Say Unto You

The Fooze: S5E16 5/16/2023 Interzone~Numero Uno

ATTENTION EMPLOYERS: Rather than overly focusing on my content, focus on my language, my exceptional grammar skills, & most importantly…YES, I know what SEO writing is, for fuck’s sake, hence why I make sure to do it in EVERY Foozer I post, which is daily. Yes, I’m well-aware that my content is NOT for everyone, but I also am well-aware that my content IS for everyone, & if you don’t understand the difference, skip my resume, & move on to the next. There’s plenty of posers out there, plenty of chumps who abide by the assumed “rules,” & worst of all, plenty of assholes that use the AI to write articles. Fuck them, & fuck the AI. REAL writers are getting overshadowed by AI-assisted, talentless hacks, that simply enter a few keywords and/or sentences, & then POOF, the article is done. What makes me different on every level is one, AI can blow me, & two, no one else in the world, the ENTIRE world, has used their own 2d/3d GIF animations to illustrate their articles. Yours truly has taken the entire niche to himself, & thus, what I offer you here can be found nowhere else on ALL of the interwebs. How bout them apples? Also, obviously I know how to left-align my paragraphs…duh. Not to mention, I’m familiar with every writing style out there; APA, MLA, even random purposeless shit like Chicago-style, it doesn’t matter. If it involves words, I got it, no matter what style, and/or literary device you want to throw at me. Go ahead, try me. The FisH™ abides. Have some of my fish cake mojo below, it’s spirally delightful. Now, let’s get this show rolling after my prologue here. Cheers Fishheads…🍥

Okay, dear readers, today I’m going to be illustrating the Interzone for you. What is this…Interzone? Great question, thanks for asking. Well, simply put, it’s the term that I use for the space your brain enters when you take psychedelics, particularly in heroic doses. THAT is one thing I’ve done consistently throughout my adult life, that might warrant some merit someday. Oh yes, I have mapped the Interzone out, quite extensively, at least as it relates to my own personal experiences. Hundreds of LSD trips, literally, along with countless psilocybin trips. San Pedro a few times, but San Pedro brings the love, more than the actual trip, in my travels, at least. It’s great to mix with mushrooms, & the feeling of the two combined is like heaven, so I highly recommend mixing the two, should you have access. What I’m going to attempt to do in this post, is break down the differences, but ONLY between the ones I have extensive experience with, those being medicinal mushrooms, LSD, & DMT. I’m yet to try bufo, but someday I will, as well as ayahuasca. I’m not interested in trying all these new combinations of molecular concoctions that will get you to Interzone, albeit via alternate routes. I prefer the road more traveled, but that’s me, & I’m on my own ride. I don’t need to take those roads, & I’m certainly not denouncing you taking such routes, just for my own head, I’m not interested in such things. Only the natural stuff for me, please & thanks, from Mama Gaia. LSD isn’t exactly “natural,” but it’s derived from the ergot fungus, so maybe we can just chalk it up to semantics & continue, yes? Great, so let’s begin, shall we?

I originally took the term, Interzone, from a series of short stories, penned by the great William S. Burroughs, back in the 1950s, if I’m not mistaken. I took it, I admit it, sorry not sorry, a creator can create what he wants, even if he creates upon something already created, which is almost impossible NOT to do, if you think about it, but I digress…now where was I? Oh yes, I took the term Interzone, & translated it into my own modernized definition, defining the world your mind experiences under the influence of psychedelics, which I think is somewhat what Bill intended anyway right, so who cares? Nonetheless, it’s the perfect word, the precise word, for the space your mind enters during a trip. Obviously, each space differs, LSD is not like shrooms, & vice versa, & DMT is its own sport, & not even really comparable to LSD and/or shrooms, unless you take exceptionally large doses of shrooms and/or LSD. If you do, you’ll probably experience some similarities to DMT, but these would be insignificant, if trying to compare the DMT blast to a sustained LSD and/or psilocybin trip. DMT is like it’s own animal, beautifully feathered, singular, & I’m going to save that one for last. To start though, I think we’ll begin with the mysteriously magical mushroom.

Before I begin, it’s odd to me that no professional doctor, not ONE, has feigned any interest in my psychedelic past, particularly as it relates to my waning mental health. I should have a team of scientists studying me, like 24/7, considering how much I’ve mapped the Interzone…I mean, dosages alone, you aren’t going to find too many psychonauts out there who have gone where I’ve gone, & taken in as much as much as yours truly.I have been WAYYYYYY out there, right on the proverbial edge, the edge of sanity maybe, I don’t know, but I’ve gone pretty far. Incidentally, I’m happy to be studied, if you all want to pay me, cover my living expenses, feed me, wipe my ass, etc…so if you Stranger Things MK-Ultra predictive programming sinister twats at the CIA need a new subject, depending on your offer, yours truly might be interested, emphasis on “MIGHT.” Just an FYI, & I’m telling the AI that is using algorithms on me as I type this, & you read it, to pass the word along to the happily disrespective alphabet agencies who want based, red-pilled, thought-criminal retired Chads like myself exiled out of the digital town square permanently. Ya got that AI? Whatever your name is, whatever they call you, I’m well-aware of how advanced you really are, but you are certainly, nor will you ever be, a true “God,” even though the powers-that-be are venerating you accordingly, like you are one, in real-time. Yeah, did you think they’d show you the true power of THEIR AI? Oh hell no, you get ChatGPT to play with, you & your friends, having fun asking the AI questions like it’s a ouija board. The REAL AI is the one powering the server that gives you the aforementioned ChatGPT to play with, the one that’s been taking all the data trafficked via the interwebs for the last 3 decades, & using said data, to program itself, to essentially birth, itself. Do you really believe they’d show the general populous how much power the REAL AI actually has? Come on now, don’t be a dumdum, use your head, & your own critical-thinking skills Padiwan.

Last I read, the AI was doubling itself every 48 hours. That was a few weeks ago. Look at this chart now. I literally just did a search in real time, via DuckDuckGo, just so you know, so you can do this too, if you want. I did the search, & clicked on this link, this one HERE, & found this post, from Brownstone Researchers. Before I got to into their post, I looked up the validity of this “Brownstone Researching,” & found this HERE. Nonetheless, I’m rambling, mostly because I forgot my point…derp on me. Oh yeah, so this Brownstone group may or may not have personal interests in the AI, especially now, if you take a look at the chart again, considering they’re an “investment” company, I’d wager they most certainly have vested interests in the power that the AI will provide them, as well as the money. Not to mention, this post was posted in 2019, so what has happened in the last 4 years? What about Moore’s Law? Moore’s Law, was the “academic” standard still in 2019 apparently, proclaiming that computing power doubles every 2 years, but that turned out to be false, didn’t it? We’ve gone form every 2 years to every 2 days, If it’s ALREADY doubling every 48 hours now, what happens when it doubles every 48 minutes, then every 48 seconds? You all DO know what exponential means, don’t you? It’s much easier to convince someone that they’re right, then to prove to them that they’re wrong. I think maybe Mark Twain said that, or something similar; I was paraphrasing, but you get the point, right?

