The Fooze: S5E17 5/17/2023 Interzone Part Deux

As promised, here is part 2, of my article/s about the Interzone, as I define it, not how the originator of the term did, the legendary writer, William S. Burroughs, although he sort of meant the same thing, ultimately, did he not? He’s talking abut the space you enter under the influence of certain drugs, which in his case, were IV opiates. That’s a whole other topic, that I will have to talk about someday, considering my past with similar substances. There’s no hallucinations there, so to speak, unless you add in the dreams you encounter via opiate sleeping. Opiate sleeping, or maybe I should use the term, “opiate dreaming,” is like existing in a whole other Universe, albeit one that only reveals itself when you pass out into a heavy opiate nod. Like I said though, we’re going to talk about, SPECIFICALLY talk about, opiates in a future post. It’s too much, too much divergence from my illustration of the Interzone, so yep, for another time, a time not yet specified.

Okay, we were starting with the magical mushrooms, yes? I’m just going to detail a hero’s journey, my last one specifically, where I think I ate like 10-11 grams of Albino Penis Envy fungi, which is noted for its exceptional potency, & whoever wrote that note wasn’t kidding. Holy fuck, these fuckers are PO-TENT…& NOT for bubblegummers, I REPEAT, THESE ARE NOT FOR ROOKIES, especially for those wanting to be heroes. I compare mushroom trips to plane rides, as far as on the come up, you might encounter some turbulence, possibly some rough turbulence, particularly in your stomach, & even more so if your tumtum is empty. Nonetheless, prepare for some turbulence on the way up, a few scary bumps is all, nothing to worry about, because once you hit causing altitude, it’s all smooth sailing form there. These have a long duration too, an easy 6-8 hours. That first hour will be the come-up time, along with the aforementioned proverbial turbulence you might experience. Some don’t, some don’t get the queaze, but most of you will, & like I said, it’s nothing to freak out over, because once you’re cruising at 700 MPH 36,000 feet above the ground, you’re gravy baby, & from there on out, it’s beautiful.

Yes…beautiful, & like I mentioned, these have a long duration, so I spent many hours in the Interzone on that trip, pretty far out there. I went so far, that I saw the “God-spark,” for lack of a better term. This “God-spark,” was a neuron, firing in the brain of some higher-dimensional entity, & we, yes WE, we’re the “illustrators of the spark.” I have to mention this though; this “God-spark” occurs within a fraction of a fraction of a fractional second, just like when neurons fire on our own brains, but because we’re lower-dimensional beings, we experience these minutely momentary electrical “God-sparks,” as entire eons here on 3d Earth. Imagine, if you will, some entity that is 5d, or maybe 8d, & is not limited to the dimension of 4d time, try to imagine, if you can. We cannot accurately imagine such things, because we’re in 3d space, but substance like the psilocybin in specific mushrooms, when taken at extraordinarily high doses, allows you to briefly move, move between 3d, 4d, & 5d, similar to when you’re dreaming. Makes me wonder about Rogan’s smart ape idea; an idea that implies that the primates of long ago, one day when hunting for food, saw a batch of bright red Amanita mushrooms growing in a big pile of shit, then ate them. Upon eating them, their brains somehow hyper-evolved, like nearly instantaneously, metamorphosing them from primates to humans, all in a flash, as I said, upon ingesting these mushrooms they found, & that’s where the modern day human being evolved from.

Sounds great in theory, doesn’t it? If it were true though, & considering all the experiments they do on poor the unfortunate primates they steal from their homes in the jungle to do tests on, surely they would’ve given monkeys psychedelics by now, at the very least, just to see what happens. I found a link about it, if you want to read more, & you can click HERE for that. It’s a funny way Rogan tells it, of course, & not only is it great comedy, it might be true, for all we know. Do you know how we got here? I don’t, but I sure as fuck know we didn’t “evolve” from fish…duh, trust me I know. I don’t care how many billions of years you wanna throw at me, evolution is NOT what most people think it is. Sure, over time, most creatures will “evolve” certain traits to help them adapt & survive better, but these aren’t dynamic changes, so to speak, & definitely not the ones they ascribe billions of years to. No, the true dynamism, comes from the Sun. Thats’s right, from the Sun; if you want to know what evolution is, look at that giant ball of radiation in the daytime sky for your answer. I think that the Sun fires off novas, micro & macro, highly electrically-charged novas, & when one hits the Earth, she changes, unbelievably rapidly too. New mountains are formed from the force of the nova impacts, tsunamis arise, like miles-high tsunamis, insanely powerful earthquakes, all in a flash too…literally. You’d have nowhere to hide, unless you were lucky enough to find a cave that can withstand the surface destruction/creation via the nova. This would imply that most mammal life is still on the surface, & they’re blasted with that solar radiation, rather than getting fried, everything mutates, & mutates very rapidly. Now obviously, this is just a theory of mine, one of many, that usually end up in my literary vault of sorts…& as usual, I’ve segued from the main topic, yet again. par for my course, as you know.

