
Goodbye 2014… and Edward Herrmann… with Bonus


Yes, for those of us/you who love and remember the classic 80’s flick The Lost Boys


…the actor who played the character of Max(the head vampire),

as well numerous other roles over the years,

has sadly passed on from this crazy world earlier today.


Most people know the face, but aren’t too familiar with the name…

…said name is/was Edward Herrmann…

He wasn’t one of those “big name” over-famousized actors, yet had a clear and distinctively convincing method, a fatherly figure with a range and the versatility to adapt to become sinisterly effective…

…he was classic and genuine, a gem among a sea of talentless celebrity swine who were given fame rather than earning it for themselves…

Read up about his life, just check out the Wiki sum-up below…


…learn something…


71 isn’t all-that-old these days, it’s certainly up there, but still 30ish years shy of centenarianism…

…nonetheless it’s a good enough age to look back on your life,

that was somewhat completed about YOU, by YOU,

had YOU chose and/or DO choose for YOU to do so….

…FOR YOU, not for and/or by anyone else…

…to create a life that leaves a legacy and/or a mark of some sort…


Thank you Edward Herrmann for your contributions to your craft, your art, and thus upon humanity itself…

…a TRUE and REAL actor,

as oxymoronic as that phrase may sound…

…moving on…


What does 2014 look like to YOU at this moment?

Was it a good year? A bad year? A whatever year? 

It is no mass illusion that we were at this same moment a year ago seemingly yesterday, despite all the madness that has gone on across this insane asylum planet the last 365 days…


I have explained this numerous times in past posts, so if YOU aren’t aware, look into the archives….


…here’s the basic sum-up for those of YOU who need instant gratification:

Dimensions exist in accordance with the golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence, phi…

First YOU can refresh yourselves here if YOU need to…


So the sequence goes from a zero point, 

followed by 1, then another 1, 

then 2, then 3,

then 5, 8, 13, 21, 34….


…and so on, the prior number adding to the next to give that number and on and on and on forever…

…this is how fractalization occurs, and this Universe is fractal

…infinitely large and small, always expanding…

…outward from the initial zero point

…like a Mandelbrot set  (<<<CLICK HERE)


Our relative EVERYTHING we /YOU know,

connects to this sequence in one way or another…


Dimensions aren’t exactly static one might say,

they can be either spatial or temporal

Spatial, as in taking up space obviously, taking form, becoming matter,

cementing mass together into a density that can be physically experienced and illustrated via any apparatus which can process it’s own existence in a sensory manner in said spatial dimensions, such as our brains/consciousness.

Temporal, as in having to do with time, the movement of processes in order for the spatial dimensions to go forward, a way to define said movements is the existence of these temporal time dimensions between the spatial dimensions in order to keep the Fibonacci sequence always moving…

….forever, as it always has, with NO beginning and NO end…

…a beginning is always an end of something and vice versa,

there was no first, and there will be no last…

…there has just been and always will be,

there is no way to calculate it,

because this Universe is fractal,

see how that connects, or how that notion is connecting?

Are YOUR synapses successfully firing and processing all this?


We hope so…

…this information is NOT hard to understand…

…YOU must just be willing to let go of what YOU think YOU know…

Why are so many content to keep believing an illusion?…

…especially when they KNOW it’s not real…

…the bliss of ignorance one might suppose…

…while THEY program and control YOU…


…but let’s not digress into all that right now…

…back to what I was saying…

…so spatial dimensions correspond directly with the Fibonacci sequence…

…and here is how…

There is the zero point, where the dimensions are in a constant flux between

creation and un-creation

so although I refer to it as a zero point, there is actually quite a lot going on,

infinite “goings on” actually, just completely canceling out one another, hence the zero-ocity…

Then we come to the first one, one single point in the void, just a lone dot,

yet that dot only appears a s a dot from the perspective of you and/or I for instance…

…in another Universe, that dot may hold an entire Universe, due to fractalization…

…but since we/you are here in this Universe,

and NOT presently in another one we/you are aware of,

there is the first one, this lone dot,

the initial 1

So there are these 1‘s all about and around and everywhere, 1 and 1 and 1 and 1

…infinite 1-ness…

…so start at zero point, then 1, then another 1,

0, 1, 1, the sequence beginning…

but the 1‘s want to bond with one another, to make 2‘s,

a Universal and unconditional boundless love one could say to become more than 1 one’s self.

