Why Me?

There’s a series of channels on YouTube, which claim to be narrated “channeled” messages, messages from beings outside of this planet, as well as outside of this dimension. Obviously, I have no idea if they are, & if they’re even real at all. Lends credence to the notion that Carl Sagan detailed during his final television interview, where he illustrated a future world of technology, where the real technology is kept among the so-called “ruling elites,” while the general populous gets the scrap technology, for lack of a better expression, primarily to keep us at bay, while they use the real tech to advance themselves higher up the proverbial power pyramid. While we regular folks are playing with the aforementioned scrap tech, & unknowingly falling further & further behind, we will cling to superstitions in the hopes of a Divine reckoning of sorts, that most likely, will never come. I do not claim to believe nor disbelieve in these supposedly “channeled” messages, I simply find them interesting, particularly because they seem to have a kind of synchronous nature to them, in that they always hit on something that just so happens to be going on in my world at the moment. Not just at the time, but at the moment, almost precisely on occasion. Now either there is some kind of supernatural connection between these channelings & those of us who are knee-deep in our own unfolding spirituality, or as many psychics do, these ‘channelers” simply have an ability to come with things to say that can be applicable to anyone at any given time when spoken the right way. I’d like to believe I am personally not that naive, but I’ve believed a lot of things for a long time, only to snap out of it one day & embrace the self-realization of realizing I was gullible.

If there were ascended beings communicating through human counterparts, how else would they do what they do? None of these channels have a lot of viewers/listeners, none of them use sponsors and/or attempt to make money from posting these communications, so what reason would they have to do any of it, if they didn’t sincerely believe they were channeling messages designed to help humanity, especially such a small fringe minority of us who give them the light of day(pun intended). Often, our “missions” as so-called light beings are illustrated, albeit in a somewhat nebulous manner, & yes, I know, it sounds very new-agey, kind of weird of course, & I often ask myself, why me? I ask myself that a lot in relation to many things though, why me? Why do I have this kind of consciousness? Why am I so different from most other people? Why don’t I have a family? Why am I seemingly alone in this world, minus a handful of digital friends? Why do have this personality that I have? Why me? Why was I born into this existence, with all of these issues? Why me? Why am I the lone bastard black sheep? Why do I see the world from a perspective not shared by many, if any? Why can’t I just be functional? Why me? Am I wrong, wrong about everything I think I know? Wrong about the way I have determined I have to survive in this 3d pseudo-reality? Wrong about the way I think the world really is? Why do I think I’m wrong? Why do I think I’m right? Why me? Why am I stupid, in the sense that I have no real skills? Why did I incarnate in this particular life? If I was allowed to choose, as some say, why the fuck would I pick this? Out of the billions of possibilities, why would I choose this? If we could really choose, why would someone choose to be an abused child? Why would someone choose to be retarded? Why would someone choose to die slowly & painfully from a terminal cancer? Why would someone choose to be born in the slums of Mumbai? I am not so sure that people get to choose anything before they incarnate, or reincarnate…no, I am not so sure of that at all.

Not that I remember where I was prior to this, as none of us do, as far as we know anyway. Sure, there’s a few anomalies; people who claim they can recall their past lives, but there is n real proof, other than their own claims & their own loose “evidence.” Nope, no one knows for sure where they were before this trip down on 3d prison planet Earth, & no one is certain where we go after we take that final breath here. I’d like to believe it’s a trip to wherever it is you go when you dream, only a trip you don’t have to wake up back here from, thank God. You get to stay home, your galactic home in a dream, a dream that you have always known, always been aware of, only due to to the confines of said prison planet, you cannot recall it in its entirety, if you can recall it at all. I feel like I can recall it, to some extent, as I have detailed in several posts, several recent posts, as there’s been a noticeable increase of my journey back to this dream utopia I keep falling asleep then “waking” into, as if this 3d world is the dream. At best, I’d say I’m lucky to get 3-4 hours of sleep at a time, 3-4 hours of this 4d time here, this linear 4d time. In the dreams, however, time, as I know it here, is distorted. Some of these dreams go on for days, days in the dream time, but only a literal handful of hours in waking 4d linear time. All I can surmise, is that 4d time as we know it is askew in dreams, due to the influence of the 5th dimension, which is subject in no way to 4d time, unless one’s subconsciousness is stuck in the void between 3d, 4d, & 5d, & only occurs when we fall asleep here in 3d space. Dimensions follow the Fibonacci sequence I think, with spatial dimensions being 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, & so on, while the temporal dimensions would be the “connecting” numbers in between…4, 6, 7, 9,10,11,12, 14-20, & so on.

Obviously, I am no scientist, no physicist, no great thinker, no sage, nothing of the sort, & I have no way to prove any of what I just said, & I’m sure one of those people could easily explain how something like string theory or the 11 dimension theory makes more sense, with their own proof. In my little brain, it just seems to make sense, since virtually everything in this Universe “exists’ according to The Golden Ratio, Pi, Phi, Fibonacci, etc. We humans are so much more than we’ve been un-educated to be, & on top of the dumbing-down via school indoctrination camps, the powers-that-be have poisoned the water, the food, the minds of most of us, via broadcast programming, that at this point, it’s arguably a feat that we can wipe our own asses anymore. Obviously, this isn’t everyone, for there are many, many people out there who can do things that blow the mind. Doctors, engineers, computer programmers, even the corner mechanic in a small town, yes, there are many people from many walks of life who are brilliant in their own right, certainly more brilliant than my dumb ass. Then there are others, others who exist as though they were true-to-life NPCs, that just breed, consume, discuss nothing of merit, repeat, & that’s it, that’s all they do. I’m not much better, at least one of them usually has a job they specialize in through experience that I do not know how to do. I find myself floundering trying to humble myself lately. Why me, I ask again, what makes me so God-damned special? Nothing, NOTHING does, because I am not special. The AI can now do this, what I am doing right now, what I have always considered a unique talent, this way with words, the AI can do in a matter of seconds. It can be biased, not be biased, illustrate in any length, any tone, any way you want it. It can cite examples, evidence, utilize images, videos, it can do anything yours truly can do, before yours truly even finishes writing a title out. That puts me just above last place as far as usefulness goes. No employers care enough about my unfiltered “human-based” approach to writing articles, when they can get what they need with no spin in mere moments, & all for free, no cost.