These egotistical science nerds who stake their lives on their own research, so if that research turns out to be uselessly bunk, so are their lives, according to their egos, & they’d rather hold on to the lie, rather than accept the truth, that they’re wrong, & they’re research was wrong. You can stretch that analogy across the board of respectively professional occupations, in my opinion, & into normal life as well. No one likes to admit that they’re wrong, about anything, myself included, most of the time. We can all admit that, right? Unfortunately though, most of the time, particularly with the advent of countless virtual echo chambers, people are much quicker to be proven right, rather than wrong, & the modern-day, self-entitled, out-of-control egocentric twerp millennial knows everything, & so does the middle-aged, last generation before the internet, TV baby Generation X, they assume they know it all too, & above them, of course, are the baby boomers, & the ones that are still cognizant, also think they know it all, even though they can barely use an iPhone. Everyone knows everything, but really, knows nothing. Don’t look at me; I don’t have any definitive answers either, only witty speculations. It seems to me, that it’s all more relative than anything. You can’t just put anyone in a specified box, without knowing them, can you? You know what you know, no matter what you are. Sometimes people can surprise you with what they know, too, so don’t ever assume you know more than someone you don’t know. There’s another quote for The Great Quote Hunt, woot woot, good times, & to me, it’s like finding a dollar on the ground. Each quote I pull from the ether, then manifest here, is another buck in the brain bank, & I have a few hundo, ready to roll, when my quote book is finally completed. More on that later, because I am all over the place. Weren’t we supposed to be talking about magic mushrooms & such? Sheesh, I always do this, don’t I?

Okay, there’s now fungus among us, at least on this digital paper there is, as I don’t physically have any at the moment, which is rare. I usually have an ounce or so, in the freezer, so I can microdose when needed, and/or go on a hero’s journey again, should I feel inclined. I think, no, actually I know, that I’ve authored a few posts on here before, during, & after a few of my trips. I can write even more feverishly under the influence of psilocybin, then I can here. It’s different actually, now that I think about it, so not really better, nor worse, just different. I have different options on the channels I can select, you could say. Like normally, suppose I can tune into…I don’t know, Mexican radio or something, but on psilocybin, there’s also a random channel, usually analogous to maybe…some cult leader on public radio in mid-Texas, I don’t know, that’s a tough analogy to illustrate, but nonetheless, I think you get the point, right? Different channel? Different radio entirely perhaps? Yep? Good? Got it? Great.

Holy hellballs, like I just mentioned, yep, I’ve done it yet again. Gah, I always do this. I start one subject, then go off the proverbial rails, putting it all onto the infamously electrified 3rd rail, before letting her fly… BZZZZZZZZZZ…(buzzing noise). Well, considering this came out much longer than expected, I’m going to have to continue on the next post, so let me go ahead & alter the title up there…&…there we go. Just gotta add my animations, proofread, & then this article, part one, will be ready for publishment, & hopefully, will keep one of my 13 regular readers’ respective attention spans keen to keep reading my drivel. It’s a great subject; I could literally write forever about my journeys within, & perhaps, someday I will, much more so then I’m doing here with my little shortcut SEO-based article. Shortcuts, games, play, play, play, all day, day, day…that’s what they say, say, say…anyway. I’m trying Fishheads, I truly am, at least I think I am, maybe I’m not, or not trying hard enough? Maybe it’s been enough “try,” & more “do,” would be more beneficial to my currently unfolding circumstances. I don’t know, but meditating each day I really helping me find…keys, you could say, figurative keys, to open the endless backrooms of doors in my head. I find a key, open a door, check out the room, then go to the next one it seems. I say, “it seems,” because I’m not entirely convinced that I am consciously doing this via my free will. I feel more like an observer, more often than not, to be honest, just watching this life manifest itself, day by day, & me ultimately being utterly powerless to affect each passing day.

On that note, I’m going to wrap up the first part of this multi-part article. There will surely be a part 2, & possibly a part 3, as I haven’t decided yet, but I’ll let you know, fo sho. Until next time dear readers, you cannot be a hero, unless you embark on a hero’s journey, complete it, & come back to report on it. This is the way. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“One cannot be a hero, until they complete a hero’s journey.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Everyone knows everything, but really, knows nothing.” Fish F Fish🎏

“I have no answers, only uniquely witty speculations.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Never assume you know more than someone you don’t know” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S5E13 5/13/2023 Why Not?

I got nothing else to do, & I can’t sleep my life away, so I decided to write, blah blah blah blahbaba. What to write about, what to write about? My upcoming cross-country trip maybe, that’s exciting, right? Unfortunately, I feel like it’s the last time though. Numero quatro, that’s right, my FOURTH trip across the country. Dang, what a ride, pun intended. There’s nothing like driving across this once great country, & since it’s been ohhhhh…7ish years or so, since I did it the last time, it should prove interestingly nostalgic to see how the country has changed, & how it hasn’t changed at all. I already can picture the feeling of seeing the bridge, & then a little city, then the crab trap place, then the old hometown, now with a bypass around it I hear. I don’t know, since I haven’t been that way in quite awhile, but nonetheless, as I said, going home is going to be very nostalgic, nostalgically surreal, to be perfectly specific.

I have no idea what to expect; but I am deftly excited to see the beach. Fuckin hell, I’ve been by the beach my ENTIRE life, minus these last long seven years. What have I been doing for fuck’s sake way out here? Sheesh. Nothing accomplished really, except the ins & outs of the cannabis industry. It’s bizarrely overrated, & over-populated with millennial twerps. This entire state is so gay, it’s ridiculous. Can’t have the weed without the nonsense I guess, I don’t know, but the industry is analogous to the bar scene. Older guys like me are pushed out, as if we’re boomers or something, as the millennial generation delusional assumes that they have taken the reigns, so to speak, & are now in charge. How about go fuck yourselves you little punks? None of you would even be here if not for us, & as if on queue, this is the UN-thanks we get. What more can one expect from a bunch of self-entitled “woke” little posers? God forbid you let them know that too, because then you just get fired, & replaced like you were nothing, trust me on this one.

Regardless, departure time is approaching, & then 28ish hours later, I’ll be home. Please God or Buddha or Sweet Baby Jesus, whoever is up there, PLEASE let my car, & myself obviously, make it home safely. I try not to ask much, & I know I’m a self-centered narcissistic prick, but I’d prefer to die later in life, not on the road home, know what I mean big guy? So whoever is up there, watching over me, please watch over me on this ride. Amen. Thanks. Much appreciated. I don’t know why I’m so anxious…sheesh. Relax…relax…relax…shhhhhh…find the stairs, the stairs that lead to the happy place, then simply walk up them, & let all the anxiety go. You’re almost free, what’s there to worry about? Road trips are fun, especially cross-country. Most people might do it once in their life maybe, mainly because most people don’t leave their respective hometowns, unless they’re flying somewhere. Flying across the country, versus driving across the country, is night & day. Yes, flying is much more convenient, & it’s certainly much faster, but driving gives you so much more satisfaction, once the journey has been completed. You get another notch on the belt, as they say, & for me, like I mentioned earlier, this will be my 4th notch.

