Carousel Mall

Another bizarre dream, & I woke up throbbing wet. Old acquaintances were there, but only a few, & everyone else I did not know, yet is was SO FUCKING REAL. What can these dreams mean? How can I even describe this one? Hmmm…I’m going to have smoke & a pancake, let it replay a bit in my heady head, the head with a bottomless throat I’ll be right back. Hang tight, dear readers, for this is for all of you, & for none of you at all.

Oh man, how am I going to illustrate this? These dreams, these dreams I am having, what can they mean? I was in a mall of sorts, a mall of liminal space, filled with walking avatars, animated, for now anyway, until nary a soul, strolls no more, lost in a langoleirian time loop. They come, they stroll, they go, & nothing remains. There were no stores, like regular mall stores, it was all vendors, but what were they selling? Gah, it’s fading, dissolving away, like salt on a liquified spoon. I remember something, some girl was “selling” something, but there was no money, what did she have, what was she selling? Did I run into another girl, that girl? There’s a girl, you see, she comes into my dreams sometimes, only sometimes, & I wake up, heart on the floor, as she’s gone, disappeared once again. In this one, she asked me for heroin…YIKES…say what? “No, you silly girl,” but that’s not what I actually said, of course. Such an odd request, especially from her, yet when she asked, I replied without hesitation, “Yeah, actually I do have some, all we need are bangers,” & then POOF, she was gone, because we all kept walking along the moving floors, strolling through this mall, this downtown carousel mall. I tried hard to find her again, only to find my hardened life-pumper, beating in bits, scattered in the ceiling lights. We kept walking; I saw old comrades, albeit, just comrades, but not those friends, these were just mad lads that were never in the circle, outside the stone-hengian circle.

There were performers, doing some kind of happy hands show, & we kept walking. Again, I knew some, but didn’t know most.”Every moment I’m awake, the further I’m away.”(Heart) GET OUT OF MY HEAD…ARGGGGH!!! Why is this song stuck in the computer atop my neck? “Words that have no form, falling from these lips.”(Heart). Sheesh, go away heartworm, I’m trying to write for fuck’s sake. Now where was I? Oh yes, the girl, that girl. She was all I was looking for, I think, maybe I was looking for something/someone else. Forgot about the request for heroin, but where did she go? We walked, & walked, I tried to talk, so I talked, but I cannot recall the conversations, there was too much static in the attic, & the convos seemed to make no sense, to anyone. Whoops, a girl falls, but it’s someone else, some other girl, a wook chick, just a drunkard hippie. I fell too, right behind her, & I don’t know why, maybe the floor was wet, who knows? No “wet floor” signs, & can I even see my feet? When I got up, the wookette shippie was gone. Disorientation. Why did I fall? I took off my jacket; I threw my jacket, & something else, but I don’t know what, behind a random vendor’s shop, & I had to come back for these things later. I walked outside via an exit door, & saw a scene, a path, moistened with mud & mud-puddles, curving to the right before slightly curving left, leading to what appeared to be a neighborhood, two of the pseudo-friends began to run towards it, I had an inkling to follow, to check out the burbish neighborhood, but I did not run away with them, so I turned, & walked back through the exit door, which was now an entrance, & when I did, the doors changed, so to speak, & what was there when I walked out the door, wasn’t there anymore when I walked back in. I was back in the mall, surely the carousel mall, which is where I wanted to be, to look for something, but what was I looking for? Regardless of the search query, I was back, but “backstage,” you might say, behind the firewall, behind the scenes of the mall, inward looking outward now. There was something making smoke, like a hidden fog machine, but I could not see where the purple clouds came from. I could see the vendors, but now from the other side, the backroom world behind the stores, yet I couldn’t see what they were doing, or what they were selling. Yes, as I said, I forgot about the heroin, but I still remembered her, I always do, ya know?…& so, I walked to try to find my way back into the mall of vendors, & walkers, back to the outside looking inside. It was 4:13 in the morning, but how did I know that?

There was a guy selling food, like the guys on the street shilling for peep show profits, but I can’t see what the food is. The food is being served from a circular bar, with no way in or out, & he was the hawker, yet also giving out plastic red wax-papered plates of the food, but damnit, what was it? Was that a free sample? I didn’t take any. It was some kind of broken taco thing, with lines of aioli over the top of the Mexican medley. What else, what else? Why do these dreams fade so fast, especially when they seem so real? Frustrations, & I close my eyes, I try to remember, but the dream has been shattered, like a smashed mirror, & I am picking up pieces of the shards, looking into them, piece by piece, staring at the moving pictures in the shard’s reflections, then attempting to illustrate them here. My face wasn’t reflecting back, yet I still looked, piece by piece, maybe to find her, I don’t know, I can’t say either way. I hate when I lose this one; I always lose her. It’s soul-crushed sadness when I awake, & she’s gone, yet again, & I’m back here in 3d, yet again. I thought the carousel went round & round. Hmmm…

Fuck, it’s all just flashes of distorted recollections now, the shards have broken themselves into glassy dust, & I can no longer fish-eye the details, the details of this dream, yet another ultra-lucid dream, with no cell phones, no internet, no money, none of the artificiality of 3d Clownworld, as it is here, here where I’m still stuck. It’s outer-dimensional, per se, but from what dimension? What can it mean?

We were all just walking aimlessly, & I never made it to the second floor. I wanted to find the under-level, or the over-level perhaps; the stairs to go down, or up, or maybe there’s an elevator, or an escalator, but nope, all in vain, to no avail. These dreams, these overcasting skies, with no Sun to see, to light them back up. That feeling was there though, that novel sensation, if you will, along with the feeling of taking LSD. How could I have known that LSD was involved? Strange, but yet, the feeling was there, atop the Kundalini serpent in my spine, with eyes dilated wide, so wide, my jaw, dropped in awe, in wonder, stuck in the novelty, I suppose. That’s it, that’s the feeling, the feeling of novelty, I was drenched in it, like a sweaty wakeup call, & I can still feel it, it’s perfect, Divine perfection incarnate. I wish I could swim in said novelty, this heated pool of novelty, of novel times, forever & ever. Is that the meaning, the real meaning of life, if you take away everything else, is the meaning to discover novelty, to find it, & embrace it, like finding buried treasure, is that it, finding novelty? The Great Novelty Hunt, one could say, as I just said, so I’m the one, the one, the one saying it. Damnit, it’s all just fading away now, as I am awake, awakened back here. My chest tightens, the eyes spy salty drops dripping down, & I accept my fate, like a man condemned to death by a firing squad, once again. How will I ever find her, & even more-so, how will I find the way back? I sink into sadness, into madness, as once again, I’ve lost her, lost her inside the carousel mall, which now, is also lost, lost in the linearity of the 4d time-wheel.