Now when the 2 1‘s connect, they make a line in space, a form,

an initial form that is foundational to all forms

…think about it from a fractal perspective…

…as bent as any given line may appear, 

depending on how small one can zoom in to magnify the assumed “bent” line,

one would find that it is always composed of straight lines…

1 + 1‘s making 2‘s, making lines, to make form…

So then we come on the 2‘s advancing and evolving and ascending,

to combine with their preceding 1‘s to evolve into 3‘s…

…following the sequence still spatially

…because the “3‘s” are the dimension YOU/I/US are currently existing in…

1 + 1 lines,


then crossed with a 2d line to add volume to the width and length of the 2 point line,

giving us the next number of the sequence, 3

…the 3rd dimension, all still spatial,

all seemingly still physical and real, albeit illusory,

but still able to be experienced and illustrated physically as I mentioned in the beginning of the post,

via senses and/or sensory perceptions…


The “3rd” dimension though is only 3d to YOU because of the infinite nature of continuous 2d planes that trick your eyes into seeing the world in 3 dimensions.

Preceding points(i.e. 1, 1, 2) can all be minimized to single point of the following points(3,4,5,etc..), and are subject to the “laws” of the dimensions above. The above dimensions however are free from the restrictions of the lower dimensions. Remember that… I’ll explain why in a minute…


Most of YOU do not know that YOU know what I am about to disclose to YOU, so if YOU do read this, now YOU will know for YOU…

YOU decided to come here, YOU chose to take this test, be part of this experiment

YOU agreed to this, all of this, YOU, your soul self, your higher self, your real self, decided to descend from a higher dimension down into this one in order for Source to experience itself.

All is Source, and Source is all. The illusion is that there is separation.

There is NEVER separation,

YOU descended to experience this slowest of conscious vibrations as said experiment of sorts to expand Source for the sake of Source evolving itself. 



We come to the first temporal dimension, the 4th dimension. Notice there is no 4 in the Fibonacci sequence, but it isn’t skipped per se,

…it is just that The Fibonacci sequence numerically represents the dimensions of spatiality,

the creation of form and physicality,

NOT the process of moving those creations…

That is the function of temporal dimensions, 

4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, all temporal, time-related,

…and beyond that is beyond 13, which happens to be the Alpha and Omega, a highest of supreme numbers, known to those who know,

and now YOU,

but NOT known to the 85 to 90% still sleeping…


…look into the number 13 and it’s real meaning…

…and although there are more than 13 dimensions, there is NO need to try to make sense of anything past 13, and that is how it is meant to be in this Source project we are all privy to. After 13 is far past the comprehensive abilities of anyone/anything vibrating in a dimension as low as this 3rd one we are all in right now. 

Can a 2d object, such as playing card, be able to comprehend a 3d object here in this dimension, such as a bird, or a mountain, or YOU?…

YOU would appear flat, how could the 2d “thing” possibly comprehend that which is NOT 2 dimensional?… Look into a book called Flatlanders…

So on that note, how can we really fully understand the dimensions above us?

If a God were an 8th dimensional being let’s say, the next spatial dimension after the 5th, could 3rd dimensional beings like us who are struggling just to get back to the 5th dimension truly even have the ability to put together what an 8th dimensional being or higher might be?

At least we can try…

Our consciousness having the ability to transcend dimensionally is how we/you can at least conceive, form ideas, imagine, but also remember, because recall that YOU once chose to descend from a higher dimension to experience whatever this is we/you are experiencing right at this very moment, so are you learning, or remembering? Thinking, or listening


All dimensions BELOW the temporal 4th dimension are subject to the time we are currently experiencing as well as are spiraling faster and faster and faster through…