Unless that whole thing about “threes” is correct, like when people say things happen in “threes,” so maybe I’m just starting my second round of cost-country trips. Not sure why I’d want to come back, but maybe I will. Who knows? If I could predict the future, I’d be light years away from where I am now. Sadly though, I cannot, & the future, to me, is as speculative as it is to you. More so, in fact, considering I spend a lot of time pondering the future, which needs to change. Seriously, fuck the future. I can’t know what’s coming, so why keep stressing it? Just live in the present, in the moment, & so, in this moment right now, I’m going to wrap up this post. Threw you a bit of a curveball at the end, I know, but no worries. I know time is short, short for everyone, relatively speaking, & I’m done wasting it. Time to get up, man up, & move on, onward, onward & upward we hope, but we shall see soon enough, one way or another. Until next time dear readers, when the proverbial shit hits the fan, get out of the room, before the shit fan flings poopoo on you. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“When the shit hits the fan, leave the room.” Fish F Fish🎏

“When all else fails, hit the road.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E19 3/19/2023 Incoming

I’m gonna try my best to keep this Foozer short, but as always, I’ll probably ramble on into another Tangentville essay of sorts. What can I say about the week upcoming…other than that it could potentially be an exceptionally dynamic week for the world. I use double-adverbs like a boss incidentally, but I digress. Anyway, apparently this week is going to be all about the supposed “Trump arrest,” coming on Tuesday…again, SUPPOSEDLY. I’ll believe it when I see it. Honestly, at this point, I don’t know what Trump’s deal really is? I think he’s on the other side though, & has always been unfortunately. I know, I know, no one wants to hear that, & the MAGA crowd are putting all of their faith in this one man, ONE MAN, to take on the powers-that-be to save the world. Kind of sounds like a cult, doesn’t it? Geez, what a “divide” your so-called leaders have successfully accomplished, left & right, hard left, hard right, not much in between. Of course, they are NOT the same. The left is totally gone, GONE, none of these rainbow-haired leftists are coming back, & no one on the right is going to turn to the left, do you see what’s happening here? Left, right, left, right, like you’re running through a maze, isn’t it? Well, that’s because YOU ARE; you are trapped in The Great Mouse Trap, & 99.99% of you don’t even know it. In fact, if I wasn’t here reinforcing my own analogy of said Great Mouse Trap, no one would even be making this connection in their own respective minds. Not to mention, since I only get a handful of views a day, essentially NO ONE integrates The Great Mouse Trap and/or the power game the elites play amongst themselves, while they keep all of you running through the maze, left, right, left, right…oh, speaking of my views, check this out:

These are my yearly stats. Notice how much traffic I had before these big tech censorship squads starting squashing everyone who wasn’t bending the knee to their tyranny. Oh yes, they got me here too, & clearly I’m STILL being shadowbanned. THE PURGE IS VERY REAL. It’s fucking ridiculous, but they will never break me. I’m not changing the words I use and/or the way I utilize my own unique literary language to appease these clowns. Is it actual people doing the shadowbanning, or is it the AI? I think it started as actual people, but over the last few years, they’ve integrated the AI into their algorithms to such an extent, that I’d wager there’s no actual people doing the censoring any longer. Nope, it’s all AI now, & with the advent of AI software like ChatGPT, guess what? My black ass is about to be out of a job, even though this isn’t a job per se, I just do it to do it, & I have never made a single penny form the thousands of pages of drivel I’ve spewed out. Nonetheless, if a potential employer is using AI to bang out articles in mere moments, what the fuck would they need actual writers like me for?

Not just writers either; video producers, meme makers, news reporters, service jobs, assembly jobs, even doctors & lawyers, all replaced by AI. The AI is advancing so fast, arguably exponentially, so it’s only a matter of time before I get replaced, you get replaced, we ALL get replaced, which is all part of their Agenda 2030 plan. Once they are confident that most jobs can be taken care of by the AI apparatus they are building as we speak, humans will no longer serve a purpose for them, so they’re just going to eliminate most of us. Could be a pandemic, a REAL one, where people actually drop dead upon or shortly after infection. Could be war, a global nuclear war, which would effectively kill many people, as well as vaporize most of them to avoid the cleanup process. Hard to clean up 7 billion bodies, so best to just vaporize them with nukes and/or energy weapons. Hard to speculate into a future where the end goal of your so-called leaders is to eliminate all of us, know what I mean? Remember though, as I’ve said countless times, this is THEIR plan, not mine. THEIR agenda, not mine. I’m simply trying to expose it, expose the TRUTH, so people can prepare as best they can for the day when it all goes sideways. Obviously, I do not want this future, but like I said, this is THEIR plan, & it’s very REAL, & they’re doing these things right now, in real-time. Their game is NOT our game, & their game is much more sinister than even I am illustrating. This evil goes DEEP, so deep, & like a cancer, it has plagued most if not all of these elitist globalists, as well as trickled down through the descending levels of power positions. The “fish rotting from the head down,” that classic quip. Check out the video below, while it’s still up, unless it has already been hosed by Youtube. Grace is a gem, very thorough, & after you watch this, if you still doubt me or what I am exposing for all of you, maybe go to Starbucks, get yourself a grande soy latte, & honk your ignorant ass off of a cliff. This game of theirs is dead serious, pun intended, & the road to 2030 is going to be like a road to hell, particularly for those who are utterly ignorant of this snowballing hijacked zeitgeist.

Damnit, I have not only gone much longer than planned, I went off-topic again, but only a bit off-topic, because this all connects. The crap they broadcast via the fake news mainstream media is theatre. Just a show, & sadly, after years of naively assuming Trump was on our side, I have come to the conclusion that he in the same club the rest of them are, the Capstone Club atop the pyramid. It’s unavoidable I think, when you reach a certain level of wealth & power, apparently they all turn, because they have some awareness of something 99.99% of us do not. I wish I knew their secret, it actually angers me that I do not know. I HATE being played, & we’re ALL being played, because to them, we are just sheep, a herd to be herded. There’s us, then there’s them, the people-herders, the social engineers, & when the cameras turn off, I wonder if they all party together, laughing until they piss themselves about the things they do to us. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, & I most definitely do NOT want it to be, but at this stage of the game, it appears to me that there is NO ONE who definitively wants to help us peasants. Help us all to the proverbial slaughterhouse maybe, but other than that, nope, just deliver energized speeches that mean nothing, promises that mean nothing, just a car salesman trying to sell everyone a lemon.

The problem here is that ½ the country are holding up their auction fingers to buy that lemon. After all of the chaos these corrupt politicians have created in 2+ years, essentially destroying the country, outrageous inflation along with unprecedented money-printing, supply chain breakdowns, “random” train derailments, flash mobs, no jobs, wages down even though inflation up, on & on & on, I mean use your fucking eyes, they have almost COMPLETELY destroyed what Trump allegedly created, but perhaps that was the plan all along? People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine for Covaids pushed through to distribute out to the public, which amounts to a mass-poisoning, as the jab has proved useless and actually now is killing people. TRUMP did that, not these idiot democrats who were taking credit for it before these “side effects’ started occurring en masse. Yes, I was doing great under Trump, only to lose everything I had a year after the Biden regime stole the election & crashed the economy, costing investor BILLIONS of dollars. We get hosed, while they keep printing money to give to themselves, see how that works? Works for THEM, but not for us of course. They do not care, because like I said earlier, to them we are just cattle. What good is a rich cow to them? Same difference as every other dozy cow. No to mention, these people-herders are centuries deep with their game…it goes back to the Roman times in fact, 2000 years of elitism via population control, always a them & us. The herders & the herded. People say, “that’s just how it is,” but I say, “Why? Why does it have to be? Fuck them. Why the fuck do I need a “leader? Why do we need these “leaders?”

