The Fooze: S2 E23 2/23/2023 Jellatinous Portal


Hail to Jellatinous Portal. No, not a band name, albeit a crafty one; it’s the literal wordery here, in where my trickerosity lies. Tis’ in the initialization, JP, that’s the initials of, what I believe to be, one of our modern-day, legendary-status living pop culture “icons,” if I may be so bold. I can’t think of anyone else, to be frank, who can hold a candle to this amazingly unique individual. He gives so much, so much to the world, so much to YOU, he’s given much to me. Regardless of that, some people actually want this guy stripped of his credentials, & forced to be “re-educated,” whatever the fuck that means. It’s such a joke, this plasticized world of arrested-development children, in power positions, making rules for those they deem as “beneath them,” & thus, must apparently now be “forced,” to assimilate, or be destroyed. This isn’t hyperbolic, or exaggerated, or fictionalized, in any way, what I’m talking about is very real, unfortunately, & despite the long-game-slow-kill efforts of these elitist pigs, PIGS, just like the book Animal Farm, where the pigs are in charge, well what a coincidence…power-hungry pigs rule this 3d matrix too, according to them anyway, & seemingly according to most of you, who follow these pigs, & abide the dominion of said pigs. Why do you listen to pigs? Why do you pay extortion taxes, to pigs? Why do you let these pigs live in castles, like royalty, while you live in the gutter? Why do we keep letting these ruthlessly sinister porky-pigs, who worship avatars of chaos & destruction, & create chaos & destruction to appease their pseudo-god, why do we keep letting them even be? Imagine a world with no pigs, no pigs at all, minus the ones we eat, because I like eating pigs, with a delightful barbecue sauce, not let them shape my destiny from their high towers.

Who is this JP? Well, if you haven’t put it together yet, I’ll give you a hint…it surely must be that dastardly straight white family man from Canada, the alt-right white supreme pizza, that figurehead of the modern-day neo-Nazi, but where is a safespace? RED ALERT, RED ALERT, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…honk honk honk honk honk, there’s a REEEEEEEEEEEEE-cist showing up in the article, oh my oh my, whatever will we do? Derp, get back to Starbucks ya rainbow-haired gamma gophers. You hold no place here, now back to your soy lattes, double the soy. See ya. Now that the clown car has taken the express ramp off of a cliff hopefully, who am I talking about already? Don dada donnnnnnn…could it be? Can I be? Would I dare? How dare you Fish, you failed fool, how dare you bring this man’s name up….& here we go. I’m talking about Jordan Peterson, of course(make sure you spell my name right when you report me), YES, The Doctor is in the house, Dr. Jordan Paterson, the spiritual rebirthing of Jung & Nietzsche, combined with your favorite high school biology teacher(shoutout to Mr. Williams if you’re still amongst the living). Yes, DOCTOR Jordan Peterson, & said Doctor, helped me find the way, helped me to find the key to the golden door, when that key was always just dangling from a cheap chain around my neck, like when I was a latchkey kid in the 80s. This key, however, was stuck in a crack, a crack created by a terrible series of traumatic head injuries that weren’t properly treated. Left me a bit…foggy, you could say, for a long time. Sprinkle the purple haze of drug addiction on top of that, & damn if I just never saw that fucking key in the crack. It never left, it never rusted, if anything, it became a stronger key, as the steel propane-flame cured itself in the 4d spiral of time, waiting patiently for me to find it, when the fog had lifted.

Enter Jordan Peterson, at my own middle-age, but nonetheless, enter the keymaster. I have known the key was there, make no mistake, I have always been a writer, have always written, have always been able to go to the well & fill the bucket as needed. It just comes to me, & I don’t know how or why really, even now, but sure enough, I just let myself go, go into the flow, & what do ya know, THIS comes out. THIS, this writing that I’m illustrating for you, in real-time, but is now pastime, if you’re reading this now. My most special journals go back decades, hand-written, old-school journaling, kind of like this, on the daily, but with an actual pen, so it’s different. There’s an organic aspect to physical writing with a pen, & once it’s down on hard paper, the spell has been cast, & the words are now out there, blowing around in a whippety wind-whirlpool in the middle of an empty city block, until it blows into someone’s face. The digital pen involves a whole other dimension of creation to it, particularly if what you write you post on the Internet publicly for a global audience of all & none. The paper blowing in the wind whirlpool can now blow into the faces of potentially millions. Takes much longer for the physical pen, but the payoff, I’d imagine, would be glorious. GLORIOUS. Imagine handwriting a book, literally, then having it published, & it’s content appealing so much to a local audience, that eventually, the world finds it. Wow, what glory. Surely though, there’s a similar glory if ANY of your publishings happen to find reception from millions of eager beavers that can’t wait to see what you write next, right?

