

Another epic song from the ashes of Joy Division,

which rose again as New Order…



Below the surface this day I need it light
Inside dimension lies another sacrifice
Once out of reach, we never speak, we never compromise
As they turned to gold the edges froze,
and seemed to turn to ice
All flight departures assembled not returned
Left in these passions I looked but never learned
There’s hope, you’ve heard there’s life in another world
Sometimes you’ll find that truth is never kind
In the ghost lies a portrait of space that time is never here
In the mind of a fallen man, an easy day in another land
Ship sails out to sea, away from me, I just stand and stare
Assassin clears his hands, I know that and,
I wasn’t even there
One day it came to mind we even leave the rest behind
Some day, I know, you get where you should go
There’s hope, you’ve heard,
there’s life in another world
Sometimes we’ll find that truth is never kind
One day it came to mind we even leave the rest behind
Some day, I know, we even get where we used to go
There’s hope, you’ve heard there’s life in another world…

…love to all…


Lonesome Tonight

I walk along the street
I look into your eyes
I’m pleasant when we meet
I’m there when you go home
How many times before
Could you tell I didn’t care?
When you turned your back on me
I knew we’d get nowhere
Do you believe in youth?
The history of all truth
A heart that’s left at home
Becomes a heart of stone
Do you believe in truth?
The lies we told of youth
A cause we call our own
Beside an empty throne
How many times before
Could you tell I didn’t care?
When you reached out in your sleep
And you knew I wasn’t there
My eyes are made of stone
Just like your sordid home
How many times before
Did you leave my soul alone?


…from the ashes of Ian Curtis and Joy Division,
New Order formed…
…love to all.

The Rattlesnake Shakes



Just say America, and it once implied the great USA, but what does it imply now?

I digress…moving on…

There is a network of an us online that all relay content and information, everyone unique in their particular methods of delivery. There are countless others who blog, vlog, whatever YOU want to label it as. This time is very, very unique because the collective WE still have the ability to connect and interact and exchange information and knowledge at an unprecedented scale. But that all relies on an unbelievably fragile electric grid. No electricity, no connectivity, at least not anything nearly at the level we are at in this very moment, as you read this and I type it. Now this is something that should be integrated into the psyche of all…

The fact that all this connectivity, can be flicked off any second, just like a light switch.

Then what? And why am I mentioning this?


In case YOU have been under a rock, as many still are, the global climate is growing quite fierce. Yes, I know in all aspects, socially, politically, ideologically, etc… but I am referring to actual physical weather/climate. Do you realize that relatively EVERY single day, some kind of weather record is broken. Record rainfall, record flooding, record earthquakes, record typhoons, record droughts, record landslides, day after day after day. Did we not tell YOU that this was coming? As the time of zero point ever-more-rapidly approaches, more and more and more would happen. Like a Fibonacci spiral descending, 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1,1, then zero, picture a toilet flushing, swirling faster and faster as time runs out, before the toilet refills again.


Is the declination of a flailing humanity analogous to the flushing of a toilet?


I do not concur, nor disconcur, that is simply the way that word-thought came out.

Back to the wacky world weather….

There a numerous sources that I am about to name drop, so prepare to copy and paste, or don’t, whatever YOU want to do. Here goes, and these are all via Youtube: First, there is a channel called the HawkeyDavisChannel, he does a video every month or so that updates the aforementioned global weather extremes that aren’t reported too often via the MSM fake news outlets, hence the need to utilize the outlets of the alternative media WHILE YOU CAN, because if you click to his channel, YOU might finally see what or at least/best, see a part of what YOU have NOT been seeing.

The weather around the planet is like one natural disaster after another. Most Americans are clueless of course, because they either stay programmed by consumption, drugs, television, sex, whatever it is that depromotes self-thought, AND/OR pretend that if they do not acknowledge that anything happens in the world outside of their little world-space, it will not affect them. YOU cannot hide forever though, although you try. Only YOU can make the decision for YOU to break from the world of your ego and ascend back to the higher realm of your soul consciousness.

And how can YOU do that if YOU keep your head buried in the proverbial sand? How long do YOU think YOU can hide from something that would affect this planet on a global scale? 


Next, I will mention 2 channels, particularly because one gave credit to the other earlier, so now I am giving credit to both, and hopefully so on and so on, as the links to YOUR greater knowledge extend, understand? Fibonacci sequence always working in the background… 1, then 1 more, we now have 2, the 2 and 1 and make 3, then the 3 and 2 make 5, 5 to 8, 13, 21, 34, and on it goes, use the word “viral” if you’d like. Anyway, these 2 guys offer great info, albeit from 2 differing angles. The first I have mentioned before… he goes by the handle SuspiciousObservers and does a DAILY, yes DAILY, world weather and solar update.