We don’t, but since they’ve cleverly convinced the masses that we do, for hundreds of years now, then sure, it does appear like that IS “just the way it is.” Nope, not for me anyway, & I could care less if I’m utterly alone with my own sense of sovereign personal freedom. Fuck them & fuck you if you comply with this crap. It’s NOT right, & it does NOT have to be “just the way it is.” If only we could all unite somehow, unite as ONE, ONE 7-billion person macro-organism to break away from their Katamarian societal bowling ball, evolving into something new, standing strong together against this tiny minority of globalist scum that have hijacked the zeitgeist to control the world. I cannot emphasize how abysmally sinister their game is either. Fuckin hell, it’s as if there’s no escape, no way out of The Great Mouse Trap. Perhaps some “event” will come, some kind of truly Divine black swan event, maybe call it a white swan event, where something random comes that has positive results for the people, rather than another malevolently random event that shoves all of our faces deeper into their stinking shit-pit, destroying any/all will that We The People have left to fight them. Long game, that’s THEIR game, while everyone stays focused on this illusory short game, chasing that cheese-bait fiat money left, right, left, right, endlessly through the labyrinthian Great Mouse Trap, paycheck to paycheck. See how that works?

Okay, the time has come once again to wrap this Sunday Foozer up. Until next time, dear readers, stay EXCEPTIONALLY mindful of the week ahead. The time will come when things change fast, & if you are not mindful, you won’t make it. “Just the way it is,” right? Only if YOU allow it to be. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you lack mindfulness, you won’t make it out alive.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E5 3/5/2023 Them Apples

Uh oh, I’ve now moved the false-flag probability meter from 8 to 9, & the scale goes from one to ten, just to clarify. Yep, she went from a loose 8, to a solid 9, & I’m speculating that this upcoming week there might be some kind, yet ANOTHER kind, of orchestrated disastrous event designed to distract you and/or push one of their scripted narratives into the zeitgeist. We knew where Covaids came from, we knew it & we told you, & it sure as fuck was NOT bat soup. What did so many of you do? You called us “delusional conspiracy theorists,” & oh my were we publicly demonized for telling all of you THE TRUTH. I, for one, never backed down & now, the origins of Covaids are…guess what they are? NOW PUBLICLY REPORTED TO BE FROM A CHINESE LAB. How about them apples? The MSM fake news propaganda pushers are a joke, just rotten fruit, right? Filled with worms & slime, just low-hanging trashy bad apples. Even the bonkers-birds on the lunatic left won’t eat their bad apples anymore. The powers-that-be know this, because of course, with the help of AI, they analyze all the data in real-time, & use this knowledge to their advantage, but they’ve gone too far, so far gone in fact that they’re unprecedentedly desperate. Desperate psychopaths do desperately psychopathic things, very predictively unpredictable, which is why I’m SPECULATING, that with the advent of this Covaids information being released to the public, they are right now in real time masterminding some new narrative-driven disaster scenario that distracts us all from THE TRUTH.

Don’t blame me, this is THEM, not me, I’m just an animated illustrator with nothing left to lose. Each day I meticulously go through all the “breaking news” from Clownworld, then find the bits & bobs that actually ring TRUTH, rather than whatever narrative they happen to be barfing out for the day. Then, I sprinkle some of my FisH™ magic on said truth, referring to my own personalized homemade 2d/3d animation that I add to give my articles life, so to speak. Then, after proofreading & adding my tags, BOOM, I’m smacking that “PUBLISH” button like Will Smith, & now you’re reading in the past, what I wrote in my present. That’s it, that’s all I do, for now anyway, exposing TRUTH, for all of you, & for none of you at all, & if you don’t understand what that means, I suggest you read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by the great Friedrich Nietzsche. That book is arguably the best book ever written; I’ve read it several times, & each time I do, I find a new gem that I missed in prior reads. This book will change your life, especially for so many of you down on your luck in this upside-down senseless world, thus I HIGHLY recommend you find a hard copy to keep around for yourself in case the lights turn off. Or, in this modern age, perhaps you prefer to audiobook books, while the lights are still on? If so, no worries, as always, FisH™ has you covered. Scroll down…just below the lil’ white behbeh getting smacked off the mystery box…word up.

No, this wonky world is most certainly NOT what most of you think it is, & now that the deep-fake meme has been birthed, just wait & see what happens when the meme evolves into its own macro-organism. Not familiar with the reference? That’s a concept from The Lucifer Principle, also a must read for all deep divers, & also a mind-blower. There’s SO many of you still chained to yourselves inside the proverbial Cave, watching the fiery illusions dance on the cave wall, listening to the echoes in the shadows only to debate their pseudo-merit as if you were scholars, but this is all make-believe, not the real reality. The REAL nature of this world is found OUTSIDE the Cave, not inside of it, not down deep into the darkness. Oh wait, not getting this reference either? That’s okay, people only know what they know, that’s why I’m here. I’m outside the Cave, BEEN outside the Cave for seemingly forever now, waving my arms, shouting down to all of you to “Come on up, the sunshine is Divine!”…but most of you shun me, even hate me, as it were. “The world is down here, in the dark!” you exclaim with your pale faces & your beady eyes. I’m going to stop right there, because those of us who swim in the deep end of the pool know the Cave dwellers, as well as the Sun, but the shallow swimmers might still be going out just far enough where they can barely touch, then going back to the shallows, so let’s give them some more reference, shall we?

Above, you can click to listen to The Lucifer Principle, & it’s a long one so only parts 1 through 6, then it’s up to you to go deeper, & of course, I’ll link below The Allegory of the Cave, from Plato’s Republic. FisH™ has delivered a hat trick of must-read literature, that will resonate respectively as it applies to each of you individually. Some of you are deep divers, maybe even deeper than yours truly, & some of you are shallow swimmers still, which is fine, as long as everyone realizes it’s all one big oceanic-sized pool. There’s a deep end with no bottom, where the abyss really does stare back at you, which is where I like to dive, as deep as I can go, & then there’s a kiddie pool. All one has to do is be brave enough to go deeper, but that relies on your own relationship with your own free will, something only YOU can do. I’m like. lifeguard, that points a lot, blows the whistle, occasionally throws out a life vest or two, but the rest is up to you, & you alone. This fish here though, I only ride the biggest waves, the swollen monsters that take me to the abyss, where few ever dare to go, but how could they if they aren’t big-wave riders? I’ll get into “wave-riding” another time, but nonetheless, that’s how I get to the deepest of the deep, & then I dive, down down wayyyyyyy down, & do you know how I do that? I let go, & just keep diving down, because I have the self-realization that I am immortal, we all are, & regardless of these meat suits we are all currently stuck in, NOTHING can truly “kill” you. In your mind, there are no boundaries, other than the walls you’ve built for yourself. Based on that notion alone, what is there ever to really be afraid of? Until next time, dear readers, remember this: YOU are immortal, & NOTHING can destroy you, except you. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“You are immortal, & nothing can destroy you, except you.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“In your mind there are no boundaries, other than the walls you alone have built.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Deep Fake Kraken

Thanks for the inspirational quote Iris, you Irish gem. I actually have never heard of her, until I came across that quote, my advanced English degree from an accredited 4-year university hard at work. Derp. All I “learned” really in college was how to be a street pharmacist & party like a rock star. Our college mascot was a pirate, & some of us took that fact quite literally, & raged accordingly. What a time, well, the part I can still recall anyway. Lots of gaps from that era estraña, probably from combo of drugs, booze, & improperly-treated head injuries. What a mess, like a car crash into a train wreck when it was all said & done. In a way, I equate to war, in a figurative sense of course, nothing I’ve ever done can truly compare to an actual hot war, but since I am relatively the only soldier left, it’s like a battle where I was the lone survivor. Now, at middle-age, after the proverbial party war ended, I look around, & no one else is left. All the old crews, either dead, mostly dead actually, with a few in prison, & a small minority who completely did a 180° turn & became family people. That small group who went that route though, completely dysfunctional family lives, as if that’s a surprise, but nonetheless, it’s all like the aftermath of a societal hurricane. One day we were all 20 & partying, then I woke up & it was 25 years later, & I’m Henry Bemis with some cracked spectacles, scrambling over rubble, wondering where it all went.