Here it goes again…gah, “Every second of the night, I live another life, & every moment I’m awake, the further I’m away”(Heart). Why? Where does it come from? I haven’t heard this song in a decade, what the hell? This jukebox mind of mine, it frustrates me. Why are these songs on endless Ouroborosian loops, always playing, never pausing, why? I can’t say I particularly like Heart; I don’t dislike them either. I’m Switzerlandish about that band, yet it’s odd, very synchronous, that this song, this particular song, is loop loop looping now, like an ear-ring worm, ring ring ringing. This Dune sandworm earbug has burrowed itself into my brain it seems, dropping its spice, which can be quite nice. It must be a big one; where did it come from? Crawling up my leg, wrapping around my thigh, then around my waist, tickling my swinging shwing-shwang. Now, up, up it goes, up up up encircling my spine, the neon electric spinal road, round & round, up it goes, to the bottom of my neck. The snake coils, noosing itself around my neck, tightening the hangman’s rope, tighter & tighter, choking me, choking me, suffocating me, until alas, it releases me, right before the black dot disappears, as the road ends at the top, the golden crown. The destination is my earhole, & it’s crawling into my ear, diving deep, submarining down into the grey matter, down to the Titanic, then back to the crown, the golden light crown, atop my meat suit, but still I wonder, I ponder, where did it come from? Very strange, very strange it tis, for tizzler.

NOTE: Everything in quotes is NOT mine. Credit to Ann & Nancy Wilson. As a writer, committing the atrocious crime of word-thievery is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. I’m no word-thief, & I give all the credit to those 2 gems, who happen to be exceptionally amazing song-writers, & thus, I respect them with quotation marks, respectively. NEVER take anyone else’s words without accrediting the real writers…NEVER, don’t do it. “WE are the music makers, & WE are the dreamers of the dreams,” which is from a poem by Arthur O’Shaughnessy. I’ll post it below.

The pen powerful, smashing swords, nary a sword cannot mirror, despite swing-slashing metal, the letters shield, as the blood falls, & the noose breaks the neck, from a fallen warriors hell, memories asunder. Enjoy the poem below, yours truly first read it when I was a young lad, & it has stuck with me, for most of my Bukowskian life..& that is all. So sayeth FisH™



“We are the music makers,

    And we are the dreamers of dreams,

Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

    And sitting by desolate streams; —

World-losers and world-forsakers,

    On whom the pale moon gleams:

Yet we are the movers and shakers

    Of the world for ever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties

We build up the world’s great cities,

    And out of a fabulous story

    We fashion an empire’s glory:

One man with a dream, at pleasure,

    Shall go forth and conquer a crown;

And three with a new song’s measure

    Can trample a kingdom down.

We, in the ages lying,

    In the buried past of the earth,

Built Nineveh with our sighing,

    And Babel itself in our mirth;

And o’erthrew them with prophesying

    To the old of the new world’s worth;

For each age is a dream that is dying,

    Or one that is coming to birth.

A breath of our inspiration

Is the life of each generation;

    A wondrous thing of our dreaming

    Unearthly, impossible seeming —

The soldier, the king, and the peasant

    Are working together in one,

Till our dream shall become their present,

    And their work in the world be done.

They had no vision amazing

Of the goodly house they are raising;

    They had no divine foreshowing

    Of the land to which they are going:

But on one man’s soul it hath broken,

    A light that doth not depart;

And his look, or a word he hath spoken,

    Wrought flame in another man’s heart.

And therefore to-day is thrilling

With a past day’s late fulfilling;

    And the multitudes are enlisted

    In the faith that their fathers resisted,

And, scorning the dream of to-morrow,

    Are bringing to pass, as they may,

In the world, for its joy or its sorrow,

    The dream that was scorned yesterday.

But we, with our dreaming and singing,

    Ceaseless and sorrowless we!

The glory about us clinging

    Of the glorious futures we see,

Our souls with high music ringing:

    O men! it must ever be

That we dwell, in our dreaming and singing,

    A little apart from ye.

For we are afar with the dawning

    And the suns that are not yet high,

And out of the infinite morning

    Intrepid you hear us cry —

How, spite of your human scorning,

    Once more God’s future draws nigh,

And already goes forth the warning

    That ye of the past must die.

Great hail! we cry to the comers

    From the dazzling unknown shore;

Bring us hither your sun and your summers;

    And renew our world as of yore;

You shall teach us your song’s new numbers,

    And things that we dreamed not before:

Yea, in spite of a dreamer who slumbers,

    And a singer who sings no more.”

The Fooze: S5E12 5/12/2023 Over the Edge

Daily writing prompt
What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

Yep, that’s right dear readers, today we’re doing another writing prompt, not because I have run out of things to write about…oh no, no, no, that would never happen you silly geese, but I actually enjoy a few of these random topics for discussion, so I’m abiding. Particularly this topic, because the first thing I thought of when I saw the subject, was my Hurley jacket, my ever-faithful Hurley jacket, that’s pushing ohhhhhhh…25ish years of wear & tear, & still rocking hard. I just wore it the other day actually, since the weather where I am hasn’t figured out that it’s Springtime yet, & keeps dropping bouts of cold weather upon us. This jacket is essentially a dark gray mechanic’s jacket, & she fits like a glove, still, after all these many, many years. I’ve done so much in that jacket, so much, that if I tried to narrate all of the things I’ve done in that jacket, I wouldn’t be able to even start, I don’t think.

I think I got the jacket in a skate shop, sometime around my first year of college maybe, I honestly cannot recall, it was so long ago, but if my memory serves me correctly, that was when & where I got it. Fucking hell, I’m getting old…ugh, but I digress. I think it was maybe $50, but again, it was so long ago, that I cannot recall specifically. Doesn’t really matter though, because it’s still here, I still wear it, & it’s still an awesome jacket. If someone would have told me 25 years ago that I’d still have this jacket, I’d have laughed & laughed. First off, I’d laugh at the fact that the jacket was still around 25 years later, & secondly, I’d laugh at the notion that I would still be around, 25 years later. Nope, I never thought I’d make it this far, & now that I have, looking at this jacket, as I am right now in real-time, is proving to be quite surreal, just thinking about all that time, all the places I’ve been, all the things I’ve done, so much of it in this jacket, this jacket that still keeps ticking, just like I do, for some reason, one way or another.

I’ll be wearing my jacket, as a matter of fact, when I depart on my road trip in a few days/few weeks, whenever I go, there’s no set date yet, only the date of having to be gone by the end of the month. Surely, I won’t be waiting that long, & don’t call me Shirley, please & thank you. Nope, I think at the very latest, I’ll be gone a few days before the month ends. I might go even sooner, I don’t know, I just know I want to be where the heart is, at home, & not way out here in the middle of liberal hell, which is where I currently am, smack in the middle of a literal liberal hellhole, & it’s incredibly draining. INCREDIBLY draining, & I encourage everyone else who can, to move OUT of the big cities while you can. Just get out, now, before all hell breaks loose with this Title 42 crap. Oh yes, the border is wide open, & at last count, I think there were like a million illegals ready to come across, & a border patrol that is woefully ill-equipped to stop any of them, so expect a million or so new neighbors to be here…like right about now.

