Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Happy New Year To All

With a gentle twist and squeeze of the cork, it works up the neck of the bottle till the bottle can no longer hold it back then POP, the cork gone in a flash as an uncontrolled projectile bouncing and ricocheting about the room capable of putting an eye out followed by the steamy fizz and spurting bubbly all over the new carpet.


That’s right, it’s the last day of the year, according to the Gregorian calendar anyway. Whoa… what a year. Once again, ALL doomsday-type predictions have faltered, no World War 3, no armageddon, apocalypse postponed…again. Not that I am advocating any of those scenarios, but every year they say this and they say that and as of yet, they still haven’t even gotten a man on first base with their hype. And now here we all are, on the precipice of the year of 2014…

What will this new year bring? I wish I could tell you. At this point in my research, anything and everything is possible, therefore narrowing down the future to a plausible sequence of events is quite impossible, for me at least. Lots of people make plans, resolutions, ultimatums when the year changes. Why should it take e new year for anyone to decide to improve themselves? Strange…. but I suppose at least there is some effort there, although you and I both know that most people break New Year’s promises, often rather quickly too from my experience. What are your goals for this New Year? What are YOU going to do to better YOU in 2014?

Those messages I have told you about before in previous posts, CLICK HERE>>>   …these messages that are reportedly received via Channeling  from the The Ascended Masters   (click on either of those words for more info)  …these messages speak of an upcoming great change across the entire planet. I myself have been telling you all about something big coming for a while, but I don’t know what that entails exactly. However, these channeled messages claim that this great change will involve worldwide disclosure of our true identity as it is among a supposed galactic federation of planets. Yes, a full disclosure from world governments to the masses about our connection with entities from outside the planet we all currently reside on. Also, that there will be a planetary reformation of government that will insure EVERYONE has not only what they need to live, but also has access to the tools necessary to further develop one’s self, in turn bettering society as a whole. Now as always… I DO NOT CLAIM TO BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE ANY OF THIS. It is only information. If you click the link above and watch/listen to a few of these short vid/messages, you can look below the vid and see that there aren’t too many people who know or are even aware of these messages and/or who the ascended masters are…. and I’d be willing to bet that most people don’t even know what channeling is. But this is for those of you that do, those who are awake, those who seek to expand their consciousness, and/or those of you who seek to find answers for themselves. 

Like I said above, I give no credit nor dis-credit toward those messages, but I do think that 2014 will be a year of greater awakening, more people becoming aware of what is really happening to and around them. At the same time, these globalist pig scum illuminati devils are going to do what they can to keep this whacked out machine running…although at this point, how much more can it keep pressing on?…especially with more and more sheeple becoming people again every day, letting go of their fear and ignorance, embracing love and compassion. But will it be enough? The herd is still massive. Remember when I kept telling all of you NOT to sign up for Obamacare. No one signs up, it fails. When I made that post, only about 40,000 out of 300+ million Americans signed up. Earlier today, I saw that after a big push in December, now over 2 million have signed up. What the fuck are you idiots doing? DO NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR. But those people will never read this nor do they have the capacity to do anything other than eat, shit, breed, sleep, and work as slaves for their masters, so I am well aware that what I say, should they ever hear it, would fall on deaf ears because they aren’t able to LISTEN and/or comprehend because they are relatively brain-dead. Is that a mean thing to say? NO. Why? Is it my fault that so many are clueless automaton mumpsimuses? NO. That’s THEIR fault, or maybe YOUR fault if it applies to you, but certainly not MY fault for pointing out the problem. How can you solve said problem unless you know what the problem is? There are some very extreme sensitivities in this country, the once mighty USA, now become the USSA after being overrun by globalist pirates. STOP SIGNING UP. Tell your friends DO NOT SIGN UP. God damn, are you fucking people that afraid?…apparently 2 million are, couldn’t wait to turn over for their puppet masters. Slaves.

I bring up the Obamacare issue because that is something that apparently will be affecting many of us in 2014. FUCK YOU OBAMA and FUCK YOU GLOBALIST SCUM and FUCK YOUR AGENDAS. Guess I’ll be getting penalized, possibly thrown into debtor’s prison, at least these are the threats should you refuse to sign up to this bullshit program. But I won’t be alone, oh no, so does that mean that the MILLIONS of us who refuse this nonsense are going to be deemed as criminals in some way? Hmmm… sounds like the makings of a revolution. Let’s look at the past, how long does it take for a tyranny to suppress and harass the people before they say “FUCK YOU” together and stand up to said tyranny? History is a seemingly un-ending theater of war, war for oppression, war against oppression, back and forth, over and over, but it’s been a while since something happened that re-defined reality. I am NOT promoting war, nor am I some revolutionary, nor am I a Communist, nor am I anything that YOU might think to put a label on, I am simply an entity here to translate knowledge from one place to another. I didn’t create any of this, nor can I alone fix it. All one can really do is empower themselves with knowledge. Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, but the sad part is that there is a tremendous LACK of said knowledge, particularly in the new USSA. Between the fluoridation, the processed GMO food, the drugs, the television, the apathy, the fat, the hypnosis, the programming, people en masse in this country have become exceptionally ignorant and lazy. Again, only pointing out the obvious, and if you cannot see it, maybe you should stop and think about YOU for a second.