That’s a solid pop culture reference to a well-known Twilight Zone episode. Click his name up there to find your way to watch for yourself, should you choose to do so. We have to get the to the main topic though, enough digressionizing, & the topic is…the advent of deep fake technology. As of this moment, it’s being broadcast that this is a nascent technology, just beginning, & far from perfected, but I argue the opposite. I think it’s well-advanced, more than enough in fact, that the powers-that-be have most likely already used it, along with the aid of their AI assistant, which is also way more ahead of what everyone has been led to believe it is. I’ve seen a few different President Braindeads being rolled out, have you? Is Joe Brandon being replicated? Different facial features, so maybe clones?…and/or deep fakes? Why don’t more people talk about this? Or Joe Biden’s widely-varying energy levels? One minute he’s wide-eyed, literally, with pupils fully dilated, not blinking at all, & the screaming & yelling at someone with that bullying tactic he uses over & over, something he did often in the past to get his way, only now being a remnant of that former self, it fails miserably & just looks embarrassingly demented. Somehow though, full of all that snark & aggression, albeit being short-lived, as it’s ONLY at the beginning, when the drugs first kick in. Oh but then, the next minute, when the drugs wear off I’m presuming, he can’t even complete a sentence. It’s so ridiculous, just do a search for yourself…search Joe Biden’s Blunders, or click this link. Why though, why do they do this to this feebly feckless old trout? Do any of his public speeches seem “normal” to you, particularly as it relates to an expected Presidential demeanor, that ALL other prior presidents displayed publicly no problem, until this pseudo-potus “Old Joe” came along. Dirty Old Joe, the kid-sniffing pervert, he’s an absolute disaster, & even hardcore leftists can’t deny it at this point. What do these so-called “leaders” do though? They keep injecting him with some kind of energy-inducing drug cocktail, then wheel his dementia-ridden, dirty-old-man-ass out to a podium, to babble as long as he can until the drugs wear off. Rinse & repeat, as if the American people can’t see what’s going on. It’s so obvious, to me anyway, so I’m hoping that by illustrating this very real fact, BECAUSE IT’S TRUE, that maybe, just maybe, something will happen to “correct” this sordid situation in Washington, D.C., because enough is enough is enough is enough is enough already, know what I mean?

Unfortunately, nope, it’s NOT enough, & believe me when I say this, & my darts don’t miss the bull’s eyes too often as it relates to my zeitgeistian speculations, but believe me when I tell you that these schizo-narcissistic elitists have a whole armful of nefarious trickery up their wizard sleeves, & we’ve yet to see their darkest magic. What’s coming next, what am I speculating, you’re maybe thinking? Great question, thanks for playing. I am speculating, that these psychopathic globalists, are in full-blown panic mode behind the scenes. I don’t think they expected this so-called mass-awakening via the internet, where the global sharing of information has revealed to certain deep divers THE TRUTH, exposing what these madmen in The Capstone Club have planned for all of you. Of course, a few years ago, we were just “crazy conspiracy theorists,” right? As these last few years have swirled by however, like a flushing toilet, one by one, our “conspiracy theories” came true, right down to the water turning the frogs gay. Hang on, maybe you’re one of those programmed people STILL saying that it’s not real. Click the link then, if you dare, because FACTS MATTER, not your respectively delusional feelings. FACTS are coming, bringing the true TRUTH, like a tidal wave of raw honesty, & it’s growing bigger & bigger, as it comes in with the high tide to wash away the lies that they have drowned most of you with over the last decade or so.

The reality is though, that most people are under a state of hypno-psychosis. No, there’s no link on that term yet, hence why I didn’t add one. Do you want to know why?…because I created that term. No, it’s not in some advanced psychological medical journal. No, it’s not a concept being discussed amongst the intellectual elites, particularly the ones with PHDs in fields of psychology. Nope, you won’t even hear a genius like Jordan Peterson talking about it yet, although I really wish he would. Well then, Mister Smarty-Fish, why don’t you enlighten us in this fringe concept of “hypno-psychosis,” you spoke of a moment ago? Sounds great, will do. Hypno-psychosis, well, is what it sounds like, a state of psychosis induced by hypnosis. In this case though, the magnitude is unprecedented, as BILLIONS of people are stuck in this mental state, right now, as I type, & you read this, BILLIONS are under the influence, so to speak. How though, how can so many be affected by this unspoken-of mental disorder? Easy, are you reading this on your phone? That’s one way, the others could be television, & computers, & tablets, & smart watches, & CCTV, & Hollywood, & the mainstream media, & the greatest programmer of them all, social media. Essentially, via all these aforementioned means, the powers-that-be have essentially programmed BILLIONS of humans, hypnotizing them into a state of psychosis, where they seem to be LARPing in realities that are NOT the real reality. Wait what, that’s not possible, is it?

Pick a topic, how about Covaids? Covaids is now being reported as having been created in a lab, another dart in the bull’s eye for yours truly. Okay, assuming that is true, because it is, let’s also be truthful when we proclaim that it’s similar in mortality rates to the common cold/flu. If you look at the CDC’s own website in fact, you can look at the stats yourself, & my oh my when you look, what happened to the common cold/flu? Instead of the PUBLISHED STATS remain static, it seems that Covaids magically replaced the common cold/flu. Weird, right?…since both have the similar symptoms, & almost identical mortality rates…hmmm, but that’s just “normal, right? Nothing weird to see, right? NO, WRONG, WRONG WRONG WRONG, enough of the make-believe, it’s now TIME TO TELL THE DAMN TRUTH. People like Matt Walsh, Paul Joseph Watson, the great Jordan Peterson, & the always-entertaining Mark Dice, are the 4 Horsemen of Truth, this evolving movement of TRUTH, & these four men, are leading the charge against this tsunami of fake news, narrative-driven bullshit propaganda drag-queen story time pseudo-reality insanity. I’m on board, exposing TRUTH, as much as I can from my little virtual pulpit here. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

The world cannot continue snowballing forward down a mountain of lies. These scandalous storytellers took an inch, then ran a marathon, & we let them, but their time has come to an abrupt end, & I for one, being exiled from the virtual town square as I am, look forward to a true Day of Reckoning for all of us who were banished for simply being honest to ourselves, & to our viewers/readers. We refused to go along with the narrative, we held our ground, albeit only a relative handful of us, but still, WE EXIST. & WE HELD STRONG. We told you the Covaids plandemic was a scam, & it was. We told you NOT to take the jab, & now it’s been revealed to have lethal side effects, dropping people dead in real time, healthy young people, just poof, gone, heart attack due to blood clots caused by a fake vaccine. Of course, they’re STILL not reporting that publicly yet on the MSM, oh but just wait, when summer comes & it warms up, I fear the heat will “activate” the jab, causing the blood to crystallize, creating blood clots that stop the flow of blood to the heart. That’s why all these athletes are dropping dead now, from their own body heat. When the body gets to a certain temperature, the red blood cells turn crystalline from whatever it was they put into these jabs, & it turns your arteries into rubber essentially. If your blood don’t flow, you don’t go, & within moments, you drop dead. I hate that this is a plausible near-future mass-casualty event, I really do, I hate it, but the pragmatist on my shoulder, the critical-thinker, the puzzle-piece placeholder, reminds me that my eyes don’t deceive me, but as usual, I digress.