No, the AI doesn’t need money, & neither do humans, but since we’ve been led to believe otherwise, then forced to know that if we do not have their self-printed Monopoly™ money, we cannot survive, & are just killing ourselves, killing ourselves slowly, stretching it out, draining ourselves with all of our life energy given to a power beyond ourselves. That’s just before we die, then after we die, The Great Recycler continues to drain us of our soul energy, leaving our memories wiped, our karma fucked, then figuratively shitting us back out as a newborn baby, to do ti all again, & the ouroboros can continue to eat itself, in a never-ending cycle, for all of time. Again, these are only the thoughts from the thinking mind of someone that is just a clueless human, for the most part. I have nothing, I am nothing, I am certainly no greater than any of you. Why me, why me, why me? I don’t have a purpose, no one to care, no family, no real friends, I have nothing, nothing at all, except these words I diligently & digitally pen down on the daily, for all of you, & for none of you at all. Why me, why do I this? I do this because I have nothing, & because it’s meaningless, I have found meaning in it, even though it only means something to me, thanks to The Myth of Sisyphus, & the words of Albert Camus. I’ll never be known, never be among the great writers, never be anything at all, & once I’m gone, I’ll slip into the digital oblivion forever, not a soul even knowing I was here. Maybe that’s for the best, as it’s all so absurd, so who really cares anyway? No one, not a single soul, will ever know, what I know or don’t know, & on that note, it’s time to go, as this pure stream-of-consciousness diatribe has reached its uneventful ending. Until next time dear readers, check out the channeled messages, as I have linked a few here for you. Check them out for you, not for me, or don’t check them out at all, because in the Great Picture, it matters not either way. So sayeth FisH™🎏

Spring Equinox

Well dang, it’s that time again, the Spring Equinox is here, marking the official end of the “dark winter” that was forecast by many. Was it, in fact, “dark?” Yes, I’d say so, but more of a continuing darkness, as this once great country continues to spiral downward, like the toilet I flushed earlier after my morning post-coffee log drop. I’m hearing some interesting rumors about this week ahead. Will the infamous “Trump arrest” happen on Tuesday? The world is watching, as intended, all eyes on Trump, while everyone’s eyes should be elsewhere, focusing on what’s going on behind the scenes, rather than the fake news that the powers-that-be broadcast 24/7 via their scripted-narrative mainstream mass media multi-outlet machine. I’ll get to the big rumor in a minute, but I wanted to acknowledge another milestone reached in my widgets on the right side of my page, if you’re viewing this in full-site mode. Of course, said milestone being the beginning on springtime, the only pretty ring time, birds sing, hey ding, a dinga-ding, sweet lovers love, the spring. RIP Gene Wilder, or rather, Jerome Silberman.

Oy vey, there sure are a lot of…people that change their names in Hollywood, aren’t there? Regardless of the unusually large number of these “name-changers” in Tinseltown, no one else could be Willy Wonka in that role he played back in 1971’s nostalgic classic Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Brilliant performance, & what a gem the movie itself is; I think I know every song all the way through, because I’ve watched that movie countless times. We Gen-X ’80s kids know what it’s like to only have a certain amount of VHS movies at your disposal, so what do you do? You watch them over, & over, & over, & over, & over again. Why did we do this? I don’t know exactly, but we did, at least I did, & all my childhood friends did, so I can only assume that other Gen-Xers know what I’m talking about. Classic ’80s movies, & for me it was flicks like Roadhouse, Drugstore Cowboy, Altered Sates, any brat pack flick, the original Tron. Big Trouble in Little China is so legendary that it gets its own sentence. Dang, I was having trouble at first because there were so many movies flashing before my childhood eyes, that I was blanking on the names of which ones to pick. No worries dear readers, for now the flood gates have opened, unleashing a tidal wave of movie titles I want to add, but if I did, I don’t know where I’d stop, know what I mean? Those days of going to the VHS rental place with the fam, & everyone individually picking out a movie, then back home to watch them. Remember all those selections? Oh man, so many, think of some great ’80s movies, try it yourself, think of your favorite ’80s movies, then just think of ’80s movies in general. Surreally nostalgic feeling, isn’t it? Good times, such a good time, the ’80s were as a kid.

Springtime as an ’80s kid was great too. Everyone ready to hit the empty lot at the end of the street for no-pads full-tackle football. We didn’t really hold back either, it was kind of brutal. Always went home with skinned knees & cuts & bruises & such, but so what? That’s what being a kid was about back then. We were savages, young enough to bounce back, & no one ever broke a bone in our neighborhood pigskin matchups, not one of us. Never once was an ambulance called from the age of 4-5, to the age of 10, other than me at that 4-5ish age range. My first ambulance experience was my clumsy little ass, & I detailed that terrible accident in another post somewhere in the archives. Not going to re-tell the terrible tale here, but I will re-recite the highlight, which is that I think I died on the operating table, or at least dreamt that I did. I recall “floating,” which I have to quote because I don’t have a word for standing there with no legs anymore, or a body. However, standing there, I watched the whole operation, & someone was standing next to me, watching along side, but I have no idea who it was or what they even looked like. I do not recall this person saying a word, only that I felt very comfortable next to this entity, & happy that they were there. We watched from atop the highest seats in something like an ancient Greek amphitheater, & there my unconscious little body was, down on the “stage” so to speak, looking pale & dead from all the blood loss, tube down my throat, with a team of doctors sewing my face back together. I suppose my soul self, now separated from my body temporarily, & some other unknown soul, we’re watching all of this. Whoever this person was, I feel like they’re always with me somehow, even to this very day, this first day of Spring. Maybe one day I’ll find the answer when we see each other again on the astral plane, if we do. Still gives me a haunting feeling, get it?