It’s unlike any weather report you might find on your televisions, so turn them off already and start arming yourselves with real information, instead of settling. Why is it that so many are still content to settle, to stay in caves, and not only believe, but give their lives for shadows and echoes that aren’t even real? All the while, the option to free themselves and ascend from the cave back out into the enlightenment of the higher realms was there all along, for ALL of them. That is yet another tangent to Plato’s Cave, the unspoken basis of essentially ALL I do, for All and for None of YOU.

For your own sake, if YOU still do not know and/or understand the idea of the Allegory of the Cave, stop everything YOU are doing right now, and help YOU help yourself. Or just change the channel.

The second one is a very funny character, with a unique forum for offering info on space weather. He goes by Thor, you can look up Thor or ThorNews I believe, all on Youtube remember… his vids are semi-daily to daily with great humor mixed in with creative visuals.

There are those of us who mostly offer what we link via writing, like this forum, and there are those who do vlogs, which apparently is still not recognized as a word via spell-correct, although “Facebook” gets auto-capitlalized, mind-blowing… so for those of YOU on your particular paths of self-discover and info-architecting and soul traveling, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BOTH NOW, while YOU still can, I cannot implore this to ALL OF YOU enough. Did YOU know that the electric grid can be wiped out via hackers? Google “programmable logic controller.” There is that threat, then there is the fact basically ALL of the power of the USA relies on NINE, yes only NINE power grids to deliver power. Said power is delivered by over 160,000 miles of power lines, all vulnerable is countless ways, but number one being what?… That’s right, the WEATHER. And what is going on around the WORLD, not just here in the USA, but  as I mentioned from the beginning of this post, SEVERE GLOBAL WEATHER RECORDS DAILY. Despite all the chaos, our idiot Nazi puppet president, Islamic jihadists gone mad in the Middle East, escalating war between Russia and Ukraine, between China and Southeast Asia, Ebola pandemic fear porn threats, “reality” shows, fake news, propaganda, social media, cell phones, the Internet, ALL THE CONNECTIVITY most current still take for granted, GONE, GONE into the void to reemerge elsewhere, like the analogy of the flushed toilet, should the Planet and the weather unleashed by Nature, simply shake itself off, fractionally from the view of Gaia, but catastrophic for the scourge of humanity that continues to ravage this beloved hurling cosmic sphere.

YOU do realize how small YOU really are,

despite what most of YOU allow your ego to convince YOU of otherwise…. 


Please do NOT misunderstand… when I say “small,” I only refer to “size” as it applies to THIS particular dimension we are all currently still stuck in. We are tiny, beyond tiny, from the eye of the Galaxy, much less the Universe, yet if anyone has ever used a microscope, we are simultaneously seemingly infinite and vast to the world of the microorganism as said “Universe” is to us. What if we are just microorganisms to a greater microorganism and so on? When does a microorganism become a macroorganism?


The unique thing about humans, is that there is apparently an ability and operative connection between the physical dimension we currently “exist” in, and higher dimensions, such as a 4th dimension of time pushing us “forward,” as well as a subconscious state, where we exist somewhere between the limited and the boundless, the world of dreams, more specifically, the astral plane between the 4th dimension of time, here in the 3rd dimension, and the 5th dimension, which is a “greater” vibration in the sense that the 5th dimension is essentially an infinite probability space when compared to the 3rd dimension. Think of it like a dream, that does not end unless “YOU” want it to, a dream where “YOU” control all aspects, where your light body energy spirit higher soul consciousness self remembers itself and it’s connection with Source and it’s journey as a soul traveler. There is a guy called 10thdim on Youtube that does a good job of explaining dimensionality, but the actual reality is singularly being approached, like when Ben Franklin electrified the world with his experiment, but at the time, wasn’t heralded as anything out of the ordinary.  There cannot be found, anyone else, any other resource, no one else seems to be putting together in such a manner what I am about to redisclose to YOU. I have spoken of this before, but as is the task of those who dwell outside of the Cave, one at a time, prisoners are to be freed from their own shackles binding them to the illusory world of their own prisons, and brought back into Enlightenment, even at the risk of “death,” the word “death” applying metaphorically, but yes, also physically.


Again, if YOU are lost, STOP and read/watch the Allegory of the Cave by Plato. 