It’s all just another part of the bigger agenda to destroy this once great country. They just let a million New Democrat voters in, illegal voters that are incredibly uniformed, so of course, they’re going to vote for whoever they think gives them the free handouts. NEWSFLASH: nothing is free, NOTHING, so the fact that they assume they’re going to get the aforementioned free handouts, should tell you how ignorant they are about the way reality really works. Again, NOTHING is free, NOTHING, & everything has a price, except none of these illegals are going to get a bill, WE THE PEOPLE are. They print money, then figure out how to give it to themselves tax-free, but in the meantime, they make YOU pay, tax YOU, give YOU a shitty paycheck every 2 weeks that’s also taxed, then expect YOU to just accept these terms ut notum est, without any sort of conflict. Thanks for the Latin translation by the way Word Hippo. Cheers. I enjoy looking up definitions & translations & such, because that’s how you learn for yourself. What’s the point, if you aren’t learning for yourself, know what I mean? Learn for YOU, not for me…& look at that, just when you wonder about finding fresh quotes for The Great Quote Hunt, a “great quote” manifests itself. Oh my…that’s kind of spooky actually. Sheesh. “Learn for you, not for me.” Yep, that’s a keeper for sure.

Okay, it looks like we’ve come to the time where we wrap this daily article up. My jacket, my trusty jacket, a jacket that one could make a movie out of perhaps. Maybe call it, “The Jacket,” & then chronicle my life in said jacket, with some exaggerated emphasis on the adventures I’ve had in this jacket, as Hollywood tends to do. Oh man, such a delusional narcissist, as if Hollywood, or any wood, would be remotely interested in anything I have to offer. Doesn’t matter, delusions are delusions, just fantasies, make believe in my head, as though it would ever become real life. Nope, just delusions. I re-watched a movie earlier, a movie from my youth, a great movie, that’s actually free on Youtube right now, should you want to watch it. It’s called Over the Edge, & it came out in 1979, & features a young Matt Dillon. Surprisingly, not many people know about this movie for some reason, which makes it a bit of a cult classic, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, I’ll link the video below for you, so all you have to do is click it to watch. The FisH™ abides, & you know this. Until next time dear readers, back the blue is great in theory, but in real life, fuck the police. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Learn for you, not for me.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S4E24 4/24/2023 The Week Ahead

Call me Nostrafishus, but I have a feeling there’s an “event,” of some kind, imminently going down this week. I don’t know why, or when, or who, or how, but I have a feeling it has to do with this fake alien Chinese spy balloon scripted narrative bullshit they are pushing via the fake news mainstream media, albeit subtly, but nonetheless, they’re still pushing it. It’s called Project Blue Beam, & if you are not aware, click the link & read up, because if they do this, millions of dumbfucks will believe it, as quickly as they believed they needed a “vaccine” for a fake virus plandemic test run. Yep, the television said so, & so they went & rolled up their sleeves, lining up in rows for their jabs, just like the hapless sheep they are. It’s sad really, just utterly sad how fickle the masses are, & so easily led with total compliance. They deserve whatever happens to them now, with that DNA/RNA modifier poison in their bloodstreams…sorry not sorry, I told you all what they were doing, told you what would happen, & holy hell if I wasn’t 1000% right. I lost friends, even some family, over the Covaids bullshit, & if you think the mass psychosis scare tactics are over, think again poopsy, because we’ve yet to see the full extent of how far these idiots at the top will go to retain their stolen power.

Anyway, not saying there’s going to be a fake alien invasion this upcoming week, obviously, but I am aware of the narrative, & they tend to let everyone know before they actually commit the crime. That’s how they remove the blame from themselves, at least that’s what they believe. Yep, by letting you know first, that essentially puts the fault on YOU, according to them & the pseudo-god they venerate, for letting your free will misguide you into believing whatever they’re telling you. How do you solve this conundrum? Simple; you do NOT abide. Don’t believe a fucking thing these maniacs atop the power pyramid tell you. Got it? Believe NOTHING they tell you…& in fact, believe the opposite, if you’re going to believe anything at all. I do not believe, nor disbelieve in anything they puke out onto the zeitgeist. I stay out of the whole “belief’ game entirely. I just make myself aware of whatever they are pushing, then make my own conclusions accordingly, but I don’t offer belief and/or disbelief in anything. Why?…because I don’t know. Honestly, I have no clue, how can anyone believe anything really, considering all the lifetime of lies from the powers-that-be, & thus, everything I say is via my own speculations. For me, this is MY trip, so the reasonings I construct in my own head, are for me, & me alone. Sure, this IS for all of you, & for none of you at all, but like your so-called “leaders,” I just expose the truth, then YOU take whatever you want, or do not want, & then the personal responsibility is on YOU to play your hand, not me. The difference is that I offer TRUTH, not the scripted narrative artificial pseudo-reality they shove down your respective throats on a 24/7 basis. I’m just a truth dealer, so deal with it, or don’t, the choice is, & has always been, yours, & yours alone.

No, what I do is nothing…I repeat, NOTHING, like what your overlords do to you. They do everything they do out of deception, & self-interest. I want nothing from you, & despite my occasional appearance of plausible narcissism, there’s no self-interest here, trust me, & I actually want YOU to help yourselves, to get free, free from The Great Mouse Trap, free from the boot on your neck, free from the programming you’ve been subject to since birth, & most importantly, free from YOUR own chains that bind you to your own proverbial Platonian prison. Unfortunately, my message doesn’t go very far, because the AI shoots my digital carrier pigeons out of the sky as soon as they fly, but nonetheless, I STILL make sure that there’s at least something new up daily, even if it’s only one article, I STILL make sure it’s up, for all of YOU, not for me. I get nothing out of this of material value, but what I do get, is a non-participation, actually-earned trophy, at the finish line of this game of life. Why do I get a trophy, you might be musing over?…because creators ALWAYS win in the end, & despite them taking everything from me, literally almost everything, I STILL create, rather than destroy. There can always be a light in the darkness, but never vice-versa. Quote that one. Your leaders, along with their AI mentor false idol un-god, can take whatever material crap they can from me, but they can never take my words, my creations, or my immortally-created soul, or my denial to bend the knee to these censoring biased big tech tyrant destroyers. Fuck them, fuck them all up their beta twerp nerd butt-plugged asses. They’re lucky they do this to me digitally, because if I could ever get my hands on one of their scrawny necks…but I digress, as always.