Before I get off the exit ramp to Segueville yet again, I’m going to wrap this article up. I meant to have it out by this morning , the beginning fo the day, for obvious reasons. Other duties called though, which is rare mid-article for yours truly, but such is life. Oh shit, I almost forgot, stay mindful tomorrow. This theatrical nonsense with an alleged “Trump arrest” is a big-time psy-op. Not sure why they’re doing it, or exactly what the real end goal of this particular play is, but it looks like we’ll all know more soon enough. Until next time dear readers, remember that plays are made up of acts, & actors acting. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Plays are made up of acts, & actors acting.” Fish F Fish🎏

Paranoid Cocoon

☝🏻Click HERE to watch☝🏻

Do you want to hear the best album you’ve ever heard? Check out the album linked above, Paranoid Cocoon, by the amazingly talented band Cotton Jones. It’s sheer brilliance, start to finish, every song, incredible, at least in the opinion of this mega-music collector her(looks in broken mirror). Seriously though, & I’m a YUGE music fan. I have tens of thousands of songs not just in my digital library, but in my head. Music is 4d, 4th-dimensional, & it’s the way we 3d humans illustrate time, like if one could “draw” time, it would be the creation of music. Anyway, all these songs, that’s probably why I have a continuous case of earworm infestation all day, every day. One after another, & I never now what song it might be. It could be a song I love, it could be songs from this amazing album above, or, unfortunately for me, it could be a song from someone God-awfully ridiculous like Taylor Swift. Yes, believe me I know, Taylor fucking Swift. Oy vey that twat, & this sordid songs she scribbles with the aid of her producers, & these music producers use frequency tricks to seed her songs into people’s heads as earworms. That’s right, so even if you hate her, as I do, you cannot prevent Taylor’s worms from crawling into your skull through your ear, then nesting in your brain, laying earworms eggs so that her dumbass songs get stuck in your head. This isn’t hyperbolic either, albeit partially figurative. I’m 1000% convinced that music producers, all of them at the top, as well as the respective musicians themselves, have this occult knowledge of certain frequencies that “possess” people, you could say, hypnotizing them into an alpha state, where they are HIGHLY suggestible, but more importantly, easier to control.

Not only do they get more control via this esoteric wisdom they use to program you, you get dumber in the process, which ultimately, ALSO contributes to them taking total control over you & your life, but I digress, as always. This was gonna be a short post, as I simply just wanted to share what is, in my own humble opinion of course, arguably the greatest album ever composed. The Meat Puppets album Up On the Sun is pretty amazing too though. Definitely a tough call, neck & neck. Here’s what I’ll do, since the FisH™ abides, I’ll link both of them here, then you can decide for yourself. You might love them both, might hate them both, you might only like one, I don’t know, & it matters not. Everyone likes what they like ya know? It’s analogous to the human palette, some things people think are delicious, others think are gross. For example, I’m a big fan of sushi, ALL of it, even the weird shit. I used to live in Japan, & I got well-accustomed to their amazing dietary choices, particularly sushi. If I could, I’d eat Japanese food all day, every day. Unfortunately, that’s a tough one to pull off unless you actually live there. There’s a reason they live longer than everyone else, & it’s their diet. Regardless, some people despise the hell out of sushi, & are absolutely repulsed by everything about it. Raw fish, texture, smell, all of the above, it’s weird to me, but sushi haters REALLY hate it. More sushi for me though, so I could give two fish farts about the haters. It’s good for you, & it’s delightfully deliciousness. It’s a very organized food, if prepared properly, but what do I know about eating all your fish?

Un-forch-chew-nent-lee…the disgusting American diet has infested Japan like a fucking cancer. Gah, it’s so…shameful, yes, “shameful” is a good word to use, because they’ve sacrificed their pure & natural culture for this artificial nonsense we have here. This country has become a joke, synonymous with a 6-year senior in high school. Oh no, NOT the 5-year senior, we did that last year. 2023 is the 6th-year senior, with President Braindead Brandon Biden still walking the halls, sniffing all the teenage girls when they walk by. THAT is America now, all because of these power-mad corrupt politicians, THAT is what we’ve become as a nation. From starting high school quarterback to the creepy sniffer who’s locker smells weird; the kid that picks his nose & eats it, remember that kid? That’s your president, most votes ever in the history of the Universe, savior of the civil rights movement, & all from his favorite place, his basement in Delaware. Yep, he eats pudding in his basement while his handlers & script writers work hard to make sure he’s prepared for his 4 & ½ minute-long interviews with the public. Oh, & those green screen productions, so clever, he’s got a little set, with a stage & a podium, that looks just like the White House. Oh drats though Old Joe, we can tell. Yeah, we can tell, & it’s insanely obvious in fact, but since you keep doing it as if we do NOT see what’s really going on, just go ahead & stick to the cheap green screen see-through staged stage-sets. Say that fast 5 times Joe, maybe try it with your daughter next time you two shower together.

Ugh, what a revolting image, but you know what’s more revolting? IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. People don’t usually lie in diaries because why the fuck would anyone lie to themselves in that format? That’s a redundant notion, just nonsensical really, & if a diary, from Joe Biden’s daughter, was discovered, & it was revealed, upon that discovery, that she showered with her creepy dad, more than once let’s remember, & detailed it, illustrating it in a diary to herself, what does that say to you? Common sense check: If you had a diary, would you ever even consider making up a story about showering with your dad if it didn’t actually happen? Think for a second, I’ll give you a moment, have you thought it out? What took you so long? Geez. Anyway, the obvious answer from 100% of the audience issssssssss…NO, how about them apples? A resoundingly unchallenged definitive “NO,” because as absurd as Clownworld is, she wasn’t making that sickening behavior up. Not to mention, the FBI went through 14 crates of tampons trying to get that diary back, so if it wasn’t there & it wasn’t true & it wasn’t real, why all the period pains over it? It was a headline on the mainstream national news for fuck’s sake, “FBI Manhunt underway for Joe Biden’s daughter’s diary,” or something like that, I can’t remember exactly, but nonetheless, it happened, so where’s the follow-up?

Great question, you win the bonus round, thanks for playing. Wellllllllll…there wasn’t one apparently. Like SO many other ACTUAL news stories, it does NOT fit the scripted narrative fed to the fake news by the CIA, now does it? That’s not the CIA way. Oh yes, Operation Mockingbird never ended, & it started over 50 years ago now, so how far do you think their script-writing has come? How “professional” is their acting? Professionalism is not even applicable any more, these televised “reporters,” are just robot actors now, possibly literally robots, with the recent advancements in AI, but that’s a topic for another time. Yep, broadcast national “news” is ALL theatre now, obviously with real life events mixed in with the theatre, but the exaggeration, the cherry-picking, the blatant bias with REAL-LIFE CONSEQUENCES, it’s as bad as any other orchestrated reality tv show, but again, with actual reactionary behaviors from the masses who get fed these narratives as if it were real news. Yeah I know, somehow people believe it, & I don’t get it either, but somehow, this utterly large portion of the global population is under the spell of the Capstone Club, one way or another. I don’t know exactly what’s really REALLY going on yet, like the shadowplay these elitist psychopaths are masterminding behind the scenes, so to speak, but I’m on a quest to find out. I admit, it is partially for selfish reasons, because one of my numero uno pet peeves is NOT being aware of something I should be aware of. I hate missing things, know what I mean? It’s like OCD, every pop culture reference that exists, I must know, but there’s a paradox, an artificial paradox.