Every new day can be a first day though. Instead of getting mad at me, or mad at them, or mad at or about anything in this current reality that bothers you, learn to let go. Anger and madness comes from fear, fear of loss, fear of losing what you think you have. No one really has anything though, other than knowledge. What is in YOUR head can never be taken from YOU. When you die, is your car, or your house, or your wife, or your kids coming with you? No, the only thing you take with you is what’s in your head and in your heart. Maybe you have been striving towards the wrong things in life. Maybe you are finding that you are very alone. Maybe you’re strung out on drugs. Maybe you’re pregnant, and dad is no where around. Maybe you just lost someone. Maybe you’re locked up. BUT… ON THE OTHER HAND… Maybe you just met someone. Maybe you just opened the business you’ve always dreamed of. Maybe you just had a baby with the girl/guy you love. Maybe you just got out of rehab. Maybe you just woke up. Let’s look at that last one…”maybe YOU just woke up”… what does that mean exactly, this “waking up” going on? “Waking up?”…to what? The term “waking up,” and/or “awakening,” is just the easiest way in the English language to, in one word, illustrate the process of becoming aware of the Oneness that YOU possess with YOUR higher self. You realize the distinction between your ego, your fear, your higher self, your love, and the connections amongst all of that. You realize your connection with everything, but it’s as if you knew all along, only could not remember. Then it turns on, like a light switch, illuminating the darkness. Once that light is on, you begin to see clearly, not at first, but more and more and more every day, your real eyes open. Like waking up, hence the term “awakening.” Got it? I know, I know, many of you don’t need to hear that, but more DO need to hear it. And if YOU are awake, what are YOU doing to awaken others? This isn’t some kind of movement, or a religion, it is a phenomenon, happening to millions all over the Earth. Why this awakening? Why this surge of enlightenment? Why now? Perhaps this year of 2014, we will finally see. Or maybe at this time next year we will be rolling into 2015, another year gone, another relatively “usual” year gone. Maybe there will be no 2015. Maybes and speculations and plausibilities, blah blah blah, let go. The time is NOW, the moment is NOW, not yesterday, not tomorrow, NOW. Whatever is coming is coming, or whatever is not coming, will not come. Let it go. What happened in the past is past, it’s gone. Let it go. Take a deep breath. Feel the energy inside you. Tomorrow is the first day of a new year and the rest of your lives. Thanks to all my readers/watchers. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

13/13/13 Tomorrow…

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That’s right, apparently on some other calendar, tomorrow is actually 13/13/13 AND… it is also the correct date of “change” according to the Mayan calendar. Now we all know how this works, you get a little anxiety, you wonder if maybe, just maybe, something actually might happen…and then nothing, nothing happens at all. In fact, I have noticed that it actually turns out to be a nice day, at least where I am. Now if you click on this link HERE>>>  …you can read up on the research I personally did into this alleged “date of change.” NOT DESTRUCTION, NOT THE END OF THE WORLD…. Only a change, a change of the age, whatever that means. 

If you clicked on that link above, you will see how I thoroughly went through each symbol of the Mayan calendar, corresponding tomorrow, December 16, 2013, with previous dates as well as interpreting each symbol as it applies to said date. Like I hinted at above though, don’t hold your breath. Every one of these predictions has yet to come true, 0 out of …how many different times has some new “date” proven to be nothing but another day?… I suppose at some point something has to happen, humanity is in dire need of something, but when it will actually happen, if it can be pinpointed to a specific date before any sort of event occurs,  I cannot say. Suppose I say to all of you…”I have been listening to a few different Youtube channels that are supposedly messages channeled via ascended masters from higher dimensions and/or outer-worldly entities”… I know, I know, sounds totally crazy right? Remember what I have always told all of you though, OPEN MINDEDNESS IS CRUCIAL. I’ll get back to this ascended masters thing in a minute… but note, you don’t have to believe or disbelieve anything, but if you find something interesting and it builds upon your overall being, get into it, learn more, all you have to do is push buttons and read the screen and/or listen to/watch the videos. It has never ever been so easy to get exponentially smarter, at least as far as any history might tell you. Take advantage while you can, improve yourself by improving your mind. Your only real power comes from what you know. What do YOU know, or what do YOU think YOU know?

