Let’s Talk News…Straight Arrow News

“News,” as in “what’s new,” & what’s new, that’s going on locally, nationally, and/or globally, as a compendium, we call “the news.” We all like keeping up with current events, we want to know the story, the REAL story, & that’s the role of said news, to report on real stories, to report on real events, when they happen, as they happened, as factually as possible. Well, as anyone with, at the very least, a proverbial hamster in their head running on an equally proverbial wheel knows, the news, has been a continuous agglomeration of all of the chaos going on around the planet, most often reported (if you can call reading a teleprompter “reporting”) in some kind of quasi-hyperbolic manner, in order to keep people watching their UN-respectable respective news channels. It’s few & far between when there’s ever any GOOD news they report on though, is there?…so it equates to as I said, an exaggeratedly jumbled mess of all that’s chaotic, all that’s negative, all that’s shocking, because that’s what gets peoples’ attention these days, isn’t it? “Shock & awe,” sells; that’s the bottom line. The worse it is, the better it is for ratings, & so that’s what gets publicized, whether it’s publicized visually or via the written word. Now, let’s pursue some so-called news & see what’s going on then, shall we? We’ll spin the figurative globe & start wherever our finger lands, musing the latest articles, and/or whatever’s “breaking,” & work our way through it. Of course, I’m not going to be including fake news mainstream media propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, but wait, hang on a second…are they any real news outlets left?

Sure there are, only you won’t find them being broadcast via the televised programming that most people are brainwashed with, oh no no no, since the legit news networks would offer truth, & Clownworld doesn’t abide truth, & thus, is verboten, hence why you have to know where to find it. Here, we ONLY search for the real news, like hunting for diamonds on a beach. That’s right, & you all should know this by now, that yours truly ONLY researches REAL news, REAL events, the delivers it to all of YOU. because that aforementioned programming, is what has not only ruined the minds of many people, it has knowingly programmed them with an entirely false sense of what the REAL reality even is. It’s right there in the words…”broadcast programming,” so if one wants to find real news, they have to utilize sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart, for example. These two sites compile the ACTUAL news of the day, without spin, without subjectivity, & without writers and reporters who work for the CIA, spewing out whatever wag-the-dogish garbage they are told to, as well paid to, barf out all over the daily turning of the zeitgeist windmill. Obviously, I could go right to either of those two sites I just spoke of, as those who seek real news do, but today, I am focusing on an up & coming news organization that may rival the two sites I just mentioned, albeit a friendly rivalry, for when it comes to the truth, one not cares how it’s delivered, only that it IS, in fact, delivered, in real-time, on-time. “What news site could FisH™ be referring to?,” you might be wondering. Great question, thanks for asking.

This site, which yours truly just recently discovered himself, & added to the title above, as well as bookmarked for himself, is SAN, the Straight Arrow News Network. What shoots things straighter than an arrow?…& on top of having a clever monicker, they have a team of dedicated contributors who filter out the truth from the lies, & give people the FACTS, not the fiction, offering a genuine perspective as opposed to the false conclusions drawn from that scripted-narrative nonsense being broadcast through your televisions. Their site is as professional as it gets, & I HIGHLY recommend that you download the app to your digital devices, turn on the notifications, & with that being said, let’s dive right in to today’s latest articles posted on SAN, & see what’s going on in a world, where the tide seems to FINALLY be turning from fantasy to reality. Many people are becoming increasingly turned-off by those erroneous scripted narratives, & just want to know what the hell is really going on. You can only lie to the public for so long, before the fickle nature of the mob grows cold at the thought of biased reporting being peddled by agenda-pushing peddlers who want nothing more than to get clicks, get paid, & propagate fear & anxiety, rather than simply telling the damn truth. Has it really become so outlandish, so offensive, telling the truth? It sure as, to the point of exiling those of us who DO the tell the truth, particularly yours truly, who has spent the last 6-7 years in the digital gulag for doing just that, exposing the truth, & writing about it here on this site.

SAN, Straight Arrow News…now that could catch on quickly, could it not? Giving it to you STRAIGHT, no bullshit, no fodder, just the honest-to-God truth as to what happens, when it happens, why it happens, & how it may or may not affect you directly…yes YOU, US, WE The People, the people who want to know the truth, & nothing but the truth. Okay, now let’s get into it. Dit-dit-dit-dit…dit-dit-dit-dit…first off, looks like Hunter Biden, the crack-smoking, prostitute-soliciting, degenerate son of the pseudo-POTUS Potato Joe Biden, that illegally “won” the 2020 election, via ballot harvesting, rigged voting machines, & corrupt vote-counters, has evidentially been caught yet again in even MORE nefarious activities, as if that’s shocking to anyone at this point. That’s correct, as it seems that newly released WhatsApp messages have been uncovered, detailing an exchange between Hunter Biden, & an employee from a Chinese energy company, orchestrating a $10 million deal for “favors,” & you can read all about it on SAN, by clicking HERE. FisH™ absolutely detests plagiarism or any theft of one’s intellectual property, & thus, attributes all credit to the details of the stories I will list, to the writers who actually wrote them, which I why I will simply do a quick paraphrasing of the published headline, provide the link to the story, then move on.