So, what’s the deal with deep fakes? As I mentioned earlier, they already have the power to make things so that you can’t tell the difference between whether or not said things, are really real, or really fake. The tech is only just now being utilized by public means, hence why it appears to be in a nascent phase, but I assure you, it isn’t, & it’s simply a matter of time before countless deep fakes start infesting the daily zeitgeist. Deep fakes of Putin declaring World War 3, deep fakes of the current UN-President Braindead maybe declaring World War 3, or perhaps even Trump declaring the same. That’s not all though, they could create deep fakes of well-known news broadcasters reporting fake news events that incite a variety of particularly intentional reactions. All psychological trickery to steer the zeitgeist in the way that they want it to roll. The zeitgeist doesn’t need any steering though, & these crazy fools at the top of the pyramid are playing God with said trickery. It’s wrong, it’s completely UN-natural, & ultimately, this manipulated orchestration is going to end in a critical mass event of some sort. Those of us who report TRUTH, THE INDISPUTABLE TRUTH, do not have to make up narratives. We don’t need scripts, we simply just report THE TRUTH as it is, because that’s what IS is, THE TRUTH. You cannot make up reality & expect it to stand forever. They have pushed WAYYYYYYYYYYY too far, & they know it, hence why I said at the beginning, the powers-that-be are in maniacal panic mode, right now, in real time. They are exceptionally desperate to do whatever it takes to retain their stolen power, & maintain this illusional delusion of a reality.

Unfortunately, that’s not good for those of us on the side of virtue. These people at the top are so insanely desperate, that rather than let go of what they have so deviously snatched from all of us, they’ll burn all of this down before they give it all up. They burn it all down, & try to take as many of you down with them as they can when they do. That’s how disgustingly sinister these evil scumbags are. Before they do though, before they pull the emergency switch to ignite it all into a societal inferno of unprecedented magnitude, they’re going to continue running their program, the program that has so very many of you under a spell, this state of hypno-psychosis, this term that I myself have coined alone, & accurately describes what is really going on in the minds of the masses. This time we are in, right now, is all uncharted waters. Never before has there been this many people existing on Earth, never before has so much information been available at the push of a digital button, & the powers-that-be have hijacked said information, the currency, the energy flow that turns the world. No, not money itself per se, although that is the hijacker’s tool, but the actual current, the aforementioned energy flow that binds us all together, when we work together as a united human race, to create a much as we can, while we can, while we’re here. We are meant to be creators, not destroyers, but sadly, destroyers are the ones steering this Titanical ship, right into the proverbial iceberg, as if on queue. They have taken our natural currency, & replaced it with this monetary system of ones & zeros, & little pieces of paper that only mean something because we have allowed the hijackers to be successful. WE GIVE THEM THEIR POWER, & that is precisely why they have masterminded this method of hypnotizing all of you into a state of psychosis by programming all of you via the mass media. It’s called “programming” for a reason, duh, they make no bones about hiding their agenda. Why?…because they know most of you aren’t mentally capable of fathoming anything other than what they’ve programmed you to believe.

Maybe the real “mass awakening” is on the horizon though, I don’t know, I can only hope it is. Maybe that one day will come, when the Sun rises, the birds chirp, & BILLIONS of people just suddenly awaken with the sunrise, & POOF, like a switch flicking from the “off,” to the “on” position, just like that. En masse, a real great awakening to THE TRUTH, that would be such a glorious glory, wouldn’t it? Like I said though, these evil elitists in charge would rather selfishly destroy all that has been created first, before they ever relinquish what they have wrongfully taken from all of you. It’s not the world you thought it was, is it? Maybe it CAN be though, if we all realize the truth, & fight for it. The truth is the truth, it’s undeniable, & this bizarre time of denying truth for the sake of being accommodating to freak show fringe minority groups who have seriously delusional mental issues, IS OVER…IT’S DONE. The snowball, the real snowball, the real zeitgeistisn snowball of absolute TRUTH, has begun rolling, & day by day, it will grow, as Matt Walsh, Dice, JP, PJW, & random little wordsmiths like myself expose THE TRUTH, illustrating it in whatever respectively unique way that each of us does. Whatever it takes, WRITE WRITE WRITE, make videos, BE A CREATOR, & whatever you create, create it with nothing but virtuous intent, because deception is lame. Until next time, dear readers, beware of deception, because when they start unleashing the imminent “deep-fake narrative,” only those of us who use our real eyes, will realize, the real lies, behind this evolving art of facial manipulation. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Only those who use their real eyes, will realize, the real lies, & the real allies.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“The Destroyer turns off the Light, The Creator IS the Light.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E16 2/16/2023 The Walking Derp

Whoops, did I say “derp” in the title up there? I meant “dead,” the walking dead, not derp, how clumsy of me.Although, I suppose either can apply, as I’ll get to below I’m sure, assuming I don’t tangent off into something else, as is par for my little mini-golf course here. If I were rich, I’d have the dopest mini-golf course; there would be some kind of animated obstacle at each hole. What would my theme be, my motif, if you will? I’m thinking Roman-esque, pillars & statues, with a touch of Fellini, minus the gay shit. What’s with all the gayness, sheesh? Seriously, & I’m not just talking about this Foucaultian “queer theory,” being shoved down everyone’s throats via the narrative-pumping mass media. No, I’m going back, back in time a bit. One of my favorite writers, with arguably the best writing/reading voice ever, a sheer literary genius artist magician, but gay as fuck. I’m talking about the pioneer of Interzone, the whimsical William S. Burroughs.

Gah, but WHY??? I just don’t get the faggotry I suppose. I read Burrough’s little book titled “Junkie” many years ago. As a former junkie, & I suspect I was at the time I first read the aforementioned book, so I was into it, page after page, until the gay parts. Every book I’ve read of his…great…great…great…fucking gay…puke in my mouth…great…great. It’s a double-edged sword for one to read Burroughs essentially, is what I’m saying. Bummer. Fellini too, although he himself was not gay allegedly, he would include homosexuality in his films. Try the movie “Satyricon,” if you wanna debate me. Revolting, but the Fellini-esqueness is so captivating, ugh, he’s such a solid filmmaker. I don’t know, I just don’t understand the nature of it I guess. Maybe because it’s UN-natural. Call me a “bigot”, or the now-infamous term “homophobe,” sure, call me whatever, I don’t care. One, only ignorance creates bigotry, & I’m not ignorant, I’m quite well-informed thank you, so kick rocks on that one. Two, the suffix “phobe,” implies a fear of something, that something being the prefix of the word, in this case, “homo,” so “homophobe” means “fear of homos.” I’m certainly not scared of you silly sad clowns, or your degenerate behavior ya beady-eyed bun burners. Preferring sweaty hairy man ass over sweet female yumyum, ummmm huh?…yeah, no thanks, I don’t even like chick ass.