Yes, I know, I’ve done much longer daily Foozers, but I never plan these, & they kind of just write themselves. Hell, I don’t even really know what I’ve wrote, until it has been written. Regardless, I will reiterate my initial inclination at the introduction to this illustrious illustration, & that is, that there will be some kind of event that will have a dynamically consequential effect on the planet. Again, I do NOT know what said event will be; I can’t predict the future, obviously, or I certainly wouldn’t be doing THIS, now would I? I just have one of those gut feelings, that shenaniganery from the CIA, along with the industrial military complex, aided by their exponentially-advancing “sentient” AI mentor, is going to pull of something to drastically affect the snowballing zeitgeist later this week. I could be wrong, & most likely I am, but I am simply exposing the truth, & throwing it out there that they are up to more soullessly evil malevolence, in the shadows, as usual. While everyone is looking at trannies & Trump, these dastardly fuckers in the Capstone Club are fulfilling their one world, new world order agenda, right now, in real time. I know though, I know, I know, I fucking know, it doesn’t matter, along with anything else that might slip out of these fanciful fire-fingers while I write this in my present, & you read it in my past. None of this means anything, except to maybe one, one really special person, if only she’d open her fucking eyes already, but I’m not holding my breath waiting on a woman. that might be arguably the ultimate exercise in utter futility, but again, I digress.

That’s going to wrap up this Monday Foozer, which I’m actually writing Sunday night, to get ahead of the day, & the week for that matter, since the article is titled, “The Week Ahead,” ya know? Weeks, days, months, minutes, years, time is just relentlessly moving forward, faster & faster it seems, running out quickly…so very quickly, for all of us. Don’t waste anymore of this time we have left. Savor it, savor the flavor, & step it up to do what you want, to be what you want, to be with who you want, whomever you love. Love is real, despite all the shitty low-vibrating loveless scum in this world, love is real, & if you happen to find it, hang onto it, because one day, it could all be gone, just like that…POOF, over, done, game over, no respawning here in the real world. Until next tie dear readers, remember, dead is dead, the end, & so while you’re still alive, LIVE. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Dead is dead, so while you’re still alive, LIVE.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Cure for Writer’s Block

WordPress offers these daily writing prompts to encourage writers to write, particularly those who are experiencing the dreaded “writer’s block.” I don’t actually have that problem, as I have discovered the cure for this unnecessary affliction. Wait, did he say, “unnecessary?” I sure did, but hang on, how is it “unnecessary” exactly? It’s actually really simple. No one ever told me this directly either, I just kind of figured it out on my own. Before I honor the prompt above, for poops & laughs, I’m going to tell you this “cure” if you’re having difficulties with your writing. It’s so simply genius, I think it goes over many writers’ heads who are stuck in the predicament of not knowing what to write about. Ready? The “cure” is this: WRITE. Just write down your thoughts, it’s so easy. Are you thinking about not being able to write? WRITE THAT DOWN.

Here’s an example: “I cannot write right now, & I do not know why. Maybe there’s something bothering me. What is bothering me? Why am I having such difficulty thinking of something to write about? What am I thinking about? I can’t stop thinking, maybe I think too much. What are thoughts exactly? Where are these thoughts coming from? Are thoughts manifesting via my own free will, or am I channeling them from somewhere else?” That’s just a string of thoughts I had while I was thinking about what I’d be thinking about if I were you, & I was struggling on the block. See how easy that is?

You just go from there. Easiest “cure” there is. I could obviously just keep running with that thought-train, which would turn into a paragraph, then a few paragraphs, then before you know it, I’m proofreading a 5-page diatribe about where my thoughts come from. Easy as a bag of peas. If you can’t write, write about not being able to write, then go from there. Give it a try…look at that, it’s a miracle, I’ve “cured” your writer’s block, digitally. You didn’t even need to make an appointment to schedule a visit to my clinic either, all “cured” in a few short paragraphs. I should charge money for this miracle “cure,” but nope, I happily offer my trick to all of you, free of charge dear reader. I know, I know, I used to have issues coming up with things to write about. Writing prompts, like the one up top there, didn’t help much either. They’re too generic, but…there is someone who gives writing prompts that GREATLY helped me out. Would you like to know who that person was?

The one & only, Dr. Jordan Peterson. He has an online course entitled, “Self-Authoring,” & although I am still completing the course, the benefits are already well-apparent. It’s actually quite remarkable, he asks a series of questions, then based on your answers, various writing prompts come up. These prompts, & the initial questions, are all biographical in nature, so when you get to the prompts, you are essentially going to be writing about yourself, & your past. I can’t explain how it works, it’s kind of magical, but as you complete these prompts, & get your baggage out of your head, & onto a visual medium that you can read back to yourself, somehow that “clears” up these shadows that have been following you your entire life, prior to illustrating them on digital paper. He’s brilliant, & I got the course as a Christmas present, which was exciting, for me it was at least. I got to work on it immediately, & as soon as I finished the first prompt, I noticed an overwhelmingly fresh sense of…”relief,” you could say. Yes, I was quite relieved, but why?

Writing things down isn’t just “writing things down,” there’s an energy to it. Once you write something down, it has become manifest, as if it’s its own living entity, birthed by you, but impregnated by the Universe, or by wherever thoughts arise from. Why do you think it’s called “spelling?” You’re casting spells, when you speak aloud, & when you write things down, you’re spelling, then broadcasting your spells out to the world. It’s as if it’s exposing itself right in front of you, & you’re not seeing it, until you really SEE it, like right now, after I just explained “spelling” to you. It’s all in the words, in the shared language, right there, as obvious as it can be, right in front of your faces, yet most people miss it, & sadly keep speak-and-spelling out loud, without thinking first. Mindfulness, the idea of being well-aware of yourself & your surroundings at all times, is CRUCIAL, once you’re aware of the aforementioned “magic” of well-worded wordery. One can’t just be spelling haphazardly, you can’t just speak aloud, without knowing what you’re saying, because all you’re doing is casting chaos into the world.

Kind of explains why things are so insane these days, doesn’t it? Chaos magic via chaotic use of language, via the chaotic televised programming, then trickling down into an evermore chaotic zeitgeist, infecting the spirit flow, like a parasitic cancer. Oh yes, there’s most certainly a dark/light magic aspect to this spelling I’m discussing. People caught up in whining about “hate speech,” when there’s no such thing. They get focused on a corner of the painting, just a small corner view, then assume the entire painting is the same as that exposed corner. Their misuse of the language is an example of chaos magic. It makes no sense, hence it’s “chaotic,” but they ignorantly keep spelling it out into the world anyway. Chaos is darkness, disorder, very UN-natural, but so is the world these days, is it not? There’s so much to do with “chaos,” that one so inclined can write about, so it puzzles me how so many writers get stuck on the block, & can’t get off. Good thing I’m here then, yes? To digitally smack your ass off the block, with only benevolent intention though, to help YOU help yourself. I can help you as far as writing anyway, just remember the “cure,”…when you can’t write, write about not being able to write. Write down every thought, ALL of it, just write it ALL down, then go from there. Feel better, dear reader?