Up next…hang on, hang on a second, you know what, dear readers? If I continue to do this, this article will stretch the length of 197 combined attention spans, so what I think the best thing for YOU to do is, dear readers, is to go to SAN yourselves, the Straight Arrow News site, & do your own reading, for YOU, not for me. I can only illustrate their professionalism so well, & without YOU seeing it for yourself, what are we really accomplishing here? Nothing, so yes, just go tot he site, & read for yourselves. I am just happy I discovered this nascent site, so I want you to be happy discovering it as well for yourselves. SAN needs our support, the support of the American population, because with the collectively continued support of we who are sick & God-damned tired of being lied to on a seemingly never-ending basis by Operation Mockingbird mainstream media outlets like CNN, the Straight Arrow News Network will quickly grow, & become as big as the sites we are are already familiar with, sites like The Gateway Pundit & Breitbart. I am simply here to help, & to contribute whenever I can to promoting any/all news outlets that expose the REAL reality of what’s going on in this topsy-turvy world we are all stuck in together. The people want TRUTH…period. If they wanted fantasy, they’d watch Netflix all day, & before I digress into a diatribe about how too many people DO watch too much Netflix all day, I am going to wrap this article up. I just wanted to bring attention to SAN, The Straight Arrow News, so that hopefully, the few readers that still can see me, despite the AI-driven relentless shadowbanning of my site here, have another option as to where to go to find TRUTH, in a world that sadly still revolves around the lies & deception being broadcast by alphabet-agency-controlled propaganda broadcasters, like those that come free with your monthly cable bill.

Unfortunately, these days one has to look beyond the reach of their remote control to find out what the real news is all about, & if you can click a mouse, you can click on SAN, The Straight Arrow News website, see for yourselves, & then go a step further by bookmarking it, whether on your phones, your tablets, and/or your computers, adding it to your reading lists on those devices as well, & lastly, setting notifications to “ON,” so that YOU, are informed when real news breaks, & can rely on SAN to cover whatever those future breaking news events might be. Trust the reporters, writers, editors, & publishers at SAN to bring you the FACTS, & avoiding the fictions, so that YOU know what’s going on as soon as it happens, keeping you one step ahead of the fake news, & two steps ahead of the globalists who fund those Operation Mockingbird, scripted-narrative-driven propagandists, who only use their platforms to control the people, not to inform them. Until next time dear readers, listen to FisH™, who has never lied to you, or steered you wrong, especially as far as the truth goes, & download SAN, The Straight Arrow News app, to your respective devices now. If you want truth, you can always find it here, & wherever I direct you, is where to find where yours truly find the truths, the truths that I report to you. Again, that’s SAN, The Straight Arrow News. Click on it now, for YOU, not for me, for your sake, not for mine. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“ONLY facts matter, not fiction, as it relates to the daily news.” Fish F Fish🎏

Hack-tors w/ a side of Fragility Bonus


Click HERE to read more

Uh oh, it looks like yet another death from SADS, & if you click that word, you’ll see that “SADS” implies that all of these “sudden deaths” are due to “genetic anomalies,” allegedly, & has nothing to do with the jab & the 17 boosters he probably took. I wonder, how many people are going to croak from “SADS” before they FINALLY start publicly admitting what’s causing these “sudden deaths?” Oh wait, what’s this? Looks like an update from the newscaster who “fainted” live on air the other day…

Click HERE to read more

Great picture…literal lolz, oh my, let the meme cannons fire, & of course, once again, this allegedly has nothing to do with her being jabbed & boosted. It’s sad really, not for me, because I wasn’t dumb enough to let them inject that slow kill poison into me. Cheers Purebloods. Yep, I’m that guy who’s been screaming for the last 3 fucking years to NOT get jabbed, & has taken so much shit for it, until relatively recently of course, when the naysayers went totally silent with the, “You’re an anti-vaxxer” nonsense. Derp. I’m not “anti-vax” anything, how can I be if it isn’t a vaccine? Double derp. Do most of you even know what a vaccine actually is? I’d wager you don’t, because if you did, you would know the difference between a real vaccine, & a science project RNA modifier created hastily without proper testing, wouldn’t you? Oh but so many of you just rolled up your sleeves in your respective echo chambers, believing wholeheartedly what the fake news broadcasts to scare you into undergoing such a dangerous procedure, & all the while, criticizing people like me for being an “ignorant conspiracy theorist,” which actually happened, verbatim. I’ve been called much worse since this plandemic started though, & I didn’t care, still don’t care, nor did I break my stance, so to speak, & bend the knee to the fear mob. Nope, I didn’t budge a Planck length, because I trust my own critical-thinking skills, my own knowledge, & most importantly, my own intuition. I know, I know…common sense…along with knowing basic science, is like finding a diamond on a sandy beach these days. Such is the way of Clownworld though, right? (honk noise)

I had something else I was going to post about fake news hacks, what was it? Oh yeah, I’m going to link a video below from the great Mark Dice, one he cooked up earlier this morning, so it’s fresh out of the content creation oven. The title is “White Fragility,” based on a shitty book of the same name, barfed out onto hard copy, & sold to morons. Note that this is NOT one of Mark Dice’s books; his books are actually good, really good, but this book with the obvious racist overtones in the title is by some liberal twat hack named Robin DeAngelo. Imagine if the book was called “Black Fragility” instead of “White Fragility,” would that be okay? Of course it wouldn’t, but here in Clownworld, apparently it was a “best seller,” & the aforementioned hack, Robin DeAngelo, is now rich because of it. As a writer myself, & humbly the best one I know, it makes me want to puke when I see shit writers writing about shit topics & getting fame & fortune from it, while people like me, who write about TRUTH, rather than making up fictitious gobbly-gook, get shit on by shitty biased censoring shitheads to the point where they’re exiled from the digital town square, & thus, can’t market their brand and/or sell their books due to fear of hurting peoples’ fee-wings(feelings). This proverbial 2-way street of REEEEE-cism that these social parasites reinforce is full of potholes & meth-smoking bums begging for spare change. If I title this article, “Black Fragility,” I can assure you WordPress will throttle me. Since they do anyway though, & I have NOT in fact officially titled this post yet, I guess I know what I’ll have to do. There we go, we’ve added…”Black Fragility” to the title, now send the AI algos to squash my traffic WordPress you biased clowns…B-O-O-H-O-O…honk honk honk…(fart noise)

Ugh, her stupid face is “bloody revolting,” as Jordan Peterson. might say. I love that expression, & have circulated it into my daily vocabulary as needed. Great example of a REAL author incidentally; Jordan Peterson is a fucking genius, absolutely brilliant, a modern-day sage, whereas this twatface above is a disgusting racist pig, yet somehow, Jordan is called the dreaded “R-word” for simply being white & not bending the knee to this faux notion that white people are to blame for the ills of the world. Hang on though, she looks white to me, what about you? Oh but she wrote a book called “White Fragility,” so she gets a pass I guess. She’s a total idiot, her book sucks a big bag of black cocks, her literary language is atrocious, yet somehow her word is the bird that gets to fly. I know, it makes no sense, but that’s how it goes when you make up the rules as you go, which is what liberals tend to do ad nauseam, which is truly nauseating.