The overall masses know nothing, but YOU don’t have to be a part of that, YOU do not have to a part of the herd. 85 to 90%, I have said it from the beginning, 85 to 90% are still clueless, still asleep, even though more and more and more are waking up…I suppose the numbers are improving of those who are truly opening their eyes, but still, the masses, the masses of asses, oh it’s so sad to see. Any of you ever go on those trips where you just check out random Youtube vids? Well I do, and I read the commentary below those vids as I go, and man o’ man, these people out there… in the vids, in the comment sections, absolutely astounds me. So fucking many of them out there… sheeple, yes the sheeple…

Sheep cyclone     ….surrounding those of us in the car trying to get to the fucking road home…it’s ridiculous. I wish they would all just snap out of it, but it’s like they can’t. I find it disturbing that so many of them are comfortable being so dumb and ignorant, but that is why they are sheep, a herd to be herded by the masters who have enslaved them, when all along, they have really just enslaved themselves. Anyone can be free, anyone can stand up and walk out of the cave into the enlightenment of the Sun, but it is up to YOU to figure that out, up to YOU to choose. Do you still watch television? What are you eating these days? Been outside in nature? Meditating? Have you been solely focused on raising your vibration, diving deeper inside to become One with your Higher Self? How are your friends and family reacting to you? Where are you at on your path? These are all questions for YOU to ask yourselves. Remember, you are not alone and you are not perfect…no one is. You cannot be perfect, but you must try your best to do your best. I don’t follow all those things 100%. I’m careful about what I eat, but I still eat a little meat from time to time. I still meditate, but not every day. I go outside as much as I can, but sometimes I like staying in. You understand the point I’m getting across here? No matter what, even if you feel that you are isolated and alone and trust me, I know how that feels, but no matter what, stay focused on YOU, improving YOU, bettering YOU, YOU are the center of YOUR universe. That is not ego… your ego is what YOU have created to deal with YOUR perception of this reality before YOU knew what this reality was. YOU must figure out how to free yourself from your ego, and return to the Oneness of your higher consciousness. It is up to YOU, I am only here to help, to help YOU help yourselves. 

As usual I have tangented off from the topic suggested in the title of the post… 13/13/13. Odds are that it will just be another day, and I will be back here on Tuesday, telling you all about something else. Oh, earlier, I mentioned ascended masters…thought I forgot, didn’t you?… No worries. Here is a link...CLICK HERE>>>   The name attached to the channel is Gary Lite. There are various sources for the messages “channeled” and recited in the vids. Those sources are usually The Ascended Masters … as you can see, you can click on there to read more. If you click, the first image you will see is Jesus, but don’t be discouraged, it has NOTHING to do with Christianity. You know I don’t do religion here. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t think Jesus was/is real, and for him to be an “ascended master” makes a lot more sense then what he has been portrayed as via organized religion. Do you really think Jesus would want everyone wearing crosses?…WTF? Anyway, there are several others in the ascended master group, just click that link above and start reading. Now these messages they broadcast speak of a great change coming apparently any time now, all being somewhat orchestrated by beings greater than most of you as well as world leaders, who also apparently, know more about these ascended masters then you think. Sounded a little out there when I first mentioned it, didn’t it? Now after you read a little bit and inform yourselves about who and what the ascended masters are, it actually makes good sense…but again… I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE, this is only information. Check it out if you want, or don’t that’s up to YOU. I find these “ascended masters” and these “messages” interesting, but like I stated earlier, NONE of these predictions, or whatever you choose to call them, NONE, not a single one, has come true. Yes, some say that people like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus were right about a lot of things, but that is all based on interpretation and speculation. There is always someone to debunk whatever someone else has “proven.” Eventually I hope you and I will all be graced with a vision that is purely true and purely real, because no one really knows what is or isn’t the truth do they? It’s all a point of view based on YOUR personal perspective, remember I said you ARE the center of YOUR universe. It would just be nice to know what is really happening, what is really going on, why you are really here, what you are really meant to do, what is coming next. The answers to all those questions are already inside you, the key is finding out how to unlock those doors that were sealed shut so long ago when aliens altered your DNA… WHAT?? What did this crazy guy just say?… Yes, DNA modification via an  advanced alien race. How could they be called alien if THEY created YOU? Think about it. I won’t go into all that in this post, but I will come back to that topic at some point in the future. Or maybe I won’t, that’s MY choice. You see?…it’s about YOU. Before YOU can help others, YOU must first help yourselves. Okay, I’m keen to get my soapbox and start ranting, but I won’t because I know I’ve reached the end of your attention span. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Gonna be a nice day, another Monday, first day of another week in the last month of another year, all ticking away faster and faster. Ticking away toward what, our eventual ends, and nothing more? 