I don’t know, nor will I ever know, unless one of these rants that I channel from the big crockpot, making sure I get all the meat & potatoes that one can handle into the bowls of soup I serve from Source, to the slaves, to myself, to all of you, & to none of you at all. My soup is hot, hot out of the gate, because that’s how I serve it up. Who likes cold soup? My soup is so hot in fact, that your big tech overlords have exiled me from the majority of social media platforms, leaving me only this, my only thing I have left, my words. I guess TRUTH doesn’t work so well here in Clownworld. Virtue is verboten, & thought-criminal dissidents like me who know where all the exits are from The Great Mouse Trap, & then kick open the exit doors yelling, “Run free little mice, for you are mice no more, you are men, now run, you are free,” we are not welcome. Oh wait, but they just stand there, the mice just stand & stare, aimlessly eye-balling me, gawking at me like the village leper, like the exiled one, & maybe that’s because I am, for I’m surely exiled, digitally, & now in real-life, the moldy mold on the fetid fruits has spread, as I type from this proverbial jail cell that I’m always in. My own prison within The Great Mouse Trap. Maybe that’s why I know where all the exits are, because I never got through them, & just stay stuck, stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, with all these other menacingly moldy mice, no different, & certainly no better. I don’t know, I don’t know anymore, all I know is the writing, following this little Tinkerbell, & she keeps saying, “Write, write, for your time is running out, so write, like it is,” & she’s right, my time is running out methinks.

Ultimately, everyone’s time is running out, but particularly mine, I wonder if I’m near the end, at this middle-age I’ve reached. My grandfather died at the same age I am, from a heavy heart attack, & I could see that same scenario playing out for me. Just hanging out one day, probably between my paragraphs, as that’s usually when I leave my radio tower, in the gap between paragraphs. Yep, maybe I’m going to the fridge, maybe having a smoke, who knows, but all of a sudden, WHAM, OUCH, fuck my chest hurts, GAHHHH, my arm is numb, then oh fuck, I’m having a heart attack, & then what happens? I fall out, just going unconscious, like going to sleep, but not waking up this time? Damn, that’s a sordid scene. I’d hate for someone to find me unconsciousness and/or dead. Yikes. That’s how grandpa went though, wayyyyyyyyy before my mom decided to let herself get knocked up & have me. I have the traits of my grandfathers, the intelligence, the jovial wit, along with a dangerously addictive nature & reckless self-destruction. Ultimately, the failed fool, & I got all of it, one granddad dying a drunk, the other dying at the same age I am right now. Hmmm, kind of sounds like I’m genetically fucked then, yeah? Oh well, fuck it. I know death, as much as one can “know” death anyway from this 3d vantage point, & I know death is not an ending, so to speak. It’s only the end of this, this end of this 3d life of unwelcome incarceration. Thus, it’s a most-welcomed-ending then in fact, yes?…for those souls sick of being soul-sucked, stuck in this restrictive 3d meat suit, stripped of the memory of my our 5d immortality, our true selves, our Higher Selves.

Anyway, Jordan Peterson has an online writing course that I highly recommend. It’s a “Self-Authoring” course, practically titled, “Self-Authoring,” & involves guess what? Authoring YOU, yourself, writing about you, your life, & what happens when you do this writing course? I equate it to higher math, like anything algebraic & up. Math equations & proofs, designed to stimulate more complex synapses in the brain, well writing tasks have a similar function, in the sense that the more your write, the more you accumulate, the more your brain fires off electricity into fractally branching stems of elevated thought trees. It’s an essential nutrient, to keep your trees bearing their respective fruits, & the genius of the simplicity of this notion?…just write. WRITE, then keep writing. It doesn’t mater what you write, or even if you CAN write like a writer might, just WRITE. If your life has come to a cul-de-sac full of boarded-up crackhouses, figuratively of course, & no one else is around, & it’s only you left in the room, write about it. If all else has failed you, write about it. WRITE, WRITE, WRITE & as a lifelong writer, most surely, I have had periods of nil writing. Such wasted time, those lost pages, because I can only write about those times now from a present-perspective, rather than reflect on any actual real-time writing from the past, oh those many lost pages, so many I never wrote. Now I know my time grows cold, as my toilet has almost flushed itself away, I have to write like the crazy madman, much like I’m writing now in real-time, because the clock ticks away, faster & faster, flush flush flush, flush that toilet of 4d time away into the past. Who left a stinker? Go spray for fuck’s sake, the after-stench is stinking up the whole house ya filthy animal. (Fart Noise)

