The Fooze: S2 E9 2/9/2023 Earthquakes

Oh my, looks like there was rumble in the Turkish jungle, a big one too, yikes. Can you imagine if an event like this happened here in the USA? Oh wait, with this pseudo-government in charge, the response would probably be as worse as the disaster itself. It would be one disaster cleaning up another, & unfortunately in this case, 2 negatives do NOT equal a positive. I’ve seen some videos of buildings toppling down in the aftermath, & it looks like the aftermath of a demolition. I mean, their construction standards aren’t quite up to par there as those in the western world methinks, but it was nothing but rubble left in some of the footage. Spooky, dang, that had to have been scary, especially if you were in one of those sub-standardly constructed buildings. I do not have the magic WordPress upgrade to directly link videos of my own to autoplay, only my no-skip GIFs, but I CAN link YouTube videos for you, if you want to watch some of the carnage.



Damn, looks no bueno over there, sheesh. I have some questions though, yeah, I have a few questions fo sho. Since when are are earthquakes localized? Particularly, in the 2nd video up there, in the drone footage. There’s a building that’s practically dust, then ALL the other ones look fine. Where’s the steel frames too?…this eerily reminds me of the same sort of destruction that happened on 9/11, how about you? No, no tin-foil hats here for fuck’s sake. The novelty of that meme died back in 2018-2019, catch up ya played-out tomato. Not to mention, too many “theories” have proven true, as in almost ALL OF THEM, so put on them critical-thinking skills caps, & use your EYES, not your feewings, then explain to me how a massive earthquake only does localized damage? Look at these images:👇🏻

Look at the still-standing buildings around the piles of rubble that used to be buildings. Glass intact, no much visible outer damage, but the one building by the cranes, to the ground in a big mound of something doesn’t add up, as usual. Nature is weird, I get it, but look how far the undamaged buildings go, yet the corner building there got so rocked that it looks pulverized. That must be some strong glass in ALL of those other buildings, wow, is it made of diamonds maybe? Derp. I’m NOT saying a fucking earthquake didn’t happen, I already looked on the USGS for conformation, so unless that’s been altered, so to speak, the data shows a series of earthquakes & several aftershocks in Turkey. Still happening too, according to the USGS website. Here’s the link if you wanna look for yourselves:👇🏻

USGS Latest Earthquakes Worldwide

Unfortunately, the fake news narrative-driven scripted mass media agenda has soured the taste in my muted mouth, so I have to DMOR to verify EVERYTHING it seems, no matter what. So much theatre, who knows what is really what, know what I mean? Maybe you don’t know what I mean, as not everyone is a deep diver, are they? Many people think they have a clue, but don’t DTOR, they just regurgitate things they hear vicariously from others. Like these infernal buzzwords, one person hears it, then 12 people say it, it’s a bizarre phenomenon, isn’t it? I wonder if there’s a name for that, buzzwords that go socially viral via the zeitgeist, there must be some psychological term for that, right? Speaking of “terms,” you all know what those acronyms mean, don’t you? No? Yes? Maybe? The fundamental acronym is DYOR, Do Your Own Research, but the tweaks are DMOR, Do MY Own Research, & DTOR, Do THEIR Own Research, respectively. Now you know, & knowing is half the battle, right GI Joke?

Anyway, keeping this one relatively short, short for me anyway, a measly 4 or 5 paragraphs, more to come later in the day though, I must sleep sometimes, such is the way of the 3rd dimension. Until next time, when the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E4 February 4, 2023 Goats