I know we are well past the 1000 word mark, but fuck it, I am in the mood to plant seeds, just “planting seeds,” as the late and great Bill Hicks might say. So here is the redisclosure of what I have spoken of before, and it is this: The Fibonacci Sequence applies directly to both spatial AND durational dimensionality. The physical world, as it applies to everything here in this dimension, is fractal, all just the expression of infinitely small and large Mandelbrot sets…


Google it if YOU get thrown off, and then continue, don’t give up when YOU don’t know what something is, LOOK IT UP. YOU have never existed in a time YOU can recall when YOU can access information so easily and quickly and efficiently, so why do so many NOT do it? The purpose of all of this is to experience this lower vibrational paradigm of the 3rd dimension, gathering as much knowledge and experience as YOU can, eventually returning to Source and your other soul half. Wait, wait, wait, let’s start at the beginning. First, let’s look at the Fibonacci Sequence, which incidentally YOU should know, but nonetheless, it goes, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and so on and so on. Do you see the pattern? The previous number adds to the end number to produce the next number in the sequence. This “sequence” is often represented as a “spiral,” and expresses itself in EVERYTHING to some extent. The 5 fingers and toes on your body, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, the 8 legs of an arachnid, the way trees and plants grow, and then in the “spiral” sense, expressed a tornado, or a hurricane, or a galaxy, ALL OF IT…EVERYTHING, in THIS dimension is some way or another connected to the Fibonacci sequence.


That being said, let’s just simply apply the sequence to what is currently expressed as “dimensionality” via  a forum such as… let’s say quantum physics, string theory, M-thoery, all those “theories” sound great, but also ignorantly and obnoxiously seem to be aloof to the simplicity of it all, should this information be accurate… hang with me, don’t get nervous just cause the water gets a bit choppy, relax and hang on. So if you watch any of 10thdim via Youtube, or look into any physics book, or just google “dimensions of space,” or something like that, you will find out that idea that dimensionality is ALSO subject to the Fibonacci Sequence in agreement across the board up until dimension 4 or 5, then the juxtapositions begin.


But why? Why the confusion? Just think it out when I tell YOU….

And here it is: there are physical/spatial dimensions, and then there are durational dimensions. The spatial dimensions, the ones that involve an expressive physical “reality,” and represented by the Fibonacci Sequence. Remember, just relax and think it out, it’s not complicated at all really.


Ok, there is zero, the beginning, and the end sometimes, but for our purposes, let’s say the zero point is the “start,” a void of nothingness, BUT one day a 1 appears, just a 1, a single point in space, with no actual “size,” just a single 1 point in space. And then suppose there are other “1 points,” floating around, well if two singular points connect, they make a line. Lines define length and width, but no depth, it’s the world of the “Flatland,” the world of 2, the second dimension, which YOU see around YOU all the time. Nothing YOU “see” is in 3d, it is all just infinite 2 dimensional “flat” frames being repeated in a way they allows YOU to perceive 3rd dimensionality, and because of that ability, YOU are now ably “existing” in the 3rd dimension. So up until now, we have the Sequence, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, all physical and spatial and able to be expressed holographically. You following? Good, but now we have come the number 4. Wait, there is no 4 in the Fibonacci Sequence, it gets “skipped.” Not exactly, 4 represents the “duration” and/or the “passing of momentum,” between the physicality of the 3rd and 5th dimensions. Dimensions are subject to the dimensions above, i.e. the 4th dimension of “time” has always and will always propel the manifestations of the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st dimensions, BUT has no impact on the 5th dimension. “Time” in the 5th dimension is beyond our current ability, because what we call “time” exists in a 6th and 7th state, TWO dimensions of “time,” and it is those durational dimensions of the 6th and 7th that the 5th is subject to. You got this? Let’s review… 0, 1, 1,2, 3, we got it up to that point right? 1 and 1 makes 2, 2 and 1 makes 3, the 3rd dimension YOU are currently “in” right now, all subject to 4th dimension of “time” driving the lower dimensions “forward.” Beyond this paradigm, is the 5th dimension and higher, again ALL subject to the Fibonacci Sequence… 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, all “physically expressed holographically,” But this does not occur again until the 8th dimension, arguably where a “God and/or Source” might exist. This dimension is undefinable in this lower dimension. Can the flatlander of dimension 2 really understand what is like here in the 3rd dimension? So how can we expect to be able to comprehend? Yet somehow we “can,” at least we can “imagine,” we can dream” it, and that is what makes YOU unique is that right now by reconnecting with your soul consciousness, you are returning to the consciousness of the 5th dimension.