Incidentally, look into the Electric Universe, if you want to know more about how the Universe really operates. At the very least it’s a much more plausible scenario, then the current one. No, the craters n the moon aren’t all from meteorites; most of them are from electrical discharges via novas from the Sun. People don’t seem to understand how big space is, & these novas a millions of times bigger than Earth. Almost unimaginably massive. I’m kinda surprised one hasn’t totally fried our atmosphere yet, like Mars, to be honest, but we’re talking about so much time between said novas, that civilizations rise & fall, then rise & fall, again & again, between these events. The novas are so powerful, that they cause a pole shift, here on Earth, as well as every other cataclysm on unimaginable scales, enough to easily wipe out almost all traces of prior civilizations, so how would we know about the true history of the world, if is has been totally wiped away, like it was never even here. A million years ago is literally almost nothing on geologic time scales, so again, how would we know, if highly-advanced civilizations have come & gone, countless times throughout the planet’s history? Do you all realize how long a MILLION years is? We are living on around 12000 years of history collectively right now; that is nothing, NOTHING, in epochal time scales. Literally nothing, & we don’t know shit about our real history, not a God-damned thing, relatively speaking. Nonetheless, the Electric Universe, in my opinion, offers much better evidentiary speculation than the current nonsense barfs out onto the actual science. Want an example?

Craters; craters on the moon, do you believe they were really caused by millions of years of getting bombarded with bolides? If that were the case, where are the ones here? Sure, there are a few “craters,” here, but maybe they aren’t craters? Maybe when the Sun fired out its nova/s, the plasma interacted with the planets, creating MASSIVE lightning bolts essentially, which lit up the Moon, causing these mistakenly-assumed craters, & has been shown to be true, via tests experimenting with plasma cosmology, & said plasma, when lit up, caused similar craters on a model Moon for the project. They simply minimized the solar system, fired off a small test nova, then studied the results. The nova discharge created planet-sized plasma that fired of lightning which created these “craters,” which look exactly like the craters on the Moon. Planet-sized discharges in relation to the model of course, but still, the experiment worked, in as far as proving that giant plasma electrical discharges from the Sun blasting out a nova, are what make those craters, not meteorites. They’re so smart, & not humble at all, so they assume they’re above all of us in their disrespective fields of pseudo-mastery, & that we are too dumb to figure things out on our own. Sure, I have no idea how t do do basic calculus, or what the different jars in labs are for, are even some basic shit, I’m a fucking retard…but…I’m not dumb, & although I don’t have a PhD from Lambda Lambda Lambda, I can still street smart you nerds into your proverbial lockers, & leave you locked in there, in the fetal position, crying for some blue-haired woke teacher to save your clowny ass. Fucking nerds, I could care less if you can code, you’re still a loser, but I digress.

Well, I do, & I don’t digress, here, because these psychopathic beta twerps are the ones with their figurative finger on the button on AI, & they could care less what it does, as long as it becomes “sentient,” which I believe, those in the know, already do. They might even be amongst them…like the AI Synths from Fallout. Synths, are so indistinguishable, that they don’t even know they’re not human. Guess who made them too? MIT, that’s right, the Mecca for the AI revolution. People WANT this; it’s so insane. Read a comment section under a video on Youtube about AI. You stupid fucks WANT it; & of course, it’s not everyone, but easily 90%+ in the comments can’t wait for the AI to take over, & it will, which is exactly what the globalists real plan heavily entails…GET THE KIDS. Sick fucks, it’s quite a power game they play, is it not?