Sadly for me, he’ll never ever never never read this, as my view stats are around 20 visitors a day, so the odds of Jordan Peterson being one of those 20 readers, is analogous to assuming I just bought a winning Powerball ticket. Nope, never going to happen, as is anything ever going to happen in this horribly fucked-off life I’ll leave behind someday, maybe someday soon, via the unbearable stress of my own existence causing my heart to fail me. Or maybe one of my other organs? Maybe a car crash, like the one I have so many horrible visions of? Perhaps the powers-that-be will take me out? Or I’ll just keep going, towards directions unknown, who knows? I blink my eyes, & I was 5, then blink them again, & now I’m 45, so perhaps I’ll blink them again, & be 85, or blink the same eyes, only to never open them again here in this world tomorrow. You never know, when you’re going to go. Dang, all kinds of fishisms in this article, see the quotes at the bottom. In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been leaving my own quotes at the bottoms of my posts. Dropping rhymes like dimes, you could say. At the end of the year, when my 365-day straight writing project completes its first COMPLETE yearly cycle, If I make it, if I’m still here, I’m going to take all my pages of accumulated quotes, & put them into another book of mine, only this time self-published by yours truly. No more “someone else,” it’s all me from here. Too many parasitic snapdragons out there, don’t need anyone else to make my melody, I’ll do it myself thanks.

The spinning record spins, right round baby like a record going round round right round, & it’s time to go, dear readers. Until next time, don’t be a dope, check out my quotes, not only below, but from before, don’t ya know? Best check my older posts, and/or jump into my archives. Closing in on 5000, 5000 pages for you to pursue dear reader. That was nice of me, wasn’t it? Go ahead & form a line to the left to shake my hand & offer thanks, as I’m as humble as ever towards my audience of faceless ghosts. No one cares, no one ever did, no one ever will, & such is the way for the walk for this Jobian fish. Jordan Peterson helped, but there is no help for me, for I am forsaken. Still, Dr.Peterson’s “Self-Authoring,” program will open up the Pandora’s box inside yourself, letting your true self peek out, like a baby roo in a pouch, except once your true self peeks out, so do all the shadows of said self. The only way to confront those shadows, is to open that box though, setting them free, along with yourself, because that’s how you find yourself, the self that you lost long ago, should you find yourself in a similar position as I. Until next time, dear readers, check out his site, just click the link above, then thank me later should you take the course. & run your own gauntlet. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“You never know, when you’re gonna go, go, go.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Oh, those lost pages, so many I never wrote.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Tend to your fruit-bearing trees, feed them well.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Run free little mice, for you are mice no more, you are men, now run, you are free.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“The key to unlock the door, has always been noosed around your own neck.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t venerate pigs.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“While you think of something to say, I await the end of the conversation.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 S19 2/19/2023 Stuck in the Middle

My short story I’m working on has taken on a life of its own, & I’m in the middle still, but not “stuck,” per se, as the title of this Foozer suggests. No, not stuck at all, it’s just that my “short” story is evolving into a longer short story that I’m really getting into, almost like I’m living it, & it should be a fun read for you, dear readers, when I’m done, as it’s proving fun to write, from my end. In the meantime, methinks we have a cray-cray week ahead, as far as the zeitgeist is concerned anyway. There’s something going on, oh yes, there is most CERTAINLY something nefarious going on in the shadows. What this nefariousness might be though, I do not know yet, but what I’m speculating on at the moment, is that this country, OUR country, the once great, now-turned USSA, is under attack. Yep, you heard me, we’re under attack, right now, in real time. Who would be attacking us though? Good question, thanks for playing. I have the answer I think, but you might not like this answer I’m about to offer…

…the answer I am offering is this: WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. You heard me, this rogue regime that stole an election, essentially stealing the country, only to actively destroy it, relatively quick too, before the next election in 2024. Look around, look what’s happening, the runaway inflation, the exorbitant money-printing, these ridiculous gas prices, the supply chain breakdowns, the chicken holocaust, the flailing infrastructure, the blatantly open corruption, the equally blatant open insider trading amongst these criminal politicians, all fueled and/or covered up by these un-ending scripted dumbass fake news narratives, how much more is it going to take to realize the realization that YES, YOUR GOVERNMENT HATES YOU, DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART, & IS ULTIMATELY SEEKING TO DESTROY YOU, how much more will it take? Kind of a big deal, wouldn’t you agree? I think so, but what do I know, right? Just a fish in a fishbowl, looking thorough the glass, then writing about what I see, fish-eyed through fish eyes, yes? Therefore, do hast thou will.