“I am the GOAT, there are no other goats before me,” says Fish (audience applauds). In case you didn’t know, “GOAT” is an acronym for “Greatest of All Time,” & I’m just joking, as I am no GOAT, & am but a meager fish, an acronym-less fish, in fact. What could “fish” stand for? Maybe…”Fallen into Satan’s Hell,” would that work? Or perhaps, “Flo isn’t Saying Hello?” No? How about, “Fucking Insane, Seek Help?” I don’t know, those all just don’t work like the grand GOAT, the Great One, the Great-EST One to be exact, & how does One, become a Great One, the Greatest One of All Time? Beats me, I’m proverbial pond scum, the only thing I’m the greatest at is nothing, & you don’t even get a participation trophy for that oh-so-high pseudo-achievement I’ve successfully accomplished. See what I did there? “SUCCESS” -fully, as in NOT a success at all. Ah, personal deprecation, my only actual success. There’s most certainly nothing great about a life of self-disappointment. (Fart Noise) …moving on…

It must be a surreal feeling, at least in my imagination it is, but those who don that exceptionally rare moniker of “The GOAT,” already live a life of surreality, so to them, it’s just another day of feeling great, being great, because you’re so great, look at you, what a great guy, greatest of all time. Of “all time,” you say? Yep, ALL time, YOU, are the GREATEST, of ALL time. Well dang, ok then, thanks for the compliment, & all that comes along with my greatnesses. Everyone is going to give me everything from now on, too? That’s so GREAT. Are you eating here tonight sir, oh great one, will you be dining with us? Of course, the bill is on us, we’re simply honored you’d bestow your unending greatness upon our humble eatery, so do not concern yourself with the check. Really? Ok then, I’ll give the server a life-changing tip, how about that? Sound good? Wow, YOU sir, YOU are just great, what a great guy, greatest of all time. Oh drats, I spilled some of my $10000 free bottle of wine on one of my favorite shirts, this shirt woven with real gold in the collar, so my neck glows. This shirt was given to me by God himself, whatever will I do?

Oh look, there’s an unbelievably exaggerated store across the street, with a great big name on the sign, same great name platinum-stitched on the clothes available there, a name that makes them 10000x their actual value, the price on the price tag, but that doesn’t matter Great One. Let’s GO GO GO…beepity-bopity-beepity-bopbop, I bee-bop to the store, & proclaim, “I’ve ruined my shirt, can someone help me please?” (sounds of people scurrying about like rats to help) …oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we can fix this your greatness, oh Great One, no worries, how about this shirt? Or this one? Need new pants too? Let’s get you some fresh pants(more scurrying about)…there you go oh Great One, all spiffy & new, fresh clothes for you. Oh look, your helicopter has arrived to pick you up oh Great One, the Greatest of All Time, you Great GOAT(sound of helicopter landing)…& WOW, what a chopper she is, is that, could that be, a GOLDEN HELICOPTER?? Sure is, only the best for the GOAT, time to take off, let’s GO GO GO(people scurry their peasant asses out of your way)…& off you go, oh Great One.

Okay okay, I know, I know, I knnnnnnnnnowwwwwwwwww, that was rude, & crude, & I shouldn’t poke jealous fun at GOATs. It’s great to be great, did I just quote that? Surely, SOMEONE has thought that little quip up before, yes? “It’s great to be great,” hmmm, yeah I don’t know, & out of my own ignorance, I am going to enact my own utterly delusional self-sense of “greatness,” & pronounce myself the creator of that quote, how bout them apples? Who’s gonna stop me, the word police? I’m already wayyyyyyyy down at the end of D-wing in the digital gulag supermax, where all other thought criminals go, in my own solitary cell, with a little fish carved into a virtual wall. This is where those who are the “great” in their own right go, & of course in this case, I mean “great” as in “greatly” censored, “greatly” suppressed, “greatly” robbed of my created content, “greatly” exiled from the virtual town square, & I could go on & on, shedding my own skin, greatly, but fuck it, who cares? Who cares that our free speech has been systematically eroded to almost being null & void? Oh no, someone’s feewings got hurt due to “hate speech?” NOOOOOOOO…REEEEEEEEE…HONK HONK HONK…can’t have that, can we? B-O-O-H-O-O