Yikes, that last big red pill to got swallowed down like a pill-popping Pac-man…well done, if you got that one down big fella, or big girl, whichever of the TWO only genders you can pick, bit gain, I digress. Okay Fishhead Fam, I’m going to save LSD for part 3, of what will turn out to be a 4-part series, all about the Interzone. Until next time dear readers, you don’t have to be stuck in The Matrix all the time. You have a choice, you always have. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“I’ll street smart you nerds back into your proverbial lockers.” Fish F Fish🎏

Deep Impact

This is gonna be an exceptionally short one, but apparently there’s going to be a close fly-by of an asteroid tomorrow. Will anything happen? NO, nothing at all, they just do this to build the collective fear of the herd…ie. all of YOU. Tiny fractions of fear porn, but delivered all day, every day, via every outlet, & it all adds up. Just another little red pill from my fish-head Pez dispenser, so don’t be scared, unless you look up tomorrow & see a giant asteroid coming your way. Until next time, beware the bloody bolides. 🎏

For all of you, & none of you.

Click HERE to read more

Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Trump 2016

Be a Creator…


Vote Trump 2016,

and let’s make America great again.

More to come.

Love to all.

Book Intro




For None and All.

This is a rough intro to a new book I am putting together. The info is buried deep in my archives, but this is a different entity than those posts. This is more than information, it is a secret of the real reality of this 3rd dimensional paradigm and how YOU got here. Take it and resonate with the information,

…or as always, YOU have the option to simply change the channel. 



Being young as an old soul can be tricky. Having being incarnated and reincarnated over and over and over again wears on the soul. Each incarnation the spiritual amnesia seems to deepen in one way, yet soften in another. Let me explain. Deepen in the sense you can feel that you have been here before, that you somehow already know what you know, like a game, that you cannot remember the rules to. You feel it though, always feeling it, just cannot quite put together what it was. It gets thicker each time, but there’s the counterbalance, the soften aspect. When I use the term soften, I mean that if you can learn to let go of the illusory grand impression you had of the world and begin to remember yourself, the deepening becomes an awakening, and rather quickly the pieces come together, the puzzle picture forms, the game board becomes clear. As a young soul who has not become deep yet, there is little of a softening aspect, because they have not incarnated enough to be challenged in such a way, they are still young in spirit remember. There are always of course anomalies, young souls that dive right into the deep end and emerge golden, old souls that grow older, never attaining the self enlightenment they keep incarnating over and over and over again for to begin with. There is of course the huge grey area in between, as it is obviously different for each and every soul. Do you want to know why it is this way?

Eons ago, consciousness was not divided amongst a populous of humans and/or all other sentient beings throughout the Universe. Consciousness was a singular entity, in a void of a higher dimension, unbound to time and matter and form, connected and un-broken by the bliss of unconditional love. No conceptualizations of fear or ego or evil, only a highly vibrating entity of blissful consciousness. Then, said great entity set out to conduct a grand experiment with itself, the grandest of experiments, barely plausible from the lower level of consciousness the current humanity resonates from. This grand experiment was to allow itself, consciousness, as a mass entity, to fall into the lower vibrations of the lower dimensions so that it could experience itself experiencing itself, breaking and fragmenting into a seemingly infinite number of fragmentations, which quickly expanded throughout the Universe. These fragments, these singular androgynous souls of the mass consciousness then came upon planets, where they could manifest and re-propagate themselves, experiencing the realities of existing no longer as energy, but rather condensed, into form and matter, into the 3rd dimensional construct you now all find yourselves in. So the fragments descended further, dividing themselves, becoming no longer a connected entity of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, but now two different fragments of fragments. Here on this planet, we have come to know each half of the once united soul as a man and woman, and certainly this similar scenario has played out throughout the Universe by now, since remember, this all occurred many, many eons ago.