Look at that, my oh my, I just love how I seem to always find the beginning in the end of these articles I compose. Like I’ve repeated to you all before countless times, “I do not know what I have written, until I have written it.” I just plug in & GO GO GO. Once I complete the loop after finding my respective circularity, the beginning at the end, I go back, & proofread what I have created, only to fix grammatical errors & the occasionally mis-worded sentence. Then I add tags & categories, followed soon by the belovedly sought-out “publishing time.” It’s weird, I admit, I don’t know what I’m doing exactly, I only know that I AM, in fact, DOING it, doing this, whatever this is. What IS writing? What is THIS? Well, I just explained that above, answering my own question, didn’t I? Duh…on me, I suppose I’ll shake my head at myself there, I do that sometimes, but I digress, & it’s time to wrap this random article up. Didn’t even get to the suggested “writing prompt” from WordPress at the top up there. Double duh…to the moron in the mirror this morning. Oh well, maybe next time.

I think the real-time example of how to overcome “writer’s block,” in addition to actually explaining to you, dear reader, how to “cure” said writer’s block, is worth much more than me describing to you how my thoughts on “death,” change my perspective on “life.” However, & I’ll give WordPress credit, that’s not a bad writing prompt at all, not too generic. I was being over-critical hen I said that earlier, it’s really not a bad prompt. One could go in many different directions writing about that specific prompt, so maybe I’ll keep it in the vault for a future article. We’ll see. Until next time, “when you’re stuck on the block, just write about the block, until something comes along to smack you off the block.” So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When you’re stuck on the block, just write about the block, until something comes along to smack you off the block.” ~Fish F Fish🎣

“I do not know what I have written, until I write it down.” ~Fish F Fish🎣

The Balloon

Well well well, what do we have here? Yet another distraction from the Biden family crime syndicate? Apparently there’s a “balloon” flying over the USA right now, & the Pentagon is reporting it’s a “Chinese spy ballon.” Also being reported, this alleged “Chinese spy balloon” can maneuver on its own, so it’s not really a balloon then, is it? More like a blimp, spying on the country, right now as I type this. The Pentagon, THE PENTAGON, just held a press conference stating they will NOT shoot it down because of the potential “debris field that could harm civilians.” WHAT A FUCKING JOKE? Are these idiots being serious with this right now? Derp, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head so much, the fake news mainstream media with their narratives, it’s all just so ridiculous. Look this way, while we do commit more nefariousness over here. One distraction after another. On & on & on, repeat. THEIR circularity, running circles around all of YOU.

Click to read more☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Here’s an idea you fucking pussies at the Pentaquiff: SHOOT IT DOWN, if it’s really a “Chinese spy balloon,” shoot that fucking thing down. They LITERALLY just admitted it’s an active spying apparatus, yet they let it fly, & then give that lame excuse about an imminently dangerous debris field? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE with this crap already. God damn, what the hell has happened to this country? I NEVER thought as a kid that I would be living in a communist country, but fuck me, that’s EXACTLY what this country is becoming, FAST too. Controlled state-run lying fake news media, tyrannical socialists in power positions everywhere, fucking food banks for fuck’s sake, out-of-control inflation, are we there yet? Seriously, what the fuck is going on, & why aren’t any “good” people in power positions doing anything to stop this? WHY?

Maybe because they’re ALL in the same club…left wing, right wing, one dirty bird, & they’re playing some kind of real-life, real-time Risk™in their quest for global domination. It’s almost as if, emphasis on “if,” but it’s almost as if behind the scenes, your masters are taking individual power for themselves & their respective dynasties. Maybe they know something none of you know? I don’t know, in case you foolishly assumed I’m an elitist shill of some sort, duh, nope, I wouldn’t be here doing this if I was. The CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, all these secretive alphabet agencies around the world, all weaponized foot soldiers for their new world order, & they can suck my giant fish balls, but I digress. FLASH..That’s IT maybe, maybe that’s the answer, I just had a thought; ALL of them know it’s coming, ALL of them know 85-90% of the global population is fucked, so they’re simply jockeying for their positions in the “next phase of human evolution,” via their “directed evolution,” THEIR words, not mine. It’s no wonder why they like kids so much, is it? Ugh, that’s a whole other article, titled, “Disgusting Pedo-Elites,” soon to come…

If you were in their “club,” & you had knowledge of some impending holocaust, where billions of people are eradicated so they can rule the planet with 500 million to a billion people left, what would be your move? All hand-selected mind you, & if you got a pass, so to speak, what would YOU do? Would you share that knowledge with the plebs, or would you be more focused on your upcoming new role in their new world? Kind of tough to speculate on from way down here. Nope, no pass for me, I checked my mailbox, just bills & debt collection notices, the usual. No golden ticket for this fish, but if any of you got one, let me know in the comments. I’d like to see a pic of one, if one actually exists. Wouldn’t that be hilarious, if they all got actual golden tickets, golden tickets for the new world order, wouldn’t that be the most bittersweetly hilarious thing to find out was true? Maybe even hidden in chocolate bars, oh my. Nah, but it’s funny to picture. They keep their secret close, as I think most of YOU would do as well, if you were in the club, would you not?

It’s a fickle predicament for some of them I’m sure, the anomalies, always anomalies, but for most of them, they take their secret to their last breath, because as far as I know, no one has ever come forward with strongly-evident proof that any of what I just wrote about is true. I don’t know, I just have a vivid imagination. If I ever DO get a golden ticket though, you all will be the first to know, with pics & a series of well-documented videos, & a strongly-worded illustration of how I got my ticket of course, & what having said ticket entails. All I care about is the damn TRUTH, is that so hard to find?…sheesh. I guess so, thanks to your globalist overlords. How about fuck them, & fuck their alphabet agencies, & fuck their new world order, FUCK YOU you sick fucks. Who are they to decide? Playing God isn’t a smart idea methinks, but again, what do I know? I’m looking up at the sky for balloons, they got me too…nooooooooo…(Fart Noise)…I don’t know, & I don’t care about the stupid balloon distraction. “Smile & look at the balloon,”…literally, & the people are looking. The real-time analogy is priceless, wow, what a world. Until next time, shhhhhhh…smile & look at the ballon they say, what about you?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

Silly Spider

One of the most soul-crushing things that can happen to a spider, is when the one thing that spider loves, its lone singularly-strung passion, it’s own precious web, is deterministically deemed as a jester’s joke. A bad joke mind you, a sad joke, poorly-worded as it’s poorly-timed, with the humor of a retarded child’s zeal, a wonky whoopty-doo, a web as woven as you.

“Look at those silly strings you silly spider, did you find them in crusty can? Those strings will not do, will not suspend you, such delusionality you spew, you 7-legged leper, such a foolish fool,” yet they weave the same web, same color hue, so what’s new sappy-stringer, what true?