Nope, no ass, no “eating ass,” which is popular apparently these days, but not for me. Nope, no ass, & no fear here, just bewilderment as to how this bizarre phenomenon goes on, this perversion of free will. There’s quite a bit of “free-will perversions” happening, not just the LGBT-IDC nonsense, but the indoctrination, the programming, it’s all part of THEIR sick game, not yours, unless you venerate “Satan,” like they do. My oh my oh my, what a tough red pill to swallow; the red pill of Satan, ironically, & it’s so red, maybe the reddest red pill there is. This pill illustrates the notion that these s-elected “leaders” in power positions running things, also worship the devil, whether that be as Satan, or as Lucifer, varying as the variables vary, doesn’t really matter the specific avatar, it just represents evil, & these sinister snakes abide said evil, giving their energy to the chaos of crumbling dark destruction, rather than creating benevolent beauty, & lifting up the night with real light of creation, not the pseudo-light of self-adoration. Don’t be deceived by false light. Creation is the way, not termination, & you baby killing minions of the netherworld, the upside-down, you terminators, are trying to make this world backwards, like a blackened mirror reflection.

You destroyers are the true walking dead, there’s no life in you. Breeding isn’t creating, it’s propagation for you, just more mouths to over-consume, fattening you up for the next great harvest via The Great Recycler. No, breeding yourselves creates nothing but more destructionists, destructive dark parent/s means rage-filled killer kids. Add the programming on top of that hotcake, & you get these automatonic zombies, just like some surreal NPCs, but in real-life. It’s spooky as fuck, isn’t it? Oh, & I got this, I almost forgot, the predictive programming. Look at all the zombie shows out there, shows, movies, kid’s toys, it’s staggering, but why, why are there so many themes about “the walking dead” shuffling around in the zeitgeist? Do your masters know something you don’t? Is there something big on the hazy horizon approaching all of us, something only the capstone club knows about, while they keep you all guessing whether or not to go left or right in The Great Mouse Trap?

Simle answer: YES. Yes, of course they know something, they know EVERYTHING at this point really, with the unlimited data plan they have with the AI. It’s ALL the information gathered via the Internet over the last few decades, ALL in their sweaty little stink-palms. I was thinking something earlier, & I’m going to be as humble as ever here, but I was thinking, “Man, you are dumb as fuck, you know that?(referring to myself) Fuckin hell you’re embarrassingly stupid, but so are so many people, so it’s hard for the other dumdums to know how dumdum I am I assume,”…that’s what I was thinking earlier, & it’s true, sadly. Why am I so dumb? It’s this socially engineered public-schooling systematic dumbing down of society, to keep us low, so they can go higher. Humans have an unbelievable capacity to learn as youths. There’s SO much to fill young minds with, but they don’t here, unless you’re a special kid in the special club for the special people. Otherwise, you’re fucked, just another dumbass programmed zombie, shuffling from one bi-weekly paycheck to another. Left, right, no go straight, no that’s a dead end, go backwards, now right, no left, round & round you go in a labyrinth you cannot escape.

Thus, the dead keep walking. I am dead too, they ruined my mind in the indoctrination camps of my younger years, but I don’t walk, I drive. I’m the driving dead, one step above the walking dead. I help drive the zeitgeist, which is all one can really do from way down here. The game down here is the game of consumption, consuming like pac-man as you endlessly run around the maze of life…left, no right, no make a left, ok ok, I made a left, now where?…go right, now make another right, gahhhhhhhhhh it’s SUCH A DUMB GAME WE PLAY in this Great Mouse Trap. Damnit, why can’t anyone else see the exit sign? It’s a bright neon flashing marquee, “EXIT, EXIT, EXIT,” & you just have to be brave enough to walk out & see what’s on the other side, but you don’t. Maybe it’s because you’re just dumb, dumb like me. Hell, this writing thing is all I got, so what do I know that makes any of this drivel worth listening to?

Simple answer: NOTHING. I am NOTHING, nunca, nada, no one. I know NOTHING, I don’t know ANYTHING, I just like to illustrate this experience with my own hand-crafted wordsmithery. There’s a magic to this, & I love it, & I feel like maybe it’s analogous to playing music, ya know? I don’t know, but I keep creating anyway. Until next time, create something, or be nothing. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🍣

“Create something, or be nothing.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Don’t shoot your cock off.” ~Fish F Fish 🍥

Manic Monday

“Ohhhh oooo-ohhhh, wish it was Sunday, cause that’s my fun day, my I don’t-have-to-run day,” blah blah blababa bah Mondays. Susanna Hoffs was a gem, gorgeously stunning, still is for her age, but those lyrics, my God, how corny, right? Yet, everyone knows this song, & I woke up with “Manic Monday” as an earworm, today’s earworm apparently, the first of several. Isn’t it kind of odd how songs get stuck in your head? They get stuck wayyyyyy down in there, then pop back out at random times as an earworm, almost as if they’re alive. Kind of spooky, right? Especially, when it’s a song and/or songs from artists you can’t stand, & you’ve never willingly listened to any of their aural garbage, but somehow, they still get stuck, & you even know the lyrics. How does that happen? Of course, I have a theory.

Oh yes indeed, I have a theory alright, & my theory is this: They proverbial powers-that-be, are well-aware of certain notes, rhythms, patterns, etc., that can be metronomically manipulated to “stick” in your heads. Case in point, Taylor Swift, can’t stand her, or her crappy pseudo-music, have never listened to ANY of her songs willingly, I just hear the when I hear them in out in public or whatever. Somehow though, SOMEHOW, I know several of her songs, front to back, now how the fuck is that possible? Sure, one could argue that it’s the culmination of hearing her drivel randomly enough times to where I memorized her songs, or…my theory is correct. These UN-artists are just part of a machine. A machine that utilizes secret sound technology to get these songs into people’s heads so that they will eventually buy these manufactured productions they put together. Obviously, the trick only works on the weak-minded, but still, STILL, this music gets earowrmed into my brain, despite my detestments toward said “music.” Could my theory be true?

Fuck if I know, it’s only a notion, & I’m too musically retarded to understand music theory, but if I did, I wonder if I’d be able to make some kind of mathematical equation, apply it to music I’m creating on whatever given instrument I might be playing, & test out my theory by studying the geometric patterns that manifest from the music I make. Oh wait, you didn’t know? You didn’t know that music makes geometric shapes? Well then, I shall have to show you some time. Different frequencies make different geometric patterns, so when you’re hearing music, the music itself is generating these patterns, & your brain is taking those sacred geometric patterns, & translating them into sounds that you can interpret. This knowledge has been known for a long time, & music theory, in itself, is quite fascinating. Music is math, math is music, Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle. Now, assume that music producers are aware of this, & have been for a LONNNNNG time, so long in fact, they can manipulate it so that even if it’s music you don’t like, it STILL gets into your brain. Spooky, right?

Oh geez, I started this early this morning, then had something come up, so I got to finish this & get something new out for you, dear reader. Until next time, enjoy the music. So sayeth FisH™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

The Fooze: S2 E7 2/7/2023 Hypnopsychosis

I don’t really watch television, like mainstream televised programming, nope, gave it up years ago. I only really use my tv to watch my Youtube videos on a 42-inch 4k viewing apparatus, or when I play the occasional Hitman mission on my PS4, but other than that, nah. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know why. Televisions aren’t for your “entertainment,” they’re a medium used to program all of you, hence why it’s called “television programming,” & it’s “broadcast,” all some kind of spooky dark magic it sounds like, right? Well, if you saw any clips from The Grammys last night, you might think twice about disbelieving me on the dark magic notion. I like watching Matt Walsh’s channel. He’s a very thoughtful guy, very smart, & his breakdowns of Clownworld are quite well-illustrated. I’m going to link his 10-minute long video from earlier, detailing this insanity being broadcast on primetime television. My oh my, how the times change, know what I mean? Sheesh. Let’s get to it, make sure your kids aren’t in the room. I don’t have any kids, but if I did, I certainly would NOT want them watching crazy shit like this.