The aforementioned paradox: In this world, the more you know, the more complicated the maze gets, & it get so complicated in fact, that it becomes nearly impossible to navigate to an exit. Then, the only way out is to just quit. Turn off the EMF generators, & go totally off-grid. Can you live without a single digital device that connects to the Internet & still handle your daily life as usual, can you do that? I’d wager most can’t, even the ones who would boldly act like they could. Oh my my my, look at what I’ve done yet again, dear reader. I’ve turned a short article into a new chapter in the FisH™ Bible. Join my flock & carry my book to all, spreading the Word of FisH™ far & wide across all lands.

Totally joking in case you thought I was serious in that prior paragraph. It sounded much funnier when I acted it out as I wrote, preaching to my cat, who thinks it’s a sermon I give before he gets more treats apparently, so he watched me enthusiastically. Then got his treats of course. That time has come though, dear reader; one, time for you to listen to the 2 albums I linked, & two, it’s time for me to fly like REO Speedwagon. Enjoy the music, because music is magic, music is geometry, it’s sacred, & it’s much more useful than most everyone is aware of. How do you think the Great Pyramids in Egypt were built? Oh but that secret little gem is for another time, because this time, as aforementioned, has come to its end. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

Music is 4th dimensional, a geometric bridge between here & heaven.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E12 2/12/2023 Super Ball Sunday

I’m just gonna drop a series of old GIFs of mine for this most nuttiest of days, Super Ball Sunday. A very, very, very bizarre placeholder Fooze for today’s article. The Super Bowl can Super Blow me. I don’t know, don’t care, & it’s mind-blowing how fascinated humanity is with grown men throwing & kicking their proverbial balls up & down a field, isn’t it? To me, it is anyway, but what do I know, right?

Ding-dong, bounce bounce bounce, balls balls balls, just like those Roman circuses, with free loaves of bread, give them the free stuff, bounce on those balls, look at ’em go, boing boing boing.

Great distraction incidentally, all televised sports is, for you cannot pay attention to your masters mastering you, now can you? Shhhhh, it’s game time…woot woot…(Fart Noise)

Until next time, be sure your balls are clean & shiny, respectively. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🎏

The Fooze: S2 E7 2/7/2023 Hypnopsychosis

I don’t really watch television, like mainstream televised programming, nope, gave it up years ago. I only really use my tv to watch my Youtube videos on a 42-inch 4k viewing apparatus, or when I play the occasional Hitman mission on my PS4, but other than that, nah. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know why. Televisions aren’t for your “entertainment,” they’re a medium used to program all of you, hence why it’s called “television programming,” & it’s “broadcast,” all some kind of spooky dark magic it sounds like, right? Well, if you saw any clips from The Grammys last night, you might think twice about disbelieving me on the dark magic notion. I like watching Matt Walsh’s channel. He’s a very thoughtful guy, very smart, & his breakdowns of Clownworld are quite well-illustrated. I’m going to link his 10-minute long video from earlier, detailing this insanity being broadcast on primetime television. My oh my, how the times change, know what I mean? Sheesh. Let’s get to it, make sure your kids aren’t in the room. I don’t have any kids, but if I did, I certainly would NOT want them watching crazy shit like this.


I don’t even know who this Sam Smith guy is, or that other guy he performed with. I could care less if Kim Petras thinks HE’S a girl, because HE is not, despite getting his cock lopped off at the age of 16. Nope, I will NOT, nor will I EVER, abide these maniacs with their fucking pronouns. The world is BINARY. Nature is BINARY, existence itself, is BINARY, hot & cold, up & down, left & right, MAN & WOMAN. All this 137 gender non-binary mass mental illness madness is NOT “normal,” it’s insanity, & these so-called “celebrities,” promote & encourage this craziness to their programmed fans, who follow along like lemmings. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Something is NOT right, it’s as if the masses are mass-hypnotized into a state of some unprecedented media-driven psychosis. Seriously, does any of this seem okay to you, does it seem normal, and/or arguably even natural?…because it sure seems to be getting worse. Openly doing “satanic rituals” on LIVE primetime television now are we? I thought the Grammys were about the awards for the best musicians, not this parade of debaucherously dark shit. What the hell is happening in this world? (pun intended) …it’s actually feeling like hell, is it not? No bueno.

Personally, I don’t believe any of this “satanic” shit is real, but apparently, there’s a bunch of dumdums that do. Those pussies can all go find a high cliff, then koom-ba-yah-yah their black nail-polished hands together, as they jump in collective unison towards their respectively perilous deaths. Get the fuck outta here with that dark arts weirdo ritualistic nonsense, Gah, they really annoy me for some reason, I don’t get it, but I must admit, I don’t get ANY of this really, not any of it. Just gets more confusing by the day, & now “satanic rituals at broadcast award shows” are the top headline, so maybe this IS hell. These evil freaks live like kings & queens too, like royalty, while the rest of us seem to be losing, losing more by the minute, just saying. If I was a psychopathic cutthroat scumfuck pervert, maybe I’d be materially “rich” too, maybe that’s why they took everything from me, everything material at least, took it all. Why? What did I do? Why do I lose, when they keep winning? I have such a uniquely well-informed awareness, of the world around me as well as myself. I’m seemingly almost at the top of the zeitgeist mountain, where I finally will get the view from the top, the whole view, the painted canvas in its entirety, to see the real truth, but apparently at the expense of losing everything I had. Lost it all to get here, wherever here is. Is what it is, & I would much rather be here, then there, there among those devil-worshipping foot soldiers for the Great Darkness. Yeah, no thanks, I prefer the Sun, & all its shining light. What is this “Great Darkness” though? Satan? I don’t know, not exactly, but I have a good idea what it is, & have already written about it. I call it, “The Great Recycler,” & if you read via the link below, you’ll see what I am referencing…

