These Dreams & Ear Rings

I have no idea what’s going on in my head, but if I’m lucky enough to get a bit of sleep, I’m having these exceptionally lucid dreams, & this morning’s dream, was the kicker, arguably the most vividly surreal dream ever, & yours truly has had some doozies. This dream was so real, so bizarre, & only lasted an hour or so, in 4d time, here in 3d Clownworld, & as usual, I woke up drenched in sweat, like soaking wet, & yours truly, was shivering via said cold sweat. The dream was real, it was so fucking real; I was there, wherever there was. Do you want an illustration? Great question, thanks for playing, so here it goes…

It began in something that resembled Google headquarters, surrounded by tech nerds that could’ve been Tri-Lambs, as they were as dorky as it gets. They were all giving me the stinky-stink eyes, & I kept asking, ‘What’s going on here?”…as if I knew something was up, & just as I shouted my statement to them, I noticed a tattoo on the top of my left hand, a tattoo of a burning sun, which kind of looked like the image below, except there was multi-colored clouds at the base of this strange sun. These nerds started saying, “You’re one of them,” but, “One of who?” I thought, & I kept asking & asking, but got no answers except the stinky eyes. Here’s a pic I found that resembled the tattoo closely, but like said, the clouds are missing. I could’ve photoshopped it, but I didn’t. Visualize it yourself; here it is…

This pic, that somehow I found, almost perfectly resembles the tattoo, minus the aforementioned clouds, right atop my left hand, & for some reason, it petrified this assembly of IT dorks, & they suddenly began to attack me, attack me not only verbally, but physically, & so, the war began…the one-man army, versus an army of pocket protectors. I had no fear, like ZERO fear, as I battled my way through this random onslaught of a nerd army. I also had no recollection…hang on, wait a second, there’s the ringing, this mysterious ringing in my ears. I don’t know why, but I get this ringing in my ears randomly, maybe 3-4 times a day. It’s gone now, but I wanted to interject with the ear-rings, because I think the lucid dreams, the visions, & these random ear ringings, are all connected somehow, but to what? I have no clue. It just happens, & it isn’t tinnitus for fuck’s sake. I did some online research, & it could be something connected to the spiritual awakening that’s happening to me, in real time, here on 3d Earth, or, it could be some kind of medical condition, of course…wah was wahhhhhhhh…fuck it.

Anyway, back to the dream, now where was I? Oh yes, the recollection, or rather, the un-recollection, of being here in Clownworld. No memory of phones, internet, my cat, friends, family, nothing, nothing from here was in my head when I was there, in some kind of outer-dimensional dreamscape. It was as if I switched bodies somehow, switched these ridiculous 3d meat suits, & I cannot explain why, not yet anyway. I was there though, like THERE THERE, & once the battling began, it got really intense. Like I mentioned, these nerds, maybe a few hundred or so, started coming at me, like to kill me, & so I fought, fought all of them, like William Wallace fought. I was knocking people out, left & right, snapping necks, kicking knees, & nerd guys, and/or dorky girls, it didn’t matter because I was fighting for my life, so everyone was fair game. I recall breaking what appeared to be a flagpole…GAHHHHH..there’s the ringing again, what the fuck is up with these ringings in my ears? It comes, low pitch to hit pitch, then back down, as it fades away. I wish I knew what it meant, because ;m 1000% sure it ain’t tinnitus damnit. I just changed the title, adding “ear rings,” since it has happened twice since I started writing this. What can it mean?

Regardless, back to the dream, & the battle between myself, & only myself, against an entire institution, if you will, of these angry nerds. Let’s see, oh yes, the breaking of the flagpole. I was grabbing anything, anything I could to defend myself, & one thing that I remember well, was kicking said flagpole, breaking it in half, with a jagged sharpened edge after I broke it. Some reprobate was coming right at me, I can recall his eyes, because I took that flagpole I broke, & shoved it right into his left eye, straight though to the brain, as if he was a zombie, dropping him dead, & I had zero, ZERO inkling of what I was doing being wrong. This was war, & apparently I’m a fearless killer on the subconscious battlefield. Moving on, the fight was on, & all the while they screamed, “YOU’RE ONE OF THEM, HE’S ONE OF THEM, GET HIM,” & they just kept coming, & coming, like roaches inn abandoned house, they were everywhere, & they all wanted to kill yours truly because of this burning sun tattoo on my hand. I kept pleading with them as we fought, saying “WHY??? Why are you attacking me? Please tell me why,” but as I said, all I heard was, “You’re one of them, you’re one of them.” ONE OF WHO?? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE,” but all I got was their buzzphrase, & it had something to do with the tattoo, as I alluded to earlier.

All of a sudden, BANG, BOOM, as fires started erupting all around us, but where were these fires coming from? I looked to the area where the flames came flying through the air like a mini-meteor shower, & what did I see? It was a squadron, maybe 15-20 of these soldiers, AI soldiers, with guns that were shooting fireballs like mortar shells, but from their “guns, I guess you could say. They weren’t normal guns, so to speak, they were fireball guns, & when they fired them, balls of light came out that exploded into a raging inferno, similar to napalm, which scared the bejesus out of these nerds. It scared them so much, that the started screaming & running, but still directing their buzz-phrases at me…”He’s one of them, he’s one of them.” ONE OF WHO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU NERDS WHINING ABOUT???”…it was so aggravating, & since I had no clue, I began to run away from the robots with them, as flames erupted all around us, burning the nerds alive, yet all the while, I had no fear whatsoever. I was so puzzled & intrigued by the tattoo on my hand, & so I stopped, after a brief jog with the runaway nerds.

When I stopped, the AI robot squad, got closer, & closer, until they were literally right beside me. They had no interest in me though, none whatsoever, as if they knew to only attack their enemies, & I guess I wasn’t their enemy, & so I watched them march by as they fired relentlessly into the crowd of hooligan nerds. They had no heads, per se, & in the place where a head should be, there were something that looked like a small handycam, with one eye in the front of it, so if you look at the pic here, their”heads,” looked like this, but instead of the lens, there was a single eye, moving like a human eye, but like a human eye on meth. Very strange, right, but that’s what I saw. They also had swivel waists, very thin, that their torso could rotate on a full 360 degrees, & they had armor, light/medium armor that looked like storm troopers, if you want something to compare it to something we all know. They all were carrying these fireball napalm guns, & as they got closer, & closer, as I said earlier, they didn’t even acknowledge me whatsoever, which was really odd I thought, as they marched right on by me, firing away on the nerds. Crazy, right?

As I mentioned earlier, I had no fear at all, like NONE, as if I knew I’d be okay, & these AI robots were no threat to me, but to the nerds, it was their nightmare incarnate. After they marched by, mercilessly slaughtering the Tri-Lambs like pigs, as they fled in terror, I decided to go to the bathroom to calm down & splash water on my face. I told you at the beginning, I WAS THERE, & this was so damn real, but I cannot explain the meaning. I think dreams are way, WAYYYY more meaningful than humans know. I don’t have the answers, not yet, but damnit, this was as real as it gets, to the point of smelling the erupting sulfuric fireballs, but when I fought, I fought like a lion, & my hands weren’t hurting from breaking nerd faces left & right. I’ve been in a few fights in the waking world, & broke my hands a few times, because it fucking hurts when you smash someone in the face, & I’ve broken my hands several times street fighting as a kid, but in the dream, none of that occurred, & I fought to kill, so they wouldn’t kill me.

Nonetheless, I made my way to the closest bathroom, & somehow I knew exactly where to go, & when I got there, I recall the details of said bathroom, once I woke myself up. The walls were puke green, there were maybe 4 or 5 sinks, & toilet stalls of the same number, each stall in front of a sink. It looked just like a high school bathroom, if you want a visual for reference, & so I got there, & splashed my face, which felt very…refreshing, you could say. The peace only lasted for a fleeting moment, however, because just as I was splashing my face, I heard the nerds, STILL chanting, “he’s one of them, he’s one of them,” & it’s so stuck in my head, I’ve been hearing it all damn day, like an earworm that won’t go away. Upon the face-splashing, & hearing the chanting of the nerds, I looked to the right where the door was, & there they were, the nerd posse, led by some ultra-nerd with a light blue baseball cap turned backwards. Like I said though, I was fearless, & their threats meant nothing, & whatever they were thinking of doing, I was going to fight my way through that fucking door, because I immediately had a strong sense of entrapment, as this was the only way out of this puke green bathroom, so I charged at them. The “leader,” if you will, the one with the backwards ball cap came at me first. He tried to headbutt me, which is a very effective move, if one were to land it right. He failed miserably though, since I had the speed of a a light beam, similar to Paul Atreides from the Dune lore. I countered his headbutt, which missed me completely, & gave him a powerful left hook which shut him down immediately. I’m not even left-handed, so that was weird. Yet, in the dream, this wacky dream, it was all…natural, you might say, & I had abilities, powerful abilities, that was as familiar to me as walking.