Regardless, I’m gonna keep this one relatively short, & I left plenty of links for you to click, dear readers, at your own discretion. Calling me a “racist” is like farting in the wind; it just blows right by me, & I don’t acknowledge nor abide the indoctrinated buzzies that these race-pimps puke out all over the zeitgeist. There sure is a lot of programming expressing itself these days, isn’t there? Said programming is courtesy of these fake news hacks, pseudo-authors, university indoctrination agents, & if THAT is the collective entity that deems me to be a bigot of some kind, go right ahead. Like I said, I could care less & in fact, I care more about the dirty cigarette butts I just threw into the trash on my porch more than the brainwashed opinions of automatonic drones who can’t think for themselves. Regurgitate away ya clowns, & with any luck, hopefully I’ve hurt some of your butt-plugged butts illustrating these notions for all of you, & for none of you at all.

It’s okay to be white. More than okay in fact, it’s awesome, until you get blamed for every God-damned problem that has ever existed in the entire history of Planet Earth. Funny thing is, would any of you be here if not for white people? Would there be an internet to bitch about white people on? Would there be planes, trains, & automobiles here to get you to destinations you would not be able to reach otherwise, if not for us white folks? Would you be able to get treated for ailments with advanced medicine, again, if not for white people? I could go on, & on, & on, & on, I know it, & if you’re honest with yourself, you know it too. Not saying I want any credit as a white guy, but I AM saying that maybe you PoCs should be grateful for this country that was founded on the courage of white people who were brave enough to cross an ocean on giant sailboats, conquer a new land as has been done since the beginning of time, & build an empire like the USA, which has given back so much to the world. Music, movies, pop culture, & we ultimately did it together, allowing freedom for ALL, at the behest of ALL the races who came here & contributed together to make this country great. So much freedom that now PoCs complain about it, as if it would be better elsewhere, so then go, bye. If it’s so much better elsewhere, if this country is so colonially evil & racist, & whites suppress other races, why not leave? Try this nonsensical whining in another country, & see how far that gets you. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Until next time dear readers, I’ll say it again, it’s OKAY to be white, it always has been, & always will be. Deal with it, or kick rocks…I hear the southern border is wide open, so maybe cross it if you hate it here, & don’t come back. So sayeth FisH…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“It’s delightful being a white guy.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E4 February 4, 2023 Goats

“I am the GOAT, there are no other goats before me,” says Fish (audience applauds). In case you didn’t know, “GOAT” is an acronym for “Greatest of All Time,” & I’m just joking, as I am no GOAT, & am but a meager fish, an acronym-less fish, in fact. What could “fish” stand for? Maybe…”Fallen into Satan’s Hell,” would that work? Or perhaps, “Flo isn’t Saying Hello?” No? How about, “Fucking Insane, Seek Help?” I don’t know, those all just don’t work like the grand GOAT, the Great One, the Great-EST One to be exact, & how does One, become a Great One, the Greatest One of All Time? Beats me, I’m proverbial pond scum, the only thing I’m the greatest at is nothing, & you don’t even get a participation trophy for that oh-so-high pseudo-achievement I’ve successfully accomplished. See what I did there? “SUCCESS” -fully, as in NOT a success at all. Ah, personal deprecation, my only actual success. There’s most certainly nothing great about a life of self-disappointment. (Fart Noise) …moving on…

It must be a surreal feeling, at least in my imagination it is, but those who don that exceptionally rare moniker of “The GOAT,” already live a life of surreality, so to them, it’s just another day of feeling great, being great, because you’re so great, look at you, what a great guy, greatest of all time. Of “all time,” you say? Yep, ALL time, YOU, are the GREATEST, of ALL time. Well dang, ok then, thanks for the compliment, & all that comes along with my greatnesses. Everyone is going to give me everything from now on, too? That’s so GREAT. Are you eating here tonight sir, oh great one, will you be dining with us? Of course, the bill is on us, we’re simply honored you’d bestow your unending greatness upon our humble eatery, so do not concern yourself with the check. Really? Ok then, I’ll give the server a life-changing tip, how about that? Sound good? Wow, YOU sir, YOU are just great, what a great guy, greatest of all time. Oh drats, I spilled some of my $10000 free bottle of wine on one of my favorite shirts, this shirt woven with real gold in the collar, so my neck glows. This shirt was given to me by God himself, whatever will I do?

Oh look, there’s an unbelievably exaggerated store across the street, with a great big name on the sign, same great name platinum-stitched on the clothes available there, a name that makes them 10000x their actual value, the price on the price tag, but that doesn’t matter Great One. Let’s GO GO GO…beepity-bopity-beepity-bopbop, I bee-bop to the store, & proclaim, “I’ve ruined my shirt, can someone help me please?” (sounds of people scurrying about like rats to help) …oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we can fix this your greatness, oh Great One, no worries, how about this shirt? Or this one? Need new pants too? Let’s get you some fresh pants(more scurrying about)…there you go oh Great One, all spiffy & new, fresh clothes for you. Oh look, your helicopter has arrived to pick you up oh Great One, the Greatest of All Time, you Great GOAT(sound of helicopter landing)…& WOW, what a chopper she is, is that, could that be, a GOLDEN HELICOPTER?? Sure is, only the best for the GOAT, time to take off, let’s GO GO GO(people scurry their peasant asses out of your way)…& off you go, oh Great One.