Where are the real GOATs, the keepers of freedom, & truth, & the freedom to speak the truth, where are those GOATs? I’m yet to see anyone from this era estraña that could be considered a true GOAT, not even close really. Think about it…ALL TIME. Sure, there might be some people who have greatness, & they exude that greatness, but the “Greatest of All Time?”….meh, no, not in Clownworld, sorry not sorry, don’t blame me, blame the clowns, & their respective clown cars. They crashed the party, I wasn’t there, nope, & hell, I wasn’t even invited to the party, & surely have nothing to do with clowns, parties, GOATs, none of it. Just a wayward soul traveler that stumbled into this 3d clown town like a Twilight Zone episode, stopping at a one-waitered cafe I can never leave. Coffee, toast, a pen, some scraps of paper, & I’m stuck here until I write my way out, write my way right out of town. I don’t know, I don’t know if anyone was in this booth, at this cafe, in this town, before me, beef whore me, what has come before me? Could it be my circularity? Coming back around again to find me?

Look at that, right on time(class bell rings). Time to GO GO GO, now that the circle has come back around once again, round & round, looping loops, the GIF animation of days flying by, the circularity. Until next time, dear readers, remember this, “goats will eat anything, anything & everything.” Oh, & of course, coined right here in this article, “It’s great, to be great.” So sayeth FisH™🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“It’s great, to be great.” ~Fish F Fish🎏 “

“Goats will eat anything, anything & everything.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Balloon

Well well well, what do we have here? Yet another distraction from the Biden family crime syndicate? Apparently there’s a “balloon” flying over the USA right now, & the Pentagon is reporting it’s a “Chinese spy ballon.” Also being reported, this alleged “Chinese spy balloon” can maneuver on its own, so it’s not really a balloon then, is it? More like a blimp, spying on the country, right now as I type this. The Pentagon, THE PENTAGON, just held a press conference stating they will NOT shoot it down because of the potential “debris field that could harm civilians.” WHAT A FUCKING JOKE? Are these idiots being serious with this right now? Derp, my neck hurts from shaking my fucking head so much, the fake news mainstream media with their narratives, it’s all just so ridiculous. Look this way, while we do commit more nefariousness over here. One distraction after another. On & on & on, repeat. THEIR circularity, running circles around all of YOU.

Click to read more☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

Here’s an idea you fucking pussies at the Pentaquiff: SHOOT IT DOWN, if it’s really a “Chinese spy balloon,” shoot that fucking thing down. They LITERALLY just admitted it’s an active spying apparatus, yet they let it fly, & then give that lame excuse about an imminently dangerous debris field? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE with this crap already. God damn, what the hell has happened to this country? I NEVER thought as a kid that I would be living in a communist country, but fuck me, that’s EXACTLY what this country is becoming, FAST too. Controlled state-run lying fake news media, tyrannical socialists in power positions everywhere, fucking food banks for fuck’s sake, out-of-control inflation, are we there yet? Seriously, what the fuck is going on, & why aren’t any “good” people in power positions doing anything to stop this? WHY?

Maybe because they’re ALL in the same club…left wing, right wing, one dirty bird, & they’re playing some kind of real-life, real-time Risk™in their quest for global domination. It’s almost as if, emphasis on “if,” but it’s almost as if behind the scenes, your masters are taking individual power for themselves & their respective dynasties. Maybe they know something none of you know? I don’t know, in case you foolishly assumed I’m an elitist shill of some sort, duh, nope, I wouldn’t be here doing this if I was. The CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, all these secretive alphabet agencies around the world, all weaponized foot soldiers for their new world order, & they can suck my giant fish balls, but I digress. FLASH..That’s IT maybe, maybe that’s the answer, I just had a thought; ALL of them know it’s coming, ALL of them know 85-90% of the global population is fucked, so they’re simply jockeying for their positions in the “next phase of human evolution,” via their “directed evolution,” THEIR words, not mine. It’s no wonder why they like kids so much, is it? Ugh, that’s a whole other article, titled, “Disgusting Pedo-Elites,” soon to come…

