Ummm… Ebola who? What? Where?….


If you might recall,

(and I’m sure you can Google the time-stamped links),

the fear porn MSM stated publicly around August/September,

“that nearly 1.2 million people would be infected by about ohhh…


…well the not-funny joke is on all of You,

who keep believing this fear porn they continue to shove down your throats….

…do YOU wanna know the real numbers?

\/\/CLICK HERE\/\/

BBC News – Ebola: Mapping the outbreak –

As you will see,

as of a day ago,

there are barely over 20,000 infected,

bout half of that dead.

If you know how to do math,

divide 20,000 into 7.5 billion…

….and here’s what you get…

…if my math is right…

0.00000266666% of the global population infected.

More people died today in their cars on the way to work. 

So don’t buy into the fear porn machine,

that they have clearly amped up a notch or two…

…and suddenly Ebola just disappears…



Yeah, right…

…the numbers don’t lie and the link is above.

More to come.

Love to all.


Well the person who foresaw the end score being 17-14, Denver, clearly missed the mark by quite a bit. That’s why I put that particular milestone over to the right, so I could give an example of how the social experiment is quite vulnerable to unfounded speculation. That score came up in an episode of The Simpsons, which in turn got flipped into a conspiracy theory.  Not a significant one, but still it got energy from some, which is why I told you then, and is why I am telling you what I am telling you now. I’ll talk more on that later… onto the topic, which in this post is Tribalism <<<(CLICK FOR MORE) and at no time is that as evident as when the Stupor Bowl occurs every year. And of course, as any tribe of disordered drones would do, they proceeded to burn and riot in the town of Seattle, after their team won, yes… let’s burn and riot in our hometown. The logic of these meat puppets astounds me. Actually, it isn’t logic, it’s the opposite, its un-logic. It is action based on primal instincts, action with no thought as to who said actions may affect and/or the consequences. This is America, the mighty USA, but it doesn’t just exist here. Soccer fans around the world, same reactions relatively, herds of automatons just causing chaos and destroying things for no rational reason at all. What about what’s coming up this weekend?…

Yes, that’s right, the greatest tribal battle of all begins this weekend. Forget the Stupor Bowl, this involves the whole world…the Winter Olympics at Sochi are coming, and along with that, there is all kinds of interesting facets. Outrageous hotel fares, and then you have to include air fares, ticket prices, food, etc… and the price tag for a trip to watch tribes compete…anywhere from $7000 to $14000…per person. Oh people are buying in, you know that, the love of the tribe runs deep with them, very misplaced but still deep within. Ever watch the obsession of sports fans in action? I’m sure you know them, you might be one of them. Naming of statistics and scores and names and blah, blah, blah… it’s so bizarre it should have it’s own psychological genre…sports obsession disorder or something like that. And when it comes to game time, holy shit….these people act at times as if family members are dying or some other sort of relative cataclysmic event. They fucking go nuts, and why? For what? What do these sports do for them? None of the players care who you are? Yet still here we are, in this world of dualism, where I suppose competition is at some sort of pinnacle. 

All relative to the size and strength you display in this dimension of form and matter. And the fans who worship it, they are as stuck as it gets into this paradigm of the 3rd dimension. No comprehension of greater expansion of consciousness, yes they are stuck, literally stuck to this dimension and all the constraints of said 3rd dimension. If you don’t know what I am talking about, go into my archives and inform yourselves of what dimensions are, I can’t keep repeating it over and over and over and over again. If you asked 100 people who the quarterback was for the Denver Broncos, and then asked the same 100 people what dimension they are in, how do you think the answers would go? At no time ever, ever that we are aware of, has information and knowledge been so easily accessible then it is at this very moment. Instead, how many are wasting time watching “distractions?”…i.e. scripted reality, controlled news, and the main one… you guessed it…ORGANIZED SPORTS. What a great distraction it is, it has been engrained over generations, it is promoted from childhood, “play sports, play sports, play sports,” and then when you aren’t playing…”watch sports, watch sports, watch sports” and just like some fake reality show or some useless sit-com, it serves no other purpose then to distract YOU from yourselves. The less YOU focus on YOU, the more power those who control YOU gain. A great field of flowers, our humanity, but most of the field is just buds, stuck in the illusions and echoes in the caves of their shells, unaware of the what will happen when you open yourselves up to the enlightenment of the sun. For new readers, watch this… CLICK HERE>>> Plato’s Cave 

I am no fool, I can see my numbers, I know this mostly falls on no ears at all. But for those of you who do read/watch, for those of you who are flowering in the field, it can be difficult to accept the realization that most of the populous doesn’t know what you know, and that maybe YOU are the one who is confused while they are all “right.” I know what that internal battle is like, but rest assured, ascension is real, awakening is real, real in the sense that yes, there are people all over seemingly suddenly becoming aware that they are part of something greater than they once thought and that they are capable than much more than they have been led to believe throughout their entire lives. To have that moment, when it becomes clear all of a sudden, is very real, but it also means that you have to come to grips with the fact that everything you thought you knew before wasn’t as you had thought it. And for those who have been on a certain “road” for their whole lives, it can be difficult getting used to changing paths. What still gives you that little bit of doubt is fear. Shedding your ego entirely in this consciousness is very tricky. Fear is like water, it can get in through any little space, and it is a constant that you must learn to recognize that fear, but not give in to it, letting it pass like a cloud on a sunny day. It may seem strange, it may feel overwhelming when the light switch comes on for you, but do not be afraid. Have courage, you are on the road of self-empowerment. Where this road leads, I cannot say, but how does it feel? How does it feel to be on this road for you? Getting smarter exponentially, not watching television, paying attention to what you consume, feeling a oneness with nature and with the world around you, detaching, deprogramming,  noticing a distancing between you, the flowering one, and the rest of the field that chooses to remain content in the bud state. Do you feel lonely, isolated, confused as to why you seem to understand that you are a flower while so many think they are just buds? Do you think you have me pegged at projection right now? Maybe in a way, to serve as an example, so you know you are not alone. You can use the metaphor of the butterfly. Imagine you are among a large population of caterpillars, and you, just you, knew that you could go into a cocoon, and emerge with wings as a butterfly. Would that stop you from going into your cocoon? Of course not, so why do you hesitate now? Think about it. I can go on, but… we just crossed the 1000 word attention span mark, so it’s time to wrap up. Before I go, I will give you all links to some messages that YOU can either choose to indulge in,… or not, that’s up to YOU. I am only here to help. Here are your links:  (CLICK ON ANY OF THESE BELOW TO GO FURTHER DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE)

rainbowabundance – YouTube

Gary Lite – YouTube

Matt Muckleroy – YouTube

Down The Rabbit Hole

As always, I do NOT claim to believe NOR disbelieve in anything these messages offer. This is information for all of you and for none of you. Take what you will from that and let your heart be your guide. Wide eyes open. Love to all.