I don’t even know who this Sam Smith guy is, or that other guy he performed with. I could care less if Kim Petras thinks HE’S a girl, because HE is not, despite getting his cock lopped off at the age of 16. Nope, I will NOT, nor will I EVER, abide these maniacs with their fucking pronouns. The world is BINARY. Nature is BINARY, existence itself, is BINARY, hot & cold, up & down, left & right, MAN & WOMAN. All this 137 gender non-binary mass mental illness madness is NOT “normal,” it’s insanity, & these so-called “celebrities,” promote & encourage this craziness to their programmed fans, who follow along like lemmings. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Something is NOT right, it’s as if the masses are mass-hypnotized into a state of some unprecedented media-driven psychosis. Seriously, does any of this seem okay to you, does it seem normal, and/or arguably even natural?…because it sure seems to be getting worse. Openly doing “satanic rituals” on LIVE primetime television now are we? I thought the Grammys were about the awards for the best musicians, not this parade of debaucherously dark shit. What the hell is happening in this world? (pun intended) …it’s actually feeling like hell, is it not? No bueno.

Personally, I don’t believe any of this “satanic” shit is real, but apparently, there’s a bunch of dumdums that do. Those pussies can all go find a high cliff, then koom-ba-yah-yah their black nail-polished hands together, as they jump in collective unison towards their respectively perilous deaths. Get the fuck outta here with that dark arts weirdo ritualistic nonsense, Gah, they really annoy me for some reason, I don’t get it, but I must admit, I don’t get ANY of this really, not any of it. Just gets more confusing by the day, & now “satanic rituals at broadcast award shows” are the top headline, so maybe this IS hell. These evil freaks live like kings & queens too, like royalty, while the rest of us seem to be losing, losing more by the minute, just saying. If I was a psychopathic cutthroat scumfuck pervert, maybe I’d be materially “rich” too, maybe that’s why they took everything from me, everything material at least, took it all. Why? What did I do? Why do I lose, when they keep winning? I have such a uniquely well-informed awareness, of the world around me as well as myself. I’m seemingly almost at the top of the zeitgeist mountain, where I finally will get the view from the top, the whole view, the painted canvas in its entirety, to see the real truth, but apparently at the expense of losing everything I had. Lost it all to get here, wherever here is. Is what it is, & I would much rather be here, then there, there among those devil-worshipping foot soldiers for the Great Darkness. Yeah, no thanks, I prefer the Sun, & all its shining light. What is this “Great Darkness” though? Satan? I don’t know, not exactly, but I have a good idea what it is, & have already written about it. I call it, “The Great Recycler,” & if you read via the link below, you’ll see what I am referencing…

Is that what these people worship? The Great Recycler? Is that thing their “Satan?” If it is, WOW, what a bunch of delusional dunces. Worshipping the thing that eats your soul, devouring your memories, then shits you out to get reborn again, only to go through another existence, die, then feed this God-damned creature again. Over & over you go, going “into the light, into the light CarolAnne,” except when you do, The Great Recycler feeds on you. You have to read the post I linked above, or none of this will sound even remotely sane. The more I see this broadcast satanism though, the more I’m thinking The Great Recycler is very real, & it is subconsciously venerated by these weak-minded fools, who think that worshipping “Satan,” particularly via live television, is going to get them to some kind of “special status” when they die. Again, THEIR beliefs, not mine, I don’t believe in any of this malevolent shit. It has to be some kind of mass mental illness, never before seen on this scale.

I do believe however, that when they die, they aren’t going to the same place that those who live by the benevolent principles of the real “Light” go. Attributes like honesty, courage, positivity, these are traits of the Light, the true “Light,” but wait, are there TWO “lights,” so to speak? Yes, there’s a good “light,” & a not-good “light.” It’s tough to speculate on though because one, you won’t know until YOU actually die if there’s ANY “light,” & two, the Great Recycler & its legion “trick” naive souls into “going into the light,” but it’s the false light, the trick that gets you, the ultimate slight of soul. NEWSFLASH: DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT. The “light” might feel all warm & fuzzy, ethereally blissful, you could feel like you just want to let yourself go into this “light,” but that’s the trap, the soul-trap. The Great Recycler might even show you your loved ones, or rather, just holographic projections of your friends & family, beckoning you to come into the “light,” to “be,” with them. DON’T DO IT. What’s the rush, what’s the worst that could happen if you wait, & perhaps just don’t do anything? Maybe just observe, be patient, stay mindful, because if this “light” is eternal, so are you, so what’s the harm in just hanging out, outside the “light,” until you can determine your next course of action? “No harm, no foul,” as the saying goes, & if it truly IS your prior-deceased friends & family inside that “light,” they can wait too, right?

I just don’t see the harm in NOT going directly into the “light” when you die. Why would that be a bad move? Worried about your individual “lack of faith?” Ummmm, no that’s false logic. I have faith in patience, & thinking things over before I take action. Why would that be any different in an afterlife where one has a CHOICE, whether to go into the “light,” or not? It wouldn’t, at least it shouldn’t, but I don’t know. Maybe none of that is real, maybe the afterlife isn’t real, maybe none of this matters, who knows? I know this though, there’s a growing legion of beta loser twerps who think Satan is real, & worship this darkest of dark avatars accordingly. It all circles back to my main general theory about what is going on in this quickly floundering mess of a humanity, & that is this; most people, most, NOT all, but most people are in a state of “hypnopsychosis.” There’s a dotted red line under that word. & why?…because it is NOT a real word, not yet, & you heard it HERE first, because I literally just coined it, remember that. This word, “hypnopsychosis,” as defined by me, see below…

Hypnopsychosis: a severe mental disorder in which the sufferer, in a state of hypnosis, having been hypnotized to believe in an UN-reality that does NOT exist, gets confronted by the REAL reality, & drastically declines into a state of severe psychosis in a futile attempt to make sense of “existing” in both worlds at the same time.”

Yes, & if any of you steal my concept & run with it, gaining infamy from the theft of my thoughts, I will not be pleased. Fair warning, not that I’m concerned about it. If my theory proves true, future psychologists might come across this & remember me as a psychological prophet, in some Jungian sense perhaps…or by then, in some Petersonian sense. A relatively entire planetary population, in varying states of “hypnopsychosis,” in this error of an era extraña. Unprecedented in scale, with an equitably unprecedented level of societal damage as a result of this worldwide mental disorder. Can you imagine, a whole world, hypnotized into a state of mass psychosis via the mass media programming, can you imagine? I certainly can, because I’m living it, in real-time, just like the rest of you. As always though, my circularity has found me once again, so it’s time to wrap up this daily Foozer. The beginning become the end, only to begin all over again. Until next time, stop, look around, & then honestly ask yourself, “does any of this seem organic to you?” So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all

“The organic macroorganism, spawning UN-organic microorganisms, as if “forced,” ferried into the false birth of a feral fetus.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.