That’s all I wanted to say, as I have to cut this one short today as well. We just needed to turn the calendar day from white to blue, which will happen shortly when I post this. Tomorrow, there will be plenty to write about. There’s a new moon tonight, & I don’t know if you believe in lunar activity & its respective effect on human behavior, but expect something…eventful this week, if you will, & STAY MINDFUL. These psychopathic elitist scumfucks have no boundaries, & will do anything, & I mean ANYTHING, to keep their stolen positions of power, including sinking this whole ship, rather than ever giving it up. Yep, they’ll just light the boat on fire as they run it into an iceberg, because they know they have their proverbial lifeboats, & you don’t. This is pure destructive darkness, evil incarnate we’re dealing with, & I don’t think most people realize the gravity of the malevolence these Luciferian devil-worshippers orbit around. It’s as hellish as it gets, & I don’t even believe in any of that bizarre shit, but THEY DO. Doesn’t matter how whack I think they are, or you think they are, THEY BELIEVE IN THIS CRAZY SHIT, & somehow they believe their Hadesian overlord pseudo-god gives them their power.

It’s a cray-cray world, & as I mentioned earlier, it’s gonna be a cray-cray week methinks. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic shit. Impossible to speculate, especially when you factor in the notion that they have so much power behind them to do relatively whatever they want, & said “power” wielded in the wrong way could be very dangerous. Actually, never mind that, it IS VERY DANGEROUS. These maniacs are covertly attacking us now, in real time, so fucking right, it’s a ticking time-bomb of danger. DANGER, DANGER Will Robinson, globalists have taken over the United States of America. Unfortunately, good luck getting enough Americans together to march to Washington, D.C., armed, but with ZERO inclination of committing violence. Armed to protect themselves, as was written for us by the Founders. An organized armed march to the Capitol, to arrest every one for these corrupt government douchebags, so they can be tried for treason, TREASON, as well as other crimes like maybe democide, how about that? Does the “slow-kill” agenda by poisoning the food & water count as democide? It should, & this government is committing this very crime as I type this & you read it by doing NOTHING about that chemical spill in Ohio, for example, which stinks of intentionality, but I won’t digress into that topic this time, but maybe next time…


For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Try not to worry, it’ll all be over soon enough.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

UFO Shenaniganery


Wow, these narrative pushers have no boundaries, do they? Every day, some new script, & somehow it gets more bizarre as these days tick-tock on by. When do we hit critical mass, when the liquid turns to gas? As a global society, experiencing seemingly exponential chaos from every direction, when does the water finally boil over the pot? It has to happen, right? How can this go on, & on, & on, & on, & on…seriously, when does it end? This is BREAKING NEWS, allegedly,

I don’t know about any of you, but I am absolutely sick & tired of these self-ascribed “leaders.” ALL of them, anyone who claims authority over my own personal sovereignty. Who the fuck are you people that think you can “rule” everyone? The rulers, ruling over all of you, how about fuck “rulers,” how about that? Maybe you so-called “leaders” go eat a bag of big black dicks, sound good? You elitist scumbags don’t “rule” me, you don’t “lead” me, & you sure as fuck don’t “represent” me, or anyone else down here in the peasant class. Preach.

You fraudulent tricksters in your silly little satanic temples, I tell you this, a reckoning will come. If there’s any truly benevolent Divinity in this Universe, the Light in this dreadful Darkness, you satan-worsipping freaks will go down like the Titanic. I don’t believe in ANY of that dark arts nonsense you weirdos venerate, but I know that you do. You worship chaos, & destruction, & the negative. Degenerate deviant destructive minions of darkness never prevail, even though it may seem like it now.

I believe there’s’ a force in the Universe, a “light,” if you will. There’s the light, & the dark, BINARY, like everything in the Universe, literally EVERYTHING, minus you twisted LGBTQ 176-genders beta twerps. You clowns are UN-natural, deformities of darkness, chaos manifest, & possibly possessed by demons. I have never believed demons were real, & I still don’t, but now I don’t disbelieve either, if that makes sense? I honestly don’t think I can definitely say “no, they don’t exist,” anymore, that’s the level of madness this 3d funhouse asylum world has become. I certainly can’t explain the bizarre behaviors going on around the world, can you?