Okay okay, I know, I know, I knnnnnnnnnowwwwwwwwww, that was rude, & crude, & I shouldn’t poke jealous fun at GOATs. It’s great to be great, did I just quote that? Surely, SOMEONE has thought that little quip up before, yes? “It’s great to be great,” hmmm, yeah I don’t know, & out of my own ignorance, I am going to enact my own utterly delusional self-sense of “greatness,” & pronounce myself the creator of that quote, how bout them apples? Who’s gonna stop me, the word police? I’m already wayyyyyyyy down at the end of D-wing in the digital gulag supermax, where all other thought criminals go, in my own solitary cell, with a little fish carved into a virtual wall. This is where those who are the “great” in their own right go, & of course in this case, I mean “great” as in “greatly” censored, “greatly” suppressed, “greatly” robbed of my created content, “greatly” exiled from the virtual town square, & I could go on & on, shedding my own skin, greatly, but fuck it, who cares? Who cares that our free speech has been systematically eroded to almost being null & void? Oh no, someone’s feewings got hurt due to “hate speech?” NOOOOOOOO…REEEEEEEEE…HONK HONK HONK…can’t have that, can we? B-O-O-H-O-O

Where are the real GOATs, the keepers of freedom, & truth, & the freedom to speak the truth, where are those GOATs? I’m yet to see anyone from this era estraña that could be considered a true GOAT, not even close really. Think about it…ALL TIME. Sure, there might be some people who have greatness, & they exude that greatness, but the “Greatest of All Time?”….meh, no, not in Clownworld, sorry not sorry, don’t blame me, blame the clowns, & their respective clown cars. They crashed the party, I wasn’t there, nope, & hell, I wasn’t even invited to the party, & surely have nothing to do with clowns, parties, GOATs, none of it. Just a wayward soul traveler that stumbled into this 3d clown town like a Twilight Zone episode, stopping at a one-waitered cafe I can never leave. Coffee, toast, a pen, some scraps of paper, & I’m stuck here until I write my way out, write my way right out of town. I don’t know, I don’t know if anyone was in this booth, at this cafe, in this town, before me, beef whore me, what has come before me? Could it be my circularity? Coming back around again to find me?

Look at that, right on time(class bell rings). Time to GO GO GO, now that the circle has come back around once again, round & round, looping loops, the GIF animation of days flying by, the circularity. Until next time, dear readers, remember this, “goats will eat anything, anything & everything.” Oh, & of course, coined right here in this article, “It’s great, to be great.” So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“It’s great, to be great.” ~Fish F Fish🎏 “

“Goats will eat anything, anything & everything.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Balloon

Well well well, what do we have here? Yet another distraction from the Biden family crime syndicate? Apparently there’s a “balloon” flying over the USA right now, & the Pentagon is reporting it’s a “Chinese spy ballon.” Also being reported, this alleged “Chinese spy balloon” can maneuver on its own, so it’s not really a balloon then, is it? More like a blimp, spying on the country, right now as I type this. The Pentagon, THE PENTAGON, just held a press conference stating they will NOT shoot it down because of the potential “debris field that could harm civilians.” WHAT A FUCKING JOKE? Are these idiots being serious with this right now? Derp, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head so much, the fake news mainstream media with their narratives, it’s all just so ridiculous. Look this way, while we do commit more nefariousness over here. One distraction after another. On & on & on, repeat. THEIR circularity, running circles around all of YOU.

Click to read more☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Here’s an idea you fucking pussies at the Pentaquiff: SHOOT IT DOWN, if it’s really a “Chinese spy balloon,” shoot that fucking thing down. They LITERALLY just admitted it’s an active spying apparatus, yet they let it fly, & then give that lame excuse about an imminently dangerous debris field? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE with this crap already. God damn, what the hell has happened to this country? I NEVER thought as a kid that I would be living in a communist country, but fuck me, that’s EXACTLY what this country is becoming, FAST too. Controlled state-run lying fake news media, tyrannical socialists in power positions everywhere, fucking food banks for fuck’s sake, out-of-control inflation, are we there yet? Seriously, what the fuck is going on, & why aren’t any “good” people in power positions doing anything to stop this? WHY?

Maybe because they’re ALL in the same club…left wing, right wing, one dirty bird, & they’re playing some kind of real-life, real-time Risk™in their quest for global domination. It’s almost as if, emphasis on “if,” but it’s almost as if behind the scenes, your masters are taking individual power for themselves & their respective dynasties. Maybe they know something none of you know? I don’t know, in case you foolishly assumed I’m an elitist shill of some sort, duh, nope, I wouldn’t be here doing this if I was. The CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, all these secretive alphabet agencies around the world, all weaponized foot soldiers for their new world order, & they can suck my giant fish balls, but I digress. FLASH..That’s IT maybe, maybe that’s the answer, I just had a thought; ALL of them know it’s coming, ALL of them know 85-90% of the global population is fucked, so they’re simply jockeying for their positions in the “next phase of human evolution,” via their “directed evolution,” THEIR words, not mine. It’s no wonder why they like kids so much, is it? Ugh, that’s a whole other article, titled, “Disgusting Pedo-Elites,” soon to come…

If you were in their “club,” & you had knowledge of some impending holocaust, where billions of people are eradicated so they can rule the planet with 500 million to a billion people left, what would be your move? All hand-selected mind you, & if you got a pass, so to speak, what would YOU do? Would you share that knowledge with the plebs, or would you be more focused on your upcoming new role in their new world? Kind of tough to speculate on from way down here. Nope, no pass for me, I checked my mailbox, just bills & debt collection notices, the usual. No golden ticket for this fish, but if any of you got one, let me know in the comments. I’d like to see a pic of one, if one actually exists. Wouldn’t that be hilarious, if they all got actual golden tickets, golden tickets for the new world order, wouldn’t that be the most bittersweetly hilarious thing to find out was true? Maybe even hidden in chocolate bars, oh my. Nah, but it’s funny to picture. They keep their secret close, as I think most of YOU would do as well, if you were in the club, would you not?