Is that what these people worship? The Great Recycler? Is that thing their “Satan?” If it is, WOW, what a bunch of delusional dunces. Worshipping the thing that eats your soul, devouring your memories, then shits you out to get reborn again, only to go through another existence, die, then feed this God-damned creature again. Over & over you go, going “into the light, into the light CarolAnne,” except when you do, The Great Recycler feeds on you. You have to read the post I linked above, or none of this will sound even remotely sane. The more I see this broadcast satanism though, the more I’m thinking The Great Recycler is very real, & it is subconsciously venerated by these weak-minded fools, who think that worshipping “Satan,” particularly via live television, is going to get them to some kind of “special status” when they die. Again, THEIR beliefs, not mine, I don’t believe in any of this malevolent shit. It has to be some kind of mass mental illness, never before seen on this scale.

I do believe however, that when they die, they aren’t going to the same place that those who live by the benevolent principles of the real “Light” go. Attributes like honesty, courage, positivity, these are traits of the Light, the true “Light,” but wait, are there TWO “lights,” so to speak? Yes, there’s a good “light,” & a not-good “light.” It’s tough to speculate on though because one, you won’t know until YOU actually die if there’s ANY “light,” & two, the Great Recycler & its legion “trick” naive souls into “going into the light,” but it’s the false light, the trick that gets you, the ultimate slight of soul. NEWSFLASH: DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT. The “light” might feel all warm & fuzzy, ethereally blissful, you could feel like you just want to let yourself go into this “light,” but that’s the trap, the soul-trap. The Great Recycler might even show you your loved ones, or rather, just holographic projections of your friends & family, beckoning you to come into the “light,” to “be,” with them. DON’T DO IT. What’s the rush, what’s the worst that could happen if you wait, & perhaps just don’t do anything? Maybe just observe, be patient, stay mindful, because if this “light” is eternal, so are you, so what’s the harm in just hanging out, outside the “light,” until you can determine your next course of action? “No harm, no foul,” as the saying goes, & if it truly IS your prior-deceased friends & family inside that “light,” they can wait too, right?

I just don’t see the harm in NOT going directly into the “light” when you die. Why would that be a bad move? Worried about your individual “lack of faith?” Ummmm, no that’s false logic. I have faith in patience, & thinking things over before I take action. Why would that be any different in an afterlife where one has a CHOICE, whether to go into the “light,” or not? It wouldn’t, at least it shouldn’t, but I don’t know. Maybe none of that is real, maybe the afterlife isn’t real, maybe none of this matters, who knows? I know this though, there’s a growing legion of beta loser twerps who think Satan is real, & worship this darkest of dark avatars accordingly. It all circles back to my main general theory about what is going on in this quickly floundering mess of a humanity, & that is this; most people, most, NOT all, but most people are in a state of “hypnopsychosis.” There’s a dotted red line under that word. & why?…because it is NOT a real word, not yet, & you heard it HERE first, because I literally just coined it, remember that. This word, “hypnopsychosis,” as defined by me, see below…

Hypnopsychosis: a severe mental disorder in which the sufferer, in a state of hypnosis, having been hypnotized to believe in an UN-reality that does NOT exist, gets confronted by the REAL reality, & drastically declines into a state of severe psychosis in a futile attempt to make sense of “existing” in both worlds at the same time.”

Yes, & if any of you steal my concept & run with it, gaining infamy from the theft of my thoughts, I will not be pleased. Fair warning, not that I’m concerned about it. If my theory proves true, future psychologists might come across this & remember me as a psychological prophet, in some Jungian sense perhaps…or by then, in some Petersonian sense. A relatively entire planetary population, in varying states of “hypnopsychosis,” in this error of an era extraña. Unprecedented in scale, with an equitably unprecedented level of societal damage as a result of this worldwide mental disorder. Can you imagine, a whole world, hypnotized into a state of mass psychosis via the mass media programming, can you imagine? I certainly can, because I’m living it, in real-time, just like the rest of you. As always though, my circularity has found me once again, so it’s time to wrap up this daily Foozer. The beginning become the end, only to begin all over again. Until next time, stop, look around, & then honestly ask yourself, “does any of this seem organic to you?” So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all

“The organic macroorganism, spawning UN-organic microorganisms, as if “forced,” ferried into the false birth of a feral fetus.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S1 E16 1/16/2023 Someday Sunday

Sunday, a Sunday where Trump won the election, as he fairly did before they openly stole it, got away with stealing it, then ruined the country in record time after stealing said election in what was arguably a soft coup. What a great Sunday in the Sun that would be had things gone honestly, my oh my oh my, but they didn’t, did they?…& as if life wasn’t unfair enough, now we’re all stuck in the shit & I’m back down at the bottom of the well, yet again.I thought “never again” & here I am, waiting for the sun to cross over the hole to the sky, everything I had, gone.Yes, I’d still have what was “mine,” before they took it back, so I guess it never really was “mine,” now was it? Self-pragmatism is important. It’s more than money, it’s the currency of it, the energy, the flow, I’d have options & choices…I’d have more freedom, because freedom isn’t really free here. I was there though, I had it for a brief moment, I held it in my hands before it melted like Icarus on a sunshiny day. That dead dream from a year ago haunts me, broke me to be honest, broke me right in half, down to the pit. Cheers to the other me who is in that great timeline. Yes, that Sunday, that glorious Sunday, so much different than THIS Sunday. THIS Sunday sucks my surly sack, as it’s just another sad Sunday in this alternate backwards Clownworld upside-down timeline. I don’t know. I don’t get it, but here we are I guess, still, for now. Seriously, how did we get on this timeline? Do any of you find yourself asking the same questions to yourselves? If any of my CIA handlers are reading this, first off, go fuck yourself you devious twat, & second, can you get me outta here already? This bullshit fucking sucks, your game fucking sucks, your psychopathic demonic nature fucking sucks, fuck you all, I fucking hate you all & will hate you all until you all remove me from this game so I can really hate you after I’m gone the fuck outta this Clowntown circus. manipulating reality is fucking weird & some dark arts evil shit. Fuck off & leave me out of it from now on, please & thank you. Sheesh.

