU don’t know,

because YOU have been programmed,

since el-ementary school,

by your el-ders,

who will one day be el-derly,

part of an el-der-ship,

just like YOU,

unless YOU smarten up,

and find YOUR inner el-ixir,

YOUR divine spark of el-ectricty,

and take the el-evator,

back up,

instead of continuing to let them el-iminate YOU,

by keeping YOU down in the dark,

and el-uding YOU from the truth.


…very important…

…much more for YOU to read…

… then Share and Inform.

By the way,

anyone ever see this?…


Not my GIF, 

but I might make one so you can see better.

This event happened not-so-long ago,

and still no definitive explanation as to what this was.

You do realize the scope of this mysterious auroric light pulse, right?

Much bigger than this little rock we are all flying through space on.


there is also a hexagram on Saturn’s “north” pole…



Hence this symbol…


Has nothing to do with a star,

or a David,

or Judaism,

all has to do with Saturn,


Look into it, for YOU.

More to come.


Love to all.

Ummm… Ebola who? What? Where?….


If you might recall,

(and I’m sure you can Google the time-stamped links),

the fear porn MSM stated publicly around August/September,

“that nearly 1.2 million people would be infected by about ohhh…


…well the not-funny joke is on all of You,

who keep believing this fear porn they continue to shove down your throats….

…do YOU wanna know the real numbers?

\/\/CLICK HERE\/\/

BBC News – Ebola: Mapping the outbreak –

As you will see,

as of a day ago,

there are barely over 20,000 infected,

bout half of that dead.

If you know how to do math,

divide 20,000 into 7.5 billion…

….and here’s what you get…

…if my math is right…

0.00000266666% of the global population infected.

More people died today in their cars on the way to work. 

So don’t buy into the fear porn machine,

that they have clearly amped up a notch or two…

…and suddenly Ebola just disappears…



Yeah, right…

…the numbers don’t lie and the link is above.

More to come.

Love to all.

Cyber Attack False Flag


How coincidental that literally days,

more like hours ago,

the powers-that-be put out a global warning of a “9/11” style cyber attack against the West.

Well imagine this…

…the USSA Central Command,


has been hacked and is being further hacked as you read this,

and I type.

Look into it…

…the script continues…

…I/we told YOU,

more and more and more,

faster and faster and faster,

dredging up as much fear from YOU as possible.

Don’t let them scare YOU.

Rise above the duality master/slave paradigm,

ascend from the Cave.


More to come. 

Love to all.

Dead Celebrities



Remember this guy? 

Not Sean Penn obviously, or Mr. Hand, 

I’m talking about the pizza guy…

…his name is/was Taylor Negron,

and he has died at 57 from cancer.

Yes, yet another dead celebrity,

almost like they are being taken out ritually at this rate…

…one seems to be dying every other day…


Like Edward Herrmann,

who played Max, from The Lost Boys,

that died a few days ago…

Taylor Negron was one of those actors you see all over the place,

but never really catch their name,

because they aren’t those kind of actors.

I appreciate that,

actual ACTING,

as opposed to your name selling you in Holly-wood.


his minor roles are/have/and will always be appreciated.

Thanks for your contributions to art Mr. Negron.


Love to all.