colors (418) Animated Gif on Giphy      All seemingly beginning and ending in a never-ending Fibonacci time spiral, back and forth descending and ascending from zero point. If any of these topics are confusing you, just go into my archives and inform yourselves. These concepts aren’t difficult to interpret and understand, it just seems that way with new information. That’s why i have created this, so that anyone can just click on anything and learn something. Helping you help yourselves. Then you help yourselves helping others…get it?…and so on and so on until we get to whatever is coming next. There is nothing to fear, nothing at all, ever. Can you let go, can you truly be free from your fear? Easy to say, but what if the sky began to fall tomorrow? What would you do? 13/13/13 tomorrow, cheers. More to come, unless… I’m joking, stop worrying, relax, breathe, smile because YOU are YOU. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Upcoming Mayan Day 13/13/13

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I am aware that I have not updated this for nearly 10 days now…yikes. My apologies to my readers. After Comet ISON came and went, although it’s possibly not over yet, I came to the conclusion that I am going to give these “predictions” one more shot. So far, all of these doomsday, end of world, change of cycle, world war 3, ascension, all of these things that people keep saying are going to happen simply have not. I spoke in an earlier post about the “real” change of the ages as far as the Mayan calendar goes. I actually looked into this myself and indeed, if you translate the actual calendar, the actual date was not December 21, 2012, but is in fact December 16, 2013, yes a week from now. Additionally, I/we have figured out that if the calendar were an actual 13 month calendar, December 16, 2013 is actually 13/13/13. 

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Like I said above, all of these “predictions” have come up short…ALL OF THEM, but I guess it only needs to come true one time be significant. I AM NOT SAYING ANYTHING WILL OR WILL NOT HAPPEN. (If you didn’t see, go back a few posts, or look in November’s archive to find the big article I wrote explaining the Mayan calendar.) And if you can see between the lines, you may notice that this is the last bit of belief I myself will offer should nothing occur. There is always a little anxiety before these dates come around, then nothing happens, over and over, despite the fact that it seems inevitable and necessary. It’s not hard for one to look around and SEE that it is clearly a time for a “great change,” but is this “great change” really coming? Or will it just continue to ramble on like this? No, THIS cannot continue. I cannot tell you what I think, but it does FEEL like there is something…. Many of us are still adjusting to using the other half of our brains, and getting used to FEELING is something that takes time and patience. It’s tricky, but we won’t digress into that now. Only YOU can know YOU, and time is surely speeding up to something…but what? Nonetheless, we will see in a week if once again the day rolls by as just another day, or will something/anything manifest. Nothing to fear, more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Current Screenshot of ISON Right Now

This is the best I could do at the moment, like I said, helioviewer is down due to overdownloading of vids. But you can clearly see, IT’S RIGHT THERE. Click the image to blow it up. More to come as the day goes on. Wide eyes open. Love to all.



Comet ISON ON the Way

Made November 27, 2013 by yours truly. You can see more updated footage via

I made this video yesterday with the intent of making one today if my connection was working again, which it is, HOWEVER… helioviewer is down because too many people are trying to see ISON. So there is footage all over the internet and there may also be a live feed when perihelion happens a few hours from now. It is currently 11:11 EST. What’s gonna happen next? Soon we shall see, exciting isn’t it? or… will it prove to be an over-hyped event. Like I said, soon we will know. Stay updated. Wide eyes open, more to come. Love to all.

The 500th Post…. Comet ISON Perihelion

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Yes, that’s right, this be the 500th post. Quite a journey we have taken, yes? Numerous facts, links, vids, info, all here for all of you. Not that I haven’t learned quite a bit myself on the way. I was going to save this post for tomorrow, during the big day of Comet ISON’s perihelion(closest approach to the Sun), but I am just going to go ahead and throw it up today. If you are new here, be sure to check into the archives. There are 500 posts, nearly 400 full-written pages of knowledge for all of you to take as you please. How do I know there are almost exactly 400 written pages? I have copy and pasted this entire opus onto flash drives for safety reasons, and so it can be accessible anywhere at any time as long as there is a capable computer and electricity. Where will you get information if the internet goes down? Yes, there are books, but with no internet, imagine the outcome…enough of that though, let’s get onto ISON…

Apparently ISON is visible via the Lasco C3 camera, which normally I can get for you myself, HOWEVER, my computer connection is mysteriously slow as fuck right now. Might be this crap weather, but I don’t know, never had issues before. If you are a regular internet user and your connection gets reduced for an indefinite period of time to near dial-up speed, it is beyond frustrating. Tried all the tricks, whatever, but I can access some websites and as always I checked out what Bruce Gary has updated via his website here>>> Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary   ….and if you click you will see the image…