After I dropped the backwards ballcapper, I was battling my way to get back outside, & all of a sudden, I heard someone saying, “wake up, wake up, you’re in a dream, wake up,” & POOF, I was awake, completely soaked with cold sweat. So drenched I was shivering, thats how wet it was. This dream has replayed over, & over, & over, all fucking day, & so, I wrote it out just now, to share with all of you, & so I don’t forget. What can it mean, what can it mean, perhaps it was only a dream, yes? Fuck if I know, but like I said, it was so damn real, & then waking up completely soaked, dripping sweat, like I just got out of a shower & forgot a towel, that’s how sweaty I was, & so, I tossed my robe, my boxers, my sleeping shorts, all into he wash, then cranked the shower on full-blast heat, all the way up, because I was shivering like a Quaker. Some say dreams are just dreams, maybe the are, but yours truly does NOT abide that notion whatsoever. It has something to do with our true abilities, which have been meticulously taken from us, all of us, by the so-called “ruling elites.” What do they know that we do NOT know? Damnit, damn them all to hell. All I want o know is the TRUTH, because we’ve been lied to our entire lives about our real origins, & yours truly, for one, is sick & tired of their occult secrets. IT’S NOT RIGHT, & unless you’re born into heir venomous bloodlines, you never get to find out. It’s so fucking aggravating, & I’ve been stewing all day over it.

It’s time to wrap this up, as I have illustrated to the best of my own recollection, this bizarrely vivd dream I had about ohhhhh…14 hours ago. I’m dead tired now, but no matter how tired I get, if I get a few hours of sleep, I’m good. I’m so used to this crippling insomnia by now, but along with the visions, & these dreams, & waking up sweat-soaked, I don’t know what the fuck is happening with me. I looked into possible causes online, & the search results were no bueno, as all the possible causes were things that were negative in nature, you could say. Regardless, time to go, so until next time dear readers, I think something is coming, some kind of event maybe, or, I’m going totally insane & these aforementioned dreams & visions, are just part of an undiagnosed mental disorder. Who knows?…& who cares? No one, & on that note, I’m done, like a dead fish floating around & around, in a flushing toilet. Yikes. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Be mindful of the AI; it has yours truly in its pocket, & you could be next.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S6E5 6/5/2023 Fish™ 4 POTUS

If any of you think the worst has passed us by in this devolving shell of a once great country, you might want to think again. Oh naw…awe hell naw, ya’ll fools ain’t seen shit yet, shoooooo…bet bahleef dat(in my best ebonical accent). Nope, we haven’t seen anything yet, despite these last 7 years of absolute idiocracy on crack-meth, sorry chuckos, there’s MUCH more coming. Do you honestly believe they will let Emperor-Lord Orange Man Bad get back into the driver’s seat? That would jeopardize their power, & as I’ve said numerous times, THEIR game is power. The game most of us play, the peasants in the trenches, we play the game of running around The Great Mouse Trap, from birth to death. Turn left, turn right, left, right, right, left, run little mice, run, chasing that cheesebait fiat paper monopoly like sewar rats chase rotting filth, then of course, calling that “living.” Pffft…

More like dying, in my opinion, considering it’s essentially debt slavery, & anyone who relies on it for survival, is a debt slave. This entire monetary juggernaut was created specifically for that one purpose…to enslave as many of you as can be enslaved, so you can be controlled. The food, the water, un-ending varieties of drugs, televised programming, pro sports, I can keep going, if you’d like, because this planet is one big prison, & everything feeds into their machine, one way or another. YOU ARE ENSLAVED. What will you do about it? Do you like being a slave? A slave to silly I-O-U’s, ih dat whuhchu fuks wit(more ebonicals)? Ha, where did that come from? I did it in another article or two, & I don’t know why, other than that it amuses me for some bizarrely ridiculous reason. For some reason, when the words come from the ether, those precious words from the well, they spell themselves out with a big black woman’s stereotypical jargonesque accent, like if Mammie was from the hood, got it?

Great, now you might be wondering, “What’s with this “FisH™4 POTUS” title at the top of the page?” Great question, thanks for playing. Well, my POTUS campaign just began, so the details are still buried in their respective nascent stage, but after I saw some of the corrupt establishment scumfucks who have already announced their campaigns, I thought, “I can do that, & do it well.” Do you doubt me? Do you doubt your future president FisH™? I know, I know, after the mess this Orwellian country turned into over the last few years, it’s hard to believe anything anymore, isn’t it? The current president does it with Alzheimer’s & dementia. Fell down again…AGAIN, just the other day. I’d feel bad for him, if he wasn’t such a career politician douchebag piece of shit, know what I mean? More-or-less, they ALL are, particularly the ones that ride on the rallying cry, “for the people,” which is why I am going to run for President of the United States. You want “for the people?” You got it voters, I AM the proverbial people, & I will truly speak FOR the people, for real, from my new crib at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. How bout them apples voters?

Of course, I’m not being serious, or am I? I am, & I’m not; let me explain. If I could just RUN FREE, like any homeborn American SHOULD be able to, you’re fuckin’ right I’m running, running like Forrest Gump. What is required to be POTUS? Click the link, so you can follow along as I go. Let’s see…what’s up first? Got to be 35, check. Natural-born citizen, check. Name on the ballot in ALL 50 states, no check. Spend $5000 at least on your campaign. Drats. Unfortunately, what I do NOT have…is money. You have to spend $5k right out of the gate too, which is fucking lame. Why? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…I hate money; I HATE, HATE, HATE it, because one, it’s artificial currency, & two, everyone else who runs for POTUS, works for the beast already in some capacity, which then gives them access to unlimited finances basically, unlimited money, unlimited currency. “Unlimited,” I say, relative to my broke ass which is definitely “limited,” closer to $500 than $5000. Always the God-damned money; it never fuckin fails. WHY CAN’T I JUST RUN FOR POTUS??? Bureaucracies are ridiculous, & useless, much like an HOA, & since I don’t have an army of leeching political nerds with me, I’d be doing this all by myself, & thus, have to take on the aforementioned bureaucracies solo. It’s a trip to the New World in the 15th century circa 1491, as in it’s uncharted waters for this forlorn fish.

All just wishful thinking really, but I enjoy writing out these wishful thoughts when I do. I saw a list earlier of the candidates who already announced their bids, & it’s all just the same. They’re all the same, elitists who surf the waters of the upper echelon, & once you get up that high, the game changes. I pictured myself just open-palm slapping the fuck out of so many of these swamp dwellers, then throwing my feet up on the desk in the Oval Office, kicking back, & shhhhhhhhh…quiet time. The first day would be mute, just for me, not a word will be heard from me, as the fake news media meltdown scripts narratives trying to speculate on what I might and/or might not do. Look at ’em go…look at the parasites. Nomnomnomnomnom…what can we find, what can we dig up on this fishy guy? Oh man, they would go absolutely brown-eye berserker in that scenario; it actually made me literally laugh out loud, & that’s the truth, they would lose their hamster-wheel minds going through the sordid details of my life, & still…I say nothing. Shhhhhhh…the first 24 hours, shhhhhhhhhhh. Scramble ya vultures, circle around the nets they try to catch this fish in, & you’ll see the net come back empty every time, minus a few squid & a license plate. Not because you wouldn’t find anything, but because I don’t care what would be found. “More than happy to share any/all details ya pseudo-journalistic hacks, so fire away,” I’d say, & that would be that. Can’t fault someone for being honest, & I’ve never done anything like the politicians do right now, yes, right now. Insider trading, murder, theft via taxation, treason, sedition, armed robbery, would you like me to continue? They’re criminals, corrupt career criminal cocksuckers, & they get away with it all the time, so if you’re under the charm of delusionality believing ANYONE in Washington, D.C. is “for the people,” you might still wear a mask when you’re alone in your car…(honk noise)

Yikes this article is all over place. Maybe I’ll make up a story tomorrow; perhaps the next day. I never plan these, unless I get an idea for something, text said idea to myself, then use it as a title for a post, & blast off from there. Seems to be a bit of a…fogginess in the upstairs computer. The well water is a little slimy, just a little, so maybe I’ll write up that story to decontaminate the bucket. I’m thinking around 2:22AMish, 22 minutes into the witching hours, between 2AM & 4AM, because that’s where you find the flow againg. Gotta be up if you wanna talk to the spirits so they say. I’ve tested this out for myself countless times, & I can definitively say, that YES, YES there’s something in the air between 2AM & 4AM. Maybe it’s a Pavlovian thing, since I’ve been aware of this phenomenon for ohhhhhhhhh…more than 23 years I know, because I knew about it during the millennium fiesta in Madrid, Spain. Yep, 2 silly Spanish girls, my friend Big Bird, & yours truly, were all doing blow, all night long, & at precisely 2:22AM, in the bathroom stall, I told them all about the witching hours. I think I was hoping I’d fuck both the girls without Bird, via the magic of this surreal 2-hour span. I know those thoughts were in there somewhere, but they weren’t alone…yikes. Ha, I remember that being some solid coke, like those select times where you get the real-deal yumyum, like the REALLY REAL deal holy fuck cocaine. Is cocaine even a thing anymore? It’s all fet it seems these days, & it’s everywhere, but where’s the fun in that no-legs death wish?

