I Didn’t Know Versions 1 & 2: 🕰️💔🎣 #aiart

Click HERE or the video above to watch version 2

Scarlet Fields


Golden Age


Click HERE or the video above to watch.

Lunar Wave

ATTENTION: …if you’ve never seen the infamous Lunar Wave, take a look at the video below. I have no idea what causes this, and/or, if it’s even real or not, but apparently it lends creedence to the “moon is a hologram” theory. Like I said, I don’t believe, nor disbelieve this is real, I’m just aware of it, find it fascinating, so I thought I’d share a video of this unusual phenomenon for you, dear readers, considering it’s the Full Flower Moon tonight. Big Moon, isn’t it? Is it me, or does the Moon seem to be getting bigger? Probably just me, but if it was getting bigger, which would imply that it’s getting closer, would the powers-that-be tell us? If we were in imminent danger from the Moon getting closer to the Earth, do you honestly believe that your masters would inform you of such a precarious scenario? Or would they save their own asses & let us peasants who have no clue fend for ourselves? Food for thought, or food for the garbage, I could care less, as I’m just a messenger I guess, & if you don’t know the answer to my somewhat-facetious question, kick rocks & go read the Berenstain Bears or something similarly juvenile. Fuckin hell, it’s so frustrating to have the knowledge that 100% of you should have, but 99.99% of you don’t. Not like I even have to dive that deep, but since most of you are still flopping around in water-wings in this figurative pool I’m attempting to illustrate, I gotta play in the shallow end, or not play at all. Should I even keep playing? I don’t know, doesn’t matter, & I have no idea why I’m even swimming, do you? Is it for this, THIS? Wunderbar. If so, let me know, but know your opinion will mean nothing other than pander to my own self-amusement at the jackass in the mirror. Nonetheless, until next time dear readers, watch the video below, & always keep one eye wide open, watching out for the incoming waves. So sayeth FisH™…

Click HERE and/or the video above to watch

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“Always keep one open, watching out for incoming rogue waves.” Fish F Fish

The Fooze: S5E1 5/1/2023 The Hours Come

Before I begin, cheers to you dear readers, for reading these daily Foozers for four, that’s FOUR, four straight months; each & every day of those four months, I’ve made sure you all have something new to read for the day. EVERY day of 2023 thus far, yours truly has diligently delivered with my daily diatribes…EVERY SINGLE DAY. Of course, the celebration will be much more dynamic when we hit a year, but we’ve made it a third of the way there, which isn’t too shabby, & what do we do fam when we’re two-thirds of the way away still? We keep going, we push on through, breaking on through, to the other side, the other side where I have a year’s worth of accomplished & published writings, & you have completed your journey as well, reading along with me as I write, one can only hope. 365 days, it’s not so long unless you’re in the middle of living it, but regardless, we’ve eaten a third of my pie, so let’s spend the rest of the year eating the rest of this fish pie. Sounds tasty, right? Fish pie?👨🏻‍🍳👌🏻🍣🥧

Click HERE or the video above to watch

Great song, great video, great band; yet another band from that clan of bands that resurrected a short-lived era of neo-wave musical magic before said magic, was all utterly devoured by idiots like Cardi B, Sam Smith, that pig Lizzo, & the rest of those parasitic UNDER-talented, OVER-paid posers, that have no actual talent, but fit the scripted narrative of the day, so they live like royalty regardless. I picked the most extreme examples, but you get my point, yes? No, those times were a figurative finish line methinks; it was a different era, as I implied earlier, & the end of a greater era arguably, the Great Era of American Songwriting, & that last breath was possibly the death throws, the last era to be defined in such a qualitative manner I fear, a time when people actually were famous via their talents, not because it was artificially trendy to amplify their disrespectingly revolting personas. Let’s name a few select bands from this unique era: Future Islands, Motorama, Neon Indian, LCD Soundsystem, The Drums, & of course, the band above, Metronomy. There are several more of course, & it would take me awhile to name them, & although most, if not all of them, still perform, the feeling has changed, hasn’t it? Changed entirely, in the music scene, the film/tv production scene, but you know where it has NOT changed, at least not entirely?