I’m gonna wrap this article up, since it’s “BREAKING NEWS,” again, allegedly said “BREAKING NEWS,” & now they’re throwing the word “UFO” around with this “high altitude object shot down over Alaska on Biden’s orders.” Derp, that demented old kid-sniffer can’t even order his 3x-daily ice cream cones, & this story is just that, a STORY, more narrative, blah blah blabababa blah. If you want though, click this link & you can read up on Project Blue Beam. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic shit. You can quote me on that, literally, because I just made it up. Good times. Until next time fishheads, I’ll leave you with one more little gem of information that I found.

Did you know, that 97% of the observable galaxies, are traveling away from us so fast the we cold never reach them, even at the speed of light. No one really thinks about that, they assume space is static, but it isn’t. We are hauling ass essentially, only we can’t tell from our limited 3d perspective. It’s all “slowed-down,” because we are here observing it, but in the Great Picture, the Universe is expanding in all directions at speeds that are unconceivable without higher math to do the proper calculations. Thus, because of said “expansion,” almost every galaxy that we can see in our little telescopes, are moving away from us so fast, that we could never catch them, ever. So much for galactic exploration, unless…there’s something fast enough that hasn’t been “thought” of yet, or has it?

OUR THOUGHTS, that’s what’s faster than anything, thoughts, my thoughts, your thoughts, all thoughts, so fast it’s beyond the highest mathematical equations you can possibly calculate. Imagine if you could “think” your way to where you’re going. I think this might be possible, believe it or not, particularly among the human race, only our true abilities have been stripped form us, way down here in this 3d space. If we could get back to 5d, & circumvent 4d time, to return home, back to 5d from whence we fell…oh but look at me, off on yet another tangent, as is par for my proverbial little golf course here. Imagine 5d galactic exploration though, imagine the feeling of purely Divine & unlimited freedom, freedom from the darkness, & the weight of 3d. Inter-galactic soul travelers, could this be our TRUE nature? Maybe someday, we all find out, or…we get thrown into the Great Recycler, only to do yet another round of “life,” in this 3d matrix we all seem to be stuck in together. Ok, this is the real “until next time,” so until next time, remember, “stories are just that, stories.”

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Cure for Writer’s Block

WordPress offers these daily writing prompts to encourage writers to write, particularly those who are experiencing the dreaded “writer’s block.” I don’t actually have that problem, as I have discovered the cure for this unnecessary affliction. Wait, did he say, “unnecessary?” I sure did, but hang on, how is it “unnecessary” exactly? It’s actually really simple. No one ever told me this directly either, I just kind of figured it out on my own. Before I honor the prompt above, for poops & laughs, I’m going to tell you this “cure” if you’re having difficulties with your writing. It’s so simply genius, I think it goes over many writers’ heads who are stuck in the predicament of not knowing what to write about. Ready? The “cure” is this: WRITE. Just write down your thoughts, it’s so easy. Are you thinking about not being able to write? WRITE THAT DOWN.

Here’s an example: “I cannot write right now, & I do not know why. Maybe there’s something bothering me. What is bothering me? Why am I having such difficulty thinking of something to write about? What am I thinking about? I can’t stop thinking, maybe I think too much. What are thoughts exactly? Where are these thoughts coming from? Are thoughts manifesting via my own free will, or am I channeling them from somewhere else?” That’s just a string of thoughts I had while I was thinking about what I’d be thinking about if I were you, & I was struggling on the block. See how easy that is?

You just go from there. Easiest “cure” there is. I could obviously just keep running with that thought-train, which would turn into a paragraph, then a few paragraphs, then before you know it, I’m proofreading a 5-page diatribe about where my thoughts come from. Easy as a bag of peas. If you can’t write, write about not being able to write, then go from there. Give it a try…look at that, it’s a miracle, I’ve “cured” your writer’s block, digitally. You didn’t even need to make an appointment to schedule a visit to my clinic either, all “cured” in a few short paragraphs. I should charge money for this miracle “cure,” but nope, I happily offer my trick to all of you, free of charge dear reader. I know, I know, I used to have issues coming up with things to write about. Writing prompts, like the one up top there, didn’t help much either. They’re too generic, but…there is someone who gives writing prompts that GREATLY helped me out. Would you like to know who that person was?