FLASH: Just had one of my quick visions, a vision from a dream. Oh man, this one is gonna be tricky to illustrate. It’s on an island, like a small island, maybe a few square miles, maybe a bit more, there’s room to drive a car on a road aroudn the island, but you can only drive…drive a certain way, gah…I can see the dream in my head now but it’s so weird to explain it out loud. There’s like these rules, I’m in a cabin, maybe a friend or two there, it’s like they are then they aren’t then they are…we kinda bullshit around, reminding me of smoking pot at a friend’s house in the 9th grade, but definitely NOT the same, just a similar, oddly nostalgic feel. There’s a cabin, this cabin is liek a studio cabin maybe, a couch, bed, just a mattress, boxspring, no sheets, maybe no pillow either, but there are these…”rules,” like a video game, you can only move a certain way. This particular dream has happened more than once, same exact place, same exact vibe, same weird “rules,” everything the same, I’ve been there twice for sure that I can distinctly recall, like the same dream twice really, & maybe a flash of the same dream another one or two times randomly, but only the 2 VERY distinct times can I recall because it was like the same dream twice, as I mentioned. What are those strange rules? It’s so bizarre, it’s as if I know, & I know that I know, so much so do I know that I know, that I’m wondering why I can’t recall what I so easily know. Dreams, what the fuck is going on there?

Is death just like dreaming? When you sleep, you get “tired,” you lay down, you close your eyes, you have no fear as you pass away into the darkness, only to reawaken in another dimension more conscious than you are when you’re awake here most times, with abilities you do not have when you open your eyes from that darkness most times, with memories you cannot recall when you pop back into the waking world most times…it’s so surreal, literally…most times. Is death the same? You fade away, you know death is coming for you, you close your eyes, you let go, then nothing, until you awaken somewhere else with no conception of time you spent away in the void. It’s all moment to moment, no matter where those moments occur and/or in what dimension they occur within. The notion that it’s all just over is impossible, because you cannot know that it’s “over,” hence you just snap back into consciousness somewhere else, moment to moment, but infinitely. I don’t know, what do I know?

I’m just a scribe, just an illustrator of whatever is going on around my world, way out here on the perimeter, where the seas wave back at you. Take that as a quip for the day, or take a dump on it when you hit the morning toilet after your black-like-Poppy coffee & a dawn-time cigarette of the finest cured Turkish delight crop. Until next time, just be.

For none of you, & for all of you.

Human Squints




Why are humans the only animals that squint?

Proof of bioengineering by advanced races from the forgotten true past of this humanity?

Primates mixed with genes from species not of this world, not used to our Sun?

For None and All. Look into it, or don’t. 

All at the push of a button… just like the channels on your television.

Let go, unshackle the chains, and ascend from the cave.

The time to wake up is NOW.

A storm is coming.


Be brave fellow soul travelers. 

Wide eyes open.

Love to all. 

The Rattlesnake Shakes



Just say America, and it once implied the great USA, but what does it imply now?

I digress…moving on…

There is a network of an us online that all relay content and information, everyone unique in their particular methods of delivery. There are countless others who blog, vlog, whatever YOU want to label it as. This time is very, very unique because the collective WE still have the ability to connect and interact and exchange information and knowledge at an unprecedented scale. But that all relies on an unbelievably fragile electric grid. No electricity, no connectivity, at least not anything nearly at the level we are at in this very moment, as you read this and I type it. Now this is something that should be integrated into the psyche of all…

The fact that all this connectivity, can be flicked off any second, just like a light switch.

Then what? And why am I mentioning this?


In case YOU have been under a rock, as many still are, the global climate is growing quite fierce. Yes, I know in all aspects, socially, politically, ideologically, etc… but I am referring to actual physical weather/climate. Do you realize that relatively EVERY single day, some kind of weather record is broken. Record rainfall, record flooding, record earthquakes, record typhoons, record droughts, record landslides, day after day after day. Did we not tell YOU that this was coming? As the time of zero point ever-more-rapidly approaches, more and more and more would happen. Like a Fibonacci spiral descending, 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1,1, then zero, picture a toilet flushing, swirling faster and faster as time runs out, before the toilet refills again.


Is the declination of a flailing humanity analogous to the flushing of a toilet?


I do not concur, nor disconcur, that is simply the way that word-thought came out.

Back to the wacky world weather….

There a numerous sources that I am about to name drop, so prepare to copy and paste, or don’t, whatever YOU want to do. Here goes, and these are all via Youtube: First, there is a channel called the HawkeyDavisChannel, he does a video every month or so that updates the aforementioned global weather extremes that aren’t reported too often via the MSM fake news outlets, hence the need to utilize the outlets of the alternative media WHILE YOU CAN, because if you click to his channel, YOU might finally see what or at least/best, see a part of what YOU have NOT been seeing.


The weather around the planet is like one natural disaster after another. Most Americans are clueless of course, because they either stay programmed by consumption, drugs, television, sex, whatever it is that depromotes self-thought, AND/OR pretend that if they do not acknowledge that anything happens in the world outside of their little world-space, it will not affect them. YOU cannot hide forever though, although you try. Only YOU can make the decision for YOU to break from the world of your ego and ascend back to the higher realm of your soul consciousness.

And how can YOU do that if YOU keep your head buried in the proverbial sand? How long do YOU think YOU can hide from something that would affect this planet on a global scale? 


Next, I will mention 2 channels, particularly because one gave credit to the other earlier, so now I am giving credit to both, and hopefully so on and so on, as the links to YOUR greater knowledge extend, understand? Fibonacci sequence always working in the background… 1, then 1 more, we now have 2, the 2 and 1 and make 3, then the 3 and 2 make 5, 5 to 8, 13, 21, 34, and on it goes, use the word “viral” if you’d like. Anyway, these 2 guys offer great info, albeit from 2 differing angles. The first I have mentioned before… he goes by the handle SuspiciousObservers and does a DAILY, yes DAILY, world weather and solar update.


It’s unlike any weather report you might find on your televisions, so turn them off already and start arming yourselves with real information, instead of settling. Why is it that so many are still content to settle, to stay in caves, and not only believe, but give their lives for shadows and echoes that aren’t even real? All the while, the option to free themselves and ascend from the cave back out into the enlightenment of the higher realms was there all along, for ALL of them. That is yet another tangent to Plato’s Cave, the unspoken basis of essentially ALL I do, for All and for None of YOU.