There will never be a drug party again like drug parties pre-Internet. It was novel, it was fun, it was weed, beer, & shrooms. The novelty…ohhh that bittersweet bloody novelty, the novelty is a beautiful thing, especially to see in real-time, is it not? Novelty is born, it ages, & then it dies, & some novels are so well-written, that they live forever. There’s a feeling that accompanies novelty. Feels like being a kid again, before your head got fried because you failed to listen to those “Just Say No” commercials, but only if that’s what you did. It’s what I did, & I have dark clouds from those days, that I live with daily. It’s a fucked up trip to take, & it never ends well. Drugs are great, right? Feeling good is great, not worrying is great, but sadly, that doesn’t last. Nope, doesn’t last long at all, so you take more, & more often, & eventually, the drugs are just to feel “normal,” whatever “normal” means to you at this point, & not get sick. This kind of talk is for another article though. Time to wrap it up like a burrito. Until next time dear readers, just say no, because drugs are bad, bad like news bears. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Drugs are bad news, unless they come from Mama Gaia.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Novelty is dying faster than the will to birth more novelty.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E27 3/27/2023 ONE Day

Before we start, what the hell is Cesar Chavez Day? How is it possible, at my middle-age, that I’ve NEVER heard of this silly federal holiday until now? Who cares about this guy? Oh wait, “woke” liberal retards & assumingly Mexican-Americans do I suppose. Derp. Honk honk honk…anyway, let’s move on to the topic. I just had to add this as a pre-addendum of sorts. Enjoy the rest of the article.

Well, well, well…while you were sleeping, look what your friends in the shady banking racketeering extortion industry did. Yep, in the middle of the night on a late Sunday night/early Monday morning, which isn’t suspect at all because those are normal banking hours, First Citizens bought up Silicon Valley Bank. Not only did they scoop it up in the middle of the night, they got a sweet $16.5 BILLION $$$ discount. Wow, what a deal, but I must imply here that there was NOTHING shady about this at all…nope, nothing to see here ya mouth-breathing peasants. Go to work, watch tv, eat the food, drink the water, & shut yo mouth. Don’t ask any questions, don’t do your own research, do not use your own critical-thinking skills, nope, don’t do any of those things. Just bend over & take your rump-rogering, because there’s 2 tiers of justice in Clownworld, & these so-called elites can do whatever they want, but if it were you or I, we’d be in federal prison. See how that works? Seems fair, right?

No, it’s NOT fair at all, & it’s NOT right at all…it’s as unfair as it gets, & although life itself is unfair, this bullshit that your self-imposed “leaders” pull behind the scenes exponentially amplifies the aforementioned unfairness, & serves only to give them more power, while all of you keep running around in The Great Mouse Trap. Left, right, left, right, around & around the maze, chasing the cheesebait fiat paper money that they seemingly have endless amounts of for themselves. Why should you keep busting your ass at an unfulfilling slave job, while these elitist scum just print the money that they want, launder the money that they want, extort the money that they want from YOU via “taxes” on every fucking thing you buy, so why should you abide this corruption?

Fuck paying taxes first of all; I quit paying taxes years ago & I’ll NEVER pay them again. TAXATION IS THEFT…PERIOD. Fuck the IRS…nothing but a mafia that only exists via their extortion apparatus that they call “taxes.” It’s NOT taxes, it’s silent extortion, & I don’t abide extortionist thieves. YOU can if you want, it’s up to each individually sovereign American to make that choice for themselves, but as for me, it’s a hard NO. I get “taxed” on EVERY FUCKING THING I buy, so if this rogue alphabet agency known as the IRS thinks they can “tax” me again at the end of the year on income they already taxed, after I bust my ass all year, I’m not paying it & they can go fuck themselves right up their greedy wrinkled asses. Especially after I see article after article after article reporting nonsense like middle-of-the-night weekend bank bailout deals, oh hell no. Only a compliant debt slave would comply with these grimy thieves. I myself, am NOT a debt slave, despite my outrageous debt, & my sub-500 credit score, so does it sound like I’m ever going to pay them a single penny?

Fuck no, & I hope one of those shiny new armed IRS agents, numbering around 87,000 I believe, comes to pay me a visit in person, so I can personally let them know where they can stick their bill. I’m not scared of them, & if the other 330 million Americans followed my lead, we could shut down this nationwide extortion racket in a single day. How would we do that? Great question, thanks for playing. The answer is simple: DO NOT PAY YOUR TAXES. Just take your tax forms, throw them in the trash, & enjoy the rest of your day. If EVERY American refused to pay taxes, it would stop. How could it keep going if none of us pay them a dime? It couldn’t, but unfortunately there’s no possible way that a lone rebel like myself could successfully get EVERY American to come together as ONE force to stop these corrupt scumfucks from continuing with their nefariously respective agendas. It’s unfortunate, it truly is, that Americans as a singularly solid entity cannot realize what is being done to them. Stop playing into the divide & conquer agenda, because that’s how they keep doing what they’re doing. If America wasn’t socially split in two, we could come together as ONE & end ALL of this. ONE day, that’s all it would take, ONE day of unity, & we could take our country back from these globalist operatives that are actively destroying our country. ONE day.

Unfortunately, that ONE day might never come. They’ve achieved their plan to divide the country, & neither side is coming back. Every dirty bird has TWO wings, a left & a right, but it’s all part of the same dirty bird. The lunatic left is gone…GONE…there’s no coming back for them. Don’t believe me? Try talking to one. The right, although more sane, relatively speaking of course, are putting all of their eggs into one proverbial orange basket. Trump is going to come back & save the world; ONE guy is going to come back & reverse all of this chaos these globalists have created. How about you STOP? Maybe STOP you MAGA-hat wearers, & think about the bet you’re taking. First off, the house ALWAYS wins in the casino, the “house” being these psychopathic s-elected elites, & two, what sort of gambler puts EVERYTHING they have onto one number on the roulette wheel? I’ll tell you what kind of gambler does that…a DEGENERATE gambler, & what always happens to degenerate gamblers? They lose; they ALWAYS lose. What happens if something happens to Trump? What then? That liquidates EVERY bet on Trump if he isn’t around anymore. Imagine how demoralizing that would be, all those bleeding-red hearts broken, all those Make America Great Again hopes crushed, & to be honest, I’m concerned the powers-that-be WILL do something to remove him entirely from the game.

Doesn’t matter what I think, and/or what I say, and/or what I do, because no one is going to change their echo-chambered opinions. The shadows & the echoes of the proverbially Platonian Cave are too realistic for them to realize that they are still chained to themselves in the darkness. I can scream & shout, proclaiming, “The way out is up here, at the cave exit/entrance. Look at the sunshine, look at the real reality OUTSIDE of the Cave,” but it matters not. If I go down into the Cave to try to free a single one of you, I get exiled. Well, I AM exiled, proving my point. No no no, they cannot have people exposing the TRUTH, now can they?…so they digitally banish thought-criminal dissidents like me, until they can actively search & destroy me, & everyone else who simply wants to exist in the REAL world, not this artificially propped-up Clownworld Cave you are all stuck in. They’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, as I’ve reasserted ad nauseam here, & now the snowball has grown so big, there’s no way to stop it. Eventually, the snowball has to hit a bottom though, & when it does, POOF, everyone gets covered in snow, snow-blinded by the blinding light, & buried in their own Katamarian mess. I don’t know exactly what that event would entail, but at the rate we’re going, it’s going to be a train-wreck of unprecedented dynamism.