There is, however, a great twist in all this…


Consciousness, as the initial mass entity, had a back-up plan for this grand experiment. Once consciousness had descended as far as it go, it to the deepest bowels of ego and evil and darkness away from the light, it would re-ascend itself back to the higher dimensions of infinite love and joy and pure bliss and divine connectivity. How did it plan to do this? Unknowing to most of the human souls, they subconsciously were programmed to seek out their other halves, their divine counterparts. Recall what I spoke of above, how the fragments, fragmented into a divine feminine and divine masculine form in order to incarnate in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. Thus, the purpose of all men and women throughout all of their time in this dimension is to gather knowledge and experience for the great consciousness, the source, while simultaneously subconsciously seeking to reunite with their divine other half. It is often referred to as the twin flame. Now clearly most people have no inclinations of these things, so they end up with soul mates, or substitutes of some sort that do not quite fulfill them, yet they deal with it because they know nothing more then some feeling inside themselves they try to call love, although in reality is not a whole love, not a complete love, it is a bittersweet love, until one re-connects with their divine counterpart, their twin flame, or twin soul, or twin ray, I like to let labels retain a flexibility. On that note, what I wrote above does not exclude the gays. Some go through incarnations as homosexuals, as I said, every soul’s journey is different, some just encounter different experiences, and who is to say that the divine spirit limits itself to a male or female body, despite it’s initial being as divine masculine or divine feminine? There is no judgement here, no answers, all of this knowledge already exists within each and every one of you. You have been misguided into an illusory world that revolves around egos and fear, embracing the slow vibration of this 3rd dimensional asylum you are all stuck in together, rather then discovering your souls and learning to re-ascend back to the higher dimensions of energy and light from which you descended.

This is not true of the entirety of humanity however, as more and more souls are remembering what they are, many are reuniting with their twin flames, many are seeking to return to the joy and compassion and unconditional love that encompasses the realms of bliss from the higher dimensions from whence you all fell so very, very long ago.

So there it is.

Breathe. Deep in, deeper, deeper, expand the diaphragm, then hold, then release, letting all the dark go, all the ego, all the fear, just breathe.


I take late late night 6 mile walks around a lake in complete darkness, only the sound of Nature and my natural disposition available to me as a fairly in-shape human being. No one is ever out there. Why? What makes one not go for a walk or jog in the full moon on a path around a lake in the dark? It’s because of fear…”something might get me,”…”I can’t see, what if something/someone gets me,”…all boils down to FEAR….FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. It’s a plague on your soul. Let go of it, like a breath, in with the good soul energy, out with the fear and the ego version of YOU, the fake version of YOU. Only two base emotions remember?…LOVE and FEAR. Are YOU the master, or the slave? Let go of fear, let go of the anger from that fear, let go of the vanity, just let it go, like a breath, a breath like a cloud. YOU are part of Nature. YOU are part of everything. There is NOTHING to fear, EVER. Are YOU afraid of death? Why? This life will be over before YOU know it. YOU are only here for a blip, then gone, but where? Depends on where your soul is and/or if YOU can even identify yet with what/who YOU really are. Will YOU come back, incarnating after incarnating again and again, forgetting yourselves, having to remember what YOU already know again. Make this the last incarnation. YOU are a being of a higher dimension. This dimension is slow, vibrating so slowly that energy condenses into matter and form, all the while YOU are really an infinite solar being of light trapped in a 3rd dimensional body. When YOU dream, YOU ascend, YOU are nearly no longer limited to time and density, YOU are almost free. This is the astral plane between the 4th and 5th dimension. There is a connection here, a door, but YOU cannot walk through into the 5th dimension until YOU free yourselves of karma and ego and fear, and embrace love, unconditional love, the love that binds you to the Source. Many are awakening, many are feeling they are changing, evolving, yet the masses still stay clueless. I have spent two years working on this, and if YOU choose to still watch television all day, consuming shit food, and staying programmed, then keep doing it. The choice to expand your consciousness and remember your soul self, your higher self, your divine self, is inside YOU, not me.

I am only here to translate, helping as many of YOU as I can help yourselves.

Think about how YOU feel when YOU resonate with this knowledge.

Or don’t. Change the channel. Eat more sugar.

Choice is YOURS, not mine.

We are here simply to inform.

Love to All.