You are ascending, or are YOU?


Let’s stay on subject until we get to 13. So we have the “physical” dimensions now, and we all get that right? 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, then at 8, there is the new evolution to the next “physical” dimension, now subject to the durational laws of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th dimensions before at last getting to dimension 13, which despite internationalized superstitions to hide the truth, mathematically is referred to as the Alpha/Omega or the beginning/end number. It is a number of the highest order, the start and finish to everything.


Way down here in our dense little 3rd dimension, do YOU really think we/you can comprehend what is happening at that stage of the great game? No. All YOU can really do is figure out who YOU are and where YOU are at and if now is the time for YOU to free yourselves from the chains of egos that hold you within the little rooms of your caves and ascend back out into the enlightenment of the entire house. How can YOU know where YOU are when YOU only exist from one room in the house?


Walk to the door, be brave, open it, and remember what YOU truly are, a being of energy, descended from a higher dimension only to one day reascend back from where YOU fell so very long ago. How is this provable? Think about when YOU dream. “Time,” the 4th dimension applies, but not in the same way, does it? It is fragmented, disordered, you can dream for hours in 30 minutes and/or vice versa, because the real you, the soul you, hidden in your subconscious, is allowing itself to remember itself by traveling to the astral plane, which is between here, the 3rd dimension, “time” in the 4th, and the infinite probability space of the 5th dimension. That is why YOU experience dreams of flying, or instant travel, or being with people YOU do not recall from this dimension, yet still somehow “know,” because YOU are no longer here, but also not there, when YOU dream, YOU are in between. How to get fully into the 5th dimension?… well the answer to that is within YOU.


Perhaps it is not possible, at least not yet. Maybe it’s happening right now, to everyone, albeit clearly in many different manners. Maybe some go, and some do not, maybe they sink lower. As we plow on through space on this rock, it appears that the tension is growing ever tighter as “time” seemingly speeds up, faster and faster, “toward” something, but “toward” what? And if YOU recall something I mentioned in the beginning, although we are great from the view of the microorganism, what do we look like from the other view? Are we so small, that as much as we think ourselves capable of higher greatness, we are doomed to always just be relatively insignificant specks of dust blowing around bouncing into one another, defining that as “life?” Lots to think about, or maybe too much to think about. You decide, I have hit 3000 words on this post, and if YOU got to the end, well then good for YOU. Take as much as YOU can because the day will come when the switch gets flicked.


What will YOU do when that day comes? Give into your fear and succumb to your ego, begging for help from a master? Or will you rise up and let go of fear, remember your true self and your true power, exist from soul and become your own master. YOU do not need anyone but YOU, yet so many remain so afraid.

Afraid of what? Why? YOU all haven’t seen anything yet.


Watch the weather, but do not be afraid. Never be afraid. 

Have some faith in yourselves, for YOU, not for anyone else.

More to come, as it comes.


Wide eyes open. Love to all. 


Joy Division… Digital… and a Bonus…

My latest video creation…Enjoy. If you do not know who Joy Division and/or Ian Curtis is, inform yourselves right now by clicking here>>>Joy Division   and/or here>>>Ian Curtis .  Do you know why you like the music you like?…

As I have told you all time and time and time and time again throughout this over 500 posts/400 written page cornucopial opus of a blog, YOU exist as a vibrating entity that is conscious in this 3rd dimensional paradigm. Said 3rd dimensional paradigm is resonating a frequency slow enough to condense into matter and form, hence your physical body and this physical world around YOU. Music is a vibration, no arguing that, correct? Therefore, certain music resonates in a harmony with your own said vibrational resonance as it applies to YOU as an individual. Sounds like a mouthful, but it really isn’t. 

So, as an individual entity, existing in this dimension is just a perception formed in form and matter to experience this world of 3rd dimensional density. Music however, exists in another dimension, a dimension that only comes to life when YOU experience the music YOU like. Ever notice how certain songs make you tingle, like a little extra electricity is going throughout your physical self, causing the aforementioned tingling sensation? That is the harmony between YOU, YOUR vibration, as it resonates with the sound frequencies that are created when your favorite music plays. So what dimension does music come from?