It’s a fickle predicament for some of them I’m sure, the anomalies, always anomalies, but for most of them, they take their secret to their last breath, because as far as I know, no one has ever come forward with strongly-evident proof that any of what I just wrote about is true. I don’t know, I just have a vivid imagination. If I ever DO get a golden ticket though, you all will be the first to know, with pics & a series of well-documented videos, & a strongly-worded illustration of how I got my ticket of course, & what having said ticket entails. All I care about is the damn TRUTH, is that so hard to find?…sheesh. I guess so, thanks to your globalist overlords. How about fuck them, & fuck their alphabet agencies, & fuck their new world order, FUCK YOU you sick fucks. Who are they to decide? Playing God isn’t a smart idea methinks, but again, what do I know? I’m looking up at the sky for balloons, they got me too…nooooooooo…(Fart Noise)…I don’t know, & I don’t care about the stupid balloon distraction. “Smile & look at the balloon,”…literally, & the people are looking. The real-time analogy is priceless, wow, what a world. Until next time, shhhhhhh…smile & look at the ballon they say, what about you?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

The Fooze: S1 E30 1/30/2023 Video Shenaniganery

That’s right, today we are going to discuss video shenanigans, particularly focusing on two viral vids, two that are VERY active in the current news cycle at this ever-so precarious moment in the zeitgeist. So much going on, right? Sheesh, but continuing on, which videos am I talking about? Oh wait, dang, there’s actually THREE of these video magic shows, going viral as I write this & you read it, if you’re reading this today of course, this ultra-frigid, next-to-last day of January, 2023. Fuckin’ frigid is fuckin’ right, good God it’s cold outside, like a literal freezer, except colder, as it’s going to dip down to oh………….negative 8ish or so tonight. Yay global warming…fucking idiots. So OVER the Clownworld nonsense, at every level, & I wish I could just wake up one day back in the natural timeline, the timeline that you, & me, were sucked out of, the night Trump WON the election. Don was clearly going to win, there were no doubts, but then when we all woke up the next morning, everything had changed. Don was losing, & the world felt…different, at least to me it did. Perhaps I sensed the timeline shift in my sleep, but could do nothing. Maybe that’s when you timeline-jump, during sleepy-snoozing time, I don’t know, I have no idea, & probably never will, unfortunately.

Let’s get to it, first video, & I’ll go from worst to best, or best to worst, however you wanna look at it. First up, the Paul Pelosi “hammer attack” video, taken straight from the ALLEGED body cam footage via the officers on scene. To start, wasn’t it reported that this all happened at around 2/230 AM?…yet the time on the body cam clearly reads “9:31,” which is also displayed in “standard time,” not in military time, like EVERY OTHER POLICE BODYCAM. It should display “21:31,” not “9:31,” but since this isn’t even the time they reported this event occurred, when I noticed, my spider senses went on high alert. Check it out below…

…this is just a still image above, but here’s the whole video, if you haven’t seen it yet…

They’ve had weeks & weeks to sort out this video, & by “sort out,” I mean “fake it,” as in a production, as in it’s NOT real police bodycam footage from that night. Why is that so hard to fathom for many of you? California is the land of productions, the land of scripts, & actors, & this took place in San Franshitsco at the Pelosi home, yes? Therefore why? Why would that not be a reasonable conclusion, based on the evidence here, why? Need more evidence? What about the cameras at the house? What about the security? Nancy “PissPants” Pelosi, at the time, was arguably the 3rd most powerful person in the country, since she was 3rd in line for the Presidency as Speaker of the House, so where were the secret service agents? Sure, she supposedly wasn’t home during this bizarre event, but her gay alcoholic husband was. Does he NOT get the same kind of secret service security that his faux-wife does? No? Yes? No? Who knows, but that sure seems odd, right? Listen to the poorly scripted dialogue as the cops initially walk up to the door…”I sure hope Paul isn’t home,” …derp, are they seriously going to assume people are SO dumb, that they’d buy this manufactured crapola? Oh wait, most are that dumb, & most do buy the lemon on the lot, unfortunately. You never see the hammer actually hit Paul, where’s the blood, & doesn’t that house seem a bit…basic, for lack of a better word. The Pelosi’s are multi-millionaires, & this is how the inside of their house looks? None of this adds up, it stinks of deception, & I for one, am SICK & TIRED of being lied to every fucking day by the fake news fakestream propaganda-peddling pseudo-media. This is one main reason why I do, what I do, so I guess I do-do, do-do tell the truth. I do-do my verbal juju, do this for all for you-you, that’s what I do, do-do for you-you. No lies & no poo-poo, everything I write is true-true, or maybe I’m a just cuckoo, but regardless, that’s what I do-do. Now let’s go to video number two-two.

The next one isn’t exactly a video, but rather, a series of clips. about Damar Hamlin, but this one literally just got squashed maybe. He’s the NFL player that collapsed from “cardiac arrest” allegedly about a month ago. There were…curious events, you could say, since then, as in some speculated that he actually died, & the person saying they were Damar, was actually NOT Damar, but a lookalike. However, in the last hour, he just released a video finally, where you can clearly see his face, & he’s thanking his fans & God for their support. Chalk this one up to debunked live in real-time I suppose…or is it? Note that his upload was ready to roll on all the major Fake News MSM networks, all within an hour. Hmmm, in HD too, clearly scripted, like he’s in a studio, he supposedly uploaded this video below…I don’t know, seems like a lot of over-production for a video he put up on social media. Make what you will of this one, it’s all a stage.