What is happening is that humanity,

as a singularity of Source,

are ascending back to the 5th dimension, the “next” spatial dimension,

whether they know it and/or believe it, that is what is happening to ALL of YOU…

…even the undeserving scumfucks in this madhouse world are evolving, 

but we are all moving onward and upward at differing rates, 

depending on past karma, individual enlightenment/awakening,

recognition of ego and soul, eliminating ego self and remembering and re-becoming soul self,

it differs for all…

7 and 1/2 billion all either knowing or un-knowing why they are even here,

85 to 90% have no clue…

…so the math can be disconcerting, 

but that matters for nothing,

 as long as more and more and more of us/you are evolving exponentially,

day after day after day…

When YOU dream, YOU are existing are YOU not?…

…just not exactly physically, at least in the sense YOU know now,

but YOU aren’t fully un-physicalized yet when YOU dream,

and here is why:


Because YOU are subconsciously conscious between the 4th dimension of time, this 3rd dimension of matter and form, and then the next spatial dimension of the 5th, where YOU are NO longer subject to the “laws” of this dense matter of the 3rd dimension, or the constraints of the time of the 4th. All of this occurs simultaneously as YOU dream, which is why time is there, but it is askew, physicality is there yet distorted, and YOU have the freedom to fly, be anywhere, but it isn’t always under YOUR control, because YOU are stuck in the astral plane, between 3, 4, and 5, not fully in the 5th, where YOU can manifest whatever YOU want when YOU want.  

The 5th dimension is where those of YOU/US who are in their final 3rd dimensional incarnation are ascending to. Now the 5th has restrictions to, but those cannot be understood until one has ascended to the 5th. 6 and 7 are the next temporal dimensions, which one might speculate is an infinite ability to move back and forth through time as well as inter-dimensionally, but as I stated just a few lines up, how can I/YOU/anyone really comprehend higher dimensions as they are in our actuality until we re-ascend to a level of consciousness that can actually abilitize a way to even fathom those greater levels of consciousness.  

Beyond that, look into these topics more on your own if YOUR interest is now piqued. The puzzle isn’t hard to figure out if YOU have the right pieces.

So why is time speeding up? I didn’t forget…


As WE/YOU are now ascending as a mass of humanity toward the 5th dimension, the 4th dimension which is subject to the 5th dimension, is speeding up because our evolving from the 3rd to the 5th is accelerating as more and more people wake up, free themselves from the prisons and the shadows and the echoed they once thought they knew, and ascend from the Cave out into the Enlightenment of truth. It isn’t an illusion of getting older that makes people think time goes by faster. That’s total bullshit, but as always, YOU are free to change the channel at YOUR own will, not mine. 

Just here to help, and I’ve now just passed 2000 words, double the fun for this final post of 2014. 

What is coming? What will 2015 bring?

It’s going to be exciting, and I have a feeling that’s gross understatement.

Just remember,

please ALWAYS remember,

if YOU ever get anything from me or my site or what I do,

let it be this…


















Much more coming in 2015.

You will see.

No fear.

Have a great New Year everyone.

**HUGE shout outs and mad love to all my Youtube/social media connects…

whatever difference we are making, at least we are trying/doing,

and we will be remembered for the content we give to others…

so that they can help them help themselves.

You know who you all are. Keep up the GREAT work and effort.**

Wide eyes open.


Much love to all.

New Link to Alien Races Book


My friend Dante, who co-wrote the Alien Races Book(the ARB) with a guy named Petro, has disappeared, along with his YT channel and his original links to the book he helped create as well as any trace of him. Petro is dead, supposedly murdered in fact, so I just hope Dante hasn’t met the same fate. He’s an ex-special forces soldier though, pretty tough guy, so I have a feeling he’s alive and well somewhere…

…but wherever that may be is anyone’s guess, and only Dante knows…

Anyway, I see everyday that people go into my archives to find the Alien Races Book link, which has been removed. So, I found a new link that DOES work, and I will post it here for all of you to use at your discretion:  

This is a very informative and interesting book…

…how valid it may or may not be is subject to individual speculation.

I know that Dante and Petro did a lot of work to get this book out to the masses, and most people don’t go through that kind of effort unless it has meaning to them. They never asked for any money for this book, only that it be made readily available to anyone and everyone. It seems the powers that be have tried in vain to remove this book and its contents, or at least that is what it appears to be, but appearances are often deceiving, as more and more of you are waking up to find out. Nonetheless, never hurts to know what you previously had not known before, so check out the link above. 

