The Balloon

Well well well, what do we have here? Yet another distraction from the Biden family crime syndicate? Apparently there’s a “balloon” flying over the USA right now, & the Pentagon is reporting it’s a “Chinese spy ballon.” Also being reported, this alleged “Chinese spy balloon” can maneuver on its own, so it’s not really a balloon then, is it? More like a blimp, spying on the country, right now as I type this. The Pentagon, THE PENTAGON, just held a press conference stating they will NOT shoot it down because of the potential “debris field that could harm civilians.” WHAT A FUCKING JOKE? Are these idiots being serious with this right now? Derp, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head so much, the fake news mainstream media with their narratives, it’s all just so ridiculous. Look this way, while we do commit more nefariousness over here. One distraction after another. On & on & on, repeat. THEIR circularity, running circles around all of YOU.

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Here’s an idea you fucking pussies at the Pentaquiff: SHOOT IT DOWN, if it’s really a “Chinese spy balloon,” shoot that fucking thing down. They LITERALLY just admitted it’s an active spying apparatus, yet they let it fly, & then give that lame excuse about an imminently dangerous debris field? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE with this crap already. God damn, what the hell has happened to this country? I NEVER thought as a kid that I would be living in a communist country, but fuck me, that’s EXACTLY what this country is becoming, FAST too. Controlled state-run lying fake news media, tyrannical socialists in power positions everywhere, fucking food banks for fuck’s sake, out-of-control inflation, are we there yet? Seriously, what the fuck is going on, & why aren’t any “good” people in power positions doing anything to stop this? WHY?

Maybe because they’re ALL in the same club…left wing, right wing, one dirty bird, & they’re playing some kind of real-life, real-time Risk™in their quest for global domination. It’s almost as if, emphasis on “if,” but it’s almost as if behind the scenes, your masters are taking individual power for themselves & their respective dynasties. Maybe they know something none of you know? I don’t know, in case you foolishly assumed I’m an elitist shill of some sort, duh, nope, I wouldn’t be here doing this if I was. The CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, all these secretive alphabet agencies around the world, all weaponized foot soldiers for their new world order, & they can suck my giant fish balls, but I digress. FLASH..That’s IT maybe, maybe that’s the answer, I just had a thought; ALL of them know it’s coming, ALL of them know 85-90% of the global population is fucked, so they’re simply jockeying for their positions in the “next phase of human evolution,” via their “directed evolution,” THEIR words, not mine. It’s no wonder why they like kids so much, is it? Ugh, that’s a whole other article, titled, “Disgusting Pedo-Elites,” soon to come…

If you were in their “club,” & you had knowledge of some impending holocaust, where billions of people are eradicated so they can rule the planet with 500 million to a billion people left, what would be your move? All hand-selected mind you, & if you got a pass, so to speak, what would YOU do? Would you share that knowledge with the plebs, or would you be more focused on your upcoming new role in their new world? Kind of tough to speculate on from way down here. Nope, no pass for me, I checked my mailbox, just bills & debt collection notices, the usual. No golden ticket for this fish, but if any of you got one, let me know in the comments. I’d like to see a pic of one, if one actually exists. Wouldn’t that be hilarious, if they all got actual golden tickets, golden tickets for the new world order, wouldn’t that be the most bittersweetly hilarious thing to find out was true? Maybe even hidden in chocolate bars, oh my. Nah, but it’s funny to picture. They keep their secret close, as I think most of YOU would do as well, if you were in the club, would you not?

It’s a fickle predicament for some of them I’m sure, the anomalies, always anomalies, but for most of them, they take their secret to their last breath, because as far as I know, no one has ever come forward with strongly-evident proof that any of what I just wrote about is true. I don’t know, I just have a vivid imagination. If I ever DO get a golden ticket though, you all will be the first to know, with pics & a series of well-documented videos, & a strongly-worded illustration of how I got my ticket of course, & what having said ticket entails. All I care about is the damn TRUTH, is that so hard to find?…sheesh. I guess so, thanks to your globalist overlords. How about fuck them, & fuck their alphabet agencies, & fuck their new world order, FUCK YOU you sick fucks. Who are they to decide? Playing God isn’t a smart idea methinks, but again, what do I know? I’m looking up at the sky for balloons, they got me too…nooooooooo…(Fart Noise)…I don’t know, & I don’t care about the stupid balloon distraction. “Smile & look at the balloon,”…literally, & the people are looking. The real-time analogy is priceless, wow, what a world. Until next time, shhhhhhh…smile & look at the ballon they say, what about you?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