Finally, video 3, & this one might piss some people off, at my accord, for some reason…oh wait, it’s because I’m white, got it. Moving on, this is about the Tyre Nichols body cam footage they released the other day. Of course, liberal lunatics are blaming white people, again, even though it was FIVE, FIVE, count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BLACK police officers that beat Tyre to death. They’re crying, “SYSTEMATIC RACISM, SYSTEMATIC RACISM!!” …right on cue, their communist college professors chiming through their programmed little foot soldiers, it’s all so mental. I would argue that it’s “systematically racist,” to ALWAYS blame white people, is it not? I’m not dumb enough and/or brainwashed enough to dive head-first into the shallow end of the pool of Foucaultian master/slave power dynamics. I don’t take cues from degenerate pedophilic homosexuals with severe narcissism issues who push nonsense like “queer theory” into identity politics on the back of the civil rights movement. I see right through those Jedi mind tricks, although sadly most don’t, I haven’t a clue as to what I just referenced, but I digress. The point of this Fooze is video shenanigans, & there were some in these body cams I want to mention.

The main thing is this, the OUTRAGEOUS behavior of these FIVE BLACK COPS, who literally went straight-hood on this poor guy, to the point of getting Tyre’s head in place, like a football on a tee, then kicking him in the face, again, like a football being punted for the extra point, it was so brutal. Numerous sucker punches, it was tough to watch. If it hasn’t been for the camera on a civilian’s house, we might’ve never known the truth. Why? These cops were well-aware of who had the body cam on, when it was on or off, & acted accordingly, totally ignorant of the fact that the whole incident was captured on a civilian’s home camera. Whoops. Why whoops? As soon as they finished beating the bear-shit out of Tyre, they put on quite a show for the cop with the body cam. “He tried to take my gun,” was the worst of it, as they pseudo-cleverly repeated it, along with other phrases like, “he was driving crazy, into oncoming traffic,” which he wasn’t, but that would imply Tyre was very dangerous, & had tried to attack these FIVE CORRUPT BLACK POLICE OFFICERS, when he was not. It looked to me in fact, like he was scared for his own life, as it turned out he should have been, almost as if he knew these cops maybe?…I don’t know about that, just loosely speculating on the fly in real time, but the utter UN-professionalism from these FIVE BLACK COPS, was really disgusting. As ratchet as it gets, seriously, I couldn’t even understand some of what they were saying, they went so hood. I’ll link Part 1 of the body cams below, as this was the most detailed, but sadly, the most graphic of the footage I saw. Watch at your own peril, it’s on you from here to click below…

The fake news media has been producing narratives for decades now, so it’s certainly NOT just speculation to assume that relatively EVERYTHING broadcast out by them is NOT authentic. None of it. That’s my own notion, based on the Rocky Mountain range of evidence I have amassed over my decades-long search for truth. The great quest for truth, the ultimate truth, that is literally all I want in this surreal life, to find the God-damned truth, is that so hard? Why did God damn the truth in the first place, so we’d all spend our entire lives trying to find it again? So certain people in the most powerful of power positions could possess the real truth, while shitting out bread crumbs of truth to the masses, like jigsaw puzzle pieces, is that why you “damn” the truth God? Why though, why would YOU, damn the truth? I suppose you didn’t actually “say” that, did you God? I said it, man said it, speaking for YOU, so I guess YOU haven’t damned anything, because WE have, we’ve all damned ourselves. We just can’t admit it, so we blame YOU, “God did it…it’s HIS will,” but how the fuck do humans know anything about what a God wants? We think SO highly of ourselves, it’s atrocious, even me, look at me, damning truth in God’s name, although completely unintentionally, just came out as I wrote. Hopefully he knows I’m just an idiot human, & meant nothing by it(looks at the sky for lightning)…good old B-list comedy, surely God enjoys a cheap laugh at my own folly, I don’t know, I’m just wrapping this up babbling, & I forgot to shoutout the circularity for this Fooze…which is a bit vague this time, & twisted into this paragraph somehow…let’s see, fake videos in the beginning, fake videos at the end, the loop of broadcast narratives, scripts, productions, all acting, yes, oh TIMELINES…duh. Gotta just mention those timelines, jumping timelines, in our sleep maybe, when they turn on CERN maybe, totally not real at all maybe, I don’t know, but the circularity is complete. We’ve tiptoe-tapdanced around & around the bowl, circling down the flushing toilet of time, in THIS timeline, where the clowns cruise speed-limit free on rainbow highways, fake narratives are broadcast from Hollywood hellspawn. The serpent has found her own tail once again, & she eats it.

Until next time, remember that television is broadcast, broadcast programming, it’s right there in the words. Do hast clowns will.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Monday Madness


Numerous events are unfolding,

as these moments pass,

faster and faster,

and tomorrow,

January 26, 2015,

is looking to be an eventful day.

Before you read further,

note that I am no doomist,

I just see what I see,

like YOU see what YOU see.

Like critiquing a painting or something,

which isn’t plausible,


Which is semi-ironic,

because I am using no new GIFS and/or pics this post…



..hard to pick a place to begin…

…it’s like watching the board,

between moves when playing Risk.

…looking at the climate for the game…

How about the weather?…

First off,

a huge asteroid is flying by,

fairly close in space terms tomorrow,

but these things always disappoint,

yet one never knows.

Something has to happen at some point, right?

Maybe a chunk will fly off,

and make some pretty fireworks.


a reportedly “historic” blizzard,

is about to hit the Northeast US tomorrow afternoon.