Dante and I were/are friends, and yes it is disgruntling to see he has vanished apparently. He used to put out GREAT content via his YT channel. Said channel has since been removed. I have no idea what happened, but I know Dante was putting out videos about being “targeted” right before he disappeared. His house got shot up, he got knocked out only to awake finding some unknown metal implant in his arm, numerous alien sightings/recordings, all done by him…

..but again, take somewhat with the proverbial grain of salt. ANYONE can portray what they want to portray via the Internet. Not saying Dante is a liar, or being deceitful, NOT AT ALL. Like I said earlier, we used to converse all the time, but I would never go so far as to say I really know him, you know? For all I or anyone else knows, this could be a very elaborate trick to gain personal fame and notoriety. NOT SAYING THAT AT ALL. Just informing all of YOU that YOU must always be wary of what YOU see and hear these days. It is VERY easy to deceive and convince people of something other than what is real, especially when people are finding themselves yearning to discover what is truth and what is not.

Trust YOU first before anyone else…

That being said, upon clicking the link above, be sure to bookmark, save the PDF, and share with others. They have already tried to hide this, so let’s not allow this document to be disappeared. It is for this reason that I feel there is authenticity in this book. If it wasn’t real, why would they try to hide it from the public? Why did Dante and Petro NOT want any money for this? Why was Petro killed and Dante targeted? Would the notoriety alone be enough to motivate someone to release a book like this, when your life is at stake?… I don’t think so. I think Dante and Petro found something that the shadowy parts of government had no intention of letting the public become aware of. One of them died so that YOU can click that link above. Maybe Dante has sacrificed his life too. Maybe they will come kill me for updating the new link. Doubtful, as we have successfully spread the ARB enough so that it”s always gonna be available somewhere, but one never knows…

Wherever you are Dante, cheers for your work brother, which continues to echo even though you’ve gone off-planet for a while.

Maybe we will see you again, maybe not, but your contributions will live on my friend.

Thanks brother.


More to come.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

The Council of 5



Some are saying that there will some kind of global alien disclosure of sorts occurring this Monday, September 28th, in conjunction with the 4th Blood Moon. As always, no one here claims to believe nor disbelieve such an event will take place. However, you may want to google search this term… “september 28 2015 alien agenda.”



…now continue onto the ARB links…

The information I am about to give you is just that, information. As always, I do not claim to believe nor disbelieve what I am about to tell you. It is up to you to take it for what it is and process it however you see fit. On that note, let’s talk about the alien races that make up the Council of 5…

Before you begin, pop this link up on another window


This is a new link to the ARB, the Alien Races Book. This book was put together by a guy named Dante, and his friend Petro. Petro died, but Dante has lived on to reveal to the public what the governments of the world have known about for decades, that we are in contact not with one, but with numerous alien species. This book details many of those species/races, where they are from, if they are friend or foe, their general appearance, etc… As some races are foes, we have races who are friends that have protected humans and the Earth from those foes. According to the book, humans were created by a race called the Annunaki, yes the same Annunaki mentioned in ancient Sumerian scripts…   


Since our creation, alien races have been there, but you never hear about these things because the powers that be have rewritten and distorted history into a packaged story that isn’t true. Then they really confused everyone with organized religions and look how many people bought and are are still buying into it. Isn’t it about time to start figuring out the real story? Is a story about being genetically created by an advanced race any more bizarre than the creation story from your bible? Think about it, think about how many people just blindly follow a bible, still even now, with all this information. Maybe it’s the slave mentality of the herd, because the Annunaki did, according to this book, create humans to be a servant race to themselves. Perhaps the 85 to 90% just cannot break free of their own bondage….


Enough of that though,

you can read more about the Annunaki’s role in humanity’s existence in the book.


