Monday Madness


Numerous events are unfolding,

as these moments pass,

faster and faster,

and tomorrow,

January 26, 2015,

is looking to be an eventful day.

Before you read further,

note that I am no doomist,

I just see what I see,

like YOU see what YOU see.

Like critiquing a painting or something,

which isn’t plausible,


Which is semi-ironic,

because I am using no new GIFS and/or pics this post…



..hard to pick a place to begin…

…it’s like watching the board,

between moves when playing Risk.

…looking at the climate for the game…

How about the weather?…

First off,

a huge asteroid is flying by,

fairly close in space terms tomorrow,

but these things always disappoint,

yet one never knows.

Something has to happen at some point, right?

Maybe a chunk will fly off,

and make some pretty fireworks.


a reportedly “historic” blizzard,

is about to hit the Northeast US tomorrow afternoon.

Those are just some weather things happening,

of course there’s a lot more,

just really summing up the potential future here…

…look into it more on your time,

especially world weather extremes…

…you’d be surprised by what’s going on around the world that one doesn’t see…

…via the MSM fake news.

We have cyber-threat fear porn being hyped by said MSM,

that’s going to get more attention,

thus more attempts at free internet crackdown.

Fake beheadings, fake cyber attacks, fake terrorism,

all driving their ever-exposing-itself agenda,

so what do YOU think they might do about this?

They aren’t dumb, 

they may be soulless scum,

but they’ve had this power for a long time,

and they will not let it go lightly.

So while they keep orchestrating this global conflict,

to cull the herd,


while they hide safely underground,

might want to integrate this becoming-clearly-obvious fact

into your not-so-distant future life plan.

Is it so difficult to see this all on the horizon?

Instigating Russia in the Ukraine,

because Putin won’t comply,

but it’s a game to them,

like the aforementioned Risk

…but to YOU…

“War on terror, War on terror,”

with many players…

…all making simultaneous moves…

…they PLAY, and you PRAY, get it?…

…US, Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Greece, Yemen,

on and on and on,

left, right, black, white, christian, jew, islam, 


in your face,

all day,

program after program after program after program…

…when does it end?…

2 PLUS 2 is NOT 5…

…yet this propaganda machine, goes back and forth and around again,

fake scripted conflicting dualistic versions of reality,

trying to keep everyone spinning,

while they go through with their global agenda…



one comes to a point,

when they have read enough,

researched enough,

remembered enough,

and know well-enough that they have been deceived their whole lives,

one just wants to rise above it…

…over the mass delusion,

because their version of Risk sucks, 

so why would YOU play their game?

The unfolding drama here in this dimension,

is like a game of shadows and echoes,

for prisoners in the Cave.

They love it,

and it’s fake.

They play with their balls and their toys,

again, FAKE,



Not interesting,

in fact,

it’s boring,

and illusory,

like I said, not real,

worse then a pointless children’s game,

so why give your energy to that?…

…rather then…

see what lies OUTSIDE the Cave,

to see what the real world is…

…but how does one get there and stay there above?

So many choose to stay below,

so stay below,

Enjoy YOUR trip,

but for some…

…once they’ve grown tired of descending and ascending and descending and ascending,

at it becomes clear that no matter what one does,

the damned prisoners can only free themselves,

and what one does to help is relatively irrelevant,

then where does one go?

So this week is going to be something,

but what?

What indeed dear readers,

we shall see…

Don’t be afraid,

have courage.

The future is now…

…more to come…

…love to all…