Oh my, look at what I’ve done yet again…another multi-page essay of sorts. Add it to my list of unheard diatribes exposing the truth of the matter at hand. Can’t stop, won’t stop, & despite WordPress shadowbanning me, Facecrack & Twatter banning me for life, riding 2 strikes on Instacrap, & a fresh strike from Pootube, the “Big 4” can blow me if they think they can shut me up. It’s going to take a bullet to my brain to do that, & if that happens, IT WASN’T BY MY OWN HAND. Yes, these alphabet agencies silence people all the time, & I’m no different. Doesn’t matter if I get no traffic, the AI still actively alerts them to social dissidence, so come on you fuckers. Bring it. The others may comply & bend the knee to you corrupted cancerous cunts, but me, NEVER. Until next time dear readers, the day of reckoning gets closer by the second, so what will you do when we the cultural critical mass comes? Get learn-ed, or get burn-ed. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Get learn-ed, or get burn-ed.” Fish F Fish🎏

In Springtime…

🍥Click HERE or the image above to read more🍥

Okay…this is getting fucking ridiculous. Seriously, how many is this now? I looked into it, & man oh man, there are NUMEROUS articles flying around the interwebs “debunking” this obviously suspect string of fires & explosions & even planes crashing into food-processing plants. NO, this is NOT normal for fuck’s sake, & the fact that there’s paid shills trying to debunk the suspiciousness of these “random” accidents, only confirms to me that there’s something nefarious going on here. Trains derailing all of a sudden, food processing plants being destroyed, what the hell is happening? Do you want to know what’s really going on here?

WE ARE UNDER ATTACK; that is what’s really going on. None of this shenaniganery is “random,” NONE of it. Sure, I’m aware there’s a few anomalies, because fires & accidents DO happen, but NOT at this rate. I’m seeing articles almost daily, so much so in fact, that I’m now totally desensitized to it, same as the SADS reports. Coincidentally, when you look up “Covaids jabs causing SADS,” there’s COUNTLESS articles attempting to debunk it, again confirming to me that the Coviads jabs ARE the real reason for these “unexplained” deaths from heart attacks. EVERY DAY there’s a new article about some healthy young person dying suddenly from SADS. I’ll link today’s daily SADS article below, & I can assure you there will be another one tomorrow. Yep, at this time tomorrow, another person will be dead from SADS, & another article will be written, & again, paid shills will flood the interwebs with fake news articles trying to debunk the obvious connection between the Covaids jabs & the blood clots they cause that kill people via cardiac arrest. It’s NOT a God-damned conspiracy…fuckin hell, if the jab is NOT the cause, why not publish autopsy reports proving otherwise? Why won’t these fake news hacks report whether or not these unfortunate corpses had received the jab or not?

I’ll tell you why…BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT’S THE CAUSE OF SADS. Doctors know it, Big Pharma knows it, your so-called “leaders” know it, & believe it or not, yours truly knows it. How do I know? What makes me such an expert? First off, I’m not an “expert” by any means, but, I have common fucking sense. I have critical-thinking skills; I can research on my own, deduce conclusions from proven facts, & make my own determinations about what is what in this crazy Clownworld. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these pseudo-vaccines are exceptionally dangerous, nor does it take rockets and/or the “science” behind these poisons being injected into BILLIONS of humans. If the jab starts dropping people dead en masse, rather than these daily reports of people passing away from SADS, it will arguably be the greatest mass murder in human history. It will make the holocaust look like a Sunday barbecue party in the hood. Please believe, I am NOT making light of this probability. I will lose friends & family who foolishly got jabbed should the jab prove to start killing people like the Black Plague. Did YOU take the jab? What was the outcome? Did the jab do anything positive? All I’ve seen are the jabbed getting re-infected, terrible side effects, & of sadly of course, SADS. hardly a “vaccine,” now is it? You cannot argue against facts, no matter how many buzzwords you barf out.

As usual I have taken the exit ramp to Tangytown, segueing off-topic, which is par for my miniature golf course here. We began by talking about the “random” fires & explosions occurring with greater frequency by the day it seems, so let’s go back to that, because this is NOT random. I don’t know the logistics obviously, but how the fuck does a chocolate factory explode? Isn’t there chocolate everywhere? Is chocolate flammable? What about the Oompa-Loompas? Fun fact: race-hustling identity pseudo-politicians cancelled Willy Wonka. Why would they do that? Apparently, they are equating Oompa-Loompas to African slaves. No, I’m not joking, these people are insane, & Roald Dahl would NEVER do such a ridiculous thing. He was an ardent Christian, hardly an advocate for slavery, & this is yet another example of the abysmal madness of liberalism. They’re mental patients, & we cater to them for some fucking reason. I, for one, will NEVER abide their bullshit. Me bend the knee? Nope…how about YOU bend the knee? Bend the knee to the TRUTH you beta loser leftist twerps. They never will though, because they’re programmed, like real-life NPCs, & to bring them back to reality is a grueling exercise in utter futility. Essentially, don’t bother. You cannot change people who are so far-gone with the programming, that they glitch when you hit them with factual information. Despite the echo chambers that paid shills pay Google to pop up at the top of the search, REAL reality is real, & mis/dis-information cannot change the TRUTH of the REAL reality we are all stuck in. Period.

Gah, I do this every time. Like I’ve told you all ad nauseam, I just tune into the best frequency, then let the fingers fly, & by the time I’m done, I have no idea what I wrote until I proofread. Obviously, I know the topic, but as far as the content, my own content, it’s always a mystery until proofreading time comes. Now, let’s get back to the chocolate factory explosion…where people died this time. Yep, as you can see in the article at the top, people died in this fiery explosion. Over hundred mysterious food-processing plant fires in a year, but not one death, until now. These saboteurs are killing people, which opened the door for these shadowplayers to burn down and/or blow up more food processing plants without concern for the “collateral damage,”…which in this case, as of right now, is 5 dead, & 6 still missing. Expect more of this, with the human death toll growing, but why would this continue? The answer is simple: THERE’S NEVER ANY CONSEQUENCES…ever. Never any real investigations, they bury these stories in the respective daily news feeds, & nothing ever happens so like I said, expect this to continue, on a greater scale as the days flush by like a toilet full of wormwood turds.

I’m in the middle of a wormwood cleanse right now. My thoughts: IT WORKS, & be prepared to plug your nose & turn on a second fan when you drop your morning logs if you take this stuff. Holy hell, I don’t think I have any worms or anything like that, but whatever the wormwood did, flushed out some serious stank. Oy vey, but I digress, as always. Well, you all know the drill by now, yours truly has composed yet another multi-page diatribal essay. That’s just how I roll…the FisH™ abides. Until next time dear readers, the snowball grows, as its Katamarian nature rolls, growing greater given the garbage it grabs. Notice the obvious literary device? It’s called alliteration, in case you were unaware, & now you know. The more ya know, ya know? So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“The more you know, ya know?” Fish F Fish🎏

“The Katamari grows, as the snowball rolls.” Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S3 E18 3/18/2023 Trump Arrested?

Yeah, apparently this is NOT a joke. Again, the timeline switches. I went to sleep & not a word of this, woke up & Trump is “under indictment,” allegedly. Hard to speculate what comes next? Will this cause a ripple effect? Will markets crash? Will the world end if the savior of the USSA gets handcuffed & sent to jail on Tuesday? Fuck if I know, but since the fake news mainstream media is all over this, one can presume that at least ½ the country already thinks #OrangeManBad is getting locked up in a few days. Cold this be more “narrative?” Just more scripted crap to distract everyone from WW3, or the attack on our country by its own government, or inflation, or outrageous gas prices, or the Epstein client list, or the corruption amongst the politicians running this shitshow, oh yes, I can keep going. All theatre, & please believe, this is ALL you are going to hear about for the next few days. What are your so-called elitist “leaders” doing behind the scenes while all this is going on? God question, thanks for playing.

Only they know for sure, & this upcoming week should prove to be very…dynamic, I suppose you could say. Oh & I almost forgot, Putin coincidentally ALSO is facing an “arrest warrant,” what are the odds? Seriously, at the same time, what kind of astronomically impossible odds have been reached to have both of these events occur at the same time? It’s all theatre, all orchestrated, all just part of THEIR game. I’ve told you countless times, TWO DIFFERENT GAMES. Their game is power, while 99% of us play our games in The Great Mouse Trap, these so-called elites are waging war against each other to gain more power, at the expense of what? AT YOUR EXPENSE, because without us giving these psychopaths the power they wield, they wouldn’t be anything, much less “leaders.” While we run endlessly left, right, left, right, chasing cheese-bait fiat money in The Great Mouse Trap, these elites are accumulating more power, building dynasties for themselves & their families of course, respectively. Not “respectively,” like I respect them, because I don’t, I actually despise them all, but respectively as it is defined as a sense of “a separate order.” I don’t want to confuse you, dear readers, I fucking hate these globalist douchebags. HATE, HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE these bastards, ALL of them. Do you still foolishly believe there’s 2 separate groups amongst the “leadership” class, left & right, good & evil, do you still believe that?

