
Law of the Sea and Law of the Land



Jordan Maxwell speaks for himself,

and I’d wager that more than the 85 to 90%,

who are still asleep,

have no clue about this knowledge. 


When EVERYONE should know…

…all in the logos,

the words,

right in front of everyone’s faces…

…yet they don’t see.

Take 15 minutes out of your time,



For YOU, not for anyone else. 

What are YOU waiting for?

Or YOU can,

as always,

YOU can change the channel.

More to come…


Love to all.

Plato’s Paradox plus Jordan Maxwell link



Being a student of Plato’s work,

I came across this site:

Has a listing and description and illustrations about the many paradoxes,

relating to Platonic logic,

many of which adhere to and/or are derived from here:’s_paradoxes

VERY enlightening,

and informative knowledge.

My mind never ceases to be blown,

I have these breakthroughs of insight…

…since all of this awakening has begun and/or recognized,

and then integrated and assimilated…

…to seeing beyond the illusion….

…I discover more and more and more every time I go info mining…

…and these last few days have been nothing short of what I said above…


I plan on going into that more in the next post,

particularly in reference to Jordan Maxwell:



Good stuff on the way.


More  to come, wide eyes open.

Love to all.

2015 or 2008?…


Here’s something many of you may find interesting…

…from me to you…


…the current Gregorian calendar which everyone nowish relatively adheres to,

is off by 7 years.

That’s right, I have mentioned this before, but in case you still aren’t aware,

the history you think you know

…has been re-written and re-written and re-written and re-written…


I’ll actually give some starter-links below for you to do your own research…

It has to do with Jesus…


There have been numerous calendars obviously throughout history from all over the world. Funny how many of those are more accurate then our “modern” one…

Nonetheless, many calendars from all over… 

for instance…

…have you ever thought about the Chinese calendar?

Or the Indian calendar?

Those cultures go back thousands of years prior to the Jesus-based calendars…

…yet here we are,

in this paradigm of using a calendar that has been intentionally manipulated for some reason…

…and what reason might that be?…



Here’s link One:

Here’s link Two:

Here’s link Three:

There is simply no way I can sum-up all of this info and keep this post around my 1000 word mark, so YOU will have to do some work for YOU…

Moving on…

Now if YOU read up on those links, you will see the recorded history of how these modern calendars came about, and why the 7-year gap exists because of a contested date around the life/death/resurrection/what-have-you of the one and only Jesus H. Christ… 


One major difference lies within the Ethiopian calendar…

Click this link>>>

Said Ethiopian calendar is based on the Egyptian calendar,

which would also include the 7-year gap,

…and since the Egyptian calendar revolves more specifically toward astronomical cycles,

as does the Mayan calendar…

…could this in actuality be 2008 according to where the calendar “should” be,

rather than the date is has been manipulated to?…

Today, January 2nd, 2015…

…really the beginning of 2008?..

Why in the world would anyone do such a thing?


Well there is much to speculate on here,

but you/we have links to navigate your/our way through a journey of enlightenment…

…and here are some of my thoughts…

First off,

if the Mayan calendar is supposedly one of most accurate calendars in the world,

why did nothing significant happen on December 21, 2012?


By numerous scientists?


…now hopefully my readers by this time,

should understand that I don’t believe in religion.

It is a mass control mechanism…

…but that’s my trip, not yours.

Believe what YOU want.

However, my un-religiousity has nothing to do with my soul,

and I am extraordinarily spiritual.

Anyone who is awake notices what is happening around us all,

faster and faster,

day by day,

speeding towards something,

but what?

What is out there that we all should know, 

but most do not know

The unknown known…

…and all you really know is that you know nothing at all…

…but you are remembering…

it’s not that YOU do NOT know, 

it is that YOU have forgotten…

…but I won’t digress into that segue today.


Back to this 7-year gap…

…my spirituality tangent had to do with the notion that ancient societies knew way more about what most of us/you have been led to believe…

the God-damn pyramids weren’t built by slaves or men for that matter,

and were probably there prior to what we know as the Egyptians.

Same goes with numerous places all over the world…

Puma Punku, Gobleki Tepe, look those places up if YOU aren’t aware…

And countless, I mean 100’s, of ancient stories speak of a Great Flood…

…so my thoughts are that they knew things most of us/you aren’t privy to,

but the scum at the top are,

and they all have varying “pieces” of this information…

…scattered amongst themselves.


Yet THEY change the Egyptian calendar…


Why are they intentionally throwing everyone off by 7 years?

And furthermore,

does that mean the Mayans still might be right about a December 21st-like date?

…but in 2019, rather than 2012?

It would be an exceptionally useful tool to control the masses,

would it not?

And what leader throughout the reported history of this world has not contemplated altering and/or changing dates to further glorify themselves by making up said history in their own benefit?


So when I say over and over and over agin to not believe in shadows and echoes,

it isn’t to get YOU to read/watch/integrate the Allegory of the Cave…




Mass deception on an unprecedented level. 

They have known of the illusion far longer than YOU,

do YOU really think that knowledge isn’t used in every devilishly conceivable way at this point to get your power?

To enslave you to them?

They don’t care about bettering YOU,

they care about bettering themselves,

because they have fallen into the ultimate ego trap of this dualistic 3rd dimensional paradigm,

and they are fucked.

So don’t worry about them,

just worry about freeing YOU from their master/slave dynamic…

…because media manipulation, re-writing history, broadcasting programs, before all that whose to say they weren’t just changing calendars at will? 

Coincidentally, the Gregorian calendar was conceived at the beginning of the 16th century,

just when Columbus “discovered” America, 

and we all know what a bullshit story that is.

Note when the Jesuit order came to power…

…look into these things, more coinciding coincidental coincidences,

over and over add over again,

…so why wouldn’t YOU question when YOU are clearly being deceived?


Calendars are bullshit anyway,

you can gauge that for yourself from the links in this post,

so why would YOU give so much credit to what “day” it may or may not actually be?

It’s all about cycles, and I think the ancients knew this…

…and I also think their calendars have an almost flawless accuracy, 

when interpreted correctly. I’m almost at 1000 words, but in the next post, I’ll go to the Mayan calendar converter and see what day is what as far as it relates to 2019.

And for you Bible-thumping Jesus fear apocalypse doomers,

…does your Bible not say that the Tribulation lasts 7 years?

Now with that being said,

…see if YOU can put all these little puzzle pieces together…


so YOU can look at the complete picture and achieve an understanding for YOU,

and no one else.

Hope everyone has a great New Year,

whatever that actually means…

…to rehash an earlier quip…

…it’s all about the spirit, right?…

Wide eyes open.

More to come. 

Love to all.