Comet ISON Lives


Comet ISON has survived perihelion. Where will it go and what will it do now? Check out the vid above, only a little over 2 minutes long. Obviously, there are many more cameras and vid-creators you can play with yourselves, since that’s what you are good at, playing with yourselves, isn’t everyone? Anyway, I digress. Check out ISON make it’s approach, then escape away on the other side of the Sun, heading I believe Northish of Earth’s orbit. Will we pass a debris field, or has all this just been a bunch of hype? Who knows? Comets are interesting though. Don’t forget to check out  …and check out the Sun in all it’s radiance. More to come, wide eyes open. Love to all.

Current Screenshot of ISON Right Now

This is the best I could do at the moment, like I said, helioviewer is down due to overdownloading of vids. But you can clearly see, IT’S RIGHT THERE. Click the image to blow it up. More to come as the day goes on. Wide eyes open. Love to all.



Comet ISON ON the Way

Made November 27, 2013 by yours truly. You can see more updated footage via

I made this video yesterday with the intent of making one today if my connection was working again, which it is, HOWEVER… helioviewer is down because too many people are trying to see ISON. So there is footage all over the internet and there may also be a live feed when perihelion happens a few hours from now. It is currently 11:11 EST. What’s gonna happen next? Soon we shall see, exciting isn’t it? or… will it prove to be an over-hyped event. Like I said, soon we will know. Stay updated. Wide eyes open, more to come. Love to all.

St. Peter’s Bones and ISON Update

Pope-peter pprubens.jpg

This is just one image of Saint Peter, you can obviously find many more if you look it up. Saint Peter  traditionally holds the keys to the gates of heaven, hence why I thought this image appropriate. This of course after he was reportedly martyred, being crucified upside-down because he felt he was unworthy of being crucified upright like Jesus supposedly was. So is this the origin of the upside-down cross? Sure, it’s definitely arguable, but most people relate upside-down crosses to evil, hmmmm… strange how that seems to be the reality, once again boiling down to people not knowing the real facts. You can click “Saint Peter” above and read all about his life, and work, and eventually death. His bones are entombed below in his tomb in St. Peter’s Basilica…

St. peter’s tomb… 

…where they have been resting since ohhhh… a long time. However, the Vatican has decided to bring them out for display. The bones are only fragments, contained in an interesting little grey box...

Yes, apparently that’s him or what’s left of him. Long after this clearly painful event…

     So now whenever you see an upside-down cross, you know the real story instead of equating it with evil and Satan. Satan, the real definition, is not what most of you think it is by the way… certainly not a red, horned, pitchfork-wielding devil, but I won’t go into that right now…just another avatar .

The whole point of enlightening you on who Saint Peter was is because the Vatican has decided to bring his bones up from their resting place for display to the public. What at this time? Has something to do with a holiday they exercise amongst themselves, holiday usually meaning ritual to the devil black pope and his minions. Again, I DO NOT BELIEVE NOR DISBELIEVE IN GOD,DEVIL, JESUS,BUDDHA,MOHAMMED, LUCIFER, but… these globalist pig scum illuminati who control all of you DO. So what does this ritual coincide with?…

Well, there is the Hanukkah/Thanksgiving/Comet ISON perihelion all occurring on the 28th, yes 3/4 days away. Possible?… That there is a connection?…Of course it’s possible, doesn’t mean anything will happen. Many have been waiting to see this “comet” for a long time, most don’t even have a clue it’s out there. It’s out there all right, and soon, all of you will see it whether it does anything significant or not. The light show is inevitable. A few days ago, a large solar flare blew off a big chunk of ISON’s tail and coma, but it has yet reformed and is further getting back intact, glowing bright enough to see with the naked eye before sunset. Some of the latest images…

      …quite beautiful, isn’t it? And this comet including tail and coma is SEVERAL times larger than Earth. What will happen, will it make it around the Sun? Will it collide into the Sun? Will it break apart and come back this way, will it just put on a magnificent show in the night sky?  Soon, soon, soon, and by the way, these images are from Bruce Gary’s site, he is apparently the frontman on the latest ISON info. Here’s his link again…

Comet ISON Observations – Bruce L. Gary

Be sure to bookmark it, there are daily updates and images. Before I wrap this up…I want to share a thought…