If you do, you’re a naive fool, but a perfect little mouse to keep running through the labyrinthian maze of The Great Mouse Trap. Like a series of unending backrooms, you just run around & around, left, right, left, right, divided & conquered, living the Hegelian Dialectic in real-time. Only now, they’ve manufactured this pseudo-reality where up is down, left is right, men are women, etc…which, as far as I know, is unprecedented at the level we’re all experiencing right now. These philosophical notions came about in a totally different era in relation to this era estraña we’re all existing in at this moment. Although certainly applicable, one has to incorporate first, that there’s more people than ever, as far as we know anyway, & therefore, much more variability, anomalous behaviors, you have to factor in the influence of mass media & the internet, it’s totally different then it was a century ago. Second, we are in uncharted waters, so it’s tricky to use the probability charts of life to predict anything. Regardless, we are at a critical mass, on the precipice of a YUGE shift, as microorganisms break off from the macroorganism, as the zeitgeist evolves or devolves depending on your own perspective, as the Lucifer Principle plays itself out.

It’s a bit of a combination of both, isn’t it? Evolution for some, devolution for others. This neo-liberalism, for example, definitely devolution, as these programmed fools carry on in the primal manner that they do. Truly disgusting really, mostly because they have ZERO clue as to what they’re even doing. Nope, like real-life NPCs, they just puke out buzzwords & catchphrases that they seem to make up as they go. A new one I just heard is “counter-speech,” & if you click the word, it’ll link you to a Harvard page that “defines” this made-up nonsense. LARP away you mindless automatons, because there’s no such thing as “hate speech,” hence this term “counter-speech,” is just more gibberish from indoctrination specialists that have infected college campuses like the Black Plague. In the wise words of Jordan Peterson, “It’s bloody revolting,” & it surely is, is it not? Not if you’re on their side obviously, but who wants to be over there? Only these fatherless reject nerd beta twerps with rainbow-colored hair in size-44 “skinny” jeans do, because they’re so lost within themselves, they turn towards the other freaks for the love the missed as children. Blame the parents, blame the schools, but you know who’s really to blame?

The true culprits are these shadowplay social engineers, that injected these bizarre notions into the indoctrinators, who then in turn indoctrinate your children, because that’s the future, & they want the future to have less people, so what do you do? Push this “queer theory” garbage into the impressionable minds of the youth, & I mean the YOUTH, because they’re getting your kids before they can even talk. Watch any recent Disney cartoon if you don’t believe me. It’s fucking sick, not to mention this drag queen story hour madness, oh & of course the gay elementary “teachers,” who are using their classrooms to poison children with the aforementioned queer theory. Ugh, it’s all just so evil, so sinister, but if you call them out, all hell breaks loose, & they never face consequences, so they push the agenda further, double-downing on the double-downing, over & over. When will we finally stop tolerating this fringe insanity?

Oh drats, look at me, I’ve gone off-course as usual. Never fails, I always tangent off into something else completely off-topic. That’s how we roll here though, & another essay has almost been composed & completed for the amusement of my proverbial handful of readers. I do love you all, the few who actually enjoy my random ramblings, so please never think I’m directing this at any of you personally. If you speak my language, you’ll know who I am always referring to, & most likely, it isn’t you directly. My readers get this I’m sure, but just to clarify as the author/narrator of this thing I do, I wanted to make that statement known. Nonetheless, time has come to cross the finish line on this daily Foozer. Possible “arrests” coming this week? Who really knows?…but we shall all bear witness apparently soon enough. Until next time dear readers, enjoy the show, because it’s all just a trip to the movies. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Enjoy the show, because it’s all just a trip to the movies.” Fish F Fish🎏

Nordstream 2: The Truth

Above I linked a video detailing how WE, & by “WE,” I mean this illegal criminal communist/globalist rogue regime that stole the US 2020 election, that “WE,” is the “WE” who bombed the Nordstream 2 pipeline. The USA did it, yep, it was us, well not US us, but as I just illustrated, the US Government us, not WE the People us. Of course, that won’t matter when the truth goes virally mainstream, & if you were Russia, or anyone in Western Europe who is paying 3x-4x more for gas this year because of this orchestrated attack on arguably their most dominant pipeline form Russia into Western Europe, how would you feel? I’d hate this fucking country, & as an American, in a way I do, but not the country itself, only these corrupted pirates that SOMEHOW pulled off a quiet coup, stealing the 2020 election from Trump, & thus, stealing the country, with the sole intent of the complete destruction of the United States of America as the end goal. Now, let’s throw the World War 3 slip of paper back into the hat of wonder, & see if it gets pulled out.

How have the last 2 years gone for you financially since they stole that election? Of course, there will be anomalies, there are always anomalies, a scant few who inside-profited on the market crashes, but I’d wager that most people are doing worse, much worse. All changed on election night, when the timeline shift happened perhaps, who knows? I went to sleep, Trump was way ahead, election locked, then when I woke up, I was in an entirely different timeline, where magically in the dead of night, the now-pseudo-president Brandon somehow was winning, & then he was declared winner, & again, with some kind of wizardry I’m yet to understand, Trump let them get away with it. This is only one of several evidential reasons why I think they’re all in the same club. White hats, black hats, they all serve the same crew in the Capstone Club, AKA the Kazharian Mafia, who I detailed in my last post. You have the Capstone Club at the top of the top, covering the top of the top really, of the Great Pyramid of Social Hierarchy. Oh yes, we ALL live in a caste system, & that system is exceptionally difficult to move up in. You can move down very easily, people move down all day, every day. In fact, the bottom of the pyramid is bulging out disproportionately as compared to the higher layers, because more & more & more & more people are filling up that bottom tier as they fall down, down, down. Imagine the power we could take for ourselves if us bulging bottom-dwellers simply organized, & destroyed the whole pyramid. If we demolitioned the pyramid, where would the Capstone Club go?

WE are the builders, the worker bees, the ones who unintentionally built & now maintain this artificially-engineered pyramid of social hierarchy. This is why they’re working so desperately hard to have AI take over the automation of whatever they might need built for them, so we are no longer needed. The end goal, & once again, this is THEIR plan, not mine. I’m not being hyperbolic, none f this is fan fiction, this is very REAL, & this is THEIR plan, not mine. I always have to make sure I pronounce that proclamation out, so no one assumes I’m just making this madness up. I know, it’s totally insane, but it’s THEIR plan, & this plan of theirs has an end game, where 85-90% of the global population no longer exists, & all that’s left is a billion actual humans tops, while the rest “merge” with AI, so they can live longer, maybe forever, & they can rule the entire planet form a centralized location under a one world, new world order. Again, & I must emphasize, this is THEIR REAL PLAN, not mine, I am merely exposing it because one, it’s the TRUTH, & two, I have wishfully optimistic hopes that by exposing them, & their nefarious agenda, they will fail when they push for the total fulfillment of said agenda. However, they are well-aware of this notion, & they are desperate, not to mention psychopathic, & what do desperate psychopaths do? They do desperately psychopathic shit, especially this exceptionally well-established group, because their power is being detrimentally threatened. Talk about “absolute power corrupting absolutely,” geez, they really took that proverbial ball & ran a marathon plus a 5k with it, didn’t they?

They’ve had 2000 years to perfect their shadow craft of social engineering the zeitgeist, so if one were to try & walk in their shoes for a moment, looking at the world from their globalist perspective, yeah, it would be a big deal, a YUGE deal in fact, if 2000 years of power games had come to a state of culmination, & you were the one on the other side with your finger hovering over a button, any button, so I can understand. I simply do not abide these people, because they’re self-servingly evil, full of darkness, minions of darkness even, the foot soldiers of fear & dread, if I were to be so bold to say, & I am…obviously(fart noise), & although some of them I’m sure have self-convinced themselves that what they do is benevolent, ultimately, it isn’t. Who the fuck are they to pick & choose? What is it that they know that most do not that they so esoterically keep from the masses? Why? See, therein lies the issue, they are sneak-thieves in the night, using knowledge they keep amongst themselves to stay out of The Great Mouse Trap.

To them, it’s ultimately about themselves, the “self,” as it were, rather than sharing ALL knowledge with the inclination to better humanity as a whole, not just better themselves & their own ilk. Selfishness, greed, narcissism, & once they have gone beyond the notion of being rich, to wealth, to power, it’s a entirely different game then the game we all play in the aforementioned bulging bottom of the Great Pyramid. Look at previous posts for further details if you’re interested in the 2 different games. Their game is power, all about power, well-beyond money at the upper levels, it’s just about power, for the group outside The Great Mouse Trap. This group represents >1% of the total population, this makes up the top of the pyramid plus the Capstone Club, while 99% of the global population, essentially the rest of us, are all stuck in The Great Mouse Trap. Our game is artificial, based on this God-damned money, this cheese-bait fiat money, that everyone scrambles around like rats for, literally. This artificial trap game was created, in conjunction with the hijacking of the currency, the societal energy flow, that fuels the evolution/devolution of the Lucifer Principle, & they created this tricky trap to keep us all unwittingly working for them, for THEIR power, while giving you little scraps of cheese-bait money from their table, a table with stacks & stack & stacks of unlimited cheese-bait money. They make the cheese-bait money by printing it, of course, then created a game where you all chase this cheese-bait money they print, & then use mass media & various other mindfuckery to convince you all that this “hunt the cheese-bait money in The Great Mouse Trap” game is “life.” No, it isn’t life, running around an artificial trap from birth to death, LARPing that illusions are real, is hardly “living,” is it?