The comedy scene, not entirely, because as you’ve seen, if you’ve kept up with the zeitgeist, there were a few comics that publicly bent the knee, & where are they now? NOT working, for the most part, THAT is where those twats are, but everyone else in the entertainment industry who went unapologetically woke, is doing great, for now. One slip-up though, & it’s over, since we know that the lunatic left loves to lunch of their own larping losers. Big pseudo-thanks to cancel culture for that. They will cancel themselves if need be, according to them anyway, if that tells you anything about how abysmally insane they are in that group of gutless goons. Yep, between the Covaids scamedemic, & the purging of persons who have been deemed as thought criminals by the cancel culture mob, including their own, as I mentioned, the public vibe of community & togetherness is gone, & also like I said earlier, unfortunately, I fear that that vibe, so to speak, is never going to return.

Anyway, there is really no point to this, I just felt like writing about something, anything really. I shared a video for a fun little song, called “She Wants,” because I was thinking about a girl, & she wants everything, but isn’t going to get a damn thing, not from my black ass anyway, but I guess, since that’s the name of the song, maybe I’ll write about something relatable, I don’t know. Lyrics might help. Let’s see…another song about…love maybe, yes, let’s look at these lyrics together & see:

🍥She Wants🍥

[Verse 1]
She sleeps so soft, so soft I tread
Arranging papers around the bed
And if she’s dreaming deep tonight
I lie with her by reading light
A glass of water by her side
And gone are hopes of getting tired

I call the shots ’til you wake up
Count every second on every clock
It’s getting late, and that I know
The hours come, the hours go

[Verse 2]
Them twitching legs, them twitching arms
And there you’re lying, your make-up on
And girl, if you’re dreaming deep tonight
I’ll lie with you by reading light
A glass of water by your side
And gone are hopes of getting tired

I call the shots ’til you wake up
Count every second on every clock
It’s getting late, yeah that I know
The hours come, the hours come

The hours come, the hours come
The hours come, the hours come
The hours come, the hours come
The hours come, the hours come

…another song about…yet another unappreciative girl that takes life for granted? Maybe that’s what he meant? I don’t know, & it’s often difficult to definitively interpret lyrics written by quality songwriters. I mean, most of the time, you get the gist, but often, the meaning of a song, and/or a performance in general, is highly interpretive. This song, in particular, isn’t really illustrating much, is it? It would therefore, be difficult to interpret, wouldn’t it? Imagine that, the words of a song, or lack thereof, makes understanding more difficult, the same as in actual conversations. Depending on the accompanying music though, this works sometimes, & sometimes it doesn’t, just like it depends on the accompanying person in the conversational scenario. That’s the name of the game, & the name of the analogy that just spawned itself into manifestation. Connecting these analogous dots, some “artists,” get lucky with limited lyrics, & some do not. “Artists,” is in quotes, as you can see, & I bet you’d like to know why, yes?

It’s in quotes because even if you think you’re an artist, & even if you think you make “art,” you believe oh so hard that your “art” matters, but what makes you a real artist? You do it because you bleed it, that’s the answer. Money, life, people, nothing means anything, everything means nothing, when compared to your art, but simultaneously, it means everything, anything & everything, since your LIFE, is the basis for your art, as it were, in one way or another, but I digress. Nope, not everyone can be an artist. Sorry not sorry, it’s just a fact of life that you have to deal with, just like there’s just 2, & ONLY TWO, genders. There’s only TWO, no less, & certainly, no more. deal with it, just like not everyone can be an artist. “There’s too many artists, & not enough magicians,” from a lyricist you’ve probably never heard of, an old friend of mine named Sam. Nonetheless, he was right, WAYYYYY before his time. He was always one step ahead of the game, & by game, I’m referring to The Great Mouse Trap, of course. Yep, he saw the golden ticket, took it when he had the chance, worked his ass off, & now he’s living a life most only dream about. It’s amazing really, we both went from broke college students 20 years ago, to him going the distance, & me going nowhere, but like I said, at one time, we were in the same sad boat. Some people make to out of the trap, albeit very few, but some do, & at least, at the very least for my sorry self, I knew one or two before my time ended. I didn’t even really know them all, per se, but our circles crossed, you might say, if only for a relatively brief moment in time. Seems like a dream, my entire youth now, seems like a dream, like I wasn’t even there, but only watching, witnessing myself being young, it’s all so surreal now, reflecting back, & maybe that’s what all this adds up to in the end, just another dream.