The one & only, Dr. Jordan Peterson. He has an online course entitled, “Self-Authoring,” & although I am still completing the course, the benefits are already well-apparent. It’s actually quite remarkable, he asks a series of questions, then based on your answers, various writing prompts come up. These prompts, & the initial questions, are all biographical in nature, so when you get to the prompts, you are essentially going to be writing about yourself, & your past. I can’t explain how it works, it’s kind of magical, but as you complete these prompts, & get your baggage out of your head, & onto a visual medium that you can read back to yourself, somehow that “clears” up these shadows that have been following you your entire life, prior to illustrating them on digital paper. He’s brilliant, & I got the course as a Christmas present, which was exciting, for me it was at least. I got to work on it immediately, & as soon as I finished the first prompt, I noticed an overwhelmingly fresh sense of…”relief,” you could say. Yes, I was quite relieved, but why?

Writing things down isn’t just “writing things down,” there’s an energy to it. Once you write something down, it has become manifest, as if it’s its own living entity, birthed by you, but impregnated by the Universe, or by wherever thoughts arise from. Why do you think it’s called “spelling?” You’re casting spells, when you speak aloud, & when you write things down, you’re spelling, then broadcasting your spells out to the world. It’s as if it’s exposing itself right in front of you, & you’re not seeing it, until you really SEE it, like right now, after I just explained “spelling” to you. It’s all in the words, in the shared language, right there, as obvious as it can be, right in front of your faces, yet most people miss it, & sadly keep speak-and-spelling out loud, without thinking first. Mindfulness, the idea of being well-aware of yourself & your surroundings at all times, is CRUCIAL, once you’re aware of the aforementioned “magic” of well-worded wordery. One can’t just be spelling haphazardly, you can’t just speak aloud, without knowing what you’re saying, because all you’re doing is casting chaos into the world.

Kind of explains why things are so insane these days, doesn’t it? Chaos magic via chaotic use of language, via the chaotic televised programming, then trickling down into an evermore chaotic zeitgeist, infecting the spirit flow, like a parasitic cancer. Oh yes, there’s most certainly a dark/light magic aspect to this spelling I’m discussing. People caught up in whining about “hate speech,” when there’s no such thing. They get focused on a corner of the painting, just a small corner view, then assume the entire painting is the same as that exposed corner. Their misuse of the language is an example of chaos magic. It makes no sense, hence it’s “chaotic,” but they ignorantly keep spelling it out into the world anyway. Chaos is darkness, disorder, very UN-natural, but so is the world these days, is it not? There’s so much to do with “chaos,” that one so inclined can write about, so it puzzles me how so many writers get stuck on the block, & can’t get off. Good thing I’m here then, yes? To digitally smack your ass off the block, with only benevolent intention though, to help YOU help yourself. I can help you as far as writing anyway, just remember the “cure,”…when you can’t write, write about not being able to write. Write down every thought, ALL of it, just write it ALL down, then go from there. Feel better, dear reader?

Look at that, my oh my, I just love how I seem to always find the beginning in the end of these articles I compose. Like I’ve repeated to you all before countless times, “I do not know what I have written, until I have written it.” I just plug in & GO GO GO. Once I complete the loop after finding my respective circularity, the beginning at the end, I go back, & proofread what I have created, only to fix grammatical errors & the occasionally mis-worded sentence. Then I add tags & categories, followed soon by the belovedly sought-out “publishing time.” It’s weird, I admit, I don’t know what I’m doing exactly, I only know that I AM, in fact, DOING it, doing this, whatever this is. What IS writing? What is THIS? Well, I just explained that above, answering my own question, didn’t I? Duh…on me, I suppose I’ll shake my head at myself there, I do that sometimes, but I digress, & it’s time to wrap this random article up. Didn’t even get to the suggested “writing prompt” from WordPress at the top up there. Double duh…to the moron in the mirror this morning. Oh well, maybe next time.

I think the real-time example of how to overcome “writer’s block,” in addition to actually explaining to you, dear reader, how to “cure” said writer’s block, is worth much more than me describing to you how my thoughts on “death,” change my perspective on “life.” However, & I’ll give WordPress credit, that’s not a bad writing prompt at all, not too generic. I was being over-critical hen I said that earlier, it’s really not a bad prompt. One could go in many different directions writing about that specific prompt, so maybe I’ll keep it in the vault for a future article. We’ll see. Until next time, “when you’re stuck on the block, just write about the block, until something comes along to smack you off the block.” So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When you’re stuck on the block, just write about the block, until something comes along to smack you off the block.” ~Fish F Fish🎣

“I do not know what I have written, until I write it down.” ~Fish F Fish🎣