If you were in their “club,” & you had knowledge of some impending holocaust, where billions of people are eradicated so they can rule the planet with 500 million to a billion people left, what would be your move? All hand-selected mind you, & if you got a pass, so to speak, what would YOU do? Would you share that knowledge with the plebs, or would you be more focused on your upcoming new role in their new world? Kind of tough to speculate on from way down here. Nope, no pass for me, I checked my mailbox, just bills & debt collection notices, the usual. No golden ticket for this fish, but if any of you got one, let me know in the comments. I’d like to see a pic of one, if one actually exists. Wouldn’t that be hilarious, if they all got actual golden tickets, golden tickets for the new world order, wouldn’t that be the most bittersweetly hilarious thing to find out was true? Maybe even hidden in chocolate bars, oh my. Nah, but it’s funny to picture. They keep their secret close, as I think most of YOU would do as well, if you were in the club, would you not?

It’s a fickle predicament for some of them I’m sure, the anomalies, always anomalies, but for most of them, they take their secret to their last breath, because as far as I know, no one has ever come forward with strongly-evident proof that any of what I just wrote about is true. I don’t know, I just have a vivid imagination. If I ever DO get a golden ticket though, you all will be the first to know, with pics & a series of well-documented videos, & a strongly-worded illustration of how I got my ticket of course, & what having said ticket entails. All I care about is the damn TRUTH, is that so hard to find?…sheesh. I guess so, thanks to your globalist overlords. How about fuck them, & fuck their alphabet agencies, & fuck their new world order, FUCK YOU you sick fucks. Who are they to decide? Playing God isn’t a smart idea methinks, but again, what do I know? I’m looking up at the sky for balloons, they got me too…nooooooooo…(Fart Noise)…I don’t know, & I don’t care about the stupid balloon distraction. “Smile & look at the balloon,”…literally, & the people are looking. The real-time analogy is priceless, wow, what a world. Until next time, shhhhhhh…smile & look at the ballon they say, what about you?

For all of you, & for none of you at all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

Fractal Soundkeys

Just playing with my music, fractals, and the trapcode soundkey effect. 

Be the Creator.

More to come.

Love to all.


Trump 2016

Be a Creator…


Vote Trump 2016,

and let’s make America great again.

More to come.

Love to all.




Just something I created for a cool band from the 90’s called Pulp. Check out the vid for their song “Babies” below….

The GIF is a 2 second GIF so it should match the 4 count metronome of the actual song and if you play the vid, the GIF should follow the rhythm…

…art is fun…

Be a Creator.

…great song…cheers…enjoy…

More to come.

Love to all.

2016 Begins…


Methinks 2016 is going to be a very exciting year. Lots going on around this insane asylum planet, lots of chaos and madness coming to a head. Crazytown everywhere…yikes. Political correctness is a fucking joke and I hope that pseudo novelty dies with deathly silence in 2016. Nazis came up with PC by the way, think about that next time you have a mind-quandry about if what you are saying or thinking is PC. Fuck PC, and fuck the far left liberal faggots that keep trying to make everyone “progressive” with this special interest PC agenda. YOU AREN’T PROGRESSIVE MORONS, get over yourselves….smh. And then there’s the new agers that think they can save the madhouse by loving everyone in some heavenly unconditional manner. Not gonna happen. Realize that the battle is futile, and move on. 85 to 90%, still clueless, the numbers aren’t really changing, because for every ONE person who snaps out of the fluoride coma, 1000 more drink the Kool-Aid. Like I said, a fucking madhouse, an asylum of ignorant stupidity at its finest. No negativity here, just raw pragmatism. It’s not that I’m not into the love, oh I love, and I love to love, but have YOU seen it out there? My God, there are bloody savage mutants everywhere, and they’re exponentially breeding more of themselves, just like Idiocracy. Yes, it is real, IDIOCRACY, even though it’s not recognized as a word on spellcheck apparently. So where will this dumbed-down hoard of mental morons pull this flailing humanity with the great weight off their mass retardation?  When will these masses of asses finally sink the boat? Maybe something is on the way to alter that course, to stop them from drowning themselves, and everyone else in the wake of their proverbial obesity…Black Swan Event perhaps…because if this boat keeps plowing on this way, there is only doom on the horizon. That’s truth, that is just a fact, probably mathematically and statistically very accurate even. Nope, NOT fear porn here, you know we don’t roll that way round here…and besides, it’s way beyond that. This is just a cold wake-up call, and by now you either get it, or you don’t…if you are still scared to get out of your Cave, stay there, and wait for your masters to come sort you out. However, if you have freed yourself, be ready, because I don’t think anyone really knows what one can expect is going to happen in the New Year, but tis looking like rough seas ahead…