Here’s the link again for you…


You will see that there is a section titled “The Council of 5” just after the “Alien Races” section. From there, you can read about what is known of this council. In fact, there apparently IS NOT much known about them. They are years beyond us. They have been watching us since we were microscopic, therefore you can imagine their sense of time is quite different then ours. Once the Annunaki had tampered with primate DNA to make humans, the Council decided to monitor us and to protect humanity from alien races that seek to use humans and this planet for their own means. The last time they visited Earth was in 1944, just before the end of World War 2. According to Petro and Dante, there was a hand-written note in the ARB stating that the Council would be returning during the last 10 days of August, 2013…. that would be TOMORROW, yes, TOMORROW. Now again, I do not claim to believe nor disbelieve in any of this. This is only information I find, and then share with all of you.  It is quite interesting though, isn’t it, whether it’s true or not. And remember, people DIED to get this book out to the public. YOU can read it now for FREE. Make sure you keep that in mind when you are checking out this book and be sure to share the link.


Big thanks to Dante and Petro for their work.

Feel free to donate by clicking the box on the right of the page.

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

Alien Races Book Available NOW

Please wait to download

That’s right, the long-awaited ARB, The Alien Races Book, can be seen at this link


This is sort of a pre-link before a more convenient version is available, but you CAN see the book here, apparently in it’s entirety. I am actually going through it now myself. Very interesting information, whether you believe it’s real or not. So be sure to check out the link and see what my friend Dante has put countless hours of his time into. This book was not brought to you by easy means. People died, people were silenced, but the truth persevered and here we are with this book now available to all of you. Thanks to everyone who made it possible to share this knowledge with the world. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


Alien Races Book Early Release


My friend Dante had received authorization to publish the long awaited “Alien Races Book” ahead of schedule. The initial release was supposed to be on September 3, but that has changed. Now we are only 5 days away from the release of this mysterious book. The book will be available for download and will contain information that will blow your mind. I will be sure to provide links and all that for you when the book is available. Great things are coming in the next few weeks, this is only the beginning. % days from now would be…. the 20th of August. As soon as I know, so will you. Stay alert. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Perseids and Alien Races Book Update


This weekend marks the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Here’s a link for more viewing information>>> Perseid Meteor Shower of 2013 Peaks Soon   If you get the chance, get outside and have a look. Now this meteor shower is eventful every year, but this year we have something interested coming up after this meteor shower in a few weeks that’s going to change the way many of you view space. That of course is the publishing of the Alien Races Book. If you don’t know what it is, click here>>>the 58 RACES of the ALIEN RACES BOOK   This video was put together by my good friend Dante. I have linked it before and written about it before, so feel free to look into the archives for more details. This book will be published on… September 3rd I believe. Make sure you watch the linked video. This is information YOU need to know.

There is something else that Dante has mentioned recently. Apparently, the last 2 weeks of August are going to something to keep an eye on. We have these alerts often I know, but Dante doesn’t miss and no one said it was any sort of threat or anything like that, just pay attention closely to the last 2 weeks of August. And then going into September, which is to prove even more eventful. Remember what I told you, these “events” will happen more and more, with less time between each event. Time is winding down on a Fibonacci spiral. If you know what I mean because you have followed me for a while, share that knowledge. If you are lost right now, type “Fibonacci” into my blog’s search engine and read up on some stuff I have archived. Oh yes, the spiral is tightening, faster and faster, look how fast time has gone this year, almost 3/4 way done with 2013. No, the perception of time has nothing to do with age. Time IS seemingly moving faster, and why?… because of the spiral and the descending Fibonacci sequence… 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, and the zero point. The one’s are almost done, so what happens at zero point? Most of us will all be around to find out, so what’s the rush. Improve yourself as much as you can, while you can. All it would take is a power outage to stop most of you where you stand. What would you do then? Don’t forget to check out the meteor shower, tonight, tomorrow night and Monday night especially. Allegedly, this “meteor” shower is actually what’s left of a comet. Now you know, facts are good for you. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Alien Races

Martian in disguise preparing to take over Earth in Mars Attacks        Some info from my good friend Dante. These are 50 of 58 detailed alien races in a book called The Alien Races Book, very soon to be published. This vid is more-or-less a summary of said 50 alien races, leaving the final 8 for the book which as I aforementioned, should be getting published very soon. Here’s a link to his Youtube channel:    Have a look, whether or not it is true it is still knowledge, and this knowledge may save your human ass some day. Wide eyes open. Love to all.