If you look into my archives, you will find that I am attempting to correlate the relationship between the Fibonacci Sequence (<<<CLICK)  and (CLICK>>>) String Theory  to propose a combinative hypothesis that BOTH are intertwined with one another. Again, sounds like a mouthful, but trust me dear readers, none of this is complicated. All of this is out here for YOU to take, so take it. Turn OFF the fucking television and TAKE BACK YOUR POWER. Unlearn what they have learned YOU on and reboot your consciousness from ego back to soul self. I have explained all this numerous times in the archives, so I will not explain it again here. The choice is up to YOU, not me. 


These are puzzle pieces I have found and put together via MY own personal research What I WILL do however is throw out the notion that music exists along with time in the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is a Temporal (<<<CLICK)  dimension, relating to time, as you can see if you click the link. There are two kinds of dimensions, physical and temporal.  The dimensions of physicality are the numerical representations expressed in the Fibonacci Sequence…                  0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… 

Everything begins from the energy release of an imploding/exploding zero point, the ZERO, and from the initial spark, the ZERO becomes the first ONE, appearing as an immovable “dot” in space. There are these “dots,” these “ONES,” scattered all through space into an infinite void. This is the first dimension. From the initial ZERO sprang the ONES, and when ONE and another ONE come together, it makes TWO, represented by TWO connected dots, making a straight line through space, thus we have a line, the 2ND dimension. Continuing…connecting these “lines” gives an impression of shape and form. The 2ND dimension is a flat place, like a sheet of paper, but the 3RD dimension, being compromised from height, width, and volume, makes up tis physical UNFLAT world you all see around you. Still with me? Good, let’s summarize what’s come about thus far…

Spatial dimensions and temporal dimensions and how they are all one in the same cosmic sequence birthed by the universal God-head. We have the Fibonacci Sequence, shown above, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13….. AND we have our string theory dimensions…two, a duality… AND we all just happen to existing in a world of duality, are we not? Good, bad, left, right, true, false. Do you SEE? Do you see how it all is connected? It is a world of duality, constantly waging a pull and push toward one another, while always moving “forward” in a dimension of time. Now remember, THIS IS ONLY SOMETHING OF A NOTION I AM WORKING ON, this info comes to me via continuous research accompanied by exponential daily expansion of  consciousness. It “seems” like it could make sense, hence why I referred to it as a “plausibility” above. This is not proven, it is only what makes that plausible sense I have re-mentioned a couple times now. So… here we move on to the more “uncertain” part of the correlation….

We have reached our first temporal dimension, the 4TH dimension. All dimensions BELOW the 4th are subject to the 4th. Time, a 4th dimension of time, is necessary for the lower 3 dimensions to “move” toward forming the connections needed to expand this dimensions into progressive dimensions above. YOU, WE, ALL of us are moving forward as 3rd dimensional entities in this 4th dimension as we subconsciously ascend to the next spatial dimension, which is the 5TH dimension. The 5th dimension is no longer subject to the 4th temporal dimension, but rather is now subject to the 6th and 7th temporal dimensions. The 5th dimensioners ascend to the 8th dimension via those 6th and 7th dimensions, which is where it is thought the universal mind, the all-knowing God-head exists. I know, I know, I know sounds like it’s so much it’s indigestible, but if you just think about it for  few minutes, you will begin to see what your humble narrator sees with wide eyes opened…

As usual, I have diverted off into Tangentland… And I am right at my 1000 word mark, so the “time” has come to say goodbye for now, yes just like Mr. Rogers… but before I go, let’s go back to the initial question, ..Is music derived somehow from the 4th dimension of time? Let’s see…music is not spatial or physical at all, but it is derived from physical objects, so that’s kind of a conundrum… BUT… music exists as it progresses through a 4th dimension of time. If there was no time, or timing, there would be no music. So there it is, music is based on timing and the rhythm of the sound produced by the energy filtered via 3rd dimensional objects…i.e. instruments, metronomes, singing songs, etc…so perhaps that is the answer… a somewhat speculative and variable resounding “YES” if I may be so bold. “YES” music derives from the 4th dimension, a higher dimension, which resonates in tune with everyone as they individually possess a resonance signature that certain music resonates a harmonious frequency with….thats your final mouthful to digest. When you hear your favorite music, the combination of your individual frequency resonating in harmony with said music, is what causes tingles, chills, hot flashes maybe, some form of direct response as again the said music progresses with the 4th dimension of time, just as YOU and I do. Get it? Got it? Good. Once again, enjoy the video above…thanks for watching. Wide eyes open. Love to all.