For your own sake, if YOU still do not know and/or understand the idea of the Allegory of the Cave, stop everything YOU are doing right now, and help YOU help yourself. Or just change the channel.

The second one is a very funny character, with a unique forum for offering info on space weather. He goes by Thor, you can look up Thor or ThorNews I believe, all on Youtube remember… his vids are semi-daily to daily with great humor mixed in with creative visuals.


There are those of us who mostly offer what we link via writing, like this forum, and there are those who do vlogs, which apparently is still not recognized as a word via spell-correct, although “Facebook” gets auto-capitlalized, mind-blowing… so for those of YOU on your particular paths of self-discover and info-architecting and soul traveling, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BOTH NOW, while YOU still can, I cannot implore this to ALL OF YOU enough. Did YOU know that the electric grid can be wiped out via hackers? Google “programmable logic controller.” There is that threat, then there is the fact basically ALL of the power of the USA relies on NINE, yes only NINE power grids to deliver power. Said power is delivered by over 160,000 miles of power lines, all vulnerable is countless ways, but number one being what?… That’s right, the WEATHER. And what is going on around the WORLD, not just here in the USA, but  as I mentioned from the beginning of this post, SEVERE GLOBAL WEATHER RECORDS DAILY. Despite all the chaos, our idiot Nazi puppet president, Islamic jihadists gone mad in the Middle East, escalating war between Russia and Ukraine, between China and Southeast Asia, Ebola pandemic fear porn threats, “reality” shows, fake news, propaganda, social media, cell phones, the Internet, ALL THE CONNECTIVITY most current still take for granted, GONE, GONE into the void to reemerge elsewhere, like the analogy of the flushed toilet, should the Planet and the weather unleashed by Nature, simply shake itself off, fractionally from the view of Gaia, but catastrophic for the scourge of humanity that continues to ravage this beloved hurling cosmic sphere.

YOU do realize how small YOU really are,

despite what most of YOU allow your ego to convince YOU of otherwise…. 


Please do NOT misunderstand… when I say “small,” I only refer to “size” as it applies to THIS particular dimension we are all currently still stuck in. We are tiny, beyond tiny, from the eye of the Galaxy, much less the Universe, yet if anyone has ever used a microscope, we are simultaneously seemingly infinite and vast to the world of the microorganism as said “Universe” is to us. What if we are just microorganisms to a greater microorganism and so on? When does a microorganism become a macroorganism?


The unique thing about humans, is that there is apparently an ability and operative connection between the physical dimension we currently “exist” in, and higher dimensions, such as a 4th dimension of time pushing us “forward,” as well as a subconscious state, where we exist somewhere between the limited and the boundless, the world of dreams, more specifically, the astral plane between the 4th dimension of time, here in the 3rd dimension, and the 5th dimension, which is a “greater” vibration in the sense that the 5th dimension is essentially an infinite probability space when compared to the 3rd dimension. Think of it like a dream, that does not end unless “YOU” want it to, a dream where “YOU” control all aspects, where your light body energy spirit higher soul consciousness self remembers itself and it’s connection with Source and it’s journey as a soul traveler. There is a guy called 10thdim on Youtube that does a good job of explaining dimensionality, but the actual reality is singularly being approached, like when Ben Franklin electrified the world with his experiment, but at the time, wasn’t heralded as anything out of the ordinary.  There cannot be found, anyone else, any other resource, no one else seems to be putting together in such a manner what I am about to redisclose to YOU. I have spoken of this before, but as is the task of those who dwell outside of the Cave, one at a time, prisoners are to be freed from their own shackles binding them to the illusory world of their own prisons, and brought back into Enlightenment, even at the risk of “death,” the word “death” applying metaphorically, but yes, also physically.


Again, if YOU are lost, STOP and read/watch the Allegory of the Cave by Plato. 


I know we are well past the 1000 word mark, but fuck it, I am in the mood to plant seeds, just “planting seeds,” as the late and great Bill Hicks might say. So here is the redisclosure of what I have spoken of before, and it is this: The Fibonacci Sequence applies directly to both spatial AND durational dimensionality. The physical world, as it applies to everything here in this dimension, is fractal, all just the expression of infinitely small and large Mandelbrot sets…


Google it if YOU get thrown off, and then continue, don’t give up when YOU don’t know what something is, LOOK IT UP. YOU have never existed in a time YOU can recall when YOU can access information so easily and quickly and efficiently, so why do so many NOT do it? The purpose of all of this is to experience this lower vibrational paradigm of the 3rd dimension, gathering as much knowledge and experience as YOU can, eventually returning to Source and your other soul half. Wait, wait, wait, let’s start at the beginning. First, let’s look at the Fibonacci Sequence, which incidentally YOU should know, but nonetheless, it goes, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and so on and so on. Do you see the pattern? The previous number adds to the end number to produce the next number in the sequence. This “sequence” is often represented as a “spiral,” and expresses itself in EVERYTHING to some extent. The 5 fingers and toes on your body, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, the 8 legs of an arachnid, the way trees and plants grow, and then in the “spiral” sense, expressed a tornado, or a hurricane, or a galaxy, ALL OF IT…EVERYTHING, in THIS dimension is some way or another connected to the Fibonacci sequence.


That being said, let’s just simply apply the sequence to what is currently expressed as “dimensionality” via  a forum such as… let’s say quantum physics, string theory, M-thoery, all those “theories” sound great, but also ignorantly and obnoxiously seem to be aloof to the simplicity of it all, should this information be accurate… hang with me, don’t get nervous just cause the water gets a bit choppy, relax and hang on. So if you watch any of 10thdim via Youtube, or look into any physics book, or just google “dimensions of space,” or something like that, you will find out that idea that dimensionality is ALSO subject to the Fibonacci Sequence in agreement across the board up until dimension 4 or 5, then the juxtapositions begin.


But why? Why the confusion? Just think it out when I tell YOU….

And here it is: there are physical/spatial dimensions, and then there are durational dimensions. The spatial dimensions, the ones that involve an expressive physical “reality,” and represented by the Fibonacci Sequence. Remember, just relax and think it out, it’s not complicated at all really.