Like I said, I would normally have helioviewer handy, and I wanted to make a live-time video for all of you, but this fucking connection issue had to occur NOW, of all times. Anyway, if you have seen previous sun-grazers, you can note that Comet ISON is quite a bit bigger than those. If this were to impact the Sun, which it is predicted NOT to, the energy released would be insane. However, they are saying that it is only going to get close to the surface, around 70,000 miles I believe, which is pretty go-damn close to a super-heated flaming ball of gas that dwarfs the comet in comparison. All this bullshit about comets being dirty snowballs by the way, don’t buy it. I don’t think anyone really knows what they are but I hardly can fathom that a dirty snowball could stay intact despite the heat generated flying through space at a ridiculously fast velocity. Then approaching and surrounding a Sun, possibly surviving…dirty snowball…yeah right. 

So many will be watching, even more don’t have a clue what this “comet” is even doing what it is doing and/or that it even exists.  I’ve asked many people over the last few weeks about Comet ISON, and 99% I get “huh?” or “what?” Too busy watching football and reality shows I suppose. But for those watching, this should be exciting in some way. It better be, because if this turns out to be yet another over-hyped “event,” I will have nearly lost my faith that any of these occurrences being predicted via “factual data” are ever going to come to fruition. We have this event, with Comet ISON, then we have December 16th, the real date of “change” on the Mayan calendar, which again, no one knows about. But I do, and if you go into my archives, you can inform yourselves as well… or don’t. That’s your choice, always has been YOUR choice. I do not believe NOR disbelieve in anything until I see it for myself, therefore to me, faith is kind of childish isn’t it…to believe in what you cannot prove. Kids have faith in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, adults have faith in the avatars which accord with their religion, all based on what?…FAITH. When you step back though, does it really make sense? What sort of all-loving “god” would turn his/her back on you because you chose not to fully believe but also not disbelieve, just wanted to wait and see what happened? See…I can go on and on and on and on about how screwed up the mentality of the masses is, the herd, the sheeple, whatever you want to call them, they are simply stuck, stuck in a mindfuck of their own creation. To get out, to free yourself, is but a choice that YOU must make, but they have spent so much time convincing themselves of the other…. ugh…like I said, I can go on and on, but I am not going to tangent off into what organized religion has done to humanity. If YOU can’t see it by now, perhaps you never will.

As I mentioned in some earlier posts, we have Thanksgiving tomorrow, another sham American holiday that very much misrepresents the real history between the settlers from Europe and the Native Americans. Don’t get mad at me for telling you the truth… oh am I an asshole for not pretending like all of you?… well, fuck you, you are the assholes for celebrating the genocide of millions of people you fucking slaves. Do you think any of the Native Americans we left alive celebrate “Thanksgiving?” Come on now. Never hear much about the atrocities against the people who already lived in a place that Europeans claimed to “discover.” Makes total sense right/…but I’m the asshole. Oh well.

Then, coinciding with Thanksgiving, we have the first full day of Hanukkah. Yes, Hanukkah normally starts later, like in December, however… this year, and this is supposedly in accordance with the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah begins on November 28, tomorrow, same day as Thanksgiving, and the same day as Comet ISON’s perihelion. What is weird is that this will not occur again with Hanukkah for over 77,000 more years. So is ALL this coincidence? Apparently so, but maybe not, I guess we will not know until tomorrowish or just after tomorrow, will we? There exists evidence that the Jewish calendar relates to various celestial events, I don’t have any such evidence handy, but you can look it up. All religions are based on astronomy though, which you can also look up. So if I had to make an educated guess as to what may happen tomorrow…. I would say to rely on trends, and those trends tell us that this will be another exaggerated occurrence which is kind of heart-breaking because I really am anxious you could say to see something that none of us have seen yet, as I’m sure many people are, but that is why one must never expect or rely on these things. 

There are some odd coincidences occurring though. Most people will be with friends or family, theoretically somewhere where there is an atmosphere of love and togetherness. Either way, the day is significant before it has even got here. Many who have known about Comet ISON have waited for this day for months and months now, some since it was first discovered in September of 2012. What will it do, where will it go, is it an alien ship?…on and on the stories came and went and now, the day is almost upon us where ISON will reveal the secrets she has held since she began her journey a long, long time ago. Remember what I said about the egg and sperm? Picture comets as the sperms, Suns as the eggs, could a comet “impregnate” a Sun causing the Sun to evolve into something else we know nothing about? Kind of out there, yes I am very aware, but it’s an interesting “event” to visualize. Imagine if I guessed right with that far-out scenario…. likely not, but like I said, you never know until it occurs and you can see it and experience it for yourself. Until tomorrow my dear friends, readers, watchers, subscribers, you are not my followers, the only person YOU follow is YOU. It has been a pleasure, a privilege, and an honor to share and learn and grow with all of you. More to come, I can assure you. Be good, be your higher self. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