Those are just some weather things happening,

of course there’s a lot more,

just really summing up the potential future here…

…look into it more on your time,

especially world weather extremes…

…you’d be surprised by what’s going on around the world that one doesn’t see…

…via the MSM fake news.

We have cyber-threat fear porn being hyped by said MSM,

that’s going to get more attention,

thus more attempts at free internet crackdown.

Fake beheadings, fake cyber attacks, fake terrorism,

all driving their ever-exposing-itself agenda,

so what do YOU think they might do about this?

They aren’t dumb, 

they may be soulless scum,

but they’ve had this power for a long time,

and they will not let it go lightly.

So while they keep orchestrating this global conflict,

to cull the herd,


while they hide safely underground,

might want to integrate this becoming-clearly-obvious fact

into your not-so-distant future life plan.

Is it so difficult to see this all on the horizon?

Instigating Russia in the Ukraine,

because Putin won’t comply,

but it’s a game to them,

like the aforementioned Risk

…but to YOU…

“War on terror, War on terror,”

with many players…

…all making simultaneous moves…

…they PLAY, and you PRAY, get it?…

…US, Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Greece, Yemen,

on and on and on,

left, right, black, white, christian, jew, islam, 


in your face,

all day,

program after program after program after program…

…when does it end?…

2 PLUS 2 is NOT 5…

…yet this propaganda machine, goes back and forth and around again,

fake scripted conflicting dualistic versions of reality,

trying to keep everyone spinning,

while they go through with their global agenda…



one comes to a point,

when they have read enough,

researched enough,

remembered enough,

and know well-enough that they have been deceived their whole lives,

one just wants to rise above it…

…over the mass delusion,

because their version of Risk sucks, 

so why would YOU play their game?

The unfolding drama here in this dimension,

is like a game of shadows and echoes,

for prisoners in the Cave.

They love it,

and it’s fake.

They play with their balls and their toys,

again, FAKE,



Not interesting,

in fact,

it’s boring,

and illusory,

like I said, not real,

worse then a pointless children’s game,

so why give your energy to that?…

…rather then…

see what lies OUTSIDE the Cave,

to see what the real world is…

…but how does one get there and stay there above?

So many choose to stay below,

so stay below,

Enjoy YOUR trip,

but for some…

…once they’ve grown tired of descending and ascending and descending and ascending,

at it becomes clear that no matter what one does,

the damned prisoners can only free themselves,

and what one does to help is relatively irrelevant,

then where does one go?

So this week is going to be something,

but what?

What indeed dear readers,

we shall see…

Don’t be afraid,

have courage.

The future is now…

…more to come…

…love to all…

Mohammed GIF Animation


Uh oh, 

have I offended over a billion people with the GIF above?

Not going to write much here,

because I choose to offer as LITTLE of MY energy as possible,

to this bizarre islamic decree that the image of their prophet is FORBIDDEN to be seen.

Forbidden… really?..

How about…


…for making such a decree against a society trying to regain its sense of free will…

I was going to post a link as to the reason why they forbid this,

but YOU can look it up for YOU,

if YOU really want to.

I could care less, but if these extremist maniacs, 

and/or someone wanting YOU to think that is what they are/were

…chooses to kill people because they publish images of mohammed in their newspaper,

well guess what?…


YOUR pseudo-prophet mohammed ABOVE OFFENSIVE,




This is 2015, yet most are at the precipice of the darkest age yet,

and over a billion people offer their energy and soul-dogma,

to this prehistoric “religion” of peace called islam.




All of YOU still stuck into the paradigm of god-fearing religious institutions…

…wasting their lives and our air, 

bumbling and stumbling on the wrongest of roads,

thinking they are right, and right-eous,

but I wonder where their God is to help?

Why would God help them?

If they can’t help themselves,

why is the burden on a God to help a person find themselves?


All just sheep playing into the hands of the masters that control them,


and YOU,

if YOU let them, well they control YOU too.

Enough for now,

I gave this a few hundred words…

mohammed‘s image isn’t even that interesting…


…what’s all the God-damned fuss about?

Looks like a million old reliefs of persons from the ancient world…

..so what?


…shaking my head…

…it’s more than just an smh this time,

as the insane asylum continues to grow more mad,

even nuttier events are en route.


…more to come,

YOU can bet on that.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

The Interview





The latest GIF creation after I free streamed The Interview last night.

Which anyone who knows how to turn a computer on should know how to get movies by either free stream and/or bit torrents.

It’s not rocket science…


Moving on…

Not a bad movie, but what’s all the damn fuss about?…


So much media driven fear porn…

…threats of massive hack attacks as well as actual attacks on theaters that aired the movie.

Such a fucking joke, over a harmless film,

…and the masses eat it up…

Yet another scripted MSM propagated act to make the sheeple more and more afraid of their own shadows…

…shadows and echoes…

Hiding in your caves…

How many times must we go over this?…

The illusion is just that…


I have linked the Allegory of the Cave so many times…

my oh my oh my…

Not going to digress into all that now, just catching up briefly…

Lots going on,

if I get going, I could write over 50000 words easily on the supposed and reported,

and continuing craziness,

going on around this spiraling world…

MUCH more coming, you will see,

but above all,


Be brave.

Let go of fear, of what you fear to lose.


Part of the illusion is separation,

but nothing is ever really separate.

So what is there to fear, what is there to be sad about?

Angry about?

Depressed about?

Let go of your ego self.

Now, the time is NOW. 

The Now is the most important time EVER.

Do YOU realize where YOU are, what YOU are going through?

What IS coming?…


YOU are so much more than YOU know. 


Keep those wide eyes open.

More to come.

Love to all.

Order out of Chaos


We are seemingly at some great tipping point, are we not?