Ok, there is zero, the beginning, and the end sometimes, but for our purposes, let’s say the zero point is the “start,” a void of nothingness, BUT one day a 1 appears, just a 1, a single point in space, with no actual “size,” just a single 1 point in space. And then suppose there are other “1 points,” floating around, well if two singular points connect, they make a line. Lines define length and width, but no depth, it’s the world of the “Flatland,” the world of 2, the second dimension, which YOU see around YOU all the time. Nothing YOU “see” is in 3d, it is all just infinite 2 dimensional “flat” frames being repeated in a way they allows YOU to perceive 3rd dimensionality, and because of that ability, YOU are now ably “existing” in the 3rd dimension. So up until now, we have the Sequence, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, all physical and spatial and able to be expressed holographically. You following? Good, but now we have come the number 4. Wait, there is no 4 in the Fibonacci Sequence, it gets “skipped.” Not exactly, 4 represents the “duration” and/or the “passing of momentum,” between the physicality of the 3rd and 5th dimensions. Dimensions are subject to the dimensions above, i.e. the 4th dimension of “time” has always and will always propel the manifestations of the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st dimensions, BUT has no impact on the 5th dimension. “Time” in the 5th dimension is beyond our current ability, because what we call “time” exists in a 6th and 7th state, TWO dimensions of “time,” and it is those durational dimensions of the 6th and 7th that the 5th is subject to. You got this? Let’s review… 0, 1, 1,2, 3, we got it up to that point right? 1 and 1 makes 2, 2 and 1 makes 3, the 3rd dimension YOU are currently “in” right now, all subject to 4th dimension of “time” driving the lower dimensions “forward.” Beyond this paradigm, is the 5th dimension and higher, again ALL subject to the Fibonacci Sequence… 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, all “physically expressed holographically,” But this does not occur again until the 8th dimension, arguably where a “God and/or Source” might exist. This dimension is undefinable in this lower dimension. Can the flatlander of dimension 2 really understand what is like here in the 3rd dimension? So how can we expect to be able to comprehend? Yet somehow we “can,” at least we can “imagine,” we can dream” it, and that is what makes YOU unique is that right now by reconnecting with your soul consciousness, you are returning to the consciousness of the 5th dimension.

You are ascending, or are YOU?


Let’s stay on subject until we get to 13. So we have the “physical” dimensions now, and we all get that right? 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, then at 8, there is the new evolution to the next “physical” dimension, now subject to the durational laws of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th dimensions before at last getting to dimension 13, which despite internationalized superstitions to hide the truth, mathematically is referred to as the Alpha/Omega or the beginning/end number. It is a number of the highest order, the start and finish to everything.


Way down here in our dense little 3rd dimension, do YOU really think we/you can comprehend what is happening at that stage of the great game? No. All YOU can really do is figure out who YOU are and where YOU are at and if now is the time for YOU to free yourselves from the chains of egos that hold you within the little rooms of your caves and ascend back out into the enlightenment of the entire house. How can YOU know where YOU are when YOU only exist from one room in the house?


Walk to the door, be brave, open it, and remember what YOU truly are, a being of energy, descended from a higher dimension only to one day reascend back from where YOU fell so very long ago. How is this provable? Think about when YOU dream. “Time,” the 4th dimension applies, but not in the same way, does it? It is fragmented, disordered, you can dream for hours in 30 minutes and/or vice versa, because the real you, the soul you, hidden in your subconscious, is allowing itself to remember itself by traveling to the astral plane, which is between here, the 3rd dimension, “time” in the 4th, and the infinite probability space of the 5th dimension. That is why YOU experience dreams of flying, or instant travel, or being with people YOU do not recall from this dimension, yet still somehow “know,” because YOU are no longer here, but also not there, when YOU dream, YOU are in between. How to get fully into the 5th dimension?… well the answer to that is within YOU.


Perhaps it is not possible, at least not yet. Maybe it’s happening right now, to everyone, albeit clearly in many different manners. Maybe some go, and some do not, maybe they sink lower. As we plow on through space on this rock, it appears that the tension is growing ever tighter as “time” seemingly speeds up, faster and faster, “toward” something, but “toward” what? And if YOU recall something I mentioned in the beginning, although we are great from the view of the microorganism, what do we look like from the other view? Are we so small, that as much as we think ourselves capable of higher greatness, we are doomed to always just be relatively insignificant specks of dust blowing around bouncing into one another, defining that as “life?” Lots to think about, or maybe too much to think about. You decide, I have hit 3000 words on this post, and if YOU got to the end, well then good for YOU. Take as much as YOU can because the day will come when the switch gets flicked.


What will YOU do when that day comes? Give into your fear and succumb to your ego, begging for help from a master? Or will you rise up and let go of fear, remember your true self and your true power, exist from soul and become your own master. YOU do not need anyone but YOU, yet so many remain so afraid.

Afraid of what? Why? YOU all haven’t seen anything yet.


Watch the weather, but do not be afraid. Never be afraid. 

Have some faith in yourselves, for YOU, not for anyone else.

More to come, as it comes.


Wide eyes open. Love to all. 

Be Careful


As the police state attempts to crackdown here in the USSA, the FBI is resorting to some devious tactics in order to monitor all of you more closely. I received a call from this number yesterday>>> 9145302333. DO NOT CALL THIS NUMBER. When I answered, it was a recorded message from the FBI, asking me if I wanted a FREE surveillance system installed in my home. That’s right, the FBI is randomly calling Americans and asking to install their surveillance equipment at YOUR home, for FREE of course so you all think they are doing you a favor. 


Now since 85 to 90% of the population is clueless, many people will go along with this, thinking they are being protected. It is not for your protection though, it is so they can know even more about what YOU are doing. I almost didn’t think it was real when I heard the call, but then when I realized that most of you will buy into this, I had to get a post up warning those of you in the know about this hustle being propagated by the globalist pig scum who run this sham of a government. Do not let them install anything. Do not give them any of your information. Use your head. Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


3-D Printed BioMech Spider

I’m still looking into 3-d printing and what it is all about. When I know, I will get back to you. From what I gather so far, it’s a highly advanced way of creating machinery at a fraction of cost. But I could be wrong. These things come as small as mosquitos I’ve read. With cameras, weapons, etc… But like I said, more to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.