Suppose the universe is a giant womb, and only appears so vast because we are so infinitely small in this universe. Now suppose comets are sperm, cosmic galactic sperm, that seek to impregnate stars, stars being the eggs. Most of the time, the Sun/Egg deflects the comet sperm, sending it back out to space, but from time to time, a certain comet, so big, hits directly into the Sun, impregnating the Sun in some currently unknowable celestial manner, causing the Sun to do…. well I don’t know, be “born?”… Just something I was thinking about while I watch and wait for Comet ISON to reveal it’s purpose. Maybe you will find it some interesting food for thought as well. Only a few days to perihelion, more to come. My apologies for the delays between updates, I have been busy with other projects and really into some new knowledge that at some point, I am sure I will share with all of you. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

Comet ISON Perihelion/First Day of Hanukkah November 28

space (1630) Animated Gif on Giphy

Again, my apologies for my slackness on the updates and new posts. I have been sitting back and watching some events unfold, getting a good look at the bigger picture. Let’s start with the caption above, ” What about Comet ISON?” … exactly, WHAT is going on with this “comet?” Astronomers are puzzled, even the ones who report to the MSM are stating that they have never witnessed a comet that behaves in such a way. So one would think that there would be a prioritization to be as updated as possible, all cameras pointing at this object, but where is the info? Bruce Gary of course is right there in the forefront bringing as much as he can, but what about those who have access to much better equipment? What about Hubble? What about images from the rover on Mars? Why the lack of information?  Why is it that 9 out of 10 people still don’t even know what this is or that it is coming soon? Questions, questions, questions….

If you want to see the projected path and best time for naked eye visibility, go here>>>   You can also use Stellarium although you may have to import the data for the Comet which is easy. Perihelion, when the comet gets closest to the Sun, is shown to be on November 28, yes about 3 and 1/2 weeks away. Coincidentally, the 28th is also the first day of Hanukkah due to a rare anomaly between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars.  Happened once in the late 19th century, but it won’t happen again for over 77,000 years….CLICK HERE FOR MORE>>>Hanukkah-Thanksgiving   Again, just bizarre coincidence?… we will see. It is an important, important, important day because it will be the time when we will all see if this “comet” makes it around the Sun or not. If it does, will there some sort of amazing lightshow in the sky as a result? Or… if it doesn’t, say it crashes right into the Sun, an object of this size would blow out quite a solar flare possibly. You can go to look at footage from previous Sun-grazers which have in fact at numerous times, caused some sort of solar eruption upon impact. As you can see over to the right side of the page, I have updated the ticker to November 28. 

So we have this day coming up very soon and it should prove exciting. Like I said earlier, many astronomers are claiming outright that this “comet” is behaving more like a small celestial body rather than a comet. CLICK HERE>>>  Comet ISON PHOTO Shows ‘Downright Weird’ Space Rock En Route To Sun  The speed has increased, the object gets dimmer then brighter, the shape is not normal. Read the link, that’s why I put them there for you. If you are one of those who is aware of Comet ISON, share what you know with others. I am actually quite shocked at how FEW people are even aware, especially when EVERYONE should be. Oh but just like a lot of valuable info, it is ignored by the masses so they can focus on something on television. Haven’t seen a thing about this on television have you? Now why would that be? Do they know something you don’t know? OF COURSE THEY DO, they always do, unless YOU can learn to see beyond them by empowering yourselves with knowledge. I can go on and on and on and on and on and on, but it’s up to YOU, not me, to get your ass safely through to the other side. Now I am no idiot, I know these words don’t fall onto too many ears, but as long as one of you gets it, then said person helps someone else get it, then WE are doing something to help this insane asylum of a humanity. Remember though, it is only insane because those who are attempting to control it all are insane. Do not let them control you and you rise up above that insanity. Think about that before you rush to believe that you are not controlled. No one wants to be controlled, yet they are afraid to be uncontrolled because they are so dependent on their masters. Don’t think that applies to you? Okay, if you say so. 

As I get more on Comet ISON, I will update you. You can do your own search to see “current” images, but you’re just going to find the same relative pics. Again, I don’t know why there is such a lack of footage of this object. If I find out, I’ll be sure to let you all know. This month is going to be very exciting, the events coming faster and faster as zero point dawns. Whatever may happen, do not be afraid. Fear is murder, from the inside out. Let go of the fear, more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.