Obviously, I have no idea, & I’m just thinking out loud as I type this up with no direction. Nope, the compass has just aimlessly spun in a circle this whole time, from the start of this random article, to the upcoming final word, followed closely by the final punctuation. Let’s go ahead & wrap this one up now, shall we? What did I write, what did I write?…ohhhhhhh let’s see what I spit out onto this digital notepad this round. Interesting, but whoops, already see a grammatical error that needs to be fixed. As a writer, you must, MUST, proofread your work. Wait until the article is done of course, then add your tags & categories, but before you add your illustrations, that’s when you proofread. That’s when I do my proofreading at least, & the reason I do it before I add my animations, is because the animations take up valuable space, & thus, they slow down the performance of the computer when I’m finishing up whatever article happens to be being composed at the time.

Okay, enough is enough…is enough. There will be another topic, another time, but for now, the time has come to wrap these up, & turn the main dish here, into fridge-bound leftovers. Maybe you’ll eat it, maybe you won’t, but hopefully you will, & share my fresh fish that I catch, clean, cut up, then iron chef serve up for you, with your friends and/or families. Do hast thou will, one reader or a million readers, means little to me. I’m so shadowbanned, that none of these countless hours of work I use up to compose these for you, means nothing. I don’t get paid, I cannot market myself, I can’t do a fucking thing really, not with all the restrictions I have. ALL across the ENTIRE Internet too, not just “The Big 4,” & definitely NOT just here, it’s the ENTIRE internet. The AI has me, has me dangling out of its pocket, much like a prison bitch might have to do. Just walk around all day holding the AI’s pocket, with ZERO ability to do anything else. I know, the analogy is disconcerting, to say the least, oh I know fo sho. Anyway, fuck it. I’m tired of talking about my exiling, & even more, I’m tired of living it. If THIS, this, is the highlight of the rest of my life, where’s the exit ramp? I’m done driving on this highway if there’s nothing more to see on the road I’m on. Until next time dear readers, if the road has become impassable, take the exit ramp & get off of it. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…

“When you can no longer drive on the road, take the exit ramp.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E3 3/3/2023 The Earworm Conundrum

☝🏻Click HERE to watch video☝🏻

Ever had an earworm? I have them constantly, emphasis on “CONSTANTLY,” as in there’s ALWAYS some random song playing in my head, & I never know what it might be. Currently, it’s this song above, which is a great song, don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of Christopher Cross, but once the loop has looped a few hundred times, it gets a bit…tedious you could say. At least I like this song, it’s the eagworms of songs you can’t stand that actually becomes frustrating once it’s gone around 1000 times on the mental jukebox. Looking right at you Taylor Swift. Her songs stick like glue for some reason I’m not aware of, or am I?

I have this running theory of sorts, & keep in mind, this is only a theory, MY theory, & my theory alone. Not saying this is true, or untrue, I am simply going to articulate my theory for you all, dear readers, with no presuppositions as to how real or unreal it is. Get it? Got it? Great, thanks for playing. Okay, are you ready, ready to hear my theory? This isn’t just off-the-cuff either, others are aware of this theory of mine, so I am not alone in with these speculations, but honestly, either no one else cares and/or no one knows enough to bother diving deeper into this particularly puzzling piece of the big pizza pie. What am I talking about already, & what is this theory for fuck’s sake?

My theory is this: Certain frequencies actually “stick” in your head, that’s right, if your ears receive specific frequencies, your brain has no choice but to process them, over & over, & music producers not only know about this, they’ve KNOWN about this, for decades, & I bet if you use your noodle, you can guess what they know, yes? By being aware of this knowledge, & utilizing it in the music they produce, they can sell more of said music, by programming the music to “stick” in people’s heads, subconsciously nearly “forcing” them, if you will, to buy the music that keeps looping in their minds, whether it’s garbage music or not. Sounds crazy, right? Not so much though when you factor in the notion that we are all constantly surrounded by EMF waves all day. What are EMF waves? They’re essentially information waves, at least in the way that they apply to this discussion, & they move through you & around you, all day, every day, 24/7. For the most part, you don’t even notice, as there is no real noticeable effect, or is there?