Art Lord and the Self Portraits… City’s an Animal


Before the band Future Islands became said band, they were Art Lord and the Self Portraits. There was once a club called Peasants where it all really started, strangely it seems like yesterday, although that was like 10 years ago. They’ve come a long way, and they happen to be friends of mine, so I like to expose people to what they have created. Great lyrics, great sounds, genius in simplicity one might say. Check them out, they have several vids on Youtube and about 7 or 8 CDs I think by now. People always talk about finding good music, well here you go. Look no further….

Inform yourselves. The animation is from a short film called the Thomas Beale Cipher, which you can view on Youtube. The clips I masterminded to sync worked out well with this song. Nothing to fancy, just being creative. What are YOU doing to be creative in your world? Explore your outlets, express your imagination, what you have inside you. What are you afraid of? No digression here in this post though soooo… please rate and share, that’s all I ask. Cheers. Thx for watching. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.

They Keep Calling Me


They keep calling me.

they keep calling me.

they keep calling me.

they keep calling me.

they keep calling me.

they keep calling me.

Fucking calling me,

keep on calling me,

they keep calling me.







Ceremony 3

I know, I know, it’s been a while since i’ve posted. I’ve been very busy moving and doing some life-maneuvering. I put together this vid real quick for you all to enjoy. There aren’t many vids of this song that entail much more than the music…a few still pics but that’s it, so I animated it up for everyone. The lyrics are underneath the vid in the info box if you click the “Watch on Youtube” icon sooo… Watch. Enjoy. Share. Wide eyes open, love to all.

Ceremony 2


This song was written and performed relatively close to Ian Curtis’ untimely suicide. The remaining members of Joy Division formed New Order and released this song in 1981 with Bernard Sumner, the guitarist, doing lead vocals. There is an original version with Curtis singing here…  … and the New Order version here…  … I couldn’t remember if I had uploaded these song lyrics before for you. If I have, here it is again,…if not, here you are…

This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she ask’s the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,
World will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.
Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.
Oh I’ll break them down, no mercy shown
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.

 This image speaks volumes for me and others who suffer from some sort of mental anguish that accompanies this existence at times. Some of us are just a bit more sensitive to it than others. How hard it is to make them understand, especially her….

~written by Ian Curtis of Joy Division. His heart was a beautiful as his words and what a tragedy for this world to lose such genius. Rest well my friend. Love to all.


The Incurable Pain of your Reality

The Incurable Pain of your Reality

Just an image worth a billion words. Ian Curtis again for you. Do you now what real loneliness is? Do you know what it means to hurt so much your soul breaks right along with your heart? What do you all really know of pain? look at this picture. What do you feel? Do you even know how to really feel anymore? Where is the love in our humanity gone? Maybe some see it more than others and opt to just move on. Doesn’t seem so illogical does it? A flash, then you are …where, where do you go? You shall all see, but right now, look at how you live, consuming and consuming, devouring love and the light inside yourselves. It may not hurt you, but it hurts those of us who are trying to make a difference to help this crumbling humanity. Take what you want from this or take nothing….85 to 90% of you won’t get it anyway. And we wonder why we must walk alone? Love to all.





Not something I usually do, but I am writing the lyrics down for Joy Division’s Ceremony. If you don’t know who Joy Division is, at first, my mind says,”Tell them to kill themselves.” But that isn’t right now is it? Joy Division is an amazing spark of genius from the late 1970’s. Ian Curtis was their frontman, yet another being not of this world. Too light for this dark existence, as are many true artists. Sadly, he hung himself at age 23, but what he left behind for us lives forever.
I cannot express how sad it is to me personally that this young life was lost to the chaotic madness of this reality. There is a pain, inside all of us, and some are just more sensitive to that pain than others. It’s a pain with no remedy, it’s like a cancer, and it eats away, driving you mad as it consumes you. Breaks my heart.

Here are some links to info about Joy Division:

And here are the lyrics:

This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she ask’s the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,
Word will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.

Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.

Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.

Read up about Ian Curtis and Joy Division. Music is like a vibratory glue that binds us all together into a similar wavelength. The energy in that wavelength is what you feel when you hear your favorite music. It rides up your back, curling around your spine like an electric snake, sending waves in and out of you, with each breath, like a pulse. Ever wonder why it is that you like the music you like? All has to do with resonance, yours, the Universe’s, the frequency between those resonances. I will go more into music in a future post. For now, focus on Ian Curtis and Joy Division. If you know, know more. If you don’t know, inform yourselves. For your sake…to not know Ian Curtis is to not know… well, you’ll either get it or you won’t. Happy hunting. Ears wide open this round. Love to all.