Such tensions around the globe. Such tensions right here in the once mighty USSA, now clearly being led by a pseudo-fascist puppet dictator that is going full steam ahead with what appears to be his own agenda, but is really the agenda of the shadowy masters behind the scenes. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, divide and conquer. Order out of chaos, right there on the dollar bill, which is getting more and more worthless by the day. 5 million people, and those are just the manipulated numbers offered to the public, but let me say again… 5 MILLION people, who aren’t exactly being given citizenship, yet can somehow still vote and get free aid/benefits, more so than actual citizens to some extent. Keep in mind, these supposed 5 million people are here ILLEGALLY, but you know what their rationale is?… that they were here first, and those who actually fought and won the territory came here and took it from them. What they are failing to grasp is THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WAS THEN. How do you think the world became divided into countries? PEOPLE FOUGHT FOR THEM. Not exactly how it works today, but back then, that is just how it was.

There is no changing it, deal with it…

You present this argument to those who are for amnesty though, and you get deemed a racist, blows the mind…


Der Fuhrer Obama is being sued over the Obamacare deception, coincidentally the day right after Obama issues his executive order for immigration reform. These guys think they are so clever with their magic tricks and double speak and orchestrations, bunch of old guys exponentially getting out of touch with a quickly evolving and awakening society, yet are hell-bent on continuing with their agenda, but I digress. As much as this semi-humble narrator doesn’t like to utter the phrase “I told you so,” did I not REPEAT and REPEAT and REPEAT over and over and over again NOT to sign up for that bullshit? Now there has been documented and released evidence showing that the planners of Obamacare exaggerated the numbers which led to it getting passed. Remember when they publicly stated they needed a certain amount of registrations, and they got it right at the last minute, literally?… ALL LIES, LIES, LIES, and DECEPTION. A big joke on all of YOU, the American public, but it’s not very fucking funny, is it? This guy Obama, and his regime, and the globalist pig scum running this show are psychopaths, and psychopaths have no soul, hence why they feel they can openly be dishonest and deceptive to billions of people to further their own selfish interests. They have taken the power afforded them and turned to the dark side essentially… en masse.

Only going to get more dramatic as the wheel of time spins faster and faster toward an unknown future…


On to Ferguson…

When this cop Darren Wilson is NOT indicted over the killing of Michael Brown, it will be used as a catalyst, particularly by the media, to fuel tensions between races. It should incite justifiable tension between the encroaching police state and the people, but that isn’t how this psy-op has been orchestrated, and this cop isn’t guilty. Right now the puppet masters are determining the severity of the outcome of Darren Wilson’s indictment, or un-indictment. If they think it will NOT cause enough friction, they WILL indict him, only to find him NOT guilty later, after the pot really gets boiling. The thing is, the evidence points to Officer Wilson doing nothing more than defending himself, so he should NOT be indicted for anything. Michael Brown was recorded on camera strong-arm robbing a convenience store. Darren Wilson responds, as cops do when they are called to a crime scene. Michael Brown rushes him and goes for his gun, Wilson shoots and kills him. As I said, the evidence is consistent, the wounds are consistent, Brown DEFINITELY did NOT have his damn hands up, like they keep trying to insinuate., he was trying to kill Wilson. What would YOU do if YOU had a gun and someone was trying to take it and kill YOU? Now I was not there, so this is only speculation based on the evidence I have uncovered being leaked over the web in conjunction with what is being broadcast via the MSM. However, the fact remains that they ARE already saying it appears they will favor NON indictment, so that should prove interesting after that decision gets declared,…

tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…


ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, it just gets more bizarre by the day. At least they seem to have settled on the term “ISIS” now instead of changing it every other news article to “ISIL and/or “IS.” Media tricksters always trying to confuse a slowly awakening humanity.

I will put a link here that I must warn you is VERY GRAPHIC, but in my opinion, and the opinions of some of my video producer friends, FAKE:



FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, staged, scripted, orchestrated, produced, YES, a production, just like what gets created for your television entertainment, only being used to convey fear and brutality and horror. Any of you who know anything about making videos, even if you only know how to use Photoshop, can clearly see that there are several things that do not add up in these videos recently released by ISIS showing first, Peter Kassig, well his apparent head,  post-execution…


Looks terrible, right? What you cannot see in this still image is that this scene gets cut into a top and bottom portion. While “Jihadi John” talks, we don’t see Kassig’s head, when it pans down, it changes to a still frame, up he talks, down, when you can’t see him talk, it’s a still image. Speaking of still images, notice the image behind him has no movement? It’s another still pic, because he’s in from of a green screen. Yes, an obvious green screen. It get’s worse…


The second video in the link shows live beheadings of a group of captured soldiers. Okay now this video really exemplifies what I mean when I say produced. The first thing you may notice is multiple high-quality cameras, being set up in very creative locations to get numerous shot angles. You may notice the speed manipulations, faster and slower, coordinated to changes in keyframes and sound/music. Someone/s took a lot of their time editing, timing, shooting, ORCHESTRATING this production. The actual moment when they cut off the heads, although seemingly appearing very barbaric, is YES, also FAKE. This is where you can see the skill level of the producers show. They are/were good, but they aren’t good enough to completely hide the masking around the guys heads being cut off. Look closely at the blood coming out of the first(main) guy’s neck… it has either a cartoon effect added, or they used the wrong “blood effect” via green screens. Some of these terms I am/have used…i.e. keyframes, masking, etc… can all be Googled if you aren’t familiar. You don’t have to be a video producer to know what those things are and how they are used to create special effects. Furthermore, all of this can be done on a laptop with the right software, but you can be the judge…

…or if you can’t stomach the living truths of the world around you, feel free to change the channel.

The 1000 word threshold has been crossed and then some today, so now we must leave you…

By the way, watch out for the distractions…


And what ever happened to Ebola?… Hmmmm… maybe Bill Cosby knows…

until next time… 

Love to all.