St. Peter’s Bones and ISON Update

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This is just one image of Saint Peter, you can obviously find many more if you look it up. Saint Peter  traditionally holds the keys to the gates of heaven, hence why I thought this image appropriate. This of course after he was reportedly martyred, being crucified upside-down because he felt he was unworthy of being crucified upright like Jesus supposedly was. So is this the origin of the upside-down cross? Sure, it’s definitely arguable, but most people relate upside-down crosses to evil, hmmmm… strange how that seems to be the reality, once again boiling down to people not knowing the real facts. You can click “Saint Peter” above and read all about his life, and work, and eventually death. His bones are entombed below in his tomb in St. Peter’s Basilica…

St. peter’s tomb… 

…where they have been resting since ohhhh… a long time. However, the Vatican has decided to bring them out for display. The bones are only fragments, contained in an interesting little grey box...

Yes, apparently that’s him or what’s left of him. Long after this clearly painful event…

     So now whenever you see an upside-down cross, you know the real story instead of equating it with evil and Satan. Satan, the real definition, is not what most of you think it is by the way… certainly not a red, horned, pitchfork-wielding devil, but I won’t go into that right now…just another avatar .

The whole point of enlightening you on who Saint Peter was is because the Vatican has decided to bring his bones up from their resting place for display to the public. What at this time? Has something to do with a holiday they exercise amongst themselves, holiday usually meaning ritual to the devil black pope and his minions. Again, I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE IN GOD,DEVIL, JESUS,BUDDHA,MOHAMMED, LUCIFER, but… these globalist pig scum illuminati who control all of you DO. So what does this ritual coincide with?…

Well, there is the Hanukkah/Thanksgiving/Comet ISON perihelion all occurring on the 28th, yes 3/4 days away. Possible?… That there is a connection?…Of course it’s possible, doesn’t mean anything will happen. Many have been waiting to see this “comet” for a long time, most don’t even have a clue it’s out there. It’s out there all right, and soon, all of you will see it whether it does anything significant or not. The light show is inevitable. A few days ago, a large solar flare blew off a big chunk of ISON’s tail and coma, but it has yet reformed and is further getting back intact, glowing bright enough to see with the naked eye before sunset. Some of the latest images…

      …quite beautiful, isn’t it? And this comet including tail and coma is SEVERAL times larger than Earth. What will happen, will it make it around the Sun? Will it collide into the Sun? Will it break apart and come back this way, will it just put on a magnificent show in the night sky?  Soon, soon, soon, and by the way, these images are from Bruce Gary’s site, he is apparently the frontman on the latest ISON info. Here’s his link again…

Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary

Be sure to bookmark it, there are daily updates and images. Before I wrap this up…I want to share a thought…

Suppose the universe is a giant womb, and only appears so vast because we are so infinitely small in this universe. Now suppose comets are sperm, cosmic galactic sperm, that seek to impregnate stars, stars being the eggs. Most of the time, the Sun/Egg deflects the comet sperm, sending it back out to space, but from time to time, a certain comet, so big, hits directly into the Sun, impregnating the Sun in some currently unknowable celestial manner, causing the Sun to do…. well I don’t know, be “born?”… Just something I was thinking about while I watch and wait for Comet ISON to reveal it’s purpose. Maybe you will find it some interesting food for thought as well. Only a few days to perihelion, more to come. My apologies for the delays between updates, I have been busy with other projects and really into some new knowledge that at some point, I am sure I will share with all of you. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Legerdemain… Word of the Day plus mini ISON Update

As we all virtually sit by this fake gif animation campfire, let’s revive an old tradition of the occasional word of the day post. Today’s word is Legerdemain …you can click on the word there for the textbook definition. Basically, it’s a magician with talent for hand skills. However, it can also mean skilled at deception. So you could theoretically use it with various adjectives like mental, cognitive, emotional, political, just add legerdemain to the end and you have a whole new concept. In case you haven’t put it together, all these “words of the day” that I post for you are all applicable to the globalist cabal that controls the 85 to 90% of the populous, the herd, the sheeple, you all should know by now. I could go into an abysmal amount of referencing as it relates to this New Nazi regime that currently runs this country, and the globalist pig scum who run them. Do you know why the keep deceiving you? Because the more they deceive, the more they confuse and further distort reality into something it is not. They want you all so dumb-downed, so bewildered, that by the time they come in to take total world control, everyone will be so out of sorts with “reality” that it will be easier for the elite to reign them in like zombie robots to be minions under their new world order agenda. Distraction…i.e television, sports events … TRICKERY…TELEVISED LEGERDEMAIN… PLUS mass confusion equals=…ensuring  you are all as docile and complacent as they need you to be when they take the current enslavement to a whole new level. Unless you take the time to empower yourselves with the knowledge you will need to possess to not succumb to their agenda.