Oy vey, what’s to come, what’s to come?

Whatever happens, just remember what I always say…

“Do NOT give in to fear.”

Learn to transform fear into power, then use that power to free yourself from the shackles of the Cave,

 or don’t…

up to you, not me.

And that’s where I stop for the year before I digress into a few 1000 words and blaze out of 2015 with a bing-banging wahoo…

…thus the rootin, tootin GIF above…

So be brave hermanos y hermanas,

and Happy New Year. 


Love to all.

One More Time 11:11


11:11…what does it mean?

Does it mean anything at all? Does numerology mean anything at all? Do numbers themselves mean anything at all without our human definitions being applied to a construct of said numbers

Well would 1 + 1 still be 2, somewhere else in the Universe? Hmmmm….


Certainly one must admit that the numeric connections between this dimension are fascinating, and this matrix would seemingly be impossible to navigate without them. How would anything be built correctly? How would counting work? You have to count something everyday, not just money, what if you wanted to eat 3 hard-boiled eggs, and 4 slices of fresh feta cheese like I’m eating right now? It would not work without numbers. 


So back to the topic…


As for this 11:11…

…one can go on the Internet, as I’m sure any of you reading this living in civilization would know by now, and find countless links to all sorts of characters offering viewpoints on why this particular number combination is special. You’re going to find a lot of information relating to the connection of 11:11 to your own consciousness awakening from the matrices of the ego zombies. You’re going to find information about how 11:11 connects to your eternal bond with your soul mates and your twin flame. Now you can watch these things until you pass out on your couch, as I usually do, and suck up all that new knowledge, which of course I recommend, but I also implore any of you reading this to find your own answers wishing as to 11:11 has related specifically to YOU, in YOUR life. Fuck whatever you read and think about what happened and/or what is happening if you happen to be one of the many discovering these strange recurrences of 11:11 imagery popping up all around you. 


In my experience, in what has become almost cliche at this point, I started NOTICING it around me more when I snapped out of the slumber several years ago. I emphasized the word “noticing” because it was always there, but I am not sure if I began to “notice” it more once I had seen information about 11:11 or not. This was like 5 years ago when I really started rolling along with my own ascent from the proverbial Platonian cave, and I bombarded myself with so much information initially, I cannot recall if I was or was not aware of 11:11 before I started “noticing” it. Nonetheless, whether I knew or did not know already, I could never deny the fact, that I myself witnessed gratuitously by all of my 5 3rd dimensional senses this thing, and was seeing 11:11 everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Clocks of course, constantly, billboard signs I remember because i thought what are the odds of one highway billboard sign flashing an 11:11 byte, much less literally several, it was in utility bills, I mean it was like everything with a fucking number written on it was doing this to me, over and over and over again, which at that point, I am for sure prompted me to really look into this phenomenon, and that was initially when I can for sure say that I became very familiarized with these 11:11 sightings and what they may or may not mean. 