Floaters & Boaters

What will it take to finish the game, the big game, what will it take? “What big game?” …you might be wondering. Well that’s easy; the game of LIFE of course, THIS, this wonky game we all play, only it’s a game that’s rigged. Oh yes, quite rigged, quite sinister, & there’s no way NOT to play, unless you off yourself, but that’s an irrelevant option for us players of this game, as it were. Nope, can’t just put a gun in your mouth, or fill your doctor’s favorite syringe full of bug-juice & poof, lights out, oh no no no, can’t do that. That’s really the only rule, well the only base fundamental rule: you have to play to the end, no matter what, & you must exit this game at the game’s behest, not your own. That’s the rule, & obviously I have no way to prove any of this, but for me, it IS a rule that I must abide by, no matter how stanky the shit gets, can’t stop, can’t quit, can’t fall off the cliff. The reward is worth it, to make it to the natural end of your life, as natural as it can be anyway.

Might as well just ride out the storm until your last breath comes & goes, because another aspect of the lone rule of life I just mentioned, is that if you opt to end this ride by suicide, you have to do it again, just like before. Yep, the story just resets & starts over, kind of a “no harm, no foul” deal from your Mighty Maker in the Sky, since you don’t advance, but you don’t go backwards either, but you have to redo your previously failed do, just like it was before. Well, maybe not exactly like before, as you might be born into another time in another place, but have to overcome the same karmic strife to finish the game before you can move on to whatever the next level is. Or, maybe suiciders literally redo their EXACT life as before. Same everything, same memories, same timeline, everything exactly like the life you chose to end at your own accord, right up to that fateful moment when you decided to end it all, except maybe you don’t the next time. Or, maybe you do the same thing every time, same birth, same life, same unnatural death, & you’re doomed to repeat until perhaps one life you finally realize the value in your own life itself & make the wise decision to keep riding, riding out this tempestuous storm of life. “Storms always end, even before they begin again,” …yes, you can quote me on that, literally, because I just thought it up. Nice quip, yes?

This stormy sea we are all floating around in is uncharted, uncharted waters we have never navigated before, but here we are regardless, navigating these odious oceans. Some of us have big boats, some of us have little boats, some have jet skis, some a canoe, but most of you are bound to the buoyancy of the lone life jacket on your back keeping you afloat, albeit barely. Just enough to keep your crooked beaks above the crests & troughs, as wave after wave after wave attempts to drown you down, down, down to the bottom. Hard to be a true sailor without a boat, is it not? Difficult to be a real navigator without any way to cross the waters, right? Not only are most of you bound to your respective life-preserver lives, you have deceived yourselves into accepting that a life jacket is your only option, never once considering mechanizing your own float into a boat so you can traverse the waters via your own propulsion, rather than bobbing around waiting to be picked off as sharks circle your Indianapolis, waiting to take endlessly bloodbathian bites for themselves. Yes these seas I speak surreally of, these seas are quite precarious, especially for the lone floater never-boaters. Bob it up, bob it down, up, down, up, down, these monotonous bobbers bobbing like bubbling sea-foam bubbles bubbling. The floaters without boats.

Blending in natural elements to these articles, composing my circularity, riding the waves, surfing these frequencies my antenna detects, then transmits the song, via me out onto all of you, my faceless global audience of few. We write to the end, only to begin again, & as always on my divine cue, with no fee, is my circularity, humbly eating itself only to eat itself again, & again. Such is the way of Nature, & until next time dear readers, surf’s up, so get out there & find your wave to ride, or just keep collectively chumming yourselves for those circling sharks while you weightlessly punk-pogo in your floaters, essentially waiting to be devoured, for that is all you might ever be, a feckless floater. Floating instead of flipping, I don’t know. I don’t know anything, remember? I could just be floating too, just like you, just a floating hand, with a penchant for loops, & cleaning my haunted house.

For none of you at all, & for all of you at none.