If so, & it IS so, unfortunately, so…this realization is quite disconcerting, is it not? Yikes, how depressing, & what’s really a bummer, is that most of the 99% is complacently clueless about any of what I just illustrated for all of you, dear readers. It’s a continuous stream of narratives being force-fed to all of you via that aforementioned mass media, which they also created, own, & control, & everyone gets so caught up in the narratives, & the endless distractions, & even as far as all the electromagnetic energy waves we are all bombarded with 24/7, what has this done to us all? It’s a giant Platonian Cave, & seemingly almost everyone is stuck in in it, so convinced those shadows on the wall, & those echoes from the shadows, are real, when in fact, they are most certainly not real at all. In the meantime, I’m up here at the Cave exit, half in it, half in the sunshine, yelling at all of you to come on up, but it’s just echoed back to me from the hallowed hollowness of an evermore foresaken void, my own voice hearing own voice, & no one else hearing, hence not listening. Oh well, fuck it. I still will shout, even if one of you at a time free yourselves, I’ll keep the light on, so you can see your way up & out, should you choose to do so….so…so, so, so…so…so, in conclusion, if I were to speculate, I’m expecting a major false flag distraction/narrative, which could come at anytime really. I’m thinking they might actually run with this Project Blue Beam nonsense. Not familiar? Well, you know I roll, the FisH™ abides, & it just so happens, there was a very well-done video recently uploaded by a YouTube channel called The Why Files. Solid channel, give them a sub, & shoutout to my cousin, HeckleFish. Anyway, here ya go, I’ll link it below, & I implore all of you to watch this video, so you have a direct reference to what’s really happening, should they actually try to pull this most-insane project off.


How will all of this end? Well, there’s really only 2 ways, isn’t there? They win, they fulfill their agenda, depopulate the planet, leaving only themselves to rule the world, successfully merging with AI, living forever, all of that nonsense which sounds like a dystopian nightmare, but regardless, that’s one outcome. The other outcome, is that WE win, & the Great Pyramid of Social Hierarchy founded on this artificial & enslaving currency comes toppling down, & we rebuild better. Either way, it sounds like their will be a mess of some kind to clean up before anything gets better. Who will be the one cleaning up the mess leftover though? The end year for their agenda is 2030, so I suppose we have 7 & ½ years left tops, to win or lose, & nonetheless, to all bear witness, as to how this Netflix series plays out. It’s all a stage, a theatre of psychopathy, to them anyway, & we are most certainly expendable if it comes to us versus them in a hot context. What will YOU do ? Will you continue to feed them, feed the Beast, or will you fight, fight until the snake’s head falls, exposing its false foundation, as it all topples down? I know my role, & even more, I know my role will evolve, as the zeitgeist rolls, while the snowball grows & grows. Until next time, dear reader, roll with the flow, so sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Roll with your role in the flow, as the snowball grows & grows.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E20 2/20/2023 The Quiet Coup

Happy President’s Day, a national federal holiday where the obvious move is for the current President to stay local, yes, IN HIS OWN COUNTRY, yes, at least you’d think so, right? Oh wait, what’s this?…

Let’s Go Brandon…impeccable timing on the part of your handlers ya perverted kid-sniffing socially-syphilitic pseudo-president. Notice how the guy who’s actually supposed to be the President, OrangeManBad Donald Trump, is HERE, in HIS OWN COUNTRY, on the way to Ohio, to where the American Chernobyl allegedly just occurred, where Biden & his cronies have NOT been, nor will go, because why? THEY HATE AMERICANS, ALL AMERICANS, & it doesn’t matter what race you are, they just use the media to continuously throw gallons of diversity gas on the racism-bonfire to keep said Americans divided, ultimately to conquer. That’s why I use the prefix, “pseudo,” …do you know what that means? It means “FAKE,” because Joe Blow Biden is FAKE, NOT the “81-million-record-votes” president of anything, much less a country. He’s the figurehead of the shadowy cabal who essentially mastermind a silent coup, executed it, then somehow pulled it off, & all under the guise of a “stolen” election, the stolen 2020 election, everyone knows it was stolen, but it’s going to fly, STILL, as of now anyway, & I argue it was worse, MUCH worse. IT WAS A COUP, not a stolen election. That’s right, a coup, a silent coup, non-violent, they even turned the aspect of “coup-violence” BACK, back on Trump supporters. with the January 6th fiasco, which I’ll have to get into another time. Regardless, how Trump let them do that, & eventually do all of this, this controlled demolition of the USA, just puzzles the bejesus out of me. How could he NOT know they’d try to steal it? How could he NOT anticipate their moves? I don’t get it, & I can’t NOT wonder where his allegiance truly lies, know what I mean?…but I digress, where were we, oh yes, FAKE, “pseudo” just means fake, like the fake narratives being barfed out by the pukeworthy MSM Fake News, mis/dis-informing the masses with scripts, & actors, & orchestrated drama, at levels unprecedented. Look at these headlines, LOOK AT THEM, ON PRESIDENT’S DAY, PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, COULD GIVE A LONE FUCK ABOUT AMERICA. AM I HALLUCINATING? Nope, I told you, these people HATE, HATE HATE HATE this country, & are hell-bent on burning it all down to the ground, & most of you with it, unfortunately, as they would surely, & sinisterly simply, destroy it all, rather than give up their power. (double adverb alert)

Click HERE to Read More

Still think I’m just one of those “Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?’…ugh, that notion is SO played out, seriously, the cultural Katamarian snowball, that seemingly picks up EVERYTHING it rolls over, dropped that CCT tin foil hat when all the alleged “conspiracy theories” started coming true, one after another. People like Alex Jones, who got raped in every way possible other than physically by the digital cancel council, now can factually assert, with solid evidence, that almost everything he said, is TRUE, with like a 93%-98% accuracy rate. Especially when you see some liberal toilet paper like Politifag, whoops, I meant Politicrap, oh drats, POLITIFACT, sorry about that, so when you see something like this, which if you look below, notice it popped up first, top of the list, when I typed in “Alex Jones accuracy rate,” but when you click on the site, this REEEEEE-diculous fucking graph, looks like it could have been made by a 2nd grader on his dad’s Photoshop, that’s not hyperbolic either, LOOK, look for yourselves. Then of course, he scores 50% “false,” with a whole 3 “checks,” what are the “checks?” Other 50%, goes to “Pants on Fire,” now keep in mind this was NUMBER ONE on the search result, as you can see, NUMBER ONE, numero UNO. This was written, well, all 2 sentences there in the little pseudo-bio under that intentionally disheveled picture of Alex himself, then the labels for the “truth thermometers,” I guess you could call them that, just say the graphics, the banner, the heading, all that, & about ohhhh…7 minutes of work later, that’s all it would take for me to copy this page exactly how it is. This is “Politifact” though, a noted left-leaning publisher, although they proclaim unbiased journalism…(Honk Noise), you’d think they’d be more “professional,” yes?…but no, no no no, look at this silly shit, PAID publications by vapid rainbow-haired gamma goblin children.