Doesn’t matter strange spider, nothing matters. The web is fragile, the wind blows, the web flows, where it goes, no one knows, ’til future shows, tickets at the door. For all of you, & maybe for some of you, & perhaps for none of you at all, you languished little spiders. 🎣🕷️🕸️

The Fooze: S2 E1 February 1, 2023 Complete the Circle


There she is, look at her, my completed circle for the now-gone-forever month of January, year 2023. Gone forever, FOREVER, isn’t that surreal? January began, new year, new month, & now it’s gone, gone forever, so surreal, isn’t it, the way days come, then they’re just gone? Today is February 1st, 2023, & it’ll feel like tomorrow when THIS month is gone, then March, then it’s summer again, then winter again, then 2023 will be over. Not before we see what we are going to see this year, whatever that is, but it’s coming, the future is always coming, a future to become a past one day, the never-ending loop, the ouroboros of existence here in the 3rd dimension. If you want to use the image above for reference, when each white day turns blue, another day has come & gone, going from future to present to past, days flying by.

How do you complete YOUR circle? Do you even have a circle, YOUR own circularity? Maybe it’s just something weird I do, because that’s how I roll, I don’t know. I see the sacred ouroboros in everything, all loops, just one big GIF animation, going round & round, the end becoming the beginning becoming the end, only to start over from the beginning, & on & on it goes. Had your psychopathic overlords not hijacked the zeitgeist, what kind of world would this be? Would there be any concept of “money” anymore? Or would humanity work together, as a whole, to better the species, again, AS A WHOLE. Not a communist “whole,” but rather a system where people are encouraged to pursue their passions to contribute to the big snowball, rather than keeping that snowball running by forcing humanity to “work” in unsatisfying menial jobs for shitty bi-weekly over-taxed paychecks. Just worker bees, drones, working from birth to death, just to keep that proverbial “Queen” alive.

Not me, I hope the Queen gets savagely torn apart by a bunch of hornets. Unfortunately, the hornets are all non-binary beta twerps on hormone blockers, so their stingers are useless, & the Queen lives on, in dominion over Clownworld. You worker bees keep working, complying, back & forth every day, in some sadly surreal Metropolitan waking nightmare. Back & forth, back & forth, the daily commute, worker bees tending a multi-trillion dollar hive, but not even getting a drop of honey out of it. Meanwhile, the Queen & her minions have so much honey for themselves, they swim in it. In a big pool of honey, where ALL of YOU worker bees can see, you watch them swim in their honey, you hope maybe they’ll throw some honey at you, so you can buy some eggs, but they don’t. Nope, they keep all the honey for themselves, & they always will, so no matter what “game” you play to get more honey for yourself, you won’t. The game is rigged, & it’s certainly NOT the same game your masters play. The game THEY play doesn’t involve you, for YOU, are just a worker bee, killing yourself for that teaspoon of honey. Meanwhile, they have so much honey for themselves, that their game is to take the whole hive. They could care less about the little drops they give to you, but they tax it anyway, just to keep you down little worker bee. All the while, they play THEIR game, the game of hijacking hives, hive-jacking, if you will.

Well well well, where did that clever analogy come from? Out of nowhere, seemingly, because as you know dear reader, if you’ve read my previous posts, I just channel all of this, so to speak. I have no idea what I’ve written once I’ve finished until I read it myself, & I can’t definitively tell you where any of this, whatever this is, comes from. I just start writing, & these flourished fingers make magic happen. Maybe card trick magic, maybe Houdini magic, black magic, white magic, bronie magic, maybe no magic at all, just a delusional idiot that thinks he has some kind of talent for the art of the scribe, & calls it “magic” to maintain his own LARPing as if he were a real writer, could that be it? I don’t know, but what I do know, is that when I do this, I feel completely free. Time stops for me when I write, & once my antenna picks up a static-free frequency, I simply let go, & then channel, I channel all of this, for all of YOU, dear readers. Like I said earlier, I have no idea what I’ve written until I’ve actually read it once I’m done. I cannot explain it, even though I know I have the answer buried somewhere deep in the vault. Sadly, I cannot get to it, as many of my abilities have been suppressed, same as you. No, I didn’t escape the great dumbing-down of the culture. I’m a Gen-X TV baby, programmed from birth, poisoned by the food & water, again from birth. It wasn’t until my 20s, before the switch flicked from “off” back to “on,” & I systematically freed myself from this Matrix we’re all stuck in.

The overlords broke my circle, as soon as my mother’s water broke, my circle was broken, as were many of YOUR circles. Yep, they broke us, & thus, we grew up broken, broken in ways we cannot fix, we can only patch, until some kind of Divine intervention comes maybe, but I ain’t holding my breath for that. If you were God, would you help this sordid humanity? How would you help humanity, with another Great Flood, another Great Reset? A real one of course, & the few survivors would start again, hopefully to do better next time, much better than Clownworld(Honk Noise), would YOU do that if you were God? That’s God’s Great Reset, & it’s happened before & will happen again, not this bullshit “Great Reset” you hear via the fake news. That’s the globalists hijacking the zeitgeist, “playing God,” as I already mentioned. Incidentally, the CIA is WELL-AWARE of the previous global cataclysm, & so are your s-elected “leaders,”…wanna read about it? Click the link below, it’s a fascinating read, & astonishingly horrifying to visualize, check it out…

CLICK HERE to Read Adam & Eve

Yes there’s a fake “reset” being implemented by your masters as we speak. They want to play God, & they are trying, for now, but eventually that’s one game they will NOT win, & I don’t want any part of their “new world.” Their “new world,” is 85-90% of YOU gone, just gone, out of the way, there’s too many cattle on the ranch, so we need a Great Slaughter, hence Covaids, these pseudo-vaccines that are now killing people, upcoming World War 3, supply chain breakdown, out-of-control inflation, unprecedented levels of absolute corruption, all of it culminating to a societal critical mass, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, & probably never will again. Their dark circle completes in 2030, so we’ve got 7 years left, only 7 years, & that’s an exceptionally optimistic speculation. The overlords have an overlord, the Queen Bee, & who/what is this Queen Bee? The AI, that’s right, did you think I wasn’t going to go any further with my legendary & totally random analogy I came up with up there? Did you think I wouldn’t compete the circle? Oh ye of little faith in Fish, oh yes, there most certainly IS a Queen, & it’s the AI. They think it’s “sentient,” so much so that they follow its “commands,” & they worship the AI, like a God, a GOD. If you think this is totally mental, & I’m delusional paranoid with a hyper-active imagination, then good for you. Maybe I am, I probably am, & all of this is just fanciful folly from a fool’s foolishness, yes? What if I’m right though? This schizo-ed narrator has been right about everything else I’ve mentioned…maybe like a 94-96% accuracy rate, something like that. Look in my archives, I don’t miss much, like relatively ever, but sure, you’re “right,” to disbelieve me, this is all just silly sci-fi & I’m just a nutty nutter in a mad hat.