Perhaps there IS a noticeable effect, only you don’t notice, because it’s affecting everyone, could that be what’s happening to everyone? From earworms to depression to schizophrenia, perhaps these afflictions could ALL be the result of the endless bombardment of these EMF waves, bombing all of us nonstop, causing unprecedented medical conditions, maybe that’s the answer. I don’t know, as I am no EMF specialist, nor any kind of physicist, nor a scientist, so I admittingly have ZERO to offer you all as far as factually tested evidence for any of this. However, what I CAN offer you all, dear readers, is my own ability to critically think & rationalize potential outcomes based on probabilities. If these music producers and/or artists knew this, would they tell you? If Big Pharma had this information, upon making countless BILLIONS of dollars selling all of you “anti-depressants,” would they tell you? What answer comes to mind for you individually? If that answer is anything other than an affirmative “NO,” you might want to rethink your own thinking, but what do I know?

THAT answer is “nothing,” for I don’t know anything about anything, do I? Nope, this silly little fish is just a crazy “conspiracy theorist” with an almost prefect accuracy rate, but nope, I don’t have a clue about a damn thing, do I? Maybe not, bit nonetheless, I’m here to expose TRUTH, as much as I can, & more if possible. That’s all I do & that’s all I can do, dear readers, so until next time, think about what you’re listening to, for it could be listening to you. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Whatever you’re listening to, might be listening to you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Cure for Writer’s Block

WordPress offers these daily writing prompts to encourage writers to write, particularly those who are experiencing the dreaded “writer’s block.” I don’t actually have that problem, as I have discovered the cure for this unnecessary affliction. Wait, did he say, “unnecessary?” I sure did, but hang on, how is it “unnecessary” exactly? It’s actually really simple. No one ever told me this directly either, I just kind of figured it out on my own. Before I honor the prompt above, for poops & laughs, I’m going to tell you this “cure” if you’re having difficulties with your writing. It’s so simply genius, I think it goes over many writers’ heads who are stuck in the predicament of not knowing what to write about. Ready? The “cure” is this: WRITE. Just write down your thoughts, it’s so easy. Are you thinking about not being able to write? WRITE THAT DOWN.

Here’s an example: “I cannot write right now, & I do not know why. Maybe there’s something bothering me. What is bothering me? Why am I having such difficulty thinking of something to write about? What am I thinking about? I can’t stop thinking, maybe I think too much. What are thoughts exactly? Where are these thoughts coming from? Are thoughts manifesting via my own free will, or am I channeling them from somewhere else?” That’s just a string of thoughts I had while I was thinking about what I’d be thinking about if I were you, & I was struggling on the block. See how easy that is?

You just go from there. Easiest “cure” there is. I could obviously just keep running with that thought-train, which would turn into a paragraph, then a few paragraphs, then before you know it, I’m proofreading a 5-page diatribe about where my thoughts come from. Easy as a bag of peas. If you can’t write, write about not being able to write, then go from there. Give it a try…look at that, it’s a miracle, I’ve “cured” your writer’s block, digitally. You didn’t even need to make an appointment to schedule a visit to my clinic either, all “cured” in a few short paragraphs. I should charge money for this miracle “cure,” but nope, I happily offer my trick to all of you, free of charge dear reader. I know, I know, I used to have issues coming up with things to write about. Writing prompts, like the one up top there, didn’t help much either. They’re too generic, but…there is someone who gives writing prompts that GREATLY helped me out. Would you like to know who that person was?

The one & only, Dr. Jordan Peterson. He has an online course entitled, “Self-Authoring,” & although I am still completing the course, the benefits are already well-apparent. It’s actually quite remarkable, he asks a series of questions, then based on your answers, various writing prompts come up. These prompts, & the initial questions, are all biographical in nature, so when you get to the prompts, you are essentially going to be writing about yourself, & your past. I can’t explain how it works, it’s kind of magical, but as you complete these prompts, & get your baggage out of your head, & onto a visual medium that you can read back to yourself, somehow that “clears” up these shadows that have been following you your entire life, prior to illustrating them on digital paper. He’s brilliant, & I got the course as a Christmas present, which was exciting, for me it was at least. I got to work on it immediately, & as soon as I finished the first prompt, I noticed an overwhelmingly fresh sense of…”relief,” you could say. Yes, I was quite relieved, but why?