Things are about to get a lot more interesting over the next few weeks. Comet ISON has been reported to now be visible with the naked eye. Depending on where you live will improve or lessen your chances of getting a good view. I hail from the Southeast US, so my view, and I assume this holds true for the East Coast US as well, occurs just before sunrise to the southwest from Mars. It just became visible to the naked eye within or close to the last 24 hours. It has brightened 16x in the last 72 hours, confirmed by numerous astronomers, and hence, as mentioned above, is now visible with the naked eye. But this is only the beginning. It’s only going to get brighter, much brighter, then of course there will be the big day of perihelion. Will it survive it’s trip around the Sun, will it fragment and pose a threat to this planet, will it crash into the Sun and blow out a huge solar flare. This is no small comet, there is a lot of power connected with this “comet,” in numerous lights, no pun intended. So we will see soon, and again i must say this, besides those of us in the alternative media watching this supposed “comet,” where is the coverage and/or reporting via the MSM? Why is this not a significant upcoming event receiving daily coverage? Just doesn’t make sense, but maybe it will after this event unfolds. Now I have a special treat for you… the image above IS ISON, but that is old footage. I have a current live animation from…. the Bruce Gary’s own website. He is the foremost frontman at the pinnacle of the most current Comet ISON data and footage. I actually just found this earlier. You can go to his site via>>> Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary  …and if you click that link, you will see the current image, and here is the animation from right now, just after midnight EST…

Looks amazing doesn’t it, beauty and destruction swirled together in some still mysterious cosmic dance. Amazes me how many people still DO NOT even know what this is, and/or that it will be here very, very soon. Now that it has become visible to the naked eye, I think we can all agree the show has begun, and it’s only going to escalate to a level unknown. Yes, the show has begun, and coincidentally, said “show” will be continuing for weeks, coinciding with a the newly discovered, and more plausible, TRUE Mayan calendar DATE OF CHANGE, NOT THE END. That occurs on December 16, 2013, a month from today. Look into my archives for my own research and deciphering of the actual Mayan symbols, all very detailed and easy to understand and follow. Again, NOT AN END. The date only points to a “significant change of era, or age.” Don’t be a fool and through all of your eggs into that basket though. You all surely recall December 21, 2012, and that it was actually a sunny, nice day where I was, as chill as it gets, so until this calendar actual proves something, don’t give any credit to it, it is only info, interesting info for sure, but just info, and all based on interpretation and speculation.

Day by day, the ISON event is going to get exponentially more exciting. as the data comes, I’ll do my best to keep you all informed. Bookmark Bruce Gary’s site, he is the numero uno source for the most accurate and reliable data as it relates to Comet ISON. Much, much more coming, I can assure you of that. Zero point is a rare time to be existing in a 3rd dimensional paradigm. All of us here, most of us will experience these “events” I speak of to come. I implore you all, empower yourselves as much as you can with knowledge, become reconnected with nature and the planet, stop eating processed GMO poison foods, stop drinking water that is fluoridated, and for the umpteenth time, TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING TELEVISIONS.

These upcoming changes will test all realms of your embodiment in this 3rd dimensional consciousness…that includes mentally, physically, emotionally, as most importantly, spirituality. If you are not attuned or becoming re-attuned with your higher self at a higher frequency, you are wasting time. You are not a zombie, I know the globalists have used incalculable methodologies to suppress and dumb you all down, but now that YOU are aware, YOU have the choice to not comply with their agenda and their programming. Break free, have some courage, what is there to fear? Fear is murder from the inside, and if you choose to exist from fear and the negativity that stems from that fear, you are wasting your life and giving in to the will of your masters. Love is all you need, let go of fear, just let it go. You are not trapped in this shell of a body for very long. You are all solar beings of infinite energy. Be brave and make your world what YOU truly want it to be. I know it’s difficult in this technocratic nightmare these illuminati devils have infected this humanity with. And I also know it is difficult to escape from the herd. Yes, it may seem easier to all just stay oblivious, grazing on that aforementioned green grass of ignorance. To not pay attention, to pretend it isn’t there so it doesn’t affect you, pretend the world is a sunshiney dream of happiness. And that would be so nice, wouldn’t it?…but ask yourself, “Would I rather be a sheep, or a shepherd?” you would think the obvious answer would be “shepherd,” so why do so many pick “sheep?”