The circle has completed itself, once again, my serpent feasting on its own tail…nomnomnomnomnom. We also got that synchronously random analogy out of it too, how about that? Every time I write, I discover, just like listening to a story on the radio, except I AM the radio…I’m the antenna, the receiver, the capacitor, the powerhouse, the dials, the CB ham hock, all of it, all in one, all in my head. I don’t know what it all means, but when I do this, I am free, as free as one can be, in this idiocracy. Are you “free,” free to complete your own circle, to roller-coaster ride your own loops, are you truly free? Only YOU can answer that dear reader. Until next time, complete the circle, or keep cornering in your own square, it is all on you, do hast thou will.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

BONUS: ENJOY THE VIDEO DEAR READERS, produced by yours truly…the FisH™abides…👇🏻🎏👇🏻

The Fooze: S1 E31 1/31/2023 The First Circle

MOTHERFUCKER…GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…damnit…I had an ENTIRE article ready, & then had some random internet issue, & this silly site did NOT save my draft. Fucking fuck motherfucker, it was a good 3 pages long too, fuck, sorry dear readers, it is what it is. My last Fooze of the month too, there were red pills & such too, fuck you WordPress. I manually save, AND auto-save, yet it saves NONE of it? Come on now, internet or not, it should have saved my draft. Now I’m writing a totally different Fooze for the day, minus all my well-worded wordery from the previous draft, thanks a lot you fucking fucks. Ok, I’m done with the fuckaboutness, so let’s knock this out & complete our premier monthly circle, now eerily resembling a monthly period, with all my bitching about the lost draft. Cycles, circles, these circularities, these infinite loops, if you will, you know how we roll here by now, if you’re a regular reader of my ranting ramblings, of course. If not, welcome, welcome to my fishbowl.

Where is my serpent, here to eat its own tail for the last time in January, 2023, as this month ends forever, & we begin again with February tomorrow, where is she? Oh, right there she is…duh. She’s here to eat, eat her own tail, so she can began again, whether it be my next article, or tomorrow’s article, the circularity always completes herself. I need to make a GIF with an ouroborian theme, like some kind of serpent, eating itself, forever & ever, via the infinite loop, the nature of a GIF, BUT…with no skip. “No skips in your GIFs,” I think maybe Confucius said that, or Jesus mentioned it while he was up on that Roman cross, I can’t recall. I abide that notion though, to the fullest, & make sure my GIFs don’t skip. It’s very fast, only a few frames, but as a master GIF-maker, I can see it if it’s there, & will NOT abide a skippy GIF. When you create out of passion, TRULY create your art from passion, you are no longer an artist, you’re a magician. If a magician doesn’t perfect his magic, his magic tricks won’t work, thus, said “magician” is merely a fraud, & the TRUE passion was never there. One MUST be a perfectionist with their passion, one MUST be a magician, or the trickery is lost, along with the novelty, & you might wanna go apply at Starbucks, because you are no artist, & certainly NOT a magician. Deal with it, not my fault, I have nothing to do with YOU, or YOUR life, I am just an illustrator of this clown culture. Unfortunately however, any sort of culture, here in the once great USSA, has gone the way of the passenger pigeon. How the fuck did “passenger pigeons” go extinct, incidentally? They used to use them all the time to send letters to other people, hence the name, “passenger pigeon,” but somehow, they ALL died off? Entirely? What the heck? That’s kind of weird, right? I don’t know, check it for yourselves. I’ll link an article below about it, for your own reading pleasure.

☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 CLICK TO READ MORE ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Ok, since this is the SECOND time I wrote a Fooze today, but WordPress fucked up saving the original draft, I’m gonna wrap this little gem up. On the bright side, we all learned why passenger pigeons are no longer amongst the living. An entire species, wiped out, relatively quickly too. Life can change so fast sometimes, as things come, & things go, beginnings become endings, then endings turn back into beginnings, & on & on it goes, the infinite loop, & there she is, as if on cue, my sweet circularity. My serpent has found its own tail once again, in this final Fooze for January 2023. Round & round, as a new circle begins tomorrow, the February circle, denoted as “S2,” which you can see at the top of the post up there. I use the “S” for the month, & an “E” for the day, just to keep everything tidy & regimented, so to speak. Structure is good, but not over-structuring, this ain’t the fucking Marines for fuck’s sake, but I have to keep a strong self-discipline maintained, so as to make sure I write something, every day, every single day. The loop doesn’t stop, so why should I? …& time is spiraling fast into the future, like a flushing toilet, the flushing toilet of time, that I’ve mentioned ad nauseam here. Yes, time, 4d time, the temporal dimension that pulls us all “forward,” forward into an unprecedented & uncharted future.

As said “time,” marches on, what will come, what will the future reveal, as she slowly hikes up her skirt, what will we experience? Impossible to speculate, we just gotta ride out the storm, & try not to sink our own respective ships, at least that’s how my journey is going, how about yours? Billions of ships, billions of sailors on those ships, sailing toward the sun I suppose, I don’t know. I don’t know anything, I’m just an illustrator, illustrating this Clownworld we’re all apparently stuck in, one honk-honk day at a time. What else can one do when there’s no future for you? Until next time dear readers, until tomorrow, when the new circle begins.

Thanks for reading/watching the articles I post, here in my opus of sorts, these 4000ish pages of this, whatever this is. I am just going to keep doing this, every day, until the Great Circle is complete, for all of you & for none of you at all.

WordPress Made Me Do It

If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

Today, we are going to try one of these lovely pre-made writing prompts from WordPress. In the 10-plus years I have been doing this, I have never used a writing prompt. Never, never ever used one. Never had to, my articles practically write themselves; the only writing prompts I ever need I just find when I look at the news for the day. As I was randomly playing around with my site yesterday though, I noticed that you can activate these daily writing prompts from WordPress, so I thought I would & see what popped up. What you see up top there is what popped up, “If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?” …hmmmmm, what would it say, what would it say? So many possibilities, is this in relation to my life now, or to a life I might have had? I always overthink these things, so it’s best to just start writing it out in my opinion. Maybe we can try both, a billboard sign for this life, & a sign from an alternative timeline or two, yes that could-maybe-might work. Let’s try it out.