Writing things down isn’t just “writing things down,” there’s an energy to it. Once you write something down, it has become manifest, as if it’s its own living entity, birthed by you, but impregnated by the Universe, or by wherever thoughts arise from. Why do you think it’s called “spelling?” You’re casting spells, when you speak aloud, & when you write things down, you’re spelling, then broadcasting your spells out to the world. It’s as if it’s exposing itself right in front of you, & you’re not seeing it, until you really SEE it, like right now, after I just explained “spelling” to you. It’s all in the words, in the shared language, right there, as obvious as it can be, right in front of your faces, yet most people miss it, & sadly keep speak-and-spelling out loud, without thinking first. Mindfulness, the idea of being well-aware of yourself & your surroundings at all times, is CRUCIAL, once you’re aware of the aforementioned “magic” of well-worded wordery. One can’t just be spelling haphazardly, you can’t just speak aloud, without knowing what you’re saying, because all you’re doing is casting chaos into the world.

Kind of explains why things are so insane these days, doesn’t it? Chaos magic via chaotic use of language, via the chaotic televised programming, then trickling down into an evermore chaotic zeitgeist, infecting the spirit flow, like a parasitic cancer. Oh yes, there’s most certainly a dark/light magic aspect to this spelling I’m discussing. People caught up in whining about “hate speech,” when there’s no such thing. They get focused on a corner of the painting, just a small corner view, then assume the entire painting is the same as that exposed corner. Their misuse of the language is an example of chaos magic. It makes no sense, hence it’s “chaotic,” but they ignorantly keep spelling it out into the world anyway. Chaos is darkness, disorder, very UN-natural, but so is the world these days, is it not? There’s so much to do with “chaos,” that one so inclined can write about, so it puzzles me how so many writers get stuck on the block, & can’t get off. Good thing I’m here then, yes? To digitally smack your ass off the block, with only benevolent intention though, to help YOU help yourself. I can help you as far as writing anyway, just remember the “cure,”…when you can’t write, write about not being able to write. Write down every thought, ALL of it, just write it ALL down, then go from there. Feel better, dear reader?

Look at that, my oh my, I just love how I seem to always find the beginning in the end of these articles I compose. Like I’ve repeated to you all before countless times, “I do not know what I have written, until I have written it.” I just plug in & GO GO GO. Once I complete the loop after finding my respective circularity, the beginning at the end, I go back, & proofread what I have created, only to fix grammatical errors & the occasionally mis-worded sentence. Then I add tags & categories, followed soon by the belovedly sought-out “publishing time.” It’s weird, I admit, I don’t know what I’m doing exactly, I only know that I AM, in fact, DOING it, doing this, whatever this is. What IS writing? What is THIS? Well, I just explained that above, answering my own question, didn’t I? Duh…on me, I suppose I’ll shake my head at myself there, I do that sometimes, but I digress, & it’s time to wrap this random article up. Didn’t even get to the suggested “writing prompt” from WordPress at the top up there. Double duh…to the moron in the mirror this morning. Oh well, maybe next time.

I think the real-time example of how to overcome “writer’s block,” in addition to actually explaining to you, dear reader, how to “cure” said writer’s block, is worth much more than me describing to you how my thoughts on “death,” change my perspective on “life.” However, & I’ll give WordPress credit, that’s not a bad writing prompt at all, not too generic. I was being over-critical hen I said that earlier, it’s really not a bad prompt. One could go in many different directions writing about that specific prompt, so maybe I’ll keep it in the vault for a future article. We’ll see. Until next time, “when you’re stuck on the block, just write about the block, until something comes along to smack you off the block.” So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When you’re stuck on the block, just write about the block, until something comes along to smack you off the block.” ~Fish F Fish🎣

“I do not know what I have written, until I write it down.” ~Fish F Fish🎣

Black Swan Event


If you aren’t familiar with what the title means,

maybe YOU should CLICK HERE>>> http://blackswanevents.org

Wary YOU may want to be,

the Ides of March and the following week…


More to come.

Love to all.