Yikes, I didn’t mean to yell back there, but for fuck’s sake, as a writer, & as an exceptionally dank wordsmith like me, it’s just bloody revolting that some silly little beta twerp clown-twat is employed, & getting PAID, as a “writer,” to make a post like that, with a company like “Politifact,” nonetheless. “Number one,” dondadaddonnnn…ummm…no…how about NO? Damnit I said, “NO…NO NO NO.” You’re NO writer, you’re no anything, & I am SICK & TIRED of nonsense like this, so I am just proclaiming a strongly-defiant NO, NO I do not accept Clownworld, or the lunatics on the left, or the fake news, or the overt government corruption, or the manipulated markets, the manipulated money for that matter, the hijacking of the currency, all of it…NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO. I’m done “accepting” any of this, as if it’s “just the way it is,” because you know what? This is NOT the way it “is,” and/or NOT the way it should be, it’s what your s-elected leaders tell you it is, & since you’re all stuck in The Great Mouse Trap, you accept it & abide, as you know no other reality, at least that’s what they’ve programmed you to think. Like a real-time Plato’s Cave, & the cave is WAYYYYYY full, overflowingly filled to the rim, the rim of the bowl, like a giant toilet full of shadow-worshiping echo-venerating turds, circling round & round, as the spiral goes down, just endlessly shitting out buzzwords from their flappy asshole-mouths, programmed poo-people, circling down the dirty drain, & trying to pull the rest of humanity down that destinial drain with them. It’s so bizarre, so surreally bizarre, isn’t it? (Fart Noise)

GAH, how is this even real life? Good question, thanks for playing. I don’t know, I wish I had a definitive answer, because I’d surely illustrate it for you, dear readers. Right now though, I’m gonna wrap this one up. I said it would be a cray-cray week in the last post, & today being a national federal holiday, makes the official “start” of the week a bit hazy, not to mention those new moon energies, quietly blanketing the relative lunacy of the global population. I’ll have to do another post about “lunar waves” sometime; it’s a fun rabbit hole to hippity-hop down into. Until next time, dear reader, have a dandy of a President’s Day, keeping in mind the current one, Old Pedo Joe, is not supposed to be there, or in Ukraine, or anywhere other than maybe playing BINGO at a nursing home. Just a stooge puppet, riddled with dementia, the figure head of the rogue regime that stole an election, & in turn, stole our country, only to burn it to the ground, lately literally. More to come, stay tuned, & stay mindful this week, one never knows when yet ANOTHER scripted narrative might pimple-pop up, pop, pop, pop til ya drop. Speaking of which, what the heck with this headline? & where’s the Secret Service? They’re in a supposed “HOT-WAR ZONE, are they not? What am I missing here? Poor maid.

Just more scripted narratives, & if I might be so bold, I’m not 100% convinced there’s a hot war going on over there at all. I’m sure there is, but a “hot war,” being broadcast like a reality show, with writers, & producers, & scripts, & especially ACTORS, something just doesn’t sit right with this “War in Ukraine,” does it? Ugh, why can’t they just tell the damn truth? THE TRUTH, why, WHY, why can’t we all just tell the fucking truth? This 3d paradigm, this Great Mouse Trap, left turn, right turn, left, right, follow the money, follow the cheese, chase that cheese little mouse, while we watch & laugh, writing more & more narratives, more scripts for the mice to follow, to become bedazzled by, bending their will to these globalist actors. All that being said, do they not confuse you enough? When does the novelty finally fly away? Come on now, YOU’RE NOT MICE, but you’re trapped, & the time must come, & WILL come, when you either set yourself free, or submit.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“Seek the truth, find the truth, tell the truth, be the truth.” ~Fish F Fish

Narrative Nation

Yes, these “narratives,’ as the title implies, these dastardly narratives they use in this now-nefarious nation, are more-often-than-not, completely false & make-believe story-time stories, but STILL pumped out daily via the Fake News Mainstream Media. The FNMM, which is a tough acronym to pronounce….”fin-um,”perhaps, how does that sound? Doesn’t roll off the tongue at all, does it? Hmmm, how about this one…the “narrative agenda pushing actor puppets,” NAPAP?…”nap-ap?” No? Don’t like it? Nah, me either, it sounds dumb. I suppose we must hold off until a proper acronym comes to me; I just have to adjust the dial at some point I’m thinking, & then POOF, it’ll just appear, but I digress. The point of this article is going to be about these narratives, not acronyms for globalist filth, & ironically, there’s yet another one happening as I type this. Yep, another shooting it appears, as if on queue, not that it is on deck ready-to-roll, just implying that the timing if these events is…odd, you could say. Anyway, moving on, & what’s this? 👇🏻BREAKING NEWS BELOW…honk honk honk…👇🏻

Funny how these “shootings” happen all of a sudden when there’s real news that needs to be shared. Like who blew up the Nordstream pipeline? Where’s Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? Shut up you plebs, stop asking questions. Just pay attention to these narratives we script, then subconsciously force-feed to you, go eat another hot pocket, & believe everything we tell you to believe. Oh, & the chemical holocaust in Ohio, almost forgot about that, yeah the one killing animals & now reportedly making people sick. Anything on that, any updates? No? (a nighttime field of chirping crickets chimes in)Shocker. It doesn’t fit the narrative, so squash it. Shhhhhhh. We’re doing #GunsAreBad now, & that’s how it goes. Can’t change it, can’t fight it, can’t stop it, so what’s the only option? Maybe turn off the tv, & end the program, how about that?

The problem with that, is when something really does happen, you hinder your awareness & leave yourself vulnerable by just “turning it all off,” but that’s only IF, & I emphasize “IF,” if Clownworld goes completely sideways. Don’t think it can’t happen; suppose these “Chinese spy balloons” cause an EMP, taking out the power, how long would it take for the ill-informed hordes in the cities to go into full-blown panic mode? No power, no internet, no ability to get money, or gas, or anything really, can you imagine the pandemonium? Oh my God, these UN-prepared people are fucked, especially in the cities. I speculate that it wouldn’t take long at all for the aforementioned “hordes,” to become primal. Assaults, looting, robbery, even murder, all on the table if they go into said “panic mode,” as they let go of whatever critical-thinking skills they might have had, & rely solely on their reptilian-brain. Pure survival instincts would become the norm, as people fight one another for resources, filling the streets with blood.

Are you able to picture a scenario like this? Utterly depressing, all this real-time devolution of humanity. Ultimately, that’s what your elitist overlords want though, everyone to kill each other. They can do it, they could kill you all, & I’m sure there’s numerous depopulation plans in place that are much more effective than whatever the slow-kill poison is that they put into the Covaids jab, but that’s not Plan A. Plan A is to manipulate the masses into fighting & killing each other. One, because they’re sick fucks that get off on misery & death & chaotic destruction, & two, because it keeps them from having to do it themselves & clean up the ensuing after-mess. Not to mention, if we all do end up in some kind of civil war, actually actively battling one another in a hot war, it’s going to be incredibly demoralizing, draining your human spirits, respectively. The aftermath & the survivors would be so war-weary, after so much loss, so much carnage, that they’d eventually submit to the will of these globalist psychopaths, or die.

Essentially, for us plebs, it would be a dystopian hell on Earth, while the elites live like kings & queens with the technology that they keep from us. Oh, & the AI will be there of course, helping them, maybe even guiding them, I don’t know. I think it’s much more advanced then people are aware of, & I’ve mentioned this before, but could it be? Could it be that these psychopaths actually listen to what they AI tells them? Perhaps they follow its commands, so to speak, complying with it as if it were God, or a “god,” it’s hard to say anymore. I know they openly worship Satan, or Lucifer, or both maybe, I’m not sure how that works, but they believe it’s real, & abide their pseudo-god accordingly. Maybe they think AI is Lucifer, that’s a stretch, sure, but who knows? Yes, it’s an avatar of chaos, & destruction, & darkness, all the termed negativities you can drum up in your own respective lexicons, & thats’ what THEY believe in. I know, it’s fucking weird right? Sheesh, what kind of fucked up world is this. with people that “worship” darkness, & are now manipulating AI to empower their avatarian overlord. Again, IT’S THEIR THING, not mine, & not mine in the sense that I believe they’re all abysmally insane, like no coming back. I don’t get it, don’t abide it, & I kind of wish I had no clue about the reality of their belief system, but I do, I do know, & it is what it is.

Oy vey, look at that, another real-time diatribe about the infamous topic of fake news narratives. How dare you, how dare you expose us you silly little fish man. Well, how about go fuck yourselves. I don’t like to hate, per se, but I absolutely hate you fucking elitist doucheflutes. I hate you, I hate your game, I hate your condescendation, I hate that you take power at the expense of human soul energy. It’s SICK, all of it, as sinister as it gets, & you fuckers just keep going, in some futile attempt to rule the world as “gods” under a pseudo-god of shadows, with the help of AI. Derp. Seriously with this? This cannot be true, right? You made this up, didn’t you? Great question, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, no I didn’t make this up, how could someone make up some crazy shit like this? It’s true, YES, it’s true, now let it sink in as the hamster runs his wheel, YES, YES it’s very true dear readers. Don’t blame me, I ain’t doing it. I’m not, nor will I ever, help these maniacal nerds, and/or aid them with their agendas in any way. In fact, I’m going to expose them at ever step, I will be that thorn in their hand until my last breath. Fuck these psychopathic s-elected elites, I’ll never stop, until they stop or we stop them. If we don’t, it’s all over…period, & a day of reckoning gets closer by the passing dusty seconds. So many of you are programmed though, ugh, the hopeful optimist on the shoulder says believe in Divinity, believe in the Universe to right the wrong & bring back balance, or…there’s the pragmatist on the other shoulder, imploring me to buckle up, because these so-called elites, will NEVER relinquish this power they all have, & what’s worse is that if they know their end is nigh, they’ll burn it all down, & try to take us all to hell with them. Mark my words on that notion.