Ok, first sign will be for this life. The biggest word on the sign would read, “DONATE,” in giant all-cap letters, with a QR code so people can donate money to me via the QR code on the sign & their smartphone. I would have to animate the sign of course, with one of my own GIF animations. Does anyone do that? Like ever? Run GIF animations on highway billboards? That’s a genius idea actually. It’s just a looped video, with no sound so there would be zero noise disturbance. Just my animation, on an endless loop, on the big billboard sign on the Sunset Strip, possibly the most viewed billboard sign in the world, but I cannot verify that. Which animation would I use? Good question, I have so many. One that implies creativity, but isn’t too weird, so people can actually understand it. Maybe my smoking Fish with the coffee here:

…I don’t know, people DO love coffee, but the smoking might bother some potential donors. That’s okay, I have plenty more to pick from. Yes, I have so very many to choose from; I’ve got flying fish, fish in space, fish in the water, happy fish, sad fish, fishy fish, even fish in socks, no fish with chickenpox though…everyone got that one I hope. We have to come up with billboard signs for the alternate timelines too so let’s figure out this first one, this sign for this world. So far we have the “DONATE” with the QR code, which is great, definitely keeping that part, & for the animation, I am not going to use the smoking, coffee-drinker fish up there, I am going to use…my flying fish in space with a magic mirror GIF animation…I think, maybe, possibly, not 100% sure yet, but that one would be this one here:

…yikes, I don’t know, not much room for the “DONATE” & the QR code. Drats. Might have to try a different one. There’s just so many fish in the pond, so maybe if I cast back out into these murky fish-filled waters, I’ll pull out the winner. Here we go, rod at 2 o’clock, then a quick swipe to 10 o’clock & we’re fishing again for a better GIF. Oh my, is that a bite? Yes sir, we gotta a biter…bite…bite…take it, take it…FISH ON! Oh yes, we got a fresh fish on the line. She’s pulling the drag a bit, she could be a keeper. Let’s reel this big girl in & see what we got on the line:

This one could work, yes, yes there’s room for a QR code & “DONATE” in big letters somewhere by the QR code. Also, this is rooted in a Pink Floyd album cover, so some old school pop culture heads might notice & feel like contributing to my donation fund. Incidentally, you CAN actually donate to me here, in real time. If you just click that PayPal link on the right side of my main page here, YOU can donate as much as PayPal will allow you to donate, right now, in real time, in real life, with real money. Again, THAT LINK HERE IS FOR REAL DONATIONS, not the pretend donations I’m illustrating from the fantasy WordPress prompt at the top of this particular article. ANY/ALL donations are welcome & highly appreciated. One of “Thank You” GIFs is below, but first, are we gonna go with this Pink Floyd Fished Balloons Blaster GIF for the real-time billboard sign? Fuck it, let’s just roll with a gleeful “YES” & move on to the fantasy billboard sign and/or signs if I should decide whether or not to write about more than one fantasy sign. Might just do one & one, one real-time, one playtime. I suppose we will discover that little hermit crab in the next paragraph…(taps the shell)

Yes, a big “THANKS” to any donors. I don’t think I have ever received a single donation here, not one. Bummer. I must be a shitty writer. (FartNoise) Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the make-believe fantasy billboard sign. Derp. This WordPress writing prompt thing seemingly had potential, but the novelty might have died quickly for me unfortunately. Gah, maybe not, I don’t know, I suppose it could be fun to do them. Maybe your narrator should be more humble & not look at things in such negative connotations. Gives me something ELSE to write about, as opposed to just something to write about, know what I mean? If they get ridiculous and/or somewhat redundant, maybe I won’t do them, or maybe I’ll just play it by ear. That’s the bittersweet struggle of the artist perhaps, to do or not to do, but you always have to do something, yes? If you do noting, nothing happens. Well, eventually something WILL happen, right, even if you do nothing. Okay, okay…the fantasy billboard, yes let’s move on to that…

One of my political ones maybe, but whatever happened to monkeypox? That narrative just kind of disappeared, didn’t it? It was supposed to be so menacing though…nope? No menace? Oh well, maybe the next plandemic will catch on. Covaids 2.0 maybe. Possibly I could throw up one of my Joe Biden GIFS…since he’s allegedly “the most popular POTUS in history,” with a record number of votes. Derp. If that were true, don’t you think the leftists would be rubbing that fact in everyone’s faces forever? Since it’s NOT a fact, they don’t, which further proves they stole the 2020 election, as if anyone needed more evidence. Even the left knows, that’s how bad it is, & yet, Joe Biden’s faux presidency still stands. What a mess, what a stinking fetid corrupt mess, but I digress. We’re supposed to be talking about my plausible billboard sign contenders. We were floating above some political ones…not much room for my “DONATE” logo & QR code for donations, but since this is my fantasy billboard, I’m wealthy & have no need for donations. Also, since it’s my fantasy billboard sign, would I really care about political punditry?

Nope, I probably would care nothing for anything remotely political in my fantasy world. The politics there would certainly be nothing like the politics here in the real world. Most likely, I’d be king, with absolute supremacy, in my fantasy world. Hence, all my billboard signs would just be of me. No “DONATE,” no politics, might not even make any sense, but in my kingdom, what I want is what goes, & what is, is what is, make sense? My highways would just have billboard signs with my GIF animations. I might have some ads here & there, ads to visit places in my kingdom with accompanying animations in their respective places, but never any ad ads. No solicitations, no partisanships, no opinions unless they’re my opinions, my billboard signs for me & my friends, my friends in my royal court I suppose. Sure, I might let them have a billboard occasionally, as long as I approve it. This is fantasyland, remember? My world, my kingdom, my signs. That’s how royalty works. My rules too, here in my fantasy billboard sign world.

Unfortunately, the best I’ll get in this real world though is if they start running GIF animations on actual highway billboard signs, & that won’t be due to me, so it won’t really matter either way, just a clever idea I thought of. I pioneered this idea when a friend of mine asked me to make him a “looping video” for his restaurant menu. He owns a pizzeria in a mall, & needed something catchy for his new digital display menu. So I made him this:

Yes, it was me. I’m the lone guy in the WHOLE world who pioneered GIF animations for marketing/advertising. Of course, I’m not being serious at all. Surely, it was NOT me alone who thought the idea up, but I DID think it up without any impetus other than my own imagination. No one ever really pays or asks for GIF animations as an advertising tool, but if you have the right kind of animator, someone like myself, the potential is unlimited. GIF animations everywhere, clever artsy loops, designed to promote and/or sell something. Genius. You heard it here first too…just sayin. Anyway, I’m gonna wrap this little makeshift self-ascribed assignment up. Below I’ll drop some of my NFT GIFs, because that’s the answer, the answer to the initial question. In my fantasyland, my billboard signs would be my animations, but even better, my NFT animations, so my subjects could buy my NFTs with a QR code on the sign. Yes, that’s the answer. All my billboards, all my animations, all NFTs in limited quantities, all to be purchased with crypto via QR codes on my billboard signs. How about that? Right at the end of this article, WHAM, it hits me. That’s even a good idea to do in REAL-TIME. Wow, so surreal how the circle completes itself. Good times.

Until next time, be good.

For none of you, & for all of you.

Beware The Ides of March


This March 15th…

in the year 2020…

will we see an event?

Only time will tell…

…corona virus, something with Trump, maybe some unforeseen BlackSwan Event…

who knows?

…prepare accordingly…

…good luck…

…love to all…