The Fooze: S2 E14 2/14/2023 Valentine’s Day Madness

Jesus, what the heck is going on in this country? Not one, not two, but THREE, yes THREE separate train-derailments, UFO insanity going on, a mass shooter at MSU, all in one day yesterday. Why though, coincidence? Hmmm, maybe, maybe to cover the fact that President Braindead ordered the Nordstream pipeline to be bombed? Or…perhaps it’s the revelations imminent from Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? The powers-that-be need distractions, & as if on queue, we got several of them. Oh, I forgot to mention the chemical spill from the train-derailment in Ohio. Yeah, that chemical spill is killing animals on contract, & causing acid rain, so they could be trying to deflect from that as well. Who knows? I don’t, I just watch the narratives play out like the rest of you, then try to pick the haystack truth out of said narratives.

At this rate, what is the rest of the week going to be bring? Good question, thanks for asking. I wish I knew, because if I did, I’d be spilling those beans all over the counter, the floor, the fridge, maybe even the couch. If I had to speculate, I’d guess…ohhhhh, maybe another “random shooting,” maybe another chemical spill, either more repeats from the same playbook they always use, or…they’re going to try something new, something out of left field, something that no one seems coming, even yours truly, the great Fishtradamus. I study the zeitgeist, trying to learn its habits, but it’s tricky, so it’s all probability really. How valuable is it to keep people distracted from our own government bombing a pipeline to start another world war? Quite valuable, yes? They’re desperate, desperate to keep this nasty little secret under the radar. They can’t though, at least I don’t believe they can, so expect the stench of their own perilous desperation to be covering whatever narrative they throw out next, as they kick that rusty little can another few feet down a dusty road.

It’s gonna be a long road to 2024, THAT I can almost assure you with 110% accuracy. The power game amongst the elites is unprecedented, so much power, & that’s their game, THEIR game. Meanwhile, they throw out these narratives via their mass media foot soldiers, so WE keep playing OUR game, which amounts to a labyrinthian mouse trap, with money as the stinky cheese bait to keep you running around in the maze. Annnnnnnnnnnnd…most of you do. Most of you aren’t aware that you’re in said “mouse trap,” so how would you get out if you don’t even know you’re trapped? Simple answer: most don’t unfortunately. Round & round, one day you’re young, next day you’re old, still trapped though, & then one day you die. When you die, you unknowingly “go into the light,” as you’ve always been told, & what happens? The Great Recycler wipes your mind, then sends you back to run around the maze yet again. Maybe that’s the ONLY test in life? To get OUT of the trap, is that the lone answer to the meaning of life? Could that be the point of all this, whatever THIS is we are all stuck in together apparently?

Maybe so, maybe no, I don’t know, fo sho. I know I am personally going to NOT go into the “light.” No, no I think I’ll just observe the light, maybe let you go first kind of thing, so I can see what happens to YOU, when YOU go into the light. I’m just gonna chill by the front door of the club, thanks, see who goes in, comes out, that seems more rational than blindly walking into a blinding light, right? I suppose I won’t know until I get there, if there is even there, know what I mean? I don’t even know what I mean sometimes, but I try to understand whatever comes out when I channel these articles. Where does it come from, I don’t know. Why are we here? I don’t know. Why are there “leaders” playing power games at the behest of billions of human souls? I don’t know. Unfortunately, my Nostradamian powers are limited here in the 3d Earth plane. Why? Again, I don’t know that one either, but I suspect humans have many more “abilities” than we’re aware of. Through the programming, the poisoned food, the water, the fluoride, etc…they’ve taken away our Divine gifts, leaving only scraps of Divinity here & there, like little buried trinkets of treasure. This is my treasure, my writing, only treasure I’ve ever found that’s worth anything, to me at least, maybe none of you give a flying fart, but this writing thing is all I’ve got, my only discovered treasure. What’s your treasure? Have you dug around enough to find out what YOUR treasure is? Call me when you do, we’ll chat…

For now though, it’s time to go. Until next time Fishheads, stop, just stop, stop & take a moment, take a momentous moment to realize this unfortunate fact, that you’re trapped, like a rat, but all the while, the exit door is there. There’s numerous exits in fact, all lit up in the backrooms of the mouse trap. You simply have to walk through the door, & you’re free. So sayeth FisH™

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

Oh, & Happy Valentine’s Day dear reader.


Law of the Sea and Law of the Land



Jordan Maxwell speaks for himself,

and I’d wager that more than the 85 to 90%,

who are still asleep,

have no clue about this knowledge. 


When EVERYONE should know…

…all in the logos,

the words,

right in front of everyone’s faces…

…yet they don’t see.

Take 15 minutes out of your time,



For YOU, not for anyone else. 

What are YOU waiting for?

Or YOU can,

as always,

YOU can change the channel.

More to come…


Love to all.

Plato’s Paradox plus Jordan Maxwell link



Being a student of Plato’s work,

I came across this site:

Has a listing and description and illustrations about the many paradoxes,

relating to Platonic logic,

many of which adhere to and/or are derived from here:’s_paradoxes

VERY enlightening,

and informative knowledge.

My mind never ceases to be blown,

I have these breakthroughs of insight…

…since all of this awakening has begun and/or recognized,

and then integrated and assimilated…

…to seeing beyond the illusion….

…I discover more and more and more every time I go info mining…

…and these last few days have been nothing short of what I said above…


I plan on going into that more in the next post,

particularly in reference to Jordan Maxwell:



Good stuff on the way.


More  to come, wide eyes open.

Love to all.