Elitist pirates have taken full control of the machine that keeps this world turning in the direction they choose. It’s absolutely ridiculous. They need to go, they need to disappear, this needs to go another way or be forced to end by influences outside this planet and/or dimension. Imagine some un-thought-of outside force doing something no one could comprehend that turned it all upside down and sideways, but only to remove them and raise human consciousness, empowering the people back to their higher selves. I like to throw out the canvas, and let you paint your version of the image onto it. Again, I just am aware of the many plausablities, as should you be, to add detail to the overall bigger picture. Does that relate to the actual act of ascension?…of course. Ascending back to an upper dimension, to return to pure energy and light, very real.. But yes, let’s stay here for NOW by focusing this moment NOW, we ARE all stuck here still NOW, for now, but who knows how much longer? It cannot continue like it is, but is the machine repairable anymore?…OR does the machine need to die, and be replaced by something greater? Some live for the future, some live stuck in the past, some live for NOW. What do YOU live from? Think about it.

Let’s see what happens over the next several weeks, should be quite the show, perhaps the show of the century. Be back with some new info soon, wide eyes open. Love to all.

Comet ISON Perihelion/First Day of Hanukkah November 28

space (1630) Animated Gif on Giphy

Again, my apologies for my slackness on the updates and new posts. I have been sitting back and watching some events unfold, getting a good look at the bigger picture. Let’s start with the caption above, ” What about Comet ISON?” … exactly, WHAT is going on with this “comet?” Astronomers are puzzled, even the ones who report to the MSM are stating that they have never witnessed a comet that behaves in such a way. So one would think that there would be a prioritization to be as updated as possible, all cameras pointing at this object, but where is the info? Bruce Gary of course is right there in the forefront bringing as much as he can, but what about those who have access to much better equipment? What about Hubble? What about images from the rover on Mars? Why the lack of information?  Why is it that 9 out of 10 people still don’t even know what this is or that it is coming soon? Questions, questions, questions….

If you want to see the projected path and best time for naked eye visibility, go here>>>   You can also use Stellarium although you may have to import the data for the Comet which is easy. Perihelion, when the comet gets closest to the Sun, is shown to be on November 28, yes about 3 and 1/2 weeks away. Coincidentally, the 28th is also the first day of Hanukkah due to a rare anomaly between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars.  Happened once in the late 19th century, but it won’t happen again for over 77,000 years….CLICK HERE FOR MORE>>>Hanukkah-Thanksgiving   Again, just bizarre coincidence?… we will see. It is an important, important, important day because it will be the time when we will all see if this “comet” makes it around the Sun or not. If it does, will there some sort of amazing lightshow in the sky as a result? Or… if it doesn’t, say it crashes right into the Sun, an object of this size would blow out quite a solar flare possibly. You can go to look at footage from previous Sun-grazers which have in fact at numerous times, caused some sort of solar eruption upon impact. As you can see over to the right side of the page, I have updated the ticker to November 28. 

So we have this day coming up very soon and it should prove exciting. Like I said earlier, many astronomers are claiming outright that this “comet” is behaving more like a small celestial body rather than a comet. CLICK HERE>>>  Comet ISON PHOTO Shows ‘Downright Weird’ Space Rock En Route To Sun  The speed has increased, the object gets dimmer then brighter, the shape is not normal. Read the link, that’s why I put them there for you. If you are one of those who is aware of Comet ISON, share what you know with others. I am actually quite shocked at how FEW people are even aware, especially when EVERYONE should be. Oh but just like a lot of valuable info, it is ignored by the masses so they can focus on something on television. Haven’t seen a thing about this on television have you? Now why would that be? Do they know something you don’t know? OF COURSE THEY DO, they always do, unless YOU can learn to see beyond them by empowering yourselves with knowledge. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on, but it’s up to YOU, not me, to get your ass safely through to the other side. Now I am no idiot, I know these words don’t fall onto too many ears, but as long as one of you gets it, then said person helps someone else get it, then WE are doing something to help this insane asylum of a humanity. Remember though, it is only insane because those who are attempting to control it all are insane. Do not let them control you and you rise up above that insanity. Think about that before you rush to believe that you are not controlled. No one wants to be controlled, yet they are afraid to be uncontrolled because they are so dependent on their masters. Don’t think that applies to you? Okay, if you say so. 

As I get more on Comet ISON, I will update you. You can do your own search to see “current” images, but you’re just going to find the same relative pics. Again, I don’t know why there is such a lack of footage of this object. If I find out, I’ll be sure to let you all know. This month is going to be very exciting, the events coming faster and faster as zero point dawns. Whatever may happen, do not be afraid. Fear is murder, from the inside out. Let go of the fear, more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.