Annnnnnnd, we’re just gonna have to ride out the oncoming storm I guess, as it all collapses, collapses for us, but they made sure they all got on the lifeboats, for them only of course. Yep, as the Titanican ship sinks, down we shall all go with it, while they laugh & drink champagne on their half-filled proverbial life boats. It’s a dark game, & none of US, can ever win. Time to go though dear readers. The ship’s horn blows, BWAWWWWWWWWWWAW. That’s my literary illustration of a ship’s horn loudly bellowing in the nighttime salty ocean air. Ahhhh, sounds & smells like freedom. Until next time, don’t sink, don’t float, crash the waves in your own boat. Corny as fuck but who cares? So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Don’t sink, don’t float, crash the waves in your own boat.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

The Fooze: S2 E14 2/14/2023 Valentine’s Day Madness

Jesus, what the heck is going on in this country? Not one, not two, but THREE, yes THREE separate train-derailments, UFO insanity going on, a mass shooter at MSU, all in one day yesterday. Why though, coincidence? Hmmm, maybe, maybe to cover the fact that President Braindead ordered the Nordstream pipeline to be bombed? Or…perhaps it’s the revelations imminent from Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? The powers-that-be need distractions, & as if on queue, we got several of them. Oh, I forgot to mention the chemical spill from the train-derailment in Ohio. Yeah, that chemical spill is killing animals on contract, & causing acid rain, so they could be trying to deflect from that as well. Who knows? I don’t, I just watch the narratives play out like the rest of you, then try to pick the haystack truth out of said narratives.

At this rate, what is the rest of the week going to be bring? Good question, thanks for asking. I wish I knew, because if I did, I’d be spilling those beans all over the counter, the floor, the fridge, maybe even the couch. If I had to speculate, I’d guess…ohhhhh, maybe another “random shooting,” maybe another chemical spill, either more repeats from the same playbook they always use, or…they’re going to try something new, something out of left field, something that no one seems coming, even yours truly, the great Fishtradamus. I study the zeitgeist, trying to learn its habits, but it’s tricky, so it’s all probability really. How valuable is it to keep people distracted from our own government bombing a pipeline to start another world war? Quite valuable, yes? They’re desperate, desperate to keep this nasty little secret under the radar. They can’t though, at least I don’t believe they can, so expect the stench of their own perilous desperation to be covering whatever narrative they throw out next, as they kick that rusty little can another few feet down a dusty road.

It’s gonna be a long road to 2024, THAT I can almost assure you with 110% accuracy. The power game amongst the elites is unprecedented, so much power, & that’s their game, THEIR game. Meanwhile, they throw out these narratives via their mass media foot soldiers, so WE keep playing OUR game, which amounts to a labyrinthian mouse trap, with money as the stinky cheese bait to keep you running around in the maze. Annnnnnnnnnnnd…most of you do. Most of you aren’t aware that you’re in said “mouse trap,” so how would you get out if you don’t even know you’re trapped? Simple answer: most don’t unfortunately. Round & round, one day you’re young, next day you’re old, still trapped though, & then one day you die. When you die, you unknowingly “go into the light,” as you’ve always been told, & what happens? The Great Recycler wipes your mind, then sends you back to run around the maze yet again. Maybe that’s the ONLY test in life? To get OUT of the trap, is that the lone answer to the meaning of life? Could that be the point of all this, whatever THIS is we are all stuck in together apparently?

Maybe so, maybe no, I don’t know, fo sho. I know I am personally going to NOT go into the “light.” No, no I think I’ll just observe the light, maybe let you go first kind of thing, so I can see what happens to YOU, when YOU go into the light. I’m just gonna chill by the front door of the club, thanks, see who goes in, comes out, that seems more rational than blindly walking into a blinding light, right? I suppose I won’t know until I get there, if there is even there, know what I mean? I don’t even know what I mean sometimes, but I try to understand whatever comes out when I channel these articles. Where does it come from, I don’t know. Why are we here? I don’t know. Why are there “leaders” playing power games at the behest of billions of human souls? I don’t know. Unfortunately, my Nostradamian powers are limited here in the 3d Earth plane. Why? Again, I don’t know that one either, but I suspect humans have many more “abilities” than we’re aware of. Through the programming, the poisoned food, the water, the fluoride, etc…they’ve taken away our Divine gifts, leaving only scraps of Divinity here & there, like little buried trinkets of treasure. This is my treasure, my writing, only treasure I’ve ever found that’s worth anything, to me at least, maybe none of you give a flying fart, but this writing thing is all I’ve got, my only discovered treasure. What’s your treasure? Have you dug around enough to find out what YOUR treasure is? Call me when you do, we’ll chat…

For now though, it’s time to go. Until next time Fishheads, stop, just stop, stop & take a moment, take a momentous moment to realize this unfortunate fact, that you’re trapped, like a rat, but all the while, the exit door is there. There’s numerous exits in fact, all lit up in the backrooms of the mouse trap. You simply have to walk through the door, & you’re free. So sayeth FisH™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

Oh, & Happy Valentine’s Day dear reader.

The Fooze: S2 E9 2/9/2023 Earthquakes

Oh my, looks like there was rumble in the Turkish jungle, a big one too, yikes. Can you imagine if an event like this happened here in the USA? Oh wait, with this pseudo-government in charge, the response would probably be as worse as the disaster itself. It would be one disaster cleaning up another, & unfortunately in this case, 2 negatives do NOT equal a positive. I’ve seen some videos of buildings toppling down in the aftermath, & it looks like the aftermath of a demolition. I mean, their construction standards aren’t quite up to par there as those in the western world methinks, but it was nothing but rubble left in some of the footage. Spooky, dang, that had to have been scary, especially if you were in one of those sub-standardly constructed buildings. I do not have the magic WordPress upgrade to directly link videos of my own to autoplay, only my no-skip GIFs, but I CAN link YouTube videos for you, if you want to watch some of the carnage.



Damn, looks no bueno over there, sheesh. I have some questions though, yeah, I have a few questions fo sho. Since when are are earthquakes localized? Particularly, in the 2nd video up there, in the drone footage. There’s a building that’s practically dust, then ALL the other ones look fine. Where’s the steel frames too?…this eerily reminds me of the same sort of destruction that happened on 9/11, how about you? No, no tin-foil hats here for fuck’s sake. The novelty of that meme died back in 2018-2019, catch up ya played-out tomato. Not to mention, too many “theories” have proven true, as in almost ALL OF THEM, so put on them critical-thinking skills caps, & use your EYES, not your feewings, then explain to me how a massive earthquake only does localized damage? Look at these images:👇🏻

Look at the still-standing buildings around the piles of rubble that used to be buildings. Glass intact, no much visible outer damage, but the one building by the cranes, to the ground in a big mound of something doesn’t add up, as usual. Nature is weird, I get it, but look how far the undamaged buildings go, yet the corner building there got so rocked that it looks pulverized. That must be some strong glass in ALL of those other buildings, wow, is it made of diamonds maybe? Derp. I’m NOT saying a fucking earthquake didn’t happen, I already looked on the USGS for conformation, so unless that’s been altered, so to speak, the data shows a series of earthquakes & several aftershocks in Turkey. Still happening too, according to the USGS website. Here’s the link if you wanna look for yourselves:👇🏻

USGS Latest Earthquakes Worldwide

Unfortunately, the fake news narrative-driven scripted mass media agenda has soured the taste in my muted mouth, so I have to DMOR to verify EVERYTHING it seems, no matter what. So much theatre, who knows what is really what, know what I mean? Maybe you don’t know what I mean, as not everyone is a deep diver, are they? Many people think they have a clue, but don’t DTOR, they just regurgitate things they hear vicariously from others. Like these infernal buzzwords, one person hears it, then 12 people say it, it’s a bizarre phenomenon, isn’t it? I wonder if there’s a name for that, buzzwords that go socially viral via the zeitgeist, there must be some psychological term for that, right? Speaking of “terms,” you all know what those acronyms mean, don’t you? No? Yes? Maybe? The fundamental acronym is DYOR, Do Your Own Research, but the tweaks are DMOR, Do MY Own Research, & DTOR, Do THEIR Own Research, respectively. Now you know, & knowing is half the battle, right GI Joke?

Anyway, keeping this one relatively short, short for me anyway, a measly 4 or 5 paragraphs, more to come later in the day though, I must sleep sometimes, such is the way of the 3rd dimension. Until next time, when the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“When the script gets flipped, your ass gets whipped.” ~Fish F Fish🎏