The occurrences did fade though, there was definitely like a big crest and then a decline into a slow but steady “noticing” that it still pops up from time to time. Now was my brain just responding to the fact that I had stumbled upon that new information, and then making me “notice” it more? This might explain why I saw it quite prevalently, then not so much anymore, kind of like a new novelty, like a new pop culture novelty, comes and goes. A meme that caught on right as the new agers began to take greater strides perhaps?




…or maybe I found the info, which triggered a conscious reassurance that the “awakening” I was experiencing was in fact real, and these were numerical representations of the new synchronicity being formed with the expanding world around me. This idea may at first seem more implausible, but this reassurance is/was necessary particularly in the beginning, as many of you who have awoken and are in the process of fully awakening know, because that is the time when the battle between your ego and your soul really gets heated, more than ever before, and the initial reaction to the new energy makes you question whether or not you might be going insane. So the reassurance from 11:11 coincides with countless other synchronous moments that seem to start happening all around you once your 3rd eye snaps back open. These are to help you get past the struggle between your ego holding on while your soul takes back over. Speaking of synchronous moments…


This is one thing that has not leveled off in any way, in fact, this other phenomenon has been happening and continues to happen to me literally e-x-p-o-n-e-n-t-i-a-l-l-y more. Said phenomenon is synchronicity…

What is synchronicity? (<<<CLICK HERE TO READ MORE<<<)

Yes there is absolutely no refuting that this is happening to me on a moment to moment basis at this point. I’m like 5 years deep into the heavy curve upward, and that curve has become a rocketship accelerating faster and faster straight up and out of the matrix. Connections with people, events, things you perceive on a daily basis with the 5 3d senses, it all begins to connect and flow together more and more and more and more. Picture if your awakening started as one little star. Then your star became 2 stars, then 4 stars, then 8, exponential, like I mentioned earlier, so imagine how many stars are lighting up the sky in my mind by now, and in YOUR mind too, especially if you are well into your journey out, and that’s the best part. Everyone is making these connections, but those waking up are making them faster, and you begin to feel this not only the connectivity between yourself and your world around you, you begin to connect with others who making accelerated connections, which only makes more connections. It’s a state of continuous fascination. There is a very viral aspect to it, but maybe that’s all we are, a virus…


And on that note, I just passed 1000 words so I am outta here until next time. 

More to come. Be good.

Love to all. 

Ummm… Ebola who? What? Where?….


If you might recall,

(and I’m sure you can Google the time-stamped links),

the fear porn MSM stated publicly around August/September,

“that nearly 1.2 million people would be infected by about ohhh…


…well the not-funny joke is on all of You,

who keep believing this fear porn they continue to shove down your throats….

…do YOU wanna know the real numbers?

\/\/CLICK HERE\/\/

BBC News – Ebola: Mapping the outbreak –

As you will see,

as of a day ago,

there are barely over 20,000 infected,

bout half of that dead.

If you know how to do math,

divide 20,000 into 7.5 billion…

….and here’s what you get…

…if my math is right…

0.00000266666% of the global population infected.

More people died today in their cars on the way to work. 

So don’t buy into the fear porn machine,

that they have clearly amped up a notch or two…

…and suddenly Ebola just disappears…



Yeah, right…

…the numbers don’t lie and the link is above.

More to come.

Love to all.

Cyber Attack False Flag


How coincidental that literally days,

more like hours ago,

the powers-that-be put out a global warning of a “9/11” style cyber attack against the West.

Well imagine this…

…the USSA Central Command,


has been hacked and is being further hacked as you read this,

and I type.

Look into it…

…the script continues…

…I/we told YOU,

more and more and more,

faster and faster and faster,

dredging up as much fear from YOU as possible.

Don’t let them scare YOU.

Rise above the duality master/slave paradigm,

ascend from the Cave.


More to come. 

Love to all.